Field Engagement Jabalpur Grey-Color
Field Engagement Jabalpur Grey-Color
Field Engagement Jabalpur Grey-Color
The researcher has been assigned Prantiya Shiksha Mahavidhyalaya for Field Engagement.
Institute of Advanced Studies in Education Jabalpur or Prantiya Shiksha Mahavidhyalaya (PSM) is one
of the oldest teacher training institutes of India. In fact, it is as old as the schooling system in India. The
schooling system in India emerged in the nineteenth century and this institution was established in the
year 1889 which means it is a pioneer institute in the field of teacher education.
Like all other professional programmes, field engagement is an essential component of any
teacher education programme. In the case of teacher education programmes, field engagement
involves engagement with the students and teachers in field. The sustained engagement with
the field over a period of time is known as ‘Field Engagement’ which equips the prospective
teacher to build a repertoire of professional understandings, competencies and skills, and
positive attitude to schooling and teaching. In fact, it is this component of the teacher education
curriculum which facilitates transformation of a student-teachers from being learners in the art
and science of teaching to adequately-equipped teachers to perform the responsibilities of a
teacher in actual school settings.
The present day educational discourse centres around the concepts of self-learning,
selfknowledge, and constructivist approach to teaching and learning which implies the students
need to be facilitated to graduate from being mere recipients of knowledge to become
assimilators and generators of knowledge. The internship programme provides an opportunity
to the prospective teachers to link the educational theory and pedagogical concepts with their
practice on the one hand, and on the other to test the validity of theoretical propositions in
actual school settings.
Internship programme is one of the component of two-year M.Ed. course. The internship is
important for students to develop familiarity with the teacher education colleges to understand
routine and practices occurs in the educational institutions. Student manages and participates
in the curriculum activities of the colleges. Student very well organizes co-curricular activities
for the pupil teachers. Students manage and participate in the administrative functions of the
colleges during the internship programme. The broader aim of teacher education programme
is to Develop competencies, skills, interest and expectations in prepared for a career in the field
of teacher education, as well as to integrate practical experience with classroom instruction for
more complete learning process.
Type of Institution
Objective of
Achievement and
Management of
1. Pre Planning
2. Tools for Field Engagement
3. Field Study
4. Analysis of Data
5. Report Writing
1. Pre Planning: It is an initial panning for field Engagement which involves setting
up aims, Fields and preparing outline sketch of whole study.
2. Preparation of research tools such as interview and questionnaire and testing its
reliability and validity.
3. To gather information of several aspect of study it requires filed visit and meeting
with concerned persons of field.
4. Analysis and Interpretation of collected data.
5. To prepare a formal report based on observation and data interpretation.
2. Type of Institution
Institute of Advanced Studies, Jabalpur (M.P.) formerly known as Prantiya
Shiksha Mahavidhyala (PSM) and Government College of Education is affiliated to
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.).
2.2.1 Historical Background
The origin of teacher education in India goes back to early nineteenth century. State
initiatives for teacher education were ensured in 1815 which is, perhaps, the earliest recorded
evidence in support of training of school teachers. Thomas Munro, the then Governor of
Madras, submitted a detailed proposal for establishment of training schools in each collectorate
in 1826. The Wood’s Despatch of 1854 also stressed the need of teacher training and stated
that there was great deficiencies in the facilities of teacher training, and desired to see the
establishment of teacher training institutes. As a result there was official acceptance of teacher
training as an integral part of the education system and Normal schools were established for
the purpose.
Front View of IASE
2.2.2 Organizational Responsibilities
The Rajya Shiksha Kendra vide its order no.470 date 06/02/2013 has entrusted with the
following responsibilities and tasks to the Institute.
To coordinate with the following CTEs and DIETs for implementation of the Teacher-
Education Programme.
The first task of the IASE Jabalpur now is to establish and make the DIETs function as per the
expected desires of the Teacher-Education Programme.
• To monitor the assessment of teachers’ need for training by the DIETs and its
implementation through the CTEs.
• To arrange seminars, workshops, projects and meetings with the CTE and DIET faculty for
capacity building.
• To establish a strong monitoring mechanism to get feedback on programmes running in the
• To establish a strong MIS to ensure easy and fast communication between IASE, CTEs,
DIETs and other establishments engaged in education.
