Globalization has the tendency to replace what is local with what is global One of the biggest problems is the influence of globalization that will
fade our local culture
Social and cultural globalization, involving cross-border movement of The evidence that we can see right now is where most of our young
cultures and openness of media, may also have increased a population's generations are more proud with the foreign culture
perception of the supposed benefits of foreign lifestyles
Globalization offers clear opportunities and benefits for the world Those modernizations are important because of its advantages but we
economies but comes with substantial social costs that often appear to are now encountered by a lot of challanging problems as well
affect people, especially the youth
But what happened in Indonesia today is the younger generation is more Our culture becomes more individualistic where we do not really care
interested in the customs of another country that does not conform to any longer with our meighbourhood like we used to be
the mores and ethics of our nation
The advancement of technology dissolves international boundaries and Given those developments are great like or dislike we must also face
opens cultures to a whole new arena (Smith, 2000), enabling globalization globalization where there is no any border anymore for us to
to occur. communicate one and another in this globalization era
Improved technology which makes it easier to communicate and share The globalization itself happens because of the influence from
information around the world. E.g. internet technology such as internet
In many aspects of relation between human being ancestors, and Culture is so important because it is the heritage from our anchestor
cultural heritage is like that of life fish and fresh water, hence cultural
heritage consists of patterns acquired and transmitted by symbols.
Cultural and education can not be divorced from each other. They are Therefore we can not separate education and culture in preserving our
interdependent. The cultural patterns of a society guide its educational culture. We also must add the value of our culture in our education to
patterns. keep maintaining our culture practiced by young generations.
Preservation is not possible without education. It is our strongest tool. Education is the strongest tool for us to preserve our culture, because
We need to understand what we are preserving and the benefits of it is impossible to preserve if we ignore education
preservation before we can be advocates
“The strengthening between culture and education is important as it By adding the culture into our education, we can also strebgthen the better
brings out the character of the nation,” said Mr Jitoko. character for those students.
Culture and its heritage reflect and shape values, beliefs, and aspirations, Our culture is also something that reflects our uniqueness, belief,
thereby defining a people’s national identity. It is important to preserve value, and thought which make us different with other nations in the
our cultural heritage, because it keeps our integrity as a people. world
Education and culture are intimately and integrally connected. The As education and culture is something that is connected each other. The
cultural pattern of a society conditions its educational pattern. For system of education is usually determined by the condition of the local culture
example, if a society has a spiritual pattern of culture, then its
educational procedures will emphasize the achievement of moral and
eternal values of life.
Cultural heritage is the soul of society and the local community is the The local society is the creator of local culture itself. The society and culture is
creator, protector and beneficiary of its cultural values. The voluntary something that can not be separated. Therefore the society itself must be the
participation of communities in preserving their heritage is essential protector of our culture
The government plays an important role to address negative impacts of Our government plays crucial role in maintaining our culture. It is also
population growth to sustain heritage sites. Heritage policies have been one of the duties of the government and government also has power in
applied in various contexts but it seems the ongoing multi-layered making a policy which will be useful to keep our culture
threats continue to intrude heritage site. Current policies are general in
nature and not very specific to the different heritage sites.
Recently, creative industries grow rapidly at SME scale. It increases The popularity of creative inductry which is progressing rapidly can be the
opportunity to preserve cultural heritage through creative industry, as way for us to preserve our culture. Besides we can also get benefit from it in
we know that many creative industry produce cultural product. term of economy
In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and Culture also plays important role from its intinsic value. Besides culture also
economic benefits. With improved learning and health, increased can improve the quality of our life in term of maintaing our togetherness,
tolerance, and opportunities to come together with others, culture increasing tolerance, and even improving economic sector
enhances our quality of life and increases overall well-being for both
individuals and communities
Protecting and preserving one’s culture heritage is an essential part of It means if we keep our culture in our country, we are also preserving and
protecting one’s identity as individuals, countries, and as Carribbean protecting our identity
people, PM Leona Romeo.
can also be tied to our nation’s interest in poverty reduction and Therefore by preserving our culture, it means we are also trying to
economic growth around the world reduce poverty and improving our economy
Its model emphasises the local communities as local stakeholders in the The target of the improvement of economy is our local community. We hope
project, with respect to both preservation and management with that they gain income by utilizing this creativity and at the same time
employment, and economic gains preserve our culture
The main goal of cultural tourism development in the Baltic countries is We also can use our culture as the cultural tourism to gain the benefit of
to ensure sustainable economic, social and cultural development sustainable economic, social, and the development of our culture. Besides
combined with preservation and active enhancement of cultural getting improvement in term of economy we can also actively preserve and
resources through increased supply, diversity and quality and sale of introduce it to the world
viable cultural tourism services.