Highway Design Manual

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a shy b S % = % 2WaF = z, & > S 1 gw The Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia Ministry Of Communications HIGHWAY DESIGN MANUAL Volume 3 - Structural Design Specifications Dhu Al-Gada, 1412 H. May, 1992 G. © Volume 3 Part 1 ~ Introduction | ‘Tee Kingdom of Saud! Arabia Ministry of Communications Highway Design Manoal Volume 3 ~ Structural Design Specifications Table of Contents Part 1. Introduction Section 1.01 Design Considerations -. Part 2, Structurat Design Stipulations Section 2.01 Live Load .. Section2.U2 Effect of Difleremial Setement of Foundations. Section 2.03. Earthquake Section 2.04 Thermal Stresses «no. ero oneeT n Section 2.US Torsional Moments Caused by Longitudinal Prestress in CurvedsIn-Plan Decks oe 1 12 Section 2.U6 Design of Deck (i.e, Superstructure) Section 2.07 Minimum Reiforcement in Slabs and Walls Against Shrinkage and Temperature o.oo : one 1D Section 2.08 Magnitude of Presiressing Stress in 2 Tendon at its Minimum Prestress Point after all Losses B Section 2.09 Transverse Load Distribution a oe 7 B Section 2.10 Control of Flexural Crack-Widths in Reinforced Concrete 2 : 2B Section 2.11 Composite Construcuon in Concrete “4 Secon 2.12 Foundations 1s Sewn 2.13 Impaet on Piers rom Floating Debris - 6 Section 2.14 Remforced and Prestressed Concrete subject to Shear and Torsion 16 Section 2.15 Secondary Prestress Effects at Ultimate in Indeterminate Structures 2 Section 2.16 Access Holes in Box-Sections 2 SECTION 1.01_DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS: 1.01.1 Structures, shall be designed in accordance with the latest edition, including revisions. of the Standard Specifications for Highway Bridges — published by the American Association of State Highway and ‘Transportation Officials (AASHTO) — and the ‘Structural Design Stipulations" included herewith in Part 2 of this volume. ‘The design shall he based on the latest edition of these AASHTO Specifications as existing on the date of the 20 Km. from Red Sea Coast and < 100 Km. 0.07 ¢) > 100 Km. from Red Sea Coast 0.05 NOTE: At present the above simplified conservative approach 1s considered good enough partly because no serious carthquakes have sofar been recorded in the peninsula of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and mainly because of lack of established verified information regarding peak acceleration values. sotl-amplification spectral ratio. soil-liquifaction effect. depth of alluvium to rock-line, ete. Once this information is available and the necessary curves like those 1n Figs. 3.21.1.A to G of AASHTO-1983 ate established for the peninsula of the Kingdom, the approach can be refined. 2.03.3 For very talVspecial structure and for critical site condition (case of very loose saturated soil with probability of liquifaction potential), a detailed seismic analysts should be carned out. 2.03.4 The earthquake effect shall be ignored on the mass of those portions of the structure that are fully embedded in ground: but for those submerged in water it must be considered on full weight of such portions. —W— SECTION 2.04 THERMAL STRESSES: The concrete bridges in the Kingdom shall be designed for the thermal effects outlined below: 2.04.1 ‘The effect of 60°C overall rise (or overall fall) in Dody-mean temperature (i.e, #30°C range), using half the modulus of elasticity of concrete obtained from section 8.7.1. of AASHTO .. (Its effect is felt in arches, frames and fixed beams, not in simply supported and continuous beams which are not restrained from movement. However, this effect is required in them for estimating movements at bearings and expansion- joints.) 2.04.2 ‘Eigenstresses’ resulting from the non-linearity of the temperature distribution across the deck depth as shown in Figure 2.04.1, adopting the modulus of elasticity of concrete as obtained from section 8.7.1. of AASHTO . The effect of re-radiation (soffit hotter than top) may be ignored owing to the pedominant nature of temperature in the Kingdom. 2.04.3 Same as 2.04.2 above but across the thickness of abutment-leg ina frame, with front hotter. 