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I am the Music man
A musician is a person who plays a musical instrument or is musically talented. Anyone who composes, conducts, or
performs music is referred to as a musician. A musician who plays a musical instrument is also known as an

LESSON FLOW 2.15 I am the Music man

The chapter focuses on how a music man plays his instruments.

To enjoy a rhythmic poem.

This section of the plan deals with meditation, body exercises and seating arrangement to trigger the lesson.
Meditation & Warm-up : Thinking about various shapes from surroundings 10 mins
Seating Arrangement : According to the shape based on the chapter. 5 mins
This section works as a dynamic teaching methodology focusing on the visual aspects of learning.
Learning Through Pictures : Reading the chapter through a comic story. 20 mins


This section works as a technique to brainstorm and involve the students in the lesson.
Concept Explanation : Observation and identification of different aspects from chapter
30 mins
Role Play : Making roleplay in groups on themes, related to chapter

This section deals with the revision of the lesson through activities.
Wrong Chart Method : Identifying the mistakes on chart and correcting them.
20 mins
Word sea : Improvement in speaking skill through chapter based words.

This section deals with the recapitulation of the lesson through activities.
Sports Grid Game : Choosing the correct option from the grid for the questions given.
Snakes and Ladders Game With Code : Playing with snake and ladder that consists codes from the question bank.
Kaun Banega Crorepati : Choosing right answer among from the four contextual options shown on a dummy monitor.
Musical Chair : Revising the chapter by asking questions. 20 mins
Raja Beta Raja Beti : Revising the chapter by asking questions to Raja Beta Raja Beti.
Carrom Board : Through this innovative idea, the students can describe the different facts.
Tambola : Revision of mathematical progression based on chapter.
Theme Based Attendance : Recapitulation of themes related to the chapter. 10 mins
Multiple Choice Questions-Answers : Choosing right answer among four funny options. 20 mins
Theme Based Attendance : Recapitulation of themes such as edible part of plants. plants with medicinal value. 10 mins
Simple Language Learning : Correction in jumbled sentences with activity. 10 mins
Video conferencing : Exchange of knowledge between students and teachers of two or more schools . As per
This section is based on the experience and self exploration of the subject in the surroundings.
Homework : Guiding students to relate chapter related topics to their surroundings.

TOTAL TIME DURATION : 2 hours 30 mins (Approximately)

Seating Arrangements
Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow
« To be implemented at the start of the lesson.
« The teacher will not disclose the name of the topic to the students in the beginning
of the class.
« The seating arrangement should make the students curious and think about the
topic to be taught.

Activity Process
« Ask ten students to sit in two circles.
Without music, life would
« One circle should be at a distance of around 4 feet.
be a blank to me.
« Divide rest of the students into four equal groups.

« Each group will sit in curved lines joining the two circles.

« Encourage the students to guess the name of the chapter by asking them to identify

the seating arrangement.

« Later, one can give reasons for the seating arrangement. (Refer note)
“ Jane Austen

The story is about a music man. In the seating arrangement, students are sitting like the outline of a drum
. This will encourage them to guess the name of the chapter.


Students sitting in a form of a drum

Students to guessing the name of the lesson

Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented just after the seating arrangement.
« Meditation and warm-up will help students to connect with the topic.

« Allow students to close their eyes slowly.
« Give, specific theme based topic for students to think individually
« For this lesson:- “Imagine you are a music man’s drum, and the music man is
Music washes away
playing it. How will you feel?”
« Let the students think for a while keeping their eyes closed from the soul the
« Ask students to open their eyes very gently. dust of everyday life.
« Give few chance to share their thought.

Warm-up Process
« Warm-up can be linked with Meditation process through a simple energizer.
« Sing the following poem with rhythmic movements. Berthold Auerbach

Poem with (Actions)

“Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!
From home to school we go!
Just keep on singing
All day long
Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho! Heigh-ho!


“ Students imaging that they are a music man’s drum, and the
music man is playing it. How will you feel?”

Students will repeat the

poem same after the teacher.

