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Library for HTTP

SIMATIC S7-1500, Open User Communication Industry
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Table of contents

Table of contents
Legal information ......................................................................................................... 2
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 4
1.1 Overview............................................................................................... 4
1.2 Mode of operation ................................................................................ 5
1.3 Components used ................................................................................ 5
2 Engineering ........................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Components of the library .................................................................... 6
2.2 Interface description ............................................................................. 7
2.2.1 LHTTP_Get .......................................................................................... 7
2.2.2 LHTTP_Post ......................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 LHTTP_FindStringInArray .................................................................. 11
2.2.4 LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray ........................................................ 12
2.2.5 LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArrayExt ................................................... 13
2.2.6 LHTTP_typeTLS ................................................................................. 14
2.3 Integration into the user project .......................................................... 15
2.3.1 Configuring the Ethernet interface ..................................................... 15
2.3.2 Certificate management ..................................................................... 16
2.3.3 Integrating blocks into the user program ............................................ 22
2.4 Error handling ..................................................................................... 24
3 Additional information .................................................................................... 26
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3.1 Libraries in the TIA Portal ................................................................... 26

4 Appendix .......................................................................................................... 27
4.1 Service and support ........................................................................... 27
4.2 Links and literature ............................................................................. 28
4.3 Change documentation ...................................................................... 28

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1 Introduction

1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a data transfer protocol used primarily
to load Web pages from the World Wide Web.
Due to the increasing networking of plants and the advancement of the Internet of
Things (IoT), HTTP and HTTPS also play an increasingly important role in
automation technology.
The library for HTTP communication (LHTTP) enables the data exchange of a
SIMATIC S7-1500 PLC via the integrated Ethernet interface with another device in
the local network or a web server in the Internet via HTTP or HTTPS.

Figure 1-1: Overview

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1 Introduction

1.2 Mode of operation

The LHTTP library provides function modules with which the most conventional
HTTP request methods can be implemented in the user program:

Due to the integrated certificate management in the TIA portal, it is also possible to
transfer data securely with HTTPS using the same components.

1.3 Components used

This library was created with these hardware and software components:
Table 1-1: Components used
Component Quantity Article number Note
SIMATIC S7-1500 1 6ES7516-3AN01-0AB0 From FW 2.5
CPU 1516-3 PN/DP
STEP 7 Professional 1 6ES7822-1AE05-0YA5 --
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

This library consists of the following components:

Table 1-2: Components of the application example
Component File name Note
Documentation 109763879_LHTTP_DOC_V10_de.pdf This document
Building block library for 109763879_LHTTP_LIB_V10.zip --
TIA portal V15.1

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2 Engineering

2 Engineering
2.1 Components of the library
Function blocks and functions
Table 2-1: Function blocks and functions of the Library
Name Version Description
LHTTP_Get V1.0.0 Realizes the HTTP method GET
LHTTP_Post V1.0.0 Realizes the HTTP method POST
LHTTP_FindStringInArray V1.0.0 Searches an array of chars for a given string
LHTTP_ExtractString V1.0.0 Extracts a string between two specified text
FromArray parts from an array of chars
LHTTP_ExtractString V1.0.0 Same function as
FromArrayExt "LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray" with extended

PLC data types

Table 2-2: PLC library data types
Name Version Description
LHTTP_typeTLS V1.0.0 Data type for transferring certificates for secure
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

communication via HTTPS

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2 Engineering

2.2 Interface description

2.2.1 LHTTP_Get

The block implements the HTTP method GET to retrieve data from a web server.

Figure 2-1: LHTTP_Get

Bool execute done Bool

HW_ANY hwID busy Bool

CONN_OUC connID error Bool

String url statusID USInt

String data status Word

"LHTTP_typeTLS" tls UInt
length UDInt
Array[*] of Char Array[*] of Char
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

Table 2-3: Parameters of LHTTP_Get

Name Declaration Data type Description
execute Input Bool Send HTTP request
hwID Input HW_ANY Hardware identification of the Ethernet interface
connID Input CONN_OUC Unique connection ID
url Input String URL, e.g. "http://httpbin.org/get"
data Input String Optional parameters to append to the URL, e.g.
tls Input "LHTTP_typeTLS" TLS certificates for secure data transmission
(HTTPS), see section 2.2.6.
For unsafe data transfer (HTTP) leave
done Output Bool Job finished
busy Output Bool Job is being processed.
error Output Bool An error has occurred in the processing of the FB.
statusID Output USInt Specifies the source of the internal error, see
section 2.4.
status Output Word Internal status/error code of the FB, see
section 2.4
responseCode Output UInt Received HTTP status code
length Output UDInt Length of the received user data
responseData InOut Array[*] of Char received user data The array must start at "0".

