Asian Literature Refers To The Literature That: The Boy Named Crow
Asian Literature Refers To The Literature That: The Boy Named Crow
Asian Literature Refers To The Literature That: The Boy Named Crow
was written over a period of thousands of years, in a who betrayed her native cultures to the bloodthirsty
variety of countries in Asia. Though throughout the Spanish invaders
centuries a vast amount of Asian literature has
been written, most of Asian literature can be
broadly categorized as lyric, drama or narrative.
The Boy Named Crow North American Literature
He also compares life is like with a While exploring her new home, a girl named
sandstorm. It is devastating but people have to be Coraline (Dakota Fanning) discovers a secret door,
resilient. Telling that a storm can devastate you, but behind which lies an alternate world that closely
somehow you can cope up with the storm. Crow tells mirrors her own but, in many ways, is better. She
that the storm is the child, he could create or destroy rejoices in her discovery, until Other Mother (Teri
his life with choices. Every problem makes a person Hatcher) and the rest of her parallel family try to keep
better. It makes someone stronger and bolder. A her there forever. Coraline must use all her
storm gives us a lesson that each of us can learn and resources and bravery to make it back to her own
learn about managing our selves. family and life.
Malinche was an invaluable asset for Cortes, A towering tree with red
as she not only translated but also helped him and yellow flowers as big as hands,
understand local cultures and politics. She became the breeze slipping between each
his mistress as well and bore Cortes a son. Many
petal finger. I went to his room techniques of describing immediate
to ask the name of that tree. perceptions from naturalistic realism
Literary Devices
refers to the typical structures used by writers in their
works to convey his or her message(s) in a simple
manner to his or her readers. When employed
properly, the different literary devices help readers to
appreciate, interpret and analyze a literary work.
1. Imagery-
a. Visual- what you see
b. Auditory- what you hear
c. Tactile- what you feel
d. Olfactory- what you smell
e. Gustatory- what you taste
2. Foreshadowing- a literary device in which a
writer gives an advance hint of what is to
come later in the story
3. Flashbacks are interruptions that writers do
to insert past events, in order to provide
background or context to the current events
of a narrative
4. Defamiliarization]) is the artistic technique
of presenting to audiences common things in
an unfamiliar or strange way in order to
enhance perception of the familiar.
5. Surrealism in literature can be defined as
an artistic attempt to bridge together reality
and the imagination
6. Magical realism, or magic realism, is an
approach to literature that weaves fantasy
and myth into everyday life.
7. Transrealism is a literary mode that mixes
the techniques of incorporating fantastic
elements used in science fiction with the