Final Report Format (EXP1)
Final Report Format (EXP1)
Final Report Format (EXP1)
CM150L-B11, School of Chemical, Biological and Material Engineering and Science, Mapua University
This paper aims to identify the experimental molar mass of a volatile liquid. It is known that molar mass,
an intensive property of a molecule, could be a way to identify an unknown compound. Using the Dumas
method, we can correlate the ideal gas equation to derive the molar mass of three samples: acetone,
ethanol, ethyl acetate. By evaporisation of the samples, we could identify the temperature (T) and volume
(V) of the sample, assuming that the gas behaves ideally. To identify its mass, the samples undergo
condensation as the density of gas is infinitely small. The pressure would be based on the barometric
measure of the room. With the given variables, we could utilize the ideal gas equation PV=nRT to identify
the molar mass. The experimental molar mass for acetone is 58.72 ±0.58; ethanol is 71.11 ±19.32; and
ethyl acetate is 103.10 ±13.2. The source of error may be due to human error.
In the field of chemistry, the molar mass is considered temperature, volume, and pressure which could
as one of the intensive properties of a substance contribute to the vapor causing an error. To address
wherein, it does not depend on the size of the sample. this issue, an orifice is created before vaporization so
It is used to classify and categorize an unknown that the internal pressure of the vapor forces out the
compound by which several physical and chemical air as the vapor pressure of the system is in
methods are implied experimentally to determine the equilibrium with the atmospheric pressure during
molar mass. evaporation. The vapor of the sample could then be
correlated with the ideal gas equation.
For a volatile liquid, the classic Dumas method is used
where the sample undergoes evaporation and re- Knowing the fact that the mass and density of a gas is
condensation. Being volatile, the liquid can easily infinitely small compared to the liquid because of the
undergo evaporation (turning the liquid into gas phase) gaseous molecules composed only of van der Waals’s
then an ideal gas equation, assuming that the sample interaction making each molecule to be at far distant to
behaves ideally, is used. each other occupying the volume of the container. This
results in a less mass per unit volume of the gas in the
𝑃𝑉 container. To give solution to this, the vapor is then
𝑅𝑇 converted back to liquid phase (as the density of the
where P is pressure, V is the volume of the gas, n as liquid is greater) and can be more possibly be weighed
moles of the gas, R is the gas constant, and T is the which can be correlated to moles of the gas
temperature in Kelvin. concerning the ideal gas equation.
Before the vaporization of the volatile liquid, the flask Possible compounds that can be studied under this
cannot be assumed empty as there is still a presence Dumas method are acetone, ethanol, and ethyl
of air within that. The air has a definite mass, acetate.
Acetone (58.08 g/mol, vp298=30.544 mmHg, bp= Erlenmeyer flask using a syringe. The flask was then
560C) is a clear, flammable liquid at room immersed in 600 mL water while boiling it gently for 10
temperature. It is produced by humans in small minutes. The temperature was recorded once the
amounts through routine biological processes but can volatile liquid inside turns into vapor. The flask is then
be harmful in very high concentrations. Generally, cooled down and reweighed. The volume of water is
acetone causes no serious health problems. Acetone recorded by filling fully the container with water and
is used in a variety of ways both in science and in weighing it.
everyday life.
Ethanol (46 g/mol, vp298 = 55 mmHg, bp = 780C) or
ethyl alcohol is a clear, colorless liquid with a pleasant RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
odor and a burning taste. It absorbs water readily from
the air and is miscible with water and many organic
liquids. Most ethanol is used in alcoholic beverages in Domingo, Gerald C.
dilute form. It is also used in the laboratory as a
common solvent, in pharmaceuticals, and as a The experiment corresponds with the principle
common topical antiseptic. Nearly all ethanol sold as behind the ideal gas equation which formula is:
"alcohol" (not for drinking) has been denatured PV=nRT
(including the ethanol in the lab). Denaturing in this
context means adding some substance which does not where all the data for pressure (P), the volume of
markedly interfere with the behavior or properties of the flask and/or the vapor (V), and the temperature
(T) is crucial as they are the variables needed for
ethanol except to render it unfit for drinking. Most
determining the molar mass of a certain volatile
denaturants are toxic. compound.
