LP Cot1 Orgman
LP Cot1 Orgman
LP Cot1 Orgman
Department of Education
Region IV-A CaLaBaRZon
Division of Rizal
I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. Describe the marketing mix (7P’s) in relation to the business
opportunity vis-a-vis;
b. use different graphic organizers to explain the marketing mix; and
c. create a marketing mix (7P’s) in relation to the business opportunity
II. Subject Matter:
A. Topic : Marketing Mix (7P’s)
B. Materials : powerpoint presention, pentel pen, manila paper, laptop, and projector
C. References: Curriculum Guide, Teacher’s Guide, and Entrepreneurship book
Online Sources:
D. Assessment: Read carefully the following events from the story. Place them in order by writing
letters A through E.
_______ 1. It is the primary among 7P’s. Its features are most likely appeal to
the target market.
_______ 2. It is set to determine the amount of profit of the product.
_______ 3. It can be the location or door-to-door, online market.
_______ 4. This is an umbrella term covering all the media by which a business
informs customers about the item.
_______ 5. This P is considered as the target market of the said item.
E. Assignment:
1. Enumerate and describe the 4M’s of operation. (Machine, Manpower, Method
and Machine)
2. Enumerate the importance of 4M’s in operation.
3. Prepare for a short recitation.
G. Index of Mastery:
H. Reflection:
Prepared by:
Corroborated by:
Other Mother
Other Father
Rising Action
Falling Action
Exposition Denouement
TITLE: _________________
GENRE: ___________________
A. ________________________________________________________________________________
B. ________________________________________________________________________________
C. ________________________________________________________________________________
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Correct Information The students The students The students The students
provided detailed provided answers provided answers provided answers
answers with with mostly correct with some correct with mostly
correct information information information incorrect
Organizer The students The students The students The students did
Completion provided provided provided not complete many
information for information for information for parts of the graphic
each part of the most parts of the some parts of the organizers
organizers graphic organizers graphic organizers
Oral Presentation The students The students Explanation is Misses key points
presented with a presented good unclear
clear response and response and clear
detailed explanation.
Total: 15pts
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Content - Accuracy At least 7 accurate facts 5-6 accurate facts are 3-4 accurate facts are Less than 3 accurate
are displayed on the displayed on the poster. displayed on the poster. facts are displayed on
poster. the poster.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is attractive The poster is acceptably The poster is
exceptionally attractive in terms of design, attractive though it may distractingly messy or
in terms of design, layout and neatness. be a bit messy. very poorly designed. It
layout, and neatness. is not attractive.
Graphics - All graphics are related All graphics are related All graphics relate to the Graphics do not relate to
Relevance to the topic and make it to the topic and most topic. Most borrowed the topic OR several
easier to understand. All make it easier to graphics have a source borrowed graphics do
borrowed graphics have understand. All citation. not have a source
a source citation. borrowed graphics have citation.
a source citation.
Graphics - Several of the graphics One or two of the The graphics are made No graphics made by
Originality used on the poster graphics used on the by the student, but are the student are included.
reflect a exceptional poster reflect student based on the designs or
degree of student creativity in their ideas of others.
creativity in their creation creation and/or display.
and/or display.
CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
Accuracy All scenes appeared to Almost all scenes Most of the scene was Very little of the scene
be accurate and in appeared to be accurate accurate and in was accurate and/or in
chronological order. and in chronological chronological order. chronological order.
Role Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view, arguments, Point-of-view, arguments,
and solutions proposed and solutions proposed and solutions proposed and solutions proposed
were consistently in were often in character. were sometimes in were rarely in character.
character. character.
Required Elements Student included more Student included all Student included most Student included less
information than was information that was information that was information than was
required. required. required. required.
Knowledge Gained Can clearly explain Can clearly explain Can clearly explain one Cannot explain one way
several ways in which his several ways in which his way in which his in which his character
character \"saw\" things character \"saw\" things character \"saw\" things \"saw\" things differently
differently than other differently than other differently than other than other characters.
characters and can characters. characters.
clearly explain why.
Tone Quality Tone is consistently Tone is focused, clear Tone is often focused, The tone is often not
focused, clear, and and centered through clear and centered, but focused, clear or
centered throughout the the normal singing sometimes the tone is centered regardless of
range of the voice. range. Extremes in uncontrolled in the the range, significanltly
range sometimes cause normal singing range. detracting from the
tone to be less Extremes in range are overall performance.
controlled. Tone quality usually uncontrolled.
typically does not detract Occasionally the tone
from the performance. quality detracts from
overall performance.
Expression and Performs with a creative Typically performs with Sometimes performs Rarely demonstrates
Style nuance and style in nuance and style that is with nuance and style expression and style.
response to the score indicated in the score or that is indicated in the Just plays the notes.
and limited coaching. which is suggested by score or which is
instructor or peer. suggested by instructor
or peer.
Rhythm The beat is secure and The beat is secure and The beat is somewhat The beat is usually
the rhythms are accurate the rhythms are mostly erratic. Some rhythms erratic and rhythms are
for the scales being sung. accurate. There are a are accurate. Frequent seldom accurate
few duration errors, but or repeated duration detracting significantly
these do not detract from errors. Rhythm problems from the overall
the overall performance. occasionally detract from performance.
the overall performance.
Diction Student articulates Student articulates the Student is sometimes Student rarely articulates
clearly and the text of the words somewhat clearly articulating the words but the words and the text is
music is understandable. and the text can be the text is often not not decernable.
understood most of the decernable.