• Coordinate with the Universities for restructuring the B.Ed. M.Ed. syllabus as per NCFTE
2009 guidelines.
• Organize useful and meaningful research to ascertain the needs, problems and remedial
measures to ensure quality education.
• Hold monthly meetings of the CTE and DIET principals to gather feedback.
3. Objective of Institution
I. Preparation of Teacher Educators is the main objective
The teacher educator too is reflecting but her nature of reflection is a little deeper in the areas
of educational philosophy and theory. She critically reflects on the ethical and political aspects
of education and tries to bring consensus about the ends to be achieved in an educational
process. She also critically judges the processes and methods involved in education.
The NCFTE 2009 is very clear on how to prepare teacher educators. It proposes a flexible
framework of process based teacher education. It emphasizes the development of ‘professional
knowledge and capacities through a variety of self-directed tasks including case studies,
projects, seminars, and research activities.’ Thus there is a need to revamp the teacher education
curriculum in conformity with NCFTE 2009.
The change and reform of the B.Ed. and M.Ed. syllabus needs to be done in the areas of learning
and the methods of teaching, learning and evaluation. The reform would be on the following
lines. The areas are taken directly from the NCFTE 2009.
The steps of reform would be
There is a need to give space for designing and choosing reading material to the teacher
educators. It would be done by sharing, discussions and workshops with specialists in the area.
The materials would be selected by-
A. Translating available materials in English into Hindi.
B. Choosing short stories and essays like memoir of Harishankar Parsai on his teacher
(Bagga Massab), Dajyu by Shekhar Joshi, etc. for the teacher educators to explore the
realms of education.
C. Psychometric methods of assessment and Sociometric methods to analyze school
related data of enrollment, retention and related issues.
Curriculum is a statement and the syllabus too gives details of the statement but a lot is
not mentioned in the statement or the details of it. Yet there are so many aspects which are
stressed through activities like the so called extracurricular activities. These activities have
hidden messages of the curriculum and foster qualities that are desirable in the teacher educator.
Collection of folk tales, folksongs, adapting local story telling techniques, improvisation of text
materials to enact plays, appreciation of classical music, dance, theatre and film- these are some
of the areas where we can intervene and enrich ourselves.
4. Resource of Institution
To achieve the objective and maintenance of the institution following employee has
been appointed by the government
14. Smt Kumud Dubey – Lecturer
15. Smt Jyoti Khare - Lecturer
16. Shri Sheikh Muneer - Teacher (UDT)
17. Shri Y C Tiwari - Asstt Teacher (Science)
18. Shri S S Kachhwaha - Asstt Grade-2
19. Amit Mishra - Asstt Grade-3
20. Smt S Mishra - Asstt Grade-3
21. Smt P Gupta - Asstt Grade-3
22. Shri S S Chandel - Asstt Grade-3
23. Shri A K Deogiriker - Asstt Grade-3
24. Parmeshwar Dayal Giranwkar - Asstt Grade-3
25. Lokesh Kumar Upadhyay - Asstt Grade-3
26. Shri P K Rai – Accountant
27. G.P Pandey – Accountant
28. Smt.Chandra Kala Thapa - Hostel Servent
29. Basant Paraste - Peon-Regular
30. Raja Ram Kantak - Peon-Regular
31. Atul Kumar Das - Peon-Regular
32. Shri S K Patel - Peon-Regular
33. Shri Ramlal Patel - Peon-Regular
34. Sushil Barman - Peon-Regular
35. Ram Singh Patel - Peon-Regular
36. Manish Prabhaker - Peon-Regular
37. SHUBHAM PATEL - Peon-Regular
38. PRADEEP KORI - Peon-Regular
39. Smt. Kesar Bai – Sweeper
40. Rohit Kumar – Sweeper
41. Smt Phoolwati Barman - Peon Regular Contingent
42. Shri Rajkumar Patel - Peon Regular Contingent
43. Shri Ashok Swami - Peon Regular Contingent
44. Shri Kunjee Lal - Peon Regular Contingent
45. Shri Santosh Kumar Barman - Peon Regular Contingent
46. Shri Mithai Lal Chodhri - Peon Regular Contingent
IASE, Jabalpur is centrally located at the heart of city. It is having a three storey
building with ample space of various class room and activities. These are the physical
infrastructure of the institute.
