Consortium Techno 0019
Consortium Techno 0019
Consortium Techno 0019
Nima Dehdashti, Aryan Afzalian, Chi-Woo Lee, Ran Yan, G. Fagas and Jean-Pierre Colinge
Tyndall National Institute, Lee Malting, Prospect Row, Cork, Ireland
3. Device simulation
The simulation procedure consists in solving the
Poisson and NEGF equations self-consistently until
convergence is reached. NEGF equation is solved by
discretizing the 3D effective-mass Hamiltonian using a
Finite Difference Method (FDM). We have used
COMSOL MultiPhysics® Software to solve the 3D
Poisson equation. This package uses the finite element
method (FEM) with irregular mesh to solve the
Poisson’s equation. We have parallelized the quantum
transport equation using Message Passing Interface
Fig.1: Schematic view of Silicon Nanowire Transistor. The
(MPI) and run it on the SFI400 UNIX Cluster available
irregular mesh in the geometry is generated by COMSOL
in the Tyndall National Institute. Neglecting the MultiPhysics® to solve Poisson equation.
communication overhead between CPUs we got a linear
Fig.2: Three dimensional Electron Density in the active
region of TripleGate Nanowire Transistor with 3nm cross
section. VG=? and VD =?
Fig.5: Transmission Vs Energy for Nanowire with different
cross-section. The number of subbands and their spacing
varies with silicon thickness.
This material is based upon works supported by Science
Foundation Ireland under Grant 05/IN/I888.