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2 Engineering

Principle of operation
The user specifies the requested resource in the form of a URL, e.g.
"http://httpbin.org/get" or "", at the "url" parameter.
Optional parameters can be passed with two variants:
• Appended to the URL at the parameter "url" with a "?" in front, e.g. " URL, e.g.
• At the separate parameter "data", e.g. "lang=en&country=de"

With a rising edge at the "execute" parameter, the block queries the IP address
associated with the host at the configured DNS server if necessary and establishes
a connection to the Web server.
If the specified URL starts with "https", a secure connection is established. In this
case, the certificate of the requested web server must be referenced by the
parameter "tls" (see section 2.2.6). If the web server requires client authentication,
the certificate of the PLC must also be referenced.
The module creates the HTTP request from the specified URL and sends it to the
The server responds with the requested data or an error message. After all
telegrams have been received successfully, the block closes the connection to the
server again.
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Note The block outputs the HTTP status code received from the server with the first
received telegram and writes the user data of each received telegram directly
into the memory area connected to the parameter "responseData". Evaluate the
user data only after the output "done" has been set.

Note The block doesn't support redirects. If the server responds with a redirect (HTTP
response code 3xx) the block outputs an error (see chapter 2.4).
Check the URL and correct it if necessary.

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2 Engineering

2.2.2 LHTTP_Post

The block implements the HTTP method POST to transfer data to a web server.

Figure 2-2: LHTTP_Post

Bool execute done Bool

HW_ANY hwID busy Bool

CONN_OUC connID error Bool

String url statusID USInt

String data status Word

"LHTTP_typeTLS" tls UInt
length UDInt
Array[*] of Char Array[*] of Char
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

Table 2-4: Parameters of LHTTP_Post

Name Declaration Data type Description
execute Input Bool Send HTTP request
hwID Input HW_ANY Hardware identification of the Ethernet interface
connID Input CONN_OUC Unique connection ID
url Input String URL, e.g. "http://httpbin.org/post"
data Input String Message body
tls Input "LHTTP_typeTLS" TLS certificates for secure data transmission
(HTTPS), see section 2.2.6.
For unsafe data transfer (HTTP) leave
done Output Bool Job finished
busy Output Bool Job is being processed.
error Output Bool An error has occurred in the processing of the FB.
statusID Output USInt Specifies the source of the internal error, see
section 2.4.
status Output Word Internal status/error code of the FB, see
section 2.4
responseCode Output UInt Received HTTP status code
length Output UDInt Length of the received user data
data InOut Array[*] of Char received user data The array must start at "0".

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2 Engineering

Principle of operation
The user specifies the requested resource in the form of a URL, e.g.
"http://httpbin.org/post" or "", at the parameter
The format of the user data to be transferred at the parameter "data" depends on
the web server. For web form elements data is usually described in key-value
pairs, e.g. "usr=admin&pwd=12345".
With a rising edge at the "execute" parameter, the block queries the IP address
associated with the host at the configured DNS server if necessary and establishes
a connection to the web server.
If the specified URL starts with "https", a secure connection is established. In this
case, the certificate of the requested web server must be referenced by the
parameter "tls" (see section 2.2.6). If the web server requires client authentication,
the certificate of the PLC must also be referenced.
The module creates the HTTP request from the specified URL and sends it to the
The server responds with the requested data or an error message. After all
telegrams have been received successfully, the block closes the connection to the
server again.

Note The block outputs the HTTP status code received from the server with the first
received telegram and writes the user data of each received telegram directly
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

into the memory area connected to the parameter "responseData". Evaluate the
user data only after the output "done" has been set.

Note The block doesn't support redirects. If the server responds with a redirect (HTTP
response code 3xx) the block outputs an error (see chapter 2.4).
Check the URL and correct it if necessary.

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2 Engineering

2.2.3 LHTTP_FindStringInArray

The function "LHTTP_FindStringInArray" searches an Array of Char for a string
and returns its position as return value.

