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inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531

August 2017, Issue:10

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 1

inam:International : 2455
E_Journal - 0531
of Tamil Studies AS 2017 SB6 : 3
ISSN : 2455-0531 ! : 10
August 2017, Issue:10
May 2017 Volume III Issue 10

cdA[ ...
An Internationally Refereed e_ Journal of
Tamil Studies N. S. Gnanapragasam I 3

23 45 6

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இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 2

inam:International E_Journal of Tami
Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017,, Issue:10


1. Introduction
The literature of an era often provides an insight into the state
of knowledge of the people living in that period. Viewed from this
angle, Thirukkural is a veritable mine of information on the progress of
civilization in ancient Tamilnadu. That Thirukkural
Thirukkural- considered by many
scholars to have been composed about 2000 years ago ago-is an excellent
treatise on social ethics and morality is well kn known; not so well
recognised is the fact that it also represents a compact encyclopedia of
science, agriculture and medicine.
In this article, an attempt is made to collect all those couplets in Thirukkural
which have a scientific back
ground, and to classify them under several headings in
physicall and biological sciences. In the sections that follow, the serial numbers of the
couplets under reference are given in parentheses.
2. Physical Sciences
There are many couplets in Thirukkural which indicate a high level of
understanding and knowledge of the physical sciences, namely, astronomy, mathematics,
physics, chemistry and geology. Some examples are given below.
2.1: Astronomy
There is a reference to lunar eclipse in couplet 1146:
"when the moon is devoured by the serpent, darkness spreads in the world; likewise
spreads the rumour even of one chance meeting of the lovers". Although the explanation
of the lunar eclipse as due to the serpent of the skies (known in Hindu mythology as
Rahu) is now known to be incorrect, this couplet points to the fact that the ancient
Tamils were keen observes of astronomical phenomena. A mention of stars is oun d in
couplet 1116.
Another couplet (1031) indicates the possibility of the awareness of the
th rotation of
the earth on its own axis:
This couplet may be interpreted thus: the rotation of the earth causes an endless
succession of day and night; likewise, people may move from one job to another
ano almost

One day the man saw the alarm
Makes the snake a snake.
The rotation is so that the world is behind it
Plow the plow

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 3

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

endlessly, untill at last they settle down in agriculture, which therefore is the best
Meteorology must have been well- developed in ancient Tamilnadu, because a
whole chapter of ten couplets (11 to 12) has been devoted to stress the importance of
rain for a prosperous life on this earth. Also, refer to couplet 542:
de fG YZP aZ G E E
a J de fG gh.
2.2: Mathematics
The use of numbers as a quantitative measure of things must have been well-
known at the time of Thiruvalluvar, as indicated by the frequent use of digits one (87,
109, 974), two (374, 402, 455, 662, 674, 737, 760, 875, 992, 1022, 1247), three (383,941),
four (35, 146, 382, 390, 513, 605, 766, 950, 953), five (24, 25, 27, 43, 343, 354, 632, 675,
738, 939, 983, 1101), six (381), seven (62, 107, 1269, 1278), eight (9), and ten (450, 817).
The concept of fraction was also known (1037).
Large numbers are also mentioned in several Places: Seventy (639), hundred (932)
and thousand (259). It is remarkable that even Such a Large number as ten thousand
(or, ten million) was in use among the ancient Tamils. This number, called h is
mentioned in several places in Thirukkural (337, 377, 639, 816, 817, 954, 1005).
Even the concept of infinity was probably known, as shown by the Couplet 22:
Dm[ P I D ndopE qD
rm[ s tBudP B C`W
"The fame of the ascetics is as the number of people who have lived and died in this
World". This number must, indeed, be extremely large, because human life has been in
existence on the earth for several millions of years and the world population runs in to
thousands of millions!”
The ancient Tamils used a set of symbols different from the Indian or Arabic
Symbols now in use to represent numbers. For example, was used for one, Y for two,
y for three and so on. The first Letter of the Tamil alphabet is _ , which also
connotes the number eight. Thus, the same symbol could denote a letter or a number,
and the meaning could be arrived at only from the context. This dual role of symbols
was probably in Thiruvalluvar’s mind when he wrote the Couplet 392:
tBPnE X tfqP E r{ sB|G
BPnE fG Y} dg.5
"Whether called as numbers or letters, symbols are useful to a living being as are the
two eyes". An object is Viewed from two different angles by the two eyes of a person,

