The Tiger, The Brahmin and The Jackal
The Tiger, The Brahmin and The Jackal
The Tiger, The Brahmin and The Jackal
Grade 8
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. identify the characters and events in the story;
b. generate the character of being wise; and
c. put in sequence the events in the story using facebook timeline.
II. Subject Matter:
Topic: Identifying the characters and events in the story
Materials: cartolina,strips of paper, laptop, seatwork, pictures, and marker
III. Procedure:
A. Pre- reading
1. Performing of Routinary Activities
a. Prayer
c. Classroom Management
d. Checking of Attendance
2. Review
"The Aged Mother"
1. Who are the characters in the Story?
2. Where is the setting of the story?
3. What was the order of the despotic ruler?
4.What did they call the mountain of Obatsuyama?
5.What were the twigs for?
6. What was the new command of the despotic ruler?
7. What is the theme of the story?
3. Motivation
Follow up questions:
a. Do you have these animals in your house?
b. How do you treat them?
c. What is your favorite animal? Why?
d. Do you have pets? What kind? What are their names? Do you love them?
Vocabulary Hunt.Using the dictionary, the student will give the meaning of the words.
B. During viewing
The teacher will flash a story ("The Tiger, the Brahman and the Jackal ") in the tv screen, as the
story goes on, the teacher will pause each part and will ask the following questions:
3. If you were the Brahmin, would you help the tiger to realease from the cage? Why?
4. What happened next as the Brahmin released the tiger? What character is shown from the tiger?
6. Who are the 3 characters that the Brahmin encountered? What did they say?
7. Did the Brahmin gets any justice from the first two characters he encountered?
9. In what way did the jackal help the Brahmin? What character is shown from the jackal?
C. Post- viewing
The teacher will give a seatwork. The students are going to put in sequence the rumbled events
of the story. After that, they are going to check if their answers are correct.
D. Generalization.
1. Who are the characters in the story?
IV. Evaluation:
The teacher will divide the class into 3 groups, and give them 2 pictures each. They will arrange
which first, then second happened in the story. They will paste it in a cartolina and will design it
like a facebook timeline, where there are pictures posted with caption and time.