Chakku 7 Cs
Chakku 7 Cs
Chakku 7 Cs
of Innovation by Design
The seven concerns that form the backbone for the process of innovation are:
1. The Cause
Every design project is usually initiated by a need (be it a commercial requirement or a social
necessity) or a problem with the product. This need or problem recognition is a key trigger for the
project and it can be identified either by a product manufacturer/marketer, user, or even a
product designer.
2. The Context
To study and understand the existing product or similar products in the market, the product
scenario, its users, and pros and cons of the product as experienced by them. This is generally
done by studying the available data and through interaction with all the users and stakeholders.
3. The Comprehension
The designer analyses all the information gathered and methodically lists out his observations
and perceptions of the issues involved and the causes behind. The design insights thus arrived
form the basis for the design intervention.
4. The Check
The check is essential to understand what requirements the product should ultimately cater to
and what problems it should resolve. The check, which is a product brief is created from the
design insights and is approved by the client. The product brief becomes the criterion for
creating ideas and evaluating the concepts.
5. The Conception
Using the check list the designer arrives at multiple ideas to resolve the problems listed. This is a
very important stage which starts with conceiving ideas, grouping them into clusters, arriving at
multiple concepts and finally zeroing in on one all encompassing concept.
6. The Crafting
The final concept is further refined against various criteria like use of material and manufacturing
limitations. Depending on the user profile, the designer at this stage creates several style
options and zeroes in on the one that addresses the aesthetics concerns in the best manner.
The final product design is showcased by creating small scale mock-up models, CAD models or
working prototypes. The final product which meets the product brief conditions is then taken up
for mass production.
7. The Connection
The last but not the least important concern is the connection, the new product makes with the
consumer. This connection or the bond between the user and the product builds up only when
the user is satisfied with the product performance and begins to cherish it, which intern creates a
demand for the product. In fact it is the customer satisfaction that makes the winning product
and completes the most important criterion for innovation.
The following chapters that portray the new Post Box design and development have been
grouped under seven sections representing the seven concerns listed above.