Crypto Assignment
Crypto Assignment
Crypto Assignment
Submitted in fulfilment of assignment and action plan
ElGamal algorithm based on public key cryptosystem and elliptic
curve cryptography encryption system is widely used in digital
signatures aspects, which is used for not only data encryption but
also digital signatures as well. Its safety depends on the calculation of
the discrete logarithm finite field. The security of ElGamal algorithm
is enhanced by elliptic curve cryptography encryption system, so it
has been widely used in intelligent card (encryption and
authentication) field. The main characteristic of the ElGamal
algorithm is in the process of encryption, cipher text is two times
longer than plaintext. When encrypted, it will generate a random K in
cipher text, so even if the same plain text is encrypted twice, the
result of cipher text is different, which makes the ordinary decoding
methods such as Plaintext attack invalid. Its deficiency, the cipher
text is too longer and this algorithm calculation is time consuming, is
the bottleneck of widespread application
ElGamal Encryption
INPUT : Domain parameters (p,q,g); recipient's public key B;
encoded message mm in range 0 < m < p−1.
OUTPUT: Ciphertext (c1, c2).
ElGamal Decryption
INPUT : Domain parameters (p,q,g); recipient's private key B;
ciphertext (c1,c2).
OUTPUT: Message representative, m.
Advantages and Disadvantages
1. One of the strength of ElGamal is its non-determinism-
encrypting the same plaintext multiple times will result in
different ciphertexts, since a random k is chosen each time.
1. Its need for randomness, and its slower speed (especially for
File transfer encryption is aim to prevent others to open the file and
access the contents of the file. In a public key infrastructure, the
most important is to access the public / private key. Based on
solution of the difficulty of the discrete logarithm, this paper
proposes one security mode to transmit important information. At
the same time, security of data transmission is improved by text
encryption and image encryption implemented in ElGamal public key
encryption algorithm.