!! Learning With Comic Strips
Education Through Pictures 2.15 I am the Music man

I am the music man

I come from far away
And I can play
What can you play
I play the piano
Pia, Pia, Piano, Piano, Piano
Pia, Pia, Piano, Pia, Piano

I am the music man

I come from far away
And I can play
What can you play?
I play the big drum
Boomdi, boomdi, boomdi, boom
Boomdi boom, boomdi boom

Boomdi, Boomdi, boom

Pia, pia, piano, piano, piano
Pia Pia, Piano, Pia, Piano

Concept Explanation
Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

To be implemented for activity based learning.
Concepts - “Haldi’s adventure”.
Naming objects/animals things with alphabets.

Activity Process 1
« Take the students to the school music room or bring a few musical instruments to
the class.
« Introduce the musical instruments to the students. Music is to the soul what

words are to the mind.

Activity Process 2

« Ask the students to sing the poem aloud.
« Divide the students into groups.
« Different group can be encouraged to clap, tap and drum their tiffin boxes, tables
etc to make the sounds of musical instruments.

Teacher explaining
the sources of food.

Students getting introduce to the new

musical instruments

Role Play rough eatre
All Round Development Through Art and Craft 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented after reading the comic based story.
« Make groups of students and give a theme to be played.
« For this lesson, theme can be as following- “Music man at a market square”.
« More themes can be decided based on topic.
« Scripting, directing and acting will be done by the students.
« Story needs to divided into 3 sections-beginning, middle and end.

Activity Process
« The students will act out the story of a music man at a market square
« Discuss the process of role play. Preparation will include discussion the theme, writing the script, deciding roles, deciding
props, allotment of work, rehearsal and final performance.
« Decide which group will prepare which situation.
« Let the students work in their own group. Remind them that the script needs an impressive beginning, a middle plot and a
good ending. If there is scope of ending with a moral, do that.
« Students will make the props with easily available materials.
« Decide on the slots for rehearsal making sure not to disrupt the class.
« All groups will perform in the class.The best group can display their play in the school assembly.

Group of students performing

Middle plot waiting to perform

Ending plot waiting to perform

Wrong Chart Method
Tomato Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented for revision of the lesson.
« Prepare a chart after reading the poem and find the words written wrongly.
« Students need to identify what is wrong and correct it, by replacing it with right

« The chart can be displayed and students can identify and correct the same in
groups or individually.
Music expresses that

which cannot be said and

on which it is impossible

to be silent.

“ Victor Hugo

The Wrong Chart

The music man came from a nearby village. (Far away)

The music man can play Piano and guitar. (drum)
The music man plays a small drum. (big)
A violinist plays Sitar. (Violin.)
A dancer plays guitar. (guitarist)
An girl is running. (A)
A eagle is flying in the sky. (An)

Word Sea
Education Through Games 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« This will be used to enhance the word power(vocabulary) of the students.
« In this idea, students will know the new words related to the chapter

Activity Process
« Students will collect different words related to defence forces.

Listening to ‘relaxing’

« They will mention different words on different chits and collect all the chits in a
music has been shown to
reduce stress and anxiety

Example - Music Man, Far Away, Play, Piano, Drum in healthy people and in

« One student will pick a one chit and will tell about this word in one or two people undergoing medical
sentences. procedures.

For example - If “Music man” is written on the chit, he/she will respond with,
“I saw a music man playing music in the market square”.
« One by one all students may try same and respond accordingly.


“I saw a music man playing

music in the market square”.

Bowl with chits

Students asking questions related to subjects.

Question Bank
2.15 I am the Music man

The innovations given below are based on these questions and answers :

Sports Grid Game Snakes And Ladders Kaun Banega Musical Chair Raja Beta Carrom Board Tambola
With Code Crorepati Raja Beti

« A1:Answer the following questions. (Reading is fun Page: 124)

« A2:What are the two instruments that the music man can play?- Piano and drum

« A3:Where does the music man come from?- From far away

« A4:Write rhyming words

Away - Play
Drum - Plum
Piano - Arrow
Man - Can
« A5:Circle the musical instruments


« A7:Write the plural form of the following words

Tomato -Tomatoes
Deer - Deers
Sheep - Sheep
Tooth -Teeth
Goose - Geese
Woman -Women
Mouse - Mice
Ox - Oxen
Student - Students
Man - Men

Sports Grid Game
Education Through Games 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow


To be implemented for the revision of the lesson.
Note as many questions from the lesson. Few questions are given in the question
Prepare a grid on the floor or on black board with correct answers on each grid.

