Cot Tle 6
Cot Tle 6
Cot Tle 6
Republic of the Philippines
Region III
Revision: 01
Effectivity date: 08-13-2018
Name of Office: Bocaue Hills
Lesson Plan
Elementary School
E. Finding Practical Direction: Each group have their own task. KRA 2
applications of concepts You have 2 minutes to share your answer. Objective 6: Used differentiated,
and skills developmentally, appropriate
Group 1: Form a collage of the photos based learning experiences to address
on the type of food preservation. learners’ gender, needs, strength,
Group 2: Write a comprehensive explanation of interests and experiences.
the different food preservation. KRA 1
Group 3: List down foods that can be preserved Objective 1: Applied knowledge
using the process of drying, salting, freezing content within and classroom
and processing. curriculum.
Group 4: List down the benefits of Food KRA 2
Preservation Objective 4: Manage classroom
Group 5: Study the picture(s). Give the structure to engage learners,
characteristics of the preserved food. individually or in groups, in
meaningful exploration, discovery
and hands-on activities within a
range of physical learning
Objective 5: Manage learner
behavior constructively by applying
positive and non-violent discipline
to ensure learning focused
Objective 10: Designed, selected,
organized formative assessment
strategies consistent with
curriculum requirements.
IV. Evaluating Learning A. Write the letter on the blank before the KRA 4
number the method of preservation Objective 10: Designed, selected,
appropriate for each food. organized formative assessment
a. drying b. salting c. freezing d. processing strategies consistent with
______1. Dilis curriculum requirements.
______2. Bagoong
______3. Milk
______4. Sausage
______5. Vegetable salad
B. Check on the number if the sentence shows
benefits of food preservation.
1. It adds the family income
2. Add more time and expenses for the
3. Adds variety of food
4. Hand washing is important in food
5. It adds food wastage and spoilage.
V. Additional activities for a. Bring one preserved food. Look at the
application or date when it was prepared, expiration
remediation date and the kind of preservatives used.
Make a report on this.
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