Course Title Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra
Course Title Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra
Course Title Advanced Calculus & Linear Algebra
COURSE #: MT-332
Text Books:
1) Elementary Linear Algebra Application Version By
Howard Anton & Chris Rorres 9th edition.
2) Calculus By Anton, Biven & Davis 10th edition.
Reference Books:
1) Linear Algebra with Applications By Gareth
Williams 6th edition.
2) Linear Algebra By B. Colman, David R. Hill 7th ed.
3) Advanced Calculus By Wrede & Spiegel 3rd edition
Marks Distribution
Sessional 40 Marks
Test-1 of 10 marks in 7th week.
Test-2 of 10 marks in 13th week.
Mid term of 20 marks in 9th week.
Final Exam 60 Marks
Application of Linear Algebra
The broad utility of linear algebra in daily life and sciences reflects the
deep connection that exists between the discrete nature of matrix
mathematics and sciences. Following are few examples of applications
1) Economics
2) Game Theory
3) Linear Programming
4) Computer Graphic
5) Cryptography
6) Graph Theory
7) Image processing
8) Engineering
Consider the following chemical equation
C2H6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O. Balance the equation.
Balancing this chemical reaction means finding values of x, y, z
and t so that the number of atoms of each element is the same on
both sides of the equation:
xC2H6 + yO2 → zCO2 + tH2O.
This gives the following linear system:
The general solution of the above system is:
1.1 Introduction to System of
Linear Equations
• Any straight line in xy-plane can be represented
algebraically by an equation of the form:
a1 x a2 y b
• General form: The linear equation with the n
variables: x1 , x2 ,..., xn
is a1 x1 a2 x2 ... an xn b
Example-1: Linear Equations
• The equations x 3 y 7, y x 3z 1, and x1 2 x2 3x3 x4 7
are linear. 2
• Observe that a linear equation does not involve any products or
roots of variables. All variables occur only to the first power and do
not appear as arguments for trigonometric, logarithmic, or
exponential functions.
• The equations x 3 y 5, 3x 2 y z xz 4, and y sin x
are not linear.
– A solution of a linear equation is a sequence of n numbers
s1 , s2 ,..., sn such that the equation is satisfied. The set of all
solutions of the equation is called its solution set or general solution
of the equation.
Example-2: Finding a Solution Set
• Find the solution of (a ) 4 x 2 y 1
we can assign an arbitrary value to x and solve for y , or
choose an arbitrary value for y and solve for x .If we follow
the first approach and assign x an arbitrary value ,we obtain
1 1 1
x t1 , y 2t1 or x t2 , y t2
2 2 4
Example-2: Finding a Solution Set (con’d)
• Find the solution of (b) x1 4 x2 7 x3 5.
we can assign arbitrary values to any two variables and
solve for the third variable.
– for example
x1 5 4s 7t , x2 s, x3 t
– where s, t are arbitrary values
Linear Systems (1/2)
Linear Systems (2/2)
• Every system of linear equations has either no
solutions, exactly one solution, or infinitely
many solutions.
Elementary Row Operations
• The basic method for solving a system of linear equations is to replace
the given system by a new system that has the same solution set but
which is easier to solve.
Example-3: Using Elementary row
System of Linear Equations
Augmented Matrix
Example-3: Using Elementary row
Example-3: Using Elementary row
12 z 32
Example-3: Using Elementary row
Add - 11
the third equation
x 11
2 z
2 to the first and 72 times x 1
y 72 z 172 the third equation y 2
z 3
to the second
z 3
Echelon Forms
• A matrix that has following properties is in reduced row-echelon form :
1. If a row does not consist entirely of zeros, then the first nonzero
number in the row is a “1”. We call this a leading one.
2. If there are any rows that consist entirely of zeros, then they are
grouped together at the bottom of the matrix.
3. In any two successive rows that do not consist entirely of zeros, the
leading 1 in the lower row(s) occurs farther to the right than the
leading 1 in the higher row(s).
