The Use of Silicone Materials in Close Proximity PDF
The Use of Silicone Materials in Close Proximity PDF
The Use of Silicone Materials in Close Proximity PDF
Specifiers and
Integrators of
Electric Motors, Drives
& Electric Drive Systems
December 2005/January2006
Volume 6, Issue 6
a webcom publication
• 1 liter totally hermetically closed device that
contains either (a) relay(s) or (an) electrical
motor(s). For the sake of simplification all relays
(even sealed relays) should be considered as not
tightly sealing against VMS. This is a conservative
approach, but this assumption enables user of sili-
cone to be sure about proper function of their
devices in the application.
• 10 by 10 cm2 PCB to be coated with 70 µm
thick coating
• Service Temperature of the device –40 to
• Cure conditions according to table 1
• The bottom of the relay or motor is above the
level of silicone, which means that the silicone
conformal coating is not sealing the component. If
this would be the case, one had to consider the
component atmosphere separately.
Table 2: Detailed VMS composition of two conformal coatings for illustrating examples
Basically the calculation would lead to the same figures as
example case #1. However, the present assumption is considering
an open-to-the-air box. The kinetic theory of gases predicts here Contact Dow Corning at
that all silicone volatiles present in the air will be escaping
through a hole of 1 mm2 in less than 1 day. This means that the
level of VMS in the air will never reach the threshold value,
because the volatile species can easily escape. It is therefore possi-
ble to apply a standard silicone in proximity to relays and electri-
cal motors. There are many existing applications using standard
silicones to protect PCBs that are either containing relays or elec-
trical motors without any trouble for this reason. Actually, the sen-
sitive cases are the ones where the electronic device is sealed and
therefore hermetically close to prevent water ingress. In such a