2.04.4 ‘Continuity stresses” resulting from the ‘Continuity moments’ caused by the restraint to free bending desire of the structure under a reversible ‘lump’ temperature difference of T = 12°C between the extreme fibres, using the modulus of elasticity of concrete as obtained from section 8.7.1 of AASHTO eC = ae ‘ verona q i q Nore: EIGEN STRESS MAY BE IGNORED WHEN < 25 cm FIG. 2.041 —u- SECTION 2.05 TORSIONAL MOMENTS CAUSED BY LONGITUDINAL PRESTRESS IN CURVED-IN- PLAN DECKS: 2.08.1 In curved-in-plan decks with non-concordant longitudinal prestressing cables. the longitudinal secondary prestressing moment shall be considered along with other applied moments (e.g... due to dead load, live load. etc.) in calculating the torsional moment set up as a result of the plan-curvaturs of the deck. The primary longitudinal prestress is not an external effect and hence shall not be considered in this computation. SECTION 2.06 DESIGN OF DECK. (i.e, Superstructure): ‘ 2.06.1 The design moments in the deck siab (the top slab spanning transversely across the deck-longitudinals) shall be calculated per the relevant clauses given in AASHTO. 2.06.2 Computer aided grid/finite-element analysis shall be carried out in order to estimate particularly the criuical end-zone moments in highly skewed and/or curved cases. However. the resulting design moments shall not be less than those resulting from the “AASHTO Specifications 2.06.3 The thickness of the deck slab shall not be less than 25 cm. if the effective span of the slab (as defined in section”3.24 of AASHTO ) exceeds 1.10.m : 2.06.4 The standard 28-day cylinder crushing strength of concrete used in reinforced concrete decks (i.e. superstructures} shall not be less than 280 kg/em? 2.06.§ Minimum concrete cover for top reinforcement in deck slab: a) If wearing course 1s in concrete 7 Som. a) If wearing course 1s in asphalt aecnnnneteeencne $M. 2.06.6 For the main reinforcement against flexure. the spacing hetween centers of successive reinforcement bars in the slab. ino layer of bars, shall not exceed 15 em SECTION 2.07 MINIMUM REINFORCEMENT IN SLABS AND WALLS AGAINST SHRINKAGE AND TEMPERATURE: 07.1 Untess Nexural design and its minimum reinforcement requirement (section 8.17, AASHTO - 1983) require more reinforcement on a particular surface of a structural stab or wall, the following section arca of remforcement. A,. shall be provided: a) SLABS: ACS ILOURD Ag cscste ALE NOM AL Of, > OO KSI (4218 keem?) iff, < 60 KSI. or WELDED WIRE FABRIC IS USED where: ‘A, = Total Area of reinforcement for the two faces A, = Gross cross sectional area of concrete slab normal to the direction of A, f, = Yield stress in the reinforcement bars | | + & ( r ‘This A, shall be computed (and provided) in each of the two orthogonal directions. Center to center spacing of bars shall neither exceed 5 t, nor 45 em. t, being the slab thickness. However, closer spacing is recommended for crack control. b) WALLS: Total vertical reinforcement (both faces) shall not be less than 0.0015 of concrete sectional area normal to vertical reinforcement. Total horizontal reinforcement (both faces) shall not be less than 0.0025 of concrete sectional area normal to horizontal reinforcement. = Center to center spacing of réinforcement bars shall neither exceed 3 t. nor 45 em, where 1. is the wall thickness. However, closer spacing is recommended for crack control. SECTION 2.08 MAGNITUDE OF PRESTRESSING STRESS IN_A TENDON AT ITS MINIMUM: PRESTRESS-POINT AFTER ALL LOSSES: 2.08.1 This shall not exceed 55% of the ultimate tensile stress value of the prestressing tendon. SECTION 2.09 TRANSVERSE LOAD DISTRIBUTION: 2.09.1 The transverse distribution of live load between bridge longitudinal girders shall be carried out as per the AASHTO Specificanons. 09.2 The factor S/S.$ (S/1.676) in Table 3.23.1 of AASHTO for bridges designed for wo or more traffic lanes, Shall be applied for all precast “conerete beam sections with cast in place decks’. 2.09.3 Where the skew (i.e. the angie between the longitudinal center line of deck and the normal to the length of preriubutment) exceeds 20 degrees andor the deck has a significant curvature in plan, the effect of skew and/or curvature shall be duly taken into account in the analysis. 