The Mollusks

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A. Neohelix albolabris (Say, 1817), Butler County, PA, diameter 25 mm, this specimen, known as
“Hans”, has been kept in captivity since 26 April 2002 using the techniques described in Chapter 23,
CMNH 71999. B. Oreohelix idahoensis (Newcomb, 1866), Salmon River, ID, diameter 13 mm, CMNH
64210. C. Lampsilis fasciole Rafinesque, 1820, Little Mahoning Creek, Indiana County, PA, length 77
mm, CFS 71051. D. Chesapecten jeffersonius (Say, 1824), Yorktown Formation, Pliocene Epoch, Lee
Creek Mine, Aurora, NC, height 73 mm, CFS 71049. E. Chesapecten septenarius (Say, 1824), Yorktown
Formation, Pliocene Epoch, Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, NC, height 61 mm, CFS 71050. CFS: Sturm Col-
lection, CMNH: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.

Front Cover
Specimens, clockwise from the upper right-hand corner: Conus marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758, Indo-Pacific
region, CMNH 62.16896. Liguus fasciatus (Mueller, 1774), Cape Sable, FL, CMNH 73968. Liguus virgin-
eus (Linnaeus, 1767), Dominican Republic, CMNH 73969. Chiton cumingsii Frembly, 1827, west coast
of South America, CMNH 62.5630. Spirula spirula (Linnaeus, 1758), Boynton, FL, CMNH 62.32049.
Elliptio spinosa (I. Lea, 1836), GA, CMNH 61.1169. Dentalium grande Deshayes, 1825, Eocene Epoch,
France, CMNH-P 43285. CMNH= Carnegie Museum of Natural History Section of Mollusks, CMNH-
P= Carnegie Museum of Natural History Section of Invertebrate Paleontology.

Back Cover
Io fluvialis (Say, 1825), TN, CMNH 62.2167. This freshwater species is the logo for the American Mala-
cological Society. CMNH= Carnegie Museum of Natural History Section of Mollusks.

The Mollusks
A Guide to Their Study,
Collection, and Preservation

Edited by
Charles F. Sturm
Timothy A. Pearce
Ángel Valdés

A Publication of the American Malacological Society

Los Angeles and Pittsburgh
The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation

Copyright 2006 American Malacological Society

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other-
wise without the prior permission of the copyright owner.

Acknowledgment of permission to use copyrighted material:

Carl Zeiss, Germany: Figure 7.1
Eastman Kodak Company: Figure 7.4
A. & C. Black, London: Figure 19.2
Daniel Geiger: Figures 20.1 and 20.3
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History: Figures 27.1-27.9

Acknowledgment of permission to use non-copyrighted material:

David Mulliner: Figure 3.1
Illinois Natural History Survey: Figure 25.1
The Festivus, San Diego Shell Club: Figure 24.4

This volume should be cited as follows:

Sturm, C. F., T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and
Preservation. American Malacological Society, Pittsburgh, PA, U.S.A. Pp. xii + 445.

Chapters should be cited as based on the following example:

Sturm, C. F., T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. 2006. Chapter 1. The Mollusks: Introductory Comments. In:
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés, eds., The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and
Preservation. American Malacological Society, Pittsburgh, PA., U.S.A. Pp. 1-7.

Universal Publishers
Boca Raton, Florida
USA • 2006
ISBN: 1-58112-930-0 (paperback)
ISBN: 1-58112-931-9 (ebook)

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

The mollusks : a guide to their study, collection, and preservation / edited by Charles F. Sturm, Timothy
A. Pearce, Ángel Valdés.
p. cm.
ISBN 1-58112-930-0 (pbk. : alk. paper) -- ISBN 1-58112-931-9 (ebook)
1. Mollusks--Collection and preservation. 2. Mollusks--Study and teaching. I. Sturm, Charles, F. 1953-
II. Pearce, Timothy A., 1954- III. Valdés, Ángel.
QL406.5.M65 2006
This volume promotes the educational mission of the American Malacological Society. The editors
and contributors have brought together a broad range of topics within the field of malacology. It is our
expectation that these topics will be of interest and use to amateur and professional malacologists.

The chapters in this publication have been peer-reviewed. Each chapter was reviewed by at least one
of the editors and by a minimum of two outside reviewers, including at least one amateur and one
professional malacologist. Chapters were then revised by authors and again reviewed by the editors,
and occasionally, when warranted, by another outside reviewer. Then authors made a second round of
changes and editors conducted a final review. While this review process has eliminated some errors and
inconsistencies, some may remain.

If anyone does uncover any error or inconsistency in formatting, grammar, or style, the editors would
appreciate it being brought to their attention. Constructive suggestions for improving this volume are
welcome. Comments can be sent to the editors at <>. Website addresses, cited in
this book, were active as of December 2005.

C. F. Sturm
T. A. Pearce
A. Valdés

Table of Contents
Frontispiece .............................................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................... ix
1 The Mollusks: Introductory Comments ............................................................................................ 1
2 Field and Laboratory Methods in Malacology .................................................................................. 9
3 Remote Bottom Collecting .............................................................................................................. 33
4 Snorkeling and SCUBA Diving ...................................................................................................... 41
5 Archival and Curatorial Methods .................................................................................................... 45
6 Digital Imaging: Flatbed Scanners and Digital Cameras ................................................................ 59
7 Applied Film Photography in Systematic Malacology ................................................................... 73
8 Computerizing Shell Collections .................................................................................................. 101
9 The Molluscan Literature: Geographic and Taxonomic Works .................................................... 111
10 Taxonomy and Taxonomic Writing: A Primer............................................................................... 147
11 Cladistics and Molecular Techniques: A Primer ........................................................................... 161
12 Organizations, Meetings, and Malacology .................................................................................... 173
13 Museums and Malacology ............................................................................................................ 181
14 Donating Amateur Collections to Museums ................................................................................. 189
15 Fossil Mollusks ............................................................................................................................. 197
16 Aplacophora .................................................................................................................................. 207
17 Monoplacophora............................................................................................................................ 211
18 Polyplacophora .............................................................................................................................. 217
19 Scaphopoda: The Tusk Shells........................................................................................................ 229
20 Cephalopoda .................................................................................................................................. 239
21 Freshwater Gastropoda .................................................................................................................. 251
22 Terrestrial Gastropoda ................................................................................................................... 261
23 Rearing Terrestrial Gastropoda ..................................................................................................... 287
24 Marine Gastropoda ........................................................................................................................ 295
25 Unionoida: Freshwater Mussels .................................................................................................... 313
26 Non-Unionoid Freshwater Bivalvia .............................................................................................. 327
27 Marine Bivalvia ............................................................................................................................. 339
28 The Marine Aquarium: A Research Tool ....................................................................................... 349
29 An Introduction to Shell-forming Marine Organisms ................................................................... 359
30 Conservation and Extinction of the Freshwater Molluscan Fauna of North America .................. 373
31 Issues in Marine Conservation ...................................................................................................... 385
Appendices.......................................................................................................................................... 417
Appendix 1: Morphological Features of Gastropod and Bivalve (Pelecypod) Shells ........................ 418
Appendix 2: Expanded Table of Contents .......................................................................................... 427
Glossary .............................................................................................................................................. 441

When two addresses are listed for contributors, the first is their current address while the second is the
institution where they were when they submitted the first draft of their chapter.

Frank E. Anderson Jim Cordy

Chapter 20 Chapter 4
Department of Zoology Merritt Island, FL
Southern Illinois University
Carbondale, IL Clement L. Counts, III
Chapter 17
Patrick Baker Department of Natural Sciences
Chapter 31 University of Maryland Eastern Shore
Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Princess Anne, MD
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL Kevin S. Cummings
Chapters 9, 25
B. R. Bales (1876-1946) Curator of Mollusks
Chapter 2 Illinois Natural History Survey
Center for Biodiversity
Arthur E. Bogan Champaign, IL
Chapters 25, 30
Curator of Aquatic Invertebrates Robert T. Dillon, Jr.
North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences Chapter 21
Raleigh, NC Department of Biology
College of Charleston
Thomas A. Burch, MD Charleston, SC
Chapter 3
Bremerton, WA Daniel L. Geiger
Chapters 7, 10, 24
David Campbell Research Associate
Chapters 11, 15 Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
University of Alabama Santa Barbara, CA
Tuscaloosa, AL
Lucía M. Gutiérrez
Department of Geology Chapter 29
University of North Carolina Bióloga Marina y Científica del Medio Ambiente
Chapel Hill, NC Guatemala City, Guatemala

Eugene V. Coan Environmental Protection Commission of Hills-

Chapter 27 borough County
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History Tampa, FL
Santa Barbara, CA
Alexei V. Korniushin (1962-2004)
Bobbi Cordy Chapter 26
Chapter 4 Institute of Zoology and Zoological Museum
Merritt Island, FL The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine

Ross Mayhew Amélie H. Scheltema
Chapter 2 Chapter 16
Schooner Specimen Shells Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada Woods Hole, MA

Fabio Moretzsohn Enrico Schwabe

Chapter 6 Chapter 9, 18
Center for Coastal Studies Department Mollusca
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen
Corpus Christi, TX Munich, Germany

Department of Zoology Charles F. Sturm

University of Hawaii Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 12, 13, 28, Glossary
Honolulu, HI Research Associate - Section of Mollusks
Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Aydin Örstan Pittsburgh, PA
Chapters 22, 23
Research Associate - Section of Mollusks Ángel Valdés
Carnegie Museum of Natural History Chapter 1
Pittsburgh, PA Associate Curator of Malacology
Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County
Timothy A. Pearce Los Angeles, CA
Chapters 1, 9, 14, 22, Glossary
Curator - Section of Mollusks Paul Valentich-Scott
Carnegie Museum of Natural History Chapter 27
Pittsburgh, PA Curator of Mollusks
Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
Delaware Museum of Natural History
Santa Barbara, CA
Wilmington, DE
Andreas Wanninger
Richard Petit
Chapters 9, 18
Chapter 9
Department of Zoomorphology
North Myrtle Beach, SC
University of Copenhagen
Copenhagen, Denmark
Gary Rosenberg
Chapter 8
Beatrice Winner
Chairman - Department of Malacology
Chapter 28
Academy of Natural Sciences
North Palm Beach, FL
Philadelphia, PA

Patrick D. Reynolds
Chapter 19
Biology Department
Hamilton College
Clinton, NY

C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


1.1 INTRODUCTION subjected to a good revision in many decades. An

advanced amateur could review the world literature
Mollusks have been important to humans since our and summarize it into a well-researched revision-
earliest days. Initially, when humans were primarily ary work. Though this can be a daunting task, it
interested in what they could eat or use, mollusks could be the culmination of years of demanding
were important as food, ornaments, and materials and painstaking work. While such a project may
for tools. Over the centuries, as human knowledge take years or decades, if done correctly, it will be a
branched out and individuals started to study the valuable contribution to practicing malacologists.
world around them, mollusks were important sub-
jects for learning how things worked. This book is intended for three groups of people.
The first and foremost is the amateur community.
Initially, nobility and the wealthy (or scientists Amateur malacologists are those who study mol-
with wealthy patrons) carried out such studies on lusks out of an avocational desire, in contrast to the
the natural world. Later, in the 19th and 20th Cen- professional who is employed or was trained as a
turies, a professional class of scientists developed. malacologist or biologist. Some amateurs may be
Governments and industry also started supporting classified as paraprofessionals meaning that their
scientists. Although in some fields, as professional- depth of knowledge on a particular subject may be at
ism developed, non-professionals took a back seat; a professional level, however, they may not have the
in contrast, non-professionals studying mollusks breadth of malacological knowledge that a profes-
have consistently made important contributions. sional has. We hope that this book will give amateurs
the guidance and skills to deepen their interest in
Just as bird watchers contribute important ob- malacology and do so in a professional manner.
servations that allow professionals to study bird
migration and changes in populations, so amateurs Another group of people for whom this book is in-
play important roles to professional malacologists. tended is professional biologists, those individuals
Amateurs can study the mollusks of a given region whose work, at least in part, relates to mollusks. This
over time and see what changes occur in response group would include, among others, malacologists
to interactions with humans and natural forces. The and ecologists. The techniques outlined in this book
molluscan fauna is inadequately studied in many will be of use to them in their work. If you are a bi-
areas; amateurs can study such areas. You may have ologist, and have a need for an up-to-date reference
the opportunity to describe a new species. While on mollusks, this book is for you. It will be of use to
amateurs may not have the resources for undertak- biologists studying both fossil and recent mollusks.
ing molecular studies, they might collaborate with
professionals by providing samples. In addition, The final group of people is biology students begin-
many molluscan families and genera have not been ning their studies of mollusks. As with the above
2 Introductory comments

groups of people, this book will help open up the field • mesodermal origin of pericardioducts
of malacology to them. It will provide students with • rhogocytes (pore cells) associated with the ne-
a sourcebook that they can use in their studies. phridia (kidneys)
• tetraneury (two pairs of main longitudinal nerve
The terms conchology and malacology need clari- bundles)
fication. Conchology has traditionally been thought • intercrossing dorsoventral muscles
of as the study of molluscan shells. Malacology is a • crystalline style and associated ciliated midgut
broader term that includes the study of the animal digestive organs
that made the shell in addition to the molluscan • esophageal pouches
shell. In this book, we use the term malacology to • broad creeping sole or narrow hydrostatic foot
mean the study of mollusks and malacologist to • large ventral pedal glands that secrete mucus
describe anyone interested in mollusks, whether
their interest is only the shell or the molluscan fauna Mollusks will share some or all of these charac-
in the broadest sense. teristics. You may be unfamiliar with some of the
terms used; many are defined in the glossary found
What is a mollusk? Among the animals, Mollusca at the end of this book.
are in a group called Spiralia or Protostomia, which
also includes Annelids, Arthropods, and other small Mollusks first appeared at the end of the Pre-
phyla. The Spiralia, which make up more than 90% Cambrian. Many lineages of mollusks have died
of all living multicellular animals, share several out before Recent times. The living mollusks
developmental features including spiral cleavage comprise the following classes: Solenogastres
of blastomeres, formation of the mouth from the and Caudofoveata (together the Aplacophora),
blastopore, and predictable cell fates such as all Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda,
mesoderm being formed from the single cell 4d. Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, and Bivalvia. Mollusks
The circumpharyngeal nerve ring is present in many can be found in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine
Spiralia. Within the Spiralia, the group Eutrochozoa environments.
includes the Mollusca, Annelida, and other small
phyla, which all share a trochophore larva (top As indicated in the title, this book focuses on
shaped larva with an equatorial ciliated band and studying, collecting, and preserving mollusks. The
a dorsal cilia tuft), schizocoely (formation of body study of mollusks can take place in the field, in an
cavities from multiple bilaterally paired masses of aquarium, or in a collection in your home or at a
mesoderm), and paired excretory organs and ducts museum. Collection can refer to the collection of
that open externally. Regarding the Mollusca them- field observations or specimens. Preservation can
selves, despite the wide diversity of body forms, refer to the preservation of specimens in collec-
the groups of animals we classify as Mollusca share tions, or to conserving living mollusks and their
the following unique features (Eernisse et al. 1992, habitats.
Haszprunar 2000):
It is also important to know what this volume
• radula (absent in Bivalvia) does not cover. It provides only basic information
• mantle capable of secreting a calcium carbonate- on anatomy. It does not cover the biochemistry,
based shell or spicules physiology, or genetics of mollusks. Though raising
• mantle cavity and maintaining mollusks in aquaria or terraria is
• ctenidia (specialized gills having countercurrent mentioned in a few chapters, except for Chapter
oxygen exchange) 31, there is very little information on aquaculture
• osphradia (chemosensory epithelial organs) of mollusks.
(absent in Monoplacophora and Scaphopoda)
• pericardium around the heart (not around heart Now we give a brief overview of the remainder of
in Scaphopoda) this book. This overview should give you an idea
Sturm, Pearce, and Valdés 3

of the information to be found in each chapter and Moretzsohn, in Chapter 6, discusses digital imag-
help you use this book effectively. ing with flatbed scanners and digital cameras. He
begins with a basic discussion of the theory behind
1.2 CHAPTER REVIEWS digital imaging. He goes on to compare digital and
film imaging technologies. Digital cameras and flat-
The book is composed of 31 chapters. The first bed scanners are discussed. Finally, the printing and
14 chapters cover basic topics in malacology. The editing of digital images are reviewed. Moretzsohn
next seventeen chapters cover malacological issues also provides an extensive list of Internet sites
related to specific groups of mollusks. where one can go for further information.

Chapter 2 presents many techniques for the collec- Geiger completes the topic of imaging with a re-
tion, cleaning, and preservation of mollusks. There view of traditional film photography. In Chapter 7,
are also sections about tagging and narcotizing mol- he begins with a discussion of the nature of light
lusks. In this chapter, Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales and basic photographic theory. He discusses camera
have tried to include not only the latest techniques, equipment and accessories. There is a discussion
but also older and still useful methods. The Walker regarding film. Special topics include infrared and
Dipper, first described in 1904, is illustrated here ultraviolet photography, underwater photography,
for the first time. photography of mollusks in aquaria, and storage
of images.
Chapter 3, primarily written by Burch, is on remote
bottom sampling. It updates his paper presented at In Chapter 8, Rosenberg discusses the use of
the annual American Malacological Union meet- computer databases in managing collections. In
ing in 1941. Burch relates stories about a lifetime his discussion he includes choosing a software
of dredging and provides useful insights on this package, the suggested fields to be included, and
activity. In the second part of this chapter, Sturm constructing the database. The discussion is general
discusses several other methods of sampling un- enough that it will apply to many different operat-
derwater sediments including grabs, box corers, ing systems.
tangle nets, and the like.
Chapter 9 by Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings,
Snorkeling and SCUBA diving are covered by Schwabe, and Wanniger provides an introduction
Cordy and Cordy in Chapter 4. This chapter will to the malacological literature. The first part of
expose you to new ways of coming face to face with the chapter discusses the various types of malaco-
mollusks. While this chapter will not teach you how logical publications: monographs, iconographies,
to dive, the authors have covered the equipment that journals, and separates, just to name a few. The
is needed for snorkeling and SCUBA diving. The rest of the chapter categorizes over 700 works by
inherent risks of these activities are also covered. biogeographic zones and molluscan families. Thus,
if you have an unknown shell from Ecuador, under
Chapter 5 moves us out of the field and into our col- the Panamic Biogeographic Zone listing, you will
lections. If you want to learn how to help preserve find a list of references to help in identifying it. Also
your collection for the next millennium, this chapter listed are books of general interest and others for
will interest you. This chapter discusses curatorial those interested in taxonomic research.
practices and methods for archival protection of
your collection. The chapter starts with a discussion How to write a taxonomic paper is an art that is
of the risks to stored collections. It continues with a handled by Geiger in Chapter 10. Geiger shows
discussion of materials that are used in maintaining the components of scientific papers dealing with
collections, stressing archival materials and prac- both the new description of a genus or species and
tices. This chapter concludes with a list of sources of a revisionary paper. Geiger also gives a brief
for archival materials. overview of the International Code of Zoological
4 Introductory comments

Nomenclature, a set of rules governing the naming with them. Data can be intrinsic (for example color,
of species. Familiarity with the code is essential for size, and weight) or extrinsic (for example collected
anyone describing a new genus or species; for those where, when, and by whom). The importance of the
just interested in cataloging shells, it is useful know- extrinsic data is emphasized, as extrinsic data are
ing how names are determined and why a familiar often what makes specimens of vital importance to
name is sometimes replaced by a less familiar one. a museum. Also covered in this chapter are ways
to preserve soft tissue from molluscan specimens
If you are interested in finding out how researchers and how these may be of importance to a museum.
determine the tree of life, or how closely related dif- Finally, if you are contemplating donating your
ferent species are, Chapter 11, on cladistic analyses collection to a museum, Pearce discusses the way
and phylogenetic trees, will interest you. Campbell to do this so that the collection will be of greatest
explains cladistics and then covers some of the use to the museum and other researchers.
major techniques used in a cladistic analysis. He
then concludes with a discussion of molecular With Chapter 15, we will begin exploring differ-
biology and how it relates to modern phylogenetic ent molluscan groups, as well as techniques for
analyses. rearing mollusks. These chapters are followed by
a chapter on the marine biology of non-molluscan
If you have ever wondered whether or not to join organisms.
a malacological organization or go to a meeting,
Chapter 12 will be of use to you. Here Sturm dis- Chapter 15 by Campbell is a discussion of paleo-
cusses the basic functions that both amateur and malacology. Here you will learn about some mol-
professional malacological associations provide. lusks that exist only as fossils. Campbell provides
He describes the functions of such major organi- a general overview of fossils and ways to collect
zations as the American Malacological Society, fossil mollusks.
Conchologists of America, and others. He discusses
the benefits of meetings, both local and national. Chapter 16, by Scheltema, is a review of the
Six Internet-based discussion groups are listed with Aplacophora (worm mollusks). These organisms
directions on how to join them. comprise a fascinating group of mollusks that,
while often under our feet, are rarely collected
Museums are one of the places where we can go to by professionals or non-professionals. Scheltema
see fossil and Recent mollusks and to learn more discusses the basic biology of these mollusks and
about them. In Chapter 13 by Sturm, you will their ecologic context. She goes on to discuss ways
learn about the basic roles of museums in keeping of collecting aplacophorans and techniques for
collections and conducting research: they are not studying them.
just places that exhibit natural history artifacts! In
addition, you will take a quick tour of 22 museums Chapter 17 deals with the smallest class of living
in the United States and Canada. These museums mollusks, the Monoplacophora. Counts discusses
all have major malacological collections. So you this group, which was first known from the fos-
can learn more about these institutions and what sil record; the first living monoplacophoran was
they have to offer, the addresses for their Internet identified only in 1957. These mollusks are found
sites are included. in marine environments and at great depths. Counts
covers the biology and zoogeography of these
If you ever wondered about museum collections and organisms. If you are fortunate enough to find a
what museums do with donated specimens, Chapter monoplacophoran, directions for their preservation
14 by Pearce will inform you. Pearce begins by are covered.
discussing what makes a specimen valuable to a
museum. Most specimens will have some value if Schwabe and Wanniger write about the Polypla-
they have clear and accurate locality data associated cophora (chitons) in Chapter 18. These mollusks
Sturm, Pearce, and Valdés 5

have a shell composed of 8 plates and attach tena- how to collect snails with a leaf blower! They con-
ciously to the rocks on which they live. Schwabe clude with an exhaustive description of processing
and Wanniger discuss the external and internal and storing land snails as well as a discussion of
anatomy of these organisms as well as their mode record keeping.
of reproduction and where they live. They include
techniques for collecting and preserving the soft The discussion of land snails is continued in Chap-
tissues and shells of chitons. ter 23. Örstan begins with a review of the literature
on maintaining land snails in a terrarium. He goes
The Scaphopoda (tusk shells) are addressed in on to discuss short-term maintenance of a terrarium
Chapter 19. Here Reynolds begins with a discus- and rearing some North American woodland snails.
sion of the biology of the tusk shells and goes on to He concludes with a discussion of factors that can
review them in an ecological context. He discusses affect the health of land snails. Hans (see the fron-
ways to collect, preserve, and maintain collections tispiece) has been raised in captivity for the past 4
of tusk shells. years following the advice in this chapter.

If you ever wanted to know how to preserve a giant The treatment of the Gastropoda concludes in
squid, this next chapter is for you. In Chapter 20, Chapter 24. Here Geiger presents information on
Anderson discusses the Cephalopoda (i.e., squids the marine Gastropoda. He begins with an extensive
and octopuses). He begins with a review of the discussion of the shell and soft tissue anatomy of
biology and behavior of these mobile organisms. the marine gastropods. He continues with a discus-
This review is followed by a taxonomic review of sion of the major groups of marine gastropods. He
the class. He then goes on to discuss collecting tech- then discusses the various habitats where marine
niques and protocols for preserving cephalopods, mollusks can be found and the ecological aspects
including Architeuthis, the giant squid. Although of the marine gastropods. He concludes with a
you will need hundreds of liters of preservative, an discussion of techniques for collecting and preserv-
enormous vat, and weeks to months, this chapter ing marine gastropods, including the preparation
will prepare you for the undertaking. Anderson of radulae.
concludes the chapter with information on identify-
ing cephalopods and a section on the difficulties of The next three chapters cover the Bivalvia. Chapter
maintaining cephalopods in an aquarium. 25 by Cummings and Bogan reviews the Unionoida
or freshwater mussels. The larvae of these mollusks
Chapter 21 reviews the freshwater Gastropoda. spend part of their lives as parasites of vertebrates.
While some of these gastropods are vectors of Cummings and Bogan begin with a description of
disease, others are common aquarium inhabitants. the biology and ecology of the freshwater mussels.
Dillon starts off with a discussion of the biology This section is followed by a taxonomic treatment
and ecology of the freshwater gastropods. He also of this group. They briefly touch on issues relating
touches on some conservation issues relating to to conservation, a topic more fully developed in
this fauna. He describes techniques for collect- Chapter 30. They then provide an extensive descrip-
ing, preparing, and storing freshwater gastropods. tion of field collecting equipment and techniques,
Dillon concludes with techniques for maintaining information on identifying freshwater mussels,
freshwater gastropods in an aquarium. and methods of curating wet and dry collections
of these organisms.
Pearce and Örstan discuss the terrestrial Gastropoda
in Chapter 22. They begin by discussing the biology Korniushin, in Chapter 26, provides a similar treat-
of this group. There is an extensive discussion of the ment for the non-unionoid freshwater bivalves.
habitats of the land snails and how to locate them. He begins with a treatment of the Sphaeriidae,
They continue with a discussion of field methods commonly known as the fingernail, pea, or pill
used in collecting land snails; you will even learn clams because of their small size. This includes
6 Introductory comments

the biology and ecology of and methods for col- he also discusses the fisheries for abalones, Queen
lecting and preserving these organisms. He then Conchs, scallops, clams, mussels, and cephalopods.
briefly discusses the Corbiculidae (Asian clams) He includes tables listing gastropods and bivalves
and Dreissenidae (zebra mussels). that are covered by state or federal regulations,
common edible or commercial mollusks that are
The marine Bivalvia are discussed in Chapter 27. not covered by specific regulations, and information
Coan and Scott begin with a discussion of the biol- for states with marine fishery agencies.
ogy of these organisms. They then give an overview
of the five groups (orders) of marine bivalves. They Following Chapter 31 are two appendices and a
then discuss techniques for the collection, preserva- glossary. Appendix 1 consists of four plates il-
tion, and study of these animals. lustrating morphological and anatomic features
of gastropods and bivalves. Appendix 2 is an
Chapter 28 deals with establishing and maintaining expanded table of contents. It will give you a de-
a marine aquarium. Winner begins the chapter with tailed overview of each chapter and help locating
a discussion of the uses of and observations that can information in the book. In the Glossary, you will
be made in an aquarium. The physical components find definitions for many of the technical terms used
of the aquarium are then discussed: water, plants, throughout this volume.
rocks, and food. She then describes fourteen marine
organisms that she maintained in her aquaria and This book is meant to be sampled piecemeal and
the observations that she made. not necessarily read from cover to cover, though
one could do this. The book is meant to be sampled
In Chapter 29, Gutierrez gives a brief overview of in portions relating to one’s interests. If you are
marine biology. The aim of her chapter is to intro- interested in bivalves, you will concentrate on
duce marine organisms that are sometimes mistaken Chapters 25-27. If you wish to delve into freshwater
for mollusks. Some examples are calcareous algae, malacology, Chapters 21, 25, and 26 would be on
annelids, brachiopods, and echinoderms. your reading list. If you are interested in field tech-
niques, read Chapters 2-4, 6-7, and the chapters for
The last two chapters cover issues of conservation. the organisms in which you have an interest.
One covers freshwater mollusks while the other
covers marine mollusks. We hope that you will find the information and dis-
cussions in this book helpful. As with all books of
In Chapter 30, Bogan reviews the sad conservation this type, compromises had to be made. The authors
history of freshwater Gastropoda and Bivalvia in and editors sought to present a balanced handbook
North American streams, rivers, and lakes. He of techniques and background information. In
explores the patterns of extinction that have oc- preparing each chapter, the authors attempted to be
curred and the reasons behind them. On an upbeat comprehensive in approach while presenting only
note, he does discuss some reversals in these what they felt would be useful. If there are areas
trends. Bogan includes tables listing the threatened, or topics that you feel were slighted or overlooked,
endangered, and extinct freshwater mollusks of let us know.
North America.
In the final chapter of this book, Chapter 31, Baker
discusses marine molluscan fisheries. He explores The senior editor (CFS) owes a debt of gratitude
the attitudes towards marine mollusks and marine to many individuals for their involvement with this
conservation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. He goes book. The book is partially an outgrowth of a work-
on to examine specific examples involving mol- shop at the 1999 American Malacological Society
lusks. He extensively reviews the oyster fisheries on (AMS) meeting held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
both coasts of the United States. Less extensively, Opinions as to what topics should be addressed in
Sturm, Pearce, and Valdés 7

the workshop were offered by Paul Drez (1947- The American Malacological Society sponsored
2004), William Frank, Ross Mayhew, Timothy this project and provided financial support. Two
Pearce, Michael Penziner, Richard Petit, Robert chairs of the AMS Publications Committee have
Prezant, Gary Rosenberg, and Evangelos Tzimas. helped us with this book. The project was started
Presenters at that workshop included Kevin Cum- under the guidance of Ronald Toll and came to
mings, José Leal, Timothy Pearce, Richard Petit, completion under Janice Voltzow’s tenure. Paul
and Gary Rosenberg. Robert Prezant deserves spe- Callomon offered valued insight into the intricacies
cial thanks, for presenting CFS with the opportunity of publishing books.
to organize this workshop.
The quality of this book has been greatly enhanced
We would like to extend our thanks to all the con- by the assistance of three librarians who helped track
tributors to this book: Frank E. Anderson, Patrick down cited literature and provided help in obtaining
Baker, B. R. Bales (1876-1946), Arthur E. Bogan, interlibrary loans. This work has benefited greatly from
Thomas A. Burch, David Campbell, Eugene V. the assistance of Bernadette Callery, Sun Xianghu, and
Coan, Bobbi Cordy, Jim Cordy, Clement L. Counts, Marie Corrado of the Carnegie Museum of Natural
III, Kevin S. Cummings, Robert T. Dillon, Jr., History Library.
Daniel L. Geiger, Lucia M. Gutierrez, Alexei V.
Korniushin (1962-2004), Ross Mayhew, Fabio We would like to thank Emily C. Ullo and Amanda
Moretzsohn, Aydin Örstan, Richard Petit, Patrick D. E. Zimmerman for commissioned artwork request-
Reynolds, Gary Rosenberg, Amélie H. Scheltema, ed by CFS. Ms. Ullo painted the cover and drew the
Enrico Schwabe, Paul Valentich-Scott, Andreas illustrations in Chapter 21. Ms. Zimmerman drew
Wanninger, and Beatrice Winner. illustrations in Chapters 2, 3, 9, 11, and 29.

We are thankful for all those individuals who agreed CFS is extremely appreciative of the help given by
to review submissions. They are: James Albarano, the two associate editors, Timothy Pearce and Ángel
Amir Amiri, Kurt Auffenberg, Glenn Burghardt, Valdés. They joined the project in an editorial capac-
Laura Burghardt, Henry Chaney, Eugene Coan, ity in 2004. Their assistance in copy-editing and
Louise Corpora, Robert Dillon, Douglas Eernisse, layout helped bring this project to its conclusion.
James Fetzner, Daniel Geiger, Jose Juves, Al-
bert Koller, Harry Lee, James Lee (1922-2005), Lastly, CFS thanks his wife Pat for her patience
Richard Lee, James McLean, Paula Mikkelsen, with and encouragement for this project.
Paul Monfils, Mohan Paranjpe, Kristin Petersen,
Robert Prezant, John Rawlins, Lutfried von Salvini- 1.4 LITERATURE CITED
Plawen, Gerhard Steiner, Patricia Sturm, Michael
Vecchione, Janice Voltzow, and Amy Wethington. Eernisse, D. J., J. S. Albert, and F. E. Anderson. 1992.
Annelida and Arthropoda are not sister taxa: a phy-
In addition to individuals already mentioned, we logenetic analysis of spiralian metazoan morphol-
would also like to thank James T. Carlton, Harry ogy. Systematic Biology 41: 305-330.
A. ten Hove, and Peter J. Wagner for helping to Haszprunar, G. 2000. Is the Aplacophora monophyletic?
resolve specific questions that arose during the A cladistic point of view. American Malacological
editing process. Bulletin 15: 115-130.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.

B. R. BALES (1876-1946)


Your first exposure to the world of mollusks may Other than being given a collection, there are three
have been picking up a seashell on a beach while basic ways to build a collection. You can buy speci-
you were on vacation. It may have been finding mens, trade for them, or collect them yourself.
a snail or slug in your garden. It may have taken
many years before you decided to pursue a more 2.2.1 Purchasing. If you chose to purchase shells,
in-depth interest in these organisms. This chapter you first have to find a dealer. They can be found
will introduce you to ways to collect, clean and advertising in publications such as American Con-
prepare mollusks. chologist, La Conchliglia, and Of Sea and Shore.
A comprehensive worldwide listing of dealers can
Part of this chapter was a paper written by B. R. be found in Tom Rice’s A Sheller’s Directory of
Bales and presented for him by R. Tucker Abbott Clubs, Books, Periodicals and Dealers compiled by
at the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the American Tom Rice (2003) and at several good Internet sites
Malacological Union in 1941 (Bales 1942). This such as <> and <www.
paper with minor alterations was reprinted in Ab->.
bott et al. (1955, 1966) and Jacobson (1974). While
much of what Bales had to say is still relevant, There are several advantages to purchasing shells
some of his suggestions have not stood the test of from a dealer. First, they are already cleaned. Second,
time and are no longer considered appropriate in they are identified. Most important, you can obtain
the context of current curatorial practices. In this material from places that you may never be able to
chapter we (CFS and RM) copy and paraphrase collect from yourself, and from fishing boats and
from Bales’ paper. In addition, we have added other sources inaccessible to the average collector.
information that updates his views and we add
information that was not in his original work. The drawbacks to purchasing shells are two-fold.
Due to our use of Bales’ original paper, we have First, having good locality data is usually impor-
included him as an author; to do otherwise would tant, and the locality data of purchased shells may
be tantamount to plagiarism. be sparse or suspect. Knowing that you are buying
from a reliable dealer helps to minimize this risk.
In addition to the recommendations in this chapter, Second, you lose the ability to study the organisms
you will find additional information in Chapters 3 in their natural habitat.
to 5, and 15 to 27. Bergeron (1971), Lipe and Lipe
(1993), and Weil (1998) are other works in which Dealers use a grading system to indicate the quality of
you can find advice and opinions on how to collect, their material. The international standard dictates that
clean, and maintain a molluscan collection. “Gem” specimens are absolutely perfect to the naked
10 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

publications. The benefits (and hazards) are the same

as with purchasing from dealers. In addition, if you
are not trading for a specific shell, you will have the
excitement that comes with receiving a shipment of
unknown material. As with purchasing from dealers,
when you trade with someone, make your first trades
modest ones of material that you can afford to lose.
If all goes well, mutual trust will develop and larger
trades will ensue with confidence. Often, but not
always, the material you trade for has been self-col-
lected and therefore the collection data may be more
complete and reliable than with purchased material.

2.2.3 Self-collecting. In spite of building a collec-

tion by purchasing or trading shells, eventually you
may desire to start field collecting yourself. You
may decide to collect shells in which the animals
have died (dead collecting) or living material (live
collecting). Section 2.4 deals with some techniques
that you can use to collect mollusks.

The simplest way to self-collect is to look for dead

material. You can walk along the beach picking
Figure 2.1 Collecting devices and aids. up seashells, an activity known as beachcombing.
A. Allison Scoop, B. Ferriss Hoe, C. Davis Rake Drag,
A particularly good time to try beachcombing is
D. Walker Dipper, E. van Eeden Scoop, F. Clam tube
or clam gun, G. Bales Hook. after a storm. Sometimes you will find material
from deeper water thrown up on the beach. Also,
eye, “F++ or Gem-”, which some dealers call “F+++” pelagic material may be blown onto the beach by
specimens, are so close to perfect that any flaws have the storm’s winds.
to be searched for, “F+” indicates a specimen with
minor flaws that do not detract much from its aesthetic You might walk along the shores of a lake, pond, or
appeal, “F” (stands for “Fine”) specimens have sig- river and search for freshwater material. Sometimes
nificant flaws, Good specimens are not good at all, and you may be lucky and find a shell midden. This is
Fair and Poor are recognizable as that species, but just a pile of shells left behind by an animal such as a
barely. That said, grading is subjective, and there is an raccoon or muskrat after it has eaten a meal of mus-
understandable temptation to over-grade. If you see sels. Section 2.4 describes some of the techniques
a dealer’s list with mostly gem designations, beware. of field collecting.
Caveat emptor is a useful watch-phrase. When plac-
ing an order from a dealer you are unfamiliar with, it You might also be interested in collecting terrestrial
is best to start small. Make a few modest purchases, gastropods. These can be found under rocks or leaf
and if you agree with the dealer’s grading of the shells litter. Techniques for collecting these mollusks are
and the quality of the associated data, you can make covered below and in Chapter 22, Sections 22.4
larger purchases with confidence. Often dealers will and 22.6.
learn your interests and notify you of material in
which you might be interested. 2.3 COLLECTING EQUIPMENT

2.2.2 Trading. Trading has several rewards. One can Many different tools or implements may come
trade shells and/or publications for other shells and/or in handy from time to time, and, while you may
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 11

achieve a measure of success with very little equip- strainers, these may be constructed or purchased in
ment (such as a spade, a kitchen strainer, some vials many sizes and forms. The size of the screen and
and collecting jars, rubber boots, snorkeling equip- height of the sides depend upon the individual user.
ment, sharp eyes, and plenty of patience), you will It should not be so large that it taxes the strength,
eventually find that some specialized tools will be for it should be remembered that to be successful in
necessary as you progress in the study of malacol- screening, the collector must be persistent and many
ogy (i.e., the study of mollusks as living animals), hours are usually spent in this manner. It is a fascinat-
or conchology (i.e., the study of the calcareous ing form of collecting and the time flies all too soon.
exoskeletons of mollusks, otherwise known as Seldom will the collector stop sifting without trying
“shells”). What follows now are descriptions of “just one more screenful” of material.
some such tools.
Some collectors prefer several graduated sizes of
2.3.1 Allison scoop. Allison (1942) described a screen (brass, aluminum, stainless steel, or zinc-
scoop for collecting Campeloma (a freshwater coated mesh are best, since they are corrosion-re-
gastropod) from stream bottoms. The scoop was sistant), but most prefer just two; the inside screen
triangular in shape, had a wire basket with a rein- to be 6-8 mm mesh (1/4 inch) and the outer one of
forced leading edge and it was attached to a pole 3-4 mm mesh (1/8 inch). If you are interested in
(Figure 2.1A). By varying the size of the scoop microshells at all, a third one, of 1 mm or smaller
and the mesh size of the basket, this scoop can be mesh (0.04 in or less) will be necessary. This one
modified to collect a wide variety of mollusks. will catch most of the smallest shells. The inner
screen with the larger mesh should fit snugly into
2.3.2 Ferriss hoe. Walker (1904) described an the outer one with the smaller mesh, but not too
implement called the Ferriss hoe. This is a garden snugly. Allowances should be made for the natural
hoe with its blade trimmed to 75 mm (3 in) at the swelling of the frames, although much swelling will
top and tapering to a sharp point. The handle is be avoided by painting the frames. Some collectors
trimmed to the length of a walking cane (Figure nail a small cleat to the ends of the outer screen
2.1B). This device is a good tool for turning over to obtain a firmer grasp. The same results may be
logs and rocks, breaking up rotting logs, and dig- obtained by sawing a narrow horizontal slit in the
ging through rotting leaves and around stumps. It is end of the frame. The size of frame and mesh being
also long enough to pull down tree branches. of individual preference, it is sometimes advisable
to try out several before the ideal one is found, and
2.3.3 Davis rake drag. Davis (1964) described a even then, many collectors change from time to
type of dredge to be used from the shoreline. He time as the occasion demands. You might also find
took a garden rake and to the crossbar of the rake soil sieves useful. These are nested sieves about
he attached a 6-8 mm (1/4 in) wire mesh that looped 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. They are generally
around and was attached to the ends of the tines. He made of brass. They can be purchased from general
then attached a pipe, filled with sand, to the crossbar scientific and forestry supply companies (see the ap-
to give the device added weight (Figure 2.1C). A rope pendix in Chapter 5 for a list of such companies).
was attached to the handle of the rake. The device
was then thrown out into the water and pulled back One form of screen that is sometimes used has no
so that the wire basket and tines would bite into the upright frame on one side and is held in place on the
substratum. The rope was pulled drawing the device bottom of a body of water by the collector’s foot.
back to shore. The device was then tilted, emptied, The sand, mud, marl, or other material is raked or
and the contents examined for specimens. drawn into the screen by the use of a hoe, rake, or
other utensil. This type of screen avoids having to
2.3.4 Screens, dippers, and nets. To collect the lift the material and to deposit it in the screen for
smaller specimens from shallow water, a screen those who like to adhere to a less energetic regimen
comes in handy. Once you progress beyond kitchen while collecting.
12 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

A handy device often used consists of a small round (3-6 inches) and 1 to 1.5 meters long (3-4 feet). It is
sieve that has been attached to a long handle. It is closed on one end with a cap that has a handle and
easily made from a 12-15 cm (5 or 6 inches) gravy small vent hole (Figure 2.1F). When you locate a
strainer to be had at most hardware or discount clam burrow, place the tube over the burrow. Rock
stores. They have two bent prongs in front that must the tube back and forth and twist it so that it drills
be bent backward so as not to interfere with the use of into the sediment. When you believe that the shell
the net. No device equals this when working in waist is within the tube, cover the vent hole. Doing so
or chest deep water. You might also want to make creates a suction effect when you withdraw the
and use a Walker Dipper (see Figure 2.1D, Chapter tube from the ground. You will pull up a plug of
21, Freshwater Gastropoda, and Walker 1904). sediment that should include the clam. Empty the
contents onto a screen, wash them, and remove
When collecting the specimens on various types the shell. This device works best in muddy and
of aquatic grasses (eel, turtle, etc.), a net made of sandy substrates; it does not work well in bottoms
mosquito or other fine netting sewn around a but- composed of gravel and rock.
terfly net hoop is extremely useful, especially if
you wish to be as ecologically sensitive as possible, 2.3.8 Hammer. A geologist’s or bricklayer’s ham-
leaving the grasses in place instead of collecting mer with a chisel end can be quite useful in several
them and washing the mollusks into fine (the 24- respects. You can scrape through leaf litter, dig into
mesh) screens using fresh water. the upper layers of soil, turn over rocks (which of
course should always be replaced as they were,
2.3.5 van Eeden scoop. Another variation of scoop before leaving the scene), use it in the pursuit of
was described in van Eeden (1960) (Figure 2.1E). paleomalacology (fossil collecting), chip away
The scoop was designed for collecting freshwater the soft rocks in which burrowing species such
gastropods. It is a square frame made from a 5 mm as many of the family Pholadidae (e.g., Barnea
iron rod. The square is 25 cm on a side. The frame and Zirfaea spp.) live, and the chisel end comes in
is angled upwards about 30 degrees two thirds of handy when taking apart pieces of sunken wood
the way back from the leading edge. The leading that may harbor ship worms (Families Teredidae
edge is reinforced with iron or tin sheeting. A wire and Xylophagidae). It is useful to paint part of
screen of appropriate mesh size is attached to the these tools a bright yellow or orange. Otherwise,
frame. The frame in turn is attached to a handle of you will learn the hard way how easily such tools
appropriate length (2-3 m). can be overlooked when put down in the field and
searched for at a later time.
2.3.6 Shovels. Some collectors use a shovel to dig
up clams. Commonly, these shovels have a blade 2.3.9 Bales hook. According to Bales, one of the
75-100 mm wide (3-4 inches). The blade is longer most important tools is a device made from a 15
than it is wide, and it is slightly curved. These mm (5/8 inch) metal rod. One end is looped to make
shovels are sometimes called clam guns. Insert a handle and the other is formed into a point. About
the shovel so that it curves away from where you 75 or 100 mm (3 or 4 inches) above the point, a
believe the clam to be and start digging. Dig and curved hook is welded onto the rod giving a form
scoop the sediment away from the clam burrow; similar to an elephant hook (Figure 2.1G). With
keeping the shovel blade parallel to the clam bur- such a device, you have an implement that can be
row. When you see part of the clam reach down used as a walking stick, to turn over rocks, to pull
and grab it. It is important not to dig towards the things closer to you, and to pull down branches
clam; doing so may damage it. when looking for arboreal snails. Estwing makes
a similar tool called the Gem Scoop®. Instead of a
2.3.7 Clam tube. There is another device also hook, it has a small basket. Of course, many collec-
called a clam gun or sometimes a clam tube. This tors make their own tools as best as they can, given
is a metal or plastic tube, 75-150 mm in diameter their budget and circumstances, so the implements
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 13

described in this chapter can be taken as a starting to mix things up and difficult to take detailed notes,
point - an assemblage of ideas and advice, for you but care nevertheless should be taken to keep facts
to adopt or adapt as you see fit. and specimens straight. Any details that you note
regarding the habitat can be jotted down afterwards
2.3.10 Water pumps. When the ocean floor is of while they are fresh in the memory.
rock that is more or less honeycombed with small
potholes, it is surprising what fine specimens of the Freshly taken specimens should never be placed,
smaller varieties may be obtained by the use of a even temporarily, in a rusty metal container or in
common bilge pump, which is standard equipment contact with rusty chains or other rusty objects for
on small boats. The end of the pump is placed in it is remarkable how soon they will become rust
a sand-filled pocket in the rock. The sand as well stained. It is almost impossible to remove these
as the mollusks that have taken refuge in the hole stains without damaging the shell in the process.
are pumped with the water onto a screen; the sand Sturdy plastic buckets serve the same purpose at
and water flow through, leaving the specimens all a very reasonable cost, and are easier on fragile
ready for the collector. species than metal ones.

2.3.11 Bags and collecting containers. Very impor- 2.3.12 Glass-bottomed bucket. A useful adjunct
tant to the collector’s outfit is your collecting bag, to shallow water collecting is the glass-bottomed
and this may consist of almost anything from an old bucket (first used by sponge collectors), or an
tin can, a burlap or nylon sack, a pocket handkerchief equivalent device - sometimes called a water glass or
or some such makeshift affair, to a real game bag or water bucket. Collectors often use one that is square
collecting bag. They are usually made from light- or oblong. An easy way to construct one is to make
weight canvas and carried in some cases by a strap the frame or box of not too heavy wood and fasten
over the shoulder. Such bags are useful when extra the glass or plexiglas to the open bottom by means
heavy specimens are anticipated. A bag that may of quarter rounds available at any lumberyard. A
be tied or secured about the waist is much handier bead of silicone caulking is placed around the open-
and has the advantage of always being in place and ing between the wood and plexiglas. This ensures
does not drop in front of the collector when he or a watertight seal. Visualization will be improved if
she stoops to secure a specimen. Many collectors the inside is painted dull black. You can also take a
favor a bag containing partitions: one compartment plastic or metal bucket and cut out the bottom leaving
for tools, vials and other equipment apart from the a 10 mm (1/2 inch) rim. To this rim, a circular piece
shells that are collected, and others for samples of of Plexiglas can be attached with silicone caulking.
various sorts. You might even find that a carpenter’s When in use, frequent wetting of the inside of the
apron makes a useful collecting bag. glass makes vision clearer and eliminates fogging.

When collecting small mollusks, a good supply of 2.3.13 Lights for night collecting. If you have
glass or plastic vials of various sizes, will prove never collected at night, hunting by the aid of ar-
most useful. These should be cylindrical and of tificial light is a revelation. Many mollusks (such
the screw top sort without a narrow neck. Nylon as Conus) hide wherever they can in the daytime
mesh bags are often useful when collecting larger and mainly venture out to feed at night. This is also
shells such as bivalves. You should be careful to true of Marginella, Cypraea, Hydatina, and the like.
keep shells from different habitats separate, label- While specimens may be taken by the combined
ing the vials and containers in the field using pencil use of water glass (see above) and flashlight, you
and strong paper, and/or a grease pencil applied might also try snorkeling or SCUBA (see below
to the container. Basic information will include and Chapter 4, Snorkeling and SCUBA Diving).
date, locality, collector, and as a good and brief a Use a bright waterproof flashlight and make cer-
description of the habitat as possible. In the heat of tain that you have spare batteries. Extremely good
collecting, especially when racing the tide, it is easy underwater lights can be purchased for less than
14 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

$200, and inexpensive models will cost much less. Another interesting device that may interest you is
A headlamp with a halogen or LED bulb will give the Emoscop SME. This device has been described
a good cone of light and leave your hands free for as an optical Swiss army device. It comprises 3
collecting. Surprisingly, these can be purchased sets of lenses and depending on how you put them
for less than $100 at most dive shops. Remember, together, you can make several devices. The lenses
if snorkeling or diving, have a buddy with you, can be arranged to make a 3X monocular, a 3X
especially if you are collecting at night. telescopic magnifier, a 5, 10, or 15X loupe, or a 30
and 35X microscope. The optical elements compact
2.3.14 Forceps/tweezers. While collecting small to 20 mm by 40 mm, and the lenses and microscope
species, a pair of spring forceps comes in handy for base fit in a carrying case that is 30 mm x 65 mm.
small shells like Caecum, Rissoina, Cerithiopsis, The device can be purchased from the manufacturer
Sphaeriidae, etc. Being small, forceps frequently at <> and costs $58.
are lost and prudent collectors (especially if they
have lost a pair or two) never fail to use a string, tied 2.3.16 Thread. One of the most useful (and inex-
to both the instrument, and to a wrist or to clothing. pensive) things to have in the collector’s kit is a
However, be sure to make the string long enough compact roll of rather loosely spun cotton thread or
so your reach is not restricted. ribbon for holding bivalves together, for tying small
chitons to drying boards and other uses that may
2.3.15 Loupes. Another device that may prove use- pop up in the field. Use white thread or ribbon so
ful in the field is a small loupe, sometimes called that you do not have to worry about dyes leaching
a magnifier or a magnifying glass. These range in and staining your specimens.
magnifying strength from 2X to 20X. Though you
might think higher magnification is better, you 2.3.17 Tide tables. To attempt intertidal or subtidal
may be mistaken. For most fieldwork and labora- (shallow water) collecting without first consulting
tory work, 5-10X is perfect. This gives sufficient the tide table would be the height of inefficiency,
magnification without distortion at the edges of for all collecting of this type is dependent upon tide
the field, and enough working distance between conditions. Where there is excellent collecting at
the specimen and the loupe to allow for adequate a given place at low tide, it would be simply out
lighting (although some loupes can be obtained of the question to do any worthwhile collecting at
with a built-in light). With loupes of 15-20X, you high tide. Local or regional tide tables may be ob-
will get higher magnification but a very small field tained from the government in most countries (or a
of view. If this degree of magnification is necessary, fisherman’s supply outlet). One can also obtain tide
you should consider using a stereoscopic dissecting information from the Old Farmers Almanac or on
microscope. the Internet - just look up “tide tables” in any good
search engine such as or www.
Loupes can be found at craft and jewelry supply Using the tables is more essential
shops, at geologist specialty stores, and sometimes the further north one goes, since ice scouring and
even at hardware stores. Two loupes that seem to sub-freezing air temperatures restrict the number
be good for malacological work are a 7X Hastings of species able to live in the intertidal and shal-
Triplet (Bausch and Lomb) and Master Optician’s low subtidal zone. In many boreal regions such as
5X Magnifier (Edmund Optics, Inc., <www.ed- Eastern Canada, there is decent collecting only at a few new and full moon periods each year, you
cfm?productID=1789>). The former can be at- miss one, and it is months before the next arrives.
tached to a lanyard and worn around your neck Further south, conditions are much more congenial
while the latter is useful at a workbench. These to inter- and sub-tidal collecting.
particular loupes will cost from $30-50 but will last
a lifetime. Quite satisfactory 5-10X instruments can 2.3.18 Miscellaneous items. One should not forget
be found in the $15-20 range. items such as maps, a compass, a global position-
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 15

ing system device (GPS), notebooks, field-guides, Many terrestrial gastropods enjoy warm, moist
clothing appropriate for weather conditions, and of areas. Find a site that you believe will contain a
course towels and spare clothing for when you stop molluscan fauna. Take a cotton or burlap sack. Fold
collecting and wish to get a bit drier and warmer. it several times and soak it with water. Place it on
Also, consider insect repellent, sunscreen and a first the ground. On top of the sack place a pile of stones
aid kit. Additional equipment, such as syringes and that will somewhat protect the sack from drying
dissecting needles, are often used when cleaning out. Check under the sack after several days or a
specimens. These items are described in the section week. You may find a number of slugs and/or snails.
on cleaning mollusks (Section 2.7). Be observant, there will likely be other organisms
such as insects, snakes, lizards, and amphibians. In
2.4 FIELD COLLECTING TECHNIQUES place of the sack, you can also use several layers
of corrugated cardboard.
2.4.1 Land snails. Collecting land snails is a fine
art and can be infinitely rewarding. The main Cleaning and preserving land snails is more difficult
problem land snail collectors encounter is that of than for marine species, since the periostracum, the
identification. Since many species are endemic to layer of material that protects the shell from erosion
a particular region or even small localities such as and acidic conditions, must not be removed: it con-
isolated valleys or particular portions of mountain tains the colors and other external characteristics
ranges, there are few general identification guides, that are vital for identification and appreciation.
and obtaining regional or national identification Chlorine bleach cannot be used as it will remove
literature can be difficult and time-consuming. or damage the periostracum. The best way to go
Nevertheless, the huge variety of forms, shapes, is boiling and picking out the animal with small
colors, and sculpture (fine-scale superficial detail) hooks or pins, followed by vigorous shaking, but
make land snail collecting quite worthwhile. See leaving them spread out where ants, flies, and other
Chapters 9 and 22 for the titles of books that will insects can get at them is a very effective method
help you identify land snails. when possible. Small species can be preserved with
80% ethanol.
The first thing to remember when collecting terres-
trial mollusks is that mollusks need moisture. Thus, See Section 2.6 for further cleaning tips for terres-
you must look where and when moisture is to be trial mollusks and Chapters 22 and 23 for additional
found. After rain and early in the morning when the information on land snails.
dew is still present, are the best times to collect from
gardens, grasses, bushes, trees, stone walls, and on 2.4.2 Freshwater mollusks. Freshwater mollusks
limestone outcroppings that provide a rich source of include both gastropods and bivalves. May of them
calcium for shell formation. Many species will be can be found by walking along the shallow edges of
found in the leaf litter on the forest floor, in localities ponds and lakes, or in shallow streams and rivers. In
where the soil is alkaline enough not to dissolve the slightly deeper water one can use an Allison scoop
shells. You will find an assortment of living and dead or a van Eeden scoop (see Section 2.3 above) or
material this way - some of the dead being very fresh a Walker dipper (see Chapter 21.4). In yet deeper
(which saves you the trouble of cleaning them while water, you will need to consider using devices such
still providing decent specimens). Bags of leaf littler as dredges, grabs, or bails. More on specific aspects
from damp localities can be collected in the field of collecting freshwater mollusks will be found in
and many happy hours can be spent at home sifting Chapters 21, 25, and 26.
through it with screens and careful observation es-
pecially with the aid of a microscope. Yet another set 2.4.3 Marine mollusks. Live material can be col-
of species can be found under rocks and old logs. As lected as well as dead, although most collectors
with marine collecting, the more habitats you check, prefer the live material. Live material tends to be
the more species you come across. preferred as the colors in the shells are more intense
16 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

(the shells have not been bleached by exposure to generally thought, but they and other carnivorous
the sun) and live shells tend to have less physical wildlife should be treated with due caution and
damage than ones that are dead and exposed to the respect. You should never tease or relate to them
action of the surf. Others prefer collecting dead with casual familiarity or carelessness. Jellyfish
shells since no animal has to be killed and the prepa- can be particularly nasty, as can eels and other
ration of the shell requires less work; that is, they inhabitants of holes and crevices in rocks or reefs.
do not need to have the dead animal cleaned out of Use the utmost caution in tropical and sub-tropical
them. Some species can most commonly be found waters when trying to find out what is in places one
dead - such as deeper water and pelagic species cannot directly see. A special caution is in order for
found on the shore after storms or in dredge spoil. cone snail collectors. Many species, not just the
Some taxa require special methods of collecting, very venomous ones (Conus geographicus Lin-
and these will be mentioned later. When collecting naeus, 1758, C. striatus Linnaeus, 1758, C. textile
in water, you will be limited by how far you can Linnaeus, 1758) can sting you, sometimes with
free dive or reach with your arm or a device like a painful results. Living cone snails should always
Walker Dipper (see Chapter 21.4). As a result, many be handled with care.
collectors progress to SCUBA diving or dredging
to obtain material. With shore-based collecting, the more habitats
investigated, the more species one is likely to find.
2.4.4 SCUBA diving. The advent of SCUBA diving Unless you are looking for a particular species or
has opened up a completely new world for collec- group that you know to be found only in specific
tors, as divers with moderate experience can reach habitats, the more inquisitive you are, the more you
depths up to 30-35 m (around 100 feet) for short will find. Sandy bottoms are generally of limited
periods without special gas mixtures. Beginners interest. When investigating a reef, it is wise to
would be ill advised to venture beyond 20 m (60-65 explore associated rubble fields and dead as well
feet) until they are able to handle emergencies with as living coral heads. In places where sponges are
fluency and calmness. With this type of collecting, abundant, interesting species (triphorids, cerithop-
safety is of paramount importance: we do not rec- sids, etc.) can often be found via the judicious
ommend diving alone or in places where currents harvest of a few sponges for through dissection on
or turbulence pose significant hazards. At depths land. For a more extensive treatment of SCUBA
below 15 m (45-50 feet), things can go wrong very diving and snorkeling, see Chapter 4
quickly, and the results can be dangerous in the
extreme. Good, well-maintained equipment and 2.4.5 Ex pisce collecting. Sometimes mollusks can
the training to use it properly and with confidence be found in the digestive tracts (stomach and intes-
are necessary. Wise divers never push their luck tines) of bottom dwelling fish. The first challenge in
by going deeper than they trained for, or habitually ex pisce (Latin: from fish) collecting is to obtain the
staying down to the last minute of air. Always give fish or the digestive tracts. The easiest method is to
yourself a good safety margin: not to do so may obtain them from the crew of a commercial fishing
cost you your health or even your life! boat. You can either accompany the crew and get
the digestive tracts of the bottom feeding fish they
Much could be written about SCUBA collecting, catch or you can supply them with covered buckets
but the experience of the authors and the scope in which they can save the digestive tracts for you.
of this chapter allow only the presentation of a They might be more willing to save material for
few general principles. In addition to the above you if you offer to pay for the captain and crew’s
cautions, wearing a wet-suit is usually a good assistance. When they give you the entrails ask for
idea, especially in cooler waters (hypothermia is locality data such as longitude and latitude of the
insidious and can sneak up on one) or around cor- catch, bottom depth, and bottom type if known. Es-
als, which can often sting exposed flesh with only pecially provident in the Atlantic Ocean are toadfish
a light touch. Sharks are much more benign than and batfish - the latter more often taken by trawling
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 17

than by angling (H. Lee, pers. comm.). The dover sodium hypochlorite) for several minutes. When the
sole can be used in the Pacific Ocean. tissue starts breaking up, it is washed with water in
a funnel lined with coarse filter paper. The resultant
Start from the stomach and work your way down residue is allowed to dry and then examined with
the length of the intestine. When you encounter a a loupe or dissecting microscope. The shells are
solid feeling object cut open the organ where you picked out with fine forceps.
feel it. Wash the object and see if it is a shell. Record
where it was found. Shells in the upper portion of While this may seem to be a labor-intensive tech-
the digestive tract are likely to be from the locality nique, for the collector interested in micro-shells
where the fish was caught while shells further down it may be quite productive. Porter (1972, 1974 and
may be from a site some distance from where the references therein) should be consulted for further
fish was collected (Clapp 1912). details regarding this technique.

Take the semi-solid intestinal contents and place 2.4.7 Tidal pools. You can search tide pools for
them in a strainer or sieve with a fine mesh. Wash mollusks. These are generally found in rocky areas.
the material until the water that drains from the Be forewarned, in many areas tide pool collecting is
mesh is clear. Allow this material to dry (it will regulated or illegal. Know what is allowed in your
be fairly odorless if washed sufficiently), and then area before you proceed.
examine it with a loupe or microscope. You may
find many micro-shells this way. 2.4.8 Traps. In recent years, mollusk traps have
been used to take many of the carnivorous mollusks
While large shells are not found this way, this method and shells of non-carnivorous mollusks inhabited
has advantages. It can be used for depths where you by hermit crabs, and reports from those who have
would not be able to collect by snorkeling or SCUBA used traps have been very encouraging. Some
diving. Also, it may be productive in areas with rocky collectors reported success collecting these types
bottoms where a dredge would not work. Lastly, the of mollusks by simply placing a piece of meat or
cost of equipment is negligible; definitely less than a dead fish between two sheets of wire mesh and
the cost of dredging equipment and a boat. weighting it down with stones overnight. Others
have weighed down canvas packets of dried animal
2.4.6 Sea stars (starfish). Sea star (formerly known dung. For those with limited resources, this remains
as starfish) stomachs may also be a source for some a very practical collecting method. For more on this
mollusks. Sea stars can often be obtained as a by- technique see Allison (1942). If you can obtain the
product of commercial fishing. Sea stars have two cooperation of lobster or other trap-based fisher-
modes of feeding. Those with long, thin arms [e.g. men, all the better! You can even develop your own
Asterias forbesii (Desor, 1851)] bring the mollusks specialized traps, if the fishermen will agree periodi-
to their mouth; they then evert their stomachs and cally to collect and re-distribute them for you.
eat and digest the mollusks. These types of sea stars
do not contain mollusks. Sea stars with short or stiff 2.4.9 Navigational buoys. Navigational buoys can
arms [e.g. Astropecten articulatus (Say, 1842) and be searched for evidence of sessile mollusks. If one
Luidia clathrata (Say, 1825)] swallow mollusks can gain access to buoys when they are brought in
whole and their stomachs may contain shells. for cleaning, many attached specimens may be re-
covered. You may be able to obtain the records that
To extract the mollusks, one needs to dissect the indicate when the buoy was placed and recovered.
digestive tract out of the sea star. The plates from This will allow you to study the colonization of the
the ventral surface of the sea star are removed from buoy over a defined time period.
the central disc to a point approximately one third of
the way out the arms. The digestive tract is removed Other avenues of research that occur when study-
and placed in full strength household bleach (5% ing the fauna attached to buoys include variation
18 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

in species populations over a geographical range for the weather (which can be quite changeable, and
(if multiple buoys are studied) and variations with considerably cooler than on the shore), and be espe-
depth if the anchor chain is also studied. For more cially careful in rough weather. It is one thing to fall
on collecting from buoys see Merrill (1974). overboard when it is calm and you can be quickly
and easily rescued, but to go over in high waves or
2.4.10 Marine grasses and algae. You can also even a heavy swell, is quite another matter.
collect mollusks from seaweed and sea grass. Often
mollusks will be attached to these plants; however, There is certain equipment that should be brought
they may be quite small. Place the seaweed or sea on a fishing boat. Screens for sifting fine or mixed
grass in a bucket containing freshwater (not salt sediments are usually the most productive both
water). The freshwater will cause many of the mol- qualitatively and quantitatively. You can often
lusks to loosen their hold and drop to the bottom of make use of the ship’s onboard pumps for sifting
the bucket. You can then search through the sedi- sediments. Containers of various sizes should be
ment for these mollusks. An alternative is to decant brought; some filled with alcohol (90% or higher
the freshwater and then replace it with saltwater. As concentration of ethanol or isopropyl is best, but be
the mollusks recover, they will start moving around. careful with the latter since it is poisonous and you
You can then pick them out with your forceps. Also, do not wish to contaminate the catch) for preserving
check the seaweed or sea grass for mollusks that the smallest specimens. Have a pair of waterproof
may be attached by a byssus (e.g., Mytilus). gloves (an absolute must, although to pick up the
smaller mollusks you usually have to take them
Different seaweeds and sea grasses may harbor off), two changes of clothing, good rain gear, rub-
different mollusks. Check different marine grasses ber boots, and such materials as you will need to
and algae to maximize your yield. Remember to bring home the larger specimens. Most often, the
preserve a sample of the plant or algae. You can fishermen are glad to share their food, especially
identify them later and add this habitat data to the if you chip in for your share.
specimen label for the appropriate mollusks.
It is important to note that you should check every
2.4.11 Commercial fishing boats. One of the very trawl, and if the operation is 24 hours a day, try
best ways to collect deeper water species, especially to train the crew to spot the best tows for you, so
for collectors without a boat of their own, is to go they can awaken you if an especially promising
out on fishing boats of the sort that scrape the bot- one comes along. As with many things in life, the
tom seeking scallops, shrimp, groundfish (where dictum “You snooze you lose” is especially true
you can get the gut contents also), and crabs. This here, since, as a general rule, the great majority
is not for the faint of heart, it must be said, since of your catch, especially of the smaller species, is
the smells, often coarse language, accommodations often found in a surprisingly small number of tows.
(usually quite spartan), schedule (often 24 hours a You may see nothing for hours or even days, then
day, or at the very least, from dawn ‘til dusk), and one or two incredible trawls will come up that will
the constant exposure to massive wastage of marine make the entire trip worthwhile.
life by way of by-catch are not the sort of thing
easily sustained by everyone. One of us (RM) has Seldom will you be able to clean your catch on-
found that if you do some work around the ship as board. On day trips, this is not a problem, but if
you are able, the fishermen are usually extremely you are going offshore for a week or two at a time,
friendly and occasionally surprisingly helpful. you will probably be able to avail yourself of the
Safety is a primary consideration. Avoid all moving ice that the crew uses to preserve your catch for
equipment; get out of the way whenever necessary. prolonged periods. Some specimens can be kept
Wear a life preserver as a matter of course, and wear alive in buckets of seawater or on-board tanks,
footgear that is not only waterproof but also grips but be sure to refresh the water often to ensure an
the deck securely. Be sure to bring sunscreen, dress adequate oxygen supply.
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 19

2.4.12 Specific methods for select groups. For Rock borers: If rock borers such as Petricola are
each group or type of mollusk, varying search and to be collected, a strong hammer and two or three
collection techniques will produce the best results. chisels are needed. One that is 20-25 cm (8-10
Techniques must be learned either from an experi- inches) in length with a cutting edge of 20-25 mm
enced collector or by trial and error, and each collec- (3/4-1 inch) is useful when work must be done in
tor will develop his or her own favorite techniques. shallow water. Usually most of this type of collect-
For example, micro-shells can be collected, often in ing is done at low tide when the rocks are bare, and
surprisingly shallow water, by lifting medium-size a chisel 12-15 cm (5-6 inches) long with a cutting
stones and other objects, and gently brushing off edge of 15-25 mm (1/2-1 inch) is one that will be
the adhering matter into a collecting-bag. Scooping most frequently used. When really delicate work
up some of the shell-rich material underneath and is required, a narrower cutting edge is desirable.
at the sides of rocks is certain to yield rich rewards. For more on this group see Chapter 27, Marine
Terebras are often found in sand, and their trails can Bivalves.
be tracked by those who learn what to look for. Cones
and many other groups are best collected at night, Shipworms: The Teredinidae (shipworms) are
using a headlamp, perhaps with a red filter to avoid wood boring bivalves. To quote Ruth Turner “Most
scaring the animals off. Silt and bottoms with mixed of the characters which differentiate the genera and
clast sizes (i.e., poorly-sorted sediments) are particu- species in this family are invested in the pallets
larly rich in diversity, and taking sediment samples and largely in the periostracum which covers the
in the most promising spots (a matter of experience calcareous portions of the pallets. It is essential,
and developing an “eye” for such things) will often therefore, that only fresh specimens preserved in
produce pleasant surprises. For more information on glycerin alcohol be used for study as the perios-
snorkeling and SCUBA, see Chapter 4. tracum sloughs off when the pallets become dry.
Distributional records should be taken only from
If you do not know how to dive or if you need to collecting boards or permanent structures as these
collect from depths that are greater than your dive borers are easily transported from one locality to
ability, you may have to resort to other techniques. another by driftwood.
One can dredge for shells, use a bail hook, or use
a grab. These techniques are addressed in Chapter “The best specimens are obtained if the animal
3. is dissected out as soon as the board is removed
from the water, or, if this is impossible, the board
What follows now will be some techniques unique should be submerged in 70 percent alcohol for a
to several special groups. While this is not a com- week and then shipped to the laboratory wrapped in
prehensive list, it will give you a good idea of some a cloth saturated with alcohol. Once the specimens
of the many aspects of collecting. Further informa- have been extracted from the wood they should be
tion can also be found in Chapters 16-27. preserved in a mixture of 4 parts alcohol (70%)
and one part glycerine. This keeps the periostracal
Cyphoma: A useful device for collecting Cyphoma margin of the pallets soft and pliable and, should
consists of a child’s toy rake, to be obtained at any the alcohol evaporate, the glycerine will keep the
hardware or ten-cent store. The teeth of the rake are pallets moist for some time. The shells and pallets
bent inward on a curve and a small piece of screen of each specimen should be kept together in a vial
wire attached at each side and at the back, thus and all the specimens from one board should be
forming a sort of basket with projecting teeth. By given the same number” (Turner 1974).
bringing the hook under a strand of Gorgonia on
which a Cyphoma is resting, it may be hooked or Burrowing clams: When collecting Cyrtopleura
scraped off and falls into the basket. By attaching costata (Linnaeus, 1758), Ensis directus Conrad,
a long handle to this device, it may be used from a 1843 and other similar bivalves, it is well to have
boat in deeper water. a bucket of sea water at hand in which to place the
20 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

specimens as soon as secured, for it is not uncom- position more easily by reason of the smooth sur-
mon for these species to contract their muscles face. Nonetheless, wood still comes in useful for
with such force as to fracture the shell. Placing the many species. The chitons are bound to the wood
specimens in water immediately seems to overcome or glass with narrow strips of cloth or ribbon. In
some of this breakage, but even when all precau- cases where collecting time is limited, the living
tions are taken, some are broken in this manner. chitons can be placed in a vessel of seawater and
set aside. Eventually most specimens will uncurl
Cyrtopleura costata and other burrowing mollusks and they may be placed upon the stretcher and tied
are usually found in colonies, very frequently firmly with cloth strips. The smaller chitons may be
where there is a mud bottom. Digging out the first brought back in vials of seawater and mounted on
specimen or two may cause the water to become so the stretcher at the collector’s convenience.
muddy that further collecting is out of the question
as the burrows cannot be located. In such cases, a In some instances, the bodies of the larger chitons
good plan is to secure a supply of small switches can be removed from the plates as soon as the
from some nearby trees and place a switch in each specimens are taken and the shells are placed at
burrow as it is located and not to start digging until once upon the stretching board. However, even the
all desired burrows are marked. You may proceed largest of specimens may be nicely preserved in a
from one switch to another and be able to locate as flexible form via the following method (Hansel-
many specimens as you intended to collect. man 1970).

Chitons: Smaller chitons may be removed from Chitons, that are tied to a tying board or stretcher,
the rocks with the blade of a small penknife but are narcotized by placing them in a solution of 50%
with the larger ones, a heavier knife is necessary. isopropyl alcohol and 50% water for 24 hours. Once
Care should be taken to not injure the specimens. dead, they are transferred to “chiton goop.” This is
Injured chitons inmediately roll up and are difficult a mixture of one part glycerin to one part 60% iso-
to flatten subsequently for further preservation. If propyl alcohol. The chitons are left in this solution
you are observant, you may determine which end for varying lengths of time: 10 days for specimens
of the chiton is the head, and apply the knife at the under 15 mm, 15 days for specimens from 15-35
other end; they are much easier to remove from the mm, 20 days for specimens 35-60 mm, 25 days for
rock in this manner. Chitons are unusual mollusks, specimens 60-75 mm, and a proportionally longer
and certain procedures that might achieve results time for specimens over 75 mm. While soaking
with other mollusks do not seem to apply to them. in the chiton goop, they can be removed from the
For instance, should the collector desire to study tying board so as to allow the solution to penetrate
the living animal in action, it is advisable and the specimens adequately.
necessary that the vessel in which it is confined be
kept undisturbed. Sometimes if you gently rock the After the appropriate amount of time soaking, the
vessel containing the specimens, in a surprisingly specimens are removed and allowed to drain on pa-
short time, even uninjured chitons may unroll and per towels. They are then reattached to tying boards
attach themselves to the bottom of the vessel and and allowed to air dry slowly. The time to air dry
they can be easily removed and placed upon the will roughly be equivalent to the time they were in
stretcher. the chiton goop. You should avoid forced drying in
an oven or direct sunlight as the results are not as
For smaller chitons, nothing better can be found good as slow air drying. This drying will result in
on which to stretch them while in the process of specimens that retain a degree of flexibility.
preservation than the common wooden tongue de-
pressor or popsicle stick. Some collectors favor the On the other hand, one can air dry specimens after
use of narrow strips of glass (such as microscope narcotization. The time to a finished specimen will
slides) or plexiglas. The chiton slips into the desired be shorter but flexibility will be sacrificed. One
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 21

should remove all organs, leaving only the shell only what you need for your own purposes and,
plates and mantle. The soft parts can then be stored where there are enough specimens available, for
in ethanol for future study. Alternately, after narco- trading as well.
tization, the whole chiton can be stored in ethanol.
These methods do not contaminate the specimen 2.5 TECHNIQUES FOR NARCOTIZING
and instead leave the soft parts in a usable condi- MOLLUSKS
tion for researchers (E. Schwabe, pers. comm.).
Burghardt and Burghardt (pers. comm.) tie chitons Before beginning the discussion of cleaning tech-
to microscope slides with clear nylon thread. They niques, we would like to discuss the topic of narco-
then place them in vials of ethanol and seal them. tization. Sometimes when mollusks are collected,
The chitons appear to be suspended in the fluid. it is important to preserve the animal (soft parts)
Additional information on collecting and preparing as well as the shell. The process of narcotizing or
chitons can be found in Chapter 18, Burghardt and anesthetizing will render the animal senseless and
Burghardt (1969: 5-6), and Scheidt (1982). relaxed. If the animal is left in the narcotizing agent
for a prolonged period of time the animal will die.
Pelagic mollusks: One group of mollusks not com- If anatomical studies are anticipated or if you want
monly collected is the pelagic mollusks. These can to minimize damaging the shell when removing the
be collected by using a plankton net. This is a metal soft parts, you will want to relax the animal by using
hoop to which a net is attached. At the tip of the net a narcotizing agent. While there is no single ideal
is a jar or container. The net is towed through the narcotizing agent, there are some recommendations
water and suspended items are collected by the net that can be offered.
and concentrated in the container. One then sorts
through the contents of the container searching for For terrestrial gastropods, the simplest way to relax
mollusks. Pelagic organisms will rise and sink in the animal is by placing it in a jar of water sealed
the water column at different times of day. Thus, it so that there are no air bubbles in the container.
is advisable to collect at different times of the day The animal will die in a relaxed position outside
and night to maximize your yield. of the shell (if one is present) within 24-48 hours
(Pilsbry and Vanatta 1898, Gregg 1944). As soon
2.4.13 Ecological consideratios. Before leaving the as the animal is dead, it should be transferred to the
subject of collecting, it is well to emphasize that you appropriate preservative. A good, general-purpose
should leave the ocean floor or wherever you have one is 80% ethanol. Some researchers use a mix-
collected as nearly as possible in the same condition ture of 80% ethanol, 15% water, and 5% glycerin.
as when found. In the marine or freshwater environ- If this mixture is used, do not use jars with metal
ment, return overturned rocks to their original orien- lids to store specimens, as glycerin will acceler-
tation. Not doing so is an indication of a thoughtless ate the deterioration of the metal lid (see Chapter
collector. In days or weeks, the rocks will become 5). You can also use formaldehyde but then the
bleached and devoid of the organisms that were liv- tissues cannot be used at a later time for DNA
ing on it. It will take many more months for them to studies (formaldehyde cross-links proteins making
be covered by the natural growth necessary to the the DNA difficult to extract). When DNA studies
maintenance of molluscan and other marine life. The are anticipated, a 95% or higher concentration of
undersides of many rocks support what can be con- ethanol should be used as the preservative, and the
sidered miniature communities, which are quickly animals should be preserved immediately without
destroyed when the rocks are left overturned. drowning (Schander and Hagnell 2003).

It is understood that one should also avoid over- Another agent that can be used for terrestrial gas-
collecting. While there are many other far more tropods is chlorethanone (chlorobutanol) (Hubricht
important causes of population depletion for most 1951, Clement and Cather 1957). One makes a satu-
mollusk species, it is still common sense to collect rated aqueous solution of chlorethanone and then
22 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

dilutes one part of this solution with 10-20 parts of magnesium chloride (Smith 1961), amyl chloro-
water. The snails are put in this solution. Depending hydrin (Smith 1961), and freezing (Carriker and
on the size of the specimen, it can take from 12-48 Blake 1959, Bowler et al. 1996) have also been
hours for complete narcotization. The specimens described. Van Eeden (1958) found that a combina-
should then be transferred to the preservative of tion of menthol and chloral hydrate (a controlled
choice. A. G. Smith (1962) found that chlorethanone substance) worked well on freshwater gastropods
also worked well for some marine gastropods. such as Physa and Bulinus. Mueller (1972) called
this combination Gray’s Mixture, and found it use-
Nembutal and pentobarbital have been found to ful for relaxing many classes of marine mollusks.
be good general narcotizing agents for a variety of Papers by Runham et al. (1965), Crowell (1973),
freshwater mollusks (van der Schalie 1953, Heard Mueller (1972), Coney (1993), Araujo et al. (1995),
1965, Runham et al. 1965, Meier-Brooks 1976, Norton et al. (1996), and Aquilina and Roberts
Coney 1993, Araujo et al. 1995). These chemicals (2000) compare multiple agents.
are considered controlled substances (substances of
abuse potential) by the United States Government. If you must narcotize mollusks, the best way to
You may have difficulty obtaining them unless you learn how to do this is by apprenticing yourself to
have a federal license to possess them or are work- someone with experience. If this is not possible, you
ing with someone who has such a license. Barker should obtain the literature mentioned above and
(1981) found nembutal a good narcotizing agent study the intricacies of narcotization. Keep careful
for pulmonates and Aquilina and Roberts (2000) records and consider publishing your results and
found it good for Haliotis. experiences. This is a topic where more in-depth
knowledge is needed.
Craze and Barr (2002) used electrical-component
freezing spray to kill snails. This material is pack- 2.6 TECHNIQUES FOR MARKING AND
aged as an aerosol spray and will cool to -50°C. TAGGING MOLLUSKS
They found this material quickly froze snails up to
approximately 30 mm. The upper limit was mainly Occasionally you will want to study the move-
dictated by the increasing amount of spray needed ments of mollusks. You might want to study how
to accomplish the task. They found that very small dead shells are moved by the tides. On the other
snails might be blown away by the spray. They hand, you might need to study the movements of
solved this problem by placing the snails on a sheet a group of live mollusks. What follows is a list of
of aluminum foil and spraying the under-surface of techniques for marking shelled mollusks. While
the foil. Occasionally, they noted a vacuum phenom- there are techniques for tracking mollusks without
enon. When they attempted to remove the thawed shells (Anderson 1973, Richter 1976, Grimm 1996,
snail’s body from the shell a piece would break off Coyer et al. 1999), further discussion of these tech-
in the apical whorls due to a vacuum created there. niques is beyond the scope of this chapter. Coyer
They solved this problem by drilling a small hole in et al. (1999) reviewed methods for tagging various
the upper whorls to equilibrate the pressure. Electri- forms of marine life.
cal-component freezing sprays come in two forms:
chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) based and CFC-free. For One simple way of marking a shell is to write a
the protection of the environment, we recommend number directly on it. This can be done with an
that the CFC-free forms be used. indelible fine-tipped marking pen or with a fine-
tipped drafting pen such as a Rapidograph® pen
Other narcotizing methods utilizing propylene (Koh-I-Noor, Corp., available at art stores and
phenoxetal (Owen 1955, Owen and Steedman many office supply stores). If the shell is dark,
1958, Turner 1960, Rosewater 1963, 1965, Mills you may have to put on a patch of a quick drying
et al. 1997), methanol (Smith 1996), ethanol (De white enamel-like substance such as is found in
Winter 1985) Sevin® (Carriker and Blake 1959), Liquid Label® (Light Impressions, Brea, Califor-
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 23

nia). You can also try quick drying enamel paint. A method of marking bivalves, not requiring dis-
It may be necessary to file the periostracum or turbing the specimens to read the mark, has been
shell to make it smooth enough to write on. When described by Englund and Heino (1994). This
the shell is numbered, cover the number with a method used a small float attached to a small disc
cyanoacrylate adhesive (Superglue, Krazy Glue®) with a cord. The disc was glued to the shell. The
or acrylic polymer (found in Liquid Label®) or middle of the cord was tied to a tag carrying the
dental acrylic. This will protect the number from number or coded message.
abrasion (Lonhart 1999 and Lemarié et al. 2000).
Some researchers have recommended clear epox- Lastly, you can code shells by using colored enamel
ies, however, Lemarié et al. (2000) recommended paints. For instance, a linear arrangement of four
against using epoxies. They found epoxies to be dots using five colors will allow you to mark 625
inferior to cyanoacrylate adhesives. specimens differently. After the paint has dried,
cover it with a cyanoacrylate adhesive or acrylic
Another technique is to use pre-printed numbers. polymer for added protection and durability.
These numbered discs or labels are generally 3-8
mm in size. They are attached to the shell using a 2.7 TECHNIQUES FOR CLEANING AND
cyanoacrylate adhesive or acrylic resin. As with PRESERVING MOLLUSKS
writing the number directly on the shells, you may
have to file the shell to allow the tag or disc to Methods for cleaning and preserving mollusks are
make better contact. Pre-made tags that have been many, varied, and controversial. There are several
used for marking include Shellfish Tags (Hallprint major methods of cleaning. They include using
Pty., Ltd., Holden Hill, South Australia, Australia), alcohol, refrigeration or freezing, boiling, cleaning
Fingerling Tags (Floy Tag and Manufacturing, Inc., by insects (ants, flies, mealy-worms), microwaving,
Seattle, WA) and the Queen Marking Kit (bee tags) and ultrasonic cleaning. A technique was even de-
(E. H. Thorne, Ltd., Wragby, England). scribed that uses sea anemones (Fox 1935). Which
technique you use will often depend on the type and
You can also print numbers using a small font, such size of specimen that you are cleaning.
as a 6 or 8-point font, on waterproof paper with an
indelible ink or print them with a drafting pen. Then 2.7.1 Boiling. A great number of gastropods are
cut them out or use a hole punch and then attach cleaned by simply boiling them and removing the
them to the shell as described above. Young and animal. Care should be exercised in bringing the
Williams (1983) used a variant of this technique. animal out with a circular or corkscrew motion. In
They printed numbers on Dymo® tape (a plastic other words, it should be twisted out and with larger
tape). They attached the tags to mussels using a specimens such as Fasciolaria, Busycon, and the
cyanoacrylate adhesive. In studies lasting almost like, an ice pick driven into the body will give a
three years, they found that 95% or more of their firm hold where it is most needed.
tags were still attached to the marked mussels.
Never boil too great a number of shells at one time,
You can physically alter the shell as a way of mark- other than bivalves. The bodies of gastropods are
ing it. Using a diamond-tipped scribe (available much more easily removed while hot, and shells
at most hardware stores) or a file, you can scratch that have been boiled and set aside for a time and
a number or code on the shell. If you use a code, have become cold are hard to clean. At a tempera-
remember to record the coding instructions so that ture around 65ºC (149ºF), the columellar muscle
others can decode the markings at a later time. relaxes and the body of the animal can be twisted
Some researchers have used drills to encode shells out. If the specimen cools down, the muscle can
(Thoma et al. 1959, Wolda 1963, Kleewein 1999). reharden, making removal of the animal difficult.
Ropes and Merrill (1970) used either a file or a Also, unless great care and diligence is taken, the
Dremel Moto-Tool® for notching surf clams. liver and other soft parts are often left behind to
24 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

make themselves very evident by odor at a later Water Pik® or Hydro-Pik®. Lastly, for larger gas-
time. Very few Murex and Vasum are perfectly tropods, a reducing nozzle on a garden hose may
cleaned, as they seem to have a weak connection be appropriate.
between the muscular part of the body and the
viscera; usually there is a break at this point when To use the alcohol (ethanol) or pine oil treatment,
drawing out the bodies, leaving portions that are place the shells in a box of sand aperture oriented
next to impossible to remove. upward. Fill the shells with the alcohol or a few
drops of pine oil. Let them stand for 12 to 24 hours
When boiling, measure the largest shell in the pot and then rinse them out with water. This method
and allow approximately one minute of boiling time will frequently loosen up retained bits of tissue and
per 2.5 cm (1 inch) of shell length. This seems to be allow them to be flushed out. Sometimes a second
an adequate amount of time for most gastropods. treatment will be needed. In our experience, most
If bits of tissue remain behind, you can try to flush curators in museums do nothing to remove the final
them out with water, alcohol, or pine oil or place traces of tissue. As tissue dries out over time, the
the shells by an anthill (but avoid placing shells in smell disappears. Thus, no foreign substances are
sunlight as they will tend to fade). introduced into the shell. Also, if the humidity in
which the collection is stored is kept within appro-
2.7.2 Hooks and pins. Hooks useful in drawing the priate levels, the residual tissue may desiccate.
bodies from small gastropod shells may be made
by whittling small cylindrical handles from some When at all possible, work underwater. This will
soft wood, making them 75-100 mm (3-4 inches) prevent the shell from shooting across the room
long and the diameter of a lead pencil. Into this or backyard. It will also help you to avoid losing
handle push a needle (with the eye downward into opercula if they are present in the shells that you
the wood), leaving the point out. This point may are working on. Lastly, you will lessen the risk of
be bent to any degree of curvature by heating over splattering yourself with bits of molluscan tissue.
a Bunsen burner and bending while white-hot
(exercise care when doing this). Some collectors 2.7.4 Preservation of tissue. The soft tissues of
achieve excellent results while using a piece of mollusks are best preserved in a fluid medium.
fairly stiff springy wire such as used as a leader on However, if the tissue dries out, it may not be
fishing lines. There are many beautifully prepared useless. José Leal (pers. comm.), mentioned that
specimens for which the only tool used was a safety he has written more than a couple of papers based
pin with the point bent into a hook. You may also on anatomical data drawn from dried soft parts
use a dissecting needle and sometimes a dissecting found inside old shells from museum collections,
probe or crochet needle will work. some of them more than 40 years old. He strongly
recommends that, if it becomes important that the
2.7.3 Flushing with water. While your hook may material should be preserved dry, then odor should
be a useful implement, you will often leave some not be the emphasis. Instead the preservation of as
tissue behind. At these times, you may resort to “artifact-free” a sample as possible should be the
water to flush out the remaining tissue. One imple- aim. Actually, the smell may be minimal if the tis-
ment to flush out tissue from gastropod shells is a sue remains dry; this requires that you control the
syringe. The best syringe to use is the one used by humidity where the collection is stored (see Chapter
dentists and physicians and is of the piston type 5.2). For methods to reconstitute dried tissue, see
with a luer-lock to hold on the needle. The com- Chapter 5.9.
mon rubber ear syringe may be used. This does
not give nearly the amount of force, but is much In case it is desired to preserve the specimens entire,
less expensive and easier to obtain. These work ethanol (80-95%) has a decided advantage over
well for small to medium sized shells. You might most preservatives, especially when the animal is
also want to try an oral irrigating device such as a to be used for future dissection, study of molluscan
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 25

anatomy, and DNA studies. It is very easy to lose 2.7.6 Cleaning shells with insects. A method of
the identity of soft parts while preparing shells, so cleaning long in use by some is the use of blowfly
it is well to label each specimen at once. Ordinary larvae or maggots. This method, while not for the
bond paper on which the name is written with lead squeamish, is very efficient, and, after a period
pencil is very satisfactory and may be affixed to the of time, vigorous rinsing of the shell is all that is
specimen with a short length of thread or string. necessary. Some other collectors will place shells
Although most collectors throw away the soft by anthills and allow the ants to clean out the
parts that were extracted from their shells, many shells. If you undertake these methods, make sure
museums will be grateful for such material sent to that animals such as raccoons do not carry off your
them. In this manner, the amateur collector may, specimens. Place the shells under a wire box with
in a small way, partially repay the large amount of a weight on top of it. The raccoons will not be able
free, unselfish, and efficient help given by these to get to the shells while the insects will.
institutions (for more on this, see Chapter 14).
2.7.7 Vacuum pumps. A novel but quite effective
Alcohol is often a first step in preserving the dry method of cleaning out the last bits of the tissue
soft tissue of the smaller species and many are from old, smelly shells or narrow ones where a bit
placed in this preservative immediately. Usually a of the body often remains in the spire (Terebra are
concentration of 80% or higher of ethanol or iso- a major offender here) is the use of a vacuum pump
propyl alcohol is used. Isopropyl alcohol is more (P. Monfils, pers. comm.). Place the shell, aperture
poisonous but easier to obtain. The smaller opercu- upward, in a bowl of chlorine bleach or hydrogen
late shells should be allowed to remain out of water peroxide. The bottom of the bowl should have a
until death occurs and then placed in alcohol before layer of sand or glass beads to support the shell.
decomposition sets in. In so doing, the opercula are Place the bowl in a bell jar or vacuum dissector.
preserved in plain sight. Should these be placed in Using a vacuum pump, decrease pressure slowly
the preservative before death occurs, the animals so as to allow trapped air bubbles to escape. The
retract within the shell, and the opercula may not bleach or peroxide will now flow into the deepest
be seen in the prepared specimens. The specimens recesses of the spire and dissolve the remaining
should remain in alcohol for at least 24 hours if fragments of tissue. Use this method only with
small and longer if large. After removal, the fluid glassware designed for use with vacuum pumps; to
should be drained from them and they should be do otherwise risks an implosion. It is also wise to
allowed to dry for at least a week before packing use such an apparatus behind a shatterproof shield
them away. in case of an implosion. Use this method only with
shells where destruction of the periostracum is of
2.7.5 Formaldehyde. Some people use formal- no concern, because the bleach or peroxide will
dehyde for preserving mollusks. This is an acidic damage the periostracum (see above - Chapter
substance and in general, if you need to use a 2.4 Field Collection Techniques: Land Snails, and
preservative, we recommend alcohol. A dilute, below - Cleaning the External Shell Surface).
well-buffered solution of formalin (a 37-40%
aqueous solution of formaldehyde) can be used as 2.7.8 Microwave ovens. Some collectors are now
a last resort, but be certain to counter its acidity using microwave ovens to clean gastropods. This
with a neutralizing agent such as limestone chips or seems to work best for medium sized shells (2-
borax (sodium borate). These should put in the day 15 cm). Wrap each shell in a paper towel, place
before so they have a chance to buffer the solution in a covered dish and microwave for one to two
properly. If you do decide to use formaldehyde minutes. Remove the shells and twist the body out
do so with caution and in a well-ventilated room. with a corkscrew motion. As microwaves differ
This substance can cause respiratory irritation, in their wattage, you might have to experiment
and it is believed to be a cancer-causing substance to see what the optimal time will be for a given
(carcinogen). sized shell in your microwave. As with boiling,
26 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

if the shells cool down, removal of the body may encrusted shells, full strength solutions are always
become difficult. Do not microwave too many best.
shells at a time.
When using chlorine bleach, try not to get it on your
This method can be a messy process, and wrapping hands as it can irritate skin (wearing rubber gloves
the shells in a paper towel serves two purposes. is recommended, but be mindful of latex allergies)
First, it will keep an operculum (if present) as- or clothing as it tends to eat plastic-based materials
sociated with its shell. Second, it will keep tissue such as polyester and acrylic, and can fade the pig-
explosions from soiling the microwave oven. This ments of your jeans or other clothing instantly. Also,
will cut down on the bad odor left behind and make remember to rinse the shells well after cleaning to
cleaning the microwave oven easier. As with other remove all traces of the bleach.
methods of cleaning shells, you may also need to
flush the shell out with water or use the alcohol or When considering whether to clean the exterior
pine oil treatment after microwaving. of shells, you must weigh several other factors. In
some shells, the color and markings (rays, flam-
2.7.9 Cleaning the exterior shell surface. Some mules, etc.) are contained within the periostracum
collectors prefer specimens just as taken from the and not the shell itself. Removing the periostra-
water, but many are more fastidious and try to cum will leave you with a bleached, white shell.
enhance their beauty by cleaning off all extrane- Freshwater bivalves and gastropods and terrestrial
ous matter. The periostracum can be removed gastropods fall into this category. Also in this cat-
by a stiff brush. It is much simpler to dissolve it egory are some marine shells such as Perna viridis
with full-strength household chlorine bleach (5% (Linnaeus, 1758) and some brackish water shells.
sodium hypochlorite). This soaking is sometimes A. G. Smith (1962) found that recently killed
followed by brushing to remove what the bleach freshwater mollusks could be treated with chlorine
has not removed. bleach for one or two minutes. This would remove
encrustations and adhered algae without destroying
Where there is a quantity of coralline or calcareous the periostracum. The techniques did not work with
growth, it is necessary to remove this bit by bit and old, long-dried out specimens.
very carefully so as not to injure the shell. Soaking
in chlorine bleach will prove extremely useful here Some other shells will show a change in color when
as it helps separate the concretions from the shell. A treated with chlorine bleach (examples include Co-
shoemaker’s awl is a very efficient tool, as are the nus ebraeus Linnaeus, 1758, and Conus dorreensis
very sharp, disposable knives found in hardware Péron, 1807). When in doubt, treat only one or two
stores, however, any sharp pointed instrument will shells of a given type or check with someone who
do, including dentists’ tools. has experience with the group of shells in question.
Some people also like to leave the encrustations on
Shells that are covered by a mass of vegetation the shell to show what the shell is associated with
or spongy growth and other encrustations may be in its natural habitat. Other people like to remove
readily cleaned by immersion in any of the chlorine all the encrustations and have a clean shell. You
bleach solutions found at most grocery stores (5% can compromise and clean several shells leaving
sodium hypochlorite solution). Do not fear for the the rest in their natural condition.
integrity of the shell; the chlorine will not attack the
lime of the shell, however, the specimen should not It is especially hard to clean shells more or less
be allowed to remain in the solution for too long a disfigured by an unsightly mass of barnacles.
time as some loss of color through bleaching may Often, the mass may be detached in its entirety
occur. In general, full strength household bleach by applying pressure at just the right point with
may be used, but some prefer to use half-strength, the cleaning tool, but all too frequently this is
especially for more delicate shells. For rugged but not the case and an unsightly white blotch is the
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 27

result. This may usually be removed by carefully genus, a needle or pin can be thrust through the
scratching the remains of the barnacle with the tip body just behind the operculum and allowed to lie
of a sharp pointed knife and reducing the remains crosswise of the aperture. The animal will quickly
of the barnacle to a powder, care being taken not die and can be removed.
to injure the shell.
Conidae: The larger Conus may be boiled and
2.7.10 Ultrasonic cleaner. Another method to clean the animal removed using a straight wire or, as
off encrustations is an ultrasonic cleaner. Placing previously mentioned, a crochet hook that has
the shell in the tank and turning it on frequently been slightly bent. The wire should be introduced
removes the encrustatation without damaging the parallel to the long axis of the shell. A firm twist
shell. Try this method on less desirable specimens will usually start the body rolling out. Be sure to
before applying it to rare or one-of-a-kind shells. preserve the operculum of every specimen and see
The main limit to this technique is the size of the to it that each shell has its own operculum. Place
ultrasonic cleaner. The larger the tank (bath) the the operculum within the shell and close the aper-
greater the cost will be. An ultrasound tank with a ture with a small wad of cotton or crumpled paper.
10 x 15 cm (4 x 6 inches) tank will be large enough Later, when preparing the shells for the cabinet,
to clean the majority of shells (A. G. Smith 1962, a tightly fitting plug of cotton wedged into the
Pojeta and Balanc 1989). aperture will receive a drop of adhesive on which
the operculum is placed and pushed into position
2.7.11 Walnut shell blasting. Recently, a num- in a lifelike manner.
ber of reasonably priced machines, operated by
compressed air, have become available. They use Cypraea: For years, it has been thought that no
finely ground walnut shells as a gentle abrasive for Cypraea should be boiled. It was thought that
cleaning delicate objects. If using this method to heating the shell would impair the gloss, and the
clean mollusks, it is best to test the suitability of accepted procedure was to allow the animal to die
the method and the appropriate grit size, by first and decay. The odor would be removed with many
using it on the least valuable specimen. Otherwise, rinsings and the shell could eventually appear in
tragedy could easily result. respectable company. It has been demonstrated that
the idea was fallacious, and now most collectors
2.7.12 Techniques for specific groups. What do not hesitate to boil a Cypraea, but it has been
follows are some specific cleaning suggestions for recommended that the specimens be placed in tepid
certain groups of marine mollusks. water and then brought to a boil, thus avoiding any
checking of the shell due to sudden change of tem-
Janthina: When a crop of Janthina is thrown up on perature. It is important after boiling the larger cow-
the beach, and the bodies are still in the shells, it is ries that the shells are shaken vigorously to loosen
well to place the specimens in fresh water overnight, the body of the mollusk. It should be shaken until
and the bodies may be flushed out the following the loosened body may be heard swishing about
morning. Janthina should not remain in fresh water inside the shell. All moisture should be removed
for more than 12 hours, as longer immersion will from the shell as any remaining moisture will cause
soften the periostracum in an irregular manner and a bluish discoloration in the darker colored species,
the dried shells will present a blotchy appearance. and this discoloration is often permanent. Flushing
with water (Section 2.7.3) is also a good way to
Xenophora: Removal of the body from Xenophora clean out Cypraea shells.
is almost impossible and boiling does not solve
the problem. Frequently if the shell is placed with Large gastropods: With the larger shells such as
the aperture upward, the living animal will thrust Cassis, Busycon, Pleuroploca, etc., another tech-
a greater part of its body out and it may be quickly nique has proven useful. The shell containing the
removed. In small specimens of this interesting living mollusk is placed aperture side up for 24
28 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

hours or longer. The animal has usually become the tape eventually separates from the fabric and
weakened by this time and a greater portion of it adheres to the shell. The residual adhesive is very
lies out of the shell. A stout cord or wire is tightly difficult to remove. Rubber bands should also be
wound about the body, just behind the operculum, avoided. Over time, they will degrade and some
and then is tied to some convenient object above so leave behind a difficult to remove residue. The
that the shell is suspended with all the weight pull- same can be said for scotch tape.
ing downward. Gradually the body is pulled from
the shell by the shell’s weight. A bed of soft material Another procedure that is frowned upon by many is
should be placed beneath the shell to prevent break- to glue the valves of bivalves together. Such adhe-
age. Frequently, the cord must be shortened from sives are often hard to remove and fragile specimens
time to time as the body becomes more and more may be damaged in the attempt to open them. Tying
elongated from the constant traction. Alternately, the valves together with cotton string is the preferred
you can support the shell aperture facing down. As method if keeping them together is desired.
the organism dies, the weight of the tissue mass will
cause it slowly to drop out of the shell. You may If it is desired that specimens of Pteria, Anomia,
have to tug at the tissue mass slightly. and the like be preserved on the Gorgonia or other
object on which they have been found, they should
Large bivalves: Bivalve shells should be cleaned be placed in alcohol for a day or two and then dried in
soon after being collected to avoid discoloration situ. Pododesmus should be left as found, as attempts
of the interior. A knife is all that is usually needed, to remove the animal portions often prove disastrous.
however, be careful to avoid scratching the interior The soft parts are so small that they will dry up and
when removing the adductor muscles. It is very not make themselves unpleasantly evident.
easy to chip the edge of a bivalve when attempt-
ing to open it. The adductor muscles can usually Terrestrial slugs: Terrestrial slugs should be
be cut using a razor (for small bivalves) or a very narcotized (see above) and then placed in at least
sharp, thin knife (fillet knife or a Finnish puukko) 80% ethanol. One can also freeze-dry slugs but this
for larger bivalves. involves sophisticated techniques and equipment.
This technique is described in Crowell (1973).
Boiling is not normally necessary, but can be used
if desired. Immersion in room temperature water, Miscellaneous taxa: Dentalium, Rimula, and the
with gradual heating, will usually cause tightly like are left overnight in fresh water and the ani-
closed, live bivalves to relax. This causes them to mal easily removed the following morning. With
gape and thus be easier to open. Cyphoma, Marginella, Oliva, Olivella, and Trivia,
it is necessary to kill the animal with fresh water.
There is a diversity of opinion regarding the posi- They should remain in fresh water for at least 48
tion in which bivalves should be dried. Many favor hours, with two or more changes of water before
closing the valves in a natural position and holding the body is sufficiently softened so that it may be
them in place by a few strands of thread wound removed with a syringe. It might be mentioned that
about them until they are dry. Others prefer to dry if the shell to be cleaned is held under water during
the specimens, wide open, “butterfly fashion” main- the operation, the collector will obviate all danger
taining that the beauty of the shell is enhanced and of spraying him or herself as well as adjacent ter-
the inside structure more easily seen and studied. ritory with none-too-sweet-smelling water.
Individual preference should be your guide.
2.7.13 Coating shells with preservatives. Shells
If there is one procedure thoroughly despised by may be found washed up on beaches and they may
most collectors, it is the practice of holding the appear dull and faded. The color may be greatly
valves in position by means of narrow strips of intensified by a mild application of some greasy
surgical adhesive tape. The adhesive coating of substance such as mineral oil, paraffin, silicon oil,
Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 29

or Teflon®. Application of these substances will open flames. While naphtha and mineral spirits are
often brighten up a dull and faded specimen. To relatively low toxicity, they can act as respiratory
preserve the periostracum of such shells as Sinum, irritants. They are also flammable, thus no sources
Hydatina, and unionoids, which have a tendency of flames or sparking should be present.
to peel when very dry, an occasional application
of one of these substances will prove sufficient. It Clench (1931) described a process of mixing paraf-
is very important to remember that the collector fin with xylene. Place 120 g (4 ounces) of paraffin
is not creating a shell but is simply, in a manner in 300 ml (10 ounces) of xylene. Warm this in a
“lifting its face.” water bath to dissolve the paraffin in the xylene.
Shells are dipped into the solution and then placed
Animal and vegetable-based oils will become ran- on a flat surface to dry. The xylene will evaporate
cid with time and should be avoided. Silicon oil leaving behind a thin coating of paraffin. Remem-
is a relatively inert substance. Its stability, lack of ber that xylene is flammable so avoid open flames.
odor, and safety profile have made it a substance Xylene is also a respiratory irritant, so this method
that people are comfortable using. The silicon oil should only be performed in a fume hood or a well-
is cut with naphtha or mineral spirits 1 part to 2-4 ventilated area such as outdoors.
parts. Shells are dipped into this mixture and then
placed on a flat surface. The solvent evaporates You should also keep in mind that many collectors
leaving behind a thin coating of silicon. If diluted and most museum workers apply no surface coating
appropriately the amount of silicon oil remaining to shells. Generally, if you keep the temperature
should not leave the shell feeling greasy or tacky. and humidity level of your storage area within a
Too much oil makes the shell slippery and a “dust range of 16-21ºC (60-70ºF) and 50-55% relative
magnet”. Mineral oils can be used in a similar humidity, there should be no concern with the
fashion. periostracum peeling (See Chapter 5, Archival and
Curatorial Methods). Also, there is nothing wrong
A number of collectors have used a solvent called with a slightly faded, pristine shell as opposed to
WD-40® to brighten the surface of a shell or to one that is shiny but chemically adulterated.
preserve the periostracum. WD-40 is a petroleum
distillate. Some collectors dilute it 1 part to 3-4 2.7.14 Acid Treatment. The method of dipping in
parts naphtha or mineral spirits and then dip their hot acid followed by a plunge in ice water so as to
shells into this solution. Others use the WD-40 full create a false luster is to be avoided scrupulously. The
strength. We do not recommend WD-40 for one same may be said of the use of varnish or shellac, or
preservational aspect - it is a proprietary and secret any form of buffing. When you take the necessary
formula. Such mixtures are of unknown composi- time and effort to prepare your specimens properly,
tion and can be changed at any time. Thus, you are you can truthfully say that your collection is “a thing
never certain what you are putting on your shells. of beauty and a joy forever” (Bales 1942).

If you are going to apply a coating to your shells, 2.8 LITERATURE CITED
you do not want to apply it full strength. This full
Abbott, R. T., G. M. Moore, J. S. Schwengel, and M.
strength coating will often make the shell tacky and C. Teskey. 1955. How to Collect Shells, 2nd Ed.
slippery. Many collectors dilute the oily substance American Malacological Union, Marinette, Wis-
with naphtha or mineral spirits. Diluting the oil consin. 75 pp.
one part to three or four parts of solvent is often Abbott, R. T., M. K. Jacobson, and M. C. Teskey (eds.)
sufficient. When the solvent evaporates, it leaves 1966. How to Collect Shells, 3rd Ed. American Mala-
cological Union, Marinette, Wisconsin. 101 pp.
behind a thin coating of the oil. Also, the thinned Allison, L. N. 1942. Trapping snails of the genus Campe-
oil is able to penetrate into the shell deeper than the loma. Science 95: 131-132.
full strength oil would. When using solvent, make Anderson, E. 1973. A method for marking nudibranchs.
sure there is adequate ventilation and no sources of Veliger 16: 121.
30 Field and laboratory methods in Malacology

Aquilina, B. and R. Roberts. 2000. A method for induc- Gregg, W. O. 1944. Collecting and preserving land slugs.
ing muscle relaxation in the abalone, Haliotis iris. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of
Aquaculture 190: 403-408. Sciences 43: 41-43.
Araujo, R., J. M. Remón, D. Moreno, and M. A. Ramos. Grimm, B. 1996. A new method for individually mark-
1995. Relaxing techniques for freshwater molluscs: ing slugs (Arion lusitanicus (Mabille)) by magnetic
trials for evaluation of different methods. Malaco- transponders. Journal of Molluscan Research 62:
logia 36: 29-41. 477-482.
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Sturm, Mayhew, and Bales 31

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3.1 INTRODUCTION The opening of the 1941 article was: “I suspect that
almost every shell collector who has gotten up at
Most people begin their shell collections by walk- an unearthly hour in the morning to collect at a
ing along the shore and picking up the shells they minus tide has gazed out beyond the narrow bend
come across. At some point in time, many of us of shore left uncovered by the retreating waters and
want to go beyond this technique of collecting, and wondered what rare treasures he could find, if the
obtain materials from places we cannot normally sea would but drop a hundred feet or so for awhile.
reach. This chapter deals with some of the ways Or what shell collector strolling along the beach
to extend our reach. These methods may be as after a storm hasn’t wished that he could go out be-
simple as using a dip net to as complicated as us- neath the waves and collect live, perfect specimens
ing a dredge or box corer. Section 3.2 will discuss of some of the shells that lie broken and worn at
dredging from the perspective of Tom Burch. This his feet. The vast majority, however, just sigh and
is followed by Section 3.3, a short discussion of decide that the ‘deep stuff’ can only be collected
several other methods of remote bottom sampling with complicated and expensive equipment and is
written by Sturm. For additional treatments of these only for institutions and individuals with plenty of
topics, see Ockelmann (1964), Holme and McIntyre finances. A few consider it further and decide that
(1971), J. Q. Burch (1974), Skoglund (1990), and while it would be much easier and more pleasant to
Monfils (1999). dredge from a two-hundred foot cruiser with power
winches and a crew to do all the work, if one has a
3.2 DREDGING strong back and a few dollars, he too can get some
of this same material.”
Since I (TAB) wrote one of the first articles in this
series in 1941 (Burch 1941), I was very pleased That passage obviously was written before SCUBA
when Dr. Charles Sturm asked me to write again. became prevalent (see Chapter 4). My first dive
Actually, he asked because of an article my wife was an adventure in a surplus Navy hard hat div-
and I wrote (Burch and Burch 2000). It probably ing suit that convinced me dredging was the way
did not occur to him that anyone who wrote about to go. Twenty years later scuba was popular and I
dredging in 1941 would still be active sixty years became a certified scuba diver but I still preferred
later. The quoted passages in this section are from dredging. About the only use I made of scuba was
Burch (1941). to rescue stuck anchors, retrieve something dropped
overboard at anchor or at the dock, or work on the
The 1941 article is still pertinent. About the only bottom of the boat.
things that really need revision are costs due to
inflation, some technological advances, and fifty Please consider that the prices shown in the original
years of additional experience with using a dredge. article, which continues, are those of the Great De-
34 Remote bottom collecting

pression, which did not really end until we got into already suggested that a person with a strong back
World War II. The prices cited need to be multiplied can dredge a lot of fine material with a skiff. My
by about 20 to get what they would cost in 2005. readers will probably not believe it until they have
the experience, but a man can drag just as large a
“Whereupon the ambitious collector makes a trian- dredge and fill it just as full by rowing as one can
gular or rectangular iron frame with a row of holes with an ordinary small motor boat. Needless to say,
along one side, or gets a blacksmith to make one the rower will not be able to make as many hauls
for about fifty cents, and gives a friendly fisherman as the motor boat operator.”
fifty cents for some old fine-meshed fish net. On the
way home to sew the net onto the frame he stops at “In choosing a dredging boat the most important item
a hardware store and buys about 200 feet of 3/8 inch to consider, in my estimation, is seaworthiness. If
manila rope for two or three dollars. Then, taking one is going to dredge on the open sea with a small
this simple equipment and some containers for the boat, he must always remember that the wind and
catch, he goes to the beach, rents a skiff for a few the sea are treacherous, and if his boat swamps he is
hours, rows merrily away from piers and boats and in a mighty precarious position. Incidentally in such
begins to dredge. A few hours later, depending on a case the safest thing to do is to stay with the boat
the physical condition of the dredger, the ambitious (unless it sinks). If you are going to dredge with a
collector returns wearily to shore, a tired but happy skiff or flat bottomed rowboat, be sure to get one
person, in a couple of hours, having collected more that was made for the ocean and not for some quiet
different kinds of shells that are new to his collec- lake or lagoon. It should have fairly wide beam so
tion than he had dared to hope. I must hasten to say that you can stand up, if needs be, without tipping it
that it does not always turn out as nicely as I have over, the sides and stern should flare a little and there
perhaps led my readers to believe. [My first dredge should be some shear. If you have never rowed a boat
station has the ignominious note, ‘Fishing Trip, learn how to, first. Have some old ‘salt’ show you
Dredge did not work.’] The spot chosen in which or read how to in a book. Also, do not try to dredge
to dredge makes a great deal of difference. Some everything the first day, leave some for other times or
who would have become ardent dredging fans have your hands will look worse than hamburger, even if
given it up as a bad job after they tried to dredge in you wear gloves – which good oarsmen never do.”
a shallow mud slough and got nothing but barren
gooey mud, or after they tried to dredge among I will omit the next few paragraphs in my 1941 ac-
large rocks and got nothing and perhaps lost their count because they were on problems with the pre
gear. If the embryonic dredger is persistent, how- World War II outboard motors that were nowhere
ever, and not easily discouraged, he will continue, near as reliable as those manufactured after the
profit from his mistakes, and in time become quite war. Even then, however, I had a word of caution
adept at this mode of collecting. Incidentally, if he regarding using a large outboard motor on a small
does continue to dredge, he will soon have many boat. You can get to where you want to go much
species of shells that less fortunate collectors can quicker but if you get stuck while dredging and
never get except by trading, buying, or going dredg- speed up the engine to break loose, and if you don’t
ing themselves. This includes scuba divers even if break loose, the stern of your boat may be pulled
they wash or brush the shells on algae, stones, etc. under the water.
into a container or bring up a bag or two of sand
from the bottom – unless they get the material from I then described our first boat, the JANTHINA. It
a reef where it is impossible to dredge.” was an 18 foot (6 m) New England dory with a well
for an outboard motor and a shive or pulley in the
3.2.1 Boats. “While it is sometimes possible to stern for the dredge line to pass over. The line was
get some very good material by just throwing a wound on a hand windlass forward of the motor
dredge off from the end of a pier and dragging it operator’s seat. We found this a very successful boat
in, a boat of some sort is really essential. I have and dredged down to 900 feet (300 m). It was very
Burch and Sturm 35

sea worthy, could be launched and landed through use a windlass, it always seemed to me that the rope
the surf so we were not dependent upon the location becomes more tangled when an attempt is made to
of boat ramps. Despite my laudatory description I coil it when dragging in the dredge than if simply al-
never saw or heard of anyone else using such a boat lowed to fall naturally ... If you are going to dredge
for dredging. We sold the boat to a fisherman after very deep (50 fathoms or more), it is much more
the War started since the military wouldn’t permit convenient to use cable, as rope has a tendency to
us out of the harbor. They considered our dredging float and pull the front end of the dredge up. The
activities as suspicious. chief objection to cable is the cost ... Needless to
say, a windlass or winch is necessary, if cable is
After the War and after my various assignments in used. If your boat is large enough, connect the
Central America and Africa with the U.S. Public winch to the motor, if not crank it by hand.”
Health Service, I purchased a Boston Whaler, the
JANTHINA V and installed a military surplus The cable that I used before the War was twisted
winch and powered it with a gasoline engine using wire clothesline that cost about $10.00 for a thou-
a clutch from a Toro ride-around lawn mower. This sand feet (300 m). I have not seen it since the War.
is a very sea-worthy boat and I used it very suc- The cable that I used on the Boston Whaler was
cessfully off Lewes, Delaware, the northern Gulf 3/8 inch (10 mm) stainless steel military surplus
of California, and Hawaii. It seemed, however, that cable but the winch I had would only hold enough
whenever I could go dredging in Hawaii there was for very shallow dredging. That was ok off Lewes,
so much wind that it was unpleasant unless I stayed Delaware and in the northern Gulf of California
near shore or in bays, so I purchased a 32-foot but not in Hawaii where the water may be over a
(10 m) Salmon Trawler, the JANTHINA VII, that hundred fathoms (600 feet, 200 m) a half mile (800
had sailed (or rather chugged) to Hawaii from the m) from shore. I first got smaller cable and a big-
mainland. I’m not advocating these particular boats. ger winch that was powered by a gasoline engine.
What I am advocating is that the boat should be sea- When I bought the JANTHINA VII, I enlarged the
worthy and, if large enough, have a derrick or an drum capacity so that it would hold over 3000 feet
A-frame to facilitate getting the dredge aboard. of 3/16 inch (5 mm) steel cable and powered it with
an hydraulic motor run from a power takeoff on the
3.2.2 Dredge line. “The simplest type of dredge boat’s diesel engine. The cable was really too small
line is rope. Some prefer to use 1/2 inch or 5/8 inch and I discovered that the best time to replace the
[12-16 mm] diameter manila rope as it is large and cable is before departing on a two week dredging
easy on the hands. [Nowadays you would probably trip rather than after returning.
get polypropylene or nylon rope.] This is very good,
if one is dredging on a shallow, rocky, or shale bot- Another thing that I learned the hard way is that
tom and does not get it permanently fastened to the one should have a small auxiliary engine to power
bottom. This heavy rope, however, is too bulky for the hydraulic pump and motor rather than using a
anything but very shallow dredging (5-20 fathoms) power take off from the main engine. The problem
and also is much more expensive than the smaller is that it is necessary to keep moving forward while
rope which is just as good and sufficiently strong. pulling up the dredge. If the boat backs up there is
My father and I have dredged as deep as 50 fathoms slack in the dredge line and the cable will tangle and
with 1/4 inch rope by fastening small weights to the have to be cut and spliced to get it on board. After
rope at several places. These weights are necessary discovering this I always tried to dredge with the
in deep dredging with rope as it has a tendency to current rather than against it so the current would
float and pull the dredge off the bottom.” keep the cable tight.

“If one tries to dredge in more than twenty fathoms 3.2.3 Types of dredges. “Dredges can be either very
with rope it is necessary to devise some sort of elaborate or very simple. It is possible to make a
windlass on which to wind the rope. If you do not dredge that will work from a five-gallon oilcan or a
36 Remote bottom collecting

Figure 3.1 Instructions for making a dredge. Plan courtesy of David Mulliner.

piece of iron sewer pipe. These are not as practical too little, it digs too much, while if it is too much,
as others but can be used in a pinch ... Probably the it rolls over the material. The right amount must be
most efficient cheap dredge consists of a triangu- determined with experience. In addition to a few lead
lar, circular, or rectangular frame with fish net or sinkers along the lead line a heavier weight at each
hardware cloth for a bag ... While the dredge can end of the line on the runners will help the net stay
be considered the standard implement for obtaining on the bottom. A heavier net should be placed over
marine life from the bottom of the ocean, various the finer net for protection and the end tied shut and
other gear, such as trawls, tangles, etc., can be used not sewed to facilitate removal of the haul.”
with success. While there are many different types of
trawls, I will only describe a simple beam type that “The trawl is used on a sand or mud bottom and is
I have used with good results. It consists, briefly, of used to cover large areas. It picks up only the larger
two iron runners connected to a wooden beam. The shells, etc., and lets all of the little things go through
size depends on the power of the boat that is used to or under. Tangles are especially useful on rocky
pull it. A long net is fastened to the beam and the rear bottoms where it is impossible to use a dredge or
end of the runners. The amount of sag to the lead line a trawl. They may be used, however, on any type
which drags on the bottom is very important. If it is of bottom. Tangles consist of a beam with a few
Burch and Sturm 37

short pieces of chain to which is fastened unraveled staying on the bottom. A three or four foot [1-1.3
rope” (see Section 3.3.3 below).” m] piece of heavy log chain is the most convenient
kind of weight, but a sash weight, or anything else
I have also used a 10-foot (3 m) Otter Trawl with will do.”
the 16-foot (5 m) Boston Whaler in the Northern
Gulf of California and the 32-foot (10 m) Salmon “It is impossible to dredge except at very slow
Trawler off Hawaii. These are the nets that com- speeds as otherwise the dredge is likely to be pulled
mercial shrimp boats use to test the bottom to find clear of the bottom. It is much easier to keep the
out if any shrimp are there. I got excellent material dredge on the bottom when dredging uphill than
from both boats with this gear. It is, however, more down, in fact, if the slope is very marked, it is
complicated and difficult to use an Otter trawl than almost impossible to dredge downhill. The more
a dredge or beam trawl. Plans for one type of dredge line you have out the easier it is to keep the dredge
are shown in Figure 3.1. on the bottom.”

3.2.4 Dredging operations. “Probably no two “On dredges with iron bridles it is a good idea to
persons who have dredged very much agree on make the dredge line fast to one bridle and tie the
just what equipment is best and how it should be other to it with a cord. Then, if the dredge gets
used. My father and I have dredged together quite caught, the cord [hopefully] will break and the
extensively for the past six years and we do not dredge will pull free. As an additional safeguard
agree on the proper procedures so no one else will against breaking the dredge line, it is best to have
probably agree entirely with me or anyone else.” some arrangement so the line can slip out of the
boat, if the dredge gets caught. This is more im-
“The principle of dredging is very simple - you portant with a larger boat.”
merely throw the dredge overboard, let out about
three times as much line as depth, drag it until it is 3.2.5 Locating where you are. “I have sug-
full, pull it up, and remove the contents. The only gested that it is a good idea to keep track of the
way to learn to dredge is to actually go out and good dredge hauls and the poor, so that you can
dredge. You will soon be able to tell by the feel of later return and dredge more of the good material.
the line if the dredge is on the bottom and digging; However, finding the same place again is quite a
in fact you will soon even be able to tell what type problem. Trying to find a good dredging spot that
of bottom it is by the way it jerks. Mud hauls usu- you hit by accident is like being the blind man in
ally just get heavier and heavier, sand hauls have ‘blind man’s bluff.’ When you get a good dredge
many little jerks depending on the character of the haul be sure to take all possible bearings on ob-
sand, while gravel hauls are decidedly jerky and jects on shore ... The next time you are out maybe
very uneven. The deeper the water, however, the you can get within a quarter of a mile of the spot
more difficult it is to tell anything about what is you are looking for.”
happening below.”
This is the part of dredging that has changed the most
“It is very important when dredging with cable since I started dredging in the 1930s. You want to
to keep the line taut by moving the boat forward know exactly where you are so you can come back
from the moment the dredge is thrown overboard, again, if you get a good haul. At first I took compass
otherwise the cable will get full of kinks and break bearings of two or more objects on shore that were
easily. This is not so important when using rope, if shown on the nautical chart of the area. I also tried
one is careful to keep the rope clear of the propeller, to get two objects on the chart in line one behind the
but it is usually a good idea.” other. Next I used a sextant. My first one was a cheap
plastic model but after I took navigation, I invested
“A weight of some sort should be placed between in a professional one. I used the sextant to determine
the line and the dredge to ensure the cutting edge the angles between object A and B and also between
38 Remote bottom collecting

B and C that were shown on a navigation chart of Thus the material that we have dredged off Redondo
the area and then using a three arm protractor, I po- Beach, California, is divided into 10, 25, 50, 100, 150
sitioned this so that each arm passed over one of the fathoms [18, 45, 90, 180, 275 m]; mud, sand, gravel,
objects and when all three were over their respective or rocks depending upon which it is closest to. Each
objects, the hole in the center of the hub from which collector will have to make up his mind according to
the three arms rotated, showed the position of the how much time he has for book keeping.”
boat. In the 1960s I used a radio-direction finder to
locate the compass bearings of two or three radio Since I wrote the last paragraph in 1941 I have
beacons and plotted those on the chart. When I got had more to do with museums and have changed
to Hawaii where I used a larger boat, I used Loran. my ideas and methods. I had assigned numbers to
Radar was also available but that cost more than I each station whether it were a location on shore, a
felt justified in spending. If I were dredging now I dredge haul, trawl haul, or haul with a plankton net.
would use a Global Positioning Device, which would The station numbers that I now use start with the
calculate the latitude and longitude using data from last two digits of the year and are then numbered
orbiting satellites. consecutively starting with 001. The advantage of
such a system is that you can just put the station
It is also important to know how deep the water is number with each set of shells instead of writing it
where you want to dredge. It is better to find out all out. The disadvantage is that when you want to
you cannot reach the bottom before you put the know where it came from, you have to look it up.
dredge overboard rather than when you finally pull
it up. There have also been a lot of improvements “Unless you are not interested in the semi-micro-
in fathometers (depth gauges). Modern ones will scopic shells do not throw any of the material away
even tell you the type of bottom. until after it is dried and re-sorted, as it is practically
impossible to see [minute shells] while the mate-
3.2.6 Taking care of the hauls. “When a dredge rial is wet. We usually screen the material, sort out
load is brought up, it should be screened. If the what we can see readily, dry it and then re-sort it at
dredge is made of screen, this can be done be- our leisure. This latter sorting can even wait until
fore bringing it aboard. Otherwise the load must winter, if you are pressed for time.”
be dumped and screened in the boat. If this is not
convenient, just empty the dredge into a sack and Actually, I still have material awaiting the second
take it home to screen.” sorting from dredge hauls made twenty years ago.
Somehow, now that I’m in my eighties, I just cannot
“The bottom off the West Coast is very spotty with seem to rush these things.
small patches of very good bottom surrounded
by large areas of poor bottom with relatively few 3.3 OTHER METHODS OF REMOTE BOT-
shells in it. [The same is true but to a lesser extent TOM SAMPLING
in most other places in which I have dredged.] For
this reason it is very important to keep track of While dredges are efficient devices for sampling the
the good hauls and the poor hauls. To do this it is benthos, they do have some drawbacks. They can
probably best to keep each haul separate until it is sample only the upper surface of the sediment. If
dried and sorted. If several hauls, however, are from they sample too deeply they become anchors! They
about the same spot and are apparently the same also lose all stratigraphic information. Whatever
material, there is no use keeping them separate. gets picked up becomes mixed up before the dredge
After the material is dried and sorted it is up to the is recovered. Several of the devices mentioned be-
individual what he does with it.” low are designed to avoid these drawbacks.

“We place everything from the same locality, ap- 3.3.1 Grabs. These are devices used to sample
proximate depth, and character of bottom together. sediment at the benthic zone. They obtain a discrete
Burch and Sturm 39

This grab is sometimes attached to the end of a pole

as opposed to being lowered on a rope. Lastly, the
Peterson Grab is a heavyweight at 40 kg (90 lbs)
and is designed for hard bottoms composed of sand,
pebbles, clay, and clay compounds.

You can think of a grab as a box that sinks into the

bottom substrate of a body of water. As it is pulled
up, there are plates or jaws that are released and
cover the bottom of the box preventing loss of the
sample. The grab is generally heavy enough to
sink into the sediment on its own. A messenger is a
device that that looks like a donut and slides down
the rope or cable attached to the grab. You lower
the grab so that it sits on the seafloor, release the
messenger and it slides down and triggers the jaws
to close. The Ekman Grab is one such grab.

Grabs tend to weigh between 4-100 kg (10-200 lbs).

They sample an area from 15 x 15 cm to 30 x 30 cm
(6 x 6 inches to 12 x 12 inches) and generally do
not penetrate the sediment more than 15 to 30 cm.
(6-12 inches). Some grabs are designed so that they
can be attached to a pole. Because of the weight of
the device, the poles used are not longer than 4-5
meters (12-15 feet). Usually, grabs are deployed by
lowering them on a rope by hand or with a winch
depending on the depth being sampled and the
weight of the grab. If sampling more than several
meters deep or with a larger grab, hand deployment
becomes problematic. Grabs can be used to sample
in depths of several hundred meters (1,000 feet).
Figure 3.2 Remote bottom sampling devices.
A, Ponar Grab. B, Box Corer. There are some drawbacks to using a grab. First,
you are not certain how far it penetrated the bot-
sample of the bottom that is representative of the tom surface until you bring it up. Second, bottoms
general area. This results in a quantitative assess- covered by large rocks and densely packed clays
ment of the taxa present in the area sampled. You will defeat a grab. Third, representative sampling
will find that there are several different types of will be better for smaller mollusks as opposed to
grabs including the Ponar (Figure 3.2A), Ekman, and larger ones. Lastly, when the grab is opened, the
Peterson Grabs, among others. Grabs vary widely in sample falls out and the sample’s integrity is lost.
weight and the type of surface that they are designed Though you may have a representative sample,
to work in. The Ponar Grab can weigh from 6-20 you will lose stratigraphic information. The larger,
kg (15-45 lbs) and is designed to sample benthic heavier devices called box corers solve some of
environments that are composed of sand, gravel, or these drawbacks.
clay. The Ekman Grab is fairly light, weighs in at 4-5
kg (around 10 lbs), and is designed to sample soft 3.3.2 Box cores. Box Corers (Figure 3.2B) are
sediment that is free of coarse debris and vegetation. similar to grabs though much larger. The sampling
40 Remote bottom collecting

area is from 50 x 50 cm to 100 x 100 cm (20 inches area. For a description of working with a tangle net
square to 40 inches square) with larger ones being see Parker (2000).
available on special order. A box corer can sample
to a depth of up to 100 cm (3 feet). The device is 3.3.4 Bail hooks. Bail hooks are used mainly to
supported in a cage and has weights attached to it. collect freshwater mussels. They are described
The whole assembly can weigh 750 kg (1,650 lbs) in Chapter 19.6.3, and how to construct them is
with smaller ones being 200-300 kg (400-700 lbs). described in great detail in Nelson (1982).
These are not devices for the weekend shell collector
using a skiff. Also, keep in mind that when retrieving 3.3.5 Dip nets, Walker Dipper, etc. These are
the device there is the weight of the corer and the devices that you hold in your hand and sweep
sample (water soaked sediment) to be dealt with. through vegetation or benthic sediment. A dip net is
usually made from a wire hoop to which the net is
You lower a box corer by a winch and when it fastened. The hoop is attached to a stick from 1 to 2
reaches the bottom, the weight of the device causes m (3-6 feet) in length. The Walker Dipper is similar,
it to sink into the sediment. When the winch starts however, the collecting portion is made completely
to retrieve it, a set of jaws closes over the opening from metal. Further information on this device can
to the box and prevents the sample from falling be found in Chapter 2.3.4 and 21.4.
out. The corer and the sample are then brought to
the deck of the ship and the sample is examined. 3.4 LITERATURE CITED
To use a box corer you need a winch, steel cable, a
Burch, J. Q. 1974. Dredging along the California coast.
sizable ship, and appropriate muscle power. In: M. K Jacobson, How to Study and Collect Shells,
4th Ed. American Malacological Union. Wrightsville
3.3.3 Tangle nets. If you purchase shells, you will Beach, North Carolina. Pp. 27-30.
occasionally see the phrase “taken in tangle nets.” Burch, T. 1941. Dredging for everyone. In: American
A tangle net is a reasonably fine meshed net made Malacological Union 11th Annual Meeting. Pp.
from monofilament nylon. This net is different Burch, B. L. and T. A. Burch. 2000. Xenophora as bioin-
from the one mentioned by Burch above (see Sec- dicators in the Hawaiian Archipelago, a preliminary
tion 3.2.3). It is lowered to the bottom of a body study. Western Society of Malacologists (Annual
of water and generally anchored with weights. Report for 1999) 32: 2-9.
The net is left in place from a few hours to several Holme, N. A. and A. D. McIntyre (eds.). 1971. Methods
for the Study of Marine Benthos, International Bio-
days. Bottom dwelling organisms become entan- logical Programme Handbook No. 16. Blackwell
gled in the net and are brought to the surface when Scientific Publications, Oxford. xii + 334 pp.
the net is retrieved. Obviously, organisms that do Monfils, P. 1999. The old shell game: Extend your reach
not crawl about are less likely to be retrieved by beyond the beach - dredging for shells. American
a tangle net. Conchologist 27: 30-31.
Nelson, D. 1982. Sampling for mussels. In: A. C. Miller,
compiler, Report of Freshwater Mollusks Workshop,
While a tangle net can be quite effective there are 19-20 May 1981. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
some drawbacks. Because they are made from fine Experimental Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Pp.
monofilament nylon, they can tear easily. They are 41-60.
not selective about what they collect. In addition to Ockelmann, K. W. 1964. An improved detritus-sledge for
collecting meiobenthos. Ophelia 1: 217-222.
some shells, you may also bring up sea stars, fish, Parker, R. 2000. Philippine tangle nets. Of Sea and Shore
and other marine organisms. Lastly, they can be 23: 19-21, 55.
too effective. Some fishermen have stopped using Skoglund, P. 1990. Small boat dredging. Festivus 22:
them because of overfishing of mollusks in a given 106-109.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


4.1 INTRODUCTION given us a big advantage in quantity and quality of

shells that we collect. We are always looking for
Immersing ourselves in the environment and the best quality shells and are careful to avoid over
habitat of mollusks allows us great advantage over collecting. If we are in an area where there are sev-
intertidal or beach collecting of mollusks. The eral specimens of one species, we frequently check
advantages of collecting by snorkeling or using many of them before we select one to be collected.
SCUBA (Self Contained Underwater Breathing Ap- We also spend a lot of time turning over rocks and
paratus) far outweigh the disadvantages. SCUBA dead coral. We carefully turn the rocks back over
and snorkeling give you a chance to see mollusks after examining what is under them. This is appro-
crawling, swimming, eating, being eaten, mating, priate to protect the sites where organisms live. You
laying eggs, and even sitting on their eggs. Read- can actually spend hours in a small locality finding
ing books that discuss the actual animals that live and collecting many different shells.
in the shells will help you greatly in locating them
in their habitat. Some mollusks live on grass, sea Underwater photography is another area in which
fans, and algae, in sand, under rocks, on pilings and you may develop an interest. Photographing the
sunken ships, or in rock crevices. Some mollusks animals underwater is a great hobby. Studying the
are more active at night than during the daylight animals and their habitat becomes a natural second-
hours, so night diving is also in order. ary activity as you collect underwater. It is exciting
to catch them eating, laying eggs, mating, etc. and
We have learned more by observing mollusks capturing it on film (See Chapter 7).
ourselves than we have by reading about them in
books. The experience of seeing mollusks in their 4.2 LEARNING TO SNORKEL
natural environment and locating their habitat is
exciting. It took us many years of collecting to You must be a good swimmer, but not necessarily
locate the habitat of some mollusks. After 40 years an expert. To snorkel, you must be confident in
of active collecting, there are some species that still water. You can snorkel in many places including
have us puzzled. water that is not over your head. If you can swim
6-8 laps in a pool, you should be fine. We started
Going back to the same areas to collect never gets our daughter snorkeling when she was 10 years old
boring. We find that the areas where we collect fre- and she did quite well.
quently change seasonally and with storms. We often
find shells in an area only during certain times of the You can learn to snorkel from a friend or shell
year. There is always something new to be found. collector who already knows how to snorkel. Have
them take you to a local pool to practice. You can
We collected intertidally for several years before also check out a local dive shop for snorkeling
we took the plunge of learning to dive. Diving has classes. We suggest you borrow or rent equipment
42 Snorkeling and scuba diving

before you purchase any. You will see if you are those old polyester or knit pants and a long sleeved
going to enjoy snorkeling and you will have the T-shirt. Covering all exposed areas of your body
opportunity to try out different types of gear. with a good waterproof sunscreen is essential. If
you plan to snorkel in colder water, a neoprene wet
Start in nice shallow, calm water the first time you suit is essential to stay warm.
get in the ocean. Stay with a friend! This increases
the safety factor and you can work together to Collecting bags and/or bottles will come in handy
collect. when you dive. Always put venomous cone snails in
solid containers, not bags, to protect against being
4.3 EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO SNORKEL stung. Mesh dive bags can be purchased at most
dive shops. We prefer a homemade version. We
You will need a well-fitting dive mask. Masks make ours of a lightweight canvas or heavy cotton
come in various sizes and shapes. Everyone’s face fabric (about 15-18 cm2 or 6-7 inch2) with a Velcro
is shaped differently. Take time to find a mask that closure. We sew a cord on one corner to go around
fits. There is nothing worse than a leaking mask. the wrist or hook onto a belt. Tabs sewn on the top
You can get a mask with prescription lenses built in to pull the bag open when under water are also a
or you can wear your mask over your contact lenses great help. Another great collecting item is a plastic
(just do not rub your eyes)! One of our last masks Parmesan cheese bottle. They have a screw-on lid
was purchased at Wal-Mart and has been one of the with small holes on one side and a larger hole on the
best masks we have ever had. You will need a snor- other with a flip top. We put holes in the bottle with
kel and a snorkel holder. Some of the new snorkels an ice pick and feed a cord through it and then tie
are very complex and keep water out completely. a good knot in the cord on the inside of the bottle.
A pair of dive fins will be next on your list. If you This can then be attached to a wrist or hung from a
have not used a pair of fins, you will soon rely on belt. Fill the bottle with water before you dive. This
these for great strength in swimming, especially prevents it from floating up when you jump into the
against currents. Fins come in various sizes and water. We have also used nylon tummy packs with
shapes according to your swimming abilities and zippers. Be sure the zipper is nylon and not metal
the strength in your legs. The larger professional to avoid its rusting.
fins are for the more advanced swimmer or those
in good physical shape. Gloves will protect your hands from many sources
of injury. You can invest in expensive dive gloves at
You will want boots or socks to wear under the a dive shop or use a pair of canvas garden gloves.
fins. Do not try wearing your fins with bare feet. It Either way, they soon wear out from turning rocks
will not be long before they will irritate exposed or snagging them on coral.
skin and cause a blister. Socks work well if you do
not have to come in and walk on a rocky surface. A weight belt will be needed to help you stay sub-
Boots will protect your feet the best. A dive knife merged. You will need some help with selecting this
or tool is a useful implement. These are not for item. It is a good idea try one out in a swimming
protection but to dig into holes, fan the sand, or to pool to see the amount of extra weight you will need
pop a shell off a rock. We use ours constantly. If to dive to the bottom. Some people only need 5-6
they are not made of stainless steel make sure that kg (10-13 pounds) while others may need as much
you dry them after diving. This will prevent them as 10-15 kg (22-33 pounds). As you become more
from rusting. confident in the water and start diving at night, an
underwater dive light will be indispensable.
You will want to protect your body from the sun
and scratches. You can invest in skins (dive suits) Snorkeling is a wonderful way to view not only
made of Lycra that completely cover your body the environment where mollusks are found but
or go the inexpensive way and dig out a pair of also the beautiful fish, lobster, crabs, sea stars, and
Cordy and Cordy 43

other sea creatures that abound. Still, there are a diving at night, you will also need an underwater
few precautions to keep in mind. These are covered dive light.
later in this chapter.
There are some drawbacks to SCUBA. First, there
SCUBA will enable you to go deeper and stay is the high cost of equipment. If you belong to a
underwater for long periods but it requires profes- dive club or rent your gear, this may help to keep
sional training. Locate a local dive shop to sign the costs down. Second, some commercial dive
up for a Basic Dive Course. This course usually boats do not allow you to take live shells. If you
involves a swimming test, 20 hours of pool train- are interested in collecting specimens, as opposed
ing, 20 hours of classroom work, and two checkout to observational or photographic studies, be sure
dives in the ocean. Dive shops frequently offer to ask the boat owner what the policy is about
classes on a two for one price deal or as a group. collecting. Also, check with the captain whether
You will need a dive friend for this sport. Minimum collecting is allowed where he or she is taking you.
age for SCUBA is 15 years old. If you are diving in a nature preserve or some other
protected area, collecting may be illegal. Two such
SCUBA is more involved as far as equipment areas would be the Tortugas in the Gulf of Mexico
and investment than snorkeling. More advanced and around the Galapagos Islands.
classes can teach you to use a compass underwater,
perform search and rescue activities, or become a You must be in good health. Ask your doctor
Dive Master. about your health before you try SCUBA. Some
of the medical risks include ear, heart, and lung
4.5 EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR SCUBA problems. Diving with a cold, symptomatic aller-
DIVING gies, or sinus problems can be risky. Many divers
take a decongestant before diving. Decompression
Some of the equipment needed for SCUBA diving sickness (the bends) is usually not a problem as
is the same as for snorkeling. In addition, some long as you follow the precautions as taught in the
pieces of equipment are unique to SCUBA. You required SCUBA course. Proper decompression
will need a good dive mask, snorkel and snorkel should be undertaken by anyone who dives deep
holder, swim fins, dive knife or tool, and dive enough to have to worry about the bends. For more
gloves and boots. You will have all of these if you on this topic see Kizer (2001) and Brubakk and
started out as a snorkeler. Neuman (2002).

Equipment that you will need to get specifically for 4.7 UNDERWATER HAZARDS
SCUBA includes a buoyancy compensator. This
piece of equipment is vital to keep you buoyant Both snorkeling and SCUBA diving can be a
with your SCUBA tank and weight belt. It also wonderful way to add to your collection and your
functions as a safety flotation device. You will also knowledge of shell collecting. It might even add a
require a dive computer. This is used to calculate few lobster or fish to that collecting bag for dinner
the depth and duration of each dive. You will need at night. However, some caution must be exercised.
aluminum SCUBA tanks, two are recommended, Besides the inherent dangers of the activities of
and these can be rented or purchased. The dive snorkeling and SCUBA, there are certain environ-
regulator attaches to the tanks and supplies the mental hazards (Halstead et al. 1990).
air in them to your mouth. Lastly, is the sea view
gauge. This device displays the air pressure in tank, Fire coral is a white tipped coral that can cause a
and gives an indication of how long you can remain severe irritation to bare skin. Other corals can be
under water. If you plan on taking deep dives or sharp and cut exposed skin. Sea urchins, especially
44 Snorkeling and scuba diving

those with the very long spines, can be dangerous if what dangers are likely to be found in the region
they pierce the skin causing puncture wounds. Mo- where you are diving.
ray eels can swim out from under rocks and from
inside crevices. They are not poisonous, however, 4.8 CONCLUSIONS
they aggressively protect their territory. Their sharp
teeth can inflict a serious bite. Snorkeling and SCUBA diving can be great ways to
explore marine and freshwater molluscan habitats.
Jellyfish can sting with their long tentacles. The box With the appropriate training and prudent caution, it
jellyfish of Australia is among the most venomous is also a safe activity. Jump in and get your feet wet;
of all animals in the world. All jellyfish should be you will learn more than you can from handling
approached with caution. Stonefish are poisonous only dry conchological specimens.
and are well camouflaged in their environment. In
the Indo-Pacific region, you have to watch out for 4.9 LITERATURE CITED
sea snakes, lionfish, and the blue-ringed octopus.
Poisonous cone shells, especially in the Indo-Pa- Brubakk, A. O. and T. S. Neuman. (eds.) 2002. Bennett
and Elliott’s Physiology and Medicine of Diving,
cific region, are also of concern. Beware of picking 5th Ed. Saunders, Philadelphia. 779 pp.
these up by hand. Use tongs or very heavy gloves Halstead, B. W., P. S. Auerbach, and D. Campbell. 1990.
and handle them with caution! There are several A Color Atlas of Dangerous Marine Animals. CRC
types whose stings have been fatal to humans. Press, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. 192 pp.
Kizer, K. W. 2001. Chapter 57. Diving medicine. In: P.
Auerbach, ed., Wilderness Medicine, 4th Ed. Mosby,
We suggest that you study up on local creatures in Inc., St. Louis, Missouri. Pp. 1366-1401.
an area before going there to dive. It is also wise to
discuss with the ship’s captain or the dive master
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


5.1 BASIC PRINCIPLES Paraffin is left behind and this helps to preserve
the periostracum from drying out and flaking off.
Collectors often do not give enough thought to the If one wants to remove the paraffin, successively
preservation of their shell and fossil collections. A soaking the shell in xylene will leach the paraffin
shell is a hard, durable item, or so we think. Un- out. However, in addition to the paraffin, other
fortunately, that shells are hard durable items is not xylene soluble substances will also be removed.
the case. Many forces are conspiring to destroy our This will cause a permanent change to the shell.
collections. If we want our collections to maintain If morphometric studies of the shell are the objec-
maximum longevity, we must apply basic principles tive of a study, then the paraffin/xylene treatment
of good curation (Solem et al. 1981, Rose and de will be of no consequence. However, if we wish to
Torres 1992, Rose et al. 1995). Applying these undertake some biochemical studies of the shell,
principles will not only help preserve our collec- the effects of the treatment will be of importance.
tions but will also make it easier to incorporate One way out of this dilemma would be to treat
them into a museum’s collection. They will also some but not all of the shells, and record which
help to maximize the value of a collection if it is ones were treated.
to be sold.
The third of the basic principles is to record what
The first principle of good curation is to do no harm. techniques you apply to a specimen, and to record
Whatever else, do not treat or handle a specimen in them on the specimen’s label. In this way, others
a way that makes it worth less after curation than it will be able to tell what was done to a given speci-
was worth before. One should strive to apply treat- men, whether it can be undone, and what effect it
ments that can be reversed easily. For example, it is will have on future analyses that might be applied
better to use an adhesive that can be easily removed to the specimen.
as opposed to one that will defy the use of a hammer
and chisel to remove it. Techniques that follow these principles will be
discussed in this chapter. Sources for many of the
The second principle dictates that techniques products mentioned in the next few pages are listed
should be used that cause as little permanent change in the appendix at the end of the chapter.
to a specimen as possible. It should be assumed
that whatever we do to a specimen will cause some 5.2 DANGERS TO A COLLECTION
change, and sometimes the change may not be
completely reversible. Thus, we should minimize I would like to address six basic dangers to col-
what the permanent change to the specimen will lections. They include risks that result from acid
be. An example of this is the way some people exposure, temperature, humidity, light, pests, and
preserve the periostracum of naiads (Unionidae) shock/abrasion. There are other dangers such as
with a paraffin/xylene solution. The shell is dipped flooding, storms and other natural disasters, fire,
in the solution and the xylene then evaporates. theft, and being exposed to armed conflicts, but
46 Archival and curatorial methods

these catastrophic dangers are beyond the scope be high enough to provide moisture for the acids
of this chapter. to dissolve and precipitate out onto the specimens
to cause the decay.
The first aim should be to avoid exposing a col-
lection to these dangers. If avoidance has not been Thus, we see that Bynesian Decay is due to the
done consistently then you have to fall to a second misfortune of several conditions being present to
line of defense, which is to detect incipient prob- allow this process to occur. As mentioned above,
lems and block their subsequent damage. Least wood can be a source of the acids. Some woods
satisfactory is detecting damage that has already are more acidic than others and the acidic woods
occurred and trying to stop further degradation. should be avoided when constructing cabinets. The
Rarely can one reverse damage that has already worst offender is oak. Some of the better woods are
occurred. spruce, mahogany, walnut, birch, basswood, poplar,
and balsa. If the woods being used are veneers,
5.2.1 Acid, temperature, and humidity. The first then one has to be concerned with the adhesives
three dangers, acid, temperature, and humidity used in making the veneers and whether they will
(often measured as relative humidity, RH) all offgas acidic fumes, as well as the type of wood
contribute to a condition called Bynesian Decay underneath the veneer.
(also called Bynes Disease) (Tennent and Baird
1985, Shelton 1996). The calcium carbonate of Plywoods are often constructed using urethane
the shell decomposes in this condition. Bynesian adhesives which can offgas formaldehyde, an
Decay was thought to be due, in part, to a process acidic compound. If plywood has to be used, one
initiated by bacteria, but is now known to be a designed for exterior use is preferred. The adhesives
chemical process. Bynes originally investigated used are less harmful than those used in interior
this process and published papers on it between the plywoods, and the offgasing problem is less intense.
years 1899 to 1907. Since it is a chemical process Particleboard and pressed wood should be avoided
and not a bacterial one, I advocate the term decay because of the adhesives used in their production
as opposed to the older designation as a disease. (Hatchfield 1995).

