Individual Assignment Numerical Method
Individual Assignment Numerical Method
Individual Assignment Numerical Method
No Name Student ID
Scale 5 4 3 2 1 Marks
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor Solution 1 Solution 2
Completed Completed
Completed at Does not
between 75- less than 50%
Completed 100% least 50% of comply with
99% of the of the
of requirements. the requirements.
requirements. requirements.
Delivery Delivered on requirements. Not delivered
Delivered on Not delivered
time, and in the Delivered on on time or in
time, and in on time or in
correct format. time, and in the correct
the correct the correct
correct format. format.
format. format.
Excellent use of No details on
Good use of White space
white space. program Poor use of
white space. makes
Creatively included. white space,
Organized program fairly
organized work. Disorganized making code
Coding work. easy to read.
Excellent use of and messy use hard to read.
Standards Good use of Organized
variables and of white space, Disorganized
variables and work.
constants. making code a and messy
constants Good use of
No magic little hard to work.
numbers. read.
Executes without Executes Does not
errors, excellent without errors. execute due to
user prompts, User prompts Executes syntax errors /
good use of are without errors. runtime errors
errors. User
symbols, and understandable User prompts (endless loop,
spacing in , minimum use contain little crashes etc.)
contain little
Runtime output. of symbols or information, User prompts
Thorough and spacing in poor design. are misleading
poor design.
organized testing output. Some testing or non-
Some testing
has been Thorough has been existent.
has been
completed and testing has completed. No testing has
output from test been been
cases is included. completed completed.
2. Use the provided format for the cover page of the assignment.
Students are required to analyze and solve the problem using numerical technique/s. Analysis
must be done clearly and shortly by applying engineering problem solving method.
5. Answers without computational approach or simulation tool will result in losing marks.
Read the questions properly, don’t rush, understand it well before you start to attempt to answer
them. Do not hesitate to see the lecturer for guidance.
Send in softcopy of your assignment through email at with file name
7. a) StudentID_ClassID.pdf (Report)
b) StudentID_ClassID.m (mfile)
Print out the whole report including this cover page and submit it to my room (T14-1A) before
26 April 2019 (5:00 PM)
This assignment is designed for Course Outcome 2 (CO2) and 4 (CO4) of the course:
CO2: Apply various numerical techniques in solving engineering problems [PO1] {C3}.
PO1: Able to Apply knowledge of mathematics, natural science, engineering fundamentals and an
engineering specialization as specified in WK1 to WK4 respectively to the solution of complex
9. engineering problems.
As shown in figure (a) below, a scoreboard is suspended above a sports arena by two cables, pinned at A,
B, and C. The cables are initially horizontal and of length L. After the scoreboard is hung, a free-body
diagram at node B can be developed as shown in figure (b). A vertical force balance at B can be written as
2𝐴𝑐 𝐸𝑑 𝐿
(1 − )−𝑊 =0
𝐿 √𝐿2 + 𝑑 2
Assuming that the weight of each cable is negligible, determine the deflection, d (m), that results if the
scoreboard weighs W = 9000 N, where F = the axial force (N), Ac = the cable’s cross-sectional area (m2),
and E = the modulus of elasticity (N/m2). Use the following parameters for your calculations: L = 45 m,
Ac = 6.362 × 10–4 m2, and E = 1.5 × 1011 N/m2.
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Student states the Student states the Student Student fails to
Student does
Defining the problems and problems and adequately define the
not identify the
Problems and objectives clearly objectives and defines the problems and
problems and
Objectives and identifies identifies underlying problems and objectives
underlying issues. issues. objectives. adequately.
Problem(s) & Objective(s):
To apply few different methods to determine the approximate roots for deflection by vertical force balance
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Student develops a clear
Developing a Student Student develops Student does not
and concise plan to solve Student develops
develops a a marginal plan, develop a
Plan to Solve the problem, offering an adequate plan
single plan and and does not coherent plan to
the Problem alternative strategies, and follows it to
follows it to follow it to solve the
and follows the plan to conclusion.
conclusion. conclusion. problem.
Possible Solution:
Step by Step Solution:
Manual calculation
2𝐴𝑐 𝐸𝑑 𝐿
f(d) = (1 − )−𝑊
𝐿 √𝐿2 +𝑑 2
d f(d)
0 -9000.00
1 -7953.14
2 -634.45
3 19181.65
4 57628.96
5 120705.60
After that, transfer all the data on the table above to produce a graph of f(d) against d to find the root of
the equation. (for excel)
Software process
1. Enter the coding in the command window by entering the function equation f(d) for the y variable
2. Then, run to get the graph and find the root based on the plotted graph where the root is at y=0 or
Findings / Conclusion:
This method is quite simple and straight forward but there might be some errors since it is only a rough
estimation technique. However, it is useful in determining the initial guess for any numerical methods.
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Completed at least Completed less
Completed 100% between 75-99% Does not comply
50% of the than 50% of the
of requirements. of the with requirements.
requirements. requirements.
Delivery Delivered on time, requirements. Not delivered on
Delivered on time, Not delivered on
and in the correct Delivered on time, time or in the
and in correct time or in the
format. and in the correct correct format.
format. correct format.
Excellent use of
white space. Good use of white No details on
White space
Creatively space. program included. Poor use of white
makes program
organized work. Organized work. Disorganized and space, making
Coding fairly easy to read.
Excellent use of Good use of messy use of white code hard to read.
Standards Organized work.
variables and variables and space, making Disorganized and
Good use of
constants. constants code a little hard messy work.
No magic to read.