1. Office
2. Principal Room
3. Staff Room
4. Prayer Hall
5. Computer lab
6. Library
7. Store Room
8. Laboratory
9. B.Ed. Class Room
10. M.Ed. Class Room
11. Girls Common Room
12. Toilet (Male and Female)
13. Other Facilities
1. Office
There is an office room in which all written works
2 Principal room
It is having a well air condition and a serviced room
3 Teachers Room
personal lockers.
4 Class Rooms
5 Library
Institute is having one of the Biggest libraries among the all educational
istittutes of jabalpur. It having more than 30000 books, 105 Journal and
onwards. Library has a separate study room for students and teachers. It
6 Other Roos
Institute is embodied with variety of other rooms for purposeful activities such as Assembly
Room, Prayer hall, toilet (Male and Female), etc.
Assembly Hall of the Institute
Teaching and Non-teaching Staffs are appointed by the state government of Madhya Pradesh.
The internal deployment it supervised by the principal of institute.
Robust physical Infrastructure is a primary need of any of the institute and it is completely
taken care by the State government.
IASE is a state government baked institution and depends on the grants provided.
7. Admission Register
8. Examination Register
9. Result Register
B. Financial Records
1. Fees Register
2. Bill Register
3. Grant Register
4. Cash Book
5. Ledger Book
6. General Ledger Book
7. Payment Records
8. Contingency Register
C. Record of Infrastructure
1. Library Register
2. Laboratory Register
3. Furniture Register
6. Courses
6.1 B.ED.
B.Ed. Program will be regular. Its duration will be of four semesters covered in two
As per NCTE norms
6.2 M.ED.
As per NCTE norms
Curriculum Plan
One elective course will be offered by the students in the First year of the program in
both semesters under First Advance level course-I and First Advance level course-II
respectively. Similarly, another elective course will be offered by the students in the Second
year of the program in both semesters under Second Advance level course-I and Second
Total marks of the entire two-year M.Ed. semesters program will be 1800. Out of these,
1200 marks will be for Theory courses, whereas 600 marks will be for Practical courses. In
Theory courses, internal evaluation will be to the extent of 20% while in Practical courses it
i. Perspective Courses
Perspective Courses shall comprise of:
Philosophical Perspectives of Education
Sociological Perspectives of Education
Psychological Perspectives of Education
Contemporary & Future Perspectives of Education
ii. Tool Courses
Tool Courses shall comprise of:
Educational Research - I
Educational Research - II
Information and Communication Technology
Research Data Analysis & Interpretation - I
Research Data Analysis & Interpretation - II
From the following list of Advanced Level Courses a candidate will offer any TWO courses of
his/her choice, one in each year of the M.Ed. program.
Educational Administration
Special Education
Teacher Education
Guidance and counseling
Educational Technology
Curriculum Studies
6.3 PH.D.
7 Eligibility of Admission
7.1 B.ED.
As per NCTE/University norms
7.2 M.ED.
As per NCTE/University norms
8 Fee Structure
8.1 B.ED.
Fee: 2670/- Rupees Per Semester
8.2 M.ED.
Total Student 20
I. M.ED.
from different backgrounds with various abilities and personalities. Being effective
teacher they apply the implement creative and innovative teaching strategies such
• Smart Class
• Audio-visual presentation
• Computer training
Teachers uses all the aspects of teaching techniques such as Question-Answer method, Lecture
There are several computer well connected with Internet and Smart Class with projector for
effective teaching-training process.
11 Summary
During the observation it has been found that all the Teaching-training activities are being
conducted smoothly. Cleanliness is maintained properly and There is an ambient environment
of teaching and learning process for the students. Curriculum is followed properly and timely
with all the aspect such as Theoretical, Practical and applied are carried out carefully.
IASE has effective administration and all the faculties and other supporting staff are
very satisfied. All the complaint are given priorities for their proper resolutions. Seminars and
workshops are organized frequently for the quality improvements in faculties which is highly
12 Suggestion
Despite being premiere institute of education it is having one of the oldest
infrastructures of India and needs to be improved, replaced and modernize. Being a three
storied building it should have a lift approach for differentially abled persons. Institute should
also work for achieving research facilities.
Submitted by Supervisor