Btech Project Guidelines 2022
Btech Project Guidelines 2022
Btech Project Guidelines 2022
Department of
Mechanical Engineering
B.Tech. Programs run by the department of Mechanical Engineering prepare the students to
undertake careers in core and allied engineering works. The project work to be done by the
students in different semesters will help in gaining practical experience and required skill sets
for future endeavour. The project guidelines are being framed to provide the students with a
flavour of the procedures to be followed and the expectations to be met. It is also expected
that project guidelines will help supervisors and examiners in evaluation of project work.
Course Objective
The project work will help in acquiring the necessary skill sets required to solve an
engineering related problem and work in a team environment.
Course Outcome
At the end of the course, the student shall be able to:
CO1 Acquire skill sets to solve an engineering related problem.
CO1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3
CO2 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 2
CO3 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 2 3 3
CO4 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 2
Section 1
2. The projects should be related to Engineering and Technology and can be Study, Survey,
Review, Fabrication, Application, Experiment, Design based or may be combination of
3. Preferably the project should be based on relevant Engineering concepts but
interdisciplinary projects may also be opted as per NEP-2020.
4. The group size allowed is 2 to 5 students per group, but it should not in any case exceed 5
students. However, in exceptional case, individuals can be allowed with the permission of
5. The respective batch coordinator will act as the project coordinator for that particular
batch. Although, the project supervisors will be separate for each group. It is preferred
that no faculty member supervises more than 3 groups per semester per batch. A weekly
project load of maximum 1 credit/2 hours per semester will be assigned to the project
supervisor irrespective of the total number of groups supervised by him in that semester.
6. The project coordinator will upload the internal/ external marks of the project students on
the ERP portal.
7. The project coordinator will inform the students about the project course at the start
preceding semester, so that students can discuss among themselves and with concerned
supervisors. This will help students to submit their project proposal well in time by the
end of preceding semester (viz.,2nd sem. for 3rd sem. project, 3rd sem. for 4th sem. project,
5th sem. for 6th sem. project and 6th sem. for 7th sem. project). The notice for the project
grouping should be floated at least three weeks prior to the end of the semester for the
next semester projects.
8. For all semester projects, the formation of project grouping should be done by the end of
preceding semester.
9. For the next/ forthcoming semester students may continue/ extend the same project
further or may choose a new topic/ group and supervisor.
10. Mid Term Evaluation will be conducted (except for 3rd and 4th semester project) to
evaluate the progress of the project by a committee formed by the Chairperson of the
department, comprising of 3 to 5 members with at least one Professor in the committee.
For 3rd and 4th semester projects, mid-term evaluation shall be done by the project
supervisor and the marks will be given to the project coordinator.
11. For all project courses towards the end of the semester, assessment will be done by the
respective supervisors and the marks for the assessment will be given to the project
coordinator for filling on the ERP portal.
12. At the end of the semester, final assessment will be held in front of an examiner as per the
schedule shared by the COE. The marks for the same will be compiled by the Project
coordinator and uploaded on the portal.
13. Rubrics for marks allocation is provided for reference in Table 3, 4 and 5.
14. Timeline to be followed for all B.Tech. project courses is provided in Table 2.
15. The students are to prepare a proper project report as per the guidelines given in section 2.
16. One hard copy and one soft copy of the project report are to be submitted to the project
supervisor. One hard copy of the project report is to be carried by the student at the time
of end term assessment. The soft copy submitted to the supervisor is to be submitted/
maintained by the Chairperson office for the department record through the project
17. The chairperson of the department will be final authority to resolve issues, if any.
Project Work Appropriate Satisfactory Low progress; The team did not
Progress/Team progress; The team progress; The The team collaborate or
Work worked well team worked worked together Communicate
together to achieve well together but with many well. Some
(05 Marks) objectives. Each most of the instances of members work
member time, with only occurrences of independently,
contributed in a a few communication without regard to
valuable way to occurrences of breakdown or objectives or
the project. communication failure to priorities.
breakdown or collaborate when
failure to necessary
Project Title……………………………………………………………………………………..