2.09.4 Unless the effects of ‘adequate number of live load placements’ have been duly explored. the design shall be curried out for load-effects not less than those resulting from the appropriate AASHTO Specification, However. it has to be recognized that merely following the simplified AASHTO formul may not be enough for highly skewed andior curved cases and that these muy require u more rigorous (possibly finte elemenugrid analysis! for exploring the effects of various live load placements. SECTIN 2.10 C@NTROL @F FLEXURAL CRACK-WIDTHS IN REINFORCED CONCRETE: 2.10.1 Maximum flexural cruck width at the tensile face of a reinforced concrete section shall not exceed 0.25 ‘mm. for normal conditions of exposure und ¥.20 mm. for manne and unfavorable conditions of exposure (such as alternute wetting and drying, humid atmosphere. direct contact with soil, etc.) 2.10.2 The allowable crack width can be increased by 25% under carthquuke/wind/temporary construction conditions. =—B- c | | 2.10.3 The maximum crack width shail be estimated as follows: The width of flexural crack, w. in mm., is: we 3.3cb,.. (See Figure 2.10.1) where: ‘The radial distance mm.) from the point at which the crack-width is being considered to the surface of the nearest reinforcement bar. Tensile strain in concrete at the extreme tension face. at the point under consideration, NuAKIS. (Sorwoe LoacMeinoa) — —7——A,-—— STRAIN ATG.G.OF ‘TENSION REINFORCEMENT te ms : SECTION BENDING STRAIN [_) sacesorcaacn BUNDLED BAR: PLAN CRACK WIDTH FG. 2.10.1 SECTION 2.11 COMPOSITE DESIGN IN CONCRETE: 2.11.1 When the precast units (that are structural part of the whole} interimly serve as partial forms and/or support for the cast-in-situ concrete. stresses must be checked and their safe values ensured at various fiber levels under each stage of loading. adopting appropriate section properties and Elastic Moduli. The loading, fot ‘example. can compnise of a) Self weight of the precast beam member. b) Weight of shutters for the in-situ concrete to follow. c) Weight of the in-situ concrete itself. 4 Se aS 3 3 3 3 : % e % 5 % 3% 7 3 % 7 ? 7. 4) Reverse load effects of removal of the shutters and removal of any supporting prop supports. e) Weight of superimposed dead loads (finishings, etc.). f) Road live load, g) Differential shrinkage. creep, temperature, etc. SECTION 2.12 FOUNDATIONS: 2.12.1 BASE PRESSURES ON SOIL . . . Maximum compressive pressure shall not exceed the "Allowable" safe beating capacity of soil, permissible for the appropriate loading case. No tension (i.e. uplift) shall be allowed. ON ROCK . . . Uplift may be allowed as long as maximum compressive pressure after redistribution does not exceed the “Allowable’ safe bearing capacity permissible for the appropriate loading case and the net contact area at base does not reduce to less than. 80% of the full base area. 2.12.2, BUOYANCY EFFECT 2.12.21 Buoyancy effect shall be considered on the submerged mass where presence of water (upto high flood levél or low water level. a5 the case may be) is possible. For the purpose of checking overall stability of the foundation, the buoyancy shall be taken as 100% if resting on soil, $0% of full buoyancy if resting on rock with low porosity and fissures, and 75% if resting on porous/fissured rock. (Turbidity effect ~ i.e. buoyancy being more than 10U% since density of muddy water is more than that of clear water, shall be ignored 3 For computing material stresses at various sections in the structure, an uplifting pore pressure effect the submerged concrete body). equal 10 15% of full buoyancy. shall be considered on the submerged 212.2. (throw mass, 2.12.3 MINIMUM DEPTH OF FOUNDATION FOR OPEN FOUNDATION IN SOIL NOT SUBJECT TO SCOUR: this depth shall be not less than 2.5 10 3.0 m below original ground fevel and also not less than that required for saustying the design considerations of base pressures, settlement. overturning. etc., keeping in view the subsoil investigation report. FOR FOUNDATION IN SO} JECT TO SCOUR: this depth shall be not less than X/3 below “Maximum’ scour level, whet X = fepth of scour below high food level, and also not Tess than that required for satisfying the design considerations of base pressures (or soil resistance required to carry pile loads, et.) settlement, overturning. etc.. keeping in view the subsoil investigation report FOR FOUNDATION IN ROCK: this depth shall be as required from design considerations but not less than 1.5 m embedment into weak rock and not jess than 0.5 m embedment into sound rock. The excavated portion of rock shall be refilled with concrete of 150 kgicm® crushing strength (28 days standard cylinder) all around and also above the footing upto onginal rock line where the foundation 1s subject 0 scour. 