Cmmi Documentation For Maturity Level 2

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The key takeaways are that the documentation package provides a complete set of editable documents for establishing a CMMI level 2 process including policies, procedures, guidelines, forms, audit checklists and interview questions. It aims to help organizations get CMMI certified in the first trial.

The main components included are a policy manual, process flow charts, CMMI procedures, guideline documents, formats/templates, audit checklist and interview questions covering areas such as project management, quality assurance, software development etc. It contains over 100 documents totaling 500 pages.

Some benefits of using this kit include saving time in document preparation, getting ideas for process improvement, establishing better controls, and helping organizations get CMMI certified in the first trial. It is also user friendly and developed by experts in this domain.


3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit

Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

(More than 100 document files)
A. The Total Editable Document kit has 8 main directories as below in word/excel.

CMMI-V1.3 Maturity Level – 2 (Dev) Document kit for stage représentation

List of Directory Document of Details
1. Policy Manual 21 Pages in Ms. word
2. Process Flow 17 Pages in Ms. word

CMMI Procedures 24 procedures - 97 pages in Ms. word

Engineering Procedures Book 04 Procedures of 12 pages in Ms. word

Organization Process Management procedures

3. 03 Procedures of 13 pages in Ms. word

Project Management Procedures Book 07 Procedures of 26 pages in Ms. word

Support Activities Procedures Book 10 Procedures of 46 pages in Ms. word

4. Guideline documents 10 Guidelines - 73 pages in Ms. Word

5. Coding Standards 04 Coding standards -54 pages in Word

Formats/Templates 67 formats for approx 200 pages in Ms.

Name of departments Word & Excel

Business Analyst (BA) 10 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

Organization Process Group(OPG ) 09 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

6. Purchase( Supplier management) 04 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

Quality Assurance (QA) 07 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

Quality Control(QC ) 03 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

Software Development 25 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

Training 09 formats in Ms. Word / Ms. Excel

7. CMMI Audit Checklist 03 files of 265 questions

8. CMMI Interview Affirmation Questions 05 files of 175 questions

Total 115 files - 500 pages quick download in editable form by e delivery E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 1 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

Part: B Documentation:-
Our document kit is having sample documents required for implementation of CMMI-V1.3
development model for stage maturity level 2 in software industry. The documents are
prepared by the highly experienced team of people with rich experience of process
improvement and process enhancement and many companies are appraised successfully
under CMM-Dev,V1.3 maturity level 2 with our help. You need to study the document kit
and do necessary changes as per your company need and within 1 week your entire
documents are ready as well as your team will got many ideas to optimize your process
performances to reduce the cost and effort to increase the profits with all necessary
controls and your total documents are ready. If many forms you do not want to use then do
not take it but for good system we had given all type of templates and organization use it
as per their need and many organization are certified globally in 1st trial with the help of our
documents from any kind of stringent lead appraisal audit.
Under this directory many files are made in word or excel Document as per the details
listed below. All the documents are related to CMMI –Dev,V1.3 for software companies for
development model and user can edit it in line with their own processes.
1. Policy Manual:
It covers sample copy of policy manual and requirement wise details for how CMMI- V1.3 model
for maturity Level – 2 is implemented. It covers sample policy for all 18 process areas, Quality
policy and organization structure and covers 1st tier of CMMI Level – 2 documents.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction 7.0 Supplier Agreement Management (SAM)
2.0 Responsibilities 7.1 Supplier Agreement Management Policy
3.0 Applicability 7.2 Supplier Agreement Management Guidance
4.0 General Guidance 8.0 Requirements Management (REQM)
4.1 Organization Vision 8.1 Requirements Management (REQM) Policy
4.2 Organization Mission 8.2 Requirements Management (REQM) &
Requirement Development (RD) Guidance
4.3 Organization Business 9.0 Measurement Program
4.4 Organization Quality Policy 9.1 Measurement and Analysis (MA) Policy
4.5 Organization performance 9.2 Measurement Program Guidance
5.0 Project Planning 10.0 Process and Product Quality Assurance
5.1 Project Planning Policy 10.1 Process and Product Quality Assurance
(PPQA) Policy
5.2 Project Planning Guidance 10.2 Product and Process Quality Assurance
6.0 Project Monitoring and Control 11.0 Configuration Management (CM)
6.1 Project Monitoring and Control 11.1 Configuration Management (CM) Policy
6.2 Project Monitoring and Control 11.2 Configuration Management Guidance
12.0 Annexure - 1 Organization Chart E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 2 of 8
D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

