Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT) Department of Mechanical Engineering
Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT) Department of Mechanical Engineering
Albertian Institute of Science and Technology (AISAT) Department of Mechanical Engineering
Criteria Good Average Partially Acceptable
Weightage % 76 – 100 % 51 – 74 % 0 – 50 % NA
a Problem Detailed explanation of the Incomplete explanation of the Minimal explanation of the Problem statement
Definition, purpose and need of the purpose and need of the project. purpose and need of the is unclear or
Objectives and project. Incomplete justification to the project. Vague.
Methodology of All objectives are well objectives proposed. Objectives of the proposed Fails to identify or
the Proposed defined. Steps are mentioned but unclear work are either not identified explain
Work Steps to be followed to or without justification or not well defined; a method.
( 4 Marks) solve the defined problem Incomplete and improper
are clearly specified. specification
b Literature Review Suitably examined and Moderate study of the existing Moderate study of the Not included or
and Feasibility of reviewed a wider range of systems; collects some basic existing systems; ; incomplete significantly
Project Proposal developments and current information. information incomplete
(3 Marks) state of the chosen problem
c Communication Complete Within Time Objectives achieved as per time Objectives achieved as per No objectives
Clarity and Visual Allotted. frame time frame achieved
Presentation Contents are appropriate Contents are appropriate but not Contents of presentations are Contents of
( 2 marks) and well arranged. well arranged appropriate but not well presentations are
Proper eye contact with Satisfactory presentation , clear arranged not appropriate and
audience and clear voice voice with average language Presentation not satisfactory not well delivered.
with good language and eye contact not proper. and poor delivery of Poor delivery of
presentation presentation
Department of ME, AISAT
Rubric for ME 451 Project Prelimary Evaluation
b Planning of Time frame properly Time frame properly Time frame properly Time frame not
Project Work and specified and being followed specified and being followed specified, but not being properly specified
Budget Detailed and complete with Detailed and complete with followed. Cost estimates
revised cost estimates with revised cost estimates without Insufficient level of properly specified
specifications. specifications. details for conclusive or incomplete.
projection of costs.
c Communication Complete Within Time Objectives achieved as per Objectives achieved as No objectives
Clarity and Allotted. time frame per time frame achieved
Visual Contents are appropriate Contents are appropriate but Contents of presentations Contents of
Presentation and well arranged. not well arranged are appropriate but not presentations are
Proper eye contact with Satisfactory presentation , well arranged not appropriate
audience and clear voice clear voice with average Presentation not and not well
with good language language and eye contact not satisfactory and poor delivered.
proper. delivery of presentation Poor delivery of
Department of ME, AISAT
Rubric for ME 451 Project Prelimary Evaluation
c Communication Complete Within Time Objectives achieved as Objectives achieved as per No objectives achieved
Clarity and Allotted. per time frame time frame Contents of
Visual Contents are appropriate Contents are appropriate Contents of presentations presentations are not
Presentation and well arranged. but not well arranged are appropriate but not appropriate and not
(2 Marks) Proper eye contact with Satisfactory well arranged well delivered.
audience and clear voice presentation , clear Presentation not Poor delivery of
with good language voice with average satisfactory and poor presentation
language and eye delivery of presentation
contact not proper.
Department of ME, AISAT
Rubric for ME 451 Project Prelimary Evaluation
b Technical Knowledge Extensive knowledge related Fair knowledge related to the Lacks sufficient knowledge.
and awareness related to the project. project.
to the Project.
(6 Marks)
c Regularity Reports to the guide regularly Not very regular but consistent Irregular in attendance and
(3 Marks) and consistent in work. in the work. inconsistent in work.
d Project Diary It includes all of the following: It includes most of the It includes a very few of the
( 2 Marks) 1.Compilation of weekly following: following:
activity report. 1. Compilation of weekly 1. Compilation of weekly activity
2.Rough sketches activity report. report.
calculations, observations etc. 2.Rough sketches. 2.Rough sketches.
3.Rough chapters of project calculations, observations etc. calculations, observations etc.
report. 3.Rough chapters of project 3.Rough chapters of project
report. report.
e Project Report Project report is according to Project report is according to Project report not prepared
(5 Marks) the specified format. the specified format but some according to the specified
References and citations are mistakes. format.
appropriate and well References and citations are References and citations are not
mentioned. appropriate but not mentioned appropriate.