2.12.4 ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE ON ABUTMENTS ON FOOTINGS OR ON SMALL DIAMETER PILES: —B— Coulomb's theory may be adopted subject to the modification that the centroid of the pressure exerted by the backfill. when considered dry, is located at an elevation of 0.42 of the height of the abutment above the soffit of footing/pile cap instead of 0.333 of that height. The structure shall, however, be designed to withstand a horizontal pressure not less than that exerted by a fluid werghting 380 kg/m’. Only where the abutment has protected and compacted front fill. passive pressure effect from it may bbe taken into account subject to limiting 1s passive pressure coefficient (0 its active pressure coefficient calculated taking due account of actual slope of this front fill. : 2.12.5 ACTIVE EARTH PRESSURE ON COLUMNS OF OPEN-ABUTMENT For open-abutment columns. earth pressure shall be calculated on twice the width of each columt {owing to arching action in the fill between the columns), SECTION. IMPACT ON PIERS FROM FLOATING DEBRIS: 2.13.1 The design of the substructure should include the effect of the equivalent static honzontal fore, H generated as floating debris (e.g.. logs. tees. loaded boats. etc.) sikes the prer atthe high flood level at th speed of flood. This force may be estimated as follows: HSE ed. where: w =weight of the striking object (Ke) vy =mar. flood velocity (= 141 times “max, mean veloc g =accelerauon duc to gravity (vsec’) G sdistance through which w moves upon hitting the pier (usually taken as .05 to -10 m.). H =Ke of Mood) (rvsec.! SECTION 2.14 REINFORCED AND PRESTRESSED CONCRETE SUBJECT TO SHEAR AND TORSIO? LMM.1 Reinforced and prestressed concrete sections subject to shear (but no torston) shall be designee on Guing the load factor approach in strict accordance with the relevant sections given in the latest AASHT specifications. 2.14.2 Reinforced and prestressed concrete sections subjected to combined sheat and torsion may be design 3s per the relevant provisions described hereunder or # per any other standard recognised method. 2.14.3 Notations: ‘Ac area of concrete section. sq. in Ag =gross area of section. sq. ‘Ay =total sectional area of longitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion. sq. in. |Aps =sectional area of prestressed reinforcement in tension zone. sq. in 6 sectional area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement. 39. in. ‘At =sectional area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion within a distance 4, sq. in. ‘Av sectional area of shear reinforcement within a distance , 59. in. b =width of compression face of member, in. web wulth, or diameter of citeulur section, in. , =factor relating shear and torsional stress properties sb. d/ Ex'y 4 =distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal tension reinforcement, but | need not be taken less than 0.80h for prestressed members, (for circular sections, d need not be taken less than the distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement in opposite half of member) ao fc! =specified compressive strength of concrete, psi VIG? =square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, (fe’ in pal) fy =specified yield strength of non-prestressed reinforcement, psi fg =average compression due to prestress = FIAc, F being the prestressing force in pounds. h overall thickness (depth) of member, in, Mu =factored moment at section : Nu = factored axial load normal to cross section occurring simultaneously with Vu; to be taken as positive for