2. Process Flow Chart
These covers process flow chart. This document is having process flow chart for micro level activity details
for the life cycle model. Also it includes for each phase of the life cycle model the details of entry criteria,
task, work products, standards, tools, verification and validation details and exit criteria for the stages listed
1. Requirement stage
2. Project start up stage
3. Build stage
4. Implementation stage
5. Delivery stage
6. Process completion stage
7. Process and product quality assurance
8. OPG group activity(documentation and training)
3. Procedures (24 Procedures):
It covers sample copy of procedures covering all the specific practice areas of 18 processes. Our
procedures help the organization to make the best system and quick process improvements. All procedures
are divided in 4 procedures book as listed below.
List of Procedures (24 procedures)
A. Engineering Procedures
Sr. Procedure
Name of Procedure Total Pages
No. No.
1. PRO/ENP/01 Procedure for Requirements Development 03
2. PRO/ENP/02 Procedure for Peer Review 03
3. PRO/ENP/03 Procedure for Acceptance 03
4. PRO/ENP/04 Procedure for Delivery & Installation 03
B. Organization Process Management Procedures
1. PRO/OPP/01 Procedure for Organizational Process Planning 04
2. PRO/OPP/02 Procedure for Process Asset Library 04
3. PRO/OPP/03 Procedure for Training 05
C. Project Management Procedures
1. PRO/PMP/01 Procedure for Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 03
2. PRO/PMP/02 Procedure for Estimating and Planning 06
3. PRO/PMP/03 Procedure for Risk Management 03
4. PRO/PMP/04 Procedure for Data Management 03
5. PRO/PMP/05 Procedure for Requirements Management 03
6. PRO/PMP/06 Procedure for Project Status and Monitoring and Control 04
7. PRO/PMP/07 Procedure for Supplier Agreement Management 04
D. Support Activities Handbook Procedures
1. PRO/SUP/01 Procedure for Measurement Program 11
2. PRO/SUP/02 Procedure for QA Planning 04
3. PRO/SUP/03 Procedure for QA Work Product Audits 05
4. PRO/SUP/04 Procedure for QA Process Audit 05
5. PRO/SUP/05 Procedure for Non-conformance Handling 03
6. PRO/SUP/06 Procedure for Configuration Management Planning 04
7. PRO/SUP/07 Procedure for Configuration Control 05
8. PRO/SUP/08 Procedure for Change Request 03
9. PRO/SUP/09 Procedure for Status Accounting 03
10. PRO/SUP/10 Procedure for Configuration Audits 03
Total Pages  97 E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 3 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