Figure 2-3: LHTTP_FindStringInArray

String searchFor
Array[*] of Char Array[*] of Char

Table 2-5: Parameters of LHTTP_FindStringInArray

Name Declaration Data type Description
searchFor Input String Text to search for.
searchIn InOut Array[*] of Char Array of Char to be searched.
Ret_Val Return DInt Position (index) of the searched string in the array.
-1: String was not found.
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2 Engineering

2.2.4 LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray

The LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray function extracts a string between two
specified text parts from an array of chars.

Figure 2-4: LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray
String textBefore String
String textAfter
Array[*] of Char Array[*] of Char

Table 2-6: Parameters of LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArray

Name Declaration Data type Description
textBefore Input String Text part before the text that is to be extracted.
textAfter Input String Text part after the text that is to be extracted.
extractedString Output String Extracted Text
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

searchIn InOut Array[*] of Array of Char to be searched

Ret_Val Return Word Return value:
16#0000: Successful, Text was found
16#9001: Only text before was found. String is output
with max. length
16#9002: Neither text before nor after was found

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2 Engineering

2.2.5 LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArrayExt

The function "LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArrayExt" extracts a string between two
specified text parts from an array of char with extended options.

NOTE This function is part of the library to enable the user to parse the received data
although it is not used by the blocks of the library.

Figure 2-5: LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArrayExt
String textBefore String
String textAfter position DInt
Bool length Int
DInt startPos
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Array[*] of Char Array[*] of Char

Table 2-7: Parameters of LHTTP_ExtractStringFromArrayExt

Name Declaration Data type Description
textBefore Input String Text part before the text that is to be extracted.
textAfter Input String Text part after the text that is to be extracted.
includeBeforeAfter Input Bool If TRUE, the text parts before and after are
extracted as well.
startPos Input DInt Position in the array from which the search is to be
extractedString Output String Extracted Text
position Output DInt position (index) of the extracted text within the array
length Output Int Length of the extracted text
searchIn InOut Array[*] of Array of Char to be searched
Ret_Val Return Word Return value:
16#0000: Successful, Text was found
16#9001: Only text before was found. String is
output with max. length
16#9002: Neither text before nor after was found

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2 Engineering

2.2.6 LHTTP_typeTLS

The PLC data type "LHTTP_typeTLS" references the certificates required for
secure connections via HTTPS.

Table 2-8: Parameters of LHTTP_typeTLS

Name Data type Value Description
validateServerIdentity Bool FALSE A set bit means that the client validates the
subjectAlternateName in the server's X.509 V3
certificate to verify the server's identity. The
certificates are checked when the connection is
serverCert UDInt 0 ID of the X.509 V3 certificate (usually a CA
certificate) used by the TLS client to validate the
TLS server authentication.
If this parameter is "0", the TLS client uses all (CA)
certificates currently loaded in the client's
Certificate Store to validate the server
clientCert UDInt 0 ID of your own X.509 V3 certificate.
This is only relevant if the TLS server requires
client authentication and may be set to "0"
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

Note The IDs of the certificates can be found in the global certificate manager under
"Security settings > Security features > Certificate manager" or in the certificate
manager of the respective device under "Device properties > Protection and
Security > Certificate manager".
Detailed instructions can be found in the chapter 2.3.2.

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2 Engineering

2.3 Integration into the user project

2.3.1 Configuring the Ethernet interface

Configure router
To operate HTTP communication across subnet boundaries, e.g. via the Internet,
you must specify the IP address of your router in the device properties of your PLC.
Proceed as follows:

1. Open the device properties of your PLC.

2. Open the "PROFINET interface [Xx] > Ethernet addresses" area of the
PROFINET interface that you want to use for HTTP communication.
3. Select the Use router check box and specify the IP address of your router.
Figure 2-6
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Configuring the DNS Server

To be able to use and resolve domain names in the URL, you must specify at least
one DNS server in the device properties of your PLC. Often the router is also a
DNS server. Proceed as follows:

1. If necessary, open the device properties of your PLC.

2. Open the "DNS configuration" section and enter the IP address of at least one
DNS server.
Figure 2-7

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2 Engineering

2.3.2 Certificate management

With HTTPS, the user data is transmitted in encrypted form. Web server and client
(in this case the PLC) exchange certificates with each other before data transfer. In
order for the PLC to confirm the authenticity of the web server, it must know the
root certificate from which the web server certificate is derived.
In the TIA Portal, the certificates are managed in a global certificate manager. The
certificate manager contains an overview of all certificates used in the project. In
the certificate manager, for example, you can import new certificates and export,
renew, or replace existing certificates. Each certificate is assigned an ID that can
be used to reference the certificate in the program modules.
If you want to transfer data securely using HTTPS, perform the following steps:

TIA portal project protect with a password

In order to manage certificates in the TIA Portal, you must protect your project with
a password. Proceed as follows:

1. Open the section "Security settings > Settings" from the project navigation.
2. Click on "Protect this project" and assign a user name and password.
Figure 2-8
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Download Certificate from Web Server and Import to TIA Portal

Proceed as follows to download the certificate from a Web page.
In the following the procedure with Google Chrome is described.