Ethyl acetate (88.1 g/mol, vp298 = 82 mmHg, bp = The variables that correspond following the ideal
76.50C) has a characteristic fruity odor and a pleasant gas law equation are the mass of vapor, the
taste when diluted. It is somewhat soluble (1 mL in 10 temperature, the volume (where it is assumed that
mL) in water and mostly soluble in common organic the volume of the flask is equal to the volume of the
solvents. It is used in artificial fruit essences and as a vapor assuming that the vapor behaves ideally).
solvent for lacquers and varnishes (including fingernail
polish). Prolonged breathing of vapors may cause liver
and kidney damage. SAMPLES: ACETONE ETHANOL
The data above for the temperature of three The volatile liquids analyzed in this experiment were
samples (acetone, ethanol, ethyl acetate) are taken ethyl acetate, ethanol and acetone. The molecular
during the process of vaporization where the mass of the samples’ gas phase was determined by
volatile liquid changes into gas phase (in vapor).
The temperature indicated is the temperature of the
measuring the temperature, pressure, mass, and the
hot bath assuming that the hot bath and the vapor volume of a substance. While the molar mass of the
of the samples are isothermal. samples’ liquid phase was determined using Dumas
During evaporation, the samples absorb kinetic
energy from the hot bath to overcome the latent
heat of vaporization to be fully converted into gas Table 1. Data gathered during the experiment
phase. As the gas molecules fully occupied the
flask, we can assume that the volume of flask is the ACETO ETHAN ETHYL
volume of the vapor (ideally). On the gas phase, NE OL ACETAT
we can correlate the different variables in the ideal (TRIAL (TRIAL E
gas equation (pressure, volume, and temperature). 1) 1) (TRIAL 1)
To fully solve the equation, mass is needed.
Knowing that the density of gas is infinitely small,
the vapor needs to be turned back into liquid MASS OF
phase. As the molecules fully become liquid, the THE VAPOR 0.665 .83 0.495
mass of the vapor is measured. To solve for the (g)
molar mass, the equation:
𝑀𝑤 =
92 98 98
where Mw is the molar mass, m is the mass of the THE VAPOR
vapor, T as the temperature of the vapor, P is (0C)
pressure, V is volume, and R as gas constant.
On the other hand, the pinhole (produced by the MASS OF
syringe) on the aluminum foil serves as the effusion AIR
for the air within the flask (knowing that the flask is DISPLACED 0.01628 0.01784 0.017438
filled with the liquid sample and air before it was BY VAPOR
evaporated), to be released. As the vapor pressure (g)
of the sample is equilibrium with the atmospheric
pressure, the vapor pressure forces the air out of
the flask until the flask be filled only with the vapor 58.72 71.11 103.10
of the sample. In spite of that, the pinhole must be ±0.58 ±19.32 ±13.2
made tiny as possible to lessen the effusion rate of MASS
the vapor.