4. Guidelines (10 Guidelines):
It covers sample copy of guidelines covering all the details and for training to the user to implement the
processes and get detail ideas for process implementation and improvement.
List of Guidelines (10 Guidelines)
Sr. Guideline
Name of Guidelines Total Pages
No. No.
1. GUD/01 Guidelines for Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) 10
2. GUD/02 Guidelines for Team Rules 03
3. GUD/03 Guidelines for Work Environment 03
4. Guidelines for Implement generic practices across the
GUD/04 04
5. GUD/05 Guidelines for Knowledge Compilation 04
6. GUD/06 Guidelines for Metrics 23
7. GUD/07 Guidelines for Develop and Maintain / Procure Courseware 04
8. GUD/08 Guidelines for Estimation 15
9. GUD/09 Guidelines for Monthly Management review Meeting 03
10. GUD/10 Guidelines for Disaster Recovery 04
Total Pages  73
5. Coding Standards (04 coding standards)
It covers sample copy of coding standards and best programming practice. These documents are
very much helpful to make the discipline in organization with coders and software
developers to follow standard guidelines in the organization. This way the organization can
standardize their working style and can establish unique work culture. It covers few programs
related guidelines as listed below. This helps to establish control on supplier
List of Coding Standards
Standard No. Name of Coding Standard Total Pages
1. STD/01 iOS Coding Standards 13
2. STD/02 Design & Coding Guidelines 18
3. STD/03 Open Source Coding Conventions 10
4. STD/04 Good programming concept standard 13
Total Pages  54
6. Formats (67 Formats)
It covers sample copy of forms required to maintain records as well as establish control and make system in
the organization. The samples given are as a guide and not compulsory to follow and organization is free to
change the same to suit own requirements.
List of Formats
Name of Formats
Business Development and Analysis
1. Functional requirements document 6. Checklist to prepare ground work
2. Project charter 7. Proposal contract review checklist
3. Functional requirement document review checklist 8. Interview the end user
4. Requirements sign-off sheet 9. Interview IS personnel
5. Requirement traceability matrix 10. Prototype template E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 4 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

Organization Process Group(OPG)
1. OPG Document List 8. Organization process analysis and improvement tracker
2. OPG PAL Rights 9. Lessons Learned Checklist
3. Process improvement Form 10. Change Request
4. Organization Committee list 11. Customer Feedback Form
5. Measurement Plan
Supplier control
1. Supplier Evaluation Report 3. Contract agreement document
2. Approved supplier list 4. Supplier Management
Quality Assurance
1. Discrepancy Report 5. All QA Checklists (More than 6 areas in excel sheet)
Organization Process &
2. 6. QA Plan
Organization Training Checklist
3. PPQA Audit Checklist 7. QA Schedule
4. Supplier Management QA Checklist
Quality Control
1. Bug Report 3. Verification and Validation sheet
2. Test Plan
Software Development (Project planning and execution)
A. Planning and project management
1. Data Backup Sheet 7. Risk sheet
Process asset library(PAL) authorization
2. 8. Stake holder matrix
3. Repository Request 9. Project Schedule
4. Monthly Management Reviews meeting 10. Work products estimation sheet
5. Project management plan Sign-Off Sheet 11. Capacity Plan templates
6. Project Management Plan 12. Knowledge Transition -formats
B. Project execution and delivery
1. Peer Review Checklist 5. Installation manual
2. Minutes of Meetings template 6. User manual
3. Project Closure minutes of meeting 7. Status of usability problem
4. Project Measurement Summary 8. Release Note
C. Configuration management
1. CM Audit Report 4. CM Item Repository Location
2. CM baseline list 5. Configuration management plan
3. Configuration Items List
1. Job description 6. Competency Report
2. Organizational Strategic Training Plan 7. Course Evaluation Template
3. Training Calendar 8. induction training
4. Training schedule 9. Skill Matrix
5. Training Report E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 5 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

7. CMMI Level – 2 Audit checklist (03 files of 265 Questions)
There covers audit questions to be used in QA audits for objectively evaluate the adherence to
establish processes. It also includes audit questions as a quick reference for project start up,
project closure as well as monthly audit checklist and all process areas related checklist as given
in the QA forms. Total more than 265 audit questions gives better understanding to the process
owners as well as to the auditors to establish good system and process discipline as well as for
each departments. It will be very good tool for the auditors to make audit Questionnaire while
auditing and make effectiveness in auditing.
8. CMMI Level – 2 Interview affirmation questions (05 files of 175 Questions)
There covers interview affirmation questions and helps the Appraisal Team Members It will be
very good tool for the auditors to make audit Questionnaire while auditing and make effectiveness
in auditing as well as help the ATM members to ensure understanding of the process owners for
the processes and help the organization for process improvement.
To get more information about CMMI Level 2 documentation kit Click Here