1. Open the desired web page in a web browser.

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2 Engineering

2. Click on the lock in the address bar and then on "Certificate (Valid)".
Figure 2-9

3. Open the "Certification Path" tab.

© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

4. Select the top certificate (root certificate from which the others are derived) and
click View Certificate.
Figure 2-10

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2 Engineering

5. Open the "Details" tab, click on "Copy to file...".

Figure 2-11
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6. Save the DER-coded certificate.

Figure 2-12

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2 Engineering

7. From the project navigation, open the "Security settings > Security features >
Certificate manager” area.
8. Open the "Trusted certificates and root certification authorities".
9. Right-click in the workspace and select "Import".
Figure 2-13

10. Import the previously saved certificate from the web server.
Figure 2-14

Create device certificate

For the encrypted connection for HTTPS, the client (in this case the PLC) must
also provide a certificate. Proceed as follows to create the device certificate:
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

1. Open the device properties of your PLC.

2. Open the "Protection & Security > Certificate Manager" area.
3. To use the imported certificate from the Global Certificate Manager and derive
a device certificate from the root certificate of the TIA Portal project, select the
Use global security settings for certificate manager check box.
Figure 2-15

4. Under "Device certificates", double-click the "<Add new>" cell.

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2 Engineering

5. Click on the same cell again and then on "Add new".

Figure 2-16
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2 Engineering

6. Select "Self signed" and the encryption algorithm "sha256RSA" for the highest
compatibility and confirm with "OK".
Figure 2-17
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7. Under "Certificates of partner devices", double-click the cell "<Add new>".

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2 Engineering

8. Click the same cell again and select the Web server's imported root certificate.
Figure 2-18
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2.3.3 Integrating blocks into the user program

For general information on dealing with libraries in the TIA Portal, see section 3.1.

1. Open the library "LHTTP" in the TIA Portal.

2. Open the folder "Types > LHTTP" and drag the FB for the desired HTTP
method into the folder "Program blocks" of your PLC. The corresponding
functions and PLC data types are automatically copied into your project.
3. Create a DB for controlling and evaluating the FB and open it.
4. Create at least the following variables:
Figure 2-19

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2 Engineering

5. If you use HTTPS, also create a variable of the PLC data type
"LHTTP_typeTLS" (see section 2.2.6 for information on the PLC data type).
Figure 2-20

6. Create a DB for the data to be received and open it.

7. Create a variable of the data type "Array[x] of Char" with sufficient size for your
application. Note that the array must start with "0".
Figure 2-21

8. Call the FB at the desired location and create an instance.

9. Connect the parameters of the FB with the variables from the previously
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

created DBs.
Figure 2-22

10. Load the PLC.

Note Use different connection IDs at the parameter "connID" if you use "LHTTP_Get"
and "LHTTP_Post" in parallel, use the FBs several times or use the OUC blocks
for other functions in your program.

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2 Engineering

2.4 Error handling

The function modules "LHTTP_Get" and "LHTTP_Post" output both internal
status/error codes describing the status of the function module and the HTTP
status code received from the partner.

Table 2-9: Internal status/error codes

statusID status Meaning
0 16#0000 Order completed without errors
16 #7000 No order active
16#7001 First call of the instruction
16#7002 Follow-up call of the instruction (instruction still running,
"busy" = true)
16#8101 The array at the parameter "responseData" does not begin
with "0".
16#8102 The size of the array at the parameter "responseData" is
not sufficient to store the received user data. The array
was completely filled and the length of the received user
data is output at the parameter "length".
16#8103 Invalid URL. Check the spelling.
16#8104 The message header of the received reply is invalid.
16#8105 Encoding of the received message could not be detected
© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