The source of error may be due to human error. On the process of vaporization, the researchers
First, the vapor may escape from the flask through assumed that the hot water bath and the vapor of the
the pinhole before condensing the vapor. Second, samples are isothermal; thus the temperature of hot
the temperature may not be isothermal with the not water bath, which represents the temperature of vapor,
bath and/or there is a parallax error in reading the
is taken. As the heating process occurs, molecules in
thermometer. Third, there might be possible error
in weighing along the process. the volatile liquid gain kinetic energy and eventually
overcome the potential attractive forces keeping them
in liquid form and escape into the gas phase. We can
assume ideally that the volume of the flask is the
Reccion, Mark Ardee T. volume of the vapor since the volume of the flask will
eventually be occupied by gas molecules of vapor. Table 1. Determination of Molar Mass of Acetone
The pressure of the vapor is determined using the Sample Acetone
barometric pressure of the room since at boiling point Mass of Empty Flask 78.878 85.588
the vapor pressure of a liquid equals the external Mass of Empty Flask
pressure surrounding the liquid. The sealed flask is with Foil and Rubber 79.68 86.048
weighed before and after vaporization, thus the mass Mass of vapor, m 0.265 0.272
of vapor is determined. Mass of Empty Flask
with vapor, foil and
Molar mass was computed using ideal gas equation Rubber 79.945 86.32
MM=mRT/PV, wherein m is the mass of vapor, R is Temperature of
the gas constant, T is the temperature where liquid Vapor, T 92 90
turned into gas, V is the volumes of the flask, and P is Mass of flask filled
the pressure of the vapor. with water 221.478 234.75
Mass of water 142.600 149.162
Based on the data, ethyl acetate has the highest molar Volume of flask
mass and ethanol has the lowest molar mass. based on water, V 142.600 149.162
Moles of vapor at T,
The sources of error may due to human error. There V, and P, n 0.004735 0.00498
might be error in weighing the flask and the when the Estimated molar
temperature was taken, the hot water bath and the mass of vapor, m/n 55.97164 54.62194
vapor might not still be isothermal. Moreover, the Moles of air displaced
pinhole caused by syringe might be large enough for a by vapor at TR 0.000564 0.00059
rapid rate of effusion. Molar mass of air,
calculated 28.84 28.84
Mass air displaced by
the vaporized liquid 0.016275 0.017024
Tiongson, Stephanie Claire True mass of vapor
that occupied the
The experiment involves volatile samples, acetone, flask 0.281 0.289
ethanol and ethyl acetate. In determining the molar Corrected molar
mass of gases, vapor densities are used. These occur mass of the vapor 59.40918 58.04066
above the boiling point of the sample. The Dumas Corrected molar
method was used in this experiment to determine the mass of the vapor
molar mass of the sample compounds in their liquid (mean) 58.72492104
Molar mass (literature
In the Dumas method, the sample volatile liquid is
value) 58.08
heated at a known temperature above its boiling point
% difference 1.104270329
and it is allowed to escape from a container through a
tiny orifice. The container is then cooled at room
temperature, causing it to condensate. Table 1 shows that the corrected molar mass of
In determining the vapor pressure of the gas, the acetone in the procedure. It is visible that there is a
Antoine equation was used. The mass of the escape 1.1043% difference in the literature value of molar
air was used in the equation and it is applied to the mass and the experimental value obtained. The
ideal gas law equation to determine the moles of the percent difference signifies that the experimental value
vapor. of acetone’s molar mass is similar and precise to the
true value of its molar mass.
Table 2. Determination of Molar Mass of Ethanol conserved hydrogen attractive forces from the
Sample Ethanol presence of electronegative element, oxygen and
Mass of Empty Flask 103.666 102.498 dipole moments from the functional groups.