compression, negative for tension, and to include effects of tension due to creep and shrinkage s =spacing of shear or torsion reinforcement in direction parallel to longitudinal reinforcement. in ‘Te =nominal torsional moment strength provided by concrete 7 “| Tn =nominal torsional moment strength . | ‘Ts =nominal torsional moment strength provided by torsion reinforcement Tw =factored torsional moment at section nominal shear strength provided by concrete ‘nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking results {rom combined shear and moment ! Vew =nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking results from excessive principal tensile stress in wed i Vn =nominal shear strength i Vs =nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement factored shear force at section ve =shear stress carred by concrete. psi j X =shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section i longer overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section Sx°y =torsional section properties. See sections ahead shorter cemier 10 center dimension of closed rectangular sucrup yy Slonger center to center dimension of closed rectangular surrup &, =coetficient as a function of x1,),. See sections ahead. i p =Asi bd Pe =AS/by.d tc" =torsional stress carried by concrete under combined loading. for prestressed members. Te* =torsional moment carried by concrete under combined loading. for prestressed members | shear stress carried by concrete unaer combined loading, for prestressed members Ver =shear force cared by concrete under combined loading, for prestressed members te =torsional stress carried by concrete, psi | =o Vie (VT > luigie — Kj | K =0.60 for prestressed and nonprestressed members under pure torsion or combined loadings. & =torsional property factor i '» for reinforced concrete ; 0.35 ( (0.75 + wy) for prestressed members i © =strength reduction factor (= U.¥S for Shear and Torsion) —7— 2.14.4 COMBINED SHEAR AND TORSION STRENGTH FOR NON PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MEMBERS, Step 1: Determine factor C, relating the shear and torsion propertic C= bed / Ex'y © For members with rectangular or flanged sections the value of Ex*y shall be taken for the component rectangles of the section, but the ‘overhanging flange width used in the computaton shall not exceed 3 times the flange thickness. © The vaiue Sx*y to be chosen shail be the largest (safest) value of the several alternatives if any. ¢ A rectangular box section may be taken as a solid section provided wall thickness H is at least equal to w4. A box section with wall thickness less than ¥/4 but greater than 1/10, may be taken as a solid section except that Ex*y shall be multiphed by 4H/x, When H is less than w10, stiffness of wall shall be considered. Fillets shall be provided at interior corners of all box sections, See Fig. 2.20.1. a Exyeyoabye tt < val Woh. dye y orto cae... dey EY for @ ¥ (See Step 5) © Torsional reinforcement is needed when Tu exceeds: © (0.50Vie Ex*y) (See Step 6) Step 5- Design for Shear (if Shear Reinforcement _needed) # Vs = 1/0 (Vu - BY, )} © Compare this Vs with masimum permissible value of: (8VIE.b.d) © If Vs is lesser, proceed further. otherwise first increase the dimensions of concrete section suitably and revise design accordingly until Vs does not exceed the above indicated maximum value, and then proceed further: © The shear reinforcement is calculated as follows: shear reinforcement per unit length of beam is: Avis = Vvlfy.d), and shall not be less than 50 bu/fy Step 6 Design for Torsion {if Torsional Reinforcement _needed) 3) Nominal torsional moment strength Te provided by concrete alone: T. = 0.80 VESxy 1 VP= (040 Val TuP b) Nominal torsional moment Ts that can be carried by torsional reinforcement alone: T, = 10 { (Ta - TC)} ; c) IT, does not exceed the limitting value of (4 Te) proceed further, otherwise first increase the dimensions of concrete section suitably and revise the design accordingly until T, does not exceed the limitting value and then proceed further: d) The torsional reinforcement is calculated from: Ts = =, (Adpuyiis giving Aus = 7,1 (&\f,xg41) (ie, torsional reinforcement per unit