« Ask questions and the student need to stand or point on the grid with its correct Studies show that
listening to music can
« Make it interesting by adding points or giving badges.
« If a student can't answer, he/she may take help from a peer. benefit overall well-being,

Questions help regulate emotions,


and create happiness and

relaxation in everyday


Sky Gheese Play Chimneys Deers

Plum Arrow Tomatoes


Mice Sheep studentern

Multiple Choice Question-Answers
Education Through Games 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented for revision of the lesson.
« Give 2 options (non-contextual) with 1 actual answer.
« Form groups to ask questions and students will recognise the right answer from the options.


« Which is this musical instrument?

(A)Guitar (B)ball (C)bat

(A)boy (B)Girl (C)drum

(A)Pencil (B)Flute (C)Eraser

(A)Piano (B)chair (C)Calendar

(A)Sun (B)Sitar (C)Moon

(A)Violin (B)Paper (C)movie

Simpli ed Language Learning
Simplified Language Learning 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented for revision of the lesson.
« Topic should be specific and properly defined,

Activity Process 1 - Let’s Read

« Write the following sentences on the blackboard.
« Read it out to the students
« Ask them to repeat it after the teacher.
Sonia is learning to play Piano.
Ravi is singing a song
Savitri is a good violinist.
Farida wants to buy a Guitar.
Stefan is in the school choir.

Activity Process 2 - Let’s talk

« Discuss about the following topics in the class.
« Encourage every student to tell his/her opinion.
« When they respond, encourage them to answer in complete sentences
« If the music man comes to you, what would you ask him to play for you?
« What would you like to learn - dance, music or karate?
« Are you learning any such activities presently?What is it?

Activity Process 4 - Let’s write

« Divide the class into pairs.
« Give each pair the following table.
« Ask them to make sentences using words from the table.

eme Based Attendance
Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow


To be implemented for revision of the lesson.
Theme should be properly defined .

Activity Process
Tell the theme “Words Containing “O”Sound” for attendance. Music is the movement of

« Call roll number in a chronological order for the attendance, students will answer
sound to reach the soul for
according to theme in just one word.
the education of its virtue.


Example - Roll number 1, then the student will tell “Dog”.

Roll number 2, then the student will tell “Hot”.
Roll number 3, then the student will tell “Frog”.


Roll Number 1
Roll Number 2



Innovative Learning Techniques 2.15 I am the Music man

Idea Lesson Flow

« To be implemented by students after school or back at home.
« Students need to be exposed to self learning and exploration with self leadership.
« Ask the students to talk to all the family members about the following questions.

Activity Process 1
« Ask the students to try various household articles to see what kind of sounds they
« Ask them to use plate, spoon etc.
Where words fail, music

Hans Christian Andersen

Focussed Life Skills To Impart Value Based Education
« Students will develop creative thinking and imagination during seating arrangement when they are encouraged to identify
the chapter from the way they sit in the outline of a drum
« They will develop recognition surroundings, imagination and empathy during meditation and warm up, as they are asked
to imagine as if they are drums being played by a music man.
« During concept explanation, they will learn creativity and imagination while learning the “Class orchestra”
« Through the role play, “Music man at a market square” students will develop creative thinking. They will also develop
problem solving skills.
« While preparing the role play, they will learn to accept each other’s abilities while deciding the roles for the play.They will
also learn to cope with emotions, create their own space as well as give space to others in this process.
« They will also learn to follow instructions, and communicate effectively and meaningfully during warm up, meditation
and during roleplay.
« The students will learn critical thinking to identify the errors in the wrong charts while deciding what the student in the
poem did.
« They will develop effective communication skills while doing “word sea” as they will learn a variety of vocabulary and use
those words in sentences.
« They will learn critical thinking during concept mapping while mapping about origin of sea shell.

MHRD Learning Outcomes

« Students will recite poem with correct pronunciation and intonation
« They will perform roleplay with expressions
« They will express their understanding of the poem in English
« They will acquire the skills of reading, speaking, listening, writing and thinking in an integrated manner
« They will develop interpersonal communication skills.
« They will acquire varied range of vocabulary.

MHRD सीखने के ितफल


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