Waves p1
Waves p1
Waves p1
7. A wave of amplitude a has an intensity of 3.0Wm . What is the
Waves intensity of a wave of the same frequency that has an amplitude 2a?
May 02
1. Which of the following summarises the change in wave –2 –2 –2 –2
A 4.2Wm B 6.0Wm C 9.0Wm D 12Wm
characteristics on going from infra-red to ultraviolet in the
electromagnetic spectrum? 8. Coherent monochromatic light illuminates two narrow parallel slits
and the interference pattern that results is observed on a screen
some distance beyond the slits.
Which change increases the separation between the dark lines of
the interference pattern?
A using monochromatic light of higher frequency
B using monochromatic light of a longer wavelength
C decreasing the distance between the screen and the slits
D increasing the distance between the slits
2. Which statement correctly relates the intensity of a sound 9. Monochromatic light of wavelength 590 nm is incident normally on
wave to the vibrations of the molecules? a diffraction grating. The angle between the two second-order
A intensity αamplitude diffracted beams is 43°. What is the spacing of the lines on the
B intensity α(amplitude)
A 0.87 µm B 1.6 µm C 1.7 µm D 3.2 µm
C intensity αdisplacement
D intensity α(displacement)
June 03
3. The diagram shows an experiment which has been set up to 10. Which of the following is true for all transverse waves?
A They are all electromagnetic.
demonstrate two-source interference, using microwaves of
B They can all be polarised.
wavelength λ.
C They can all travel through a vacuum.
D They all involve the oscillation of atoms.
Nov 02
5. Which value is a possible wavelength for radiation in the
microwave region of the electromagnetic spectrum?
–2 –5 –8 –10
A 3 × 10 m B 3 × 10 m C 3 × 10 m D 3 × 10 m
6 The four graphs represent a progressive wave on a stretched 13. A sound wave is displayed on the screen of a cathode-ray
string. Graphs A and B show how the displacement d varies with oscilloscope. The time base of the c.r.o. is set at 2.5 ms / cm.
distance x along the string at one instant. Graphs C and D show
how the displacement d varies with time t at a particular value of
The labels on the graphs are intended to show the wavelength λ,
the period T, and the amplitude a of the wave, but only one
graph is correctly labelled. Which graph is correctly labelled?
June 04
22. The diagram shows a transverse wave on a rope. The wave is
–6 travelling from left to right.
The spacing of the slits in the grating is 1.00 x 10 m. The angle
between the first order diffraction maxima is 70.0°. At the instant shown, the points P and Q on the rope have zero
What is the wavelength of the light? displacement and maximum displacement respectively.
A 287nm B 470nm C 574nm D 940nm
Nov 03
16. The graph shows how the displacement of a particle in a
wave varies with time.
Which of the following is correct? 23 A plane wave of amplitude A is incident on a surface of area S
A The wave has an amplitude of 2 cm and could be either placed so that it is perpendicular to the direction of travel of the
transverse or longitudinal. wave. The energy per unit time reaching the surface is E.
B The wave has an amplitude of 2 cm and must be transverse. The amplitude of the wave is increased to 2 A and the area of the
C The wave has an amplitude of 4 cm and could be either surface is reduced to ½ S.
transverse or longitudinal. How much energy per unit time reaches this smaller surface?
D The wave has an amplitude of 4 cm and must be transverse. A 4E B 2E CE D½E
17. A stationary sound wave has a series of nodes. The distance 24. What is the approximate range of frequencies of infra-red
between the first and the sixth node is 30.0 cm. radiation?
3 9
What is the wavelength of the sound wave? A 1 x 10 Hz to 1 x 10 Hz
9 11
A 5.0 cm B 6.0 cm C 10.0 cm D 12.0 cm B 1 x 10 Hz to 1 x 10 Hz
11 14
C 1 x 10 Hz to 1 x 10 Hz
14 17
18. Which of the following applies to a progressive transverse D 1 x 10 Hz to 1 x 10 Hz
wave? –6
25. The lines of a diffraction grating have a spacing of 1.6 x 10 m.
A beam of light is incident normally on the grating. The first order
maximum makes an angle of 20 with the undeviated beam.
What is the wavelength of the incident light?
A 210 nm B 270 nm C 420 nm D 550 nm
Nov 04
26. Which of the following is a longitudinal wave?
A a light wave travelling through air
B a radio wave from a broadcasting station
19. Which of the following may be used to produce stationary C a ripple on the surface of water
waves? D a sound wave travelling through air
A blowing air over the top of an empty bottle
B making a loud sound near a mountain 27. A stationary sound wave is set up along the line joining two
C passing monochromatic light through a double slit loudspeakers.
D passing water waves through a narrow slit Which measurement is sufficient on its own to enable you to deduce
the wavelength of the wave?
20. In an interference experiment, two slits are illuminated with A the amplitude of the sound wave
white light. B the distance between the two loudspeakers
C the distance between two adjacent antinodes
D the frequency of the sound wave
Nov 05
38. Polarisation is a phenomenon associated with a certain type of
wave. Which condition must be fulfilled if a wave is to be polarised?
A It must be a light wave. B It must be a longitudinal wave.