4. Each column that contains a leading 1 has zeros everywhere else.
row-echelon form:
1 4 3 7 1 1 0 0 1 2 6 0
0 1 6 2, 0 1 0, 0 0 1 1 0
0 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Example-2: Row-Echelon and Reduced
Row-Echelon form
• All matrices of the following types are in row-echelon form
( any real numbers substituted for the *’s. ) :
0 1 * * * * * * * *
1 * * * 1 * * * 1 * * *
0 0 0 1 * * * * * *
1 * * 0 1 * * 0 1 * *
, , , 0 0 0 0 1 * * * * *
0 0 1 * 0 0 1 * 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 * * * *
0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 *
1 0 0 5
(a) 0 1 0 2
0 0 1 4
Solution (a)
x 5
the corresponding system
y -2
of equations is :
z 4
Example-3: Solutions of Four Linear Systems
1 0 0 4 1
(b) 0 1 0 2 6
0 0 1 3 2
Solution (b)
free variables
1. The corresponding x1 4 x4 - 1
system of equations is : x2 2 x4 6
x3 3x4 2
Example-3: Solutions of Four Linear Systems
Example-3: Solutions of Four Linear Systems
1 6 0 0 4 2
0 0 1 0 3 1
0 0 0 1 5 2
0 0 0 0 0 0
Solution (c)
1. The 4th row of zeros leads to x1 6 x2 4 x5 - 2
the equation places no
restrictions on the solutions. x3 3x5 1
Thus, we can omit this x4 5 x5 2
Example-3: Solutions of Four Linear Systems
Solution (c)
2. Solving for the leading x1 - 2 - 6 x2 - 4 x5
variables in terms of the free x3 1 - 3x5
x4 2 - 5 x5
1 0 0 0
(d) 0 1 2 0
0 0 0 1
Solution (d):
the last equation in the corresponding system of
equation is
0 x1 0 x2 0 x3 1
Elimination Methods (1/7)
0 0 2 0 7 12
2 4 10 6 12 28
2 4 5 6 5 1
Elimination Methods (2/7)
• Step1. Locate the leftmost column that does not consist
entirely of zeros.
0 0 2 0 7 12
2 4 10 6 12 28
2 4 5 6 5 1
Leftmost nonzero column
2 4 10 6 12 28
0 0 2 0 7 12 The 1th and 2th rows in the
preceding matrix were
2 4 5 6 5 1 interchanged.
Elimination Methods (3/7)
• Step3. If the entry that is now at the top of the column found in
Step1 is a, multiply the first row by 1/a in order to introduce a
leading 1.
1 2 5 3 6 14
0 0 2 0 7 12
The 1st row of the preceding
2 4 5 6 5 1 matrix was multiplied by 1/2.
• Step4. Add suitable multiples of the top row to the rows below
so that all entires below the leading 1 become zeros.
1 2 5 3 6 14
0 0 2 0 7 -2 times the 1st row of the
12 preceding matrix was added to
0 0 5 0 17 29 the 3rd row.
Elimination Methods (4/7)
• Step5. Now cover the top row in the matrix and begin again
with Step1 applied to the submatrix that remains. Continue
in this way until the entire matrix is in row-echelon form.
1 2 5 3 6 14
0 0 2 0 7 12
0 0 5 0 17 29 Leftmost nonzero
column in the submatrix
1 2 5 3 6 14
0 0 1 0 7 The 1st row in the submatrix
2 6 was multiplied by -1/2 to
0 0 5 0 17 29 introduce a leading 1.
Elimination Methods (5/7)
• Step5 (cont.)
-5 times the 1st row of the
1 2 5 3 6 14 submatrix was added to the 2nd
0 0 1 0 7 6 row of the submatrix to introduce
2 a zero below the leading 1.
0 0 0 0 2 1
1 2 0 3 0 7
0 0 1 0 0 1 5 times the 2nd row was added
0 0 0 0 1 to the 1st row.
The last matrix is in reduced row-echelon form.