This condition can affect collections large and The ideal cabinet construction is a metal cabinet
small. Sometimes a few shells are affected, oc- that is painted using a powder coat process. Here
casionally whole collections. Once the decay has the metal is painted by a process of electrostatically
started, the part of a specimen that has been affected coating the surface with pulverized polymers (the
cannot be restored. However, further deterioration paint) and then fusing it to the metal with heat.
can be halted. There will be no offgasing of organic solvents
or other substances. Two manufacturers of such
For Bynesian Decay to occur, acid must be present cabinets are Lane Scientific Equipment Corp. and
in the microenvironment of the shell. The acids Steel Fixture Manufacturing Co.
most commonly involved are formic and acetic
acids. These acids are produced by the wood used in R. Tucker Abbott described how to build a wooden
cabinets, cardboard trays and boxes, and labels, as cabinet (Abbott 1954). He recommended a standard
well as from the adhesives used in the construction size cabinet 40 inch high (101 cm), 22 inch (56 cm)
of cabinets and in the repair of specimens. Along wide, and 32 inch (81 cm) deep. Runners for the
with the acidic fumes, temperature is also a concern. drawers should be 30 inch long and set 2-1/4 inch
The higher the temperature the faster acids can apart. The internal dimensions of the drawers were
react with the calcium carbonate of the specimens 20 x 30 x 1-5/8 inch. The door should be hinged so
and change it into calcium acetate-formate salts. that a drawer can be pulled out when the door is
Thus, at lower temperatures, Bynesian Decay will open only 90 degrees, and an additional feature is
progress more slowly. Lastly, the humidity must a door that can be completely lifted off its hinge.
Sturm 47

If a wooden cabinet is being painted, water based Marcasite Disease), though as in the above discus-
paints and varnishes are preferred. Oil based prod- sion on Bynesian Decay, it is not a bacterial disease.
ucts can give off formaldehyde and other volatile I prefer the term Pyrite Decay (Marcasite Disease
organic compounds (VOC). These can contribute to has not yet gained widespread use). In Pyrite Decay,
Bynesian Decay. Allow four weeks for the cabinet iron sulfide combines with oxygen and water and
to completely air out and offgas before putting forms iron sulfates and sulfuric acid. The result is
specimens into it. Remember, other sources of acids that the integrity of the specimens is destroyed. If
are the paper you use in the labels and trays, and the any calcium carbonate shells are present, the sul-
inks you use. These will be addressed later. furic acid can precipitate Bynesian Decay.

Temperature is a concern in storing a collection. Many techniques have been proposed for preventing
At higher temperatures, chemical reactions occur Pyrite Decay. Their basis is to prevent the specimen
faster, thus the decay process will be more likely to from coming in contact with air either by encasing
occur at a higher than at a lower temperature. In ad- the specimen with an artificial resin or submerging
dition, offgasing of acid vapors is faster at a higher it in a liquid such as glycerin, paraffin oil, kerosene,
temperature. An additional complication is that the or silicone oil. None of these techniques work well
items that we are trying to preserve have different (Howie 1992).
ideal temperatures for storage. The ideal tempera-
ture for storing photographic images will differ from The best prevention is to maintain the pyrite speci-
that for books and papers, which will be different mens in a low relative humidity, around 30% (Howie
from that for shells. Thus, there is no easy answer 1992, Waller 1992). If some degradation has already
to the question, “What is the best temperature to occurred, neutralization of the degradation products
maintain a room that houses a mixed collection?” with ethanolamine thioglycollate may help (Cornish
In general, for shells, a temperature in the range of and Doyle 1984). Some researchers advocate placing
16-21ºC (60-70ºF) appears to be a good compromise specimens in an oxygen free environment (anoxic en-
between the needs of the collection and a reasonable vironment). This technique is beyond the scope of this
working environment for people. chapter but you can read about it in Burke (1996).

Relative humidity is the amount of moisture in the There are causes of variation in temperature and
atmosphere at a given temperature relative to how RH that we may not even think of. If a cabinet sits
much the air could possibly hold at that temperature. in sunlight for part of the day, it may experience
As temperature increases, the atmosphere can hold fluctuations in temperature and RH on a daily basis.
more water and therefore dissolve more acidic gases. If a cabinet is against a sun-exposed outside wall,
That is the reason that humidity is of such concern it may experience fluctuations that are not seen in
in collection management. Fluctuations in humidity other cabinets against inside walls. Basements and
can also be problematic. Mineral specimens such lower floors of a building tend to be more humid.
as shales, clays, and amber can crack and flake if Thus, some people recommend that collections are
the humidity gets too low. Some shells, such as the better stored on the upper levels of buildings.
gastropod genus Paryphanta and the bivalve genus
Pyganodon will get too dry at low humidity and For the above diversity of problems, universal
crack or shatter. Paper products may become brittle recommendations are difficult to come by. For a
at low humidity. Inks may flake off the page and collection of a given type of specimens and storage
book covers may warp at high humidity levels. conditions, you may find several different recom-
mendations of temperature and RH. In general, if
You might have the occasion to collect fossils that the relative humidity of a shell collection is main-
are composed of Pyrite. Pyrite will start degrading tained within the range of 50-55%, one should not
at elevated humidity and give off acidic gases. This be concerned. This, with a temperature range of
condition is called Pyrite Disease (or more recently 16-21ºC (60-70ºF) is well within the abilities of
48 Archival and curatorial methods

home heating/ventilation/air conditioning systems specimens to fade. Non-archival inks will fade
and may need only occasional help from a dehu- on exposure to light. Sunlight and incandescent
midifier. The best way to monitor the RH is with a bulbs may cause an increase in temperature and
wet-dry bulb thermometer or a hygrometer. I use a variations in RH. Short-term exposure should not
mechanical Abbeon Model HTAB 169B hygrom- be problematic. If fluorescent lights are on for
eter/thermometer combination while the Section of a long period of time, UV filter tubes should be
Invertebrate Zoology at the Carnegie Museum uses placed around the bulbs. If there is a large amount
a battery operated Oakton Digital Maximum/Mini- of sunlight in the room, UV filters can be placed
mum Thermohygrometer. I like the fact that I do not on the windows. Neither of these types of products
have to worry about the battery running out; they causes noticeable changes in light intensity. They
like the recording capability of the battery operated do need to be changed periodically as they lose their
device. Hygrometers cost $35-200 depending on filtering ability. Replacement, which is dependent
the sophistication and accuracy one seeks in the upon the intensity of light exposure, should not be
instrument; the Abbeon is approximately $150 necessary more than every 5-10 years.
while the Oakton is approximately $40.
5.2.3 Pests. Pests may cause many problems.
There are also devices called dataloggers. These Silverfish and cockroaches can eat the adhesives
are small devices that can cost from $100 to $1000. that are used in bookbindings. They can also eat
They are electronic devices that take multiple mea- the paper used in labels and books. Mice and
surements of temperature and relative humidity; rodents can also chew up paper materials. Mold
every few minutes, every few hours, or daily. The will grow on paper and even on some porous
data are stored on a microchip within the datalogger. specimens making removal difficult or impossible.
You then download the information to a computer Prevention is better than treatment. Mold and most
and can graph out the results. Some dataloggers insects will be kept under control at the levels
contain a readout so that you can see what the cur- of temperature and RH recommended above. If
rent measurements are. Dataloggers may also have vermin are a problem, mechanical traps are useful.
alarms to alert you when preset parameters have been In regards to insecticides, not much is known on
exceeded. Most dataloggers will run for at least a how their components will affect a collection.
year on a set of batteries. Arenstein (2002) provided Pyrethrums or permethrin should afford the safest
more information on dataloggers including general alternative among the insecticides. A powder form
datalogger features, comparative data for fourteen is preferred, as it would not contain the solvents
models, and addresses for manufactures of these and other volatile organic compounds found in an
devices. Dataloggers can be purchased from several aerosol spray. Consult the paper by Jessup (1995)
of the suppliers listed at the end of this chapter. for more details on pest management.

5.2.2 Light. Light provides energy for chemical 5.2.4 Shock and abrasion. Shock and abrasion
reactions to occur. If we limit exposure to light, can also wreak havoc on a collection. Specimens
we can slow down these chemical processes. can be dropped, crushed, or abraded. They can be
The type of light is also important. While visible crammed together in tight spaces. The headroom
light can cause problems, ultraviolet light (UV) is above a drawer may be insufficient and the drawer
more problematic. UV light has more energy than above it may hit the specimen. Specimens can
visible light and, therefore, it causes more damage abrade labels and make them difficult to read.
than visible light. Fluorescent lights give off more There are several ways to decrease damage due to
ultraviolet radiation than do incandescent bulbs. shock and abrasion.

Light causes several problems in natural history Foam liners in specimen trays can be effective. The
collections (Weintraub and Wolf 1995:194). Ex- foam must be archival and polyethylene foam is
posure to visible and ultraviolet light can cause commonly used (the archival nature of plastics is
Sturm 49

discussed below). Avoid polyurethane foam (foam material from the same locality as the name bearing
rubber). It is not archival and it will degrade over types but not used in the original description are
time giving off acidic vapors (formaldehyde). Labels sometimes segregated into the type collection.
can be placed in polyethylene tetraphthalate (My-
lar®) or polyethylene bags or sleeves. This prevents 5.3 PAPER
them from being abraded by the specimen and also
decreases contact between specimens and acidic Paper is used to construct trays and make labels
labels. Specimens should not be placed in a tray that and collection catalogs. The paper used should
is too small. The tray should be big enough to allow be archival. There are several points to consider
space around each of the specimens in a lot. One when selecting paper products. The first is that they
can use a standup label. This allows all the pertinent should be acid free. Acids will cause paper to yel-
information on the label to be read without having low, become brittle, and decompose. These effects
to handle the specimen. One can view the specimen are due to acids breaking down the bonds between
and read the label with minimal handling of either. cellulose fibers leading to a loss of integrity of the
Drawers should slide smoothly to minimize jostling. paper. Second, paper should be low in lignin con-
Lastly, one can fill all empty spaces in a drawer with tent. Lignin can break down to form acids that can
empty trays. This prevents trays with specimens from in turn cause the paper to disintegrate. Most papers
sliding around when a drawer is moved. made from wood pulp are high in lignin while those
made from cotton or linen are low in lignin. A third
A collection should be organized in a manner consideration is a paper that is buffered. This means
that minimizes the handling of specimens. By that the manufacturer adds a chemical to the paper
arranging a collection systematically according that will help to neutralize acids. Calcium carbonate
to some system (e.g. Thiele 1929-1935, Vaught is the most common buffer used. Lastly, the paper
1989, Thiele 1992-1998, Millard 2003), a speci- should be alkaline sized and not acid-rosin sized.
men can be located without shuffling through the
whole collection. In arranging a fossil collection, These points suggest that the optimal paper would
one would store specimens using a combination of be one with a pH of 7-8, a lignin content less than
stratigraphic and systematic criteria. 0.3%, buffered with 2-3% calcium carbonate, and
alkaline sized. When buying paper, look for paper
If a collection includes any type material, these for which the manufacturer is willing to supply full
should be segregated from the research collection. specifications. There are also indicator pens made
By segregation, I mean that they should not be that will determine the pH or lignin values of paper.
with the regular collection, but stored in a separate These work best on white or light colored paper.
drawer or cabinet. Type specimens are specimens For example, using a pH indicator pen, you would
that were used by someone in describing a new make a mark on the paper in question and the color
genus or species. Type specimens are discussed that the mark turns indicates the approximate pH
more fully in Chapter 10.5.2. of the paper. The Section of Invertebrate Zoology
at the Carnegie Museum uses Mohawk Superfine,
In some collections, other classes of specimens will 65 pound, smooth white paper. The malacology
also be segregated from the main reference collec- groups at the Natural History Museum of Los
tion. Non-type material that might be segregated Angeles County and the Delaware Museum of
includes rare, threatened, endangered, or recently Natural History use Perma/Dur paper, which can
extinct species. Figured specimens, sometimes be obtained from University Products, while the
known as hypotypes, are specimens used for the Section of Mollusks at the Carnegie Museum uses
purpose of illustration in a scientific publication. Permalife Bond Writing Paper, a 20 pound 25%
These specimens are also segregated in some col- cotton, acid free, archival paper from Fox River
lections. This allows them an additional degree of Paper Co. For more information on cellulose based
protection from excessive handling. Topotypes, papers see Burgess (1995).
50 Archival and curatorial methods

There is also paper made from Tyvek®, a form of to give an archival result. Desktop laser printers
polypropylene. This product is virtually indestruc- do not use the same amount of heat and pressure,
tible. It does have several drawbacks. Inks tend and thus the result is not archival. Because of the
to bleed on Tyvek® and it does not accept pencil heat involved, Tyvek® paper should not be used
markings as well as cellulose based paper. In addi- with laser printers.
tion, it cannot be used with a laser printer, as it will
melt. Teslin® is another polymer based paper that Another printing method that is gaining popularity
has been developed. Like Tyvek®, it is waterproof in museums is one using thermal transfer printing.
and quite resistant to wear and tear. Some forms of Two different methods are used. In direct thermal
it seem to work well with ink jet and laser printers. printing, the printing is burned into the medium,
How well it will stand up as an archival product a plastic material such as polyester. The second
has not yet been determined. method, thermal wax transfer, uses heat to melt the
ink which is then applied to the medium, paper or
5.4 INKS AND COMPUTER PRINTERS plastic. The labels hold up well in ethanol and thus
are well suited for wet collections. These printers
Most of us give very little thought to the inks that will print down to a 4 point font size. The limiting
we use. They are, however, complex chemical factor is cost. These printing systems cost around
mixtures and their compositions are often propri- $1,300. Bentley (2004) discusses these methods
etary secrets. Inks are mixtures of pigments, dyes, in greater detail.
binders, and vehicles. Dyes stain the paper fibers,
while pigments settle out on the fibers. India inks Photostatic or xerographic printing is also a cause
are pigment type inks that use carbon black as the for some concern. Some of these inks are not archi-
pigment. Several India inks that have been found val, some are not solvent resistant, and flaking of
to be relatively stable and are considered archival the print can be problematic. Since one frequently
are Rotring 17 Black, Hunt Speedball Super Black does not know the particulars of the ink, paper, and
Ink, Pelikan 17 Black, Higgins T-100, and Pelikan process involved with these methods of printing,
50 Special Black (Williams and Hawks 1986). In I cannot recommend them as being archival. One
addition, some brands of disposable pens are con- should not print labels or documents this way unless
sidered archival. They are convenient to use and you can obtain assurance from the manufacturer of
come in various point widths. Two brands that fall your equipment that it uses an archival process.
into this category are Pigma and ZIG.
Recently, CD-ROM’s have been used to publish
There are three main types of computer printers: books. With the advent of writable and rewritable
dot matrix, ink jet, and laser. Dot matrix printers CD-ROM’s, some collectors have been storing
are generally considered archival (depending on the their collection catalogs in this format. Not all
ink). The ribbon is coated with a carbon pigment CD-ROM’s are archival. There have been improve-
and is applied to the paper by impact. If the pigment ments in long-term stability and some are rated at
is worn away, the impact of the print may still be life spans of 25-100 years if stored at 25ºC (77ºF).
read on the label by oblique illumination. Ink jet If you plan to use a digital format for long-term stor-
printers should be avoided. The inks used in these age, make sure you are using an archival product
printers are rarely archival and often are soluble in and store it under archival ranges of temperature
water and organic solvents. This solubility prevents and RH. It is advisable to have a printed copy for
them from being used in wet collections. In addi- backup (see below).
tion, the inks tend to fade on exposure to light.
Some laser printers may be used for archival pur-
poses. Mainframe laser printers apply ink and then Vials and jars are used for holding small specimens
set it with heat and pressure. This process appears or in storing material in a wet collection. Generally,
Sturm 51

glass is used because of its stability and clarity. Bo- crazes, cracks, and develops a frosted appearance
rosilicate glass, such as Pyrex, Kimax, and Wheaton over time. The resulting container is weakened.
800 are brands to look for. Flint glass (soda-lime
glass) is a less desirable form of glass, as it is more Since Glass Decay results in basic chemicals being
likely to degrade over time. Using ultraviolet light, formed (not acidic chemicals), it does not cause
one can identify the type of glass. Under ultraviolet the same risks to a collection as seen in Bynesian
light, flint glass fluoresces a bright yellow-green Decay. Most specimens stored in glass vials are
color (Simmons 1995). small. If the glass container turns from a clear one
to a frosted one, specimens will have to be removed
5.5.1 Glass decay. I would like to discuss the inher- more frequently to be viewed. This causes risks
ent weaknesses of flint (soda-lime) glass and a con- from physical handling to these smaller, more
dition known as Glass Disease. As with Bynesian fragile specimens. Also, the salts formed in Glass
Decay, Glass Disease is not a disease but a decay Decay can precipitate out on the specimens making
process that affects glass so a more appropriate term fine details hard to view.
might be Glass Decay. Glass tends to be thought of
as a relatively stable and inert substance; however, If the process of decay occurs only on the surface
under certain conditions this is not true, especially (a process more common with glass manufactured
for soda-lime glass. in recent centuries) the process that occurs is called
devitrification. This surface process occurs on ac-
Glass Decay is a deterioration of glass that is ex- count of recent soda-lime glass being more stable
posed to water and carbon dioxide. Non-silicate than those of previous times.
elements of the glass, such as sodium oxide, leach
out, react with water vapor, and form alkaline so- Besides controlling storage conditions, you can also
lutions. Over time, the glass weakens and a white consider using borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass
powder deposits on the glass. is preferable to soda glass. While more expensive,
it appears to be a more stable form of glass, and is
The chemical reaction appears to be one of sodium less susceptible to the processes of Glass Decay and
oxide in the glass reacting with water in the air and devitrification. See Hamilton (1998) for more on
forming sodium hydroxide. The sodium hydroxide issues involving glass and its conservation.
reacts with carbon dioxide to form sodium carbon-
ates. This reaction seems to be able to occur at 5.5.2 Vials, jars, and closures. When closing vials
RH’s as low as 20%, but more commonly at a RH there are several options. Cork should be avoided
of 40% or higher. as an option; it tends to be acidic and decomposes
over time. It also exposes the collection to acidic
Note, that this process requires water (moisture) in vapors. A second option is cotton. This tends to be
order to develop. Also recall that chemical reactions acceptable if a high quality grade of cotton is used.
occur at faster rates at higher temperatures than at Cheaper grades of cotton may be acidic. Before
lower temperatures. Therefore, the same controls using cotton, test its pH with a pH-testing pen.
to prevent Bynesian Decay should also prevent or The use of polyester fiber or batting is becoming
slow down the development of Glass Decay: keep- more common. It is cheaper than cotton and just
ing a low relative humidity and temperature in the as easy to work with. Lastly, some vials come with
collection storage area. polyethylene or polypropylene snap caps. These
are archival, but more costly than using polyester
A similar reaction occurs in potash glass; potas- fiber.
sium oxide reacts with water to form potassium
hydroxide. This in turn reacts with carbon dioxide When it comes to sealing jars, there is a combina-
and results in the formation of potassium carbonate. tion of a lid and a liner. There are several different
The result is that the soda-lime and potash glass lids and liners available. The first type of lid, and
52 Archival and curatorial methods

one of the poorer choices, is made from a plastic Many collectors are using archival plastic boxes
called Bakelite®. Bakelite is usually a black plastic and polyethylene ziplock bags for storing dry speci-
that is very rigid. It often comes with a cardboard mens. These containers have several advantages.
liner that is foil coated. This type of lid is not They tend to be less expensive than glass vials, have
considered archival on three accounts. First, the good clarity, and come in a large range of sizes.
lids tend to crack if over tightened. Second, they They also help to control the microenvironment
are susceptible to backing off, a process where a surrounding the specimen. The types of plastics
lid loosens due to fluctuations in temperature or used in their manufacture are considered archival
exposure to vibration. Lastly, the cardboard liner and are discussed in the next section.
absorbs fluid that causes it to swell and deteriorate
over time. 5.6 PLASTICS

A second type of lid is a metal lid, with or without I have mentioned the use of plastics at several
a liner. Metal lids tend to rust, and in the presence points in this chapter. Some plastics are considered
of glycerin or formaldehyde, they tend to corrode archival while others are not. In general, one wants
rapidly. These chemicals are frequently found in to use plastics that have no or low levels of plasti-
wet collections. For these reasons, metal lids are cizers. The fewer UV inhibitors and dyes that are
generally unacceptable. put into the plastic the better. Lastly, one wants a
plastic that is free of surface coatings. With these
Polypropylene lids with polyethylene liners are considerations in mind, there are five plastics that
an excellent combination. The softer polyethylene are considered to be archival. They are polyethyl-
molds to the irregularities of the jar opening and the ene, polypropylene, polycarbonate, polyethylene
polypropylene lid can be tightened without undue tetraphthalate, and polytetrafluoroethylene (Tef-
fear of cracking. If one is planning to maintain a lon®). There is some question of the long-term sta-
small wet collection, it may be easier to contact a bility of polystyrene. Some people feel that as long
university or museum with a malacology collection as you avoid exposing it to organic solvents, there
to see if you can obtain a few jars and closures should be few problems using polystyrene. Other
from them. curators and collection managers suggest avoiding
it completely. If you chose to use polystyrene, I rec-
A final option is a bail top jar or Mason jar. These ommend that you periodically check the specimens
tend to work well but have some drawbacks. The stored in these containers. Polyvinylchloride and
lids snug down nicely with the wire snap; however, polyurethane should be avoided as they can degrade
the rubber gaskets tend to deteriorate over time and give off acidic vapors.
and need to be changed periodically. While some
gaskets seem to be more resistant than others, they Some people like to reuse plastic containers that
can be difficult to track down or purchase in small originally had some other use, for example, mar-
quantities. Thus, the main drawbacks of these jars garine tubs or 35mm film containers. The question
are their cost, the difficulty in finding them, and the is how to decide if they are made out of archival
difficulty in finding or replacing the gaskets. If you plastics. This has become quite easy with the advent
acquire a few of these jars, a museum or university of recycling. Plastic products that can be recycled
may have appropriate sized gaskets. have a code on them. The code is either a triangle
with a number in it, an abbreviation of the plastic’s
When storing tissue in fluid (wet collection), name or both. This is generally located on the
ethanol is the best all around preservative. A bottom of the container. Table 5.1 shows the code
concentration of 80-90% should be used. Specific and which products are archival. Again, watch
recommendations for preservation of soft tissues for possible contamination from colors added to
are made in the taxonomic chapters, in Chapter 14, the plastic or the product being coated with other
and below in Section 5.9. substances. Note that polycarbonate and polytetra-
Sturm 53

Table 5.1 Recyclable plastics.

Number Abbreviation Plastic Archival

1 PETE Polyethylene tetraphthalate Yes
Polyester, Dacron®, Mylar®
2 HDPE High density polyethylene Yes
3 PVC Polyvinyl chloride No
4 LDPE Low density polyethylene Yes
5 PP Polypropylene Yes
6 PS Polystyrene Uncertain
7 Others Other plastics No

fluoroethylene are not recyclable plastics and thus of fast penetration, a non-adhesive finish (non-tacky
do not appear in the chart. when dry), a brief drying time, and low toxicity.

Williams et al. (1998) discussed a sequence of If Butvar is applied to a specimen that contains mois-
tests that are useful in distinguishing twelve clear ture, a white haze will result on the surface of the
plastics. Their algorithm includes polyethylene, specimen that was consolidated. Therefore, be sure
polypropylene, polystyrene, polycarbonate, and specimens are dry when using Butvar. The main pre-
polyethylene tetraphthalate. caution is to use it with adequate ventilation. The sol-
vent, acetone, can cause respiratory depression. Good
5.7 CONSOLIDANTS AND ADHESIVES ventilation prevents this. Acetone is also flammable
and should not be used around an open flame.
I will begin with some definitions. An adhesive is
a substance used to bind items together. Glues are Some adhesives and consolidants are no longer
adhesives that are derived from animal origins; for considered archival. These should be avoided. This
example, rabbit hide glue. A consolidant is a sub- group includes polyvinyl alcohol (shrinkage with
stance used to permeate and strengthen a specimen. age), cellulose nitrate (glyptal), and commercial
Just because a glue or consolidant was described as mixtures. The problem with commercial mixtures
being useful in the past literature, do not assume that (at least those that do not disclose the ingredients)
it is still an appropriate substance to use. Shellac was is that one does not know what components are in
once widely used, but it is no longer considered an the mixture. Also, without any warning, the manu-
acceptable consolidant. With adhesives and consoli- facturer can reformulate the mixture.
dants, reversibility is an important consideration. We
should be able to undo what we did, with minimal You should also realize that some people avoid
effect on the specimen. Along with reversibility, a adhesives completely. They do not glue pieces of
non-acidic nature and dimensional stability are also a specimen back together unless there is a specific
important and desired attributes. reason to do so. They just put the pieces in a poly-
ethylene bag and store them that way. This avoids
Among the adhesives and consolidants that are any possible contamination to the specimen. If
considered to be safe and archival are polyvinyl a specimen needs to be repaired in the future, a
butyral (Butvar 76 and Butvar 98), polyvinyl acetate decision can be made then as to the best method
(Vinac), and acrylic copolymer (Lucite, Acryloid to use. For further information on adhesives and
B72, and Paraloid). My favorite is Butvar 76. It is consolidants see Elder et al. (1997).
soluble in acetone and I make a thick mixture by
dissolving 2.2 kg (one pound) of Butvar 76 in 4 L 5.8 RECORDS
(one gallon) of acetone. This mixture is used as an
adhesive. I dilute this slurry 1:1 with acetone and use A complementary activity to using archival meth-
this solution as a consolidant. It has the properties ods is maintaining adequate records for the collec-
54 Archival and curatorial methods

tion. There are several aspects of record keeping of ing over this with an opaque paint, and write the
which the collector should be made aware. The first number on this surface. One such product, called
point concerns the data that accompanies the speci- Liquid Label™, is available from Light Impres-
men. All data should be connected with a specimen sions. You paint on the opaque layer and let it dry.
in an unambiguous manner (see Chapter 14). The You then write your number on it and paint over it
second point is that a catalog should be kept. A with the acrylic copolymer. If you wish to remove
hardbound, lined journal is a good choice. These the number, just wash off the Liquid Label™ with
can be purchased at most office supply stores. The acetone. If the shells are small, they may be put in
data for each lot of shells is recorded on one line. a vial or plastic bag along with a slip of paper with
In addition, this information should be on a label the catalog number recorded on it. This can also be
that is stored with the specimen(s). Many collec- done with larger shells if one does not wish to write
tors are maintaining their catalogs digitally. If this numbers on them.
is done, frequent backups should be undertaken,
and the software that allows the catalog database Some collectors will measure a shell to the nearest
to be read should also be backed up. This prevents millimeter or tenth of a millimeter, recording the
data from being lost if the computer crashes, or a size and the data in a ledger. The size can be used as
floppy disc or CD-ROM becomes corrupted and the means of identifying the specimen. This works
unreadable (it happens!). well if there are only one or a few specimens of
a given taxon in a lot or collection. This method
Computer databases are excellent for searching the becomes impractical if there are tens or hundreds
records of a collection. However, one must make of specimens of a given taxon.
sure that the data can be accessed now and in the
future. Whether a database that is stored and not Do not use codes for recording localities and other
used for ten or twenty years will remain accessible data. Even if you have a key to decipher the code,
is uncertain because of rapid technological changes. it may get lost. Write the information out in full.
How many collectors still have a computer capable I have worked with a collection donated to the
of reading a 5-1/4 inch floppy disc? On account of Carnegie Museum where much of the locality data
these uncertainties, some collectors are continuing was recorded in code. For many of the specimens,
to maintain a paper-based catalog along with their the code could not be deciphered. When a key was
digital one. finally found, a number of the codes were not on it.
Consequently, these specimens have been stripped
Such a paper-based catalog can be a journal as of their scientific value.
mentioned above or a printout of the digital catalog.
If one chooses the printout version, it should be 5.9 WET COLLECTIONS
printed on acid free paper and eventually bound.
This will protect the data and prevent pages from Sometimes you may find it necessary to preserve
becoming lost. This also allows the collection to mollusks that do not have a shell. You may find a
remain useful if the digital form becomes corrupted need to preserve the soft tissues of a shelled mol-
or unreadable. For more information on databases, lusk. For this, ethanol is the best all around preser-
see Chapter 8. vative. For general purposes an 80% concentration
should be used. If the tissue is being saved for DNA
How to label or identify a shell is a matter of studies, then a 95-100% concentration of ethanol
personal preference. Most museums place the should be used. Sometimes an 80% ethanol, 15%
catalog number directly on the specimen with an water, 5% glycerin solution is used. This allows the
archival India ink. If the shell is porous or friable, tissues to retain some flexibility if the preservative
the number can be written on a small strip of paper evaporates. If this solution is used, do not use metal
and glued to the shell. Another alternative is to treat lids. As mentioned above, glycerin will accelerate
the surface of the shell with a consolidant, paint- the deterioration of the metal lid.
Sturm 55

If the preservative has evaporated and left behind Natural History Collections. This group was cre-
desiccated tissue, you do have some options to ated to investigate archival matters and publishes a
reconstitute the tissue. Also, when a bivalve shell newsletter, journal, and several books on archival
dries, the ligament and resilifer become hard and and curatorial practices. For more information go
inflexible. These occasionally need to be softened to their web site at <>.
so that the valves can be repositioned. You can
accomplish this by one of several methods. 5.11 LITERATURE CITED

The point must be stressed, unless you need to Abbott, R. T. 1954. Collecting American seashells. In:
American Seashells. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
rehydrate a specimen, do not do so. Rehydrating York. Pp. 56-69.
solutions all have an effect on a specimen and Arenstein, R. P. 2002. Comparison of temperature
the effect is not always benign (Beccaloni 2001, and relative humidity dataloggers for museum
Simmons 2002: 102-103). If a specimen that was monitoring. SPNHC Leaflets 4: 1-4 (Spring 2002).
stored in alcohol has dried out, leave it dry. A bet- [Published by the Society for the Preservation of
Natural History Collections].
ter method of rehydration may come along in the Beccaloni, J. 2001. A comparison of trisodium phosphate
future. However, if you need a soft specimen again and Decon 90 as rehydrating agents for Arachnida
try the following techniques. and Myriapoda dry specimens. Biology Curator
22: 15-23.
You can try soaking the specimen in a 0.5% aque- Bentley, A. C. 2004. Thermal transfer printers - Ap-
plications in wet collections. SPNHC Newsletter
ous solution of trisodium phosphate (Van Cleave 18: 1-2, 17-18.
and Ross 1947). Thompson et al. (1966) used a Burgess, H. D. 1995. Other cellulose materials. In: C.
method that involved soaking the dried specimen L. Rose, C. A. Hawks, and H. H. Genoway, eds.,
in a mixture of 50% ethylene glycol and 50% water. Storage of Natural History Collections, Vol. I: A
Lastly, you can try an aqueous detergent solution. Prevention Conservation Approach. Society for the
Preservation of Natural History Collections, Iowa
Presnell and Schreibman (1997: 484) described City, Iowa. Pp. 291-303.
a method using a 1% aqueous solution of Trend® Burke, J. 1996. Anoxic microenvironments: A simple
while Taylor (2003: 8) used a 5% solution of Decon guide. SPNHC Leaflets 1(1): 1-4 (Spring, 1996).
90®. If the tissue to be re-hydrated is small, you may [Published by the Society for the Preservation of
have to soak it only overnight; larger specimens Natural History Collections].
Cornish, L and A. Doyle. 1984. Use of ethanolamine
may require several days. thioglycollate in the conservation of pyritzed fossils.
Paleontology 27: 421-424.
5.10 CONCLUSIONS Elder, A., S. Madsen, G. Brown, C. Herbel, C. Collins,
S. Whelan, C. Wenz, S. Alderson, and L. Kronthal.
Following the above principles will cost more than 1997. Adhesives and consolidants in geological and
paleontological conservation: a wall chart. SPNHC
following non-archival practices. However, I feel Leaflets 1(2): 1-4 (Spring, 1997). [Published by
that the benefits derived from archival practices far the Society for the Preservation of Natural History
outweigh their additional costs. The basic principles Collections].
are doing no harm, using archival substances as Hamilton, D. L. 1998. File 5: Glass conservation. In:
often as possible, and recording, on its label, what Methods of Conserving Underwater Archaeological
Material Culture. Conservation Files: ANTH 605,
you do to a specimen. Controlling aspects of the Conservation of Cultural Resources I. Nautical
collection environment, temperature, humidity, Archaeology Program, Texas A&M University.
volatile acids, light exposure, pests, and shock/abra- Available at: <
sion, will help to preserve a collection for poster- File0.htm>.
ity. Following good curatorial and record keeping Hatchfield, P. 1995. Wood and wood products. In: C.
L. Rose, C. A. Hawks, and H. H. Genoway, eds.,
practices will assure that the scientific integrity of Storage of Natural History Collections, Vol. I: A
a collection will be preserved. If you develop an Prevention Conservation Approach. Society for the
interest in archival practices, I strongly recommend Preservation of Natural History Collections, Iowa
that you join the Society for the Preservation of City, Iowa. Pp. 283-290.
56 Archival and curatorial methods

Howie, F. M. 1992.Pyrite and marcasite. In: F. M. Howie, Taylor, D. W. 2003. Introduction to Physidae (Gastro-
ed., The Care and Conservation of Geological Mate- poda: Hygrophila). Biogeography, classification,
rials: Minerals, Rocks, Meteorites and Lunar Finds. morphology. Revista de Biología Tropical 51
Butterworth-Heinemann, LTD., Oxford. Pp. 70-84. (Supplement 1): 1-287.
Jessup, W. C. 1995. Pest management. In: C. L. Rose, Tennent, N. H. and T. Baird. 1985. The deterioration of
C. A. Hawks, and H. H. Genoway, eds., Storage of Mollusca collections: Identifcation of shell efflores-
Natural History Collections, Vol. I: A Prevention cence. Studies in Conservation 30: 73-85.
Conservation Approach. Society for the Preserva- Thiele, J. 1929-1935. Handbuch der Systematischen
tion of Natural History Collections, Iowa City, Weichtierkund. Fischer, Jena. 1154 pp.
Iowa. Pp. 211-220. Thiele, J. 1992-1998. Handbook of Systematic Malacol-
Millard, V. 2003. Classification of Mollusca. A Classifi- ogy. Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington,
cation of World Wide Mollusca, 3rd Ed. 3 Volumes. D.C. 1690 pp. [Scientific editors of translation R.
Privately published, South Africa. 1992 pp. Bieler and P. Mikkelsen, translator J. S. Bhatti].
Presnell, J. K. and M. P. Schreibman. 1997. Humason’s Thompson, R. J., M. H. Thompson, and S. Drummond.
Animal Tissue Technique, 5th Ed. The John Hopkins 1966. A method for restoring dried crustacean
University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 572 pp. specimens to taxonomically usable condition.
Rose, C. L., C. A. Hawks, and H. H. Genoway. (eds.) Crustaceana 10: 109.
1995. Storage of Natural History Collections, Vol. Van Cleave, H. J. and J. A. Ross. 1947. A method of
I: A Prevention Conservation Approach. Society reclaiming dried zoological specimens. Science
for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, 105: 318.
Iowa City, Iowa. 448 pp. Vaught, K. C. 1989. A Classification of the Living Mol-
Rose, C. L. and A. R. de Torres. (eds.) 1992. Storage of lusca. American Malacologists, Inc., Melbourne,
Natural History Collections, Vol. II: Ideas and Practi- Florida. 189 pp.
cal Solutions. Society for the Preservation of Natural Walker, R. 1992. Temperature- and humidity- sensa-
History Collections, Iowa City, Iowa. 346 pp. tive mineralogical and petrological specimens. In:
Shelton, S. Y. 1996. The shell game: Mollusks shell F. M. Howie, ed., The Care and Conservation of
deterioration in collections and its prevention. The Geological Materials: Minerals, Rocks, Meteorites
Festivus 28: 74-80. and Lunar Finds. Butterworth-Heinemann, LTD.,
Simmons, J. E. 1995. Storage in fluid preservatives. In: Oxford. Pp. 25-50.
C. L. Rose, C. A. Hawks, and H. H. Genoway, eds., Weintraub, S. and S. J. Wolf. 1995. Environmental
Storage of Natural History Collections, Vol. I: A monitoring. In: C. L. Rose, C. A. Hawks, and H. H.
Prevention Conservation Approach. Society for the Genoway, eds., Storage of Natural History Collec-
Preservation of Natural History Collections, Iowa tions, Vol. I: A Prevention Conservation Approach.
City, Iowa. Pp. 161-186 Society for the Preservation of Natural History
Simmons, J. E. 2002. Herpetological Collecting and Collections, Iowa City, Iowa. Pp 187-196
Collections Management, Revised Ed. Society for Williams, R. S., A. T. Brooks, S. L. Williams, and R.
the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles Herpetologi- L. Hinrichs. 1998. Guide to the identification of
cal Circular Number 31. Society for the Study of common clear plastic films. SPNCH Leaflets 3:
Amphibians and Reptiles, Salt Lake City, Utah. 1-4 (Fall, 1998). [Published by the Society for the
153 pp. Preservation of Natural History Collections]
Solem, A., W. K. Emerson, B. Roth, and F. G. Thomp- Williams, S. L. and C. A. Hawks. 1986. Inks for docu-
son. 1981. Standards for malacological collections. mentation in vertebrate research collections. Cura-
Curator 24: 19-28. tor 29: 93-108.
Sturm 57


General and archival laboratory suppliers:

Acme Vial and Glass Lane Scientific Equipment Corp.

1601 Commerce Way, Paso Robles, CA 93446 225 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10122-1496
<> <>
glass containers metal cabinets

Althor Products Light Impressions

PO Box 640, Bethel, CT 06801 PO Box 940, Rochester, NY 14603-0940
<> <>
plastic boxes archival supplies

Bioquip Products Sigma (Chemicals)

17803 LaSalle Ave., Gardena, CA 90248-3602 PO Box 14508, St. Louis, MO 63178
<> <>
collecting equipment chemicals

Carolina Biological Supply Company Steel Fixture Manufacturing Co.

2700 York Place, Burlington, NC 27215 PO Box 917, Topeka, KS 66601-0917
<> <>
general field and laboratory equipment steel cabinets

Conservation Resources International, Inc. Thomas Scientific

8000-H Forbes Place, Springfield, VA 22151 PO Box 99, Swedesboro, NJ 08085-0099
<> <>
archival supplies general laboratory supplies

Fisher Scientific University Products, Inc.

585 Alpha Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15238 517 Main Street, PO Box 101, Holyoke, MA 01041-0101
<> <>
general laboratory equipment archival supplies

Forestry Suppliers Wheaton Scientific Products

PO Box 8397, Jackson, MS 39284-8397 1501 N. 10th Street, Millville, NJ 08332-2093
<> <>
field equipment glass containers

Gaylord Bros.
PO Box 4901, Syracuse, NY 13221-4901
archival supplies
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


6.1 INTRODUCTION method usually employed in computer-generated

images, text, and 3D-models, such as those seen
There have been earlier books that discuss tech- in video games. Two advantages of vector graph-
niques in malacology, however, this is one of the ics are: (1) the theoretically infinite resolution and
first in which the use of computers is mentioned. (2) small file size. Although vector images can be
When How to Study and Collect Shells (Jacobson transformed into bitmap, transforming bitmap im-
1974) was published, computers were very large ages into vector graphics can be very complex and
and used primarily by institutions and businesses. computer-intensive (Kay and Levine 1995).
Since then the size of computers has been greatly
reduced while the processing speed and capacity Bitmap graphics are most widely used to represent
have increased dramatically leading to the use of images from the real world, such as photographs and
computers in homes, schools and workstations, scanned images. The entire image is divided into
and more recently, portable and wireless systems. a uniform grid of spots called pixels (from picture
Due to the general use of computers, digital imag- element), and each pixel represents a single, solid
ing has become popular for personal and business color. The image file has a table with the location
applications, and perhaps has even contributed to of each pixel in the image and its light value (i.e.,
the expansion of the Internet. lightness and color). Bitmap graphics usually result
in large image size, but because they can represent
One of the main advantages of digital imaging is almost any image, program developers use them
the instant review of the results, unlike film photog- widely. Bitmap graphics are more easily edited than
raphy, which requires the purchase of film and the vector images (Kay and Levine 1995).
cost of processing for even unwanted photographs.
Digital photography permits selective printing and 6.2.1 Pixels, resolution, and image size. Bitmap
the sharing of images by way of e-mail. images contain grids of pixels; the more pixels the
sharper the image and the higher the resolution.
6.2 PRIMER ON DIGITAL IMAGING The resolution for input devices is expressed in
how many pixels are captured. Recently, camera
A digital image is an image that has been digitized makers started to use the word megapixel (millions
to be used in a computer. There are basically two of pixels) to describe cameras; e.g., a camera that
ways to represent an image in a computer: vec- captures images in 1,600 x 1,200 pixels is rated as 2
tor or raster (also known as bitmap). Lines of a megapixels (MP). Monitors, on the other hand, are
single color represent vector images; they can be rated on the screen size (in diagonal, but actual size
straight, curved, or irregular lines. Formulas de- is smaller than advertised) and resolution that it can
scribe the lines and shapes; colors and textures display, e.g., a 17 inch (43 cm) monitor capable of
can be assigned to fill in the spaces. This is the displaying 1,600 x 1,200 pixels. However, screen
60 Digital imaging

Table 6.1 File size at different resolutions and color-depths in a 4 x 6 inch (10 x 15 cm) image.

File size (Kbytes) at color-depth

1-bit 8-bit 24-bit 42-bit
(black and (256 shades (16.7 million (4 trillion
Resolution (dpi) Pixel count white) grayscale) colors) colors)
72 124,416 15 124 373 653
100 240,000 30 240 720 1,260
200 960,000 120 960 2,880 5,040
300 2,160,000 270 2,160 6,480 11,340
400 3,840,000 480 3,840 11,520 20,160
500 6,000,000 750 6,000 18,000 31,500

resolution should be expressed in ppi (pixels per chrome slide is equivalent to approximately 4,500
inch). The screen resolution is surprisingly low; x 3,000 pixels at 32-bit color depth (Kilbourne
typically 72 or 96 ppi, yet the images displayed 1991). This resolution is currently matched only
can be very realistic. by digital backs on high-end [medium format, 4
x 5 inches (10 x 12.7 cm)] professional cameras
Output resolution (e.g., in printers) is commonly (e.g. Ihrig and Ihrig 1995), but soon digital SLR
expressed in dpi (dots per inch), but this can be will match and surpass this resolution.
misleading. Color inkjet printers rated as 4,800 dpi
resolution may actually produce 4,800 droplets of You can always take photographs at high resolu-
ink per inch of paper. However, to represent one tion and then edit them to reduce the final reso-
color pixel using a combination of four or six colors lution to that which fits your needs, e.g. to send
(the usual number of inks in most inkjet printers), a photograph as an email attachment. To photo-
many droplets are necessary, and the actual resolu- graph a protoconch or a detail on the animal, use
tion is less. On the other hand, black pixels in inkjet the macro function and the highest resolution pos-
and laser printers can print at high resolution. The sible; then crop the image to focus attention on the
same is true for pixels in the same color as the inks detail (W. Thorsson, pers. comm.). The number of
used (usually cyan, magenta, and yellow), because pixels and color depth (see below) directly affect
they do not need a combination of different droplets the size of the image file. File size increases expo-
to produce that particular color. nentially with resolution and linearly with color
depth (Table 6.1).
The resolution needed for a picture will depend
on the final use of the image. If you want to dis- 6.2.2 Color depth and graphic types. The color
play the image in your computer or post it on the depth expresses the maximum number of colors that
Internet, then a low resolution is all that is needed: can be represented. The number of colors equals
640 x 480 pixels is enough to fill about half or 2n, where n is the color depth in bits. Therefore,
more of most computer screens used today, and a 1-bit image can have two colors (usually black
the file size is small enough to be easily emailed. and white), and is used for line drawings; an 8-bit
Remember that not everyone uses a 19-inch (48 image has 256 possible colors (or tones of gray in
cm) monitor; if you post large images on the In- grayscale images); while a 24-bit image has up to
ternet, some viewers will have to scroll to see the 16.7 million colors (used for photographic images).
entire image. Generally, output on paper at a reso- The human eye can discriminate color on the order
lution around 300 dpi is good enough to simulate of 24-bit color depth (which is why 24-bit color is
continuous tones. A 2 MP-level camera can pro- also known as truecolor) (Murray and van Ryper
duce near photo-quality 4 x 6 inches (10 x 15 cm) 1996). Higher color depths are found in some scan-
prints. More pixels are needed for photo-realistic ners and other input devices. However, because
images printed at larger sizes. A 35mm color Ekta- current output devices cannot produce that many
Moretzsohn 61

colors, high color depths such as 42-bit colors ferences and advantages to each medium (Table
(theoretically more than four trillion colors), are 6.2). Early digital imaging output used to have a
impressive, but meaningless for most users. pixelated (blocky) appearance, with hard edges
and unnatural color transitions. However, recent
Graphics types: There are many different algo- developments in equipment and supplies (inks,
rithms that encode graphics data, each one with its paper) now may render near photographic qual-
own set of characteristics and advantages. Some ity results. It will not be long until consumer-level
considerations should be taken into account before photographic film image quality is matched and
choosing which graphics format is best for you: surpassed by digital photography. However, be-
programs that support the desired format, compres- cause of higher prices for digital equipment and
sion scheme, flexibility, cross-platform (i.e., can the extensive existing network of film photofin-
be used both in PCs and Macs), and so forth. The isher labs and makers, film photography will con-
most widely used cross-platform formats for con- tinue to be the choice for many consumers.
tinuous-tone images (e.g., photographs) are cur-
lossless format, meaning that its compression does MALACOLOGY
not cause any loss of information, but the resulting
image size is large. Most authors recommend sav- • Using images in reports and manuscripts; prepar-
ing an original image as TIFF before editing it. ing posters for exhibitions and shell shows;
• Incorporating images into computer programs to
JPEG was designed to offer great compression prepare slide or computer multimedia presenta-
(smaller file size), but at the expense of some loss tions;
of redundant data at high compressions (referred to • Archiving images in a collection database,
as lossy). The tradeoff is acceptable in most cases, where images can be linked to each shell lot
with no perceptible loss in quality, if a moderate (see Chapter 8). Databases can be saved on a
compression is used. For this reason, JPEG is the disc (CD-ROM) or posted world-wide on the
standard for photographic images on the Internet, Internet;
and most digital cameras only use the JPEG for- • Send images via email, even from remote loca-
mat. See Kay and Levine (1995), and Murray and tions, to experts for help with identification, or
van Ryper (1996) for an in-depth discussion on to friends as electronic postcards;
graphics formats. Some other useful formats ex- • Enhancing images for study (e.g., by removing
ist. Adobe Photoshop’s PSD format allows images a distracting background, making composite
with several layers (like superimposed slides) that plates, etc.);
can be edited separately, but file sizes are greater. • Using the image to perform accurate measure-
Kodak’s FlashPix format offers multiple resolu- ments for morphometric study (e.g., aperture/
tions, but not many programs and cameras support shell length ratios, measuring angles, etc.);
it. Portable Network Graphics (PNG, pronounced • Printing shell images on a label to help match
“ping”) is a new lossless graphics format that sup- individual specimens with their labels (e.g., for
ports a greater range of color depths, text storage, a special specimen such as a holotype);
and other improvements over TIFF and JPEG, • Micromollusk voucher slides, glass slide mounts,
but currently few programs support it (Niederst and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) stubs
1999). Other graphics formats are under develop- can be photographed to help as a map would
ment particularly for Internet use. when studying specimens under a microscope;
• Other uses of digital images include printing
6.3 DIGITAL VS. FILM PHOTOGRAPHY your own postcards with your favorite shells,
making calendars, and other personalized gift
Analog (film) photography and digital imaging ideas available through many photofinishers
are basically similar, but there are some subtle dif- (e.g., T-shirts, mouse pads, mugs, etc.).
62 Digital imaging

Table 6.2 Comparative advantages of film-based vs. digital imaging.

Film Photographic Digital

Pros: Pros:
• Highest image quality (to date) • Instant results, increased productivity
• Widely available, great range of options (e.g. lenses) • Easy editing, color and contrast correction
and equipment • No running cost associated with films and film processing
• Lower equipment cost (usually) • Ready for Internet posting
• Does not require a computer • Easy and cheap trials: view/delete pictures instantly
• Lossless duplication/reproduction
Cons: • Long-term storage stability (e.g. CD-ROM)
• Costly and time-consuming processing • Unlimited storage capacity
• High film and processing costs • Image editing can be done with great accuracy
• Relatively short life-span of unexposed films, • Environment-friendly
difficult archiving of negatives/slides
• Need to finish the film to change film type/roll Cons:
(most 35mm cameras but not with APS format) • Higher initial equipment costs
• Lossy image copy/reproduction • Image quality (resolution) not yet as good as film
• Time-consuming trials with no previews (but gap is closing fast)
• More physical space needed for storage of films, • Image output not yet as sharp and color-correct as
prints and negatives than for digital images from film (but approaching same quality as film)
• Scanner required for electronic distribution/editing • Steep learning curve to become fluent with software
and technology

6.5 INPUT DEVICES Flatbed scanners: These are currently the most
widely used, popularized by dropping prices and
There are basically two ways to obtain a digital increasing quality. An array of CCDs is arranged
image: make your own or use a pre-existing im- under a glass platen over which the document or
age. To produce your own digital images, the most image is placed. The equipment works very much
common devices are the following: like a xerographic copying machine: the CCD ar-
ray moves across the document while a powerful
6.5.1 Scanners. There are several types of scan- light illuminates the image and the CCD captures
ners, which range in quality from poor to profes- each bit of image, one small step at a time. High-
sional. Scanners are usually used to digitize flat end models can also scan translucent media, such
images such as photographs or printed media, but as slides and offer high optical resolution. Flatbed
they can also be used to capture images from 3D scanners can be the cheapest and most versatile
objects such as shells, as we will see below. Some type of digitizer for amateurs.
of the main types of scanners currently used are
listed below. Slide scanners: These are dedicated scanners that
digitize slides or negative film at high optical resolu-
Handheld scanners: This type of device used to tion but small scan sizes. The slide scanner is a good
be the cheapest digitizing device, and was popular solution for users with many slides to scan. Translu-
in the late 1980s and early 1990s. New versions, cent, thin-mounted specimens can also be scanned.
pen-like scanners for text, might be making a
comeback. Handheld scanners have a single array Drum scanners: Professional machines used to
of CCD (coupled-charged device) that captures the scan photographs and artwork for professional
image as the user glides the scanner over an im- printing. These scanners used to cost up to $200,000
age. Problems associated with handhelds include a few years ago (Ihrig and Ihrig 1995); now flatbed
low resolution and the requirement that the user scanners almost rival drum scanners in quality, at
maintain a steady speed and straight path or else a fraction of the cost; however, drum scanners still
the image becomes distorted. offer the highest resolution (up to more than true
Moretzsohn 63

8,000 dpi) and high dynamic range (up to 4.0, com- 6.5.3 Other sources.
pared to the average 3.0 on midrange level flatbed Video capture: Computer cards or plug-in attach-
scanners) required for color separation in the pub- ments allow turning any video source such as video
lishing business and fine arts. The dynamic range cameras, VCR, television, cable TV, etc. into a still
measures the ability to capture gradations from the or video image in the computer. These cards capture
lightest to the darkest parts of an image. an analog image and transform it into a digital one,
usually increasing the resolution by interpolation,
3D-scanners: Currently under development, indus- rendering a good quality image.
trial scanners that use laser beams to scan objects
for 3D model reconstruction. Flatbed scanners can Service bureaus: Many photo labs now offer
simulate 3D effects (Schubert 2000). (To comple- services to develop photographic film, scan it, and
ment these scanners, an emerging technology uses have the images stored in a CD-ROM or posted on
a transformed ink-jet type printer to print layers of a website for downloading. You can also get your
a plastic material, thus making it possible to print old photographs scanned there if you do not have
in 3D. Soon, you will be able to print your own 3D access to a scanner.
shell models at home).
. Internet: The Internet is a good place to look
6.5.2 Digital cameras. Currently, the fastest for digital images on any topic. Google <www.
growing segment of the imaging market is digital> has an excellent image search en-
photography. Quality and prices range from entry- gine (searching 330 million images as of February
level to professional, with some now rivaling the 2002; quadrupled to nearly 1.2 billion images in
quality of film cameras. Digital video cameras Feb. 2005). As of November 2004 there were an
can also shoot still photos, but usually offer lower estimated eight billion Internet sites worldwide
resolution than digital still cameras. and millions more added everyday (Zetter and Mc-
Cracken 2000). Many sites on mollusks and shell
Consumer market: At the low end are cameras at collecting contain photos (see some examples under
the 640 x 480 pixels level, which is good enough Resources), but images posted on the Internet are
for the Internet. The high-end consumer models usually copyrighted and cannot be used without
are referred to as Prosumer models (Professional/ prior arrangement with the copyright owner. Other
Consumer) and now offer resolution of several alternatives are to use CD-ROM image banks or
megapixels. Resolution is increasing fast and soon other commercially available products.
will equal and exceed that of consumer film photog-
raphy. At present, there is no need in the consumer 6.6 THE FLATBED SCANNER: AN AFFORD-
market for a camera with more than 6 MP, but the ABLE SOLUTION TO SHELL PHOTOGRA-
industry will likely create the demand for it, in the PHY
same way the computer market is industry-driven.
The list of features available in consumer digital As the name implies, a flatbed scanner has a flat
cameras is constantly increasing. Digital cameras bed or glass platen suitable to scan flat (two di-
are the easiest way to capture photos, and arguably mension or 2D) media such as photographs,
the most fun digitizer to use. printed images, and text. The latter is very useful
for OCR (optical character recognition) to recog-
Professional market: At the high end of profes- nize text from a scanned image, transforming it
sional digital photography are digital camera backs into editable text. Scanned images are useful for a
that are also known as scanning cameras. As of range of uses discussed above.
February 2005, the highest resolution was around
140 MP, for a Super 10K-HS digital scanning back Within certain size and depth limits, three-dimen-
mounted on a 4”x 5” (10 cm x 12.7 cm) camera sional objects can also be scanned with surpris-
<>. ingly good quality by a flatbed scanner. Indeed,
64 Digital imaging

the resulting image quality can be better than from 6.6.1 How to scan shells with a flatbed scanner.
most entry- to medium- level consumer digital Before you start scanning shells on your scanner,
cameras. There are some limitations and disad- remember to be careful with the glass platen; any
vantages over digital cameras (Table 6.3). Note scratch on the glass may appear in all subsequent
that not all scanners are suitable for 3D-scanning, images. Also, do not let shells or other objects drop
because of the small depth of field in some models on the glass platen, and avoid putting too much
(models with LED as light sources usually are not weight on the scanner (go easy with that Strombus
suitable for 3D scanning). Try to test a particu- goliath!). The scanner captures the image or view
lar model before you buy it. In general, the flat- of the shell facing the glass platen. Although there
ter the shell (or object), the better the scanning. may be a number of different ways to scan shells,
Shells that are small (or too big to fit on the scan- I present here a simple technique that I developed
ner platen) are not suitable for scanning. Since over the years through trial and error (described in
most shells that collectors are likely to have fall Moretzsohn 1998). The most difficult part of scan-
between the extremes, the flatbed scanner may be ning shells is holding the specimen in position. In
an affordable and a useful tool for the collector my experience, using silly putty (or modeling clay)
and researcher. is the easiest technique for most shells. I study
cowries, the shell of which is basically a flattened
Some current flatbed scanner models have true ellipsoid, and it is easy to secure the shell in any po-
optical resolution of 4,800 dpi; this means more sition. If you want to scan muricids (or other irreg-
than 23 MP/in2 (3.6 MP/cm²). A scanner with ular shells) you may have to improvise alternative
a letter-sized platen at this resolution has more means of keeping the shell in place long enough
than 2,154 megapixels, which is much higher for the scanner to complete the scan (depending on
than that of any professional digital camera the resolution, it can take several minutes).
available today. The highest current resolution
is around 140 MP for a digital back on medium I have designed two specimen holders that allow
format cameras. changes in the height depending on the shell used.

Table 6.3 Comparative advantages of flatbed scanners and consumer digital cameras.

Flatbed scanners Digital cameras

Pros: Pros:
• Large capacity (limited only by the computer’s • Portable; convenient
memory) • Unlimited subject size range
• Images available for editing/printing much faster • Larger depth of field; focus can be very accurate
than from camera • Independent of computer to acquire image, preview,
• Better brightness/contrast/color correction controls display on TV (and more recently, to print)
• Larger preview image than cameras • Some models can also save a short sound tag with
• Much higher total resolution each image, or video
• Cheaper than most cameras
• Higher color depth and wider dynamic optic range Cons:
than cameras • Higher price than most scanners
• More graphics file format options and flexibility • Removable storage media still expensive and limited
• Scan text for OCR (some high-end cameras can also in size
do it) • Batteries do not last long, especially when using the
LCD preview screen
Cons: • Uploading images via USB and FireWire connec-
• Not portable, computer-dependent tions may take a long time for large capacity cards
• Limited depth of field
• Limited size range (especially for 3D objects)
• More difficult to position specimens for scanning
than photographing
Moretzsohn 65

The first one is a simple device that can be made own. I used the column of an old dissecting micro-
from cardboard or plates of acrylic or glass glued scope. I removed the scope head, and in its place I
together, and staggered in a zigzag fashion. Make secured an acrylic plate to which the specimen is
two of these columns as high as you need to, and attached with silly putty (Figure 6.2). This contrap-
then get a clear glass slide or piece of acrylic that tion works in the same way as the zigzag columns
is the same thickness as the material used for the described above, but it has the advantage of smooth
zigzag column. Use a small lump of silly putty and easy changes in the height of the acrylic plate.
to attach the shell onto the glass slide so that the
shell will hang above the scanner glass. Adjust the Once you have figured out how to secure your
height sliding the glass slide into the appropriate specimen above the scanner, either remove the
slots in the zigzag columns (Figure 6.1). In my scanner lid (document cover) or prop it open (be
experience, it is better for the shell not to touch careful not to slam it closed accidentally, as this
the glass platen, but to be as close as possible to will smash your shell and damage the scanner).
the glass (a few millimeters is usually good - ex- Place your specimen such that it hovers above
periment and discover what works best with your the glass platen, and adjust its position for scan-
scanner). This avoids Newton rings (concentric ning. Remember that the side of the shell facing
annular artifacts formed when polished surfaces the scanner is the one that will be scanned. You
are placed close together) as well as too much can scan different views of the shell and make a
light on the lowest part of the shell. composite image. You can experiment with differ-
ent backgrounds; however, if the background is
The second specimen holder is a little more diffi- far enough (i.e., a few centimeters away from the
cult to produce, but be creative and improvise your glass platen), it will become dark. It is important

Figure 6.1 Specimen holder version one. Figure 6.2 Specimen holder version two.
Specimen holder using a zigzag column made from card- Specimen holder made using the column of an old dis-
board. A glass (or acrylic) slide fits into the slots in the secting microscope, fitted with an attachment to hold an
column, allowing the height of the glass to be changed acrylic plate to which the shell is secured with silly putty
as needed. A small lump of silly putty (arrow) secures the (arrow). The specimen holder sits outside of the scanner
shell in place. Both the zigzag column and the shell are platen (not shown), and the height of the acrylic plate is
placed on the scanner platen for scanning. In this figure, adjusted so that the shell secured underneath the plate is
the aperture of the shell is being scanned. close to the scanner platen. The main advantage of this
specimen holder over that illustrated on Fig. 6.1 is the
easier and continuous height adjustment.
66 Digital imaging

that the background is parallel to the glass platen 6.7.1 Desirable functions on a digital camera
to be evenly illuminated by the scanner. In my ex- (or buying tips).
perience, a pure black background is the easiest Resolution: First of all, get the highest resolution
to produce and to edit, but it will depend on the you can afford, but do not sacrifice lens quality for
contrast with the shell colors. I use a cardboard higher resolution. Second, beware of interpolation
box cut open on one side, and with the interior - many makers advertise high-interpolated resolu-
lined with matte black paper. Then I put this box tion, but what matters is true optical resolution.
over the specimen being scanned, isolating it from
the ambient light. The result is a deep black back- Storage: New options and higher capacity remov-
ground, and a shell that may be nicely or poorly able storage are available nearly every month. An
illuminated by the scanner. Experiment with your ideal storage option would be one that offers stor-
scanner settings, such as brightness and contrast to age of many photographs, yet it is widely used
find out what works best for that particular shell. and not expensive. Currently CompactFlash (CF)
Shells that are too high may show too dark in the cards are cheaper and have higher capacity than
scans, and the far edges will be distorted and out SmartMedia cards, and more camera models are
of focus. You can later correct some of the color/ compatible with CF cards than SmartMedia. The
contrast using editing software, but it is better to recent CF-II-compatible microdrives promise a
get well balanced scans to start with. good capacity/price solution (currently up to 8
Gb). Cameras usually are sold with bare minimum
Some scanners have only automated settings. If storage capacity so you will have to buy some
available, use a manual setting, and adjust it to extra storage if you want to take more than 6-10
your needs. A good resolution to start your experi- photos at a time. Professional digital camera backs
ments is around 200-300 dpi. If your scanner opti- that are used in studios have internal hard drives to
cal resolution is higher, you may want to go with store photos, or can be tethered to a computer, thus
higher resolutions in order to get better details on eliminating the limiting size of removable media.
the shell. Interpolation does not usually help much
with resolving details, and too high a resolution Lenses: High quality, glass lenses produce the
wastes disk space and time. Save the scanned im- best quality images. Professional models have
age in TIFF format. After you edit the image, you interchangeable lenses compatible with film cam-
can save it as a graphics format such as JPEG that eras. Consumer cameras currently do not offer
offers better compression than TIFF (see Editing interchangeable lenses, but add-ons can be used
below). Schubert (2000) describes another alter- with some models.
native to hold small 3D objects: turn the scanner
upside-down, resting it on books, and place the Zoom: These are very useful for general situa-
objects in a tray under the scanner. tions, as well as when photographing specimens
of different sizes. A good macro capability is also
6.7 DIGITAL CAMERAS useful to photograph details or small shells.

Electronics makers (e.g., Sony, Epson) produce LCD screen: Indispensable feature if the camera
good cameras, loaded with features. However, tra- does not have a good viewfinder (some prosumer
ditional camera makers (e.g., Nikon, Canon) pro- models do not have an LCD preview screen, but
duce cameras with better lenses, which can take work as single lens reflex (SLR) cameras, in which
higher quality photos. Before making a decision the image you see in the viewfinder is what you get
on which model best suits your needs and budget, on film/pixels). More desirable is an LCD screen that
I recommend that you take a look at consumer re- is large, bright (especially outdoors - a rarity), and
views and photo magazines for the latest models that can be turned off when the composition can be
and Internet sites dedicated to digital photography done with the optical finder alone. The ability to turn
(see Resources). off the screen is particularly useful to save batteries.
Moretzsohn 67

Controls: It is better to have manual as well as au- The most widely used (and least expensive)
tomatic controls of functions such as focus, expo- ones are inkjet printers (but ink can be expen-
sure, shutter speed, film sensitivity, etc. Consumer sive). You should also consider buying coated
models offer automated programs (“point-and- or glossy paper for optimal results. You can
shoot”); prosumer models also offer manual and skip the printer if you prefer to get your prints
customizable programs. done through a commercial digital photofinish-
er (retail or on the Internet, such as,
Connection: Cameras can download photos to, etc.);
a computer using different types of connections. • Because digital imaging produces large files,
Older models use a serial port connection, which it is also a good idea to buy some type of re-
is very slow. In this case, a card reader is strongly movable storage media, such as CD-R (650
recommended. Wireless infrared connection is - 700 Mb), DVD-R (4.7 Gb to more) and tape
also slow. Newer models use USB or FireWire drives (many sizes available) (Sawalich 2000).
connections, which are fast. Currently CD-Rs offer long-term storage at the
cheapest cost per megabyte and can be more
Batteries: Rechargeable, non-proprietary batter- widely used than are other options;
ies are recommended. Buy an extra set of batter- • Image editing software (most cameras and scan-
ies if working away from a studio or home. An AC ners come bundled with entry-level image edi-
adapter makes possible long shootings, wherever tors) to edit your photos, as well as image cata-
it is possible to use one. Some vendors sell AC loging software (Figure 6.3) (e.g. CompuPic,
adapters separately. Picasa 2, etc.) to help you find the right image
in a haystack of files you will soon have in your
File formats: The standard today is to have pho- computer;
tos saved in JPEG format, which is a compressed, • Extra memory (RAM) for your computer. Image
lossy graphics format. High-end cameras offer un- editing is computer-intensive and extra memory
compressed TIFF or RAW formats, but file sizes may improve performance considerably. More
are much larger. It is useful to have different op- RAM is useful. The same is also true for com-
tions for compression/image quality/resolution to puter speed (CPU clock speed).
suit each use of the camera.
6.7.3 Tips on photographing shells. General tips
Audio tag and video: Recent models offer these for film photography also apply to the digital me-
options, which can be useful, e.g., to save time dium. See Chapter 7 on photography for more on
when taking notes on each photo, but are not ab- this topic.
solutely necessary to photograph shells.
In the digital darkroom (your computer), you can
Other features to consider: Software included edit pretty much any image, but bear in mind that it
with camera, shutter speed, light requirements, is better to go through a little effort to take a good
color depth, compatibility (both PC and Mac for- photo than to spend hours editing a photo on a
mats), price, etc. computer. An image with a good contrast between
the shell and the background makes selection
6.7.2 Recommended accessories. (masking) and editing easier than an image with an
• USP 2.0 card-reader, especially if your camera uneven background that blends in with the shell.
does not have a USB or FireWire port connec-
tion; Also, when printing, a black (or other color) back-
• A good color “photo” inkjet or dye sublimation ground will use a lot of ink, while a white back-
printer. Other types of printers include color ground saves the most ink. I personally prefer black
laser (expensive), solid ink, and thermal wax backgrounds, because they usually produce a good
printers (require special media and ribbons). contrast with the shell, and also look good on the
68 Digital imaging

computer monitor as well as on paper. However, cellent, professional photographs. Epson has a
Blaker (1989) recommends a white background in line of archival inks with an expected print life
most cases, because black backgrounds occasion- of more than 200 years (Wedding 2000). Other
ally do not reproduce well in publications. Gray more specialized printers such as continuous tone
should be avoided because it tends to appear mud- thermal wax printers are more expensive than
dy in print and blends with the object image. consumer inkjets and, therefore, have a smaller
market share, but produce photographic quality
6.8 OUTPUT DEVICES prints, albeit with narrow options of paper sizes.
Color laser printers are becoming more accessible
The most common output devices for digital im- but quality is usually inferior to good photo ink-jet
agery are printers and film recorders. The latter printers.
are still expensive equipment that exposes tra-
ditional film, usually slides, to images or text to 6.9 BASICS OF DIGITAL IMAGE EDITING
create material for a slide presentation. In recent
years, there has been an explosion in the market A computer with the proper imaging software is
for digital projectors, allowing you to make an more powerful than a traditional darkroom, allow-
audiovisual presentation directly from your com- ing you to perform tasks that are lengthy or even
puter or removable storage (Gordon 2000). impossible in a traditional setting. These include
resizing the image, correcting colors, modifying
The most commonly used output device, however, or distorting parts (or the whole) of the image, ap-
is the printer. Printers come in a variety of sizes, plying special filters, editing single pixels, etc. In
resolutions, and prices. Color inkjet printers are summary, you can do magic with images, and ba-
very popular in the consumer market because of sically you can edit almost any image. However,
the low equipment prices, high quality output, and poor originals are not worth editing, because of
flexibility with the type of media handled. Quality the lengthy editing required. It is better to start
varies from cheap, entry level, basic prints to ex- with a good image that needs little editing. There

Figure 6.3 Screen shot of Google’s Picasa 2. Figure 6.4 Screen shot of Adobe Photoshop.
Screen shot of Google’s Picasa 2, photo organizer soft- Adobe Photoshop is the industry’s standard for digital
ware. This free program scans your computer for photos image editing. It is powerful, with many resources such
(and movies), and produces thumbnails of your images. as a navigator tool (shown upper right), layers and chan-
You can write captions and keywords to help search the nels (shown lower right), history (upper left), and plug-in
right image. It also allows for simple image editing, send- filters made by third-party companies. Most of the editing
ing images via email, producing simple webpages, etc. tools are intuitive, with an icon on the tool bar (lower
left). The muricid photo shown in the main window was
zoomed in for accurate masking selection.
Moretzsohn 69

Figure 6.5 Basic steps of image editing.

Basic steps of image editing: flatbed scanning of a large shell (over 15 cm in length) of Neptunea sp.
A. A raw scanned image shows an irregular background, with the support for the black box showing in the photo
(corners). B. An automatic selection of the background was made on the image on Fig. 6.5A. Note that because
of the unevenness of the background, the apex and parts of the shell were also selected, and had to be deselected
manually, or the editing applied to the background would also apply to the shell. C. Background was made even,
and shell color corrected and rotated. D. Background changed to white for increased contrast.

are good references and sites on how to edit im- feather set to 3 to 5 pixels). Check the foreground
ages (see Resources below). and background colors in the color picker, and se-
lect white as background, and then press the delete
For the sake of brevity, I will illustrate a simple key (Figure 6.5D) and you should have a nice white
project to make a composite image. First obtain background. If you make a mistake you can undo
the image (e.g., by scanning a shell), and open it this action. Some programs offer unlimited undo’s
in an editing program (Figure 6.4) such as Adobe (“actions” function in Photoshop 7.0 and later);
Photoshop™ (the industry’s standard; countless others are limited to the last action, so decide if you
other programs perform similarly, sometimes at want to undo your last action before doing the next
a fraction of the price). Use the magic wand or one. When you close the image, the history list is
similar selection tool to select the background to reset. It is a good idea to save the image often, es-
isolate the shell. If the background is irregular or pecially after completing a difficult task.
uneven (Figure 6.5A), it may be easier to rescan it
or you will have to select at least parts of it manu- The edges of the shell should look natural. If they
ally (Figure 6.5B). Using the lasso tool (or simi- are hard, try to use a wider pixel range for the feath-
lar), carefully drag the cursor around the edges of er filtering selection. Then select the background,
the shell. Making a careful selection around an invert selection to select only the shell to correct
irregular object can be the most time-demanding the colors, brightness, and contrast, thus adjusting
part of editing. To make sure that the edge is accu- the shell image to look realistic. Note, however,
rately selected, it is often recommended that you that what you see on your monitor is not neces-
zoom in to 100% or even closer, and inspect the sarily what you will get from your printer (you
whole contour of the shell for possible dark areas should do a monitor and printer calibration). Also,
that the automatic selection missed. PC monitors are darker than Macs, and individual
monitor screens vary in gamma (brightness).
After selecting the whole background, use the
bucket tool to paint the background in the same When you use the paint tool, play close attention
color to make it homogeneous (Figure 6.5C). Then to the edges, because subtle pixel changes may
use a filter to soften your selection edges (e.g., “eat the shell away” if you are not careful. If you
70 Digital imaging

want to add another image to make a composite, fer a good quality camera because of its portabil-
you can enlarge the size of the image (canvas in ity and flexibility.
Photoshop), and move the edited shell to one side.
Then open the second image and repeat the steps 6.11 RESOURCES ON DIGITAL IMAGING
above. When you are done editing it, select the sec- AND MALACOLOGY
ond shell, copy it, and paste it into the first image,
now with some space open on the right side. When Popular photography magazines (such as Popular
you paste an image into another, Photoshop creates Photography) and computer magazines (e.g., PC
a new layer, which can be edited independently Magazine) often have columns in which digital
from other layers. You can move the pasted im- photography is discussed. More recently, there are
age by dragging it around, until the composition is magazines now dedicated to the topic, such as PC
good. You can resize or rotate the image to match Photo.
other images of the same shell (e.g. Figure 6.6). If
your program supports layers, you can save the im- The Internet has many sites on digital photogra-
age with layers, or flatten them to save the image phy. Below are just a few sites to get you started.
as TIFF and also JPEG (if no further editing). You can use search engines to find updated infor-
mation on a topic in which you have a specific in-
6.10 CONCLUSIONS terest. Digital imaging tutorials, product reviews,
and resources:
Digital imaging is a powerful tool for both ama- • Photoshop Tutorials at Adobe: <www.adobe.
teurs and professionals, and it is becoming in- com/products/tips/photoshop.html>
creasingly popular. The quality of digital images • Kodak’s Digital Learning Center: <
already nearly matches that of film photography, US/en/digital/dlc/>
and the future of photography is likely to be digi- • Imaging Resource: <www.imaging-resource.
tal. The current explosion in digital cameras will com/>
likely establish them as the main input device into • Wayne Fulton’s “A Few Scanning Tips:” <www.
computers for images. Scanners offer an afford->
able alternative for capturing images of shells. • Steve’s DigiCams - excellent equipment reviews:
However, if price were not an issue, I would pre- < >

Figure 6.6 Composite image.

Composite image showing six views of a fossil cowry, Muracypraea sp., represented to scale. A plate like this one
enables the reader to see different parts of the shell at once. These photos were made with a flatbed scanner (an old
HP ScanJet IIcx) and edited in Photoshop to produce a seamless plate. Images can be resized, rotated, and edited
individually in layers, which can be flattened to be saved as TIF (or JPG), or saved in Photoshop’s PSD format
(with layers).
Moretzsohn 71

• D. Geiger’s Zootaxa Digital Imaging Guide: camera used in the development of this manu-
< script.
Mollusks and shell clubs - both the American
Malacological Society (AMS) and Conchologists Blaker, A. A. 1989. Handbook for Scientific Photogra-
phy, 2nd Ed. Focal Press, Boston. 287 pp.
of America (COA) maintain good websites with Jacobson, M. K. ed. 1974. How to Study and Collect
links to many molluscan resources: Shells, 4th Ed. American Malacological Union.
107 pp.
• AMS: <> Gordon, A. 2000. Five ways to get prints from your digi-
• COA’s ConchNet: <www.conchologistsofamer- cam. The Photo Times [Online newsletter], <pho->.> [October 2000].
Ihrig, S. and E. Ihrig. 1995. Scanning The Professional
Shell photo galleries - just a couple of examples of Way. Osborne McGraw-Hill, Berkeley, California.
sites with excellent photos: 148 pp.
Kay, D. C. and J. R. Levine. 1995. Graphics File For-
mats, 2nd Ed., Windcrest/McGraw Hill, Blue Ridge
• Femorale website (shell dealer from Brazil): Summit, Pennsylvania. 476 pp.
<> Kilbourne, S. 1991. A primer on digital imaging - post
• Richard Goldberg’s Worldwide Conchology: production for still photography: Part I. Journal of
<> Biological Photography 59: 43-48.
Moretzsohn, F. 1998. Digital photography in malacol-
ogy: The flatbed scanner as a great research tool. In:
Photo organizer software - there are several such R. Bieler and P. Mikkelsen, eds., Abstracts of the
software, but recently Google made available a World Congress of Malacology Washington D.C.,
very useful yet free software, Picasa 2: <www. 25-30 July 1998. Unitas Malacologica, Washington> D.C. p. 232
Murray, D. and W. van Ryper. 1996. Encyclopedia
of Graphics File Formats. 2nd Ed. O’Reilly and
6.12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Associates, Inc., Sebastopol, California. 1116 pp.
Niederst, J. 1999. Web Design in a Nutshell. O’Reilly,
I am indebted to two remarkable women, my ad- Sebastopol, California. 560pp.
visor Dr. E. Alison Kay and my wife, Heather Sawalich, W. 2000. Desperately seeking storage. PC
Stanton Moretzsohn, for their constant support Photo for September 2000: 76-80.
Schubert, R. 2000. Using a flatbed scanner as a ste-
and encouragement, as well as suggestions on reoscopic near-field camera. IEEE Computer
the manuscript. I also thank Gary Rodwell for Graphics and Applications for March/April 2000:
his computer advice, Wes Thorsson for frequent 38-45.
discussions on photography, Dr. Daniel Geiger Wedding, G. 2000. Epson Stylus Photo 2000P. Epson’s
for providing updated information on the latest new archival inks and papers make their debut
in this stylish, extremely capable photo printer.
digital camera models, and Dr. Charles Sturm for DigitalFoto for September 2000: 76-77.
inviting me to contribute to this project. I thank Zetter, K. and H. McCracken. 2000. How to stop search-
the Department of Zoology, University of Hawaii ing and start finding. PC World for September
for access to computers, scanners, and the digital 2000: 129-143.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


7.1 INTRODUCTION can be applied to any photographic situation. I will

introduce some concepts with which most working
Photography has two applications in systematic malacologists are unfamiliar, but the deeper under-
malacology. A photograph can provide a record of standing will lead to superior results in the end.
a specimen without collecting the animal itself. It
can be a proof of the organism’s existence, and may I will first cover the nature of light in terms of
further contain information on habitat, lifestyle, and intensity and color balance. I proceed to give a
abundance. In that case, the photographic record quick overview on equipment useful for scientific
takes on the function of a specimen, and all the photography. A review on film types precedes the
considerations regarding record keeping and loans practical aspects, namely reproduction photography
apply to it as well. including ultraviolet and infrared applications, pho-
tography through water and glass, and underwater
On the other hand, imaging an existing specimen photography. Finally, archival concerns will be ad-
from a collection is a branch of reproduction pho- dressed. As with any technical field, photography is
tography in which the appearance of the specimen evolving at a fast pace. In order to make this chapter
is to be recorded as faithfully as possible. The useful beyond the shelf life of any particular prod-
data of the photograph are the same as those on uct mentioned, I will introduce the reader to some
the specimen record, which may be supplemented standard metrics used to evaluate the performance
with technical photographic details. This chapter of competing products.
covers both aspects of photography as they apply
to systematic malacology. I assume you will have a basic familiarity with SLR
photography. Terms such as f-stop, focal length,
From a technical perspective the chapter is limited shutter speed, ISO/ASA, and depth of field should
to silver halide, or film photography; some remarks at least sound familiar. Otherwise I recommend an
on the possible application or limits with respect to introductory text to general photography such as
digital imaging are given where appropriate (see the technical treatment of Sturge (1976), the com-
Chapter 6 for more on digital imaging). The chapter prehensive volumes of Jacobson et al. (1988) and
concentrates on 35 mm single lens reflex (SLR) Stroeble et al. (1986, 2000), and the very readable
photography, which offers the optimum balance and richly illustrated work of London and Upton
between performance and user friendliness. Photog- (1998). Selected terms can be looked up in Stroeble
raphy is as much a science as an art form. I treat it and Zakia (1993).
here as a branch of the natural sciences, but fully rec-
ognize that striking photographs can be produced by 7.2 LIGHT
violating every one of the recommendations I will
give in this chapter. I will emphasize understanding 7.2.1 Light intensity. The amount of light is one
of optical, chemical, and physical principles that of the most important factors in photography and
74 Applied film photography

determines many camera related settings. Light Kodak (Anonymous 1987) produces the Neutral
intensity is measured as photons per area and Gray Cardboard (NGC), which is very helpful in
time. In photography, changes in light intensity are order to determine accurate exposure values inde-
measured on the f-stop scale. One increment (in- pendent of the reflective properties of the object or
crease or decrease) in this scale denotes a change scene. The reflective properties of either black or
in light intensity by a factor of two; therefore, white differ from neutral gray by approximately 2
the f-stop scale is exponential to the base 2. The to 2.5 f-stops (for half tone-films: see below). An
term f-stop is taken from the diaphragm settings alternative approach to quantify shades of gray is
on a lens, i.e., the numbers like 2, 2.8, 4, 5.6, 8 implemented with the Zone System (e.g., Johnson
etc. The difference between two stops is a factor 1999). This system is geared more towards black
of the √2, because of the relation between the and white photography and takes into consideration
linear diameter of the diaphragm to the area it some of the particularities of black and white de-
circumscribes. velopers (Anchell and Troop 1998), hence, is more
artistic than scientific.
Generally, photographic products are made to an
accuracy of ±10%: absolute accuracy with the In order to obtain a reliable reading of the light
settings is not necessary. The smallest change of meter, use the NGC in the place of the object to
intensity you may start to take into account is 1/3 be photographed. The simplest procedure is to
of an f-stop (=1 DIN: see below). A distinction must adjust the exposure of the NGC in manual mode
be made between two kinds of light intensities: and to keep these settings when photographing the
incident light and reflected light. actual object. Alternatively (particularly with TTL
flashes), note the meter reading for the NGC (say,
All built-in camera light meters measure light in- 1/8 s @ f/16, ±0) and adjust the exposure of the
tensity through-the-lens (TTL) and are adjusted to object (say, 1/4 s @ f/16, ±0) with the exposure cor-
measure reflected light levels. They assume that the rection so that it is identical to that of the NGC (1/8
object is neutral gray, which by definition reflects s, @ f/16, -1 exposure correction). It is important
18% of the incident light (see Ray 1999, for details). that the NGC is metered in spot or integral mode,
Some hand held light meters can be used to measure and that the object is metered in integral mode. If
incident or reflected light. Camera light meters can you cannot place the neutral gray card in place of
operate in three fundamental ways: integral, spot, the object, or if the object is not in the same focal
and matrix mode. plane as the majority of the picture (for instance in
extreme close-up photography), take an incident
In integral mode, each point of the image is taken light reading with an appropriate meter, or estimate
as equivalent and the average of the light intensity neutral gray correction.
of the scene is measured; often the center bright-
ness of the image is given somewhat more weight 7.2.2 Estimating Exposure Correction. With
than that of the corners (center weighted integral). some practice, the deviation from neutral gray
In spot metering, a small circle in the center of the can be reliably estimated. For the first few rolls,
image is measured, whereas the remainder of the keep very precise records of how you adjusted the
image is not considered at all. In matrix metering, exposure and critically examine your slides for
the image is subdivided into several areas (5-30 detail in the highlight and shadow areas. Initially
depending on the particular camera), each area is you may want to bracket widely by ±2/3 (or ±0.5)
measured independently, the contrast of the scene and ±4/3 (or ±1). Eventually you will develop a feel
is evaluated, outliers are identified, and the ‘ideal’ for exposure correction and the narrower bracket-
exposure is determined by some camera algorithm. ing will be sufficient. In order to estimate nominal
Matrix metering enhances the success rate of exposure correction (±0 for bracketing) follow the
snapshots, but is entirely unpredictable and is of steps below. The general procedure with dark ob-
no utility for scientific applications. jects is to force the camera to underexpose (minus
Geiger 75

correction), with bright objects to overexpose (plus (spectral) color of light with a particular wavelength
correction). Remember, the camera assumes neu- (λ) measured in nm.
tral gray; therefore, it has to be tricked to properly
expose very dark or very bright objects: The former refers to the actual temperature of a
tungsten wire when emitting light of a certain color
1 Is the overall image more or less neutral gray? balance. Because human vision readily adapts to
Check the tonality against NGC. If not con- various color temperatures, a lighting setup that
tinue to 2. looks good to the human eye may reproduce an
2A Are there pure black elements (minus correc- object with unacceptable colors. Therefore, careful
tion)? If not, continue to 2B or 3A. Estimate attention should be given that the light source and
how much area is black. Multiply it by -2 the film material are compatible within very narrow
f-stops: 50% of the image is black, 50% x -2 tolerances. For further information on measuring
f-stops = -1 f-stop. 1/3 of the image is black, and reproducing color see Hunt and Gainer (1987)
1/3 x -2 f-stops = -2/3 f-stops. and Hunt (1998).
2B Are there pure white elements (plus correc-
tion)? If not, continue to 3A. Estimate how The color temperature of different light sources
much area is white. Multiply it by 2 f-stops: vary tremendously from reddish (warm) to bluish
50% of the image is white, 50% x 2 f-stops = (cold): indoor incandescent light (2,400-2,800 K),
+1 f-stop. 1/3 of the image is white, 1/3 x 2 regular photofloods and fiber optic lights (3,200
f-stops = +2/3 f-stops. K), special photoflood lamps (3,400 K), daylight
3A Are there dark, non-black elements? If not, and electronic flashes (5,000-6,000 K), skylight
continue to 3B. Estimate how much area is (>10,000 K). Although it seems counterintuitive, a
dark. Estimate how far off neutral gray it is. low color temperature (2,000 K) is perceived as a
Multiply both factors by -2 f-stops: 50% of warm light source (reddish), whereas a high color
the image is dark; dark is in between neutral temperature (10,000 K) is perceived as a cold light
gray and black: 50% darker, 50% x 50% x -2 source (bluish).
f-stops = -0.5 f-stops.
3B Are there bright, non-white elements? Estimate Fiber optics and microscope illuminators produce
how much area is bright. Estimate how far off light of their nominal temperature (3,200 K) only
neutral gray it is. Multiply both factors by 2 if the lamp is given the nominal voltage for that
f-stops: 50% of the image is bright; bright is in particular bulb. Because light intensity is adjusted
between neutral gray and white: 50% brighter, by varying the voltage, the proper color temperature
50% x 50% x 2 f-stops = +0.5 f-stops. is only achieved at one setting. Some fiber optic and
4 Bracket. For 2B, the nominal exposure correc- microscope light sources have a photo setting; oth-
tion is +2/3. Therefore, for the +2/3 bracket set ers indicate the nominal voltage on the dial, which
the dial to +4/3; for the -2/3 bracket set the dial is equivalent to a photo setting. Fluorescent tubes
to zero. should be avoided as light source for color pho-
tography, because their emission spectra contain
7.2.3 The color of light. In color photography, square peaks, which interact unpredictably with
the color balance is of major importance. Both the the absorption curves of every film emulsion. This
properties of the film and the light source have lighting results in aberrant coloration, usually a bile
to be taken into account. The color of the light green cast (see Chapter 5 in Stroeble et al. 1986).
source is described by its temperature, measured in
Kelvin. An alternative metric is the microrecipro- Mixed lighting situations are commonplace, as
cal-degree (mired), defined as 106 divided by the when using photofloods (3,400 K) in a room with
color temperature in Kelvin. The color of a light fluorescent tubes (square profile), or using a fiber
source (i.e., a particular mixture of light of various optics light source (3,200 K) as a focusing light
wavelengths), has to be distinguished from the in macro flash photography (5,500 K). Because a
76 Applied film photography

film is calibrated for a specific color temperature, daylight film. The 85B filter converts light from
multiple light sources of different color tempera- a 5,500 K light source to be used with a 3,200
tures may present a problem. As a rule, you do not K balanced film. The filter can be placed either
need to worry about the unbalanced light source, over the light source or over the camera lens. For
if it alone would produce an exposure at least four non-standard color temperature, adjustments can
to five f-stops longer than with the balanced light be calculated using mired shift values (Stroeble et
source. The unbalanced light source will only con- al. 1984, Anonymous 1990, Anonymous 1998, and
tribute 1/24 to 1/25 = 1/16-1/32 ≈5% of the total Anonymous 1999a).
exposure, which is negligible.
In the fiber optics/flash example, the precise param-
eters depend on the flash synchronization time of 7.3.1 Body. New features are introduced with every
the camera, i.e., the shortest exposure time at which camera and lens model. Many of these features have
a flash can be used. For example, if the fiber optics little value for documentary photography including
light would result in an exposure of 1/2 s with a flash synchronization on first or second curtain,
flash synchronization time of 1/60 s, then the two shutter speeds shorter than 1/1000s, predictive
exposure times are five f-stops apart. With a flash auto focus, and ultrasonic motors. However, other
synchronization time of 1/250 s, a 1/8 s exposure features deserve careful attention for reasons given
of the fiber optics light is admissible, affording a in parentheses; further engineering details are given
brighter image when focusing. This is one of the in Goldberg (1992):
practical advantages of a short flash synchroniza-
tion time. For color critical applications either turn • TTL flash metering (proper exposure for bellows
the focusing light off during exposure, or use color photography).
conversion filters for the fiber optics light source. • TTL flash cable socket (connection of flash or
flashes off camera body: macro, through glass/
Films are adjusted to one particular color tempera- water).
ture, in the vast majority of cases either 3,200 K • Flash synchronization speed (fill flash with tele-
(tungsten) or 5,500 K (daylight). The color of the photo lens, focusing light for flashed macro).
light source can be adjusted with color conver- • Interchangeable viewfinders: Canon F1, Pentax
sion filters. For instance, the 80A filter converts LX, Nikon F3, F4, F5 (sport/high eye point
light from a 3,200 K light source for use with a viewfinder for underwater photography).
daylight film (5,500 K). An 80B filter converts • User interchangeable viewfinder screens (bright/
light from a 3,400 K light source for use with a clear screens for extreme macro).

Figure 7.1 Comparison in performance of three lenses.

Columns 1-3: Zeiss MacroPlanar 100 mm f/2.8. Chromatic and aberration correction for close focus (1:10 optimum)
is provided by floating element. Column 1: at infinity focus. Column 2: at 1:10 magnification: optimum correction
of lens. Column 3: at 1:1 magnification (= life size), focus at 45 cm. Column 4: Zeiss Planar 100 mm f/2 at infinity
focus. Aberration corrections are optimized at infinity focus. Minimum focus is 1 m (~1:8 magnification). Column
5: Zeiss VarioSonnar 35-135 mm f/3.3-4.5 at 135 mm and infinity focus. Aberration corrections are optimized at
infinity focus and f = 70 mm. Macrosetting for 1:4 magnification. Row 1: longitudinal section through lens. Note
the more balanced design of the macro lens as compared to the two non-macro lenses. Row 2: Modulation transfer
at 10 lines/mm (top), 20 lines/mm (middle), and 40 lines/mm (bottom), measured as a function of distance from
center of image. The chart is given for the optimum f-stop for the respective lens, both in sagittal (solid lines) and
tangential (stippled lines) target orientation. The more even center to corner (0-24 mm) performance of the macro
lens is evident as compared to the zoom lens with macrofocusing capability. Row 3: The relative brightness (=
illuminance) from center to corner of the image is given at full aperture (solid line) and at optimal f-stop (stippled
line). The performance of the fix-focal length lenses is superior to the zoom lens. Row 4: Distortion (positive values
= pincushion; negative values = barrel) is graphed from center to corner. The best performance has the non-macro
lens at infinity, whereas the zoom lens is worst. Compiled from material available on the Zeiss web site<www.zeiss.
de> and reproduced with kind permission of Carl Zeiss. i.s. = image scale. k = set f-stop.
Geiger 77
78 Applied film photography

• Depth-of-field preview by body or lens (judging including mathematical derivation can be found
depth of field). in Ray (1994). The performance of lenses can
• (Pseudo-) mirror lock-up (reduces vibrations in be characterized by a number of metrics and at-
long time exposures). tributes. Traditional metrics include focal length
• Easy exposure correction/± correction (adjust and f-stop range.
exposure for non-neutral gray objects).
• Easy turn off auto focus (macro). Certain optical errors can be corrected with special
• Vacuum film flattener: Contax RTS III (overall lens elements. The surface of a sphere segment does
image quality: sharpness, chromatic aberra- not focus all rays in one plane. This lens error is
tion). called spherical aberration. Aspherical elements,
which have surfaces that are not a segment of a
Most SLRs can produce very acceptable results. Yet sphere, can correct for spherical aberration and
I recommend you chose a major camera manufac- field flatness particularly with wide-angle lenses.
turer with a full line of macro and flash components. In uncorrected lenses, the rays of various wave-
If underwater photography with a housing is consid- lengths do not focus at the same distance along the
ered, Nikon, Canon, and Pentax are strong contend- lens axis; this error is called chromatic aberration.
ers. For superior optics Contax (Zeiss lenses), Leica, Uncorrected (chromatic) lenses can only properly
Nikon, and Canon are potential choices. Although focus light of one wavelength.
it may sound paradoxical, pay more attention to the
available lenses, than to that of the features of the Most photographic lenses are corrected for two
bodies (exception: interchangeable viewfinders if wavelengths (achromatic), whereas the remainder
desirable). The line of camera bodies is evolving of the spectrum focuses slightly in front or behind
much faster than that of the lenses. the film plane. In telephoto lenses, chromatic aber-
ration is most pronounced. Apochromatic telephoto
7.3.2 Motor drive. Many modern cameras have a and zoom lenses contain special glasses, which cor-
built-in motor drive. For fieldwork, the possibility rect chromatic aberration for three wavelengths and
of battery failure must be considered. Either carry ensure minimal deviation over the entire spectrum.
sufficient spare batteries with you or make sure that The glasses are variously called low dispersion,
your camera allows manual advance and manual extra low dispersion (ED), or super low dispersion
rewind of the film. Alternatively, separate motor (SD) elements. Both of these special lens elements
drives or winders can be attached to most system are found only in lenses that are more expensive.
bodies. Often a grip handle is part of the motor drive
and offers greater stability for handheld photogra- A lesser known metric is the ‘Modulation Transfer
phy. For copy stand work, motorized film transport Function’ (MTF). It is obtained from an experi-
will not impose the torque produced by manual mental procedure in which an image composed
film advance and will keep the camera position of black and white parallel bars of variable width
more stable. On the other hand, when mounting (the target) is imaged through a lens and the nor-
the camera plus a separate motor drive on a tripod malized brightness ratio of the black and white
or a copy stand, one more mechanical connection bars is graphed (Figure 7.1). The resulting graph
with inherent play is found in the set-up, and may indicates the possible fine detail resolution of a
amplify vibrations from the mirror swing or the particular lens. If the resolution limit measured in
shutter (Keppler 1999). For photographic purists, lines/mm is quoted in a chart, usually the value at
film flatness is decreased with motorized film ad- 50% brightness on the MTF is given.
vance. The Contax RTSIII is the only SLR with a
vacuum film flattener system (Goldberg 1992). Much of reproduction photography is in the close-
up (0.1 < m < 0.5) to macro range (m > 0.5). Al-
7.3.3 Lenses. A readable overview of SLR lenses though many modern lenses (particularly zooms)
has been provided by Landt (1993). Full details have what is called a macro-setting, these produce
Geiger 79

Figure 7.2 Normal and macro photography with respect to the geometry of image and object conjugates.
In normal photography, a large object is shown reduced in size, whereas in macro a small object is magnified. Ac-
cordingly, the image conjugate is longer in macro photography, hence, a normal, non-macro lens should be reversed
(retro position) for macro applications.

significantly lower quality images than dedicated, reversing the front standard of the bellows or with
fix-focal length macro lenses (Figure 7.1). Com- a reversal ring. It leaves the rear lens unprotected
pare the graphs of the macro lens at infinity to the and usually the auto diaphragm function is lost;
zoom lens. Macro as well as regular macro-range either the lens has to be stopped down manually
lenses focus from infinity to the close-up range, before the film is exposed (working aperture) or a
however, the optics of regular lenses are corrected double cable release can be introduced depending
for infinity, whereas chromatic and spherical aber- on the specific system.
ration are corrected for the close-up range in true
macro lenses. Therefore, true macro lenses will Alternatively, macro head lenses with microscope
provide a superior image in the close-up range. thread mount instead of the usual bayonet, can be
Macro lenses are manufactured in two focal length mounted on a lens board. These lenses are specifi-
ranges: 50-60 mm, and 90-105 mm. I recommend cally designed for macrophotography on bellows,
opting for the 90-105 mm range because it allows should not be reversed, and cannot be used for
for greater freedom in positioning the camera, and regular photography. They are usually not listed in
has a narrower collecting angle (see Section 7.5 the normal catalog of system cameras, but can be
Reproduction photography and 7.8 Through glass obtained for most major camera brands (e.g., OM
and water photography). 20 mm, 38 mm, 80 mm; Leitz Photar series; Zeiss
Luminar and Microtar series).
The lenses for regular photography are designed for
the object conjugate - the distance from the lens to 7.3.4 Focus and depth of field. The focal plane
the object - to be much greater than the image con- is always a plane, and cannot be made deeper by
jugate - the distance from the lens to the film. This any setting of the diaphragm. Depth of focus is the
geometry is reversed in macrophotography with equivalent of depth of field (DoF) at the film plane.
much greater than life-size magnification (1:1, m What is changed with the f-stop setting is the depth
= 1) when using bellows. Therefore, a normal lens of field. DoF is a result of the reduction of the blur
should be reversed (= retro position) for photogra- circle of an out of focus object due to a reduced
phy with m > 1 (Figure 7.2). It can be achieved by diameter of the diaphragm. The out of focus object
80 Applied film photography

remains out of focus, but it appears sharp. The gain As DoF is extremely limited in macro photography, it
in DoF is counterbalanced by blurring introduced is important that the focal plane is placed as desired.
through diffraction of the light at the blades of the Two factors need to be considered: distance and
diaphragm. Diffraction will increase the diameter spatial orientation of the plane. Focal distance can be
of the blur circle (Airy disk) of all image points, adjusted with the focus setting of the lens, but note
including those of an object in the focal plane. that the magnification of the image is also affected
Hence, given a sufficiently small aperture, the entire when changing focus of the lens. Alternatively, the
image will appear blurred. Two factors influence entire camera set-up can be moved relative to the
the blurring: the grain of the film and the enlarge- specimen. Several options are available. The column
ment of the picture. of the repro stand or the tripod (particularly with
geared columns) can be moved. With bellows, a fo-
The more important of the two factors is the en- cusing rail is often integrated in the design. Adorama,
largement. For 35 mm film, a standard guideline is Kirk, and ReallyRightStuff produce macro sliders
for an 20 x 25 cm (8 x 10 inch) enlargement held that offer geared movement in two axes. For most
at arms length, which corresponds approximately SLR applications, the focal plane is parallel to the
to viewing conditions of projection slides. Under film plane. Some camera manufacturers offer swing/
these conditions, an image appears blurred to the tilt and/or raise/fall bellows that allow you to place
average person if two dots, which are separated the focal plane at an angle to the film plane (Contax,
by approximately 1/30 mm, touch each other. old Minolta manual focus bellows, discontinued
This happens at an effective f-stop f/32 focused Nikon PB-4). The position of the focal plane is then
at infinity. If the information gained by increased governed by the “Scheimpflug rule;” for details see
DoF much exceeds the information loss due to Ray (1994) or any book on medium or large format
image blur, you may exceed that rule by up to two photography (e.g., Merklinter 1993).
f-stops with acceptable results; beyond this point,
the blurring effect will be excessive. Because the The depth of field is distributed asymmetrically to
sharpness depends on the magnification, contact either side of the focal plane in non-macro shots:
prints are sharp even at extremely small f-stops 1/3 to the front, and 2/3 to the back. In the macro
(f/128). range (>1:1) the distribution of the DoF becomes
more or less equal (1/2 to the front and back: see
Macrophotography needs further considerations, Ray 1994). Many lenses indicate the DoF for cer-
because the light is spread as it passes through the tain f-stops on the lens, though many autofocus
extension tubes or bellows: the effective f-stop lenses lack this useful feature. With some cameras,
at the film plane is greater than that indicated by you can close the diaphragm before you take the
the diaphragm setting. As a rule, the maximum picture and you can check the DoF with a matt fo-
advantageous f-stop (fmax) set at the diaphragm cusing screen. Clear screens allow precise focusing
is a function of the chosen maximum f-stop for at low light levels in macrophotography, but DoF
infinity (f∞, usually 32) and the magnification (m): preview is virtually impossible. When in doubt,
fmax = f∞ / (m + 1). At 1:2, fmax = f/22, and at focus to the closest part of the object; for animal
life size (1:1), fmax = f/16. Still, as you set f/4 at photographs, focus on the eyes.
the lens for a photograph with m = 7, the effective
f-stop at the film plane is f/32. Some macro lenses 7.3.5 Filters. The summary performance of an opti-
(Nikon Mircronikkor series) correct for this effect cal system is always less than that of its best mem-
in the range over which the lens itself focuses. ber, but can be further degraded with the addition
However, if you use such a lens in combination of a single inferior element. Filters used on lenses
with an extension tube or bellows, you must take are weak points in the optical pathways. I strongly
into consideration the magnification and the focus recommend purchasing quality multicoated filters
setting of the lens, when you determine the proper (Kodak Wratten, B&W, Schott, Heliopan, and Lee)
f-stop setting on the lens. and to resist adding a cheap version of any filter.
Geiger 81

Figure 7.3.
Figures 7.3a and 7.3b: Reduction of diffuse reflection on water with a polarization filter. Note the difference in contrast
and the overall gray veil in Figure 7.3 a and b. Rhizostoma pulmo = octopus (Macri, 1778). OM4Ti, 65-200 @ 200
mm, circular polarization filter, available light, Kodachrome 64.Worms Head, Rhossili, Gower, Wales, 2/viii 1992.
DLG#2583. Figure 7.3a-Without a polarization filter. Figure 7.3b-With a polarization filter. Figure 7.3c-Blow-up show-
ing twig enlarged. Camera shake in mixed light situation with flash. Note the two outlines (ghosting) of twig (arrows).
OM4Ti (flash synchronization 1/60 s), 90 mm macro, T-32, Fuji Velvia. Joshua Tree National Park, California, ii 1995.
DLG#3766. Figure 7.3d-Nested petri dish technique. Tellina tenuis da Costa, 1778, in petri dish nested in second petri
dish with substrate. OM4Ti, 90 mm macro, 2x T-32, Kodachrome 64. Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, 12-22/v
1992. DLG#2524. Figure 7.3e-Underwater dissection of sipunculid [Phascolosoma granulatum (Sato, 1930)]. Note
needles at angle and small specular highlight at menisci surrounding needles (arrows). OM4Ti, 80 mm macro, exten-
sion tube 65-113 mm, T-32, Kodachrome 64. DLG#2222. Figures 7.3f and 7.3g: Photography in aquarium at angle.
Figure 7.3f-Underside of Velella velella Linnaeus, 1758. Note shallow depth of field. OM4Ti, 90 mm macro, T-32.
Mumbles, Swansea, Wales, 17/ix 1992. DLG#2623. Figure 7.3g- Schematic drawing of set-up in Figure 7.7. Note that
film plane is parallel to glass of aquarium.

There are numerous filters used in photography. need to be distinguished: linear and circular. A lin-
Usually they are referred to by the Kodak Wratten ear one allows only the portion of the light ray with
number. A few general ones are discussed here. an e-vector (direction of amplitude) in a particular
Others will be mentioned in the section of their plane to pass the filter. With a beam of randomly
particular application. For technical information oriented rays, theoretically half the light energy
on filters (optical density, transmission spectrum, will be absorbed by the filter. However, due to the
stability) consult the Kodak Photographic Filters iodine in the filter material necessitating further
Handbook (Anonymous 1990). absorptive color correction, the actual filter factor
of a polarization filter is up to two f-stops.
The most commonly used one is the skylight filter
(1A or 1B). It protects the front lens from dirt and A circular polarization filter is a linear filter with an
scratches and cuts out the near UV, which other- additional birefringent λ/4 filter between the linear
wise can produce a blue tint in the photographic polarizer and the camera lens. The λ/4 plate is a
image. beam splitter that rotates one of the resultant beams
by 90º and retards it by π/2 = λ/4. Interference of
Polarization filters remove glare and reflections the two rays makes the e-vector of the emergent ray
from some shiny objects (Figures 7.3a and 7.3b). rotate 360º along its axis over one full wavelength
They can also intensify color saturation in hazy (2π = λ) resulting in a spiraling motion of the light
outdoor scenes. Two kinds of polarization filters ray. Newer auto focus cameras and those with more
82 Applied film photography

intricate, built-in light meters have half-reflecting If you have more than one flash unit, they should
mirrors and beam splitters integrated in the measur- be usable in concert. To accomplish this, either
ing mechanisms. These optical elements are them- one unit has more than one socket for cables, or a
selves linear polarizers, hence, will give erroneous multiconnector can be used.
readings if presented with a linearly polarized beam
from the lens polarizing filter (Goldberg 1992). For Flashes can also be fired remotely with IR or ra-
these cameras, it is imperative to use the somewhat dio slave sensors. Only a few manufacturers offer
more expensive circular polarization filters. If in remote TTL flash control (Canon EX series); most
doubt, use a circular polarization filter, because a slaved flashes will be fired in manual mode. Some
camera that can accept a linear version will work flashes have built-in continuous focusing lights
fine with a circular one, but not vice versa. (e.g., Olympus T-28), which are very helpful in
situations with low ambient light, and if reflections
Close-up filters are sold as cheap alternatives to the may have to be evaluated. Alternatively, a flashlight
more expensive macro lenses. The strength of these can be taped to the unit.
lenses is measured in positive diopters (+1 to +3D).
Unless specifically designed for a lens (e.g., Olym- When considering flash photography, take the flash
pus f = 170 mm for Zuiko 80 mm macro, Leica synchronization time of the camera body into ac-
Elpro 1:2-1:1 for 100 mm Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R) count. The flash synchronization time is that shutter
these close-up lenses seriously degrade the image. speed at which the entire film surface is exposed to
Noticeable is blurring through spherical aberration light at one time; at shorter shutter speeds a slit of
and loss of field flatness in the corners of the image. variable width moves over the film surface in order
Particularly damaging is the combination of a zoom to restrict exposure to light. Modern cameras have
lens with a diopter close-up filter. a flash synchronization time of 1/125 s or 1/250 s,
whereas older cameras have a slow 1/60 s; check
7.3.6 Flashes. Flashes are useful as a color accurate your camera’s manual for specifications.
light source, particularly in macro and reproduction
photography. The strength of a flash is measured by A regular flash emits a short burst of light between
the guide number (GN). It allows calculation of the 1/1,000 s and 1/10,000 s duration. Olympus (F-
f-stop for an object at a given distance and a given 280) and Canon (EX series) produce linear flashes,
film speed (f-stop @ ISO 100 = GN/distance). In which have a continuous output of light for the
my experience, metric GN 32 is sufficient for most duration of the flash synchronization time, or for
practical applications. If some tele-photography is the time it takes the slit between the two curtains
envisioned, you may consider a GN 45 - 60 strobe, of the shutter to travel over the entire surface of
or make sure that a tele-extender is available to fit the film (1/60 s to 1/250 s). These flash units can
your unit. With some experimentation, a Fresnel be used with some of the later models (OM-4T,
lens on a rail can be made into a flash focusing unit. OM-3T) and allow any flash synchronization up
Flashes built into the camera body have very limited to 1/4,000 s. Although technically interesting, the
utility for snapshot photography, are disastrous for nominal power of the flash - say GN 28 - is reduced
through water and glass photography, and cannot proportionally in f-stop values for exposure times
substitute for a stand alone unit. shorter than the nominal flash synchronization
time, say 1/60s. The GN at 1/1000s then is 2, which
Some flashes are constructed in a modular fashion severely limits the utility of these units.
and allow the use of various heads, e.g., an infrared
head (Sunpak 622 Super Pro). When purchasing a 7.3.7 Monopods, tripods, copy stands. An under-
flash, make sure it is TTL compatible with your rated category of equipment is the camera support.
camera and purchase a TTL synchronization cable Hand held photography is limited to the slowest
with it. The most useful ones are the approximately shutter speed before image blur due to camera
30-60 cm spiral cable and the 1.5-2 m straight cable. movement becomes apparent. In a number of photo-
Geiger 83

graphic books and articles a fixed time, usually 1/30 time (see above, Section 7.3.6) between 1/60 s
s, is indicated. This is complete, utter nonsense! and 1/250 s limits the focal length of the lens. The
The critical parameter is the angular deviation due choice of lens for hand-held photography in mixed
to your movement during exposure, which is still light situations is limited to focal lengths less than
within the blur circle of no more then 1/30 mm in 60-250 mm, respectively. Only with linear flashes
the final picture as viewed at standard distance. It is (see section Flashes above) shutter speeds of up to
apparent that the value depends upon the collecting 1/4,000 s can be used.
angle of the lens.
For fieldwork, a monopod can allow you to use
With a wide-angle lens, you can tilt the film plane a shutter speed one f-stop longer than would be
much more until the same angular deviation is appropriate for a particular lens. This applies only
reached on the film plane than with a telephoto for situations where the ground is stable; monopods
lens. A 1º tilt in the film plane will result for a 180º are problematic on rocking boats; on motorboats a
format filling fisheye lens in a movement on the monopod can transmit the engine vibrations to the
film plane of a 1/180 times the diagonal of the film camera system and will significantly degrade the
format (43 mm): 0.24 mm. A 1º tilt with a 600 mm image. A beanbag may provide suitable stabiliza-
telephoto lens (4º) will move a point 1/4 of the film tion. In extreme situations, a gyroscope may be
diagonal: 10.75 mm. As a general rule, the longest necessary
shutter speed is 1/focal length of the lens: for a 16
mm lens 1/15 s, for a 200 mm lens 1/250 s. This For longer exposure times and for careful composi-
rule is only applicable under ideal circumstances; tion of a picture a tripod is most handy. A tripod
when taking pictures from a moving object (car, can also be used as a copy stand when traveling;
boat, continental plate) the longest shutter speed make sure that the center column can be reversed
is considerably shorter. Some newer lenses have or that the ball head can be attached on both ends of
vibration reduction technology, which allows them the column for close-up work. Select a sturdy kind
to extend the longest time by up to three f-stops. (Gitzo, Bogen) with a ball head (Bogen, Linhof,
ArcaSwiss). Carbon fiber tripod legs are now on
Take your body posture into consideration. The the market, which are approximately 30% lighter
right hand is on the shutter, and the right arm is than a comparable aluminum version without com-
held against the chest. The palm of the left hand promise in stability. A combination that has been
forms a platform for camera and lens, adjusts focus proven in the field is a set of Gitzo Mountaineer
and diaphragm, while the left arm rests against the carbon fiber legs with a Linhof Profi II ball head
chest. Press the shutter very lightly; otherwise, the and an ArcaSwiss-style quick release plate. Such
impact of your finger can introduce significant a combination costs approximately $1,000, but is
camera movement. well worth the investment.

Surprisingly, even the use of a flash does not guar- A copy stand can be purchased in the store or can
antee absence of motion blur also called ghosting be home made. The most important characteristics
(Figure 7.3c). The duration of the exposure is are the flat copy surface, the column at an exact
determined by the duration of the flash only if right angle to the plane of the copy surface, and a
the contribution of the available light is minimal height adjustable camera support, which guarantees
(<5%). The duration of a flash depends somewhat that the film plane is parallel to the copy surface.
on the proportion of the capacitor being emptied To check for parallel orientation of the film plane
and ranges from 1/1,000 s for a full discharge to to the copy surface, place a piece of graph paper
1/10,000 s for a fractional discharge. Accordingly, on the copy board and make sure that the pattern
the limits for hand-held flash photography are at f is symmetrical; note that the lines will not be fully
>200 mm. However, for mixed light situations with parallel to the frame due to residual distortion of the
fill flash, the duration of the flash synchronization lens. Optionally, a lighting system can be mounted
84 Applied film photography

to the copy stand. Alternatively, allowing more either in DIN or in ISO/ASA. The most frequently
flexibility, the lighting set-up can be left separate encountered reference speed is ISO 100 = 21 DIN
from the copy stand (Young et al. 1996). (also 21º). With the ISO scale, a two fold change
in film speed (= 1 f-stop = two fold change in
When the exposure time is 4-10 f-stops longer exposure time) is reflected in a two fold change in
than allowed for free hand, it is advisable to swing the numerical ISO/ASA-value. On the DIN-scale,
up the camera internal reflex mirror before the a change of one f-stop is indicated by adding or
shutter opens in order to minimize vibrations and subtracting three DIN-units: ISO 400 = 27 DIN;
blurring (Keppler 1999). On some cameras (e.g., ISO 50 = 18 DIN.
Nikon F3, F4, F5, Pentax LX, Contax RTS III) a
special lever is available, with other cameras, you E6 vs. Kodachrome: Transparency films are
may use the self-timer for the same effect (pseudo produced in two basic types. E6 films can be pro-
mirror lock-up). For even longer exposures, mirror cessed rather easily in the kitchen sink and in the
lock-up is less of a concern, because the proportion field, whereas Kodachrome films can be factory
of the exposure under the influence of vibration is processed only. E6 films once developed are more
negligible. stable when exposed to light, but are less stable for
long-term dark storage as compared to Kodachrome
7.4 FILM film (Wilhelm 1993). In E6 film, the color particles
are added during development, which in the past
7.4.1 Types of film. Films can be broadly catego- meant lesser detail resolution and larger grain.
rized into the following groups. Kodachrome film emulsions have the color dye
built into the emulsion. Advances in grain shape
Half-tone vs. line art: Half tone films produce im- (T-grain technology) have allowed E6 films to be
ages that resemble a gray scale or color image as at least on par with Kodachrome films in terms of
accurately as possible (e.g., Kodak T-MAX, Ekta- detail resolution, granularity, and archival stability.
chrome), whereas line-art film show all light grays Kodachrome is being phased out.
as white, and dark grays as black (Kodalith).
Daylight vs. tungsten: Daylight film (= Type S) is
Black and white (B&W) vs. color: B&W films balanced for a 5,500 K light source, whereas tung-
reproduce a color scene as a gray scale or line-art sten film (= Type L) is balanced for a 3,200 K light
image, whereas color film records also the color source. Daylight films have a straight reciprocity
values of the original scene as gray scale values in behavior (see below) at shorter exposure times than
three different emulsion layers. For B&W films, the tungsten film. For instance the daylight Fuji Velvia
spectral sensitivity is further specified: unsensitized (ISO 50) requires no time or color correction from
= only blue sensitive (Eastman fine grain release 1/4,000 s to 1 s, and exposures of longer than 64
positive 5032); orthochromatic = blue and green s are not recommended; the tungsten Fujichrome
sensitive, no red sensitivity (Agfa Ortho), pan- 64T is not recommended for use with shutter speeds
chromatic = blue, green, and red sensitive (Kodak shorter than 1/15 s and requires no time or color
T-MAX, Fuji Neopan). balance adjustment between 1/15 s and 64 s.

Negative vs. positive (= reversal = slide = transpar- 7.4.2 Specialty films. Films with a high possible
ency): A negative film has its primary application range of speeds include the B&W negative Ilford
for producing prints as the final output, whereas XP2 (ISO 50-1,600), which is processed like a color
slide films produce a transparency from which negative film (C-41 process); it is a monochrome
prints can be obtained. color (or chromogenic) negative film. A high-speed
range and best high-speed reversal film is the Fuji
Fast vs. slow: The sensitivity of a film to a given MS 100/1,000 (ISO 100-1,000: RMS 15 @ ISO
amount of light is indicated by the speed, measured 800). Alternatively, some ISO 200 to ISO 400
Geiger 85

films can be push processed by one to two f-stops internegative from a slide to print on regular color
to obtain ISO 800-1,600. The films have low RMS print paper yields superior results (Delly 1988:
(Root Mean Square) values for their nominal speed 103). For purists, the influence of the color print lab
(RMS 11), which will increase an unknown amount on color balance, exposure, and cropping are further
when push developed (see Section 7.4.4). concerns. For publication purposes, slides can be
scanned in and transformed into B&W files. In
Some color slide films (e.g., Ektachrome E100VS some instances, the color information in the alpha
[professional] or EXB [consumer]) and color print channels can be further exploited even for a final
films (e.g., Agfa HDC series) have extremely B&W image. Hence, I strongly recommend the use
high color saturation. These films are primarily of color slide film, unless special circumstances
intended for the tourist market, where more vivid warrant something else.
colors associate better memories with places vis-
ited. Such films have an interesting application in 7.4.4 Comparative metrics. The performance of
photo microscopy and aerial photography, where a film can be measured by several criteria. The
they can compensate for the inherently low con- metrics mentioned in this section can be obtained
trast scenes. For lower than normal contrast films only from the technical data sheets available for
consider slide duplication (e.g., Kodak 5071, 7121, most films. Most film manufacturers have material
Fuji CDU II) and internegative films (e.g., Kodak published on the World Wide Web. Kodak and Fuji
Vericolor III ID, Fuji IT-N). Pre-exposing film with produce abbreviated versions as small booklets
uniform exposure can also lower contrast (Young (Anonymous 1999a, 1999b). The grain size of film
et al. 1996). is measured with the Root Mean Square (RMS)
granularity. The lower the RMS number the finer
There is only a single B&W reversal film, the Agfa the grain. For color film the RMS granularity is a
Scala II, which can be factory processed only. film specific metric because of the standardized
For infrared (IR) applications B&W films with processing. For B&W, however, the developer,
extended sensitivity (Kodak High Speed Infrared, temperature and time of development, and nominal
Konica Infrared 750) and false color material is sensitivity can strongly influence the granularity
available (Kodak EIR). (and contrast value “gamma”) of the final negative
(Anchell and Troop 1998). Note that push develop-
7.4.3 Color print or slide film? Print films are the ment will increase the grain of the film (Fujichrome
consumer choice, because the main viewing form MS 100/1000: RMS 10 @ ISO 100, RMS 16 @
is a large print for which no specialized viewing ISO 1000).
equipment is necessary. Although print films are
cheaper, processing and printing make them more The resolving power of a film is measured with
expensive in the end. Print films have greater expo- the MTF (see Section 7.3.3; Fig. 7.4 right side),
sure latitude; a ± 1 f-stop deviation from the proper which is obtained by contact printing the target on
exposure can still lead to a quite acceptable print. the film. Due to edge effects during development
Why then do professionals mostly use transparen- values of greater than 100% are possible at low
cies? The dynamic range of the film measure in spatial frequencies (Figure 7.4 Kodachrome 64).
optical densities (OD) is greater (ΔODprint ≈ 2.3, Because the MTF is a normalized metric, its value
ΔODslide ≈ 3.3), meaning that more shadow and is independent of the contrast value gamma of the
more highlight detail can be recorded, despite the film. Edge effects are due to the over development
fact that the exposure latitude is only approximately of the margin with a strong latent image (white bar)
1/3 f-stop. Higher color fidelity and higher color with developer from the adjacent area with no latent
saturation are further plus points for slide film. Last image (black bar).
but not least, the best and most archival print paper
(Ilfochrome: expensive) is produced for use with Color accuracy can be assessed with the ‘char-
slides and not with negatives. Even the use of an acteristic curve’ (Figure 7.4 left side). The curve
86 Applied film photography

Figure 7.4 Characteristic curves (left) and modulation transfer functions (MTF: right) of some films.
The characteristic curve shows both a shoulder and a toe. In Kodachrome 64, the red sensitive layer is consistently
more sensitive than the green and the blue sensitive layers, which accounts for the Kodachrome typical red cast. In
the Ektachrome 100, all three curves are more or less superimposed over the entire linear part between the shoulder
and the toe, resulting in a more neutral image. In the MTFs, Kodachrome 64 shows greater than 100% response at low
spatial frequencies, which is caused by edge effects during development. For the Ektachrome 100VS, note that the
MTFs depend on the wavelength of the light: shorter wavelengths afford higher resolution. Sources of illustrations:
Kodak Publications E-27 (Ektachrome 100), E-55 (Kodachrome 64), and E-163 (Ektachrome 100VS) available on
the web ( Figures reproduced courtesy of Eastman Kodak Company. KODAK is a trademark.

describes the response of the film measured in Ektachrome 100). For color film, one can addition-
terms of its optical density (OD) to varying light ally see how parallel the lines of the three-emulsion
intensities. Each film has a toe and a shoulder in layer for the three primary colors are. If they are not
which the tonality of the shadow and highlight parallel, then a color shift due to different exposure
areas will no longer be accurately reproduced. In will be found (Figure 7.4 Kodachrome 64). For
the middle, the linear part of the curve is found. slide film, if the lines are parallel, but not on top
The placement of the shoulder (the position of the of one another, then a constant color tint is to be
toe is standardized), and the linearity of the linear expected. In color negative material the lines are
part can be compared (Figure 7.4 Kodachrome vs. always separated, which compensates in combina-
Geiger 87

tion with the orange filter in the base of the film for 7.4.7 Error of reciprocity. There is a general linear
filtration needs in order to make prints. relation between light intensity, shutter speed, and
diaphragm (f-stop), called reciprocity. If one is
Despite all the technical information on a film, the increased, the others have to be decreased by the
exact performance is difficult to predict. In order same amount, calculated in f-stops, in order to keep
to perform a standardized test, either photograph the light level on the film plane constant. However,
the very same subject with different films; particu- there are limits to the linearity of this relation,
larly telling differences between films are shown because the latent picture is formed in a three-step
with hues of yellow. Alternatively, photograph process, where the first two photons excite the silver
a Macbeth ColorChecker (GretagMacbeth, New halide molecule and only the last one completes
Windsor, New York), a card with 24 color squares the transformation to metallic silver. If between
representing the most common colors, and compare the three steps a considerable amount of time
the photographs to the actual card. The Macbeth elapses, the excited molecule may spontaneously
card can also be used to calibrate digital input fall down to a lower energy level again, and then
devices. The hue of a color is also influenced by more than the minimum number of three photons
the exposure, where an underexposure results in will be needed, requiring a longer exposure. The
denser and darker color, and an overexposure in a same effect may also apply to high photon densities,
washed-out color. as two photons may hit one molecule at the same
time, but only excite it by one energy level. The
7.4.5 Professional and consumer film. For many time range (shutter speed) in which the reciproc-
films, two grades are available: the consumer and ity holds, depends on the type of film and will be
the professional version. The best quality is found indicated on the technical data sheets obtainable
in the professional films and the effective film from the manufacturer. As a general guideline, for
speed will be determined for every batch of film daylight films it is between 1/4000 and 1/10 s, for
emulsion; deviation will be noted by 1/3 f-stop tungsten films it is between 1/100 s and 10 s (see
increments on the leaflet or on the box of the film. also Section 7.4.2 Specialty films above). For B&W
Professional films should be stored below 13ºC films which are composed of one light sensitive
(see below). For almost all common applications layer, a simple adjustment of the effective exposure
in science, the consumer version is adequate, but time will be sufficient. Color films, however, are
for certain films no consumer version is produced composed of three light sensitive layers, each of
(Fuji Provia, Kodak Vericolor). which reacts slightly differently to changes in light
intensities, therefore, changes in the color balance
7.4.6 Storage of films. Films are composed of a will also occur. These can be equalized with color
mixture of chemicals that mature or ripen. After ap- compensation filters.
proximately a year, they have gone bad. The speed
with which the films and other photographic chemi- 7.5 REPRODUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY
cals decay depends on the temperature at which the
material is stored, where the standard time refers Reproduction photography attempts to show a
to storage at low room temperature (18-20ºC). If specimen or object in as natural a condition as
the material is tightly sealed, it can be kept in a possible. This type of photography exercises the
refrigerator or even in a freezer for almost indefi- greatest degree of control over the set-up conditions.
nite times, i.e., several years to a decade. Infrared One important factor is camera position; tripods and
films are sensitive to gamma radiation, hence will copy stands were discussed in Section 7.3.7 Equip-
decay even in the freezer. When taking material ment above. The various approaches to placement
out of the freezer, let it warm up for at least 1 h for and orientation of the focal plane are discussed in
a 35 mm roll, longer for larger quantities or items Section 7.3.3 Equipment: Lenses above. Much of re-
such as 30 m bulk rolls (5 h), otherwise water will production photography is in the macro range; gen-
condense on the film. eral introductions to macrophotography are given
88 Applied film photography

by Brück (1984), White (1987), and

Bracegirdle (1995). Other factors are
discussed below.

7.5.1 Even illumination. For re-

production photography, even il-
lumination of a flat surface is often
desirable. The most effective means
is the use of two light sources placed
at an angle of 45º to the center of
the image. The difference in the
light intensity across the frame is
inversely correlated to the distance
of the light source to the center of the
image. If the center light intensity
is set at 100%, the illumination of
the margins of a square surface is
120% towards the light source and
90% on the sides away from the
light source, if the light sources are
placed at a distance from the center
equal to the width of the square. If
the light sources are placed at ap-
proximately twice the width of the Figure 7.5 Geometry and optics of through liquid photography.
square, then the values are 110% An SLR camera with a 100 mm lens is mounted with the film plane
and 96%, respectively. If four light parallel to the surface of the liquid. The light source exclusion zone is
delimited by a line at half the collecting angle of the lens (12º) reflected
sources are placed in the diagonals of
at the air-liquid interface at the same angle (12º). The light source
the square at a distance of the width (flash) is positioned outside the exclusion zone. Light from the flash
of the square, the corner illumination is partially reflected and partially transmitted through the water. The
is 105%. The light fall-off can be transmitted light is additionally refracted at the air-liquid interface. The
matched to the f-stop dependent loss inner container is over-dimensioned so that the meniscus of the liquid
will not reflect any light into the lens. The outer container is filled with
of corner brightness of a lens (Figure
water-submerged substrate to produce a suitable background.
7.1). Photographing a uniformly col-
ored sheet of paper at various f-stops
can help to reveal uneven brightness in the lighting and pustules can be enhanced by three different
plus lens set-up. Alternatively, a hand-held light me- methods. First, the specimen can be coated with
ter with a diffuser head can provide readings across black opaque (Sakamoto 1973). Second, the light-
the board, which should not vary more than 20%. ing angle can be decreased. The surface texture
For glossy objects or for document photography will then produce more of a shadow, emphasizing
under glass, the collecting angle of the lens should the structural elements with highlights. Third, the
be <45º (f >50 mm) because the incident angle of lighting intensity on each side can be varied. I find
the light source should be 45º for even illumina- between 1/2 and 2/3 of an f-stop difference pleas-
tion (Young et al. 1996, Ray 1999: chapter 15, and ing. Change either the intensity or the distance of
Figure 7.5). The requirements for slide duplication one light source. Because the illumination intensity
are discussed in Young et al. (1996). at the object is measured as an area unit, whereas
distance is a linear measurement, the position of the
7.5.2 Surface texture. Elements of the surface light is changed by a factor of 20.5 to 20.66 = 1.41-
texture of a shell such as ribbing, cancellation, 1.59. These three methods can be freely combined.
Geiger 89

If only a single light source is available such as There is another, somewhat more elaborate method.
an electronic flash, use a white or silver reflector The light cone is replaced by a half dome with an
(paper, aluminum foil) to brighten the other side opening for the camera lens. The specimen is placed
of the specimen. on a glass plate, under which a suitable background
is placed. From the side a light source brings light
Often selective blocking of light can enhance the to a mirror at a 45-degree angle. This mirror reflects
aesthetic quality of the image (“subtractive light- the light upwards, which will be reflected on the
ing” of R. Meyer, pers. comm.). Anything from half dome. The problem with the change in color
white paper, cardboard, wood blocks, aluminum temperature due to the half dome is as for the
foil, clay, to a finger, can be employed. The only transparent cone. However, an even, shadow free
limit is your imagination. Consider the reflective illumination can be achieved with a single light
property of the object and its potential influence on source. Note, that at high magnification macro
the color rendition of the object. shots (>5:1) a regular flash without paper cone
gives surprisingly even illumination, because the
7.5.3 Shadow-free illumination. Ring flashes are flash head is proportionally large compared to the
often sold for the specific purpose of shadow-free object, hence, acts as a large light source (Hunter
illumination. However, they are usually not strong and Fuqua 1997).
enough, still produce strong vertical shadows
(exception: Olympus indirect ringflash T8), and 7.5.4 3D-objects, top view. The nicest images are
cannot be used in higher magnification macro shots produced if the background is invisible and just a
as they will nicely illuminate the area surrounding plain color. There are a few different techniques to
the specimen, but not the specimen itself. Due to be described briefly in the following paragraphs.
their limited application, they are rarely used. I All of these techniques have one goal in common:
prefer the paper cone method over ring flashes, as the maximum differentiation between object and
I can utilize my normal flash or a fiber optics light background (Figure 7.6).
source for this purpose.
One possibility is to move the background far
A cone made of white paper may be used in order to away from the object, such that the background
minimize reflection on metallic objects. However, is completely out of focus. Additionally, for black
‘white’ paper is not white and will cause some backgrounds, the background will be underex-
alteration of the light color, usually towards the posed due to the much larger distance between
blue-magenta. This is due to the UV fluorescent light source and background as compared to light
brighteners in paper, hence, causing an increase source and object. The background is only a color,
in the blue area of the spectrum. Because every free of texture and shadows. The object can be
type of paper is different, no general filtration placed on a clean glass plate, which is elevated
can be indicated. For critical shots, an unfiltered sufficiently from the background. The glass plate
test photograph is viewed on a 5,500 K calibrated must be extremely clean because any dust particles
light table/x-ray viewer. The slide is then over- and water stains will be reproduced. Alternatively,
layed with (gelatin) color correction filters until a board with one or multiple holes for pegs can be
the color balance is right (say 30 cyan). The color used. In this case, the object is placed on top of
correction filtration (30 cyan) must be divided by the peg with some modeling clay. As background
1.5 (20 cyan) because the color values (say 0, 1) use finely woven tissue, particularly velvet, or any
of the original are not reproduced on the film as 0 smooth paper. The easiest background colors are
and 1, but as 0 and 1.5, i.e., the slope or gamma of black or white. For any other background color,
the slide films is usually 1.5. The specimen is then the illumination is a little more involved, because
re-photographed with the same settings but with no shadows should be visible on the background.
the color correction filters (20 cyan) between the With black background, the shadows are usually
lens and the object. invisible.
90 Applied film photography

Figure 7.6 Various techniques for reproduction photography.

Top left: top view of specimen on dark background. The glass plates hold the specimen above the background so that the
latter is out of focus. The focal length of the lens determines the light source exclusion zone (see also Figure 7.7). The
dark shadow produced by the specimen will not show on the black background. Top right: lateral view of a specimen.
The specimen is placed on a continuous background pulled up gently in the far end. A large light source provides even
illumination over the entire distance. A directional light source can provide a local highlight and emphasize sculptural
elements. Bottom left: Top view with background other than black. The blind placed on the glass surface outside the
image area will prevent a shadow from being cast on the uniform background. Bottom right: Transillumination set–ups.
On the left, a light box provides background illumination producing a dark outline of the specimen on a light background
(bright field). Bright field illumination may introduce excessive lens flare, reducing edge definition and overall image
contrast. On the right, direct light is blocked with a blind. The margin of the specimen is illuminated with oblique rays.
It will result in a bright outline of the otherwise dark specimen on a dark background (dark field).
Geiger 91

The position of the light source does not matter for the reflection is polarized. These reflections can be
a black background. For white the problems can reduced with dulling spray, ammonium chloride, or
be minimized by overexposing the background black opaque; supposedly, these coatings can be
with an additional light source. The background removed (Sakamoto 1973). These techniques will
should still not be overexposed by more than 3 obscure some of the color patterns of the specimen,
f-stops, because otherwise lens flare increases and but may be suitable to enhance morphological
the edges of the object will appear soft and washed details, and so may be applicable to many fossil
out. For colored backgrounds, place the light source specimens. If loaned specimens are to be treated,
at an angle so that the shadow of the object falls first ask the responsible curator for permission to
outside the background area to be incorporated in do so. Alternatively, use a single or cross-polarizing
the image. Blinds are often useful to restrict light filter (Young et al. 1996), or use a large diffuse light
from one light source from illuminating another source (see Section 7.5.3).
area. A frame cut from black paper or cardboard
can provide overall restriction of light falling on 7.5.7 Microphotography. A microscope or dis-
the background at undesired places. In place of a secting scope may be fitted with a trinocular head
frame of fixed size, two L-shaped pieces can be which allows mounting a camera system. Either a
superimposed to make an adjustable frame. Three dedicated microscope camera without viewfinder
factors afford more liberty in the placement of the or a general purpose SLR camera can be used. Both
light source: the larger the object is shown, the approaches can produce quality results. Consider
longer the focal length of the lens, and the farther the color temperature of the light source and the
the background from the object. expected exposure for reciprocity failure. For short
exposures consider using a color conversion filter in
Alternatively, place a mirror at a 45º angle under the conjunction with a daylight film; for long exposures
object on a glass plate. The mirror will then be il- rather use a tungsten film. For histology, contrast
luminated with a colored light source. Use either an and color saturation can be increased with a film
electronic flash with a color filter, a slide projector with high color saturation.
with a color filter over the lens, or a colored slide in
the slide tray. For uniform background, defocus the As an alternative, some third party manufacturers
projected image. Intensity can be controlled with (Hama) produce eyepiece photo adapters. These
neutral gray filters, or a fine grain B&W negative consist of a tube to be slid over the eyepiece and an
mounted as a slide, or by moving the projector to inner filter ring to be screwed into the filter ring of
or away from the set-up. a 50 mm standard lens. Avoid macro lenses, as the
diaphragms tend to cause vignetting. Reasonable
7.5.5 3D-objects, lateral view. Although a top photographs can be produced, though a trinocular
view is generally preferred, it might be necessary head is by far the superior solution. More detailed
to take side view pictures of objects. In order accounts of microphotography are found in White
to make the background color uniform or softly (1987) and Delly (1988).
changing, place the objects on a large area of either
paper or fine cloth, which will be pulled up gently 7.6 ULTRAVIOLET (UV) PHOTOGRAPHY
in the background (Figure 7.6). Avoid sharp lines
on the background. Alternatively, the object can Ultraviolet photography should be carried out with
be placed on a transilluminator with a frosted but all necessary safety precautions being taken. When
smooth glass plate. using continuous UV light sources such as a UV
illuminator or a black light, all skin and particularly
7.5.6 Glossy objects. Glossy specimens abound in the eyes need to be protected with clothes and an
malacology. Photographs will show glare and unap- acrylic face shield. Furthermore, UV light forms
pealing highlights. Such highlights are caused by harmful ozone (O3) from the oxygen (O2) in the air.
direct reflection of incident light. For shells, usually Proper ventilation of the work area is mandatory.
92 Applied film photography

For an overview of techniques see

Anonymous (1972a) and Young
et al. (1996). Wilson (1975) dis-
cussed applications to molluscan

7.6.1 UV reflectance photog-

raphy. Here the actual UV light
ray is the image-forming ray.
Applications include physical
characterizations of materials,
pattern detection in non-visible
areas of the spectrum, and en-
hanced fine detail resolution due
to the shorter wave length of the
UV light (cf. Figure 7.4 MTF of Figure 7.7 No reflection photography in aquaria.
On the left, the hood of a 35 mm lens is held flush against the glass, barring
Ektachrome 100 VS). The chief any reflection. There is no light source exclusion zone; hence, the flash can
problem is that regular glass and remain camera mounted. On the right, the camera is removed a short distance
the cement used to combine lenses from the glass. The camera mounted flash is now in the stippled exclusion
absorb UV light. Two solutions are zone. Strong reflection is apparent in the final image.
available. Mirror lenses without
glass (catadioptric lenses) can be used. Alternatively, and documents (Young et al. 1996). A number
special silica, fluorite, and quartz refractive (dioptric) of films are available that can be utilized for this
lenses are employed. The latter are somewhat more purpose (e.g., Kodak EIR: 700-900 nm; Konica
common, but only a limited number (Zeiss 60 mm Infrared 750: 700-800 nm). Photographic lenses
Planar f/4 UV, Nikon Micro-Nikkor 105 mm f/4.5 transmit freely in the near IR, but their chromatic
UV) are available and they are extremely expensive. correction is carried out for the visible spectrum
The silver halide of the photographic emulsion is (400-700 nm). Focus needs to be readjusted, where
inherently UV sensitive so no special film is neces- the visual focal distance is transferred to the IR dot
sary. However, a pure UV light source is difficult to or IR line, usually marked in red with the letter
obtain, hence, the non-UV light from an electronic ‘R’ on the barrel of the lens. A visually opaque IR
flash or even a UV illuminator must be filtered out pass filter (Kodak Wratten 12) is then added before
with a filter either over the light source or over the the photograph is taken. Due to the longer wave-
lens (Kodak Wratten 18A, 18B; Schott UG-11). If length of light being imaged, diffraction effects
the UV light source produces any visible light, then are enhanced. In most instances, the detection of
a filter is necessary. relatively large-scale patters is sufficient. However,
if detail resolution is desired with a practical limit
7.6.2 UV fluorescence photography. Many ma- of approximately 10 lines/mm (compared to 40-50
terials fluoresce under UV light. The fluorescence lines/mm in the visible spectrum), the photograph
is in the visible spectrum, so no special lenses are should be taken with open f-stop. Focus bracket-
needed, and the focus does not need to be adjusted. ing will be advisable. Exposure is a matter of
Only a UV light source, or a flash fitted with a UV experimentation.
filter, are required.
Alternatively, specialized semiconductor elements
7.7 INFRARED (IR) PHOTOGRAPHY are produced for the IR spectra up to 20,000 nm,
though they are not used in SLR type digital cam-
Infrared photographs taken in the 700-900 nm eras (Ray 1999). The more cost effective approach
range can reveal hidden structure in specimens to IR photography is still with silver halides.
Geiger 93

7.8 PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH GLASS AND Zoom heads will vary the scattering angle of the
WATER light: 28 mm ~80º, 135 mm ~20º.