The whole world is a monarch
Colon wolf drink
The excellence of the abandoned pride
Count the dead
These are the number one letter
Living life

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 4

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

and from these sensations the mind is able to synthesise a stereoscopic vision;
Likewise, people may view a symbol like or _ from two Points of view: as letters
or numbers- the exact meaning has to be inferred by the mind from the context. The use
of common symbols for both letters and numbers is also in vogue in the Roman system:
the Capital letters I, V, X, L, C, D and M Standing for numbers 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500
and 1000 respectively.
2.3: Physics
Physics is based on measurement of length, weight and time, and it deals mainly
with mechanics, optics, sound, magnetism and electricity. There is ample evidence in
Thirukkural to show that physical principles were well understood by the people of
Tamilnadu even two millennia ago.
A rod of wood was used as a measure of length (710, 796) and in the
construction of balance (118):
€ EP€•D ‚ ƒdgM a a _ [P I a
C € E m d u.
"The two arms of a balance used for weighing must be equal in length; Likewise, a just
person must not favour one of the contending parties but must remain neutral. "Another
couplet (29) refers to a unit of time called nG.
A Keen sense of mechanics is revealed in the reference to the important role of
the axle-pin in a rolling temple car (667,1032), the axle in a cart (475) and the pillars
in a building (615, 983).
The use of a dressing mirror was probabIy known (706):
_|q D „|G …Mg a PJ†€G
|q D „|G G
"Just as the mirror reflects the object placed in front of it, the face reveals the thoughts
passing through the mind". The visible phenomenon of the reflection of light by a
polished mirror is here used by Thiruvalluvar to explain the subtle concept that the face
is the index of the mind.
There is also a mention of how a shadow is cast by an opaque object (208,
1034) and sweet melodies are produced by flute and the lute (66).
2.4: Chemistry
The preparation of various substances and the study of their properties constitute
Chemistry. The well developed state of chemical and metallurgical engineering at the
time of Thiruvallvar is revealed by several references to the use of metals such as iron,
copper and gold and to substances like salt, lime and yeast.
The toughness of steel (tˆg) was known (759, 773) and so it was used for
making spears (500, 546, 774), arrows (279, 597), swords (727, 882), rods (24) and files

Equal to the equation
Coding certification
The next is the shining heart of the heart
Face to face

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 5

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

(567, 997). Modern researches have shown that it was in Tamilnadu that steel was first
produced in a large scale in India
As at present, gold was very much in use among the ancient Tamils for making
jewellery (919, 1081, 1110, 1124). Goldsmiths purity gold by heating it in fire when the
impurities like copper get oxidised and get removed as scales, leaving behind pure,
glittering gold. This process is compared by Thiruvalluvar to the elimination of the flaws
from one undergoing penance by the purifying fire of suffering (267):
C‰ CIG P E a H… |G DE †
C‰ C J `e` dg8
The purity of the gold thus prepared was checked by rubbing it with a touchstone (505,
986). It was also possible that a gold hook was used as bait in fishing, because in
water gold will have a glittering appearance which will attract the fishes (931).
It was known that articles of food such as milk get spoiled when kept in vessels
made of copper (887, 1000). Salt was added to food for imparting taste (802, 1050, 1302).
The fermentation of food was effected by the addition of yeast (1050). The nature of
poisons was also known (580) and alcoholic drinks were considered to have poisonous
ingredients (926).
Lime was used as a whitener (714). The nature of combustion and the process of
burning were well understood (129, 308, 435, 674, 691, 896, 1104, 1148, 1159).
2.5: Geology
The study of the various types of material found on earth's surface, such as
rocks, soil and water, constitutes the science of geology. The importance given to
agriculture even at the time of Thiruvalluvar is reflected in several couplets (1032, 1033,
1034). Efficient agricultural practices demand a thorough knowledge of water and soil
resources (16, 17, 550, 1038, 1147).
A piece of land that is allowed to dry, such that the soil crumbles to a quarter
of its initial weight, will yield without any manuring an abundant harvest (1037).
P h OfL ˆ€ YndeE hqP I‹G
BC D € Z |G9
For the purpose of irrigation, wells are sunk in sandy soil such as found in
river- beds, which will give an abundant supply of water (396).
P „C q ƒWG n` u [ dgd
`m q ƒWG _p‹.
“The more one digs in a well located in sandy soil, the more is the supply of water
likewise, the deeper one studies, the wiser one becomes”