Elimination Methods (7/7)
Example-4: Gauss-Jordan
• Solve by Gauss-Jordan Elimination
x1 3x2 2 x3 2x 5 0
2 x1 6 x2 5 x3 2 x4 4 x5 3x6 1
5 x3 10 x4 15 x6 5
2 x1 6 x2 8 x4 4 x5 18 x6 6
The augmented matrix for the system is
1 3 -2 0 0 2 0
2 6 - 5 - 2 4 - 3 - 1
0 0 5 10 0 15 5
2 6 0 8 4 18 6
Example 4
Gauss-Jordan Elimination(2/4)
• Adding -2 times the 1st row to the 2nd and 4th rows gives
1 3 - 2 0 2 0 0
0 0 - 1 - 2 0 - 3 - 1
0 0 5 10 0 15 5
0 0 4 8 0 18 6
• Multiplying the 2nd row by -1 and then adding -5 times the new
2nd row to the 3rd row and -4 times the new 2nd row to the 4th
row gives
1 3 -2 0 2 0
0 0 1 2 0 - 3 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 6 2
Example 4
Gauss-Jordan Elimination(3/4)
• Interchanging the 3rd and 4th rows and then multiplying the 3rd row of
the resulting matrix by 1/6 gives the row-echelon form.
1 3 - 2 0 2 0 0
0 0 - 1 - 2 0 - 3 - 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• Adding -3 times the 3rd row to the 2nd row and then adding 2 times the
2nd row of the resulting matrix to the 1st row yields the reduced row-
echelon form.
1 3 0 4 2 0 0
0 0 1 2 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Example 4
Gauss-Jordan Elimination(4/4)
• The corresponding system of equations is
x1 3x2 4 x4 2 x 5 0
x3 2 x4 0
x6 13
• Solution
The augmented matrix for the system is
x1 3x2 4 x4 2x 5
x3 2 x4
x6 13
• We assign the free variables, and the general solution is given
by the formulas:
x1 3r 4s 2t , x2 r , x3 2s, x4 s, x5 t , x6 13
• It is sometimes preferable to solve a system of linear equations by
using Gaussian elimination to bring the augmented matrix into row-
echelon form without continuing all the way to the reduced row-
echelon form.
• When this is done, the corresponding system of equations can be
solved by a technique called back-substitution.
Example 5
Ex4 solved by Back-substitution(1/2)
• From the computations in Example 4, a row-echelon form from the
augmented matrix is
1 3 -2 0 2 00
0 0 - 1 - 2 0 - 3 - 1
0 0 0 0 0 1 13
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
• To solve the corresponding system of equations
x1 3x2 4 x4 2 x 5 0
x3 2 x4 0
x6 13
• Step1. Solve the equations for the leading variables.
x1 3 x2 2 x3 2 x 5
x3 1 2 x4 3 x6
x6 1
ex4 solved by Back-substitution(2/2)
• Step2. Beginning with the bottom equation and working upward,
successively substitute each equation into all the equations above it.
– Substituting x6=1/3 into the 2nd equation
x1 3 x2 2 x3 2 x 5
x3 2 x4
x6 13
– Substituting x3=-2 x4 into the 1st equation
x1 3x2 2 x3 2x 5
x3 2 x4
x6 13
• Step3. Assign free variables, the general solution is given by the formulas.
x1 3r 4s 2t , x2 r, x3 2s, x4 s, x5 t , x6 13
Example 6
Gaussian elimination(1/2)
• Solve x y 2 z 9by Gaussian elimination and
2 x 4 y 3z back-substitution.
1 (ex3 of Section1.1)
3x 6 y 5 z 0
• Solution 1 1 2 9
2 4 3 1
– We convert to the augmented matrix
3 6 5 0
1 1 2 9
– to the row-echelon form 0 1 72 172
0 0 1 3
– The system corresponding to this matrix is
x y 2 z 9, y 72 z 172 , z 3
Example 6
Gaussian elimination(2/2)
• Solution
– Solving for the leading variables x 9 y 2 z,
y 172 72 z ,
z 3
– Substituting the bottom equation into those above
x 3 y,
y 2,
z 3
– Substituting the 2nd equation into the top
x 1, y 2, z 3
Homogeneous Linear Systems(1/2)
Homogeneous Linear Systems(2/2)
• In a special case of a
homogeneous linear
system of two linear
equations in two
unknowns: (fig1.2.1)
Example 7
Gauss-Jordan Elimination(1/3)
2 x1 2 x2 x3 x5 0
Solve the following
homogeneous system of linear x1 x2 2 x3 3x4 x5 0
equations by using Gauss- x1 x2 2 x3 x5 0
Jordan elimination. x3 x4 x5 0
2 2 1 0 1 0
The augmented matrix 1 1 2 3 1 0
1 1 2 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 0 0