7.8.1 Optics and geometry. The most apparent As an example, consider a 100 mm macro lens
problem when taking pictures through glass or wa- (24º) with a standard flash (60º) as shown in Figure
ter is the reflections caused on the surface; a second 7.5. Both these angles refer to the total angle, i.e.,
problem is distortion. Two properties of glass and the off-axis angle is half that value: 12º and 30º.
water have to be distinguished: reflection and re- Reflection from the water will be collected by the
fraction. The angle of reflection is equal to the angle lens, if the light source is placed in the light source
of incidence and can vary between >0º and <180º. exclusion zone. It is given by half the collecting
Reflection increases steadily with decreasing angle angle of the lens extended away from the lens until
of incidence less than 45º. Refraction is the bend- it meets the water surface, where it is reflected at the
ing of light due to the passage of light through the same angle (12º): incident angle = reflected angle.
interface of two media of different densities. As the In Figure 7.5 only the light source exclusion zone
light source usually is in air and the subject behind on the left half is shown for clarity. The light source
glass or under water, the bending of the light is to- can be placed anywhere outside this exclusion zone,
wards the line at a right angel to the surface of the but a healthy safety margin is advisable, translating
glass/water, i.e., towards the lens axis. Light rays into a low illumination angle. The incident light
in seawater are at a maximum angle of 48º out of ray from the light source will be partially reflected
plumb according to Snell’s Law (see Figure 7.5, and partially refracted at the air-water interface.
and Sathyendrath and Platt 1990). Because incident angle = reflected angle (α), the
reflected light from the light source cannot enter
Distortion is caused by the unevenness of the sur- the lens. The transmitted light will also be refracted
face and in the case of glass, by the inherent vari- towards the lens axis; hence, the illumination is not
ability in the thickness of the glass. Distortion can as flat as it would be in air; Snell’s Law shows that
be minimized by one simple measure: keep the film the illumination must be at 48º or steeper.
plane parallel to the surface of glass or water (Fig-
ures 7.3g, 7.5, and 7.7). Thus, the unevenness of The light source exclusion zone is defined by the
the surface, and also the thickness of the glass plate collecting angle of the lens, which is a function
are minimized. If the picture appears blurry through of focal length. Wide-angle lenses (= short focal
the viewfinder of the camera, chances are close to length) have a larger exclusion zone than telephoto
100% that the picture will be entirely unacceptable; lenses (= long focal length). The latter allow more
do not hope for mitigating effects. Despite all the flexibility in the placement of the light source. Suit-
considerations given to minimize reflection from able lenses are in the 90-135 mm range. As light
glass and water, the surface may be too dirty or sources use either continuous output incandescent
uneven to allow successful photography. lights or TTL flashes. Manual flashes are very dif-
ficult to use, because part of the light is reflected
In order to eliminate reflection, we can calculate on the water surface before it reaches the subject.
or estimate a suitable position of the light source The precise amount of transmitted light is virtually
(e.g., flash), from the following parameters: lens impossible to determine without taking a test roll,
axis at right angle to glass surface (given); collect- hence, setting the proper f-stop is impossible; wide
ing angle of lens; scattering angle of light source. bracketing will be necessary. Any camera-mounted
The collecting angle of the lens is negatively cor- or built-in flashes need to be turned off.
related to its focal length, i.e., a short focal length
lens (wide angle lens) has a large collecting angle, These principles hold for any photography through
whereas a long focal length lens (telephoto lens) reflective material: glass, water, ethanol, formalin.
has a narrow collecting angle. The scattering angle Some typical applications are zoo and aquarium
of most flashes is 60º to illuminate a 35 mm lens. photography through glass windows, specimens
94 Applied film photography

mounted in glass jars or embedded in acrylic, tide submerged in water. A flat bottom inner container
pool photography, and dissections of animals under with water only is placed on the substrate. Set it in
water/ethanol (Figure 7.3e). For the last applica- with the bottom at an angle, so that no air bubbles
tions, when using needles in wax trays, pin them are trapped underneath the bottom. The animal in
at a flat angle so that the needle will penetrate the the top container is now in clean water on proper
liquid at a distance from the specimen, or use short substrate and cannot burrow in it. The bottom of
pins that are entirely submerged. Otherwise, the the glass or acrylic container is sufficiently thin
reflected light from the meniscus formed around to allow depth of field to render the background
the needle will interfere with the specimen (Figure sufficiently sharp.
Lateral or bottom-up aquarium photography allows
7.8.2 Aquarium set-up. Aquarium (or other fluid a creative circumvention of the problem of placing
filled container) photographs can be taken either the light source. You can hold the rim of the lens or
from the top through the air-liquid interface, or the lens hood flush against the glass (Figure 7.7),
from the side or from underneath through the air- which prevents any light being reflected into the
glass/acrylic interface. For the former, the specific lens. You can use a wide-angle lens, keep the flash
liquid (fresh water, seawater, alcohol, formalin, and mounted on the camera, and still have an image free
glycerol) necessitates little practical considerations, of any reflections. Additionally, any unevenness
except for the presence of a meniscus along the and scratches in the glass are as far away from the
wall of the container (Figure 7.5). A container that focal plane as possible.
is oversized for the specimen to be photographed
should be used. The frame of the image should be If an animal needs to be photographed at an oblique
at least 1 cm from the wall of the container, other- angle (bottom view of the neustonic Janthina), the
wise the light source will be reflected on the curved film plane must still be parallel to the glass surface.
surface of the meniscus, which acts as a parabolic Accordingly, the container should be tilted (Figures
mirror. For critical applications with water, filter 7.3f and 7.3g).
the water through a coffee filter or similar device
to remove any suspended particles. In order to An interesting variation is extreme tele-macro
remove particles from the surface of the water, photography in aquaria. Many mollusks are small
use an artist’s brush. The aquarium itself should and prefer to sit in the far corner of the aquarium.
be neutral in color: transparent, white, gray, black. I have used a 300 mm f/4.5 with a variable length
Reflection of balanced light from a colored surface extension tube (65-113 mm) giving approximately
will introduce a color tint. a 1:2 magnification at close focus. Because depth
of field needs to be maximized, light loss due to the
The internal structure of the aquarium set-up is extension tube is considerable. A camera mounted
mostly an artistic consideration. If a white or black flash would be very far from the subject, hence,
tray is selected, be aware that the overall tonality the flash is connected with a TTL synchro cord and
of the image is not neutral gray; make appropriate held next to the lens flush against the glass of the
exposure compensation and bracket if necessary. aquarium. Because exposure is controlled by the
Some popular set-ups are: pure white tray, pure duration of the flash (1/1,000 s) hand held photos
black tray, container lined with black velvet, glass, are possible even with such an unyielding set-up.
or acrylic container on black velvet (consider reflec-
tion of light off the bottom of the container). One 7.8.3 Outdoor applications. Photography in tide
of my favorite arrangements is the nested container pools adds further challenges to proper lighting
(Figure 7.5), which is particularly suitable for bur- and problems with reflections because the sun or
rowing and sand inhabiting animals (Figure 7.3d). skylight as uncontrolled light sources have to be
A larger outer container is filled with a suitable considered. The film plane has to remain parallel
substrate (gravel, sand, mud), which is entirely to the surface of the water; hence, the noon sun
Geiger 95

may be positioned in the light source exclusion Ewamarine produces PVC bags for most still cam-
zone even when using telephoto lenses. In such eras and video cameras. Supposedly, they work to a
situations, it may be necessary to produce a shadow depth of 10 m. However, as the bags are compress-
over the area to be photographed and to use an ible you have the choice of two trade-offs. Either,
appropriately positioned flash in broad daylight. you put little air in the bag and adjust the camera at
For macrophotography, the photographer’s body the surface as such is impossible at depth, because
is usually sufficient, but an umbrella or a tent may the bag clings firmly to the camera (special prob-
have to be installed for larger areas. With diffuse lems with autofocus cameras arise!). Alternatively,
skylight or light being reflected off the surrounding the camera bag is filled with air on the surface to
environment, mirror reflections may be apparent on make it operable at depth; however, it is then diffi-
the surface. These can be attenuated or eliminated cult to submerge a strongly positively buoyant bag.
with a polarization filter (see Section 7.3.5 for In my opinion, these bags are perfectly suitable for
correct type of polarization filter; Figures 7.3a and surface shots and in bad weather outdoors, but are
7.3b). Any ripples in the water from current or from of no value for true UW photography.
wind make successful photography through the
water impossible. Occasionally minor disturbances Some 135-format (24 x 36 mm negative) view-
can be sufficiently reduced by immersion of a foot, finder cameras are specially designed for UW use,
hand, arm, or leg in a strategic position. One may and can withstand a depth of 30-40 m. The best-
also photograph through a tube or box placed in known brands are Sea & Sea, Motormarine, and the
the water to create an even surface. Nikonos family. Interchangeable lenses and various
supplementary flashes are available, of which many
7.9 UNDERWATER (UW) PHOTOGRAPHY work in TTL mode (Nikonos V plug). The whole
system is handy and with a weight of 1 to 2 kg on
I will provide below a very short overview on un- land, they are not too heavy. However, as these
derwater photography. More detailed information cameras are rangefinder cameras, the viewfinder
can be found in Edge (1999). image is not the same as the image taken by the
camera lens (parallax problem). On certain dive
7.9.1 Range of Equipment. General rule: the bases, Nikonos cameras can be rented for an exor-
pictures are as good as the equipment, which is bitant fee. Church and Church (1986) provided an
reflected in the price. The simplest version is the introductory text to the Nikonos system.
Kodak and Fuji instamatic cameras, which consist
of a disposable camera with film. They can be used The next possibility is to take an SLR-camera and
for surface photographs and up to a depth of 3 m in have a housing built around it. The advantage is that
well-lit waters, as no artificial light source (flash) one can frame exactly the picture one wants to take.
is available for these cameras. The cheap plastic However, the housings are bulky and therefore im-
molded lens produces images only suitable for pose considerable drag UW. Although UW they are
emergency documentation. The cost of a disposable usually -0.2 to -0.3 kg buoyant, on land they weigh
camera is US$10-15. 4-10 kg. Housings are available for most cameras
and most lenses, lenses being interchangeable only
The Minolta Weathamatic (and a few other similar on land. However, cameras with exchangeable
brands) can be used to a depth of up to 10 m, and viewfinders are preferred (Nikon F3, F4, Canon
has a small built-in flash. As the flash is more or F1, and Pentax LX), as the distance between the
less in the optical axis of the lens, heavy reflection eye and the viewfinder is long due to the facemask
from any suspended particles must be accepted and the housing: a sport viewfinder or the Pentax
(‘snowed’ pictures). This camera is only useable LX 45º viewfinder FB-1 come in handy. One option
in transparent waters of the tropical oceans. It is costing approximately $1,000 is a plexiglas housing
affordable (US$200-300) and gives reasonable from Ikelite. The working depth is limited to 60 m.
results under optimal conditions. The better housings are made of aluminum among
96 Applied film photography

others by Aquatica, AquaVision, and Swiss Hugyfot apply to the housings: The lens is covered with a
with working depth of 70-100 m. Such cameras thick walled glass lens housing called the port. The
have become more commonplace and more af- light beam is broken when it is passing the port and
fordable ($1,300-2,000). Flashes ($400-1,500) are causes a narrowing of the collection angle of the
connected by the standard Nikonos V plug. Many lens: the 50 mm lens becomes an 80 mm lens, the
TTL-systems are supported by various flashes. 35 mm is approximately a 50 mm. For wide-angle
lenses (f <50 mm), the glass is no longer plane, but
Nikon had introduced a Nikonos-style SLR cam- bell shaped (dome port); the effect of longer focal
era, the Nikonos RS. It claimed to be the ultimate lengths only applies to an insignificant amount.
camera for UW use and to supersede housings.
However, operation with five to seven millimeter Further considerations with lighting arise. As the
gloves is virtually impossible, it is 1 kg negatively light passes the water, the red part of the spectrum
buoyant, just three lenses are available with no new is filtered out, rendering the light colder (more
ones being developed, and the price is comparable blue) and increasing the color temperature. For this
to a housing system. The only advantage is that the reason, most UW flash tubes are of a warm 5,000
size is comparable to the other Nikonos cameras. K, and with some flashes even the reflector can
Features such as synchronization of the flash on first be exchanged (Hardenberger down to 4,000 K) in
or second shutter are of no practical use whatsoever. order to adjust the color temperature to the working
It is no longer produced, but may be found in the distance. Another problem underwater is the correct
second hand market. f-stop calculation. As the water absorbs much more
light than air, the indication of the strength of the
Underwater cameras need a lot of care. Many O- flash (guide number) has to be adjusted. Most UW
rings are found in an UW camera, and particularly flashes have UW guide numbers of eight to sixteen
in housings. They have to be greased regularly with (the Hardenberger 500 TTL might have 22). Most
silicone grease (mineral greases destroy rubber) and manufacturers’ indications exaggerate the power
have to be kept dust free in order to prevent leakage. of their flashes by approximately one f-stop (Frei
Highly viscous silicon grease is preferable, such as 1992). When used in air, the UW guide number
those used for high-vacuum systems; environmen- can be multiplied by a factor of three to four. The
tal grease of SCUBA equipment manufacturers will light scattering angle of an UW flash is mostly
be washed off immediately. Although the cameras 45-90º, and not in excess of 100º as often listed in
are pressure resistant, they are rather shock sensi- manufacturer’s documentation. Therefore, the use
tive. Flash cables must not be bent, otherwise the of two flashes is highly recommended with super-
camera may be flooded through the cable. Never wide angle lenses (f <24 mm).
let seawater dry on an UW camera; if you cannot
rinse it immediately in fresh water, keep it moist Underwater the many suspended particles are of
in a wet towel. great concern to the photographer. Our brain is very
well suited to filter out any disturbing particles, but
7.9.2 Photography in water. Additional to the the film is relentless in its ability to record every last
differential absorption of colors with depth, water one of the suspended particles. In most instances,
is also approximately 800 times denser than air. In a flash has to be used for UW photography. It will
surface photography, the amount of air between send light in an axis close to the optical axis of the
the camera and the object is generally neglectable, lens, and, therefore, the lens will collect a lot of
with underwater photography it plays an important the reflected light from suspended particles. For
role. In order to frame the same picture at a closer any given object distance (say 2 m) and distance
distance, wide-angle lenses are more commonly of flash to optical axis (say 0.5 m) the light source
used. The 35 mm lens is comparable to the 50 mm is closer to the optical axis with wide angle lenses
lens on the surface, the 21 mm is comparable to (16-35 mm) than with a long focal length (100 mm
the 35 or 28 mm lens on the surface. Special rules macro); the snowing effect is more pronounced
Geiger 97

with wide angle than in telephoto lenses. As the in the emulsion. Over fixation removes some of
particles are mostly in the foreground, they will the desired image. For film, determine the time at
be overexposed, producing the infamous snow on which the entire film including the perforated area
UW photographs. At a narrow distance to the object is transparent, and keep the film for the same time
the flash can be mounted in such a fashion, that a period after the clearing point in the fix bath. Check
side or top illumination is realized, either using a the film fix bath regularly for silver content with
long flash arm, or by handholding the flash (point commercially available hypocheck solutions. For
shooting). paper, follow manufacturer’s instructions and check
silver content. Fiber papers are considered more ar-
The diver him/herself is the single most important chival than the newer resin papers, but fiber papers
contributor to the amount of suspended particles in change size more due to processing. Ilfochrome is
the water column, because any movement has the the most archival of the color reversal papers. A
tendency to stir up sediment. UW photographers thorough wash is essential in order to remove any
tend to move very slowly, sometimes even appear- traces of the processing chemicals. Hence, appro-
ing unconscious. Much of the movement is done priate fixation time, good condition of the fixation
by using the lungs for fine regulation of the buoy- bath, and sufficient washing are vital for long-term
ancy as opposed to fin work. Dive buddies of UW stability of the image. Selenium toning can convey
photographers should be mindful of natural and additional image stability for B&W prints.
fin induced currents that can transport suspended
particles into the scene. Making all the adjustments, Color development for negative (C41), slide film
without stirring up any dirt, takes considerable time, (E6), or reversal paper (R4) is often considered
typically for a very easy shot 1 minute. For more to be tricky for non-specialized facilities. This
complicated situations, e.g., macrophotographs on is positively overstating the sophistication of the
a vertical wall, 3-5 minutes may be needed. procedure. Most likely, the most attractive of the
processes, E6, can be carried out in any kitchen
For underwater photography, the same films as for sink, using a 10-15 l bucket, a thermometer, and
surface photography can be used. Kodak offers a watch. A rotary processor is not necessary. Most
Sea processing aimed at snapshot, no-flash UW processing kits can be used over a temperature
photography carried out by tourists. It consists of range of 34-42ºC with ideal temperature at 39ºC.
electronically removing the blue cast (reduce blue The bucket is filled with 40-42ºC water in which the
and green alpha channels, intensify red alpha chan- roll of film and the other solutions are pre-warmed
nel). It is an interesting marketing strategy without for 10 minutes. The water will have cooled by then
merits for scientific applications. If color accuracy to approximately 40ºC. The subsequent develop-
of available light shots is important, shoot a Mac- ment of approximately 6 minutes is accompanied
beth ColorChecker in situ and devise the accurate by a further cooling of 1-2ºC. The time in the
filtration in Photoshop. middle of the development, say 39.5ºC after 3 min-
utes, is taken as the temperature for which the total
7.10 STORAGE AND ARCHIVAL CONSID- developing time has to be adjusted according to the
ERATIONS included table. For equipment check in the field or
on research vessels, a single use kit is suitable (e.g.,
7.10.1 Processing. Most photographic material Kodak Professional single-use chemistry kit: 5 l).
can be processed by the user with some techni- For regular, multiroll processing the Beseler CS6 1
cal expertise, with the exception of Kodachrome liter kit has produced quite satisfactory results. Yet
and Agfa Scala films. For B&W film and paper its proclaimed shelf life of up to 4 months is doubt-
development, the two most crucial steps for ar- ful if not all necessary precautions such as replacing
chival considerations are fixation and washing. the oxygen containing air with protective gas (N2),
Underfixation leaves unexposed silver halide in and storing all solutions in amber bottles are taken.
the emulsion which leads to brownish deposits Ideally, the entire kit should be used within a couple
98 Applied film photography

of weeks. The kit should be used according to the works better, because the ink from the felt tip mark-
included instruction with one exception. I found ers is absorbed by the cellulose fabric. Photographic
that I had to bang the container twice on the counter prints can be marked on the reverse in pencil, pen,
in order to dissipate any adhering bubbles. This kit, or with a self-adhesive label.
like its competitor’s, allows one and two f-stop push
and pull processing. The color cast of the image 7.10.4 Storage. Storage of unexposed silver halide
is somewhat affected by the temperature at which products is detailed under section 7.4.6 Films. Ex-
development takes place. The possible color casts posed but unprocessed material is most sensitive
are much smaller than differences in color tem- to heat and high moisture. Whenever possible
perature of morning and noon sunlight. For color keep such material in the refrigerator or freezer,
critical application, I recommend processing by a and process the material as soon as possible. The
professional lab. Most home processing kits do not conversion of silver halide in the unexposed film
include a hardener bath, which makes film more to metallic silver during exposure to light is a three
susceptible to scratches. Separate hardeners can be step process requiring at least three photons (see
used at the end of the processing sequence. also section 7.4.7 Error of Reciprocity above). The
two first steps are reversible and this decay of the
7.10.2 Mounting. Slide mounts come in a variety latent image is temperature dependent. Loss of clar-
of styles. Most commonly, simple plastic slip-in, ity of the image as well as color shifts may ensue
snap, or contact glued mounts are found. I do not under adverse storage conditions.
recommend glass mounting, because of Newton
rings produced by the slide adhering to the glass, Labeled material may be stored in archival polypro-
the thickness of the mount using more space, and pylene or polyethylene plastic sleeves (not polyvi-
the greater likelihood of fungus developing between nyl chloride = PVC). Boxes and sleeves should be
the gelatin emulsion and the glass, particularly in made of acid free cardboard and paper. A variety
more humid areas. In the US, most Kodachrome of sleeve designs accommodate up to twenty 35
slides and older Ektachrome slides are mounted in mm mounted slides, approximately seven 35 mm
cardboard. Cardboard as an organic material also negative or slide strips of five images, or one to four
harbors the possibility for microbial and fungal activ- prints depending on size. Storage of transparencies
ity. Remounting slides is a difficult decision, because in clear plastic sleeves allows easy viewing on a
of the handling involved. Glass mounted slides are light box with minimal handling of the actual im-
usually easy to disassemble and to remount, but ages. Openings are either on top or on the side of
cardboard mounted slides are usually glued together the sheet, depending on whether the sheet is stored
and are often difficult to dissemble. For remounting in portrait format in binders, or in landscape format
slides, I recommend snap mounts such as GEPE. in hanging registers of filing cabinets. Avoid styles
in which the openings of two pockets are facing one
7.10.3 Labeling. Labeling of slides bears the same another, because the slides tend to fall out of one
considerations as labeling specimens. Self-adhesive side; all openings should be in the same direction.
labels can become dislodged or can lose some of Any photographic material should be stored in a
their adhesive property, potentially smudging the dry (RH 30-50%), cool (<18ºC), and foremost dark
photographic image. This worst-case scenario is place, because even a developed image will fade
particularly worrisome with any negative/slide due to exposure to light. For particularly valuable
material, because the original image can become images consider duplicating or scanning the image,
damaged, as opposed to a print for which the nega- and sealed frozen storage. For technical details on
tive/slide may still be available. I favor a handwrit- storage and fading of color images see Keefe and
ten serial number that references the image to Inch (1990) and Wilhelm (1993); for historical
supplementary data in a collection database. For materials and restoration see Anonymous (1972b),
plastic mounts a sharpie or overhead transparency Weinstein and Booth (1977), Anonymous (1985),
marker are suitable, for cardboard mounts pencil and Hendriks (1991).
Geiger 99

7.11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Frei, H. 1992. Die Stunde der Wahrheit. Unterwasser-

fotographie 92: 46-57.
Goldberg, N. 1992. Camera Technology: The Dark Side
R. Gschwind and R. Heilbronner (Department of
of the Lens. Academic Press, Boston. 309 pp.
Physical Chemistry, University of Basel, Swit- Hendriks, K. B. 1991. Fundamentals of Photograph
zerland) introduced me to the theory and practice Conservation: A Study Guide. Lugus Publications,
of scientific photography. Jim McLean (LACM), Toronto. 560 pp.
Christine Thacker (LACM), Russel Zimmer (USC), Hunt, R. W. G. 1998. Measuring Colour, 3rd Ed. Fountain
Press, Tolworth, U.K. 344 pp.
Fabio Moretzsohn (UH), and Anna Bass (USF)
Hunt, R. W. G. and R. W. Gainer 1987. The Reproduction
read the manuscript and made valuable comments. of Colour: In Photography, Printing & Television.
Carl Zeiss GmBH and Eastman Kodak Company Fountain Press, Tolworth, U.K. 640 pp.
kindly permitted to use material available on their Hunter, F. and P. Fuqua. 1997. Light: Science & Magic,
web sites. 2nd Ed. Focal Press, Boston. 344 pp.
Jacobson, R. E., S. F. Ray, and G. G. Attridge. 1988.
The Manual of Photography, 8th Ed. Focal Press,
7.12 LITERATURE CITED Boston. 394 pp.
Johnson, C. 1999. The Practical Zone System, 3rd Ed.
Anchell, S. G. and B. Troop. 1998. The Film Developing Focal Press, Boston. 192 pp.
Cookbook. Focal Press, Boston. 163 pp. Keefe, L. E. and D. Inch. 1990. The Life of a Photograph:
Anonymous. 1972a. Ultraviolet & Fluorescence Pho- Archival Processing, Matting, Framing, Storage, 2nd
tography. Kodak Publication No. M-27. Eastman Ed. Focal Press, Boston. 384 pp.
Kodak, Rochester. 32 pp. Keppler, H. 1999. For sharpest focus do you really need a
Anonymous. 1972b. Caring for Photographs: Display, mirror lockup? If so why don’t all top cameras have
Storage, Restoration. Time-Life Books, New York. it? Popular Photography 1999: 18-22, 24, 64.
192 pp. Landt, A. 1993. Lenses for 35 mm Photography. Silver
Anonymous. 1985. Conservation of Photographs. Kodak Pixel Press, Rochester, New York. 112 pp.
Publication No. F-40. Eastman Kodak Company, London, B. and J. Upton. 1998. Photography, 6th Ed.
Rochester, New York. 156 pp. Longman, New York. 399 pp.
Anonymous. 1987. Kodak Gray Cards. Kodak Publica- Merklinger, H. M. 1993. Focusing the View Camera.
tion No. R-27. Eastman Kodak, Rochester, New Privately published, Dartmouth, Canada. 128 pp.
York. Ray, S. F. 1994. Applied Photographic Optics, 2nd Ed.
Anonymous. 1990. Kodak Photographic Filters Hand- Focal Press, Boston. 586 pp. [3rd Ed. of 2002].
book. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, New Ray, S. F. 1999. Scientific Photography and Applied
York. 161 pp. Imaging. Focal Press, Boston. 559 pp.
Anonymous. 1998. Kodak professional photoguide, 6th Ed. Sakamoto, K. 1973. Techniques for photographing mod-
Silver Pixel Press, Rochester, New York. 56 pp. ern mollusks. Veliger 16: 140-142, 1 pl.
Anonymous. 1999a. Fujifilm Professional Data Guide Sathyendranath, S. and T. Platt. 1990. The light field in
‘99. Fujifilm, Tokyo. 110 pp. [This publication can the ocean. In: P. J. Herring, A. K. Campbell, M.
be obtained without charge from you local photore- Whitfield, and L. Maddock, eds., Light and Life in
tailer, or from Fuji: 800-788-3854 x73]. the Sea. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Anonymous. 1999b. Kodak Professional Reference Pp. 3-18.
Dataguide. Eastman Kodak Company, Rochester, Stroebel, L., J. Compton, I. Current, and R. Zakia. 1986.
New York. 93 pp. [This publication can be obtained Photographic Materials and Processes. Focal Press,
without charge from you local photoretailer, or from Boston. 585 pp.
Kodak: 800-242-2424] Stroebel, L., J. Compton, I. Current, and R. Zakia. 2000.
Bracegirdle, B. 1995. Scientific Photomacrography. Bios Basic Photographic Materials and Processes, 2nd
Scientific Publishers, Oxford. 105 pp. Ed. Focal Press, Boston. 410 pp.
Brück, A. 1984. Close-up Photography in Practice. Stroeble, L. and R. Zakia (eds.), 1993. The Focal En-
David and Charles, Newton Abbot. 144 pp. cyclopedia of Photography, 3rd Ed. Focal Press,
Church, J. and C. Church. 1986. The Nikonos Handbook. Boston. 914 pp.
Privately published, Gilory. ix, 167 pp. Sturge, J. M. 1976. Neblette’s Handbook of Photography
Delly, J. G. 1988. Photography Through the Microscope, and Reprography. Material, Processes and Systems.
9th Ed. Kodak Publication No. P-2. Eastman Kodak 7th Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New
Company, Rochester, New York. 104 pp. York. 641 pp.
Edge, M. 1999. The Underwater Photographer, 2nd Ed. Weinstein, R. A. and L. Booth. 1977. Collection, Use,
Focal Press, Boston. 252 pp. and Care of Historical Photographs. American
100 Applied film photography

Association for State and Local History, Nashville, Wilson, E. C. 1975. Light show from beyond the grave.
Tennessee. 222 pp. Terra 13: 10-13.
White, W. 1987. Photomacrography, an Introduction. Young, W. A., T. A. Benson, G. T. Eaton, and J. Meehan.
Focal Press, Boston. 221 pp. 1996. Copying and Duplicating: Photographic and
Wilhelm, H. 1993. The Permanence and Care of Color Digital Imaging Techniques. Silver Pixel Press,
Photographs: Traditional and Digital Color Prints, Rochester, New York. 143 pp.
Color Negatives, Slides, and Motion Pictures. Preser-
vation Publishing Company, Grinnell, Iowa. 744 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


8.1 INTRODUCTION 1-2-3, word processors that include rudimentary

database features, such as Microsoft Word or Corel
Once a shell collection reaches a certain size WordPerfect, and dedicated “relational” database
it becomes difficult to keep in order without a programs such as FileMaker Pro, Microsoft Access,
formal system. Specimens stray from labels and or Corel Paradox. The dedicated programs are called
unrecorded information fades from memory. One relational because relationships between tables of
solution is to create a catalog, numbering the speci- data can be defined, which gives more control over
mens and recording associated information under the data. Relational databases use space efficiently,
those numbers in a ledger or index card file. The prevent duplications, enforce formats if desired,
catalog ensures that the data for each specimen are provide for vocabulary control, and have sophisti-
retrievable. A numerical catalog, however, is not cated querying and reporting functions. Use of word
particularly useful except as an archive. Lists sorted processors or spreadsheets for creating databases for
systematically, geographically, or alphabetically are shell collections is not recommended if more than a
more convenient than numerical ones. Therein lies couple of hundred lots will be involved.
the advantage of an electronic database over the
traditional catalog. Information is typed only once, After deciding to computerize a shell collection,
but can then be sorted and manipulated into many you must choose what software to use. The current
products, such as labels, catalogs, have-lists, and versions of many off-the-shelf database programs,
trade-lists. The challenge in computerizing a shell such as FileMaker, Access, or Paradox, will per-
collection is devising a system complex enough to form well. More important than which of these to
generate these products, but simple and efficient use will be how it is configured, and what resources
enough to encourage routine use. are available to assist in that task. So, if you like
the database program you use at work, or a helpful
This article introduces database conventions and friend or relative is versed in a particular one, that in
describes fields and tables that will allow individu- itself may be sufficient reason to choose it. If, how-
als to design conchological databases appropriate ever, you are considering older or less widely used
to their needs. Institutional scale collections will software, first familiarize yourself with database
have more complex needs, including tracking approaches and then ask a number of questions.
loans and recording published information about Some of these questions are also relevant if you are
specimens they hold, although the basic principles considering using a word processor or spreadsheet
will be the same. instead of a database program.

8.2 CHOOSING A PROGRAM • Is the program fully compatible with your

computer’s operating system?
Three kinds of computer program are capable of • Can it import and export standard formats,
creating electronic databases: spreadsheets, such such as delimited ASCII (American Standard
as Microsoft Excel, Corel Quattro Pro, and Lotus Code for Information Exchange), DBase
102 Computerizing shell collections

Table 8.1 Database table showing a subset of the fields that would appear in a typical catalog book.

Catalog Identification Locality Date Collector Quantity

number collected
1537 Chicoreus florifer (Reeve, 1846) North Bimini, Bahamas 12 Dec 1973 W. Loman 3
1538 Cypraea spurca acicularis Key West, Florida 15 Apr 1999 U. Samuels 12
Gmelin, 1791 U.S.A.
1539 Zoila friendii friendii (Gray, 1831) Rottnest Island, Western 30 Nov 1984 W. Gretsky 1

(for databases), or Lotus 1-2-3 (for spread- • Is the program SQL (Structured Query Lan-
sheets)? guage) compliant? This is important only if
• What kind of technical support is available scripts or macros are used for repetitive tasks;
from the manufacturer? Preferably, there will if they are written in SQL, they can be exported
be toll-free phone line, email support, and FAQs to another compliant database if needed.
(frequently asked questions) available via the
• Does the program accept images, e.g., from a
digital camera or flatbed scanner, and can they An electronic database contains tables with col-
be easily imported? umns corresponding to fields and rows to records
• How many records can be handled before perfor- (Table 8.1). Some database programs treat each
mance becomes unacceptably slow, especially if table as a separate database, whereas others al-
images are involved? This will also depend on low a collection of tables to be named as a single
the operating speed and memory capacity of the database. In its simplest form, the database for a
computer. shell collection could be constructed as a “flat file”
• Are there restrictive limits on the total number to emulate the pages of a catalog (Table 8.1). Each
of records, the number of fields or images per field would correspond to a single column in the
record, or the number of characters per field or catalog and each row would correspond to a single
per record? lot (a lot contains all the specimens of a species
• Can fields be added midstream and their proper- collected in one place at one time and obtained
ties, such as length or type, be easily changed? from a particular source).
• Can reports be printed using italic and bold
typefaces, various font sizes, and proportion- Although some people will find such a layout ad-
ally spaced fonts? Can these be previewed on equate, it is not particularly functional, because it
screen? violates a fundamental rule of database design: a
• Is it easy to insert letters with diacritic marks field should contain only a single kind of informa-
such as in Linné, Röding, Müller, and Bruguière? tion. In Table 8.1, the Identification and Locality
What about those in Møller or São Paulo, which fields contain multiple kinds of information. This
are not among the 255 characters of extended prevents precise sorting, restricts options for for-
ASCII? matting output, and impedes use of the relational
• Is the program “Web-ready”, that is, does it sup- properties of the database. For example, the Lo-
port HTML (Hyper-Text Markup Language)? cality field cannot be sorted by country or state.
This is desirable if data will be made available If the order of entry were made largest to smallest
on a website on the Internet. (“USA, Florida, Cedar Keys” instead of “Cedar
• Is the program object-oriented? That is, can Keys, Florida, USA”), it would be possible to sort
objects such as “Genus + Species + Author +,+ by country, but still not by state or any other hier-
Date” be created and used repeatedly, or must archical level. Locality is therefore better split into
they be created anew each time? a number of fields, as in Table 8.2. One immediate
Rosenberg 103

Table 8.2 Database table showing some of the fields that can be used specifying localities.

Locality ID Continent Ocean Country/Territory Primary Division Location

345 Australia Indian Australia Western Australia Rottnest Island
346 Atlantic Bahamas North Bimini
347 North America Atlantic United States Florida Key West, Florida Keys

Table 8.3 Database table showing atomized fields for handling species names.

Species ID Generic Subgeneric Specific Subspecific

name name name name Author Year Parentheses
152 Chicorus florifer Reeve 1846 y
153 Cypraea Erosaria spurca acicularis Gmelin 1791 n
154 Zoila friendii friendii Gray 1831 y

benefit is that items such as Ocean or Continent chological database are discussed here. Any given
that normally would not be included in the Locality database will use only a subset of these, depend-
field, since they are not usually printed on labels, ing on the emphasis of the collection. Some of
become available for querying and sorting. the recommended fields may not be of immediate
use to the collector, but could enhance the value
Similarly, splitting the Identification field into a of the collection were it ever sold, or donated to
series of narrowly defined fields as in Table 8.3 a museum. The fields also serve as mnemonic
gives more control over the data. Most database devices to ensure that some kinds of information
programs will allow formats or ranges of acceptable are recorded that might be easily overlooked in a
values to be set for individual fields, for example, standard catalog format such as in Table 8.1. Es-
“initial letter lower case” for Specific Name, or sential fields are marked with two asterisks (**),
“greater than 1757” for Year. Misspellings can be recommended fields with one (*).
prevented by linking the text fields to appropriate
master lists, such as of authors or generic names. For each field or set of fields, I describe the intended
Such master lists are called “authority files”. They use and possible field types. Field types include
can be accumulated by the user as names are alphanumeric (A) for normal text; numeric (N) or
encountered, or adopted intact or modified from integer (I) for fields on which calculations might
existing lists. Each authority file is a separate be done; date (D) for exact dates; currency (C)
table in the database. Atomized fields also provide for monetary values; logical (L) for yes/no fields;
more flexibility in reporting. Table 8.1 allows only memo (M) for long blocks of text; and picture
“Zoila friendii friendii Gray, 1831”, as output, with (P) for digital images. For alphanumeric fields,
the species name lacking italics. Table 8.3 allows I append typical maximum lengths; for example,
“Zoila friendii friendii (Gray, 1831)”, Zoila frien- A22 means an alphanumeric field 22 characters
dii (Gray, 1831)”, “Zoila friendii friendii”, “Zoila in length. Most current database programs have
friendii”, and “friendii, Zoila” depending on what variable length fields, so the user does not need to
is wanted in a given context. specify the maximum length. Date fields can be
used only for precise dates; alphanumeric should
8.4 SUGGESTED FIELDS be used for imprecise items such as “pre 1960”,
“spring 1981”, or “April 27-29 2000”. Fields are
Getting optimal performance from a database grouped in related blocks that correspond in large
requires careful choice and definition of its fields. part to those that would appear together in a table.
More than 50 fields that might be used in a con- A summary of fields appears in Table 8.4.
104 Computerizing shell collections

Table 8.4 Suggested configuration of fields in tables.

Underlined items are unique identifiers for each record in the table. Items in italics link to the unique identifiers
of other tables.

Specimen Table Identification Table Classification Table

Catalog Number Species ID Child
Species ID Genus (or higher taxon) Rank
Qualifier Subgenus Parent
Identified by Species Systematic number
Date identified Subspecies
Number of specimens Author or
Locality ID Year
Collecting Event ID Parentheses Genus (or higher taxon)
Microhabitat Subfamily
Size and (if Classification Table is Family
Condition not used) Superfamily
Live/Dead Order
Preservative/Treatment Subfamily Class
Source Family Systematic number
Transaction Superfamily
Cost/Value Order
Trade Class
Date obtained Systematic number
Date cataloged
Specimen Comments
Collecting Event Table Locality Table Image Table
Collecting Event ID Locality ID Image ID
Station Ocean Image
Habitat (macrohabitat) Continent Catalog Number
Depth Region Locality ID
Elevation Country/Territory Collecting Event ID
Collection Method Primary Division Species ID
Date collected Secondary Division Subject
Time Location Photographer
Tide Drainage Image Comments
Collector Coordinates
Vessel Source of Coordinates
Expedition Locality Comments
Collecting Comments

8.4.1 Specimen might be from more than one individual, or “100

** Catalog Number (I or A6): A unique number or +”, for a number too large to count conveniently.
code assigned to each lot. This number serves to Two fields might also be used, an integer for
link various tables of data pertaining to the lot. the count and a text field specifying what was
counted, which preserves the ability to total the
**Number of Specimens (I or A15): An integer integer field.
field can be used if the collection contains only
intact specimens, which allows the total number Size (N or A15): May be numeric if a single number
of specimens in a collection to be calculated. An (e.g., maximum size) is entered and is recorded
alphanumeric field should be used if integers in standard units (e.g., mm), or the units are
would be ambiguous, e.g., “6 valves” if valves specified in a separate field; must be alphanu-
are not paired, “3 fragments” if the fragments meric for a range of measurements, multiple
Rosenberg 105

measurements of one specimen, or if units are Images (P): Used for digital images of live animals,
included. Recording sizes of specimens, prefer- specimens, habitats, collecting sites, and collec-
ably to a tenth of a millimeter, is an excellent tors. If more than one image will be included
way to ensure that they can be reassociated with in a record, then a separate table is needed for
their labels, especially if catalog numbers are images. Additional fields can be used to describe
not written on them, if, for example, a collection images, as shown in Table 8.4.
drawer is dropped.
**Comments (A255 or M): For data that do not
Condition (A30): For comments about condition, readily fit in the field structure. If a particular
e.g., gem, fine, with periostracum, with opercu- comment is often repeated, it suggests the need
lum, with protoconch, sinistral, etc. for another field. Comments fields may appear
in more than one table if desired, specific to the
*Live/Dead (A4): Used to indicate reliability of subject of the table.
depth data, since dead specimens can be trans-
ported by currents or hermit crabs. This may 8.4.2 Identification
be expanded to include fossil and subfossil *Species ID: Provides a unique identifier for records
designations, which might indicate that a spe- if a separate table is used for identifications.
cies no longer lives at a site. This can also be an
indicator of condition. **Genus (A22): For the generic part of a species
*Preservative/Treatment (A30): For materials or
procedures used to maintain condition of speci- *Subgenus (A22): For the subgeneric part of a
men: ethanol, glycerin, silicone, etc. species name.

*Source (A30): Person, business, or institution **Species (A22): For the specific part of a species
from which a lot was obtained. name, i.e., the trivial epithet.

Transaction (A10): Gift, exchange, purchase, etc. *Subspecies (A22): For a subspecific name.

Cost/Value (C or N): Price paid or value as- **Author (A34): For the author of the specific or
signed. subspecific name.

Trade (L or A1): A yes/no field that allows list of **Year (A4 or I): For the year in which the specific
items for trade to be generated. or subspecific name was introduced.

Date Obtained (D or A11): Useful for tax purposes *Parentheses (L or A1): Indicates the need for paren-
in the event of a donation, for establishing period theses around author and year if the generic place-
of ownership. Also useful for showing a latest ment has changed since the species was named.
date at which a specimen could have been col-
lected if date of collection is not known. *Qualifier (A4): For expressing doubt about the
species identification (?, cf., aff. near, like).
Date Computerized (D or A11): Useful for tracking
progress in computerization. Some programs can *Identified by (A30): Name of the person who iden-
automatically track the date and time a record tified the lot, which can be useful for determining
was created, so the information doesn’t need to the reliability of the identification.
be typed in. A separate Date cataloged field can
be used if part of a collection had been cataloged *Date Identified (D or A11): Date on which the lot
before it was computerized. was identified, which can be useful for assessing
106 Computerizing shell collections

Table 8.5 Dynamic structure for higher classification that accepts an unlimited number of ranks.

Child Rank (of child) Parent

Bernayinae Subfamily Cypraeidae
Chicoreus Genus Muricinae
Cypraea Genus Cypraeinae
Cypraeidae Family Cypraeoidea
Cypraeinae Subfamily Cypraeidae
Cypraeoidea Superfamily Neotaenioglossa
Gastropoda Class Mollusca
Muricinae Subfamily Muricidae
Muricidae Family Muricoidea
Muricoidea Superfamily Neogastropoda
Neogastropoda Order Gastropoda
Neotaenioglossa Order Gastropoda
Zoila Genus Bernayinae

the likely accuracy of an identification when the Continent (A13): Needed only if database is likely
concept of a species has changed. to be queried or sorted by continent.

8.4.3 Classification Region (A20): Used as desired for areas such as

Child (A22): Used as a general category for names Polynesia that contain more than one country.
of higher taxa (see Table 8.5). If a structure
like that in Table 8.6 is used additional ranks **Country/Territory (A25): Countries often possess
are possible, e.g., Tribe, Infraorder, Suborder, remote territories, but since the country name
Superorder, Subclass. can be misleading as to geography, the terri-
tory name might be preferred. For example, the
Parent (A22): Used as a general category for names Falkland Islands are part of Great Britain, but
of higher taxa (see Table 8.5). lie off the coast of Argentina. It may be more
convenient therefore to enter Falkland Islands in
Rank (A11): For ranks of higher taxa (see Table this field than Great Britain. Consistency is also
8.5). important. If England is entered in some cases
and Great Britain or United Kingdom in others,
Systematic Number (N or I): A number assigned to a search will not find all desired items.
each Child to allow it to be sorted into systematic
order. Generally, all the taxa in a family or a su- *Primary Division (A25): For main subdivisions of
perfamily would be assigned the same number. countries such as states, provinces, prefectures,
The list would thus be sorted systematically and departments.
at family or superfamily level and above, and
alphabetically below. Secondary Division (A80): For lesser subdivisions
of countries, such as counties or parishes in the
8.4.4 Locality U.S.A.
*Locality ID: Provides a unique identifier for
records if a separate table is used for locality **Location (A120): For the remainder of the locality
fields. data that does not fit in the above fields, written in
the order desired for printing on the label.
*Ocean (A16): Used for marine species, and for
land and freshwater species from oceanic is- Drainage (A20): For freshwater species, the drain-
lands. age in which the body of water lies.
Rosenberg 107

Table 8.6 Static structure for higher classification, which must be modified to add ranks.

Genus Subfamily Family Superfamily Order Class

Cypraea Cypraeinae Cypraeidae Cypraeoidea Neotaenioglossa Gastropoda
Chicoreus Muricinae Muricidae Muricoidea Neogastropoda Gastropoda
Zoila Bernayinae Cypraeidae Cypraeoidea Neotaenioglossa Gastropoda

*Coordinates (A23): For latitude and longitude Transverse Mercator). Modern topographical
written as a single string of characters, e.g., maps and navigational charts often have a UTM
24º59’58”S, 130º05’30”W, or, using decimal grid at a one-kilometer scale. It is usually easier
minutes, 24º59.97’S, 130º05.50’W. If mapping to determine your position from the UTM grid
or calculations are to be done with the coordi- than the latitude and longitude grid. GPS receiv-
nates, two numeric fields for decimal degrees ers can be set to read either system and to convert
are preferable: Latitude: 24.9994 and Longi- between them.
tude: 123.0917. North and East are shown as
positive numbers, South and West as negative *Source of Coordinates (A60): Because maps and
numbers. GPS units use different models (datums) for
the shape of the earth, which is not precisely
In reporting coordinates, consider the precision spherical, coordinates are not all on the same
to which they are actually known. Atlases and grid system. Thus, the name of the atlas, gazet-
gazetteers typically record the position of the teer, topographic map, or navigational chart used
center of a geographic feature, but the collector to determine the coordinates should be given.
is generally not at the center, for instance, of a If the coordinates came from a GPS unit, the
town on the seacoast. Rounding off to the nearest model should be recorded, along with the da-
minute is appropriate if coordinates are obtained tum to which it was set. The most widely used
from a general or secondary source, one minute datum currently is WGS-84 (World Geodetic
being about one mile. Particularly with self-col- System).
lected material, if the collector (or another reli-
able source) has determined the coordinates via 8.4.5 Collecting event
a topographic map, navigational chart, or GPS *Collecting Event ID: Provides a unique identi-
(Global Positioning System) receiving unit, then fier for records if a separate table is used for
reporting seconds is appropriate. collecting event fields. Station numbers do not
serve this purpose because not all specimens are
Online sources of coordinates include the Geonet collected at formal stations.
Names Server (GNS) for international loca-
tions < *Station (A10): Used mainly for self-collected
jsp>, and the Geographic Names Information material. Stations should generally be designated
System (GNIS) for the U.S.A. and its territories by a code combining letters and numbers and
<>. Google Earth is a free should be unique for each site visited by the col-
program that zooms into satellite and aerial lector. Some collectors use their initials followed
photographs worldwide <>. by consecutive numbers, e.g., RTA151, RTA152,
It can be used to determine coordinates when etc. The station code, if unique, makes it easy to
you know where you were, but don’t know the generate species lists for each station once the
name of the precise place. material has been identified and computerized.

Another system of coordinates that might be use- **Habitat (A80): Habitat data can be difficult to
ful to those who self-collect is UTM (Universal categorize because of its fractal nature. It can be a
108 Computerizing shell collections

geographic feature at a large scale (e.g., a beach), **Collector (A30): Important for establishing
and reasonably entered as part of the locality data, reliability of locality data, and sometimes in
or be the niche of a particular species on a small interpreting ambiguous data. In fields such as
scale (e.g., seawhips). The field might also be collector in which the usual entry is a person’s
split in two, as Macrohabitat, for description of name, you must decide the format for the name.
a collecting site, and Microhabitat, for ecological For example, “Pilsbry, H.A.” is preferable for
observations on a particular species. If particular sorting, but “H. A. Pilsbry” looks better printed
measurements such as salinity or temperature are on labels. Separate fields for Last Name and
routinely made, fields can be added for them. Other Names would allow both formats, but
still could not handle multiple names such as
**Depth (A12): Because it is rarely used for calcu- “H. A. Pilsbry & A. A. Olsson”. A still more
lations, the depth field is normally alphanumeric, complicated structure can solve this, but the gain
which allows ranges and original units to be in functionality is probably worthwhile only for
recorded, e.g., “10-30 fms.” A comment such museum-scale collections.
as “shallow” or “intertidal” would normally go
under Habitat. Converting all depths to standard Vessel (A30): Name of the boat, ship, or submers-
units such as meters can give a false appearance ible used for collecting.
of precision, for example, 100 fathoms converts
to 183 meters, so it is good to preserve a record Expedition (A30): Provides a name by which all the
of the original measurement. stations on a collecting trip can be identified.

**Elevation (A12): The comments about Depth 8.5 DATABASE STRUCTURES

apply here as well. Note that a specimen can
have both a depth and an elevation, for example, Once the fields for a database have been defined,
a freshwater snail at a 5 m depth in a lake 500 they must be arrayed into a set of tables. A simple
m above sea level. Some marine species might structure would be a single table containing all the
also have elevations. For example, it makes more main database fields, with appropriate authority
sense to say that a periwinkle living two meters files attached to particular text fields as desired
above the high tide line is at “2 m” elevation than for vocabulary control. Such a structure would be
at “-2 m” depth, which is ambiguous. functional, but would not take full advantage of the
relational properties inherent in databases because
*Collecting Method (A50): For data such as it would violate another rule of database design:
“trawled by shrimp boat”, “SCUBA at night”, avoidance of redundancy. Redundancy can lead to
“screened from 1 liter of coral sand”, or “tangle inconsistency if, for example, duplicate informa-
nets.” tion is updated in one place but not in another.
Eliminating redundancy requires splitting the data
**Date Collected (A15): Important for establishing into two or more tables with relationships defined
when a species lived in an area, especially if the between them. So, for example, Table 8.1 could be
environment has changed. reformatted to link to Table 8.3 for the identifica-
tion, via the Species ID field, and to Table 8.2 for
Time (A20): Useful for showing how much time the locality data as shown in Table 8.7.
was spent at a collecting site, the time of day at
which live-collected specimens are most likely Each species name would be represented only once
to be found, or determining the state of the tide in Table 8.3 and any changes to it would propagate
retrospectively. to all the specimen records in the database linked to
it. For example, if Cypraea acicularis were treated
Tide (A10): Used for recording the state of the tide as a full species instead of as a subspecies of Cy-
(spring, neap, low, -0.4 m, etc.). praea spurca, only a single species record would
Rosenberg 109

Table 8.7 Species ID and Locality ID are used to link to the Identification and Locality Tables.

Catalog number Species ID Locality ID Date Collected Collector Quantity

1537 152 346 12 Dec 1973 W. Loman 3
1538 153 347 15 Apr 1999 U. Samuels 12
1539 154 345 30 Nov 1984 W. Gretsky 1

need to be changed, which is preferable to searching When the process of normalization is carried out to
the database to change many records individually. a reasonable extent, the structure shown in Table 8.4
Similarly, each locality would be listed only once results. Depending on the needs and preferences of
in Table 8.2. the individual, it may be carried out to a greater or
lesser extent than in Table 8.4. The tables are linked
Structuring the data to avoid redundancy is called through the ID fields and other “key” fields such as
“normalization”. As the data become more normal- Catalog Number. In most cases, a key field contains
ized, consistency and ease of maintenance increase a unique number or code, but in the Classification
and storage space generally decreases. At the same Table the names in Genus or Child are themselves
time, however, tables multiply, which makes en- unique since homonyms are not allowed among
tering and manipulating data more complicated. names for animals. If the database treated plants and
Therefore, a balance must be struck between useful- animals then a Taxon ID field would be necessary in
ness and normalization. This can be illustrated with the Classification Table to distinguish, for instance,
an example from higher classification. The rules of Ficus the mollusk from Ficus the plant.
normalization say that the fields for higher classifi-
cation should not be added into Table 8.3, but rather 8.6 TESTING AND USING THE SYSTEM
linked from a separate table (Table 8.6).
Once the table and field structure has been imple-
If the systematic placement of a genus changes, mented, it must be tested in order to catch prob-
the correction need be made only in one place. lems early. Select lots representing a broad array
However, if the collector routinely uses family of taxonomy, geography, sources, condition, and
names but rarely uses higher ranks, having the method of preservation and try entering data from
family name included in Table 8.3 would be more them into the system. Fields can be left blank if
convenient for easy sorting and querying. Also, not applicable or the data are unknown. Sometimes
Table 8.6 itself is not normalized, since there is unexpected problems crop up. These are sometimes
redundancy above the genus level. A child-parent solved by reconfiguring the tables, and sometimes
structure (Table 8.5) is more efficient. by clarifying or redefining the fields.

This structure has several advantages: the “child” Testing will show, for example, that the structure
field gives the option for instituting vocabulary con- of Table 8.4 seems to assume that all specimens
trol on the “parent” field (since every item in Parent are identified to the species level, because a Spe-
except the listhead Mollusca also appears in Child); cies ID number is needed in the Specimen Table.
no additional fields need be created to add ranks such Items identified only to genus or subgenus level
as suborder; and ranks are optional (some scientists are handled easily by entering “sp.” or “sp. A” in
regard ranks as artificial, so an increasing number of Species and leaving Author and Year blank in the
taxa are being named without ranks). It is also more Identification table. But what about a specimen
space-efficient, which becomes more apparent as identified only to family level or above? Species ID
the number of taxa listed grows, but this is a minor could be left blank in the Specimen Table, but then
concern since computer storage space is cheap. This no identification could print in a report. Better is
structure is more difficult to query, however, so Table to allow names of higher taxa in the Genus field in
8.6 might be preferable to many users. the Identification Table and call it “Genus or higher
110 Computerizing shell collections

taxon”. It still links as planned to the Child field in but reports and data-entry screens might also need
the Classification Table, since that field contains to be reformatted correspondingly.
names of all ranks. It could also link to the Genus
field if the alternate structure (Table 8.6) were used, During development and after each data-entry ses-
in which case that field also would be renamed sion, the database should be backed up on media
“Genus or higher taxon” as in Table 8.4. that can be removed from the computer, such as a
Zip or compact disk or a flash drive. Printed cata-
The next stage in testing is to make sure that you can log pages provide another form of backup, as do
get the output desired from the system. Try query- original labels, which should be retained so data can
ing the database in various ways to make sure that be confirmed, even if the new computer-generated
it behaves as expected. Try creating reports with labels are more uniform or esthetically pleasing.
the desired format for labels and lists of various
sorts. Proper formatting in reports might require Although a substantial effort is required to com-
the use of if-then statements to account for varying puterize a collection, the results are worthwhile.
degrees of completeness of the data. For example Information is easily shared among collectors,
printing “Location + ‘,’ + Primary Division + ‘,’ + especially through electronic media such as email
Country” from Table 8.2 yields “Rottnest Island, and websites. Summary lists of species can help the
Western Australia, Australia” (which is fine), collector avoid duplicate purchases, especially in
“North Bimini,, Bahamas” (with two commas in the heat of the bourse. If a collection is appraised,
a row since Primary Division is blank), and “Key it is much less expensive to have the appraiser
West, Florida Keys, Florida, United States” (with work from an existing list than compile one from
United States perhaps viewed as unnecessary on scratch; also, a lot-by-lot appraisal will realize a
a label by someone living in the United States). higher value than a summary appraisal. An ap-
Instead try (depending on the database program): praisal or computerized inventory, especially if
“Location + nothing if Primary Division is blank, accompanied by photographs or a videotape of the
else ‘,’ + Primary Division + nothing if Country/ collection, could bolster an insurance claim in the
Territory equals ‘United States’, else ‘,’ + Coun- case of a disaster. Copies of the database and images
try/Territory”. It can take a lot of tinkering to get should be stored outside the home to guard against
reports formatted satisfactorily, but once it is done, their loss. Ultimately the database will enhance the
they run automatically. value of the collection, monetarily should it ever
be sold, and scientifically by ensuring the integrity
After testing has been completed, and the table and of the data.
field structures of the database are set, screens can
be constructed that present the fields more conve- 8.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
niently for data entry than the default horizontal or
vertical arrays provided by most programs. Next, I thank Paul Callomon and Paul J. Morris for valu-
add restrictions on the format, range of values, able comments on drafts of the manuscript, and
and the vocabulary for various fields. Even at this Charlie Sturm for editorial support and continuing
stage, restructuring the database is still possible, patience despite missed deadlines.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


9.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE MALACO- 1878) are composed of monographs of various fami-
LOGICAL LITERATURE lies or genera of mollusks and are finely illustrated
with hand-colored plates. Now extremely expensive,
Few non-professional malacologists know the vast- they are still good investments. Old iconographies
ness of the malacological literature. This literature are important as they contain many descriptions of
includes works in systematics, taxonomy, biogeo- species and genera. It is difficult to do any type of
graphic studies, ecology, aquaculture, anatomy, work on molluscan taxonomy without referring to
physiology, and paleontology, just to name a few. In one or more of the old works. Some modern mono-
this chapter we are focusing on the first three areas; graphs are called iconographies but they are simply
systematics, taxonomy, and biogeographic studies. lavishly illustrated monographs of limited scientific
value and are really identification books.
When viewing some malacological libraries for
the first time, many people ask if one reads all of 9.1.2 Monographs. There are two types of mono-
the books. This is like asking if a mechanic uses graphs, one being a study of the entire molluscan
all the tools in his or her garage. The answer is, of fauna of a restricted area and the other a study of all
course, no. However, like the mechanic who needs of the species in a given genus or family. In order
a 20 mm socket for the first time, one never knows to be a monograph as used herein, a work must
when he or she will need to refer to a work that give a full taxonomic treatment of included taxa.
he or she has never before had reason to consult. Examples of monographs are the serial publications
Thus, many of us acquire malacological literature Johnsonia, Monographs of Marine Mollusca, and
that may encompass the broad themes as well as the Indo-Pacific Mollusca. There are also non-serial
our specific interests. The term “malacological lit- publications that publish monographs. One such
erature” encompasses a variety of types of work. In example is Bieler (1993).
general terms, some of them are listed below.
9.1.3 Nomenclators. Nomenclators are lists of
9.1.1 Iconographies. The classical iconographies taxa enabling workers to find the original sources
(Kiener, L. and P. Fischer, Spécies Général et Iconog- for taxa (species, genera). This category includes
raphie des Coquilles Vivantes: 1834-1879; Sowerby, the Zoological Record (Anonymous 1865-present),
G. B. Thesaurus Conchyliorum: 1842-1887; Reeve, Sherborn (1902, 1922-1932), Neave (1939-1940),
L. and G. B. Sowerby, Conchologia Iconica: 1843- and Ruhoff (1980).
112 The molluscan literature

9.1.4 Handbooks. This term is used in the absence as the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Ma-
of a better term for those important works that list rine Research (Germany) often contain important
molluscan taxa in systematic order. The best known papers on mollusks. If you do not subscribe to their
of these are the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontol- publications, there are two main ways of obtaining
ogy (Moore and Teichert, 1953-1981), Wenz (1938- them: through correspondence with authors or the
1944), Thiele (1929-1935), Zilch (1959-1960), institution or by interlibrary loan. Some malacolo-
Vaught (1989), and Millard (2003). gists have files containing thousands of separates. In
the course of a year, they will probably refer to a few
9.1.5 Classic books. This category is used for the hundred of them at the most, but they never know
many pre-1860 shell books that have hand-colored which ones will be needed! If you see a reference to a
plates or are otherwise rare or exotic. Many books paper that you think will be important to you in your
of this category are of great importance in mol- study of mollusks, write a letter to the author or the
luscan systematics [Perry, G. (1811), Conchology, institution, and ask if a separate is available.
Martyn, T. (1784-1787), The Universal Concholo-
gist, and Sowerby, G. B. (1839), A Conchological 9.1.9 Miscellaneous printed works. There are
Manual]. Some books of the mid-19th Century are dozens of categories that could be listed, such as
not particularly expensive but others are very costly. theses, government reports, and published envi-
As with many collectibles, the ones that cost the ronmental surveys, but it is impractical to attempt
most usually increase in value the fastest. to divide them up. Do not bother to categorize the
literature, just acquire and use it!
9.1.6 General books. This category could be bro-
ken down into numerous parts. Some books cover 9.1.10 Internet resources. The Internet can be a two
the shells of a given faunal area, for examples see edged sword for malacologists. There are problems
the following works in the bibliography: Habe associated with accuracy and permanence of sites.
(1964a), Keen (1971), and Abbott (1974). Others
cover one genus or family worldwide, for example While there are many sites, not all present accurate
Walls (1979a) for Conidae and Rombouts (1991) information. You may have to check with individu-
for Pectinidae. Sometimes referred to as identifi- als who know more than you to find out which sites
cation books, their quality varies from excellent can be trusted. If using a site to identify a shell, try
to abysmal. to confirm the identification with another site or a
printed source.
9.1.7 Journals. Over 150 current journals and
newsletters are devoted entirely to mollusks (Bieler Permanency of web sites falls into two different
and Kabat (1991). It is in these journals that you areas. The first is whether the address (URL)
will find the descriptions of most shells named by changes frequently or disappears. While sites for
professional malacologists. As few people (or in- museums and larger organizations tend to be stable,
stitutions) subscribe to all of these, extra copies of sites hosted by individuals may change frequently.
papers in journals are printed and often distributed It may be difficult to track down the new address.
by the authors. These are properly termed “sepa- Some individuals keep the old site running for a
rates” although commonly referred to as reprints. while and direct you to the new site. This is very
helpful, especially if you refer to the site often. If
9.1.8 Separates. As stated above, these are papers a web site is no longer supported by its creator, it
that have appeared in various journals. They are will be gone for good. Out of print publications can
very important as many malacological works are often be found in libraries or through used book
printed in journals other than those that are strictly dealers; old websites cannot.
on malacology. Publications such as the Journal of
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia The second permanence problem is with the informa-
and similar publications of other institutions such tion presented. In a printed publication, the informa-
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 113

tion is stable until the next edition of the publication. than 1900. This preference for literature of the last
You can also track changes through time by review- 100 years is not meant to discount the importance
ing different editions of a work. The ability to track of older literature. However, we had to limit what
changes is rarely the case with web sites. When a was included, and references to the important
web page or site is updated, the old page or site is works of the 1700’s and 1800’s will be found in
usually replaced and there is no record of the old one. the works cited in this bibliography. While we do
Only the new information is to be found. not list journals per se, many of the listed works
are published in various malacological and general
These problems should not drive us away from us- biological journals.
ing the Internet. The Internet is an evolving medium
and we should take advantage of it despite any The works cited are divided into several categories.
inherent weaknesses. For example, two websites The first is “Mollusks - General References”. These
maintained by the Academy of Natural Sciences of are works that deal with mollusks in general. These
Philadelphia are very useful in selecting the proper works cover the biology and ecology of mollusks.
name for a species from among synonyms, and as The next category is “Mollusks - Research Tools”.
a reference to the original publication of the name These are works that will be of interest to those
and to other pertinent information. One site is for undertaking taxonomic and systematic research.
western Atlantic gastropods <
wasp/> and the other is for Indo-Pacific gastropods The next several categories deal with various ma-
<>. These sites, especially rine and non-marine biogeographic zones. Figure
the western Atlantic site, are kept up-to-date and 9.1 shows the marine biogeographic zones of the
corrections are made when discovered. Yet a third world, while Figure 9.2 shows the world’s non-
good site is the Check List of European Marine marine biogeographic zones. These zones are not
Mollusca < hard and fast. For example, some would include
clemam.html>. Australia and the islands east of the Wallace Line
in the Australian Province for non-marine mol-
When we are asked what molluscan works a person lusks. Others would divide these into two zones,
should acquire, our reply is “everything affordable,” the Australian and the Oceanic Zones. Some divide
with preference being given to works that apply the Californian Province into more than one zone
directly to your area of interest. There are not many and others separate the waters of Antarctica from
works on mollusks that cannot contribute a little to those of southern South America. By checking the
one’s knowledge and you never know in advance maps you will be able to determine how we chose
when a particular work will be of importance. to define the various biogeographic zones.
Many of the books recommended here are avail-
able only on the used book market. Sometimes an The final categories deal with important works for
early edition can be purchased for much less that a certain higher taxonomic categories ranging from
later one. One such example is American Seashells families to classes. We selected families that we
by Abbott; the first edition was published in 1954, thought would be of interest to the greatest number
while the second edition was published in 1974. If of readers. Input was also solicited from members
you cannot locate (or afford) the latest editions, you of the on-line discussion group Conch-L.
will find the early editions to still be very useful and
certainly better than not having either. Finally, not all recent works are included. A book or
paper that you might think is very important or use-
9.2 REGIONAL AND TAXONOMIC GUIDES ful may not be on this list. With tens of thousands of
possible works, we had to be selective. However, we
The rest of this chapter deals with an introduction are always willing to consider additional books for
to the malacological literature. It is a bibliography future inclusion. Please e-mail or send recommenda-
of more than 700 works. Only one citation is earlier tions to the senior author at
114 The molluscan literature

Other useful bibliographies can be found in: Abyssal/bathyal: Bouchet and Marshall 2001,
• Taxonomic groups in Chapters 16 to 28 of this Bouchet and Warén 1979, 1980, 1985, 1986, 1993,
volume Clarke 1961, 1962, Dijkstra 1995, Knudsen 1970,
• Worldwide marine - Abbott and Dance (1986: 1985, Sirenko 1988, Turner 1985, Warén and
379-390) Bouchet 1993.
• Worldwide tropical land snails - Parkinson et al.
(1987: 77-107, 265-268) Aleutian: Akimushkin 1965, Baxter 1987, Bernard
• Worldwide marine bivalves - Coan et al. (2000: 1967, 1983, Berry 1917, 1919, Bogdanov and
574-705) Sirenko 1993, Coan and Scott 1997, Coan et al.
• Worldwide land snails - Abbott (1989: 195-229) 2000, Griffith 1967, Higo et al. 1999, 2001, Keen
and Coan 1974, La Rocque 1953, Nakayama 2003,
9.2.1 Mollusks - general references and research Okutani 2000, Oldroyd 1924, 1924-1927, Quayle
tools. 1970, White 1976, Yakovleva 1965, Yoo 1976.

General references: Barker 2001, Bauer and Antarctic: Dell 1960, 1964a, 1990, Hain 1990,
Wächtler 2000, Beesley et al. 1998, Claassen 1998, Linse 2002, Narchi et al. 2002, Nicol 1966, Numa-
Cox 1979, Dance 1966, 1969, 1976, 1986, Dillon nami 1996, Powell 1960, Troncoso et al. 2001.
2000, Evans 1972, Fretter and Graham 1994, Harper
et al. 2000, Holme and McIntyre 1971, Hyman Arctic: Abbott 1991b, Akimushkin 1965, Baxter
1967, Moore and Teichert 1953-1981, Morton 1979, 1987, Bogdanov and Sirenko 1993, Coan et al.
Ponder et al. 1988, Purchon 1977, Solem 1974, 2000, Golikov 1994, Knudsen 1985, La Rocque
Taylor 1996, Thompson 1976, Vermeij 1993, Wade 1953, Lubinsky 1980, MacGinitie 1955, Mac-
et al. 2001, Wilbur 1983-1988, Wilbur and Yonge Ginitie 1959, MacPherson 1971, Richling 2000,
1964-1966, Yonge and Thompson 1976. Yakovleva 1965.

Research tools: Anonymous 1865-present, Arnold Australian: Abbottsmith 1969, Allan 1959, Bail
1965, Bieler and Kabat 1991, Bieler and Petit 1990, and Limpus 1998, Beesley et al. 1998, Cotton 1959,
Bouchet and Rocroi 2005, Brown 1956, Burch 1990, 1961, 1964, Hinton 1977, Hodgkin et al. 1966, Ire-
1991, Callomon 1999a, 1999b, Callomon and Petit dale and McMichael 1962, Jansen 1995, Lamprell
2004, Coan et al. 2005, Edwards and Hopwood and Healy 1998, Lamprell and Whitehead 1992,
1966, Edwards and Tobias 1993, Edwards and Lorenz 2001, MacPherson and Gabriel 1962, May
Vevers 1975, Edwards et al. 1996, Goto and Poppe and MacPherson 1958, Norman and Reid 2000,
1996, International Commission on Zoological No- Richmond 1992, 1997, Wells and Bryce 1984, 1986,
menclature 1999, Jaeger 1955, Kabat and Boss 1992, 1993, Wilson 1993, 1994, Wilson and Gillett 1974.
Mayr and Ashlock 1991, Millard 2003, Moore and
Teichert 1953-1981, Neave 1939-1940, 1950, Petit Australian (New Zealand only): Dell 1952, Pen-
and Bieler 1996, Radwin and Coan 1976, Rosenberg niket and Moon 1970, Powell 1976, 1979.
and Petit 2003, Ruhoff 1980, Schuh 2000, Scudder
1882, Sherborn 1902, 1922-1932, Simpson 1990, Boreal: Abbott 1991b, Bouchet and Warén 1979,
Solís 2002, Thiele 1929-1935, Turgeon et al. 1998, 1980, 1985, 1986, 1993, Bousfield 1960, Emerson
Vaught 1989, Vokes 1980, 1990, Wenz 1938-1944, and Jacobson 1976, Johnson 1934, La Rocque
Winston 1999, Zilch 1959-1960. 1953, Poppe and Goto 1991-1993, Wagner 1984.

9.2.2 Marine biogeographic zones. Californian: Bernard 1983, Berry 1917, 1919,
Burghardt and Burghardt 1969, Coan and Scott
Worldwide: Abbott and Dance 1986, Dance 1974, 1997, Coan et al. 2000, Fitch 1953, Hedgpeth 1971,
Eisenberg 1981, Kaicher 1973-1992, Lalli and Keen and Coan 1974, MacFarland 1966, McDonald
Gilmer 1989, Rosenberg 1992. and Nybakken 1981, McLean 1978, McLean and
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 115

Figure 9.1 Marine biogeographic regions.

Gosliner 1996, Oldroyd 1924, 1924-1927, Packard and Bosch 1982, 1989, Bosch et al. 1995, Bouchet
1918, Rice 1971, Scott and Blake 1998, Smith, A. and Marshall 2001, Brost and Coale 1971, Cerno-
G. and Gordon 1948, Young 1972. horsky 1971, 1972, 1978, Coulombel 1994, Dall
et al. 1938, Debelius 1998, Dharma 1988, 1992,
Caribbean: Abbott 1958, Bayer and Voss 1971, Dijkstra 1989, 1995, 1998, Drivas and Jay 1988,
Coomans 1989, Corsi 1900-1901, De Jong and Garcia 2003, Green and Chouhfeh 1994, Habe
Coomans 1988, Diaz and Puyana 1994, Emerson 1964b, Habe and Kosuge 1974, Higo et al. 1999,
and Jacobson 1976, Fernández-Milera 1997, Fer- 2001, Hinton 1972, [1978], Hylleberg and Kilburn
reira 1984, García-Cubas 1981, Humfrey 1975, 2003, Jarrett 2000, Kay 1979, Kay and Schoenberg-
Johnson 1934, Kaas 1972, Lange de Morretes 1949, Dole 1991, Kira 1962, Kirtisinghe 1978, Knop
1953, Lipe and Abbott 1991, Macsotay and Campos 1996, Kuroda 1941, Lorenz 1998, Maes 1967,
Villarroel 2001, Mikkelsen et al. 1993, Moscatelli Mayissian 1974, Morris and Purchon 1981, Oliver
1987, Olsson and McGinty 1958, Redfern 2001, 1992, Pechar et al. [1984], Pinn 1990, Purchon and
Rios 1994, Rosewater 1975, Vokes and Vokes Purchon 1981, Qi 2004, Rehder 1980, Robba et al.
1984, Waller 1973, 1993, Warmke and Abbott 1961, 2002, 2004, Salvat and Rives 1980, 1984, Salvat
Weisbord 1962, 1964, Work 1969. et al. 1988, Sharabati 1981, 1984, Springsteen and
Leobrera 1986, Spry 1968, Subba Rao 2003, Swen-
Celtic: Abbott 1991b, Bouchet and Warén 1979, nen et al. 2001, Tan and Chou 2000, von Regteren
1980, 1985, 1986, 1993, Graham 1971, Lellák Altena 1969, 1971, 1975, Voss 1963, Voss and
1975, McMillan 1975, Picton and Morrow 1994, Williamson 1971, Waller 1972, Way and Purchon
Poppe and Goto 1991-1993, Tebble 1966, Thomp- 1981, Wells et al. 1990, Yoo 1976.
son and Brown 1976, Wagner [1991].
Indo-Pacific (Australia only): Hinton 1977, Jansen
Indo-Pacific: Abbott 1991a, Apte 1998, Bernard et 1996, 2000, Lamprell and Healy 1998, Lamprell
al. 1993, Beu 1998, Bieler 1993, Bons 1984, Bosch and Whitehead 1992, Lorenz 2001, Rippingale and
116 The molluscan literature

McMichael 1961, Short and Potter 1987, Wells and Emerson 1971, Johnson 1934, Long Island Shell
Bryce 1984, 1986, 1993, Wilson 1993, 1994, Wil- Club 1988, Maury 1971, Moscatelli 1987, Perry
son and Clarkson 2004, Wilson and Gillett 1974. and Schwengel 1955.

Japonic: Azuma 1960, Habe 1961, 1964b, 1977, West African: Ardovini and Cossignani 2004, Ber-
Habe and Ito 1974, Higo et al. 1999, 2001, Hirase nard 1984, Burnay and Monteiro 1977, Edmunds
and Taki 1951, Kira 1955, 1962, Kuroda and Habe 1978, Nicklès 1950, Pasteur-Humbert 1962a,
1952, 1981, Kuroda et al. 1971, Kwon 1990, Kwon 1962b, Rosewater 1975.
and Park 1993, Lai [1986], 1987, Nakayama 2003,
Okutani 2000. 9.2.3 Terrestrial and freshwater biogeographic
Lusitanian: Burnay and Monteiro 1977,
Dell’Angelo and Smriglio 2001, Demir 2003, Australian - freshwater: Allan 1959, Baker 1924,
Grossu 1955, 1956, [1962], 1981-1987, Lellák Cotton and Gabriel 1932, Cowie 1998, Cowie et
1975, Macedo et al. 1999, Nobre 1938-1940, Plá al. 1995, Dell 1953, Haynes 1988, 1993, 2001, Ire-
[2000], Poppe and Goto 1991-1993, Sabelli et al. dale 1934, 1943, Korniushin 2000, Kuiper 1966a,
1990-1992, Wagner [1991]. 1983, McMichael and Hiscock 1958, McMichael
and Iredale 1959, Pointier and Marquet 1990,
Magellanic: Alamo Vásquez and Valdivieso Milla Ponder 1997, Powell 1979, Prashad 1928, Smith,
1997, Bernard 1983, Carcelles 1953, Carcelles and B. J. 1992, Smith, B. J. and Kershaw 1979, 1981,
Williamson 1951, Forcelli 2000, Linse 1997, 2002. Starmühlner 1976, 1993, Taylor 2003, van Benthem
Jutting 1963a, Webb 1948, Winterbourn 1973.
Panamic: Alamo Vásquez and Valdivieso Milla
1997, Bayer and Voss 1971, Bernard 1983, Berry Australian - terrestrial: Abbott 1989, Allan 1959,
1917, 1919, Finet 1994a, 1994b, Hickman and Baker 1924, 1938-1941, Cowie 1998, Cowie et al.
Finet 1999, Keen 1971, Keen and Coan 1974, 1995, Hemmen 2004, Hemmen and Groh 1991,
Olsson 1961, 1964, Skoglund 1990, 1991, 1992, Iredale 1937a, 1937b, 1938, Parkinson et al. 1987,
Smith, M. 1944. Powell 1979, Schileyko 1998-2004, Smith, B. J.
1992, Smith, B. J. and Kershaw 1979, 1981, van
Patagonian: Barattini and Ureta 1960, Carcelles Benthem Jutting 1963b, 1964, 1965, Webb 1948.
1944, 1950, Castellanos 1967, Corsi 1900-1901,
Leal 1990. Ethiopian (Afrotropic) - freshwater: Appleton 1979,
1996, Barnard [1951], Brown 1967, 1994, Brown and
Pelagic (non-Cephalopoda): Lalli and Gilmer Gallagher 1985, Brown and Mandahl-Barth 1987,
1989. Brown et al. 1992, Connolly 1912, 1925, 1939, Curtis
1991, Fischer-Piette and Vukadinovic 1973, Kuiper
Peruvian: Alamo Vásquez and Valdivieso Milla 1964, 1966b, Mandahl-Barth 1954, 1988, Pilsbry
1997, Basly Santa Maria 1982, Bernard 1983, Dall and Bequaert 1927, Taylor 2003, van Eeden 1960,
1909, Marincovich 1973. Verdcourt 1972, Webb 1948, West et al. 2003.

South African: Barnard [1951], 1958, 1959, 1963a, Ethiopian (Afrotropic) - terrestrial: Abbott 1989,
1963b, 1964, 1969, 1974, Bartsch 1915, Dijkstra Barnard [1951], Bequaert 1950, Connolly 1912,
and Kilburn 2001, Kennelly 1964, Kensley 1974, 1925, 1939, Fischer-Piette et al. 1993, 1994,
Kilburn and Rippey 1982, Liltved 1989, Steyn and Gerlach 1987, Hemmen 2004, Hemmen and Groh
Lussi 1998. 1991, Herbert and Kilburn 2004, Mead 1961, Par-
kinson et al. 1987, Pilsbry 1919, Schileyko 1998-
Trans-Atlantic: Abbott 1991b, Andrews 1971, 2004, van Bruggen 1966, Verdcourt 1972, Warui
1977, Emerson and Jacobson 1976, Jacobson and et al. 2001, Webb 1948.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 117

Figure 9.2 Non-marine biogeographic regions.

Nearctic - freshwater: Baker, F. C. 1911, 1928, 1995, Cuezzo 2003, Dall 1905, de la Torre et al.
Baxter 1987, Bleam et al. 1999, Bogan 2002, 1942, Dirrigl and Bogan 1996, Emberton 1988,
Burch 1975a, 1975b, 1982, 1988, 1989, Burch 1991, 1995, Emerson and Jacobson 1976, Forsyth
and Jung 1987, 1992, Burch and Tottenham 1980, 2004, Franzen and Leonard 1947, Goodrich and
Chamberlain and Jones 1929, Clarke 1973, 1981, van der Schalie 1944, Grimm 1971, Hanna 1966,
Couch 1997, Cowie and Thiengo 2003, Cummings Henderson 1924, 1929, 1935, Hemmen 2004, Hem-
and Mayer 1992, Dall 1905, Emerson and Jacobson men and Groh 1991, Hubricht 1985, La Rocque
1976, Fichtel and Smith 1995, Fuller and Brynildson 1953, MacMillan 1950, Martin 2000, Metcalf and
1985, Goodrich and van der Schalie 1944, Graf 2001, Smartt 1997, Oughton 1948, Pilsbry 1939-1948,
Hannibal 1912, Henderson 1924, 1929, 1935, Her- Robertson and Blakeslee 1948, Roth and Sadeghian
rington 1962, Howells et al. 1996, Johnson 1972, 2003, Schileyko 1998-2004, Smith, A. G. et al.
1999, Jokinen 1983, 1992, Korniushin 2001, La 1990, Taft 1961, Walker 1928.
Rocque 1953, Leonard 1959, Martin 1997, 1998,
Mathiak 1979, McKillop 1996, Murray and Leonard Neotropical - freshwater: Baker H. B. 1922-1923,
1962, Nedeau [2003], Nedeau et al. 2000, Oesch 1924, Clench 1964, Corsi 1900-1901, Cowie and
1984, Parmalee and Bogan 1998, Prashad 1928, Thiengo 2003, Emerson and Jacobson 1976, Haas
Robertson and Blakeslee 1948, Strayer and Jirka 1949, Harry 1962, Ituarte 1996, Johnson 1981,
1997, Taylor 1970, 2003, Thompson 1984, 1999, Wu Lange de Morretes 1949, Mansur 1970, Mansur
and Brandauer 1978, Wu 1989, Wu et al. 1997. and Valer 1992, Ortmann 1921, Pain 1960, Parodiz
1968, Parodiz and Bonetto 1963, Pilsbry 1911,
Nearctic - terrestrial: Abbott 1989, Baker, F. C. Prashad 1928, Quintana 1982, Taylor 2003, van
1939, Baker, H. B. 1928-1930, Baxter 1987, Be- der Schalie 1948.
quaert and Miller 1973, Burch 1962, Burch and
Jung 1988, Burch and Pearce 1990, Chamberlain Neotropical - terrestrial: Abbott 1989, Baker
and Jones 1929, Chichester and Getz 1973, Cocke 1922-23, 1924, 1928-1930, Bieler and Slapcin-
118 The molluscan literature

sky 2000, Burch and Pearce 1990, Clench 1946, Prozorova 1995, Stadnichenko 1984, Taylor 2003,
Close 1995, 2000, Corsi 1900-1901, Emerson and Tsaldiikhin 2004, van Damme 1984, van Loen and
Jacobson 1976, Fernández 1973, Fernández-Milera Van Goethem 1997, Zhadin 1952.
1997, 1999, Haas 1949, Hemmen 2004, Hemmen
and Groh 1991, Jacobson and Boss 1973, Lange Palaearctic - terrestrial: Abbott 1989, Adam 1960,
de Morretes 1949, Parkinson et al. 1987, Parodiz Anderson 2005, Backhuys 1975, Bank et al. 2001,
1957, Pilsbry 1911, 1912, Quintana 1982, Schi- Cameron 2003, Cameron et al. 1983, Cameron and
leyko 1998-2004, Tillier 1981, van der Schalie Redfern 1976, Cossignani and Cossignani 1995,
1948, Webb 1948. Dhora and Welter-Schultes 1996, Falkner et al.
2001, 2002, Graham 1971, Grossu 1955, 1981-
Oceanic - freshwater: Clench 1958, Cowie 1998, 1987, Heller 1993, Hemmen 2004, Hemmen and
Cowie et al. 1995, Franc 1956, Haynes 1988, 1993, Groh 1991, Kerney 1999, Kerney and Cameron
2001, Kay and Schoenberg-Dole 1991, Pointier and 1979, Kerney et al. 1983, Kira 1955, Kwon 1990,
Marquet 1990, Prashad 1928, Solem 1959, 1961, Likharev and Rammel’meier 1962, Lozek 1964,
Starmühlner 1976, 1993, Taylor 2003, Webb 1948. Mandahl-Barth 1938, Schileyko 1998-2004, Schütt
2001, Solem 1979, Webb 1948.
Oceanic - terrestrial: Abbott 1989, Baker 1938-
1941, Clench 1958, Cowie 1998, Cowie et al. 1995, Southern Ocean Islands - freshwater and terres-
Franc 1956, Hemmen 2004, Hemmen and Groh trial: Dell 1964b, Pugh and Scott 2002.
1991, Kay and Schoenberg-Dole 1991, Parkinson
et al. 1987, Riedel 1980, Solem 1959, 1961, 1976- 9.2.4 Marine molluscan groups.
1982, Webb 1948.
Information is included under specific families
Oriental (Indo-Malaysian) - freshwater: Annandale and several other taxonomic groups such as
1920, Brandt 1974, Burch 1980, 1984, Habe 1964a, Aplacophora, Cephalopoda, Monoplacpophora,
Horikawa 1935a, 1935b, Keawjam 1986, Khatoon Opistobranchia, Ostreoidea, Polyplacophora,
and Ali 1978, Kuroda 1941, Pace 1973, 1975, Pras- Scaphopoda, and Trochoidea.
had 1928, Subba Rao 1989, Taylor 2003.
Angariidae: Poppe and Goto 1993.
Oriental (Indo-Malaysian) - terrestrial: Abbott
1989, Bartsch 1917, Brandt 1974, Dance 1970, Aplacophora: Barnard 1963b, Hyman 1967.
Hemmen 2004, Hemmen and Groh 1991, Hemmen
and Hemmen 2001, Kuroda 1941, Parkinson et al. Architectonicidae: Bieler 1993.
1987, Ramakrishna and Mitra 2002, Schileyko
1998-2004, Solem 1966a, Springsteen and Leo- Arcidae: Rost 1955.
brera 1986, Thompson and Dance 1983, Vermeulen
and Whitten 1998, Webb 1948. Buccinidae: Cernohorsky 1981, Egorov and Bar-
sukov 1994.
Palaearctic - freshwater: Adam 1960, Anderson
2005, Backhuys 1975, Bank et al. 2001, Beran and Bursidae: Beu 1998, Cossignani 1994, Smith, M.
Horsák 1998, Burch et al. 1987, Dhora and Welter- 1948.
Schultes 1996, Ellis 1978, Falkner et al. 2001, 2002,
Graham 1971, Grossu 1955, 1956, [1962], 1981- Calyptraeidae: Hoagland 1977.
1987, Haas 1917, Janssen and De Vogel 1965, Kira
1955, Korniushin 1994, 2001, Kruglov and Staro- Cardiidae: Fischer-Piette 1977, Hylleberg 2004.
bogatov 1993a, 1993b, Kuiper et al. 1989, Kwon
1990, Lozek 1964, Mandahl-Barth 1938, Mouthon Cassidae: Abbott 1968, Kreipl 1997, Smith, M.
and Kuiper 1987, Piechocki 1989, Prashad 1928, 1948.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 119

Cephalopoda: Adam and Rees 1966, Akimushkin Monoplacophora: Hyman 1967, Menzies et al.
1965, Berry 1917, 1919, Dell 1952, Kuroda and 1959, Warén and Gofas 1996.
Habe 1981, Nesis 1987, Norman 2000, Norman and
Reid 2000, Robson 1929-1932, Roper et al. 1969, Muricidae: Egorov 1993, Emerson and Cernohor-
1984, Sweeney et al. 1992, Voss 1963, Voss and sky 1973, Fair 1976, Houart 1992, 1994, Ponder
Williamson 1971, Voss et al. 1998, Young 1972. and Vokes 1988, Radwin and D’Attilio 1976,
Smith, M. 1939, Vokes 1971.
Cerithiidae: Houbrick 1978, 1992.
Nassariidae: Cernohorsky 1984.
Conidae: Filmer 2001, Kohn 1992, Marsh and
Rippingale 1974, Monteiro et al. 2004, Röckel et Olividae: Kilburn 1981, Petuch and Sargent 1986,
al. 1995, Tomlin 1937, Walls 1979a. Streba 2004, Tursch and Greifeneder 2001, Zeigler
and Porreca 1969.
Coralliophilidae: Clover 1982, Kosuge and Suzuki
1985. Opisthobranchia: Debelius 1998, Farmer 1980,
MacFarland 1966, McDonald and Nybakken 1981,
Costellariidae: Robin and Martin 2004, Turner Picton and Morrow 1994, Russell 1971, 1986,
2001. Skoglund 1991, Thompson 1976, Thompson and
Brown 1976, Wells and Bryce 1993.
Cypraeidae: Allan 1956, Bradner and Kay 1996,
Burgess 1970, 1985, Liltved 1989, Lorenz 1998, Ostreoidea: Harry 1985, Moore and Teichert 1953-
2001, 2002, Lorenz and Hubert 2000, Schilder 1981 [Part N, Vol. 3:1971], Shirai 1994.
and Schilder 1938, 1971, Taylor and Walls 1975,
Walls 1979b, Wilson and Clarkson 2004, Wilson Ovulidae: Cate 1973.
and McComb 1967.
Patellidae: Powell 1973.
Epitoniidae: Bouchet and Warén 1986, Garcia
2003, Nakayama 2003, Weil et al. 1999. Pectinidae: Cox 1957, Dijkstra 1989, 1994, 1995,
1998, Dijkstra and Kilburn 2001, Grau 1959,
Eratoidae: Cate 1977, Keen 1977. Jonkers 2003, Rombouts 1991, Wagner [1991],
Waller 1972, 1993.
Fasciolariidae: Snyder 2003.
Personidae: Beu 1998, Henning and Hemmen
Ficidae: Poppe and Verhaeghe 2000. 1993, Piech 1995.

Haliotidae: Geiger 1998, Geiger and Poppe Pinnidae: Rosewater 1961.

Pleurotomariidae: Anseeuw and Goto 1996.
Harpidae: Poppe et al. 1999, Rehder 1973, Smith,
M. 1948, Walls 1980. Polyplacophora: Barnard 1963b, Burghardt and
Burghardt 1969, Cotton 1964, Dell’Angelo and
Littorinidae: Reid 1996, Rosewater 1970, 1972. Smriglio 2001, Ferreira 1984, Hyman 1967, Kaas
1972, Kaas and Van Belle 1985a, 1985b, 1987, 1990a,
Marginellidae: Clover 1968, Coovert 1988, Coo- 1990b, 1998, MacPherson 1971, Sirenko 1988, Sliek-
vert and Coovert 1995, Lipe 1991. er 2000, Way and Purchon 1981, Yakovleva 1965.

Mitridae: Cernohorsky 1976, 1991, Pechar et al. Ranellidae: Beu 1998, Henning and Hemmen
[1984], Robin and Martin 2004. 1993, Piech 1995.
120 The molluscan literature

Scaphopoda: Barnard 1963b, Bernard 1967, Habe Smith, B. J. and Kershaw 1981, Smith, A. G. et al.
1977, Kuroda and Habe 1981, MacPherson 1971, 1990, Solem and van Bruggen 1984, Tillier 1989, van
Reynolds 1997, Steiner and Kabat 2001, 2004. Bruggen 1966, Warui et al. 2001, Zilch 1959-1960.

Spondylidae: Lamprell 1986. Acavidae: Emberton 1990, 1999, Groh et al. 2002,
Hausdorf and Perera 2000.
Strombidae: Abbott 1960, 1961, Jung and Abbott 1967,
Kreipl et al. 1999, Moscatelli 1987, Walls 1980. Achatinidae: Bequaert 1950, Mead 1961, Schil-
eyko 1998-2004 [part 4].
Terebridae: Aubry 1999, Bratcher and Cernohor-
sky 1987. Agriolimacidae: Chichester and Getz 1973, Run-
ham and Hunter 1970, Schileyko 1998-2004 [part
Teredinidae: Turner 1966. 11], Wiktor 2000.

Tridacnidae: Knop 1996, Rosewater 1965. Arionidae: Chichester and Getz 1973, Runham
and Hunter 1970.
Triviidae: Cate 1979.
Bradybaenidae: Richardson 1983, Schileyko 1998-
Trochoidea: Hickman and McLean 1990, Rob- 2004 [part 12].
ertson 1985.
Camaenidae: Bartsch 1917, Cuezzo 2003, Laid-
Turbinellidae: Harasewych 1983. law and Solem 1961, Richardson 1985, Schileyko
1998-2004 [part 11], Solem 1966b, 1979-1997, van
Turbinidae: Alf et al. 2003. Benthem Jutting 1965, Wurtz 1955.

Turridae: Bouchet and Warén 1980, Powell 1964, Cerionidae: Richardson 1992, Schileyko 1998-
1967, 1969, Taylor et al. 1993, Tucker 2004. 2004 [part 4].

Typhidae: D’Attilio and Hertz 1988. Charopidae: Pugh and Scott 2002, Schileyko
1998-2004 [part 7].
Vasidae: Abbott 1959.
Clausiliidae: Nordsieck 1998, Schileyko 1998-
Volutidae: Abbottsmith 1969, Bail and Limpus 2004 [part 5], Szekeres 1984, Thompson and Dance
1998, Bail and Poppe 2001, 2004, Bail et al. 2001, 1983, Welter-Schultes 1998.
Poppe and Goto 1992, Smith, M. 1942, Weaver and
DuPont 1970. Cyclophoridae: de la Torre et al. 1942.

Xenoporidae: Kreipl and Alf 1999, Ponder 1983. Endodontidae: Solem 1976-1982.

9.2.5 Terestrial gastropods. Gastrocoptidae: Franzen and Leonard 1947, Schi-

leyko 1998-2004 [part 2].
General terrestrial: Baker, H. B. 1922-1923, 1928-
1930, Bank et al. 2001, Burch and Pearce 1990, Haplotrematidae: Richardson 1989, Schileyko
Clench 1958, Dirrigl and Bogan 1996, Falkner et 1998-2004 [part 6].
al. 2001, Fretter and Graham 1994, Grimm 1971,
Hanna 1966, Herbert and Kilburn 2004, Kerney and Helicidae: Kerney and Cameron 1979, Likharev
Cameron 1979, Lozek 1964, Metcalf and Smartt and Rammel’meier 1962, Richardson 1980, Steinke
1997, Oughton 1948, Pilsbry 1939-1948, Schütt 2001, et al. 2004.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 121

Helicinidae: Richling 2004, Thompson and Dance Urocoptidae: Richardson 1991, Schileyko 1998-
1983. 2004 [part 3], Thompson and Correa S 1991, 1994.

Helminthoglyptidae: Richardson 1982, Schileyko Valloniidae: Gerber 1996, Schileyko 1998-2004

1998-2004 [part 12]. [part 1].

Hygromiidae: Hausdorf 1988. Vertiginidae: Franzen and Leonard 1947, Schil-

eyko 1998-2004 [part 2].
Limacidae: Chichester and Getz 1973, Runham and
Hunter 1970, Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 11]. Zonitidae: Baker 1938-1941, Riedel 1980.

Milacidae: Chichester and Getz 1973, Runham and 9.2.6 Freshwater mollusks.
Hunter 1970, Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 10].
Ampullariidae: Alderson 1925, Annandale 1920,
Oreohelicidae: Richardson 1984. Burch 1989, Cowie and Thiengo 2003, Keawjam
1986, Pain 1960, 1972, Perera and Walls 1996,
Orthalicidae: Clench 1946, Close 1995, 2000, Turner and Mikkelsen 2004.
Pilsbry 1912, Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 3].
Hydrobiidae: Hershler and Thompson 1992, Kabat
Partulidae: Crampton 1916, 1925, 1932, Richardson and Hershler 1993, McKillop 1996, Perez et al.
1990, Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 3], Smith, H. H. 1902. 2005.

Philomycidae: Chichester and Getz 1973, Fair- Lymnaeidae: Baker 1911, Burch 1989, Hubendick
banks 1998, Runham and Hunter 1970. 1951, Kruglov and Starobogatov 1993a, 1993b,
McKillop 1996, Wu 1989.
Polygyridae: Emberton 1988, 1991, 1995, Rich-
ardson 1986. Physidae: Burch 1989, McKillop 1996, Taylor
2003, Wu 1989.
Pupillidae: Franzen and Leonard 1947, Schileyko
1998-2004 [part 1], Thompson and Dance 1983. Planorbidae: Burch 1989, Baker 1946, Baker and
van Cleave 1945, Harry 1962, McKillop 1996,
Rhytididae: Richardson 1989, Schileyko 1998- Wu 1989.
2004 [part 6].
Pleuroceridae: Burch 1989, Graf 2001, Minton
Sagdidae: Richardson 1986, Schileyko 1998-2004 and Lydeard 2003.
[part 2].
Sphaeriidae: Bank et al. 2001, Burch 1975a,
Spiraxidae: Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 6]. Falkner et al. 2001, Herrington 1962, Ituarte 1996,
Korniushin 1994, 2000, 2001, Kuiper 1964, 1966a,
Streptaxidae: Dance 1970, Richardson 1988, Schi- 1966b, 1983, Kuiper et al. 1989, Mandahl-Barth
leyko 1998-2004 [part 6], van Bruggen 1967. 1988, Mansur and Meier-Brook 2000, Martin 1998,
Mouthon and Kuiper 1987, Piechocki 1989, Prozo-
Succineidae: Rundell et al. 2004, Patterson 1971, rova 1995, Wu 1989, Wu and Brandauer 1978.
Tillier 1981.
Unionoida: Appleton 1979, Baker 1922-1923, Bank
Truncatellinidae: Franzen and Leonard 1947, et al. 2001, Bauer and Wächtler 2000, Bleam et al.
Schileyko 1998-2004 [part 2], Thompson and Cor- 1999, Bogan 2002, Brim Box and Williams 2000,
rea S 1991, 1994. Burch 1975b, Cotton and Gabriel 1932, Couch 1997,
122 The molluscan literature

Cummings and Mayer 1992, Dell 1953, Ellis 1978, Adam, W. and W. J. Rees. 1966. A Review of the Cephalopod
Falkner et al. 2001, Fichtel and Smith 1995, Fuller Family Sepiidae. The John Murray Expedition 1933-34
Scientific Reports 11(1): i-iv + 1-165, pls. 1- 46.
and Brynildson 1985, Haas 1917, Habe and Ito 1974,
Akimushkin, I. I. 1965. Cephalopods of the Seas of the
Howells et al. 1996, Iredale 1934, 1943, Johnson USSR. Israel Program for Scientific Translation,
1972, 1981, 1999, Mandahl-Barth 1988, Mansur Jerusalem. viii + 223 pp., 60 figs. [Originally pu-
1970, Mathiak 1979, Martin 1997, McMichael and blished in Russian in 1963].
Hiscock 1958, Murray and Leonard 1962, Nedeau Alamo Vásquez, V. and V. Valdivieso Milla. 1997. Lista
Sistemática de Moluscos Marinos del Perú, Segunda
[2003], Nedeau et al. 2000, Oesch 1984, Ortmann
Edición, Revisada y Actualizada. Instituto del Mar del
1921, Parmalee and Bogan 1998, Parodiz 1968, Par- Perú, Callao, Perú. xv + 183 pp., 2 pls., 406 figs.
odiz and Bonetto 1963, Shirai 1994, Stadnichenko Alderson, E. G. 1925. Studies in Ampullaria. W. Heffer and
1984, Strayer and Jirka 1997, van Damme 1984, Wu Sons, Cambridge, England. xx + 102 pp., 19 pls.
1989, Wu and Brandauer 1978. Alf, A., K. Kreipl, and G. T. Poppe. 2003. A Conchologi-
cal Iconography: The Family Turbinidae, Subfamily
Turbininae, Genus Turbo. ConchBooks, Hacken-
Viviparidae: Prashad 1928. heim, Germany. 68 pp., 95 pls.
Allan, J. 1956. Cowry Shells of World Seas. Georgian
9.3 MALACOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY House Pty. Ltd., Middle Park, Victoria, Australia.
x + 170 pp., 15 pls.
Abbott, R. T. 1958. The Marine mollusks of Grand Cay- Allan, J. 1959. Australian Shells, with Related Animals
man Island, British West Indies. Monographs of the Living in the Sea, in Freshwater and on the Land,
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 11: Revised Ed. Georgian House Pty., Ltd., Melbourne,
1-138, pls. 1-5. Australia. 487 pp., 40 pls., 110 figs.
Abbott, R. T. 1959. The family Vasidae in the Indo-Pa- Anderson, R. 2005. An annotated list of the non-marine
cific. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 15-32, pls. 1-10. mollusca of Britain and Ireland. Journal of Conchol-
Abbott, R. T. 1960. The genus Strombus in the Indo-Pa- ogy 38: 607-638.
cific. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 33-146, pls. 11-117. Andrews, J. 1971. Sea Shells of the Texas Coast. Uni-
Abbott, R. T. 1961. The genus Lambis in the Indo-Pacific. versity of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. xvii + 298 pp.
Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 147-174, pls. 118-134. [300+ taxa illustrated].
Abbott, R. T. 1968. The helmet shells of the World (Cas- Andrews, J. 1977. Shells and Shores of Texas. University
sidae). Part 1. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 2: 15-201, of Texas Press, Austin, Texas. xx + 365 pp. [Ex-
pls. 1-187. panded version of Sea Shells of the Texas Coast,
Abbott, R. T. 1974. American Seashells: The Marine 360+ taxa illustrated].
Mollusks of the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of North Annandale N. 1920. The apple-snails of Siam. Journal of the
America, 2nd Ed. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Natural History Society of Siam 4: 1-24, pls. 1-2.
New York. 663 pp., 24 pls. Anonymous. 1865 - present. Zoological Record. Biosis,
Abbott, R. T. 1989. Compendium of Landshells. Ameri- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. [Issued annually, Sec-
can Malacologist, Inc, Melbourne, Florida. vii + tion 9 covers mollusks; series previously published
240 pp. [2,000 species of terrestrial shells in color; by the Zoological Society of London in cooperation
see Hemmen and Groh 1991 and Hemmen 2004 with the British Museum (Natural History)].
for corrections]. Anseeuw, P. and Y. Goto. 1996. The Living Pleurotomari-
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Press, Dumfriesshire, Scotland. 145 pp., 52 pls. cluding Colour Plates of All Extant Type Specimens.
Abbott, R. T. 1991b. Seashells of the Northern Hemi- Elle Scientific Publications, Osaka, Japan. 202 pp.
sphere. Gallery Books, W. H. Smith Publishers, [All taxa illustrated].
Inc., New York. 191 pp., text illustrations. Appleton, C. C. 1979. The Unionacea (Mollusca: Lamel-
Abbott, R. T. and S. P. Dance. 1986. Compendium of librachiata) of south-central Africa. Annals of the
Seashells, 3rd Printing, Revised. American Mala- South African Museum 77: 151-174, 8 figs.
cologists, Inc, Melbourne, Florida. ix + 411 pp. Appleton, C. C. 1996. Freshwater Molluscs of Southern
Abbottsmith, F. 1969. Multiform Australian Volutes. Africa. University of Natal Press, Pietermaritzburg,
Privately published, Manly, New South Wales, South Africa. 64 pp., 75 figs.
Australia. 109 pp. Apte, D. 1998. The Book of Indian Shells. Bombay
Adam, W. 1960. Faune de Belgique, Mollusques, Tome I, Natural History Society, Oxford University Press,
Mollusques Terrestres et Dulcicoles. Institute Royal Oxford. ix + 115 pp., 13 pls.
des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles. 402 Ardovini, R. and T. Cossignani. 2004. West African
pp., 4 pls., 163 text illustrations. Seashells. Mostra Mondiale Malacologia, Cupra
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 123

Marittima, Italy. 320 pp. [Checklist of 2300 species, 1-54, pls. 1-6 [Part I, 1928]; 220: 1-45, pls. 7-11
1210 species illustrated]. [Part II, 1930].
Arnold, W. H. (compiler). 1965. A glossary of a thou- Baker, H. B. 1938-1941. Zonitid snails from Pacific Is-
sand-and-one terms used in conchology. Veliger 7 lands. Parts 1-4. Bernice P. Bishop Museum Bulletins
(Supplement): iii + 50 pp., 155 figs. 158 (Part 1): 3-102, pls. 1-20; 165 (Part 2): 105-201,
Aubry, U. 1999. Nuove Terebre e Antichi Versi. New pls. 21-42; 166 (Parts 3/4): 205-370, pls. 43-65.
Terebras and Ancient Verses. L’Informatore Piceno Baker, H. B. 1946. Index to F. C. Baker’s “The Molluscan
Ed. Ancona, Italy. 47 pp. Family Planorbidae.” Nautilus 59: 127-141.
Azuma, M. 1960. A Catalogue of the Shell-Bearing Mol- Bank, R. A., P. Bouchet, G. Falkner, E. Gittenberger, B.
lusca of Okinoshima, Kashiwajima and the Adjacent Hausdorf, T. Von Proschwitz, and T. E. J. Ripken.
Area (Tosa Province) Shikoku, Japan. Tosa Bay 2001. Supraspecific classification of European
Malacological Literature Publication Committee, non-marine Mollusca (CLECOM Sections I+II).
Japan. 1, 7, 102, 17 pp., 5 pls. Heldia 4: 77-128.
Backhuys, W. 1975. Zoogeography and Taxonomy of the Barattini, L. P. and E. H. Ureta. 1960. La Fauna de las
Land and Freshwater Molluscs of the Azores. Back- Costas Uruguayas del Este (Invertebrados). Museo
huys and Meesters, Amsterdam. xii + 350 pp., 16 pls. Damaso Antonio Larrañaga, Montevideo, Uruguay.
Bail, P. and A. Limpus. 1998. Revision of Cymbiola (Cym- 204 pp. [Mollusks treated in pp. 76-195, pls. 17-52].
biolacca) from East Australian Coast: The “pulchra Barker, G. M. 2001. The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs.
complex”. Evolver, Rome. 79 pp., 266 figs. CABI Publishing, New York. xiv + 558 pp.
Bail, P., A. Limpus, and G. T. Poppe. 2001. A Conchologi- Barnard, K. H. [1951]. A Beginner’s Guide to South Af-
cal Iconography: The genus Amoria. ConchBooks, rican Shells. Maskew Miller Limited, Cape Town,
Hackenheim, Germany. 50 pp., 93 pls. South Africa. ii + 215 pp., 32 pls.
Bail, P. and G. T. Poppe. 2001. A Conchological Iconogra- Barnard, K. H. 1958. Contributions to the knowledge of
phy: A taxonomic introduction to the Recent Volutidae. South African marine Mollusca. Part I. Gastropoda:
ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 30 pp., 5 pls. Prosobranchiata: Toxoglossa. Annals of the South
Bail, P. and G. T. Poppe. 2004. The tribe Lyriini. In: African Museum 44: 77-163, pls. 1-2, 30 figs.
G. T. Poppe and K. Groh, eds., A Conchological Barnard, K. H. 1959. Contributions to the knowledge of
Iconography. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. South African marine Mollusca. Part II. Gastropoda:
Pp. 2-93, pls. 1-68. Prosobranchiata: Rhachiglossa. Annals of the South
Baker, F. C. 1911. The Lymnaeidae of North and Middle African Museum 45: 1-237, 52 figs.
America; Recent and fossil. The Chicago Academy Barnard, K. H. 1963a. Contributions to the knowledge
of Sciences Special Publication 3: i-xvi + 1-539, of South African marine Mollusca. Part III. Gas-
pls. 1-57. tropoda: Prosobranchiata: Taenioglossa. Annals of
Baker, F. C. 1928. The Freshwater Mollusca of Wiscon- the South African Museum 47: 1-199, 37 figs.
sin. Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Sur- Barnard, K. H. 1963b. Contributions to the knowledge of
vey Bulletin 70 [Vol. 1: Gastropoda. xx + 507 pp., 28 South African marine Mollusca. Part IV. Gastrop-
pls.; Vol. 2: Pelecypoda. vi + 495 pp., 77 pls.] oda: Prosobranchiata, Rhipidoglossa, Docoglossa,
Baker, F. C. 1939. Fieldbook of Illinois Land Snails, Tectibranchiata. Polyplacophora. Solenogastres.
Manual 2. Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, Scaphopoda. Annals of the South African Museum
Illinois. 166 pp., text figures. 47: 201-360, 30 figs.
Baker, F. C. and H. J. van Cleave (collation, revisions, and Barnard, K. H. 1964. Contributions to the knowledge
additions). 1945. The Molluscan Family Planorbidae. of South African marine Mollusca. Part V. Lamel-
The University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois. xxxvi libranchiata. Annals of the South African Museum
+ 530 pp., 141 pls. 47: 361-593, 39 figs.
Baker, H. B. 1922-1923. The Mollusca collected by Barnard, K. H. 1969. Contributions to the knowledge of
the University of Michigan-Walker Expedition South African marine Mollusca. Part VI. Supple-
in Southern Vera Cruz, Mexico I-IV. Occasional ment. Annals of the South African Museum 47:
Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of 595-661, pls. 1-2, 30 figs.
Michigan 106: 1-61, 17 pls. [Parts I-III, 1922]; 135: Barnard, K. H. 1974. Contributions to the knowledge of
1-18, 1 pl. [Part IV, 1923]. South African marine Mollusca. Part VII. Revised
Baker, H. B. 1924. Land and freshwater molluscs of the faunal list. Annals of the South African Museum
Dutch Leeward Islands. Occasional Papers of the 47: 663-781.
Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 152: Bartsch, P. 1915. Report on the Turton collection of South
1-159, pls. 1-21. African marine mollusks, with additional notes on
Baker, H. B. 1928-1930. Mexican mollusks collected for other South African shells contained in the United
Dr. Bryant Walker in 1926. I-II. Occasional Papers States Museum. United States National Museum
Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan 193: Bulletin 91: i-xii + 1-305, pls. 1-54.
124 The molluscan literature

Bartsch, P. 1917. The Philippine land shells of the genus Bieler, R. 1993. Architectonicidae of the Indo-Pacific
Amphidromus. United States National Museum Bul- (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Abhandlungen des Natur-
letin 100: Vol. 1, Part 1: 1-47, pls. 1-21. wissen schaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 30:
Basly Santa Maria, J. 1982. Moluscos Marinos del Norte 1-376, 286 illustrations.
de Chile. Catalogo Ilustrativo. W. Morales A, Vina Bieler, R. and A. R. Kabat. 1991. Malacological journals
del Mar, Chile. 49 pp., 12 pls. and newsletters, 1773-1990. Nautilus 105: 39-61.
Bauer, G. and K. Wächtler, eds. 2000. Ecology and Bieler, R. and R. E. Petit. 1990. On the various editions
Evolution of the Freshwater Mussels Unionoida. of Tetsuaki Kira’s “Coloured Illustrations of the
Ecological Studies Analysis and Synthesis 145: Shells of Japan ” and “Shells of the Western Pacific
i-xxii + 1-394. in Colour Vol. I” with an annotated list of new names
Baxter, R. 1987. Mollusks of Alaska. Shells and Sea Life, introduced. Malacologia 32: 131-145.
Bayside, California. 163 pp. Bieler, R. and J. Slapcinsky. 2000. A case study for the
Bayer, F. M. and G. L. Voss. 1971. Studies in Tropical development of an island fauna: Recent terrestrial
American Mollusks. University of Miami Press, mollusks of Bermuda. Nemouria: Occasional Pa-
Coral Gables, Florida. 236 pp., text figs. pers of the Delaware Museum of Natural History
Beesley, P. L., G. J. B. Ross, and A. Wells, eds. 1998. Mol- Number 44: 1-99, 49 figs.
lusca: The Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia, Bleam, D. E., K. J. Couch, and D. A. Distler. 1999. Key to
Vol. 5. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, Australia. the unionid mussels of Kansas. Transactions of the
Part A: xvi + 1-563 pp., pls. 1-21; Part B: viii + Kansas Academy of Science 102: 83-91, text figures.
565-1234 pp., pls. 22-37. Bogan, A. 2002. Workbook and Key to the Freshwater
Bequaert, J. C. 1950. Studies in the Achatininae, a group Bivalves of North Carolina. North Carolina Museum
of African land snails. Bulletin of the Museum of of Natural Sciences, Raleigh. 101 pp., 10 pls.
Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 105: Bogdanov, I. and B. Sirenko. 1993. Seashells of Russia
4-216, pls. 1-81. in Colour. Editrice La Conchiglia, Roma, Italia.
Bequaert, J. C. and W. B. Miller. 1973. The Mollusks of the 76 pp., 73 pls.
Arid Southwest, with an Arizona Check List. Univer- Bons, J. 1984. Mollusques Marins de l’Océan Indien: Co-
sity of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. 271 pp. mores, Mascareignes, Seychelles. Agence de Coopéra-
Beran, L. and M. Horsák. 1998. Aquatic molluscs (Gas- tion culturelle et technique, Paris. 109 pp., 19 pls.
tropoda, Bivalvia) of the Dolnomoravský úval low- Bosch, D. and E. Bosch (K. Smythe, ed.). 1982. Seashells
land, Czech Republic. Acta Societatis Zoologicae of Oman. Longman Group Ltd., New York. 206
Bohemicae 62: 7-23. pp., text figures.
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Bernard, F. R. 1983. Catalogue of the living Bivalvia Oliver (S. P. Dance, ed.). 1995. Seashells of Eastern
of the eastern Pacific Ocean: Bering Strait to Cape Arabia. Motivate Publishing, Dubai, UAE. 296 pp.
Horn. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries [1000+ taxa illustrated].
and Aquatic Sciences 61: i- vii + 1-102. Bouchet, P. and B. A. Marshall, eds. 2001. Tropical
Bernard, F. R., Ying-Ya Cai, and B. Morton. 1993. Cata- deep-sea benthos, Vol. 22. Mémoires du Muséun
logue of the Living Marine Bivalve Molluscs of China. National d’Histoire Naturelle 185: 9-407, pls. 1-4.
Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong. 146 pp. [Compilation of 12 papers on Indo-Pacific deep
Bernard, P. A. 1984. Coquillages du Gabon / Shells of water molluscan taxa].
Gabon. Privately published. Libreville, Gabon. Bouchet, P. and J. P. Rocroi. 2005. Classification and
140 pp., 74 pls. nomenclature of gastropod families. Malacologia
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Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Bouchet, P. and A. Warén. 1979. The abyssal molluscan
(Series 4) 7: 229-248, 4 figs. fauna of the Norwegian Sea and its relation to other
Berry, S. S. 1919. Notes on west American chitons - 2. faunas. Sarsia 64: 211-243, 55 figs.
Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences Bouchet, P. and A. Warén. 1980. Revision of the northeast
(Series 4) 9: 1-36, 6 figs. Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Turridae (Mollusca,
Beu, A. G. 1998. Indo-West Pacific Ranellidae, Bursidae Gastropoda). Journal of Molluscan Studies Supple-
and Personidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). A mono- ment 8: 1-119, figs. 1-281.
graph of the New Caledonian fauna and revision of Bouchet, P. and A. Warén. 1985. Revision of the northeast
related taxa. Résultats des Campagnes MUSOR- Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Neogastropoda excluding
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d’Histoire Naturelle 178: 1-255, 70 figs. logico Supplemento 1: 121-296, figs. 282-723.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 125

Bouchet, P. and A. Warén. 1986. Revision of the Burch, J. B. 1975b. Freshwater Unionacean Clams (Mol-
northeast Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Aclididae, lusca: Pelecypoda) of North America. Revised Ed.
Eulimidae, Epitoniidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda). Malacological Publications, Hamburg, Michigan.
Bolletino Malacologico Supplemento 2: 297-576, xviii + 204 pp., 252 figs.
figs. 724-1267. Burch, J. B. 1980. A guide to the freshwater snails of
Bouchet, P. and A. Warén. 1993. Revision of the north- the Philippines. Malacological Review 13:121-143,
east Atlantic bathyal and abyssal Mesogastropoda. figs. 1-49.
Bolletino Malacologico Supplemento 3: 579-840, Burch, J. B. 1982. North American freshwater snails.
figs. 1268-1953. V-X. V. Keys to the freshwater gastropods of North
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Canada. 72 pp., 13 pls. Walkerana 1: 217-365.
Bradner, H. and A. Kay. 1996. An atlas of cowrie radulae Burch, J. B. 1984. Freshwater snails of the Philippines.
(Mollusca: Gastropoda: Cypraeoidea: Cypraeidae). Walkerana 2: 81-112, figs. 1-61.
The Festivus 28 (Supplement): 1-179, figs. 1-238. Burch, J. B. 1988. North American freshwater snails. I-
Brandt, R. A. M. 1974. The non-marine aquatic Mollusca III. I. Introduction, II. Systematics, nomenclature,
of Thailand. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 105: i-iv + identification and morphology, III. Habitats and
1-423, pls. 1-30. distribution. Walkerana 2: 1-80, figs. 1-20.
Bratcher, T. and W. O. Cernohorsky. 1987. Living Ter- Burch, J. B. 1989. North American Freshwater Snails.
ebras of the World. American Malacologists, Inc., Malacological Publications, Hamburg, Michigan.
Melbourne, Florida. 240 pp., 74 pls. 365 pp. [this work is a compilation of Burch 1982,
Brim Box, J. and J. D. Williams. 2000. Unionid mollusks 1988, and Burch and Tottenham 1980].
of the Apalachicola Basin in Alabama, Georgia and Burch, J. B. 1990. Thomas Say’s glossary for conchology.
Florida. Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural Walkerana 4: 279-306.
History 21: i-vii + 1-143, 95 figs. Burch, J. B. 1991. Glossary for North American freshwater
Brost, F. B. and R. D. Coale. 1971. A Guide to Shell Collect- malacology. I. Gastropoda. Walkerana 5: 263-288.
ing in the Kwajalein Atoll. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Burch, J. B., P. R. Chung, and Y. Jung. 1987. A guide to
Inc., Rutland, Vermont. xii + 157 pp., 33 figs. the freshwater snails of Korea. Walkerana 2: 195-
Brown, D. S. 1967. A review of the freshwater Mollusca 232, figs. 1-53.
of Natal and their distribution. Annals of the Natal Burch, J. B. and Y. Jung. 1987. A review of the classifi-
Museum 18: 477-494. cation, distribution and habitats of the freshwater
Brown, D. S. 1994. Freshwater Snails of Africa and Their gastropods of the North American Great Lakes.
Medical Importance, 2nd Revised Ed. Taylor and Walkerana 2: 233-291, figs. 1-61.
Francis, London. x + 605 pp., 147 figs. Burch, J. B. and Y. Jung. 1988. Land snails of the Univer-
Brown, D. S. and M. D. Gallagher. 1985. Freshwater sity of Michigan Biological Station area. Walkerana
snails of Oman, southeastern Arabia. Hydrobiologia 3: 1-177, figs. 1-109.
127: 125-149., 18 figs. Burch, J. B. and Y. Jung. 1992. Freshwater snails of the
Brown, D. S., B. A. Curtis, S. Bethune, and C. C. Apple- University of Michigan Biological Station area.
ton. 1992. Freshwater snails of East Caprivi and Walkerana 6: v + 1-218, 113 figs.
the lower Okavango River Basin in Namibia and Burch, J. B. and T. A. Pearce. 1990. Terrestrial gastropods.
Botswana. Hydrobiologia 246: 9-40, 16 figs. In: D. L. Dindal, ed., Soil Biology Guide. John Wiley
Brown, D. S. and G. Mandahl-Barth. 1987. Living mol- and Sons, New York. Pp. 201-309, 215 figs.
luscs of Lake Tanganyika: A revised and annotated Burch, J. B. and J. L. Tottenham. 1980. North American
list. Journal of Conchology 32: 305-327, pl. 28. freshwater snails. IV. Species lists, ranges and il-
Brown, R. W. 1956. Composition of Scientific Words: A lustrations. Walkerana 1: 81-215, figs. 21-771.
Manual of Methods and a Lexicon of Materials for Burgess, C. M. 1970. The Living Cowries. A. S. Barnes
the Practice of Logotechnics. Smithsonian Institu- and Company, Inc., Cranbury, New Jersey. 389
tion Press, Washington, D.C. 882 pp. pp., 44 pls.
Burch, J. B. 1962. How to Know the Eastern Land Snails: Burgess, C. M. 1985. Cowries of the World. Seacomber
Pictured-Keys for Determining the Land Snails Publications, Cape Town. xiv + 289 pp., 20 pls.
of the United States Occurring East of the Rocky Burghardt, G. E. and L. E. Burghardt. 1969. A Collec-
Mountains. William C. Brown Company Publishers, tor’s Guide to West Coast Chitons. San Francisco
Dubuque, Iowa. 214 pp. [Text illustrations]. Aquarium Society, Inc. and California Academy of
Burch, J. B. 1975a. Freshwater Sphaeriacean Clams Sciences, San Francisco. 45 pp., 4 pls.
(Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of North America, Revised Burnay, L. P. and A. A. Monteiro. 1977. Seashells from
Ed. Malacological Publications, Hamburg, Michi- Cape Verde Islands. Privately published, Lisbon,
gan. xi + 96 pp., 35 figs. Portugal. 88 pp., 65 figs.
126 The molluscan literature

Callomon, P. 1999a. Card Catalog of World-wide Cernohorsky, W. O. 1976. The Mitridae of the World. Part
Shells by S. D. Kaicher. Pack Contents Index 1. The subfamily Mitrinae. Indo-Pacific Mollusca
Version 1.0 November 1999. Available at: <www. 3: 273-528, pls. 248-466.
conchologistsofamerica/org/info/kaicher2.txt>. Cernohorsky, W. O. 1978. Tropical Pacific Marine Shells.
Callomon, P. 1999b. Card Catalog of World-wide Pacific Publications, Sydney, Australia. 352 pp., 68 pls.
Shells by S. D. Kaicher. Index of Species Ver- Cernohorsky, W. O. 1981. The family Buccinidae Part 1:
sion 1.1 December 1999. Available at: <www. The genera Nassaria, Trajana, and Neoteron. Mono-
conchologistsofamerica/org/info/kaicher.txt>. graphs of Marine Mollusca 2: 1-52, pls. 1-42.
Callomon, P. and R. E. Petit. 2004. Tadashige Habe’s Cernohorsky, W. O. 1984. Systematics of the family
‘Coloured Illustrations of the Shells of Japan (II)’ Nassariidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bulletin of
and ‘Shells of the Western Pacific in Color vol. 2’: the Auckland Institute and Museum 14: 1-356, 51
Comparison of printings and treatment of included pls., 173 figs.
taxa. Venus Supplement 3: 1-61. Cernohorsky, W. O. 1991. The Mitridae of the World. Part
Cameron, R. 2003. Keys for the Identification of Land 2: The subfamily Mitrinae concluded and subfamilies
Snails in the British Isles. FSC Publications, Shrop- Imbricariinae and Cylindromitrinae. Monographs of
shire, Great Britian. 82 pp., 4 pls., 166 figs. Marine Mollusca 4: 1-164, pls. 1-155.
Cameron, R. A. D., B. Eversham, and N. Jackson. 1983. Chamberlain, R. V. and D. T. Jones. 1929. Descriptive
A field key to the slugs of the British Isles. Field catalog of the Mollusca of Utah. Bulletin of the
Studies 5: 807-824, 4 pls. University of Utah 19: 1-203, 86 figs.
Cameron, R. A. D. and M. Redfern. 1976. British Land Chichester, L.F. and L.L. Getz. 1973. The terrestrial
Snails (Mollusca: Gastropoda): Keys and Notes for slugs of northeastern North America. Sterkiana 51:
Identification of the Species. Synopses of the British 11-42, figs. 1-8.
Fauna (New Series) 6: 1-64, 31 figs. Claassen, C. 1998. Shells. Cambridge University Press,
Carcelles, A. R. 1944. Catálogo de los moluscos marinos New York. xiv + 266 pp. [Part of the Cambridge
de Puerto Quequén. Revista del Museo de la Plata Manuals in Archaeology series].
(NS) Sección Zoología 3: 233-309, 15 pls. Clarke, A. H. 1961. Abyssal mollusks from the south At-
Carcelles, A. R. 1950. Catálogo de los moluscos marinos lantic Ocean. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative
de la Patagonia. Anales del Museo Nahuel Huapí Zoology at Harvard College 125: 345-387, 4 pls.
2: 41-100, 6 pls. Clarke, A. H. 1962. Annotated list and bibliography of
Carcelles, A. R. 1953. Catálogo de la malacofauna An- the abyssal marine molluscs of the world. National
tárctica Argentina. Anales del Museo Nahuel Huapí Museum of Canada Bulletin 181: i-vi + 1-114.
3: 155-250, 5 pls. Clarke, A. H. 1973. The freshwater molluscs of the Cana-
Carcelles, A. R. and S. I. Williamson. 1951. Catalogo de dian interior basin. Malacologia 13: 1-509, 28 pls.
los moluscos marinos de la provincia Magellanica. Clarke, A. H. 1981. The Freshwater Molluscs of Canada.
Revista del Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de National Museum of Natural Sciences, National Muse-
las Ciencias Naturales anexo al Museo Argentino ums of Canada. Ottawa, Canada. 446 pp., 176 figs.
de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia,” Clench, W. J. 1946. A catalogue of the genus Liguus with
Ciencias Zoológicas, Buenos Aires 2: 225-383. a description of a new subgenus. Occasional Papers
Castellanos, Z. J. A. d. 1967. Catalogo de los moluscos on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology of
marinos Bonaerenses. Anales de la Comisión de Harvard University 1: 117-128 [for the supplement
Investigación Científica 8: 9-365, 26 pls. [Dated see Clench, W. J. 1946. ibid. pp. 442-444].
1967 but published in 1970]. Clench, W. J. 1958. The land and freshwater Mollusca
Cate, C. N. 1973. A systematic revision of the Recent of Rennell Island, Solomon Islands. Natural His-
cypraeid family Ovulidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). tory of Rennell Island, British Solomon Islands,
Veliger 15 (Supplement): i-iv + 1-116, 51 pls. Copenhagen 2: 155-202, pls. 16-19.
Cate, C. N. 1977. A review of the Eratoidae (Mollusca: Clench, W. J. 1964. Land and freshwater Mollusca of the
Gastropoda). Veliger 19: 341-366, 15 pls. [see Keen Cayman Islands, West Indies. Occasional Papers
1977 for commentary]. on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology of
Cate, C. N. 1979. A review of the Triviidae (Mollusca: Harvard University 2: 345-380, pls. 62-63.
Gastropoda). San Diego Society of Natural History Close, H. 1995. Lure of the Liguus: The Florida Tree
Memoir 10: 1-16, figs. 1-177. Snails. Of Sea and Shore Publications, Port Gamble,
Cernohorsky, W. O. 1971. Marine Shells of the Pacific, Washington. 136 pp., 30 pls.
Revised Ed. Pacific Publications, Sidney, Australia. Close, H. 2000. The Liguus Tree Snails of South Florida.
248 pp., 444 figs. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, Florida.
Cernohorsky, W. O. 1972. Marine Shells of the Pacific, xiii + 161 pp., 8 pls.
Vol. II. Pacific Publications, Sydney, Australia. 411 Clover, P. W. 1968. A Catalog of Popular Marginella
pp., 68 pls. Species. Privately published. 15 pp., 117 figs. [Also
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 127

Clover, P. W. [no date]. Supplement to a Catalog of Cotton, B. C. and C. J. Gabriel. 1932. Australian Unioni-
Popular Marginella Species. 4 pp. Figures 118-137]. dae. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria
Clover, P. W. 1982. Latiaxis Catalog and Illustrated 44 (N.S.): 155-161, 1 pl.
Check List of Coralliophilidae Family. Privately Couch, K. J. 1997. An Illustrated Guide to the Unionid
published. 38 pp., 18 pls. Mussels of Kansas. Privately published, Olathe,
Coan, E. V., A. R. Kabat, and R. E. Petit. 2005. 2400 Kansas. ix + 126 pp. [48 taxa illustrated].
Years of Malacology. Available at: <erato.acnatsci. Coulombel, A. 1994. Coquillages de Djibouti. Edisud,
org/ams/publications/2400_malacology.html>. Aix-en-Provence, Paris. 143 pp. [Text figures].
Coan, E. V. and P. H. Scott. 1997. Checklist of the marine Cowie, R. H. 1998. Catalog of the nonmarine snails and
bivalves of the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Santa slugs of the Samoan Islands. Bishop Museum Bul-
Barbara Museum of Natural History Contributions letin in Zoology 3: i-viii + 1-122.
in Science Number 1: 1-28. Cowie, R. H., N. L. Evenhuis, and C. C. Christensen.
Coan, E. V., P. V. Scott, and F. R. Bernard. 2000. Bivalved 1995. Catalog of the Native Land and Freshwater
Seashells of Western North America. Santa Barbara Molluscs of the Hawaiian Islands. Backhuys Pub-
Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, Cali- lishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. vi + 248 pp.
fornia. viii + 764 pp., 124 pls. Cowie, R. H. and S. C. Thiengo. 2003. The Apple Snails of
Cocke, J. 1995. Common Land Snails of Los Angeles the Americas (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Ampullariidae:
County California. Privately published. 136 pp. Asolene, Filipponea, Marisa, Pomacea, Pomella): A no-
[Text illustrations]. menclatural and type catalog. Malacologia 45: 41-100.
Connolly, M. 1912. A revised reference list of South Cox, I., ed. 1957. The Scallop. Studies of a Shell and its
African non-marine Mollusca; with descriptions of Influences on Humankind. The Shell Transport and
new species in the South African Museum. Annals Trading Company, Ltd., London. 135 pp.
of the South African Museum 11: 59-306, 1 pl. Cox, J. A. 1979. Shells. Treasures from the Sea. Larousse
Connolly, M. 1925. The non-marine Mollusca of Portu- and Company, Inc., New York. 254 pp. [Popular text
guese East Africa. Transactions of the Royal Society with numerous figures].
of South Africa 12: 105-220, pls. 4-8, 30 figs. Crampton, H. E. 1916. Studies on the variation, distri-
Connolly, M. 1939. A monographic survey of South bution, and evolution of the genus Partula. The
African non-marine Mollusca. Annals of the South species inhabiting Tahiti. The Carnegie Institute of
African Museum 33: i-iii + 1-660, 19 pls., 58 figs. Washington Publication 228: 1-312. [Illustrated].
Coomans, H. E. 1989. Antillean Seashells, the 19 th Cen- Crampton, H. E. 1925. Studies on the variation, distri-
tury Watercolours of Caribbean Molluscs Painted bution, and evolution of the genus Partula. The
by Hendrik van Rijgersma. De Walburg Pers, Zut- species of the Mariana Islands, Guam and Saipan.
phen, The Netherlands. 191 pp., 74 pls. The Carnegie Institute of Washington Publication
Coovert, G. A. 1988. A bibliography of recent Marginel- 228A: 1-116. [Illustrated].
lidae. Marginella Marginalia 5: 1-43. Crampton, H. E. 1932. Studies on the variation, distribu-
Coovert, G. A. and H. K. Coovert. 1995. Revision of tion, and evolution of the genus Partula. The species
the supraspecific classification of marginelliform inhabiting Moorea. The Carnegie Institute of Wash-
gastropods. Nautilus 109: 43-110, 79 figs. ington Publication 410: 1-335. [Illustrated].
Corsi, A. F. 1900-1901. Moluscos de la República Cuezzo, M. G. 2003. Phylogenetic analysis of the Camae-
Oriental del Uruguay. Anales del Museo Nacional nidae (Mollusca: Stylommatophora) with special
de Montevideo 2 (XV - 1900): 291-368; 2 (XVI emphasis on the American taxa. Zoological Journal
- 1900): 369-443; 2 (XVII - 1901): 449-528. of the Linnean Society 138: 449-476, figs. 1-8.
Cossignani, T. 1994. Bursidae of the World. L’Informatore Cummings, K. S. and C. A. Mayer. 1992. Field guide to
Piceno, Ancona, Italy. 119 pp. [64 taxa illustrated]. freshwater mussels of the Midwest. Illinois Natural
Cossignani, T. and V. Cossignani. 1995. Atlante delle History Survey, Manual 5: i-xiii + 1-194, figs. 1-78.
Conchiglie Terrestri e Dulciacquicole Italiane. Curtis, B. A. 1991. Freshwater macro-invertebrates of
L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona, Italy. 208 pp. Namibia. Madoqua 17: 163-187. [Checklist of
Cotton, B. C. 1959. South Australian Mollusca: Ar- freshwater invertebrates including mollusks].
chaeogastropoda. British Association for the Dall, W. H. 1905. Land and fresh water mollusks of
Advancement of Science, Adelaide, Australia. 449 Alaska and adjoining regions. In: Alaska, Vol. 13.
pp., 215 figs. Doubleday, Page and Company, New York. Pp. 1-
Cotton, B. C. 1961. South Australian Mollusca: Pelecy- 171, 2 pls., figs. 1-118.
poda. British Association for the Advancement of Dall, W. H. 1909. Report on a collection of shells from
Science, Adelaide, Australia. 363 pp., 350 figs. Peru, with a summary of the littoral marine Mol-
Cotton, B. C. 1964. South Australian Mollusca: Chitons. lusca of the Peruvian Zoological Province. Pro-
British Association for the Advancement of Science, ceedings of the United States National Museum 37:
Adelaide, Australia. 151 pp., 131 figs. 147-294, pls. 20-28.
128 The molluscan literature

Dall, W. H., P. Bartsch, and H. A. Rehder. 1938. A manual Dharma, B. 1988. Siput dan Kerang Indonesia I: Indone-
of the Recent and fossil marine pelecypod mollusks sian Shells I. P. T. Sarana Graha, Jakarta, Indonesia.
of the Hawaiian Islands. Bernice P. Bishop Museum xv + 111 pp., 35 pls. [In Indonesian and English].
Bulletin 153: i-iv + 1-233, pls. 1-58. Dharma, B. 1992. Siput dan Kerang Indonesia II:
Dance, S. P. 1966. Shell Collecting. An Illustrated History. Indonesian Shells II. Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wi-
Faber and Faber, Ltd., London. 344 pp., 35 pls. esbaden, Germany. 135 pp., 38 pls. [In Indonesian
Dance, S. P. 1969. Rare Shells. Faber and Faber, Ltd., and English].
London. 128 pp., 24 pls. Dhora, D. and F. W. Welter-Schultes. 1996. List of
Dance, S. P. 1970. Non-marine molluscs of Borneo, I. species and atlas of the non-marine molluscs of
Streptaxacea: Streptaxidae. Journal of Conchology Albania. Schriften zur Malakozoologie 9: 90-197,
27: 149-162, pl. 6. [For parts 2 and 3, see Thompson pls. 5-16.
and Dance 1983]. Diaz, J. M. and M. Puyana. 1994. Moluscos del Caribe
Dance, S. P. 1974. The Collector’s Encyclopedia of Colombiano. Un catálogo ilustrado. Fundación
Shells. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. Natura, Invemar, Colombia. 291 pp., 78 plates.
288 pp. [1500 taxa illustrated]. Dijkstra, H. H. 1989. Pectinidae from French Polynesia
Dance, S. P. 1976. The World’s Shells. A Guide for Collectors. (a preliminary report). Xenophora 48: 11-19. [In
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. 192 pp. French and English, illustrated].
Dance, S. P. 1986. A History of Shell Collecting. E. J. Dijkstra, H. H. 1994. Type specimens of Recent species of
Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands. 265 pp., 33 pls. Pectinidae described by Lamarck (1819), preserved
D’Attilio, A. and C. M. Hertz. 1988. An illustrated cata- in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle of Geneva and
logue of the family Typhidae Cossmann, 1903. The the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle of Paris. Revue
Festivus 20 (Supplement): 1-73, 109 figs. Suisse de Zoologie 101: 465-532, 30 pls.
Debelius, H. 1998. Nudibranchs and Sea Snails. Indo- Dijkstra, H. H. 1995. Bathyal Pectinoidea (Bivalvia:
Pacific Field Guide Second revised edition. Ikan- Propeamussiidae, Entoliidae, Pectinidae) from New
Unterwasserarchiv, Frankfurt, Germany. 321 pp. Caledonia and adjacent areas. Mémoires du Muséum
[1000+ figures]. national d’Histoire naturelle 167: 9-73, figs 1-154.
De Jong, K. M. and H. E. Coomans. 1988. Marine Gastro- Dijkstra, H. H. 1998. Pectinoidea (Mollusca: Bivalvia:
pods from Curaçao, Aruba and Bonaire. E. J. Brill, Pectinidae: Propeamussiidae) from Hansa Bay, Papua
Leiden, The Netherlands. v + 261 pp., 47 pls. New Guinea. Molluscan Research 19: 11-52, 9 pls.
de la Torre, C., P. Bartsch, and J. P. E. Morrison. 1942. Dijkstra, H. H. and R. N. Kilburn. 2001. The family
The cyclophorid operculate land mollusks of Pectinidae in South Africa and Mozambique (Mol-
America. United States National Museum Bulletin lusca: Bivalvia: Pectinoidea). African Invertebrates
181: i-iv + 1-306, pls. 1-42. 42: 263-321, 54 figs.
Dell, R. K. 1952. The Recent Cephalopoda of New Dillon, Jr., R. T. 2000. The Ecology of the Freshwater
Zealand. Dominion Museum Bulletin 16: 1-157, Molluscs. Cambridge University Press, New York.
pls. 1-35. xii + 509 pp.
Dell, R. K. 1953. The freshwater Mollusca of New Zealand. Dirrigl, F. J., Jr. and A. E. Bogan. 1996. Revised checklist
Part I. The genus Hyridella. Transactions of the Royal of the terrestrial gastropods of New Jersey (Mol-
Society of New Zealand 81: 221-237, pls. 17-19. lusca: Gastropoda). Walkerana 8: 127-138.
Dell, R. K. 1960. Antarctic and subantarctic Mollusca. Drivas, J. and M. Jay. 1988. Coquillages de La Réunion et
Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum 5: de l’Ile Maurice. Delachaux and Niestlé, Lausanne,
117-193. [Checklist]. Switzerland. 159 pp., 58 pls.
Dell, R. K. 1964a. Antarctic and subantarctic Mollusca: Edmunds, J. 1978. Sea Shells and other Molluscs Found on
Amphineura, Scaphopoda and Bivalvia. Discovery West African Shores and Estuaries. Ghana Universi-
Reports 33: 99-250, pls. 2-7. ties Press, Accra, Ghana. xii + 146 pp., 27 figs.
Dell, R. K. 1964b. Land snails from sub-Antarctic Edwards, M. A., P. Manly, and M. A. Tobias. 1996.
islands. Transactions of the Royal Society of New Nomenclator Zoologicus, Vol. 9, 1978-1994. The
Zealand (Zoology) 4: 167-173. Zoological Society of London, London. 747 pp.
Dell, R. K. 1990. Antarctic Mollusca: With special refer- Edwards, M. A. and A. T. Hopwood. 1966. Nomencla-
ence to the fauna of the Ross Sea. Royal Society of tor Zoologicus, Vol. 6, 1946-1955. The Zoological
New Zealand Bulletin 27: 1-311, figs. 1-482. Society of London, London. 329 pp.
Dell’Angelo, B. and C. Smriglio. 2001. Living Chitons Edwards, M. A. and M. A. Tobias. 1993. Nomenclator
from the Mediterranean Sea. Edizioni Evolver S.r.l., Zoologicus, Vol. 8, 1966-1977. The Zoological
Roma. 255 pp., 68 pls., 130 figs. Society of London, London. 620 pp.
Demir, M. 2003. Shells of Mollusca collected from the Edwards, M. A. and H. G. Vevers (eds.) 1975. Nomencla-
seas of Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology 27: tor Zoologicus, Vol. 7, 1956-1965. The Zoological
101-140. [Checklist]. Society of London, London. 374 pp.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 129

Egorov, R. 1993. Trophoninae (Muricidae) of Russian Farmer, W. M. 1980. Sea-slug Gastropods. W. M. Farmer
and adjacent waters. Ruthenica Supplement 1: 1- Enterprises, Inc., Tempe, Arizona. 177 pp. [157
48, 39 figs. taxa illustrated].
Egorov, R. and S. Barsukov. 1994. Recent Ancistrolepidinae Fernández, D. 1973. Catálogo de la Malacofauna Ter-
(Buccinidae). Moscow, Russia. 47 pp., 30 figs. restre Argentina. Monografía 4. Comisión de In-
Eisenberg, J. M. [William E. Old, Jr., consulting editor.] vestigaciones Científicas de la Provincia de Buenos
1981. A Collector’s Guide to Seashells of the World. Aires, La Plata, Argentina. 197 pp.
McGraw-Hill, New York. 239 pp., 158 pls. Fernández-Milera, J. 1997. Joyas de Cuba: Moluscos
Ellis, A. E. 1978. British freshwater bivalve Mollusca: Marinos. Editorial Oriente, Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
keys and notes for the identification of the species. 230 pp. [Gastropods only, 298 illustrations].
Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) 11: Fernández-Milera, J. 1999. Polymita, 2nd Ed. Editorial Cientí-
1-109, pls 1-15. fico-Técnica, Ciudad de la Habana, Cuba. 147 pp.
Emberton, K. C. 1988. The genitalic, allozymic, and con- Ferreira, A. J. 1984. Chiton (Mollusca: Polyplacophora)
chological evolution of the eastern North American fauna of Barbados, West Indies, with the description
Triodopsinae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Polygyri- of a new species. Bulletin of Marine Science 36:
dae). Malacologia 28: 159-273, figs. 1-51. 189-219, 16 figs.
Emberton, K. C. 1990. Acavid land snails of Mada- Fichtel, C. and D. G. Smith. 1995. The freshwater mus-
gascar: Subgeneric revision based on published sels of Vermont. Nongame and Natural Heritage
data (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Program, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department
Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Technical Report 18: 1-54. [Illustrated].
Philadelphia 142: 101-117. Filmer, R. M. 2001. A Catalogue of Nomenclature and Tax-
Emberton, K. C. 1991. The genitalic, allozymic and onomy in the Living Conidae 1758-1998. Backhuys
conchological evolution of the Tribe Mesodon- Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. 388 pp.
tini (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Polygyridae). Finet, Y. 1994a. Marine Molluscs of the Galapagos: Gas-
Malacologia 33: 71-178, figs. 1-60. tropods - A monograph and revision of the families
Emberton, K. C. 1995. When shells do not tell: 145 mil- Haliotidae, Scissurellidae, Fissurellidae and Lot-
lion years of evolution in North American polygyrid tiidae. Monograph on Galapagos Mollusca No. 1.
land snails, with a revision and conservation priori- L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona, Italy. 110 pp., 26 pls.
ties. Malacologia 37: 69-110. Finet, Y. 1994b. The Marine Mollusks of the Galapagos Is-
Emberton, K. C. 1999. New acavid land snails from lands: A Documented Faunal List. Muséum d’ Histoire
Madagascar. American Malacological Bulletin naturelle de Genève, Genève, Switzerland. 180 pp.
15: 83-96. Fischer-Piette, E. 1977. Revision des Cardiidae (Mol-
Emerson, W. K. and W. O. Cernohorsky. 1973. The genus lusques Lamellibranches). Éditions du Muséum,
Drupa in the Indo-Pacific. Indo-Pacific Mollusca Paris. 212 pp., 12 pls. [Also published as Mémoires
3: 1-40, pls. 1-35. du Muséum National d’histoire Naturelle Nouvelle
Emerson, W. K. and M. K. Jacobson. 1976. The American Série, Série A, Zoologie 101].
Museum of Natural History Guide to Shells: Land, Fischer-Piette, E., C. P. Blanc, F. Blanc, and F. Salvat.
Freshwater and Marine, from Nova Scotia to Florida. 1993. Gastéropodes terrestres prosobranches. Mu-
Alfred A. Knopf, New York. vii + 482 pp., 47 pls. séum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris, Faune de
Evans, J. G. 1972. Land Snails in Archeology. Seminar Madagascar 80: 1-281, pls. 1- 16, figs. 1-114.
Press, Inc., New York. xii + 436 pp. Fischer-Piette, E., C. P. Blanc, F. Blanc, and F. Salvat.
Fair, R. H. 1976. The Murex Book: An Illustrated Cata- 1994. Gastéropodes terrestres pulmonés (excl.
logue of Recent Muricidae (Muricinae, Muricops- Veronicellidae et g. Elisolimax). Muséum national
inae, Ocenebrinae). Privately published, Honolulu, d’Histoire naturelle, Paris Faune de Madagascar
Hawaii. 138 pp., 23 pls. 83: 1-551, pls. 1-46, figs. 1-194.
Fairbanks, H. L. 1998. Clarification of the taxonomic Fischer-Piette, E. and D. Vukadinovic. 1973. Sur les
status and reproductive anatomy of Philomycus mollusques fluviatiles de Madagascar. Malacologia
batchi Branson, 1968 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: 12: 339-378, 24 figs.
Philomycidae). Nautilus 112: 1-5. Fitch, J. E. 1953. Common marine bivalves of California.
Falkner, G., R. A. Bank, and T. Von Proschwitz. 2001. Fish Bulletin 90: 1-102, figs. 1-63.
Check-list of the non-marine molluscan species- Forcelli, D. O. 2000. Moluscos Magallánicos - Guía de
group taxa of the states of Northern, Atlantic and los Moluscos de la Patagonia y del Sur de Chile.
Central Europe (CLECOM I). Heldia 4: 1-76. Vázquez Mazzini Editores. Buenos Aires, Argen-
Falkner, G., T. E. J. Ripken, and M. Falkner. 2002. Mol- tina. 200 pp. [627 taxa illustrated].
lusques continentaux de France. Liste de référence Forsyth, R. G. 2004. Land Snails of British Columbia. Royal
annotée et bibliographie. Patrimoines Naturels British Columbia Museum, Victoria, British Colum-
52: 1-350. bia, Canada. iv + 188 pp. [92 taxa illustrated].
130 The molluscan literature