length) where =, = (0.66 + 0.33 yy/x,) but 21.50 —6— Step 7: Step 8 e) Calculate the sectional area of longitudinal bars A, from the following: Ay = 2 (Ads) (4) + yi) - Detailing of Closed Stirrups © Calculate ire total sectional area of stirrups required for combined shear and torsion. Total sectional area of one leg of composite stirrup per unit length = AUs + Av/2s (if A, is the area of two legs of the shear stirrup). Thus choose the stirrups and their spacing, @ Ensure that: (Ay + 2A,) 2 50D. © Check that the chosen spacing s satisfies the following: 5s > (xy + yi)/4 and also 312 inches. ‘* Longitudinal bars should be distributed around the perimeter at a spacing of no more than about 12 in. Torsion Reinforcement Requirements ‘© Torsion reinforcement where required, shall be provided in addition to reinforcément required for shear, flexure and axial force. © Reinforcement required for torsion may be combined with that required for other forces provided that the area furnished is the sum of individually required areas and the most restrictive requirements for spacing and placement are met. © Torsion reinforcement shall consist of closed stirrups. closed ties, or directional spirals, combined with longitudinal bars. © Design yieid-strength (fy) of torsion reinforcement shall not exceed 60.000 psi. ‘© Stirrups and other such bars used as torsion reinforcement shall extend to a distance d from ‘extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored according to section 8.33 of AASHTO 1983 to develop the design yield strength of reinforcement. © Torsion reinforcement shail be provided at least upto @ distance (b + d) beyond the point upto which theoretically required. © The critical section for torsion near a support is at a distance d from the face of support, and the same torsion reinforcement must continue to the face of support. © Minimum diameter of the longitudinal bars shall be 10 mm. © The longitudinal bars must be distributed around the perimeter of the stirrups, and their spacing shail not exceed about 12 in. © At least one longitudinal bar shall be placed in each comer of the stirrup. 2.14.$ COMBINED SHEAR AND TORSION STRENGTH FOR PRESTRESSED CONCRETE MEMBERS, SEE Eee eee eee eee Step I: Determine the Torsional Property Factor : Zux"y where a = 0.35 / (0.75 + wy) x.y are explained in Step (1) of section 2.20.4 earlier. Nee Step 2: Consideration of Torsion: Torsion effects shall be included in design where the factored torsional moment Tw exceeds: (@ 0.5 Vie VI T0Igh) Saxy ) and where it does not exceed, the torsion effects may be neglected and design carried out in accordance with section 2.20.1 above. Proceed to Step 3 if it exceeds. Step 3: hear strength provided by concrete alone V.*: ‘Determine the shear strength Vc, which is the lesser of Vci and Vew as defined in AASHTO 1983, by equations 9-27 and 9-28 in its section 9.20.2. Calculate the corresponding shear siress ve = Velby.d © Calculate vu, ultimate shear stress, = V/by.d . ti) ig! is le) We we ME SH Os i BB WE 8 WE WE WE dS eh ws wl ww WS WY WEE wer wD © Caleulate tc, torsional stress carried by concrete alone = 6 VE ( V+ lige ~ 0.60) © Calculate tu, ultimate torsion stress, = Tu/ Zuxty ~~ © Calculate vet, shear stress cartied by concrete alone under combined shear and torsion conditions: ve ver = Vi= (oe. wye. va)? and hence calculateV, Ver eset bed Step 4: Reinforcement Requirements @ Shear reinforcement is needed when Wu exceeds: @ Vc"/2, (See Step 5) © Torsional reinforcement is needed when Tu exceeds: @ (LSVEVT > Tipe }. Sux*y) (See Step 6) ie Step 5: Design for Shear (if shear reinforcement needed) © Y= OLY, - OVE) © Compare this Vs with maximum permissible value of (4 Vc"). If Vs is lesser, proceed further, otherwise first increase the dimensions of concrete section suitably and revise design accordingly until V, does not exceed the ubove indicated maximum value and only then proceed further: The shear reinforcement is calculated a8 follows: Shear remforcement per umt length of beam is: Avis = Villy d), and shall not be less than SObwfy Step 6: Design for Torsion (if torsion remforcement_needed): a) Calevlate tc*, the torsional stress carried by concrete