Executes without
errors, excellent Executes without Does not execute
Executes without
user prompts, errors. Executes without due to syntax
minimal errors.
good use of User prompts are errors. errors / runtime
User prompts
symbols, and understandable, User prompts errors (endless
contain little
spacing in output. minimum use of contain little loop, crashes etc.)
Runtime information, poor
Thorough and symbols or information, poor User prompts are
organized testing spacing in output. design. misleading or non-
Some testing has
has been Thorough testing Some testing has existent.
been completed.
completed and has been been completed. No testing has
output from test completed been completed.
cases is included.
Matlab / Excel Application:
Command window
grid ON
title('Graph of f(d) Vs. d');
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Student develops a clear
Developing a Student Student develops Student does not
and concise plan to solve Student develops
develops a a marginal plan, develop a
Plan to Solve the problem, offering an adequate plan
single plan and and does not coherent plan to
the Problem alternative strategies, and follows it to
follows it to follow it to solve the
and follows the plan to conclusion.
conclusion. conclusion. problem.
Possible Solution:
Using bisection method. Bisection method is a root finding method that repeatedly bisects an interval and
selects a subinterval in which a root must lie for further processing. This method also called as interval
halving method.
Step by Step Solution:
Manual Calculation
1. Firstly, the function of f(d) is simplified to:
𝑓(𝑑) = 𝑑. ^4 + (4.243948444 ∗ 10. ^ − 3) ∗ 𝑑. ^3 + (3.946876501 ∗ 10. ^ − 6) ∗ 𝑑. ^2 − 8.593995601 ∗ 𝑑
+ 9.118118564 ∗ 10^ − 3
1st iteration:
𝑓(𝑥𝑙 ). 𝑓(𝑥𝑢 ) = 𝑓(1.9). 𝑓(2.1)
= -4.7217 < 0 ⸫ set 𝑥1 = 𝑥𝑙 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥𝑢 = 𝑥𝑟 for next iteration
2nd iteration:
1.9 + 2
𝑥𝑟 = = 1.95
𝑓(𝑥𝑙 ). 𝑓(𝑥𝑢 ) = 𝑓(1.9). 𝑓(2 )
= 3.7304>0 ⸫ set 𝑥1 = 𝑥𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥𝑢 = 𝑥𝑢 for next iteration
3rd iteration:
1.95 + 2
𝑥𝑟 = = 1.975
𝑓(𝑥𝑙 ). 𝑓(𝑥𝑢 ) = 𝑓(1.95). 𝑓(2)
= 2.5859>0 ⸫ set 𝑥1 = 𝑥𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑥𝑢 = 𝑥𝑢 for next iteration
Iteration xl xu xr
1 1.9 2.1 2.0000
2 1.9 2 1.9500
3 1.95 2 1.9750
…. …. …. ….
n …. …. ….
Software process
1. Go MATLAB software and enters the coding (based on bisection method) in editor window
and run it in command window.
2. The answer display at the end is taken as the root of equation.
Findings / Conclusion:
Using this method, we can observe that the value of the root obtained for both methods is approximately
the same. Therefore both methods are usually used as starting point for more rapidly converging methods
like Newton Raphson and Secant. The initial guesses for xl and xr are determined based on the value for
the rough estimation of root obtained in graphical method.
Scale 5 4 3 2 1
Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor
Completed at least Completed less
Completed 100% between 75-99% Does not comply
50% of the than 50% of the
of requirements. of the with requirements.
requirements. requirements.
Delivery Delivered on time, requirements. Not delivered on
Delivered on time, Not delivered on
and in the correct Delivered on time, time or in the
and in correct time or in the
format. and in the correct correct format.
format. correct format.
Excellent use of
white space. Good use of white No details on
White space
Creatively space. program included. Poor use of white
makes program
organized work. Organized work. Disorganized and space, making
Coding fairly easy to read.
Excellent use of Good use of messy use of white code hard to read.
Standards Organized work.
variables and variables and space, making Disorganized and
Good use of
constants. constants code a little hard messy work.
No magic to read.
Executes without
errors, excellent Executes without Does not execute
Executes without
user prompts, errors. Executes without due to syntax
minimal errors.
good use of User prompts are errors. errors / runtime
User prompts
symbols, and understandable, User prompts errors (endless
contain little
spacing in output. minimum use of contain little loop, crashes etc.)
Runtime information, poor
Thorough and symbols or information, poor User prompts are
organized testing spacing in output. design. misleading or non-
Some testing has
has been Thorough testing Some testing has existent.
been completed.
completed and has been been completed. No testing has
output from test completed been completed.
cases is included.
Matlab / Excel Application:
Editor windows
function[d e] = mybisect(f,a,b,n)
% function [d e] = mybisect(f,a,b,n)
% Does n iterations of the bisection method for a function f
% Inputs: f --an inline function
% a,b – represent xl and xr respectively
% n --the number of bisections or iteration to do.
% Outputs: d --the estimated solution of f(d) = 0
% e --an upperbound on the error
format long
c = f(a); g = f(b);
if c*g > 0.0
Command Windows
>> mybisect(f,1.9,2.1,10)
d f(d)
2.000000000000000 -1.144905708377995
2.050000000000000 0.089012119601104
2.025000000000000 -0.543340644971991
2.037500000000000 -0.231060284377904
2.043750000000000 -0.072004064735794
2.046875000000000 0.008258282727560
2.045312500000000 -0.031934233451210
2.046093750000000 -0.011853322684154
2.046484375000000 -0.001801358273188
2.046679687500000 0.003227502470402
2.046582031250000 0.000712832182291
ans =