Franc, A. 1956. Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles de Griffith, L. M. 1967. The Intertidal Univalves of Brit-
l’Archipel Néo-Calédonien. Mémoirs du Muséum ish Columbia, Handbook 26. British Columbia
National d’Histoire Naturelle, Nouvelle Série, Série Provincial Museum, Department of Recreation
A. Zoologie 3: 1-200, pls. 1-24. and Conservation, Victoria, Canada. 101 pp. [Il-
Franzen, D. S. and A. B. Leonard. 1947. Fossil and liv- lustrated].
ing Pupillidae (Gastrocopta: Pulmonata) in Kansas. Grimm, F. W. 1971. Annotated checklist of the land
University of Kansas Science Bulletin 31(2): 311- snails of Maryland and the District of Columbia.
411, pls. 17-22. Sterkiana 41: 51-57.
Fretter, V. and A. Graham. 1994. British Prosobranch Groh, K., G. T. Poppe, and M. Charles. 2002. A Concho-
Molluscs: Their Functional Anatomy and Ecology. logical Iconography: Family Acavidae (excluding
The Ray Society, London. xix + 820 pp., figs. 1-343. Ampelita). ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Fuller, S. and I. Brynildson (revisor). 1985. Freshwater 66 pp., 44 pls.
Mussels of the Upper Mississippi River. Wisconsin Grossu, A. V. 1955. Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne.
Department of Natural Resources, Madison, Wis- Mollusca, Vol. 3, Fascicula 1 - Gastropoda Pul-
consin. 64 pp. [Text figures]. monata. Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne,
Garcia, E. F. 2003. New records of Indo-Pacific Epitoniidae Bucharest, Romania. 518 pp., 282 figs.
(Mollusca: Gastropoda) with the description of nine- Grossu, A. V. 1956. Fauna Republicii Populare Romîne.
teen new species. Novapex 4: 1-22, figs. 1-70. Mollusca, Vol. 3, Fascicula 2 - Gastropoda Proso-
García-Cubas, A. 1981. Moluscos de un sistema Lagunar branchia si Opisthobranchia. Academiei Republicii
Tropical en el sur del Golfo de México (Laguna de Populare Romîne, Bucharest, Romania. 220 pp.,
Términos, Campeche). Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y 101 figs.
Limnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma México Grossu, A. V. [1962]. Fauna Republicii Populare
Publicaciones Especiales 5: 1-182, figs. 1-176. Romîne. Mollusca, Vol. 3, Fascicula 3 - Gastropoda
Geiger, D. L. 1998. Recent genera and species of the Bivalvia. Academiei Republicii Populare Romîne,
family Haliotidae Rafinesque, 1815 (Gastropoda, Bucharest, Romania. 426 pp., 221 figs.
Vetigastropoda). Nautilus 111: 85-116, 33 figs. Grossu, A. V. 1981-1987. Gastropoda Romaniae. Editura
Geiger, D. L. and G. T. Poppe. 2000. A Conchological Litera, Bucharest, Romania. Vol. 1 (1986): 524 pp.
Iconography: The Family Haliotidae. ConchBooks, - Prosobranchia si Opisthobranchia; Vol. 2 (1987):
Hackenheim, Germany. 135 pp., 83 pls. 443 pp. - Subclass Pulmonata, Ordo Basomma-
Gerber, J. 1996. Revision der Gattung Vallonia Risso tophora si Stylommatophora; Vol. 3 (1981): 269
1826 (Mollusca: Gastropoda:Valloniidae). Schriften pp. - Subclass Pulmonata, Ordo Stylommatophora,
zur Malakozoologie 8: 1-227, figs. 1-85. Vol. 4 (1983): 564 pp. - Subclass Pulmonata, Ordo
Gerlach, J. 1987. The Land Snails of Seychelles, a Field Stylommatophora. [903 figures].
Guide. Privately published, Northamptonshire, U.K. Haas, F. 1917. Estudio para una monografía de las náy-
43 pp. [Text illustrations]. ades de la Peninsula Ibérica. Anuari de la Junta de
Golikov, A. N. 1994. Shell-Bearing Gastropods of the Ciències Naturales 2: 131-190.
Arctic. Moscow, Russia. 108 pp., 139 figs. Haas, F. 1949. Land and fresh-water mollusks from Peru.
Goodrich, C. and H. van der Schalie. 1944. A revision Fieldiana Zoology 31: 235-250, figs. 50-59.
of the Mollusca of Indiana. American Midland Habe, T. 1961. Coloured Illustrations of the Shells of
Naturalist 32: 257-320. Japan, II. Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., Osaka,
Goto, Y. and G. T. Poppe. 1996. A Listing of Living Mol- Japan. ix + 182 pp., 66 pls. [In Japanese; from 1961
lusca. L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona, Italy. Vol. 1, to 1994 there have been several editions and print-
Parts 1-2, 868 pp, Vol. 2, Parts 1-2, 1031 pp. ings of this work; there may be minor differences
Graf, D. L. 2001. The cleansing of the Augean stables, or among printings, see: Callomon and Petit (2004)
a lexicon of the nominal species of the Pleuroceri- for additional details].
dae (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) of Recent North Habe, T. 1964a. Freshwater molluscan fauna of Thailand.
America, north of Mexico. Walkerana 12: 1-124. In: T. Kira and T. Umesao, eds., Nature and Life in
Graham, A. 1971. British prosobranch and other oper- Southeast Asia 3: 45-66, 2 pls.
culate gastropod molluscs: keys and notes for the Habe, T. 1964b. Shells of the Western Pacific in Color,
identification of the species. Synopses of the British Vol. 2. Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan.
Fauna (New Series) 2: 1-112, figs. 1-119. 233 pp., 66 pls. [From 1964 to 1975 there have been
Grau, G. 1959. Pectinidae of the Eastern Pacific. Allan several editions and printings of this work; there
Hancock Pacific Expeditions 23: i-viii + 1-308, may be minor differences among printings, see:
pls. 1-57. Callomon, P. and R. E. Petit (2004) for additional
Green, S. and N. Chouhfeh. 1994. Bahrain Sea Shells. details. This has been considered an English edition
Arabian Printing and Publishing House, W. L. L., of Habe 1961, however, it contains more extensive
Bahrain. 183 pp. [Illustrated]. treatments of some taxa].
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 131

Habe, T. 1977. Systematics of Mollusca in Japan: Bival- Haynes, A. 2001. Freshwater Snails of the Tropical
via and Scaphopoda. Zukan-no-Hokuryukan Co., Pacific Islands. Institute of Applied Sciences, Suva,
Ltd., Tokyo. xiii + 372 pp., 72 pls. [In Japanese]. Fiji. 116 pp. [Text illustrations].
Habe, T. and K. Ito. 1974. Shells of the World in colour. Hedgpeth, J. W. 1971. Introduction to Seashore Life of
Vol. 1: The Northern Pacific. Hoikusha Publishing the San Francisco Bay Region and the Coast of
Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. vii + 176 pp., 56 pls. [In Northern California. California Natural History
Japanese; between 1965 and 1991 there have been Guide No. 9. University of California Press, Berke-
11 printings of this work; there may be minor dif- ley, California. 136 pp., 8 pls., 85 figs.
ferences among printings, see: Petit and Bieler 1996 Heller, J. 1993. Land Snails of the Land of Israel. Natural
for additional details]. History and a Field Guide. Ministry of Defense, Tel
Habe, T. and S. Kosuge. 1974. Shells of the World in Aviv. 271 pp. [In Hebrew, all taxa illustrated].
colour. Vol. 2: The Tropical Pacific. Hoikusha Hemmen, J. 2004. Further corrections to R. Tucker Ab-
Publishing Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. vi + 194 pp. bott “Compendium of Landshells (1989). Schriften
68 plates. [In Japanese; between 1966-1991 there zur Malakozoologie 21: 19-20.
have been 10 printings of this work; there may be Hemmen, J. and K. Groh. 1991. Preliminary list of cor-
minor differences among printings, see: Petit and rections and additions for R. Tucker Abbott (1989)
Bieler 1996 for additional details]. “Compendium of Landshells.” Schriften zur Mala-
Hain, S. 1990. Die beschalten benthischen Mollusken (Gas- kozoologie 4: 39-54.
tropoda und Bivalvia) des Weddellmeeres, Antarktis. Hemmen, J. and C. Hemmen. 2001. Aktualisierte liste
Berichte zur Polarforschung 70: 1-181, 30 pls. der terrestrischen Gastropoden Thailand. Schriften
Hanna, G. D. 1966. Introduced mollusks of western North zur Malakozoologie 18: 35-70, 18 figs.
America. Occasional Papers of the California Acad- Henderson, J. 1924. Mollusca of Colorado, Utah, Mon-
emy of Sciences 48: 1-108, pls. 1-4, figs. 1-85. tana, Idaho and Wyoming. University of Colorado
Hannibal, H. 1912. A synopsis of the Recent and Tertiary Studies 13: 65-223, pls. 1-3, figs. 1-96. [Supplement
freshwater Mollusca of the Californian Province, ibid. Vol. 23: 81-145 (1936)].
based upon an ontogenic classification. Proceed- Henderson, J. 1929. The non-marine Mollusca of Oregon
ings of the Malacological Society of London 10 and Washington. University of Colorado Studies
(Part 2 - June): 112-165, 10 (Part 3 - September): 17: 47-190, 186 figs. [Supplement ibid. Vol. 23:
165-211, 8 pls. 251-280 (1936)].
Harasewych, M. G. 1983. A review of the Columbariinae Henderson, J. 1935. Fossil Non-Marine Mollusca of North
(Gastropoda: Turbinellidae) of the western Atlantic America. Geological Society of America Special Paper
with note on the anatomy and systematic relationships No. 3. Geological Society of America. vii + 313 pp.
of the subfamily. Nemouria 27: 1-42, figs. 1-59. Henning, T. and J. Hemmen. 1993. Ranellidae and
Harper, E. M., J. D. Taylor, and J. A. Crame. 2000. Evolu- Personidae of the World. Verlag Christa Hemmen,
tionary Biology of the Bivalvia. Geological Society Wiesbaden, Germany. 263 pp., 30 pls.
Special Publication No. 117. The Geological Society Herbert, D. and D. Kilburn. 2004. Field guide to the Land
of London, Bath, United Kingdom. vii + 494 pp. Snails and Slugs of Eastern South Africa. Natal
Harry, H. W. 1962. A critical catalogue of the nominal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 340 pp.
genera and species of neotropical Planorbidae. [678 illustrations].
Malacologica 1: 33-53. Herrington, H. B. 1962. A revision of the Sphaeriidae of
Harry, H. W. 1985. Synopsis of the supraspecific clas- North America (Mollusca: Pelecypoda). Miscella-
sification of living oysters (Bivalvia: Gryphaeidae neous Publications Museum of Zoology, University
and Ostreidae). Veliger 28: 121-158, 30 figs. of Michigan 118: 1-74, 7 pls.
Hausdorf, B. 1988. Zur Kenntnis der systematischen Hershler, R. and F. G. Thompson. 1992. A review of the
Beziehungen einiger Taxa der Helicellinae Ihering, aquatic gastropod subfamily Cochliopinae (Pro-
1909 (Gastropoda: Hygromiidae). Archiv für Mol- sobranchia: Hydrobiidae). Malacological Review
luskenkunde 119: 9-37, figs. 1-19. Supplement 5: 1-140, figs. 1-74.
Hausdorf, B. and Perera, K. K. 2000. Revision of the ge- Hickman, Jr., C. P. and Y. Finet. 1999. A Field Guide
nus Acavus from Sri Lanka (Gastropoda: Acavidae). to Marine Molluscs of Galápagos. Sugar Spring
Journal of Molluscan Studies 66: 217-231. Press, Lexington, Virginia. ix + 150 pp. [256 taxa
Haynes, A. 1988. The gastropods in the streams and riv- illustrated].
ers of five Fiji islands: Vanua Levu, Ovalau, Gau, Hickman, C. S. and J. H. McLean. 1990. Systematic revi-
Kadavu and Taveuni. Veliger 30: 377-383. sion and suprageneric classification of Trochacean
Haynes, A. 1993. The gastropods in the streams and riv- gastropods. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
ers of four islands (Guadalcanal, Makira, Malaita County Science Series 35: i-vi + 1-169, figs. 1-100.
and New Georgia) in the Solomon Islands. Veliger Higo, S., P. Callomon, and Y. Goto. 1999. Catalogue
36: 285-290. and Bibliography of the Marine Shell-Bearing Mol-
132 The molluscan literature

lusca of Japan. Elle Scientific Publications, Osaka, tion. Kungligasvenska Vetenskapsakademiens Han-
Japan. 749 pp. dlingar Fjärde Serien 3: 1-225, pls. 1-5, figs 1-369.
Higo, S., P. Callomon, and Y. Goto. 2001. Catalogue and Hubricht, L. 1985. The distribution of the native land
Bibliography of the Marine Shell-Bearing Mollusca mollusks of the eastern United States. Fieldiana:
of Japan: Type Figures. Elle Scientific Publications, Zoology (New Series) 24: i-viii + 1-191.
Osaka, Japan. 208 pp. [2653 taxa illustrated]. Humfrey, M. 1975. Sea Shells of the West Indies, A Guide
Hinton, A. G. 1972. Shells of New Guinea and the Central to the Marine Molluscs of the Caribbean. Taplinger
Indo-Pacific. The Jacaranda Press, Milton, Austra- Publishing Company, New York. 351 pp., 32 pls.
lia. xviii + 94 pp., 44 pls. [Published in the United Hylleberg, J. 2004. Lexical approach to Cardiacea.
States by Charles E. Tuttle in 1975.] Phuket Marine Biological Center Special Publica-
Hinton, A. G. 1977. Guide to Australian Shells. Robert tion 29: Part 1: 1-352, 149 pls; Part 2: 353-644; Part
Brown and Associates Pty. Ltd., Port Moresby, 3: 645-939, 92 pls.
Papua New Guinea. 82 pp., 77 pls. Hylleberg, J. and R. N. Kilburn. 2003. Marine Mol-
Hinton, A. [n.d., circa 1978]. Guide to Shells of Papua New luscs of Vietnam - Polyplacophora, Gastropoda,
Guinea. Robert Brown and Associates Pty. Ltd., Port Cephalopoda, Bivalvia, Scaphopoda. ConchBooks,
Moresby, Papua New Guinea. 74 pp., 68 pls. Hackenheim, Germany. 300 pp., 10 pls.
Hirase, S. and I. Taki (revised and enlarged by). 1951. An Hyman, L. H. 1967. The Invertebrates. Vol. 6: Mollusca
Handbook of Illustrated Shells, in Natural Colors, I. Aplacophora, Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora,
from the Japanese Islands and Their Adjacent Ter- Gastropoda. The coelomate Bilateria. McGraw-Hill,
ritory. Revised and Enlarged Ed. of “A Collection Inc., New York. vii + 792 pp.
of Japanese Shells”. Maruzen, Tokyo. xxvii + 134, International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature.
46 pp., 134 pls. 1999. International Code of Zoological Nomencla-
Hoagland, K. E. 1977. Systematic review of fossil and ture, Fourth Edition. The International Trust for
recent Crepidula and discussion of evolution of the Zoological Nomenclature, London. xxix + 306 pp.
Calyptraeidae. Malacologia 16: 353-420, 28 figs. Iredale, T. 1934. The freshwater mussels of Australia.
Hodgkin, E. P., G. Kendrick, L. Marsh, and S. Slack- Australian Zoologist 8: 57-78, pls. 3-6.
Smith. 1966. The Shelled Gastropoda of South Iredale, T. 1937a. A basic list of the land Mollusca of
Western Australia. Handbook 9. Western Australian Australia. Australian Zoologist 8: 287-333.
Naturalist’s Club, Perth, Australia. 60 pp., 21 pls. Iredale, T. 1937b. A basic list of the land Mollusca of Austra-
Holme, N. A. and A. D. McIntyre, eds. 1971. Methods for lia - Part II. Australian Zoologist 9: 1-39, pls. 1-3.
the Study of Marine Benthos. Blackwell Scientific Iredale, T. 1938. A basic list of the land Mollusca of Australia
Publications, Oxford, U.K. xii + 334 pp. - Part III. Australian Zoologist 9: 83-124, pls. 12-13.
Horikawa, Y. 1935a. A list of fresh water shells of Taiwan. Iredale, T. 1943. A basic list of the fresh-water Mollusca
Venus 5: 26-33, 2 pls. [In Japanese]. of Australia. Australian Zoologist 10: 188-230.
Horikawa, Y. 1935b. Distribution of fresh water shells of Iredale, T. and D. F. McMichael. 1962. A Reference List
Taiwan. Transactions of the Natural History Society of the Marine Mollusca of New South Wales. The
of Taiwan 25: 226-231. [In Japanese, checklist]. Australian Museum, Sydney. 109 pp.
Houart, R. 1992. The genus Chicoreus and related genera Ituarte, C. F. 1996. Argentine species of Pisidium Pfeiffer,
(Gastropoda: Muricidae) in the Indo-West Pacific. 1821, and Musculium Link, 1807 (Bivalvia: Sphae-
Mémoires du Muséum National d’Historie Naturelle riidae). Veliger 39: 189-203.
Série A, Zoologie 154: 1-188, pls. 1-4, figs. 1-140. Jacobson, M. K. and K. J. Boss. 1973. The Jamaican land
Houart, R. 1994. Illustrated Catalogue of Recent Species snails described by C. B. Adams. Occasional Papers
of Muricidae Named Since 1971. Verlag Christa on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology of
Hemmen, Wiesbaden, Germany. 179 pp., 28 pls. Harvard University 3: 305-519, pls. 54-91.
Houbrick, R. S. 1978. The Family Cerithiidae in the Jacobson, M. K. and W. K. Emerson. 1971. Shells from
Indo-Pacific Part 1: The Genera Rhinoclavis, Cape Cod to Cape May with Special Reference to the
Pseudovertagus and Clavocerithium. Monographs New York City Area. Dover Publications, Inc., New
of Marine Mollusca 1: 1-130, pls. 1-98. York. xviii + 152 pp. [Originally published as Shells
Houbrick, R. S. 1992. Monograph of the genus Cerithium of the New York City Area (1961); the Dover edition
Bruguière in the Indo-Pacific. Smithsonian Contri- has updated nomenclature and an appendix contain-
butions to Zoology 510: 1-211. ing 15 species not included in the 1961 version].
Howells, R. G., R. W. Neck, and H. D. Murray. 1996. Jaeger, E. C. 1955. A Source-book of Biological Names
Freshwater Mussels of Texas. Texas Parks and and Terms. 3rd Ed. Charles C. Thomas, Publisher,
Wildlife Press, Austin, Texas. iv + 218 pp. [52 taxa Springfield, Illinois. xxxv + 323 pp.
illustrated]. Jansen, P. 1995. Seashells of Central New South Wales.
Hubendick, B. 1951. Recent Lymnaeidae. Their variation, Privately published, Townsville, Australia. xi + 129
morphology, taxonomy, nomenclature, and distribu- pp, 484 figs.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 133

Jansen, P. 1996. Common Seashells of Coastal Northern toninae. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden, The
Queensland. Privately published, Townsville, Aus- Netherlands. 198 pp., 76 pls.
tralia. 56 pp., 4 pls. [200 taxa illustrated]. Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1987. Monograph of
Jansen, P. 2000. Seashells of South-East Australia. Cap- Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), Vol.
ricornica Publications, Lindfield, New South Wales, 3, Suborder Ischnochitonina: Ischnochitonidae:
Australia. 118 pp, 414 figs. Chaetopleurinae, Ischnochitoninae (pars), additions
Janssen, A. W. and E. F. De Vogel. 1965. Zoetwatermol- to Vol. 1 and 2. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden,
lusken van Nederland. Nederlandse Jeugdbond The Netherlands. 302 pp., 117 pls.
voor Natuurstudie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1990a. Monograph of
160 pp. 17 pls. Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), Vol.
Jarrett, A. G. 2000. Marine Shells of the Seychelles. 4, Suborder Ischnochitonina: Ischnochitonidae:
Carole Green Publishing, Cambridge, U.K. xiv + Ischnochitoninae (continued), additions to Vol. 1,
149 pp, 649 figs. 2 and 3. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden, The
Johnson, C. W. 1934. List of marine Mollusca of the At- Netherlands. 298 pp., 117 pls., 141 figs.
lantic Coast from Labrador to Texas. Proceedings of Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1990b. Monograph of
the Boston Society of Natural History 40: 1-204. Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), Vol.
Johnson, R. I. 1972. The Unionidae (Mollusca: Bival- 5, Suborder Ischnochitonina: Ischnochitonidae:
via) of peninsular Florida. Bulletin of the Florida Ischnochitoninae (continued), additions to Vols.
State Museum, Biological Sciences 16: 181-249, 1-4. E. J. Brill/Dr. W. Backhuys, Leiden, The Neth-
12 figs. erlands. 402 pp.
Johnson, R. I. 1981. Recent and fossil Unionacea and Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1998. Catalogue of Living
Mutelacea (Freshwater Bivalves) of the Caribbean Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). 2nd Revised
Islands. Occasional Papers on Mollusks, Museum Ed. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands.
of Comparative Zoology of Harvard University 4: 208 pp.
269-288, pls. 38-39. Kabat, A. R. and K. J. Boss. 1992. An indexed catalogue
Johnson, R. I. 1999. Unionidae of the Rio Grande (Rio of publications on molluscan type specimens. Occa-
Bravo del Norte) system of Texas and Mexico. Occa- sional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative
sional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University 5: 157-336. [Addendum
Zoology of Harvard University 6: 1-65. pls. 1-7. to this work: Kabat, A. R. and K. J. Boss. 1997. Occa-
Jokinen, E. H. 1983. The Freshwater Snails of Con- sional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Comparative
necticut. State Geological and Natural History Zoology, Harvard University 5: 337-370].
Survey of Connecticut, Hartford, Connecticut. vii Kabat, A. R. and R. Hershler. 1993. The prosobranch snail
+ 83 pp., 35 figs. family Hydrobiidae (Gastropoda: Rissooidea): review
Jokinen, E. H. 1992. The Freshwater Snails (Mollusca: of classification and supraspecific taxa: Smithsonian
Gastropoda) of New York State. University of the Contributions to Zoology 547: 1-94. [Checklist].
State of New York, State Education Dept., New Kaicher, S. D. 1973-1992. Card Catalog of World-wide
York State Museum Biological Survey. Albany, Shells. Packs 1-60.
New York. vi + 112 pp., 28 figs. Kay, E. A. 1979. Hawaiian Marine Shells. Reef and
Jonkers, H. A. 2003. Late Cenozoic-Recent Pectinidae Shore Fauna of Hawaii Section 4: Mollusca. Bishop
(Mollusca: Bivalvia) of the Southern Ocean and Museum Press, Honolulu, Hawaii. xviii + 653 pp.,
neighbouring regions. Monographs of Marine Mol- 195 figs.
lusca 5: i-viii + 1-125, pls. 1-16. Kay, E. A. and O. Schoenberg-Dole. 1991. Shells of
Jung, P. and R. T. Abbott. 1967. The genus Terebellum Hawai’i. University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu,
(Gastropoda: Strombidae). Indo-Pacific Mollusca Hawaii. 89 pp., 141 figs. [Marine, freshwater and
1: 445-454, pls. 318-327. terrestrial].
Kaas, P. 1972. Polyplacophora of the Caribbean Region. Keawjam, R. S. 1986. The apple snails of Thailand:
Studies on the Fauna of Curaçao and other Carib- Distribution, habitats and shell morphology. Mala-
bean Islands 41: 1-162, pls. 1-9, figs. 1-247. cological Review 19: 61-81, figs. 1-12.
Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1985a. Monograph of Liv- Keen, A. M. 1971. Sea Shells of Tropical West America.
ing Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), Vol. 1, Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru, 2nd
Order Neoloricata: Lepidopleurina. E. J. Brill/Dr. Ed. Stanford University Press, Stanford, California.
W. Backhuys, Leiden, The Netherlands. 240 pp., 1064 pp., 22 pls.
95 pls. Keen, A. M. 1977. Comment on “A Review of the Eratoi-
Kaas, P. and R. A. Van Belle. 1985b. Monograph of dae” by Crawford N. Cate. Veliger 19: 446-448.
Living Chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora), Vol. Keen, A. M. and E. V. Coan. 1974. Marine Molluscan
2, Suborder Ischnochitonina: Ischnochitonidae: Genera of Western North America, 2nd Ed. Stanford
Schizoplacinae, Callochitoninae and Lepidochi- University Press, Stanford, California. 208 pp.
134 The molluscan literature

Kennelly, D. H. 1964. Marine Shells of South Africa. Korniushin, A. V. 2000. Review of the family Sphaeriidae
Thomas Nelson and Sons (Africa) (Pty) Ltd., Johan- (Mollusca, Bivalvia) of Australia, with description
nesberg, South Africa. 92 pp., 32 pls. of four new species. Records of the Australian
Kensley, B. F. 1974. Contributions to the knowledge of Museum 52: 41-102, 58 figs.
South African marine Mollusca. Index: Parts 1-7. Korniushin, A. V. 2001. Taxonomic revision of the genus
Annals of the South African Museum 47: 783-830. Sphaerium sensu lato in the Palaearctic Region, with
Kerney, M. P. 1999. Atlas of the Land and Freshwater some notes on the North American species. Archiv
Molluscs of Britain and Ireland. Harley Books for the für Molluskenkunde 129: 77-122, figs. 1-29.
Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland, Kosuge, S. and M. Suzuki. 1985. Illustrated catalogue
Colchester, U.K.. 264 pp. [208 taxa illustrated]. of Latiaxis and its related groups. Family Corallio-
Kerney, M. P. and R. A. D. Cameron. 1979. A Field philidae. Institute of Malacology of Tokyo Special
Guide to the Land Snails of Britain and North-West Publication 1: 1-83, pls. 1-50.
Europe. William Collins Sons and Company, Ltd., Kreipl, K. 1997. Recent Cassidae. Verlag Christa Hem-
London. 288 pp., 24 pls. men, Wiesbaden, Germany. 151 pp., 24 pls.
Kerney, M. P., R. A. D. Cameron, and J. H. Jungbluth. Kreipl, K. and A. Alf. 1999. Recent Xenophoridae. Con-
1983. Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mitteleuropas. chBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 148 pp., 28 pls.
Verlag Paul Parey, Hamburg, Germany. 384 pp., 24 Kreipl, A., G. T. Poppe, L. M. in’t Velt, and K. de Türck.
pls., 890 figs. 1999. A Conchological Iconography: The Family
Khatoon, S. and S. R. Ali. 1978. Freshwater molluscs of Strombidae. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany.
Pakistan. Bulletin of Hydrobiology Research Series 59 pp., 130 pls.
1 24/25: 518-525, 2 pls. Kruglov, N. D. and Y. I. Starobogatov. 1993a. Guide
Kilburn, R. N. 1981. Revision of the genus Ancilla La- to Recent molluscs of northern Eurasia. 3. An-
marck, 1799 (Mollusca: Olividae: Ancillinae). An- notated and illustrated catalogue of species of the
nals of the Natal Museum 24: 349-463, 262 figs. family Lymnaeidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata Lym-
Kilburn, R. and E. Rippey. 1982. Sea Shells of Southern naeiformes) of Palaearctic and adjacent river drain-
Africa. Macmillan South Africa, Ltd. xi + 249 pp., age areas. Part 1. Ruthenica 3: 65-92, 15 figs.
45 pls., 230 figs. Kruglov, N. D. and Y. I. Starobogatov. 1993b. Guide
Kira, T. 1955. Coloured Illustrations of the Shells of Japan. to Recent molluscs of northern Eurasia. 3. An-
Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. 224 notated and illustrated catalogue of species of the
pp., 67 pls. [In Japanese, from 1954 to 1989 there family Lymnaeidae (Gastropoda Pulmonata Lym-
have been two editions and 38 printings of this work; naeiformes) of Palaearctic and adjacent river drain-
there may be minor differences among printings, see: age areas. Part 2. Ruthenica 3: 161-180, 10 figs.
Bieler and Petit (1990) for additional details]. Kuiper, J. G. J. 1964. Contribution to the knowledge of the
Kira, T. 1962. Shells of the Western Pacific in Color, 3rd South Africa species of the genus Pisidium. Annals of
Ed. Hoikusha Publishing Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan. the South African Museum 48: 77-95, 32 figs.
224 pp., 72 pls. [From 1962 to 1975 there have been Kuiper, J. G. J. 1966a. Critical revision of the New Zea-
three editions and nine printings of this work; there land Sphaeriidae clams in the Dominion Museum,
may be minor differences among printings, see: Wellington. Records of the Dominion Museum 5:
Bieler and Petit (1990) for additional details. This 147-162, 27 figs.
is an English edition of Kira 1955]. Kuiper, J. G. J. 1966b. Les espèces africaines du genre
Kirtisinghe, P. 1978. Sea Shells of Sri Lanka: Including Pisidium, leur synonymie et leur distribution (Mol-
forms scattered throughout the Indian and Pacific lusca: Lamellibranchiata: Sphaeriidae). Annales du
Oceans. Charles E. Tuttle Company, Inc., Rutland, Musée Royal de l’Afrique Centrale, Série in 8°, Sci-
Vermont. 202 pp., 61 pls. ences Zoologiques 151: i-viii + 1-78, pls. 1-15.
Knop, D. 1996. Giant Clams. Dahne Verlag, Ettlingen, Kuiper, J. G. J. 1983. The Sphaeriidae of Australia.
Germany. 255 pp. [Illustrated]. Basteria 47: 3-52, figs. 1-100.
Knudsen, J. 1970. The systematics and biology of abyssal Kuiper, J. G. J., K. A. Økland, J. Knudsen, L. Koli, T.
and hadal Bivalvia. Galathea Reports 11: 7-236, von Proschwitz, and I. Valovirta. 1989. Geographi-
pls. 1-20, figs. 1-132. cal distribution of the small mussels (Sphaeriidae)
Knudsen, J. 1985. Abyssal Mollusca from the Arctic in northern Europe (Denmark, Faroes, Finland,
Ocean. Journal of Conchology 32: 97-107, 2 pls. Iceland, Norway and Sweden). Annales Zoologici
Kohn, A. J. 1992. A Chronological Taxonomy of Conus, Fennici 26: 73-101. [Checklist].
1758-1840. Smithsonian Institution Press, Wash- Kuroda, T. 1941. A catalogue of molluscan shells from
ington, D.C. x + 315 pp., 26 pls. Taiwan (Formosa), with description of new species.
Korniushin, A. V. 1994. Review of the European spe- Memoires of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture,
cies of the genus Sphaerium (Mollusca, Bivalvia, Taihoku Imperial University 22: 65-216, 7 pls.
Pisidioidea). Ruthenica 4: 43-60, 12 figs. [Freshwater, land, and marine].
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 135

Kuroda, T. and T. Habe. 1952. Check List and Bibliogra- Likharev, I. M. [as Likhachev in translation] and E. S.
phy of the Recent Marine Mollusca of Japan. Leo. Rammel’meier. 1962. Terrestrial Mollusks of the Fauna
W. Stach, Publisher, Tokyo. 210 pp. of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R.
Kuroda, T. and T. Habe. 1981. A catalogue of molluscs Zoological Institute 43: 1-511, figs. 1-420. [Translated
of Wakayama Prefecture, The Province of Kii. I. Bi- from the Russian publication of 1952. Jerusalem: Israel
valvia, Scaphopoda and Cephalopoda. Based on the Program for Scientific Translations. Available from
Kuroda’s manuscript and supervised by Tadashige National Technical Information Service (NTIS), Spring-
Habe. Seto Marine Biological Laboratory, Special field, Virginia 22161 Document No. TT 60-21816].
Publication Series 7: i- xx + 1-301, pls. 1-13. Liltved, W. R. 1989. Cowries and their Relatives of
Kuroda, T., T. Habe, and K. Oyama. 1971. Sagami-wan Southern Africa. Seacomber Publications. 208 pp.,
san Kairui (The Sea Shells of Sagami Bay). Maruzen, 298 figs.
Tokyo. xix + 741(Japanese), 489 (English), 51(index) Linse, K. 1997. Die verbreitung epibenthischer Mol-
pp., 121 pls. [In Japanese and English]. lusken im Chilenischen Beagle-Kanal. Berichte zur
Kwon, Oh Kil. 1990. Mollusca (I). Illustrated Encyclope- Polarforschung 228: i-vi + 1-131, 2 pls.
dia of Fauna & Flora of Korea 32: 1- 446, pls. 1-23 Linse, K. 2002. The shelled Magellanic Mollusca: With
(bivalves), pls. 1-25 (gastropods). [In Korean]. special reference to biogeographic relations in
Kwon, Oh Kil. and Gab-Man Park. 1993. Coloured Shells the Southern Ocean. A. R. G. Gantner Verlag KG,
of Korea. Academy Publishing Company, Seoul, Rugell, Liechtenstein. vii + 252 pp., 21 pls.
Korea. 445 pp., 114 pls. [In Korean]. Lipe, R. 1991. Marginellas. The Shell Store, St. Peters-
Lai, Kin-Yang. [1986]. Marine Gastropods of Taiwan (1). burg Beach, Florida. 40 pp. 18 pls.
Taiwan Museum, Taiwan. 49 pp., 23 pls. Lipe, R. E. and R. T. Abbott. 1991. Living Shells of the Ca-
Lai, Kin-Yang 1987. Marine Gastropods of Taiwan (2). ribbean and Florida Keys. American Malacologists,
Taiwan Museum, Taiwan. 116 pp., 52 pls. Inc., Melbourne, Florida. 80 pp. [Illustrated].
Laidlaw, F. F. and A. Solem. 1961. The land snail genus Long Island Shell Club. 1988. Seashells of Long Island,
Amphidromus - a synoptic catalogue. Fieldiana New York. The Long Island Shell Club. 209 pp.
Zoology 41: 505-677, figs. 15-40. [Illustrated].
Lalli, C. M. and R. W. Gilmer. 1989. Pelagic Snails: The Lorenz, F. 1998. Kauris von Ostafrika. Schriften zur
Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks. Malakozoologie 11: 1-150, pls. 1-26, figs. 1-121.
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. xiv Lorenz, F. 2001. Monograph of the Living Zoila: A fasci-
+ 259 pp., 91 figs. nating group of Australian endemic Cowries (Mol-
Lamprell, K. 1986. Spondylus: Spiny Oyster Shells of lusca: Prosobranchia: Cypraeidae). ConchBooks,
the World. Robert Brown and Associates Pty. Ltd., Hackenheim, Germany. 187 pp., 54 pls.
Bathurst, Australia. 84 pp., 36 pls. Lorenz, F. 2002. New worldwide cowries. Description of
Lamprell, K. and J. Healy. 1998. Bivalves of Australia, new taxa and revisions of selected groups of living
Vol. 2. Backhuys Publisher, Leiden, The Nether- Cypraeidae (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Schriften zur
lands. 288 pp., 112 pls. Malakozoologie 20: 1-292, pls. 1-40.
Lamprell, K. and T. Whitehead. 1992. Bivalves of Austra- Lorenz, F. and A. Hubert. 2000. A Guide to Worldwide
lia, Vol. 1. Crawford House Press Pty. Ltd., Bathurst, Cowries, Second, Enlarged and Completely Revised
New South Wales, Australia. xiii + 182 pp., 77 pls. Edition. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 584
Lange de Morretes, F. 1949. Ensaio de catálogo dos moluscos pp., 128 pls.
do Brasil. Arquivos do Museu Paranaense 7: 5-216. Lozek, V. 1964. Quartärmollusken der Tschechoslowakei.
Lange de Morretes, F. 1953. Adende e corrigenda ao Prague: Herausgegeben von der Geologischen
ensaio de catálogo do moluscos do Brasil. Arquivos Zentralanstalt im Verlag der Tschechoslowakischen
do Museu Paranaense 10: 37-76. Akademie des Wissenschaften. 374 pp., 32 pls.
La Rocque, A. 1953. Catalogue of the Recent Mollusca of Lubinsky, I. 1980. Marine bivalve molluscs of the Cana-
Canada. Queen’s Printer and Controller of Station- dian central and eastern Arctic: Faunal composition
ary. Ottawa, Canada. ix + 406 pp. and zoogeography. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries
Leal, J. H. 1990. Marine Prosobranch Gastropods from and Aquatic Sciences 207: i-vi + 1-111, pls. 1-11.
Oceanic Islands off Brazil: Species Composition Macedo, M. C. C., M. I. C. Macedo, and J. P. Borges.
and Biogeography. University of Miami, Coral 1999. Conchas Marinhas de Portugal: Seashells of
Gables, Florida. x + 418 pp., 25 pls. Portugal. Editorial Verbo, Lisbon, Portugal. 516 pp.
Lellák, J. 1975. Shells of Britain and Europe. Hamlyn [Introduction in English, illustrated].
Publishing Group, Ltd., New York. 235 pp. [Text MacFarland, F. M. 1966. Studies of opisthobranchiate mol-
illustrations]. lusks of the Pacific Coast of North America. California
Leonard, A. B. 1959. Handbook of gastropods in Kansas. Academy of Sciences Memoir 6: 1-546, pls. 1-72.
Kansas Museum of Natural History Miscellaneous MacGinitie, G. E. 1955. Distribution and ecology of
Publication 20: 1-224, pls. 1-11. the marine invertebrates of Point Barrow, Alaska.
136 The molluscan literature

Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 128: i-iv + Martin, S. M. 2000. Terrestrial snails and slugs (Mollusca:
1-201, pls. 1-8. Gastropoda) of Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 7:
MacGinitie, N. 1959. Marine Mollusca of Point Barrow, 33-88.
Alaska. Proceedings of the United States National Mathiak, H. A. 1979. A River Survey of the Unionid
Museum 109: 59-208, pls. 1-27. Mussels of Wisconsin 1973-1977. Sand Shell Press,
MacMillan, G. K. 1950. The land snails of West Virginia. Horicon, Wisconsin. 75 pp., 11 pls.
Annals of the Carnegie Museum 31: 89-238, 15 pls. Maury, C. J. 1971. Recent Molluscs of the Gulf of Mexico
MacPherson, E. 1971. The marine molluscs of Arctic Can- and the Pleistocene and Pliocene Species from the
ada. Prosobranch gastropods, chitons and scaphopods. Gulf States. Paleontological Research Institution,
National Museum of Natural Science Publication in Ithaca, New York. iv + 282 pp. [Originally published
Biological Oceanography 3: i-viii + 1-149, pls. 1-7. in the Bulletins of American Paleontology Volume 8
MacPherson, J. H. and C. J. Gabriel. 1962. Marine (34) 1920 and Volume 9 (38) 1922, Checklist].
Molluscs of Victoria. Melbourne University Press, May, W. L. and J. H. Macpherson (revisor). 1958. An
Melbourne, Australia. xv + 475 pp., 486 figs. Illustrated Index of Tasmanian Shells. L. G. Shea,
Macsotay, O. and R. Campos Villarroel. 2001. Moluscos Government Printer, Tasmania, Australia. 72 pp., 50
Representativos de la Plataforma de Margarita pls. [Revised edition of May’s 1923 Index, including
- Venezuela - Descripción de 24 Especies Nuevas. additional plates and text].
Privately published, Valencia, Venezuela. iii + 230 Mayissian, S. 1974. Coquillages de Nouvelle-Caledonie et
pp., 32 pls. de Melanesie. Privately published. 72 pp., 28 pls.
Maes, V. O. 1967. The littoral marine mollusks of Cocos- Mayr, E. and P. D. Ashlock. 1991. Principles of Systemic Zo-
Keeling Islands (Indian Ocean). Proceedings of the ology. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. xx + 475 pp.
Academy of Natural Sciences 119: 93-217, 26 pls. McDonald, G. R. and J. W. Nybakken. 1981. Guide to the
Mandahl-Barth, G. 1938. Land and freshwater Mollusca. Nudibranchs of California. R. Tucker Abbott, ed.
Zoology of Iceland 4: 1-31. American Malacologists, Inc., Melbourne, Florida.
Mandahl-Barth, G. 1954. The freshwater mollusks of 67 pp. [112 taxa illustrated].
Uganda and adjacent territories. Annales du Mu- McKillop, B. 1996. Geographic and environmental
sée Royal du Congo Belge, Série in 8°, Sciences distribution of freshwater gastropods in Manitoba,
Zoologiques 32: 1-206, figs. 1-96. Canada. Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature
Mandahl-Barth, G. 1988. Studies on African Freshwater Occasional Series 1: 1-34.
Bivalves. Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory. Charlot- McLean, J. H. 1978. Marine shells of southern California.
tenlund, Denmark. 161 pp., 330 figs. [A compen- Revised edition. Natural History Museum of Los
dium of three earlier publications from 1982, 1983, Angeles County Science Series 24, Zoology 11:
and 1985, covering Unionacea and Sphaeriidae]. 1-104, pls. 1-54.
Mansur, M. C. D. 1970. Lista dos moluscos bivalves das McLean, J. H. and T. M. Gosliner. 1996. Taxonomic At-
famílias Hyriidae e Mycetopodidae para o estado las of the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin
do Rio Grande do Sul. Iheringia Série Zoologia and Western Santa Barbara Channel, Vol. 9. The
39: 33-95. Mollusca Part 2 - The Gastropoda. Santa Barbara
Mansur, M. C. D. and C. Meier-Brook. 2000. Morphol- Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara, Cali-
ogy of Eupera Bourguignat 1854, and Byssanodonta fornia. vii + 228 pp. [155 taxa illustrated].
Orbigny 1846 with contributions to the phyloge- McMichael, D. F. and I. D. Hiscock. 1958. A monograph
netic systematics of Sphaeriidae and Corbiculidae of the freshwater mussels (Mollusca: Pelecypoda) of
(Bivalvia: Veneroida). Archiv für Molluskenkunde the Australian region. Australian Journal of Marine
128: 1-59, figs. 1-151. and Freshwater Research 9: 372-508, 19 pls.
Mansur, M. C. D. and R. M. Valer. 1992. Moluscos bi- McMichael, D. F. and T. Iredale. 1959. The land and
valves do Rio Uraricoera e Rio Branco, Roraima, freshwater Mollusca of Australia. Monographiae
Brazil. Amazoniana 12: 85-100, 10 figs. Biologicae 8: 224-245, 2 pls.
Marincovich, Jr., L. 1973. Intertidal Mollusks of Iquique, McMillan, N. F. 1975. British Shells. Revised Ed. Freder-
Chili. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles ick Warne, London. 196 pp. [355 taxa illustrated].
County Science Bulletin 16: 1-49, figs. 1-102. Mead, A. R. 1961. The Giant African Snail: A Problem in
Marsh, J. A. and O. H. Rippingale. 1974. Cone Shells Economic Malacology. University of Chicago Press,
of the World, 3rd Ed. Jacaranda Press Pty., Ltd., Chicago, Illinois. xvii + 257 pp., 15 figs.
Melbourne, Australia. 185 pp., 24 pls. Menzies, R. J., M. Ewing, J. L. Worzel, and A. H. Clarke,
Martin, S. M. 1997. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoi- Jr. 1959. Ecology of the Recent Monoplacophora.
da) of Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 4: 1-34, 2 pls. Oikos 10: 168-182, 10 figs.
Martin, S. M. 1998. Freshwater Fingernail and Pea Metcalf, A. L. and R. A. Smartt, eds. 1997. Land Snails
Clams (Bivalvia: Veneroida: Sphaeriidae) of Maine. of New Mexico. New Mexico Museum of Natural
Northeastern Naturalist 5: 29-60, pl. 1. History and Science Bulletin 10: 1-145, figs. 1-4.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 137

Mikkelsen, P. M., R. Bieler, and R. E. Petit. 1993. A Narchi, W., O. Domaneschi, and F. D. Passos. 2002. Bi-
bibliography of Caribbean malacology 1826-1993. valves antárticos e subantárticos coletados durante
American Malacological Bulletin 10: 267-290. as Expedições Científicas Brasileiras à Antártica I
Millard, V. 2003. Classification of Mollusca. A Classi- a IX (1982-1991). Revista Brasileira de Zoologia
fication of World Wide Mollusca, 3rd Ed. Privately 19: 645-675, 53 figs.
published, South Africa. 1992 pp. [Issued in 2004, Neave, S. A. (ed.). 1939-1940. Nomenclator Zoologicus:
though title page lists 2003]. a List of the Names of Genera and Subgenera in
Minton, R. L. and C. L. Lydeard. 2003. Phylogeny, Zoology from the Tenth Edition of Linnaeus, 1758,
taxonomy, genetics and global heritage rank of to the end of 1935, Vols. 1-4. The Zoological Society
imperiled, freshwater snail genus Lithasia (Pleu- of London, London. xiv + 3805 pp.
roceridae). Molecular Ecology 12: 75-87. Neave, S. A. (ed.). 1950. Nomenclator Zoologicus, Vol.
Monteiro, A., M. J. Tenorio, and G. T. Poppe. 2004. A 5, 1936-1945. The Zoological Society of London,
Conchological Iconography: The Family Conidae- London. 308 pp.
The West African and Mediterranian Species of Nedeau, E. J. [2003]. A Field Guide to the Freshwater
Conus. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 102 Mussels of Connecticut. Bureau of Natural Re-
pp., 164 pls. sources, Wildlife Division, Connecticut Department
Moore, R. C. and C. Teichert, eds. 1953-1981. Treatise of Environmental Protection, Hartford, Connecticut.
on Invertebrate Paleontology. Geological Society 32 pp. [Illustrated].
of America and the University of Kansas, Boulder, Nedeau, E. J., M. A. McCollough, and B. I. Swartz. 2000.
Colorado. The Freshwater Mussels of Maine. Maine Depart-
Part I: Mollusca 1 (Mollusca - General Features ment of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Augusta,
- Scaphopoda - Amphineura - Monoplacophora - Maine. 118 pp. [16 taxa illustrated].
Gastropoda General Features - Archaeogastropoda, Nesis, K. N. 1987. Cephalopds of the World: Squids,
mainly Paleozoic Caenogastropoda and Opistho- Cuttlefishes, Octopuses, and Allies. Translated by B.
branchia). 1960. xxiii + 351 pp., 216 figs. S. Levitov, edited by L. A. Burgess. TFH Publica-
Part K: Mollusca 3 (Cephalopoda - General Features tions, Neptune City, New Jersey. 351 pp., 88 pls.
- Endoceratoidea - Actinoceratoidea - Nautiloidea Nicklès, M. 1950. Mollusques Testacés Marins de la Côte
- Bactritoidea). 1964. xxviii + 519 pp., 361 figs. Occidentele d’Afrique. Manuels Ouest-Africains,
Part L: Mollusca 4 (Cephalopoda - Ammonoidea). Vol. 2. Libraire pour les Sciences Naturelle, Paris.
1957. xxii + 490 pp., 558 figs. 269 pp., 459 figs.
Part L (Revised): Mollusca 4 (Cretaceous Ammonoi- Nicol, D. 1966. Description, ecology, and geographic
dea). 1996. xx + 362 pp., 216 figs. distribution of some Antarctic pelecypods. Bulletins
Part N, Vol. 1: Mollusca 6 (Bivalvia). 1969. xxxviii of American Paleontology 51: 1-102, 10 pls.
+ 1-489., 301 figs. Nobre, A. 1938-1940. Fauna Malacológica de Portugal:
Part N, Vol. 2: Mollusca 6 (Bivalvia). 1969. 491- I. Moluscos Marinhos e das Águas Salobras. Annaes
952., 311 figs. de Sciencias Naturaes i-xiii + 1-806, 87 pls.
Part N, Vol. 3: Mollusca 6 (Bivalvia). 1971. iv + Nordsieck, H. 1998. Critical revision of the system of the
953-1224, 153 figs. Japanese Phaedusinae, proposed by Minato (1994)
Morris, S. and R. D. Purchon. 1981. The marine shelled (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora: Clausiliidae).
Mollusca of West Malaysia and Singapore, Part Archiv für Molluskenkunde 127: 21-32.
3: Bivalvia. Journal of Molluscan Studies 47: Norman, M. 2000. Cephalopods - A World Guide.
322-327. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 320 pp. [800+
Morton, J. E. 1979. Molluscs, 5th. Ed. Hutchinson & Co. illustrations].
Ltd., London. 264 pp., 60 figs. Norman, M. and A. Reid. 2000. A Guide to Squid, Cu-
Moscatelli, R. 1987. The Superfamily Strombacea from ttlefish, and Octopuses of Australasia. CSIRO Pu-
Western Atlantic. Privately published. 91 pp., 38 blishing. Victoria, Australia. 96 pp. [Illustrated].
pls. Numanami, H. 1996. Taxonomic study on Antarctic gas-
Mouthon, J. and J. G. J. Kuiper. 1987. Inventaire des tropods collected by Japanese Antarctic Research
Sphaeriidae de France. Inventaries de Faune et de Expedition. Memoirs of the National Institute of
Flore 41: 1-60. [7 taxa illustrated]. Polar Research, Series E (Biology and Medical
Murray, H. D. and A. B. Leonard. 1962. Handbook of Science) 39: 1-244.
unionid mussels in Kansas, University of Kansas Oesch, R. D. 1984. Missouri Naiades: A Guide to the Mus-
Museum of Natural History, Miscellaneous Publica- sels of Missouri. Missouri Department of Conserva-
tion 281: 1-84, pls. 1-45. tion, Jefferson City, Missouri. 270 pp. [illustrated].
Nakayama, T. 2003. A review of northwest Pacific epi- Okutani, T. ed. 2000. Marine Mollusks in Japan. Tokai
toniids (Gastropoda: Epitoniidae). Monographs of University Press, Tokyo. xlviii + 1173 pp. [In Japa-
Marine Mollusca 6: i-vii + 1-143, pls. 1-20. nese and English, 5100 + figures].
138 The molluscan literature

Oldroyd, I. S. 1924. Marine shells of Puget Sound and Parodiz, J. J. 1968. Annotated catalogue of the genus Di-
vicinity. Publications of the Puget Sound Biological plodon (Unionacea - Hyriidae). Sterkiana 30: 1-22.
Station of the University of Washington 4: 1-272, Parodiz, J. J. and A. A. Bonetto. 1963. Taxonomy and
pls. 1-49. zoogeographic relationships of the South American
Oldroyd, I. S. 1924-1927. The Marine Shells of the West naiades (Pelecypoda: Unionacea and Mutelacea).
Coast of North America. Stanford University Press, Malacologia 1: 179-213, figs. 1-17.
Stanford, California. Vol. 1 (1924): 247 pp., 57 pls. Pasteur-Humbert, C. 1962a. Les mollusques marins
Vol. 2 Parts I-III (1927): 941 pp., 108 pls. testacés du Maroc. Catalogue non critique. I – Les
Oliver, P. G. 1992. Bivalved Seashells of the Red Sea. Gastéropodes. L’ Institut Scientifique Chérifien Série
Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden, Germany. Zoologie 23: 1-245, pls. 1-42.
330 pp., 46 pls. Pasteur-Humbert, C. 1962b. Les mollusques marins testa-
Olsson, A. A. 1961. Mollusks of the Tropical Eastern cés du Maroc. Catalogue non critique. II – Les Lamel-
Pacific, Particularly from the Southern Half of libranches et les Scaphopodes. L’ Institut Scientifique
the Panamic-Pacific Faunal Province (Panama Chérifien Série Zoologie 28: 1-184, pls. 1-39.
to Peru). Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda. Paleon- Patterson, C. M. 1971. Taxonomic studies of the land
tological Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. snail family Succineidae. Malacological Review
574 pp., 86 pls. 4: 131-202.
Olsson, A. A. 1964. Neogene Mollusks from Northwest- Pechar, P. C. Prior, and B. Parkinson. [1984]. Mitre
ern Ecuador. Paleontological Research Institution, Shells from the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Robert
Ithaca, New York. 256 pp., 38 pls. [37 Recent taxa Brown and Associates, Pty. Ltd. Bathurst, Australia.
are discussed along with many fossil taxa]. 56 pls.
Olsson, A. A. and T. L. McGinty. 1958. Recent marine Penniket, J. R. and G. J. H. Moon. 1970. New Zealand
mollusks from the Caribbean coast of Panama with Seashells in Colour. A. H. and W. Reed, Ltd., Wel-
the description of some new genera and species. lington, Australia. 112 pp., 51 pls.
Bulletins of American Paleontology 39: 1-58, pls. Perera, G. and J. Walls. 1996. Apple Snails in the Aqua-
1-5. [A list of 534 species with descriptions of 33 rium. T. H. F. Publishing, Inc., Neptune City, New
new taxa]. Jersey. 121 pp. [Illustrated].
Ortmann, A. E. 1921. South American naiades; a con- Perez, K. E., W. F. Ponder, J. Donald, D. J. Colgan, S. A.
tribution to the knowledge of the fresh-water mus- Clark, and C. Lydeard. 2005. Molecular phylogeny
sels of South America. Memoirs of the Carnegie and biogeography of spring-associated hydrobiid
Museum 8: 451-670. Plates 34-48. snails of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia. Mole-
Oughton, J. 1948. A zoogeographical study of the land cular Phylogenetics and Evolution 34: 545-556.
snails of Ontario. University of Toronto Studies Bio- Perry, L. M. and J. S. Schwengel. 1955. Marine Shells
logical Series 57: 1-128. [Annotated checklist]. of the Western Coast of Florida. Paleontological
Pace, G. L. 1973. The freshwater snails of Taiwan Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. 318 pp.,
(Formosa). Malacological Review (Supplement 1): 55 pls.
1-118. Plates 1-19, figures 1-17. Petit, R. E. and R. Bieler. 1996. On the new names in-
Pace, G. L. 1975. The fresh water mussels (Bivalvia: troduced in the various printings of “Shells of the
Unionidae) of Taiwan (Formosa). Bulletin of Mala- World in Colour” [Vol. I by Tadashige Habe and
cology, Republic of China 2: 47-61. 3 pls. Kiyoshi Ito; Vol. II by Tadashige Habe and Sadao
Packard, E. L. 1918. Molluscan fauna from San Francisco Kosuge]. Malacologia 38: 35-46.
Bay. University of California Publications in Zool- Petuch, E. J. and D. M. Sargent. 1986. Atlas of the Living
ogy 14: 199-452. 47 pls. Olive Shells of the World. Coastal Education and
Pain, T. 1960. Pomacea (Ampullariidae) of the Amazon Research Foundation, Charlottesville, Virginia. xiii
River system. Journal of Conchology 24: 421-432. +253 pp., 39 pls.
[Annotated checklist]. Picton, B. E. and C. C. Morrow. 1994. A Field Gude to the
Pain, T. 1972. The Ampullariidae, an historical survey. Nudibranchs of the British Isles. Immel Publishing,
Journal of Conchology 27: 453-462. London. 143 pp. [Illustrated].
Parkinson, B., J. Hemmen, and K. Groh. 1987. Tropical Piech, B. J. 1995. Ranellidae and Personidae: A Clas-
Landshells of the World. Verlag Christa Hemmen, sification of Recent Species. Delaware Museum of
Wiesbaden, Germany. 279 pp., 77 pls. Natural History, Wilmington, Delaware. 60 pp.
Parmalee, P. W. and A. E. Bogan. 1998. The Freshwater Piechocki, A. 1989. The Sphaeriidae of Poland (Bivalvia,
Mussels of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee Eulamellibranchia). Annales Zoologici (Warsaw)
Press, Knoxville, Tennessee. xii + 328 pp. 133 pls. 42: 249-320, 94 figs.
Parodiz, J. J. 1957. Catalog of the land Mollusca of Ar- Pilsbry, H. A. 1911. Non-marine Mollusca of Patagonia.
gentina, Parts 1-3. Nautilus 70: 127-135, 71: 22-30, Reports of the Princeton University Expedition to
63-66. [Checklist]. Patagonia 3: 513-633, 15 pls.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 139

Pilsbry, H. A. 1912. A study of the variation and zoo- Poppe, G. T. and Y. Goto. 1993. Recent Angariidae.
geography of Liguus in Florida. Journal of the [published for] Mostra Mondiale Malacologia by
Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia 15: L’Informatore Piceno, Ancona, Italy. 32 pp., 10 pls.
427-472, pls. 37-40. Poppe, G. T. and M. Verhaeghe. 2000. A Conchological
Pilsbry, H. A. 1919. A review of the land mollusks of the Iconography: The Family Ficidae. ConchBooks,
Belgian Congo chiefly based on the collection of the Hackenheim, Germany. 31 pp., 27 pls.
American Museum Congo Expedition, 1905-1915. Powell, A. W. B. 1960. Antarctic and subantarctic Mol-
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History lusca. Records of the Aukland Institute and Museum
40: i-x + 1-370, pls. 1-23, figs. 1-163. 5: 117-193. [Checklist].
Pilsbry, H. A. 1939-1948. Land Mollusca of North Amer- Powell, A. W. B. 1964. The family Turridae in the Indo-
ica (north of Mexico). Academy of Natural Sciences, Pacific. Part 1. The subfamily Turrinae. Indo-Pacific
Philadelphia Monograph 3. Vol. 1, Part 1: i-xvii + Mollusca 1: 227-345, pls. 172-262.
1-573 + i-ix, figs. 1-377. Part 2: i-vi + 575-994 + i-ix, Powell, A. W. B. 1967. The family Turridae in the Indo-
figs. 378-580. Vol. 2, Part 1: i-vi + 1-520, figs. 1-281. Pacific. Part 1a. The subfamily Turrinae concluded.
Part 2: i-xlvii + 521-1113, figs. 282-585. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 409-443, pls. 298-317.
Pilsbry, H. A. and J. Bequaert. 1927. The aquatic mol- Powell, A. W. B. 1969. The family Turridae in the Indo-
lusks of the Belgian Congo. With a geographical and Pacific. Part 2. The subfamily Turriculinae. Indo-
ecological account of Congo malacology. Bulletin Pacific Mollusca 2: 215-415, pls. 188-324.
of the American Museum of Natural History 53: Powell, A. W. B. 1973. The patellid limpits of the World
69-602, pls. 10-77. (Patellidae). Indo-Pacific Mollusca 3: 75-205, pls.
Pinn, F. 1990. Sea Snails of Pondicherry. Nehru Science 60-182.
Centre, Pondicherry, India. xv + 116 pp., 215 figs. Powell, A. W. B. 1976. Shells of New Zealand: An Illus-
Plá, E. [2000]. Moluscos Gasterópodos y Bivalves de la trated Handbook. 5th revised edition. Whitcoulls,
Marina Alta y Baleares. Institut de Cultura “Juan Gil- Christchurch, New Zealand. 1976. 154 pp., 45 pls.
Albert”, Portugal. 180 pp. [218 taxa illustrated]. [Formerly titled The Shellfish of New Zealand].
Pointier, J-P. and G. Marquet. 1990. Taxonomy and distri- Powell, A. W. B. 1979. New Zealand Mollusca. Marine,
bution of freshwater mollusks of French Polynesia. Land and Freshwater Shells. William Collins
Venus 49: 215-231, 4 pls. Publishers, Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand. xiv +
Ponder, W. F. 1983. A revision of the recent Xenophori- 500 pp., 82 pls.
dae of the world and of the Australian fossil spe- Prashad, B. 1928. Recent and fossil Viviparidae. A study
cies. The Australian Museum Memoir 17: 1-126, in distribution, evolution and paleogeography. Me-
pls. 1-42. moirs of the Indian Museum 8: 153-251, 1 pl.
Ponder, W. F. 1997. Freshwater molluscs of northeast Prozorova, L. A. 1995. Species composition and classifi-
Tasmania. Records of the Queen Victoria Museum cation of the genus Pisidium (Bivalvia, Pisidiidae)
and Art Gallery 103: 185-191. of the Russian Far East. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 74:
Ponder, W. F., D. J. Eernisse, and J. W. Waterhouse, 32-36. [In Russian].
eds. 1988. Prosobranch phylogeny: Proceedings Pugh, P. J. A. and B. Scott. 2002. Biodiversity and bio-
of a symposium, 9th International Malacological geography of non-marine Mollusca on the islands
Congress, Edinburgh, 1986. Malacological Review of the Southern Ocean. Journal of Natural History
Supplement 4: 1-346. 36: 927-952. [Annotated list].
Ponder, W. F. and E. H. Vokes. 1988. A revision of the Purchon, R. D. 1977. The Biology of the Mollusca. 2nd Ed.
Indo-West Pacific fossil and Recent species of Pergamon Press, New York. xxv + 560 pp.
Murex s. s. and Haustellum (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Purchon, R. D. and D. E. A. Purchon. 1981. The marine
Muricidae). Records of the Australian Museum shelled Mollusca of West Malaysia and Singapore,
Supplement 8: 1-160, figs. 1-89. Part 1: General Introduction and an account of the
Poppe, G. T., S. P. Dance, and T. Brulet. 1999. A Concho- collecting stations. Journal of Molluscan Studies
logical Iconography: The Family Harpidae. Conch- 47: 290-312.
Books, Hackenheim, Germany. 17 pp., 51 pls. Qi, Zhongyan, ed. 2004. Seashells of China. China Ocean
Poppe, G. T. and Y. Goto. 1991-1993. European Sea- Press, Beijing. viii + 418 pp., 193 pls.
shells. Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden, Ger- Quayle, D. B. 1970. The Intertidal Bivalves of British
many. Vol. 1 (1991) Polyplacophora, Caudofoveata, Columbia. Handbook 17, British Columbia Provin-
Solenogastres, Gastropoda, 352 pp., 40 pls.; Vol. 2 cial Museum. British Columbia Provincial Museum,
(1993) Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda, 221 Department of Education, Victoria, British Colum-
pp., 32 pls. bia, Canada. 104 pp. [Text figures].
Poppe, G. T. and Y. Goto. 1992. Volutes. [published for] Quintana, M. G. 1982. Catologo preliminar de la mala-
Mostra Mondiale Malacologia by L’Informatore cofauna del Paraguay. Revista del Museo Argentino
Piceno, Ancona, Italy. 348 pp., 107 pls. de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” et
140 The molluscan literature

Instituto Nacional de Investigacion de las Ciencias das Laptevmeer. Schriften zur Malakozoologie 15:
Naturales Zoologica 11: 61-158. 1-93, figs. 1-84.
Radwin, G. E. and E. V. Coan. 1976. A catalogue of colla- Richling, I. 2004. Classification of the Helicinidae:
tions of works of malacological importance. Western Review of morphological characteristics based on
Society of Malacologists Occasional Paper 2: 1-34. a revision of the Costa Rican species and applica-
Radwin, G. E. and A. D’Attilio. 1976. Murex Shells of tion to the arrangement of the Central American
the World: An Illustrated Guide to the Muricidae. mainland taxa (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Neritopsina).
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. x Malacologia 45: 195-440, figs. 1-340.
+ 284 pp., 32 pls., 192 figs. Richmond, M. H. 1992. Tasmanian Sea Shells, Vol. 2.
Ramakrishna and S. C. Mitra. 2002. Endemic land mol- Richmond Printers, Devonport, Tasmania, Austra-
luscs of India. Records of the Zoological Survey of lia. 111 pp. [139 taxa illustrated].
India Occasional Paper 196: 1-65, pls. 1-13. Richmond, M. H. 1997. Tasmanian Sea Shells Common
Redfern, C. 2001. Bahamian Seashells: A Thousand Spe- to other Australian States, Revised Ed. Richmond
cies from Abaco, Bahamas., Printers, Devonport, Tasmania, Australia. 80 pp.
Inc., Boca Raton, Florida. ix +280 pp., 124 pls. [170 taxa illustrated].
Rehder, H. A. 1973. The family Harpidae of the World. Riedel, A. 1980. Genera Zonitidarum: Diagnosen
Indo-Pacific Mollusca 3: 207-274, pls. 183-247. supra spezifischer Taxa der Familie Zonitidae
Rehder, H. A. 1980. The marine mollusks of Easter Island (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora). Dr. W. Backhuys,
(Isla de Pascua) and Sala y Gómez. Smithsonian Publisher, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 197 pp., 2
Contributions to Zoology 289: 1-167, pls. 1-14. pls., 294 figs.
Reid, D. G. 1996. Systematics and Evolution of Littorina. Rios, E. 1994. Seashells of Brazil, 2nd Ed. Universidade do
Ray Society, London. x + 463 pp., 131 figs. Rio Grande, Rio Grande, Brazil. 492 pp., 113 pls.
Reynolds, P. D. 1997. The phylogeny and classification Rippingale, O. H. and D. F. McMichael. 1961. Queensland
of Scaphopoda (Mollusca): an assessment of cur- and Great Barrier Reef Shells. The Jacaranda Press
rent resolution and cladistic reanalysis. Zoologica Pty., Ltd., Brisbane, Australia. 210 pp., 29 pls.
Scripta 26: 13-21. Robba, E., I. DiGeronimo, N. Chaimanee, M. P. Negri,
Rice, T. 1971. Marine Shells of the Pacific Northwest. and R. Sanfilippo. 2002. Holocene and Recent shal-
Ellison Industries, Inc., Edmonds, Washington. low soft-bottom mollusks from the northern Gulf
102 pp., 40 pls. of Thailand area: Bivalvia. Bollettino Malacologico
Richardson, L. 1980. Helicidae: Catalog of species. 38: 49-132, 21 pls.
Tryonia 3: Part 1: 1-350; Part 2: 351-697. Robba, E., I. DiGeronimo, N. Chaimanee, M. P. Negri,
Richardson, L. 1982. Helminthoglyptidae: Catalog of and R. Sanfilippo. 2004. Holocene and Recent shal-
species. Tryonia 6: 1-117. low soft-bottom mollusks from the northern Gulf of
Richardson, L. 1983. Bradybaenidae: Catalog of species. Thailand area: Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, additions
Tryonia 9: 1-253. to Bivalvia. La Conchiglia 35 (Supplement to No.
Richardson, L. 1984. Oreohelicidae: Catalog of species. 309): 5-288, 37 pls. [In Italian and English].
Tryonia 10: 1-30. Robertson, I. C. S. and C. L. Blakeslee. 1948. The Mol-
Richardson, L. 1985. Camaenidae: Catalog of species. lusca of the Niagara frontier region and adjacent
Tryonia 12: 5-49. territory. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural
Richardson, L. 1986. Polygyracea: Catalog of species Sciences 19: i-xi + 1-191, pls. 1-14.
(Parts 1, Polygyridae; 2, Corillidae; 3, Sagdidae). Robertson, R. 1985. Archaegastropod biology and the
Tryonia 13: 1-139, 1-40, 1-38. systematics of the genus Tricolia (Trochacea: Tri-
Richardson, C. L. 1988. Streptaxacea: Catalog of species, coliidae) in the Indo-West Pacific. Monographs of
Part I. Streptaxidae. Tryonia 16: 1-326. Marine Mollusca 3: 1-103, pls. 1-96.
Richardson, C. L. 1989. Streptaxacea: Catalog of spe- Robin, A. and J. C. Martin. 2004. Mitridae Costel-
cies, Part II. Ammonidellidae, Chlamydephoridae, lariidae. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 34
Haplotrematidae, Rhytididae, Systrophiidae. Tryo- pp., 32 pls.
nia 18: 1-154. Robson, G. C. 1929-1932. A Monograph of the Recent
Richardson, C. L. 1990. Partulidae: Catalog of species. Cephalopoda Based on the Collections in the Brit-
Tryonia 19: i + 1–96. ish Museum (Natural History). British Museum,
Richardson, C. L. 1991. Urocoptidae: Catalog of species. London. Part I (1929): Octopodinae. xi + 236 pp.,
Tryonia 22: 1-245. 7 pls.; Part II (1932): The Octopoda (excluding the
Richardson, C. L. 1992. Cerionidae: Catalog of species. Octopodinae). xi + 359 pp., 6 pls.
Tryonia 25: 1-121. Röckel, D., W. Korn, and A. J. Kohn. 1995. Manual of
Richling, I. 2000. Arktische Bivalvia - eine taxonomische the Living Conidae. Vol. 1: Indo-Pacific Region.
Bearbeitung auf Grundlage des Materials der Ex- Verlag Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden, Germany.
peditionen Transdrift 1 und ARK IX/4 (1993) in 516 pp., 84 pls.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 141

Rombouts, A. 1991. Guidebook to Pecten Shells: Recent University Special Occasional Publication 7: i-ii
Pectinidae and Propeamussiidae of the World. Ed- + 1-100
ited and revised by H. E. Coomans, H. H. Dijkstra, Sabelli, B., R. Giannuzzi-Savelli, and D. Bedulli. 1990-
R. G. Moolenbeek, and P. L. van Pel. Universal 1992. Catalogo Annotato dei Molluschi Marini del
Book Services/Dr. W. Backhuys, Oegstgeest, The Mediterraneo/Annotated Check-list of Mediterranean
Netherlands. xiii + 157 pp., 29 pls. Marine Mollusks. Edizioni Libreria Naturalistica
Roper, C. F. E., M. J. Sweeney, and C. Nauen. 1984. Bolognese, Bolognese, Italia. Vol. 1 (1990): i-xiv + 1-
Cephalopods of the world. An annotated and il- 348. Vol 2 (1992): 349-500. Vol. 3 (1992): 501-781.
lustrated catalogue of species of interest to fisheries. Salvat, B. and C. Rives. 1980. Coquillages de Polynésie.
FAO Fisheries Synopsis 125, Vol. 3: i-viii + 1-277. 2nd Ed. Éditions du Pacifique, Papeete, Tahiti. 391
Roper, C. F. E., R. E. Young, and G. L. Voss. 1969. An pp., 446 figs.
illustrated key to the families of the order Teuthoi- Salvat, B. and C. Rives. 1984. Shells of Tahiti. Les
dea (Cephalopoda). Smithsonian Contributions to Editions du Pacifique, Bruat, Papeete, Tahiti. 159
Zoology 13: 1-32, pls. 1-16. pp., 40 pls.
Rosenberg, G. 1992. The Encyclopedia of Seashells. Rob- Salvat, B., C. Rives, and P. Reverce. 1988. Coquillages
ert Hale, Ltd., London. 224 pp. [Text illustrations]. de Nouvelle-Caledonie. Les Editions du Pacífique,
Rosenberg, G. and R. E. Petit. 2003. Kaicher’s card catalog Singapore. 142 pp., 28 pls.
of World-wide shells: A collation, with discussion of Schilder, F. A. and M. Schilder. 1938. Prodrome of a
species names therein. Nautilus 117: 99-120. monograph on living Cypraeidae. Proceedings of
Rosewater, J. 1961. The Family Pinnidae in the Indo- the Malacological Society of London 23: 119-231.
Pacific. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 175-226, pls. Schilder, M. and F. A. Schilder. 1971. A catalogue of
135-171. living and fossil cowries. Institute Royals des Sci-
Rosewater, J. 1965. The family Tridacnidae in the ences Naturelles de Belgique Memoires, Deuxième
Indo-Pacific. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 1: 347-393, Série 85: 1-246.
pls. 263-293. Schileyko, A. A. 1998-2004. Treatise on Recent terrestrial
Rosewater, J. 1970. The family Littorinidae in the Indo- pulmonate molluscs. Parts 1-12. Ruthenica Supple-
Pacific. Part 1. The subfamily Littorininae. Indo- ment 2: 1-1763, figs. 1-2259. [This work, which
Pacific Mollusca 2: 417-506, pls. 325-387. discusses terrestrial gastropods to the generic level,
Rosewater, J. 1972. The family Littorinidae in the Indo- is not completed, several more parts are planned. The
Pacific. Part 2. The subfamilies Tectariinae and following families are found in the following parts:
Echinininae. Indo-Pacific Mollusca 2: 507-529, Achatinidae (part 4), Agriolimacidae (part 11), Brady-
pls. 388-408. baenidae (part 12), Camaenidae (part 11), Cerionidae
Rosewater, J. 1975. An annotated list of the marine mollusks (part 4), Charopidae (part 7), Clausiliidae (part 5),
of Ascension Island, South Atlantic Ocean. Smithson- Gastrocoptidae (part 2), Haplotrematidae (part 6),
ian Contributions to Zoology 189: 1-41, figs. 1-24. Helminthoglyptidae (part 12), Limacidae (part 11),
Rost, H. 1955. A report on the family Arcidae (Pelecy- Milacidae (part 10), Orthalicidae (part 3), Partulidae
poda). Allan Hancock Pacific Expedition 20: 173- (part 3), Pupillidae (part 1), Rhytididae (part 6),
249, pls. 11-16. Sagdidae (part 2), Spiraxidae (part 6), Streptaxidae
Roth, B. and P. S. Sadeghian. 2003. Checklist of land (part 6), Truncatellinidae (part 2), Urocoptidae (part
snails and slugs of California. Santa Barbara Mu- 3), Valloniidae (part 1), Vertiginidae (part 2)].
seum of Natural History Contributions in Science Schuh, R. T. 2000. Biological Systematics: Principles
3: 1- 81, figs. 1-92. and Applications. Comstock Publishing Associates,
Ruhoff, F. A. 1980. Index to the species of Mollusca a division of Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New
introduced from 1850 to 1870. Smithsonian Con- York. ix + 236 pp.
tributions to Zoology 294: 1-640. Schütt, H. 2001. Die türkischen Landschnecken. Acta
Rundell, R.J., B. S. Holland, and R. H. Cowie. 2004. Mo- Biologica Benrodis Supplementband 4: 1-549. [531
lecular phylogeny and biogeography of the endemic taxa illustrated].
Hawaiian Succineidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Mo- Scott, P. V. and J. A. Blake, eds. 1998. Taxonomic Atlas of
lecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31: 246-255. the Benthic Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the
Runham, N. W. and P. J. Hunter. 1970. Terrestrial Slugs. Western Santa Barbara Channel. Vol. 8. The Mol-
Hutchinson University Library, London. 184 pp., lusca Part 1 - The Aplacophora, Polyplacophora,
57 figs. Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, and Cephalopoda. Santa
Russell, H. D. 1971. Index Nudibranchia: A Catalog of the Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa Barbara,
Literature 1554-1965. Delaware Museum of Natural California. viii + 250 pp. [95 taxa illustrated].
History, Greenville, Delaware. iv + 141 pp. Scudder, S. H. 1882. Nomenclator Zoologicus. I. Supple-
Russell, H. D. 1986. Index Nudibranchia supplement mental list. II. Universal index. Bulletin of the United
I, 1966-1975. Department of Mollusks, Harvard States National Museum 19: i-xix + 1-376, 1-340.
142 The molluscan literature

Sharabati, D. 1981. Saudi Arabian Seashells. Selected Smith, H. H. 1902. An annotated catalogue of the genus
Red Sea and Arabian Gulf Molluscs. VNU Books Partula in the Hartman Collection belonging to the
International. 119 pp. Carnegie Museum. Annals of the Carnegie Museum
Sharabati, D. 1984. Red Sea Shells. KPI Limited, London. 1: 422-485.
127 pp., 49 pls. Smith, M. 1939. An Illustrated Catalog of the Recent
Sherborn, C. D. 1902. Index Animalium. Sectio Prima, Species of the Rock Shells: Muricidae, Thaididae
1758-1800. British Museum (Natural History), and Coralliophilidae. Tropical Laboratory, Lantana,
London. lix + 1195 pp. Florida. ix + 83 pp., 28 pls.
Sherborn, C. D. 1922-1932. Index Animalium. Sectio Smith, M. 1942. A Review of the Volutidae: Synonymy, No-
Secunda, 1801-1850. British Museum (Natural menclature, Range and Illustrations. Published by the
History), London. cxlvii + 7056 pp., 1098 pp. [Pub- authority of the Beal-Maltbie Shell Museum of Rollins
lished in 33 parts, with corrections and additions]. College, Winter Park, Florida. 127 pp., 26 pls.
Shirai, S. 1994. Pearls and Pearl Oysters of the World. Smith, M. 1944. Panamic Marine Shells, Synonymy, No-
Marine Planning Co., Ishigaki, Okinawa, Japan. menclature, Range and Illustrations. Beal-Maltbie
108 pp. [Text figures]. Shell Museum of Rollins College, Winter Park,
Short, J. W. and D. G. Potter. 1987. Shells of Queensland Florida. xiii + 127 pp., 912 figs.
and the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Gastropods. Smith, M. 1948. Triton Helmet and Harp Shells. Syn-
Robert Brown and Associates, Bathurst, New South onymy, Nomenclature, Range and Illustrations.
Wales, Australia. vi + 135 pp., 60 pls. Tropical Photographic Laboratory, Winter Park,
Simpson, G. G. 1990. Principles of Animal Taxonomy. Florida. v + 57 pp., 16 pls.
Columbia University Press, New York. x + 247 Snyder, M. A. 2003. Catalog of the marine gastropod
pp. family Fasciolariidae. Academy of Natural Sciences
Sirenko, B. I. 1988. A new genus of deep sea chitons Special Publication 21: i-iv + 1-431, pl. 1.
Ferreiraella gen. n. (Lepidopleurida, Leptochito- Solem, A. 1959. Systematics and zoogeography of the
nidae) with a description of a new ultra-abyssal land and freshwater Mollusca of the New Hebrides.
species. Zoologichesky Zhurnal 67: 1776-1786. Fieldiana Zoology 43: 1-359, pls. 1-33.
[In Russian]. Solem, A. 1961. New Caledonian land and fresh-water
Skoglund, C. 1990. Additions to the Panamic Province snails: an annotated checklist. Fieldiana Zoology
bivalve (Mollusca) literature 1971 to 1990. Festivus 41: 415-501.
22 (Supplement 2): i-v + 1-74. Solem, A. 1966a. Some non-marine mollusks from Thai-
Skoglund, C. 1991. Additions to the Panamic Province land, with notes on classification of the Helicarionidae.
Opisthobranchia (Mollusca) literature 1971 to 1990. Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 24: 7-110, 3 pls.
Festivus 22 (Supplement 1): i-iii + 1-27. Solem, A. 1966b. The Neotropical land snail genera
Skoglund, C. 1992. Additions to the Panamic Province Labyrinthus and Isomeria (Pulmonata: Camaeni-
gastropod (Mollusca) literature 1971 to 1992. Fes- dae). Fieldiana Zoology 50: 1-226, figs. 1-61.
tivus 24 (Supplement): i-viii + 1-169. Solem, A. 1974. The Shell Makers: Introducing Mol-
Slieker, F. J. A. 2000. Chitons of the World: An Illus- lusks. Wiley-Interscience, New York. xiii + 289
trated Synopsis of Recent Polyplacophora. Mostra pp., 12 pls.
Mondiale Malacologia, Cupra Marittima, Italy. vi Solem, A. 1976-1982. Endodontoid Land Snails from
+ 154 pp., 50 pls. Pacific Islands (Mollusca: Pulmonata, Sigmurethra).
Smith, A. G. and M. Gordon, Jr. 1948. The marine mol- Part 1: Family Endodontidae. Part 2: Families Punc-
lusks and brachiopods of Monterey Bay, California, tidae and Charopidae, Zoogeography. Field Museum
and vicinity. Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural History, Chicago. Illinois. Part I: xii + 508
of Sciences (Series 4) 26: 147-245, 2 pls. pp., 208 figs.; Part II: ix + 336 pp., 143 figs.
Smith, A. G., W. B. Miller, C. C. Christensen, and B. Solem, A. 1979. Some mollusks from Afghanistan. Field-
Roth. 1990. Land Mollusca of Baja California, iana Zoology New Series 1: i-vi + 1-89, figs. 1-32.
Mexico. Proceedings of the California Academy of Solem, A. 1979-1997. Camaenid land snails from
Sciences (Series 4) 47: 95-158, figs 1-40. Western and central Australia (Mollusca: Pulmo-
Smith, B. J. 1992. Non-marine mollusca. Zoological nata: Camaenidae), I-VII. Records of the Western
Catalogue of Australia 8: i-xii + 1-405. Australian Museum 1: suppl. 10: 1-142, figs. 1-35,
Smith, B. J. and R. C. Kershaw. 1979. Field Guide to the pls. 1-11 (1979); 2: suppl. 11: 147-320, figs. 36-73,
Non-Marine Molluscs of South Eastern Australia. pls. 12-14 (1981); 3: suppl. 11: 321-425, figs. 74-
Australian National University Press, Canberra, 110, pls. 15-18 (1981); 4: suppl. 17: 427-705, figs.
Australia. 285 pp. [Illustrated]. 111-180, pls. 19-63 (1984); 5: suppl. 20: 707-981,
Smith, B. J. and R. C. Kershaw. 1981. Tasmanian land figs. 181-256, pls. 64-94 (1985); 6: suppl. 43: 983-
and freshwater molluscs. Fauna of Tasmania Hand- 1459, figs. 257-367, pls. 95-176 (1993); 7: suppl.
book Series 5: 1-148. [Illustrated]. 50: 1461-1906, figs. 368-453, pls. 177-238.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 143

Solem, A. and A. C. van Bruggen, eds. 1984. World-Wide Swennen, C., R. G. Moolenbeek, N. Ruttanadakul, H.
Snails: Biogeographical Studies on Non-Marine Hobbelink, H. Dekker, and S. Hajisamae. 2001. The
Mollusca. E. J. Brill/W. Backhuys, Leiden, Neth- Molluscs of the Southern Gulf of Thailand. Biodi-
erlands. 289 pp., 102 figs. versity Research and Training Program, Bangkok,
Solís, R. M. 2002. Diccionario Etimológico de Mala- Thailand. ix + 210 pp. [531 taxa illustrated].
cología. Reseñas Malacológicas 12: 1-316. Szekeres, M. 1984. Some notes of the distribution of
Springsteen, F. J. and F. M. Leobrera. 1986. Shells of the South American Clausiliidae (Gastropoda,
the Philippines. Carfel Seashell Museum, Manila, Pulmonata). In: Solem, A. and A. C. Van Bruggen,
Philippines. 377 pp., 100 pls. eds., World-Wide Snails. Biogeographical Studies
Spry, J. F. 1968. The Sea Shells of Dar es Salaam. The on Non-Marine Mollusca. E. J. Brill, Leiden, The
Tanzania Society, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Vol. 1: Netherlands. Pp. 172-177.
Gastropods, Revised and Enlarged, 40 pp., 8 pls.; Taft, C. 1961. The shell-bearing land snails of Ohio.
Vol. 2: Pelecypoda. 41 pp., 8 pls. [Reprinted from Bulletin of the Ohio Biological Survey, New Series
Tanganyika Notes and Records 56 (March 1961) 1: i-ix + 1-108. [85 taxa illustrated].
and 63 (September 1964) respectively]. Tan, K. S. and L. M. Chou. 2000. A Guide to Common
Stadnichenko, A. P. 1984. Freshwater bivalves (Bivalvia: Seashells of Singapore. Singapore Science Center,
Unionidae) of the fauna of the Ukrainian-SSR. Vest- Singapore. 168 pp. [161 taxa illustrated].
nik Zoologii 1: 32-38, 2 pls. [In Russian]. Taylor, D. W. 1970. West American Freshwater Mol-
Starmühlner, F. 1976. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Süsswasser- lusca, 1: A Bibliography of Pleistocene and Recent
Gastropoden pazifischer Inseln. Annalen des Naturhis- Species. Memoir 4. Society of Natural History, San
torischen Museum in Wien 80: 473-656, 21 pls. Diego, California. 73 pp.
Starmühlner, F. 1993. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Süss- Taylor, D. W. 2003. Introduction to Physidae (Gastro-
und Brackwasser-Gastropoden der Tonga- und Sa- poda: Hygrophila). Biogeography, classification,
moa- Inseln (S. W. Pazifik). Annalen des Naturhisto- morphology. Revista de Biología Tropical 51(Sup-
rischen Museum in Wien 94/95: 217-306, 11 pls. plement 1): 1-287, pls. 1-11, figs. 1-191.
Steiner, G. and A. R. Kabat. 2001. Catalogue of supraspe- Taylor, J. and J. G. Walls. 1975. Cowries. T. H. F. Pub-
cific taxa of Scaphopoda (Mollusca). Zoosystema lications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 288 pp.
23: 433-460. [All taxa illustrated].
Steiner, G. and A. R. Kabat. 2004. Catalog of species- Taylor, J. D., ed. 1996. Origin and Evolutionary Ra-
group names of Recent and fossil Scaphopoda diation of the Mollusca. Oxford University Press,
(Mollusca). Zoosystema 26: 549-726. Oxford, England. xiv + 392 pp.
Steinke, D., C. Albrecht, and M. Pfenninger. 2004. Taylor, J. D., Y. I. Kantor, and A. V. Sysoev. 1993. Foregut
Molecular phylogeny and character evolution in anatomy, feeding mechanisms, relationships and
the Western Palaearctic Helicidae s.l. (Gastropoda: classification of the Conoidea (=Toxoglossa) (Gas-
Stylommatophora). Molecular Phylogenetics and tropoda). Bulletin of the Natural History Museum
Evolution 32: 724-734. of London (Zoology) 59: 125-170.
Steyn, D. G. and M. Lussi. 1998. Marine Shells of South Tebble, N. 1966. British Bivalve Seashells: A Handbook
Africa, An Illustrated Collector’s Guide to Beached for Identification. 2nd Ed. Royal Scottish Museum,
Shells. Ekogilde Publishers, Hartebeespoort, South Edinburgh, Scotland. 212 pp., 12 pls. [There was a
Africa. ii + 264 pp. [1006 taxa illustrated]. revised edition in 1976].
Strayer, D. L. and K. J. Jirka. 1997. The pearly mussels Thiele, J. 1929-1935. Handbuch der systematischen
of New York State. New York State Museum Mem- Weichtierkunde. Gustav Fischer Verlan, Jena. 1154
oir 26: i-xiii + 1-113, pls. 1-27. pp., 895 figs. [Published in 4 parts; A translated
Streba, G. H. W. 2004. Olividae: A Collector’s Guide, version, edited by R. Bieler and P. Mikkelsen,
Revised and Enlarged. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, translated by J. S. Bhatti, is available under the title
Germany. 172 pp., 62 pls. [A version in German is Handbook of Systematic Malacology, Translation
also available]. Publishing Program, Smithsonian Institution Librar-
Subba Rao, N. V. 1989. Handbook Freshwater Molluscs ies, Washington, D.C. 1992-1998. 1690 pp. Avail-
of India. Zoological Survey of India, Calcutta. xxiii able from National Technical Information Service
+ 289 pp., 103 pls. (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia 22161 Document No.
Subba Rao, N. V. 2003. Indian Seashells (Part-1) Poly- TT 87-600185].
placophora and Gastropoda. Zoological Survey of Thompson, F. G. 1984. The Freshwater Snails of Florida:
India, Kolkata, India. x + 416 pp, 96 pls. A Manual for Identification. University Presses of
Sweeney, M. J., C. F. E. Roper, K. M. Mangold, M. R. Clarke, Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 94 pp., 193 figs.
and S. V. Boletzky. 1992. “Larval” and juvenile Cepha- Thompson, F. G. 1999. An identification manual for the
lopoda: A manual for their identification. Smithsonian freshwater snails of Florida. Walkerana 10: i-v +
Contributions to Zoology 513: 1-282, figs. 1-277. 1-96, figs. 1-209.
144 The molluscan literature

Thompson, F. G. and A. Correa S. 1991. Mexican land Turner, R. D. 1985. Notes on mollusks of deep-sea vents
snails of the genus Hendersoniella. Bulletin of the and reducing environments. American Malacologi-
Florida Museum of Natural History 36: 1-23. cal Bulletin Special Edition 1: 23-34, 8 figs.
Thompson, F. G. and A. Correa S. 1994. Land snails of Turner, R. L. and P. M. Mikkelsen. 2004. Annotated
the genus Coelocentrum from northeastern Mexico. bibliography of the Florida Applesnail, Pomacea
Bulletin of the Florida Museum of Natural History paludosa (Say) (Gastropoda: Ampulariidae), from
36: 141-173. 1824 to 1999. Nemouria, Occasional Papers of the
Thompson, F. G. and S. P. Dance. 1983. Non-marine Delaware Museum of Natural History 48: 1-188.
mollusks of Borneo. II Pulmonata: Pupillidae, Tursch, B. and D. Greifeneder. 2001. Oliva Shells. The
Clausiliidae. III Prosobranchia: Hydrocenidae, Genus Oliva and the Species Problem. L’Informatore
Helicinidae. Bulletin of the Florida State Museum Piceno, Ancona, Italy. x + 570 pp., 77 pls.
of Natural History, Biological Sciences 29: 101-152, van Benthem Jutting, T. 1963a. Non-marine Mollusca of west
figs. 1-75. [For part 1, see Dance 1970]. New Guinea part 1 - fresh and brackish water. Nova
Thompson, T. E. 1976. Biology of the Opisthobranch Guinea, Zoology 20: 409-521, pls. 24-25, figs. 1-55.
Molluscs, Vol. 1. Ray Society, London. 207 pp. , van Benthem Jutting, T. 1963b. Non-marine Mollusca of
20 pls. West New Guinea part 2 - operculated land snails.
Thompson, T. E. and G. H. Brown. 1976. British Opistho- Nova Guinea, Zoology 23: 653-726, pls. 27-30.
branch Molluscs. Mollusca: Gastropoda. Keys and van Benthem Jutting, T. 1964. Non-marine Mollusca
Notes for the Identification of Species. Synopsis of the of West New Guinea part 3 - Pulmonata I. Nova
British Fauna 8 (New Series): 1-203, figs. 1-203. Guinea, Zoology 26: 1-74, pls. 1-2, 62 figs.
Tillier, S. 1981. South American and Juan Fernández van Benthem Jutting, T. 1965. Non-marine Mollusca
succineid slugs (Pulmonata). Journal of Molluscan of West New Guinea part 4 - Pulmonata II. Nova
Studies 47: 125-146, figs. 1-26. Guinea, Zoology 32: 205-304, pls. 7-10.
Tillier, S. 1989. Comparative morphology, phylogeny and van Bruggen, A. C. 1966. The terrestrial Mollusca of
classification of land snails and slugs (Gastropoda: the Kruger National Park: A contribution to the
Pulmonata: Stylommatophora). Malacologia 30: malacology of the Eastern Transvaal. Annals of the
1-303, figs. 1-704. Natal Museum 18: 315-399, figs. 1-70.
Tomlin, J. R. l’B. 1937. Catalogue of Recent and fossil van Bruggen, A. C. 1967. An introduction to the pulmo-
cones. Proceedings of the Malacological Society of nate family Streptaxidae. Journal of Conchology
London 22: 205-330, 333. 26: 181-188.
Troncoso, N., J. L. van Goethem, and J. S. Troncoso. van Damme, D. 1984. The freshwater Mollusca of
2001. Contributions to the marine Mollusca fauna northern Africa. Distribution, biogeography and
of Kerguelen Islands, South Indian Ocean. Iberus palaeoecology. Developments in Hydrobiology 25:
19: 83-114. i-xi + 1-164, figs. 1-144.
Tsaloikhin, S. J. ed. 2004. Key to Freshwater Inverte- van der Schalie, H. 1948. The land and fresh-water mollusks
brates of Russia and Adjacent Lands. Nauka, St. of Puerto Rico. University of Michigan Museum of Zool-
Petersburg. 526 pp., 163 pls. [In Russian, Mollusks ogy Miscellaneous Publications 70: 1-134, pls. 1-14.
pp. 9-491, pls. 1-159]. van Eeden, J. A. 1960. Key to the genera of South African
Tucker, J. K. 2004. Catalog of Recent and fossil turrids freshwater and estuarine gastropods (Mollusca). An-
(Mollusca: Gastropoda). Zootaxa 682: 1-1295. nals of the Transval Museum 24: 1-17, figs. 1-44.
Turgeon, D. D., J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan, van Loen, H. and J. L. van Goethem. 1997. Distribution of
F. G. Hochberg, W. G. Lyons, P. M. Mikkelsen, R. neritid, viviparid and valvatid freshwater gasteropods
J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. in Belgium (Mollusca, Prosobranchia). Bulletin de
Scheltema, F. G. Thompson, M. Vecchione, and J. l’Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique
D. Williams. 1998. Common and Scientific Names 67: 31-38, 8 figs.
of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States and Vaught, K. C. 1989. A Classification of the Living Mollusca.
Canada: Mollusks, 2nd Edition. American Fisheries Edited by R. T. Abbott and K. J. Boss. American Mala-
Society Special Publication 26. American Fisheries cologists, Inc., Melbourne, Florida. xii + 195 pp.
Society, Bethesda, Maryland. ix + 526 pp. Verdcourt, B. 1972. The zoogeography of the non-marine
Turner, H. 2001. Katalog der Familie Costellariidae Mollusca of East Africa. Journal of Conchology
MacDonald 1860 (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: 27: 291-348.
Muricoidea). ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. Vermeij, G. J. 1993. A Natural History of Shells. Princeton
100 pp., 22 figs. University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. viii + 207
Turner, R. D. 1966. A Survey and Illustrated Catalogue pp., 22 pls.
of the Teredinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Harvard Vermeulen, J. J. and A. J. Whitten. 1998. Fauna Malesiana,
University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cam- guide to the land snails of Bali. Backhuys Publishers,
bridge, Massachusetts. vii + 265 pp., 64 pls. Leiden, The Netherlands. ix + 164 pp., 130 figs.
Sturm, Petit, Pearce, Cummings, Schwabe, and Wanninger 145

Vokes, E. H. 1971. Catalog of the genus Murex, Linné. Atlantic and eastern Pacific. American Malacologi-
Bulletin of American Paleontology 61: 5-141. cal Bulletin 10: 195-249, pls. 1-14.
Vokes, H. E. 1980. Genera of the Bivalvia: A Systematic Walls, J. 1979a. Cone Shells. A Synopsis of the Living
and Bibliographic Catalogue. Revised and Updated. Conidae. T. F. H. Publications, Inc., Neptune City,
Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New New Jersey. 1011 pp. [All taxa illustrated].
York. xxvii + 307 pp. Walls, J. 1979b. Cowries, Revised Ed. T. H. F. Publica-
Vokes, H. E. 1990. Genera of the Bivalvia: A systematic and tions, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 286 pp. [All
bibliographic catalogue - addenda and errata. Tulane taxa illustrated].
Studies in Geology and Paleontology 23: 97-120. Walls, J. 1980. Conchs, Tibias and Harps. T. F. H. Pub-
Vokes, H. E. and E. H. Vokes. 1984. Distribution of lications, Inc., Neptune City, New Jersey. 191 pp.
shallow-water marine Mollusca, Yucatan Peninsula, [Text figures].
Mexico. Mesoamerican Ecology Institute Mono- Warén, A. and P. Bouchet. 1993. New records, species,
graph 1 and Middle American Research Institute genera and a new family of gastropods from hydro-
Publication 54: 1-183, pls. 1-50. thermal vents and hydrocarbon seeps. Zoologica
von Regteren Altena, C. O. 1969. The marine Mollusca Scripta 22: 1-90, figs. 1-59.
of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) Holocene and Recent. Warén, A. and S. Gofas. 1996. A new species of Monopla-
Part I. General introduction. Zoologische Verhan- cophora, redescription of the genera Veleropilina and
delingen 101: 1-49, pls. 1-4. Rokopella, and new information on three species of
von Regteren Altena, C. O. 1971. The marine Mollusca this class. Zoologica Scripta 25: 215-232, 15 figs.
of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) Holocene and Recent. Warmke, G. L. and R. T. Abbott. 1961. Caribbean Sea-
Part II. Bivalvia and Scaphopoda. Zoologische shells. A Guide to the Marine Mollusks of Puerto
Verhandelingen 119: 1-100, pls. 1-10. Rico and other West Indian Islands, Bermuda and
von Regteren Altena, C. O. 1975. The marine Mollusca the Lower Florida Keys. Dover Publications, New
of Surinam (Dutch Guiana) Holocene and Recent. York. xx + 348 pp., 44 pls.
Part III. Gastropoda and Cephalopoda. Zoologische Warui, C. M., P. Tattersfield, and M. B. Seddon. 2001. An-
Verhandelingen 139: 1-104, pls. 1-11. notated checklist of terrestrial molluscs of Mount Ke-
Voss, G. L. 1963. Cephalopods of the Philippine Islands. nya, Kenya. Journal of Conchology 37: 291-300.
United States National Museum Bulletin 234: 1-180, Way, K. and R. D. Purchon. 1981. The marine shelled
figs. 1-36. Mollusca of West Malaysia and Singapore, Part 2:
Voss, G. L. and G. R. Williamson. 1971. Cephalopods Polyplacophora and Gastropoda. Journal of Mol-
of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Government Press. 138 luscan Studies 47: 313-321.
pp., 35 pls., 68 text fig. Weaver, C. S. and J. E. duPont. 1970. The Living Volutes.
Voss, N. A., M. Vecchione, R. B. Toll, and M. J. Sweeney, A Monograph of the Recent Volutidae of the World.
eds. 1998. Systematics and biogeography of cepha- Delaware Museum of Natural History, Greenville,
lopods. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 586: Delaware. xv + 375 pp., 79 pls.
Vol. 1: 1-276, Vol. 2: 277-599. Webb, W. F. 1948. Foreign Land and Fresh Water Shells
Wade, C. M., B. Clarke, and P. B. Mordan. 2001. A from All Parts of the World Except the United States
phylogeny of the land snails (Gastropoda: Pulmo- and Canada. Privately published, St. Petersburg,
nata). Proceedings of the Royal Society, Biological Florida. 183 pp., 73 pls.
Sciences 268: 413-422. Weil, A., L. Brown, and B. Neville. 1999. The Wentletrap
Wagner, F. J. E. 1984. Illustrated Catalogue of the Mol- Book. Guide to the Recent Epitoniidae of the World.
lusca (Gastropoda and Bivalvia) in the Atlantic Geo- Evolver srl, Rome. 244 pp., 507 figs.
sciences Centre Index Collection. Geological Survey Weisbord, N. E. 1962. Late Cenozoic gastropods
of Canada, Ottawa, Canada. 76 pp. [Text figures]. from northern Venezuela. Bulletins of American
Wagner, H. P. [1991]. Review of the European Pectini- Paleontology 42: 7-672, pls. 1-48. [95 of the 288
dae. Vita Marina 41: 3-48. [In Dutch and English, gastropods discussed are Recent].
illustrated]. Weisbord, N. E. 1964. Late Cenozoic pelecypods from
Walker, B. 1928. The terrestrial shell-bearing Mollusca of northern Venezuela. Bulletins of American Paleon-
Alabama. University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, tology 45: 5-564, pls. 1-59. [51 of the 172 bivalves
Miscellaneous Publication 18: 1-180, figs. 1-278. discussed are Recent].
Waller, T. R. 1972. The Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) Wells, F. E. and C. W. Bryce. 1984. A Guide to the Com-
of Eniwetok Atoll, Marshall Islands. Veliger 14: mon Molluscs of South-Western Australian Estuar-
221-264, pls. 1-8. ies. Western Australian Museum, Perth, Australia.
Waller, T. R. 1973. The habits and habitats of some Bermu- 112 pp. [84 taxa illustrated].
dian marine mollusks. Nautilus 87: 31-52, 33 figs. Wells, F. E. and C. W. Bryce. 1986. Seashells of West-
Waller, T. R. 1993. The evolution of “Chlamys” (Mol- ern Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth,
lusca: Bivalvia: Pectinidae) in the tropical western Australia. 207 pp., 74 pls.
146 The molluscan literature

Wells, F. E. and C. W. Bryce. 1993. Sea Slugs of West- pp, 106 pls. [Also published by Charles E. Tuttle,
ern Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth, Rutland, Vermont (1971)].
Australia. viii + 184 pp., 226 figs. Wilson, B. R. and J. A. McComb. 1967. The genus Cy-
Wells, F. E., C. W. Bryce, J. E. Clark, and G. M. Hansen. praea (subgenus Zoila Jousseaume). Indo-Pacific
1990. Christmas Shells. The Marine Molluscs of Mollusca 1: 457-484, pls. 329-343.
Christmas Island (Indian Ocean). Christmas Island Winston, J. 1999. Describing Species: Practical Taxo-
Natural History Association, Christmas Island. ii + nomic Procedure for Biologists. Columbia Univer-
98 pp. [377 taxa illustrated]. sity Press, New York. xx + 518 pp.
Welter-Schultes, F. W. 1998. Albinaria in central and Winterbourn, M. J. 1973. A guide to the freshwater Mollusca
eastern Crete: distribution map of the species (Pul- of New Zealand. Tuatara 20: 141-159, pls. 1-5.
monata: Clausiliidae). Journal of Molluscan Studies Work, R. C. 1969. Systematics, ecology and distribution
64: 275-279. of the mollusks of Los Roques, Venezuela. Bulletin
Wenz, W. 1938-1944. Gastropoda. Algemeiner Teil of Marine Sciences 19: 614-711. [Checklist].
und Prosobranchia. In: O. H. Schindewolf, ed., Wu, Shi-Kuei. 1989. Colorado freshwater mollusks.
Handbuch der Paläozoologie, Band 6. Gebrüder Natural History Inventory of Colorado 11: 1-117,
Borntraeger, Berlin. Pp. 1-1639. [2500+ figures]. figs. 1-126.
West, K., E. Michel, J. Todd, D. Brown, and J. Clabaugh. Wu, Shi-Kuei and N. Brandauer. 1978. The Bivalvia of
2003. The Gastropods of Lake Tanganyika. Inter- Colorado. Natural History Inventory of Colorado
national Association of Theoretical and Applied 2. University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colo-
Limnology at the University of North Carolina, rado. 60 pp., 87 figs.
Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 128 pp., 101 fig. Wu, Shi-Kuei, R. D. Oesch, and M. E. Gordon. 1997.
White, J. S. 1976. Seashells of the Pacific Northwest. Missouri Aquatic Snails. Natural History Series No.
Binford and Mort, Portland, Oregon. vii + 127 pp. 5. Missouri Department of Conservation, Jefferson
[78 taxa illustrated]. City, Missouri. iv + 97 pp., 135 figs.
Wiktor, A. 2000. Agriolimacidae (Gastropoda: Pulmo- Wurtz, C. B. 1955. The American Camaenidae (Mollusca:
nata) - a systematic monograph. Annales Zoologici Pulmonata). Proceedings of the Academy of Natural
(Museum and Institute of Zoology, Polish Academy Science of Philadelphia 107: 99-143, pls. 1-19.
of Sciences) 49: 347-590, figs. 1-831. Yakovleva, A. M. 1965. Shell-bearing Mollusks (Lori-
Wilbur, K. M. ed. 1983-1988. The Mollusca. Academic cata) of the Seas of the USSR. Israel Program for
Press, Inc., New York. [Vol. 1. (1983). Metabolic Scientific Translation, Jerusalem. viii + 127 pp., 11
Biochemistry and Molecular Biomechanics. xviii + pls. [Originaly published in Russian in 1952].
510 pp.; Vol. 2. (1983). Environmental Biochemistry Yonge, C. M. and T. E. Thompson. 1976. Living Marine
and Physiology. xviii + 362 pp.; Vol. 3. (1983). De- Molluscs. William Collins Sons and Co., Ltd., Lon-
velopment. xx + 352 pp.; Vol. 4. (1983). Physiology, don. 288 pp., 16 pls.
Part 1. xx + 522 pp.; Vol. 5. (1983). Physiology, Part Yoo, Jong-Saeng. 1976. Korean Shells in Colour. Il Ji
2. xx + 500 pp.; Vol. 6. (1983). Ecology. xx + 695 Sa Publishing Co., Seoul, Korea. 196 pp., 30 pls.
pp.; Vol. 7. (1984). Reproduction. xix + 486 pp.; Vol. [In Korean].
8. (1985). Neurobiology and Behavior, Part 1. xvii + Young, R. E. 1972. The systematics and areal distribution
415 pp.; Vol. 9. (1986). Neurobiology and Behavior, of pelagic cephalopods from the seas off southern
Part 2. x + 499 pp.; Vol. 10. (1985). Evolution. xx + California. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology,
491 pp.; Vol. 11. (1988). Form and Function. xxviii + Number 97: i-iii + 1-159, pls. 1-38.
504 pp.; Vol. 12. (1988). Paleontology and Neontol- Zeigler, R. F. and H. C. Porreca. 1969. Olive Shells of
ogy of Cephalopds. xxiv + 335 pp. the World. Privately published, West Henrietta, New
Wilbur, K. M. and C. M. Yonge, eds. 1964-1966. Physiol- York. 96 pp., 13 pls.
ogy of Mollusca. Academic Press, New York. [Vol. Zhadin, V. I. 1952. Mollyuski Presnykh i Solonovatykh
1: xii + 473 pp.; Vol. 2: xiii + 645 pp.] vod SSSR. [Mollusks of Fresh and Brackish Waters
Wilson, B. and P. Clarkson. 2004. Australia’s Spectacular of the USSR]. Zoological Institute of the Academy
Cowries. Odyssey Publishing, El Cajon, California. of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. 368 pp. [Translated by
ix + 396 pp. [Illustrated]. A. Mercado, under the title Mollusks of Fresh and
Wilson, B. R. 1993. Australian Marine Shells. Proso- Brackish Waters of the U.S.S.R. Jerusalem: Israel
branch Gastropods, Part One. Odyssey Publishing, Program for Scientific Translations, 1965. xvi + 368
Kallaroo, W. A., Australia. 408 pp., 44 pls. pp. 339 figures. Available from National Technical
Wilson, B. R. 1994. Australian Marine Shells. Prosobranch Information Service (NTIS), Springfield, Virginia.
Gastropods, Part Two (Neogastropods). Odyssey Pub- Document No. TT 65-50019].
lishing, Kallaroo, Western Australia. 370 pp, 53 pls. Zilch, A. 1959-1960. Euthyneura. In: W. Wenz, ed.,
Wilson, B. R. and K. Gillett. 1974. Australian Shells. A. Gastropoda, Vol. 2. Gebrüder Borntraeger, Berlin.
H. and A. W. Reed Pty, Ltd., Sydney, Australia. 168 Pp. i-xii + 1-834. [In German, 2515 figures].
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


10.1 INTRODUCTION text in a roman font by either putting them in italics

or underlining them. The genus name always starts
Taxonomic issues arise in many writing situations with a capital letter; the species epithet is spelled
in malacology. You may be preparing an account of in all lower case letters.
some life-history aspect of a single species, where
that species needs to be properly identified. You In old works some of the species epithets were
may write a travel account with a list of all the spe- capitalized, a convention that is no longer practiced
cies that you encountered. Alternatively, you may today. Furthermore, the full binomen is followed
refer to specimens in a collection. In all these cases, by the author of the species epithet, separated by
the main taxonomic aspect of the paper is that of a comma from the year in which it was described.
reference. The organism(s) should be identified in As an example, consider the common black mus-
an unambiguous fashion and should be universally sel Mytilus edulis Linnaeus, 1758. The authority is
understandable. usually mentioned only the first time that particular
species is used in a manuscript. Taxa of family and
A second category of manuscripts are taxonomic higher rank are single words that are spelled with an
accounts, in which the taxonomy is the main ob- initial capital letter and are not italicized: Conidae,
jective of the treatment. Two main types should be Heterodonta, Mollusca.
distinguished: descriptions and revisions. When
preparing a description, the specimen at hand is 10.2.2 Further considerations. The binomen
considered to be formally unknown to science. can be expanded by further elements, namely the
For revisions, an already known taxon is treated subgenus, the subspecies, and in some cases the
in a comprehensive fashion. Existing knowledge is variety or form. The subgenus is placed after the
summarized and some original observations may genus in parentheses and with a capital initial let-
be added. Occasionally, some taxonomic decisions, ter; the subspecies is placed after the species name
particularly with respect to type specimens, may but is not placed in parentheses. The authority of
be taken. the full name is that of the subspecies. Example:
Strombus (Doxander) vittatus vittatus Linnaeus,
10.2 REFERENCING A SPECIES 1758 and Strombus (Doxander) vittatus japonicus
Reeve, 1851.
10.2.1 Basics. In order to refer to a species in an
unambiguous and universal fashion the following The use of names for units below the subspecies,
points should be kept in mind. The universal ref- so-called infra-subspecific names (varieties, forms),
erence system or convention is that of binominal are somewhat disputed. They are not accepted
nomenclature (the Linnean system). A species is as taxonomically valid under the International
referred to with two names: the genus name and the Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN), but
species name, also called the species epithet. These are sometimes used to further differentiate among
two names are always distinguished from the main morphs (e.g., Reid 1996). The form name should
148 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

be separated from the binomen with an indication that it is a higher crustacean (Decapoda) in the
that a form name is used: Littorina littorea var. pea-crab family (Pinnotheridae). How fine-grained
conica Hamer, 1920. the indications should be is somewhat subjective,
where the likely target audience should be kept
The genus name in a binomen is usually abbrevi- in mind. It is open to debate whether the above
ated to a single letter after the first mention of that example should read (Arthropoda: Crustacea:
genus, unless it is the first word of a sentence. For Malacostraca: Decapoda: Brachyura: Pinnotheri-
example, in a paper that mentioned Littorina bre- dae) or simply (Decapoda: Pinnotheridae). Try to
vicula, a subsequent sentence could read, “It was a be economical with words. Most readers will be
L. brevicula.” If your writing mentions genera with familiar with the term Decapoda; hence, the three
the same initial letter, use a sensible abbreviation. preceding terms are superfluous. However, it may
For Cypraea, Conus, Charonia, and Chiton, use be helpful to indicate that Pinnotheridae is a kind
Cy., Co., Cha., and Chi. If only the genus name of a crab (Brachyura).
is used, it is always spelled out: “Members of the
genus Littorina often occur on rocks.” 10.2.3 New names. New names should be mentioned
only in the context of a proper species description as
The placement of the author plus year in paren- detailed below. Careless mention of new names in
theses has a very specific meaning, although this sales catalogs, activity reports, or meeting abstracts
convention is often unappreciated and ignored. should be avoided. It leads to so-called nomina nuda
If the parentheses are not used, the species level (nude names), which will have to be sorted out later
name preceding that of the author was originally at great expense of time and effort. Authors-to-be
named in the same genus as written in the present who want to discuss potential new species with col-
contribution. In the example above, Linnaeus, 1758 leagues should not mention the intended new name
described a species vittatus in the genus Strombus. to the correspondent. Use “sp. A”, “the undescribed
On the other hand, brevicula (Philippi, 1844) was brown one”, or some similar term.
described by Philippi in the genus Turbo. Hence,
neither always using nor always omitting paren- 10.2.4 Uncertainty statements. When compiling
theses for reasons of consistency is appropriate, a faunal list, the identification of some specimens
because the parentheses convey a specific piece may be tentative. Several levels of uncertainty can
of information. As previous authors often ignored be employed starting with the least severe. If you
the function of parentheses (or parentheses were are more or less but not 100% sure about the iden-
adulterated by publishers), copying from old pub- tity, use the abbreviation cf. for the Latin confer =
lications will often be incorrect. The only way to compare: Littorina cf. brevicula. If you encounter
make sure that the parentheses are set appropriately a species that is somewhat similar but certainly
is to check in the original description. not that species, use the abbreviation aff. for Latin
affinis = affinity: Littorina aff. brevicula. In order
Occasionally you may want to tell the reader what to indicate that the genus is known, but the species
kind of an organism you are talking about. This can could not be determined, use the abbreviation sp. or
be achieved with a coarse-grained classification use species in roman font: Littorina sp., Littorina
of that organism. Such a classification is given in species. For general statements about multiple
parentheses and each level is separated with either a species in a genus use the abbreviation spp: all Lit-
colon (:), semicolon (;), or hyphen (-) starting with torina spp. were found on rocks; all Haliotis spp.
the highest ranked taxon: Orthotheres haliotidis have a nacreous interior.
Geiger and Martin, 1999 (Decapoda: Pinnotheri-
dae) was found in Haliotis asinina Linnaeus, 1758. 10.3 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TAXON
Most readers of a malacological paper will be un-
familiar with the genus Orthotheres. The inclusion 10.3.1 Quality. The description of new taxa
of (Decapoda: Pinnotheridae) will tell the reader weighs more heavily than any other subject on
Geiger 149

the literature of organismal biology. The reason community at large to undergo this process. The
is that the description of a new taxon is eternal. quality of descriptions as measured by the syn-
Whereas a physiological measurement may be onymy ratio of the proposed names has increased
refined or retracted because of some fault in the steadily, but is not quite perfect yet (Rosenberg
original experiments, a new name is destined for 1996). Many molluscan species remain to be dis-
eternity. In order to revoke a name, great expenses covered and to be described (Bouchet 1997).
in time and effort have to be made. Hence, greatest
care should be afforded to describing new taxa. Accordingly, I suggest that authors of taxonomic
This caveat applies to all publishing authors, be manuscripts take the high road and submit their
they amateurs or professionals; there are stellar work to peer-reviewed publications, and that edi-
examples and sinners in both camps. The brief tors of non peer-reviewed journals should not ac-
rules outlined below should be considered as only cept any taxonomic manuscripts for publications.
a starting point for original taxonomic endeavors. The latter condition is already maintained by such
The novice is strongly encouraged to read more respected publications as The Festivus and Ameri-
detailed accounts on how to describe taxa (Mayr can Conchologist, and others are advised to revise
and Ashlock 1991, Winston 1999), to consult a their policy one way or the other. A review of your
scientific style manual (e.g., Council of Biology manuscript will point out some inconsistencies,
Editors 1994), and to purchase a personal copy of some areas that need to be clarified, and may even
the current (4th) edition of the International Code provoke some further thought. The arguments are
of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN 1999) to be usually presented in a pointed fashion but usually
read cover to cover. Furthermore, examine recently remain courteous even in cases of major disagree-
published descriptions by renowned workers, ment. Any disrespectful language only reflects back
and follow their example. After a first draft has on the reviewer hiding behind anonymity. Although
been written, I strongly encourage the writer to a source for annoyance, it need not be addressed
circulate the manuscript to other specialists in the because it lacks substance. Also note, the opinion
field and experienced professionals, particularly of a reviewer needs not be accepted at face value
in museum environments. Authors do not need and can be rebutted when submitting the revised
to fear that their new species are “stolen” in the version of the manuscript.
review process. For one, most professionals regard
the description of new species as a tedious burden. 10.3.3 Illustrations. When describing new taxa
Additionally, the ICZN code of ethics (see section or reporting unusual specimens, the old say-
10.6.14) affords protection. ing of “a picture says a thousand words” is still
true. With your text you should provide quality
10.3.2 Publication platform. The conchological illustration(s) that show all the relevant features
community has a diverse array of publications, all of the specimen(s) depicted.
of which are produced by dedicated volunteers
in countless hours and to good quality standards Most journals will accept black and white images
thanks to recent technological advances in desktop only, while you will have to pay in order to get
publishing. Many of the contributions, such as color images printed. There are several illustration
travelogues and shell show accounts, do not need methods including drawings, film photography (see
to be highly scrutinized for scientific content. Yet, Chapter 7), and digital photography (see Chapter
due to the eternal validity of taxonomic descriptions 6). Use the appropriate technique for the project at
and related decisions, a higher standard applies to hand. The following are some guidelines that have
contributions describing new taxa. The process of worked well in the past but are by no means the only
peer review, although far from perfect, will help to acceptable fashion of producing quality images.
improve the quality of the work, and will prevent
some mistakes from being published. Hence, in the In 90% of the cases, regular light photography (on
end, it benefits the author, the periodical, and the film, or digital) will suffice. For regular photogra-
150 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

phy, cut out the shells to remove the background 10.3.5 What is a species? This question is clearly
and glue the cutouts onto white paste-up board. In related to how to recognize a species, because you
my opinion, the images should be spaced as tightly should know what you try to find and how to recog-
as possible, because any background space not used nize it. Yet, this question is one of the most difficult
for the image is wasted space that could have con- in biology. There are a number of different species
tained image information. Artistic considerations concepts. Each of them has clear applications in
are of little relevance for scientific publications. some specific cases, and clearly fails under other
Place transfer lettering on the board. For scanning circumstances. It is advantageous to be aware of the
electron microscope images, place the cutouts on differences and to be able to apply them to particular
a black background and use white transfer letters. cases. Overviews can be found in any textbook on
For digital imaging, place the cutouts into separate evolution (e.g., Smith 1994, Ridley 1996, Futuyma
layers over a white or black background layer. For 1998, Freeman and Herron 2001) and a recent sum-
specimens with little color or tonal differentiation, mary can be found in Wheeler and Meier (2000).
consider a line drawing. Alternatively, you can ex-
periment with lighting techniques for photography, Biological species concept: A species is composed
or various digital manipulations in PhotoShop. of actually or potentially interbreeding individuals.
Consider providing partial enlargements of particu- Individuals that do not do so belong to two different
lar features such as the protoconch of gastropods species. This species concept applies beautifully
or the hinge of bivalves. to most mammals and birds, but in most cases it is
difficult to apply for invertebrates, because repro-
10.3.4 How to recognize a new species. This is ductive barriers are usually unknown. Other com-
the most difficult task of describing a new species plications arise when fertile hybrids between two
and is fundamental in the practice of taxonomy and “species” are formed, and in asexual organisms.
nomenclature. You will have to spend considerable
time measured in years to familiarize yourself with Morphological species concept: A species is com-
the group. You must be able to recognize each spe- posed of similar looking individuals. For paleontol-
cies and be sure that you know all described species ogy, this is the only species concept that applies,
in that group. Merely knowing that you cannot and can be used for asexual organisms. Problems
identify the species is insufficient reason to call arise in cases of sexual dimorphism, and if a lin-
it new. Often very few specimens of a potentially eage changes continuously without branching off
new species are initially available. Sometimes, the daughter species. In cases in which a metamor-
specimen at hand is not a prime exemplar, either. phosis is encountered during development (e.g.,
tadpoles and frogs, caterpillars and butterflies), the
With a few specimens at hand, the question arises morphological definition can be segregated into
whether it is a mere form of a known species, a stage specific units.
teratological form, a hybrid, or whether it is new.
Borrowing from statistics, if the number of speci- Phylogenetic species concept: A species is the
mens is small, the degree of difference must be large least inclusive monophyletic group (see Chapter
in order for it to be meaningful. If you have many 11). This definition is derived from modern phy-
specimens, then even a minute difference may logenetic thinking but requires a phylogeny as a
turn out to indicate a new species. As an example starting point. However, isolated populations of
consider Neopilina galatheae Lemche, 1957, which one biological species can be regarded as distinct
was described from very few specimens. However, phylogenetic species. Furthermore, for asexual
it was so radically different from anything else that organisms each lineage would become its own
a new genus and new species were erected for it separate species.
and the creature was assigned to the class Mono-
placophora, then believed to be extinct since the Evolutionary species concept: A species is a dis-
Devonian Era (about 400 million years ago). crete evolutionary lineage. Although closely related
Geiger 151

to the Phylogenetic Species Concept, the Evolution- 10.4.1 Title and abstract. The title should be con-
ary Species Concept has a temporal component cise yet indicate specifically what the contribution
to it. It is difficult to apply to asexual organisms, addresses. The title “Description of a new species”
and hybridization in which evolutionary lineages is too vague, so should be modified to “Description
intersect poses problems. of a new species of Conus (Mollusca: Gastropoda:
Neogastropoda) from the Philippines”. There is
Cohesion species concept: A species is a group some debate whether the new species name can,
of individuals that self-regulates its membership should, or should not be included in the title. Some
(cohesion). The problems of occasional hybridiza- journals publish their table of contents with the
tions and asexual lineages are accommodated here. titles of the articles ahead of the actual issue, which
However, it is open how one measures cohesion. may have nomenclatural consequences. However,
the inclusion of the species name can be helpful to
Chronospecies concept: Specimens that lived subsequent authors engaging in revisions. If you are
several million years ago cannot interbreed with unsure, consult with the editor of the journal.
contemporary individuals; therefore, there is some
temporal barrier to a species. This concept allows The abstract contains a summary of the results of
subdividing lineages that change continuously your paper. Only the main points are mentioned,
without branching off daughter species. and any more detailed analysis is omitted. The
abstract is a self-contained unit of the paper, which
Subspecies: Subspecies are usually defined as means that on first mention of a species the author
a geographically isolated form with a constant, and date must be mentioned. Usually the abstract
unique character, but may potentially interbreed does not contain literature citations. Consider
with the other population. The definition of a sub- that the abstracts of many journals are available
species is even more vague than that of species; so in electronic form that can be searched electroni-
many modern practicing taxonomists do not deal cally. Hence, use widely known but specific terms
with subspecies. such as “new species,” “distribution,” “anatomy,”
“habitat,” the name of the family, and a common
From the above the question, “what is a species?,” name for the group of mollusk in order to facilitate
arises whether it is better to excessively subdivide searches by future workers. Often some keywords
(split) or to excessively unite (lump). Rosenberg may be added to the abstracts, in other cases make
(1996) argued that it is easier to lump after the fact, sure that all the keywords are included in the ab-
than to split after the fact. It is easier to unite the stract proper.
distributions of four subspecies, than to divide the
distribution data of a single species into four sub- 10.4.2 Introduction. The introduction gives some
areas of the subspecies. Yet, if there is good reason background on the type of organism and mentions
to do away with excessive names that only label some of the main works published on the group
endpoints of a continuum of variation, then one at large. What kind of an organism is it? What is
should not shy away from lumping. Splitting has the its classification? Describe its general life history.
undesirable property of hiding natural variation. List monographs and recent additions. List faunal
treatments from that geographical area. In some
10.4 ANATOMY OF A SPECIES OR GENUS cases, these points may not be applicable. Often
DESCRIPTION the reason for writing the present contribution is
stated near the end of the introduction: new mate-
Whenever the word species is used here, it also rial became available or a long-standing confusion
applies to subspecies. Whenever the word genus is about a taxon needs to be resolved.
encountered, it also applies to the subgenus, usually
applies to tribes, and may serve as a guideline for 10.4.3 Material and methods. All material investi-
all higher categories. gated should be listed. In order to avoid redundancy,
152 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

type material (see Section 10.4.6 below) and speci- Type species: For a description of a new genus,
mens discussed in the treatment of the taxon are a type species should be designated explicitly by
excluded, though. The list of institutional acronyms the original author. If the type species was already
is given in this section. Any activities involving described, it is advisable to cite the publication of
the specimens are described here: specimens were the original description for the designated type spe-
collected by hand, snorkeling, SCUBA, dredging, cies, as well as the location of the type specimens.
donated by, etc.; specimens were preserved in All other species (new or already described) that
ethanol, formalin (indicate percentage and time), are considered to belong in that taxon should be
dried, etc.; specimens were cleaned with brush, listed.
sodium hydroxide, etc.; the animal was extracted by
crushing the shell, dissolving the shell in; statistical Etymology: The derivation of the name should be
analysis was performed with; standard terminology indicated, including its gender. There are a number
of (author, date) is followed here. The purpose of of conventions on how to construct a genus name.
this section is to give other workers the details Novice authors should consult with experienced
needed to be able to repeat your study. ones on potential names to avoid problems. A ge-
nus name must be unique in the animal kingdom.
10.4.4 Systematics. This is the core part of the Hence, careful consideration should be given when
manuscript. It starts out with a classification of selecting a genus name. Taxonomic resources such
the organism: as Neave (1939-1940, 1950), Edwards and Hop-
wood (1966), Edwards and Vevers (1975), Edwards
Order Vetigastropoda Salvini-Plawén, 1980 and Tobias (1993), Edwards et al. (1996), Sherborn
Family Haliotidae Rafinesque, 1815 (1902, 1922, 1932), the Zoological Record, and the
Genus Haliotis Linnaeus, 1758 Internet should be consulted.
Some remarks as to the placement of one of the
taxa or some recent taxonomic decisions or changes Biology: Any information on the biology, ecology,
may be noted in a subsection called Remarks. The or distribution may be indicated in one section or
new taxon is clearly labeled as such by adding may be further subdivided into sections of their
“new species,” “new genus,” “gen. nov.”and “sp. own depending on the amount of information
nov.,” or an equivalent term after the taxon. Any available.
illustrations accompanying the description in this
work are given in parentheses. If new taxa at more Comparison: This section is also called Differen-
than one rank are given (genus and species), the tial Diagnosis, or is subsumed under Remarks. It
higher rank is described first. compares the new genus to related and similar other
genera and shows how they are different. This is
10.4.5 New genus. The description is written in possibly one of the most useful sections particularly
telegraphic style, i.e., it excludes all verbs and ar- for the non-specialist who needs to be shown how
ticles: “the shell is round” becomes “shell round.” the new genus can be recognized.
Each sentence should start with the feature being
described: “columella with folds,” not “folds on Remarks: Any piece of information that does
columella.” Follow some logical sequence in the not fit in the above sections can be placed under
description (top to bottom, outside to inside), and remarks.
mention the primary feature before secondary
ones. If there are diagnostic characters you may 10.4.6 New species. The description and diagnosis
highlight them, but you may also elect to write are comparable to that of a new genus. If the spe-
a separate section called Diagnosis. The descrip- cies has been discussed previously, either under
tion contains all observable features, whereas the another name, as a nomen nudum (see below), or
diagnosis contains only those that are unique for as an unidentified species, these instances should
the taxon in question. be cited.
Geiger 153

Type specimens: Type specimens must be des- for Latin (and Greek) dictionaries are second hand
ignated. A number of different categories of type and seminary bookstores.
specimens can be encountered. The holotype is
a single specimen given preferential nomencla- Type locality: The location where the holotype was
tural standing over other specimens. Paratypes are found is the type locality. It should be as specific
specimens that belong to the new species but are as possible, including coordinates.
of lower standing. In theory, multiple specimens
of equal standing (syntypes) can be designated, Other sections: The sections on Biology, Compari-
but that practice is strongly opposed because such sons, and Remarks are structured as detailed under
specimens are often a source of nomenclatural New Genus above.
problems later on (if it is found that they represent
multiple species). 10.5 REVISIONS

Any material that was inspected but is not consid- A taxonomic revision serves the purpose of
ered type material must be specifically excluded summarizing all previous taxonomic accounts
from the type material. It is expected that the ho- and providing some new insights. A revision may
lotype and at least some of the paratype material tackle a single species, a genus, or an entire family.
will be found in or donated to a public collection. Preparing a good revision is a significant task that
Most editors go beyond the letter of the ICZN code can take many years. It comprises thoroughly and
and demand deposition of at least the holotype in meticulously searching the literature, inves-tigating
a public collection. as much material as possible, and making a particular
effort to see all type material. Many early taxonomic
Etymology: The derivation of the name should be treatments were written in languages other then
indicated. The species epithet needs to be unique English. A varied selection of dictionaries should
within that genus. Be mindful, that the genus be kept at hand. For pre-Linnean texts a Medieval
assignment may change; hence, species names Latin dictionary (e.g., Latham 1980) can be useful.
found in closely related genera should be avoided Today there are some translation computer programs
(see homonymy below). One of the most common and the Babelfish website <
derivations is in honor of a person (Haliotis fatui translate.dyn> that produce reasonable first steps
Geiger, 1999: for John Fatu), which is indicated and can reduce the baseline work significantly;
with the Latin genitive suffix in the proper gender however, the scientific language and the peculiar
(-i for masculine singular, -ae for feminine singu- use of certain words in scientific contexts can
lar, -orum for masculine or mixed gender plural, result in incomprehensible text. Latin texts often
-arum for feminine plural). The origin from a contain errors, either in terms of grammar or in
particular place is indicated with the suffix –ensis terms of type setting (e.g., “niti dissimus” should
[Conus bengalensis (Okutani, 1968) from the Bay read “nitidissimus”: Lichtenstein, 1794: lot 896).
of Bengal]. A descriptive adjective is also often A good revision contains the following elements at
encountered, such as Haliotis rubra Leach, 1814, the (sub)generic and the (sub)specific level.
for the Australian red (Latin = ruber [m, n], rubra
[f]) abalone. Such adjectives need to be properly 10.5.1 Genus. The genus name with author and
inflected to the gender of the genus. Furthermore, literature citation for the original description is
a species epithet can be any noun (noun in apposi- given. The type species and the mode of designation
tion): Strombus goliath Schroeter, 1805. For the are indicated. Three modes are found: by original
derivation of species epithets, Brown (1956), Bor- designation (OD) in which the original author stated
ror (1960), and Werner (1972) are good sources. A explicitly that a particular species is the type spe-
number of Latin and Greek dictionaries, and a Latin cies; by monotypy (M) where the original author
grammar book (occasionally found as appendices in described or discussed only a single species in that
dictionaries) should also be at hand. Good sources new genus so that this species is taken by default as
154 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

the type species; by subsequent designation (SD) status of each specimen is to be determined. The
where a later author made a decision on which following categories are encountered.
species should be regarded as the type species.
In some instances, no type species had ever been Holotype: The holotype is a single specimen given
designated. The reviser should carefully evaluate preferential standing by the original author. In
the specific case and make a sensible choice, i.e., cases where the holotype and the paratypes of a
make a SD. A SD must be clearly labeled as such taxon belong to two different species, the species
by “type species here designated.” of the holotype has its name. Hence, the holotype
is also called the name bearing type, or the primary
Species contained in genus: For any revision, a type.
complete listing of all species belonging to that
genus should be given. In larger revisions spanning Paratype: Zero to multiple paratypes may ac-
multiple genera, some species may be impossible to company the holotype. The original author usually
assign to a genus. In this case the category “Fam- explicitly designates paratypes.
ily - incertae sedis” (= of uncertain seat = affinity)
should include those taxa. Every species within the Syntypes: Multiple specimens of equal standing,
taxonomic scope of the work must be assigned. Oc- all together being one name-bearing type series,
casionally it is also helpful to list species (or genera) can be frequently found with older names. The
previously contained in that group, but no longer specimens in the syntype series can belong to one
considered to be so. For instance, in a treatment of or multiple species. It is due to the possibility that
the helmet shells (Cassidae) it is worthwhile to note a syntype may represent more than one species that
that the genus Morum is no longer in Cassidae, and a holotype is preferred. Another name for syntype
has been transferred to Harpidae. is cotype.

Description and diagnosis: The genus should be Lectotype: A lectotype is a single specimen selected
carefully described and the diagnosis given. This from a syntype series that is elevated in rank and be-
is particularly important when no such diagnosis comes the name-bearing type. All other specimens,
had been made previously. regardless of whether they belong to the species
of the lectotype or not, become paralectotypes.
Comparisons: Comparisons to related and similar The selection of a lectotype should be carried
(sub)genera should be provided. out with great care, particularly if the syntype
series comprises more than one species. Prefer-
Remarks: Any other noteworthy information is to ence should be given to a specimen figured in the
be included. original description or to the one that best fits the
written description of the species. Under the new
10.5.2 Species. The species name with author and edition of the ICZN-code a lectotype designation
literature citation for the original description is must contain “an express statement of taxonomic
given. The consideration of type specimen(s) must purpose” (ICZN, 1999: Art. 74.7.3). Currently there
be carried out with particular care and attention to is some debate on the meaning of this phrase, but
detail because any statements in association with it seems that as little as “lectotype here selected”
types will become permanent. The type specimen(s) should suffice to satisfy the condition. It had been
as inferred from the literature or as found in mu- included to prevent the problem known as inadver-
seum collections are discussed. Discrepancies must tent designation of a lectotype.
be carefully evaluated; omissions in the original text
as well as erroneous labeling in museum collections Neotype: In case the holotype or lectotype has been
can be a source of error. Consult with the senior lost, a new specimen can be designated as the name-
curator of the collection for insight into the history bearing, primary type; there are no ‘paraneotypes’.
of the collection and the particular specimen. The Such a designation should be carried out only if the
Geiger 155

identity of the name is controversial (e.g., Geiger locality can be designated in accordance with ICZN
1996). For many taxa, the whereabouts of the article 76. Such new designations should be clearly
primary type is unknown, but it is not necessary to marked with “here designated.” The stratigraphic
designate a neotype. unit of the type is subsumed under the type locality.
The value of subsequent designation of type locali-
Other types: There is a bewildering diversity of ties is somewhat controversial; it certainly carries
type categories. However, it is important to re- much less weight than lectotype selections.
member that most of these types are not important
in taxonomic descriptions. For a comprehensive Other sections: The sections on Description, Di-
listing of types see Fernald (1939). agnosis, Etymology, Biology, Comparisons, and
Remarks are written as discussed under Genus
Synonymy: A listing of all synonyms of this species descriptions above.
should be given. The listing should include author
and date for each taxon, and the citation of each 10.6 THE ICZN CODE
original description. The listing of type material
of all synonyms, and their illustration adds further In the following, a brief overview of the code is
information. Most synonymies stem from the rule given, in which some of the more recent devel-
of priority and are easily identified from the later opments are emphasized. Although many of the
date for the taxon. Other cases (pre-Linnean, non- specific rules may sound at first rather obscure, the
binominal, homonyms, suppressed taxa, and first principles at work are straightforward and based on
reviser’s principle) should be explained. Some taxa common sense. Authors intending to engage in any
may be unidentifiable or problematic and are listed nomenclatural activity must read the entire code
as nomina dubia (doubtful names) or as nomina cover to cover at least once for minimal prepara-
inquirenda (names to be further investigated). tion. The sections below cannot substitute for a
full immersion into the matters of the code. The
The synonymy should also include a listing of responsibility for acting within the rules of the code
illustrations of the particular species under con- lies solely with the author, and cannot be delegated
sideration, under the correct name or as any of its to either reviewers or editors. These points cannot
synonyms. Whether the listing should be exhaustive be stressed enough, because nomenclatural acts are
or selective depends on the scope of the revision destined for eternity.
and how often a species has been illustrated; an
exhaustive listing for Mytilus edulis may be un- 10.6.1 History. The start of zoological nomencla-
necessary and the 10-20 best and most widely ture is January 1st 1758, the date of publication of
available sources may suffice. Linnaeus’ 10th edition of Systema Naturae. For over
150 years there were no formal guidelines on how
Altered placement: During revision, it often be- to pursue taxonomic activities, although a certain
comes apparent that a species has been misplaced in informal understanding developed in the zoological
a genus. It is self-evident from the synonymy listing community (Stricklandian code of 1842), which
if the generic assignment has been changed. If an was superseded by more formal adoptions (Règles
author wants to emphasize the new assignment, of 1905). Only in 1961 when the first edition of the
the term new combination or “comb. nov.” can be International Code of Zoological Nomenclature
added after the author and date. New combinations was published were the rules of nomenclature fixed.
do not count as nomenclatural acts, hence, the au- The fourth edition of the code has come into effect
thor who first proposed the new combination does on January 1st 2000. A more thorough historical
not receive special recognition. account was provided by Melville (1995).

Type locality: Usually the type locality is given 10.6.2 Aim (Articles 1-3). The purpose of the
in the original description. If this is not the case, a code is to provide a unifying framework for no-
156 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

menclatural affairs in zoology. There are separate then May 21st is the publication date of the first
codes with somewhat different rules for plants and “1855” publication.
for bacteria. The main objectives of the code are
universality and stability of names, while permit- 10.6.7 Validity (Articles 23-24). These articles
ting freedom of taxonomic thought and flexibility specify under which conditions a nomenclatural
if circumstances warrant it. act has standing. Essentially, it states the principle
of priority. The oldest name (= senior synonym)
10.6.3 Principles (Articles 3-6). The principles are of a species is the valid name, all others are ju-
surprisingly few. First, it is based on the Linnean nior synonyms. The more common subjective
binominal system. The term is derived from the junior synonym is found when the same species is
Latin for two names: bi-nomen. “Binomial” is a described from two different name-bearing type
significant misspelling in nomenclature, because it specimens. Rarely, two names are given to the same
relates to a type of number distribution in statistics. name-bearing type, resulting in a case of objective
A species is identified with a combination of two synonymy. Sometimes two names are given to the
names, that of a genus and that of a species. Second, same species in the very same work, so that the rule
taxa must be based on types (principle of typifica- of priority cannot apply. In this case, the person
tion). These may either be type taxa or in the case who first publishes this synonymy (usually in the
of species-level names, type specimens. Third, the course of a revision) has the privilege of making
name that was given to a species first is maintained a sensible choice under the provision of the first
in the future. This is the principle of priority. reviser’s principle. It is a common misconception
that the one appearing first in the publication (page
10.6.4 Publication (Articles 7-9). A work must be priority) gets to be the senior synonym. The reviser
published in order for the nomenclatural act to be chooses which taxon retains the name.
available. Traditional publications are books and
periodicals, but exclude manuscripts. In today’s Occasionally, two species are inadvertently given
electronic age, under certain circumstances works the same name (homonymy). The senior homonym
on laser disk and CD-ROM can count as publi- is valid, whereas the junior homonym usually
cations, however, any content of web pages is cannot be used as a valid name. The exception is
excluded. A full discussion of what constitutes a for newly discovered senior synonyms and senior
publication is beyond the scope of this brief intro- homonyms, which can be designated nomina oblita
duction (e.g., Ph.D. theses). (forgotten names) that protect the younger, but
established names (nomina protecta) under certain
10.6.5 Availability (Articles 10-20). These provi- well-defined conditions (ICZN article 23.9). This
sions detail whether a name is considered available ruling resurrected from the second edition of the
for the purpose of zoological nomenclature. The code serves the purpose of stability.
provision depends on when the particular nomen-
clatural act was published, for which four periods 10.6.8 Formation of names (Articles 25-34).
are defined (pre 1931, 1931-1960, 1961-1999, These articles specify that names must be latinized,
2000-present).The specific provisions under these and how this is achieved. In theory, any word that
paragraphs are some of the more esoteric ones. could be an attempt to emulate a Latin word (e.g.,
keyboardus) is admissible. Random letter combi-
10.6.6 Publication date (Articles 21-22). Because nations, ‘names’ containing numbers, and names
of the principle of priority, the earliest date for with diacritic symbols (é, ö, ñ, ç) cannot be used
which it is credibly determined that the work was nor hyphenated names. Recommendations on how
published is used. A work that is only dated “1855” to transform unconforming spellings are given. For
has a publication date of December 31st, 1855. instance, ö becomes either o or oe. The endings for
However, if a second author cited that work in a tribes (-ina), subfamilies (-inae), families (-idae),
different publication that is dated May 21st, 1855, and superfamilies (-oidea) are also standardized.
Geiger 157

10.6.9 Family, genus, and species level names 10.6.12 Types (Articles 61-76). The designation and
(Articles 35-49). The principle of coordination recognition of types at every taxonomic level (family
states that for a family, genus, or species level to species) is covered. At each level, a type must be
name the author and date also apply for super- designated according to the principle of typification.
and sub-families, subgenera, or subspecies. For In case of the absence of types, their subsequent
instance, Rafinesque, in 1815, authored the fam- selection is detailed. For family and genus level
ily Haliotidae; the authorship of Haliotoidea and names, only other names are concerned, whereas for
Haliotinae is also Rafinesque, 1815, although he the species group actual specimens are designated as
never mentioned these names. The articles further types (holotypes, lectotypes, and neotypes). A name
specify in case of subdivision of a taxon, that the lacking a proper description is considered a nomen
nominotypical taxon is that in which the type spe- nudum (naked name) and is not available.
cies of the higher taxon is found. For example, the
type species of Haliotis is H. asinina Linnaeus, 10.6.13 The Commission (Articles 77-90). In some
1758. The subgenus Haliotis is the subgenus that instances, an action not covered by the articles of the
contains H. asinina. code is warranted. Acts requiring the intervention
of the “Commission on Zoological Nomenclature”
10.6.10 Authorship (Articles 50-51). The author(s) include suppression of certain senior synonyms and
of a work containing a nomenclatural act are con- homonyms; de-selection of a poorly chosen lectotype;
sidered responsible together and are cited together. and suppression of a publication. In such a situation,
An exception is found if part of a work was clearly a formal request in the form of a case can be brought
written by another person. In that case, the writer to the Commission. The application will be published
of the section (e.g., Smith) is listed first connected in the Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature and com-
by the word ‘in’ in italics, followed by the author(s) ments from the community at large are collected for
(e.g., Miller and Miller) of the overall work: Smith the period of one year. Thereafter, the Commission
in Miller and Miller. will vote (exercise plenary power) on the case and
publish its decision as an opinion. Publications that
10.6.11 Homonymy (Articles 52-60). Homonymy are made unavailable or names that have been sup-
can occur at every taxonomic level and must be pressed are placed on the appropriate Official Index.
resolved. Single letter differences are sufficient Names that have been retained, or works that are
to preclude homonymy in family and genus level considered available, are placed on the appropriate
names. In species level names, significant single Official List (Melville and Smith 1987).
letter differences conveying a different meaning
do also prevent homonymy. However, single let- 10.6.14 Code of Ethics (Appendix A). If a person
ter differences that are only spelling variations knows that another person is already working on
(Articles 58.1-58.15) are considered homonymous. the description of a new taxon, then the former
The assignment of two homonymous species level individual shall not attempt to beat the latter to
taxa to two different subgenera in the same genus publication. If a living author publishes (unknow-
does not remove them from homonymy. Two types ingly) a homonym, the person who discovers the
of homonyms have to be considered. A primary homonymy needs to give the original author at least
homonymy is encountered if the original authors one year to propose a nomen novum. Names should
described the two species in the same genus. A sec- not be of offensive nature. Certain decorum should
ondary homonymy arises if one taxon is transferred be maintained when selecting names.
from one genus to another genus already containing
a species with the same species epithet. If a senior 10.7 NOMENCLATURE, TAXONOMY, AND
synonym is also a junior homonym, then a nomen CLASSIFICATION
novum (new or replacement name) is given to that
species, because the name of the junior homonym Nomenclature and taxonomy are often confused
has already been taken (is preoccupied). and/or used interchangeably. There are some subtle
158 Taxonomy and taxonomic writing

yet significant differences. Nomenclature is only out to be nothing but futile academic exercises of
concerned with giving names but does not place needless innovation. All have blatant deficiencies
these names into a classification system. The lat- that are by far more serious than what is considered
ter process, namely placing existing names in an suboptimal at present. The Linnean system thrives
overall hierarchy, is called taxonomy. Giving a new as at its inception.
species a name is a nomenclatural act, placing it in
a particular genus concerns taxonomy. What is the purpose of a classification? The
intention of an artificial classification is not to
The way names are transformed into a classification reproduce a (real) phylogeny (Benton 2000). Its
has been a hotly debated topic in the last decade. primary function is that of a communication tool
Two schools can be identified: traditional, phy- and that of a summary statement. It is also clear
logenetic taxonomy and “new” phylogenetic taxo- that ranks cannot be discovered in nature; they are
nomy (e.g., de Queiroz and Gauthier 1994), the artificial constructs in an artificial classification.
latter also being called “node pointing system” Yet this classification should not contradict the
(Nixon and Carpenter 2000: 298). Both have the real phylogeny of the organisms it classifies. In
same goal, namely representing the existing name that sense, a classification is a rough sketch of a
in a system in accordance with the phylogeny of the phylogeny. The function of ranks is also one of
group in question and naming monophyletic groups communication, despite the fact that ranks in
only (see Chapter 11, Cladistics and Molecular different groups cannot be compared: a family
Biology). The main argument of the proponents of mollusks is quite different from a family of
of traditional taxonomy is that the system has bacteria. However, families of mollusks within a
worked well for the past 250 years; hence, there molluscan order are meaningful for the purpose
is no reason to replace it with an untested system. of communication. Ranks serve as a tiered
The proponents of the node pointing system argue retrieval system for information concerning these
that the new system will be more stable (fewer organisms.
name changes), avoids mandatory ranks of the
Linnean binominal system, and uses phylogenetic 10.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
hypotheses explicitly to define the taxa.
This chapter benefited from the comments of Jim
The node pointing system has gathered little at- McLean, Christine Thacker, and the reviewers.
tention amongst most practicing taxonomists (the
silent majority), but a trickle of publications by a 10.9 LITERATURE CITED
handful of proponents has placed them in the spot-
light in the larger arena of science (Pennisi 1996). Benton, M. J. 2000. Stems, nodes, crown clades, and
rank-free lists: Is Linnaeus dead? Biological Re-
Recently, Nixon and Carpenter (2000) and Benton views 75: 633-648.
(2000) have critically examined the node pointing Borror, D. J. 1960. Dictionary of Word Roots and Com-
system and have resoundingly rebuked its claims. bining Forms. Mayfield Publishing Co., Mountain
Particularly, with respect to stability as denoted by View, California. 134 pp.
constancy of taxa included, the node pointing sys- Bouchet, P. 1997. Inventorying the molluscan diversity
of the world: what is our rate of progress? Veliger
tem fares far worse than traditional taxonomy. The 40: 1-11.
nuisance of the node pointing system is destined to Brown, R. W. 1956. Composition of Scientific Words.
be but an insignificant ripple in the development of Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington. 882 pp.
systematics. The various alternative classification Council of Biology Editors. 1994. Scientific Style and
and naming schemes that have been proposed dur- Format. The CBE Manual for Authors, Editors,
and Publishers, 6th Ed. Cambridge University Press,
ing the past decades (e.g., numerical species names, Cambridge. 825 pp.
indented classifications, prefix ranking, Phylocode, de Queiroz, K. and J. Gauthier. 1994. Towards a phylo-
uninominals: reviewed by Kron 1997) have all genetic system of biological nomenclature. Trends
vanished. For various reasons they have turned in Ecology and Evolution 9: 27-31.
Geiger 159

Edwards, M. A. and A. T. Hopwood. (eds.) 1966. Nomen- Melville, R. and J. D. D. Smith, eds. 1987. Official
clator Zoologicus, Vol. VI, 1946-1955. Zoological Lists and Indexes of Names and Works in Zoology.
Society of London, London. 329 pp. International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature,
Edwards, M. A. and H. G. Vevers. (eds.) 1975. Nomen- London. 366 pp.
clator Zoologicus, Vol. VII, 1956-1965. Zoological Neave, S. A., ed. 1939-1940. Nomenclator Zoologicus:
Society of London, London. 374 pp. A List of the Names of Genera and Subgenera in
Edwards, M. A. and M. A. Tobias. (eds.) 1993. Nomen- Zoology from the Tenth Edition of Linnaeus, 1758, to
clator Zoologicus, Vol. VIII, 1966-1977. Zoological the end of 1935. 4 Volumes. The Zoological Society
Society of London, London. 620 pp. of London, London. xiv + 3805 pp.
Edwards, M. A., P. Manyly, and M. A. Tobias. (eds.) Neave, S. A., ed. 1950. Nomenclator Zoologicus, Vol.
1996. Nomenclator Zoologicus, Vol. IX, 1978-1994. V, 1936-1945. The Zoological Society of London,
Zoological Society of London, London. 747 pp. London 308 pp.
Fernald, H. T. 1939. On type nomenclature. Annals of the Nixon, K. C. and J. M. Carpenter. 2000. On the other
Entomological Society of America 32: 689-702. “phylogenetic systematists.” Cladistics 16: 298-
Freeman, S. and J. C. Herron. 2001. Evolutionary Analy- 318.
sis, 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Pennisi, E. 1996. Evolutionary and systematic biologists
Jersey. 704 pp. converge. Science 273: 181.
Futuyma, D. J. 1998. Evolutionary Biology, 3nd Ed. Sinauer Reid, D. G. 1996. Systematics and Evolution of Littorina.
Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 810 pp. The Ray Society, London. 463 pp.
Geiger, D. 1996. Haliotids in the Red Sea with neotype Ridley, M. 1996. Evolution, 2nd Ed. Blackwell Science,
designation for Haliotis unilateralis Lamarck, Cambridge. 719 pp.
1822 (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia). Revue Suisse Rosenberg, G. 1996. Conchatenations. American Con-
de Zoologie 103: 339-354. chologist 24: 10-11.
ICZN, 1999. International Code of Zoological Nomen- Sherborn, C. D. 1902. Index Animalium. Section 1, 1758-
clature. International Trust of Zoological Nomen- 1800. C. J. Clay and Sons, London. 1995 pp.
clature, London. 306 pp. Sherborn, C. D. 1922. Index Animalium. Section 2, 1801-
Kron, K. A. 1997. Exporing alternative systems of clas- 1850. C. J. Clay and Sons, London. 7056 pp.
sification. Aliso 15: 105-112. Sherborn, C. D. 1932. Index Animalium. Section 2,
Latham, R. E. 1980. Revised Medieval Latin Word-List 1801-1850. Epilogue and Additions. Cambridge
from British and Irish Sources, with Supplement. University Press, Cambridge. 1096 pp.
Oxford University Press, Oxford. 535 pp. Smith, A. B. 1994. Systematics and the Fossil Record:
Lichtenstein, A. A. H. 1794. Catalogus Rerum Natura- Documenting Evolutionary Patterns. Blackwell
lium Rarissimarum, Sectio Secunda. Schniebes, Scientific, Oxford. 223 pp.
Hamburg. 118 pp. Werner, F. C. 1972. Wortelemente Latienisch-Griechisch-
Mayr, E. and P. D. Ashlock. 1991. Principles of Sys- er Fachausdücke in den biologischen Wissen-
tematic Zoology, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, New York. schaften. Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 64. 475 pp.
475 pp. Wheeler, Q. D. and R. Meier. (eds.) 2000. Species Con-
Melville, R. V. 1995. Towards Stability in the Names cepts and Phylogenetic Theory: A Debate. Colum-
of Animals: A History of the International Com- bia University Press, New York. 230 pp.
mission on Zoological Nomenclature, 1895-1995. Winston, J. E. 1999. Describing Species: Practical
International Trust for Zoological Nomenclature, Taxonomic Procedure for Biologists. Columbia
London. viii + 92 pp. University Press, New York. xx + 518 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


11.1 INTRODUCTION example, one character might be the “number of

valves in the shell.” The character state for Pec-
You have probably heard about new studies using ten or Berthelinia would be “two,” for Strombus
cladistic analyses, DNA data, and other exotic- or Neopilina would be “one,” for Chaetoderma
sounding methods. Three questions arise for the or nudibranchs would be “zero,” and for Chiton
average collector: How does it work? Can I try it would be eight.
myself? Will it affect the classification of my col-
lection? In this chapter, we will explore these types Mathematical analysis of the data then generates a
of questions. For further information see Mayr and phylogenetic tree. This tree is called a cladogram
Ashlock 1991, Wiley et al.1991, Graur and Wen- if the branch ends line up and their lengths are ar-
Hsiung Li 1996, Hillis et al. 1996, Page and Holmes bitrary (Figure 11.1) or a phylogram if the branch
1998, Schuh 2000, Felsenstein 2003, Lydeard and lengths on the tree are proportional to the amount
Lindberg 2003, and Hall 2004. of evolutionary change occurring on the branch
(Figure 11.2). Phylograms are thus more informa-
11.2 CLADISTICS - WHAT IS IT? tive but usually not as easy to read. For example, in
Figure 11.2, it is difficult to judge the relationships
Cladistic phylogenetic analysis tries to provide a between A, B, and C. However, it is easy to see
more objective method of reconstructing evolution- that there are very few changes differentiating A,
ary history than the traditional approach of simply B, and C but many that group these three together.
looking at the data and deciding what seems plau- In contrast, the relationships among A, B, and C
sible. It tries to do this by starting with an explicit are easy to see in Figure 11.1, but there is no in-
definition of the features of the organisms under dication about the number of changes supporting
study (called characters, see Table 11.1) and some each group.
method of creating an evolutionary or phylogenetic
tree and evaluating it. For each character, you need A group of taxa associated by a common ancestor
to determine the character state for each taxon. For on a phylogenetic tree is called a clade. In contrast,

Table 11.1 Characters.