alone under combined shear and torsion conditions, from the following: ue vie (te Vad (Ve tad)? and hence calculate T,” as follows: Te = (Suxyyt," b) The nominal torsional moment T, that can be carried by torsional reinforcement alone = oT) Tt oe ) Then follow steps 6c), d), ), and 7, and 8 of Section 2.14.4 earlier (using Tc’ in place of Te), SECTION 2.15 SECONDARY PRESTRESS EFFECTS AT ULTIMATE IN INDETERMINATE, STRUCTURES In estimating the ultimate moment. reaction. ete.. acting on a prestressed concrete section in an indeterminate fond eften e Ron-concordant cables: consider only 80% of the secondary effect where ine additive to the dead load effect but senore 1 where 1 opposes the dead load effect SECTION 2.16 ACCESS-HOLES IN BOX SECTIONS: SEU E16 ACCESS*HOLES IN BOX SECTIONS: Bihen specified. suitably ‘detailed’ and ‘covered” access-holes. adequate in number, size and dimension, shall be {eft in each ceil in all hox-sections in order to enable removal of shutters tron within, circulation of air against Gimeeeaaure build-up: and manual inspecuon for subsequent maintenance work, Aine ane clear internal Simensions of the cells shail be such that maintenance actions in and through them are conveniently possible. SECTION 2.17_MIVIMUM CONCRETE COVER AND WEB THICKNESS FOR INTERNALLY So ee ED CONCRETE; SSS TRESTRESSED CONCRETE: {n internally prestressed concrete, the minimum webcthickness shall be 225 mm. (for cable ducts up to 70 mm. outer diameter) and the minimum concrete cover to stirrups shall be 65 mm. The restressing cables shall be Placed within these stirrups. Larger web-thickness shall be provided where the design against shear and Principal tension requires this and/or if duets of more than 10 mm. outer diameter are adopted. -2- AL SAFA PALACE BRIDGE PART FIVE: CONCRETE, STEEL AND STRUCTURES SECTION 5.01 - PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE 5.01.1 DESCRIPTION. Portland Cement concrete shall consist of a mixture of Portland cement, fine aggregate, coarse aggregate, and water, proportioned and mixed, transported, placed, consolidated and finished as specified in these General Specifications and the Special Specifications. Admixtures, when used, in Portland cement concrete shall be as specified in these General Specifications and the Special Specifications Concrete for each portion of the work shall be of the Class, minimum cement content in kilograms per cubic meter, twenty-eight (28) day compressive strength or minor concrete, all as shown on the plans, specified in these General Specifications or the Special Specifications. When directed, concrete work shall conform to the provisions of the "GUIDE FOR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION IN THE GULF REGION", Special Publication No 31, published by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA). TABLE 5.01-1 CONCRETE CLASS DESIGNATIONS Minimum Minimum Alternate Cement Compressive Designated Coarse Specified Content Strength at 28 Coarse Aggregate Class _| (Kg. Per Cu. M) Days Aggregate Size Size A 335 210 Kg/sq. cm. | A-50 mm(2 in.) B B 310 170 Kg/sq. cm | B-62.5(2% in.) A c 300 410 Kg./sq. em. | C-25 mm(1 in.) D D 375 250 Kg/sq. cm. | D-19 mm(% in.) E 375 270 Kg/sq. cm. | D-19 mm(% in.) K 390 315 Kg/sq. cm. | D-19 mm(% in.) s 410 400 Kg./sq. cm. | D-19 mm(% in.) Concrete for minor structures, when designated on the plans as minor concrete, shall conform to the requirements of Subsection 5.03.9, "Concrete for Minor Structures" in these General Specifications. No-Fines and Cyclopean Concrete when designated on the Plans or permitted by the General or Special Specifications shall conform io the requirements of Subsection 5.01.7, "No-Fines and Cyclopean Concrete” in these General Specifications. ‘The cement content in kilograms per cubic meter for concrete in structures or portions of structures, unless otherwise specified in these General Specifications or the Special Specifications, shall conform to the following: 1.Bridges and roof section of exposed top of R.C. box culverts - 375 Minimum, 450 Maximum. 2.Other portions of R.C box culverts - 335 Minimum, 450 Maximum. 1

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