Global manager group is a progressive company and promoted by a group of qualified
engineers and management graduates having rich experience of 20 years in ISO, CMMI
consultancy and management areas. The company serves the global customers through
on-site and off-site modes of service delivery systems. We offer a full range of consulting
services geared towards helping all types of organizations to achieve competitiveness,
certifications and compliance to international standards and regulations. So far we had
more than 1200 clients in more than 45 countries. Our readymade training and
editable document kit helps the client in making their documents easy and make
them complying to related standard faster with the establishment of best processes.
It helps the organization to make the best system with process improvement
concepts and helps the organization to get best performances in terms of reduction
in costing, efforts and get the things done timely with Quality product. Thus it helps
the organization to give full value for money and pay back of our product is less
than 2 month.
1. Our promoters and engineers have experience of more than 1200 companies globally for
management training, CMMI consultancy, process improvement concept implementation and
ISO series consultancy. We had clients in more than 45 countries.
2. Highly qualified 40 team members (M.B.A., Degree engineers) and owner is having rich
professional experience (since 1991).
3. We have 100% success rate for global standards certification including CMMI maturity level 2
of our clients from reputed certifying body and branded image and leading name in the market.
4. Suggest continual improvement and cost reduction measures as well as highly informative
training presentations and other products gives payback within 2 months against our cost. E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 6 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:

5. So far more than 50000 employees are trained by us in ISO and CMMI series certification in
last 20 years.
6. We had spent more than 10000 man-days (30 man years) in preparing CMMI level 2, ISO
documents, management kits and training slides.
7. Our product gives lot of opportunity for process improvements and gives full benefits to the
Global Manager Group is committed for:
1. Personal involvement & commitment from first day
2. Optimum charges
3. Professional approach
4. Hard work and update the knowledge of team members
5. Strengthening clients by system establishment and providing best training materials in
any areas of management to make their house in proper manner
6. To establish strong internal control with the help of system and use of the latest
management techniques


3.1 Hardware and Software Requirements

A. Hardware:-
Our document kit can be better performed with the help of P3 and above computers with a
minimum 10 GB hard disk space.
For better visual impact of the power point Document you may keep the setting of colour
image at high colour.
B. Software used in Document kit
Documents written in Ms office 2003 and window xp programs. You are therefore required to
have office 2003 or above with window xp
3.2 Features of Document kit:-
Contains all necessary documents as listed above and comply with the requirements of
CMMI-DEV-V1.3 guidelines for product and services development technical report.
Written in Plain English
It will save much time in typing and preparation of documents alone.
User-friendly and easy to learn.
Developed under the guidance of experienced experts.
Provides model of a Management system that is simple and free from excessive paperwork.
The word CMMI and CMM integration and capability maturity model are registered mark of
Carnegie Mellon and registered in the US patent and trademark E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 7 of 8

D124: DEMO OF CMMI V1.3 Maturity level -2 (Dev) Document Kit
Price 599 USD Total editable documentation package for process improvement
Complete editable document tool kit (Policy manual, process flow chart, procedures,
forms, guidelines, standards, audit checklist, Interview affirmation questions etc.)

Web site:


1. By using these documents, you can save a lot of your precious time while preparing your
company to the CMMI Level - 2 documents.
2. Take care for all the section and sub sections of CMMI Level - 2 guidelines and helps you in
establishing better system.
3. Document kit enables you to change the contents and print as many copies as you need.
The user can modify the documents as per their industry and create own CMMI Level - 2
documents for their organization
4. Readymade templates and sample documents are available which can reduce your time in
document preparation
5. Save much time and cost in document preparation
6. The audit questions helps in making perfect audit checklist
7. You will get better control in your system due to our proven formats and templates

For purchase Click Here BUY

Visit our web site for more documentation kits:
Quick Download of sample documents

1. Sample procedure

2. Sample format E mail Tele: +91-79-2656 5405 Page 8 of 8

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