Character Definition Example

Apomorphy A derived character found in a descendant but not in the ancestor Torsion in gastropods
Plesiomorphy A primitive character found in both the ancestor and some A shell in most gastropods
of its descendants
Synapomorphy A derived character that is found in two or more taxa and their A bivalved shell in bivalves
nearest ancestor and not found outside this group
162 Cladistics and molecular techniques

Almost everyone agrees that polyphyletic taxa

should be eliminated from taxonomic use, although
some older classifications included known polyphy-
letic groups. More often, older polyphyletic groups
were based on inadequate data. One such example
is the Linnaean genus Patella, which included
several limpet-shaped gastropods now assigned
to multiple unrelated genera, including Patella
(Patellogastropoda), Siphonaria (Pulmonata) and
Umbraculum (Opisthobranchia).

Figure 11.1. A cladogram. The treatment of paraphyletic taxa is debated. On

the one hand, they are not discrete evolutionary
units because they omit part of the clade. On the
other hand, they may represent a distinct phyloge-
netic grade and have various shared characteristics.
For example, Monoplacophora sensu lato is be-
lieved to include the ancestors of Bivalvia, Gastrop-
oda, Cephalopoda, Scaphopoda, Rostroconchia,
and other classes. Thus, Monoplacophora in the
broad sense is not monophyletic and is not strictly
equivalent to the other classes. On the other hand,
monoplacophorans are all generally similar. Decid-
ing whether a particular cap-shaped early Cambrian
fossil is closer to gastropods or to bivalves may not
Figure 11.2. A phylogram. be possible. Thus, Monoplacophora has its useful-
ness as a concept but also its problems.
a grade is a group of taxa at a similar evolutionary
state, not necessarily closely related. In Figures 11.2.1 The root, the ingroup, and the outgroups.
11.1 and 11.2, AB, ABC, ABCD, EF, and ABCDEF Often, you are not only interested in evolution
are all clades. They are monophyletic, including a within your taxon but also how the group is re-
common ancestor and all its descendants. BCD, lated to other organisms. Note how the base of the
on the other hand, is paraphyletic. It includes tree in Figure 11.1 has an additional branch. This
some members of a monophyletic group but not indicates that the studied taxa are related to other
all (A is missing). AF is polyphyletic (specifically, organisms at this point in the phylogeny. This
diphyletic). It includes taxa that evolved separately. branch is known as the root and the tree is rooted.
Another way of thinking of a polyphyletic clade is Usually a root is determined by including taxa
to think of it as a group containing members from outside the clade of interest (the ingroup). These
2 or more ancestral groups (see Table 11.2). taxa, or outgroups, must be carefully chosen to be

Table 11.2 Clades

Clade Definition Examples from Figure 11.1

Monophyletic A group containing an ancestor and all of its descendants AB, ABC, ABCD, EF, ABCDEF
Paraphyletic A group containing an ancestor and some, but not all, of AC, BC, ABD, ACD, BCD, BCDE
its descendants
Polyphyletic A group containing members from 2 or more ancestral AF, ABE, BEF, CEF
Campbell 163

sure that they really are outside the clade of inter-

est, but not so distantly related as to provide little
useful information. For example, suppose you were
studying the evolution of Gastropoda as a whole.
Bacteria are obviously not gastropods, so they
would be a safe outgroup, whereas bellerophonts
may or may not be gastropods and therefore are not
a safe outgroup. However, bacteria are so distantly
related to gastropods that they provide almost no
useful information about the evolutionary patterns.
Bivalves, cephalopods, or definite monoplacopho-
Figure 11.3. A parsimonious hypothesis about change
rans would be better outgroups for the gastropods.
in character 2.
With a known root, you can determine some of
the sequence of evolutionary events. The first
event in the evolution of the ABCDEF clade was
the split between the ancestor of ABCD and the
ancestor of EF. D’s ancestor split off before C’s,
which in turn split before A and B split. As Figure
11.1 is a cladogram, we cannot use it to tell how
the E-F split compares in time to the splits within
ABCD without further information. From Figure
11.2, we can see the relative amount of change on
each branch. This suggests that the E-F split was
earlier than the splits within ABCD, if we assume
a relatively constant rate of change. However, that Figure 11.4. A less parsimonious hypothesis about
change in character 2.
assumption may be incorrect.

11.2.2 Parsimony. The most popular method of These options are equally parsimonious. Although
phylogenetic analysis is generally called maximum the data in Table 11.3 could also be explained by a
parsimony, although all methods involve the concept change from 0 to 1 on the branch leading to D and
of parsimony. This tries to find an evolutionary tree another change from 0 to 1 on the branch leading
that minimizes the number of postulated evolution- to ABC (Figure 11.4), this requires more changes
ary changes. For example, Table 11.3 could be part and is thus less parsimonious. Notice that some of
of the data generating the tree in Figure 11.1. Char- the characters are incompatible with others. For
acter 2 could be explained by a single change from example, character 3 suggests that BCD are more
state 0 to state 1 on the branch leading to ABCD similar to each other than any are to any other char-
(Figure 11.3). A change from 1 to 0 on the branch acter species, whereas character 5 suggests that AB
leading to EF would also require only one change. are more similar to each other than to any other. In
the valve example, if we relied solely on the “num-
Table 11.3 Sample data. ber of valves” character, parsimony would group the
taxa that have the same number of valves. However,
Character other evidence indicates that these examples are all
Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 convergent, and parsimony would give a hypothesis
A 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 of relationships quite different (and unbelieveable)
B 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
C 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 from an analysis that included more characters (thus
D 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 we might be fooled or misled by such results). As
E 1 0 3 1 4 1 2 a result, the choice of data to include in an analysis
F 1 0 4 3 5 2 4 is very important. Additionally, if you think parts
164 Cladistics and molecular techniques

of your data are better or worse, you can put more it is more common in older analyses, though still
weight on them in the analyses. Although this is important for some types of data. Another popular
an assumption that must be justified, the common distance technique is neighbor-joining.
default of giving equal weight to all analyzed data
is also an assumption. Maximum parsimony can be Neighbor-joining compensates for variation in
used on almost any sort of data, and the principle the apparent evolutionary rate among taxa, so it is
of minimizing the amount of assumed evolution- suitable for many more situations than UPGMA.
ary change is intuitively appealing, even though it It proceeds by joining the most similar taxa (af-
might not hold up in some circumstances. It is also ter compensating for evolutionary rates) until
less computationally intensive than most likelihood everything is associated into a phylogenetic tree.
methods. As a result, it is probably the most widely However, once you have generated this tree, neigh-
used cladistic method. Other analytical techniques bor-joining provides no guidelines for comparing
may be less sensitive to such problems, but have this tree to other trees. You cannot tell whether
other weaknesses or difficulties. The choice of your tree is better or worse than another simply
species to include is also very important. The valve by relying on neighbor-joining criteria. Therefore,
example selected a small assortment of distantly neighbor-joining may be better used to generating
related species, some of them rather unusual, and preliminary trees to evaluate by another method
relied on only a single character. Thus, both poor instead of using it to generate a final tree.
sampling of species and inadequate data are to
blame. 11.2.4 Maximum likelihood. A third category of
analyses is maximum likelihood. If you can as-
11.2.3 Distances. For some types of data, you sign probabilities to the different character-state
can calculate distances among your taxa. Certain changes, you can try to find the most probable tree.
molecular techniques, such as DNA-DNA hy- Assigning probabilities to morphological changes
bridization, generate distances, as can statistical is very difficult if not impossible, but several
comparisons of faunas (e.g., similarity indices). In models and empirical data can be used to produce
cases such as these, a distance approach may be the probability models for molecular sequence data.
only possible way to analyze the data. Additionally, For example, DNA is composed of the four bases
formulae exist for calculating distances from some adenosine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thy-
other data. Because distance calculations typically mine (T). In DNA, A is more similar to G than to
require modifying and simplifying the data, they T or C, so you might assign a higher probability to
generally do not provide as powerful an analysis A to G mutations than A to T or A to C mutations.
as those methods that use the unmodified data. In Models with greater complexity take into account
addition, distance methods often have trouble deal- more considerations about the evolutionary factors
ing with missing data. However, distance methods and so are probably more realistic. However, they
are generally much less computationally intensive are also more computationally intensive. Complex
than parsimony or likelihood methods. They may models also seem more sensitive to discrepancies
therefore be the only feasible way to analyze some between model and the real evolutionary pathway
datasets. than simpler models. For relatively short DNA
sequences (a few hundred bases), this sensitiv-
One of the most widespread distance techniques is ity is probably important. It is less of a problem
UPGMA (Unweighted Pair Group Method using for long sequences. Maximum likelihood is the
Arithmetic averages). This method assumes that most computationally intensive approach and has
the characters have evolved at a constant rate. If only recently become feasible for many data sets.
they have not (which is often the case), UPGMA However, if it is feasible, its assumptions about the
can perform very badly. However, it is computa- evolutionary pattern are probably the most realistic
tionally relatively simple and therefore was one of and thus it is less likely to be misled than parsimony
the first methods implemented on computers. Thus, under certain situations.
Campbell 165

One type of likelihood analysis gaining in popular- Several methods can provide a quantitative assess-
ity is the Bayesian analysis. It generates a set of ment of trees. Numerous methods and formulae
evolutionary trees based on probability models and have been proposed, some of which have since
uses a large sample of the most probable trees that been shown to have definite problems. However,
it finds to assign probabilities to various clades. It a few measures are widely used. As a rule, the
can also be used to give relative probabilities of statistical significance of these approaches remains
two evolutionary trees. unknown.

11.2.5 Branch-and-bound and heuristic methods. Consistency indices try to measure the relative
Both parsimony and likelihood approaches require proportion of features that support or contradict
some technique of generating phylogenetic trees, the resulting tree. Several variations exist in the
which are then analyzed to see how parsimonious formulas used to calculate them, but they generally
or likely they are. The simplest approach is an are based on a comparison between the actual tree
exhaustive search, in which every possible tree is and theoretical ideals. For example, in a parsimony
checked. However, there are almost 34.5 million analysis, each character with two character states
trees possible with 11 taxa (without rooting the (e.g., presence or absence) must change a minimum
tree, which would add more possibilities). Trying to of one time on the tree. Thus, an analysis based
evaluate all the trees for data sets this large or larger on three presence/absence characters would have
is often impractical. Another approach is a branch- a minimum tree length of three, considering the
and-bound method. This eliminates obviously bad characters separately. However, if the characters do
options from consideration, allowing the computer not agree with each other, the minimum tree length
to focus on the promising possibilities. For example, found by a parsimony search would be greater than
if one tree containing only some of the studied taxa three and so the consistency index would be lower.
is less parsimonious than the most parsimonious tree Consistency indices are affected by the type and
found so far for the entire data set, adding more taxa amount of data, so you cannot identify a particular
to the bad tree configuration will only make it worse. value as good for all analyses.
Thus, all trees based on the unparsimonious partial
tree can be eliminated from consideration. Even this 11.2.7 Bootstrapping and jackknifing. Bootstrap-
approach often takes too long to be feasible. Several ping and jackknifing involve resampling the data set
approximate, or heuristic, methods are available. to create a new data set. In bootstrapping, the data
These search for an acceptable tree, but cannot set is sampled with replacement, creating a new
guarantee finding the best tree. If there is a tree data set the same size as the original but randomly
better than all of the relatively similar trees, but still omitting some characters (or taxa) and including
worse than the overall best tree, heuristic methods others more than once. Jackknifing randomly omits
may find this relatively good tree rather than the characters (or taxa) to create a smaller data set.
best. Several techniques exist to try to improve the These modified data sets are then analyzed, and
chances of finding the overall best tree. In general, if the process is repeated many times. If only a few
several different methods all come up with the same characters supported a clade produced in the initial
tree, then it is probably the best overall. If different search, then the random sampling may omit some
methods come up with many different trees, then of those characters and produce a significantly dif-
you have more concerns. ferent tree than before. The percentage of replicate
analyses that support a given clade is then referred
11.2.6 Consensus. Often, a search will find many to as the bootstrap or jackknife support. High values
equally good trees. To show these data, consensus of support (depending on the data set, probably a
trees are often used. A strict consensus shows those minimum of at least 70% and possibly higher) sug-
clades supported by every tree. Majority rule con- gest good results. Another approach is the use of
sensus includes clades supported by a majority of decay indices (= Bremer Support). The decay index
the trees. Other consensuses are less widely used. for a clade is the difference between the overall
166 Cladistics and molecular techniques

best tree and the best tree that does not support the tion. A DNA sequence has only four possibilities:
clade. For example, if your most parsimonious tree A, G, T, or C (deletion could be considered a fifth
were 100 steps long, but one clade supported in it possibility). Thus, two random DNA sequences
did not appear in some trees 101 steps long, then will have about a 1 in 4 probability of matching at
you do not have much confidence in that clade. If, any one point in the sequence. If an organism has
on the other hand, a clade occurs in all trees that evolved so much relative to the others in the study
are less than 150 steps long, then you have much that it is practically randomized, then parsimony
higher confidence in the clade. analyses will probably mistake the random similar-
ity for evolutionarily significant events. The main
All phylogenetic analyses rely on certain assump- effect of this is to artificially group taxa with very
tions. Two key assumptions are that the characters long branches together. For example, in Figure
are independent and that they evolved according 11.2, the branches leading to E and F are both very
to the model assumed by the analysis. Real data long, whereas the branch joining them is short.
may often violate both of these. For example, the This suggests that long-branch attraction may be a
presence of a tooth in the right hinge of a bivalve problem. Likewise, an analysis of gastropod mo-
is not independent of the presence of a socket in lecular phylogeny that included 10 neogastropods,
the left hinge. Coding those as two independent 10 euthyneurans, one patellid limpet, and a bivalve
features would really be entering the same feature and a chiton as outgroups might group the patellid
twice. Although no one would include such obvi- with the bivalve or the chiton rather than with the
ously redundant characters, other features may other gastropods because the random similarities
have subtle genetic or evolutionary links. A single outweigh the few evolutionary similarities. Adding
mutation in a gene affecting early development may more DNA data with a similar evolutionary rate
have numerous effects on the morphology of the would only make the problem worse by increasing
adult. Similarly, seemingly unrelated features may the number of random characters. You can solve
have associated functions. The strength of hinge the problem by adding additional taxa (so that
teeth in bivalves and the shell microstructure do the random characters would no longer outweigh
not have an obvious connection. However, it turns the meaningful ones), by adding data for a more
out that a flexible microstructure, such as that of the slowly evolving gene or morphological feature, by
margins of pearl oysters, enables the shell to seal removing the isolated taxa from the analysis, or by
the edges well even if the two valves do not quite using a different analytical technique. A maximum
line up. The two valves line up precisely if there likelihood analysis may also be misled by such
are strongly developed hinge teeth, but may not line data if its model does not adequately consider the
up exactly if there are no hinge teeth. possibility of high rates of mutation; however,
maximum likelihood is generally less vulnerable
11.2.8 Long branch attraction. The example of to this problem.
valve number above points to the most frequent
type of violation of the model. If evolution has Several computer programs are available to do these
been rapid relative to the sample, then there is a sorts of analyses. PAUP* is currently the most popu-
high probability of multiple mutations that mask lar, but MRBAYES, PHYLIP, and HENNIG are also
the true evolutionary pattern. By examining only popular, and many others exist. An extensive listing
a few scattered representatives of modern taxa that of such programs is available at <evolution.genetics.
diverged from each other no later than the Cam-> and includes
brian, the valve number study above was misled. programs ranging from free to rather expensive.
With more extensive data and additional characters,
we would have discovered the broad patterns of 11.3 HOW TO DO DNA STUDIES
valve number and not been misled. However, what
if the additional data are just as inappropriate? This Analysis of DNA sequence data requires col-
produces the problem known as long branch attrac- lection of appropriate samples, extraction of the
Campbell 167

DNA, amplifying the gene of interest, sequencing tain DNA while keeping the specimen alive. The
it, and aligning the sequences before finally per- digestive tract is also unsafe for analysis, because
forming a phylogenetic analysis. A complete set of it may contain DNA from the last meal as well as
equipment for all this would cost over $100,000 to DNA of the organism itself.
purchase, plus operating expenses. However, it is
easy to collect specimens suitable for DNA work in For preserving DNA, ethanol should probably
collaboration with someone who has access to the be at least 80% (160 proof) and preferably 95-
necessary equipment. Other molecular techniques 100% (190-200 proof). Labeling and transporting
(such as those used for study of protein) differ in the specimens with ethanol can be challenging.
detail, but follow similar general patterns. Most ink, including that of permanent markers,
dissolves in ethanol. Pencil does not dissolve, or
11.3.1 Collecting. DNA breaks down rapidly after you can keep the ethanol off the label. I have also
death, so specimens must be kept alive or rapidly found some zip-closure bags that seem watertight
preserved. Although it may be possible to obtain but allow ethanol to leak through, probably be-
DNA from old specimens, including dried tissue or cause the plastic was somewhat soluble. This has
museum material in miscellaneous preservatives, been a problem with cheap bags but not brand-
it is best to start with live material. However, if the name ones. However, plastic jars are safer, if they
specimen dies before DNA extraction can begin, seal well. Double bagging is also good. For trans-
the DNA will degrade rapidly. Probably the handi- port and mailing, replace as much of the ethanol
est way to preserve tissues for DNA work is to im- as possible with absorbent cotton wool, and pack
merse the specimen in concentrated ethanol. the vials in absorbent cotton wool. This should
keep the specimens saturated while decreasing
The ethanol must penetrate the tissues rapidly, so both the weight of the sample and the risks from
bivalves that can tightly close their shells or oper- shipping a flammable liquid. Make sure containers
culate gastropods may require cutting open be- and specimens are well padded for mailing; other-
fore preservation. In addition, water in the tissues wise, they may be crushed, letting the ethanol leak
will dilute the ethanol, so use plenty of ethanol. out. Also, check if the shipping company (FedEx,
Changing the ethanol after a day or two is also a United States Postal Service, etc.) has any regula-
good idea, as it replaces the ethanol that has been tions about shipping specimens in ethanol.
diluted by water from the tissues. Keeping the
preserved specimens cold is helpful, but not nec- 11.3.2 Processing the Sample. When the speci-
essary for the duration of a field trip or for mailing men gets to the lab, the tissue is ground up and
a sample. Another option is freezing. Although mixed with a solution to break down the tissue
extremely low temperatures (below -70ºC) are and dissolve the DNA. Several chemical steps
needed for long-term storage, an ordinary freezer are required to separate the DNA from the rest
will do in the short term. Thawing degrades the of the material making up the organism, such as
DNA, so it must be kept cold. Several other reci- proteins and lipids. A wide range of techniques
pes exist for preserving DNA, but these typically is used, with different chemicals used for differ-
require specialized chemicals or supplies. Dried ent situations. The DNA is then amplified using
tissue from dead specimens may be usable, but the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is an
gooey, decaying tissue is probably no good. engineered version of bacterial DNA copying.
To your DNA sample, you add the DNA-copying
For something large, part of the specimen will enzyme, the bases for making new DNA copies,
yield plenty of DNA. Muscle tissue is good. and an excess of copies of primer sequences. The
Mantle tissue is not as good because the mucous primers are short DNA sequences (roughly 15-20
can interfere with the DNA extraction. However, bases long) that bind to the beginning and end of
clipping a small piece of the mantle and putting it the sequence that you want to amplify and pro-
directly into ethanol is often the best way to ob- vide a starting point for the enzyme. The sample
168 Cladistics and molecular techniques

is then heated almost to boiling to separate the

DNA strands (Figure 11.5A). It is allowed to cool,
but because of the high concentration of primer,
the sequence that reattaches is likely to be the
primer rather than the original complementary
strand (Figure 11.5B). The sample is then heat-
ed to a good temperature for the enzyme and it
starts copying (Figure 11.5C). By repeating this
sequence of heating and cooling about twenty-
five times, the number of copies increases expo-
nentially (from 2 to 4 to 8 to 16…); up to a mil-
lion copies can be made as the copies are copied
(Figure 11.5D). The resulting DNA sample, after
a purification step, is run through a similar process
to generate the sequence.

However, in addition to the standard bases, modi-

fied bases are added. For example, in dye sequenc-
ing, some of the bases are labeled with a distinc-
tive dye color. Each base has a different color. The
result is a mixture of sequences of various lengths
ending on A with one color of dye, sequences end-
ing on T with another color, etc. The samples are
then run on an electrophoresis gel or through a
capillary tube. The gel is a gelatin-like slab, with
holes in one end to hold the samples. When an
electric current is applied to the gel, the DNA
migrates towards the positive terminal. Smaller
DNA molecules can move more quickly. Thus, af-
ter running the gel for a while, the shortest DNA
pieces will have moved the farthest. As a result,
the first band on the gel will have the dye for the
first base in the sequence. In automated sequenc-
ing, a scanner measures the color and sends the
data to a computer. (Figure 11.6).

You can look up what sequences are known online.

GenBank is the US national database for gene se-
quences, and the data are shared with the European
and Japanese databases. Most journals and book
publishers require that you submit sequence data Figure 11.5 DNA amplification by the polymerase
to GenBank before it can be published. You can chain reaction.
search for particular taxa, or follow the classifi- A, The first step in PCR is heating the DNA sample to
cation down to more specific levels. Several taxa break the hydrogen bonds between the two strands. B,
The second step is cooling the sample to a temperature
have a few genes already sequenced, but the first
that allows the primer to bind to the sample DNA. C,
molluscan genome project is only now underway The sample is then held at a temperature suitable for the
(Biomphalaria glabrata (Say, 1818), a planorbid DNA-copying enzyme to work. D, When this is repeat-
gastropod and schistosomiasis host). ed, the copies can be copied as well as the originals.
Campbell 169

To perform a cladistic analysis, these sequences different rates and with different evolutionary con-
from different taxa must be aligned in some fash- straints, so data from multiple genes are better than
ion. Because there are insertions and deletions in reliance on a single sequence. In addition, different
many DNA sequences, some adjustment is neces- genes will be better for different studies. For ex-
sary to avoid comparing the wrong bases. Several ample, the spacer regions are typically highly vari-
alignment methods exist, with advantages and able, and might be examined to determine if two
disadvantages. The problem arises when there are populations are conspecific. However, they would
multiple possible alignments for any two sequenc- probably be so variable as to be useless to try to
es. For example, AAATTTG and AAACTTG could look at relationships between classes. One widely
be aligned as is, suggesting that a single mutation used variation in evolutionary rate within a gene is
occurred. However, they could also be aligned by the high evolutionary rate of third positions in co-
inserting gaps in the sequence, e.g.: AAAT-TTG dons of protein-coding genes. Each amino acid in a
and AAA-CTTG, suggesting insertions or deletions protein is coded for by a group of three DNA bases,
(collectively called indels). If you assume enough called a codon. However, in most codons, the third
indels, you can eliminate mutations; if you assume base is at least partially redundant and therefore
enough mutations, you can eliminate indels for se- is freer to mutate than the other two. Thus, many
quences of the same length. Usually, multiple plausi- protein-based studies ignore third position bases,
ble alignments are possible (especially if many taxa unless they focus on low taxonomic levels.
are considered). Computerized alignments typically
assign penalties to creating a gap, to mismatches Of the numerous sequences in GenBank, most rep-
between bases, and to lengthening an existing gap. resent only a few kinds of genes. A few genes of
Depending on the relative magnitude of these pen- commercial or other research interest have been
alties, different alignments may be favored. Testing sequenced, but most sequences are for phyloge-
a range of values for the penalties will determine netic study. Mitochondrial genes have received
whether the alignment is stable or sensitive to such extensive study. Mitochondria, organelles within
assumptions. Most workers also look over the re- the cell, have their own DNA and typically are
sulting alignments, adjusting anything that looks inherited directly from the mother. They typically
wrong. Once the sequences have been selected and have a moderate to high evolutionary rate and thus
aligned, the aligned sequences are then analyzed us- are useful for a variety of studies. Popular genes
ing the techniques discussed above. in the mitochondrial genome include cytochrome
oxidase I (COI) and the genes for ribosomal 12S
With enough evolutionary change between taxa, and 16S RNA (12S and 16S respectively). Some
a satisfactory alignment may not be possible. In studies have looked at the order of genes within
this case, use of a different part of the gene or a the mitochondria as well as the sequence of DNA
different gene may help. Different genes evolve at bases. Many mollusks have peculiarities in their
mitochondrial genomes, adding to
their interest. However, they pose
additional problems because some
mollusks have independent male
and female lineages of inheritance
of mitochondria. Evolutionarily,
Figure 11.6 Sequencing gel. the male or female mitochondrial
A hypothetical sequencing gel using the old four-tube method. The left lineage could die out, to be re-
edge has the holes in the gel where the sample was inserted. The right placed by the other. Thus, the evo-
hand side has the shortest DNA pieces, since they moved the fastest, so lution of the mitochondria might
the band there indicates the first base in the sequence (TGCCGTCAT...).
The current method labels each terminal base with a different color and not match the evolution of the
has everything in one tube, but doesn’t make a good black and white organism as a whole. The “doubly
picture. uniparental inheritance” of mito-
170 Cladistics and molecular techniques

chondrial genes, with male and female lineages, is issues. In the Gastropoda, these studies support a
characteristic of bivalves. A popular group of nu- close relationship between Caenogastropoda and
clear genes are the nuclear ribosomal RNA genes, Euthyneura, with “Archaeogastropoda” repre-
also called rDNA. These include the 18S ribosomal senting a paraphyletic grade. Within the Bivalvia,
gene and the 28S ribosomal gene, coding for differ- Ostreoidea has alternatively been grouped with
ent parts of the ribosome. Pterioida or Pectinoida. DNA strongly favors the
Ostreoida-Pterioida grouping while placing Plicatu-
11.3.3 What are the results? As conventional clas- loidea in Pectinoida.
sifications already disagree, it is not too surprising
that the new analyses have not resolved everything, At the species level, molecular data can help deter-
either. Studies range from the population level to mine whether physical variation is associated with
all organisms. Some species have been demoted a genetic barrier or just phenotypic plasticity. In
to subspecies or variety, while other varieties and some cases, morphologically similar populations
subspecies have been elevated. In a few cases, prove to have high levels of DNA disparity, sug-
previously unsuspected variation has been found gesting that they represent multiple species. These
using molecular techniques. cryptic species are most commonly discovered in
the case of taxa with supposedly very wide ranges.
The relationships of Mollusca to other phyla have Other morphologically variable populations show
received some elucidation from molecular data, no clear differences in their DNA. However, you
though the picture remains somewhat murky. Mol- cannot simply declare a certain level of DNA dif-
lusca appear most closely related to protostome ference to indicate species-level or subspecies-level
phyla that lack a regularly molted cuticle. Annelida, features. Some taxa have generally high levels of
Sipunculida, Echiura, and Brachiopoda are among variation whereas others show very little. Variation
the other members of this group. Relatively few within and among populations must be examined to
published sequences exist for aplacophorans, and determine if a given taxon can be supported from
none for monoplacophorans. For the other extant the molecular data.
classes, coverage is generally wide, but with key
taxonomic gaps, and often genes well documented Despite all these studies, the results remain relatively
for one group will be unstudied for other groups. preliminary. The constant rapid improvements in
Thus, our understanding of relationships among methods and computing ability keep any analysis
the classes remains poor. Most morphology-based from being the final word, and many important
cladistic analyses group the Conchifera (ancestrally groups remain poorly studied. Thus, these methods
one-shelled mollusks, including Bivalvia) as mono- will be providing important revisions to molluscan
phyletic. Within the classes, most traditional taxa systematics. However, do not change the labels in
appear monophyletic, with some exceptions, but the your collection with every new idea. If a new idea has
relationships among taxa often provide surprises. stood the test of time for 10 or so years, then update
Within Gastropoda, some recent studies suggest your collection. For example, feel free to remove
that Pulmonata is polyphyletic. However, these the Architectonicidae from the Mesogastropoda and
results remain relatively untested. In the Bivalvia, join them with the Pyramidellidae in the Heterogas-
Myoida appears polyphyletic. This was suspected tropoda, however, leave the Conidae and Turridae
already on morphological grounds, and has been alone for a while, until more studies are done.
supported by several studies, so it seems safe to
abandon the order as a polyphyletic assortment of 11.4 LITERATURE CITED
veneroid bivalves adapted for deep burrowing.
Felsenstein, J. 2003. Inferring Phylogenies. Sinauer As-
sociates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. 580 pp.
Previous phylogenetic ideas often propose a wide Graur, D. and Wen-Hsiung Li. 1996. Fundamentals of
range of mutually conflicting ideas. Both DNA Molecular Evolution. Sinauer Associates, Sunder-
and morphological studies can help resolve these land, Massachusetts. 443 pp.
Campbell 171

Hall, B. G. 2004. Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy, 2nd Ed. Page, R. D. M. and E. C. Holmes. 1998. Molecular
Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, Massachusetts. Evolution. A Phylogenetic Approach. Blackwell
192 pp. Scientific, Malden, Massachusetts. 352 pp.
Hillis, D. M., C. Moritz, and B. K. Mable. 1996. Mo- Schuh, R. T. 2000. Biological Systematics: Principles
lecular Systematics, 2nd Ed. Sinauer Associates, and Applications. Comstock Publishing Associates,
Sunderland, Massachusetts. 655 pp. a division of Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New
Lydeard, C. and D. Lindberg. 2003. Molecular Systemat- York. ix + 236 pp.
ics and Phylogeography of Mollusks. Smithsonian Wiley, E. O., D. R. Brooks, D. Siegel-Causey, and V.
Books, Washington D.C. xv + 312 pp. A. Funk. 1991. The Compleat Cladist: A Primer of
Mayr, E. and P. D. Ashlock. 1991. Principles of Sys- Phylogenetic Procedures (Special Publication 19).
tematic Zoology, 2nd Ed. McGraw-Hill, Inc., New University of Kansas Museum of Natural History,
York. xx + 475 pp. Lawrence, Kansas. 158 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


12.1 INTRODUCTION ficers and organizers are sometimes reimbursed for

postage and telephone expenses, but no salaries are
Organizations serve several functions. Apparent provided. To be an officer is a badge of peer recog-
functions include sponsoring meetings and work- nition. We are acknowledging those that we believe
shops, publishing journals, newsletters and books, have knowledge and ability in our field and we are
and maintaining web sites. They also provide a asking them to lead us. It is also a commitment
voice to lobby for interests relating to malacologi- from those who serve. Often they have daytime
cal issues such as beach erosion, pollution, dangers jobs. Whether it is as a college professor, museum
of introduced organisms to native species, and the curator, or a bricklayer, when people step up to
endangered species acts. Equally important, we be an officer, organizer, or editor, they are often
are social organisms, and what better way to share trying to find time in an already busy schedule to
our interests? Thus, getting away for a day to a accomplish the task. Thus if things are not just what
week with other mollusk lovers is just plain fun. you would like them to be, do not gripe. Instead,
When you attend a meeting, get out and mingle. offer your time and expertise to help improve the
Whether it is a professional function or an ama- situation. I doubt you will meet with any rejection
teur get together, mingle. Sometimes, far more is of your offer to help.
accomplished informally than is accomplished at
the formal presentations. In the following section, I will be discussing a
number of malacological societies. While I will
Hatching plans for future collaboration is an im- be mainly focusing on societies from the United
portant function of these informal liaisons. Another States, there are many such organizations elsewhere
informal function that takes place is looking for a in the world.
job. Often people will first find out about future job
opportunities at meetings. While these activities 12.2 ORGANIZATIONS AND MEETINGS
apply mostly to professionals, amateur meetings
are much the same. The main professional malacological organization
in the United States is the American Malacologi-
Conchologists of America (COA) meetings and cal Society (AMS). It was founded in 1931 as the
local shell club meetings have formal programs. American Malacological Union (AMU), a name
There is also much wheeling and dealing among some may still be using as the change from Union to
people trying to swap shells and books, plan future Society occurred recently, in 1999. The AMS holds
trips, collaborate on other upcoming meetings, one meeting a year. The location varies across the
etc. country. The meeting is generally four to six days
in length and often there is a choice of several field
The organizations and meetings that I am going to trips during or following the meeting. The meeting
mention are driven by a voluntary workforce. Few is generally held in the continental United States,
of these organizations have any paid personnel. Of- though there have been a few held elsewhere:
174 Organizations, meetings, and malacology

Hawaii (1995), Canada (1939, 1960, 1967), Cuba There is generally an annual auction at the AMS
(1938), and Austria (2001, a joint meeting with meeting. Members donate books, art objects, jour-
Unitas Malacologia). nals, etc. These are auctioned at an informal get
together that is held in the evening. The proceeds
The meeting is generally organized around sev- from the auction sponsor student grants. At AMS
eral themes. These theme sessions have several meetings, unlike some other organizations, shells
speakers and constitute a symposium or workshop. are not auctioned.
There are sessions for open presentations. Here
papers of a general and sometimes unrelated na- The AMS publishes the American Malacological
ture are presented. There is generally at least one Bulletin, a biannual journal. Often, papers presented
poster session. A poster session is an informal way at the meetings are published in the journal. Some-
of presenting information. In a given room, there times they are published in a special publication.
will be several large boards. On one of these, the This book is one such example. Several of the
presenter will post his or her presentation. Post- chapters from a workshop at the AMS meeting in
ers are an efficient way to simultaneously display 1999 formed the beginnings of this book. Other
numerous presentations and thus save precious contributors were then sought to write chapters
meeting time. The attendees at the meeting will on topics not presented at the meeting. Lastly, the
wander through the room and if they see some- AMS publishes a newsletter two or three times a
thing of interest, they will stop and discuss their year to inform its members of topical issues and
ideas or questions with the presenter. If they are it publishes a yearly membership directory. More
not interested in the topic, they will wander on to information regarding AMS can be obtained from
the next poster. their Web site < >

Poster presentations are a nice way to present pre- A second professional organization is the Western
liminary results and obtain the input of others. It can Society of Malacologists. Originally formed as the
be a way to present a new idea and receive informal Pacific Division of AMU, the WSM went indepen-
comments. It can also be a way of presenting factual dent in 1968. The WSM holds a yearly meeting
data that are not necessarily amenable to a formal and sometimes it holds a joint meeting with AMS
presentation. One such example is a presentation (when the latter meets on the west coast of North
that I posted on the composition of the Carnegie America). Similar to AMS, the annual meeting is
Museum’s molluscan collection. This was not infor- built around topical symposia and open sessions.
mation that warranted a formal presentation from a The WSM does publish a journal, in the form of the
lectern and stage, but was ideal for presentation as abstracts from its annual meeting and sometimes
a poster. People interested in using the collection expanded abstracts and short papers based upon
would stop and ask me if the Carnegie’s collection the papers presented. They also hold an auction
had material that would be useful to them, and how and the proceeds fund student grants. Visit their
to access the collection. Poster presentations tend Web site at <> for
to last from two to four hours. more information.

Many people enjoy the poster sessions since they The Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society
allow for one-to-one discussions with the presenter, (FMCS) was organized in 1998 and held its first
they can spend as much time as they would like annual meeting in 1999. It was formed by a coali-
viewing the poster, and the viewers can choose the tion of malacologists, biologists, ecologists, etc.
topics that are of interest to them. The presenter from industry, museums, academia, and govern-
of a poster reaches fewer people than he or she mental agencies. They banded together to form
would in a formal talk. However, the people he or an organization whose mission is advocating for
she reaches tend to be interested in the topic and the conservation and preservation of freshwater
useful dialog is often the outcome. mussels (Unionids) and lately, all freshwater mol-
Sturm 175

lusks. The progenitor of this group had a newslet- be found, you will also learn of the risks and pitfalls
ter, the Triennial Unionid Report, which has been of traveling to the location. It also publishes articles
redesigned as Elliptio, the current organization’s that review a given genus or family. Some articles
newsletter. In addition, they will also be the new are biographies of prominent shell enthusiasts,
publisher for the periodical Walkerana. More infor- professional and amateur alike. There are also book
mation can be obtained at their Web site: <www. reviews and news items.>.
COA also holds a yearly meeting. Like other na-
Unitas Malacologica is a European organization. tional organizations, the meeting is held in a differ-
I have decided to include it here because of its in- ent city each year. The meeting focuses on making
volvement with other organizations from the United current conchological knowledge accessible to the
States. In 1998, Unitas along with AMS and WSM average person. One of the central features of the
hosted a joint meeting called the World Congress of COA meeting is the bourse. Here you will find
Malacology. This meeting was held in Washington, dealers of malacological books and shells from
D.C. In 2001, AMS and Unitas held a joint meeting all over the world. There is also an auction. The
in Vienna, Austria. Unitas holds meetings every proceeds from the auction provide funds for the
three years and publishes the abstracts of the pro- COA Scholarship Program. This program provides
ceedings. It also publishes a newsletter. Proceed- funds to college students undertaking research
ings of special sessions are usually published as in malacology. Since COA is not a professional
special volumes in various journals or sometimes scientific organization, original research tends
as books, for example, the Journal of Conchology not to be presented at its meeting. Finally, there
just published the proceedings of the conservation are often several field trips held before, during, or
session from this Austrian meeting. after the meeting. You will not find an event of this
magnitude anywhere else in the United States. For
The Conchologists of America is a national organi- more information about COA, visit their web site at
zation in the U.S.A. whose membership is primarily <>.
amateur malacologists and shell enthusiasts. COA
was founded in 1972 (as an offshoot of AMU) and In addition to the major meetings mentioned above,
has expanded to become an organization with some there are many shell clubs in the United States and
1500 members. The purpose of the organization is they generally hold meetings on a monthly basis.
to bring together shell enthusiasts and shell clubs These meetings tend to be a mix between social and
for the mutual enjoyment of malacology as well as educational activities. Often club members will mill
to promote conservation of molluscan resources. around and socialize before and after the formal
By design, COA and its members tend to be more presentation. Such presentations may be made by
interested in shells and their study (the strict sense an invited guest or by a member of the club. They
of conchology) as opposed to the study of mollusks may be somewhat formal and technical or very
in the broader sense of molluscan anatomy, physi- informal. Sometimes a club will host a meeting
ology, biochemistry, etc. (malacology). Despite where members can present interesting shells that
these dichotomies, there is overlap between the they found. Sometimes a member will bring part of
membership of COA and organizations such as his or her collection to put on display. Some clubs
AMS and WSM. have a yearly auction. The money may be used for
club expenses, or if the club is big enough, to sup-
COA publishes the periodical American Con- port a scholarship.
chologist. It is published quarterly and contains
a broad range of articles. Some of the articles are Many clubs have a yearly shell show. The size of
travelogues. These are especially helpful if you these shows often relates to the size of the club.
are thinking of traveling to the location discussed. There may be only a handful of exhibits, or there
Along with information on the types of mollusks to may be dozens. If the show is large enough, shell
176 Organizations, meetings, and malacology

dealers and booksellers may also have display on a shell, group of shells, or a collecting site that
booths. There are often several awards presented is of interest to them, you have a monthly meeting
in categories such as best scientific display, most with minimal effort on each person’s part. The
artistic display, best self collected display, shell bottom line is, get involved!
of the show, best display of the show, etc. Some-
times, awards sponsored by museums or national While most shell clubs in the United States are
organizations are handed out. Some examples are found in coastal areas, with Florida having the
the COA Trophy Award, the Academy of Natural greatest concentration, there are some inland
Sciences (Philadelphia) Pilsbry Award, and the clubs as well. You can find them in Cleveland, St.
duPont Award. Louis, Chicago, and Las Vegas, just to name a few
non-coastal sites. For a listing of shell clubs, get
Club activities may be varied. In addition to those a copy of Tom Rice’s book (Rice 2003) or go to
mentioned above, they might maintain a library, the COA web site: <www.conchologistsofamerica.
sponsor field trips, put on presentations for schools, org/home/>.
youth groups, or other organizations, and publish a
monthly newsletter. If a club is sponsored by a mu- I would like to mention one final group of meet-
seum, its members might help and volunteer time to ings. These groups have no officers, no dues, no
take care of the museum’s mollusk collection. One publications, and no membership requirements
advantage of clubs is in their smaller size. Being other than showing up! The original one in this
smaller than national organizations, they often act group of meetings and organizations is the Bay Area
as the incubators where new ideas are initiated, Malacologists (BAM) held in the San Francisco
carried out, and tested. Their smallness allows them area and started by Eugene Coan in 1968. This was
to act with greater swiftness than what you would followed in southern California by the Southern
see in larger groups. California Unified Malacologists (SCUM) and
on the East Coast of the United States by the Mid
One example of this is seen in the web sites of some Atlantic Malacologists (MAM). The only require-
clubs. They may consist of dozens of web pages, ment to attend these meetings is to have an interest
cover the marine, freshwater, and terrestrial fauna, in mollusks.
and provide links to other sites where one may
obtain further information. The sites of some clubs Professionals and amateurs, paleontologists and
are far more extensive than those of large museums neontologists, undergraduate and graduate students,
and national organizations. Because bureaucracy active collectors and couch potatoes alike show up
does not hamper them, they can modify their web for these meetings. They all come because of an
site and experiment with different ideas. They can interest in mollusks. The meetings are held once a
react to feedback with greater speed than one is year. Someone decides to hold it at their institution
accustomed to seeing in a larger organization. and posts a notice about the meeting. Anyone can
present at these meetings. The format is flexible.
However, their smallness is also one of their One presentation may deal with someone’s trip to
greatest dangers. Often the work of running the the Caribbean, while the next deals with an unusual
club falls on the shoulders of a selected few. For shell, and is then followed by a short research
a successful club, all members must be willing to presentation by a student. To give you an idea of
participate. The officers cannot be expected to run what can happen I will recount one incident from
the club, prepare and carry out all of the field trips, a MAM meeting.
present at all the meetings, and put out the monthly
newsletter. You must be proactive in a shell club One attendee presented a shell that might have
if it is to be viable. Do not sit back and complain represented a new species or might just have been
that nothing ever happens. If just three members a an extreme variant of the normal range of vari-
month get together and each speaks for 15 minutes ability. It was being presented to obtain reactions
Sturm 177

from the other participants. From here, a discussion to everyone who has subscribed to the list. Others,
regarding what constitutes a species ensued. Most who want to reply to your message, send their
of the discussion dealt with the biological species messages back to the list, and so it goes, until the
concept. This was expanded upon with insights topic is played out.
from a paleontologically inclined participant who
brought up the morphological species concept, Some individuals may be very active on such
which is prevalent in paleontology. Amateurs and discussion groups. Sometimes people are lurkers.
professionals joined in the discussion, a true demo- These are people who read and follow the messages
cratic sharing of ideas. Often someone will write a posted but rarely, if ever, join in the discussions.
summary of the presentations at these meetings and These folks are often newcomers who want to learn
publish them in a malacological periodical. about mollusks, but feel that they do not yet have
much to offer. One of the important aspects of dis-
Since I have attended only the MAM meetings, I cussion groups is that they are often international in
will discuss them in a bit of detail. The MAM meet- character. People from around the world often sign
ing is held at the Delaware Museum of Natural His- up and are connected to one another electronically.
tory. It draws participants from Washington, D.C., This allows people that are in out of the way areas
north to New York and as far west as Pittsburgh. to participate in discussions with kindred spirits.
The meeting begins with some light refreshments,
and then there are about two hours worth of pre- Several discussion groups deal with molluscan
sentations. We then stop for lunch. People break related issues. Some are more active than others.
up into small groups and visit local restaurants. Some groups are more professional while others are
We reassemble at the Museum for another hour or more popular. Some deal with a particular group of
two of talks. After the last talk, those who need to mollusks while others deal with any question that
use the library or would like to use the collection one would like to post.
arrange with the curator for such access. If any
summary of the proceedings is written, it is posted Sometimes people are dismayed and overwhelmed
to the Conch-L discussion group on the Internet. by the volume of e-mail messages that they receive
Some magazines such as American Conchologist from some groups. It is important to remember the
and La Conchliglia may print this report as a news “delete” function. Many list servers offer a digest
item, but it is not an official publication of the service, in which all messages of the day (or other
meeting. At the end of the day, we all return home time period) are bundled together into one message.
and wait to be notified of the next such meeting An advantage of digests is fewer separate messages,
one year hence. but a disadvantage is that you do not receive the
messages as soon as they are posted.
Just because you attend a large meeting does not
While not a club or organization, discussion groups mean that you must attend every presentation or
(mailing lists) on the Internet serve some of the read and discuss every poster. You choose what is
same purposes. They are forums where people most useful to you. It should be the same with dis-
with like interests can meet, exchange ideas, ask cussion groups. If a message or series of messages
questions, and inform one another of happenings (a thread) are of no interest to you, delete them. Do
around the world. Discussion lists may be moder- not waste your time. Move on to the next message
ated or unmoderated. or thread. If you hit on something of interest to you,
read the message. If you have something to offer to
One joins the list by sending an e-mail message the discussion, join in and post a reply. Over time,
to a computer at the host site. Generally within people will even seek you out as they learn of your
24 hours of joining, you can post messages to the particular interests and areas of expertise. You may
list. When you send a message in, it is then sent eventually get to meet some of the other discussion
178 Organizations, meetings, and malacology

group participants at national or international meet- brackets]

ings. Below are some discussion groups that you {address to post messages} molluscalist@listlink.
might be interested in joining.

The outline for entries is: 12.3.2 CONCH-L.

(1) LIST NAME <>

(2) <URL> (Unique Resource Location) for more “Are you having trouble finding the online infor-
information about the group. mation you need about the hobby of conchology?
…Conch-L will provide a forum for conchologists,
(3) Description of the discussion group from the indeed, for anyone with an interest in mollusks, to
groups’ web site except for Permit-L. This group discuss any topic related to conchology.”
does not have a formal web site. The information
was taken from the message announcing the forma- {address to subscribe}
tion of the group. subscribe CONCH-L [Your Full Name without
(4) Address used to subscribe. This is the e-mail {address to post messages} CONCH-L@listserv.
address used to join the group.

(5) Command used to join the group. This is to be 12.3.3 UNIO.

typed in the body of your e-mail message. Be sure <>
your signature file is deactivated. If not, there may
be difficulties in the host computer knowing who “UNIO is an unmoderated Internet listserver fo-
is trying to join. cusing on the biology, ecology and evolution of
freshwater unionid mussels. The primary objec-
(6) Address used to post messages once you are a tives of the list are (1) to foster communication and
member of the List. Please note that this address collaboration among scientists, researchers, and
differs from the address used to join the group. If students engaged in mussel-related activities and
you want to post a message or reply to one, use (2) to facilitate the informal discussion of regional
this address, not the one listed above as address and federal research priorities.”
used to join.
{address to subscribe}
12.3.1 MOLLUSCA LIST. no message in the body of the subscription e-mail
<> {address to post messages}

“It is our intent to provide an informal and rapid 12.3.4 PaleoNet.

response forum for discussions of molluscan evolu- <>
tion, paleontology, taxonomy and natural history.
A special emphasis of this list server will be to “PaleoNet is a system of listservers, www pages,
provide an interface between paleontological and and ftp sites designed to enhance electronic com-
neonotological molluscan workers. We will also munication among paleontologists. While primarily
post notices of meetings, symposia, literature, soft- designed as a resource for paleontological profes-
ware and other electronic happenings that may be sionals and graduate students, PaleoNet welcomes
of interest to the malacological community.” input and participation from all persons interested
in the study of ancient life.”
{address to subscribe} Majordomo@listlink.
Berkeley.Edu {address to subscribe} PaleoNet-Request@nhm.
subscribe molluscalist [your name here without
Sturm 179

subscribe PaleoNet <e-mail address> terrain of biological collecting, permits, access, and
{address to post messages} import/export transactions.”

12.3.5 NHCOLL-L {address to subscribe} LISTSERV@SIVM.

<> SI.EDU.
Subscribe PERMIT-L [Firstname Surname, without
“The Natural History Collections Listserver, or brackets]
NHCOLL-L, is a general purpose electronic forum {address to post messages} PERMIT-L@SIVM.
for those with an interest in the care, management, SI.EDU
computerization, conservation and use of natural
history collections. NHCOLL-L is co-sponsored by 12.4 SUMMARY
the Association for Systematic Collections (ASC)
and the Society for the Preservation of Natural There are many different meetings, organizations,
History Collections (SPNHC).” and venues for conchologists and malacologists to
meet and exchange ideas. They are important not
{address to subscribe} LISTPROC@LISTS.YALE. only for professionals but also for amateurs. They
EDU help develop our professional and social enjoyment
SUBSCRIBE NHCOLL-L [your name, without of this field. This chapter has exposed you to some
brackets] of the options available to you. It is now up to you to
{address to post messages} NHCOLL-L@LISTS. jump in and explore the different options, embrace
YALE.EDU one or two of them, and expand your enjoyment of
the Phylum Mollusca.
12.3.6 PERMIT-L.
“PERMIT-L is a moderated cross-disciplinary
Rice, T. 2003. Tom Rice’s A Shellers Directory of Clubs,
listserv, hosted by the Smithsonian Institution,
Books, Periodicals and Dealers, 26th Ed. Of Sea
intended to facilitate discussion and information and Shore Publications, Port Gamble, Washington.
flow on all issues related to the rapidly changing 114 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


13.1 INTRODUCTION we would follow an adult around, or alternately,

they would be running after us, as we explore the
This chapter is composed of two parts. The first part museum. It was hoped that we gained some insight
discusses the role of museums of natural history. into the mysteries of nature during our visit. Dur-
As you will discover, museums provide several ing our childhood, there may have been several
benefits to members of our society. The second such visits. Thus, the first mission of the museum
part discusses some of the major malacological is education.
collections to be found in museums. This part has
two limitations. The first is that it focuses only on Museums display items. More importantly, they
museums in the United States and Canada. The interpret these items and put them into a context
second relates to which museums were selected that helps us understand them. Informative exhibits
for inclusion. For the most part, the institutions are built around these items. In the past, most of
selected have collections of regional, national, the exhibits were static dioramas that changed very
or international reputation and contain at least little over time. Today, some museums are em-
40,000 lots. Thus, many smaller local or regional bracing a “digital fever”. Exhibits are completely
museums are not addressed. For a more complete computerized and no specimens are exhibited. As
listing of museums, refer to the Web site by Cum- we can provide all this whiz-bang technology over
mings, Oleinik, and Slapcinsky at <www.inhs.uiuc. the Internet, why travel to the museum? I believe
edu/cbd/collections/mollusk_links/museumlist. that the future will require us to meld these two
html>. This site is a compilation of natural history different approaches into a new paradigm.
museums found worldwide.
There is a certain satisfaction of seeing an object
13.2 MUSEUMS AND SOCIETY with your eyes. It is difficult to comprehend the size
of some dinosaurs or a whale without standing next
Much of this chapter does not represent either radi- to it. A picture on a computer screen of the object
cal thinking about museums or original thought. My with a mannequin next to it for size comparison just
thoughts have developed over the past 10 years and does not measure up to the original. Even with the
I was pleasantly surprised to find all of them already best of technology, it is hard to present accurately
in print. Thus, my discussion is more of a summary the full range of color and texture of an object in
of the way many people working in museums view an image. Thus, museums are still needed so that
the role of their institution in society. As I see it, we can see actual items.
museums have three major functions: education,
maintaining collections, and research. The addition of digital technology to an exhibit
hall opens many new possibilities. You are no
13.2.1 Education. For most of us, our first exposure longer limited to the information that is presented
to a museum was during a visit to one with our on a label outside a diorama, or the description in
school class or with our family. As young children, the guidebook. By presenting information through
182 Museums and malacology

a computer kiosk, you will now be able to select maintain collections. Again, this differentiates them
from a menu of topics about the objects that you from museums.
are viewing. You will be able to select from several
video clips to explore different aspects of the ex- Collections are the heart and soul of a museum.
hibit. The computer terminal may even allow you to Collections may be large or small, worldwide,
explore topics not covered by the exhibited objects. regional, or local in scope. They can cover many
The expectation is that the computer display will different groups of natural history objects, or just
heighten your engagement and by being an active one. What is important is that a museum has such
participant in your learning, you will walk away a collection and maintains it as a “library of natural
as a more informed member of society. In addi- history items.” Just what do I mean by this?
tion, digital technology will allow the information
in exhibits to be updated more frequently and in If you enter a library, you pick up a book. You then
an easier manner than has been the case in totally read what is in the book to gather new information.
static exhibits. By referring to several books, you may obtain a
broader view of the topic. So it is with objects in a
The second educational aspect of the museum is museum. Each object is associated with data. Each
through classes that are offered at the museum. object has a story to tell. By examining the object
Sometimes these are conducted by the museum and studying the data, you can learn something
staff and at other times by outside individuals. The about the object. By looking at other objects of the
variety of what can and is presented in this venue same or similar kinds, you can broaden your picture
is impressive. about some aspect of nature.

These classes may be a single lecture being pre- By way of example, let us imagine holding a Mi-
sented by a renowned authority or a workshop for machlamys shell in our hand. Our observations,
teachers. They can be hands-on experiences for teach us the shape, texture, and color of the shell.
children or even field trips. Whatever the activity, The associated data shows us where and when it
the purpose is to build on the educational mission was collected. We may learn who collected it and
of the institution and present additional informa- other information as well. By examining many such
tion that may or may not be covered in the exhibit shells, we may realize that while the shapes are all
halls. These educational activities complement our similar, there is a wide range of colors including
formal education. violet, rose, orange, yellow, and some pale tan
specimens. We may even notice that the colors do
13.2.2 Collections. The next major role of muse- not represent different geographical areas but can
ums is to provide a repository for items. As a friend be found throughout the range of the Mimachlamys.
of mine states it, “they store stuff”. This is one of Therefore, by having multiple specimens in a col-
the things that differentiates museums from certain lection, one can discern patterns of variation and
other institutions. Science centers share some of the evolution in nature. Often, one museum may not
same educational objectives of museums. How- have a large enough collection of specimens and
ever, science centers do not maintain collections, a researcher may consult the collections of several
and thus they are fundamentally different from a museums. Specimens also document past occur-
museum. Zoological parks overlap slightly with rences of organisms, biogeographical distribution,
museums. They house live specimens for exhibit and sometimes represent undescribed taxa.
but they do not maintain collections of specimens.
This lack of maintaining collections again differ- The above lets you see the importance of not
entiates them from museums. Nature centers serve only the object but also the data associated with
to help us understand the natural world around us. it. Without data (e.g., where and when collected),
They may have natural history objects on display most items in a museum would be mere curios. With
to help us gain this appreciation, but they do not data, they represent a portion of the vast tapestry
Sturm 183

of the natural world. For more on the importance the collection. A small institution may have only
of data associated with a specimen and what data one scientific specialist on staff. A large museum
may be important to malacological specimens, see may have several curators, a collection manager,
Chapter 14.2-4. research specialists, and support staff working with
just one specific collection. In addition to undertak-
Another aspect of a collection is the help it provides ing a research role, the museum staff communicates
as an identification tool. Members of the public what they learn to others. This may be through
frequently approach museums for help in identify- presentations at a meeting or by publishing the
ing items. A collection assists in this task. It also results in scientific books and journals.
provides a basis for identification services provided
to governmental agencies, private industry, and re- Thus, we see that there are three major functions
searchers. Often museum collections are helpful as that an institution must embody for us to think of
many species are not adequately mentioned or illus- it as a museum. To recapitulate, these functions are
trated in guidebooks and someone can find material education, maintenance of collections and research.
for comparison only in a museum collection. For further information on these topics see Schmidt
(1958), Colbert (1961), Parr (1962), Amadon
Museums build their collections by various means. (1971), Danks (1991), Hoagland (1994), Watkins
At one time, museums would buy large collections (1994), and Pettitt (1997). These references cover
to expand their holdings. This is less common today, how people have viewed natural history museums
as most museums do not have the capital to fund over the past 50 years.
such acquisitions. If the museum’s staff is undertak-
ing an active program of fieldwork, the specimens 13.3 UNITED STATES AND CANADIAN MU-
collected will be deposited in the collection. Outside SEUMS
specialists will often deposit specimens from their
work with a museum. These specimens are known I will now review some of the institutions that have
as voucher specimens and are important for re- prominent molluscan collections in the United
searchers who want to review the specialist’s work States and Canada. Some of these institutions may
in the future. Lastly, many museums have depended be well known for their exhibits of mollusks, others
on donations of specimens from amateurs, and this for their publications. Some institutions may be
is especially true in malacological collections (see well known for the famous curators and staff that
Chapter 14 for more on this topic). have been affiliated with them. Some may be well
known for the collections that they house.
We see that museums maintain collections. What
is important is to realize that they also look at a Selecting the institutions that are presented here
collection in terms of the future. As stewards of was no easy task. I limited this review to museums
the collections, curators and collection managers in North America with collections of 40,000 lots or
are constantly wondering how best to protect the more. I included one collection that is smaller than
collection entrusted to them. Limiting access to the this size due to the importance of the collection and
collection helps preserve it for future generations. the outreach of those in control of the collection to
How access is limited varies from institution to the scientific community and general population. The
institution. information presented is taken from a survey that I
sent to these institutions in 2000-2001. Of the 22
13.2.3 Research. The third major mission of the institutions, all but one of them responded to the sur-
museum is research. It is important for museums vey. The information from the one non-responding
to use their collection to expand the bounds of institution is taken from Cummings et al. (2000).
knowledge, and to make them available for oth-
ers to do so. Depending on the size of a museum, This tour will start in Washington, D.C. with the
there may be one or more people involved with National Museum of Natural History, a component
184 Museums and malacology

museum of the Smithsonian Institution. From here, D.C. It has over 900,000 lots in its collection and
we will travel north along the Atlantic Coast. We fossil specimens are housed in a separate depart-
will then proceed westward and then down the Pa- ment. The Museum was founded in 1866 and the
cific coast of the United States. We will then travel type collection numbers some 13,000+ lots. The
east through the West and Southwest and finish our collection is worldwide in scope and is 60% marine,
museum tour in Florida. 20% terrestrial, and 20% freshwater. The large
size of this collection is due in part to the Museum
Defining several terms will make it easier to un- being the repository for other governmental agen-
derstand this section. A “lot” is a collection of one cies. Some of the historic collections in the NMNH
type of organism made at one place at one time. A include material from I. Lea, A. A. Gould, W. H.
lot may consist of one specimen or hundreds. Most Dall, C. T. Simpson, and P. Bartsch.
museums measure their collections in terms of lots <>
and not numbers of specimens. The numbers given
below should be taken as estimates and not with The Delaware Museum of Natural History is
certainty. Collections always have uncataloged ma- located in Wilmington, Delaware. It has some
terial coming in and specimens being culled from 220,000 lots, a type collection of 1217 lots and
the collection on the way out. Thus, exact numbers the breakdown of the collection is as follows:
are unlikely, even if the collection is electronically 50% marine, 25% terrestrial, and 25% freshwater.
databased. A good assumption is that the numbers John E. duPont founded the Museum in 1958, and
are accurate to ±10%. R. Tucker Abbott was appointed the first cura-
tor of mollusks in 1969. While the collection is
Type specimens are specimens that were used in worldwide in scope, it is especially strong in Indo-
establishing a new name. They are especially im- Pacific marine mollusks and terrestrial Philippine
portant when deciding if two different specimens gastropods. The DMNH also houses the duPont
are the same taxon. Most museums segregate type Volutidae collection.
specimens from the regular collection and afford <>
them special treatment. The size of the type collec-
tion of a museum is listed if I have obtained this The Academy of Natural Science in Philadelphia
information. is the oldest natural history museum in the United
States. It has 550,000 lots with a type collection of
Some malacological collections include only 18,000 lots. Its collection is approximately 35%
Recent specimens while others also include fos- marine, 30% terrestrial, 20% freshwater, and 15%
sil specimens. The Delaware Museum of Natural fossil. Some of its strengths include marine mol-
History incorporates its small holding of Cenozoic lusks from the Indo-Pacific and Western Atlantic
fossils in with its Recent malacological holding Regions, worldwide terrestrial and freshwater mol-
while the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles lusks, and fossils from the Atlantic and Gulf Coast
County maintains separate collections for Recent regions of the United States. Some of the famous
and fossil specimens. For some museums, I have contributors to the Academy include I. Lea, T. A.
listed if they have a joint collection or if the fossil Conrad, A. Heilprin, T. Say, H. B. Baker, and H.
and Recent material is housed separately. Incorpo- A. Pilsbry.
rated in the description of each institution is their <>
Web site address (URL). This will allow you to
obtain further information regarding the respective The American Museum of Natural History is lo-
institutions. Further information can be found in cated in New York City. It was founded in 1869.
Solem (1975) and Cummings et al. (2000). Its collection contains 328,000 lots with a type
collection of approximately 1,850 lots. Fossils
The National Museum of Natural History (of the are housed in a separate department. It is strong
Smithsonian Institution) is located in Washington, in marine taxa from the Indo-Pacific and Western
Sturm 185

Atlantic regions. The famous collection built by previously at the Geological Survey of Canada.
John Jay is housed in the AMNH. The mollusk collection is 130,000 lots including
<> 30,000 fluid-preserved lots. The breakdown of the
collection is 35% marine, 35% freshwater, and 30%
The Peabody Museum of Yale University is located terrestrial. The type collection contains 280 type
up the coast in New Haven, Connecticut. The col- specimens. The museum has significant holdings
lection consists of 70,000+ lots of dry specimens of Canadian and U.S.A. freshwater unionids and
and another 4,000 lots of fluid preserved specimens. gastropods, and eastern North American terrestrial
The collection is 80% marine, 10% freshwater, and gastropods. It also contains the largest Canadian
10% terrestrial. Fossils are housed in a separate marine mollusk collection (including the Arctic
department. Historic holdings include the collec- Province), dating back to the 1850s.
tions of A. E. Verrill from the later part of the 19th <>
Century, the Woolsey Caribbean Collection, and
the Gray Museum Collection (Marine Biological The Carnegie Museum of Natural History is located
Laboratory) assembled under the direction of M. westward across the United States in Pittsburgh,
Carriker in the 1960s. Pennsylvania. The museum was founded in 1895.
<> The collection has 115,000 lots and a type collection
of 1,200 lots. The collection is 18% marine, 46%
The Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard terrestrial, and 36% freshwater. The collections’
University is the northeastern most institution be- strengths include freshwater bivalves (Unionidae
fore we head inland. This collection in Cambridge, and Sphaeriidae) and gastropods of North and
Massachusetts numbers about 620,000 lots with South America, and terrestrial gastropods of North
a type collection of 5,000 lots. The collection is America. Significant historical collections include
45% marine, 30% terrestrial, and 25% freshwater. the G. H. Clapp Collection of terrestrial gastropods,
Fossils are in a separate department. The collec- the V. Sterki collection of Sphaeriidae, and the A.
tion is particularly strong in Unionidae and other E. Ortmann Unionidae collection.
freshwater groups and terrestrial gastropods of <>
North America. This museum, founded in 1860,
contains the historic collections of W. Clench and The Museum of Biological Diversity of the Ohio
R. D. Turner (Teredinidae). State University is located in Columbus Ohio.
<> Founded in 1890, the collection has over 100,000
lots. The collection is 10% marine, 20% terrestrial,
The Paleontological Research Institution, located and 70% freshwater. There are 60 lots in the type
in Ithaca, New York, was founded in 1932 by G. D. collection. The strength of this collection is its
Harris to house his fossil collection. It has grown to unionid holding. It also has a sizable fluid preserved
be one of the largest fossil collections in the coun- collection. Its bivalve collection is computerized
try and, surprising to some, it has a sizable Recent and searchable over the Internet.
shell collection. The collection has about 3 million <>
specimens and 30,000 in the type collection. Eighty
percent of the collection is fossil specimens. The The Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago
collection is 60% marine, 15% terrestrial, and 25% was founded in 1893. This collection numbers
freshwater. The collection includes sizable holdings about 340,000 lots with a type collection of 5,800
of Cenozoic marine mollusks and the Cornell Uni- lots. The collection is 18% marine, 68% terrestrial,
versity Recent mollusk collection is housed here. and 14% freshwater. Its major strengths are the
<> terrestrial gastropods of North and South America,
Europe, Australia, and the Pacific Islands. It also
The Canadian Museum of Nature in Ottawa, has strong holdings in the marine taxa of the
Canada was founded in 1950. The collection was tropical and subtropical Western Atlantic region.
186 Museums and malacology

Historical collections include those of G. D. Gude, The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles
W. F. Webb, W. J. Eyerdam, J. Ferriss, A. Solem, County is located in Los Angeles. This collection
and the largest historic collection at the Field Mu- is approximately 450,000 lots and breaks down to
seum is the L. Hubricht collection of terrestrial 86% marine, 8% terrestrial, and 6% freshwater.
gastropods. Fossils are handled by a separate department. There
<> are approximately 1,700 lots in the type collection.
The collection is very strong in marine mollusks
The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology from the Pacific coastal regions of North and South
in Ann Arbor, Michigan began to accumulate its America, as well as many families of micro marine
mollusk collection around 1840 and the Museum gastropods.
was formally organized in 1882. The collection <>
numbers about 260,000 lots. The collection is 5%
marine, 35% terrestrial, 57% freshwater, and 3% The San Diego Museum of Natural History is
fossils, microscopic slide mounts of snail radulae, located in Balboa Park, San Diego. It has a collec-
and freeze-dried snails. The collection has one of tion of some 95,000 lots of mollusks. Within the
the largest collections of freshwater mollusks in the collection, 80% are marine, 12% terrestrial, and 8%
United States and the Bryant Walker collection of freshwater. The type collection numbers 1059 type
terrestrial gastropods is housed here. specimens. The marine collection is particularly
<> strong in material from southern California and the
Panamic Province. The collections of J. L. Bailey,
The Milwaukee Public Museum is located in Mil- H. N. Lowe, and Fred Baker are housed here.
waukee, Wisconsin and was founded in 1883. Its <>
collection numbers 186,000 specimens (18,775
lots) and is 50% marine, 10% terrestrial, and 40% The Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum is located off
freshwater. A different department houses the the mainland in Honolulu, Hawaii. This museum
paleontological collections. The strengths of this was established in 1889. It includes some 260,000
museum are its holdings in Wisconsin mollusks and cataloged lots and an estimated 80,000 uncataloged
the historic C. M. Wheatly Collection of freshwater lots. The type collection numbers some 2000 lots,
mollusks. 25% of them representing marine taxa and the
<> rest representing terrestrial gastropods. The main
collection is 30% marine, 60% terrestrial, 5%
The California Academy of Sciences in San Fran- freshwater, and 5% fossil and concentrates mostly
cisco on the Pacific Coast of the United States has on taxa from the Indo-West Pacific region. The
one of the larger collections of mollusks in the Bishop Museum has the largest collection of land
northern half of California. Its’ collection is roughly snails from Pacific Islands in the world.
250,000 lots and a wet collection of 40,000 lots <>
[Cummings et al. (2000)].
<> The University of Colorado Museum in Boulder,
Colorado was founded in 1902. This collection
The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History is numbers some 44,000 lots. It breaks down to being
located further south in the city of Santa Barbara. 50% marine, 25% terrestrial, and 25% freshwater.
This collection is 160,000 lots of mollusks with The fossil collection is in another department.
a type collection of 1,800 lots. The museum was The type collection contains 273 specimens. The
founded in 1959. The collection is especially strong strengths of the collection are the non-marine mol-
in worldwide marine gastropods, bivalves, and lusks of the Great Plains, Great Basin, and Rocky
cephalopods as well as western North American Mountain regions of the United States. The J.
Pulmonates. Henderson Collection is found here.
<> <>
Sturm 187

The Houston Museum of Natural History is located collection. Though the collection is worldwide
in Houston, Texas. Its collection contains 51,000 in scope, its strength is in the mollusks found in
lots and no type collection. The collection is 95% the areas of Florida, the Florida Keys, the Gulf of
marine and 5% terrestrial. Over 40% of the hold- Mexico, and the Caribbean.
ings represent taxa from the Gulf of Mexico. This <>
specialization makes this collection second only to
the National Museum of Natural History for rich- 13.4 LITERATURE CITED
ness of Gulf Coast representation.
<> Amadon, D. 1971. Natural history museums -Some
Trends. Curator 14: 42-49.
Colbert, E. H. 1961. What is a museum? Curator 4:
The Florida Museum of Natural History in Gaines- 138-146.
ville is one of two major museums in Florida. Cummings, K. S., A. Oleinik, and J. H. Slapcinsky. 2000.
Founded in 1917, it has some 430,000 lots in its Systematic Research Collections (Recent and Fossil
collection. The collection is 25% marine, 50% Mollusca). <
terrestrial, and 25% freshwater. A department of Danks, H. V. 1991. Museum collections: Fundamental
invertebrate paleontology houses the fossil collec- values and modern problems. Collection Forum
tion. There is a type collection that contains 740 7: 95-111.
holotypes. The collections of F. G. Thompson and Hoagland, K. E. 1994. Risks and opportunities for natural
W. Auffenberg are found here. history collections: moving towards a unified policy.
Curator 37: 129-132.
<> Parr, A. E. 1962. Museums and museums of natural his-
tory. Curator 5: 137-144.
The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum in Sanibel is Pettitt, C. 1997. The cultural impact of natural science
unique and is an appropriate place to end this trip collections. In: J. R. Nudds and C. W. Pettitt, eds.,
around the North American mollusk museums. It The Value and Valuation of Natural Science Col-
lections. The Geological Society, London. Pp.
has the distinction of being the only major museum 94-103.
in North America that deals solely with mollusks. Schmidt, K. P. 1958. The nature of the natural history
Established in 1995, it is the youngest museum museum. Curator 1: 20-28.
listed here. Despite its youth, it has amassed a col- Solem, A. 1975. The Recent mollusk collection resources
lection of approximately 200,000 lots. It breaks of North America. Veliger 18: 222-236.
Watkins, C. A. 1994. Are museums still necessary?
down to 85% marine, 4% terrestrial, 4% freshwater, Curator 37: 25-35.
and 7% fossil. There are about 15 lots in the type
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


14.1 INTRODUCTION with specimens indefinitely, donating specimens

to museums can assure that the donor’s name will
Practically everyone collects something. Some live on through the centuries. Occasionally, donors
people collect matchbook covers or stamps, and benefit monetarily if a museum purchases a collec-
many people collect shells. Collecting seems to tion, but these days, museums are on tight budgets
fill a need in us. We enjoy collecting things, and so purchases are rare.
we enjoy owning the things we have collected. We
often put a considerable amount of time and energy Amateur collections donated to museums are essen-
into our collections. As with many of the things we tial to our ability to conduct scientific research. At
enjoy, we often feel a need to justify to others the the Delaware Museum of Natural History (DMNH),
time and effort we spend on our collections. amateur donations account for more than 80% of
the mollusk specimens in the collections. Amateurs
Some common justifications of collecting include originally collected 80% (Solem et al. 1981) to 85%
monetary value, aesthetics, and making a contri- (Solem 1975) of the mollusks in major institutional
bution toward the good of society. Some people collections.
collect objects as an investment, choosing objects
that they think will become more valuable in While museums are actively building their collec-
the future. Some people collect objects for their tions, they cannot indiscriminately accept every
aesthetic appeal, and indeed, we humans like to specimen offered. The realities of finite storage
surround ourselves with objects of beauty. Some space and limited funding for curating specimens
people collect to make a contribution to scientific means that museums must selectively accept and
knowledge, and the idea that they are contributing curate the specimens that are most likely to be
to the greater good gives many people a great deal needed by future generations. Donations that are
of satisfaction. By donating their collections to mu- perceived as lower priority may sit on shelves for
seums, collectors can make valuable contributions years before being curated. A museum might dis-
that will be enjoyed and used by others in the future. pose of specimens that lack locality data or have
Specimens in museums are used in educational low scientific potential.
exhibits and by scientific researchers.
As a collector, you can take steps to make your
Both museums and donors benefit when collections specimens more valuable to museums, and to in-
are donated. Museums benefit when the size, scope, crease the speed and likelihood that museums will
and scientific value of their collections increase. accept and incorporate your specimens into their
You, as a donor, benefit through tax deductions, collection. Understanding the space and funding
by knowing that your lovingly assembled collec- constraints that museums face and understanding
tion will have lasting scientific and educational the ways museums use specimens can help you
value, and by gaining immortality. Since most assure that your specimens have maximum value
museums keep donor and collector information to museums. Collectors who contact the curatorial
190 Donating amateur collections

staff at a museum can learn the types of specimens tion of this method in deciding how to use donated
the museum desires, and the best preservation and specimens.
storage practices. Finally, if you can make a finan-
cial donation to the museum or volunteer time to Because a central theme for scientific research col-
curate your donation, you can dramatically increase lections is the need for accurate data, in particular
the speed and likelihood that it will be incorporated locality data, the first question is about the quality
into the museum’s collection. or completeness of the locality data associated with
the specimens. However, even specimens lacking
14.2 WHAT MAKES A SPECIMEN VALU- locality data might be useful to museums at some
ABLE TO A MUSEUM? level in the Use Hierarchy.

Museums are the libraries where scientists find 14.3.1 Research or Systematic Collection. Speci-
specimens to study (Allmon 1994). In keeping mens can be added to the museum’s research or
specimens for future generations, museums make systematic collection if they have good locality
their best guess of what specimens and what pres- data and are within the scope of the museum’s
ervation methods future scientists will need. Cu- mission or existing collections. For example, a
rators want collections that are reference tools for donation of a deep-sea limpet with information
taxonomic, zoogeographic, and ecologic studies, about where and when it was collected would be
rather than accumulations of specimens that are of within the scope of the DMNH mollusk collection,
little worth other than as curiosities (Emerson and and would be a valuable addition to the research
Ross 1965). Who could have predicted in the 1960s specimens. On the other hand, they may be of no
that twenty years later researchers would routinely use to a small college museum that specializes in
extract DNA from specimens preserved in ethanol? freshwater mollusks.
Fortunately, modern researchers can use specimens
that museums have kept in ethanol from decades 14.3.2 Specimens for exchange. Specimens can
gone by. We can only guess what uses future sci- be used in exchanges with other institutions if they
entists will have for museum specimens. have good locality data but are outside the scope of
the museum’s collections. Exchanges can be used
Specimens are more valuable to museums (1) if to obtain specimens that are within the museum’s
they have associated data such as locality data, (2) scope. For example, a donation of an Australian
if they are within the scope of the museum’s mis- earthworm with good locality information would be
sion or existing collections, and (3) if soft parts are outside the scope of the DMNH collection because
preserved along with dry shells. we do not have a worldwide annelid collection.
However, we could exchange the earthworm for a
14.3 HIERARCHY OF USES mollusk specimen with another museum that does
have an annelid collection.
Natural history museums put specimens to a vari-
ety of uses, including scientific research, exhibits, 14.3.3 Exhibits. The exhibits department might use
and education, so specimens that are not useful specimens lacking locality data if the specimens are
in one area may be useful in another. Because the particularly good examples or illustrate points well.
primary use of most natural history museum col- For example, a particularly large Tridacna (giant
lections is scientific research, museums prefer to clam) shell can make a striking exhibit even if its
accept specimens that will be useful to researchers. locality and date of collection are unknown.
When specimens are donated to a museum, they
are evaluated and used at the highest possible level 14.3.4 Education. The education department might
in a Use Hierarchy. Here I will describe the seven use specimens in hands-on programs if they are
levels of Use Hierarchy at the Delaware Museum not needed for exhibits. Children and adults enjoy
of Natural History. Other museums use some varia- touching and holding specimens and seem to learn
Pearce 191

better when they can touch specimens. However, Let me introduce the concepts of intrinsic versus
specimens handled by museum visitors eventually extrinsic information. Intrinsic information comes
become damaged, so we prefer to let visitors handle from examining the specimen itself. You can
specimens that are of little use to researchers. Shells determine the length, the color, and usually the
of snails and bivalves that are roughly fist-sized species’ identity by looking at a specimen. Extrin-
tend to be most useful in educational programs. sic information, on the other hand, is information
external to the specimen itself. Locality and date of
14.3.5 Specimens for sale. Sometimes, shells are collection are extrinsic information. In order to find
sold in the museum store if the education depart- out the elevation or water depth where a specimen
ment cannot use them. We include an informative was collected, you would have to refer to the notes
note with the shells so that they play an educational of the collector. The extrinsic information makes a
role, and we explain that these shells lack locality specimen scientifically valuable.
data so are not useful to researchers. Shells for the
store must be large enough to appeal to shoppers Because we cannot know exactly what questions
(usually larger than 2-3 cm), and in relatively good future researchers will ask, we do not know exactly
condition (not beach worn). what information they will need. I try to record as
much information as practical when collecting. We
14.3.6 Crafts. Volunteers might use shells to make do know that a common use of specimens is the
crafts if the shells are not appropriate to sell in the production of identification guides, which include
store. Crafts might include refrigerator magnets, distribution and habitat information. Consequently,
Christmas tree ornaments, or knick-knacks. The recording locality and habitat information will
crafts might then be sold in the store. always be a good idea.

14.3.7 Specimens to be discarded. We discard the How detailed should locality information be?
few shells that we cannot use higher in this Use Again, include as much detail as practical.
Hierarchy. Shells that we discard are usually badly Imprecise locality information such as “Indo-
broken, beach worn, or very small. Pacific” would not be very useful to someone
preparing a field guide to Mollusks of the Solomon
14.4 WHAT AND HOW MUCH DATA? Islands. Within the U.S.A., many localities of
non-marine species have been recorded to the
Now that you understand the importance of locality level of county or parish. However, in contrast
data, you might be asking yourself how much and to insects, for which county level information is
what kinds of information to record. Many col- usually adequate because insects tend to be quite
lectors think the species name is one of the most mobile, locality information for mollusks these
important pieces of information. However, the spe- days should ideally be more detailed than county.
cies identity can be determined or verified later by Conservation organizations trying to manage and
examining the specimen. In contrast, the locality of protect endangered species often need to know
collection cannot be determined later by examining within one hundred meters where rare populations
the specimen. Consequently, locality information is occur.
much more important than species identity. There
is no single answer to how much information to How much detail would a researcher need in order
record, but some minimum data would include date to revisit the collecting site? If the species is abun-
of collection and collector, locality in sufficient dant and widespread, less detail may be adequate,
detail that a future worker could find the place but for a rare species occurring on only one side of
again, and ecological habitat information (Solem a cliff face, a great deal of detail may be necessary
et al. 1981). As a guide, ask yourself how future for the researcher to find the population again. I
researchers might use the specimen, and what they try to indicate localities within 100 m. In locality
might want to know about it. descriptions, refer to features that are likely to
192 Donating amateur collections

be permanent, such as intersections of roadways, measure up or down from a landmark such as a

rather than a particular building. With good maps conspicuous contact or bed, and note the rock
available to collectors these days, and with the formation if possible. Furthermore, note the sedi-
increasing availability of GPS (global positioning ment type, or better yet, collect a small sample of
systems), we can expect future specimens coming the sediment, so researchers will be able to draw
in to collections to have more detailed and more conclusions about the environment in which the
accurate locality information than specimens of specimen was deposited.
the past.
In short, consider recording any extrinsic informa-
Besides locality in space, position in time is im- tion that a future researcher might find useful. Too
portant to researchers. The year of collection can much information will never be a reason to refuse
help researchers understand when species invaded a specimen, but too little information might be.
an area or became locally extinct. The month and
date of collection can be important to researchers 14.5 IS SPECIMEN QUALITY IMPOR-
seeking to document life history, for example, do TANT?
individuals mature at a particular time of year?
In contrast to shell collectors who desire high
Researchers also need to know habitat information. quality specimens, scientists may not place much
The habitat in which a population of organisms importance on the quality of a specimen. Of course,
occurs can be an important clue in determining given a choice, museums and researchers prefer
whether a group of similar individuals represents specimens in good shape. However, the information
one species or two, and such information is often associated with a specimen is often more important
used in preparing identification guides. The more than the specimen itself. To a scientist, the specimen
restricted and limited the habitat is locally, the more will often be simply a way to verify the species that
precise must be the locality description to allow goes with the data. A researcher can usually identify
a future researcher to find the place (Solem et al. a specimen of high or low quality equally easily.
1981). Although rarely recorded because it is usu- In this case, the specimen quality would have little
ally obvious, knowing whether a specimen came importance. Similarly, specimen quality would be
from a marine, freshwater, or terrestrial environ- unimportant to a researcher measuring specimen
ment can be important to knowing its habitat, or dimensions, unless the specimen is badly worn
where to look if one wished to find more specimens. or broken.
Depth or elevation at which a specimen was col-
lected can be important information to someone in- Both live-collected and dead-collected specimens
terested in the creature’s life history or distribution. provide valuable locality information. I include
Other aspects of habitat information might include locality records based on both live and dead
substrate type, and forest or vegetation type. specimens in my land snail distribution surveys.
A live-collected specimen does give more reliable
Behavioral observations can be very useful to re- locality information, though, because the specimen
searchers. We do not know much about the behavior was definitely living at the time and place it was
of most species. Dead specimens in a museum have collected. In contrast, a dead shell could have been
no active behavior, so behavioral observations on transported by currents, could have been carried by
living animals can be crucial to a scientist, for animals such as hermit crabs, fish, or birds, could
example, when trying to interpret the functions of have fallen from the necklace of a tourist, or could
particular morphological features. be left over from a population that is now locally
Researchers studying fossils need to know not
only the geographical locality, but also the vertical Sometimes specimen quality does matter to re-
position in the sediment. When collecting fossils, searchers. Studies of the protoconch, shell surface
Pearce 193

microsculpture, or color would require specimens researchers to borrow, and (4) arrangements are
to be of good quality, not worn or faded. Often made for eventual deposit of the shell in a scien-
juvenile shells must be used to observe protoconch tific museum, preferably the one to which the soft
features because even the highest quality adult shell parts were donated. Check with the curator of your
might have a worn protoconch. museum if you are interested in undertaking this
course of action.
So, specimen quality is less important to muse-
ums and researchers than it is to shell collectors. 14.7 REMOVING THE SOFT PARTS FROM
However, soft parts of a live-collected specimen, A SHELL
if saved, immensely increase the scientific value
of a specimen. Mollusk bodies attach to their shells. People wish-
ing to study the soft parts must remove the bodies
14.6 SOFT PARTS from the shell. Many collectors who are interested
only in the shell will allow the body to rot within
Researchers can learn a lot from studying mollusk the shell until it can be removed from the shell
shells, but they can learn much more from study- and discarded. That practice will produce very
ing the soft parts. This additional information can poor soft parts for research. Of course, the shell
be essential to systematists studying relationships could be broken to remove the intact body, but
among species. Soft parts provide information on that practice would produce a very poor shell for
external soft anatomy, internal anatomy (especially the collection.
genital anatomy, but more and more researchers
are studying other organ systems), morphology of One way to remove the body while keeping the
the radula, DNA and other molecules, and stomach gastropod shell intact is to immerse the mollusk in
contents (which provide clues to behavior). water heated to 60-65°C (140-150°F). At this tem-
perature the columellar muscle relaxes its hold on
Many collectors preserve soft parts of specimens. the shell so the body can be twisted out of the shell.
Certainly, for species that lack hard parts, such as In my experience, if the shell cools before you twist
nudibranchs and octopus, preservation in fluid is the the body out, the muscle may reattach to the shell,
best option. Even for shelled mollusks, having the so remove the body while it is still warm.
soft parts preserved with the shell provides much
information to researchers. Once the body is removed from the shell, it can
be preserved in alcohol. If you use heat to remove
On the other hand, many collectors take live mol- bodies from shells, put a note with the specimen
lusks but discard the soft parts and keep only the stating what temperature you used. This informa-
shell. This practice is unfortunate from a scientific tion will be useful to researchers, because too high
perspective, because the soft parts could provide a heat might make certain studies difficult.
much valuable information to researchers. In an
effort to avert this tremendous loss of information, 14.8 PRESERVATIVES FOR SOFT PARTS
several museums including the Delaware Museum
of Natural History and the Carnegie Museum of There are many different uses for soft parts, and
Natural History accept donations of reasonably some uses require special preservation methods, so
intact soft parts that have been removed from their the best method of preservation depends on the uses
shells under four conditions: (1) the specimens have to which the specimens will be put. The preserva-
good locality data, (2) the shell from which the tive that allows the greatest number of common
soft parts came is unambiguously identifiable so a uses is 80% ethanol. Specimens preserved in 80%
researcher could locate the shell that corresponds ethanol are excellent for gross anatomical studies,
with particular soft parts, (3) the shell can stay in and DNA can be extracted from alcohol-preserved
the collector’s collection but must be available for specimens using PCR (polymerase chain reaction)
194 Donating amateur collections

techniques, as long as the specimens have never 14.9 INCREASING SPEED AND LIKELI-
Other types of alcohol can be used. While unadul-
terated ethanol is the best, it is possible to get good Sometimes it takes a long time for specimens do-
results with denatured ethanol, although some nated to a museum to be curated into the collection
denaturants might cause hardening of the tissues. and not every specimen will become part of the
Isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) can be used, scientific reference collection. The following five
although again, it can cause tissues to harden over bits of advice will help donors who wish to increase
time, making dissection difficult. Some collectors the speed and likelihood that their donations will
have successfully used whiskey or vodka for tem- be incorporated into museums.
porary preservation when other preservatives were
unavailable. The higher the proof of the alcoholic 14.9.1 Establish the fate of the collection ahead
beverage, the greater is the ethanol concentration. of time. The single most important advice I can
For example, an alcoholic beverage that is 160 give is for you to arrange ahead of time for your
proof is 80% ethanol; one that is 80 proof is 40% collection to be donated in case you die or become
ethanol. incapacitated (see Teskey 1974). Tell your next of
kin and make clear in your will your intentions
Other methods of preservation include fixatives about your collection and associated locality data
such as formalin (a 37-40% aqueous solution books. Don’t burden your loved ones with trying to
of formaldehyde) or Bouin’s solution (e.g., for figure out what to do with the shell collection if you
histology and microscopic anatomical studies), become incapacitated - often when that happens,
glutaraldehyde (e.g., for electron microscopic stud- the locality data books get lost, and the scientific
ies), FAA (formalin, acetic acid, and ethyl alcohol, value of the collection plummets.
for chromosome studies), and ultra cold freezing
(at temperatures of liquid nitrogen, for recovering Every curator has horror stories of receiving neatly
molecules such as DNA or enzymes). curated collections, with numbers carefully marked
on the shells, but there is no locality data and no
For general preservation, I strongly advise against clue about what the numbers on the shells mean. In
the use of formalin unless there is a specific reason such cases, the notebooks of locality data probably
to use it. Some disciplines, especially vertebrate went to the landfill, their value unrecognized. In
collections, fix specimens for a few days in formalin other cases, specimens have been sitting in the at-
and then transfer them to ethanol. The formalin tic for 30 years, or have been moved several times.
helps the body and organs keep their shape by Through the jostling, the data slips may no longer
cross-linking proteins, but using formalin almost be uniquely associated with the specimens, or may
completely destroys the ability to extract DNA have been eaten by silverfish.
from tissues.
14.9.2 Associate data with specimens. Associating
For long-term storage, preservatives should be data unambiguously with specimens will assure that
chemically buffered to prevent the shell from the specimens will have lasting scientific value. If
dissolving. Preservatives can become acidic from data slips are lost or mixed with other specimens,
natural fluids leaching out of the soft tissues. The if notebooks are lost, or if your code for associating
acidity can dissolve the calcium carbonate from locality data with specimens is undecipherable, then
the shells. A number of buffers exist to control the specimens become worthless to researchers.
pH. An inexpensive buffer used at the Delaware Unfortunately, these losses happen all too often.
Museum of Natural History is a saturated solution
of borax (sodium borate) in the ethanol (less than If you have documentation such as collecting per-
one gram per liter). mits that show you had permission to collect the
Pearce 195

specimens, or if you have permits allowing you to museum collection quickly, well ahead of other
possess an otherwise protected or regulated species, collections that may have been donated years ago,
include a copy of those permits with the donated are (1) a financial donation to help with the cost
specimens. Museums are coming under increased of curating, and (2) volunteering to help curate
scrutiny to show proper documentation for the your collection. The financial donation can be
specimens in their collections. made after you die, as long as you have provided
for it in your will or by some other mechanism.
14.9.3 Contact a Museum. Contact the curatorial Volunteering must be done while you are still able
staff at a museum and talk about curatorial practices to function.
while you are building your collection. Talk about
what kind of supplies the museum uses, the kinds of Many collectors who plan to donate their collec-
data and formats they use, what reference materials tions do not realize that there are real costs to the
are helpful. Also, ask about volunteer opportuni- museum in terms of materials, salaries, and space
ties. Since every museum has certain peculiarities, to curate and house donated collections. Because
contacting an individual museum to learn how they of these costs, donations with an accompanying
curate specimens can make it even easier for them financial contribution gain a higher priority.
to incorporate your specimens.
I want to emphasize the benefits of volunteering.
A museum might help you by providing curatorial First, volunteering will speed incorporation of your
supplies and alerting you to curation standards. If collection into the museum’s research collection.
curators at a museum think that they will eventu- Beyond that, volunteering will allow you to enjoy
ally receive your collection, they may be willing to working with the much larger collection in the mu-
supply you with the materials they use, in order to seum, much as you enjoyed your own collection. It
make incorporating your collection easier. Materi- can feel very rewarding to get all of the museum’s
als might include vials, acid-free specimen boxes, specimens of your favorite family identified cor-
archival label paper, etc. rectly and in proper taxonomic order. There are
always volunteer opportunities at museums, and
Many people these days enter information about most museums rely on volunteer help.
their collections into a computer database. If you
computerize your collection, contact a museum as 14.9.5 No special conditions. A final piece of ad-
you begin the process to learn what information vice for getting your collection added to a museum
they capture, and what formats they use. If you collection is not to attach special conditions. The
computerize your collection using similar data most common special condition I hear from donors
fields and formats as a museum, incorporating your is that they want their collection to remain intact.
collection into the museum will be much easier. However, museums usually arrange specimens in
These days transferring information from one taxonomic order. Keeping a collection intact would
database program to another is relatively easy, but be a bookkeeping difficulty. Imagine a researcher
you want to be sure that your locality descriptions, visiting a museum to examine specimens of <insert
for example, are brief enough to fit into the locality your favorite group here>. The curator says, “These
field(s) that the museum uses. cabinets contain the specimens you need, oh, and
then there may be some specimens in these 30
Museums have good reference materials that can cabinets of donations that we have to keep intact,
help you with geographical locality names, with so you’ll have to look through all of those as well.”
identifying specimens, and with determining the Most museums would refuse a donation if they had
currently correct species names. to keep it intact.

14.9.4 Donate money or time. Two other things Another common request is that the collection be
that can ensure your collection will be added to a put on public display (for some usually unexpressed
196 Donating amateur collections

period of time). Again, this request presents diffi- that your collections will become incorporated into
culties. First, putting specimens on display can take a museum collection by making arrangements for
months of planning to find display space, prepare the donation before becoming incapacitated, by
labels, and arrange specimens. Secondly, displays clearly associating the data with the specimens, by
at museums try to make a particular point or tell a contacting a museum regarding curation standards,
story, so specimens that best tell the story are typi- and by volunteering time or donating financially
cally selected. Sometimes museums have displays toward incorporating the specimens into the mu-
such as “A recently donated shell collection,” but seum collection. Let your hobby live on for the
such displays are competing for display space with enjoyment and benefit of others by donating your
other exhibits that tell scientific stories such as collection to a museum.
“Radula: versatile feeding structure of Mollusks”
or “Unionidae: America’s disappearing treasure.” 14.11 LITERATURE CITED
It is usually best to let the museum decide when
and which specimens to put on display. Allmon, W. D. 1994. The value of natural history collec-
tions. Curator 37: 83-89.
Emerson, W. K. and A. Ross. 1965. Invertebrate collec-
14.10 SUMMARY tions: trash or treasure? Curator 8: 333-346.
Solem, A. 1975. The Recent mollusk collection resources
As an amateur, you can make a lasting scientific of North America. Veliger 18: 222-236.
contribution by donating your natural history col- Solem, A., W. K. Emerson, B. Roth, and F. G. Thomp-
lection to a museum. Specimens having the greatest son. 1981. Standards for malacological collections.
Curator 24: 19-28.
scientific value are those with as much extrinsic Teskey, M. C. 1974. “I hereby bequeath.” In: M. K.
information as possible, particularly, those with Jacobson, ed., How to Study and Collect Shells, 4th
good locality data, and those with preserved soft Ed. American Malacological Union, Wrightsville
parts. You can improve the speed and likelihood Beach, North Carolina. Pp. 106-107.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


However, sometimes you will find fossil shells
A fossil is evidence of a previously living organism. consisting of a different substance than the origi-
Generally, scientists use an age of 10000 years or nal shell. This may happen in one of two ways.
older to classify something as a fossil (Table 15.1). One mineral can replace another, or the shell may
Materials younger than this are called sub-fossils. dissolve away and another mineral be deposited
Fossils may be part of the actual organism, a mold in the space, forming a cast of the original shell.
or cast of it, or some other evidence of the organism Common replacement minerals include calcite,
such as a burrow. Mollusks fossilize easily because microcrystalline quartz, pyrite, and various cal-
of their hard calcareous shell. Mollusks are best cium phosphate minerals. These may be more re-
preserved in sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, sistant to acid than the rock, allowing extraction
sandstone, and shale, or in sand, silt, or clay. by acid. Storage concerns are largely the same as
for modern taxa (see Chapter 5).
This chapter is an introduction to paleoconcholo-
gy; the study of fossil mollusks. In it I will briefly Most mollusks make their shells out of aragonite.
cover some of the main topics dealing with fossil Aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate that is
collection and preparation. More information can thermodynamically unstable under conditions at the
be found in Shimer and Shrock (1944), Moore et earth’s surface. Calcite is the stable form of calcium
al. (1952), MacDonald (1983), Boardman (1987), carbonate. For the life of the animal, this is not a
and Fenton et al. (1989). Studying fossil mol- problem. In fact, aragonite can have advantages
lusks provides both opportunities and challenges under certain conditions. However, over geologic
slightly different from work on modern forms. In time, the shell tends to crumble away. (This is
particular, studying fossil mollusks gives an op- similar to the relationship between diamond and
portunity to trace the ancestry of modern forms. graphite. Diamond is more stable at high pressure
and so is found in rocks deep inside the earth. Al-
15.2 FOSSIL MOLLUSKS though diamond rings do not spontaneously change
into graphite, they can change under the right pres-
Often, fossil shells are simply very old shells. The sure and temperature conditions.)
colors are generally faded or gone, and there are
no smelly bits of animal left to clean out, but oth- A few kinds of mollusks use calcite in their shells,
erwise they may look very similar to shells that including oysters (Ostreidae), scallops (Pectinidae),
you find at the beach. In fact, some beaches have wentletraps (Epitoniidae), nerites (Neritidae), and
a confusing mix of fossil and modern shells. In ad- certain extinct groups like the hippuritids (Hip-
dition to being less fresh, the fossil shells usually puritidae) and belemnites (Cephalopoda). Other
will include species no longer living in the area, organisms also vary in their use of aragonite versus
probably including some that are extinct. calcite. Thus, a deposit in which the aragonitic
198 Fossil mollusks

Table 15.1. The geological time-scale. MYA = Millions of years ago.

MYA Period or Epoch Events

0.01-0 Recent or Holocene Human-caused changes
1.8-0.01 Pleistocene Extensive glaciers, variable climate
5.3-1.8 Pliocene Panama seaway closes, northern glaciers expand
23.8-5.3 Miocene Mediterranean briefly cut off from oceans and dries up
33.7-23.8 Oligocene Extensive Antarctic glaciation
54.8-33.7 Eocene Mostly warm, global cooling near end, Antarctica-Australia-South
America split complete
65-54.8 Paleocene New species evolving after the extinction; extremely warm at end
65 Bolide impact, mass extinction-ammonites and many others die out
144-65 Cretaceous Warm, high sea level, southern continents splitting up
206-144 Jurassic Warm, further splitting up of northern continents
248-206 Triassic Pangea starts to split up, major extinction near the end
248 Massive extinction, cephalopods hit hard
290-248 Permian All continents assembled into Pangea
354-290 Carboniferous Cooling, continents coming together
417-354 Devonian First known non-marine mollusks
443-417 Silurian Diversification of many groups
490-443 Ordovician Many mollusk orders appear, first known scaphopods
540-490 Cambrian Shells become common, most mollusk classes appear
4500-540 Precambrian First animal fossils near end

shells have dissolved may preserve calcitic shells known from the late Precambrian of Russia and
nicely. If both calcitic and aragonitic shells are Australia, is the oldest known fossil attributed to
preserved, often they have different appearances. the phylum. There are late Precambrian traces ap-
For example, in the Miocene to Pleistocene of the parently made by mollusks scraping algae with their
United States Atlantic Coastal Plain, aragonitic radulae, much like traces left by modern limpets
shells are typically white whereas calcitic shells (Patellogastropoda) and chitons (Polyplacophora).
are brown or gray. Mollusks diversified rapidly in the Cambrian, pro-
ducing most of the living major groups and several
Unlike collecting living marine or freshwater taxa, extinct forms.
you can often collect fossils without getting wet
(although I fell into a river once, to the amusement Most of the Cambrian forms were very small, of-
of the students on the field trip) and have no smell ten less than 1 cm in maximum dimension. Varied
to deal with while cleaning them. small shelly fossils occur in the lower Cambrian.
At least some of these are mollusks, and others
Most modern groups of mollusks with shells are may be. Often we are not sure whether a particular
well represented in the fossil record. Pleurotomari- shell enclosed most of the organism (as for most
ids and Pholadomya are examples of groups easily snails) or only a small part (like many other snails)
collected as fossils though now rare. Also, because or if one animal had multiple shells (like a chiton).
of plate tectonics and climate changes, different Other groups are better known. The hyolithids are
faunas lived in different parts of the world, so a sometimes considered an extinct class of mollusks
tropical fossil fauna may be found in what is today a and sometimes a closely related phylum. Their
cold climate. For good diagrams of paleogeography shells are pointed and roughly conical with a lid-
through time, try <> like valve over the open end.

On the other hand, there are a few major kinds of Several forms, broadly considered monoplacopho-
fossil mollusks that are extinct and it is challenging rans, seem to include the ancestors of other extant
to recognize them even as mollusks. Kimberella, classes. Because of this, Monoplacophora (Figure
Campbell 199

were gastropods or monoplacophorans remains

unclear (Gubanov and Peel 2000).

Another extinct class was Rostroconchia (Figure

15.3). As adults, these resemble bivalves, but the
larval shell is not divided into two. Instead of a
hinge like the bivalves, they had solid shell across
the dorsal side. Almost all of these groups became
extinct by the end of the Paleozoic in the massive
Permo-Triassic extinction. Bellerophonts, however,
survived up to the end of the Triassic.

The extant classes include a few peculiar extinct

forms. The strangest of the fossil bivalves are the
rudists (Hippuritoidea, Figure 15.4). The ancestral
forms are superficially similar to Glossus (Bival-
via). However, the rudists developed an epifaunal
lifestyle, either attaching to a hard surface or else
sticking up out of the sediment. At least one valve
is large and conical, sometimes extensively coiled.
The other valve may be similarly formed or cap-
shaped. They were abundant in shallow-water
Cretaceous limestones, similar to the modern coral
Figure 15.1 Monoplacophora. reef environment, but became extinct by the end
Monoplacophora, genus and species unidentified, Cre-
of the Cretaceous. Some reached enormous size,
taceous, Basses Alps, France, 30 mm in diameter, top
- lateral view, bottom - apical view, CMNH-P 29682. surpassing the modern Tridacna (Bivalvia).
(CMNH-P = Carnegie Museum of Natural History Sec-
tion of Invertebrate Paleontology).

15.1) is often split into multiple classes to better

distinguish among the major lineages. However, it
remains a useful term for a general grade of evolu-
tion. Fossil monoplacophorans include, in addition
to the limpet-like forms similar to the living mono-
placophorans, laterally compressed monoplacopho-
rans ancestral to the bivalves and some tall conical
forms that appear close to cephalopods. See Chapter
17 for more information on the Monoplacophora.

Distinguishing gastropods from monoplacophorans

can be particularly difficult, as either can appear
limpet-like or coiled. Torsion is the key difference,
but this may not be obvious from a fossil shell. The
Class Paragastropoda was proposed for snail-like Figure 15.2 Bellerophontoidea.
coiled shells that were not torted (Linsley and Kier Aglaoglypta tuberculatus (de Ferussac and d’Orbigny,
1840) (Mollusca: Bellerophontoidea), Middle Devonian,
1984). Other forms, the bellerophonts (Bellero- Westphalia, Germany, 72 mm wide, CMNH-P 1148.
phontoidea, Figure 15.2), are planispirally coiled, There is a small Murchisonia (Gastropoda) (or related
a bit like very fat Planorbis snails. Whether they genus) in the matrix of its aperture.
200 Fossil mollusks

Figure 15.5 Nautiloidea.

Pseudorthoceras knoxense (McChesney, 1860), (Mol-
lusca: Cephalopoda: Nautiloidea) Brush Creek Lime-
Figure 15.3 Rostroconchia. stone, Carboniferous (Pennsylvanian), Pennsylvania, 59
?Bransonia sp. (Mollusca: Rostroconchia), Lower Mis- mm, CMNH-P 40396.
sissippian, Humboldt, Iowa, 11 mm, CMNH-P 40061.
groups, as well as other organisms ranging from
Not to be outdone, the cephalopods (Cephalopoda) microplankton to giant reptiles.
also had large, strange forms. Unlike the coiled
Nautilus, many fossil cephalopods had straight The belemnites (Belemnoidea, Figure 15.7) were
shells (Figure 15.5). Some of these were quite also cephalopods, ancestral to modern squids.
large, perhaps even a few meters long. Although The cuttlebone of modern Sepia (Figure 20.5) is
coiling makes the shell more compact, various descended from the aragonitic, chambered portion
coiled forms may reach a meter in diameter. One of the belemnite shell. However, a calcitic rostrum,
particularly successful group of coiled cephalopods lost in later squids, covered the tip of the shell. This
was the ammonoids (Ammonoidea, Figure 15.6). rostrum is bullet shaped with a conical depression
In contrast to the simple form of Nautilus and other in one end. Isolated belemnite rostra do not look
shelled cephalopods, these developed complex obviously molluscan. Because the rostrum is calcite
wrinkled surfaces to their chambers. A few even and the chambered potion aragonite, often only the
uncoiled and took on unusual shapes. The am- rostrum is preserved. True belemnites also did not
monoids evolved rapidly across wide geographic survive past the Cretaceous, but their descendants,
ranges, making them useful index fossils for vari- the sepiid squids, retained some calcitic tip to their
ous ages of rocks. They were quite successful in shells into the Eocene. See Chapter 20 for more
the mid- to late Paleozoic and the Mesozoic despite details on the Cephalopoda.
two brushes with extinction. The ammonites, last
of the ammonoids, finally disappeared at the end of 15.3 COLLECTING
the Cretaceous along with many mollusks of other
15.3.1 In the field. Collecting fossils may require
equipment beyond the standard shell collecting
gear. Normal collecting tools for exhuming mol-
lusks from their rock graves are hammers, chisels,
heavy sledgehammers, pry bars, shovels, and
pickaxes. Rich fossil sites sometimes require only
a large bag, patience, and time to collect with your
fingers. Sometimes an exquisite specimen can be
had by breaking off a large piece of rock and then
doing the more detailed extraction at home rather
than in the field, so be as generous as possible in
collecting the matrix surrounding the specimen.
Figure 15.4 Hippuritoidea.
Hippurites radiosus Des Moulins, 1826, (Mollusca:
Bivalvia: Hippuritoidea) Upper Cretaceous, France, 140 Additional equipment needed to facilitate your
mm in diameter, CMNH-P 39966. collecting trip are: drinking water, sunscreen, and
Campbell 201

does this help create a friendly relationship for

return trips, but also it lets the landowner inform
you of potential hazards. For example, you do not
want to be wandering around a quarry when they
are about to set off explosives.

Fossils preserve the maximum amount of scientific

information when undisturbed in their original lo-
cation, providing the collector with an opportunity
to note its relationship to other fossils or physical
structures, the position of the shell, what kinds of
fossils are associated, etc. On the other hand, fos-
sils provide no scientific information when they are
eroded away, ground into gravel, or permanently
paved over. Thus, the decision of how much to col-
lect must balance the need to preserve the site for
future scientific study with the risk that the speci-
men (or entire locality) may be destroyed.

15.3.2 Transporting material home. You will

need something in which to carry your finds. Any
sturdy box, bucket, or bag will suffice. Padding
may be required for delicate specimens. Restau-
rants, professional painters, and others who buy
supplies in five-gallon buckets may be willing to
give you the empty buckets or sell them to you for
a token amount. For small specimens, empty plastic
Figure 15.6 Ammonoidea. medicine bottles or plastic film canisters do well.
Parkinsonia parkinsonia (Sowerby, 1821) (Mollusca:
Photo developers often will give away empty film
Cephalopoda: Ammonoidea), Jurassic, Dorset, England,
110 mm, top - external view, bottom - polished internal canisters, but be sure to get the lids as well.
view showing chambers, CMNH-P 44343.
Especially for smaller species, it may be more
mosquito repellent for those long hiking and quarry efficient to collect a bucketful of sediment and
collecting adventures. When collecting with high then examine it more carefully at home with a
rock overhangs or quarries, safety gear such as a microscope or magnifying glass. Fragile speci-
first-aid kit and a hard hat are also advisable. Many mens may also transport better surrounded by the
active mining operations require hard hats, safety original matrix.
goggles, or other protective gear if you are collect-
ing anywhere near the active area. Take careful notes as to where your collection
originates by plotting the site on a topographic or
Fossil collecting involves most of the same hazards geologic map or use a GPS receiver. This may help
as land snail collecting. Watch your step to avoid in identifying your specimens and providing oth-
falling. Be sure you know how to avoid hazardous ers (scientists) with valuable information for later
flora and fauna like poison ivy, fire ants, or hostile fossil dating by microfossils. Museum samples
natives. without adequate label information have been
more precisely located by examination of adhering
In particular, be sure you obtain proper permission sediment, but do not count on this as adequate for
from the landowner before collecting. Not only your specimens.
202 Fossil mollusks

soap may help. Ultrasonic cleaning baths marketed

for cleaning jewelry may be effective for cleaning
small specimens (see Chapter 2.7.10).

When the fossils are in rock, extraction of the shells

is much more difficult. Mollusk shells dissolve
easily in acid, so most methods of dissolving rock
will also dissolve the shell. For softer mudstones
Figure 15.7 Belemnoidea. repeated wetting and drying, and perhaps some
Rostrum of Belemnitella americana (Morton, 1830) (Mol- soap, may work. The safest approach is to take
lusca: Cephalopoda: Belemnoidea), Upper Cretaceous, a sample you can spare and experiment. Careful
Marlboro, New Jersey, 96 mm, CMNH-P 29818. work with dental tools, abrasives, very weak acid,
or the like may also be worth trying. In some cases,
Shells can be fragile, so be careful how close you natural weathering may be the best way to extract a
hammer on the rock; otherwise they may break. specimen, but it is also very slow. A rock saw may
In particular, if you can see part of a promising be used to cut off excess material.
specimen sticking out of the matrix, you should
excavate well away from the specimen in case it is A good collection of fossil molds takes up a lot of
bigger than you expected. Some of the same tools space, as you must collect the rock and not just the
used for cleaning difficult modern shells may also shell itself (Figure 15.8). Often the best way to iden-
be useful for both collecting and cleaning fossils, tify and study molds is to make casts. Both calcite
including dental picks, drills, and brushes of vary- and aragonite readily dissolve in acid. Often, the
ing stiffness. shell will dissolve entirely, leaving a hole in the rock.
Even though the shell dissolved away, the mold may
A sieve can be used for matrix (gravel, sand, and preserve a very faithful replica of the original shell.
mud) that may contain small shells. When you get Microscopic examination of the shell sculpture or
a sample of sediment home, you need to sieve and form of the protoconch may be possible.
sort it. If the locality has water available, sieving
on-site may also be effective. Washing through a A cast of the fossil can be made with liquid latex
variety of sieve sizes and then drying and sorting or silicone. These materials remain flexible after
is often effective. Old toothbrushes and dental hardening. Silicone usually lasts longer but also is
tools are good for removing adhering dirt. more expensive. Before casting, be sure to clean the
mold carefully. Add the casting material slowly and
For micro-mollusks, nylon stockings provide a
cheap alternative to a fine-mesh sieve. An effec-
tive way of collecting micro-gastropods is to dry
a sample thoroughly after sieving out the larger
material. Once it is dry, quickly dump the sedi-
ment into a bucket of water and stir it around a bit.
The gastropods might have air in them and float.
You then pour the water though the stocking. Mud
washes through, leaving behind the shells.

15.3.3 Cleaning and preparing fossils. Most

fossils have some adhering dirt. Washing and Figure 15.8 Fossil mold.
A mold of a Cenozoic bivalve (Mollusca: Bivalvia:
scrubbing will usually take care of most of it. An Corbuloidea), Eocene, Catherine Lake, North Carolina.
old toothbrush or a dental pick may help. If the sedi- The disc in the lower left shows evidence of boring by
ment is a bit difficult to remove, a surfactant like a gastropod. From author’s collection.
Campbell 203

carefully to ensure there are no air bubbles. Allow 15.5 IDENTIFYING FOSSILS
plenty of time for the cast to harden and then care-
fully pull it out. A similar technique may work for Once you have collected your fossils, the next
shells not readily extracted from rock. Some studies challenge is identification. Finding appropriate
have used a mild acid to dissolve the shells and then references will depend on the locality and age. In
made casts of the resulting molds. most cases, you can get a general idea of the major
group to which a fossil belongs by using references
15.4 LOCALITY AND STRATIGRAPHIC on modern mollusks. Various extinct groups may
DATA at first appear to be something besides a mollusk.
In general, the younger a sample, the more it ap-
Exact locality data are even more important for fos- pears to resemble a living taxon. Locating detailed
sils than for modern shells. If you know a modern information on the fossils of a particular deposit can
shell was collected alive, you at least know that it be difficult. A good source for locating geological
is Recent. A fossil from an unknown locality could information can be found by contacting state and
be almost any age. The exact location, relative to national geological surveys. The survey’s exact
other features of the exposure, is particularly im- name varies, so if you have difficulty finding infor-
portant. Many localities have more than one layer mation about your own state’s geological survey,
present. Determining the exact source layer will try the bureau of mines or the department of natural
give the age, environment, and several other pieces resources. Many of their publications are still avail-
of information about your specimen. able, though some may be out of print.

If possible, try to look at the exposure from a Local museums or college geology departments
distance as well as up close. Are there any abrupt can be helpful and they often have useful librar-
or gradual changes in the deposit, such as a shift ies. Two general references are Georef and The
from sand to silt or clay? Are there layers with Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Georef is a
pebbles, teeth and bones, and worn shells? Such compilation by the American Geophysical Institute,
features indicate a change in the environment of available by subscription online or on CD, which
deposition and possibly a significant gap in time. attempts to provide a bibliographic compilation of
Note the distance above and below the layers from all publications on geology. It is accessible from
which your specimen comes. In addition, caution is many university libraries.
required near the contact between layers.
The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology is a
Remembering that fossils preserve maximum multi-volume compendium that attempts to de-
information when still in place, try to get as much scribe all known genera. Although some volumes
information as possible before removing the speci- are somewhat out of date, they provide the most
men. Consider the potential for further studies of extensive reference available at this level. The
material in place, balanced against any risk that gastropod volumes have yet to be completed, but
the specimen or the locality might be lost before most other mollusks are covered to the extent that
further study. they were known at the time of publication. The
Geological Society of America publishes this series
A deep burrower, such as Panopea, below the in cooperation with the University of Kansas and it
contact might have burrowed in from above. Worn is available at most major university and museum
shells near the base of the upper layer may have libraries.
been reworked from the lower layer and re-depos-
ited. A measuring tape is both an inexpensive and Some paleontology references can also be found
precise tool for detailing the location within an online. Check the website for the geological survey
outcropping, though a GPS receiver is easier for for the state, province, or country in which you
measuring longer distances. have an interest.
204 Fossil mollusks

It is very helpful to determine the age of your geologic forces. This may superimpose external
specimens. This will greatly narrow the options and internal features of the shell, especially if the
for identification. A geological map (available original shell was thin.
from geological surveys, often online) of the re-
gion will show you what type and age of rocks are 15.6 AMATEUR ACTIVITIES AND OPPOR-
present in a given area. Over geologic time, the TUNITIES
sea level has gone up and down, and seafloor has
been pushed up into mountains, so many areas of Paleontology is an area where amateurs can read-
land now have marine fossils. In general, in North ily provide important new scientific data. Amateur
America, relatively young fossils (Cretaceous and paleontologists often provide important collecting
Cenozoic) occur in the coastal plain, the low-lying data that are new to science.
areas extending from Long Island south along the
Atlantic coast to Mexico and up the Mississippi An amateur collector can undertake several kinds
Valley as far as southernmost Illinois. Similar de- of scientifically important projects on fossil mol-
posits, though more patchy, can be found along lusks. Perhaps most importantly, you may discover
the Pacific coast. North of Long Island, there are and report on new localities and specimens. If
some glacial deposits with fossil shell. Much of you live in an area with fossils, any excavation or
the Great Plains region is underlain by Cretaceous other event that exposes rock and sediment may
marine rocks. Much of the Appalachians, including unearth something new. By the time a professional
much of eastern Canada, and the Midwest, extend- paleontologist arrives, the exposure may be largely
ing south into northern Alabama, have much older gone or important features may be lost. Thus, early
rocks, spanning much of the Paleozoic. Almost work on a site may preserve valuable materials
all the Paleozoic genera and many families or and information, especially if done to professional
higher categories are extinct. Also, brachiopods standards.
were much more common in the Paleozoic and
may confuse someone who expects all shells to Conversely, persistent study of a supposedly well-
be mollusks (see Chapter 29.2.9). Paleozoic rocks known locality will almost certainly turn up taxa not
also occur in western Texas and in much of the previously known from the site. Such documenta-
mountainous regions of the West. Mesozoic rocks tion of a fauna, especially if it includes information
are also widespread in this region. Non-marine on the frequency as well as the presence of different
mollusk fossils are generally less common, but species, provides important scientific information
may occur in continental glacial deposits in the regarding the environment and biogeography. By
northeast, midwest, and northern plains. There documenting the variation within a species or a
are also extensive Mesozoic non-marine beds in species group, you can enhance our knowledge of
Alberta south to New Mexico and Texas, with fos- the systematics of the group.
sil mollusks as well as dinosaurs. The Green River
Formation of Colorado and Wyoming, famous for Many fossils remain undescribed, so you may get an
its fossil fish, has many early Cenozoic non-marine opportunity to name new species or higher taxa. The
mollusks. Non-marine shells also turn up in some of equipment needed is the same as for modern shells: a
the same regions as the marine fossils, from times microscope, measuring tools such as calipers, a good
when the sea level was lower. library, and some hard work (see Chapter 10).

Unfortunately, the vagaries of preservation often Your network of friends provides some unique
make fossils more difficult to identify compared connections that a professional researcher will not
to modern shells. Sometimes the preservation have. You may happen to know a landowner, or a
pattern can be confusing. For example, an outer friend who happened to notice some shells when
shell layer may have been lost before fossilization. out bird watching, or a construction worker. Cul-
Sometimes fossils can be warped or squashed by tivating a good relationship with the landowner is
Campbell 205

also crucial to continued access for you and other 15.7 LITERATURE CITED
collectors. Many excellent fossil localities are now
off limits to the public because of previous trespass- Boardman, R. S., A. H. Cheetham, and A. J. Rowell, eds.
ing, disregard for safety regulations, or property 1987. Fossil Invertebrates. Blackwell Scientific
Publications, Palo Alto, California. xi + 713 pp.
damage by irresponsible collectors. Croucher, R. and A. R. Woolley. 1982. Fossils, Minerals
and Rocks; Collection and Preservation. British
Some laws may apply to fossil collecting, par- Museum (Natural History) and Cambridge Univer-
ticularly on government-owned land. In general, sity Press, London. 60 pp.
attention has focused on vertebrate fossils, but Cvancara, A. M. 1985. A Field Manual for the Amateur
Geologist; Tools and Activities for Exploring Our
collection of invertebrates may be affected as well. Planet. Prentice Hall, Inc., New York. xii + 257
An overzealous Canadian customs agent once pp.
impounded a small box containing a couple of Feldmann, R. M., R. E. Chapman, and J. T. Hannibal, eds.
Paleozoic bivalves that my advisor was returning 1989. Paleotechniques. Paleontological Society
to a Canadian museum. Apparently identifying the Special Publication No. 4. Paleontological Society,
Knoxville, Tennessee. iv + 358 pp.
contents as “fossils” sounded impressive. Fenton, C. L. and M. A. Fenton [revised and expanded
by P. V. Rich, T. H. Rich, and M. A. Fenton]. 1989.
Finally, if you find something unusual, donating The Fossil Book, A Record of Prehistoric Life.
it to a museum will help ensure that the specimen Doubleday, New York. 740 pp.
receives appropriate curation and scientific study. Gubanov, A. P. and J. S. Peel. 2000. Cambrian monopla-
cophoran molluscs (Class Helcionelloida). Ameri-
Of course, you can study it first yourself. can Malacological Bulletin 15: 139-145.
Linsley, R. M. and W. M. Kier. 1984. The Paragas-
Ethical considerations apply to the collection of fos- tropoda: A proposal for a new class of Paleozoic
sil shells as opposed to those from recent times, but Mollusca. Malacologia 25: 241-254.
for slightly different reasons. Over-collection will Macdonald, J. R. 1983. The Fossil Collector’s Handbook;
A Paleontology Field Guide. Prentice-Hall, Inc.,
not lead to the unnecessary death of any fossil mol- Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. xi + 193 pp.
lusk, however, it can be thought of as stealing from Moore, R. C., C. G. Lalicker, and A. G. Fischer. 1952.
other collectors who may never have the chance Invertebrate Fossils. McGraw Hill Book Company,
to have the enjoyment you did. A single careless Inc., New York. xiii + 766 pp.
collector can totally and permanently deplete a Shimer, H. W. and R. R. Shrock. 1944. Index Fossils of
North America. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Mas-
small locality that may be a valuable scientific and sachusetts. ix + 837 pp.
educational resource. Collect only what you need Yochelson, E. L. 2000. Concerning the concept of extinct
for your use and possibly for trade with others. You classes of Mollusca: or what may/may not be a class
can gauge what is appropriate to collect based on of mollusks. American Malacological Bulletin 15:
the quantity of material present. 195-202.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


16.1 INTRODUCTION exterior with numerous sensory papillae. The gut

is straight with a combined stomach and digestive
A discussion about the marine Aplacophora may gland. The paired hermaphrodite gonad (combined
seem like an anachronism in a book that is chiefly male and female) lies above the gut, and posteriorly
about shelled mollusks, for they lack a shell (a- there are often ornately shaped copulatory spicules
placo-phora, bearing no shell) and are seldom of calcium carbonate. The neomenioids are car-
collected except by great effort and expense. In nivorous and feed mostly on hydroid and octocoral
fact, these vermiform organisms with their shining cnidarians. Their shapes vary from nearly spherical,
coats of innumerable calcium carbonate sclerites to elongate with a broad or narrow body; size varies
(scales or needle-like spicules) would not strike from 1 millimeter to 30 centimeters. One species
anyone at first view as even being mollusks. Nev- from the continental shelf off the Falkland Islands
ertheless, upon examination, these creatures prove is the size and shape of a bagel (but undoubtedly
to be thoroughly molluscan, and they bear biogeo- not as tasty).
graphic information about their primary habitat-the
deep sea-and are of great interest in studies of the Chaetodermomorpha (chaetoderms), or Caudo-
evolutionary relationships of mollusks. A few foveata (Figures 16.3 and 16.4), unlike the neo-
aplacophorans have been collected just below the menioids lack both a foot and ventral furrow and
low tide mark, so you might be so fortunate as to the mouth is surrounded by a cuticular oral shield.
find one. The small size, usually 3-20 mm, worm Much of their internal anatomy is indicated by
shape, and glistening, sclerite-covered body will their body shape. The anterior head end is often
immediately identify it as an aplacophoran mollusk set off from the main body by a constriction. The
and not any other invertebrate. stomach is anterior to the digestive gland and go-
nad. The terminal mantle cavity is bell-shaped and
16.2 ORGANIZATION contains a pair of gills. Chaetoderms are dioecious
(males and females are separate) and presumably
Within their sclerite-covered, worm-like body, spawn their eggs and sperm into the water. They
there is the true sign of a mollusk, a radula (lacking are chiefly carnivorous or omnivorous and feed
in some species). There is a mouth anteriorly and on Foraminifera or other organisms and organic
a small mantle cavity at the posterior end. There detritus as they burrow through the silt and mud of
are further characteristics that separate the two soft bottoms. Their size varies from 2 mm to more
aplacophoran taxa from each other. than 12 centimeters, and their elongate shape varies
from broad to narrow.
The Neomeniomorpha (neomenioids), or Soleno-
gastres (Figures 16.1 and 16.2), have a narrow Recent sources in English for a general account
ventral groove within which lies a foot; it is little of the Aplacophora are Salvini-Plawen (1985a),
more than a nonmuscular, ciliated ridge with which Scheltema et al. (1994), and Scheltema (1998a).
they glide. Above the mouth is a space open to the Descriptions of the aplacophoran fauna off southern
208 Aplacophora

Figure 16.1 Neomeniomorpha (Solenogastres).

Upper right, Simrothiella abysseuropaea Salvini-Plawen,
2004, 10 mm long, from off Bergen, Norway; the arrow
points to the ventral line of the foot groove. The crossed
copulatory spicules on left above are 1.2 mm long, and Figure 16.2 Neomeniomorpha (Solenogastres).
body sclerites on left below are up to nearly 0.3 mm long. Upper right, a species of perhaps Eleutheromenia from
The radula on the lower right has two teeth per row; it a depth of 140 m in Bass Strait, Australia, 3 mm long; at
is 2 mm in total length. [From Scheltema and Schander upper left, a radula with one of 23 rows with two teeth
(2000), as S. margaritacea]. 0.14 mm from left to right. At lower left, the longest of
the sclerites from the body is 0.6 mm long, and the copu-
latory spicules to the right are nearly a millimeter long,
California can be found in Scheltema (1998b). A or one-third the length of the animal. [From Scheltema
natural history has been published on one colorful, and Schander (2000)].
large tropical species (Scheltema and Jebb 1994),
and observations of other living aplacophorans can beneath the sea surface at depths below 200 m, and
be found in Salvini-Plawen (1968a, b). An apla- the benthos, or bottom-dwelling fauna, of this vast
cophoran web page is under construction (Woods area has scarcely been sampled. Aplacophorans of
Hole Oceanographic Institution 2004). both taxa have been collected in greatest numbers
and diversity from depths less than 3,500 m. Some
16.3 ECOLOGY species have very broad distributions (see Figure
16.4), and many genera are found worldwide. In
The first recorded aplacophoran, Chaetoderma particular localities, some species are the numeri-
nitidulum Lovén, 1844, was collected at 38 meters cally dominant organism among the macrofaunal
depth by dredge off the west coast of Sweden. It benthos (collected by sieving, too small to pick
was not until 1875 that a second species, Neomenia out by hand). Species have been found on and
carinata Tullberg, 1875, was described, also from within level bottom sea-floor muds, on hydroids
Scandinavian waters. Since that time, more than and octocorals around which neomenioids wrap
235 neomenioid and 130 chaetoderm species have themselves, on sea mounts (Scheltema 2001), in
been described from near- and offshore localities the Arctic and Antarctic polar regions (Salvini-
in all parts of the marine world from a few to more Plawen 1978, and unpublished observations), from
than 9,000 m depth. The list grows yearly. hydrothermal vents (Scheltema 2000), from whale
bones (unpublished observations), and from oce-
The aplacophoran mollusks still remain a largely anic trenches 7,000 to more than 9,000 m deep
unknown group. More than 60% of the planet lies (Salvini-Plawen 1978, Scheltema 1985, Ivanov
Scheltema 209

aplacophorans may be found in

Morse and Scheltema (1988).

Diving is another way that apla-

cophorans have been collected
recently. Divers have discovered
several species on a variety of sur-
faces: on rocks, amongst turtle grass
rhizomes, upon alcyonarian soft
corals, and interstitially.

Aplacophorans from shallow depths

can be kept alive and brought back
in seawater; however, deep-water
Figure 16.3 Chaetodermomorpha (Caudofoveata). forms come from water of only 1-
Chaetoderma elegans Scheltema, 1995 from off the coast of southern 2ºC and should be preserved as soon
California between 50 and 1,800 m depth. Length of specimen 32 mm,
with neck (n), anterior trunk containing stomach (at), posterior trunk with as possible. The rise in temperature,
digestive gland and gonad (pt), and posterium with mantle cavity (pos). rather than decreased pressure, will
The radula, shown at left center, is 0.2 mm long; it comprises a cone and kill the organisms quickly. Buffered
two denticles shown in black, typical for the family Chaetodermidae. formalin is a good general preser-
Body sclerites are from various parts of the body and are up to 0.23 mm vative, but preservation over time
long. [From Scheltema (1998b)].
should be in buffered alcohol in
order to preserve the sclerites. Borax
1996). Small aplacophorans 3 mm or less may be is a good buffering agent; 1 teaspoon (10 g) to a pint
collected interstitially, living in the spaces between (500 cm3) of liquid gives a saturated solution.
sand grains or broken shell hash (Morse 1979,
Salvini-Plawen 1985b). 16.5 EXAMINATION

16.4 COLLECTION TECHNIQUES Should you find an aplacophoran, you will do well
to examine it under a dissecting microscope or, if
As can well be imagined, most aplacophorans are unavailable, through a hand lens. Look first for a
now being taken by dredges, trawls, grabs, and tell-tale ventral line that if present indicates you
cores from oceanographic research vessels (see have a neomenioid (Figure 16.1). A cuticular oral
Chapter 3, Remote Bottom Sampling). Collections shield, discrete differences in width along the body,
are also made from submarines (Research Submers- or a tail-like posterior end indicates a chaetoderm
ible Vessels, or RSVs), and readers may have seen (Figures 16.3 and 16.4). The beautiful sclerites, of
the wonderful submarine dives on hydrothermal all manner of shapes and sizes according to species
vent communities on their televisions. One can (Figures 16.1-16.4), can be removed by needle into
also dredge in relatively shallow waters from small a drop of glycerin in a depression slide or, alter-
ships, such as fishing vessels, if they are equipped natively, onto a flat slide, dried, and permanently
to put over the side and retrieve a dredge or grab. mounted with a commercially available histological
mounting medium.
A quantity of mud is brought up, which then is
sieved through 0.5 or 1.0 mm screens, preferably Good slide preparations of the sclerites are of great
while still aboard the vessel using gentle flotation importance for identification, just as are the shells
in seawater. If you have captured aplacophorans, of other mollusks. In order to see the radula, you
they can be sorted from the rest of the organisms will need to cut off the anterior end and remove the
back on land. Techniques for collecting interstitial tissue in household bleach (5% sodium hypochlo-
210 Aplacophora

Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1978. Antarktische und subantark-

tische Solenogastres (eine Monographie: 1898-
1974). Zoologica (Stuttgart) 44: 1-315.
Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1985a. Early evolution and the
primitive groups. In: E. R. Trueman and M. R.
Clarke, eds., The Mollusca, Vol. 10. Evolution. Aca-
demic Press, Inc., Orlando, Florida. Pp. 59-150.
Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1985b. New interstitial Solenogas-
tres (Mollusca). Stygologia 1: 101-108.
Scheltema, A. H. 1985. The aplacophoran family Pro-
chaetodermatidae in the North American Basin,
Figure 16.4 Chaetodermomorpha (Caudofoveata).
including Chevroderma n.g. and Spathoderma n.g.
A common species, Prochaetoderma yongei Scheltema,
(Mollusca: Chaetodermomorpha). Biological Bul-
1985, found in the Atlantic Ocean at depths of 800 to
letin 169: 484-529.
2,100 m from north of Cape Hatteras to Iceland and
Scheltema, A. H. 1998a. Class Aplacophora. In: P. L. Bee-
the entire length of the eastern Atlantic. Individuals are
sley, G. J. B.Ross, and A. Wells, eds., Mollusca: the
less than 3 mm long. There are two radular teeth per
Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia, Vol. 5, Part
row, lower left, less than 0.1 mm in greatest dimension,
A. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. Pp. 145-157.
and a pair of jaws up to 0.4 mm long, middle of lower
Scheltema, A. H. 1998b. Aplacophora. In: P. V. Scott and
row. Sclerites on right are up to 0.2 mm long. [From
J. A. Blake, eds., Taxonomic Atlas of the Benthic
Scheltema (1985)].
Fauna of the Santa Maria Basin and the Western
Santa Barbara Channel, Vol. 8. The Mollusca. Part
rite). The radula is best kept wet by placing it in a I. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, Santa
drop of glycerin. Further descriptions on handling Barbara, California. Pp. 3-47.
Scheltema, A. H. 2000. Two new hydrothermal vent
these animals may be found in Salvini-Plawen
species, Helicoradomenia bisquama and Helicora-
(1975), Scheltema (1998b), Scheltema and Ivanov domenia acredema from the eastern Pacific Ocean
(2000, 2004), Scheltema and Schander (2000), and (Mollusca, Aplacophora). Argonauta 14: 15-25.
Mizzaro-Wimmer and Salvini-Plawen (2001). You Scheltema, A. H. 2001. Neomenioid aplacophorans are
may wish to turn to an expert for identification, numerically dominant on two East Pacific sea-
mounts. In: L. Salvini-Plawen et al. eds., Abstracts
and you might discover that you have collected a
of the World Congress of Malacology 2001. Unitas
new species! Malacologica, Vienna. P. 312.
Scheltema, A. H. and D. L. Ivanov. 2000. Prochaetoder-
16.6 LITERATURE CITED matidae of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediter-
ranean Sea (Mollusca: Aplacophora). Journal of
Ivanov, D. L. 1996. Chevroderma hadalis, a new species of Molluscan Studies 66: 313-362.
Prochaetodermatidae (Caudofoveata, Aplacophora) Scheltema, A. H. and D. L. Ivanov. 2004 Use of bire-
from the North-West Pacific. Ruthenica 6: 83-84. fringence to characterize Aplacophora sclerites. The
Mizzaro-Wimmer, M. and L. v. Salvini-Plawen. 2001. Veliger 47: 153-156.
Praktische Malakologie (Practical Malacology). Scheltema, A. H. and M. Jebb. 1994. Natural history of
Springer-Verlag, Wien. 187 pp. a solenogaster mollusc from Papua New Guinea,
Morse, M. P. 1979. Meiomenia swedmarki gen. et. sp. Epimenia australis (Thiele) (Aplacophora, Neomenio-
n., a new interstitial solenogaster from Washington, morpha). Journal of Natural History 28: 1297-1318.
USA. Zoologica Scripta 8: 249-253. Scheltema, A. H. and C. Schander. 2000. Discrimination
Morse, M. P. and A. H. Scheltema. 1988. Aplacophora. and phylogeny of Solenogaster species through the
In: R. P. Higgins and H. Thiel, eds., Introduction morphology of hard parts (Mollusca, Aplacophora,
to the Study of Meiofauna. Smithsonian Institution Neomeniomorpha). Biological Bulletin 198: 121-151.
Press, Washington, D.C. Pp. 447-450. Scheltema, A. H., M. Tscherkassky, and A. M. Kuzirian.
Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1968a. Über Lebendbeobachtjungen 1994. Aplacophora. In: F. W. Harrison and A. J. Kohn,
an Caudofoveata (Mollusca, Aculifera). Sarsia 31: eds., Microscopic Anatomy of Invertebrates, Vol. 5.
105-126. Mollusca I. Wiley-Liss, New York. Pp. 13-54.
Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1968b. Über einige Beobachtungen Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. 2004. The Tax-
an Solenogastres (Mollusca, Aculifera). Sarsia 31: onomy of the Aplacophora (Chaetodermomorpha or
131-142. Caudofoveata and Neomeniomorpha or Solenogas-
Salvini-Plawen, L. v. 1975. Mollusca: Caudofoveata. tres), Sclerite-Bearing Deep-Sea Mollusks. <www.
Marine Invertebrates of Scandinavia 4: 1-55.>
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


17.1 INTRODUCTION to be an extinct group of mollusks. Since the

monoplacophorans were recognized as the fossil
The Monoplacophora are univalved, limpet shaped, remains of limpet-like Gastropoda (e.g., Acmaea
untorted, mollusks with pseudometamerism of euglypta Dautzenberg and Fischer, 1897) by earlier
repeated organs and muscles. Though Abbott malacologists, there was no need for something like
(1986) put them in his popular field guide, it is the Class Monoplacophora.
highly unlikely that you will ever encounter the
shell of a living species of the molluscan class In The Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, C.
Monoplacophora. There is an even smaller chance M. Yonge (1960) recorded that the Class Mono-
of finding an entire living specimen. This is because placophora was erected because the anatomy of
living members of the class are found, thus far, modern representatives, as reflected in fossilized
only in the deep-sea and have been collected using remains, were distinctive enough to warrant their
equipment and facilities whose cost is beyond the being recognized as a separate group within the
financial wherewithal of all but the wealthiest of Mollusca. What Yonge was talking about is the
shell enthusiasts and the majority of professional pairing of the ctenidia, muscles, and other internal
biologists. This does not mean to say that you will organs seen in the (then) newly discovered living
never find examples of monoplacophorans from representatives. These pairings, particularly the 8
the deep-sea. In fact, the Monoplacophora can be muscle scars of fossil species, led Wenz (1940) to
found in three depth zones: the abyssal zone, the speculate that the Monoplacophora were chitons
continental shelf, and the continental slope. The (Polyplacophora) whose eight shell plates had fused
shallowest depth from which a monoplacophoran and later to erect the Class Monoplacophora (Wenz
has been collected is 180 m. Warén and Gofas in Knight 1952).
(1996) have reported specimens of Veleropilina
reticulata (Segueanza, 1876) from the Tyrrhenian Until the discovery of a living species of Mono-
Sea off Italy’s eastern coast that were in the hands placophora, Neopilina galatheae Lemche, 1957,
of amateur collectors. This is clearly an unusual all members of the class were believed to be ex-
exception to the rule. tinct. Many zoologists were very excited about the
discovery of living members of the class because
There is, however, a much better chance that fos- some thought they may represent, or at least tell
silized specimens may be encountered as many us something about, the oft-described archetypical
species of monoplacophorans have been found in ancestral mollusk. While speculating on the ances-
strata dating from the late Cambrian (about 500 mil- tral mollusk’s anatomy is an interesting intellectual
lion years old) to the Devonian (about 320 million exercise, we probably do not know enough about
years old) (Shimer and Shrock 1944, Knight and exactly where the Mollusca came from to relate a
Yochelson 1960, Yonge 1960). Specimens have newly-found species, even one as interesting as
been taken from these strata the world-over and, Neopilina galatheae, to the grand evolutionary
until the 1950s, monoplacophorans were thought development of the Phylum Mollusca.
212 Monoplacophora

Monoplacophorans have been popularly described seems to work against our direct study of these
as living fossils (Siekman 1987) but such an attribu- mollusks (Lowenstam 1978). While we have made
tion may not be entirely correct. Monoplacophoran great strides in determining the anatomical varia-
mollusks were represented in shallow waters of tion within the class, only now are we beginning
the early Paleozoic by a wealth of limpet-like and to understand the biological processes and life
planispirally coiled forms. Shallow water marine histories of Monoplacophora.
environments can be physically more variable, and
therefore more physiologically demanding, than 17.2.1 Shell. The shell is a shallow, somewhat
those of deeper waters (Nybakken 2001). While the spoon-shaped dorsal structure, which at first glance
extinct species of monoplacophorans were found looks like a limpet. There is an anteriorly directed
in strata formed by shallow waters, the first living apex and many are thin and fragile (Warén and
specimens of the class seen by humans came from a Gofas 1996) (Figure 17.1). On the inner surface of
deep-sea trench and this supported a long-held view the shell can be found the pairs of muscle scars, the
that presumably extinct marine fauna might be found number of which can be diagnostic for the species.
in the refugia of the deep-sea. The trenches represent Structurally, the shell of Neopilina galatheae was
an essentially unchanging environment: cold and reported to consist of three shell layers: an outer
dark with little variation in salinity and pressure. It periostracum, a thick underlying prismatic layer,
is this environmental sameness over vast stretches of and an inner lamellate nacreous layer (e.g., Hyman
time that has led some to search for the living fossils 1967). The sizes of monoplacophoran shells range
of other extinct organisms, such as Trilobita, in the from 3 mm in diameter [Rokopella oligotropha
deep-sea on the chance that they too survive out of (Rokop 1972)] to Neopilina galathea at 37 mm.
the reach of the vicissitudes of shallow water life. The surface sculpture may be coarse concentric
ribs (genus Veleropilina), radial threads, reticulate
While this is a hope that has not always come true ridges, concentric threads, or concentric undula-
for most extinct animals, living monoplacophorans tions. There is evidence of an embryonic shell,
have thus far all been taken from deep-sea environ- called an apical cap in some works, which may
ments of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans and the be pitted. One specimen of Neopilina galatheae
Mediterranean Sea. However, living monoplacoph- demonstrated a spiral larval shell, which was noted
orans should not be thought of as living fossils but as being usually associated with torsion.
rather as a highly modified and specialized offshoot
of the molluscan evolutionary tree (Schaefer and 17.2.2 Locomotion. Aside from the shell, the foot
Haszprunar 1997). is the largest anatomical structure of the Monopla-
cophora. Neopilina galatheae has a weakly muscled
17.2 BIOLOGY foot that is circular and Lemche (1957) thought
this meant the animals lay on their back (on their
The class Monoplacophora is distinguished by the shells) waiting for food to pass by. Warén and Go-
presence of repeated internal and external struc- fas (1996), in their beautiful comparative study of
tures. There are: four to eight pairs of foot retractor several species of living monoplacophorans, noted
muscles; as many as six kidneys (nephridia) paired that the size of the foot in relation to the size of the
with nerve ganglia and three to six pairs of gills. shell was variable and could depend on how and
The fossil specimens had muscle scars of paired when observations of the foot are made. They found
retractor muscles but the presence of other paired intraspecific variation depending upon whether the
structures was unknown until the living species measurement was made while the animal was alive,
were collected. preserved, or critical point dried for observation
with a scanning electron microscope. They found
The biology of the Monoplacophora is very much that the foot of living monoplacophorans was
a work in progress. The difficulty and expense of usually twice as large as that of those subjected to
observing living specimens in their natural habitats critical point drying.
Counts, III 213

Figure 17.1 The Monoplacophoran Shell.

