Syllabus of Ktu IC s3
Syllabus of Ktu IC s3
Syllabus of Ktu IC s3
Prerequisite : Nil
Course Objectives
To equip the students with methods of solving a general system of linear equations.
To familiarize them with the concept of Eigen values and diagonalization of a matrix which have
many applications in Engineering.
To understand the basic theory of functions of a complex variable and conformal Transformations.
Analyticity of complex functions-Complex differentiation-Conformal mappings-Complex
integration-System of linear equations-Eigen value problem
Expected outcome .
At the end of the course students will be able to
(i) solve any given system of linear equations
(ii) find the Eigen values of a matrix and how to diagonalize a matrix
(iii) identify analytic functions and Harmonic functions.
(iv)evaluate real definite Integrals as application of Residue Theorem
(v) identify conformal mappings(vi) find regions that are mapped under certain Transformations
Text Book:
Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th ed. Wiley
1.Dennis g Zill&Patric D Shanahan-A first Course in Complex Analysis with Applications-Jones&Bartlet
2.B. S. Grewal. Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
3.Lipschutz, Linear Algebra,3e ( Schaums Series)McGraw Hill Education India 2005
4.Complex variables introduction and applications-second edition-Mark.J.Owitz-Cambridge Publication
Course Plan
Sem. Exam
Module Contents Hours
Complex differentiation Text 1[13.3,13.4]
Limit, continuity and derivative of complex functions 3
Analytic Functions 2
I Cauchy–Riemann Equation(Proof of sufficient condition of
analyticity & C R Equations in polar form not required)-Laplace’s
from 0 to )
( Assignment : Application of Complex integration in Engineering)
Linear system of Equations Text 1(7.3-7.5)
Part B will have 3 questions of 15 marks each uniformly covering modules III and IV. Each
question may have two sub questions.
Part C will have 3 questions of 20 marks each uniformly covering modules V and VI. Each
question may have three sub questions.