Burning golden light
Take a look
Patch up the cigarette cuisine
No matter what will happen
Sleeping a tumor
Throwing knowledge

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 6

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

Rain water is stored in tanks for common use (215). In such stored water, several
salts get dissolved depending upon the nature of the soil (452). When an excessive
amount of, salt is present in the soil, it is unfit for cultivation (406). Also in places
where rainfall is scanty, soon deserts will appear devoid of any vegetation (78).
To obtain minerals from the hard rocks, one has to dig into the earth (307, 151).
The nature of the land determines the type of life it can sustain (959).
3. Biological sciences:
At the time of Thiruvallvar, the Tamil people seemed to have been well versed in
the various branches of biological sciences too. The infinite variety of the flora and
fauna of Tamilnadu offered wide scope to the poet to illustrate his profound thoughts
with apt similes. The survey that follows deals with the biological ideas in Thirukkural.
3.1: Botany
An outstanding example of how abstract ideas can be linked to common
experience is the following couplet(595):
P KNq Z • „CG [ G
YKNq D Y ‹
"The stem of a lotus flower is as long as the depth of the water in which it floats;
similarly, the stature of a person is measured by the goodness of his heart."This couplet
reveals Thiruvallur's keen sense of perception of Nature and Man! Of the several flowers
mentioned in Thirukkural, lotus (595, 617, 1103) and water-lily (1114) are well-known even
now; but not so is that sure and now almost obsecure species called anicha (_•‰€G)
(90, 1111, 1115, 1120) This flower is so delicate that it begins to fade even as it is smelt
d g V•G _•‰€G [L [D
J d d g V•G I[D
The small size of the millet seed (L ) is in marked contrast to the huge size
of the nut of the palm tree ( ) (104, 144, 433, 1282) Another tiny seed is that of the
sesame (889). The kunrise seed is red all over, expect at its nose which is black in
colours (277). Other plants mentioned in Thirukural are sugar-cane (1078), bamboo (1113,
1272), cotton (1273), nerunchi thorn (1120) and green grass (16). Tree may bear fruits
which may be edible (216) or poisonous (1008). A thorny plant is easily plucked why it
is tender, but will cause injury when its roots deepen (879).
3.2 Zoology
That Thiruvallur was a keen observer of Nature is also evidenced by an
anmerous references to birds, reptiles and animals. He was probably even aware of the
classification of living beings into celebrate and invertebrate (72, 77, 89). Of the
invertebrates says the poet (77):

Floody water flame is changing
Increase in his own
The smile of the snake
A daring party

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 7

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

tE Z P }a Zd •
_E Z _mG
"The sun's heath scorches the boneless worms; even so, the power of rightsosuness will
torture a person devoid of love."
Elephants have always been treated with respect in Tamilnadu, and it is no
wonder that several couples mention it (500, 597, 599, 774, 1087). There are also
references to other animals: majestic lion (59, 381), ferocious tiger (273, 599), docile cow
(1066), fierce ram (486), cunning jackal (500), and cowardly mouse (763), Reptiles such
as hissing snake (763), cautious tortoise (126) and powerful crocodile (495) are also
The gregarious and generous nature of the crows is worth emulating by man
d s s[DB’G “d G
_E • s d YN14
“The crow beckons to its kind to share the food it has found; only with people
of such good nature does fortune abide”. That is, indeed, a good lesson in practical
Of the others birds, mention has been made of the gorgeous peacock (1081)
patient heron (490), and the nocturnal owl (481). Watching a new-fledged bird flying
away abandoning its own broken shell, brings to the mind of the poet the sublime
thought of the soul quitting the body at the time of death (35):
gCG •qD H” OK m[ ` m
YCG | Y} C J„O15
3.3: physics
The study of the structure and functions of the different part of the body is the
aim of physiology. Almost every external part of the human body finds a mention in
Thirukkural. The five senses of taste, sight, touch, sound, and smell are gradually
developed in a child in the order given (27):
H… •W– € J `mP EW —[LE
P E „ C YZg.16
Only those who know how to keep the senses under control will be able to lead a
happy life in this world (6, 27).