A. Interior view of the shell of Neopilina galatheae showing the eight pairs of foot retractor muscles characteristic of
the species (after Lemche and Wingstrand 1959). B. Dorsal view of Veleropilina reticulata (after Warén and Gofas,
1996). C. Left lateral view of the shell of V. reticulata (after Warén and Gofas, 1996).

17.2.3 Digestion and diet. Briefly, the digestive feeder (Morton and Yonge 1964). Hyman (1967)
tract of the monoplacophorans has an anterior noted that the digestive system of monoplacopho-
mouth that is surrounded by fleshy palps. There is rans did not differ in any significant way from that
little in the way of head development (cephalization) of other mollusks. The digestive tract ends in a
in members of this class but the mouth is located at posterior anus.
this head and in front of the foot. Just in front of,
and behind the mouth is a fold of tissue (a preoral Monoplacophorans are believed to be deposit feed-
and postoral fold called the velum). The front fold ers as the fleshy structures surrounding the mouth
becomes a ciliated palp or tentacle on either side of may function in gathering food (Allen 1983). Some
the mouth and the hind fold becomes a second pair of the reported foods of various monoplacophorans
of tentacles (Rupert and Barnes 1994). include protozoans, radiolarians, diatoms, forami-
niferans, and sponges.
The mouth contains a radula. The appearance of
the radula is frequently used as a characteristic 17.2.4 Gas exchange and water balance. Five
by which evolutionary relationships can be de- pairs of gills are located along the foot in Neopilina
termined. The stomach of monoplacophorans is galatheae and six pairs are found in members of the
cone-shaped and contains a style sac in which the genus Vema. The number of gill pairs that is char-
crystalline style is found but there is no gastric acteristic of Monoplacophora in a particular genus
shield. The intestine is reported to be greatly coiled or species can change with new systematic arrange-
(usually between 4 and 6 loops), which is a char- ments and does not seem to be a stable characteristic
acteristic of an unspecialized herbivore or deposit of higher classification. Water flow over the gills is
214 Monoplacophora

hypothesized to be from front-to-back with the water Keen (1971) listed three species of Neopilina from
current exiting in a stream behind the anus. tropical eastern Pacific waters and two of them
she placed in the subgenus Neopilina (defined by
17.2.5 Reproduction and development. The go- having five pairs of gills). In the last edition of
nads of Neopilina galatheae are paired ventral struc- American Seashells published by Abbott (1974),
tures. The sexes are separate and there are two pairs no species of monoplacophorans were discussed
of ovaries and two pairs of testes connected by ducts at all. Batten (1984) provided a systematic list of
to the third and fourth renal organs. Parental care of eight species distributed equally among the genera
the young has been reported in Micropilina arntzi Neopilina and Vema. Rupert and Barnes (1994)
Warén and Hain, 1992, where they were reported to reported eleven species in three genera: Neopilina,
be brooded in the distal oviduct and the pallial groove Vema, and Monoplacophorus. Warén and Gofas
and were released at a size of about 300 µm. (1996) reported eighteen known living species of
Monoplacophora in eight genera. They based their
17.2.6 Substratum. The ecology of the Mono- determination on a number of factors including
placophora was first described by Menzies et al. radular tooth shape, number of gills, muscle scars,
(1959). Just by looking at the foot (broad) and shell shape and sculpture, and the position of the
shell (low with little hydrodynamic resistance) of a apex. A brief synopsis of the distribution of species
monoplacophoran, one would think that their usual within the class is given below in Table 17.1.
habitat is something like the high-energy rocky
intertidal area. Actually, Neopilina galatheae has 17.4 COLLECTING AND STORAGE TECH-
been reported to occur on soft, dark clay or rocky NIQUES
substrata. The shell and foot shape may be an ad-
aptation to current conditions or a relic of earlier 17.4.1 Recent Monoplacophora. Warén and Gofas
habitats. Many species have been found near or (1996) noted that small mollusk shells can be dam-
on manganese or iron nodules. Others have been aged by exposure to ethanol due to the formation
found amongst calcareous coral rubble, basalt, and of complex water-soluble ions with the alcohol.
muddy or rocky bottoms. This will cause decalcification and perhaps re-
crystallization of the shell’s calcium resulting in
17.3 ZOOGEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION total destruction of the shell in a few months’ time.
They went on to note that higher concentration of
17.3.1 Fossil species. Fossil monoplacophorans are ethanol (90%) may slow this chemical process but
the species of monoplacophorans most likely to be would make soft tissues more difficult to examine
encountered by collectors. There have been numer- histologically. Switching to another type of alcohol
ous fossil species described and several summaries (methanol, isopropanol, etc.) would have a faster
of these have been produced (Shimer and Shrock chemical reaction than does ethanol. Their sugges-
1944, Knight and Yochelson 1960, Strusz 1996). Pa- tion is to store the shells dry and preserve the soft
leontologists have studied and described many spe- tissues in 70% ethanol. If the use of transmission
cies of monoplacophorans. Some, after an in-depth electron microscopy (TEM) is contemplated, con-
morphological analysis, have suggested the Class sider the techniques of Haszprunar et al. (1995),
Monoplacophora should be divided into Class Ter- who used preservation of tissues in the field in
gomya and Class Helcionelloida (e.g., Peel 1991). 2.5% gluteraldehyde that had been buffered in 0.1
Additionally, it has been hypothesized that one M cacodylate buffer.
genus Scenella, placed in the Class Helcionelloida,
is in fact a chondrophorine or floating coelenterate If I may be permitted a personal plea, remember
(Yochelson and Gil Cid 1984, Briggs et al. 1994). that living monoplacophora are rare entities. If
you should collect one or more outside of a scien-
17.3.2 Living species. Hyman (1967) stated there tific endeavor, please consider donating them to a
were four known species of Monoplacophora. museum or scientist that is working on this group.
Counts, III 215

Table 17.1. Species of Monoplacophora.

Taxon Locality Depth Remarks

N. galatheae Lemche, 1957 Pacific Ocean off of Costa 2,739-3,570 m The first living monoplacophoran
Rica and Mexico discovered.
N. bruuni Menzies, 1968 Peru Trench 4,825 m This taxon is known from a single
L. rolani Warén Atlantic Ocean off the coast 840 m A single specimen was found on
and Bouchet, 1990 of Spain manganase nodule.
L. antarctica Warén Weddell Sea 210-650 m This taxon is known to have bac-
and Hain, 1992 terial epidermal symbionts.
L. hyalina (McLean, 1979) Santa Rosa - Cortes Ridge 229-388 m This taxon is known from three
Laevipilina cachuchensis off north Iberian Peninsula 580-600 m Known from two live collected
Urgorri, García-Álvarez, and specimens.
Luque, 2005
R. oligotropha (Rokop, 1972) 680 miles north of Hawaii 6,065-6,079 m
R. euglypta (Dautzenberg and Mid-Atlantic Ridge and sea- 1,200-1,600 m Originally described as an
Fischer, 1897) mounts from 34-38ºN latitude Acmaea in 1897.
R. brummeri Goud and east of Mid-Atlantic Ridge 2,162 m
Gittenberger, 1993
V. veleronis (Menzies and near Cedros Island, Mexico 2,730-2,769 m
Layton, 1963)
V. zografi (Dautzenberg and Mid-Atlantic Ridge and sea- 600-1,400 m The first living monoplacophoran
Fischer, 1896) mounts from 30-38ºN latitude collected in the Atlantic Ocean,
V. reticulata (Seguenza, 1876) Mediterranean and 180-600 m Collected from Pliocene-Pleisto-
Tyrrhenian Seas cene deposits; living specimens
possible but not yet found.
M. minuta Warén, 1989 Wyville-Thomson Ridge Was reported from Pleistocene
off Scotland sites in southern Italy.
M. rakiura Marshall, 1998 New Zealand
M. arntzi Warén and Weddell Sea 210-650 m The smallest monoplacophoran
Hain, 1992 in the Antarctic Ocean.
M. tangaroa Marshall, 1990 New Zealand
V. levinae Warén and 12º56’N, 103º29’W 1,058 m This taxon was described from
Gofas, 1996 fragmentary materials that con-
sisted of radula, pieces of shell
and soft parts.
V. ewingi (Clarke and Peru-Chile Trench 5,821 m This taxon was found at nine loca-
Menzies, 1959) tions, all within the Peru-Chile
A. adenensis (Tebble, 1967) off Oman, Gulf of Aden 3,000-3,950 m This taxon was described from a
single specimen.
216 Monoplacophora

These organisms are so rare that you are encouraged brate Paleontology, Part I: Mollusca 1. Geological
not to keep them in a private collection but instead Society of America and University of Kansas Press,
Lawrence, Kansas. Pp. 177-184.
deposit them in a public collection where they are
Lemche, H. 1957. A new living deep-sea mollusc of the
available to the research community. Your satis- Cambro-Devonian class Monoplacophora. Nature
faction will be in making a lasting and significant 179: 413-416.
contribution to science. Lemche, H. and K. G. Wingstrand. 1959. The anatomy
of Neopilina galatheae Lemche, 1957 (Mollusca:
Tryblidiacea). Galathea Reports 3: 9-72.
17.4.2 Fossil Monoplacophora. Fossil materials
Lowenstam, H. A. 1978. Recovery, behavior, and evo-
should be appropriately identified as to the geologic lutionary implications of live Monoplacophora.
strata from which the specimens were taken, and Nature 213: 231-232.
detailed locality data. As anyone who has looked Menzies, R. J., M. Ewing, J. L. Worzel, and A. H. Clarke.
at fossils available through commercial dealers can 1959. Ecology of Recent Monoplacophora. Oikos
10: 168-182.
attest, the locality data usually accompanying their
Morton, J. E. and C. M. Yonge. 1964. Classification and
specimens is uncommonly poor. What you need to structure of the Mollusca. In: K. M. Wilbur and C.
record is geographic coordinates, state and county M. Yonge, eds., Physiology of the Mollusca, Vol. I.
of occurrence, strata, depth, geologic age, nearest Academic Press, New York. Pp. 1-58.
city, town or other identifiable landmark, nearest Nybakken, J. W. 2001. Marine Biology: An Ecological
Approach. Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco.
road, date of collection, collector(s), fossil floral
xi + 516 pp.
and faunal associations, and any other data that will Peel, J. S. 1991. The classes Tergomya and Helcionel-
increase the scientific value of the materials. loida, and early molluscan evolution. Bulletin Gron-
lands Geologiske Undersokelse 161: 11-65.
17.5 LITERATURE CITED Rupert, E. E. and R. L. Barnes. 1994. Invertebrate Zo-
ology, 6th Ed. Saunders College Publishing, Fort
Abbott, R. T. 1974. American Seashells, 2nd Ed. Van Worth, Texas. xii + 1056 pp.
Nostrand Reinhold, New York. 663 pp. Schaefer, K. and G. Haszprunar. 1997. Anatomy of
Abbott, R. T. 1986. Seashells of North America: A Guide Laevipilina antarctica, a monoplacophoran limpet
to Identification. Golden Press, New York. 280 pp. (Mollusca) from Antarctic waters. Acta Zoologica
Allen, J. A. 1983. The ecology of deep-sea molluscs. In: W. Stockholm 77: 295-314.
D. Russell-Hunter, ed., The Mollusca, Vol. 6. Ecol- Shimer, H. W. and R. R. Shrock. 1944. Index Fossils
ogy. Academic Press, Orlando, Florida. Pp. 29-75. of North America. The M.I.T. Press, Cambridge,
Batten, R. L. 1984. Neopilina, Neomphalus, and Neri- Massachusetts. ix + 837 pp.
topsis, living fossil molluscs. In: N. Eldridge and Siekman, L. 1987. Neopilina, a living fossil. Hawaiian
S. M. Stanley, eds., Living Fossils. Springer Verlag, Shell News 35: 7, 8.
New York. Pp. 218-224. Strusz, D. L. 1996. CPC Catalogues: 6. Catalogue of type,
Briggs, D. E. G., D. H. Erwin, and F. J. Collier. 1994. The figured and cited specimens in the Commonwealth
Fossils of the Burgess Shale. Smithsonian Institu- Paleontological Collection. Palaeozoic Mollusca
tion Press, Washington, D.C. xvii + 238 pp. and Hyolitha. Australian Geological Survey Or-
Haszprunar, G., K. Schaefer, A. Warén, and S. Hain. ganisation Record 49: iii + 130 pp.
1995. Bacterial symbionts in the epidermis of an Warén, A. and S. Gofas. 1996. A new species of Mono-
Antarctic neopilinid limpet (Mollusca, Monopla- placophora, redescription of the genera Veleropilina
cophora). Philosophical Transactions of the Royal and Rokopella, and new information on three spe-
Society of London B 347: 181-185. cies of this class. Zoologica Scripta 25: 215-232.
Hyman, L. H. 1967. The Invertebrates. Vol. VI: Mol- Wenz, W. 1940. Ursprung und frühe Stammesgeschichte
lusca I. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York. der Gastropoden. Archiv für Molluskenkunde 72:
vii + 792 pp. 1-110.
Keen, A. M. 1971. Sea Shells of Tropical West America: Yochelson, E. L. and M. D. Gil Cid. 1984. Reevaluation
Marine Mollusks from Baja California to Peru, 2nd Ed. of the systematic position of Scenella. Lethaia 17:
Stanford University, Stanford, California. 1064 pp. 331-340.
Knight, J. B. 1952. Primitive fossil gastropods and their Yonge, C. M. 1960. General characteristics of Mollusca.
bearing on gastropod classification. Smithsonian In: R. C. Moore, ed., Treatise on Invertebrate Pale-
Miscellaneous Collections 117: 1056. ontology, Part I: Mollusca 1. Geological Society of
Knight, J. B. and E. L. Yochelson. 1960. Monopla- America and University of Kansas Press, Lawrence,
cophora. In: R. C. Moore, ed., Treatise on Inverte- Kansas. Pp. 13-136.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


The broad, fleshy foot is situated ventrally and is
The Polyplacophora, commonly known as chitons, surrounded by the mantle cavity. Chitons lack a true
are a group of morphologically conservative, exclu- head, their cephalic region is eyeless and without
sively marine mollusks. The interest in this group tentacles. The anus is situated posteriorly, from
has grown, probably due to the monograph series where rows of ctenidia extend laterally on both
of Kaas and Van Belle (1985a-1994), a contribution sides of the foot in an anterior direction (Figure
that together with their species catalogue (Kaas and 18.2B), either without a space between the anus
Van Belle 1998) allows a rather easy identification and the last ctenidium (in the order Lepidopleurida)
of the most common taxa. Nevertheless, identifi- or with a small space between the ctenidia and the
cation down to the species level is difficult, since anus (in the order Chitonida).
examination of features like radula morphology,
ctenidium arrangement, and girdle elements are What is remarkable is the rather broad, fleshy
required. perinotum (girdle), which in most cases is dorsally
densely beset with different kinds of protective
General information on the anatomy and morphol- (scales, bristles, hairs, needles, corpuscles) and
ogy of chitons is provided by Kaas and Van Belle sensory organs. Ventrally, the cuticle is normally
(1985a) and Eernisse and Reynolds (1994). This covered with scales but may rarely be naked (Fer-
chapter summarizes the most important aspects reiraella).
of polyplacophoran biology, life history, anatomy,
and ontogeny. Chitons vary in length from a few millimeters to
about 15 cm. The world’s largest species, however,
18.2. GROSS MORPHOLOGY is the North Pacific Cryptochiton stelleri (von Mid-
dendorff, 1847), which may attain a length of more
Although a very old group, with the first representa- than 30 cm (Figure 18.2A).
tives occurring as early as in the Cambrium (Yates
et al. 1992), the external anatomy of the chitons has 18.2.1 The plates (valves). The plates are four-
not changed significantly over time. Chitons are layered. Uppermost, a thin aragonite layer (pro-
unsegmented (in the sense of an annelid-like seg- periostracum) is found, which differs from the
mentation), bilateral symmetrical, dorso-ventrally conchiferan periostracum. Usually, the second layer
flattened animals with eight, usually overlapping, (tegmentum) is of the highest taxonomic relevance.
plates that may be reduced (e.g., Amicula) (Figure It is often colorful and mostly intricately sculp-
18.1F). The body shape ranges from broad oval tured. It consists of inorganic as well as of organic
(e.g., Placiphorella, Figure 18.1A) to wormlike material and is penetrated by numerous branching
(e.g., Cryptoplax, Figure 18.1C). Chitons are able canals, in which the nerves of the aesthetes (sensory
to roll up ventrally. organs) are situated. The latter have photosensory
218 Polyplacophora

The third layer, also of aragonitic

origin, extends ventrally under the
tegmentum in anterior and lateral
direction. In the anterior regions of
the intermediate valves and the tail
valve, the so-called articulamentum
builds two thin processes, the apoph-
yses, which are overlapped by the
preceding valve. Laterally, they form
slitted or unslitted insertion plates,
which connect the valves to the
girdle. The nerves that innervate the
aesthetes run within the pores of the
radially arranged slit rays. The fourth
plate-layer (myostracum) is very thin
and forms the attachment site of the
dorso-ventral musculature.

For private collections, abnormal

plates are often of significant interest.
An extensive list of all abnormal
chitons reported so far is found in
Dell’Angelo and Tursi (1990). Four
cases of abnormality can be distin-
guished: hypomerism - less than the
regular eight plates; hypermerism
- more than the regular eight plates;
coalescence - fusion of two adjacent
plates; splitting - the division of a
plate into several parts (Schwabe
Figure 18.1 Polyplacophora.
A. Placiphorella atlantica (Verrill and S. I. Smith in Verrill, 1882), 14.8 18.2.2 The perinotum (girdle). A
mm, North Atlantic (coll. Zoologisches Museum Hamburg); B. Chiton
(Tegulaplax) hululensis (E. A. Smith, 1903), 23.2 mm, Egypt (coll. E. thick cuticle covers the fleshy perino-
Schwabe); C. Cryptoplax larvaeformis (de Blainville MS, Burrow, 1815), tum. Dorsally, it may bear different
appr. 60 mm, Indonesia (coll. H. Strack); D. Schizochiton incisus (Sow- kinds of elements such as imbricating
erby, 1841), appr. 50 mm, Indonesia (coll. H. Strack); E. Nuttallochiton calcareous scales (Ischnochiton),
mirandus (E. A. Smith MS, Thiele, 1906), appr. 40 mm, Antarctica (coll. aragonitic spines (Acanthopleura),
Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen); F. Amicula vestita (Broderip
and Sowerby, 1829), 44 mm, East Sibirian Sea (coll. E. Schwabe); G. corneous bristles (Mopalia), small
Acanthochitona leopoldi (Leloup, 1933), 5.4 mm, Indonesia (coll. E. calcareous corpuscles (Lepidochito-
Schwabe); H. Chaetopleura peruviana (Lamarck, 1819), 50 mm, Chile na), as well as sensory organs. Vent-
(coll. E. Schwabe); I. Tonicia (Lucilina) sowerbyi Nierstrasz, 1905, 9.8 rally, the girdle is paved by radiating
mm, Indonesia (coll. E. Schwabe). rows of more or less rectangular
and probably additional mechano- and chemosen- scales, except in the deep-water genus Ferreiraella,
sory functions. The aesthetes may bear large lenses where it is naked. The size of the perinotum varies
(e.g., Tonicia) or they may be black pigmented (e.g., considerably and may be very small as in members
Callochiton). The tegmentum layer is divided into of Leptochitonidae, or extremely anteriorly exten-
distinct areas as shown in Figures 18.2 D-E. ded as in members of Placiphorella. It may also
Schwabe and Wanninger 219

cover almost the whole animal, as in

Cryptochiton stelleri. There are several
species with a notched terminal girdle,
e.g., the members of the Indo-Pacific
family Schizochitonidae. For further
information on girdle morphologies see
Fischer et al. (1988), Leise (1988), and
Eernisse and Reynolds (1994).

18.2.3. The ctenidia (gills). Although

the term gill is commonly used, this
refers to a respiratory organ in a strict
sense. The basal molluscan ctenidium,
however, is a ventilation organ, which
may acquire a secondary function for
gas exchange (e.g., in higher gastro-
pods). Since chitons usually show the
primary condition, the term “ctenidi-
um” is used herein.

The ctenidia are situated in the mantle

cavity on both sides of the foot (Figure
18.2 B). They may reach from the anus
towards the head region (holobranchial)
or may be restricted to the posterior
region (merobranchial). In members of
the suborder Lepidopleurina only, the
ctenidia are in direct contact with the
anus. If the largest ctenidium (or the
group of largest ctenidia) is the most
posterior one, it is usually referred to as
the abanal type, in contrast to the adanal Figure 18.2 Polyplacophoran anatomy.
type, which is defined by the occurrence A. Cryptochiton stelleri (von Middendorff, 1847), 224 mm, North-East
of smaller ctenidia between the large Pacific (coll. Zoologische Staatssammlung Muenchen); B. Liolophura
japonica (Lischke, 1873), 36 mm, Japan (coll. E. Schwabe); C. Craspedo-
ctenidia and the anus (for a detailed de- chiton sp., 5.8 mm (length of the illustrated digestive tract), Thailand
finition, see Sirenko 1993). Recent data (coll. Phuket Marine Biological Center Reference Collection); D. Tonicia
on ctenidium morphology and function indica Leloup, 1981, second valve - dorsal view, Mascarene Islands (coll.
are found in Russell-Hunter (1988), Fi- National Museum and Galleries of Wales - NMGW); E. as fig. D, tail valve
scher et al. (1990), Sirenko (1993), and - lateral view; F. Callochiton deshayesi Thiele, 1909, radula, Mascarene
Islands (coll. NMGW). Abbreviations: a - anterior; ai - anterior intestine;
Lundin and Schander (2001). al - area lateralis; ama - antemucronal area; an - anus; ap - apex (beak); aph
- apophyses; ct - ctenidia; dg - digestive gland ; dr - diagonal ridge; f - foot;
18.3. ANATOMY g - girdle (perinotum); j - jugum (jugal area); m - mouth; mu - mucro; oc
- ocelli (lenses); p - posterior; pa - pleural area (pa + j = central area); pg
It would exceed the framework of this - pharyngeal gland; pi - posterior intestine; pma - postmucronal area; rs
- radula sac; s - stomach; sl - slit; 1 - central tooth; 2 - first lateral tooth;
overview to provide a detailed review 3 - second or major lateral tooth; (4) - first uncinal tooth (covered by the
of the whole polyplacophoran anatomy. second uncinal tooth in this view); 5 - second uncinal tooth; 6 - third or
Useful information can be found in spatulate uncinal tooth; 7 - first marginal tooth; 8 - second marginal tooth;
Plate (1897, 1899), Fischer-Piette and 9 - third marginal tooth.
220 Polyplacophora

Franc (1960), Yonge (1960), and Eernisse and nective tissue bars (bolsters). The pharyngeal glands
Reynolds (1994). The latter includes references to (sugar glands) are situated laterally to the pharynx.
many other works. The stomach is a rather large sac, shaped by the
surrounding lobes of the mid-gut and the bilobed
18.3.1. The radula. Chitons are grazers that use digestive gland. The smaller right lobe extends
their radulae to scrape the substrate. The moderately anteriorly over and around the anterior part of the
large chiton radula can reach a length of at least one stomach, while the larger left lobe is situated above
third of the body length. Approximately 25 to 150 the posterior end of the stomach. The two lobes open
rows of teeth are situated on a thin radula membrane, separately into the stomach just before it passes into
usually with 17 teeth per row (in members of the the looped intestine. The intestine, about four or
genera Micichiton, Nanichiton, and Juvenichiton the five times the length of the animal, is separated by
number is reduced to 11 to 13 teeth per row). Ee- a sphincter into an anterior and a posterior portion.
rnisse and Kerth (1988) have shown that tooth rows, Contraction of the anterior sphincter musculature
in recently metamorphosed juveniles, lack several isolates a portion of the food string in the posterior
teeth. The single tooth row is symmetric and half part. It rotates the material into a firm fecal pellet.
a row consists of the central tooth, the first lateral The posterior intestine is extensively coiled and
tooth, the major lateral tooth, two uncinal teeth, a lined with a ciliated, mucus-producing epithelium.
spatulate uncinal tooth, and three marginal teeth It leads to the rectum, a short ciliated tube that
(Figure 18.2 F). The shapes of the three centrally passes through the body musculature, and opens to
situated teeth are major distinctive characters. The the exterior through the anus (Figure 18.2 C). For
most dominant of them, the major lateral tooth, bears detailed illustrations and comments on the digestive
a large magnetite-capped blade, which is hardened tract and other organs, see Plate (1897, 1899).
and allows for scraping on hard substrates. The
spatulate uncinal tooth seems to be functionally In general, the diet of chitons consists of diatoms,
linked to the major lateral tooth, since in most cases detritus, and fleshy and encrusting algae. However,
its shape matches a posterior depression in the blade. several specialist feeders are known: species of
An outstanding reference list of papers dealing Ferreiraella feed on sunken wood, probably using
with radula formation can be found in Eernisse and bacteria or fungi to digest the cellulose (see Sirenko
Reynolds (1994). Additional data are provided by 2001); carnivorous members of Placiphorella,
Sirenko (1974), Evans et al. (1994), Matsukuma and Craspedochiton, and Loricella hunt their prey
Tsubaki (1995), Evans and Alvarez (1999), Brooker (mostly small crustaceans) by a rapid clamping
and Macey (2001), and Saito (2004). movement of their precephalic tentacles or ante-
rior mantle edges (McLean 1962, Ludbrook and
18.3.2 The digestive system. The mouth lies ven- Gowlett-Holmes 1989). Other species are associ-
trally in the center of the cephalic region and leads ated with hydrothermal vents (Saito and Okutani
to the buccal tube (cavity) of the mouth, which 1990), or exclusively feed on sponges (e.g., some
posteriorly forms blind subradular and radular sacs Notoplax species) or sea grass (Stenochiton).
ending just beneath the paired subradular organ,
which serves as a taste organ. Where the mouth 18.3.3 Nervous system and sensory organs. The
cavity passes into the gullet, it is equipped with following is a brief description of the neuronal
mucus secreting salivary glands. The strong, mus- anatomy and a short overview of the sensory
cular-walled gullet is strengthened with chitin and organs that occur in adult chitons, together with
forms a firm underlayer for the radula. From the the most important references for more detailed
sac-shaped radular sheath, which extends ventrally descriptions.
from the digestive tract as far as the third or fourth
valve, the radula emerges distally into the pharynx. The amphi-tetraneuran, cordlike nervous system
A very complicated muscular system permits the of chitons consists of paired lateral and pedal ner-
radula to move back and forth across a pair of con- ve cords. They are interconnected by lateropedal
Schwabe and Wanninger 221

commissures and, between the pedal nerve cords, aesthetes might serve as a mechanoreceptor or as
by pedal commissures. Each ctenidium is joined a balance organ.
by two nerves (associated with venous and arterial
blood sinuses), which arise from the pedal nerve The perinotum also bears numerous sensory or-
cord (Fischer et al. 1990). A wide cerebro-buccal gans, which might function as mechanoreceptors
ring is found in the cephalic region of the animal. or photoreceptors (Fischer et al. 1980, Fischer et
Dorsal to this, a nerve ring is situated, which forms al. 1988, Leise 1988). These have been shown to
a pair of esophageal ganglia (which are intercon- have a structure similar to aesthetes and are prob-
nected by the dorsal esophageal commissure) and ably homologous. Sensory organs are also found
a more posteriorly situated supraradular ganglion. in the mantle cavity. Ischnochitonids and acan-
This nerve ring is connected by buccal connectives thochitonids bear a posterior osphradial organ. In
with the cerebro-buccal ring. The latter also inner- contrast, lepidopleurids show branchial and lateral
vates a pair of subradular ganglia. sense organs that do not appear to be homologous
to these osphradia. The lateral sense organs are
The best-known polyplacophoran sensory organs situated in the outer wall of the mantle cavity, distal
are the aesthetes, which are embedded in the teg- to the ctenidia. They are a series of small patches
mentum and are innervated by very fine branches innervated by the lateral nerve cord. The branchial
of nerve endings. Moseley (1885) was the first to sense organs, innervated by the ctenidial nerves, are
discover this organ system. He was able to separate situated in the inhalent chamber.
large macroaesthetes from the numerous microaes-
thetes, based on the size of the pores in the shell The function of the osphradia is probably a che-
surface. Aesthetes show significant ultrastructural mosensory one (Plate 1901). Haszprunar (1987),
differences from species to species. They were ex- who showed that the sense organs in the mantle
amined by several workers (Blumrich 1891, Boyle cavity vary positionally and ultrastructurally within
1974, Fischer 1978, 1979, 1988, Baxter et al. 1990, the Polyplacophora, proposed a reproductive role
Sturrock and Baxter 1995, Reindl et al. 1997) and involving synchronization of male and female
a summary of their morphology, histology, and spawning. Kamardin (1989) suggested that the
function is found in Eernisse and Reynolds (1994). osphradium is needed for chiton homing.
Many aesthetes serve as photosensory organs but
several additional functions such as mechano- or 18.3.4 The body musculature. Adult Polyplacoph-
chemoreception are nowadays discussed. ora show numerous complicated muscle systems,
which have been described in detail by Wingstrand
Light microscopic examinations of the valve sur- (1985) and are summarized in Haszprunar and
face show different kinds of macroaesthetes. The Wanninger (2000). The most striking muscular
pores may be even with the valve surface (Toni- elements are the eight paired sets of dorso-ventral
cella, Boreochiton), elevated (Nierstraszella, Fer- muscle units, which insert at the shell plates and
reiraella), or may be situated on granules (Hanleya, each consists of various distinct subunits of mainly
Lepidopleurus, Leptochiton) and they may contain obliquely running muscle bundles. As is diagnostic
black pigmentation, the so-called “black shell eyes” for Mollusca, the shell plate muscles intercross
(Callochiton), or lenses (Schizochiton, Tonicia, ventrally, thus forming a muscular basket in which
Onithochiton) (Figure 18.2 D-E). Microaesthetes the soft parts of the animal are embedded (see
can be arranged around the macroaesthetes Wingstrand 1985: figure 26). A polyplacophoran
(Hanleya, Acanthochitona), around the base of apomorphy is the dorsally situated musculus rectus,
granules (partly in Leptochiton), or longitudinally which runs underneath the shell plates in anterior-
in fine grooves (e.g., Tonicella, Callochiton). An posterior direction. Laterally, the body is engulfed
unnamed sensory organ embedded in the valves by the circular enrolling muscle, which allows
of Cryptoplax mystica Iredale and Hull, 1925 (see chitons to coil up ventrally if separated from the
Currie 1992), with a similar structure to other substratum. Additional muscle systems include the
222 Polyplacophora

complicated buccal apparatus, transverse muscle One pair of protonephridia form the larval excre-
cushions underneath each shell plate, and the mas- tory system and they persist in the juvenile stage
sive musculature of the foot, mantle, and girdle. (personal observation). However, it is still unknown
whether they are resorbed or remodeled eventually
18.4 REPRODUCTION, LIFE HISTORY, AND to form the adult kidney in later stages. Chiton
ORGANOGENESIS larvae develop one pair of photosensory organs
(ocelli) just behind the prototroch, which are his-
Most polyplacophoran species have separate sexes tologically distinct from the aesthetes of the adults
and are free spawners with external fertilization. (Fischer 1978, 1980). They are innervated by the
This is regarded as basal for the class (as it is for pedal nerve cord (Eernisse and Reynolds 1994),
the entire Mollusca), but exceptions do occur. Ac- are carried over into early juvenile stages, and are
cordingly, brooding is observed in a few genera (a eventually lost.
summary of all brooding species is given in Strack
1987) such as Lepidochitona (see Eernisse 1984, In addition, a unique larval sensory system com-
1986) or Onithochiton (see Creese 1986), and even prising so-called “ampullary cells” and mainly
ovovivipary [Calloplax vivipara (Plate, 1899)]
and hermaphroditism [Lepidochitona caverna
and L. fernaldi (Eernisse 1986)] have been
described. The life cycle of basal chitons is
summarized in Figure 18.3.

The hulls of mature eggs often show a charac-

teristic, species-specific ornamentation (Figure
18.3 A) and are usually red or green in color.
Cleavage is spiral, and a free-swimming, non-
feeding (i.e., lecithotrophic) trochophore-like
larva hatches. It shows a distinct prototroch,
an apical ciliary tuft, and an apical organ (i.e.,
a larval apical sensory system including the
cells of the apical tuft) (Figure 18.3 B). The
planktonic stage can last from a few hours to
more than a week. Towards metamorphic com-
petence, the body elongates and the anlagen
of the first seven shell plates form along with
the first girdle spicules (Figure 18.3 C, D; see
also Wanninger and Haszprunar 2002). Early
juveniles still lack the eighth valve, which
can take several months to develop. Recent
gene expression pattern analyses indicate that
Figure 18.3 Polyplacophoran ontogeny (Mopalia muscosa).
the homeobox gene engrailed is involved in
A. Recently spawned mature egg with richly ornamented hull
polyplacophoran plate formation, as it is in (image kindly provided by S. Friedrich, Muenchen). B. Early
the morphogenesis of bivalve, gastropod, and trochophore larva immediately after hatching with distinct api-
scaphopod embryonic but not adult shells cal tuft (at), prototroch (pt), and blastopore (arrowhead). C.
(Moshel et al. 1998, Jacobs et al. 2000, Wan- Metamorphic competent larva with prominent apical region (ar)
and anlagen of the adult shell plates (arrows), girdle (g), and
ninger and Haszprunar 2001). These data,
foot (f). D. Early juvenile showing the first seven shell plates
however, appear not yet sufficient to answer (I-VII) and the girdle (g) with spines. The larval apical region
fully the question regarding the homology of including the apical tuft has been reduced and is replaced by the
chiton valves and conchiferan shells. adult cephalic region (cr).
Schwabe and Wanninger 223

FMRF-amide-positive neurons is expressed, which also found in Arctic and Antarctic waters (e.g., Lep-
is reduced during metamorphosis (Haszprunar et tochiton). Chitons are euryhaline showing a certain
al. 2002, Voronezhskaya et al. 2002). The larval tolerance regarding fluctuations in the salinity of
prototroch is underlain by a serotonergic nerve net, the seawater. Thus, polyplacophorans are found in
which disintegrates once the juvenile body plan is the Baltic Sea [Bornholm Island - 15 PSU (practical
established (Friedrich et al. 2002). salinity units)] as well as in the Mediterranean (36
PSU) (Sirenko 1998).
Compared to representatives of other molluscan
classes, metamorphosis appears as a very gradual Chitons generally live on all kinds of hard sub-
process in chitons and follows initial settlement of strata, but members of the genera Pseudotonicia
the competent larva. Subsequently, the prototroch or Bassethullia are known to inhabit coarse sand
and all larval neuronal components are lost, the as well. Members of the genus Acanthopleura are
dorso-ventral axis of the animal flattens, and the known to stay close to their home places and field
juvenile starts its creeping life stage (see Friedrich studies have shown that the animals use (more or
et al. 2002, Wanninger and Haszprunar 2002). less exactly) their paths regularly. This so-called
“homing” was investigated by several researchers
The question whether polyplacophorans may rep- (Lyman 1975, Kamardin 1989, Hulings 1991, Yo-
resent an annelid-like segmented body plan has shioka and Fujitani 2001). Since many species of
been widely debated due to the “eight-metameric” Polyplacophora are photonegative, they are often
arrangement of adult valves and muscle units (see found underneath rocks and in crevices.
above). Ontogenetic data on muscle development,
however, show that this is clearly a secondary condi- A remarkable habitat is that of the Northwest-
tion and that the adult muscle bauplan is established American species Lepidochitona caverna. Gómez
via an initial stage of numerous serially repeated (1975) demonstrated that this species [misidentified
dorso-ventral muscle bundles, which resembles as L. dentiens (Gould, 1846); see Eernisse 1986: 15]
the situation found in adult neomeniomorphs (so- searches actively for Nuttallina californica (Reeve,
lenogastres) or other worm-shaped, non-segmented 1847) to crawl under its girdle if other chitons or
taxa such as flatworms or nemertines. Moreover, the gastropod Acmaea occurs nearby. In addition,
an anterior muscle grid is found in the chiton larva, chitons are known to be hosts for several para-
which is lost at metamorphosis and may be regarded sites. Baxter et al. (1989), for example, reported
as an ontogenetic relic of an ancestral worm-like a high percentage of castration in the European
body wall musculature (Wanninger and Haszprunar Lepidochitona cinerea (Linnaeus, 1767) if they
2002). Recent works on polyplacophoran neu- were infected by the sporozoan Minchina. Franz
rogenesis likewise argue against an annelid-like and Bullock (1990) reported parasitic copepods
segmented body plan of chitons, since the formation in Central-American species while Avdeev and
of the pedal commissures occurs random-like and Sirenko (1991) found a copepod in the North Pacific
does not follow a strict anterior-posterior pattern Tonicella submarmorea (Middendorff, 1846).
as in the segmented annelids (Friedrich et al. 2002,
Voronezhskaya et al. 2002). 18.6 COLLECTION AND PREPARATION

18.5 HABITAT The German North Sea population of Lepidochi-

tona cinerea and Polyplacophora along the coast of
Chitons are distributed worldwide in all seas California are currently protected taxa. No chiton
(highest diversity is in the warm temperate zones species is currently considered to be endangered.
of the world) with a bathymetrical range from the This is probably only a result of our limited knowl-
splash zone (e.g., Acanthopleura) down to the hadal edge of the distribution of the different species.
depths (e.g., Ferreiraella). They can be associated More data are needed for a final statement about
with hydrothermal vents (Thermochiton) and are whether or not a certain species is endangered.
224 Polyplacophora

Chitons should not be kept together in a collect- If ethanol is preferred and no molecular analyses
ing container with large gastropods, crustaceans, are planned, a concentration of 80% is sufficient. A
or pieces of hard bottom substratum, since these higher concentration hardens the body, which makes
may mechanically damage them. A description for histological sectioning more difficult. For histological
the preparation of collecting containers is found in investigations based on semi-thin sections, phos-
Geiger (1997) (see Figure 24.4). Besides suitable phate-buffered paraformaldehyde or, for better tissue
boxes, a sharp-pointed knife is required. When a preservation, cacodylate-buffered glutaraldehyde in
chiton is discovered, the knife should be placed combination with osmium-tetroxide postfixation are
immediately under the somewhat uplifted girdle to commonly used (for detailed protocols, see Wan-
avoid the adhesion of the foot, which would make ninger et al. 1999). It should be noted, however,
its removal impossible. Injury to the soft parts of that delicate girdle elements such as minute spicules
the animal must be avoided. may dissolve even if the specimens are stored in the
respective buffer solution after fixation.
Chitons on smooth surfaces may easily be removed
by pushing the animal anteriorwards using the thumb. Most amateurs will prefer a dried sample; the soft
Chitons of equal sizes should be placed in the same parts can be removed so that only the plates and the
box; if animals of different sizes are put together, the girdle remain. A preparation using a mix of ethanol
effect will be that the smaller animals will curl into and glycerin (1:1) is useful but the animal has to be
the larger ones and may thus not be prepared in a flat kept therein for at least two weeks, depending on
state. If possible, the boxes should be kept cool and the size of the specimen. Afterwards, the specimen
the seawater should be changed frequently. has to be dried for at least the time it has spent in
this solution. Comprehensive instructions on this
The killing and subsequent storage of the animals topic can be found in Berry (1966), Kaas and Van
depends on their later use. Chitons caught for private Belle (1985a), on the Internet <www.worldwide-
collections should be dried and preserved flat. Place->, and in
ment in boiling water for a few seconds (if the speci- Chapter 2.4.12.
men is not needed for histological or molecular stud-
ies) should kill the animal. To avoid curling of the 18.7 POLYPLACOPHORAN PHYLOGENY
animal, the specimen should be placed on a wooden
stick of suitable size and fixed with a soft bandage. The systematic position of polyplacophoran taxa
It may be placed in fresh water and drowned, but higher than at species level has been widely debated
the cell structure will be destroyed. This makes for many years. Traditional studies, dealing with
specimens useless for histological examinations. external morphological characters alone, provide
Moreover, the animal will die slowly. This technique a different phylogenetic system of Polyplacophora
is suitable for fresh and agile specimens only. than analyses using molecular techniques (Okusu et
al. 2003). For the future, it is expected that analyses
For molecular analyses, it is necessary to kill and combining all available characters should provide
store the animal in highly concentrated ethanol more accurate phylogenetic trees.
(preferably at least 95%). The specimens should
not be pre-fixed in formalin as this may result in The following is a brief overview of genera reported
degradation of the DNA material. If in this case from the North and Central American regions. To
a flat-preserved specimen is desired, it should be determine species from this and other parts of the
anesthetized with 7% magnesium chloride (see world, the monograph series of Kaas and Van Belle
Chapter 2.5). (1985a-1994) should be consulted. Slieker (2000)
is another useful reference.
If the anatomy of the animals is to be studied later and
histological examinations are planned, specimens can Ferreiraellidae Dell’Angelo and Palazzi, 1991
be preserved in ethanol or, preferably, in 4% formalin. Ferreiraella Sirenko, 1988
Schwabe and Wanninger 225

Leptochitonidae Dall, 1889 Acanthochitona Gray, 1821

Leptochiton Gray, 1847 Cryptochiton von Middendorff, 1847
Hanleyella Sirenko, 1973
Protochitonidae Ashby, 1925
Oldroydia Dall, 1894 Chitons of Puerto Rico <
Deshayesiella Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879
Ischnochitonidae Dall, 1889 General information on chitons and other Mollusca
Ischnochiton Gray, 1847 <
Stenosemus von Middendorff, 1847 Frames.htm>
Stenoplax Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879 Chitons of Bali, Indonesia <www.worldwidecon-
Lepidozona Pilsbry, 1892>
Short notes and illustrations on worldwide chi-
Callistoplacidae Pilsbry, 1893 tons, arranged by geographical areas <home.
Ischnoplax Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879>
Callistochiton Carpenter MS, Dall, 1879 Links to chiton illustrations on the Internet, ar-
Callistoplax Carpenter MS, Dall, 1882 ranged systematically <biology.fullerton.
Ceratozona Dall, 1882
Calloplax Thiele, 1909
Chaetopleuridae Plate, 1899 Chitons of Alaska <
Chaetopleura Shuttleworth, 1853 htm>

Chitonidae Rafinesque, 1815 18.9 LITERATURE CITED

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Nuttallina Carpenter MS, Dall, 1871 cinereus (Polyplacophora) by Minchinia chitonis
Tonicella Carpenter, 1873 (Sporozoa) in twelve populations in Scotland and
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Lyman, B. W. 1975. Activity patterns of the chiton Cy- Sirenko, B. I. 1993. Revision of the system of the order
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Matsukuma, A. and Y. Tsubaki. 1995. Radular morphol- and the shape of the chorion processes. Ruthenica
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aesthetes of Callochiton achatinus (Mollusca: Poly- Wingstrand, K. G. 1985. On the anatomy and relation-
placophora). Journal of Zoology 235: 127-141. ships of Recent Monoplacophora. Galathea Report
Voronezhskaya, E. E., S. A. Tyurin, and L. P. Nezlin. 16: 7-94.
2002. Neuronal development in larval chiton Yates, A. M., K. L. Gowlett-Holmes, and B. J. McHenry.
Ischnochiton hakodadensis (Mollusca: Polypla- 1992. Triplicatella disdoma Conway Morris, 1990,
cophora). The Journal of Comparative Neurology reinterpreted as the earliest known Polyplacophoran,
444: 25-38. abstracted. Journal of the Malacological Society of
Wanninger, A., B. Ruthensteiner, S. Lobenwein, W. Sal- Australia 13: 71.
venmoser, W. J. A. G. Dictus, and G. Haszprunar. Yonge, C. M. 1960. General characters of Mollusca. In:
1999. Development of the musculature in the limpet R. C. Moore, ed., Treatise on Invertebrate Paleon-
Patella (Mollusca, Patellogastropoda). Develop- tology, Part I, Mollusca 1. Geological Society of
ment, Genes and Evolution 209: 226-238. America, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence,
Wanninger, A. and G. Haszprunar. 2001. The expression Kansas. Pp. 3-36.
of an engrailed protein during embryonic shell Yoshioka, E. and E. Fujitani. 2001. Activity patterns and
formation of the tusk-shell, Antalis entalis (Mol- homing behaviors of Acanthopleura gemmata and
lusca, Scaphopoda). Evolution and Development A. tenuispinosa chitons. In: 4th International Work-
3: 312-321. shop of Malacology “Systematics, Phylogeny and
Wanninger, A. and G. Haszprunar. 2002. Chiton myogen- Biology of Polyplacophora.” Italian Malacological
esis: perspectives for the development and evolution Society, Menfi, Italy. P. 30 [Abstract].
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


19.1 INTRODUCTION 7,000 m depths, burrowing into soft sediments.

There are 14 families in the class, divided between
Members of the Class Scaphopoda are commonly two orders, Dentaliida (Palmer 1974) and Gadilida
known as tusk shells for the characteristic shape (Starobogatov 1974). The Class has about 520
of their shell (Figure 19.1, Figure 31.1). They are extant species, currently placed in 46 genera;
entirely infaunal, marine mollusks with a global another 15 genera and approximately 500 species
distribution, and are found from the intertidal to are known only from the fossil record. The supra-
specific classification of this class is presented in
Steiner and Kabat (2001).

The biology of the scaphopods is poorly known

compared to that of other molluscan classes, al-
though there is a rich 19th Century literature on
basic anatomy, development, and behavior, largely
restricted to two northeast Atlantic species, Antalis
entalis (Linnaeus, 1758) and A. vulgaris (Da Costa,
1778) [e.g., Deshayes 1825, Lacaze-Duthiers
1856–1857]. These species have also been used
extensively as model organisms in experimental
embryology (for review, see Reverberi 1971, Reyn-
olds 2002, and references therein).

Although worldwide in distribution, in most in-

stances scaphopods are relatively minor compo-
nents of benthic communities, and many species
are found only in deeper waters; they are therefore
often difficult to obtain for comparative study.

Apart from placement within the subphylum

Conchifera (the univalve- and bivalve-shelled
Figure 19.1 Gadila aberrans. mollusks), the position of the Scaphopoda within
Individual of Gadila aberrans (Whiteaves, 1887); ante- the phylum Mollusca has been uncertain; the
rior is to the bottom, ventral to the right. Narrowing of Cephalopoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and the extinct
the anterior aperture is characteristic of the Subfamily
Gadilinae (Family Gadilidae, Order Gadilida); other bivalved Rostroconchia (both Conocardioida and
scaphopods are widest at the anterior aperture. Note Ribeirioida subclasses) have all been argued to be
notched apex. Patrick D. Reynolds©. sister taxa, although recent evidence is currently
230 Scaphopoda: The tusk shells

indicating the cephalopods or gastropods as the

most likely closest molluscan relatives (reviewed
in Reynolds 2002, Steiner and Reynolds 2003).


Comprehensive treatments of scaphopod biology,

and extensive compilations of literature sources,
can be found in Lacaze-Duthiers (1856-1857),
Fischer-Piette and Franc (1968), Shimek and
Steiner (1997), and Reynolds (2002).

19.2.1 Shell. The tusk-shaped shell of scaphopods

is a hollow, curved, conical tube open at both ends;
for members of the family Gadilidae, the anterior
aperture narrows somewhat (Figure 19.1). Shell
sculpture is absent or consists of longitudinal ribs;
a few genera (e.g., Omniglypta) have annular rings.
The shell consists of 2-4 prismatic and crossed-la-
mellar aragonitic layers; a periostracum is absent or
worn away. The posterior end or apex of the shell,
often notched (Figure 19.1), is periodically cast off
or decollated, thereby widening the aperture and
accommodating the passage of respiratory currents,
gametes, and wastes between the mantle cavity and
external environment (Reynolds, 1992).

19.2.2 Mantle cavity. While molluscan morphol-

ogy is famously disparate among the classes, the
scaphopods are still notable for their loss or re-
duction of typical molluscan organ systems. The
absence of an osphradium (a unique molluscan
sense organ), ctenidia (gills) and associated au-
ricles, and reduction of the ventricle, are striking
characteristics of the class, coincident with a restric-
tion in mantle cavity volume along the elongated
functional anterior-posterior axis (also considered
the anatomical ventro-dorsal axis) (Figure 19.2).
A hindrance to understanding scaphopod anatomy
is the relative lack of information on scaphopod Figure 19.2 Scaphopod body plan
organogenesis and larval biology. Diagram of the body plan of a dentaliid scaphopod (Order
Dentaliida) with the shell removed; same orientation as
The anterior mantle margin is primarily responsible in Figure 19.1 (a, opening of rectum; am, anterior mantle
for secreting the scaphopod shell, although addi- margin; c, captacula; cb, ciliated ridges of the mantle cav-
ity; dd, digestive diverticula; f, foot; g, gonad; i, intestine;
tional shell material is added by the general exterior k, kidneys; m, mouth and labial palps; mc, mantle cavity;
epithelium of the mantle and body wall. The pos- o, oesophagus; p, posterior mantle or pavilion; r, radula;
terior mantle consists of a sleeve of mantle tissue, s, stomach). Redrawn with permission from Pelseneer
open along the ventral side, called the pavilion. At (1906: figure 182). A. & C. Black©.
Reynolds 231

its base is a horizontal (in Dentaliida) or vertical 1990). The foot is responsible for creating the space
(in Gadilida) slit-like valve opening to the mantle in which the feeding tentacles, or captacula (Fig-
cavity. The interior surface of the pavilion has many ure 19.2), can operate. The captacula are ciliated,
sensory receptors, typical of inhalant siphons in tentaculate organs that have a bulbous adhesive tip
other mollusks; its edge and outer surface function and both circular and longitudinal muscle (Shimek
in decollation of the posterior shell, and secretion 1988, Byrum and Ruppert 1994). They move over
of a secondary shell pipe in some species. and among sediment grains by ciliary gliding,
selecting and transporting food items to the labial
Within the mantle cavity, the anus is borne on a pul- palps and thence, ingestion. Scaphopods have been
satile anal bulb; arranged on either side of the anal described as ciliary deposit feeders, carnivores, or
bulb are paired slit-shaped epithelial openings to the microphagous burrowers.
hemocoel and paired excretory pores. Anterior to
the anal bulb is a series of transverse ciliated bands, After storage in the paired buccal pouches, testate
ranging in number from one to more than 30 de- prey is crunched by the relatively large, mineral-
pending largely on body size, that circulates water ized radula. The stomach has one or two openings
through the mantle cavity from the posterior open- to the digestive gland, and the coiled intestine of
ing to the anterior one (Figure 19.2). The mantle this effectively U-shaped gut opens to the mantle
and body wall beneath the ciliated bands is highly cavity through a pulsatile anal bulb located about
vascularized, and the bands may be a specialized midway along the mantle cavity or body length
site of gas exchange. Water is also expelled from (Figure 19.2).
the mantle cavity through the posterior opening by
withdrawal of the foot; this is the route by which 19.2.5 Circulation and excretion. The circulatory
feces and gametes typically exit. system in scaphopods is characterized by the loss
of auricles (associated with the loss of ctenidia) and
19.2.3 Foot. A muscular, cylindrical foot (Figure a modified ventricle. This “heart” was historically
19.2) extends from the anterior aperture and func- considered lost, or reduced to a thin dorsal fold in
tions in burrowing, but also has a role in feeding. the pericardium, but more recent study supports the
The muscular organization of the foot differs mark- strongly beating perianal sinus (largely constituting
edly between orders (Steiner 1992). In members of the anal bulb) as the ventricle homologue (Reynolds
the Dentaliida, it contracts and may fold upon itself 1990a). The circulatory system otherwise consists
within the anterior mantle cavity upon withdrawal of an open series of vessels and blood sinuses. The
into the shell, whereas the foot in Gadilida with- excretory system follows the molluscan ground
draws by introversion. The end of the scaphopod plan: where the pericardial epithelium overlies the
foot has lobes or a papillate disk to anchor the ex- heart (i.e., perianal sinus), it is modified to include
tended foot into the sediment for burrowing, during podocytes, cells that typically function in ultrafiltra-
which, in many species, the concave (dorsal) surface tion of blood, the ultrafiltrate passing from the heart
of the shell remains uppermost. The animal may into the pericardial cavity. Reno-pericardial canals
remain close enough to the sediment surface for the provide a pathway for this primary urine to at least
apical shell to protrude slightly from the sediment one nephridium, where secretion and reabsorption
surface, particularly in dentaliids, although this has modify the urine before release to the mantle cavity
been over-generalized through text illustrations and and exterior (for review see Reynolds 1990b, 2002,
artifact of lab observation; in contrast, some gadilids and references therein).
have been reported to burrow up to 40 cm at rates
of 1 cm/ sec (Shimek 1989, 1990). 19.2.6 Nervous system and sensation. The ner-
vous system of scaphopods consists of a basic
19.2.4 Feeding. Scaphopods have a microomnivo- conchiferan tetraneury with major cerebral, pedal,
rous to microcarnivorous diet that for many species and pleural ganglia, and smaller visceral, buccal,
consists predominantly of foraminiferans (Shimek subradular, and pavilion ganglia. Major connectives
232 Scaphopoda: The tusk shells

are a pair of fused cerebro- and pleuropedal nerves, larly useful in trying to identify these organisms
and the visceral nerves that connect pleural, viscer- include: for specimens from the Atlantic Ocean,
al, and pavilion ganglia. Ciliated sensory receptors Henderson (1920) and Scarabino (1979, 1986);
have been described from the anterior mantle edge, the Indian and Pacific Oceans, Shimek (1989,
captacula, and posterior mantle edge; gustation and 1997), Scarabino (1995), and Shimek and Moreno
orientation are mediated by a sub-radular organ and (1996); from waters near Australia, Lamprell and
paired statocysts, respectively. Healy (1998); near New Zealand, Dell (1957);
near Japan, Habe (1964); the waters around Ant-
19.2.7 Reproduction and development. Sexes arctica are covered by Dell (1990), and the Magel-
are separate, although hermaphroditic individuals lanic Province by Steiner and Linse (2000).
have been occasionally found in one or two species.
The single gonad is an infolded organ occupying Latitude: As has been noted in several marine and
the apex and upper half of the shell (Figure 19.2). terrestrial taxa, there is evidence for a latitudinal
Sperm is typically bullet-shaped, the unmodified gradient in scaphopod diversity in each hemisphere
aquasperm type. The egg is relatively large, with of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans (Reynolds 2002).
obvious polar-lobe extrusion following fertiliza- In the Atlantic, diversity peaks near 20ºN, and in the
tion; these characteristics attracted experimental Pacific diversity peaks near the equator. The gra-
embryologists to employ scaphopods as a model dients are generally gradual, diversity diminishing
system, particularly for the localization of mor- toward the poles. The underlying causative factor
phogenetic factors, from 1899 through the early for these gradients is uncertain; species-area rela-
1980’s (e.g., Wilson 1904, Verdonk and van den tionships, recent geologic history of oceanic basins,
Biggelaar 1983). Gametes are released in masses and sea-surface temperatures are all possibilities.
to the mantle cavity through the right kidney and There is evidence that decreasing latitudinal range
to the exterior through the posterior aperture or, in size with decreasing latitude (Rapoport’s Rule)
some species, single eggs are released through the may explain the latitudinal gradients, at least in
anterior aperture. Little is known about the repro- part (Reynolds 2002).
ductive ecology of scaphopods.
Depth: Scaphopods have a considerable bathymet-
Typical molluscan-pattern spiral cleavage pro- ric range in the world’s oceans. They have been
duces a coeloblastula that invaginates to produce recorded from the low intertidal in France and
a gastrula with persistant blastopore. Larval Australia to depths of 6900-7000 m in the Sunda
development is well known; an early unshelled Trench (Knudsen 1964). Bathymetric ranges of
lecithotrophic stenocalymma or trochophore leads individual species have been recorded as nar-
to a single shell-field (rather than bivalved), veliger- row as 100 m to as broad as thousands of meters
type larva. This embryonic shell forms a bulbous, (McFadien 1973, Lamprell and Healy 1998). It
saddle-shaped, and eventually tubular larval shell, has been generally considered that scaphopods
which is later lost from the posterior of the adult are relatively diverse in the deep sea. However,
shell (see Reynolds 2002, and references therein, studies examining scaphopods in the Indo-Pacific
for review). and world-wide (Scarabino 1979, 1995, Reynolds
2002) have found generally fewer scaphopods
19.3 ECOLOGY with increasing depth, but with diversity peaks in
the 500-800 m and 1200-2000 m ranges, the latter
19.3.1 Distribution. Scaphopods are found bur- associated with gadilids. The emerging patterns
rowing into soft marine sediments, ranging from point to distinct radiation patterns of Dentaliida
fine mud to gravel, and have a global distribution. and Gadilida in the deep-sea. The reasons for
Identification guides to the Scaphopoda are natu- variation in scaphopod diversity with depth are
rally organized by region, and provide much dis- several, but substrate, sediment characteristics,
tributional information. Sources that are particu- and community species richness are thought to be
Reynolds 233

more important factors in scaphopod distribution sibly three species of such anemones have been
patterns than depth alone. identified; the best-studied and most frequently
encountered relationship is between Fissidentalium
Stratigraphic: The earliest reports of scaphopods in actinophorum Shimek, 1997, from ~4000 m off
the geologic record, from the Ordovician [505-440 southern California, and the anemone Anthosactis
MYA (million years ago)] and Devonian (410-360 nomados White, Wakefield, and Fautin, 1999,
MYA), have been the source of some discussion which lives exclusively attached to the shell of
(e.g., see Yochelson 1999); the earliest undisputed living scaphopods.
records date from the Mississippian Carboniferous
(360-325 MYA). Dentaliida precedes the Gadilida While attached anemones and barnacles are usually
in the fossil record, a disputed species of the latter centered on the concave surface of the scaphopod
appearing in the Permian (286-245 MYA), and an shell, the solitary coral, Heterocyathus japonicus
unquestioned record as late as the Paleocene Epoch (Verrill, 1866), frequently attaches to the apical end
of the Tertiary (65-54.8 MYA). Scaphopods are of a living individual of Fissidentalium vernedei
commonly members of paleocommunities but are (Sowerby, 1860). It thereby maximizes its height
invariably minor components of those communi- and proximity to the sediment surface while the
ties, both in terms of taxonomic diversity and nu- scaphopod burrows.
merically. There have been a few attempts to trace
the stratigraphic range of species and genera, to Parasitism. Reports of parasitism in scaphopods
represent stratigraphic or temporal species diversity are only several and brief. They predictably include
(e.g., Reynolds 2002), which indicate an extinc- ciliates, platyhelminth cercaria (Ptychogonimus sp.:
tion/ diversification pattern that reflects temporal Ptychogonimidae, Hemiuroidea) in the blood, adult
patterns seen in other molluscan taxa. flatworms in the gonad, and sporozoans [Minchinia
dentali (Arvy, 1949): Haplosporea] in muscle and
19.3.2 Interspecific associations. Reports of as- connective tissue (Desportes and Nashed 1983).
sociations and interactions between scaphopods
and other organisms are scattered in the literature, Predation: Scaphopods near the sediment surface
often as short notes or anecdotal reports. Except as are likely taken by a variety of demersal or bottom-
noted below, a more detailed review of these reports feeding fish, and anecdotal reports of shells having
can be found in Reynolds (2002). been found in stomachs of ratfish and trumpeter fish
support this. Predation by naticid gastropods is easily
Commensalism: Symbiotic associations with recognizable by the characteristic beveled borehole
scaphopods include common marine invertebrate (Dávid 1993), usually found in the mid region or
commensals such as trichodine ciliates, attached posterior 1/3 of the shell. Bored scaphopod shells are
within the mantle cavity. Symbiotic bacteria have commonly reported from both surface sediments and
also been found in the mantle cavity, associated the fossil record, where predation rates of over 50%
with the ciliated bands, and have also been found, have been reported (Yochelson et al. 1983).
presumably in a commensal relationship, bound to
the exterior surface of the egg at the vegetal pole of Shell squatting: Sipunculans and hermit crabs often
some dentaliids. Small canals in the outer layers of take up residence in empty scaphopod shells. While
the shell in some species have been attributed to a individuals of several sipunculan species have been
boring alga of the genus Hyella (Chamaesiphoneae, found in a wide variety of tusk shells, Phascolion
Pleurocapsales, Pleurocapsaceae). strombii (Montagu, 1804) is the more usual occu-
pant found. Hermit crabs have a variety of interest-
Mutualism: A mutualistic relationship has been ing adaptations to scaphopod shells; members of
surmised for the oft-noted phenomenon of anemo- Pagurus imafukui McLaughlin and Konishi, 1994
nes, corals, and barnacles attached to the exterior have an asymmetrical abdomen, as expected in oc-
of living scaphopod shells. At least two or pos- cupants of helically spired (i.e., gastropod) shells,
234 Scaphopoda: The tusk shells

but nonetheless have a pronounced preference 19.4.2 Maintenance. Scaphopods should be kept
and special uropod modification for shells of the in seawater, preferably sediment as well, and kept
scaphopods Gadilina insolita (E. A. Smith, 1894) at their ambient seawater temperature. So, while
and Striodentalium rhabdotum (Pilsbry, 1905). In sorting through sediment, collected cold-water
contrast, pagurid hermit crabs of the Family Pylo- scaphopods should be kept in seawater in a ther-
chelidae (Decapoda, Coenobitoidea) are found in mos flask or a cooler. Several small, wide-mouth
a variety of straight tubular cavities (e.g., decaying jars or nalgene bottles, stored in a cooler, work
wood, bamboo shoots, stone fragments), and have a best. I like to keep the scaphopods horizontal in
symmetrical abdomen; individuals of Bathycheles the containers so that they can extend their foot.
incisus (Forest, 1987) are often also found in shells Depending on the length of time needed to keep
of Fissidentalium magnificum (E. A. Smith, 1896). them alive (volume of mud to sort, complexity of
Members of Pomatocheles jeffreyseii Miers, 1879 specimen preparation, distance at sea, etc.) I often
exclusively choose scaphopod shells; one cheliped give them a little sediment to burrow into or feed
is shaped to serve as an operculum for the anterior upon as well. Members of some species, such as
scaphopod shell aperture. Rhabdus rectius (Carpenter, 1865) [NE Pacific],
will continuously try to burrow with the foot, and
19.4 SAMPLING AND CURATION in an effort to minimize stress on the animal a
couple of centimeters of fine sediment will keep
19.4.1 Collection. Living in soft, almost exclu- them happier. Care should be taken, however, that
sively subtidal, sediments, scaphopods can be sediment does not become compacted by engine
collected by SCUBA, but as individuals of most vibration during transport.
species are small and often burrow some distance
beneath the sediment surface, mud dredging is the If scaphopods are to be maintained in the lab for any
most effective and practical approach. Effective length of time, the same recommendations apply.
dredge design and duration of tow can vary widely Most scaphopods will live in plain cool seawater
depending on density and size of the scaphopods, for a couple of days, but in my experience sufficient
but in the vast majority of situations a considerable sediment for horizontal burrowing will enhance
volume of mud must be brought onboard and sieved this to a few or several days; sufficient sediment
with hand-held hoses, preferably with some control from their habitat for more vertical burrowing, and
of stream pressure. Mesh size can vary depending thus adequate diet, will maintain them for several
on volume and consistency of mud, size of scaph- weeks or months. In the latter case, containers that
opods, and ability to control the sieving rate so that allow aeration of the sediment are necessary; plastic
scaphopods can be retrieved (with soft forceps or beakers of sediment, with the sides replaced by
fingers) during the process; they are usually readily fine mesh and the whole immersed in circulating
seen as the sediment is gradually washed away and seawater, have worked well. Sediment that has
can be plucked from the mud, although the shells been sieved to remove anything larger than 1 mm
are sometimes quite glossy and slippery. provides an ideal environment for mud-dwelling
species. Poon (1987) has also successfully used
Scaphopods are generally hardy animals with individual-sized aquaria for behavioral observa-
strong shells, into which they withdraw rapidly, and tions.
they can withstand fairly rough treatment during
dredging and sieving operations. As scaphopods Some things to look out for when maintaining
are often in low density, a single dredge can pro- scaphopods in the lab include ensuring they are
vide hours of enjoyment through careful sieving cleared of sediment upon arrival back from the
and picking, often lasting well after the ship has dredging trip. Scaphopods typical withdraw deeply
returned to port and the rest of the crew gone home. into their shell when disturbed, not uncommonly
This is definitely a case of many hands at least to the posterior 3/5 or 1/2 of the shell. Sometimes,
lightening the work. during the sieving and sorting operations, sediment
Reynolds 235

gets packed into the wider anterior part, and if left electron micrographs, etc. In some very difficult
alone I have found some scaphopods unable to circumstances, I sacrifice the shell of a couple of
clear the aperture and they die within. So, I make specimens entirely by using forceps to gradually
sure the aperture is clear before placing them in break it up, proceeding from the anterior aperture,
an aquarium; a stream of seawater from a water so that I am sure to have well-preserved soft tissue.
bottle or blunt forceps tip does the trick. Spawn- In all cases, one can be guided by maximizing the
ing and raising larvae are beyond the scope of this penetration of the fixative.
review, but the approaches are similar to those for
optimizing spawning and larvae-rearing conditions There is no pigmentation in the soft tissues of espe-
for many species of marine mollusks. cial taxonomic significance, so transfer to long-term
storage in ethanol is not a problem in that respect.
19.4.3 Preservation and storage. In museum Some species do have pigmented shells, and either
collections, scaphopod shells are usually kept dry; dry or wet preservation seems to preserve the col-
often the soft tissues are simply left within, useless oration successfully.
for dissection or histological work, although the
radula can sometimes be extracted and examined. 19.5 MISCELLANEOUS
Presumably, DNA extractions are theoretically
possible on such dried material. Obviously, wet Of interest to include here is the role of scaphopod
preservation preserves more of the animal, but this shells in native North American culture, particularly
can be tricky. Immersing the animal into formalin in the Pacific Northwest. Scaphopod shells, mostly
will elicit withdrawal, and diffusion and penetra- Antalis pretiosum (Sowerby, 1860) (Figure 31.1),
tion of the fixative becomes extremely limited; the were used as currency, apparently as far as central
anterior aperture is blocked by the thick muscular Canada and central California (Clark 1963). The
mantle, and the posterior aperture is insufficiently method of capture was an enigmatic broom-like
large. In museum wet collections, I have often apparatus, recreated and tested by Nuytten (1993);
found a well-preserved foot and the rest of the soft the unusually shallow sites where this could be
tissue completely decomposed. accomplished were presumably limited, supply
controlled, and so the shells’ use as currency viable.
Relaxing the animal can enhance fixation and Importation of shells of Antalis species (Antalis
preservation. However, even with relaxation, the entalis) by eastern white traders undermined the
long narrow form of the scaphopod shell limits the currency, but the shells were also used as adornment
diffusion of the fixative. The only way I have found and seemingly a demonstration of wealth or posi-
to ensure fixation is to crack the shell 2/3 of the way tion. Examples of the latter can be seen in several
back from the anterior aperture. Therefore, if the museums, including The Field Museum (Chicago),
animal withdraws, fixative can still penetrate into the Museum of Anthropology (University of British
the mid-region of the body. While some scaphopod Columbia, Vancouver), the Royal British Columbia
shells are rather small, thick, and glossy, and hard to Museum (Victoria, British Columbia), and in sever-
break, I have usually found I can make a reasonably al Edward Curtis photographs. Tusk-shell earrings
clean break in the shell by cracking it gently like a can often be purchased in museum shops.
small twig with my hands, or by applying pressure
with the point of a forceps’ tine. I gently pull the 19.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
two pieces apart to expose a few mm of tissue in the
mid-region. If the larger anterior shell piece slides My sincere thanks to the Editor, Charles F. Sturm,
off the animal easily, without damaging the soft for his work on this contribution and volume; to two
tissue (one smooth, firm, continuous, movement anonymous reviewers for suggested improvements
works best), I remove it entirely and just store the to the manuscript; and to the Reference Staff of the
pieces together in the same vial. I can then still use Burke Library, Hamilton College, for their excel-
the shell pieces later for identification, scanning lence and continuing help. I am especially grateful
236 Scaphopoda: The tusk shells

to the late Prof. Brendan F. Keegan, of The Martin Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement
Ryan Marine Science Institute, National University 24: 1-189.
McFadien, M. S. 1973. Zoogeography and ecology of
of Ireland, Galway, not only for hosting a sabbati-
seven species of Scaphopoda. Veliger 15: 340-
cal leave during which this chapter was written, 347.
but also for sparking my interest in mollusks and Nuytten, P. 1993. Money From the Sea. National Geo-
invertebrate biology some years ago. graphic January 1993: 108-117.
Pelseneer, P. 1906. Mollusca. In: E. R. Lankester, ed.,
A Treatise on Zoology, Part V. A. & C. Black,
London. Pp. 1-355.
Poon, P. A. 1987. The diet and feeding behavior of
Byrum, C. A. and E. E. Ruppert. 1994. The ultrastruc- Cadulus tolmiei Dall, 1898 (Scaphopoda: Sipho-
ture and functional morphology of a captaculum in nodentalioida). Nautilus 101: 88-92.
Graptacme calamus (Mollusca, Scaphopoda). Acta Reverberi, G. 1971. Dentalium. In: G. Reverberi, ed.,
Zoologica 75: 37-46. Experimental Embryology of Marine and Fresh-
Clark, R. B. 1963. The economics of Dentalium. Veliger water Invertebrates. North-Holland, Amsterdam.
6: 9-19. Pp. 248-264.
Dávid, Å. 1993. Trace fossils on molluscs from the Mol- Reynolds, P. D. 1990a. Functional morphology of the
luscan Clay (late Oligocene, Egerian) - a compari- perianal sinus and pericardium of Dentalium rectius
son between two localities (Wind Brickyard, Eger, (Mollusca: Scaphopoda) with a reinterpretation
and Nyárjas Hill, Novaj, NE Hungary). Scripta of the scaphopod heart. American Malacological
Geologica, Special Issue 2: 75-82. Bulletin 7: 137-149.
Dell, R. K. 1957. A revision of the Recent scaphopod Reynolds, P. D. 1990b. Fine structure of the kidney and
Mollusca of New Zealand. Transactions of the characterization of secretory products in Dentalium
Royal Society of New Zealand 84: 561-576. rectius (Mollusca, Scaphopoda). Zoomorphology
Dell, R. K. 1990. Antarctic Mollusca, with special refer- 110: 53-62.
ence to the fauna of the Ross Sea. Bulletin of the Reynolds, P. D. 1992. Mantle-mediated shell decollation
Royal Society of New Zealand 27: 1-297. increases posterior aperture size in Dentalium rec-
Deshayes, G. P. 1825. Anatomie et monographie du genre tius (Scaphopoda: Dentaliida). Veliger 35: 26-35.
Dentale. Mémoires de la Society d’histoire naturelle Reynolds, P. D. 2002. The Scaphopoda. Advances in
de Paris 2: 321-378. Marine Biology 42: 137-236.
Desportes, I. and N. Nashed. 1983. Ultrastructure of Scarabino, V. 1979. Les Scaphopodes Bathyaux de
sporulation in Minchinia dentali (Arvy), an haplo- l’Atlantique Occidental (Systematique, Distributi-
sporean parasite of Dentalium entale (Scaphopoda, on, Adaptations). Nouvelle Classification pour
Mollusca); taxonomic implications. Protistologica l’Ensemble de la Classe. Ph.D. Dissertation, Uni-
19: 435-460. versité d’Aix Marseille, France. 154 pp.
Fischer-Piette, E. and A. Franc. 1968. Classe des Sca- Scarabino, V. 1986. Systematics of Scaphopoda (Mol-
phopodes. Scaphopoda (Bronn 1862). In: P.-P. lusca), 1. Three new bathyal and abyssal taxa of the
Grassé, ed., Traité de Zoologie, Tome 5(3), Mol- Order Gadilida from south and north Atlantic Ocean.
lusques, Gastéropodes et Scaphopodes. Masson et Comunicaciones Zoologicas del Museo Nacional de
Cie, Paris. Pp. 987-1017. Historia Natural de Montevideo 11: 1-15.
Habe, T. 1964. Fauna Japonica. Scaphopoda (Mollus- Scarabino, V. 1995. Scaphopoda of the tropical Pacific
ca). Biogeographical Society of Japan, Tokyo. 59 and Indian Oceans, with description of 3 new genera
pp. and 42 new species. Mémoires du Muséum National
Henderson, J. B. 1920. A monograph of the East Ameri- d’Histoire Naturelle 167: 189-379.
can scaphopod mollusks. Smithsonian Institution, Shimek, R.L. 1988. The functional morphology of scaph-
U.S. National Museum Bulletin 111: 1-177. opod captacula. Veliger 30: 213-221.
Knudsen, J. 1964. Scaphopoda and Gastropoda from Shimek, R. L. 1989. Shell morphometrics and systemat-
depths exceeding 6,000 metres. Galathea Report ics: a revision of the slender, shallow-water Cadulus
7: 125-136. of the Northeastern Pacific (Scaphopoda: Gadilida).
Lacaze-Duthiers, H. 1856-1857. Histoire de l’organisation Veliger 32: 233-246.
et du développement du Dentale. Annales des Sci- Shimek, R. L. 1990. Diet and habitat utilization in a
ences Naturelles, Quatrième Serie 6: 225-281, pls. northeastern Pacific Ocean scaphopod assemblage.
8-10; 319-385, pls. 11-13; 7: 5-51, pls. 2-4; 171-255, American Malacological Bulletin 7: 147-169.
pls. 5-9; 8: 18-44. Shimek, R. L. 1997. A new species of eastern Pacific
Lamprell, K. L. and J. M. Healy. 1998. A revision of the Fissidentalium (Mollusca: Scaphopoda) with a
Scaphopoda from Australian waters (Mollusca). symbiotic sea anemone. Veliger 40: 178-191.
Reynolds 237

Shimek, R. L. and G. Moreno 1996. A new species of D. R. Lindberg, eds., Molecular Systematics and
eastern Pacific Fissidentalium (Mollusca: Scaph- Phylogeography of Mollusks. Smithsonian Institu-
opoda). Veliger 39: 71-82. tion Press, Washington, D.C. Pp. 123–139.
Shimek, R. L. and G. Steiner. 1997. Scaphopoda. In:F. W. Verdonk, N. H. and J. A. M. van den Biggelaar. 1983.
Harrison and A. J. Kohn, eds., Microscopic Anatomy Early development and the formation of the germ
of Invertebrates, Vol. 6B, Mollusca II. Wiley-Liss, layers. In: N. H. Verdonk, J. A. M. van den Big-
New York. Pp. 719-781. gelaar, and A. S. Tompa, eds., The Mollusca, Vol.
Steiner, G. 1992. The organisation of the pedal mus- 3, Development. Academic Press, New York. Pp.
culature and its connection to the dorsoventral 91-122.
musculature in Scaphopoda. Journal of Molluscan Wilson, E. B. 1904. Experimental studies on germinal
Studies 58: 181-197. localization. Journal of Experimental Zoology 1:
Steiner, G. and A. R. Kabat. 2001. Catalogue of supraspe- 1-72.
cific taxa of Scaphopoda (Mollusca). Zoosystema Yochelson, E. L. 1999. Scaphopoda. In: E. Savazzi,
23: 433-460. ed., Functional Morphology of the Invertebrate
Steiner, G. and K. Linse. 2000. Systematics and distri- Skeleton. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester, UK.
bution of the Scaphopoda (Mollusca) in Beagle Pp. 363-367
Channel (Chile). Mitteilungen Hamburgisches Yochelson, E. L., D. Dockery, and H. Wolf. 1983. Pre-
Zoologische Museum und Institüt 97: 13-30. dation on sub-holocene scaphopod mollusks from
Steiner, G. and P. D. Reynolds. 2003. Molecular sys- southern Louisiana. Professional Papers, U.S.
tematics of the Scaphopoda. In: C. Lydeard and Geological Survey 1282: 1-13.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.



At first glance, cephalopods seem to have little
in common with snails and clams. Unlike other 20.2.1 Basic biology. Cephalopods can be found
mollusks, most cephalopods are dynamic animals throughout the world ocean, from surface waters
that possess complex behavioral repertoires and to abyssal depths in tropical, temperate, and polar
a unique suite of characteristics, including mus- regions. Some cephalopods, such as squids (Figure
cular appendages that can be used to seize prey 20.1), nautiluses (Figure 20.2), and some octopods,
and manipulate objects, a parrot-like beak, and live their entire lives in the water column, spending
seemingly shell-free bodies. Despite external ap- little if any time on the bottom. Others, including
pearances, however, cephalopods exhibit many most incirrate (finless) octopods and cuttles, are
molluscan anatomical characteristics. Most have a primarily benthic (bottom-living) or semi-benthic
shell of some sort (internal in most cephalopods), animals (Figure 20.3).
a muscular mantle and a radula (a small file-like
ribbon used for feeding). The chambered nautilus, Cephalopods are almost exclusively predatory.
which has the external calcified shell typical of Cephalopods as a group are known to consume
most mollusks as well as the appendages and beak many types of prey, including crustaceans (e.g.,
seen in other cephalopods, provides compelling crabs, shrimps, and lobsters), fish, bivalves, gas-
evidence that cephalopods are just highly special- tropods, other cephalopods (cannibalism has been
ized mollusks. documented for several cephalopod species) and,

Cephalopods are exclusively marine organisms, and

can be found in nearly all seas. In many regions,
cephalopods constitute an important intermediate
link in marine food webs, feeding on smaller inver-
tebrates and fish and serving as prey for fish, birds
and marine mammals. Cephalopods are important
organisms for humans as well. Many cephalopod
species are important objects of artisanal and com-
mercial fisheries in many parts of the world, and
giant axons from cephalopods have been valuable
model systems for neurophysiological research.
Cephalopods have sparked a lifelong interest in
marine biology and malacology in many people, Figure 20.1 Teuthida.
and there is a great deal left for us to learn about Sepioteuthis australis Quoy and Gaimard, 1832, Austra-
these astounding, enigmatic animals. lia, 1832. Daniel Geiger Stock Photo 7109-1 [1].
240 Cephalopoda

well known, and have been the subject of several

nature shows on television. The intellectual feats
of octopuses in particular have been the subject
of many articles, books, and apocryphal stories.
Many cephalopods have amazing capacities for
learning. As Hanlon and Messenger (1996) have
noted, cephalopod intelligence seems to be on par
with that of the fishes, birds, and mammals with
which they interact, and their intellectual abilities
are only truly remarkable when one remembers that
cephalopods are mollusks.

The ability of many cephalopods to rapidly alter

their body patterns and skin texture to camouflage
themselves from predators or to send signals to con-
specifics makes them unique among animals. Most
cephalopods are covered with chromatophores,
small organs in the skin that contain sacs filled with
different pigments. The edges of the pigment sac are
connected to muscles. When these muscles are re-
laxed, the pigment sac is small and almost invisible
to the naked eye. When the muscles contract, the
sac is stretched into a broad disc. Chromatophores
are under the direct control of the brain, allowing
the animal to change color or flash patterns (such as
stripes or spots) in a fraction of a second. Other skin
Figure 20.2 Nautiloidea. organs, including reflecting cells like leucophores
Shell of Nautilus pompilius Linnaeus, 1758, CMNH and iridophores, allow some cephalopods to reflect
65680 (CMNH = Carnegie Museum of Natural History
Catalog Number). and diffract ambient light. Chromatophores and
reflecting cells are critical components in crypsis
more rarely, other invertebrates such as annelids - the ability of many cephalopods to blend into their
and chaetognaths (Mangold 1983). surroundings as a predation avoidance mechanism
- and for intraspecific interactions like mating.
In general, cephalopods are relatively short-lived,
rapidly growing animals. It was once believed that As soft-bodied animals, cephalopods are favored
nearly all cephalopod species (except Nautilus) were prey items for many animals, and a number of
semelparous, producing all of their offspring in one sophisticated anti-predator abilities and behaviors
burst of reproduction at the end of the life cycle. have evolved in response to predation pressure. For
More recent research, summarized in Rocha et al. example, many octopods, cuttles, and some squids
(2001), has shown that cephalopod reproductive can alter both the color and the texture of the epider-
strategies are more variable than previously thought. mis, allowing them to match closely the appearance
Reproductive behaviors vary widely across Cepha- of their surroundings. This is particularly important
lopoda. Elaborate color displays (see below) play in crypsis, enabling an octopus to adopt the look and
an important role in mating, male-male interactions, texture of, for example, an algae-covered rock. The
and mate guarding in some cephalopods. ink sac constitutes another key aspect of predation
avoidance for many cephalopods. When threatened,
20.2.2 Behavior. The intelligence and stunningly most cephalopods can jet away rapidly while releas-
rich behavioral repertoires of many cephalopods are ing ink. The ink can be released as a diffuse cloud
Anderson 241

reef-dwelling squids), and much

remains to be learned. Hanlon
and Messenger (1996) is an ex-
cellent overview of our current
understanding of cephalopod be-
havioral diversity, complete with
color diagrams, photographs, and
an extensive bibliography.

20.2.3 Taxonomic overview.

Cephalopoda is traditionally recog-
nized as a class within the phylum
Mollusca. Cephalopod taxonomy
and phylogeny remain somewhat
confused, but several major groups
Figure 20.3 Octapoda. are recognized by most cepha-
Octopus macropus Risso, 1826, Malta, Daniel Geiger Stock Photo 755 [1]. lopod researchers (Table 20.1).
Cephalopoda comprises several
(somewhat like a smokescreen) or as a pseudomorph living and extinct subgroups: Ammonoidea (now
- a solid-looking, squid-sized blob made of ink and extinct, Figure 15.6), Nautiloidea (with very few
mucus. The pseudomorph may give a predator a false extant representatives) and Coleoidea, comprising
target to strike while the cephalopod escapes. The ink two groups: Belemnoidea (extinct, Figure 15.7)
itself contains various agents, including L-DOPA and and Neocoleoidea (all extant cephalopods except
dopamine, that seem to affect predator chemosensory Nautilus). Nautiloids are the only living cephalopods
organs and may act as an alarm substance. with external shells. All other living cephalopods
(neocoleoids) either completely lack a shell, or have
Finally, many cephalopods (including vampires, internal calcified or chitinous “shells.”
several squids and sepiolids, and some octopods)
have bioluminescent (light-generating) organs Within Neocoleoidea, several major groups are typi-
called photophores. Bioluminescence can be ei- cally recognized, sometimes under slightly different
ther intrinsic (i.e., produced by the animal itself)
or bacterial, in which bioluminescent bacteria are Table 20.1. An indented list of major cephalopod
housed in crypts within the photophores. Like taxa. † = extinct.
chromatophores, photophores are mainly used for
two purposes: predation avoidance and intraspecific Cephalopoda
signaling. Many cephalopods use photophores to Ammonoidea†- ammonites (Figure 15.6)
Nautiloidea - nautiluses (Figure 20.2)
counterilluminate their ventral surfaces, mask- Coleoidea
ing them from predators swimming below. Some Belemnoidea† - belemnites (Figure 15.7)
deep-water squids (e.g., Selenoteuthis) have sets of Neocoleoidea
photophores that emit light of different wavelengths. Octopoda - octopuses (Figure 20.3, 4)
These photophores may play an important role in in- Cirrata - finned octopuses
traspecific signaling. Some cephalopods (including Incirrata - finless octopuses
Sepiida - cuttles (Figure20.5)
Heteroteuthis) even eject clouds of bioluminescent Sepiolida - “stubby squids”
secretions in an act known as fire shooting. Spirulida - Spirula spirula (Figure 20.6)
Teuthida (Teutheoidea) - “squids” (Figure 20.1)
Detailed behavioral studies have only been per- Myopsina (Myopsida)
formed on a handful of cephalopod species (pri- Oegopsina (Oegsopsida)
Vampyromorpha - vampires (or vampire squids)
marily octopods, cuttles, and shallow-water or
242 Cephalopoda

in the Western Hemisphere. The Caribbean reef

squid (Sepioteuthis sepioidea Blainville, 1823) is
somewhat cuttle-like in appearance, but is actually
a loliginid squid (a teuthid). The stubby squids
(Sepiolida) are generally rather small animals with
stubby, rounded bodies and kidney-shaped fins.

Teuthida: Teuthida (Figure 20.1) is a heterogeneous

group that includes several familiar shallow-water
squids like Doryteuthis opalescens (Berry, 1911) (the
California market squid), muscular species from the
open ocean [which are sometimes very large, like
Moroteuthis robusta (Dall in Verrill, 1876)], and
Figure 20.4 Octopoda.
The egg case of the paper nautilus Argonauta nodosa bizarre (often gelatinous) forms typically found
Solander, 1786 (Argonautidae), a pelagic octopus from further offshore, like members of Cranchiidae and
the Pacific Ocean, CMNH 63.31. Histioteuthidae.

names or taxonomic ranks depending on who con- Octopoda: Most octopods (Figure 20.3) that you
structed the classification. These groups are Octopoda are likely to encounter will be incirrates, and will be
(the octopods, Figure 20.3, 20.4), Sepiida (the cuttles primarily benthic animals. Some incirrate octopods
or cuttlefish, Figure 20.5), Sepiolida (the stubby (such as argonauts, also known as paper nautiluses,
squids), Spirulida (containing only the enigmatic Figure 20.4) and some cirrates are primarily pelagic
Spirula spirula Linnaeus, 1758, Figure 20.6 ), Teu- organisms, spending most or all of their time float-
thida or Teutheoidea (the squids, Figure 20.1), and ing or swimming in the water column.
Vampyromorpha (the vampires or vampire squids).
Members of Sepiida, Sepiolida, Spirulida and Teu- Vampyromorpha: The Vampyromorpha (vampires
thida possess eight sucker-laden arms and two long or vampire squids) comprises only one species -
ventrolateral tentacles (although the tenta-
cles are absent from some adult teuthids),
and these groups are sometimes grouped
together in Decapodiformes. Teuthida
comprises two subgroups, Myopsina
(Myopsida) and Oegopsina (Oegopsida);
the loliginid squids are perhaps the most
familiar myopsid cephalopods. Members
of Octopoda and Vampyromorpha lack
ventrolateral tentacles, and together they
constitute Octopodiformes. Octopoda
comprises two subgroups: Cirrata and In-
cirrata. Cirrate octopods possess a single
pair of fins and a row of cirri flanking
each side of the single row of suckers on
each arm, while incirrate octopods lack
fins and cirri.

Sepiida and Sepiolida: True cuttles Figure 20.5 Sepiida.

(Sepiida, Figure 20.5), which possess an Cuttlebone of Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758, 37º40’56.8”N,
internal chambered shell, are not present 27º5’19.6”E, Mediterranean Sea, CMNH 70294.
Anderson 243

type) and a boat. Shallow-water benthic octopuses

can be hand-collected while snorkeling or scuba
diving, or through the use of traps.

20.3.1 Teuthids. Perhaps the easiest way to collect

squid for teaching purposes would be to visit the
local supermarket, where fresh or frozen squid are
usually readily available. Along the coasts, fresh
squid can often be obtained at local fish markets
or landings, particularly when loliginid squid are
spawning. Other species of squid, such as Dosci-
dicus gigas (d’Orbigny, 1835) (the jumbo or Hum-
boldt squid), may also occasionally be available in
fish markets in some areas.
Figure 20.6 Spirulida.
Spirula spirula (Linnaeus, 1758), northeast coast, Puerto Of course, many different types of gear can be used
Rico, CMNH 65676. to capture squid. Some capture methods include
trawling at various depths, jigging (automated
Vampyroteuthis infernalis Chum, 1903 (the vampire or by hand), purse-seining, dip-netting, trapping,
squid from Hell). Vampires are small (11-13 cm and spearing. Bright lights may be used to attract
mantle length) finned cephalopods found around positively phototactic squid (such as the California
the world, typically at depths of 700-1,500 meters market squid) to the surface, where they are usually
(although they may be occasionally found much captured by jigging or purse-seining. Larger squids,
closer to the surface). They have eight arms and two such as Moroteuthis robusta (the north Pacific
dorsolateral filaments that can be withdrawn into giant squid) and Architeuthis, will generally only
pockets in the web. Little was known about vampire be rarely available as bycatch from commercial
behavior until recently, when several live specimens fisheries, or through rare strandings of dead or
were encountered by remotely operated vehicles. moribund individuals.

Nautiloidea: Living nautiluses are known only from 20.3.2 Sepiolids. Most species of sepiolid squid
the Indian Ocean and western Pacific (Figure 20.2). are bottom dwellers, although some common forms
(e.g., Heteroteuthis and Stoloteuthis) are pelagic.
Recent taxonomic research has focused on recon- Euprymna scolopes Berry, 1913 can be found (often
structing evolutionary relationships among cepha- buried in the sand with only their eyes showing)
lopods and on investigating genetic diversity within in shallow tidal flats in Hawaii, where individuals
species. An evolutionary family tree (a phylogeny) can be collected by hand. Other sepiolid species
for cephalopods could serve as a vital foundation (members of Rossia and Semirossia) are found in
both for studies of cephalopod anatomical evolution colder waters and at greater depths. These species
and for a hierarchical classification. Unfortunately, can be collected in bottom trawls or sometimes by
progress toward this goal has been slow, and much hand by scuba divers. Pelagic sepiolids and Spirula
work remains to be done. spriula may be encountered in midwater trawls.

20.3 COLLECTING TECHNIQUES 20.3.3 Octopuses. Several methods for collect-

ing octopuses have been described. The easiest
Different cephalopods require different collection method is simply to collect individuals by hand
techniques. The pelagic cephalopods (squids and while tidepooling, snorkeling, or scuba diving.
some octopods) will usually require appropriate Shallow-water octopuses can sometimes be found
fishing gear (such as jigs, traps, or nets of some in tide pools at low tide, hiding under rocks or in
244 Cephalopoda

crevasses. Note that even small octopuses possess of an improperly covered aquarium, particularly
beaks, and some can inflict painful bites, so care if they have not been well-fed (see #4).
should be taken if octopuses are collected by hand. 6. Finally, cephalopods (even large ones, like the
Octopuses are collected for food in many parts giant Pacific octopus Enteroctopus dofleini)
of the world through the use of submerged pots have relatively short life spans, ranging from a
or traps, often attached to longlines, which are few months to a few years at most.
deployed overnight and recovered the following
morning or several days later. In short, cephalopods are extremely sensitive, ac-
tive animals that tend to be picky eaters - not the
For more information regarding fishing techniques best (or easiest) choice for most amateur aquarists.
and gear used to capture cephalopods (including In spite of all these difficulties, some aquarists and
traps), the FAO (Food and Agricultural Organi- researchers have had impressive success maintain-
zation of the United Nations) website is a good ing various cephalopods in aquaria. Researchers
resource (see Section 20.8). at the University of Texas Medical Branch in
Galveston culture several cephalopod species for
20.4 AQUARIUM CULTURE biomedical use, and public aquaria often maintain
various species for display. Many amateur aquarists
In general, I do not recommend that amateurs attempt successfully maintain octopuses in their homes. The
to maintain cephalopods in closed-water aquarium Cephalopod Page website, developed by Dr. James
settings. Cephalopods are notoriously difficult to Wood, is a great resource for further information
maintain in aquarium settings, for several reasons: on aquarium culture of cephalopods, particularly
octopuses (see Section 20.8).
1. Most cephalopods are extremely active animals
and have high metabolic demands for oxygen. 20.5 PREPARATION
Thus, they are highly sensitive to changes in
oxygen concentration. 20.5.1 Documentation. Several aspects of the
2. In addition to a requirement for well-oxygen- collection, fixation, and preservation process are
ated water, many cephalopods are sensitive to vital for insuring that a specimen will be useful for
changes in water chemistry, and salinity levels future research. One important step occurs after the
in particular - very few species can be found in capture of specimens, but prior to fixation. Many
brackish (low salinity) water. Nitrogenous waste living cephalopods have important chromatic and
accumulation in aquaria can also adversely af- textural patterns on their skin that can be lost (or
fect cephalopods. There is also some evidence irrevocably altered) during the process of preserva-
that octopuses are sensitive to slight changes in tion. If possible, you should take color photographs
trace metal concentrations. Finally, cephalopods of the living animal prior to preservation, and
may release their ink when disturbed, producing simple sketches or descriptions of major color or
an additional problem for aquarists. papilla patterns can also be very helpful.
3. Some cephalopods - for example, many squids
- live in groups and are constantly on the move. It is also important to keep detailed records of the col-
Animals like these often bump into the sides lection process itself (including locality information
and ends of conventional rectangular aquaria, - preferably with GPS coordinates - collection depth,
damaging their skin in the process. date and time of collection, collector name, and col-
4. As predators, cephalopods prefer a steady diet of lection method) and preservation of this record along
living prey items, although they can be trained with the collected specimen. A preserved octopus
to take other food items (Toll and Strain 1988). with tightly curled arms may be a bit difficult to study,
5. Octopuses (the most likely candidates for but an octopus whose collection locality was not re-
aquaria) are excellent escape artists, and many corded may be completely useless for many research
an octopus has gone exploring “over the side” projects. If at all possible, collection information
Anderson 245

should be written in graphite pencil or alcohol-proof You should try to collect at least 25 mg of tissue
ink (a laser printer can also be used) on a small label for genetic analysis. Thin samples (~3 mm or less
made from 100% rag-content archival paper. in thickness, if possible) are preferable, as they
allow for rapid penetration of the preservative. If
20.5.2 Preservation for genetic research. Pre- you take thicker samples, you should score them
served specimens can serve many purposes. Ob- with a sterile razor blade or slice them into smaller,
viously, preserved cephalopods can be used for thinner pieces prior to immersion in the preserva-
external and internal anatomical study in either tive. Larger samples are preferable, particularly if
teaching or research settings. They can also be the tissue is going to a museum collection for use
used for genetic studies, including evolutionary by multiple geneticists, but the potential use of the
or taxonomic studies as well as population genetic specimen for morphological study (and, perhaps,
studies (for example, stock assessment for fisheries aesthetic considerations) must be kept in mind.
species). I strongly recommend that cephalopod Retaining the entire mantle of a large squid for
collectors consider preserving animals for both PCR-based DNA work is overkill.
anatomical and genetic study, even if they do not
have immediate access to a genetics laboratory. 20.5.3 Fixation and preservation for morpho-
logical study. Fortunately for collectors, most
Unfortunately, optimal preservation techniques dif- cephalopods do not have an external shell into
fer for animals that are intended for anatomical and which they can retreat. This makes fixation of
genetic research. Initial fixation in a formaldehyde cephalopods relatively easy. Several fixatives
solution (described below) is ideal for most anatomi- and preservatives have been used by cephalopod
cal studies, but is not appropriate for genetic work. researchers to prepare animals for archival stor-
Fortunately, most cephalopods are large enough that age. The most common fixative is a buffered 10%
small tissue samples can be taken from the animal formalin in sea water solution (e.g., 100 ml of 37-
and preserved for genetic work, while the rest of 40% formaldehyde stock solution plus 900 mL sea
the animal can be fixed and preserved. Ethanol water, buffered to pH 7.0 with a buffering agent;
(80-100%) is typically the preservative of choice for see below). 70% ethanol or 50% isopropanol are
genetic work, but many other preservatives are also common preservatives. Details of recommended
suitable, including silica gel and a DMSO/EDTA/ fixation and preservation protocols for different
NaCl solution (Seutin et al. 1991). For RNA work, cephalopods are listed in the following section.
tissue must be frozen at ultracold temperatures or
placed in an appropriate preservative such as RNAL- 20.6 FIXATION AND PRESERVATION PRO-
ater (a preservative developed by Ambion for RNA TOCOLS
work; <>).
Fixation and preservation techniques vary some-
Tissue samples for use in genetic research can be what for different groups of cephalopods, and there
taken from any part of the cephalopod, but I recom- is some debate regarding which set of techniques
mend that thin tissue samples be taken from part are optimal for particular purposes. Typically,
of the fin (squids or cuttles) or from the margin of however, efforts are made to limit arm curling and
the mantle near the head. Gill tissue is also very other types of physical deformation of the speci-
good for DNA analysis, but important anatomical men. Much of what follows has been summarized
measurements are often recorded from the gills. from various publications, primarily Roper and
Similarly, arm or tentacle tips are also suitable for Sweeney (1983), and from conversations with
genetic work, but arm sucker counts, hectocotylus cephalopod researchers around the world, most
structure and tentacle sucker numbers and shapes notably Nancy Voss (University of Miami), Steve
are valuable anatomical characteristics that can be O’Shea (Auckland University of Technology, New
damaged or destroyed if tissue samples are taken Zealand), Janet Voight (Field Museum of Natural
from these regions. History, Chicago), Crissie Huffard (University of
246 Cephalopoda

California, Berkeley) and Ian Gleadall (Tohoku jection of formalin or opening of the mantle cavity
Bunka Gakuen University, Japan). may be required to ensure fixation of the internal
organs. Arm curling will continue during fixation,
20.6.1 Narcotization. If you have collected a live but this problem can be ameliorated in a couple of
cephalopod that you would like to keep for future ways. Once the arms have been initially straight-
study, you should anesthetize it prior to fixation and ened during relaxation, you can roll the specimen
preservation. During abrupt fixation, a cephalopod up in paper to keep the arms straight during fixation.
will usually strongly contract its arms. This can If this method is used, a small cone of paper should
keep fixative and preservative from reaching all be placed between the arms to keep them slightly
tissues, and (even if fixative does reach all tissues spread, so that the suckers around the mouth can be
before decay sets in) it can make morphological studied more easily after preservation. An alterna-
studies of the specimen extremely difficult. Sev- tive (and more time-consuming) approach involves
eral methods have been described for narcotizing holding the octopus by the arm tips and dangling it
cephalopods. Slowly decreasing the salinity of into a wide-mouthed jar containing 10% formalin
the seawater surrounding the specimen by adding until the arms no longer curl when placed in the
freshwater effectively narcotizes many cephalo- solution. Small octopuses should remain in the
pods, as does lowering the temperature of the water formalin solution for at least twelve hours, while
or slowly adding ethanol to the sea water to a final larger specimens should be fixed for several days
concentration of about 1% (Roper and Sweeney to a week. After formalin fixation, the octopus is
1983). You should test the response of the specimen thoroughly rinsed with fresh water and preserved
to make certain it is narcotized prior to transferring in 70% ethanol.
it to the preservation medium.
20.6.3 Large squids. Specimens of large species
20.6.2 Octopuses and small squids. The follow- such as Architeuthis are rarely encountered in
ing protocol is recommended by Dr. Nancy Voss American waters. If you do happen to obtain a
(pers. comm.), with some additional suggestions giant squid carcass, it could be of great scientific
from Crissie Huffard (pers. comm.), and is appro- value (and, if it is properly cared for, it may end up
priate for both octopuses and small squids. Live on display!). The following guidelines - developed
specimens are killed by placing them in fresh water by Dr. Steve O’Shea (pers. comm.), a researcher
or a very dilute alcohol solution. If the animal is who studies giant cephalopods - will help you
killed in fresh water, the arms will curl less but preserve the animal appropriately for research or
will still curl when the animal is fixed in formalin public display.
(see below). Relaxation in a dilute alcohol solution
results in more initial arm curling than relaxation in General preparation: If a specimen of a giant
fresh water, but seems to result in less curling upon species is obtained as bycatch from a commercial
fixation. While the specimen is relaxing, the arms fishing vessel, it will often be frozen at sea. Prior
can often be massaged by hand to further reduce to fixation, large frozen specimens must be thawed.
curling. You can perform this massaging technique Bathing the specimen in a constant gentle shower of
several times, until the specimen’s arms no longer cold water (with a gently running hose placed in the
curl when placed back in fresh water (if you try this mantle cavity) will greatly accelerate thawing. Do
technique, you should wear gloves and take care to not attempt to disentangle arms or pull the specimen
avoid stretching the arms to an unnatural length). apart to accelerate thawing, as this will damage the
specimen. In general, you should avoid handling the
The animal is then fixed in a 10% formalin in sea specimen - hand and finger impressions left on the
water solution (buffered with sodium bicarbonate, mantle during thawing can be permanent.
sodium borate, or calcium carbonate) for a week,
although shorter fixation times may be suitable for If you think the specimen is suitable for public
very small specimens. With muscular species, in- display, you should avoid performing a ventral
Anderson 247

midline cut of the mantle (a standard method of 3. Inject the squid with 10% buffered formalin so-
dissection for smaller squid). This will expose lution using a large syringe (150 cm3 or greater),
many of the internal organs, but it will destroy the with long screw-on needle (~150 mm length).
value of the specimen for display. A series of small, This introduces formalin into the tissues faster
careful cuts can yield as much scientific informa- than immersion. Do not exert too much pressure
tion as a ventral midline incision. The digestive on the syringe plunger: Clots of formalin solu-
caecum can be removed through a cut of ~20 cm tion can form in the tissues. Also, if the needle
length, and a smaller incision can be made in the is blocked, it can detach from the syringe or the
posterior-ventral portion of the mantle through plunger can break, resulting in a messy explo-
which ovarian tissue can be removed. The penis sion of formalin solution.
will protrude through the mantle or funnel, thus 4. Slowly inject the following volumes of 10%
sexing and determining male reproductive status buffered formalin solution:
will not require a ventral mantle incision. The • Mantle (dorsal): ~2 l injected mid-dorsally,
female nidamental glands can be examined by a deep into the mantle, to reach the digestive
mid-ventral incision of ~30 cm length about one gland; about 1 liter injected in the posterior-
quarter the distance up from the anterior mantle most portion of the mantle (~ mid-fin length)
margin. Extensive dissection of the digestive to reach the gonadal tissues. Mantle (ventral):
system of giant squids to examine their contents ~1 l into both sides of the ventral mid-line, in
is unnecessarily destructive, as the esophagus and the posterior third of the mantle to reach renal
intestine are usually empty (however, dissection and cardiac tissue; and ~1 l on the specimen's
of the crop of large octopods can be informative). left side in the posterior quarter of the mantle
Because many institutions are desperate to receive to reach the digestive caecum.
intact giant cephalopod specimens, only damaged • Head: dorsal and ventral mantle and head
specimens of well-known giant squid and octopus injections are required; ~1 l of formalin solu-
species should be dissected. tion needs to be injected into the cranium to
fix esophageal, nervous and buccal tissue.
Many species of large squid are ammoniacal - the • Arms: at intervals of ~30 cm from the arm
mantle, arms and head are filled with vacuoles base, down each arm, inject ~300 ml of for-
containing ammonium chloride. The pH of formalin malin solution, progressively decreasing the
solutions fluctuates widely when fixing ammonia- volume as you move toward the arm tips.
cal squid, so determining whether or not a squid 5. If the tentacles are attached to the squid, sever
is ammoniacal is important for preservation. To them at their bases and fix them separately in a
determine whether squid tissue is ammoniacal, cut buffered formalin solution in an appropriately
~1 cm3 cubes from the animal, place them into a sized bin (usually they can be coiled within a
narrow-necked glass container, add several crystals 0.75 x 0.5 m length/width and 0.5 m depth fix-
of potassium hydroxide and then heat the container. ing bin). They are fixed separately to minimize
A quick sniff will tell you whether any ammonia deterioration (they thaw more rapidly than the
vapour is present. If the squid is ammoniacal: rest of the carcass) and discoloration.

1. Remove representative sucker rings and hooks Fixing tank and formalin solution preparation:
from the arms and tentacle clubs prior to fixation. A stainless steel tank 2-3 m long, 1-1.5 m wide
The sucker rings of Architeuthis have a white and 0.75 m deep, with a close-fitting stainless steel
carbonate deposit that is lost during formalin lid, is ideal for fixation of very large squid. For a
fixation; they can only be preserved in buffered 200 kg squid a 4:1 formalin solution/squid ratio is
ethanol or isopropyl alcohol. Don’t forget to recommended. Pre-mark levels inside on the tank
obtain tissue samples for genetic analysis! wall to indicate volume; add formaldehyde and
2. If possible, remove the statoliths with two clean then salt water to make a 10% solution, agitate,
cuts. take a pH measurement and buffer (to fix a 200
248 Cephalopoda

kg Architeuthis, plan to use 10-20 kg of a buffer- When adding buffering agent, do not allow it to
ing agent such as sodium bicarbonate). Formalin settle on cephalopod tissues, as it will corrode
respirator masks are essential, as are long gloves them. By gently gripping the anterior margin of
with elastic cuffs. the mantle, raising and lowering it, fresh formalin
solution can be circulated throughout the mantle;
Transporting thawed specimens: Giant cepha- this exercise should be repeated during every pH
lopods require support from below when they check. Similarly, mucous deposits around the
are moved. A stretcher made of two poles and buccal membrane and arm bases need to be wiped
a doubled-over, thick plastic tarpaulin is ideal away, and the arm crown periodically agitated to
for transporting squid (a canvas tarpaulin is too ensure fresh formalin solution is exposed to the
abrasive). Slide the specimen onto the tarpaulin inside of the arms. By the end of the first week, the
mantle-first, then tie up the tarpaulin ends to prevent solution is a revolting yellow to red-brown. By this
it from sliding off the stretcher. Should the speci- point, pH should be monitored with a digital meter,
men start to slide off the stretcher do not grab the as litmus paper and colored solutions no longer give
head or mantle. Lower the stretcher to the ground interpretable results.
and reposition the squid.
If the specimen is destined for display, the discol-
Once over the fixing tank, the two leading pole- ored formalin solution should be replaced with
holders need to step into the tank (tall boots or wad- fresh solution so as not to unduly discolor the
ers are recommended). The two anterior ends of the squid; if not then no damage is done to it by leav-
poles are then lowered and the squid is allowed to ing it in.
slide into the formalin bath in a controlled fashion
(other methods can result in an uncontrolled splash Preservation: Large specimens must remain in the
of formalin solution, in addition to possibly dam- formalin solution for at least a month in order for
aging the specimen). Slightly inflated wine-cask it to fix thoroughly. When a month has passed, the
bladders can be gently inserted inside the mantle specimen needs to be thoroughly soaked and the
(with care taken not to damage the gills) to ensure mantle cavity gently flushed with water to remove
that formalin reaches inner tissues. These should be residual formalin and miscellaneous grunge. Three
inserted only after the animal has been immersed water changes are recommended. The specimen
in formalin solution. can be transferred to a preservative, either 40%
isopropyl alcohol or 70% ethanol.
Monitoring the pH: The formalin solution in
which the squid is immersed needs to be regularly 20.7 IDENTIFICATION
monitored for the first week, but particularly dur-
ing the first 72 hours (this is also true for smaller Many recognized cephalopod species, particularly
cephalopods). The pH can decrease to 3 or 4 within in the Indian Ocean and Western Pacific, are now
the first few hours; if left unchecked for 24 hours, known to be complexes of cryptic species (spe-
all the sucker rings may be destroyed. To prevent cies that are anatomically identical or nearly so)
acidification, the buffering agent must be added to based on genetic studies (Yeatman and Benzie
the solution, either in powder or slurry form, and 1994, Izuka et al. 1996). Identification of species
the entire solution then manually agitated. Measure in many tropical regions can be difficult, because
pH after the solution has been thoroughly agitated. many similar-looking species have overlapping
For best results, the formalin solution needs to be geographic distributions. Also, for some cephalo-
checked every 3 hours for the first 24 hours, every pods, sex-specific characteristics (particularly the
6 hours for the next 24 hours, and every 12 hours on hectocotylus, a structure found only in males) are
the 3rd day. After the 3rd day, the specimen needs to important for identification, making determinations
be checked only once a day. Once the pH stabilizes difficult if only immature specimens or females
you can check it less frequently. are collected.
Anderson 249

The living North American shallow-water cepha- 20.11 LITERATURE CITED

lopod fauna is not very diverse, and species-level
identification is generally not difficult. Many re- Hanlon, R. T. and J. B. Messenger. 1996. Cephalopod
Behaviour. Cambridge University Press, New
gional marine invertebrate keys, including Light York. 232 pp.
(1975) for central California, Hoover (1998) for Hoover, J. P. 1998. Hawai’i’s Sea Creatures: A Guide to
Hawaii, and Ruppert and Fox (1988) and Humann Hawai’i’s Marine Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing,
(1996) for the southeastern U.S.A. and the Carib- Honolulu, Hawaii. 366 pp.
bean, include pictures, drawings, or descriptions Humann, P. and N. DeLoach. 1996. Reef Creature Identi-
fication: Florida, Caribbean, Bahamas. New World
of commonly encountered shallow-water cepha- Publications, Jacksonville, Florida. 320 pp.
lopods. The only guides to the global cephalopod Izuka, T., S. Segawa, and T. Okutani. 1996. Biochemical
fauna that are currently available are Roper et al. study of the population heterogeneity and distri-
(1984) and Norman (2000). The former is a guide bution of the oval squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana
to cephalopod species of value to fisheries that is complex in southwestern Japan. American Mala-
cological Bulletin 12: 129-135.
available for download through CephBase and the Light, S. F., R. I. Smith, and J. T. Carlton. 1975. Light’s
FAO Fisheries website (a new FAO guide is due to Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates of the Central
be published soon). Another important and widely California Coast, 3rd Ed. University of California
used reference is Nesis (1987), but it is currently Press, Berkeley, California. 716 pp.
out of print. Mangold, K. 1983. Food, feeding and growth in cephalo-
pods. Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria
44: 81-107.
20.8 WEB RESOURCES Nesis, K. N. 1987. Cephalopods of the World. T. F. H.
Publications, Neptune City, New Jersey. 351 pp.
• CephBase: <> Norman, M. D. 2000. Cephalopods, A World Guide:
• Tree of Life:<> Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean, Red Sea, Atlantic
Ocean, Caribbean, Arctic, Antarctic. ConchBooks,
• Cephalopods at the National Museum of Natural Hackenheim, Germany. 318 pp.
History: <> Rocha, F., A. Guerra, and A. F. González. 2001. A review
• The Cephalopod Page: <> of reproductive strategies in cephalopods. Biologi-
• FAO Fisheries: <> cal Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
• FAO Species Identification Field Guide for 76: 291-304.
Roper, C. F. E. and M. J. Sweeney. 1983. Techniques for fixa-
Fishery Purposes (Cephalopods): < tion, preservation and curation of cephalopods. Mem-
docrep/t0726e/t0726e0c.htm#cephalopods> oirs of the National Museum Victoria 44: 29-47.
Roper, C. F. E., M. J. Sweeney, and C. E. Nauen. 1984.
20.9 SUMMARY Cephalopods of the World: An Annotated and Illus-
trated Catalogue of Species of Interest to Fisheries.
United Nations Development Programme, Food and
Cephalopods are incredible animals, and we still Agricultural Organization of the United Nations,
have a great deal to learn about their biology, ecol- New York. 277 p
ogy, behavior, and evolution. Careful fixation and Ruppert, E. E. and R. S. Fox. 1988. Seashore Animals of
preservation of cephalopod specimens, coupled the Southeast: A Guide to Common Shallow-Water
with detailed documentation of collection infor- Invertebrates of the Southeastern Atlantic Coast.
University of South Carolina Press, Columbia,
mation and color patterns of the living animal, are South Carolina. 429 pp.
critical for future research. Seutin, G., B. N. White, and P. T. Boag. 1991. Preserva-
tion of avian blood and tissue samples for DNA
20.10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS analyses. Canadian Journal of Zoology 68: 82-90.
Toll, R. B. and C. H. Strain. 1988. Freshwater and ter-
restrial food organisms as an alternative diet for
Figures 20.1 and 20.3 were taken by Daniel Geiger. laboratory culture of cephalopods. Malacologia
They are copyrighted and used with permission. 29: 195-200.
The remaining figures are courtesy of the Carnegie Yeatman, J. and J. A. H. Benzie. 1994. Genetic structure
Museum of Natural History. Images were taken by and distribution of Photololigo spp. in Australia.
C. Sturm. Marine Biology 118: 79-87.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


21.1 INTRODUCTION The largest-bodied freshwater gastropods (adults

usually much greater than 2 cm in shell length) be-
Gastropods are a common and conspicuous element long to the related families Viviparidae and Ampul-
of the freshwater biota throughout most of North lariidae. The former family, including the common
America. They are the dominant grazers of algae genera Viviparus and Campeloma, among others,
and aquatic plants in many lakes and streams, and is distinguished by bearing live young, sometimes
can play a vital role in the processing of detritus and parthenogenically. (Eggs are actually held until
decaying organic matter. They are themselves con- they hatch internally, so the term “ovoviviparous”
sumed by a host of invertebrate predators, parasites, is more descriptive.) Viviparids have the ability to
fish, waterfowl, and other creatures great and small. filter feed, in addition to the more usual grazing
An appreciation of freshwater gastropods cannot and scavenging habit. The Ampullariidae, tropical
help but lead to an appreciation of freshwater eco- or sub-tropical in distribution, includes Pomacea,
systems as a whole (Russell-Hunter 1978, Aldridge which lays its large pink egg mass above the water,
1983, McMahon 1983, Dillon 2000). and Marisa, which attaches large gelatinous egg
masses to subsurface vegetation. Ampullariids have
21.2 BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY famous appetites for aquatic vegetation. The only
ampullariid native to the U.S.A. is the Florida apple
The most striking attribute of the North Ameri- snail, Pomacea paludosa (Say, 1829), although
can freshwater gastropod fauna is its biological other ampullariids have been introduced through
diversity. The snails presently dwelling in our the aquarium trade.
lakes and streams, although perhaps sharing some
superficial similarities, have their origins in 6-8 At the other end of the prosobranch spectrum, the
separate invasions from the sea. Co-occurring related families Hydrobiidae and Pomatiopsidae
gastropod populations may differ strikingly in are among our smallest freshwater snails, with
anatomy, life history, habitat, food, and ecologi- shell lengths typically less than 5 mm as adults. The
cal requirement. The first distinction to be made former family (Amnicola, Fontigens, Somatogyrus,
among freshwater snails is between the pulmo- and many other genera) includes diverse inhabitants
nates and the prosobranchs. of clean waters across North America, many spe-
cies being specially adapted to springs. The latter
The prosobranchs (Prosobranchia, see Figures family, represented by only a few species here, are
21.1 A-E) are a polyglot group retaining the often amphibious, being found on mud above the
ancestral gilled condition. They bear relatively water level.
heavy shells and an operculum. They are generally
slow growing, require at least a year to mature, The Pleuroceridae (including such genera as Pleuro-
and live for several years. Sexes are separate in cera, Anculosa [Leptoxis], and Goniobasis [Elimia])
most cases. [here and below, when a name follows in brackets it
252 Freshwater gastropods

granifera], have been introduced to Florida,

Texas, and scattered streams elsewhere.

The Valvatidae is a small family of freshwater

gastropods with adults generally much less than
5 mm shell length. They are more northerly in
their distribution, and are especially found in
the deeper waters of lakes. Another noteworthy
element of the northern fauna is Bithynia tentacu-
lata (Linnaeus, 1758), of the family Bithyniidae,
introduced from Europe. Bearing a shell about 1
cm long and a calcareous operculum, Bithynia has
the ability to filter feed as well as graze.

Snails of the other major group of freshwater

gastropods, the pulmonates (Pulmonata, see
Figures 21.2 A-G), have lost their gills and now
gather oxygen across the simple inner surface
of their mantle. The freshwater pulmonates be-
long to the Order Basommatophora, so named
because their eyes are located at the base of their
tentacles. This distinguishes them from the more
familiar land snails, the Stylommatophora, with
eyes at tentacle tips.

Most freshwater pulmonates carry an air bubble

under their shell, which they replenish occasion-
ally at the surface, and which serves to adjust
their buoyancy. This allows typical pulmonates
to inhabit calm, warm, and even stagnant water
Figure 21.1 Prosobranchs. where dissolved oxygen concentrations may be
A. Viviparus viviparus (Linnaeus, 1758). Fox Ferry quite low. It should be noted, however, that some
Point, Potomac River, MD. CMNH 18319. h. = 2.75
pulmonates (especially limpets and smaller or
cm. B. Pomacea paludosa (Say, 1829). Lake Oklawaka,
Putnam County, FL. CMNH 63653. h. = 5 cm. C. Valvata cold-water species) do not carry air bubbles,
tricarinata (Say, 1817). Ohio. CMNH 62.7046. w. = 6.3 and rely on diffusion of oxygen from the water
mm. D. Pleurocera nobilis (Lea, 1845). Tennessee River, directly into their body tissues.
Florence, AL. CMNH 62.23401. h. = 4.6 cm. E. Bithynia
tentaculata (Linnaeus, 1758). Ohio Canal, Clinton, OH.
Pulmonate snails are lightly-shelled and do not
CMNH 62.25138. h. = 1 cm. CMNH = Carnegie Museum
of Natural History, h. - height, w. - width. bear opercula. They grow quickly, as a general
rule, some populations passing multiple gen-
is the one preferred by Turgeon et al. (1998)] bear erations in a single growing season. They are
moderately sized shells, perhaps 1- 2 cm as adults. reproductively hermaphroditic, with the capability
They reach great abundance and diversity in clean, of self-fertilization.
well-oxygenated waters, especially of the southeast-
ern U.S.A. The parthenogenic Thiaridae is a related The freshwater pulmonates reach their greatest
family common in the tropics and in aquarium shops. diversity in more northerly latitudes. There are four
Two species, Melanoides tuberculata (Müller, 1774) major families in North America. As a generality,
and Thiara granifera (Lamarck, 1822) [Tarebia the snails of the family Lymnaeidae bear slender,
Dillon 253

whether they are national, state,

or local. There are 20 endan-
gered or threatened species of
freshwater gastropods on the
federal list at the present writ-
ing, including 9 hydrobiids and
5 pleurocerids, and most states
also list freshwater gastropod
species among their taxa of
special concern. Many ad-
ditional species of freshwater
snails deserve protection. The
nonprofit conservation organi-
zation, NatureServe, maintains
a database listing the conser-
vation status of all American
freshwater gastropod species
(see Section 21.9 for web ad-
dress). More information can
be found in Chapter 30.



Dress with the weather in mind.

Figure 21.2 Pulmonates. Plan to be challenged by briars,
A. Lymnaea auricularia (Linnaeus, 1758) [Radix auricularia]. Switzerland poison ivy, and biting insects
(also introduced in North America). CMNH 62.25691. h. = 2.4 cm. B. Lymnaea
stagnalis (Linnaeus, 1758). Douglas Lake, MI. CMNH 62.32741. h. = 4.4 cm. C.
on the way to being wet and
Physa ancillaria Say, 1825 [Physella ancilaria]. Lake Chautauqua, Chautauqua muddy. Hip boots or chest
County, NY. CMNH 62.7495. h. = 1.7 cm. D. Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805 waders will be required for the
[Physella acuta]. Lake Erie, Ottawa County, OH. CMNH 62.32834. h. = 2.2 mountains in March; shorts
cm. E. Ancylus fluviatilis (Müller, 1774). Long Park, England. CMNH 63654. and canvas wading shoes are
w. = 1.1 cm. F. Helisoma campanulata (Say, 1821) [Planorbella campanulata].
Pittsburgh, PA. CMNH 62.33654. w. = 1.9 cm. G. Helisoma scalaris (Jay, 1839)
suitable for the swamps in July.
[Panorbella scalaris]. Palm Beach County, FL. CMNH 47174. h. = 1.6 cm. Carry with you an assortment
CMNH = Carnegie Museum of Natural History, h. - height, w. - width. of unbreakable containers for
specimens, perhaps in a bucket,
right-handed shells of typical appearance, the shells canvas bag, or knapsack, or in the pockets of a vest.
of the Physidae are left-handed, those of the Planor- Whirl-pak bags (made of thick plastic with leak
bidae are planispiral (coiled like a watch spring), proof closures) can be very handy. A scientific col-
and those of the Ancylidae are limpet-shaped. lector or serious amateur will always carry at least a
couple small vials (4 dram, 15 ml) in his pockets for
21.3 CONSERVATION limpets, hydrobiids, tiny planorbids, and other small
snails easily lost in bottles with larger pleurocerids
Before embarking on a collecting trip for any ele- and pulmonates.
ment of the biota, it is the responsibility of all good
stewards of the environment to become familiar Since many elements of the freshwater gastropod
with conservation concerns. The taking of any ani- fauna are minute, the well-prepared collector will
mal or plant life is generally prohibited in all parks, keep a set of fine forceps hanging from a pocket
254 Freshwater gastropods

flap or dangling on a string around his neck. A conveniently collected by shaking vegetation in a
knife or scalpel may be preferable to forceps for bucket of clean water. My colleague, Amy Wething-
collecting limpets, but perhaps more difficult to ton (pers. comm.), reports that she is occasionally
carry. A sturdy, long-handed net or dipper will be alerted to the presence of pulmonate snails on lifted
an asset, and/or a sieve, tea strainer, or similar de- debris by the tiny sucking noise they make as they
vice. Benthic sampling nets may be purchased from withdraw into their shells.
biological supply companies in a variety of styles.
The mesh need not be fine; 1 mm will capture even Plastic bags and floating garbage of many sorts
newly-hatched gastropods, and should be protected often seem to attract pulmonates. Remove all such
with a canvas or muslin bottom or shroud. A “kick materials from the water, inspect them, and trans-
net” with a rectangular or triangular opening is port them to the nearest trash receptacle.
better for rocky bottoms, and a dip net with a more
conventional round opening is probably better for A truly complete survey for freshwater snails will
vegetation. D-frame nets combine the benefits of conclude with a number of passes using a stout,
both types. long-handled net. The net should be run through both
the bottom sediments and any aquatic vegetation
A successful search for freshwater snails begins in turn, and its contents examined carefully for
with an inventory of available habitat types. Rivers small gastropods such as the hydrobiids, limpets,
should be surveyed in both riffle and pool; lakes and small planorbids. Older sources describe the
should be surveyed both in quiet, protected bays “Walker dipper” as an alternative to the standard
and on exposed shores. Even ephemeral pools and dip net. The following passage from Baker (1942)
dune ponds can host their own molluscan faunas. describes how to construct a Walker dipper.
The entire range of substrate types should be sam- “Thanks to one of our oldest members, Dr. Bryant
pled, including mud, sand, and rock, as should the Walker, now gone from among us, who lived in
entire macrophyte flora, both floating and attached. Detroit, Michigan, a useful dipper was invented
Consider collecting from a boat. which is fittingly called a Walker dipper or dredge.
It is so efficient that usually no other implement
Upon arrival at the collecting site, your first task is is necessary. This dipper is about 6 inches in
to observe, in a manner as unobtrusive as possible. diameter at the top and 5 inches in diameter at
In some environments, especially those character- the bottom, with a depth of about 3 inches. The
ized by hard water, a preliminary search for relic bottom is covered with copper wire screening of a
shells in outwashed fines and sediment scour at lake sufficiently large mesh to allow the mud and water
or river’s edge may yield valuable clues regarding to run through and retain the shells. It is fastened
the gastropod species to be expected alive. Do to a handle 5 or 6 feet in length. A broom handle
not disturb the silt by entering the water, at least often makes a good handle. The dipper should be
initially. It is best to kneel patiently at the water’s made of copper to prevent rusting. If copper is not
edge for a while, allowing your eyes to adjust to the available then the sides of the dipper may be made
scene, alert for small movements and trails in the of tinned iron and the bottom may be of copper. A
mud. Some lymnaeids and pomatiopsids are quite dipper of this kind has been in use by the writer for
amphibious, often being found on the dry tops of several years and shows no indication of wearing
floating plants, or muddy flats some distance from out” (Figure 2.1 D).
the water’s edge. Run your fingers through loose
sediment for viviparids. Campeloma can be collected by baiting. Simply
tie fish or carrion, partially buried, to a tall stake
Enter the water only after sampling snails from all and sample the surrounding substrate with a net or
visible surfaces. Lift rocks, pull macrophytes, and screen at intervals of several days. The technique
inspect all surfaces carefully. Examine floating seems to work best in shallow, flowing waters with
vegetation and debris. Smaller snails can often be loose sand or silty bottom.
Dillon 255

The most convenient method of bringing your Table 21.1 Database fields in use by the Freshwater
samples home is to preserve them immediately Gastropods of North America project.
with alcohol, together with a field label. If on the
1. Hydrological Unit Code (U.S. Geological Survey
other hand it is your intent to relax your specimens system)
before preservation, or to keep your animals alive 2. Site number (catalog number)
and healthy, transportation becomes somewhat 3. Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
more challenging. Bring a thermometer and try to 4. County (record two if on county line)
5. Project (or funding source, if any)
maintain the temperature in the transport vessel as
6. Water body name
close as possible to that prevailing in the natural 7. Common location (e.g., “2 km W of Dumpton.”)
environment. Small thermos jugs are ideal to trans- 8. Road No. (route number at bridge or access point)
port freshwater living snails, although this can be 9. River Basin
impractical if a large number of sites are to be visited 10. State (record two if on State line)
11. Latitude (decimal degrees)
in a single trip. A low-cost option is to accumulate
12. Longitude (decimal degrees)
samples in sturdy plastic bags or milk jugs inside a 13. Collector’s name(s)
single large cooler. The tops can be cut off the jugs 14. Scientific Name (genus and species)
to remove the animals upon return from the field.
Some collectors prefer to transport living snails in
wet vegetation. Be sure to field-label containers of in some out of the way place where the odor will
living snails on the outside - live snails may con- not become a problem. It can be desirable to take
sume any slips of paper dropped among them. specimens through one or two changes of alcohol
over several days before drying them. This seems
Living snails will need transfer to suitable hold- to mitigate the odor, lowering the intensity although
ing facilities promptly upon arrival at the home or perhaps prolonging the duration. Another approach
laboratory. Ideally, aquaria should be established is to freeze specimens in a container of water over-
and conditioned before departure on a live collect- night. They generally die in an extended condition,
ing trip. Alternatively, you can transport carboys and can be thawed and cleaned with forceps.
of water from the field and set up fresh aquaria on
your return. It may be necessary to clean the largest specimens,
especially the ampullariids and viviparids, by boil-
Take good notes for each collection. Record the ing. The animals should be placed in a pot of cool
locality as specifically as possible, ideally on site, water and warmed to boiling gradually. The meat
completing as many of the first 14 fields of Table can then be hooked out with a pin, and the opercu-
21.1 as possible. Habitat notes and environmental lum saved in the aperture with a plug of cotton.
observations are often useful. Upon return from
the field, the safest and most systematic approach The dry shells of freshwater gastropods are often
is to assign each lot a catalog number and to record small and fragile. For this reason, they are more
data in a hardbound journal and/or an electronic commonly stored in enclosed containers than most
database. An Excel spreadsheet formatted in the mollusks. Clear glass shell vials plugged with
template of Table 21.1 is available for download polyester are best, or clear plastic snap-top boxes,
from the FWGNA site. either of which may be purchased at specialized
biological supply companies. Clear plastic pill
21.5 PREPARATION AND STORAGE bottles can be purchased at the pharmacy. Labels
with data should be included with each lot of shells,
The vast majority of all freshwater mollusk collec- as described in Chapter 14.4.
tions, whether they are in national museums or in
private cabinets, are of shell. As most freshwater From a scientific standpoint, the preservation of
gastropods are not large of body, the preservation of soft part anatomy in freshwater gastropod collec-
their shells is best accomplished by drying, ideally tions can be very important. The application of
256 Freshwater gastropods

DNA methods is also becoming more widespread marine or even terrestrial species, at least in North
with each passing year. Thus increasingly we find America. The most comprehensive guide available
scientific collections stored in alcohol, 80% ethanol at present is J.B. Burch’s North American Freshwa-
being the recommended standard. Ethanol concen- ter Snails (Burch 1989). The work was originally
trations of 90% or higher are favored by researchers published by the U.S. Environmental Protection
planning DNA studies, although such high quality Agency, and re-published in the journal Walkerana
reagents are not readily available to the general (Burch and Tottenham 1980, Burch 1982, 1988).
public. The “rubbing” alcohol stocked by ordinary Burch’s work includes illustrations, historic ranges,
pharmacies is often 70% ethanol “denatured” with synonyms, and a dichotomous key to the species
acetone or similar organic solvents. Other rubbing level for most taxa. Other (shorter) references use-
alcohol formulations, such as 70% or 90% isopro- ful at the national level include the keys of Pennak
panol, can be used to preserve specimens but are (1989) and Brown (1991).
not ideal. Because the upper regions of gastropod
anatomy are especially liable to decomposition, it In addition to the above, there have been a fair
is a good idea carefully to crack the shells of a few number of regional surveys, species lists, and sys-
individuals before placing them in alcohol. tematic reviews of taxa helpful in special situations.
Especially notable are the works for the following
Formaldehyde, which can be hazardous, is not regions: Canada (Clarke 1973, 1981), Colorado
recommended for general use. Some workers (Wu 1989), Connecticut (Jokinen 1983), Florida
recommend brief fixation (no more than a few (Thompson 1984), Missouri (Wu et al. 1997), New
hours) in 10% formalin before preservation in York (Jokinen 1992), and North Dakota (Cvancara
alcohol, although any contact with formalin will 1983). F.C. Baker authored a large and comprehen-
render tissue unsuitable for future DNA studies. sive monograph on the Lymnaeidae (1911), and
Refer to Chapter 5 for information regarding vials his similarly ambitious work on the Planorbidae
and jars appropriate for storing wet collections. was published posthumously in an incomplete
form (1945). Both of these works were rendered
Some researchers prefer to make anatomical obser- somewhat obsolete by the global-scale monographs
vations on specimens that have been relaxed before of Hubendick (1951, 1955). The Physidae have
preservation. Menthol crystals, available from your recently been monographed by Wethington (2003).
pharmacist, are among the most convenient of the For information on aids to identifying non-North
variety of chemicals used for this purpose. Other American taxa see Chapter 9.2.3 and 9.2.6.
anesthetics, such as chloretone, nembutal, or chloral
hydrate are more difficult to obtain. Simply transfer The Freshwater Gastropods of North America (FW-
animals to be relaxed into a shallow vessel of water GNA) project is a long-term, collaborative effort to
(perhaps 1 cm), float a large menthol crystal (or sev- survey, map, and monograph the entire continental
eral small ones) on the surface, and leave them cool fauna north of Mexico. It is anticipated that both
and undisturbed. Periods of 12-24 hours are typically conventional print and electronic resources will be
required for complete relaxation, but decomposition developed to facilitate the identification and conser-
can follow shortly thereafter. Specimens should be vation of these remarkable animals. A guide to the
probed periodically (a touch to the tentacle will freshwater gastropods of South Carolina is on line
suffice) and transferred to alcohol promptly after now, with plans to extend throughout all southern
death. Menthol crystals can be dried and reused (see Atlantic drainages in the near future. A complete list
Chapter 2.5 for more on relaxing or narcotizing). of all reference materials useful for the identification
of North American freshwater gastropods published
21.6 IDENTIFICATION since 1900 can be found on the FWGNA website (see
Section 21.9 for the website address), as well as links
The identification of freshwater gastropods pres- to a small but growing number of online resources
ents a greater challenge than one encounters with and databases relevant to freshwater snails.
Dillon 257

21.7 AQUARIUM CULTURE Marisa cornuarietis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a planispi-

ral ampullariid native to South and Central Amer-
Freshwater snails make interesting pets. Most ica, now often sold in aquarium shops as a “giant
snail species seem to adapt well to life in standard Colombian ramshorn.” There are both banded and
aquarium conditions, and a growing number of unbanded forms - the unbanded sometimes called
varieties are sold specifically to the hobbyist. a “golden ramshorn”.
Such casual interest in snails as may be displayed
by the typical customer in a hobby shop almost Macrophytic vegetation comprises the ordinary diet
certainly derives from the search for additions of ampullariids such as Pomacea and Marisa, as
to aquaria featuring fish. But culturing fish and well as occasional small invertebrates, including
snails together can be detrimental to the former, other snails. Do not attempt to culture ampullariids
and is never good for the latter. Most fish will eat with aquatic plants or smaller snails about which
snails, especially the smaller and more fragile you care. They seem to grow well on a diet of let-
pulmonates, and some tropical fishes may require tuce, especially Romaine. (Iceberg lettuce tends
heated waters, never necessary or even desirable to cloud the water.) See the bibliography and web
for gastropod culture. On the other hand, given resources for special references, both print and
the right conditions the populations of some electronic, on the apple snails.
pulmonates can rapidly increase in a fish tank,
generating a great deal of toxic ammonia and 21.7.2 Bellamya (or Cipangopaludina). This
devouring expensive ornamental plants. It is best Asian viviparid is widely marketed in the U.S.A.
to raise freshwater snails by themselves. as a “Japanese” or “Chinese trap-door snail,” for
use primarily in outdoor water gardens. Bellamya
The following is a brief review of the freshwater may also sometimes be called a “mystery snail,”
snails commonly available in pet shops, and a bit although this name tends to confuse them with
about culturing them. Have fun with these, but Pomacea. By virtue of the trap-door snail’s abil-
please do not release them into the wild. Exotic ity to filter-feed, and its benign relationship with
gastropod species can multiply in great numbers, aquatic vegetation, nurseries selling water lilies and
and some are documented pests. But even though other aquatic plants often promote these gastro-
the adverse consequences of releasing aquarium pods to clean the pond water. Like almost all other
species to the environment may be less than obvi- freshwater snails, however, they will probably do
ous in many cases, most of us simply prefer that well in the aquarium provisioned with ordinary
natural communities remain undisturbed. fish food.

21.7.1 Pomacea. The most popular gastropod pets 21.7.3 Melanoides tuberculata. Melanoides tu-
today are the large and gaudy ampullariids, gener- berculata is an old world thiarid now ubiquitous
ally labeled “apple snails” in the aquarium shops, through tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.
but sometimes also called “mystery snails” (Per- It is marketed in aquarium shops as a “Malayan
era and Walls 1996). Twenty years ago, the most Needle Point.” Melanoides is among the hardiest
common species was the North American native of the prosobranchs, and by virtue of its partheno-
P. paludosa. More recently, the South American genic mode of reproduction, one of the most easily
P. bridgesi (Reeve, 1856) has achieved widespread cultured in standard aquarium conditions.
popularity by virtue of the marvelous color varieties
available. Clever and enterprising breeders have 21.7.4 Helisoma trivolvis [Planorbella trivolvis].
brought to market diverse colors of shell and body Helisoma trivolvis (Say, 1817) is a North American
bearing such names as “golden,” “ivory,” “blue,” native that has long standing in the aquarium trade.
and “tuxedo.” Also more recently available in It is usually just called a “ramshorn snail.” Albinos
pet shops is the “Giant Peruvian” or “Inca” snail, actually look red, since absence of body pigmenta-
Pomacea maculata (Perry, 1810). tion uncovers their hemoglobin content. (The snails
258 Freshwater gastropods

then sell for a premium as red ramshorns). Heli- A. M. Cvancara (1983) Aquatic Mollusks of North
soma [Planorbella] enjoys lettuce, in addition to Dakota:
fish food, and seems indifferent to aeration. Given <
an occasional feeding, and a rare water change, it mollusks/mollusks.htm>
will thrive. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Threatened and En-
dangered Species System:
21.7.5 Physa [Physella]. Physa most often enters <>
the hobbyist’s aquarium as a contaminant on water NatureServe Online Encyclopedia of Life
plants, although they make active and interesting <>
pets. It has recently been shown that the common Stijn Ghesquiere’s Apple Snail website:
and widespread North American species, P. heter- <>
ostropha (Say, 1817), P. integra (Haldeman, 1841),
and P. virgata (Gould, 1855), are all synonymous 21.10 LITERATURE CITED
with the old world P. acuta Draparnaud, 1805,
making P. acuta the world’s most cosmopolitan Aldridge, D. W. 1983. Physiological ecology of fresh-
water prosobranchs. In: W. D. Russell-Hunter, ed.,
freshwater gastropod. These are the cockroaches The Mollusca, Vol. 6. Academic Press, Orlando,
of malacology, thriving in all conditions of food Florida. Pp. 329-358.
and culture, and quick to reproduce. Their weak Baker, F. C. 1911. The Lymnaeidae of North and Middle
mouthparts make them less dangerous to aquatic America, Recent and Fossil. Special Publication,
vegetation than Helisoma, for example, and more No. 3. Chicago Academy of Natural Sciences,
Chicago. 539 pp.
dependent on a diet of algae and/or fish food. Baker, F. C. 1945. The Molluscan Family Planorbidae.
University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois. 530
21.8 SUMMARY pp.
Baker, F. C. 1942. Collecting and preserving fresh water
The North American freshwater snails do not tend snails. The American Malacological Union, Elev-
enth Annual Report 11: 5-9.
to grow as large or as colorful as most groups of Brown, K. M. 1991. Gastropoda. In: J. H. Thorp and A.
mollusks, and consequently do not often attract the P. Covich, eds., Ecology and Classification of North
attention of hobbyists. Yet they are widespread, American Freshwater Invertebrates. Academic
easily collected, and adapt easily to the home Press, New York. Pp. 285-314.
aquarium. The diversity of freshwater gastropods, Burch, J. B. 1982. North American freshwater snails:
Identification keys, generic synonymy, supplemen-
and the variety of environments they inhabit, can tal notes, glossary, references, index. Walkerana
yield great intellectual rewards to the malacolo- 4: 1-365.
gist, amateur or professional, with the dedication Burch, J. B. 1988. North American freshwater snails:
to pursue them. introduction, systematics, nomenclature, identifica-
tion, morphology, habitats, distribution. Walkerana
2: 1-80.
21.9 WEB RESOURCES Burch, J. B. 1989. North American Freshwater Snails.
Malacological Publications, Hamburg, Michigan.
Nets and Freshwater Sampling Gear: 365 pp.
<> Burch, J. B. and J. L. Tottenham. 1980. North American
<> freshwater snails: Species list, ranges, and illustra-
tions. Walkerana 3: 1-215.
Freshwater Gastropods of North America Project: Clarke, A. H. 1973. The freshwater molluscs of the Ca-
<> nadian Interior Basin. Malacologia 13: 1-509.
Freshwater Gastropods of South Carolina: Clarke, A. H. 1981. The Freshwater Mollusks of Canada.
<> The National Museums of Canada, Ottawa. 446 pp.
F. G. Thompson (1984) Freshwater Snails of Cvancara, A. M. 1983. Aquatic Mollusks of North Da-
kota. Report of Investigation, Vol. 78. North Dakota
Florida: Geologic Survey. 142 pp.
< Dillon, R. T. 2000. The Ecology of Freshwater Molluscs.
snails1.htm> Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 509 pp.
Dillon 259

Hubendick, B. 1951. Recent Lymnaeidae. Their varia- Strayer, D. L. 1990. Freshwater Mollusca. In: B. L.
tion, morphology, taxonomy, nomenclature, and Peckarsky, P. R. Fraissinet, M. A. Penton, and D.
distribution. Kungl Svenska Vetenskapasakademiens J. Conklin, eds., Freshwater Macroinvertebrates of
Handlingar 3: 1-223. Northeastern North America. Cornell University
Hubendick, B. 1955. Phylogeny in the Planorbidae. Press, Ithaca, New York, Pp. 33-372.
Transactions of the Zoological Society of London Thompson, F. G. 1984. The Freshwater Snails of Florida,
28: 453-542. A Manual for Identification. University of Florida
Jokinen, E. H. 1983. The freshwater snails of Connecti- Press, Gainesville, Florida. 94 pp.
cut. Connecticut Geological and Natural History Turgeon, D. D., J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan,
Survey Bulletin 109: 1-83. F. G. Hochberg, W. G. Lyons, P. M. Mikkelsen, R.
Jokinen, E. H. 1992. The freshwater snails (Mollusca: J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A.
Gastropoda) of New York State. New York State Scheltema, F. G. Thompson, M. Vecchione, and J.
Museum Bulletin 482: 1-112. D. Williams. 1998. Common and Scientific Names
McMahon, R. F. 1983. Physiological ecology of fresh- of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States
water pulmonates. In: W. D. Russell-Hunter, ed., and Canada. Mollusks, 2nd Ed. American Fisheries
The Mollusca, Vol. 6, Ecology. Academic Press, Society Special Publication 26. 526 pp.
New York. Pp. 359-430. Wethington, A. R. 2003. Phylogeny, Taxonomy, and
Pennak, R. W. 1989. Fresh-water Invertebrates of the Evolution of Reproductive Isolation in Physa (Pul-
United States, 3rd Edition. John Wiley and Sons, monata: Physidae) Ph.D. Dissertation, University
New York. 628 pp. of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. 119 p.
Perera, G. and J. G. Walls. 1996. Apple Snails in the Wu, Shi-Kuei. 1989. Colorado Freshwater Mollusks.
Aquarium. T. F. H. Publications, Neptune City, New Natural History Inventory of Colorado, Vol. 11.
Jersey. 121 pp. University of Colorado Museum, Boulder, Colo-
Russell-Hunter, W. D. 1978. Ecology of freshwater rado. 117 pp.
pulmonates. In: V. Fretter and J. Peake, eds., Pul- Wu, Shi-Kuei., R. D. Oesch, and M. E. Gordon. 1997.
monates, Vol 2A. Academic Press, New York. Pp. Missouri Aquatic Snails. Missouri Department of
336-83. Conservation, Jefferson City, Missouri. 97 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


22.1 INTRODUCTION idea that operculate snails invaded land multiple

times, but we do not yet know how many times.
Collecting land snails can range from a pastime to Pulmonata is apparently a monophyletic group,
a serious scientific pursuit resulting in significant but the operculate group of snails formerly known
contributions to scientific knowledge. This chapter as “Prosobranchia” is clearly not monophyletic,
summarizes information about where and how to and the group of land snails derived from them is
collect land snails. We provide information about polyphyletic. Here we refer to these non-pulmonate
their macro- and microhabitat needs that will help land snails as operculate land snails.
you locate good collecting places. We discuss
field collecting methods and equipment, as well Nearly all the operculate land snails possess an
as methods for separating snails from leaf litter operculum, or door, for closing the shell when the
or other material brought back from the field. We animal withdraws. Shell shapes and surface sculp-
remind you that record keeping is important in the tures vary; Figures 22.1E and G show operculate
field. We will discuss methods for preserving both snails with particularly ornate surface sculpture.
shells and soft parts of specimens, and literature Operculate snails have one pair of tentacles, with
that should help you to identify your finds. eyes at the bases of the tentacles, and always have
a coiled shell into which they can retract (i.e., no
We encourage you to go beyond using this chapter, slugs). There are separate male and female indi-
and contact workers at museums and other land viduals. Although derived from marine ancestors,
snail collectors for hints or assistance. They might the land operculate snails have lost their gills; the
share with you information on techniques and local neck is not fastened to the mantle anteriorly so the
collecting spots, and they might be pleasant field entire mantle cavity is open to the flow of air and
companions on a collecting trip. the head is prolonged into a proboscis, distinctly
separated from the foot (Solem 1974). In temperate
22.2 BIOLOGY OF LAND SNAILS areas, fewer than 1% of land snails are operculate,
while in the American tropics, about 50% of the
Land snails represent multiple invasions of land species are operculate.
from marine snail ancestors. The Pulmonata are
the most successful group of land snails in numbers In contrast to the operculate snails, pulmonate
of species and in diversity of habitats. In contrast, land snails never possess an operculum, the head
the operculate snail groups that invaded land are is not prolonged into a proboscis, and instead of
mostly confined to the moist tropics (Solem 1974). an open mantle cavity, the mantle collar is fused
The systematics of operculate land snails is cur- to the neck of the snail, so only the pneumostome
rently undergoing revision (Ponder and Lindberg (breathing hole) connects the mantle cavity to the
1997, Barker 2001); results to date confirm the outside world (Solem 1974). The shells are nearly
262 Terrestrial gastropods

Figure 22.1 Diversity of form in land snails.