Mass of Empty Flask
with Foil and Rubber 104.138 102.963 Table 3. Determination of Molar Mass of Ethyl acetate
Mass of vapor, m 0.338 0.345 Sample Ethyl Acetate
Mass of Empty Flask Mass of Empty Flask 87.401 81.939
with vapor, foil and Mass of Empty Flask
Rubber 104.476 103.308 with Foil and Rubber 87.86 82.33
Temperature of Mass of vapor, m 0.495 0.477
Vapor, T 98 98 Mass of Empty Flask
Mass of flask filled with vapor, foil and
with water 259.979 255.486 Rubber 88.355 82.807
Mass of water 156.313 152.988 Temperature of
Volume of flask Vapor, T 98 98
based on water, V 156.313 152.988 Mass of flask filled
Moles of vapor at T, with water 240.185 227.924
V, and P, n 0.005106 0.004997 Mass of water 152.784 145.985
Estimated molar Volume of flask
mass of vapor, m/n 66.19748 69.03695 based on water, V 152.784 145.985
Moles of air displaced Moles of vapor at T,
by vapor at TR 0.000619 0.000605 V, and P, n 0.004991 0.004769
Molar mass of air, Estimated molar
calculated 28.84 28.84 mass of vapor, m/n 99.18527 100.0299
Mass air displaced by Moles of air displaced
the vaporized liquid 0.01784 0.017461 by vapor at TR 0.000605 0.000578
True mass of vapor Molar mass of air,
that occupied the calculated 28.84 28.84
flask 0.356 0.362 Mass air displaced by
Corrected molar the vaporized liquid 0.017438 0.016662
mass of the vapor 69.69151 72.53097 True mass of vapor
Corrected molar that occupied the
mass of the vapor flask 0.512 0.494
(mean) 71.11124093 Corrected molar
Molar mass (literature mass of the vapor 102.6793 103.524
value) 46.07 Corrected molar
% difference 42.73933392 mass of the vapor
(mean) 103.1016302
Table 2 shows that there is large percent difference, Molar mass (literature
42.7393% from the molar mass of the sample, ethanol. value) 88.11
From this, it can be said that the date is extremely % difference 15.68066775
different from its known value. Thus, the results were
incorrect. This error possibly arises from different The determination of molar mass of ethyl acetate is
factors including the size of the orifice that the vapor is shown in Table 3. It shows that there is 15.6807%
allowed to escape. The nature of the substances difference. There are several factors that needs to be
should also be considered, since the compounds have considered in conducting this experiment, including the
time of vaporization, and the escaped air. Also, the =(28.84 g/mol) / (0.017024 mol)
kinetic energy that is required for the gas to escape is =0.017024 g
a factor since a volatile gas that has high molecular True mass of Vapor
weight have low kinetic energy causing the gas to =0.338g + 0.017024g
escape at slower time. =0.355 g
Corrected Molar Mass
Upon doing the experiment, we have utilized the =71.65057 g/mol
vapor-density or dumas method in estimating the Corrected Molar Mass (Average)
molar mass of volatile liquids, ethanol, acetate, and =((71.65057+ 70.56132) g/mol) / 2
ethyl acetate, from their vapor densities at temperature =71.10594676 g/mol
above their boiling points. Under certain conditions, % Difference
the amount, in moles, of liquids was able to determine =((|71.10594676-46.07| g/mol) /
using the ideal gas law equation. The data gathered ((71.10594676+46.07g/mol)/2)*100)
proved that even though a gas-liquid phase change =42.73 %
occurred and liquid is denser than its gas form, the
amount of vapor that completely filled the volume was
exactly the same as the amount of the resulting liquid.
Through this, the objectives of the experiment were REFERENCES
achieved. In addition, error could be minimized by
making the hole, caused by syringe, in the foil as small Caparanga, A. R., Baluyut, J. Y. G., & Soriano,
as possible. A. N. (2006). Determination of Molar Mass of a
Volatile Liquid by Vapor-density Method. In
APPENDIXES Physical Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Part 1
(pp. 4–8).
Sample Calculation for Trial 1 Ethanol
Mass of Vapor
Farley, J. (n.d.). Determining the Molar Mass
= 104.476-104.138
of a Volatile Liquid. Retrieved from
= 0.338g
Mass of Water
Volume of Flask based on Water
=151.820g / 1g/ml
= 151.820 mL
Moles of Vapor
= ((756/760 atm)*(151.820/1000)) /
((0.08205 atm L/mol K)*(98 + 273.15 K))
=0.004959 moles
Estimated Molar Mass of Vapor
=0.338g / 0.004959 mol
= 68.15654 g/mol
Moles of Air Displaced by the Vapor
=((96.811/1000 atm)*(151.820/1000 L)) /
((0.08205 atm L/ mol K)*(25+273.15 K))
=0.000601 moles
Mass of Air Displaced