Peanut Drying Energy Consumption
Peanut Drying Energy Consumption
Peanut Drying Energy Consumption
ABSTRACT placed in windrows with invertors for partial drying. After windrow
drying for 1 to 7 days, 32.7 to 36.3 tonnes of peanuts were har-
vested by combine during an afternoon and used to evenly fill
Total energy consumption and drying times were deter-
eight, 4.3 m x 2.4 m x 1.4 m Peerless' (4-RAE and 4-SAE) drying
mined for drying peanuts with various equipment and pro-
trailers for transportation to the drying facility and subsequent art-
cedures commonly used by the peanut industry. Total pea-
ificial drying. Four Model 153, 3.73 kW ST and two Model 103,
nut drying times were significantly shorter with 3.73 kW,
7.46 kW DT Peerless, propane gas-fired dryers were used for dry-
single-trailer (ST) dryers than with 7.46 kW, double-trailer
ing the peanuts ofeach replication. The 3.73 kW dryers had a man-
(DT) dryers. Total energy consumption was significantly
higher per tonne ofpeanuts dried for drying with ST dryers.
ufacturers rated airflow late of305.6 cubic meters per minute (rrf lmin)
under 2.54 ern ofwater static load; the 7.46 kW dryers had a rate of
Total energy consumption and drying times were not sig-
nificantly different for drying in side-air-entry or rear-air- 475.8 m 3/min. Watt hour meters were used to measure electricity
entry trailers. Precleaning reduced energy requirements for used by each dryer. Gas consumption was determined from weight
loss of individual propane tanks for each dryer. Initial and final
drying and slightly reduced total drying times. Drying pea-
moisture contents ofthe peanuts were determined by oven drying
nuts at 4O.560C decreased drying times but required con-
siderably more energy than drying at 35°C. Type of
250 g of shelled kernels at 13QOC for 3 h and calculating moisture
temperature control, constant (Co) or cycling (Cy), had no content based on weight loss. Moisture samples were taken with a
effect on drying times or energy consumption. standard farmers stock sample probe. Start-up time for treatments
of a replication varied less than 5 min. Artificial drying was dis-
continued when the moisture content (m.e.) ofthe peanuts reached
Key Words: peanuts, drying, energy consumption, cleaning. 11-12%.
1975 Experiments
This study was conducted in 1975 and 1976 at a The effects of dryer type (ST, DT), plenum air entry (SAE, RAE),
peanut drying, cleaning and receiving station owned and peanut precleaning (C, Uc) on total drying time and energy
by Stevens Industries, Inc. at Parrott, Georgia. consumption were investigated in Experiment 1 in 1975. The dry-
ing air temperature (35°C or lower, 1l.lloC maximum heat rise
from ambient temperature) was controlled with cycling-type flame
The purpose was to determine and compare differ- controls on each dryer. The burner flame was operated with an on-
ences in drying times and energy consumption dur- off thermostat set at the desired temperature. Gas pressure was
ing peanut drying with the following full-scale, con- controlled manually at each dryer and adjusted as ambient tempera-
ventional equipment and procedures: ture changed to maintain flame operation 50% of dryer operation
time. Plenum temperature next to the plenum wall directly op-
a. 3.73 kW, single trailer (ST) and 7.46 kW, double posite the air entry was measured and recorded. Peanuts of four of
trailer (DT) propane gas-fired dryers. the eight tests for each of the eight replications in Experiment 1
b. Trailers with side-air-entry (SAE) and trailers were precleaned at the drying facility with a commercial precleaner
with rear-air-entry (RAE). before drying.
c. Precleaned (C) and uncleaned (Uc) peanuts. 1976 Experiments
d. Two average drying air temperatures: 35°C (L)
and 40.56OC (H). Two types of temperature controls were studied in 1976 in Ex-
periment 2, Co and Cy. Average plenum temperature was controlled
e. Two types of temperature control: one with a at 350C (or lower 1l.llOC maximum temperature rise above ambient
continuously operating burner (Co) and one temperature) for all treatments of each of the four replications. A
with a repetitively cycling burner (Cy) on 50%, cycling flame maintained an average temperature on four of the
off 50% of the time (each cycle less than one tests as described in Experiment 1. A constant temperature was
minute). maintained on the other four treatments by manually regulating
gas pressure to the burners at a level low enough to prevent burner
cycling but high enough to maintain the desired average tempera-
Materials and Methods ture. None of the peanuts for these tests were precleaned.
