Emtech Hehe
Emtech Hehe
Emtech Hehe
Software as a Service
Empowerment – increasing the spiritual, Users will subscribe to a software
political, social or economic strength of only when needed rather than
individuals. purchasing them.
Technology – the making, modification, Cheaper option if you do not always
usage, design, production, utilization, need to use a software.
application, methods of organization, in 6. Mass Participation
order to improve or solve a problem. Diverse information sharing through
ICT – deals with the use of different universal web access.
communication technologies such as mobile
phones, telephone, internet, etc. to locate, WEB 3.0: SEMANTIC WEB
save, send, and edit information. The term was coined by the inventor
Several international companies dub our of World Wide Web, Tim Berners-
country as the “ICT Hub of Asia”. Lee.
A concept of the World Wide Web
Web 1.0: STATIC that is designed to cater to the
Static websites without interactivity. individual user.
Static – refers to web pages that are
same regardless of the user. Problems of Web 3.0
1. Compatability
Web 2.0: DYNAMIC WEB PAGES 2. Security
Web 2.0 is a term coined by Dary 3. Vastness
Dinucci on January 1999. 4. Vagueness
Web 2.0 allows users to interact with 5. Logic
the page: instead of just reading a
page, the user may able to comment Trends in ICT
or create an account. 1. Convergence
Websites that contain dynamic Technological convergence is the
content synergy of technological
Dynamic – refers to web pages that advancements to work on a similar
are affected by user input or goal or task.
preference. Convergence is using several
technologies to accomplish a task
Features of Web 2.0 conveniently.
1. Folksonomy
allows users to categorize and 2. Social Media
classify/arrange information using A website, application or online
freely chosen keywords (e.g. channel that enables web users to
tagging) create, co-create, discuss, modify,
Ex: Twitter, Instagram, facebook use and exchange user-generated
hashtags # – (used to categorize content.
posts in website)
2. Rich User Experience 6 Types of Social Media
Content is dynamic and is a. Social Networks – Sites that allow you
responsive to user’s input. to connect with other people with the same
3. User Participation interests or background. (FB & Google)
The owner of the website is not the b. Bookmarking sites – Sites that allow
only one who is able to put content. you to store and manage links to various
Others are able to place a content of websites and resources. (StumbleUpon &
their own by means of comments, Pinterest)
reviews, and evaluation. c. Social News – Sites that allow users to
4. Long Tail post their own news items or links to other
Services that are offered on demand news sources. (reddit & Digg)
rather than on a one-time purchase.
d. Media Sharing – Sites that allow you to b. Worm – a malicious program that
upload and share media content like transfers from one computer to another by
images, music, and video. (Youtube, & IG) any type of means. Often, it uses a
e. Microblogging – Sites that focus on computer network to spread itself. (e.g:
short term updates from the user. (Twitter & ILOVEYOU worm created by a Filipino)
Plurk) c. Trojan - a malicious program that is
f. Blogs and Forums – Websites that allow disguised as a useful program but once
users to post their content. (WordPress, downloaded or installed, leaves your PC
Tubmlr) unprotected and allows hackers to get your
3. Mobile Technologies *Rogue Security software – tricks the user
Different Operating Systems into posing that it is a security software.
a. iOS – used in apple devices d. Spyware – a program that runs in the
b. Android – an open source OS developed background without you knowing it (thus
by Google. called spy).
c. Blackberry OS – used in blackberry *Keyloggers – used to record the keystroke
devices done by the users.
d. Windows Phone OS – a closed source e. Adware – a program designed to send
used by Microsoft you advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.
e. Symbian – the original smartphone OS;
used by Nokia devices 2. Spam
f. WebOS – originally used for Unwanted email mostly from bots or
smartphones; now used for smart TVs advertisers. It can be used to send
g. Windows Mobile – developed by malware.
Microsoft used for smartphones and pocket
PCs. 3. Phishing
Its goal is to acquire sensitive
4. Assistive Media personal information like passwords
A non-profit service designed to help and credit card details
people who have visual and reading *Pharming – a more complicated
impairments. way of phishing where it exploits the
DNS (Domain Name Service)
Online Safety and Security system.
Tips to stay safe online
1. Be mindful of what you share online and Mail Merge and Label Generation
what site you share it to. Mail Merge
2. Do not just accept terms and conditions; A feature that allows you to create
read it! documents and combine or merge
3. Do not share your password to anyone. them with another document or data
4. Add friends you know in real life. file.
5. Avoid visiting untrusted websites.
6. Buy the software; do not use the pirated Two Components of Mail Merge
ones. 1. Form Document
7. Do not reply or click links from suspicious The document that contains the
emails. main body of the message we want
(NASA BOOK ‘YUNG IBA.) to convey or send.
Included also in form document is
Internet Threats place holders, referred to as data
1. Malware (Malicious Software) fields or merge fields. This marks the
a. Virus – a malicious program designed to position on your form document
replicate itself and transfer from one where individual data or information
computer to another through Internet and will be inserted.
local networks or data storage (flash drive)
2. List or Data File page, a place in a document, a link
This is where the individual to a new document, or an email
information or data that needs to be address.
plugged in (merged) to the form Embedding – the act of placing
document is placed and maintained objects within the presentation.