A. Haploptychius andamanicus (Benson, 1860), CM 62.13336, Andaman Islands, showing skewed coiling axis. B.
Sitala aliciae Emberton and Pearce, 2000, Madagascar. C. Planogyra asteriscus (E. S. Morse, 1857), CM 64976,
Isle d’Orleans, Quebec, Canada, showing periostracal ribs. D. Pleurodonte peracutissimus (C. B. Adams, 1845), CM
62.2712, Jamaica, carinate shell. E. Opisthostoma mirabile E. A. Smith, 1893, CM 65201, Borneo, dextral shell appears
to coil sinistrally because coiling direction reverses near end of growth. F. Vitrinizonites latissimus (J. Lewis, 1875), CM
65241, Great Smoky Mountains, Tennessee, semislug shell with large aperture. G. Gongylostoma gemmata (Pilsbry,
1927), CM 65202, Guane, Pinar del Rio Province, Cuba, narrow with hollow tubercles. H. Cepaea nemoralis (Linnaeus,
1758), CM 62.1230, England. I. Fauxulus capensis Küster, 1841, CM 62.20188, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa,
sinistral. Tickmarks on scale bars are in millimeters. CM = Carnegie Museum. Illustrated by Jessica P. Domitrovic
Pearce and Örstan 263

all dextrally coiling, but some sinistral species are a hollow cavity occupying most of the foot. Slugs
known (Figure 22.1I). Shells may be relatively evolved independently from snails at least 10 times
simply coiled throughout growth (Figure 22.1B), and semi-slugs evolved from snails at least 25 ad-
while other species develop a reflected or thickened ditional times (Pearce, unpublished). Consequently,
lip (Figures 22.1A, D, H, I) or apertural barriers slugs excluding snails are not a natural group (they
(Figures 22.1A, D, I), at the end of growth. Some are polyphyletic, not monophyletic).
species have a carinate periphery (Figure 22.1D),
and some species have a twisted axis of coiling 22.3 WHERE TO FIND LAND SNAILS
(Figure 22.1A). The surface sculpture is often
smooth or with growth ridges, some species have Terrestrial gastropods can be found in moist wood-
hairs, and others have periostracal processes such land and arid regions. In this section, we will dis-
as ribs (Figure 22.1C). Pulmonates are hermaph- cuss some of the environmental factors to consider
rodites, meaning that one individual is both male when searching for land snails.
and female; in contrast to the separate sexes in the
operculate land snails. Pulmonates comprise three 22.3.1 General considerations. While many large
groups: Stylommatophora, Basommatophora, and species of land snails exist, the vast majority of land
Systellommatophora. All three of these groups snail species are tiny, less than one centimeter in
include terrestrial species, although the majority greatest dimension, some being only one millime-
of terrestrial gastropods are Stylommatophora. The ter, so more than casual searching is required to find
Stylommatophora nearly always have two pairs of the small ones. Because the casual collector more
tentacles that can be retracted into the head through easily finds larger land snails, a greater proportion
inversion, with eyes situated on the tips of the upper of specimens in museums are the larger species, and
(posterior) pair of tentacles. The few terrestrial spe- the larger species are better known. Consequently,
cies of Basommatophora apparently evolved from the potential for making important new discoveries
freshwater pulmonates, and have two tentacles with is greater if you concentrate on collecting tiny land
eyespots at the bases of the tentacles. The Systel- snails, e.g., most of the new species being described
lommatophora are mostly tropical slugs having two these days are the smaller species.
pairs of tentacles with eyes on the tips of the upper
tentacles, but unlike the Stylommatophora, the eyes Land snails occur in practically any terrestrial habi-
are contractile, and cannot be inverted (retracted) tat that has some source of moisture and is ice-free
into the head. for at least a few weeks of the year. Most land snail
species occur in forests that retain moisture even
Slugs evolved from snails by reducing and internal- during dry periods, but some species, such as Val-
izing the shell. In most slugs, the shell is reduced lonia spp. and Cochlicopa spp. occur in meadows
to a flat plate (e.g., Limacidae, Ariolimax - banana and fields. Other species occur in seasonally hot and
slugs), a few calcareous granules (e.g., Arion), or arid regions, for example, Cerion spp. on Caribbean
may be completely absent (e.g., Philomycidae, Islands, Holospira spp. in the southwestern USA
Veronicellidae). Semi-slugs are between snails and and Mexico, and Albinaria spp. in coastal Turkey
slugs; they have an external shell (Figure 22.1F), and Greece. While Sphincterochila boissieri (Char-
but the shell is too small for the animal to withdraw pentier, 1847) lives in the deserts of the Middle East
into. There are more species of semi-slugs than where sometimes a year may pass between rains
there are of slugs (Solem 1974). Most semi-slugs (Schmidt-Nielsen et al. 1971), Truncatella spp.
live in tropical areas. A snail has a muscular foot live under the rocks and piles of dead sea weed on
and the internal organs are within the shell. In a marine beaches where they are frequently covered
semi-slug, the internal organs are in a hump on the by the waves. Land snails have been recorded above
slug’s back and the foot is usually muscular but the tree line and in tundra areas toward the Poles.
it might be partly hollowed to accommodate the Land snails also occur in urban areas such as road-
internal organs. In a slug, the internal organs are in sides, gardens, greenhouses, and probably in your
264 Terrestrial gastropods

backyard. Identifiable shell fragments of land snails as Vertigo gouldi (A. Binney, 1843) might prefer
may be found even in pellets of predatory birds that conifer-dominated forests (Kralka 1986). Primary
eat snails, such as owls (Mienis 1971). forest, especially in tropical areas, will usually
have richer snail faunas than secondary forest.
While experience is very important in knowing Clench (1974) suggested looking above the flood
where to look for snails, understanding the eco- line when searching for snails along streams and
logical requirements of snails can allow useful and lakes because land snails generally cannot tolerate
usually accurate predictions about which sites will immersion. On the other hand, land snail shells
contain the most numerous snails. When looking can often be found near rivers in the drift debris
for snails, think like a snail. Choose places to look deposited by floods (see below).
that have hospitable conditions throughout the year
because snails do not migrate great distances. Al- Slope and aspect (orientation to the sun) of the land
though understanding their ecological requirements can influence moisture. Gentler slopes probably
can be helpful for finding snails, chance can also be drain more slowly, and land sloping away from
a factor in locating them. The relatively small home the sun (e.g., north facing slopes in the Northern
ranges of snails coupled with the tendency of some Hemisphere) may retain moisture longer during
species to aggregate, especially before they become dry periods. More exposed topography such as hill
dormant, might explain why one log on the forest and ridge tops are probably drier than slopes or
floor may harbor numerous specimens, whereas valleys and may be poorer sites for locating snails
another log 10 meters away may have none. (Emberton et al. 1996); however, some Ashmunella
spp. in the southwestern U.S.A. live exclusively on
One of the most important needs of land snails is treeless rocky slopes (Pilsbry 1940). Cain (1983)
moisture (Riddle 1983) because land snails are like speculated that aspect might be especially impor-
leaking bags of water trying to survive on land. tant to snails at the climatic edges of their ranges.
Generally, land snails have mechanical or behav- Although these topographical features may be less
ioral strategies for dealing with temporary periods important influences on snail distribution than oth-
of dryness lasting several weeks to months (or more ers such as geography, climate, forest type, and rock
than a year for desert species). Another require- type, considering topography might help in locating
ment for snails is a source of calcium for making denser populations of snails.
shells, although slugs need less calcium. Areas of
limestone (calcium carbonate) are famous among Abundance and diversity of snails are likely to be
land snail collectors for having greater abundances lower in deserts. Because arid regions typically
and diversities of snails. have high temperatures with extreme daily and
monthly temperature ranges, low and infrequent
22.3.2 Macrohabitat requirements. The amount rainfall, low humidity, and many sunny days with
of moisture, altitude, topography, rock type, soil high light intensity, mollusks of arid regions consist
composition, and tree species are some of the inter- mainly of forms with a wide tolerance for tempera-
dependent factors that influence the distributions of ture, moisture, and sunshine. Snails can be found
land snails in complex ways (Coney et al. 1982). In in the desert regions of the American southwest, in
addition, some snail species are tolerant of a wider eastern and southeastern California, Arizona, New
range of macrohabitat characteristics than are other Mexico, northern Mexico, and the western parts of
species. Therefore, it is not practical to specify Texas (Gregg 1974).
definite conditions that would satisfy the require-
ments of all species. However, we can make some Open meadows and pasturelands, including those
useful generalizations. In general, forested areas with forest cover, are usually poor for snails unless
tend to be moister than cleared fields, and areas there are many logs (Clench 1974), but one can
with leaf litter in well-shaded deciduous forests find a few species near grass roots (Anonymous
are good places to find snails. Some species, such 1929). Trampling may influence the low abundance
Pearce and Örstan 265

of snails in pastures (Chappell et al. 1971). When find slugs in the outer few centimeters of the rotten
humans clear forests for agriculture, snail diversity wood (Anonymous 1929).
and abundance decrease, and species composition
changes (Evans 1972). On the other hand, meadows Native snails in North America tend to be most
are not always poor for land snails. Diversity and abundant in leaf litter, under and in rotting logs, and
abundance of snails in meadows was found to be around the base of stones, while introduced species
greater than that in forests on the Kuril Islands in tend to be more urban and may be found under old
far eastern Russia, where the climate is so rainy boards and bricks, and beneath damp litter in towns
that the meadows are almost constantly moist and cities (Burch and Pearce 1990). Small species
(Pearce 1997). of snails spend most of their time within leaf litter
(Boag 1985). While snails are most abundant in the
Areas of limestone are particularly good for land top 5 cm of leaf litter, they can be found as deep as
snails, both in abundance and diversity. The reasons 20 cm in the soil (Locasciulli and Boag 1987). Old
for this pattern have not been fully explored, but brush piles might have many snails, but branches of
limestone may be good for snails because it pro- fresh, green brush do not have many snails (Anony-
vides abundant calcium, or because it often erodes mous 1929). Under or near decaying logs and
into deep cracks, providing a refuge for the snails fallen trees is a good place to find snails, probably
(Burch and Pearce 1990). Limestone ridges are because logs retain moisture during drier periods.
usually rich in snails, especially if there is ample Many small species, for example, Strobilops spp.,
shade and much moss and dead leaves at the base and the juveniles of larger species may be found
of ledges (Anonymous 1929, Clench 1974, Nekola in the powdered wood that accumulates on rotting
and Smith 1999). LaRocque (1974a) noted that trunks. Look for snails in shaded areas of ravines
Gastrocopta, Hawaiia, and Zonitoides live in large having ample ground moisture. Snails and slugs can
numbers in limestone quarries, under loose blocks be found under the bark of standing and fallen trees,
of rock, and other species can be abundant in the and snails can be found in the crevices of the bark
soil between limestone ledges. of some living trees and shrubs. Rock outcrops on
wooded hillsides that are surrounded by leaf litter
Many species of Eremarionta, Sonorella, Sonorelix, are usually good places to find snails.
Helminthoglypta, Ashmunella, and Radiocentrum
can be found on rocky hillsides, particularly in Considering these needs of snails, we can expect
rockslides, and sometimes in dry weather, under low abundance and diversity of snails in managed
or among the roots of yucca and agave plants. forests from which fallen logs have been removed,
Holospira is found on hillsides where limestone is or in recently forested areas having only sparse leaf
present, at some times of the year on rock surfaces, litter and few rotting logs. Likewise, pastureland
but in dry, hot weather, it is found beneath rocks or recently converted to forest may completely lack
desert vegetation (Gregg 1974). snails, especially large species, if the area lacked
snails before trees were planted and snails have not
22.3.3 Microhabitats. Within a larger habitat, snail had a chance to colonize.
abundance varies with microhabitat. Different spe-
cies live in different microhabitats. Therefore, your Some species occur on plants, in trees, and on their
choice of microhabitat will influence which species epiphytes. Tree-dwelling snails are found more
and how many of them you will find. Generally, often in tropical areas, but also occur in temperate
look for areas that are likely to have a supply of areas. Smaller species in temperate areas, including
moisture throughout the year, for example, in deep Succineidae, climb on plants including plantain
piles of leaf litter, in depressions, under logs and on (Anonymous 1929), grasses and sedges, and other
the undersides of logs, in cracks among rocks, and herbs (Figure 22.2). Some noteworthy tree-dwell-
among moisture-loving plants such as ferns. If the ing species occurring in North America include
log is rotten enough, break it apart and you might Gastrocopta corticaria (Say, 1816) of northern
266 Terrestrial gastropods

North America, some of the Vertigo and Columella

species, and Liguus fasciatus (Müller, 1774) of
southern Florida. In addition, many forest snails and
slugs, including Neohelix albolabris (Say, 1817),
Mesodon thyroidus (Say, 1816), Philomycus spp.
and Anguispira spp., climb on live or dead trees
on warm rainy days, especially in the evenings
(Ingram 1941).

Some species are characteristic of open areas such

as grasslands, especially grasslands on limestone.
For example, many Gastrocopta, Cochlicopa, Val-
lonia, and Pupilla species occur in grassland. Their
numbers tend to be greater in old shell middens of
mussel or oyster shells, probably because of the
calcium source.

Many people have reported moss as a good place

to find snails, although we have generally had poor
luck finding snails in moss. LaRocque (1974a)
found Striatura, Vertigo, Zonitoides, and Plano-
gyra from sifting dried moss from the area around
Ottawa, Canada. He suggested collecting moss
from the edges of swamps, and from shade under
trees or at the bases of cliffs. On the other hand,
few snails can be gotten from moss taken from Figure 22.2 Oxyloma retusa (Lea, 1834) on Typha sp.
areas flooded in the spring or from more exposed (cattail).
a rock pile. During low temperatures of winter,
Besides areas having moisture, look for areas hav- snails crawl into the lowermost levels of the leaf
ing refuges that might protect snails from predators litter and sometimes burrow into the soil (Roscoe
as well as from desiccation. For example, slugs 1974). Therefore, during seasonal extremes of heat,
are more common in gardens having objects ly- cold, or dryness, when snails are usually inactive,
ing on the ground, such as loose rocks or boards it will be difficult to collect those species that hide
under which they can hide, and in less cultivated in deep cracks, in rotting logs, under rocks, and
fields that have air spaces in the soil. Cultivation in the soil.
decreases the air spaces in the soil and can help to
decrease slug populations (South 1992, Henderson Knowledge of microhabitats in the desert environ-
1996). ment is useful toward success in collecting desert
snails (Roscoe 1974). In many instances, snails
During dry and hot or cold periods, land snails aesti- survive in deserts by living in rockslides (Gregg
vate by withdrawing into their shells and becoming 1974) because rockslides provide deep cracks for
dormant. During aestivation, they may adhere to a refuges. If you are lucky enough to be collecting
leaf or rock and secrete one or more epiphragms, or snails in arid areas during rainy weather, you should
membranous partitions between the animal and the have a much easier time finding live ones (Hoch-
aperture. Some snails aestivate on stems of plants. berg et al. 1987); otherwise you will probably need
Other species aestivate in deep cracks that provide to move hundreds of kilograms of rocks to find the
some protection from desiccation, such as deep in aestivating snails.
Pearce and Örstan 267

In addition to looking in favorable places, we Any of the collection and survey methods discussed
encourage you to spend a little time looking in places below, and others we have not discussed, may be
you do not expect to find many snails. Otherwise, used to collect and study the land snails of a loca-
you might miss species of unusual habitats. For tion. Several authors recommend a combination
example, some species in the U.S.A. have been of visual search and litter sampling (Lee 1993,
found only in caves (Hubricht 1962) (if you are Emberton et al. 1996). Menez (2001) evaluated the
not experienced in exploring caves, seek help from amount of effort necessary to sample Mediterranean
experienced spelunkers, because entering a cave is sites adequately and concluded that 2.5 hours of
potentially dangerous) and on rare occasions, land visual search plus processing 4.2 liters of substrate
snails can be found in Sphagnum bogs. were sufficient.

If you are looking for particular species of land However, species compositions and relative
snails, check for information on habitats in Pils- abundances obtained may differ depending on the
bry (1939-1948) and Hubricht (1985) for North method used. Runham and Hunter (1970) found
America, and Kerney and Cameron (1979) or that trapping and soil sampling methods in the
Kerney et al. (1983) for Europe. same area resulted in different proportions of slug
species. Oggier et al. (1998) compared the results
22.4 FIELD METHODS AND EQUIPMENT obtained with three of the methods discussed here
(mark-release-recapture, cardboard trapping, and
22.4.1 Methods, general considerations. The type soil sampling) and found that soil sampling yielded
of sampling you do will depend on your purpose. the most species. However, the soil sampling and
For example, in surveying which snails occur in mark-release-recapture procedures were more labor
an area, you would like to discover all the species intensive than cardboard trapping, and the three
there, and it will not matter whether they are alive methods yielded different proportions of species.
or dead. Similarly, for a diversity study, you need They concluded that soil sampling would be most
to know all the species and you probably need to reliable for obtaining complete species lists in small
know the relative abundances of the species. In such areas, whereas cardboard trapping would be suit-
scientific sampling that seeks to quantify snails per able for examining populations of selected species
surface area or per volume of material, it is more over larger areas.
important to get a sample of the material containing
the shells than it is to pick up individual shells on While collecting shells haphazardly over an indefi-
the surface (LaRocque 1974b). This consideration nite area can result in an interesting assemblage of
holds for both modern and fossil shells. species for a personal shell collection, systematic
surveying can have more scientific and lasting
If you are studying intraspecific variation among value. Systematic surveys of selected areas rang-
different populations of one species or interspecific ing in size from a park (Cowie et al. 1994, Örstan
variation among closely related species, you may 1999a) to a peninsula (Pearce and Italia 2002) or
need to collect large numbers of shells from differ- an island (Cameron 1986, Pearce 1994, Kerney
ent locations. Consult Boycott (1928) for invaluable 1999, Bieler and Slapcinsky 2000) can provide very
guidelines on how to carry out such collections. In useful results. Large areas can be surveyed sys-
general, shells for a variation study must be col- tematically by dividing the area into smaller units,
lected without bias for the conchological characters for example, from 1x1 to 10x10 km squares, and
visible to the collector, such as dimensions, shape, taking samples from each unit area. Snail colonies
color, etc. The easiest way to obtain an unbiased may be very small, and samples from even several
collection is to take every adult shell one finds in meters away might harbor entirely different species
a given location (Boycott 1928). If the available (Anonymous 1929). Harry (1998: 8) found that
shells are too numerous, one may take every adult colonies of Carychium in Michigan were only a
shell until a pre-set limit, say 100, is reached. couple of meters in diameter. Alternately, instead
268 Terrestrial gastropods

of considering every species, a study might con- of forest floor. We captured the snails when they
centrate on one species or a genus. For example, emerged from hiding beneath the leaf litter.
Welter-Schultes (1998) recorded every Albinaria
species in 1 x 1 km UTM squares over about 6,000 Because snails tend to emerge from their hiding
km2 on the island of Crete. places at night, and be active during warm weather,
you can collect them using a portable light. Our
22.4.2 Visual search. You can find an adequate best collecting by this method has been in the
number of snails, especially larger ones, in any first few hours after sunset, especially after an
type of suitable habitat without any special equip- afternoon rain.
ment simply by looking in the appropriate places.
Looking under logs or in leaf litter in moist depres- When searching for snails, be on the lookout for
sions will usually reveal snails. Be sure to replace some snail shells that are typically covered with
logs and rocks in their original positions when you soil particles. Gastrocopta spp., Catinella vermeta
have finished so remaining creatures can continue (Say, 1829), and shells of some other species are
to survive. In some places such as marshes and somewhat camouflaged by the soil particles that
mangroves, having nearly constant water, snails and stick to the outside of their shells.
empty shells are usually in the open or under accu-
mulated debris. Similarly, snails are usually easy to For studies needing to be quantitative, you can get
find in seasonally hot, arid, limestone areas because a measure of catch per unit effort by recording the
most species become dormant in dry soil, in rock number of snails gathered over how much time
crevices, or simply attached to a rock surface. Since you searched. Searching for the same amount of
leaf litter is scarce or absent from such places, you time at a number of sites will allow you to make
can easily find empty shells accumulated on the direct comparisons of the relative snail abundances
soil surface around limestone rocks. among the sites. If necessary for your study, try to
control other factors that might influence your suc-
Many snails and slugs have diurnal patterns of cess rate, such as weather and time of day or year.
activity on the surface of the ground during early Because a person’s ability to find snails improves
morning and evening hours, so you might find over time, especially at first, be sure to train new
more individuals during these times. An increase in assistants before including the results of their timed
evening activity is probably related to an increase in searches.
relative humidity that occurs when the temperature
drops (Dainton 1954), although a circadian rhythm 22.4.3 Leaf litter and soil sampling. Collecting
may also be involved (Blanc and Allemand 1993). leaf litter and removing the snails from it at home or
However, during rainy periods with high humidity, in the laboratory has advantages and disadvantages.
land snails may often be found actively crawling The main advantage is the good recovery of speci-
regardless of the time of day (Roscoe 1974). For mens less than 3 mm, which are almost completely
species occurring in arid areas, you will have more overlooked in the field (Lee 1993, Emberton et al.
luck finding living snails if you wait for rainy 1996). Another advantage is that more time may
weather (Hochberg et al. 1987). be spent in the field collecting additional samples
since processing will occur later.
Since snails are more active during moist periods,
you may be able to induce snails to activity by Also, leaf litter and soil sampling allows quan-
adding water to an area where snails are suspected titative sampling, either by area of the substrate
to be hiding. We have had success collecting liv- sampled, or by volume of the material, and often
ing Mesodon thyroidus and Neohelix albolabris recovers numerous examples of the species (Em-
during dry weather from a mixed hardwood forest berton et al. 1996). Lee (1993) found 28 species
in Northern Michigan, using a watering can to of land snails from a 2 liter soil sample from the
sprinkle about 50 liters of water over about 600 m2 Smoky Mountains, U.S.A. Sampling by area of
Pearce and Örstan 269

substrate allows population estimates in terms of to disperse to your area. However, if your sample
area. Sampling by litter volume allows relative is from across a mountain range or other barrier to
population comparisons and it tends to be faster to dispersal, please consider sterilizing the soil before
gather a certain volume of leaf litter from promis- you dispose of it. Three methods for sterilizing soil
ing-looking spots than to take all the litter from 1 are cooking at 121ºC (250ºF) for 2 hours, burning
m2 or other size area. Litter sampling in Cameroon, it, and soaking it in an oxidizing agent such as
Africa, revealed 97 species of land snails within one household bleach (5% sodium hypochlorite) diluted
km2 (de Winter and Gittenberger 1998). 1:4 with water, for 15 minutes.

The disadvantages of leaf litter sampling include One reason the agricultural inspectors are in air-
transportation of bulky and heavy litter samples, ports and at international borders is to keep invasive
labor-intensive separation of snails from litter, and pests, such as microorganisms in soil, from cross-
the death of live specimens unless samples are pro- ing international borders. If you plan to transport
cessed quickly. The live snails in leaf litter samples soil or leaf litter across an international boundary,
from temperate or boreal areas can be stored for consult the U.S. Department of Agriculture (or
several months in a refrigerator (about 4°C). How- equivalent regulatory body) regarding permits and
ever, tropical species generally do not survive well requirements. The U.S. Department of Agriculture
in the refrigerator (C. Coney, pers. comm.). currently regulates import of soil from all foreign
sources, from Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, the
For fossil mollusks, careful sampling from a U.S. Virgin Islands, and from certain other parts
measured section can provide detailed informa- of the U.S.A.
tion about changes in the mollusk fauna over time
(LaRocque 1966: 7, 1974b). Study of shells from The only two methods currently approved by the
midden deposits can reveal important informa- U.S. Department of Agriculture for treating soil is
tion about past climates and how ancient humans dry heat at 121ºC (250ºF) for at least 2 hours, or
changed the environment (Evans 1972). For fossil steam heat at 121ºC (250ºF) for 30 minutes with 15
deposits including marl, loess, silts, and peaty ma- pounds per square inch pressure (103 kilo Pascals)
terial, find a place where a road cut or a river has (USDA 2001). Some malacologists have doused
exposed the deposit and take out a series of layers soil samples with ethanol and the agriculture in-
of the material. The thickness of layers is up to spection people let the samples into the U.S.A.,
you; LaRocque (1974b) recommended sampling but ethanol will not always satisfy agriculture
in layers 5 cm thick. Keep each layer in a separate inspectors. Heat treatment is not likely to harm
plastic bag or other container and label it clearly, shells, but will certainly kill any live snails in the
preferably with the distance up or down the section sample, and might make recovery of certain bio-
from some reference point, if possible. Also, note chemicals difficult, so be sure to note on the speci-
the nature and appearance of the deposit in each men label any heat treatment of the specimens, to
layer, to help with reconstructing the environment inform future researchers. If you need to transport
when the snails were alive. untreated soil into the U.S.A., see USDA (2001)
for procedures.
22.4.4 Transporting soil. Transporting soil and leaf
litter has potential to move harmful pests or diseases 22.4.5 Stream drift. Sometimes land snails may
to new places where they can attack native organ- be found in stream drift accumulated around an ob-
isms. Use good judgment when disposing of soil struction such as a log, root, or stream bank (Gregg
or leaf litter after you have finished picking out the 1974, LaRocque 1974a). Shell material in stream
snails. If the soil is from your local area (up to sev- drift has been concentrated for you in a natural pro-
eral hundred km away), it is probably safe to dump cess; empty shells float along with sticks and leaves,
it in your yard or in the trash, because organisms in while soil and rocks sink and are removed from
the soil have probably already had the opportunity the drift. Flash floods in the desert can carry much
270 Terrestrial gastropods

organic debris, including snail shells, especially tiny Cardboard trapping is another commonly used
species (Gregg 1974). Sieving and picking the mate- method to capture snails (e.g., Oggier et al. 1998).
rial often recovers many smaller specimens. Sheets of wet cardboard (or dry cardboard after
a rain) are placed on the ground in the woods or
The major disadvantage of collecting from stream in a meadow. The moisture remaining under the
drift is that one cannot always be sure where the cardboard attracts snails. After a day or so, the
shells originated. Some shells might have traveled undersides of the cardboards can be inspected for
far from their original location, and might include snails. Instead of cardboard, one may use wet sacks
fossils. For example, shells from drift in Arizona or wooden boards.
are often a mixture, difficult to sort, of Recent
specimens and late Cenozoic fossils. Therefore, 22.4.7 Vacuuming, sweeping, and beating.
stream drift specimens are unreliable for determin- Sampling snails from dense grasslands can be
ing Recent distributions (Bequaert and Miller 1973: challenging because the roots of the turf are tightly
xiv). Also, as Boycott (1928) pointed out, shells matted. One could pick the turf apart and sieve it,
accumulated by floods (or by the wind) may have but a simpler method is to use a garden leaf blower
been sorted by size and thus, would be unsuitable in reverse, fitted with a 0.5 mm mesh screen (Ian
for analysis of variation. Therefore, be sure to Killeen, pers. comm.). The intake can be passed
indicate clearly in your records that the specimens closely over the surface of the turf and the suction
are from stream drift. will pull the snails against the screen. Be sure to
invert the apparatus before turning off the blower,
22.4.6 Trapping. Trapping can be a successful and any snails present should be on the screen with
method for collecting snails, including slugs, little debris. For using this method in an area with
especially when large numbers of certain species looser debris, you might try fitting a coarser pre-
are desired. Trapping methods probably do not screen (e.g., 4-6 mm) over the opening to exclude
capture all the species equally, so do not rely on larger debris.
trapping alone to determine the diversity or relative
abundance of mollusks in an area. For sampling small snails from tree trunks, use a
brush such as a large paintbrush to brush snails from
For trapping small land snails, such as Cochlicopa the bark onto a surface held against the tree trunk
lubrica (Müller, 1774), in an open pasture, Krull (Ian Killeen, pers. comm.). Beating vegetation
and Mapes (1974) used a wet gunnysack folded onto a cloth, plastic sheet, or inverted umbrella can
3-6 times and covered with two or more layers of recover species that climb or live on grass, sedges,
rocks, not heavy enough to press the entire sack bushes, and trees. For example, Columella and
to the ground. This arrangement provided air cir- some Succineidae climb grass and herbs.
culation, protected snails from the sun’s heat, and
provided a cool, shaded, moist area. They checked 22.4.8 Mark-release-capture method. Mark-re-
the traps 2-4 times per week, and found up to 26 lease-capture is a method that ecologists commonly
specimens per trap. use to estimate animal population sizes or determine
snail dispersal rates (e.g., Baur 1988, Schilthuizen
Bait can be useful in trapping. Many gardeners and Lombaerts 1994). It may be used to study the
know that a pan of beer will attract slugs, which members of one species or all the species in an
crawl into the pan and drown. Apparently, the slugs area. Since the method does not require the killing
are attracted to the smell of the hops in the beer. of snails, it is especially suitable for estimating
Snail and slug poisons, such as metaldehyde, are population sizes of endangered species.
usually mixed with a grain product, such as bran,
and the grain is the attractive element of the bait. In the mark-release-capture method, designated
Attractants such as these can be used in traps to plots are searched for snails. All snails found,
attract a variety of land mollusks. or members of designated species, are counted,
Pearce and Örstan 271

marked in some way, and released in

the same plot. After a suitable time, the
plots are searched again, and the snails
found are counted and checked for
marks. The researcher then determines
the proportion of marked to unmarked
specimens to estimate the actual popu-
lation size of the species (population
estimate = # marked time 1 x total
caught time 2 / # having marks time 2).
Marks can be made using permanent
but non-toxic paint. If it is desirable to
mark snails individually, numbers can
be applied with ink (such as India ink),
and painting over the mark with clear
fingernail polish can make it more per-
manent. For marking dark shells, one
can apply white paper correction fluid
or white paint to the shell, write on it
with India ink after it dries, and paint
over the mark with clear fingernail pol-
ish. Other methods for marking snails
include gluing tags to the shell, filing
notches in certain positions around the
lip, or engraving markings if the shells Figure 22.3 Miscellaneous collecting equipment.
are thick enough (see Chapter 2.6 for
additional details). similar plastic containers (for example, medicine
bottles with straight necks) are ideal especially
To mark slugs, they can be given colored food, for for short local trips when only a few shells will be
example, agar containing the dye neutral red, or collected. If you will be collecting large numbers
food containing a radioactive marker such as let- of shells or going on an overseas expedition, con-
tuce with radioactive phosphorous (Runham and sider using re-closeable plastic bags. An advantage
Hunter 1970). Richter (1976) summarized some is that empty bags take very little storage space
slug-marking techniques, and described a new compared to rigid containers. In addition, shells
method for marking slugs individually using freeze placed in such bags do not rattle around. However,
brands cooled in liquid nitrogen, then applied to the plastic bags do not offer protection from crushing,
slug for 1 to 5 seconds. Marked slugs are released so filled bags should be kept in a sturdy container.
into the area where collected and allowed to mingle Avoid putting heavy and fragile shells together in
with unmarked slugs. the same container.

Other methods can be useful for tracking snails and It is best to keep very small shells in small vials
recording their home or activity ranges. Such meth- separate from larger shells; otherwise, they could
ods include radio-tagging (Vail 1979, Auffenberg crawl into (if they are alive) or become stuck in
1982), and spool-and-line (Pearce 1990). larger shells. Also, keep carnivorous species (e.g.,
Euglandina spp., Haplotrema spp., Oxychilus spp.,
22.4.9 Containers, shipping, and other equip- at least some Glyphyalinia spp.) separate from other
ment. Shells can be collected in any type of suitable snails or you will get home with many empty shells.
container (Figure 22.3). Plastic film canisters or Scientific supply companies sell plastic vials in
272 Terrestrial gastropods

various sizes. Those with attached lids are useful up shells. Likewise, a pair of lightweight forceps
for fieldwork since one can open and close them could be useful for picking up very small shells.
with one hand and not risk losing the cap. In addition, a good magnifying lens, preferably a
7x or 10x Hastings triplet, is useful for identifying
Live and active (not dormant) snails can survive very small species in the field. You may consider
in dry containers for a few days as long as they carrying a camera to take pictures of your collecting
can receive fresh air and they are not subjected to stations (see below, and Chapters 6 and 7). Also, if
high temperatures (as in a closed automobile on a your method requires it, be sure to carry a bottle of
hot day). Slugs are especially vulnerable to high preservative with you in the field (the next section
temperatures. One way to assure the survival of discusses preservatives for processing specimens).
live snails is to put them into cloth bags with moist Finally, carry a first aid kit with you, especially dur-
leaves (Clench 1974) or crumpled wet newspaper, ing long expeditions away from civilization.
or into a sturdy container with holes in the lid (or
some other arrangement that is gas permeable). 22.4.10 Other considerations. Here are a few ad-
Hubricht (1951) recommended wrapping the col- ditional items that you might need to consider.
lecting container in a wet towel and placing it where
air can get to it; this evaporative cooling will help Collecting live specimens: In parts of the world,
to prevent death of specimens in warm weather. land snails have decreased in numbers and some
Aestivating snails collected during dry periods in species have become extinct (Seddon 1998,
arid areas can survive dry for several months in Lydeard et al. 2004). While habitat loss seems
containers that permit air circulation if they are not to be the main reason behind the decline of mol-
subjected to temperature extremes or long periods lusks, in some areas introduced species including
of extremely low humidity. non-native snails are responsible for the loss of
native snail populations (Hadfield 1986, Murray
Land snails can be shipped alive as long as they are et al. 1988, Cowie 1992). Collectors can help
shipped in a dry condition; use of paper in packing snail populations recover by not collecting live
will prevent excess moisture from developing. If specimens of endangered species, and by minimiz-
you are shipping snails across international borders, ing the collecting of live specimens, particularly
be sure to check with the appropriate governmental juveniles, of native species especially if they are
organizations regarding permits. Leaf litter and soil known to be rare or if plenty of empty shells of
may be collected in plastic bags, buckets with lids, the same species are available. If live specimens
or if you want the samples to dry out, use cloth or are necessary for dissections, collect only a few
paper bags. specimens. If large numbers of live snails are
needed for a study, consider raising a pair in cap-
Besides containers for shells, depending on your tivity (see Chapter 23 for techniques on rearing
needs, you will need to carry other equipment with terrestrial gastropods). Their offspring can then
you. First, a serious collector should never go on a be used for dissections or other studies.
collecting trip without a field notebook, and a pen
and/or pencil. We discuss record keeping in detail Collectors should be careful not to release live
below. A GPS receiver, a compass, and topographic snails into areas where they have not been recorded
maps are useful for documenting your collecting before. Introduced snails may become agricultural
localities, relocating stations, and to avoid get- pests or compete with native snails (Rollo 1983a,
ting lost. These tools can be especially helpful for 1983b). In some cases, exterminating infestations
determining the coordinates and orientations of of introduced snails has required great costs (Sim-
collection stations in rural countrysides, extensive berloff 1996), but often eradicating pest snails is
grassy plains, or on a mountain. You might want too difficult or expensive, so the problem persists.
to consider a small scoop or a large spoon to help Some invasive snails that have been distributed by
search through the leaf litter and soil, and to pick humans over many continents, for example, Rumi-
Pearce and Örstan 273

na decollata (Linnaeus, 1758),

(Selander and Kaufman 1973),
can reproduce without mating.
Hence, a single introduced snail
can potentially start a new popu-
lation. The carnivorous snail,
Euglandina rosea (Férussac,
1818), native to the southeastern
U.S.A., has been intentionally
distributed to many Pacific Is-
lands in ill-fated attempts to
control the introduced giant
African snail, Achatina fulica
(Bowdich, 1822). However, E.
rosea has caused extinctions
of many local endemic spe-
cies, while being ineffective at
controlling A. fulica (Clarke et
al. 1984).
Figure 22.4 Helix lucorum Linnaeus, 1758 with epiphragms on Burgazada,
In light of these arguments, Turkey. Arrows point to epiphragms.
whether you are looking for or
avoiding live snails, you may frequently need to contains the darker body of a snail. This method
determine on the spot if a shell you have just found works best with juvenile shells, which are usu-
is empty or has a snail in it. But as easy as it may ally thinner and more translucent than adults
sound, sometimes one cannot be sure if a shell is are. To verify whether the dark part represents
empty or not. Here are some tips to help you to a live snail, as opposed to soil or a dead body,
make a determination. check that the outermost part is perpendicular
to the whorls (minimizing surface area). You
1. Many snails that have been dormant (i.e., aes- might even be lucky enough to see the snail’s
tivating) for more than a few days completely heart beating. If shells are opaque and you are
or partially seal the apertures of their shells unable to see whether a body is present, you
with their mucus, forming what is called an might be able to separate live and dead shells
epiphragm. In some forest snails, the epiphragm by the heavier weight of living snails. Also, the
may simply be a thin membrane-like layer of presence of soil within the body whorl of a shell
mucus, while during dry seasons, snails that live usually indicates that the shell is empty.
in arid regions may form an epiphragm having
calcium carbonate in it and being almost as hard 3. The outer surface of most snail shells is an
as the shell itself (Figure 22.4). Thus, the pres- organic layer called the periostracum, which is
ence of a more or less intact epiphragm at the often some shade of brown. The periostracum
aperture of a shell usually indicates that there is of empty shells disintegrates after a while and
a snail inside. the shell itself, especially in locations exposed to
the sun, bleaches white. Such weathered shells
2. Snails frequently withdraw deeply into their are usually empty.
shells, so their bodies may not be visible from
the aperture. Hold a shell suspected to contain 4. Bring the shells suspected of having live snails
a live snail against the bright sky or other light. in them indoors and wrap them in a wet paper
You should be able to see whether the shell towel or place them in a container with wet
274 Terrestrial gastropods

paper towels for up to a day or so. Periodically Occasionally you may find shells with insect
check to see if any snails have become active. cocoons, puparia, or insect parts in them. In the
We especially recommend that you do this with U.S.A., the larvae of some flies, for example,
the shells you have collected in a foreign country sciomyzids (Diptera: Sciomyzidae), are parasitoids
before leaving that country and leave behind any of land snails (Berg and Knutson 1978). If shells
live snails you may find. with intact insect cocoons or puparia in them are
collected, they should be kept individually in trans-
If you are collecting live snails for their soft parts, parent containers and kept under observation. Any
learn to recognize any carnivorous species that you emergent insects should be properly preserved so
are likely to encounter. Some larger carnivorous that they can be identified.
snails include Haplotrema spp. in the U.S.A.,
Euglandina rosea in Florida (and introduced to You may also find reverse-coiled shells, that is,
many tropical islands), and Rumina decollata in sinistrally coiled shells of a normally dextral spe-
Mediterranean areas (also introduced in California, cies, or vice versa. Rarity of such shells makes
Texas and Florida). Some smaller carnivorous them valuable not only for collectors but also for
snails include Glyphyalinia indentata (Say, 1823) scientists (e.g., Gould and Young 1985, Örstan and
in eastern U.S.A., Oxychilus spp. in Europe (and Welter-Schultes 2002).
introduced into U.S.A.), and Aegopinella in Europe.
Keep live carnivorous species separate from the rest Conservation and collection permits: When col-
of the live snails or they may consume your other lecting live individuals, take only the specimens
snails before you get home. you need, leaving some living individuals to grow
and reproduce for the future. Collect responsibly
Because slugs have either no shell (Philomycidae and avoid collecting endangered snails, including
and Veronicellidae), or a shell that is not usually their empty shells unless you have an appropriate
identifiable to species, or even to family, they need permit. In the U.S.A., it is illegal to take even the
to be collected alive or dead no more than a few empty shells of endangered snail species such as
hours. Furthermore, positive identification of many Liguus tree snails (e.g., see the Web site <www.
slug species relies on examining internal genital>) without proper permits.
anatomy, so you want to collect mature slugs. This regulation exists because a law enforcement
LaRocque (1974c) found the best slug collecting in agent cannot always determine if the shell of an
rainy weather. For example, Philomycus, which are endangered snail was found empty or obtained by
normally very secretive, can be found crawling on killing the snail. Therefore, before starting to collect
trees, tree trunks (even 4 m above the ground), and in an area, determine if there are any endangered
even on bare rock during rainy weather (Hubricht snail species in that area and learn what they look
1951, pers. obs.). like. If necessary, carry their pictures to the field.
In the U.S.A., some states have endangered species
Unusual Specimens: Even broken shells or shells lists separate from those of the Federal Fish and
with holes or repairs and otherwise abnormal Wildlife Service. Lists of the endangered species
looking shells should be collected as they may be may be obtained from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
used to study the predators, parasites, and diseases Service and from appropriate state agencies.
of the snails. In some seasonally arid regions, for
example, along the Mediterranean coasts of Greece Whenever necessary, obtain a permit before starting
and Turkey, snail shells with small uniformly to collect in an area. Do not enter private property
shaped holes are common (Örstan 1999b). Some without the permission of the owner. In the U.S.A.,
of these holes are made by the predatory larvae of public areas may belong to independent organiza-
drilid beetles (Coleoptera: Drilidae), but very little tions (for example, the Nature Conservancy), local
is known about the interactions of these snails with governments (for example, county parks), states,
their predators and parasites. or the Federal Government. In most cases, all you
Pearce and Örstan 275

may have to do to obtain a permit is to contact for any eventual change. Field observations that
the park manager. But, it may be more difficult to cannot be repeated or verified are of little value
obtain a permit to collect in federally owned areas. (Bequaert and Miller 1973: 5).
In general, it will be easier to obtain a permit if
your interests are scientific and not commercial. The shells of most land snail species exhibit ex-
In some foreign countries, you may not need col- tensive intraspecific variation (Goodfriend 1986).
lection permits to collect in public areas, but find While such variation can be a nuisance when
out beforehand. Retain all written permits with identifying species, it is also a source of invalu-
your collection, because if you will ever donate able information for those who are studying the
all or parts of your collection to a museum, you ecology and evolution of snails. In many cases,
may have to demonstrate that the specimens were the exact causes of this variation are not known,
obtained legally. but both genetic and environmental factors appear
to be important. It is not unusual for neighboring
Also, you are required by law to declare at the U.S. colonies of a species, sometimes within a few hun-
Customs snail shells you may be bringing into the dred meters of each other, to differ significantly
U.S.A. from other countries. Otherwise, if your in shell morphology (for example, see Boycott
luggage is searched and your specimens found, 1920, Wolda 1969, Baur 1988). Obviously, study
you may have to pay a fine, but worst of all, return of such variation will be possible and meaning-
home empty handed. ful only if collections from different locations or
habitats, and even microhabitats, are kept separate
Avoid danger and be prepared for emergencies: and properly labeled; therefore, it is extremely
If your collection trip is going to take you away important to keep adequate notes in the field and to
from residential areas, roads, park offices or other label specimens properly before leaving a station.
people, be cautious and be prepared. If you are Since there cannot be general rules applicable to
going on a long trip, chart your course beforehand every species, every location, and every condition,
and leave a copy of your plans with a responsible and it is not practical to keep and label every shell
person who is staying behind. Learn how to use individually in the field, the collector must learn
and carry a map, a compass, a GPS receiver, and a to recognize meaningful differences in shells
cellular phone. Carry a first-aid kit and learn how while collecting them and use proper judgment to
to treat simple injuries, stop bleeding, and splint determine when to keep shells together and when
broken bones. Learn to recognize and beware of to separate them.
poisonous plants, ticks, snakes, scorpions, and
other potentially dangerous animals. Do not go The important point is to take a notebook and
collecting in the woods during a thunderstorm. something to write with on collecting trips. Me-
Do not enter unfamiliar woods (or other areas) at dium-sized, spiral-bound artist’s sketch books with
night, because limited visibility, even with a strong thick unlined acid-free pages are good because they
flashlight, makes it easy to become disoriented. If withstand occasional rain and mud better than does
you are collecting in hot and sunny weather, carry thinner paper. Leave spaces between entries or use
more than enough water and avoid sunburns. If only one side of each page so that additional notes
possible, avoid collecting during hunting seasons may be entered later (for example, species lists
in areas where hunting is permitted; otherwise, use or more information on the location). Use a pen,
caution and wear an orange hat or vest. preferably with waterproof permanent ink, but
always carry a pencil (pens are known to stop writ-
22.5 RECORD KEEPING IN THE FIELD ing at temperature extremes or in the rain). If you
are collecting in the rain, you may want to carry a
You should note locality information in sufficient notebook with a special coating on the pages, such
detail that a researcher in the future could find the as Rite-In-The-Rain® paper, that accepts a pencil
same locality. This way a locality can be assessed even when wet.
276 Terrestrial gastropods

If you prefer to scribble temporary notes in the is that seeing a piece of paper in a container will
field, you should transcribe them that evening or remind you to record the necessary information.
soon afterward. A scribble that means something However, do not place paper records in containers
to you one day might be incomprehensible weeks with live snails because most snails will eat paper.
or months later. Station codes may be written in permanent ink on
the outsides of containers of live snails. Alternately,
Be sure to write labels with pencil or permanent ink. you can place the container and a separate paper
Note that the ink from most ballpoint pens dissolves record in a plastic bag. A snail-proof method is to
in alcohol! Bottles of specimens with blank labels engrave the station codes with a slightly pointed
are basically useless scientifically. India ink is a tool on small squares of aluminum. These can be
good waterproof and alcohol-proof ink. Pigma® cut out of thin aluminum containers.
brand felt tip pens or similar pens with archival ink
are convenient pens with alcohol-proof ink. Besides taking detailed notes, consider taking pho-
tographs of your collection stations. Not only can
Most of the following information should be written these photographs later help you locate the same
down in the field, while collecting or before leaving station, they will also be a permanent record of the
the location. Do not rely on memory! macro- and microhabitat.

1. Directions to and description of location, GPS 22.6 PROCESSING AND STORING SAM-
coordinates, landmarks, range of the area where PLES
shells were found (important if introduction of
snails is a possibility), etc. Give as much local- 22.6.1 Laboratory recovery of snails from leaf
ity detail as possible so a future collector could litter and soil. There are several methods of sepa-
revisit your site, if not exactly, at least within rating snails from leaf litter, the most common ones
100 m. being picking, floating, and sieving.
2. Characteristics of macrohabitat (trees, rocks,
soil type, ground cover, proximity to residential Picking and floating: If you have a small amount
areas, ruins, water bodies, etc.) of litter or soil, less than a few hundred milliliters,
3. Characteristics of microhabitat. Exactly where it may not be worth sieving it. Place the sample in
were the snails? Were they in leaf litter, under a wide tray and under a bright lamp, pick through
logs, on plants (say what kinds)? Describe the it with a small spatula or a similar tool. If the
level of insolation, the slope, etc. background is light brown or grey, it will be easier
4. Physical measurements and other conditions at to see most shells. To make sure you have found
the time of collecting (temperature, rain, wind, everything, go through the sample a few times. If
etc.) you have never done this before, first familiarize
5. If a snail was found alive, was it dormant or yourself with the shapes and sizes of the shells
active? If active, what was it doing? If feeding, you expect to find by looking at their pictures.
what was it feeding on? For example, the shells of Vertigo spp., only a few
6. Abundance of shells in general and of individual mm long and brown, are usually difficult to notice
species. against the litter and soil unless your eyes are used
to recognizing them.
In addition to carrying a notebook, you can place
a small piece of paper in each of your containers Another method that works well with small samples
before a field trip. Before leaving a collection sta- (less than a few hundred milliliters) is floatation.
tion, write the date and an identification code for Place the litter or soil sample in a wide tray, and
that station on the paper in each container used cover it with tap water. Gently stir and break any
there (matching the identification code in your soil clumps that may be present. Then under a
field notebook). One advantage of this method bright lamp, examine the surface of the water for
Pearce and Örstan 277

shells. This method works because air trapped in adult specimens of Gulella minuscula Emberton
empty shells makes them float. One disadvantage of and Pearce, 2000 were found in the less than 0.8
this method is that live snails will sink and escape mm fraction (Emberton et al. 1996, as Streptaxid
detection. Therefore, before floating a sample, first sp. 15). Still smaller screens would be needed in
pick through it dry and remove the live snails, or other parts of the world, e.g., where tropical diplom-
save the sinking portion and examine it separately matinids less than 0.5 mm in maximum size occur
for live snails. Also, if a large portion of a sample (Zilch 1959-1960). Furthermore, if all individuals
consists of wood or plant fragments, these will also including juveniles must be recovered (e.g., for
float and cover the surface of the water, making it computing Shannon diversity, or for studies of
difficult to see the floating shells. growth series), still finer screens may be necessary
to recover juveniles of very minute species.
Sieving: Sieving is helpful because: (1) it is easier
to separate snails from non-snails if all of the items To prevent crushing when picking up shells, espe-
are roughly the same size, and (2) sieving can cially the smaller shells, you can use lightweight
remove particles that are smaller than you wish to forceps to pick them up (such forceps, sometimes
examine (either because that size contains no snails, called larval forceps, are sold by entomological
or because you are not interested in recovering supply companies, for example, BioQuip Products,
shells that small). By using several sizes of screens, on the Internet at <>). Smaller
for example in a nested series of soil sieves, you can snails can also be picked up with a fine paintbrush
transform a single pile of litter into several well- moistened as needed (LaRocque 1974b). Shells can
sorted piles of similar-sized particles. You still must also be aspirated from samples on the sorting tray
examine all the material, but you are more likely using an aspirator like those used by entomologists
to find minute snails if you are sorting them from to collect small insects, by modifying the intake
minute non-snails, than if you were sorting them tube to have a smaller opening. Usually soil and
from the whole range of particle sizes. leaf particles will be aspirated along with the shell,
but they can be separated later. An advantage of
What size of sieves to use? Inexpensive screens for aspirating is the shells will not be crushed, and
use in the field can be made from mesh sizes that are they will remain dry.
easily obtained, for example in the U.S.A., 6 mm
and 1.2 mm window screen (1/4 inch and 1/16 inch) Be sensible with disposal of soil that you have
are readily available. Material retained by each transported some distance (see Section 22.4.4).
sieve fraction can be sorted on any conveniently
transportable flat surface such as a Manila file For fossil mollusks, some additional processing is
folder. In the laboratory, more expensive, bulkier, usually necessary to disaggregate shells from the
or heavier sieves can be used, for example, soil substrate. Often soaking in water overnight will
sieves are available in a variety of sizes from many be sufficient to disaggregate samples, sometimes
science and field supply companies. Convenient for boiling will agitate the sample enough to separate
processing several liters of leaf litter are sieves 20 shells from soil, or adding detergents can help with
cm diameter and 5 cm high that have mesh openings disaggregating (LaRocque 1974b). You can sieve
of 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.7, and 0.5 mm. The material can be the samples while they are wet, washing carefully
sorted on a manila file folder or on a light-colored with water, to wash away much of the fine unwanted
no-pattern cafeteria tray. substrate. Soaking in kerosene can help disaggre-
gate very stubborn samples.
What is the smallest screen size to use? In samples
from North America, the 0.5 to 0.7-mm fraction Laboratory recovery of slugs from leaf litter and
usually contains only juvenile snail specimens soil: Runham and Hunter (1970: 116-123) dis-
with an occasional adult of Carychium or narrow cussed methods for recovering slugs from quanti-
Gastrocopta species. In Madagascar, the only tative samples from the field. The sample must be
278 Terrestrial gastropods

large enough to contain enough specimens to assess boil shells 6-12 mm diameter for 30 seconds, and
the population adequately, and they recommended shells up to 4 cm or more for 1 minute (Clench
several replicate samples to avoid drawing biased 1974), then extract the body with a hooked safety
conclusions from sampling one very dense or very pin or a bent wire. Alternately, you can place the
sparse part of the population. In one of their studies, shell outdoors in a container that would permit
they took samples that were a cube, 30 x 30 x 30 the entry of insects such as ants. The insects will
cm on a side. One method for recovering slugs from eventually consume the body, leaving a clean shell,
bulk samples taken in the field involves washing the but this method can be time consuming. Another
soil through nested sieves (0.85, 0.25, and 0.085 cm method is to treat the specimen with dilute bleach or
mesh), then dipping and agitating the sieves into hydrogen peroxide to dissolve the body. However,
magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) solution (at least 1.17 these chemicals may also destroy the periostracum
mg MgSO4/ml) to float out the slugs. The method and alter the appearance of the shell. Therefore, use
worked well except that recovered slugs were not them only after you have determined that the shell
always in good condition, some small slugs less will not be affected significantly.
than 12.5 mg and the more fragile eggs (e.g., of
Arion hortensis Férussac, 1819) were destroyed You can boil small shells briefly, and then remove
by the water jet in the initial washing, and im- the body with a strong force of water. A fine jet of
mersion of slugs in magnesium sulfate for periods water can be achieved using an ear syringe, or for
over an hour caused slugs to lose up to one third very tiny snails, by fashioning a capillary tube from
their weight. This weight loss is a disadvantage in glass tubing and attaching a rubber bulb (Clench
studies in which slug weight is used as a surrogate 1974). Alternately, you can simply dry the very
measure of age. small specimens, for example in a desiccator, and
then store them dry. The smell of very small dried
A simpler method of recovering slugs from soil or shells should not be noticeable.
turf samples relies on behavior of slugs moving to
stay out of rising water. Runham and Hunter (1970) Some shells require special handling to prevent loss
placed intact samples into covered buckets and of color. For example, if you boil Liguus shells,
slowly added water over 3 or 4 days. Slugs were contact with steam (not the heat itself) causes the
picked off as they crawled up. In a modification green lines to become bronzy or dirty gray. To
of this method for soils that crumble, they placed avoid fading, heat the snails in an oven at 150ºC
the sample into a bowl having holes in the bottom, (300ºF) for 5-7 minutes, and then pull the bodies
and immersed the bowl into water, raising the out. Avoid too much dry heat or the pink tints will
water level gradually over 4 or 5 days. By these fade. You can also clean the shells by freezing
methods, they recovered about 90% of the slugs in them, then pulling out the partly thawed bodies
the sample, and the slugs were in good condition. (Pilsbry 1946: 52).
However, they did not recover eggs. They men-
tioned that hand-picking slugs, as with sieving, can 22.6.3 Preserving soft parts. While the shells of
be successful from drier soils, but recognizing dried snails can be preserved dry, mollusks without shells,
slugs in very dry samples can be difficult, especially such as slugs, must be preserved wet (although
if slugs have soil and leaf particles adhering. Crowell 1973, has developed a freeze drying method
for preserving slugs dry so they can be mounted on
22.6.2 Cleaning and preserving empty shells. insect pins). Furthermore, even for shelled mollusks,
If a shell with a dead snail in it is not promptly it has long been known that it is desirable to preserve
cleaned, the odor of the rotting snail can dim the soft parts with the shell (e.g., Anonymous 1837:
enthusiasm of even a seasoned collector (which is 153). Because soft parts provide so much valuable
another reason for not taking live snails). Several information to researchers, we encourage collectors
methods exist for removing a dead snail from its to preserve live-collected snails in a way that will
shell. If you don’t need to keep the body, you can preserve the soft parts. Soft parts allow study of
Pearce and Örstan 279

external and internal anatomy, as well as biochemi- they should be transferred to 95% ethanol for sev-
cal studies. The preservative will depend on your eral hours, and then stored in 80% ethanol (For
intended use for the specimens. The best general more information on relaxing mollusks in general
method to preserve live-collected land snails is to see Chapter 2.5).
relax them (especially, if they are to be dissected)
and then preserve them in 80% ethanol. Use at least five volumes of alcohol for each vol-
ume of body tissue to avoid too much dilution of
Several methods exist for relaxing land snails. The preservative by body fluids. For long term storage
simplest method is to drown them overnight or up to in liquids (several months or more) be sure to buf-
a day in a small watertight container filled with wa- fer the solution against acidity so the shells do not
ter and few or no air bubbles. It is easier to exclude dissolve. One substance that is commonly used as a
air bubbles if you place the snail container inside a buffer is sodium borate (Borax). Adding a teaspoon
bucket of water, let all the air bubbles escape, and (10 g) to a liter of ethanol will provide an adequate
then cap it. When the specimens do not respond to buffering capacity.
a pinch from forceps, they can go directly into 80%
ethanol. The drowning time in water will be shorter Use other methods of preserving specimens for
in warmer water (increasing the snail’s metabolism special uses. For example, because drowned speci-
to use up oxygen faster) but use care to prevent mens seem to be incompatible with DNA studies
overheating (Hubricht 1951). The drowning process (Schander and Hagnell 2003), either preserve speci-
will be faster if the water is boiled ahead of time to mens intended for DNA studies directly in ethanol,
remove oxygen, and then cooled. or snip off a piece of tissue (edge of the foot) and
preserve the tissue directly in 95% ethanol before
Drowning in water may not be very successful for drowning and preserving the rest of the specimen.
relaxing aquatic or semi-aquatic species, or with Other preservatives include FAA (1:1:1 10% for-
some terrestrial species. Various chemicals can be malin, acetic acid, and ethyl alcohol) for cytology
added to the water for drowning aquatic species, or study of chromosomes (preserves specimens for
or to speed up the drowning of terrestrial forms. about three months), and formalin or glutaralde-
Menthol crystals are easy to obtain and use because hyde for histology or cell microscopic studies.
menthol is not a regulated drug; add one or two
menthol crystals to the drowning water. Hubricht After a snail has drowned, it is possible to remove it
(1951) recommended drowning slugs in a chlor- from its shell without destroying either the shell or
etone solution (prepared by diluting a saturated body, by heating the snail in water to 65°C (about
solution to 5 to 10%) rather than in plain water, 150°F) at which point the columellar muscle will
because he indicated that in water slugs struggle loosen its grip on the columella, and the body can be
and produce much mucus, which obscures color twisted out of the shell, using a pair of fine forceps
patterns. According to Hubricht, it is not necessary for small specimens. Because sometimes a snail’s
to fill the jar completely, because relaxing requires body may shrink when heated, be sure to note on
but a few minutes, and killing in the solution takes the label that you used heat for removing the body.
3 to 10 hours. After drowning, put the specimens in If you separate the body and shell, be sure to label
preservative. The slugs will be preserved life size both the body and the shell so they can be reunited
with clear color patterns, and without fermentation unambiguously in the future if a researcher needs
of stomach contents. Chloretone may be regulated to do so. You can write a number with permanent
as an addictive drug, so it might be difficult to ob- ink on the shell, and write the same number and
tain. Another method for relaxing slugs is to place other information on alcohol-proof paper. You can
them in an approximately 5% ethanol solution keep the body alone in a vial, or if you wish to put
(Webb 1950), again without necessarily filling the several specimens together, you can attach the label
jar. In this solution, most slugs are anesthetized in to the body with a needle and thread, for example,
an extended state within about an hour, after which sewing through a section of the foot.
280 Terrestrial gastropods

During hot weather, one may occasionally chance stored in glass bottles with lids having some sort
upon slugs dried up on a hot sidewalk or a drive- of plastic seal; do not use lids with paper seals.
way. Such specimens may be rehydrated by placing Contact a local museum to learn what they use. If
them in an approximately 0.5% aqueous solution you plan eventually to donate your specimens to
of trisodium phosphate (available in hardware that museum, they might be willing to give you
stores) for a few hours (Van Cleave and Ross 1947). good containers for storing your specimens (see
Rehydrated specimens should then be soaked in Chapter 5.5 for more on this topic).
water to remove the trisodium phosphate, which
is insoluble in ethanol, and then placed in 80% 22.6.5 Labeling and keeping good records. De-
ethanol. Trisodium phosphate may also be used tailed locality and habitat data are often as impor-
to rehydrate alcoholic specimens that have dried tant to researchers as the specimen itself. The more
out, but dry specimens that have been stored in extrinsic information you can record (see Chapter
alcohol should first be soaked in water to remove 14.4), the more useful the specimen will be to a
ethanol (see Chapter 5.9 for some other methods researcher studying the distribution or habitat of the
of reconstituting dried tissue). species. Because of the importance of locality data,
collectors on extended field trips sometimes make
If you separate the body from the shell but want a carbon copy or photocopy of their field notes,
to keep only the shell, certain museums (e.g., the with field numbers, detailed locality, and habitat
Delaware Museum of Natural History; the Carnegie information, to send home periodically in case the
Museum of Natural History) are willing to accept field book is lost or destroyed (Clench 1974).
just bodies of specimens under the following con-
ditions. (1) You must be willing to let researchers Other information that is important to record
borrow the shell for study, (2) the shell and body includes information on how you handled the
must be marked so it is unambiguous which shell specimens. Did you heat (how hot) the specimen
goes with which body, and (3) you must make pro- to remove the body? What preservative(s) have
vision for the shell eventually to go to a museum you used, for example, has the specimen ever been
(preferably the museum housing the body). By in formalin? Information like this is important to
donating the soft parts, you will make a contribution researchers looking for specimens for particular
to science (see Chapter 14.6 to 14.8). uses. It is nearly impossible to obtain DNA from
specimens that have been in formalin.
22.6.4 Vials and closures. For preserving soft
parts, use containers with waterproof closures. It is important to associate specimens unambigu-
Glass containers are preferred, because they are ously with the collecting information. For label-
inert towards common preservatives and allow the ing larger shells, you can write a unique number
contents to be seen. Various plastic containers can directly on the shell. For smaller specimens, be sure
be used for shorter times of storage. Polyethylene the container is labeled with a unique field number.
and polypropylene are not as transparent as glass, You can write numbers on the outside of the vial,
but they will probably be stable for many years. or put a label inside the container, or both. Use care
Polystyrene, as in pill bottles, although transparent, if you put labels in vials with living specimens,
can become brittle and crack after one to several because many snails eat paper. Also, be sure to
years storing alcohol. Furthermore, the plastic lids write labels with pencil or permanent ink; alcohol
on snap cap vials are not sufficient for containing will dissolve ink from most ballpoint pens, so do
alcohol more than several months. not use ballpoint pen for writing labels.

For storing larger specimens, you can use glass 22.6.6 Storing and display. Now your specimens
food storage jars with glass lids (not metal, which are ready for study, displaying in your personal
will corrode after one to several decades) and rub- collection, or donating to a museum where they
ber gaskets. Other small to large specimens can be can be studied by current and future research-
Pearce and Örstan 281

ers. Research collections are the libraries where more than 50 years old, remains the most complete
researchers find the specimens they need for their and essential work for the North American land
studies. Specimens in museums may be used in a snails. As of February 2005, some of Pilsbry’s
variety of ways, for example, researchers studying monograph was still available from the Academy
the systematics of a group of species need many of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia <www.acnatsci.
specimens to assess how variable the specimens are org/library/scipubs/index.html>. Burch (1962) is a
within a species versus among species, allowing pictured key version of Pilsbry’s monograph for the
them to draw conclusions about how species are eastern North American land snails; unfortunately,
related. Researchers rely on specimens with good it is out of print, but you can probably find a copy
habitat and locality data in assembling field guides in a library.
and distribution maps. Along these lines, keep in
mind Boycott’s (1928) advice that to retain their Many new species have been described in the
value for future researchers, lots containing large U.S.A. since the publication of Pilsbry’s mono-
numbers of randomly collected shells (see above) graph. Unfortunately, these have not yet been
should not be broken into smaller sets to distribute compiled in a work comparable to that of Pilsbry’s.
to museums or individuals or combined with lots In many cases, it may be necessary to consult the
from different locations. original publications, which are too numerous to
cite here individually. Two works that can be con-
Museums strive to keep specimens in good shape sulted for references to new species descriptions
for hundreds or thousands of years. Consequently, and taxonomic changes from 1948-1985 are Miller
museums try to avoid environmental conditions et al. (1984) and Hubricht (1985). Furthermore,
that can degrade specimens over time. For example, Hubricht’s county-based distribution maps will be
light can fade colors and fluctuations in temperature useful in identifying the native eastern land snail
and humidity can degrade specimens over time. In species by suggesting which species are likely to be
particular, fluctuating humidity in acid conditions found in an area. However, be careful using geogra-
(such as oak-wood cabinets, and non-archival paper phy to identify species, because many of the maps
labels or paper boxes) can lead to Bynesian Decay are known to be incomplete. Hubricht also gave
(see Chapter 5.2 for more details). You might con- brief habitat information for all the species, which
sider these environmental conditions when storing can be helpful when searching for certain species.
your specimens. For some of the polygyrid genera, we suggest that
you consult Emberton’s (1988, 1991) revisions.
22.7 HOW TO IDENTIFY LAND SNAILS Burch and Pearce (1990) gave an illustrated and
updated key to the genera of land snails in North
A serious collector needs access to certain publica- America. For land slugs of northeastern U.S.A.,
tions that will help identify the snails of interest. Chichester and Getz (1973) can be helpful. Most
We recommend that collectors planning to collect of our introduced slugs and some of the shelled
in new areas should familiarize themselves before- snails are from Europe, so Kerney and Cameron’s
hand with the species they are likely to encounter. (1979) guide to European land mollusks should be
This familiarity will aid in identifying most species useful. Land mollusk taxonomy is constantly be-
on the spot, at least to genus, and in recognizing ing updated. A good reference to keep current on
rare, endangered, introduced, and perhaps an oc- taxonomy of North American land snails is that by
casional undescribed species. Turgeon et al. (1998), who list all known mollusk
species in North America, and an updated edition
A complete list of identification guides for the is produced every ten years.
world’s land snails is beyond the scope of this chap-
ter (see Chapter 9.2.3). We will instead concentrate Regardless of where you collected your specimens
on the identification aids for the U.S.A. Pilsbry’s and what identification keys you are using, the
four-part monograph (1939-1948), although now following general process will help you identify
282 Terrestrial gastropods

your snails. First, prepare a list from literature or protoconch visible at magnifications near 40X.
museum records of snail species that have been re- Dissection is necessary to distinguish among some
corded in the area where you got your specimens. species (for example, succineids) that have identical
Also, include in this list the species that have been or variable shells whose properties overlap those
recorded in neighboring areas and which, judging of shells of other species. Large snails are easier
from habitat requirements, you think might oc- to dissect. Kerney and Cameron (1979) gave good
cur in your particular area. For example, for the general guidelines for dissecting snails. Do not at-
eastern U.S.A, using Hubricht (1985), you might tempt to dissect small or rare snails until you have
compile the snails recorded in the county where gained experience with larger ones.
your specimens are from, then add any different
species from the surrounding counties. Pilsbry 22.8 LITERATURE CITED
(1939-1948) can be used for compiling distribu-
tion records for the western U.S.A. Then, using Anonymous. 1837. Directions for preparing specimens
the available keys and pictures for the species on of natural history. Transactions of the Maryland
Academy of Sciences and Literature 1: 148-156.
your list, try to identify your specimens as best as Anonymous. 1929. Directions for collecting land snails.
you can. Some species that have unique charac- Carnegie Museum, Invertebrate Zoology Leaflet 1:
teristics will be easy to identify, while others will 7 pp. [unnumbered]
require more work. Auffenberg, K. 1982. Bio-electric techniques for the
study of molluscan activity. Malacological Review
15: 137-138.
The next step in getting or confirming identifica- Barker, G. M. 2001. Gastropods on land: phylogeny,
tions is to contact other collectors, specialists, and diversity and adaptive morphology. In: G. M.
museums. If you have a digital camera or a scanner, Barker, ed., The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs.
you might get quick help with identifications by e- CABI Publishing, New York. Pp. 1-146.
mailing images of your shells, preferably viewed Baur, B. 1988. Microgeographical variation in shell
size of the land snail Chondrina clienta. Biological
from the top, the bottom, and the apertural side, to Journal of the Linnean Society 35: 247-259.
specialists or to members of a mollusk list-server Berg, C. O. and L. Knutson. 1978. Biology and systemat-
and asking for their opinions (see Chapter 12.3 ics of the Sciomyzidae. Annual Review of Entomol-
for a list of such groups). When posting or send- ogy 23: 239-258.
ing pictures, always include the dimensions of the Bequaert, J. C. and W. B. Miller. 1973. The Mollusks
of the Arid Southwest, with an Arizona Checklist.
shells and location information. University of Arizona Press, Tucson, Arizona. xvi
+ 271 pp.
Finally, you might be able to identify your speci- Bieler, R. and J. Slapcinsky. 2000. A case study for the
mens by comparing them with the already identified development of an island fauna: Recent terrestrial
shells in museum collections. Most of the shell mollusks of Bermuda. Nemouria, Occasional Pa-
pers of the Delaware Museum of Natural History
collections in museums are kept in areas that are 44: 1-99.
not normally open to the general public. Therefore, Blanc, A. and R. Allemand. 1993. L’escargot Turc
before taking your shells to a museum, contact the Helix lucorum L. (Gasteropoda Helicidae), espece
curator of the mollusk collection and explain your acclimatee dans l’agglomeration lyonnaise: Com-
needs. You may then be able to set up an appoint- paraison du rythme d’activite avec celui de deux
especes voisines autochtones. [The Turkish snail
ment with the curator to use the collections of the Helix lucorum L. (Gastropoda Helicidae), a spe-
museum. cies acclimatized to the region of Lyon (France):
circadian rhythm of activity and comparison with
A stereomicroscope is essential to examine and two indigenous species]. Bulletin de la Societe
identify very small shells and to carry out dissec- Zoologique de France 118: 203-209.
Boag, D. A. 1985. Microdistribution of three genera of
tions. For example, the minute North American small terrestrial snails (Stylommatophora: Pulmona-
species, Striatura meridionalis (Pilsbry and Ferriss ta). Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 1089-1095.
1906) is distinguished from the similar S. milium Boycott, A. E. 1920. On the size variation of Clausilia
(E. S. Morse, 1859) by the very fine striae on its bidentata and Ena obscura within a “locality”.
Pearce and Örstan 283

Proceedings of the Malacological Society, London tini (Pulmonata: Stylommatophora: Polygyridae).

14: 34-42. Malacologia 33: 71-178.
Boycott, A. E. 1928. Conchometry. Proceedings of the Emberton, K. C., T. A. Pearce, and R. Randalana. 1996.
Malacological Society, London 18: 8-31. Quantitatively sampling land-snail species rich-
Burch, J. B. 1962. How to Know the Eastern Land Snails. ness in Madagascan rainforests. Malacologia 38:
William C. Brown Co., Dubuque, Iowa. 214 pp. 203-212.
Burch, J. B. and T. A. Pearce. 1990. Terrestrial Gas- Evans, J. G. 1972. Land Snails in Archaeology, with
tropoda. In: D. L. Dindall, ed., Soil Biology Guide. Special Reference to the British Isles. Seminar Press,
John Wiley and Sons, New York. Pp. 201-309. London. xii + 436 pp.
Cain, A. J. 1983. Ecology and ecogenetics of terrestrial Goodfriend, G. A. 1986. Variation in land-snail shell
molluscan populations. In: W. D. Russell-Hunter, form and size and its causes: a review. Systematic
ed., The Mollusca, Vol. 6, Ecology. Academic Press, Zoology 35: 204-223.
New York. Pp. 597-647. Gould, S. J. and N. D. Young. 1985. The consequences
Cameron, R. A. D. 1986. Environment and diversities of of being different: sinistrally coiling in Cerion.
forest snail faunas from coastal British Columbia. Evolution 39: 1364-1379.
Malacologia 27: 341-355. Gregg, W. O. 1974. Finding snails in the desert. In: M.
Chappell, H. G., J. F. Ainsworth, R. A. D. Cameron, K. Jacobson, ed., How to Study and Collect Shells,
and M. Redfern. 1971. The effect of trampling on 4th Ed. American Malacological Union, Wrightsville
a chalk grassland ecosystem. Journal of Applied Beach, North Carolina. Pp. 76-77.
Ecology 8: 869-882. Hadfield, M. G. 1986. Extinction in Hawaiian achatinel-
Chichester, L. F. and L. L. Getz. 1973. The terrestrial slugs line snails. Malacologia 27: 67-81.
of northeastern North America. Sterkiana 31: 11-42. Harry, H. W. 1998. Carychium exiguum (Say) of Lower
Clarke, B., J. Murray, and M. S. Johnson. 1984. The Michigan; morphology, ecology, variation and
extinction of endemic species by a program of bio- life history (Gastropoda, Pulmonata). Walkerana
logical control. Pacific Science 38: 97-104. 9: 1-104.
Clench, W. J. 1974. Land shell collecting. In: M. K. Henderson, I. 1996. Slug and snail pests in agriculture.
Jacobson, ed., How to Study and Collect Shells, 4th British Crop Protection Council, Symposium Pro-
Ed. American Malacological Union, Wrightsville ceedings 66: 1-450.
Beach, North Carolina. Pp. 67-68. Hochberg, F. G., Jr., B. Roth, and W. B. Miller. 1987.
Coney, C. C., W. A. Tarpley, J. C. Warden, and J. W. Rediscovery of Radiocentrum avalonense (Hemp-
Nagel. 1982. Ecological studies of land snails in hill in Pilsbry, 1905) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata).
the Hiwassee River basin of Tennessee, U.S.A. Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of
Malacological Review 15: 69-106. Sciences 86: 1-12.
Cowie, R. H. 1992. Evolution and extinction of Partuli- Hubricht, L. 1951. Preservation of slugs. Nautilus 64:
dae, endemic Pacific island land snails. Philosophi- 90-91.
cal Transactions of the Royal Society of London (B) Hubricht, L. 1962. New species of Helicodiscus from the
335: 167-191. Eastern United States. Nautilus 75: 102-107.
Cowie, R. H., G. M. Nishida, Y. Basset, and S. M. Gon, Hubricht, L. 1985. The distributions of the native land
III. 1994. Patterns of land snail distribution in a mollusks of the eastern United States. Fieldiana,
montane habitat on the island of Hawaii. Malaco- Zoology (n.s.) 24: i-viii, 1-191.
logia 36: 155-169. Ingram, W. M. 1941. Habits of land Mollusca at Rens-
Crowell, H. H. 1973. Preserving terrestrial slugs by selaerville, Albany County, New York. American
freeze-drying. Veliger 15: 254-256. Midland Naturalist 25: 644-651.
Dainton, B. H. 1954. The activity of slugs: I. The induc- Kerney, M. P. 1999. Atlas of the Land and Freshwater
tion of activity by changing temperatures. Journal Molluscs of Britain and Ireland. Harley Books,
of Experimental Biology 31: 165-187. Colchester, England. 261 pp.
de Winter, A. J. and E. Gittenberger. 1998. The land snail Kerney, M. P. and R. A. D. Cameron. 1979. A Field Guide
fauna of a square kilometer patch of rainforest in to the Land Snails of Britain and Northwest Europe.
southwestern Cameroon: High species richness, low Collins, London. 288 pp.
abundance and seasonal fluctuations. Malacologia Kerney, M. P., R. A. D. Cameron, and J. H. Jungbluth.
40: 231-250. 1983. Die Landschnecken Nord- und Mitteleuropas.
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American Triodopsinae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: trial gastropods in boreal forest habitats. American
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284 Terrestrial gastropods

and Collect Shells, 4th Ed. American Malacological Pearce, T. A. 1990. Spool and line technique for tracing
Union, Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. P. 69. field movements of terrestrial snails. Walkerana
LaRocque, A. 1966. Pleistocene Mollusca of Ohio. Ohio 4: 307-316
Geological Survey Bulletin 62: i-iii, 1-111. Pearce, T. A. 1994. Terrestrial gastropods of Mackinac
LaRocque, A. 1974a. Shells from moss, shells from dead Island, Michigan, U.S.A. Walkerana 7: 47-53.
leaves, shells from stream drift, quarries and ledges. Pearce, T. A. 1997. Land snail ecology on northern Kuril
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of terrestrial snails (Stylommatophora) in forest lit- phylogeny of gastropod molluscs: An analysis using
ter. Canadian Field-Naturalist 101: 76-81. morphological characters. Zoological Journal of the
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Mienis, H. K. 1971. Theba pisana in pellets of an Israel- terrestrial slugs. Researches in Population Ecology
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Fairbanks. 1984. List of new and revised Recent time budgets, growth and distribution of three spe-
taxa in the North American terrestrial Mollusca cies of terrestrial slugs. Researches in Population
(north of Mexico) published since 19 March 1948. Ecology 25: 44-68.
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1988. The extinction of Partula on Moorea. Pacific Shells, 4th Ed. American Malacological Union,
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richness patterns in Wisconsin carbonate cliff com- Hutchinson University Library, London. 184 pp.
munities. Malacologia 41: 253-269. Schander, C. and J. Hagnell. 2003. Death by drowning
Oggier, P., S. Zschokke, and B. Baur. 1998. A compari- degrades DNA. Journal of Molluscan Studies 69:
son of three methods for assessing the gastropod 387-388.
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348-357. structure and levels of gene flow in the Mediter-
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American Malacological Society.


23.1 INTRODUCTION the basic requirements of snails, but the details

of how one accomplishes this task will depend
Many species of land snails are relatively easy to on one’s intentions, resources, ingenuity, and the
keep in captivity; their requirements are simple, species of snails.
they do not take up much space nor do they re-
quire constant care. One may keep land snails in 23.2 A SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE
captivity for any length of time depending on one’s
intentions and resources. Short-term captivity last- For some of the common North American snails,
ing a few days may allow one to perform certain there is plenty of (but, probably not enough) pub-
activities easily that may be difficult to carry out in lished information dealing with captive rearing,
the field. For example, photography of live snails, but for most of the species that never have been
examinations of external anatomy, observations of kept in captivity, there is almost no information.
snail behavior in response to external stimuli, and Often, one may find information on how to raise a
determination of food preferences are the types of particular species in a paper dealing primarily with
work that may be performed with captive snails in some other aspect of that species, for example, its
short periods. genetics. Therefore, before bringing snails indoors,
it is advisable to conduct a careful literature search
Some projects may require captive breeding and to find out if anything on the captive breeding of
maintenance of large numbers of snails for many that particular species has been published. Keep
years. For example, one may want to know if two in mind that the data gathered while raising an
species will hybridize, or how various conditions infrequently studied species, if done and presented
will influence the phenotypic characteristics of properly, could become a useful contribution to the
shells. Depending upon how quickly the captive scientific literature.
snails reproduce and their offspring grow, such
studies may take several years to complete. One The following is an annotated list of some of
could even collect rare or endangered snail species the publications dealing with raising land snails.
(with proper permits), captive-breed them, and Krull (1937) gave directions for establishing a
release their offspring to the wild. terrarium suitable for large species, such as Me-
sodon thyroidus (Say, 1816). Archer (1937) gave
At first glance, the apparent diversity of methods in detailed instructions for converting an aquarium
the literature may give the impression that every- or a flowerpot into a snail terrarium. Carmichael
one who has successfully raised land snails has a (1937) presented methods for rearing slugs, in-
different protocol. True, there is no ideal container cluding handling instructions for their eggs and
for keeping snails, or a single perfect food that juveniles. Kingston (1966) raised 18 species of
will satisfy all species. However, everyone who North American snails, including slugs, and gave
intends to establish a healthy colony must satisfy practical advice for maintaining these snails and
288 Rearing terrestrial Gastropoda

their eggs. Grimm (1974) discussed and offered 23.4 REARING NORTH AMERICAN WOOD-
solutions for the various problems encountered LAND SNAILS
when raising snails. Gray et al. (1985) provided
information on the captive rearing of several spe- Some species of land snails that normally reproduce
cies of North American snails, including slugs. by outcrossing can also produce offspring without
Cowie and Cain (1983) presented information mating, for example Neohelix albolabris (Say,
especially useful for the captive maintenance of 1817) (McCracken and Brussard 1980). However,
European land snails. it is not known if a robust clone can be established
from such offspring. Therefore, to build a long-
23.3 SHORT TERM MAINTENANCE OF term colony it may be best to start with several
LAND SNAILS individuals to avoid the appearance of phenotypic
abnormalities in the offspring produced from the
Snails collected dormant during a dry or a cold mating of closely related individuals.
season may take several hours to become fully
active after having been wetted down or warmed 23.4.1 Containers. Many different types of contain-
up. Therefore, if time is limited, it is best to start ers may be successfully used to keep snails. Plastic
a project with snails that are already active in the or glass containers with clear lids or sides are ideal,
field. If an active snail is brought indoors soon after because snails can be observed without disturbing
collection and placed in a suitable container, for them. Fish aquaria may be adapted for snails (Ar-
example, a tray, and left undisturbed, it will soon cher 1937). The lid of the container should be tight
start exploring its new environment. enough to prevent the snails from escaping, but not
airtight. Large snails, such as Neohelix, can easily
Occasionally, the tray and the snail should be gently push open loosely closed lightweight lids, and yet
sprayed with water to prevent the snail from getting if too many of them are kept in airtight containers,
too dry and thus withdrawing into its shell. Because they may suffocate. Small ventilation holes may be
slugs lack a protective shell, when they get too dry, punched in the lids of containers or netting may be
they stop moving and eventually shrivel and die at used as a cover. Obviously, such ventilation open-
that spot. To prevent slugs from getting dry either ings must be small enough to prevent the escape
keep them in a humid environment or occasionally of snails, especially the juveniles. Fit the size of
spray them with water or keep them on a moist the container to the size and the number of snails;
substrate, like wet paper towel. Incandescent lights if you put a one-millimeter snail in an aquarium
should be placed a safe distance away to prevent the full of soil, you may never be able to find the snail
snails from overheating; cooler fluorescent lamps again. In addition, for some species, overcrowding
are a better choice for indoor observations. may negatively influence growth and reproduction
(Cowie and Cain 1983, Pearce 1997). Small snails
If you intend to keep the snails for only a few may be kept in petri dishes (Mapes and Krull 1951),
hours, you may not need to feed them. Neverthe- and the petri dishes then may be placed in larger
less, a piece of carrot or a flake of fish food may plastic containers to retain moisture. Trial and error
naturally immobilize a hungry snail thereby al- will help you develop a system that will produce
lowing it to be photographed easily or examined the best results.
under a stereomicroscope. If the intent is to keep
the snails for a few days, place them in a secure 23.4.2 Substrate. Excess moisture can kill snails.
container lined with moist paper towel or damp This is especially true for the foul liquid that ac-
soil (a few centimeters thick) and provide them cumulates when plant material with a high water
with food (see below). At the end of the work, content, such as lettuce leaves, rots. Therefore, if
make every effort to return the snails to the wild, the intent is to keep snails for longer than a day or
most preferably to the same location where they two, use a substrate in their containers to absorb
were collected. excess liquids. Paper towels may be used for this
Örstan 289

purpose, but after a while the paper itself starts to food is also accepted by many species of snails
decompose or develop mold. Soil and leaf litter (Table 23.1). Cowie and Cain (1983) fed their snails
from the snails’ habitat is a natural alternative. Soil a mixture of dry skim milk, breakfast cereal, and
absorbs and retains moisture. If the container begins calcium carbonate. Various fruits, including grapes
to dry out, some species will bury themselves in the and apples, may also be fed to snails.
soil, in an attempt to slow their water loss. Many
species bury their eggs in soil. Moreover, snails eat Carnivorous species, for example, Haplotrema
decomposing leaves and damp soil, which thereby concavum (Say, 1821), should be given live prey
serve as a backup food source for when one is away of appropriate sizes (Table 23.1), although some
or too busy to tend to the snails. carnivores, for example, Rumina decollata (Lin-
naeus, 1758) can be raised on lettuce only (Table
Forest soil, including leaf litter, often contains mites 23.1). Snails need calcium to make their shells
and nematodes that are potentially harmful to cap- and the shells of their eggs. In the wild, they get
tive snails (see the section on snail health below, calcium from their food, the shells of other snails,
Chapter 23.5). Heating soil and litter in shallow and calcium containing rocks and soil. Although
pans in an oven at about 50ºC (120ºF) until dry can captive snails get some calcium from the foods
kill mites and nematodes. Soil can be sterilized by they eat (even lettuce has minute quantities of cal-
heating at 250ºF for 2 hours (USDA 2001). Soil may cium), their diet should be supplemented. Calcium
be heated at higher temperatures, but beware that carbonate may be supplied in the form of limestone
dry leaves may start to burn at temperatures above or marble rocks, cuttlefish bones, empty mollusk
230ºC (450ºF). Alternately, to avoid the trouble of shells, eggshells, or any other suitable source. A
transporting and heating large quantities of forest favorite is powdered limestone, which is cheaply
soil (and needlessly destroying many inhabitants available in gardening supply stores and easily ap-
of the soil in the process), consider using store- plied from a saltshaker. Powdered limestone will
bought soil. The best general-purpose substrate for also help prevent the pH of the soil from getting
use in snail containers is commercial potting soil too acidic.
manufactured by composting of wood. Composting
naturally takes place at raised temperatures, killing Start out by placing small quantities of food in the
many potentially nuisance organisms. snails’ containers. If it is quickly eaten, increase
the amount. Too much food may spoil before it
In time, the soil and the sides of a container are is eaten and create an unhealthy condition. Place
covered with snail mucus, to which snail excreta the snails directly on the fresh food. If they have
and other debris adhere. Occasionally replace the become dormant since last checked, spray them
soil and clean the containers under tap water. Snail with water, which may quickly revive them. Each
mucus may be removed with household bleach time the snails are fed, sprinkle some limestone
(Pearce 1997). powder on the food and soil. Excess limestone is
not harmful.
23.4.3 Food. Table 23.1 lists food items fed to
several species of native and introduced North As many field collectors have learned, land snails
American land snails, including some that do not will eat paper. This should not be surprising since
normally live in the woods. Grimm (1974) recom- paper is mostly cellulose, a main ingredient of
mended additional foods to supplement snails’ the natural diets of many species. Grimm (1974)
diets, especially during reproductive periods: pota- suggested feeding snails various types of paper
toes, turnips, radishes, wheat germ, porridge, boiled products (cardboard, newspaper, etc.). However,
egg yolk, and bananas. Dry oats have always been since the composition of most inks are a trade se-
recommended for snails (Krull 1937). However, cret, you might prefer using paper without printing
uneaten oats should be promptly removed, because on it. This removes any potential risk to the snails
fungi quickly grow on moist oats. Aquarium fish from the ink.
290 Rearing terrestrial Gastropoda

Table 23.1. Foods for rearing some North American land snails: in addition to a source of calcium.
Species Food
Native species
Forest snails leaf litter, lettuce, cabbage, oatmeal, bran, leaves of Ailanthus glandulosa
(Archer 1937, Kingston 1966, Grimm 1974)

Neohelix spp. lettuce, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms, spinach, oats, fish food
(Vail 1978, McCracken and Brussard 1980, Emberton 1994, Örstan,

Mesodon spp. lettuce, oats, fish food (Emberton 1994, Pearce 1997)

Triodopsis spp. lettuce, carrots, fish food (Gray et al. 1985, Örstan, unpublished)

Deroceras spp. lettuce, carrots, leached maple leaves, oatmeal, leaves of Ailanthus sp.
(Kingston 1966, Gray et al. 1985)

Discus cronkhitei (Newcomb, 1865) lettuce (Gray et al. 1985)

Vallonia spp. leaf litter (Gray et al. 1985)

Zonitoides arboreus (Say, 1816) leaf litter (Gray et al. 1985)

Anguispira spp. lettuce, oatmeal, dried maple leaves, fish food, carrots
(Elwell and Ulmer 1971, Pearce 1997, Örstan, unpublished)

Haplotrema concavum (Say, 1821) Succinea ovalis Say, 1817, Zonitoides arboreus (Say, 1816), Discus
catskillensis (Pilsbry, 1896), Ventridens suppressus (Say, 1829), Allopeas
gracilis (Hutton, 1834), Anguispira spp. (including eggs), young of
Mesodon thyroidus (Say, 1816), Neohelix albolabris (Say, 1817), and
Helix aspersa Müller, 1774 (Pearce and Gaertner 1996, Atkinson and
Balaban 1997, Örstan, unpublished)

Cochlicopa lubrica (Müller, 1774) leaves of Ailanthus (Mapes and Krull 1951)
Introduced species
Limax flavus Linnaeus, 1758 bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, various leafy vegetables, turnips, milk
(Carmichael 1937)

Rumina spp. lettuce, oats, fish food, carrots, beets, Helix aspersa Müller, 1774
(Batts 1957, Dundee 1970, Fisher 1974, Örstan, unpublished)

Oxychilus draparnaudi (Beck, 1837) Stenotrema fraternum (Say, 1824), Webbhelix multilineata (Say, 1821),
Anguispira alternata (Say, 1816), cucumbers (Frest and Rhodes 1982)

Allopeas gracilis (Hutton, 1834) lettuce, fish food (Örstan, unpublished)

Edible species vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, garden plants, skim milk powder
(Helix, Cepaea, Otala, etc.) (Cowie and Cain 1983, Thompson and Cheney 1996)

23.4.4 Moisture, temperature, and light. Dry soil continuous high humidity inside the containers.
(or other suitable substrates) placed in a snail con- Shelled snails will usually survive if their contain-
tainer should be wetted by spraying it with water. ers are dried out for brief periods. Slugs however
To minimize the growth of fungus and potentially will die if their containers dry out for even a brief
harmful mites and nematodes (see below), avoid period (Kingston 1966).
Örstan 291

For snails to remain active year round, keep them away when removing old food or replacing the sub-
within an acceptable temperature range. The limits strate. Occasionally adults may consume the eggs
of this range may be species specific. Most U.S. (Grimm 1974). Young hatchlings are also known
forest species will remain active within 10-25ºC to eat conspecific eggs (Vail 1978, Atkinson and
(50-80ºF). If kept for a long period at temperatures Balaban 1997, Desbuquois et al. 2000). However,
below 10ºC, snails are likely to become dormant un- it would be difficult and unnecessary to attempt to
til the temperature rises. Also, at low temperatures, prevent this behavior. You may find the eggs, usu-
the development of eggs will be delayed. However, ally buried in soil in groups, by gently mixing the
exactly what a given snail will do under certain soil with a small spatula.
conditions is difficult to predict, since many exter-
nal physical conditions and individual genotypic Eggs may be incubated in damp soil, or on damp
variations will influence behavior and physiology. paper towels in petri dishes, or in other small
In the woods in Maryland on a rainy January day containers. Avoid getting the eggs too dry or too
when the temperature was slightly above freezing, wet for prolonged periods. Empty transparent pill
I found under the leaf litter five live, but dormant bottles make good incubators for eggs. Eggs placed
Neohelix albolabris with apertures sealed with on damp pieces of paper towel (or several layers of
dried mucus. Nearby was one Mesodon thyroidus toilet paper) and sealed inside pill bottles may not
sticking to the underside of a leaf with its foot par- require further care until they hatch. For accurate
tially out of its shell. Some forest species survive control of temperature, bottles with eggs may be
freezing (Riddle and Miller 1988) and some such partially immersed in temperature-controlled water
as Anguispira alternata (Say, 1816) (Elwell and Ul- baths. Keep the newly hatched snails in small con-
mer 1971) may need a cold-induced dormant period tainers where they may be easily found. Transfer
before reproducing. Familiarization with published them to larger containers as they grow.
literature will be useful in maintaining the proper
conditions for the good of the snails. 23.5 SNAIL HEALTH

Elevated temperatures are more likely to kill snails If snails are kept under proper physical conditions
than are low temperatures (Grimm 1974). Although and given adequate food, most of them will be,
in areas with long, dry summers (for example, in as far as a human observer can tell, healthy. Oc-
the Mediterranean countries) many species aesti- casionally, snail containers may be infested with
vate (and survive) in the sun for many months, the nematodes, mites, or protozoans (Arias and Crowell
elevated temperature inside a container of active 1963, Kingston 1966, Grimm 1974, Gray et al.
snails on a window sill exposed to the sun on a 1985). In the wild, the numbers of such organisms
summer day is most likely to kill the snails. Thus, are controlled by various environmental factors,
the maxim is that cool is better than hot. In addi- which may be modified in their favor in an artificial
tion, the intensity and duration of light exposure setting, resulting in their populations increasing
may influence snails’ activity and reproduction. dramatically. These organisms are usually smaller
The easiest way to regulate the duration of light than a millimeter and the examination of the soil
exposure (photoperiod) is to keep the snail con- from a snail container under a stereomicroscope
tainers away from direct sunlight and on or near a or with a magnifying glass may be necessary to
north-facing windowsill. detect them.

23.4.5 Maintenance of eggs and juveniles. It is There are several species of mites (Fain 2004) and
best to remove the juveniles and the eggs from nematodes (Morand et al. 2004) that are parasitic
the containers of adults and keep them in separate in land snails. Although a few nematodes or mites
containers (Carmichael 1937, Kingston 1966, Vail may not harm the snails, under optimum condi-
1978, McCracken and Brussard 1980). Otherwise, tions, the numbers of these animals may reach
the small juveniles may be inadvertently thrown tremendous amounts. When that happens, snails
292 Rearing terrestrial Gastropoda

are overwhelmed and usually become dormant Arias, R. O. and H. H. Crowell. 1963. A contribution
and although the large ones may survive, the small to the biology of the gray garden slug. Bulletin
of Southern California Academy of Sciences 62:
snails, particularly the juveniles, soon die. In heavily
infested cultures, one may find otherwise empty snail Atkinson, J. W. and M. Balaban. 1997. Size-related
shells with numerous nematodes or mites inside. change in feeding preference in the carnivorous land
snail Haplotrema concavum (Pulmonata: Stylom-
If a snail container is heavily infested with nema- matophora). Invertebrate Biology 116: 82-85.
Batts, J. H. 1957. Anatomy and life cycle of the snail
todes or mites, there is no practical way to get rid
Rumina decollata (Pulmonata: Achatinidae). South-
of them. The infestations usually return, even after western Naturalist 2: 74-82.
washing the snails from infested containers in tap Carmichael, E. B. 1937. Culture methods for Limax
water, picking them clean under a stereomicro- flavus. In: J. G. Needham, ed., Culture Methods for
scope, and then placing them in new containers Invertebrate Animals. Comstock Publishing Co.,
Ithaca, New York. Pp. 529-531. [Reprint by Dover
with fresh material. In all likelihood, some of the
Publications, Inc. 1959].
nematodes and the mites remain inside the shells Cowie, R. H. and A. J. Cain. 1983. Laboratory mainte-
or on the snails’ bodies. Therefore, the best cure is nance and breeding of land snails, with an example
prevention from the outset. As discussed above, from Helix aspersa. Journal of Molluscan Studies
either use composted potting soil or heat-treated 49: 176-177.
Desbuquois, C., L. Chevalier, and L. Madec. 2000. Vari-
forest soil. If one doubts the cleanliness of com-
ability of egg cannibalism in the land snail Helix
mercial soil, it too should be heated before use. aspersa in relation to the number of eggs available
and the presence of soil. Journal of Molluscan
Before placing newly collected snails in their Studies 66: 273-281.
containers, wash and clean their shells with an old Dundee, D. S. 1970. Introduced Gulf Coast molluscs. Tu-
lane Studies in Zoology and Botany 16: 101-115.
toothbrush under tap water. Small shells may be
Elwell, A. S. and M. J. Ulmer. 1971. Notes on the biol-
cleaned by briefly dipping them in a small container ogy of Anguispira alternata (Stylommatophora:
of water. Also, if the snails are fed lettuce or other Endodontidae). Malacologia 11: 199-215.
leafy vegetables, make sure the vegetables are free Emberton, K. C. 1994. Partitioning a morphology among
from mud that may harbor nematodes. To prevent its controlling factors. Biological Journal of the
Linnean Society 53: 353-369.
any unwanted organisms from feeding on rotting
Fain, A. 2004. Mites (Acari) parasitic and predaceous on
leftover food, promptly remove it. Do not mix the terrestrial gastropods. In: G. Barker, ed., Natural
snails from infested containers with those from Enemies of Terrestrial Molluscs. CABI Publishing,
uninfested containers. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Pp. 505-524.
Fisher, T. W. 1974. Miscellaneous observations on Ru-
mina decollata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Achatinidae) and
Some of my snail containers have also been infested
a request. Veliger 16: 334-335.
with very small flies and their larvae, and these were Frest, T. J. and R. S. Rhodes. 1982. Oxychilus draparn-
difficult to eliminate (see also Gray et al. 1985). aldi in Iowa. Nautilus 96: 36-39.
Although neither the flies nor their larvae seemed Gray, J. B., R. A. Kralka, and W. M. Samuel. 1985. Rear-
to be harming the snails, they were nevertheless a ing of eight species of terrestrial gastropods (order
Stylommatophora) under laboratory conditions.
nuisance, requiring frequent changes of contain-
Canadian Journal of Zoology 63: 2474-2476.
ers. The recommendations given above to prevent Grimm, F. W. 1974. Techniques for rearing land
nematode and mite infestations also should help snails. In: M. K. Jacobson, ed., How to Study and
prevent the fly infestations. Collect Shells, 4th Ed. American Malacological
Union. Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Pp.
Kingston, N. 1966. Observations on the laboratory
Archer, A. F. 1937. Vivarium methods for the land Mol- rearing of terrestrial molluscs. American Midland
lusca of North America. In: J. G. Needham, ed., Cul- Naturalist 76: 528-532.
ture Methods for Invertebrate Animals. Comstock Krull, W. 1937. Rearing terrestrial snails. In: J. G.
Publishing Co., Ithaca, New York. Pp. 527-529. Needham, ed., Culture Methods for Invertebrate
[Reprint by Dover Publications, Inc. 1959]. Animals. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, New
Örstan 293

York. Pp. 526-527. [Reprint by Dover Publications, growth in field and laboratory. Journal of Molluscan
Inc. 1959]. Studies 63: 389-399.
Mapes, C. R. and W. H. Krull. 1951. Collection of the Riddle, W. A. and V. J. Miller. 1988. Cold-hardiness in
snail Cionella lubrica, and its maintenance in the several species of land snails. Journal of Thermal
laboratory. Cornell Veterinerian 41: 433-444. Biology 13: 163-167.
McCracken, G. F. and P. F. Brussard. 1980. Self-fertil- Thompson, R. and S. Cheney. 1996 [revised November
ization in the white-lipped land snail Triodopsis 2004]. Raising Snails. Special Reference Briefs
albolabris. Biological Journal of the Linnean Series no. SRB 96-05, Alternative Farming Systems
Society 14: 429-434. Information Center, National Agricultural Library,
Morand, S., M. J. Wilson, and D. M. Glen. 2004. Nema- USDA. Available at: <
todes (Nematoda) parasitic in terrestrial gastropods. SIC_pubs/srb96-05.htm>.
In: G. Barker, ed., Natural Enemies of Terrestrial USDA. 2001. How to Import Foreign Soil and How to
Molluscs. CABI Publishing, Cambridge, Massa- Move Soil Within the United States. U.S. Depart-
chusetts. Pp. 525-558. ment of Agriculture, Circular Q-330.300-2, Soil
Pearce, T. A. and A. Gaertner. 1996. Optimal foraging and (01/2001). Available at: <
mucus-trail following in the carnivorous land snail permits/soil/circul.pdf>.
Haplotrema concavum (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). Vail, V. A. 1978. Laboratory observations on the eggs and
Malacological Review 29: 85-99. young of Triodopsis albolabris major (Pulmonata:
Pearce, T. A. 1997. Interference and resource competition Polygyridae). Malacological Review 11: 39-46.
in two land snails: adults inhibit conspecific juvenile
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


24.1 MARINE GASTROPODS, A HETERO- use the shell for protection; this condition is found
GENOUS ASSEMBLAGE OF TAXA in semislugs. True slugs do not have a shell at all
as in the case of the nudibranch sea slugs (Figure
The marine gastropods are the largest subgroup 24.2M-P) and the marine pulmonate Onchidium.
within the approximately 130,000 mollusk spe- Functional aspects of shells have been summarized
cies. They comprise approximately 60,000 shelled by Vermeij (1993). The most important functions
gastropods and approximately 13,000 seaslugs out include protection against predators, providing a
of the over 100,000 described gastropod species. somewhat buffered environment to balance extreme
The group comprises most of what has traditionally environmental conditions particularly in intertidal
been called the prosobranchs, and all opisthobranch species, and sometimes also a tool in predation
snails. With a few exceptions, the pulmonates are such as the labral teeth of muricids that assist in
restricted to the land and the fresh water. Additional opening bivalves. Shells are often further modified
information on the biology, anatomy, and ecology to accommodate respiration (slit in Vetigastropoda;
of snails can be found in Götting (1974), Solem siphon in Buccinoidea) or reproduction (brooding
(1974), Thompson (1976), Purchon (1977), Thomp- chambers in Liotiidae, Larochea). The often-strik-
son and Brown (1984), Hughes (1986), Fretter and ing coloration of shells is challenging to interpret;
Graham (1994), Gosliner (1994), Voltzow (1994) some are cryptic (Ovulidae on gorgonian hosts),
and Luchtel et al. (1997). This chapter mentions while cowry patterns that contrast with the mantle
species and families that are not illustrated here; pattern are thought to confuse would-be predators.
illustrations may be found in any general shell book The coloration of many shells is revealed only
such as Dance (1974), Eisenberg (1981), or Abbott after overgrowth and/or the periostracum has been
and Dance (1983). Many regional volumes will removed.
show many of these forms as well (e.g., Springsteen
and Leobrera 1986, Poppe and Goto 1991, Wilson The shell of a gastropod is usually a coiled, calci-
1993, 1994). For a more comprehensive listing of fied structure. A gastropod grows by adding new
literature sources see Chapter 9. shell material at the margin of the existing shell,
so the earlier shell is maintained by the growing
24.2 TERMINOLOGY OF GASTROPOD individual. This growth pattern is in marked con-
SHELLS AND ANIMALS trast to arthropods, in which the old exoskeleton is
discarded when the animal is molting, and a new
One of the most prominent structures of gastropods one is produced by the growing individual. Shell
is the shell (Figure 24.1). It can be present as the growth is continuous in mollusks; usually fast early
most conspicuous structure in typical snails so that on in life, slowing down to almost zero growth at
the snail can either withdraw into it like in whelks, old age. In some groups growth occurs in marked
or hide under it as in the case of limpets. The shell steps that are reflected in the growth pattern of the
can also be reduced so that the animal can no longer shell (e.g., axial varices in Figure 24.1F), whereas
296 Marine Gastropoda
Geiger 297

others grow in small but steady increments (Figures comes a juvenile, it switches the growth pattern
24.1A, 24.1G). (teleoconch). In some cases (e.g., Tibia spp.), there
are two post-larval growth phases namely the ju-
In the pelagic Pseudothecosomata, the calcified venile, sexually immature shell (teleoconch I) and
structure is not homologous to that of most snails. the shell of the sexually mature animal (teleoconch
Their “shell” is therefore called a pseudoconcha. II: Figure 24.1I).
The adult shell is not a continuation of the larval
shell, but the larval shell rudiment is discarded and a The protoconch marks the tip of the shell from
new calcified structure is formed (Lalli and Gilmer which most shells coil downwards (orthostrophic).
1989, Figure 24.2J). In some cases, the shell coils upwards, leaving the
protoconch in a cavity produced by the whorls
Due to the continuous growth of the shell, discrete (hypostrophic). In a third variation, the coiling axis
stages can be recognized, separated by distinct of the protoconch is at a right angle with the coiling
boundaries. The embryonic shell of the larva is axis of the teleoconch (heterostrophic). In some
called the protoconch. When the individual be- groups, the coiling is in one plane (planispiral). For

Figure 24.1 Selected shells of marine snails

Maximum size of shell illustrated given. A, Patella cochlear Born, 1778 (Patellogastropoda: Patellidae). Cape Town,
South Africa. 70 mm. Limpet shaped shell in ventral view with distinct dark, horseshoe shaped muscle scar in center
of shell. B, Cheila corrugata (Broderip, 1834) (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae). Las Hadas, Manzanillo, Colima,
Mexico. 39 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued. Limpet shaped shell in ventral view with internal modification forming a
shelf. C, Angaria vicdani Kosuge, 1980 (Vetigastropoda: Turbinidae). Bolut, Mindanao, Philippine Islands. 65 mm,
SBMNH uncatalogued. Apical view of trochiform shell with axial spines. D, Architectonica acutissima Sowerby,
1914 (Heterogastropoda: Architectonicidae). Tosa, Shikoku, Japan. 39 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued. Ventral view of
trochiform shell showing stepped umbilicus. E, Vermicularia pellucida eburnea (Reeve, 1842) (Caenogastropoda:
Turitellidae). La Paz, Baja California del Sur, Mexico. 105 mm, SBMNH 22572. Early shell high-spired and regularly
coiled, subsequently the whorls become disjunct, in which the whorls do not touch. F, Hexaplex chicoreum (Gmelin,
1791) (Caenogastropoda: Muricidae). Bantayan Island, Philippines. 55 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued. A rare sinistral
muricid with regular axial ornamentation arranged as varices. The siphonal canal is almost closed and elongated. G,
Natica canrena, Linnaeus, 1758 (Caenogastropoda: Naticidae). Cabo La Vela, La Guajira, Colombia. 56 mm, SBMNH
uncatalogued. A smooth and polished-looking shell. H, Conus genuatus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Neogas-
tropoda: Conidae). Senegal. 70 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued, ex DLG. A typical coniform shell with narrow aperture. I,
Strombus listeri Gray, 1862 (Caenogastropoda: Strombidae). Andaman Sea, Thailand. 139 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued.
The aperture in this species is modified into a flared lip. J, Phenacovolva rosea (A. Adams, 1854) (Caenogastropoda:
Ovulidae). Bohol, Philippines. 43 mm (left), 45 mm (right), SBMNH uncatalogued. An involute shell without a spire,
in dorsal (left) and ventral (right) view. The aperture extends over the entire length of the shell. K, Rhinoclavis fasciata
(Bruguière, 1792) (Caenogastropoda: Cerithiidae). Gibson Island, Hamilton Pass, Choiseul, Solomon Islands. 56 mm,
SBMNH 4401. A high-spired shell with a recurved siphonal canal. The reduced operculum is mounted on cotton in
the aperture. L, Turricula tornata (Dillwyn, 1817) (Caenogastropoda: Neogastropoda: Turridae). Off Phuket Island,
Thailand. SBMNH 141386. The anal sulcus at the top of the aperture is distinct. M, Fulgolaria hamillei (Crosse, 1869)
(Caenogastropoda: Volutidae). Off Honshu, Japan. 83 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued. The columella shows columellar
folds or plicae. There is no umbilicus (anomphalous). N, Epitonium imperiale Sowerby, 1844 (Caenogastropoda:
Epitoniidae). Queensland, Australia. 32 mm, SBMNH 4948. A high-spired shell with strong axial lamellae, a narrowly
open umbilicus, and an operculum sealing the entire aperture. Dotted line shows start of body whorl. O, Carinaria
cf. australis Quoy and Gaimard, 1833 (Caenogastropoda: Heteropoda: Carinariidae). From the stomach of a wolf
fish [Alepisaurus borealis (Gill, 1862)] 34ºN, 132ºW, NE Pacific. 21 mm, SBMNH 23369. The reduced shell from a
pelagic snail. P, Dolabrifera dolabrifera (Rang, 1828) (Opisthobranchia: Anaspidoidea: Aplysiidae). Trailer Park, San
Carlos, Sonora, Mexico. 33 mm, SBMNH uncatalogued. The internal and reduced shell of a sea hare. Q, Atys naucum
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Opisthobranchia: Cephalaspidoidea: Haminoeidae). Philippines. 46 mm, SBMNH WW4525. An
only slightly reduced shell of a bubble snail. R, Ellobium aurisjudae (Linnaeus, 1758) (Pulmonata: Ellobiidae). Cape
York, Queensland, Australia. 40 mm, SBMNH 22143. The shell of a mangrove dwelling marine pulmonate snail.
Abbreviations. ap: aperture. as: anal sulcus. at: apertural teeth. bw: body whorl. cf: columellar fold. col: columella.
n: nucleus. op: operculum. pc: protoconch. sc: siphonal canal. sut: suture. t1: teleoconch I. t2: teleoconch II. umb:
umbilicus. SBMNH: Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, DLG: D. L. Geiger.
298 Marine Gastropoda

Figure 24.2 Selected sea slugs.

Cephalaspidea A - D. A, Philine scabra (Müller, 1776). Animal approximately 5 mm. Millport, Isle of Cumbrae,
Scotland, U.K. DLG 2518. B, Navanax inermis Cooper, 1863. Animal approximately 4 cm. Flat Rock Point, Palos
Verdes, Los Angeles, California, USA. DLG 3565. C, Runcina coronata (Quatrefages, 1844). Animal approximately
2.5 mm. Village Bay, Hirta, St. Kilda Archipelago, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, U.K. DLG 3121. D, Colpodaspis pusilla
Sars, 1870. Animal approximately 5 mm. Village Bay, Hirta, St. Kilda Archipelago, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, U.K.
DLG 3172. Ascoglossa E - F. E, Hermaea (Placida) verticillata (Alder and Hancock, 1855). Animal approximately
6 mm. On Bryopsis sp. (Chlorophyta). Banyuls-sur-Mer, S. France. DLG 1030. F, Limapontia senestra (Quatrefages,
1844). Animal approximately 3 mm. Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, U.K. DLG 2563. Notaspidea G - H. G.
Tylodina perversa (Gmelin, 1791), on Verongia aerophoba (Schmidt, 1862) (Porifera: Demospongiae). Animal
approximately 5 cm, note external shell. Banyuls-sur-Mer, S. France. DLG 1095. H, Berthella aurantiaca (Risso,
1826). Animal approximately 5 cm, with internal shell. Ile de Bendor, Bandol, S. France. DLG 1254. Anaspidea.
I, Aplysia rosea (Rathke, 1799). Animal approximately 3 cm, on Ulva sp. (Chlorophyta). Village Bay, Hirta, St.
Kilda Archipelago, Outer Hebrides, Scotland, U.K. DLG 3151. Pteropoda: Thecosomata. J, Creseis sp. Animal
approximately 2 mm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. DLG 2338. Gymnosomata. K, Cliopsis krohni Troschel, 1854.
Animal approximately 4 cm. Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey, California, U.S.A. DLG 3975. Pulmonata. L,
Onchidiella celtica Cuvier, 1817. Animal approximately 2 cm, on Ulva. sp. Erquy, Brittany, France. DLG 104.
Nudibranchia M-P. Doridoidea M, Triopha catalinae (Cooper, 1863). Animal approximately 18 mm. W. Anacapa
Island, California, U.S.A. DLG 4746. Aeolidioidea N, Coryphella lineata (Lovén, 1846) on Nemertesia ramosa
(Lamarck, 1816) (Hydrozoa: Thecaphora: Plumulariidae). Animal approximately 3 cm. Clashfarland Point, Mill-
port, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, U.K. DLG 2982. Dendronotoidea O, Tritonia hombergeri Cuvier, 1803. Animal
approximately 10 cm. Millport, Isle of Cumbrae, Scotland, U.K. DLG 3017. Arminoidea P, Janolus = Antiopella
cristatus (Delle Chiaje, 1841). Slug approximately 3 cm. Village Bay, Dun, St. Kilda Archipelago, Outer Hebrides,
Scotland, U.K. DLG 3188. Abbreviations. C: Cerata. CS: cephalic shield. E: eye. G: gill. LT: labial tentacles. OV:
oral veil. PP: parapodium. PT: propodial tentacles. R: rhinophore. RS: rhinophore sheath. S: shell. DLG: Author’s
image archive number.
Geiger 299

those that do not coil in a plane, the coiling direction can be ornamented in various forms and yield sev-
is either right handed (dextral: Figure 24.1N) or left eral taxonomically informative characters. Occa-
handed (sinistral: Figure 24.1F). The handedness sionally, the umbilicus is covered with a thickening,
can be determined by holding the shell with the pro- the umbilical callus (Umbonium, Neverita).
toconch to the top, and observing whether the open-
ing of the shell (aperture) is on the right or the left The aperture can be modified in a number of ways.
side of the shell. Note that the aperture is usually The overall shape varies from circular to slit-like.
below the protoconch (orthostrophic shells), but The margin can be thin and sharp (Conus, Figure
may also be located above (hypostrophic shells); 24.1H), or can be thickened (Cassidae, Ellobium,
turning a hypostrophic dextral shell upside down Figure 24.1R). The outline can be continuous
will make it look superficially like an orthostrophic (Epitonium, Figure 24.N) or interrupted by vari-
sinistral shell. ous indentations and projections. Starting from the
suture in a clockwise direction on a dextral shell
When the shell is composed of several whorls, the (with the aperture facing toward you), the first notch
last one is usually called the body whorl (Figure close to the suture is the anal sulcus (Turridae,
24.1N). In most species, the whorls of the shell are Figure 24.1L). A similar structure, the slit, is found
in contact with one another. In some groups such as in many vetigastropods (Pleurotomariidae, Scis-
worm snails, the whorls coil erratically and do not surellidae, and Emarginulinae). The two structures
touch one another, which is referred to as disjunct can be distinguished by the way the growth incre-
(Figure 24.1E). Where the shoulder of the larger ments are formed in the region of the indentation.
whorl makes contact with the previous whorl, the In vetigastropods, the closed slit is delineated by
suture is formed (Figures 24.1M, 24.1N). The latter parallel, spiral ridges that form the selenizone or
may connect smoothly, or may form a more or less slitband, whereas in turrids the growth increments
distinct groove or canal. form a single, curved line over the entire axis of
the whorl. The inner margin of the aperture can be
The construction of a shell can be defined by just lined by apertural teeth (Figure 24.1F), whereas in
three variables: the translation rate, or how quickly the lower part of the aperture a single spine (labial
the coiling is moving along the shell axis; the ex- tooth) may project in the coiling direction of the
pansion rate, or how quickly the aperture grows shell (Achanthina, Opeatostoma). At the bottom
in diameter, and the distance from the generating of the aperture a second notch can be found, the
curve, or how far from the axis one coil is separated siphonal canal (Figures 24.1F, 24.1K-M). It may
from the next. Models that are more complex can vary from a shallow notch (Buccinum) to a long,
account for allometric growth and periodic ad- drawn-out tube (Typhis). The inner side of the
ditions such as varices (Raup 1962, 1966). The aperture may include columellar teeth, which are
MacCoil computer program (Palmer 1996) is very limited to the apertural region, or columellar folds
instructional in learning about how shells can attain (Figure 24.1M), which continue along the whorls
various shapes by changing just a few parameters. of the shell (Fasciolaria, Vexillum).
Some of the common overall shell shapes are de-
scribed with reference to some common genera: In many coiled gastropods, the aperture can be
trochiform, naticiform, patelliform, mitriform, fitted with an operculum (Figures 24.1K, 24.1N).
coniform, turritelliform. The operculum is a flattened and hard structure
attached to the foot of the snail; when the body of
The longitudinal axis of the shell can be composed the snail retracts into the cavity of the shell, the
of the touching inner walls of the whorls that operculum will cover the aperture and protect the
produce a twisted spindle or columella (Fusinus, animal from predators and desiccation. The mate-
Vexillum, Figure 24.1M). When those inner walls rial composition of the operculum, proteinaceous
do not touch, they will leave a cavity, the umbilicus (Trochidae, Polinices) or calcified (Turbinidae,
(Figure 24.1D). The inner margin of the umbilicus Natica), defines some major gastropod groups
300 Marine Gastropoda

Figure 24.3 Selected live marine snails.

A, Atlanta peroni Lesueur, 1817 (Heteropoda: Atlantidae), animal approximately 1 cm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. X
1991. DLG 2260. B, Peltospira delicata McLean, 1989 (Vetigastropoda: Peltospiridae). Animal approximately 1 cm.
Geiger 301

that are otherwise superficially similar. Additional calcium carbonate minerals in particular shapes.
parameters used to characterize an operculum are These processes will produce such diverse crystal
its shape (round to lanceolate), the position of the types as crossed lamellar, columns, and thin plate-
nucleus (central to peripheral; Figure 24.1N), the lets. A typical shell is composed of three layers:
number of whorls (few: paucispiral; many: mul- the inner hypostracum, the bulk of the shell as
tispiral), the surface texture (crenellated, rough, the ostracum, and a thin proteinaceous cover, the
dull, shiny), and the modifications of the margin periostracum. These three layers are produced by
(none, frills, serrations). Most gastropods have an three discrete folds on the margin of the mantle.
operculum during their larval stage. Opercula, in Additionally, muscle attachment points are often
a shell collection, can easily become disassociated modified as myostracum. Their rather rough surface
with the proper shell. Numbering the shell and its most likely provides additional strength for muscle
corresponding operculum with India ink or gluing attachment by enlarging the surface area.
(water-soluble glue) the operculum to a plug of
polyester fibers placed in the aperture of the cor- 24.3 ANATOMY
responding shell, may avoid this problem (Figure
24.1K). Natural cotton wool may be acidic and Below I provide a brief outline of gastropod anato-
should be avoided. my. For additional information see Götting (1974),
Thompson (1976), Purchon (1977), Thompson and
The shells of most gastropods are composed of Brown (1984), Fretter and Graham (1994), Gosliner
several layers of calcareous material. Calcium (1994), Voltzow (1994), Luchtel et al. (1997), and
carbonate can be secreted by living organisms in Beesley et al. (1998).
two different modifications: calcite and aragonite.
Both of these building materials can be shaped 24.3.1 The typical marine gastropod. A typical
differentially, which allows great plasticity in the marine snail has the following major anatomical
construction of gastropod shells. The shell is not components: head, mantle cavity, visceral hump,
secreted as pure calcium carbonate, but an internal and foot. Figure 24.3 shows some examples of
lattice of proteins guides the crystallization of the living marine snails.

9ºN Vent field. 2001. Leg. Alison Green and Douglas Pace. SBMNH uncataloged, DLG 4482. C, Cerithium vulgatum
(Brugière, 1792) (Caenogastropoda: Cerithiidae). Animal approximately 4 cm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France, 0.5 m. II-III
1991. DLG 1036. D, Littorina obtusata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Littorinidae). Animal approximately 1
cm. Erquy, Brittany, France. 1989. DLG 235. E, Mitrella scripta (Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Columbellidae).
Animal approximately 8 mm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. 1988. DLG 72. F, Fasciolaria lignaria (Linnaeus, 1758)
(Caenogastropoda: Fasciolariidae). Animal approximately 6 cm. Isla Cabrera, Menorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, 5
m. VII-VIII 1989. DLG 381. G, Thais (Stramonita) haemastoma (Linnaeus, 1767) (Caenogastropoda: Muricidae).
Animals approximately 6 cm. Ile de Bendor, Bandol, S. France, 6 m. 1989. DLG 163. Arrows indicate egg capsules
deposited in oyster. H, Lottia gigantea (Sowerby, 1834) (Patellogastropoda: Lottiidae). Animal approximately 2 cm.
Ventura Point fishing area, Palos Verdes, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. 0.5 m. VII 4 2000. DLG 4506. I, Haliotis
tuberculata Linnaeus, 1758 (Vetigastropoda: Haliotidae). Animal approximately 6 cm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. III
1992. DLG 2482. J, Calyptraea chinensis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Calyptraeidae). Animal approximately
1 cm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. II-III 1991. DLG 1024. Arrow shows eggmass guarded by the snail. K, Simnia spelta
(Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Ovulidae) on Eunicella singularis (Esper, 1794) (Octocorallia: Plexauridae). Animal
approximately 1 cm. Banyuls sur Mer, S. France. III 1992. DLG 2428. L, Trivia arctica (Solander and Humphreys,
1797) (Caenogastropoda: Triviidae). Animal approximately 1 cm. Hirta, St. Kilda Archipelago, Scotland, U.K. VII 1993.
DLG 3107. M, Lamellaria cf. persicula (Linnaeus, 1758) (Caenogastropoda: Lamellariidae). Animal approximately 3
cm. Erquy, Brittany, France. 1988. DLG 105. N, Vermetid reef composed of Petaloconchus erectus Dall, 1888. Image
shows approximately 10 m wide habitat stretch. Spanish Point near Spittal Pond, Bermuda. VII 1991. DLG 1819. O,
cf. Serpulorbis arenaria (Linnaeus, 1758), with mucus net (arrows) used for feeding. Image width approximately 25
cm. Porros and Illa del Aire, Menorca, Balearic Islands, 6 m. VII-VIII 1989. DLG 375. P, Serpulorbis squamigerus
(Carpenter, 1857). Image width approximately 5 cm. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium, Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. VI
1994. DLG 3864. Abbreviations: CT: cephalic tentacle. E: eye. EP: epipodium. M: mantle. MP: mantle papillae. OP:
operculum. S: shell. SI: Siphon. DLG: Author’s image archive number.
302 Marine Gastropoda

Head: The head contains many sense organs, most the hindgut and discharges the feces into the mantle
of the nervous system, and the opening of the di- cavity. The other large organ found in the visceral
gestive tract. The digestive tract opens through the hump is the gonad. Snails can be either of a single
mouth, but may be further extended by means of the gender (male or female, gonochoristic), or may func-
proboscis. The proboscis can be used as a suction tion as both sexes (hermaphrodites), either simulta-
device to ingest liquid or liquefied food (preoral neous, as in seaslugs, or sequentially, as in slipper
digestion). The radula, which usually consists of shells (Calyptraeidae: Figure 24.3J). The reproductive
rows of chitinous teeth, is found in most snails. It is opening can simply lead to the outside of the body, or
an important organ that has served as the basis for it may be modified terminally into a penis in the male,
the classification of gastropods and often shows dif- and/or a complex receptacle in the case of the female,
ferences even between congeneric species. In many so that internal fertilization can be achieved.
gastropods, a pair of jaws is situated in front of the
radula to cut larger pieces of food to be ingested. Snails have an open circulatory system meaning
The radula lies in the foregut, which is connected that the spaces through which the blood travels
to the stomach. The sensory organs include a pair are not lined continuously, but are composed of
of eyes and a pair of cephalic tentacles. In addi- the surfaces of tissues from various organs. The
tion, opisthobranchs have a pair of chemosensory heart is situated just behind the gills and pumps
organs, the rhinophores. blood into the gills, from where the oxygenated
blood is distributed throughout the body and is
Mantle Cavity: Behind the head opens the dorsal eventually collected and channeled towards the
mantle cavity. It serves as a respiratory chamber and heart. The entire visceral hump is covered by the
as the opening for the hindgut and the gonads. The mantle, which secretes the shell. At the margin of
respiratory organs, gills, are found as a pair or as a the shell, the mantle is differentiated into several
single unit. Water flow through the cavity is strongly mantle folds that produce the various layers of the
regulated. In those gastropods with a slit (Vetigas- shell. In some gastropods (Cypraeidae, Fissurel-
tropoda), the incurrent enters the mantle cavity over lidae), the mantle can be drawn over the shell for
the head and exits through the posterior part of the camouflage or defense.
slit, taking along waste products and gametes (eggs
and sperm). In the higher prosobranchs, ciliary bands Foot: The foot serves the purposes of locomo-
in the mantle cavity help to produce a current that tion and attachment to the substrate. It is a highly
enters and exits over the head. In many gastropods, glandular organ; it has been estimated that approxi-
the incurrent opening is drawn out into an elon- mately 30% of a snail’s energy expenditure goes
gated tube, the siphon. Be careful to distinguish the towards the production of mucus. The animals glide
siphon from the proboscis. In air breathing snails over the surface by waves of muscle contraction
(Pulmonata, Littorinidae: Figure 24.3D), the gills are that travel over the foot. There are several specific
reduced or absent and the wall of the mantle cavity patterns of wave movements. At the head end, the
is strongly vascularized. In the amphibious patellid propodium is the most mobile part of the foot. In
limpets, true gills (ctenidia) are absent and are func- many instances, the propodium is extended into a
tionally replaced by modifications of the mantle that pair of propodial tentacles, which should not be
increase the surface area (Figure 24.3H). confused with cephalic tentacles or the rhinophores
of Opisthobranchia. The posterior part (metapo-
Visceral mass: The visceral hump contains most of dium) carries the operculum, can be drawn out as in
the internal organs. From the foregut, the stomach Aeolidioidea, and in some groups can be willfully
takes up the ingested food and begins to digest it. detached (autotomized: Harpidae). Lateral exten-
Through openings in the wall of the stomach, nu- sions of the foot, the parapodia, are drawn over
trients are transported into the large digestive gland the body in some groups (Ascoglossa: Elysiidae;
(hepatopancreas). From the stomach, the intestine Anaspidea: Aplysia). Many Vetigastropoda have
continues in more or less complicated loops towards a more or less elaborate set of epipodial tentacles
Geiger 303

nested between the foot and the margin of the shell Pulmonata - going back to Thiele (1931), has been
(Figures. 24.3B, I). shown to be inaccurate. In addition, the familiar
division of the prosobranchs into Archaeogas-
Opisthobranchia - additional features: Many tropoda, Mesogastropoda, and Neogastropoda is
opisthobranchs do not have a shell as adults. The no longer considered valid. The reasons for the
mantle is hence modified to be tougher and is called changes outlined below are due to new insights
the notum. In dorids, it may contain calcareous into the evolutionary history of gastropods, and the
spicules and often has sulfuric acid glands for premise that only monophyletic groups or clades
protection. The posterior end in this group usu- (see Chapter 11) should be named. Many of the
ally shows the conspicuous circumanal gills as a gastropod groups proposed by Thiele have now
rosette of branched gills. In the remainder of the been shown to be non-monophyletic.
Nudibranchia (Aeolidioidea, Dentronotoidea, Ar-
minoidea) as well as in some other opisthobranchs For the purpose of arranging your collection, these
(Ascoglossa), the hepatopancreas is drawn out into frequent changes in classification can be unnerving.
dorsal, tentacular processes, the cerata. Note that Because some of these new arrangements are tenta-
not all cerata-bearing seaslugs are aeolids. In order tive, a standard system, even if not up to the latest
to distinguish the four groups, the structure of the flavor, may be quite acceptable from a pragmatic
rhinophores is particularly helpful. perspective. Two main sources can be considered:
Vaught (1989), which is already quite dated, but
The propodium of cephalaspids is modified into a encompasses all Mollusca, and Beesley et al.
cephalic shield that covers the head, from which the (1998), which is more current, but, does not include
name of the group has been derived. The pteropods families missing from the Australian malacofauna.
have many unique modifications including sucker- Figure 24.4 shows a gross comparison between the
bearing pedal lobes that evolved separately from Thiele (1931) and the modern system of classifica-
those of the cephalopods. tion. The following highlights some of the major
changes in gastropod classification.
GROUPS 24.4.1 Gastropoda. Snails are still considered
by the great majority to be monophyletic; hence,
The higher level of gastropod classification has Gastropoda remains the scientific name for snails.
been undergoing a remarkable revision over the However, gastropods did not split right away into
past 15 years. The old classification of three gas- three discrete groups (Thiele’s Prosobranchia, Opis-
tropod classes - Prosobranchia, Opisthobranchia, thobranchia, Pulmonata), but Opisthobranchia and
Thiele (1931) Classification Modern Classification after Beesley et al. (1999)
Gastropoda Gastropoda
Prosobranchia —
Archaeogastropoda —
Patelloidea Patellogastropoda
Pleurotomaroidea ++ Vetigastropoda
Neritoidea Neritopsina
+ additional groups + additional groups
Mesogastropoda Caenogastropoda
Littorinidae, Cerithoidea, etc. Neogastropoda
Architectonicidae Opisthobranchia
Neogastropoda Cephalaspidea, Thecosomata
Opisthobranchia Gymnosomata, Nudibranchia, etc.
Cephalaspidea, Thecosomata Pulmonata
Gymnosomata, Nudibranchia, etc. Heterostropha
Pyramidellomorpha Architectonicidae
Pulmonata Pyramidellomorpha

Figure 24.4 Comparisons of traditional and modern classification.

The comparison is very general and strongly condensed. The finer points of gastropod classification and its various
clades are still in flux. The interested reader is referred to recent conference proceedings and relevant publications
in serials. ++ = minor groups.
304 Marine Gastropoda

Pulmonata are derived from within the Caenogas- Opisthobranchia, the sea slugs, has also been re-
tropoda. Hence, there is no longer a need for Thiele’s tained as in Thiele with a single important excep-
Prosobranchia as it is synonymous with Gastropoda. tion. The members of the Opisthobranchia include:
Opisthobranchia plus Pulmonata (=“Euthyneura”) Cephalaspidea (= Bullomorpha. Figures 24.2A-C);
do not form a clade because of fundamental differ- Ascoglossa (= Sacoglossa. Figures 24.2D-F); Anas-
ences in the nervous system; these two groups are pidea (= Aplysiomorpha. Figure 24.2I); Notaspidea
distinct lineages. Many additional names have been (= Pleurobranchomorpha. Figures 24.2G-H); Ac-
introduced for the higher classification of gastropods cochlidioidea; Pteropoda (Gymnosomata. Figure
(e.g., Eogastropoda, Apogastropoda, Orthogastrop- 24.2K; Thecosomata. Figure 24.2J); Nudibranchia
oda); for an overview of these and other names see (Doridoidea, Aeolidioidea, Dendronotoidea, Ar-
Bieler (1992) and Ponder and Lindberg (1997). minoidea. Figures 24.2M-P). Pyramidellomorpha
has been removed; it has been placed in Hetero-
24.4.2 Basal Gastropoda. These were termed by gastropoda.
Thiele Archaeogastropoda. Today they are recog-
nized to be a conglomerate of several independent 24.4.4 Heterogastropoda. This recently proposed
lineages. The most prominent ones are Patellogas- group is characterized by the heterostrophic apex.
tropoda (Patellidae, Lottiidae, Acmaeidae: Figure Two main families are united: Architectonicidae
24.1A), Vetigastropoda (Pleurotomariidae, Haliot- (Figure 24.1D. formerly in the Mesogastropoda) and
idae, Fissurellidae, Trochoidea, ++: Figure 24.1C), Pyramidellidae (formerly in the Opisthobranchia).
and Neritopsina (Neritidae, Neritopsidae, ++); there
are additional minor groups (++ means addition 24.4.5 Incertae sedis: There are some other snails
minor groups e.g., Seguenzina, Cocculiniformia). of uncertain affinity, particularly those that live
between sand grains (interstitial fauna, meiofauna),
24.4.3 Higher Gastropoda. The remainder of all because their bodies are highly reduced due to
Gastropoda is united under Caenogastropoda, i.e., small size and lack features that could aid in their
Thiele’s Mesogastropoda, Neogastropoda, Opis- classification (e.g., Rhodomorpha).
thobranchia, and Pulmonata. Caenogastropoda is
composed of two Thiele suborders plus two Thiele 24.5 HABITAT AND ECOLOGY
orders. In some modern classification, some of
the most basal Caenogastropoda (Cyclophoridae Marine gastropods inhabit virtually all possible habi-
and Ampullariidae) are put in a distinct group, the tats, including estuaries, rocky and sandy shores up
Architaenioglossa, although there is some disagree- to the supralittoral fringe, all continental shelf and
ment among phylogeneticists. slope areas, and the abyssal plain. They are even
found in the deep-sea trenches of the hadal region.
Neogastropoda (Buccinoidea, Muricoidea, Coni- Some are found crawling between sand grains (meio-
dae, Turridae: Figures 24.1F, H, L, M) has been fauna), and some floating (pelagic) groups are known
retained as a clade, although only as part of Caeno- (Pteropoda, Heteropoda). Further information on
gastropoda, and not as an equivalent unit of equal marine habitats can be found in Levinton (1995),
taxonomic rank. Hogarth (1999), and Nybakken (2001).

Pulmonata has also been retained more or less as 24.5.1 Estuaries. Where fresh and sea water mix,
in Thiele. There are only a few marine and brack- we find estuaries. The conditions with neither pure
ish water pulmonates, including the intertidal and fresh water nor typical salt water being found,
subtidal Siphonariidae, the mangrove dwellers combined with strong fluctuations in salinity, makes
Ellobiidae (Figure 24.1R), and the Onchidiidae a unique habitat. Estuarine faunas are mainly com-
(Figure 24.2L, previously placed in its own group posed of more typically marine organisms, with
Gymnomorpha). For more details on the biology very few freshwater representatives being able to
of pulmonates, see Chapter 21. tolerate the salt in the mixed water. There are certain
Geiger 305

groups of gastropods characteristically inhabiting all of those found in the higher half of the intertidal
these areas, including hydrobiids, nassariids, and zone. Additionally, many muricids and some whelks
cerithioideans in the most common muddy condi- (Buccinidae) are frequently found. Overturning
tions, and littorinids and some patellogastropods rocks and checking shaded and overhanging por-
can be encountered on hard substrates. tions of the shoreline may reveal unexpected finds
such as nudibranchs, Onchidiidae, abalone, and
24.5.2 Intertidal. The intertidal region can be subdi- miter shells, among the more conspicuous elements.
vided with reference to the water level reached at the However, those interested in micromollusks will
various tide levels. It spans from the spring tide high reap great rewards collecting algal samples and
mark to the spring tide low mark. The splash zone, brushing rocks (see below). Be sure to check in
which is not fully submerged even during spring tide and among other organisms for snails. For instance,
high water, is usually categorized as a separate unit. wentletraps (Epitoniidae) can be found associated
Within the intertidal proper, particular zones or belts with sea anemones, and eulimids are living on echi-
are defined locally that are delimited by common or- noderms. The tide pools are flushed with water dur-
ganisms, such as seaweeds and barnacles along rocky ing every tidal cycle. They act as a habitat extension
shores, and worms and clams along sandy beaches. for organisms otherwise only found in the subtidal
area. There are some differences in temperate and
Rocky shore: The rocky shores can be classi- tropical regions. In the former, the shore is often
fied according to substrate type (chalk, granite, covered with algae, whereas in the tropics, corals are
volcanic rocks), exposure (protected, battered more prominent. In general, tropical faunas are also
by waves), and topography (inclination, smooth, richer in the variety of species encountered.
with tide pools). Furthermore, the vertical zones
defined by the presence of certain typical organ- 24.5.3 Soft bottom shores. Soft substrates can
isms (seaweeds, barnacles) can be determined. be classified according to the composition of the
sediment such as grain size (mud, sand, pebbles)
Splash zone: There is very little overall gastropod and material (rock, coral, Foraminifera), inclination
diversity in the splash zone. The only regularly of the shore, and exposure. The composition of a soft
found snails include selected species of Littorinidae bottom shore can vary greatly among seasons. For
and Patellogastropoda. instance, the sand beach of Village Bay on the island
of Hirta of the St. Kilda Archipelago (Outer Hebrides:
Upper half of intertidal zone: This zone is char- Scotland, UK), is fully eroded during winter storms,
acterized by an abundance of several conspicuous only to be redeposited the following spring.
gastropods. Among them are the top snails (Tro-
choidea), nerites (Neritidae), limpets (Patellogas- There is much less differentiation found in the
tropoda), Littorinidae, and Lacunidae. Within the gastropod fauna of soft bottoms. In the splash zone,
tide pools, you may encounter many of the organ- mostly dead shells are found, but hardly any usually
isms from the lower intertidal zone, but not neces- live there. There is a less obvious differentiation of
sarily those from the subtidal zone. The tide pools the intertidal soft substrate, although subtle differ-
in the higher intertidal zone are not replenished with ences in the infaunal worm and bivalve fauna can be
fresh seawater every day. Hence, changes in tem- observed. The most typical snails of soft substrates
perature and salinity due to evaporation and influx are Nassariidae, Cerithioidea (Figure 24.3C), Natici-
of freshwater make them a much more stressful dae, and Cephalaspidea. In the tropics Strombidae,
environment for organisms inhabiting them. Terebridae, and Conidae may be found regularly.