30. Fringes of separation y are observed on a screen 1.00 m C It must be a radio wave. D It must be a transverse wave.
from a Young’s slit arrangement that is illuminated by yellow
light of wavelength 600 nm. 39. A sound wave has displacement y at distance x from its source
At which distance from the slits would fringes of the same at time t. Which graph correctly shows the amplitude a and the
separation y be observed when using blue light of wavelength wavelength λ of the wave?
400 nm?
A 0.33 m B 0.67 m C 0.75 m D 1.50 m
June 05
31. What do not travel at the speed of light in a vacuum?
A electrons B microwaves C radio waves D X-rays
A second wave of similar type has twice the intensity and half
the frequency. When drawn on the same axes, what would the
second wave look like?
65. An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 10 Hz. In which
Which statement about the motion of points in the string is region of the electromagnetic spectrum does the wave occur?
correct? A infra-red B radio C ultraviolet D visible
A The speed at point P is a maximum. 66. The graph represents a sinusoidal wave in the sea, travelling at
B The displacement at point Q is always zero. –1
a speed of 8.0 m s , at one instant of time. The maximum speed of
C The energy at point R is entirely kinetic. the oscillating particles in the wave is 2πaf, where a is the amplitude
D The acceleration at point S is a maximum. and f is the frequency.
60. The diagram illustrates part of the electromagnetic
An object P of mass 2.0 × 10 kg floats on the surface.
What is the maximum kinetic energy of P due to the wave? Assume
that its motion is vertical.
A 0.026 mJ B 4.0 mJ C 39 mJ D 64 mJ
67. Monochromatic light illuminates two narrow parallel slits. The
61. The diagram represents a stationary wave on a stretched interference pattern which results is observed on a screen some
string. distance beyond the slits.
Which change increases the separation between the dark lines of
the interference pattern?
A decreasing the distance between the screen and the slits
What is represented by point P and by the length x? B increasing the distance between the slits
C using monochromatic light of higher frequency
D using monochromatic light of longer wavelength
68. A narrow beam of monochromatic light is incident normally on a
diffraction grating. Third-order diffracted beams are formed at angles
of 45 to the original direction.
What is the highest order of diffracted beam produced by this
62. A two-slit arrangement is set up to produce interference A 3rd B 4th C 5th D 6th
fringes on a screen. The fringes are too close together for
convenient observation when a monochromatic source of violet June 08
light is used. In which way would it be possible to increase the 69. The graph shows how the height of a water surface at a point in
separation of the fringes? a harbour varies with time t as waves pass the point.
A Decrease the distance between the screen and the slits.
B Increase the distance between the two slits.
C Increase the width of each slit.
D Use a monochromatic source of red light.
72. A diffraction grating has N lines per unit length and is placed
at 90° to monochromatic light of wavelength λ.
What is the expression for θ, the angle to the normal to the
grating at which the third order diffraction peak is observed? As a student moves from X to Y, the intensity of the note she hears
is alternately loud and quiet. The distance between adjacent loud
and quiet regions may be reduced by
73. Light of wavelength 700 nm is incident on a pair of slits, A decreasing distance d. B increasing distance L.
forming fringes 3.0 mm apart on a screen. C decreasing the amplitude. D increasing the frequency.
What is the fringe spacing when light of wavelength 350 nm is
used and the slit separation is doubled? June 09
A 0.75 mm B 1.5 mm C 3.0 mm D 6.0 mm 79. Diffraction is the name given to the
A. addition of two coherent waves to produce stationary wave
Nov. 08 pattern.
74. The diagram shows two waves X and Y. B. bending of waves round an obstacle.
C. change of direction when waves cross the boundary between one
medium and another.
D splitting of white light into colours.
80. Which wave properties change when light passes from air into
A colour and speed B frequency and wavelength
Wave X has amplitude 8 cm and frequency 100 Hz. C speed and wavelength D wavelength and colour
What are the amplitude and frequency of wave Y?
81. The diagram represents the pattern of stationary waves formed
by the superposition of sound waves from a loudspeaker and their
reflection from a metal sheet (not shown).
W, X, Y and Z are four points on the line through the centre of these
75. Light can exhibit all of the properties listed. waves.
Which property can sound not exhibit? Which statement about these stationary waves is correct?
A interference B polarisation A. An antinode is formed at the surface of the metal sheet.
C refraction D total internal reflection B. A node is a quarter of a wavelength from an adjacent antinode.
76. The diagram represents the screen of a cathode-ray C. The oscillations at X are in phase with those at Y.
oscilloscope displaying two sound waves labelled X and Y. D. The stationary waves oscillate at right angles to the line WZ.
82. A diffraction grating with N lines per metre is used to deflect light
of various wavelengths λ.
The diagram shows a relation between the deflection angles θ for
different values of λ in the nth order interference pattern
85. The light from two lasers passes through a vacuum. One
laser emits red light and the other emits green light.
Which property of the two laser beams must be different? A vibration generator is attached to the wire near the clamped end.
A amplitude B frequency A stationary wave with one loop is produced. The frequency of the
C plane of polarization D speed vibration generator is f.
Which frequency should be used to produce a stationary wave with
86. The diagram shows a standing wave on a string. The two loops?
standing wave has three nodes N1, N2 and
June 10
88. Electromagnetic waves from an unknown source in space
were found to be significantly diffracted when passing through
gaps of the order of 10 m.
Which type of wave are they most likely to be?
A radio waves B microwaves
C infra-red waves D ultraviolet waves