or is not supported.
16#8106 The length of the user data could not be read.
16#8107 Chunk-coded message could not be decoded.
16#8300 The web server responded with a redirection. Redirections
are not supported by the LHTTP library.
16#8408 Request timeout. Check the Ethernet connection of the
PLC and the URL.
16#8600 The FB is in an invalid state.
1 -- Error in subordinate statement TSEND_C. See TIA Portal
Information System for Workaround.
2 -- Error of subordinate statement TRCV. See TIA Portal
Information System for Workaround.
3 -- Error of subordinate statement MOV_BLK_VARIANT in
region "TE_IDENTITY". See TIA Portal Information System
for Workaround.
4 -- Error of subordinate statement MOV_BLK_VARIANT in
region "TE_CHUNKED". See TIA Portal Information
System for Workaround.
5 16#9xxx The web server responded with an error message. The
received HTTP status code is output in the back digits of
the output "status".

The following table lists common HTTP status codes:

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2 Engineering

Table 2-10: Common HTTP status codes

status code Message Meaning
2xx - Successful operation
200 OK The request was processed successfully.
3xx - Redirection
301 Moved The requested resource is now available at the address
Permanently specified in the "Location" header field. The old address
is no longer valid.
304 Not Modified The content of the requested resource has not changed
since the last request from the client and is therefore not
4xx – Client error
400 Bad Request The request message was structured incorrectly.
401 Unauthorized The request cannot be performed without valid
403 Forbidden The request was not executed due to lack of client
404 Not Found The requested resource is not available in the required
5xx – Server error
500 Internal Unexpected service error.
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Server Error
502 Bad Gateway The server could not fulfill its functionality as a gateway
or proxy because it received an invalid response.
503 Service The server is temporarily unavailable.
504 Gateway The server could not perform its function as a gateway or
Timeout proxy because it did not receive a response from the
servers or services it was using within a specified period
of time.

Further HTTP status codes can be found on Wikipedia, for example:


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3 Additional information

3 Additional information
3.1 Libraries in the TIA Portal
Most of the blocks are stored as types in the library. Thus the modules are
versioned and can use the following advantages:
• Central update function for library elements
• Versioning of library elements

Note For information on library use in general, see the Guide to Library Use:

Note All blocks in the library were created according to the programming style guide:

For more information on libraries, visit the TIA Portal:

• How can you open, edit, and upgrade global libraries in the TIA Portal?
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• In less than 10 minutes, TIA Portal: Time Savers – Global libraries
• Which elements from STEP 7 (TIA Portal) and WinCC (TIA Portal) can be
stored in a library as a type or as a copy template?
• How can you automatically open a global library when starting TIA Portal V13
or higher and use it as a corporate library, for example?

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4 Appendix

4 Appendix
4.1 Service and support
Industry Online Support
Do you have any questions or need assistance?
Siemens Industry Online Support offers round the clock access to our entire
service and support know-how and portfolio.
The Industry Online Support is the central address for information about our
products, solutions and services.
Product information, manuals, downloads, FAQs, application examples and videos
– all information is accessible with just a few mouse clicks:

Technical Support
The Technical Support of Siemens Industry provides you fast and competent
support regarding all technical queries with numerous tailor-made offers
– ranging from basic support to individual support contracts. Please send queries
to Technical Support via Web form:
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SITRAIN – Training for Industry

We support you with our globally available training courses for industry with
practical experience, innovative learning methods and a concept that’s tailored to
the customer’s specific needs.
For more information on our offered trainings and courses, as well as their
locations and dates, refer to our web page:

Service offer
Our range of services includes the following:
• Plant data services
• Spare parts services
• Repair services
• On-site and maintenance services
• Retrofitting and modernization services
• Service programs and contracts
You can find detailed information on our range of services in the service catalog
web page:

Industry Online Support app

You will receive optimum support wherever you are with the "Siemens Industry
Online Support" app. The app is available for Apple iOS, Android and Windows

Entry ID: 109763879, V1.0, 05/2019 27
4 Appendix

4.2 Links and literature

Table 4-1: Links and literature
No. Topic
\1\ Siemens Industry Online Support
\2\ Link to the entry page of the application example
\3\ Specification of HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616)
\4\ General information about HTTP by MDN
\5\ HTTP status codes
\6\ Simple HTTP request & response service to test the blocks

4.3 Change documentation

© Siemens AG 2019 All rights reserved

Table 4-2: Change documentation

Version Date Change
V1.0.0 05/2019 First version

Entry ID: 109763879, V1.0, 05/2019 28

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