Three different experiments were conducted during two drying Two drying air temperatures, 35°C (or ambient temperature plus
seasons to determine the objectives; Experiment 1 in 1975, Experi- 8.33°C) and 4O.56°C (or ambient temperature plus 13.8goC) were
ments 2 and 3 in 1976. studied in 1976 in Experiment 3. Cycling-type temperature con-
trols were used for controlling the average temperature of both
Florunner peanuts for each replication of eight treatments in groups offour treatments ofeach ofthe four replications. Peanuts
each experiment were removed from the soil during one day and were not precleaned.
.. .• ••
within each type ofdryer. Initial weight variations of S 45
lLJ (.) Single Trailer Dryers
the treatments of each replication had no significant S 40 ( .) Double Trailer Dryers
effect on the measured results. Final weights of the
• •
lLJ .s
treatments of each replication generally varied less ~15 35
than initial weights. >-J!! 30 •
.... E
Q cf •
Single Trailer and Double Trailer Dryers ~ cu
U c:
20 •• . •• •
lLJ c:
An analysis of variance revealed significantly less
total drying times for peanuts dried with 3.73 kW, ST
dryers than for peanuts dried with 7.46 kW, DT dryers.
- 15
C) .!!! R=0.880 •
drying time for drying 32% initial m.c, peanuts with So 60 ,,~"
DT dryers than with ST dryers; for 200/0 initial m.c, oJ!!
w::J /" "
(/)c: _ • (1 0 0
peanuts, drying time was 1.2 hours longer.
-- ,,""
50 _ .",," 0
~ ",,""
• Single Trailer Dryer
o Double Trailer Dryer
~~ 40 o ",,"
...J~ • """,,"0• o
~"- 30 -/'" 0
0 111 Double Trailer Dryers (0)
40 o
"' .... ~ 20
"""eo TGU = 2.781 IMC - 26.438
Double Trailer Dryer
:.J ",,,,,,,,,,, R=O.903
TOT =1.735 IMC - la047
0 /'
30 R=0.912 : 0 ",,/'''
. . . ".,"
0 ......./ . 0 .
25 ""A 0 (
iii i i i
• ,;",Q;'( •
0 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
~ U; 20
o 0." 0 • //// ; 0 •
15 ~ ,/ 0 •• 0 I (Percent Wet Basis)
• ",,,"". "-Single Trailer Dryer
10 """", TOT= 1.6021MC -16.539 Fig. 3. Comparison of the effects of initial rn.c. on total gas used
• o.
0' 0o.
"'. R=0.897 during drying with ST and DT dryers.
o i i i i , U 10
o 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
(Percent Wet Basis) ::J 7 -\",,""<
c: 0"'" 0
Fig. 1. The effect of initial m.c. on total drying times of peanuts >-
CI) 6 0,,11'/
dried with ST and DT dryers. ",,"" 0
z c: 5 /
...J"- ~O"~
were not significantly different for ST and DT dryers. « te 3 JV""~ "--Double Trailer Dryers(o)
.... .2 -" • TEC= 0.372 IMC- 3.623
The relationship between initial m.c, and total electricity ~8 2
lk'Jv. 0 R=0.918
used per tonne ofpeanuts dried is shown in Figure 2. I /_ 00
Peanuts with 13% m.c, required 5.67 kilowatt hours 0
, i
(kW.h) per tonne for drying; those with 31% required 0 10 12 14 16 \8 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
37.8 kW.h per tonne.
