Ee8004 Modern Power Converters Syllabus
Ee8004 Modern Power Converters Syllabus
Ee8004 Modern Power Converters Syllabus
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DC Power supplies and Classification; Switched mode dc power supplies - with and without
isolation, single and multiple outputs; Closed loop control and regulation; Design examples on
converter and closed loop performance.
Switched mode AC-DC converters. Synchronous rectification - single and three phase topologies
- switching techniques - high input power factor . Reduced input current harmonic distortion.
improved efficiency. with and without input-output isolation. Performance indices design
Matrix converters. Basic topology of matrix converter; Commutation – current path; Modulation
techniques - scalar modulation, indirect modulation; Matrix converter as only AC-DC converter;
AC-AC converter with DC link - topologies and operation - with and without resonance link -
converter with dc link converter; Performance comparison with matrix converter with DC link
Soft switching techniques. ZVS, ZCS, quasi resonance operation; Performance comparison hard
switched and soft switched converters.AC-DC converter, DC-DC converter, DC-AC converter.;
Resonant DC power supplies .
OUTCOMES: Ability to suggest converters for AC-DC conversion and SMPS
2. Advanced DC/DC Converters, Fang Lin Luo and Fang Lin Luo, CRC Press, NewYork, 2004.
1. Power Electronic Circuits, Issa Batarseh, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.2004
2. Power Electronics for Modern Wind Turbines, Frede Blaabjerg and Zhe Chen, Morgan &
Claypool Publishers series, United States of America, 2006.
4. Agarwal ,Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, 3rd edition, Jai P, Prentice
5. L. Umanand, Power Electronics: Essentials & Applications, John Wiley and Sons,2009.