1 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
2 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
3 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
5 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Consent of Supervisor(s);
Section 2
2. The Project report shall be hard bound with cover page in BLACK color. The
name of the candidate, degree, year of submission, and name of University etc.
shall be printed on the cover. (sample attached)
3. The Project report shall be typed on one side only with 1.5 SPACING with a
margin of 3.5 cm on the left, 2.5 cm on the top, right and at bottom.
4. In the Project report, the title page should be given first then the declaration by the
candidates, certificate by the supervisor(s) and acknowledgements in sequence,
followed by an abstract of the Project report (not exceeding 1500 words). This
should be followed by list of figures/list of tables, notations/nomenclature, and
then contents with page nos.
5. APA style should be followed for citation giving author name and year of
publication in project report such as (Singh and Shan, 2002).
6. The reference should be given at the end of the project report in alphabetical
10. All project groups should submit one copy of their final project report to Project
Coordinator and respective Project Supervisor individually. Every student must
carry their individual copy at the time of external Viva/Voce of Project work.
Project Report
Bachelor of Technology
Submitted By: -
Student 1 (Roll No.)
Student 2 (Roll No.)
Student 3 (Roll No.)
Student 4 (Roll No.)
Student 5 (Roll No.)
Project Supervisor:
Supervisor Name (Designation) and/or Co-Supervisor Name (Designation)
Department of Mechanical Engineering
I hereby declare that the work, being presented in the project report entitled as “Title of
project” in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the Degree in Bachelor
of Technology in Mechanical Engineering/ Robotics and Artificial Engineering and
submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of J.C. Bose University of
Science and Technology, YMCA, Faridabad is an authentic record of my own work
carried out during a period from month year to month year under the supervision of Name
of project supervisor (Designation), Department of Mechanical Engineering. No part of
the matter embodied in the project has been submitted to any other University / Institute
for the award of any Degree or Diploma.
Signature of Student(s)
This is to certify that the project entitled, “Title of project” submitted in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree in Bachelors of Technology in
Mechanical Engineering/Robotics and Artificial Intelligence is an authentic work
carried out under my supervision and guidance.
We take this opportunity to express our deep sense of gratitude and respect towards our
supervisor Name of supervisor, Designation, Department of Mechanical Engineering/
Robotics and Artificial Engineering, J.C. Bose University of Science & Technology,
YMCA, Faridabad.
We are very much indebted to him for the generosity, expertise and guidance. Without
his support and timely guidance, the completion of this report would have seemed a
farfetched dream. In this respect we find ourselves lucky to have him as our supervisor.
He has supervised us not only with the subject matter, but also taught us the proper style
and technique of working and presentation. It is a great pleasure for us to express our
gratitude towards those who are involved in the completion of my project report.
We would also like to thank Department of Mechanical Engineering, J.C. Bose
University of Science & Technology, YMCA, Faridabad for providing us various
facilities. We are also grateful to all the faculty members & evaluation committee
members for their constant guidance during this project work.
We express our sincere thanks to all our friends, our well-wishers and classmates for their
support and help during the project.
Abstract is summary of major aspects of the project. It should contain approximately
1000-1500 words describing the content and scope of the project while identifying
objective, methodology, findings and conclusion.
Abstract should basically describe what specifically is being done in the project instead of
describing the topic of the project.
Should contain details of contents with page number as shown below.
Table No. Description Page No.
Table 1 Description of Table 1
Table 2 Description of Table 2
Table 3 Description of Table 3
Figure No. Description Page No.
Figure 1 Description of Figure 1
Figure 2 Description of Figure 2
Figure 3 Description of Figure 3
Figure 4 Description of Figure 4
Figure 5 Description of Figure 5
Figure 6 Description of Figure 6
Figure 7 Description of Figure 7
AICTE All India Council of Technical Education
Appendices, if any, should be placed in the last of the project report. The
details of appendices should appear here.
Chapter 1
Contents of this chapter include introduction to the topic followed motivation for the
project and layout of report.
Chapter 2
Contents of chapter 2 includes the study of relevant literature and identification of gaps in
the same. Usually this chapter is named as Literature Review.
Chapter 3
Contents of chapter 3.
Chapter 4
Contents of chapter 4. Chapter names can be framed as per the contents in the chapter.
Number of chapters again depends on the contents.
Chapter XX
Chapter YY
References to be followed in APA style. For details, visit weblink