Nick Latan is the Weilpolaku Kai
Anbi Latha
Kaka karaa is a breakthrough
Sister.You are Rarek
The hut is separated by the body and the body is almost exposed
The taste of uriosterion
Typewriter Kate Ullak

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 8

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

For personal hygiene, water is essential (298). To keep the body in good health,
the intake of selected food in proper amounts is very essential (942, 944, 947). In the
case of sickness a proper diagnosis must precede any treatment (948).
3.4: Genetics
The science of genetics is making rapid strides now thanks to molecular biology,
which attempts to explain hereditary traits in terms of DNA and RNA.
But, surprisingly enough, even at the time of Thiruvallvar, the Tamil people
seemed to have known how hereditary characteristics are passed on from one generation
to another (398):
HI d B E `m a HI `g
tf •G X O CqD.17
"The education acquired in one birth confers benefits even up to seven succeeding births.
"Similar ideas are also fouud in other couplets (62, 107, 538, 835). This view probably
emanated from the Hindu doctrine of Karma, which emphasises the need for doing good
always eschewing all forms of evil.
3.5: Psychology
The intrisate mechanism of the human mind is not easy to comprehend. Even in
this obscure field, Thirukkural provides many valuable insights. Here is an example
EPJ† €p D P • ` P •q E
EPJ† € E ‰ |G.18
"Utter not a word which the conscience tells is false, lest your own conscience should
smite you”. Even to entertain the very thought of stealing is an evil to be avoided (282).
To achieve one's ambitions, one must possess besides will power and a firm mind
(666), the ability to act at the proper time (484) avoiding procrastination (668) Anger
must always be subdued (335). Gambling must not be indulged in, because one who lose
a hundred times in the fond hope of gaining once (932).
One of the best known Thirukkural couplets is the following (391):
` €Cmd ` `m E
˜` _ `g
"Learn without any flaw what is worth learning; then, act according to what has been
learnt!" This noble thought is truly a master-piece of educational psychology.
4. Conclusion
This brief survey points clearly to the fact that Thirukkural, though composed
about 2000 years ago, remains fresh as the pages of the scientific journal printed today

For a single education
Waking up the cheat
It's a lie to lie
Herself shoots herself
Learning the lesson to learn
Stand up

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 9

inam:International E_Journal of Tamil Studies ISSN : 2455-0531
August 2017, Issue:10

.This best known Tamil classic shines as a beacon light in this modern scientific era.
Times may change, but the lofty truths enshrined in Thirukkural will remain changeless!

rd „| s 1975“G “B| ˜ Z L qLE šZG

s . . ._m nE, s . .›.œ s €G “e E L a P … [ ›”a
_p a IqD K tFG •žžI[D P ‹P€• P `mD.

‚.L{ Ÿ• ( Z B|, u qD m, r[D E a , qƒ )
¡.O ( Z B|, u qD m, r[D E a , qƒ )
. •¢ ( Z B|, u qD m, r[D E a , qƒ )
P . s L ( Z B|, u qD m, r[D E a , qƒ )
. s£ s ¡ ( Z B|, u qD m, r[D E a , qƒ )
r K rd „| s d ogK P fqDn ” _‰ŸC Y K.

இன : ப னா இைணய தமிழா வித ISSN : 2455-0531 ஆக 2017 மல :3 இத :10 10

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