Gas requirements per tonne ofpeanuts dried were (Percent Wet Basis)
significantly different for ST and DT dryers. The higher Fig. 4. Comparison of the effects of initial m.e, on total energy
gas requirement per tonne, i.e. heat requirement, for costs for drying with ST and DT dryers.
ST dryers indicates a higher airflow per unit volume
ofpeanuts than for DT dryers. Regressions of gas re- in Figure 3. ST dryers required about 7.3 L per tonne
quired for both types ofdryers on initial m.c, are shown more gas than DT dryers for drying peanuts with a
13% initial m.c. and 11.1 L per tonne more for 31% 50
initial m.c, peanuts.
Uncleaned Pearots (.)
0-':' 40 TEU= 1.926IMC-19.748
Total energy costs for ST and DT dryers are com- L&J .~
(J)~ R=0.905
pared in Figure 4. Gas costs were calculated at 8.72 ::::>
>- Jg
cents per L and electricity at 7 cents per kW.h. Varia- ~
30 •
tion in total energy costs between the dryers ranged ~cf
~ cu
from 70.5 cents per tonne ofpeanuts dried from a 13% U e:
W e:
initial m.c. to 90.3 cents per tonne for those dried from LLJt2
a 31 % initial m.c, ...J"""'-
<t ~
o~~ ... 10
Average hourly energy costs per trailer for the dry- ~-
ers during the 6-week drying season ofthese tests are
shown below:
o p, iii iii i , , , ,
o 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Average hourly energy Standard INITIAL MOISTURE CONTENT (IMC)
Type dryer costs per trailer deviation (Percent Wet Basis)
Fig. 5. Comparison of the effects of initial m.c, on total electricity
Dollars Dollars used for drying Uc and C peanuts.
ST 1.27 0.26
Uncleaned Peanu1s (.) -------,
DT 0.92 0.18 TGU = 2.9481MC - 24.508 o •
3--- 70
C)'2 R=0.880
Operating DT dryers with only one load of peanuts t:;S • •
would negate the cost advantage of this type of dryer oJ!!
60 • /~o
L&J ::l ~
as compared to ST dryers. (J)e:
::::> 0 o • • 9'/" 00
(J) cf •
• ~ <'
<'~ 0 0
<t cu o / e
Side-Air-Entry and Rear-Air-Entry Trailers C)E 40 • 0 /'A
...Jt2 o ~ If) 0 0
Na significant differences in total drying times or <t";;l-
~ ~ 30 •Y'~.
electricity and gas requirements were found for dry- ocu
~5 v:;';·o· '\--Cleaned Peanuts (0)
ing peanuts in SAE or RAE trailers. 20 ""v. 0 T~U =2.814IMC- 23.549
10 12 14 16
18 20 22 24 26 28
iii i
30 32
R=0.923 o· ~t":~
100/0 foreign material after combining with small a- ~
~ 25
mounts ofloose soil. Cleaning peanuts with large per- /'1
Cl_ • 0
centages of loose soil or small rocks would probably Z
20 e <'
o e.~ o(?"/.
Table 1. Comparison of the effects of drying temperature on total 4. Drying peanuts with 40.56°C air required more
drying time, total electricity used, total gas used, and total energy gas but less electricity than drying with 35°C air.
cost. Total energy costs were higher for drying with
the high temperature, even though total drying
Measured Parameter Low 11
times were shorter.
Total drying time 19.8 hrs 16.0 hrs
Total electricity 22.1 kW.h/tonne peanuts 18.8 kW-h/tonne peanuts 5. Type oftemperature control, constant or cycling,
used dried dried had no effect on the parameters measured.
Total gas used 38.7 L/tonne peanuts 53.58 L/tonne peanuts
dried dried