Lower half of intertidal zone: As a rule, any hard 25.5.4 Mangroves. Mangroves constitute a special-
substrate will be covered with organisms unless the ized habitat in which the framework is composed of
shore is heavily exposed to open ocean conditions. A trees. This habitat is particularly noted for the tree
great variety of snails can be encountered, including snails, and few marine species are specialized for
306 Marine Gastropoda

mangroves. The main families encountered are Lit- algae may reach up to 50 m in height and form
torinidae, Rissoidea, and Hydrobiidae. Mangroves a dense thicket. On the algae, trochids, seaslugs,
are often encountered in estuaries (see above), but and many small gastropods (rissoids, cerithiids,
may also be found in full marine conditions. triphorids) are encountered, while the rocky sub-
strate is populated with larger snails such as fissurel-
24.5.5 Subtidal. Strictly speaking, the subtidal lids, haliotids, and patellogastropods. Kelp forests
refers to any habitat below the intertidal, i.e., any require cold water; more equatorial occurrences of
marine habitat that is constantly covered by water. kelp beds are found in deeper water than those found
However, it is customarily understood to comprise a more towards the poles. This phenomenon is called
more restricted depth range, namely from the spring isothermal submergence because the kelp beds are
tide low mark to approximately 30 m depth. It is the found at similar temperatures (Lüning 1990).
well-lit area of the sea, where marine plants (algae,
seagrass) can easily grow. As in the intertidal, the 24.5.6 Shelf or neritic zone. The shelf is the area
subtidal area is subdivided according to the sub- from the subtidal (~30 m) to the edge of the conti-
strate. In addition to the already introduced rocky nental plate and extends to depths of 200 m. Both
and soft substrate, a third category of biogenic hard substrates and soft substrates can be encoun-
substrates is encountered, including coral and other tered, although soft substrates are somewhat more
reef types, seagrass meadows, and kelp forests. common. These areas are often populated by whelks
(Buccinidae) and the Turridae, which comprise a
Reefs: Coral reefs are the most diverse marine habi- highly diverse group that become more common and
tat and harbor the most diverse gastropod faunas more diverse with increasing depth. Most gastropod
(Dubinsky 1990, Bouchet et al. 2002). Virtually all families are commonly found on the shelf, with a
gastropod families can be found in coral reefs. A few exceptions such as the patellid limpets.
few, such as the Coralliophilidae, are restricted to
coral reefs because they are specialized to feed on 24.5.7 Beyond the shelf. Deep-water habitats are
them. A little known reef type is of special interest to distinguished by major geological features. The
the malacologist, the vermetid reefs made by worm continental slope extends from the edge of the
snails (Vermetidae). There are only a few places in shelf (80-200 m deep) to the edge of the abyssal
the world harboring this type of reef, including the plain (~4,000 m). The abyssal plain is the largest
US Gulf coast and Bermuda (Figure 24.3N). uniform expanse on our planet; it covers approxi-
mately half of the surface of the earth at depths
Seagrass meadows: These can be found in many ranging from 4,000 to 6,000 m. Deep sea trenches
tropical and subtropical areas around the world, form the hadal region and include the greatest
often associated with reefs (Larkum et al. 1989). depths in the ocean (11,000 m). Gage and Tyler
The meadows are composed of relatives to the ter- (1991) provided a very readable introduction to
restrial grasses (Angiosperma: Monocotyledoneae: the deep sea. Deep-water habitats are character-
Potamogetonaceae), which are flowering plants, not ized by whelks (Buccinoidea) and Turridae, but
algae. They are found in well-lit water usually to also include some families that are found only in
depths less than 20 m. They are important nursery these remote areas.
grounds for fishes. Some snails that have adapted to
this unique habitat, particularly to live on the blades One spectacular deep-sea habitat is the deep-sea
of the seagrasses, include some Patellogastropoda hydrothermal vents (van Dover 2000). These are
[Notoacmea depicta (Hinds, 1842)], and the found in 2,000-3,000 m depth and are noted for
seahare genus Phyllaplysia. A diverse assemblage their unique environmental conditions. The water
of trochids is also typical of seagrass meadows. released from vents can reach a temperature up
to 400˚C compared to ambient 4ºC and is rich in
Kelp forests: Kelp forests are areas with a high minerals and hydrogen sulfide. Several groups of
standing biomass of large brown algae. These kelp gastropods are known only from these areas includ-
Geiger 307

ing many vetigastropods (Peltospiridae: Figure evolved filter feeding, including the slipper shells
24.3B, Lepetodrilidae, and Neomphalidae) and (Calyptraeidae), the worm snails (Vermetidae, Fig-
some caenogastropods (Provanidae). ure 24.3O), and the pelagic Thecosomata (Declerck
1995). Some highly specialized feeding modes are
24.5.8 Pelagic region. A few snails have abandoned exhibited, for instance, by the Addisoniidae and
their dependence on substrate and have invaded Choristellidae, which feed exclusively on the egg
the water column of the open ocean. Lalli and cases of sharks, rays, and skates (Chondrichthyes:
Gilmer (1989) provided a fascinating account on McLean 1985, 1992).
the natural history of the various groups. They in-
clude caenogastropods (Heteropoda: Carinariidae, 24.6.2 Reproduction. Most shelled gastropods
Atlantidae: Figure 24.3A) and opisthobranchs have separate sexes, whereas opisthobranchs and
(Pteropoda, Aeolidioidea). A common adaptation to pulmonates are simultaneous hermaphrodites. A
the free-floating (pelagic) lifestyle is the reduction few caenogastropods change sex during life. Some
of the shell. Some groups (Gymnosomata) have no Calyptraeidae are first male and change later to
shell at all, whereas others have strongly reduced be female. In the opisthobranchs the reproductive
it (Pseudothecosomata). organs are arranged so that self-fertilization is dif-
ficult, which helps prevent inbreeding.
In the more basal groups, fertilization is external.
24.6.1 Food and feeding. Within the “proso- Males and females release eggs and sperm into the
branchs,” the more basal groups tend to be herbivo- surrounding water (broadcast spawning); fertiliza-
rous. Depending on size, the full range of marine tion occurs outside the body. The fertilized eggs
plant life is used as food, including single-celled can be dispersed over shorter or longer distances.
diatoms (Scissurellidae, many juveniles), turf algae The larvae hatch as trochophores or veligers and
and macroalgae (haliotids and trochids), and sea- metamorphose upon contact with the appropriate
grass (haliotids). A specialized form of herbivory is substrate.
exhibited by the opisthobranch group Ascoglossa,
in which the animals puncture individual cells of In other gastropods, fertilization may be internal
green algae and suck out the content of the cell. In and an egg mass is usually deposited. The shape of
some species, the part of the algal cell that engages the egg mass is often characteristic; Winner (1985,
in photosynthesis (chloroplast) is retained intact 1991, 1993, 1999) provides an excellent overview
by the snail and cultured in the cerata, where the of molluscan egg masses. A few species, such as
chloroplasts continue to produce sugar for the new the cowries, engage in parental care. The snails
host, and color the snail green. hatch at various stages ranging from trochophores
to crawling juveniles. Often the egg masses contain
For most groups of the animal kingdom, there is a nutrients in the form of unfertilized eggs, but some
snail that preys upon it: sponges (Pleurotomariidae, also use their younger, less developed siblings as a
Doridoidea), Cnidaria (Aeolidioidea, Corallio- food source. In those forms that have a free veliger
philidae), segmented worms (Conidae), bivalves stage, the animals disperse at that time. Larval
(Naticidae), other snails (Conidae), arthropods stages can last up to several months, during which
(Muricidae), Bryozoa (Doridoidea), echinoderms the larvae can be passively drifted across ocean
(Cymatiidae), tunicates (Ovulidae), and vertebrates basins. These veligers are characterized by a large
(Conidae). A significant number of snails parasitize and highly developed protoconch that supports the
other animals; the hosts include cnidarians (Epitoni- rather large lobes of the velum.
idae, Architectonicidae), bivalves (Pyramidellidae),
sea urchins (Eulimidae), sea cucumbers (Entocon- Once the animals have settled, the shell will grow
chidae), and fishes (Marginellidae). Nassariidae to adulthood. Estimates of maximum age of some
are scavengers. A few groups have independently larger gastropods are approximately 30-50 years.
308 Marine Gastropoda

24.6.3 Predators. Snails serve as food sources would otherwise fall through the meshes of most
for a variety of organisms, including other snails underwater collecting bags is a plastic container
(Baur 1992). Over evolutionary time, predation by with a snap-on lid, from which the center of the lid
crabs has been so significant it seems to have led to has been cut out, and a piece of neoprene rubber
an arms race between predator and prey (Vermeij has been affixed with a simple slit made with the
1987). Some gastropods specialize in eating other cut of a knife (S. Singer, pers. comm.). You simply
snails, including Naticidae, Muricidae, Conidae, push the specimen through the cover, and the elastic
and some Cephalaspidea. In the intertidal zone, neoprene will close the opening immediately.
birds are important, and marine mammals, particu-
larly sea otters, prey on gastropods. Some snails can cause injury to collectors. The
best-known case is the cone snails, whose venom
Defense strategies of snails against predation include can be fatal for humans. As a novice collecting in
a thickened shell, varices, spines, a clampdown the tropics, familiarize yourself with cone snails,
mechanism (limpets), camouflage, and noxious particularly with the known harmful Conus textile
chemicals. The opisthobranchs have perfected the Linnaeus, 1758, C. marmoreus Linnaeus, 1758, C.
last strategy. Bubble snails and dorids store strongly geographus Linnaeus, 1758, and C. striatus Linnae-
acidic secretions in their mantle or notum, a strategy us, 1758. When in doubt, handle every suspicious
also employed by some false cowries (Triviidae). snail as if it were a potential hazard, because some
cone snails do not look like typical cones. Members
24.6.4 Mobility and locomotion. Most species of the family Strombidae (Strombus, Tibia, and
move freely either on hard substrates, soft bottoms, Lambis) possess a strongly serrated operculum than
or within the water column. Many species are can cause some minor injury. Never stick any shells
regularly found on top of other organisms (epizo- in your bathing suit or in your wet suit!
ans), including plants (Phylaplysia) and soft corals
(Ovulidae). Most limpet-shaped groups move little A very rewarding technique to find small (< 5 mm)
as adults (Patellidae, Haliotidae, and Calyptraeidae). snails is scrubbing rocks. Find a suitable rock in the
Most limpets live in high-energy environments and intertidal region and scrub its surface with a brush
need to be able to attach firmly to the substrate. Some in a large bucket half full with seawater. The small
limpets go as far as to produce depressions in the shells will fall into the bucket and accumulate at the
substrate (homing scars) to which they will return bottom. Larger rocks are usually the better ones,
after a feeding excursion. A few groups are perma- but beware of sea urchins, moray eels, and scorpion
nently attached to the bottom, as in the case of worm fishes. Then sieve the mucky water through a fine
snails (Vermetidae). Others live within the hard part mesh screen. The small mesh insets used to rear
of scleractinian corals (Coralliophilidae) or within juvenile fish in aquaria work well. They come with
the tissue of sea cucumbers (Entoconchidae). a collapsible frame, and are of very fine mesh that
will even retain omalogyids, but will wash the silt
24. 7 COLLECTING out of the sample. Carefully remove larger algal
pieces and larger pebbles and keep the remainder
Gastropods can be collected, with appropriate for live sorting or bulk preservation.
permits, in most habitats and using techniques de-
scribed elsewhere in this volume (see Chapters 2, 3, A related technique can be applied to algal samples.
and 4). Snails are active organisms; some gastropods Stuff a 1 liter zip lock bag with any kind of algae
are carnivorous and some are even cannibalistic. It (can be done while SCUBA diving). Then either
is a good idea to keep gastropods separate from one add magnesium chloride (MgCl2) to the bag, or let
another. Geiger (1997) described a container system the bag sit in full sun light; both methods cause any
called SAmpling Container On a String (SACOS: epizoans such as snails to fall off the algae. Place
Figure 24.5) that serves that purpose. Another a handful of algae into a jam jar half filled with
good sampling container for small specimens that seawater and shake it vigorously so that the water
Geiger 309

will foam. Take the algae out, inspect it for any large and then air-dried. Biogenic sediment samples, also
specimens logged in between larger branches, and called grunge, should also be washed in freshwater
sieve the contents of the jam jar through a sieve as and then air-dried on newsprint, otherwise the salt
explained above. from seawater will crystallize on the shell, render
it unsightly, and may even destroy it in the long
When collecting, take thorough field notes. There run. This is a particular problem with microshells.
are many suitable procedures, including written If living animals are collected, consider preserving
descriptions or cassette recorder notes, marks on the animal with the shell specimen. If you do not
high-resolution maps, and GPS readings. Be sure want to keep preserved animals, consider offering
that the specimens are clearly associated with the specimens to museums, where the material will
collection data. Use heavy bond paper or so-called be available to those interested in tissue samples
underwater paper made of synthetic fibers to store or whole bodies (see Chapter 14). If you want to
reference numbers with wet lots and use pencil; most keep the animal, you should first relax them with
pens will run and become unreadable in a short time. 7% magnesium chloride solution in fresh water
Regular writing paper easily disintegrates when wet. (MgCl2 • 6H2O). This solution is isosmotic with
Labeling, data basing, and identification is covered seawater. One should add small amounts of the
elsewhere in this volume (see Chapters 5 and 8). magnesium chloride solution at a time so one can
judge how the animals are reacting to the chemi-
Preservation can be carried out in many different cal and to adjust the dosage and the timing. To
ways. Empty shells are best washed in fresh water test whether the animals are fully relaxed, touch
a cephalic tentacle and watch for any
reaction, or poke the foot with a needle.
For larger specimens (> 5 cm diameter)
relaxation may take 1-2 hours, but small
(< 1 cm) specimens may be relaxed in
just a few minutes. Some opisthobranchs
evert their genital apparati and shrivel up
into an unsightly ball in the narcotic (see
also Chapter 2.5).

There are two main techniques for pre-

serving animals, depending on what the
purpose is. For molecular work (DNA
extraction and sequencing), preserve the
animal (or part thereof) in 100% ethanol.
Isopropyl alcohol works as well; when
in a remote location, 140 proof or higher
liquor (>70% alcohol) can even do the
job. The advantage of this method is that
it only takes a single step and involves
no strong toxins. It is mandatory for
molecular work that tissue is preserved
in alcohol only. However, long-term
stability of the specimen is lower.
Figure 24.4 SACOS (Geiger 1997).
A. Linear model, B. Loop model. Abbreviations: a: terminal knot, b: closed For long-term storage and histology, fix
film container, c: open film container, d: nylon cord, e: loop knot, f: handle the specimen in 5-10% formalin solution
of sampling net. Reproduced with kind permission of The Festivus. in seawater for a few hours to several days
310 Marine Gastropoda

depending on the size of the specimen. The shells of animal. When you spread the foregut walls, you will
large specimens or species with an operculum that see the radular ribbon on the floor of the foregut. It
seals well should be broken so that the fixative will is attached to the odontophore, so you will have to
reach the visceral hump. Alternatively, a relaxed use a fine spatula to lift the ribbon, and work your
specimen may be injected with formalin, or the gut way posteriorly underneath the radula. Use a pair
cavity can be flushed with formalin through the of forceps and hold on to the radula as far posterior
mouth opening. Formalin is a suspected carcinogen; as possible and pull gently with increasing force to
handle with care, wear gloves, and use only in a pull the radula out of the radular sac. Occasionally
well-ventilated area. Dispose of the leftover forma- the ribbon may break off in the middle, but because
lin properly; institutions may have arrangements to the radula is fully developed in the anterior half, this
safely and legally dispose of formalin; alternatively, is of little consequence for the identification. The
bring the remainder to your local municipal toxic radula needs to be cleaned of the tissue adhering to it
waste collecting agency. Transfer the specimen from by immersion in a 10% solution of either potassium
the aqueous formalin solution to 80% ethanol. Con- hydroxide (KOH) or sodium hydroxide (NaOH); for
trary to earlier recommendations, there is no advan- faster preparation time, the solution can be heated.
tage of using lower percentage ethanol concentration For smaller specimens, the head or the entire animal
(30%, 50%) in a graded series, because these weaker can be dissolved. Radulae can easily be extracted
ethanol solutions will cause tissue swelling, and from dried specimens. Remember, NaOH and KOH
will not alter the degree of tissue shrinkage even in are extremely caustic and can dissolve protein, in-
subsequent elevated ethanol concentrations (Glauert cluding human skin and the cornea; wear chemically
and Lewis 1998). Place the specimens in generous resistant gloves and safety goggles when working
volumes of fluid, at least twice the volume of the with them. After a rinse in water, the radula can be
specimens. If you have to pack specimens tightly in mounted in Canada balsam for light microscopy,
a small volume of liquid, change the 80% ethanol or prepared for scanning electron microscopy. For
after a day to compensate for the water contained in larger radulae, it may be advantageous to isolate
the tissue of the animals. teeth from discrete sections (central field, laterals,
marginals), because in the intact radula, the sections
Minute shells (<5 mm) need special care. The may overlap and obscure part of the other teeth.
shells are very thin and are prone to dissolution in
ethanol; they may be actively dissolved in the acidic 24.8 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
formalin. Formalin can be neutralized with sodium
bicarbonate (baking soda). Even under the best Charlie Sturm provided guidance and editorial
storage conditions, microshells can dissolve. As support while writing this chapter. Peter Schuchert
most features that allow identification of the species helped with tracing authorship of a hydrozoan.
are found on the shell, such isolated bodies can no Christine Thacker, Kirstie Kaiser, two reviewers,
longer be identified. Therefore, it is good practice and the editors read the chapter and made many
to store a subsample of wet-preserved microshells suggestions for improvement.
in dry conditions and to cross-reference the two
subsamples. Seaslugs should be photographed prior 24.9 LITERATURE CITED
to preservation; the coloration of the specimens
Abbott, R. T. and S. P. Dance. 1983. Compendium of
fades quickly and provides important species-level Seashells, 2nd Ed. Dutton, New York. 411 pp.
characteristics (see Chapters 6 and 7). Baur, B. 1992. Cannibalism in gastropods. In: M. A. El-
gar and B. J. Crespi, eds., Cannibalism: Ecology and
The radula is an important anatomical part used Evolution Among Diverse Taxa. Oxford Scientific
in systematics of snails. It can easily be dissected Publications, Oxford. Pp. 102-127.
Beesley, P. L., G. J. B. Ross, and A. Wells, eds. 1998. Mol-
out of larger specimens. Insert a pair of scissors or lusca, the Southern Synthesis. Fauna of Australia,
a scalpel into the snout, and cut dorsally along the Vol. 5, Parts A-B. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne.
roof of the foregut for 20-30% of the length of the 1234 pp.
Geiger 311

Bieler, R. 1992. Gastropod phylogeny and systematics. of Invertebrates, Vol. 6B Mollusca II. Wiley-Liss,
Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 23: New York. Pp. 459-718.
311-338. Lüning, K. 1990. Seaweeds: Their Environment, Bio-
Bouchet, P., P. Lozouet, P. Maestrati, and V. Héros. 2002. geography, and Ecophysiology. Wiley, New York.
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cal marine environments: exceptionally high num- McLean, J. H. 1985. The archaeogastropod family
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Journal of the Linnean Society 75: 421-436. species. Veliger 28: 99-108.
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Shells. McGraw-Hill, New York. 288 pp. Choristellidae (Archaeogastropoda: Lepetellacea)
Declerck, C. H. 1995. The evolution of suspension with description of new species. Veliger 35: 273-
feeding in gastropods. Biological Reviews 70: 294.
549-569. Nybakken, J. W. 2001. Marine Biology, an Ecological
Dubinsky, Z., ed. 1990. Coral Reefs. Elsevier, Amster- Approach, 5th Ed. Benjamin Cummings, San Fran-
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Fretter, V. and A. Graham. 1994. British Prosobranch MacCoil.htm>.
Molluscs, Revised and Updated Ed. Ray Society, Ponder, W. T. and D. R. Lindberg. 1997. Towards a
London. xix + 820 pp. phylogeny of gastropod molluscs: an analysis using
Gage, J. D. and P. A. Tyler. 1991. Deep Sea Biology: morphological characters. Zoological Journal of the
A Natural History of Organisms at the Deep-Sea Linnean Society London 119: 83-265.
Floor. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Poppe, G. T. and Y. Goto. 1991. European Seashells, Vol.
504 pp. 1. Christa Hemmen, Wiesbaden. 352 pp.
Geiger, D. L. 1997. SACOS: An inexpensive and robust Purchon, R. D. 1977. The Biology of the Mollusca, 2nd
underwater sampling device for SCUBA divers. Ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford. 560 pp.
Festivus 34: 32-34. Raup, D. M. 1962. Computer as aid in describing form
Glauert, A. M. and P. R. Lewis. 1998. Biological Speci- in gastropod shells. Science 138:150-152.
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copy. Princeton University Press, Princeton, New General problems. Journal of Paleontology 40:
Jersey. xxi + 326 pp. 1178-1190.
Gosliner, T. M. 1994. Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia. In: Solem, A. 1974. The Shell Makers, Introducing Mollusks.
F. W. Harrison and A. J. Kohn, eds., Microscopic Wiley Interscience, New York. 289 pp.
Anatomy of Invertebrates, Vol. 5 Mollusca, I. Wiley- Springsteen, F. J. and F. M. Leobrera. 1986. Shells of
Liss, New York. Pp. 253-355. the Philippines. Carfel Seashell Museum, Manila.
Götting, K.- J. 1974. Malakozoologie. Gustav Fischer 377 pp.
Verlag, Stuttgart. 320 pp. Thiele, J. 1931. Handbuch der Systematischen Weich-
Hogarth, P. J. 1995. The Biology of Mangroves. Oxford tierkunde, Vol. 1-2. Gustav Fischer, Jena. 1154 pp.
University Press, Oxford. ix + 228 pp. Thompson, T. E. 1976. Biology of Opisthobranch Mol-
Hughes, R. N. 1986. A Functional Biology of Marine luscs, Vol. 1. Ray Society, London. 206 pp.
Gastropods. John Hopkins University Press, Bal- Thompson, T. E. and G. H. Brown. 1984. Biology of
timore. 245 pp. Opisthobranch Molluscs, Vol. 2. Ray Society,
Lalli, C. M. and R. W. Gilmer. 1989. Pelagic Snails. The London. 229 pp.
Biology of Holoplanktonic Gastropod Mollusks. van Dover, C. L. 2000. The Ecology of Deep-Sea
Stanford University Press, Stanford, California. Hydrothermal Vents. Princeton University Press,
259 pp. Princeton, New Jersey. 424 pp.
Larkum, A. W. D., A. J. McComb, and S. A. Shepherd, Vaught, K. C. 1989. A Classification of the Living Mol-
eds. 1989. Biology of Seagrasses: a Treatise on lusca. American Malacologists, Melbourne, Florida.
the Biology of Seagrasses with Special Reference 195 pp.
to the Australian Region. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Vermeij, G. J. 1987. Evolution and Escalation: An Eco-
xxiv + 841 pp. logical History of Life. Princeton University Press,
Levinton, J. S. 1995. Marine Biology: Function, Bio- Princeton, New Jersey. xv + 527 pp.
diversity, Ecology. Oxford University Press, New Vermeij, G. J. 1993. A Natural History of Shells. Princ-
York. x + 420 pp. eton University Press. Princeton, New Jersey. 207
Luchtel, D. L., A. W. Martin, I. Deyrup-Olsen, and H. pp.
H. Boer. 1997. Gastropoda: Pulmonata. In: F. W. Voltzow, J. 1994. Gastropoda: Prosobranchia. In: F. W.
Harrison and A. J. Kohn, eds., Microscopic Anatomy Harrison and A. J. Kohn, eds., Microscopic Anatomy
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of Invertebrates, Vol. 5 Mollusca I, pp. 111-252. Winner, B. E. 1991. A Field Guide to Molluscan Spawn,
Wiley-Liss, New York. Vol. 2. E. B. M. Publications, North Palm Beach,
Wilson, B. 1993. Australian Marine Shells, Vol. 1. Odys- Florida. 94 pp.
sey, Kallaroo, Western Australia. 408 pp. Winner, B. E. 1993. Life Styles of the Seashells. E. B.
Wilson, B. 1994. Australian Marine shells, Vol. 2. Od- M. Publications, North Palm Beach, Florida. 61
yssey, Kallaroo, Western Australia. 369 pp. pp.
Winner, B. E. 1985. A Field Guide to Molluscan Spawn, Winner, B. E. 1999. The Sexual Behavior of Mollusks:
Vol. 1. E. B. M. Publications, North Palm Beach, Land-Freshwater-Sea. E. B. M. Publications, North
Florida. 139 pp. Palm Beach, Florida. 123 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


25.1 INTRODUCTION cellent ideas and guidelines for specimen curation

(Lewis 1868, Walker 1904, Baker 1921, 1942,
This chapter is a general guide to collecting, iden- Goodrich 1942, van der Schalie 1942, Stephens
tifying, and curating freshwater mussels based 1947, Stansbery and Stein 1983, Watters 1994).
upon our years of experience in the field. It is not
meant to be an exhaustive guide but it does con- 25.2 ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY
tain information learned through trial and error
and the experience of others in the field. The Unionoida are found on all continents except
Antarctica, but reach their greatest diversity in
Freshwater mollusks are perhaps the most en- eastern North America where they number about
dangered group of animals in North America 300 species.
(Williams et al. 1993). Accurate data on dis-
tribution and status are essential to freshwater 25.2.1 Habitat. Because of their large size, fresh-
mollusk conservation. Museums and private water mussels are some of the most conspicuous
collections play an important role as reposito- animals in freshwater ecosystems. Mussels spend
ries for specimens and associated data to docu- most of their life partially or wholly buried in
ment species occurrences historic and present. mud, sand, or gravel in permanent bodies of wa-
Without these collections, it would be impos- ter. The vast majority of mussel species are found
sible to ascertain or assign conservation status in streams, although a few are present in ponds or
to species-at-risk. lakes. Although they can be found in almost any
type of substrate, mussels are usually absent or
Amateur collectors have provided important spec- rare from areas of shifting sand or deep silt.
imens and information throughout the years to aid
in this effort. Many states have recently initiated 25.2.2 Food. Freshwater mussels are filter feed-
citizen stream monitoring networks to help state ers and filter about a liter of water in 45 minutes.
and federal agencies properly protect and manage Water enters the mussel via the incurrent aper-
areas of high biodiversity or endemism. Carefully ture, comes in contact with the gills which are
collected and documented collections are essen- lined with cilia. Food items become entangled
tial to these efforts. in the mucous of the animal and are passed on to
the anterior of the animal where the mouth is lo-
This chapter mainly addresses the identification cated. The food of freshwater mussels is poorly
and preparation of specimens for curation, and known. Studies thus far have indicated that avail-
only generally covers collecting methods. Most of able foods consist of organic matter (detritus) or
the techniques and recommendations in this paper microscopic plants and animals (algae, protozoa,
are not novel and have been used by others for rotifers, diatoms, and desmids) suspended in the
many years. The following references contain ex- water called plankton.
314 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

25.2.3 Longevity. Mussels are long-lived, with

many species living over 10 years and some
reported to live over 100 years. Thin-shelled
species (Leptodea, Potamilus, Pyganodon,
Utterbackia, etc.) grow faster, but usually live
shorter, than the thick-shelled species.

25.2.4 Predators. Freshwater mussels are an

important food source for many animals includ-
ing muskrat, mink, otter, fish, and some birds.
Large piles of shells of freshly eaten mussels
are called middens, and often contain a wide
variety of species. Middens can be one of the
best places to find and collect shells.


25.3.1 The shell. In order to identify your speci-

men, you first need to know a little about the basic
anatomy of a freshwater mussel shell. The anterior
or front end of a mussel can be determined by the
position of the umbo and pseudocardinal teeth,
which are always located anteriorly. One of the
Figure 25.1 Anatomical features of a unionid shell.
features often cited in the description of a mussel
The major features of a freshwater mussel, as exemplified
is the beak sculpture. Beak sculpture is composed by Quadrula quadrula (Rafinesque, 1820). The drawing
of the ridges or raised lines found on the umbo. shows the exterior of the right valve (top) and the interior
Beak sculpture can vary from simple v-shaped of the left valve (bottom). From Cummings and Mayer
lines to a series of wavy double-looped ridges (1992).
(see Figure 25.1).
Beneath the epidermis or periostracum is a thin,
The shape, size, thickness, and color of the shell vary calcareous layer composed of vertical prisms of
enormously among species of freshwater mussels, calcium carbonate. The third layer is referred to as
but basic structures and method of shell formation the nacreous or mother-of-pearl layer. The nacre
are the same for all. The shell consists of two valves consists of a large series of thin, calcium carbonate
held together by a dorsal ligament. Each valve is plates that lie one upon another parallel to the sur-
made up of three layers. The external, or outside, face of the shell. Some workers recognize a fourth
horny covering is called the periostracum. The inner layer called the hypostracum; in many spe-
periostracum protects the calcareous layers under- cies, this inner layer is often iridescent. The nacre
neath from abrasion or the leaching action of acidic or mother-of-pearl varies from a pure silvery white
water. Should the periostracum become thin or wear through shades of pink, salmon to dark purple.
completely away in spots, which often happens in the
dorsal beak area (umbo) of old individuals, the shell The two outer shell layers are secreted by glands
in these exposed areas can become pitted or eroded. in the edge of the mantle, while the nacre, the in-
Variations in the color of the periostracum range ner layer, is produced by the surface of the mantle.
from light yellow to green, brown, or black; shells Growth of the shell is achieved by the addition of
of many species are patterned with various markings material around the edge of the shell and in thick-
or rays. The color and patterns are important charac- ness by successive deposits of nacre over the shell’s
teristics used in identifying many species. entire inner surface.
Cummings and Bogan 315

The outer surface of the shell of many kinds of mus- on the surface of the gills. The food particles move
sels is completely smooth; other species possess from the anterior end of the gills to the labial palps,
knobs, pustules, spines, wrinkles, or folds. Often then into the anterior food grove and finally into
the size, combination, or arrangement of these sur- the esophagus and then to the stomach. During this
face structures is diagnostic of a particular species, whole journey, the particles are sorted; non-food
as are the ridges or loops on the beaks. particles are excluded, move off the ventral margin
of the gills, and are expelled (pseudofeces).
The prominent, often raised, and/or darker concen-
tric lines or rings on the surface of a valve indicate Adult freshwater mussels live their entire lives
rest periods or stages when little or no growth took partly embedded in the bottom of a stream or lake
place. These lines or rings often result during the and they are active mostly during the warm months.
resting stage in winter, in periods of low water, or Movement is accomplished by extending and con-
from some physical disturbance or other adverse tracting the foot between the valves; extension of
condition. (Parmalee and Bogan 1998: 6-9). the foot enables the mussel to wedge itself into the
substratum. During periods of rest or inactivity, the
25.3.2 Anatomy and life history. Freshwater mus- mussel remains partially embedded with the valves
sels belong to the Class Bivalvia, members of which slightly spread and the posterior end of the shell
by definition have two opposing valves held together (siphons) exposed. The depth often depends on
dorsally with a ligament. The animal or the soft tissue the particular species, water temperature, current,
of the animal is found inside the protective valves. or other conditions.
The body of the freshwater mussel consists of the
rather thick central mass, which is attached dorsally Scars on the inner surface of each valve indicate
by the dorsal muscles. Two adductor muscles act to points of muscle attachment. The largest muscles
close the valves, and the pedal retractor muscles are are the anterior and posterior adductor muscles,
used to withdraw the foot. which hold the valves together. Anterior and pos-
terior retractor muscles draw the foot into the shell,
The anterior ventral portion of this central mass is while the anterior protractor muscle helps to extend
composed of the muscular foot, which is used to the foot. Additional dorsal muscles help secure the
move or anchor the mussel in the substrate. The animal in the dorsal portion of the shell.
digestive tract, circulatory system, and reproduc-
tive organs are all housed in the central mass dorsal In freshwater mussels, the sexes are usually sepa-
to the foot. On either side of this central mass and rate. Four species, the Paper Pondshell [Utterbackia
attached to the dorsal surface of the central mass imbecillis (Say, 1829)], Creek Heelsplitter [Lasmi-
are the demibranchs or gills; there are two gills on gona compressa (Lea, 1829)], Green Floater [L.
either side of the foot. subviridis (Conrad, 1835)], and the Lilliput [Toxo-
lasma parvus (Barnes, 1823)] are hermaphroditic,
The posterior end of the animal contains the incur- a condition in which an individual possesses both
rent and excurrent apertures, which are composed male and female sex organs. Some individuals of a
of the edges of the mantle and pressed together few other species, such as the Spectaclecase [Cum-
to form functional siphons. Water is brought in berlandia monodonta (Say, 1829)], in which the
through the incurrent aperture (located ventrally), sexes are normally separate, occasionally exhibit
and flows across the gills where oxygen is absorbed this hermaphroditic condition.
and exits through the dorsal excurrent aperture.
When the reproductive systems are distinct, the
Food particles are removed from the water passing shells of the male and female of some species
over the gills and move ventrally and anteriorly within several genera, e.g., Epioblasma, Lampsilis,
where they become attached to mucus threads. Food and Villosa (Tribe Lampsilini) are often distinct.
particles then move across the gills via ciliary action The posterior portion of the valves of females
316 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

are often more inflated and rounded than those of and structures. The length of time the glochidia
males. This is compensation, at least in part, for the remain embedded depends on the species of host
gills, which become enlarged and distended when fish, place of attachment, and temperature of the
filled with developing eggs and glochidia (larval water; this stage may last slightly over one week
mussels). Sperm are released into the water, taken or as long as six months or more. Most unionoids
into the female through the incurrent aperture, and appear to produce a single brood each year, but
then carried to tubes in the gills where the eggs, Cumberlandia has been documented as produc-
having been previously discharged from the ova- ing two broods per year. Although each female
ries, are apparently fertilized. The gills or portions mussel bears a very large number of glochidia,
of the gills then serve as brood pouches, called thus insuring continuation of the species, a large
marsupia, as well as respiratory organs. proportion fails to pass through the parasitic stage
and, consequently, they die.
Development of a freshwater mussel from the fertil-
ized egg is unique, since one stage of growth of the Studies have shown that glochidia from some spe-
young, called glochidia, must usually take place on cies of mussels react to, or will parasitize, only one
the skin, gills, or fins of a fish [or, in one species, species of fish, while certain kinds of fish may serve
Simpsonaias ambigua (Say, 1825), on the com- as host for several species of mussels. It should
mon mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus (Rafinesque, be emphasized that the importance of knowing
1818)]. Four distinct stages can be recognized in the host fish species for glochidia of freshwater
the growth of a mussel: (1) the fertilized egg; (2) mussels is essential to their effective propagation,
the larva or glochidium in the brood pouch (gill) conservation, and recovery. The ramification of this
of the female mussel; (3) the parasitic stage on a host specificity is that if the fish becomes locally
fish (or salamander); and (4) the free-living stage extinct, the mussels can survive but not reproduce.
with a completely formed shell. The mussel population will eventually become lo-
cally extinct as well.
In some species, this process is complex and in-
volves sophisticated methods of insuring that the Normally, most infestations of glochidia are light
glochidia reach a fish host. For example, some mus- and apparently do not harm or cause injury to the
sels produce glochidia in packets (conglutinates) that host fish. Upon completion of its parasitic stage,
resemble tiny fish or larval insects. These congluti- the young mussel breaks through the tissue of the
nates are attractive to fish as potential prey items. fish and falls to the bottom, where it begins an in-
dependent life. With adult structures being formed,
In many of the species of mussels in the Tribe including a juvenile shell, the animal begins its
Lampsilini, the edge of the mantle has been modi- growth to adulthood.
fied to resemble a fish or other prey item (Kraemer,
1970). Probably the most bizarre adaptation by 25.4 TAXONOMY OF THE UNIONOIDA
freshwater mussels occurs in a few species of the
genus Hamiota. These species develop a three- to The Order Unionoida (freshwater mussels) as
six-foot-long (1 to 2 m) clear, gelatinous strand currently recognized contains about 900 species in
with all of the glochidia placed in a structure at the approximately 170 genera. The higher level clas-
end (called a super conglutinate) of this tube. The sification of freshwater mussels has been hotly de-
super conglutinate containing the glochidia looks bated in the past 200 years and it has been decades
like a wounded minnow, floating and moving in since the last comprehensive synthesis of mussel
the current (Haag et al. 1995). taxonomy (Haas 1969). It has been generally rec-
ognized that there are six families of freshwater
During the parasitic stage, each glochidium remains mussels, but their placement into higher level
embedded in the tissues of the host fish, changing groups (superfamilies, etc.) has been a subject of
little in size but developing many of the adult organs much debate. (Parodiz and Bonetto 1963, Haas
Cummings and Bogan 317

Table 25.1 Overview of the classification, diversity, and distribution of extant freshwater mussel families
(from Graf and Cummings in prep.).

Taxon Genera Species Distribution

Order Unionoida Global, except Antarctica
Family Unionidae 65 374 Nearctic, south through Mesoamerica
56 295 Palearctic, Oriental, New Guinea?
10 38 Ethiopian
Family Margaritiferidae 3 12 Holarctic, with one species in southeastern Asia
Family Hyriidae 8 66 Neotropical
8 27 Australasian
Family Mycetopodidae 10 50 Neotropical, and north into Mexico
Family Iridinidae 6 32 Ethiopian
Family Etheriidae 4 4 Neotropical, Ethiopian, and India

170 898

1969a, 1969b, Heard and Guckert 1970, Bogan about the local species before accidentally collecting
and Hoeh 2000, Graf 2000, Graf and Ó Foighil an endangered species. Because many freshwater
2000a, 2000b, Hoeh et al. 2001, Hoeh et al. 2002, mussels are threatened or endangered, it is a neces-
Roe and Hoeh 2003). As currently recognized sity to obtain permits to collect in many states.
the order can be divided into two superfamilies
(Unionoidea and Etherioidea). The six families The permitting process can vary widely from
contained in this order are all restricted to fresh- country to country, state to state, and place to place,
water and this order is unique in the Class Bivalvia and laws and regulations regarding permits change
in having an obligate parasitic larval stage on the often. Often there is a small fee charged in order to
gills, fins, or body of a host fish or rarely some process the permit. It is important to check with the
other freshwater vertebrate. A summary table of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service before importing or
the classification and distribution of each is found exporting any freshwater mollusks into the U.S.A.
in Table 25.1. An excellent and relatively current reference to
collecting plants, animal, rocks, and fossils can be
25.5 CONSERVATION ISSUES found in Wolberg and Reinard (1997).

Freshwater mussels have disappeared from many 25.5.2 Voucher specimens. Specimens with good
streams due to habitat changes and human activity. locality data are indispensable in documenting
Some of the issues regarding the conservation of the historic distribution of a species. Any type of
freshwater mussels are included here. More infor- research regardless if it is a site or regional survey,
mation can be found in Chapter 30. taxonomic, genetic, ecological, or anatomical study,
should be documented with voucher specimens.
25.5.1 Endangered species, permits, and reports. Vouchers are important for verifying the identifica-
Freshwater mollusks may be the most endangered tion of specimens cited in a study. When specimens
group of animals in North America (Williams et al. used in research are clearly designated as vouchers
1993). Arguably, the most important task once you in a report or publication, the identifications can be
have determined that you want to collect freshwater verified. Eventually, all voucher specimens should
mussels is to acquaint yourself with the require- be placed in an established museum for long-term
ments covering local, state, and federal permits. preservation.
This will require the collector to be aware of which
species are threatened or endangered in a particular 25.5.3 Number of specimens. The purpose of
region. It is worthwhile to take the time to learn the collection and the proposed long-term use of
318 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

the data dictate the number of specimens to be needed can be found around the house or obtained
collected. Many collectors wish to have only a by making a trip to the local department store. The
representative of a species in their collection. In selection of field gear varies with the individual
this case, a single specimen would suffice. People but a few of the essential items needed are dis-
interested in the range of variation in shell shape, cussed below.
size, coloration, etc. at a locality and from various
locations within the range of the species would need Maps and/or Global Positioning Systems (GPS):
a greater number of specimens. The critical point to Maps are essential to doing fieldwork and the
remember when collecting live animals is to collect availability of state atlases and gazetteers makes it
only those specimens actually needed to answer the easy to get where you are going (and know exactly
question being researched. Do not over harvest even where it is you were!). The best maps available
currently abundant species; remember the passen- for the U.S.A. are the 7.5-minute U.S. Geological
ger pigeon was once abundant and is now extinct Survey topographic sheets, but these are large and
due to over-hunting (a kind of harvesting). cumbersome to use in the field. Global Position-
ing Systems are becoming more widespread and
25.5.4 Live vs. dead shells. In most cases involv- are frequently used in field expeditions. GPS units
ing freshwater mussels, it is often sufficient to rely can be very handy in remote areas, particularly the
on dead shells, either from a midden, or those that tropics or western North America where roads are
have recently died and are found on the shore. Col- often temporary, poorly marked, and scarce.
lection of live animals just for obtaining the shell
should be avoided. Field guides and notebooks: Even collectors with
excellent memories forget certain details over time.
25.6 FIELD COLLECTING That makes the taking of field notes essential to
fully document collection efforts. It is customary to
“Collecting unionids is not at all glamorous, record ecological observations in a field notebook,
but is a wet and muddy activity.” many of which may have surprising relevance at a
Alan Solem in a tribute to Fritz Haas 1967. later date. Some collectors go a little overboard in
recording every little detail in their notebooks, but
25.6.1 Habitat selection - When and where to it is difficult to predict what observations will be
look. Freshwater mussels occur on all continents important in the future. Good field notes accompa-
except Antarctica and in just about any habitat nied by photographs of the site are excellent ways to
with permanent water (ponds, lakes, creeks, and document a collecting trip. A field notebook is also
rivers). They are rarely if ever found in seeps, a good place to record the number of individuals
springs, or wetlands, and although a few species of each species found and returned to a site so that
can be abundant in ponds or lakes, they achieve relative abundances can be documented.
their greatest diversity in streams. The best time
to search for freshwater mussels is in the late sum- Mesh bags, dip nets, pans, and viewing buck-
mer or early fall when streams are at their low- ets: The most essential piece of field gear for a
est levels. When collecting freshwater mussels, freshwater mussel collector is the collection bag.
all available habitat types (pools, runs, riffles, These can be purchased from a commercial sup-
backwater areas, etc.) should be searched so that plier or made at home. It is strongly suggested
species restricted to those specific habitats are not that a breathable mesh bag be used. Avoid using
overlooked. plastic bags at all costs; because there are few
things less forgiving than a dead mollusk stored
25.6.2 Field gear. Most of the field gear needed for an undefined period of time in an airtight bag
to collect freshwater mussels can be carried in (trust us on this one). Airtight bags often result
a small ice chest or cooler. None of the gear is in the degradation of labels as well. An old onion
expensive or elaborate and most of the supplies or potato sack works well in a pinch and an old
Cummings and Bogan 319

pillowcase could also be used effectively. The Labels and pencils: While in the field, always
advantage of the commercially manufactured add a locality label to your specimens. Never wait
bags is that they often have drawstrings attached until you get home or back to the lab and then try
to secure the bag while in the field and after the to remember which label goes in which bag or vial,
collection has been made. because invariably you will make a mistake that
will result in confusion and headaches in the future.
Plastic dishwashing pans are excellent for sorting Do not use field numbers alone in lieu of complete
through the vegetation or substrate samples to locality data for your labels. Field numbers are fine
search for small freshwater mussels. An excellent in addition to locality data, but never alone. We
tool to use to find and observe freshwater mussels cannot count the number of times we have received
in areas with clear water is a viewing bucket. These shells from ecologist and field biologists with a field
are usually constructed by cutting out the bottom of tag that read something like A-EFWR.98-24(c).
a 5-gallon plastic pail and replacing it with a piece That may mean something when accompanied by a
of clear Plexiglas adhered with silicon sealer. field notebook and a translator, but it is impossible
to decipher by those unfamiliar with the code.
Plastic jars, film canisters, and forceps: Small
plastic screw-top jars, recycled film canisters, or Be complete and clear when writing locality la-
old medicine vials work well in the field for storing bels. The question to ask when writing a label is
small, fragile mussels that might be too small or whether someone would be able to place a spot on
fragile to put in a mesh bag with larger specimens. a map using the data on the label that accompanied
Be sure to add a preservative to the jar, vial, or your specimens. If not, you need to sharpen your
other airtight container so you do not wind up with label-writing skills. The type of paper used for
rotten specimens. field labels is very important. Resistal™, Tyvek™,
Rite-in-Rain™, or some kind of waterproof paper
Coolers: Specimens are often collected and is essential. Plain notebook paper will disintegrate
returned to the lab alive so that the fixative or in water and should not be used. A pencil or India
long-term storage fluid can be selected at a later ink should be used when writing the label. Ballpoint
date. To do this, a cooler is needed to transport the pens should never be used.
specimens back home safely and without mortality.
Many freshwater mussels can survive in mesh bags 25.6.3 Labeling. The quality of the data writ-
on ice for up to a week. ten on labels varies greatly. The importance of a
specimen or lot is directly tied to the quality and
Field clothes: This would seem self-explanatory, completeness of the locality information on the
but if you are new to fieldwork, it is advisable accompanying label. At a minimum, a good field
to wear comfortable, dispensable clothes in the label should include the following:
field. If you do much river collecting, do not wear
anything you hope to wear in a social situation Body of water (stream or lake and drainage):
again. Tennis shoes, waterproof boots, or wad- The first item written on a label should be the
ers are recommended for collecting in streams or body of water where the specimen was found. It is
lakes where sharp rocks and omnipresent trash also helpful to a curator or someone receiving an
are found. Because most collecting is done in late exchange of shells that a sufficiently large drain-
summer or early fall when water levels are at their age name accompanies the stream or lake name.
lowest, shorts or swim trunks are usually sufficient For example, there are many Sugar Creeks in the
for collecting. However, walking through brush, U.S.A. and unless one is familiar with the region
stinging nettle, and poison ivy often necessitates in question, it may take looking through countless
wearing long pants or waders depending on where pages of an atlas to track down which Sugar Creek
you collect. Waders are a necessity for collecting it actually is. If the stream is not sufficiently large
during the cold months. enough to place on sight, it is advisable to place
320 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

the drainage on the label as well. For example: from one language to another than to infer from a
Sugar Creek (Kaskaskia River Drainage). River numerical system.
mile designations are often handy for large rivers
(i.e. the Mississippi). Collector (field numbers): Collector’s names
should at least include the first two initials followed
Common location (distance, direction, and loca- by the surname. Names associated with collections
tion): This is perhaps the most important part of are often used to date collections because we often
the label, because even if most of the other data know the date of death of a collector and can infer
are missing it can be inferred from this piece of that he or she was not present to collect after that
information. Ideally, the common location should date!
include three parts; the distance from the center of
town (or other permanent geographic object), the Map (optional, but often helpful): A photocopy of
direction from the town, and the exact location. An a map indicating where a particular collection was
example would be: 3.7 miles SE of Manteno just made occasionally accompanies specimens sent to
upstream Co. Rd. 1000E bridge. a museum or on exchange. This map can be very
helpful especially if the locality data that accompa-
Township, range, and section, UTM, latitude/lon- nied the specimens was poorly written. However,
gitude: Many areas have been laid out in various if complete locality information is included on a
grids or other means of mapping out real estate to label, a map is not necessary.
record on deeds, etc. One of the most common in
the Midwestern U.S.A. is the Township, Range, 25.6.4 Survey methods. A wide variety of tech-
and Section system. A regularly formed township niques can be used to collect freshwater mussels.
consists of 36 square mile blocks arranged six The method selected largely depends on the objec-
across and six down. UTM stands for Universal tive of the study. Qualitative surveys (often in the
Transverse Mercator system and is a highly pre- form of timed-searches) are those that document
cise system of coordinates, which can be found on the presence/absence and the relative abundance
topographic maps. Latitude and longitude are also of species at a particular site. Quantitative methods
helpful. GPS units can often assign values in either (usually in the form of linear transects or quadrat
UTM or latitude and longitude. samples) are used to gather data on community
and population structure. The method chosen will
County, state, and country: Self-explanatory, al- influence the way the data collected can be used or
though some states (e.g., Louisiana) use parishes interpreted in future studies.
instead of counties and some countries use districts,
townships, or provinces instead of states. It is not our intent to suggest a particular method
that should be used, but documenting how the
Date of collection: This would seem self-explana- specimens were obtained is important. Many previ-
tory but given the Y2K problem, attention to detail ously published papers address various collecting
when writing out a date is highly desired. Although methods and the strengths and weaknesses of those
many in the U.S.A. have been taught to hyphenate techniques. A good starting point is Strayer and
dates in the form of 4-5-56 or 4/5/56 with month Smith (2003) and references cited within.
first, followed by the day and then year, this
convention can lead to confusion to our overseas Shoreline samples, hand picking, and middens:
colleagues who typically place the day in the first Collecting shells along the shore is something that
place followed by the month and then the year. To has been done by almost anyone that has been to
avoid all confusion, write out all dates unambigu- a beach or stream. As mentioned above, the field
ously such as 5 April 1956. Write out the year in equipment needed to make a collection is not
four places. Although the spelling of the month is elaborate and neither is the most commonly used
different in other countries, it is easier to translate method for collecting: your bare hands. However, it
Cummings and Bogan 321

does put a fair amount of strain on your back after diving provide the collector with the ability to re-
a while. The quality of shoreline specimens is often main on the bottom in deeper water for an extended
poor due to the weathering of the shells, but simply period of time. These tools allow for quantitative
picking up what you find along the bank can make work in otherwise inaccessible locations and the
a nice collection. Nevertheless, it is always easier greatest ability to assess the density and diversity
to let someone else do the collecting and place the of the mollusks occurring in that habitat. Both of
shells in a neat little pile for you. A naturally oc- these techniques require diver certification and
curring pile of shells along a riverbank is termed should not be used without adequate logistical
a midden. Middens are usually made by predators support. (see Chapter 4)
such as raccoons or muskrats. Small mammals do
an excellent job of finding specimens (particularly 25.7 IDENTIFICATION
small ones) and often clean the catch as well. Some “What we should have in this country is a fully
of the finest specimens we have come across in the illustrated manual of the Naiades such as has
field were collected by muskrats and deposited in been published on the land and fresh-water
middens. univalves.”
Charles Torrey Simpson, 1914
Brail: A brail is a device that has been used for
many years by commercial shellers and mussel The above quote is as relevant today as it was over
survey crews. It is composed of a long bar about 8 90 years ago. Although many regional monographs
to 16 feet (2.5 to 5 m) in length with approximately have been published in recent years, much of the
100 thin ropes or chains hanging from the bar. Each literature is scattered and hard to find. Many of the
of these ropes has from four to six wire hooks at- papers needed to identify a specimen properly are
tached to the chain. These hooks are made of heavy scarce, out-of-print, and expensive. The popularity
gauge wire ending in four ends or hooks. The brail of shell books by bibliophiles makes some of them
is pulled downstream from the back of a boat drift- out-of-reach with respect to price for all but the
ing at the speed of the current. The brail bar is held most affluent collector. A well-equipped library and
just off the bottom as the hooks drag across the river helpful librarian are your best friends. The process
bottom. One end of the hook lodges between the of identifying freshwater mollusks consists of two
valves of the mussel, the mussel closes its valves basic parts: (1) compiling the literature needed to
due to the irritation, and as the brail moves on, the help in making the correct determination, and (2)
mussel is yanked from the substrate. This method cleaning the shells to reveal the characters used in
of collection is used in deeper water in large rivers keys or descriptions.
but the brail is very inefficient for sampling the
mussels that actually occur in the river. 25.7.1 Literature. The first step in trying to iden-
tify a specimen is to gather the appropriate litera-
Rakes and dredges: Rakes can be useful in shallow ture that contains information on distribution and
water in sandy and fine substrates to bring mol- a key or detailed description of the animal (shell
lusks to the surface. Dredges such as those used in or soft parts) that can be referred to while looking
marine habitats are not easily used in freshwater. at a specimen. The jargon used to describe shells
Mechanical grabs of various designs are available or their anatomy is often intimidating to the begin-
and useful in collecting standard samples in deeper ner. Two good references that help in that regard
waters. (see Chapter 3) are Marshall (1930) and Burch (1990).

SCUBA and surface supplied diving: Today the For North American freshwater mussels, there are
most efficient method for sampling freshwater mus- many state or regional monographs available but
sels in waters deeper than about one meter is with many are out of date or print and in need of revision.
a device to supply air to a diver on the bottom of A state-by-state listing of nearly 200 references on
the lake or river. SCUBA and surface-supplied air freshwater mussels can be found in Williams et
322 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

al. (1993). Regional monographs on mussels have tion and the phone number and/or e-mail address
been recently published (post-1991) for Florida of the curator(s) and collection manager. <www.
(in part) (Williams and Butler 1994), Vermont
(Fichtel and Smith 1995), Texas (Howells et al. seumlist.html>
1996), Maine (Martin 1997, Nedeau et al. 2000),
Minnesota (Graf 1997), New York (Strayer and Freshwater mollusk researchers: This is a list
Jirka 1997), Tennessee (Parmalee and Bogan 1998), of people interested in or conducting research on
Kansas (Bleam et al. 1999) and the Rio Grande and freshwater mollusks. It is predominantly a list of
Apalachicola river drainages (Johnson 1999, Brim freshwater mussel researchers, but anyone with an
Box and Williams 2000), the Midwest (Cummings interest in freshwater mollusks is urged to submit
and Mayer 1992), and others are in preparation. their name for inclusion. <
In addition to the regional guides, there are a few
published monographs on particular taxonomic Freshwater mollusk bibliography: This site is a
groups that can be extremely valuable (e.g., John- database of over 10,000 references to papers on
son 1978, Clarke 1981, 1985). Some textbooks freshwater mollusks worldwide with an empha-
contain helpful information for identification but sis on freshwater mussels of North America. It
they become quickly dated. McMahon and Bogan was put together by the authors with G. Thomas
(2001) provide a general overview to the prob- Watters of the Ohio State University, Museum of
lems of identification, ecology, and physiology of Biological Diversity and Christine A. Mayer of the
freshwater bivalves (also see Pennak 1989). For Illinois Natural History Survey. <ellipse.inhs.uiuc.
information on non-North American works see edu:591/mollusk/>
Chapter 9.2.6: Unionoida.
25.7.3 Cleaning shells. After compiling the
Specimens are not always acquired through field necessary literature, it is always helpful to clean
collecting. Orphaned collections or exchanges often the specimens to reveal characters that might be
contain specimens that have been identified but are obscured by mud, marl, or algae. Harsh cleaning
accompanied by outdated nomenclature that needs agents should be avoided as they may damage the
to be brought up to date. The essential references for shell, nacre, or the periostracum. Shells can eas-
tracking unionid nomenclature through the ages are ily be cleaned with an old toothbrush, vegetable
Lea (1834-1874), Simpson (1900, 1914), Frierson brush, or a nylon scrub pad. Some of the shells
(1927), Modell (1942, 1949), Haas (1969a, 1969b), may be covered with a thick organic crust that
and Burch (1975). must be removed before any identification can be
25.7.2 Web sites. Although web sites and ad-
dresses frequently change over time, we provide 25.8 CURATION
a list of four resources that may be of interest to
those interested in freshwater mollusks. In order to preserve specimens for study centuries
to come, it is essential that the proper materials are
Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society: A so- used to house and label the specimens. This topic
ciety devoted to the advocacy for, public educa- is addressed more fully in Chapter 5. However, we
tion about, and conservation science of freshwater thought it appropriate at least to cover some cura-
mollusks, North America’s most imperiled fauna tion issues of importance to freshwater mussels.
25.8.1 Dry shells. Dry shells should be kept in cabi-
Mollusk collections of the world: This is a list of nets out of direct light and preferably in a room with
the systematic mollusk collections of the world. It a constant moderate temperature and low humidity.
includes links to the home pages of each collec- The paper used in a dry shell collection should be
Cummings and Bogan 323

acid-free bond paper or high rag content paper for If the specimens are preserved in alcohol, the label
long life. If the label is handwritten, the ink should should be written in permanent ink and the paper
be permanent and preferably black. Unfortunately, should be Resistal™ or other archival paper. Use
it has been a common practice in some collections of laser-printed labels in long-term alcohol stor-
(mostly private) to coat the shells with paraffin, oil age is still being debated, but probably should be
(baby, linseed, etc.), or petroleum jelly to enhance avoided until the issue is resolved.
the colors and presumably keep thin-shelled species
from cracking. We strongly suggest that no coating Storage of wet specimens is an expensive propo-
be applied to the shell. Although some cracking will sition and requires a long-term commitment. See
occur, it is preferable to the problems caused by the Chapter 5 for additional details regarding the selec-
oils applied to the shell and dust that is attracted to tion of jars and lids. Small specimens may be more
them. Coatings also make it extremely difficult to efficiently stored in shell vials closed with a poly-
write a catalogue number on the shell. ester batting. To save shelf space, a large number
of small vials can be stored in a large jar.
25.8.2 Wet specimens. There are a number of
issues to be resolved if one decides to develop a 25.8.3 Databases. The manner in which collectors
fluid-preserved collection of freshwater mollusks. choose to keep track of the shells in their collection
The first question is about the presumed long-term varies considerably. There are three common ways
use of the collection. If the specimens are to be used this information is kept: the card file, ledger, and in
for comparative anatomy, they should ideally be an electronic database. Today in the age of comput-
relaxed in as life-like position as feasible before ers, handwritten catalogs are becoming extinct. A
being fixed (van der Schalie 1953, Meier-Brook completed handwritten catalog is simply a numeric
1976, Coney 1993, Araujo et al. 1995, Smith 1996). list of your collection. However, if the same data are
With the increased interest in molecular genetics, entered into an electronic file, the data can be used
consideration should be placed on putting speci- in a variety of ways. For a more extensive treat-
mens directly in ethanol (80-95%). ment of using and creating a computer database,
see Chapter 8.
Traditionally, the fixative of choice has been 10%
buffered formalin (formalin is considered a car- 25.9 LITERATURE CITED
cinogen and if used, should be used with adequate
Araujo, R., J. M. Remon, D. Moreno, and M. A. Ramos.
ventilation). The specimens should not be left over 1995. Relaxing techniques for freshwater mol-
long periods of time in formalin. About 12 hours luscs: Trials for evaluation of different methods.
or overnight should suffice. The specimens should Malacologia 36: 29-41.
be soaked in freshwater until the formalin smell is Baker, F. C. 1921. Preparing collections of the Mollusca
gone (usually about a day or two) and then trans- for exhibition and study. Transactions of the
American Microscopical Society 40: 31-46.
ferred to 80% ethanol. Baker, F. C. 1942. Collecting and preserving fresh-wa-
ter snails. American Malacological Union, Inc.,
Some researchers that are concerned with ana- News Bulletin and Annual Report for 1941: 5-9.
tomical studies contend that formalin makes the Bleam, D. E., K. J. Couch, and D. A. Distler. 1999. Key
specimens hard and difficult to work with after to the unionid mussels of Kansas. Transactions of
the Kansas Academy of Science 102: 83-91.
a prolonged period of time and prefer specimens Bogan, A. E. and W. R. Hoeh. 2000. On becoming
preserved in alcohol. Today both denatured ethanol cemented: Evolutionary relationships among the
and isopropyl alcohol are available in drug stores. genera in the freshwater bivalve family Etheriidae
Denatured ethanol is expensive. Isopropyl alcohol (Bivalvia: Unionoida). In: E. M. Harper, J. D. Tay-
is relatively cheap and can be used if ethanol is lor, and J. A. Crame, eds., The Evolutionary Biology
of the Bivalvia. Special Publication 177. Geological
unavailable. Distilled spirits work in a pinch. Society, London. Pp. 159-168.
Eighty-percent ethanol is preferred by museums Brim Box, J. and J. D. Williams. 2000. Unionid mollusks
for long-term storage of specimens. of the Apalachicola Basin in Alabama, Georgia and
324 Unionida: Freshwater mussels

Florida. Bulletin of the Alabama Museum of Natural bivalves: prey mimicry to facilitate larval dispersal.
History 21: 1-143. Freshwater Biology 34: 471-476.
Burch, J. B. 1975. Freshwater Unionacean clams (Mol- Haas, F. 1969a. Superfamilia Unionacea. Das Tierreich
lusca: Pelecypoda) of North America [Revised (Berlin) 88: i-x + 1-663 pp.
Edition]. Malacological Publications, Hamburg, Haas, F. 1969b. Superfamily Unionacea. In: R. C. Moore,
Michigan. 204 pp. ed., Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part N,
Burch, J. B. 1990. Thomas Say’s glossary for conchology. Vol. 1, Mollusca. Geological Society of America
Walkerana 4: 279-306. and the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.
Clarke, A. H. 1981. The tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Pp. 411-470.
Anodontinae), Part I. Pegias, Alasmidonta, and Heard, W. H., and R. H. Guckert. 1970. A re-evaluation
Arcidens. Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology of the Recent Unionacea (Pelecypoda) of North
326: i-iii + 1-101. America. Malacologia 10: 333-355.
Clarke, A. H. 1985. The tribe Alasmidontini (Unionidae: Hoeh, W. R., A. E. Bogan, K. S. Cummings, and S. E.
Anodontinae), Part II: Lasmigona and Simpsonaias. Guttman. 2002. Evolutionary relationships among
Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 399: i-iii + the higher taxa of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia:
1-75. Unionoida): Inferences on phylogeny and character
Coney, C. C. 1993. An empirical evaluation of various evolution from analyses of DNA sequence data.
techniques for anesthetization and tissue fixation of Malacological Review 31: 123-141.
freshwater Unionoida (Mollusca: Bivalvia), with Hoeh, W. R., A. E. Bogan, and W. H. Heard. 2001. A
a brief history of experimentation in molluscan phylogenetic perspective on the evolution of mor-
anesthetization. Veliger 36: 413-424. phological and reproductive characteristics in the
Cummings, K. S. and C. A. Mayer. 1992. Field Guide to Unionoida. In: G. Bauer and K. Wächtler, eds.,
Freshwater Mussels of the Midwest. Illinois Natural Ecology and Evolution of the Freshwater Mussels
History Survey, Manual 5. Illinois Natural History Unionoida. Ecological Studies Vol. 145. Springer-
Survey, Champaign, Illinois. 194 pp. Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 257-280.
Fichtel, C. and D. G. Smith. 1995. The freshwater mus- Howells, R. G., R. W. Neck, and H. D. Murray. 1996.
sels of Vermont. Nongame and Natural Heritage Freshwater Mussels of Texas. Texas Parks and
Program, Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department Wildlife Press, Austin, Texas. iv + 218 pp.
Technical Report 18: 1-54. Johnson, R. I. 1978. Systematics and zoogeography of Pla-
Frierson, L. S. 1927. A Classification and Annotated giola (=Dysnomia =Epioblasma), an almost extinct
Check List of the North American Naiades. Baylor genus of freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionidae)
University Press, Waco, Texas. 111 pp. from Middle North America. Bulletin of the Museum
Goodrich, C. 1942. Certain remarks about labels. of Comparative Zoology 148: 239-321.
Nautilus 55: 119-120. Johnson, R. I. 1999. Unionidae of the Rio Grande (Rio
Graf, D. L. 1997. Distribution of unionoid (Bivalvia) Bravo del Norte) system of Texas and Mexico. Oc-
faunas in Minnesota, USA. Nautilus 110: 45-54. casional Papers on Mollusks, Museum of Compara-
Graf, D. L. 2000. The Etherioidea revisited: A phyloge- tive Zoology, Harvard University 6: 1-65.
netic analysis of hyriid relationships (Mollusca: Bi- Kraemer, L. R. 1970. The mantle flap in three species of
valvia: Paleoheterodonta: Unionoida). Occasional Lampsilis (Pelecypoda: Unionidae). Malacologia
Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of 10: 225-282.
Michigan 729: 1-21. Lea, I. 1834-1874. Observations on the Genus Unio,
Graf, D. L. and D. Ó Foighil. 2000a. The evolution of Vols. 1-13. Philadelphia, Printed for the Author.
brooding characters among the freshwater pearly 1482 pp., 301 pls.
mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoidea) of North America. Lewis, J. 1868. Directions for collecting land and fresh-
Journal of Molluscan Studies 66: 157-170. water shells. American Naturalist 2: 410-420.
Graf, D. L. and D. Ó Foighil. 2000b. Molecular phyloge- Marshall, W. B. 1930. Former and present terms used in
netic analysis of 28S rDNA supports a Gondwanan describing fresh-water mussels. Nautilus 44: 41-42.
origin for Australasian Hyriidae (Mollusca: Bival- Martin, S. M. 1997. Freshwater mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoi-
via: Unionoida). Vie et Milieu - Life and Environ- da) of Maine. Northeastern Naturalist 4: 1-34.
ment 50: 245-254. McMahon, R. F. and A. E. Bogan. 2001. Mollusca:
Graf, D. L. and K. S. Cummings. (In prep.). Paleo-het- Bivalvia. In: J. H. Thorpe and A. P. Covich, eds.,
erodont diversity (Trigonoida + Unionoida): What Ecology and Classification of North American
we know and what we wish we knew about fresh- Freshwater Invertebrates, 2nd Ed. Academic Press,
water mussel evolution. Zoological Journal of the New York. Pp. 331-429.
Linnean Society. Meier-Brook, C. 1976. An improved relaxing technique
Haag, W. R., R. S. Butler, and P. D. Hartfield. 1995. An for mollusks using pentabarbital. Malacological
extraordinary reproductive strategy in freshwater Review 9: 115-117.
Cummings and Bogan 325

Modell, H. 1942. Das natürliche system der najaden. of Freshwater Mollusks Workshop. U.S. Army
Archiv für Molluskenkunde 74: 161-191. Engineer Waterways Experimental Station, Vicks-
Modell, H. 1949. Das natürliche system der najaden. 2. burg, Mississippi. Pp. 94-113.
Archiv für Molluskenkunde 78: 29-48. Stephens, T. C. 1947. The collection and preparation of
Nedeau, E. J., M. A. McCollough, and B. I. Swartz. 2000. shells. Turtox News for 1946 and 1947: 1-12.
The Freshwater Mussels of Maine. Maine Depart- Strayer, D. L. and K. J. Jirka. 1997. The pearly mus-
ment of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Augusta, sels of New York State. New York State Museum
Maine. 118 pp. Memoir 26: i-xiii + 1-113, pls. 1-27.
Parmalee, P. W. and A. E. Bogan. 1998. The Freshwater Strayer, D. L. and D. R. Smith. 2003. A guide to sam-
Mussels of Tennessee. University of Tennessee pling freshwater mussel populations. American
Press, Knoxville, Tennessee. 328 pp. Fisheries Society Monograph 8: 1-103.
Parodiz, J. J. and A. A. Bonetto. 1963. Taxonomy and van der Schalie, H. 1942. On collecting fresh-water
zoogeographic relationships of the South American mussels. American Malacological Union, Inc.,
naiades (Pelecypoda: Unionacea and Mutelacea). News Bulletin and Annual Report for 1941: 9-14.
Malacologia 1: 179-213. van der Schalie, H. 1953. Nembutal as a relaxing agent
Pennak, R. W. 1989. Fresh-water invertebrates of the for mollusks. American Midland Naturalist 50:
United States: Protozoa to Mollusca, 3rd Ed. Wiley 511-512.
Interscience, New York. 628 pp. Walker, B. 1904. Hints on collecting land and fresh-wa-
Roe, K. J. and W. R. Hoeh. 2003. Systematics of fresh- ter Mollusca. Journal of Applied Microscopy and
water mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida). In: C. Lydeard Laboratory Methods 6: 2365-2368.
and D. R. Lindberg, eds., Molecular Systematics and Watters, G. T. 1994. North American freshwater mus-
Phylogeography of Mollusks. Smithsonian Books, sels. Part II. Identification, collection, and the art
Washington D.C. Pp. 91-122. of zen malacology. American Conchologist 22:
Simpson, C. T. 1900. Synopsis of the naiades, or pearly 11-13, 18.
fresh-water mussels. Proceedings of the United Williams, J. D. and R. S. Butler. 1994. Class Bivalvia,
States National Museum 22: 501-1044. Order Unionoida, Freshwater Bivalves. In: M.
Simpson, C. T. 1914. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Deyrup and R. Franz, eds., Rare and Endangered
Naiades, or Pearly Fresh-water Mussels, Parts I-III. Biota of Florida. IV, Invertebrates. University Press
Bryant Walker, Detroit. xii + 1540 pp. of Florida, Gainesville. Pp. 53-128, 740-742.
Smith, D. G. 1996. A method for preparing freshwa- Williams, J. D., M. L. Warren, Jr., K. S. Cummings, J. L.
ter mussels (Mollusca: Unionoida) for anatomical Harris, and R. J. Neves. 1993. Conservation status of
study. American Malacological Bulletin 13: 125- freshwater mussels of the United States and Canada.
128. Fisheries 18: 6-22.
Solem, A. 1967. The two careers of Fritz Haas. Bulletin Wolberg, D. and P. Reinard. 1997. Collecting the Natural
of the Field Museum of Natural History 38: 2-5. World. Legal Requirements and Personal Liability
Stansbery, D. H. and C. B. Stein. 1983. Mollusk col- for Collecting Plants, Animals, Rocks, Minerals,
lections at the Ohio State University Museum and Fossils. Geoscience Press, Inc., Tucson, Ari-
of Zoology. In: A. C. Miller, compiler, Report zona. 330 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


26.1 INTRODUCTION them, Sphaerium corneum (Linnaeus, 1758), Pi-

sidium amnicum (Müller, 1774), P. henslowanum
The Recent North American fauna of non-unionoid (Sheppard, 1825), P. supinum Schmidt, 1850, and
freshwater bivalves includes three families: Sphae- P. moitessierianum Paladilhe, 1866 are considered
riidae, Corbiculidae, and Dreissenidae. Since only to be introduced from Europe to North America
the first family is native, this chapter is focused on (Burch 1975, Grigorovich et al. 2000), and one
this group. The other two families are represented species, Musculium transversum (Say, 1816), was
by a few species introduced from Europe and Asia apparently introduced from North America to Eu-
and are described only briefly. While this chapter rope (Ellis 1978). Some European species in North
focuses mainly on the North American fauna, in- America might be overlooked, being described as
formation on other regions will be presented where local species or forms.
The holarctic fauna of sphaeriids should be con-
26.2 FAMILY SPHAERIIDAE: FINGERNAIL, sidered as rich. The fauna of the Ethiopian region,
PEA, OR PILL CLAMS which is relatively well-studied (Mandahl-Barth
1988), comprises 29 species. Other regions have
26.2.1 Species diversity and distribution. The poorer fauna.
Sphaeriidae are distributed all over the world. This
family includes at least 150-200 valid species. Most of the North American sphaeriid species
However, the fauna of some regions is still poorly have a transcontinental distribution, but some are
known and the systematics are not well established. more restricted (Burch 1975). The highest spe-
Therefore, it is hard to evaluate the number of spe- cies diversity of sphaeriids in North America is
cies more precisely. Herrington’s (1962) review observed in the Great Lakes region (Burch 1975).
reported 34 species in the North American fauna. In Three species, Sphaerium nitidum Westerlund,
the latest review (Burch 1975), the North American 1876, Pisidium idahoense Roper, 1890, and P.
fauna comprises 38 Sphaeriidae species, but after conventus Clessin, 1877 are distributed only in the
the recent revision of Pisidium punctatum Sterki, northern part of the continent, possibly with iso-
1865 by Korniushin et al. (2001), the number is lated populations in the mountains in more southern
39. locations. Sphaerium fabale (Prime, 1852) and S.
patella (Gould, 1850) form a pair of morphologi-
The European fauna is almost as rich as North cally similar but geographically separated species,
America and includes 25 to 30 species, though the the first being restricted to the eastern part of the
status of some forms is in dispute. Some Russian continent, and the second to the western part. The
reviewers recognized many more species (Kor- Central American species Eupera cubensis (Prime,
niushin 1996), but this splitting approach is not 1865) and Pisidium punctiferum (Guppy, 1867) are
accepted by West European specialists. Fourteen present in the southern states of the U.S.A. One
species are common for both continents, five of species, Pisidium ultramontanum Prime, 1865 is
328 Non-unionid freshwater bivalves

restricted to several localities in Oregon

and northern California.

In the Eastern Hemisphere, similar separa-

tion characterizes the European S. solidum
Normand, 1844 and the Siberian S. asiati-
cum (Martens, 1864). Other species with
limited distribution are known from the
ancient lakes: Lake Ochrid in the Balkans,
Lake Baikal in Siberia, Lake Biwa in Ja-
pan, Lake Tanganyika in Africa, and Lake
Titicaca in South America.

26.2.2 Classification. According to Burch

(1975), the family is divided in three sub-
families: Euperinae with the genera Eupera
and Byssanodonta, Sphaeriinae with the
genera Sphaerium and Musculium, and Pi-
sidiinae with a single genus Pisidium. The
Eupera are restricted to the tropical regions
of Africa and America, with the greatest
diversity in South America. Byssanodonta
is a monotypical South American genus.
The remaining genera are cosmopolitan
and their ranges coincide with the range
of the family.

The generic classification is hardly final,

since heterogeneity of anatomical charac- Figure 26.1 Shell of Sphaerium corneum.
ters was found in all the named genera, and A. View from outside, B. Front view, C. Hinge of left (lower) and
right (upper) valves, D. View from inside. aa- scar of anterior adduc-
a phylogenetic analysis, which is necessary
tor, c- cardinal teeth, l- lateral teeth, lg- ligament, ml- mantle line,
to construct the natural system of the group, mm- scars of mantle muscles, pa- scar of posterior adductor, s- striae,
is now in progress. It is also possible that sr- scar of siphonal retractor, u- umbo; standard measurements: L-
at least Euperinae, with their very peculiar shell length, H- shell height, W- shell width (two valves).
morphology and mode of reproduction,
deserve the status of a separate family. freshwater bivalves and, probably, some of the
smallest bivalves in general. Some of the adult
Subgeneric classification is even more uncertain, animals (Pisidium moitessierianum for example) do
since none of the suggested classifications takes not exceed 2.5 mm, though most of the species are
into account the entire global fauna. Burch (1975) somewhat larger, from 3 to about 15 mm long. The
divided the North American Sphaerium species largest North American species, Sphaerium simile
into two subgenera - Sphaerium s. str. (in the strict (Say, 1816), may reach 20 mm. The European spe-
sense), and Herringtonium. He divided Pisidium cies Sphaerium rivicola (Lamarck, 1818) is even
into three subgenera - Pisidium s. str, Cyclocalyx, bigger; it can range up to 25 mm long.
and Neopisidium.
The sphaeriid shell (Figure 26.1A, B) is usually
26.2.3 Morphological and biological peculiari- round or oval, but in some species may be trigonal
ties. The species of this family are the smallest or tetragonal (trapezoid). The position of the umbo
Korniushin 329

(Say, 1829), see Figure 26.3A). In

a majority of the taxa, it is covered
dorsally by a thin layer of calcified
material and thus not visible (Figure
26.3B). In species of the subgenus
Pisidium (Odhneripisidium), the liga-
ment is introverted: deeply submerged
between valves (Figure 26.3C).

The soft body structure (Figures

26.4, 26.5) is characterized by some
peculiar features that may be associ-
ated with the small size of these mol-
lusks. The mantle usually forms two
ventral fusions dividing the exhalant
(anal), inhalant (branchial), and pedal
Figure 26.2 Shells of Sphaeriidae. openings. Species of Eupera, Byssan-
A. Eupera, B. Musculium, and C. Pisidium (external view of right odonta, Sphaerium, and Musculium
valve, diagrammatic). have tubular exhalant and inhalant
siphons, separate (in the first two
may be anterior (Eupera), central (Sphaerium and genera), or partially joined to each other (Figure
Musculium) or posterior (Pisidium) (Figure 26.1A, 26.4). The broad (funnel-like) exhalant siphon and
26.2). The outer surfaces often bear concentric the absence of the inhalant siphon (Figure 26.5)
sculpture: ribs (larger elements with intervals of characterize the genus Pisidium. Branchial opening
about 0.5 mm) or striae (fine sculpture with inter- may be retained [e.g., P. amnicum, P. casertanum
vals 0.025-0.1 mm). Tiny pores (3-5 µm in diam- (Poli, 1791)] or absent (e.g., P. moitessierianum,
eter) are usually noticeable on the internal surface. P. conventus).
The scars of the two adductors are well marked,
while the smaller scars of the siphonal retractors are The pedal opening is usually a long slit, but in
sometimes noticeable, lying near those of the pos- some species (Eupera spp., P. subtruncatum Malm,
terior adductors or being attached to them (Figure 1855, P. milium Held, 1836), it is shortened because
26.1D). The mantle line is usually weakly marked, of progressive development of the presiphonal
and never forms a sinus; the scars of mantle muscle (perisiphonal) suture - mantle fusion dividing
bundles may be visible above this line. inhalant opening from the pedal slit. In contrast to

The sphaeriid hinge is typically heterodont and

consists of cardinal, anterior lateral, and posterior
lateral teeth (Cox et al. 1969). The left valve bears
two cardinal teeth and two lateral teeth, one anterior
and one posterior; the right valve has one cardinal
and two lateral teeth on each (anterior and posterior)
side (Figure 26.1C). The lateral teeth are mark-
edly reduced in the Australian taxon Musculium
lacusedes (Iredale, 1943), and all hinge teeth are Figure 26.3 Ligament types (ligament black) and
reduced in the Byssanodonta. posterior muscle scars (stippled) in Sphaeriidae.
A. External ligament, B. Introverted ligament, C.
Enclosed ligament, D. Scars of siphonal muscles and
The ligament is visible and external in some species posterior adductors widely separated, E. Scars adjacent,
(e.g., Sphaerium simile, Musculium transversum F. Scars merged.
330 Non-unionid freshwater bivalves

Figure 26.5 Gross anatomy of Pisidium sp., side view.

Abbreviations the same as in Figure 26.4.

The gills are characterized by a certain reduction

of the outer demibranch (the outer demibranch is
always lower than the inner one). The most pro-
found reduction is a characteristic of Pisidium: in all
species, except P. idahoense, the outer demibranch
has only one lamella and does not overlap the inner
one, and in many species (mainly in those lacking
inhalant mantle opening), it disappears completely.
As in the majority of filter-feeding bivalves, gills of
Figure 26.4 Gross anatomy of Sphaerium corneum.
A. Side view, B. Dorsal view. aa- anterior adductor, sphaeriids have two basic functions: respiration and
dg- digestive gland, es- exhalant siphon, f- foot, h- heart collecting food. The reduction of the size of gills
(ventricle), i- intestine, id- inner demibranch, is- inhalant definitely leads to the diminution of their respira-
siphon, lp- labial palps, mm- mantle muscles, n- ne- tory and food-collecting surface and is correlated,
phridium, od- outer demibranch, pa- posterior adductor, therefore, with the size of the animal.
s- siphon, sr1, sr2, and sr3- siphonal retractors.
The configuration of the nephridium (kidneys) is
corbiculid or venerid bivalves in which the siphons a taxonomic character. The excretory organs of
are contracted by two broad muscle bands, the si- sphaeriids (nephridia) are progressively developed,
phonal muscles of sphaeriids form several pairs of in contrast to the typical voluminous bivalve
retractors (Figures 26.4, 26.5), hence the absence nephridium. The excretory organ in this group
of the pallial sinus. is a long specifically packed tube. Progressive
development of the nephridium can be seen as an
The foot is usually well developed and extendible adaptation to the freshwater environment, which
(capable of great extension). It is a burrowing organ is hypoosmotic and needs intensification of the
in the majority of species. In contrast, the especially osmoregulatory function usually carried out by
long, motile, worm-like foot of Sphaerium corneum excretory organs.
gives this animal the ability to creep on aquatic
plants. A functional byssal gland is found in the lar- All sphaeriids are hermaphrodites. The gonads are
vae of some species (Mackie et al. 1974), however, relatively big, extended to the dorsal side of the
adult animals retain a byssus only in Eupera and animal in Eupera and Byssanodonta, and small,
Byssanodonta. The latter peculiarity is apparently placed behind the foot in the other genera. Some
associated with their mode of life (see below). sphaeriid species are distinguished by remarkably
Korniushin 331

temperature, such as deep-water lake populations

or tropical species, may reproduce year round.
Details for particular species are provided by Heard
(1965, 1977), Meier-Brook (1970), and Holopainen
and Hanski (1986). Incubation of larvae in brood
pouches may last from one month (in the smallest
pisidia) up to several months.

After release from pouches, the young continue

their growth lying freely in the gill (extra-marsu-
pial larvae), and then leave the parent through its
siphons. Compared to bivalves with veliger larvae,
sphaeriids are characterized by low fecundity.
The number of offspring released by one parent
in one breeding season does not exceed several
dozen. Eupera and Musculium species, as well as
Pisidium amnicum, are characterized by the high-
est fecundity (sometimes more than 50 young per
gravid adult), most Sphaerium and Pisidium spe-
cies release up to 20 young, and P. conventus may
incubate simultaneously only 2 to 3 larvae.

Figure 26.6 Brooding in sphaeriids, diagrammatic. It is notable, that newly released Sphaerium al-
A. Eupera, B. Sphaerium, C-E. Pisidium, different loca- ready have mature gonads (the young begin to
tion of a pouch. bp- brood pouch, e- eggs. produce their own eggs and sperm even at the
end of the incubation period) and soon form the
high chromosome numbers (Burch and Huber 1966, first brood pouches (Heard 1977). This peculiarity
Burch et al. 1998), which in all probability resulted was not found in Musculium and Pisidium. On the
from polyploidy. The only diploid species known other hand, Musculium species are characterized by
is Sphaerium corneum. However, the family is still relatively rapid growth and reach their final size in
poorly studied in this respect. 60-70 days, while Sphaerium need 4 to 8 months to
mature and Pisidium about a year. The life span of
The most remarkable feature of sphaeriids is the Musculium species is about a year; in Sphaerium
incubation of their young in the gills of the parent and Pisidium it is up to 5 years. Populations and
animal. Eupera and Byssanodonta produce large species from northern countries are characterized
eggs rich in yolk, which develop between the la- (on the average) by slower growth and a longer life
mellae of the inner demibranch (Figure 26.6A). In span (Holopainen and Hanski 1986).
the other genera, specialized organs for breeding,
brood pouches or marsupia, are produced by inner Most of the sphaeriids are borrowing. The larger
demibranch filaments (Figure 26.6B-E). In Sphae- species (Sphaerium, Musculium, and Pisidium
rium and Musculium, several pouches develop in amnicum) only partly submerge in sediments, with
each gill simultaneously and parents release their their siphons stretching into the water. They are
young successively, while in Pisidium, formation typical filter feeders and consume mainly phyto-
of a new pouch is possible only after release of the plankton (Lopez and Holopainen 1987). Most of
previous brood. these species are apparently not very mobile, except
Sphaerium corneum, which often occurs openly, on
Sphaeriids usually have one or two breeding submerged vegetation (personal observations) and
seasons per year. Those from habitats with stable can move almost as fast as snails crawl.
332 Non-unionid freshwater bivalves

Small Pisidium species are typically completely preferring fine sand, muddy sand, and mud. Some
submerged in bottom sediments, dwelling in long amount of detritus seems to be necessary for them,
blind burrows, and their feeding mode is defined probably because of their feeding on saprotrophic
as interstitial suspension-feeding (Lopez and Holo- bacteria (Lopez and Holopainen 1987). Therefore,
painen 1987). Interstitial bacteria probably form the they are usually rare in the main stream of rivers or
main part of their diet. Some species of sphaeriids along the beaches exposed to waves and numerous
may occur among submerged leaves (Musculium in more quiet places, where some mud or debris
lacustre (Müller, 1774), Pisidium casertanum) or can be accumulated.
mosses (P. obtusale (Lamarck, 1818), P. milium).
North American Eupera combine burrowed (infau- Species such as Sphaerium occidentale, Musculium
nal) and attached (epifaunal) modes of life, while lacustre, Pisidium casertanum, and P. ventricosum
some South American Eupera and the species of Prime, 1851 (in Europe P. obtusale) are often abun-
Byssanodonta are strictly epifaunal and attach by dant in small forest lakes or streams with bottoms
a byssus to rocks, stones, or other hard substrata covered with dead tree leaves. Only several spe-
(Ch. Ituarte, personal communication). cies (Sphaerium striatinum (Lamarck, 1818) and
P. dubium (Say, 1816); in Europe S. rivicola, S.
26.2.4 Habitats. Sphaeriid clams occur in a great solidum, and P. amnicum) show clear preference to
variety of habitats: from large rivers and lakes to lotic environments and coarser sediments (sand or
springs, peat bogs and temporary pools. The highest even gravel). Despite their ability for dispersal by
species diversity is characteristic of lakes, ponds, birds and water insects (Mackie 1979), sphaeriids
and small rivers. Springs are usually colonized by are rarely found in artificial pools not connected
one species - Pisidium casertanum (in Europe P. with natural streams (personal observation).
personatum Malm, 1855 may be also found) which
is usually quite abundant. Some species show clear 26.2.5 Means of collection and preparation.
preference to particular habitats (e.g., P. idahoense, Only the largest species of fingernail clams can
P. lilljeborgi (Clessin, 1877), and P. conventus - to be collected by hand. Smaller specimens should
lakes, P. supinum - to rivers), while others may live be washed out of the sediment with a sieve. Sedi-
in different types of habitats. Those that live in a ment can be taken by a shovel (in shallow water), a
variety of habitats seem to be less sensitive to vari- dipnet, or a drag dredge (in deeper water). A kitchen
ations in oxygen and calcium content in the water. sieve can be used for washing, but better results
However, they apparently cannot live in anaerobic are achieved when the sieve has a flat bottom (for
conditions and therefore avoid pools with a deep example see the Walker Dipper, Chapter 21.4, and
layer of liquid ooze or decaying debris. other devices in Chapter 2.3). As follows from the
above description of habitats, the places where
Some species, e.g., Sphaerium occidentale (Lewis, some mud and debris are accumulated should be
1856), Musculium lacustre, and P. casertanum searched most carefully. Dead leaves, submerged
can survive temporary drying up within a thin moss, or weeds (including roots) should also be
layer of water or even in wet soil or leaves. As a collected and washed in a sieve.
rule, sphaeriids do not tolerate salinity higher than
0.03% Cl, and only a few species can withstand Small forceps with tapered soft tips are necessary
higher salinity; P. casertanum, P. henslowanum, P. to pick up specimens (which may be very small
nitidum Jenys, 1832, and P. subtruncatum Malm, and fragile) from the sieve. Animals can be taken
1855 are the most tolerant in Europe and may live to the lab, for further preparation, in tubes or jars
in the lowest courses of rivers (Kuiper and Wolf containing water, wet cottonwool, grass, or moss
1970). (the latter is recommended for the very fragile shells
of Musculium and some Sphaerium which may be
Being burrowers, most sphaeriids avoid coarse damaged by shaking in water). When convenient,
sediments (rocks and gravel), as well as hard sand, the whole sample of mud, leaves or vegetation can
Korniushin 333

be put in a plastic bag and brought to the lab for are well seen laterally (as in Figure 26.4A), but the
washing or sorting. form of the nephridium may be clearer when look-
ing from the dorsal side (as in Figure 26.4B).
Dry shells for conchological collections can be kept
in boxes; small specimens should be additionally Details of the gill structure are seen much better if
packed in small glass tubes or gelatin capsules. Do the mantle sheets are removed. On the other hand,
not put them directly on cottonwool, as it may be the length of the presiphonal (perisiphonal) suture
hard to remove them from the cotton fibers. Speci- and the arrangement of mantle muscles are better
mens for anatomical study should be preserved in seen from the inner side of the mantle, therefore it
80% ethanol. Neutralized formalin can be also used, is necessary to separate the mantle from the body.
but it is not recommended, since it can make the Separation of gills is recommended to expose brood
tissues too rigid. The fixative does not penetrate be- pouches formed on their inner surface. Since the
tween tightly joined valves; therefore, the animals smallest pouches may be covered by the inner (as-
should be relaxed before fixation. cending) gill lamella, the latter should be removed
if the exact number of brood pouches, their stage
Common narcotizing agents (menthol or barbitu- of development, and number of embryos are to be
rates) can be used, but are not very effective for determined (for example, for life history studies).
sphaeriids (exact concentration and time of relax-
ation should be determined experimentally for each Some standard histological procedures of staining
species). Good results may be had by submerging and mounting specimens were suggested for micro-
the animals in hot (but not boiling) water for several scopic investigation of mantle and gills (Korniushin
minutes (such material may be good for anatomical 1995). While the literature on sphaeriid chromo-
preparation, but not available for DNA analysis). somes is scarce and contains no detailed descrip-
See Chapter 2.5 for more on relaxing mollusks. tion of methods, some approaches developed for
chromosomes of Corbicula (Okamoto and Arimoto
If the valves remain closed, one of them should 1986) can be recommended. Recently, the group
be broken in order to let the fixative in. Special has been involved in molecular studies (Park and
techniques of fixation should be used for histology, Ó Foighil 2000, Cooley and Ó Foighil 2000), and
electron microscopy, etc. When material for DNA the methods of such study can be obtained from
sequencing is needed, a stronger alcohol (at least the published literature.
95% ethanol) should be used, and the shells should
be broken in order to ensure fast fixation. 26.2.6 Keeping specimens alive in the laboratory.
Living specimens of sphaeriids can be safely kept
Since internal shell characters (hinge, sometimes in a refrigerator for several weeks or even months.
muscle scars) are necessary for species identifica- It is best to place them in wet cottonwool or moss
tion, it is necessary to open the valves. If dried rather than in water. Most of the species can live in
remnants of the soft body hinder opening, the speci- an aquarium without any special demands (personal
men should be carefully heated in a 5% solution of observations). However, this may be problematic
alkali (sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide), for species preferring lotic environments (e.g.,
which dissolves the tissues and facilitates opening. Sphaerium rivicola or S. striatinum).
If alkali solution is unavailable, heating in water
may also be tried (see Chapter 5.9 for some addi- 26.2.7 Practical applications. So far, the sphaeri-
tional methods for softening dried tissue). ids do not seem to be of any practical importance.
While many of them contain trematode larvae
In order to expose the soft body for anatomical (personal observations), none have been reported
study, the adductor muscles and mantle edge should to be intermediate hosts of human parasites. Being
be carefully detached from the shell with a needle small and having a short life span, they are not as
or thin scalpel or razor blade. Most of the organs suitable for environmental monitoring as unionids
334 Non-unionid freshwater bivalves

are. Apparently, some species may be indicators

of good (or bad) water quality (for example in Eu-
rope, P. amnicum and P. pulchellum Jenys, 1832,
while in America they are yet to be determined).
It is necessary to include this group in current eco-
logical surveys, since some species are apparently
vulnerable because of their limited distribution
and specific ecological demands. They may suffer
from water pollution, change of habitats, and other
negative consequences of human activity.



Only one species of this family, Corbicula fluminea

(Müller, 1774), is reliably identified in North Ame-
rica as being introduced before 1938 (Britton and
Morton 1979). The presence of a second, not yet
identified species, is seriously suspected by many
malacologists (Morton 1986; Siripattrawan et al.
2000). The type locality of C. fluminea is Canton,
China (Araujo et al. 1993), and it is considered to
be widely distributed in South East Asia (Morton
1986). Many other Corbicula species have been
described from different Asian countries, Africa,
and Australia; their taxonomic status is still dis-
puted, and some modern reviewers (Morton 1986)
recognize only two species, namely C. fluminea
and C. fluminalis (Müller, 1774) (type locality
Figure 26.7 Shell of Corbicula fluminea.
- Euphrat River in Mesopotamia). Introduced A. View from outside, B. Hinge of the left valve, C.
populations of C. fluminea have been found also Right valve from inside. aa- scar of anterior adductor,
in South America (Buenos Aires), and both above c- cardinal teeth, l- lateral teeth, lg- ligament, ml- mantle
mentioned species were introduced to western line, pa- scar of posterior adductor, ps- pallial (mantle)
Europe (see Morton 1986 and Araujo et al. 1993 sinus.
for reviews). Corbicula is reported to be a serious
pest in its introduced range (Morton 1979a - cited valve includes 3 cardinal teeth, and long lateral
from Morton 1986). teeth (the same set as in Sphaerium) that bear small
denticles (Figures 26.7B, C). Pores similar to that
The morphology and biology of Corbicula was of sphaeriids are noticeable on the inner surface.
extensively described by Britton and Morton The mantle line is clear and smooth (without any
(1979), and only the most remarkable characters are extending muscle scars), and a small pallial sinus
presented here. They differ from sphaeriids in their is usually noticeable (Figure 26.7C); in some other
much larger size (normally up to 35 mm long, but corbiculid genera, e.g., in the South American Neo-
in some populations up to 60 mm). The sculpture corbicula, the mantle sinus is pronounced.
is much coarser (Figure 26.7A), and the arrange-
ment of ribs may be a taxonomic character (about The siphons of Corbicula are relatively short and
10 pronounced ribs per 10 mm in C. fluminea, and their openings are fringed with papillae (Figures
more than 15 in C. fluminalis). The hinge of each 26.8A, B). Form and pigmentation of siphons, as
Korniushin 335

Figure 29.9 Corbicula fluminea gill

Gill of C. fluminea from inside, with developing larvae.

several broods may develop in one parent animal

simultaneously (Ituarte 1994, Dreher Mansur and
Meier-Brook 2000).

The other mode of reproduction, dioecious, releasing

free-swimming larvae without incubation, was repor-
ted for some Asian taxa. Modern Japanese authors
Figure 26.8 Some anatomical structures in Corbicula. (Harada and Nishino 1995) recognize one of them as
A. Siphons in C. fluminea (outside view), B. Another a distinct species Corbicula japonica (Prime, 1864),
type of siphons in Corbicula moltkiana Prime, 1878 (a
species from Sumatra). es - exhalant siphon, is - inhalant
but Morton (1986) assigned all non-incubating forms
siphon, p - papillae. to C. fluminalis. An intermediate mode, release of
creeping larvae without incubation, is known in C.
well as number and arrangement of papillae were sandai Reinbardt, 1878, restricted to the Japanese
suggested as species diagnostic characters (Britton lake Biwa (Harada and Nishino 1995). Both C.
and Morton 1979, Harada and Nishino 1995), but japonica and C. sandai are diploid (Okamoto and
many Asian species and forms are not yet studied in Arimoto 1986). Corbicula fluminea lives 3 years, and
this respect. The siphonal muscles form two broad C. japonica up to 9 years (Morton 1986).
bands, as in marine venerid bivalves.
In America, Corbicula can be found in rivers, inclu-
Each gill consists of two almost equally developed ding the low courses and reservoirs, but generally
demibranchs (the outer one is somewhat lower). not in estuaries. It occurs both in lotic and lentic
The gonad is big and branched, and produces a conditions, mainly embedded in coarse sediments
great number of oocytes. Corbicula fluminea is (sand and gravel). In contrast, the non-incubating
hermaphroditic and probably androgenic (Siripat- Asian forms are estuarine (brackish water). The
trawan et al. 2000). The eggs are incubated within broad ecological range, correlated with a variety of
the inner demibranch without any brood pouches reproduction modes, makes the Corbiculidae (and
(Figure 26.9). the genus Corbicula in particular) a good model for
studying the evolutionary adaptation of bivalves to
The larvae are released with a straight-hinged freshwater environments.
(D-shaped) shell, but an already well developed
creeping foot. Even longer incubation of young The methods and equipment for collecting Cor-
takes place in Neocorbicula limosa (Maton, 1809); bicula are basically the same as suggested for
the larvae of this species reach, in the gills, an sphaeriids. Handling them is definitely simpler
apparently advanced stage of development, and because of their larger size. Special methods for
336 Non-unionid freshwater bivalves

chromosome studies are described in Okamoto

and Arimoto (1986), and the DNA sequencing data
are summarized by Siripattrawan et al. (2000).
Given the on-going dispute on the taxonomy of
various Corbicula forms, further studies on their
morphology (including anatomy and the chromo-
somes), DNA sequences, and biology are of great



Dreissena polymorpha (Pallas, 1771) appeared

in North America in 1988 (Hebert et al. 1989
and Ludyanskiy et al. 1993). A second European
species, D. bugensis Andrusov, 1897 (sometimes
called quagga mussel) has also been reported
(Mills et al. 1996). Dreissena can be immediately Figure 26.10 Shell of Dreissena polymorpha.
recognized by their triangular shell (Figure 26.10), A - from outside, B - from inside. lg- ligament, pa- scar
of posterior adductor, pr - scar of pedal retractor.
somewhat similar to that of Mytilus, and attached
mode of life. The byssus is very well developed,
and the foot in adult specimens is rudimentary. The contribution from Alexei will open up the world
anterior adductor muscles are reduced; the posterior of the Sphaeriidae to others who wish to study
adductor and the pedal muscle are strong and form these taxa. While he did not have an opportunity
large scars (Figure 26.10). Two siphons are present, to review the final form of this paper, only a few
and both demibranchs of each gill are almost equally grammatical changes were made from the last ver-
developed. A big massive gonad is placed at the base sion that he had reviewed. This paper, as well as his
of the foot. In contrast to other freshwater bivalves, other publications, will serve as a lasting tribute to
Dreissena releases free-swimming veligers. Further this eminent malacologist.
information on distribution, habitats, and life cycles
of American populations can be obtained from the 26.6 LITERATURE CITED
above mentioned papers.
Araujo, R., D. Moreno, and M. A. Ramos. 1993. The
26.5 EDITORIAL NOTE Asiatic clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774)
in Europe. American Malacological Bulletin 10:
Alexei Korniushin, born on December 7, 1962, died Britton, J. C. and B. Morton. 1979. Corbicula in North
on January 8, 2004. Alexei was 41 at the time of America: The evidence reviewed and evaluated.
his death from an apparent heart attack. He studied In: J. D. Britton, ed., Proceedings of the First Inter-
at institutions in Kiev, Ukraine and St. Petersburg, national Corbicula Symposium, Texas Christian
Russia, and received a doctorate. At the time of University Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 13-15. Texas
Christian University Research Foundation, Fort
his death, he was working at the Schmalhausen Worth, Texas. Pp. 249-287.
Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences Burch, J. B. 1975. Freshwater Sphaeriacean Clams (Mol-
in Kiev. He was also an affiliated researcher at the lusca: Pelecypoda) of North America. Malacologi-
Museum of Natural History in Berlin. He is sur- cal Publications, Hamburg, Michigan. 96 pp.
vived by his wife Elena and two children. Burch, J. B. and J. M. Huber. 1966. Polyploidy in mol-
lusks. Malacologia 5: 41-43.
Burch, J. B., G-M. Park, and E-Y. Chung. 1998. Mich-
The editors mourn the untimely passing of this igan’s polyploid bivalves. Michigan Academician
student of the Sphaeriidae. We hope that this final 30: 351-352.
Korniushin 337

Cooley, L. R. and Ó Foighil, D. 2000. Phylogenetic Korniushin, A. V., I. A. Grigorovich, and G. L. Mackie.
analysis of the Sphaeriidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia) 2001. Taxonomic revision of Pisidium punctatum
based on partial mitochondrial 16S DNA gene se- Sterki, 1895 (Bivalvia: Sphaeriidae). Malacologia
quences. Invertebrate Biology 119: 299-308. 43: 337-347.
Cox, L. R., N. D. Newell, D. W. Boyd, and 22 other Kuiper, J. G. J. and W. J. Wolf. 1970. The Mollusca of
authors. 1969. Bivalvia. In: R. C. Moore, ed., Trea- the estuarine region of the rivers Rhine, Meuse and
tise on Invertebrate Palaeontology, Part N, Vol. 1, Scheldt in relation to the hydrography of the area.
Mollusca 6. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, III. The genus Pisidium. Basteria 34: 1-42.
Kansas. Pp. 1-489. Lopez, G. R. and I. J. Holopainen. 1987. Interstitial
Dreher Mansur, M. C. and C. Meier-Brook. 2000. suspension-feeding by Pisidium spp. (Pisidiidae:
Morphology of Eupera Bourguignat 1854 and Bivalvia): a new guild in the lentic benthos. Ameri-
Byssanodonta Orbigny 1846 with contributions to can Malacological Bulletin 5: 21-30.
the phylogenetic systematics of Sphaeriidae and Ludyanskiy, M. L., D. McDonald, and D. MacNeill.
Corbiculidae (Bivalvia: Veneroida). Archiv für 1993. Impact of the zebra mussel, a bivalve invader.
Molluskenkunde 128: 1-59. BioScience 43: 533-544.
Ellis, A. E. 1978. British freshwater bivalve Mollusca. Mackie, G. L. 1979. Dispersal mechanisms in Sphaeri-
Keys and notes for the identification of the spe- idae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Bulletin of the American
cies. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) Malacological Union 45: 17-21.
11: 1-95. Mackie, G. L., S. U. Qadri, and A. H. Clarke. 1974. Bys-
Grigorovich, I. A., A. V. Korniushin, and H. J. MacIsaac. sus structure of larval forms of the fingernail clam,
2000. Moitessier’s pea clam Pisidium moitessierian- Musculium securis (Prime). Canadian Journal of
um (Bivalvia, Sphaeriidae): A cryptogenic mollusc Zoology 52: 945-946.
in the Great Lakes. Hydrobiologia 435: 153-165. Mandahl-Barth, G. 1988. Studies on African Freshwater
Harada, E. and M. Nishino. 1995. Differences in inhal- Bivalves. Danish Bilharziasis Laboratory, Charlot-
ant siphonal papillae among the Japanese species tenlund, Denmark. 161 pp.
of Corbicula (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Publications of Meier-Brook, C. 1970. Untersuchungen zur Biologie
Seto Marine Biology Laboratory 36: 389-408. einiger Pisidium-Arten. Archiv für Hydrobiologie,
Heard, W. H. 1965. Comparative life histories of North Supplement 38: 73-150.
American pea clams (Sphaeriidae: Pisidium). Mala- Mills, E. L., G. Rosenberg, A. P. Spidle, M. L. Ludyan-
cologia 2: 381-411. skiy, and Y. V. Pligin. 1996. A review of the biol-
Heard, W. H. 1977. Reproduction of fingernail clams ogy and ecology of the quagga mussel (Dreissena
(Sphaeriidae: Sphaerium & Musculium). Malaco- bugensis), a second species of freshwater dreissenid
logia 16: 421-455. introduced to North America. American Zoologist
Hebert, P. D. N., B. W. Muncaster, and G. L. Mackie. 36: 271-286.
1989. Ecological and genetic studies on Dreissena Morton, B. 1979. Freshwater fouling bivalves. In: J. D.
polymorpha (Pallas): A new mollusc in the Great Britton, ed., Proceedings of the First International
Lakes. Canadian Journal of Fishery and Aquatic Corbicula Symposium, Texas Christian University
Science 46: 1587-1591. Fort Worth, Texas, Oct. 13-15. Texas Christian
Herrington, H. B. 1962. A revision of the Sphaeriidae of University Research Foundation, Fort Worth,
North America (Mollusca: Pelecypoda). Miscella- Texas, pp. 15-38.
neous Publications, Museum of Zoology, University Morton, B. 1986. Corbicula in Asia - An updated
of Michigan, 118: 1-74. synthesis. American Malacological Bulletin
Holopainen, I. J. and I. Hanski. 1986. Life history varia- Special Ed. 2: 113-124.
tion in Pisidium (Bivalvia: Pisidiidae). Holarctic Okamoto, A. and B. Arimoto. 1986. Chromosomes of
Ecology 9:85-98. Corbicula japonica, C. sandai and C. (Corbiculina)
Ituarte, C. F. 1994. Corbicula and Neocorbicula (Bival- leana (Bivalvia, Corbiculidae). Venus 45: 194-
via: Corbiculidae) in the Paraná, Uruguay and Río 202.
de la Plata basins. Nautilus 107: 129-135. Park, J.-K. and D. Ó Foighil. 2000. Sphaeriid and
Korniushin, A. V. 1995. Anatomy of some pill clams from corbiculid clams represent separate heterodont
Africa, with the description of new taxa. Journal of bivalve radiations into freshwater environments.
Molluscan Studies 61: 163-172. Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution 14: 75-88.
Korniushin, A. V. 1996. Bivalve Molluscs of the Super- Siripattrawan, S., J.-K. Park, and D. Ó Foighil. 2000.
family Pisidoidea in the Palaearctic Region. Fauna, Two lineages of the introduced Asian freshwater
Systematics, Phylogeny. Schmalhausen Institute of clam Corbicula occur in North America. Journal
Zoology, Kiev. 175 pp. [In Russian] of Molluscan Studies 66: 423-429.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


27.1 INTRODUCTION was accomplished by the elongation of the fila-

ments, their folding back on themselves so that
The marine Bivalvia are the second largest class each ctenidium commonly resembles a tall, nar-
of marine mollusks. This group includes clams, row W in cross-section, and the binding of adja-
cockles, scallops, oysters, mussels, piddocks, and cent filaments into extensive lamellae. Complex
shipworms. feeding and rejection tracts of cilia on the ctenidia
transport food and pseudofeces respectively, and
27.2 BIOLOGY the palps further sort the food before passing it
into the mouth. Thus equipped, bivalves have be-
The Bivalvia are fundamentally bilaterally sym- come nearly complete introverts, using their cili-
metrical mollusks in which the mantle encloses the ated ctenidia both for respiration and for filtering
gills (ctenidia), foot, and visceral mass, and secretes food from the water. To keep in touch with their
a shell in the form of two lateral valves, hinged environments, they have developed sensory tenta-
dorsally (Figure 27.1). With the retreat of the body cles on the mantle edges and at the siphonal aper-
from direct contact with the environment, a novel tures, and may even possess distinctive eyes along
mode of feeding using the ctenidia has developed. the edges of the mantle, as in the scallops.

Although the exact mode of feeding of ancestral

bivalves is not known, it is likely that suspension
feeding using palps and ctenidia (Figures 27. 2-4)
evolved in parallel with the enclosure of the body
by the mantle and shell. Modern representatives of
the order Nuculoida retain several primitive mor-
phological characters and also show a primitive
form of suspension feeding. However, such forms
today also possess specialized, elongate, palp ap-
pendages that can be extended from within the
shell to sweep up detritus with cilia and to convey
it to the mouth. The radula and other structures of
the head were lost as this indirect mode of feeding
developed. The protobranch ctenidia of the primi-
tive bivalve consist of a central axis bearing, on
either side, a series of flattened, ciliated filaments.

The evolution of lamellibranch ctenidia, which Figure 27.1 Cross section through a typical bivalve
characterize the vast majority of modern bivalves, shell. After Coan et al. (2000).
340 Marine bivalves

1. the structure of the ctenidia, including their

relationship to the palps and the types of cilia
on them (Figure 27.2-4);
2. the mode of life, such as burrowing, boring,
attaching with a byssus, cementing to a sub-
stratum, or free-living (Figure 27.5);
3. the morphology of the shell, particularly the
hinge teeth and the ligament, and the relative
sizes and degree of gape of the two valves
(Figure 27.6, Appendices 1C and 1D);
4. the surface sculpture of the valves (Figure 27.
7, Appendices 1C and 1D);
5. the size and position of the adductor muscles
pulling the shell closed, which create distinctive
scars on the insides of the valves (Figure 27. 8);
6. the degree of fusion of the mantle edges and
the presence and morphology of siphons, re-
Figure 27.2 View of ctenidium filaments. flected by frequently visible pallial scars on
A. Protobranch ctenidium, B. filibranch ctenidium, C. the insides of the valves (Figure 27.9);
eulamellibranch ctenidium. After Coan et al. (2000). 7. the microstructure and mineralogy of the
Ctenidial food collecting, successful as it is, has 8. the morphology of the stomach;
imposed certain limitations; no bivalve can lead 9. the form of the foot and the presence of byssal
a terrestrial existence, and enclosure of the body attachment threads;
within the mantle precludes an active lifestyle. 10. information now available through biochemi-
The ability to collect food from the water through cal and genetic analyses.
siphons has enabled many bivalves to retreat into
protected crevices or burrows in the substratum.


Bivalves furnish splendid examples of evolution-

ary diversification and adaptive radiation. Easily
recognizable adaptive modifications create fea-
tures of taxonomic importance. Closely related
groups generally show a uniformity in way of life.
On the other hand, similar ways of life have also
produced convergences in structure and adapta-
tion, such as we see among distantly related gen-
era that attach themselves to hard substrata, such
as Chama, Spondylus, and Crassostrea. Certain
structures, such as the hinge, often permit the rec-
ognition of evolutionary affinities despite external Figure 27.3 Diagrammatic cross section of the pal-
morphologic similarity or dissimilarity. lial cavity.
These illustrations show cross sections of the pallial
cavity and the gills of four bivalves showing different
Modern classification of bivalves is based on a arrangements of the ctenidia. A. Protobranch, B. fili-
wide spectrum of characters, the most important branch, C. eulamellibranch, D. septibranch. After Coan
of which are: et al. (2000).
Coan and Valentich-Scott 341

Figure 27.4 Internal anatomy of a typical heterodont bivalve.

In this diagram, the left valve and mantle lobe are removed. The siphons in this specimen are long and fused. After
Coan et al. (2000).

A long and abundant bivalve fossil record has also entirely absent. The mantle margins are less fused
enabled systematists to establish relationships and than in the subclass Heterodonta. The following
rankings that would be difficult to discern using are some of the groups of pteriomorphs:
only living forms. The number of characters now
employed in bivalve classification and the degree Arcoida: This order has the filter-feeding, filibranch
of parallel evolution in the expression of these ctenidium in which the elongate filaments are re-
features has led workers to adopt names for orders flected so that each gill appears as a tall, narrow
not based on any one set of characters. W in cross-section; adjacent filaments are united by
patches of interlocking cilia to form lamellae. This
27.3.1 Protobranchia. A compact, probably natu- is chiefly but not exclusively a tropical group and
ral group composed of two sub-groups: most have a taxodont hinge. Some genera in this
order are Arca, Barbatia, Anadara, and Noetia.
Solemyoida: The genera Solemya and Acharax
have primitive, protobranch ctenidia, which are Mytiloida: Members of this order have either fili-
the main organs of feeding and, like the Nuculoi- branch or eulamellibranch ctenidia, the latter with
da, have a flattened foot. Solemyoida are subtidal actual bridges of tissue between adjacent filaments.
to deep sea and infaunal or epifaunal. The adductor muscles are unequal in size (hetero-
myarian). The group includes the Mytilidae (Myti-
Nuculoida: These usually small bivalves have lus, Brachidontes), the well-known mussels, which
protobranch ctenidia, a primitive taxodont hinge lack conspicuous hinge teeth. Most are found at-
with a row of similar teeth, and they feed in large tached to rocks or pilings by a byssus, although
part by the palps. They are subtidal to deep sea some occur offshore burrowing in soft substrata.
and infaunal.
Limoida: This group contains the family Limidae,
27.3.2 Pteriomorphia. Most systematists agree species of which occur in the intertidal zone and
that this is a natural group, a conclusion based offshore in water of moderate depth.
both on fossil evidence and on the overall simi-
larity of living representatives. Most members are Ostreoida: Members of this group include some
epifaunal, attached to surfaces by a byssus or by common families: Ostreidae (true oysters, Ostrea,
cementation and, as a result, the foot is reduced or Crassostrea), Pectinidae (scallops, Pecten, Chla-
342 Marine bivalves

mys), and Anomiidae (rock jingles or rock

oysters, Anomia, Pododesmus). Only the
much-enlarged posterior adductor muscle
is present, a condition termed monomyar-
ian. Both filibranch and eulamellibranch
ctenidia are present in different members of
the group. Many attach to the substratum
by cement or byssus (sometimes calcified),
whereas others are free living.

27.3.3 Paleoheterodonta. This group in-

cludes two subgroups: the Neotrigonia and
the Unionoida:

Neotrigonia: These are marine species

found in the Indo-Pacific region. The few
extant species are representatives of a group
that is more prominent in the fossil record.

Unionoida: These are the freshwater mus-

sels. This group includes the following fa-
milies: Unionidae, Margaritiferidae, Myceto- Figure 27.5 Bivalve feeding orientation.
podidae, Iridinidae, Hyriidae, and Etheriidae. A. Infaunal nuculid deposit feeder, B. Infaunal tellinid with sep-
The Unionoida are treated in Chapter 25. arate siphons, C. Deeply infaunal heterodont with fused siphons,
D. Epifaunal mytilid attached by byssus, E. Shallow infaunal
cuspidarid with enlarged inhalant siphon used to suck in prey, F.
27.3.4 Heterodonta. This group includes Shallow infaunal poromyid with large hood used to capture prey,
most of the familiar clams. Ctenidia are G. Boring teredinids in wood. After Coan et al. (2000).
eulamellibranchiate; the mantle margins
are well fused, and elongate siphons are present in Myidae, Corbulidae, Hiatellidae, Pholadidae, and
most. Distinctive patterns of hinge teeth and liga- Teredinidae (shipworms). Recent evidence sug-
ment characterize the different families: gests that this group is polyphyletic.

Veneroida: Most heterodonts are members of this 27.3.5 Anomalodesmata. Members of this group
order, in which hinge teeth are well developed. have siphons and many burrow into the substratum
Many veneroids are shallow to deep burrowers. though some relatively common intertidal mem-
Families include the Lucinidae, Thyasiridae, Un- bers are rock crevice nestlers; the shells are gener-
gulinidae, Carditidae, Chamidae, Galeommatidae, ally thin, and many are nacreous within. The hinge
Lasaeidae, Neoleptonidae, Cardiidae, Veneridae, teeth are inconspicuous or absent. This group also
Petricolidae, Tellinidae, Donacidae, Psammobi- includes the offshore, deepwater, carnivorous Sep-
idae, Semelidae, Solecurtidae, Solenidae, Phari- tibranchia and the strange watering pot shells, Cla-
dae, and Mactridae. Two additional families are vagellidae (Penicillus), as well as the Lyonsiidae,
Corbiculidae and Pisidiidae (Sphaeriidae), both Pandoridae, Periplomatidae, and Thraciidae.
found in freshwater (see Chapter 26).
Myoida: In this group, burrowing and boring are
characteristic ways of life; most have long siphons, Marine bivalves exploit a wide range of habitats,
and the hinge has few teeth, although some have from intertidal rocks to subtidal sands and deep-sea
large projecting chondrophores. Families include muds. Some bivalve groups burrow deeply into the
Coan and Valentich-Scott 343

sediments, and still others

bore into rock or wood.
Listed below are a variety
of collecting techniques
that can be used in the
many habitats where bi-
valves live (see Chapters 2
and 3 for additional infor-
mation on collecting).

27.4.1 Beach drift. Many

near-shore species are eas-
ily collected in beach drift,
especially after storms and
times of high wave activ-
ity. Micro species (< 5
mm) can be found in san-
dy beach drift lines, and in
shell deposits around tidal
pools and crevices along
rocky shores. Collecting
“shell gravel” and sort-
ing it under a microscope
or magnifying glass will
often reveal many micro-

27.4.2 Wood and rock.

Some bivalves burrow
into rock or wood. Rock-
dwelling bivalves, and
the nestlers that later uti-
lize their holes, can be
obtained by breaking up
Figure 27.6 Bivalve hinge types. the rock. However, col-
A. Taxodont, rows of similar, simple, interlocking teeth [Acila castrensis (Hinds,
1843), SBMNH 123586, Santa Barbara County, California, U.S.A.], B. Dyso- lectors should obtain such
dont, week teeth close to the umbones [Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819, species from rock that
SBMNH 44195, Ventura County, California, U.S.A.], C. Isodont, lateral tuber- has been broken loose by
cles and sockets [Chlamys hastata (Sowerby, II, 1842), SBMNH 23489, Orange storms and washed up on
County, California, U.S.A.], D. Heterodont, teeth usually large, including up to the beach. Intertidal areas
three cardinal teeth, lateral teeth may be present [Tivela stultorum (Mawe, 1823),
SBMNH 17616, Baja California, Mexico], E. Asthenodont, cardinal teeth usu- with suitable rocky sub-
ally absent, replaced by large chondrophores or resilifer [Mya arenaria Linnaeus, strata are far too uncom-
1758, SBMNH 49773, Bolinas Bay, Marin County, CA, U.S.A.], F. Anodont, true mon for destructive col-
teeth absent in adults, or as amorphous tubercles [Cyrtodaria kurriana Dunker, lecting techniques.
1861, SBMNH 345358, Beaufort Sea, 70º56.2’N, 153º8.4’W], G. Lithodesmo-
dont, hinge without true teeth but may have a calcareous lithodesma ventral to, and
cradling, the ligament [Policordia jeffreysi (Friele, 1879), SBMNH 345287, Arctic Wood boring teredinids
Ocean, 78º12’N, 129º58.7’E]. SBNMH = Santa Barbara Museum of Natural His- can be obtained from old
tory. After Coan et al. (2000). pilings and other wood
344 Marine bivalves

that has been submerged in the ocean. The usu- 27.5 PRESERVING AND STUDYING BI-
ally small bivalve shells may be removed by teas- VALVES
ing the wood apart, taking care not to crush the
valves. In some, wood infestation is indicated by Examination of live bivalves can yield valuable
calcium carbonate lined borings. information on the ciliary and mantle currents of
the animal. One can use the relaxation methods
27.4.3 Soft sediments. Epifaunal and shallow in- listed below and this should allow the bivalve
faunal bivalves that live in soft substrata are easily to gape open slightly. Use a single edge razor or
collected by hand with shovels, rakes or guns, and scalpel carefully to cut the adductor muscles. One
with dredges and grabs. A variety of clam guns, valve can then be carefully removed, along with
rakes, and shovels can be found at many sporting part of the mantle, giving an excellent view of the
goods stores. Clam guns (long cylindrical tubes), live animal. Carmine red stain in powder form or
in particular, allow the extraction of deep burrow- graphite dust (found at bicycle shops) placed on
ing bivalves in muddy sediments (Figure 2.1F). the ctenidia is used to observe ciliary currents un-
der a dissecting microscope or magnifying glass.
27.4.4 Dredging. Boat dredging offers the best
collection method for offshore infaunal and epi- In some benthic studies, bivalves are immediately
faunal bivalves. Skoglund (1990) gives an excel- preserved in formalin without proper relaxation.
lent overview of small boat dredging, along with While this yields acceptable hard parts for identifi-
plans for a small portable dredge. Grab samplers cation, it is difficult to examine the anatomy of the
(e.g., Smith-McIntyre, Van Veen, and Ponar) or animal, as many species “clam-up” tightly. In addi-
box corers provide another method for collecting tion, it can be difficult to open these specimens to
infaunal bivalves but require a much larger vessel observe the diagnostic hinge dentition and muscle
to take samples (see Chapter 3, Remote Bottom scars. There is no single technique for relaxing all
Sampling). species of bivalves. We have had varying results
relaxing bivalves by adding menthol crystals, mag-
27.4.5 Commercial fishing. Excellent collections nesium chloride (7% in seawater) or dilute ethyl
of small rare offshore bivalves have been obtained alcohol (approximately 3%) to native seawater un-
by sorting the stomach contents of bottom feed- til the specimens are not responsive to touch. We
ing fishes obtained from commercial fishermen. have also had success allowing cool-water species
Dragboats obtaining bottom-feeding fishes also to warm to room temperature until specimens are
occasionally obtain large, rare bivalves in their non-responsive, and similarly cooling warm-water
nets (see Chapter 2.4.5 Ex pisce Collecting and species. Members of the family Veneridae can be
Chapter 2.4.11 Commercial Fishing Boats). especially difficult to relax, and we have had to re-
sort to a combination of the above methods to relax
27.4.6 Commensal species. Other special- them properly (also see Chapter 2.5).
ized habitats for marine bivalves that are
often overlooked include those living com-
mensally (e.g., Neaeromya, Mysella, Roche-
fortia) on hermit and sand crabs, segmented
and peanut worms, or attached to other in-
vertebrates or in their burrows. Often small
bivalves are found on the abdomen and tel-
son of burrowing crustaceans. Some poly-
chaetes, such as the chimney worm Diopa-
tra cuprea (Bosc, 1802), collect small mol-
lusks, including small bivalves, to construct Figure 27.7 External structure of a typical heterodont bi-
their tubes. valve. After Coan et al. (2000).
Coan and Valentich-Scott 345

quently fragile) valves to observe details of the

hinge, pallial line and muscle scars. Depending on
the final deposition of the specimens, one of the fol-
lowing two techniques should provide acceptable
results. With either method, one must be sure to
examine the outside characters (ligament, lunule,
escutcheon, etc.) of the specimen first, as these may
be unobservable once the specimen is opened.

If there is no need to examine the soft parts of the

bivalve, the specimen can be placed in a dilute so-
lution (approximately 10% to 50%) of household
bleach (Clorox®, sodium hypochlorite) in distilled
Figure 27.8 Schematic view of adductor mussle scars.
A. Isomyarian bivalve, B. Anisomyarian bivalve, C.
water. Usually after 15 minutes for small shells,
Monomyarian bivalve. After Coan et al. (2000). longer for larger specimens, all soft tissue will
dissolve allowing easy access to the inside of the
When a specimen is nonresponsive to touch, it shell. This method destroys all soft tissue and the
can then be fixed in 5% buffered formalin (buff- periostracum.
ered by adding a handful of sodium borate [Borax]
per gallon sample, not scientific but the reality of To preserve the soft tissue and periostracum of
fieldwork). Formalin should be buffered to prevent the specimen, one can open a bivalve shell by us-
decalcification, especially of small shells that can ing a single edge razor blade. Carefully place the
very rapidly dissolve. Most bivalve specimens specimen, ventral side up, in a stiff adhesive (e.g.,
should not be allowed to remain in formalin for poster mount) or clay. Then, while carefully hold-
more than 48 hours or severe damage can occur ing the specimen with forceps, gently slice the
to the shell. Formalin is a carcinogen that should blade into the opening between the valves. With
be used only outdoors or in well-ventilated condi- small bivalves, one must accomplish this task
tions. After fixation, bivalves should be rinsed and while viewing the specimen through a dissecting
soaked in distilled water to remove any formalin microscope. While this technique takes practice,
residue. Finally, they should be placed in 80% ethyl it is possible to open specimens as small as 1 mm
alcohol for long-term preservation. If DNA studies in length with little or no damage. This method
are anticipated, formalin should not be used. In- is usually not effective with species that have a
stead, the specimens should be placed directly into heavily crenulated ventral margin.
95% alcohol, although this makes the specimens
poorer candidates for histological examination. External observations should include shell sculp-
ture, ligament (if external), beak size and orien-
If a specimen is dried (e.g., museum dry collec- tation, lunule and escutcheon (if present), and
tions), no attempt should be made to pry or cut the periostracum. Internal shell observations should
shell valves apart. Instead, the entire dried speci- include type and number of teeth, type of resilifer
men should be rehydrated in warm water. The (if present), pallial line and sinus (if present), and
valves will eventually separate without damaging adductor muscle scars.
hinge structures. This can take just a few min-
utes with small, dried specimens or several days In smaller specimens, it is often difficult to ob-
for larger material (see Chapter 5.9 for additional serve the pallial line and muscle scars. Dyeing the
comments on reconstituting dried tissue). shell in crystal violet allows easier examination of
these features. Place the specimen in a solution of
Perhaps the most difficult process in examining a crystal violet (no definite concentration, just mix
bivalve is safely opening tightly closed (and fre- a small amount maybe 3 grams in 30-50 ml of wa-
346 Marine bivalves

ter and dispense from a dropper bottle)

for approximately 15 minutes, or until
the pallial line becomes more visible.
Crystal violet stain can be removed
from the shell by soaking it in ethyl
alcohol (ethanol).

For anatomical study of preserved

specimens, one shell valve must be re-
moved to observe the body. It can be
difficult, or not possible, to remove the
tissues without damaging the shell. If
several preserved specimens are avail- Figure 27.9 Interior view of a typical heterodont bivalve shell.
able, and they are small, it is possible to After Coan et al. (2000).
decalcify the shell in 5% EDTA (ethyl-
enedinitrilotetraacetic acid). This will allow one to 27.6.3 General and Miscellaneous References.
obtain tissues with their organ systems intact. Large For information on systematics, paleontology as
histologically fixed or fresh specimens may be stud- well as some general biological topics see Haas
ied either by a vertical cut with a razor along the (1929-1955), Dechaseaux (1952), Franc (1960),
antero-posterior axis, bisecting the tissues and leav- Cox et al. (1969), Yonge and Thompson (1978),
ing one half in each valve, or by carefully severing Vokes (1980, 1990), Morton (1996), Johnston and
the connections between one valve and the mantle Haggart (1998), and Harper et al. (2000).
and adductor muscles. Small fresh material is best
relaxed (see above), and then placed in an acidic 27.7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
fixative, such as Davidson’s solution (a mixture of
glacial acetic acid, formalin, and ethanol), which We would like to than the Santa Barbara Museum
will fix the tissues while decalcifying the shell. of Natural History for permission to use the figures
in this chapter. They were originally published in
27.6 FURTHER STUDY Coan et al. (2000).

The literature dealing with the Bivalvia is vast. 27.8 LITERATURE CITED
The following are some useful references.
Carter, J. G. and R. A. Lutz. 1990. Bivalvia (Mollusca).
In: J. G. Carter, ed., Skeletal Biomineralization:
27.6.1 Identification. For identifying marine bi- Patterns, Processes and Evolutionary Trends, Vol.
valves the following books will prove helpful: II, Atlas and Index. Van Nostrand Reinhold, New
Olsson (1961), Tebble (1966), Habe (1977), Scar- York. Pp. 5-28, pls. 1-121.
lato (1981), Lamprell and Whitehead (1992), Oli- Coan, E. V., P. Valentich Scott, and F. R. Bernard. 2000.
ver (1992), Poppe and Goto (1993), Lamprell and Bivalve Seashells of Western North America; Ma-
rine Bivalve Mollusks from Arctic Alaska to Baja
Healy (1998), Coan et al. (2000), and Qi (2004). California. Santa Barbara Museum of Natural His-
Coan et al. (2000) also contains an extensive tory, Santa Barbara, California. vii + 764 pp.
listing of bivalve references by biogeographical Cox, L. R. and 24 other authors. 1969. Part N [Bival-
provinces. via], Mollusca 6, Vols. 1-3. In: R. C. Moore, ed.,
Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology. Geologi-
cal Society of America and University of Kansas,
27.6.2 Biology. For information on biological as- Lawrence, Kansas. 1224 pp.
pects of the Bivalvia see Giese and Pearse (1979), Dechaseaux, C. 1952. Classe des lamellibranches (La-
Carter and Lutz (1990), Jorgensen (1990), Morton mellibranchiata Blainville 1816). In: J. Piveteau,
(1990), Morse and Zardus (1997), Kas’ianov et al. ed., Traité de Paléontologie, Vol. 2. Masson, Paris.
(1998), and Morton et al. (1998). Pp. 220-364.
Coan and Valentich-Scott 347

Franc, A. 1960. Classe des bivalves. In: P.-P. Grassé, ed., Morton, B., R. S. Prezant, and B. Wilson. 1998. Class
Traité de Zoologie; Anatomie, Systematique, Biolo- Bivalvia. In: P. L. Beesley, G. J. B. Ross, and A.
gie, Vol. 5, Fas. 2. Masson, Paris. Pp. 1845-2133. Wells, eds., Mollusca: The Southern Synthesis.
Giese, A. C. and J. S. Pearse. 1979. Reproduction of Fauna of Australia, Vol. 5. CSIRO Publishing,
Marine Invertebrates, Vol. 5, Molluscs: Pelecy- Melbourne, Australia. Pp. 195-429.
pods and Lesser Classes. Academic Press, New Morton, B. S. 1996. The evolutionary history of the Bi-
York. xvi + 369 pp. valvia. In: J. D. Taylor, ed., Origin and Evolution-
Haas, F. 1929-1955. Bivalvia. In: H. G. Bronn, ed., Klas- ary Radiation of the Mollusca. Oxford University,
sen und Ordnungen des Tierreichs (3 - Mollusca) Oxford. Pp. 337-359.
(3 - Bivalvia) [1(1): 1-176 and 1(2): 1-292, 1 April Oliver, P. G. 1992. Bivalved seashells of the Red Sea.
1929; 1(3): 177-384, 1 March 1931; 1(4): 385-544 National Museum of Wales, Cardiff, Wales and
and 1(4-II): I-1 to I-41, 1933; 1(5): 545-704, 1 April Hemmen, Wiesbaden. 330 pp.
1934; 1(6): 705-864, 1 Dec. 1934; 1(7): 865-984 Olsson, A. A. 1961. Mollusks of the Tropical Eastern
and 1(7-II): II-1 to II-20, 31 Dec. 1935; 2(1): 1-208, Pacific, Particularly from the Southern Half of
1 Aug. 1937; 2(2): 209-466, 24 May 1938; 2(3): the Panamic-Pacific Faunal Province (Panama to
467-678, June 1941; 2(4): 679-909, 1955)]. Peru). Panamic-Pacific Pelecypoda. Paleontologi-
Habe, T. 1977. Systematics of Mollusca in Japan. Bi- cal Research Institution, Ithaca, New York. 574
valvia and Scaphopoda. Zukan-no-Hokuryukan, pp., 86 pls.
Tokyo. xiii + 372 pp. + [4] pp. errata, 72 pls. Poppe, G. T. and Y. Goto. 1993. European Seashells. Vol.
Harper, E. M., J. D. Taylor, and J. A. Crame. 2000. The II (Scaphopoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda). Hemmen,
Evolutionary Biology of the Bivalvia. Geological Wiesbaden, Germany. 221 pp., 32 pls.
Society of London Special Publication 177: i-vii, Qi Zhongyan, ed. 2004. Seashells of China. China Oce-
1- 494 pp. an Press, Beijing. viii + 418 pp. 193 plates. [Cov-
Johnston, P. A. and J. W. Haggart, eds. 1998. Bivalves: ers 605 bivalve species].
An Eon of Evolution. University of Alberta, Alber- Scarlato, O. A. 1981. Dvustvorchatye Molliuski Ume-
ta, Canada. xiv + 461 pp. Rennykh Shirot Zapadnoi Chasti Tikhogo Okeana.
Jorgensen, C. B. 1990. Bivalve Filter Feeding: Hydrody- [Bivalve Mollusks of the Temperate Latitudes of
namics, Bioenergetics, Physiology and Ecology. Ol- the Western Part of the Pacific Ocean]. Akademiia
sen & Olsen, Fredensborg, Denmark. vi + 140 pp. Nauk SSSR, Zoologicheskii Institut, Opredeliteli
Kas’ianov, V. L., G. A. Kriuchkova, V. A. Kulikova, and po Faune SSSR 126: 480 pp., 64 pls.
L. A. Medvedeva, edited by D. L. Pawson. 1998. Skoglund, P. 1990. Small boat dredging. Festivus 22:
Larvae of Marine Bivalves and Echinoderms. 106-109.
Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, Tebble, N. 1966. British Bivalve Seashells. A Handbook
D.C. viii + 288 pp. for Identification. British Museum (Natural His-
Lamprell, K. L. and J. M. Healy. 1998. Bivalves of Aus- tory), London. 212 pp., 12 pls.
tralia, Vol. 2. Backhuys, Leiden. 288 pp. Vokes, H. E. 1980. Genera of the Bivalvia: A Systematic
Lamprell, K. L. and T. Whitehead. 1992. Bivalves of and Bibliographic Catalogue (revised and updat-
Australia, Vol. 1. Crawford House, Bathurst, New ed). Paleontological Research Institution, Ithaca,
South Wales. xiii + 182 pp. New York. xxvii + 307 pp [see also Vokes, 1990].
Morse, M. P. and J. D. Zardus. 1997. Bivalvia. In: F. W. Vokes, H. E. 1990. Genera of the Bivalvia: A systematic
Harrison and A. J. Kohn, eds., Microscopic Anat- and bibliographic catalogue - addenda and errata.
omy of Invertebrates 6A (II). Wiley-Liss, New Tulane Studies in Geology and Paleontology 23:
York. Pp. 7-118. 97-120.
Morton, B., ed. 1990. Proceedings of a Memorial Sym- Yonge, C. M. and T. E. Thompson, organizers. 1978.
posium in Honour of Sir Charles Maurice Yonge Evolutionary systematics of bivalve mollusks.
(1899-1986), Edinburgh, 1986. Hong Kong Uni- Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
versity, Hong Kong. viii + 355 pp. London (B) 284: 199-436.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


28.1 INTRODUCTION Mollusks can deteriorate from poor environmen-

tal conditions such as incorrect temperature, sa-
[This chapter originally appeared as Winner linity, diet, and pollution, both in the field and in
(1993). It was adapted and expanded by the junior an aquarium. I have seen at Oyster Pond on the
author.] Bahamian island of Eleuthera at least two species
that are reduced in size, presumably due to envi-
Any aquarist can tell you how delightful it is to ob- ronmental conditions.
serve marine animals. What prompted me to write
down my observations was an article published in Collecting living mollusks has made it possible for
Hawaiian Shell News quite a number of years ago, me to observe egg-laying habits. These behaviors
stating that information was needed by malacolo- captured my interest to the point that I gathered
gists regarding the diet and behavior of mollusks. enough material to photograph and write two field
I thought at that time that I could help in this way. guides (Winner 1985, 1991). Years of watching
I have spoken to shell collectors about interesting snails spawn in the aquarium have convinced me that
happenings that have taken place in their aquaria, most gastropods seek a smooth surface on which to
and I have encouraged them to write them down. lay eggs. They generally spawn on the sides of the
This chapter might stir you to do the same. aquarium making it convenient to collect, photo-
graph and observe them under a microscope.
Remember that the habits of a mollusk in the field
can differ from the habits observed in an aquarium, Mollusks may behave differently in the field and
particularly concerning diet. Aquarists that keep in- in the aquarium. For example, Melongena corona
vertebrates must sometimes guess what they prefer (Gmelin, 1791), whose eggs are found on rocks,
to eat. It is often a trial and error situation. Littoral laid them on the glass in my aquarium. Marginel-
species such as periwinkles may stay above the wa- lids normally lay eggs on clam shells or on other
ter line. If so, it is necessary to splash water on them egg masses, yet in the aquarium the eggs are laid
from time to time. Intertidal species such as chitons on the sides of the glass. Nassarius obsoletus (Say,
that are exposed to low and high tides and confined 1822) when they spawned, it was always on the
to rocks will not always stay below the water line glass of my aquarium. Where do they lay eggs in
in an aquarium. Species that hide under rocks at the field?
low tide but are less confined to rocks will climb
from time to time above the water line. Species that Some species that I observed in the field were not
consistently live below the water can take days to particular about where they spawn. Eggs could
several weeks to adjust to an aquarium. The larger be found on empty bottles, tin cans, plastic bags,
the animal, the longer it takes to adjust. Those mol- wood, or whatever was convenient at the time of
lusks found in deeper waters may require aquaria egg laying. Nevertheless, in the aquarium, these
with more sophisticated equipment. same species laid eggs on the glass.
350 The marine aquarium

My most frequent collecting areas were the beach- as well as feeding habits, and I have often been
es at Phil Foster Park, and Peanut Island, both in successful.
Riviera Beach, Florida. Other much less frequent-
ly collected areas throughout the years were Mar- 28.2.1 Water. In preparing water for your aquar-
co Island and Sanibel Island, Florida. I recorded ium, you must consider several factors. The pH
many activities, such as what they ate, when and of the water should be in the range of 8-8.4. The
how the food was eaten, and any unusual behavior specific gravity of the water should be from 1.02-
they performed. Much remains unknown about 1.03, lower for brackish water species, higher for
these animals. If you are interested in maintaining ocean dwellers. You can measure specific gravity
an aquarium and studying mollusks, please record easily with a hydrometer. The water should be
your observations and consider publishing them. low in nitrates, have a calcium concentration of
The amateur malacologist can make significant 400-450 parts per million, and have an alkalinity
contributions to the understanding of the behav- of 2.5-3.5 milliequivalents per liter. Finally, there
ior, feeding habits, and development of mollusks. should be no copper ions as these are toxic to ma-
rine invertebrates. Though this balancing act may
28.2 AQUARIA seem daunting, most pet stores sell simple kits to
test water quality. You do not need to be an ana-
The marine and freshwater aquaria that I kept for lytical chemist to maintain a salt-water aquarium.
years are not the typical ones that you see in pet
stores or those that most people keep as a hobby. If you live by the ocean, getting water is easy. You
Mine were strictly for study and I was not con- have but to walk down to the shore with a bucket
cerned whether they were attractive or not. I never or bottle and collect some water. You can prob-
used artificial plants and other aquarium decora- ably use the water without testing it, especially
tions. if it is from an area that is supporting a healthy
community of organisms and seems to be unpol-
My marine aquaria had sand bottoms, simulating luted. If you do not live near the shore, you must
the invertebrate environment as much as possible. obtain salt water by other means. There are for-
Critters that are sand dwellers prefer the sandy bot- mulae to follow to make salt water (Jones 1972:
tom to store-bought gravel. I would collect sand 471, Presnell and Schreibman 1997: 466). These
from the beach at low tide, wash it until it was are fairly involved requiring you to mix many dif-
clean, and placed it not less than four inches (100 ferent salts and trace elements. On the other hand,
mm) deep in the aquarium. Sand collected at the you can take the easy way out and purchase a salt
beach has a coating of algae and bacteria which mix. These can be obtained at most pet stores and
helps to maintain a more realistic environment. At all you need to do is add the required amount of
times, I would filter salt water for critters I might water.
be raising in petri dishes. I never was concerned
about heating my aquarium or trying to keep it at If you maintain an aquarium for a period of time,
an even temperature. As I mentioned previously, I some of the water will evaporate. You should not
tried to simulate the animals’ environment, and in replace evaporated water from a salt-water tank
its natural setting, the temperature varied. with salt water. If you do, you will raise the sa-
linity, and over time, the water will become too
In some of my large aquaria, I had various in- salty to support life. Evaporated water should be
vertebrate species, and in others, I kept only one replaced with distilled or de-ionized water.
species. The aquaria with multiple species are
fun to watch. You can see who gets along with In general, larger tanks are easier to maintain. The
whom, who eats whom, and who eats what. The larger volume of water and chemicals tend to buf-
reason for having only one species in an aquari- fer changes better than in a smaller tank. However,
um was in the hope that I could view egg laying you do not want to use a tank that is so large that
Winner and Sturm 351

you have difficulty finding your shells. The tank An important thing to remember is that the small-
should be well lit but avoid direct sunlight. Make er the aquarium, the easier it is to foul by giving
sure that you do not put too much food in the tank, your animals too much food. Be sure to remove
as it will eventually degrade the quality of the wa- uneaten food as soon as your mollusks have fin-
ter. Adding too much food is a larger concern for ished eating, in both the mini- and larger aquaria.
smaller tanks as there is a smaller margin of error
than in a larger tank. Put in just enough food to 28.2.4 Food. Mollusks may be herbivores, car-
feed your specimens and remove the excess. Fi- nivores, or omnivores. I found that some species
nally, you will need to filter and aerate the water. reported to be herbivores turned out to be omnivo-
rous, that is, they can eat plants or animals. Raw
28.2.2 Plants. The plants in an aquarium help to shrimp was the most convenient food to feed car-
recycle animal waste products. I kept living plants nivores. It can be purchased in pet shops, or col-
in my marine aquarium, and if the animal I col- lected in the field by dragging a hand net along the
lected was found on a plant, I brought both it and bottom in grassy areas. If you collect more than
the plant home. It is sometimes difficult to keep you need they can be frozen for future use.
plants alive. Those that are found in the shallows
do best in the aquarium. I discovered that some Bivalves such as the common Chione cancellata
plants had to be replaced frequently. You will have (Linnaeus, 1767) are also a good source of food
to experiment with different plants to see which and can be collected at low tide. One of the easiest
do best for you. A little exposure to sunlight is a to collect is the coquina clam (Donax variabilis
help and if possible, keep aquariums close to but Say, 1822). They can be found on the beaches in
not directly in sunlight. Algal buildup is a clue some areas, and some people make a clam broth
that your tank is receiving too much light. from them. Store-purchased clams can also be
used. Any of these can be frozen and used when
28.2.3 Rocks. In my aquaria, the rocks I used needed.
were carefully chosen at low tide. I prefer smooth
rocks because those with crevices may hide mi- Small crabs are an excellent food source and can
croscopic crab larvae that grow quickly. Suddenly be collected by snorkeling in the shallows where
your specimens start to disappear; everything the they are found under rocks and can be scooped
crabs capture, they eat. I have had this happen to up with a net. Store-purchased crabs can also be
me several times and finally discovered how the used, cut into small portions, and the balance fro-
crabs had entered my aquaria. In one aquarium, zen. My objection to crabs is that they can foul
I had some tiny newly hatched fish that I had your aquarium very easily. The shells do not dis-
caught with a net. I also had a small crab. This solve and so must be removed.
crab perched itself on a rock and when a tiny fish
went by, it quickly grabbed it with its claw. An as- One of the errors often made in feeding mollusks
tonishing feat! Having fish in an invertebrate tank is “overfeeding.” I cannot emphasize this enough.
works well. It seems to improve the chemical bal- Overfeeding pollutes the water and can very eas-
ance of the water, both fresh and marine. ily kill your specimens. It must be remembered
that these small mollusks eat very tiny bits of
If you do not want to deal with an aquarium, and food, and it is not necessary to feed them daily. It
are still interested in observing small mollusks, I is sufficient to feed them every few days and this
suggest shallow, wide-mouthed containers or jars lessens the chance of fouling the water. Remem-
with a layer of good clean sand. An occasional ber that they rarely die of starvation. This trial and
blast of air pumped in the mini containers is all error situation is both challenging and fun. Com-
that is required. A small pump purchased in an mercial foods for invertebrates can be bought in
aquarium shop can take care of several containers pet shops, and you might want to try them. I pre-
at one time. ferred to feed them natural sea life that they would
352 The marine aquarium

ordinarily find in the field so that I could see ex- of the bivalve and anchors the bivalve to the sub-
actly what they like to eat. There are exceptions strate. In the process of transporting them to the
to daily feedings. The herbivorous Notarchidae petri dish, they became detached from the thread.
(side-gilled slugs) ate all day and all night in my Sometime later when I looked at them again I
aquarium. I had to release them because almost was surprised to see that they had again attached
daily I had to go to the Intracoastal Waterway to themselves to the dish with this fine thread. Some
get algae. One species in particular, having no of the other corbulids had attached themselves to
food, ate its own eggs. the threads of other corbulids so that they were
anchored with the same bits of stone and broken
When planning on setting up an aquarium, speak shells. These little shells had a white foot to propel
to other aquarists. If there are none that you know, themselves around. They lived in my miniature
strike up a conversation with someone at the pet tank for a while.
supply store. While they may not have experience
in maintaining mollusks, the principles are simi- 28.3.2 Janthina globosa Swainson, 1822 [Elon-
lar to those for tropical fish. For more information gate Janthina]. There are about four species of
regarding maintaining an aquarium, see Skomal Janthina in Florida, and all are commonly called
(1997), Tullock (1998), and Tunze (1999). the “purple snail.” These pelagic violet snails are
blown onto beaches after a storm. It was after one
28.2.5 Permits and conservation. When collect- of these storms that I was able to collect several of
ing specimens, you will need to consider whether a them alive from Riviera Beach, Florida. I also col-
collecting permit is required. Information on agen- lected living Velella velella (Linnaeus, 1758) [By-
cies that grant permits will be found in Chapter 31. the-Wind-Sailor, a cnidarian, see Chapter 29.2.4],
on which Janthina feed.
When collecting, try not to collect more specimens
than you need for your project. Also, when you are Whenever I stirred the water in the aquarium and
finished studying the specimens you should con- the By-the-Wind-Sailors neared the J. globosa,
sider if the specimens need to be kept as voucher the snails would catch the Velella with their pro-
specimens or if they can be released. If you are podium and begin to eat it, an interesting event
keeping the animals as voucher specimens, you to watch. By-the-Wind-Sailors have a chambered
will find the narcotization techniques mentioned pneumatophore (float) and a sail extending above
in Chapter 2.5 useful. If you are returning the the surface of the water. The Janthina forms a
animals to their native habitat, you should return “bubble float” which is created with air cells by
them to where they were collected or as close to means of viscous mucus. When blown ashore they
there as possible. are doomed to die, as they cannot crawl back to
the sea.
28.3.3 Polinices lacteus (Guikling, 1834) [Milk
28.3.1 Corbula contracta Say, 1822 [Contracted Moonsnail]. My writing and slide presentations
Corbula]. Using a hand dredge at Little Munion about this snail received much attention from mal-
Island in Lake Worth, Florida, I found several of acologists. Looking into my aquarium one day, I
these gray, quarter-inch (6 mm) bivalves. They are discovered a naticid in the center of a grooved
shallow burrowers and both valves are about the circle. I watched this sand dweller crawl below
same size except that the posterior ventral margin the sand and disappear, but then I noticed the sand
of one valve overlaps the edge of the other. They was moving at the center of the grooved circle.
produce a fine rubbery, gelatinous thread, called a Emerging from the edge of the circle was the be-
byssus, which is almost an inch (25 mm) long and ginning of a sand collar (the egg case for Polin-
has tiny bits of stone and broken shells attached ices). The snail worked feverishly for twenty min-
to it. The thread extends from the center and edge utes to push it completely above the sand. During
Winner and Sturm 353

this period, it appeared twice, perhaps to see if the from the west coast of Florida and placed them in
collar was completely out. The collar, composed a one-gallon (4 liter) aquarium by themselves. I
of sand, consisted of three whorls. It was soft to found that they would eat clams, oysters, mussels,
the touch when first laid, but became firm and crabs, shrimps, fish, and almost any other animal
slippery within three hours. Another twenty-four tissue. Shrimp were their main diet, and after many
hours later, the collar had lost its slick texture. months in captivity, I was able to feed them pieces
of shrimp by hand. I would take a M. corona out
These sand collars and those of other species of of the aquarium, hold it by its shell in one hand,
naticids were often found at Phil Foster Park, Riv- and with my other hand feed it shrimp. However, if
iera Beach, Florida. The gelatinous matter that the my hand accidentally touched the animal, it would
eggs are embedded in picks up the grains of sand. In withdraw into its shell immediately. They are inter-
this particular species, the snail picks up the coarse esting to watch and make good pets.
grains of sand. Thus, the texture of the sand col-
lar is rougher than that of Neverita duplicata (Say, Egg capsules were laid on the glass of the aquarium.
1822) or Naticarius canrena (Linnaeus, 1758), al- The female required almost an hour to release one
though they are found in the same area. The weight capsule. I observed an unusual behavior while a fe-
of the eggs and gelatinous matter causes the differ- male was laying her capsules. Another one climbed
ence. Sand collars never fail to amaze the people upon her back, extended its proboscis completely
who find them on the beaches at low tide. around each side of her, (I never realized how much
the proboscis could stretch), then over each egg
28.3.4 Ficus communis Röding, 1798 [Atlantic capsule that she had laid, starting with the one fur-
Figsnail]. A four-inch shell that I collected for my thest away. When its proboscis reached the egg she
aquarium would not eat and I surely thought that was in the process of expelling, the second conch
it would die. I applied the same method that I used then pushed its proboscis in and out and completely
to persuade Pleuroploca gigantea (Kiener, 1840) around the capsule that was still in her gonopore
to eat. I placed a piece of fresh-dead shrimp under with such force that it turned the proboscis red with
its proboscis and it soon extended its radula and each insertion, and finally forced the egg com-
ate the shrimp. I had to do this a few times before pletely out of the gonopore. When the capsule was
it started eating on its own. released, they both fell to the bottom of the aquari-
um. It appeared as if the animal was helping her to
Probably all gastropods will eventually eat on release the egg; I cannot even imagine why. This
their own, but I believe that coaxing helps them to happened almost every time a capsule was being
eat sooner. When I placed this shell in the aquar- released. In researching this species, I was not able
ium with a P. gigantea, I was disheartened to see to find anything regarding this episode though it
that P. gigantea ate it. Ficus communis has been might be activity relating to fertilization.
reported from shallow subtidal waters to depths
beyond 3,000 meters. I found M. corona and its egg capsules to be very
hardy. On one of my trips to Sarasota, Florida, I
28.3.5 Cymatium labiosum (Wood, 1828) [Lip found large egg capsules at low tide (larger ani-
Triton]. On Sept. 4, 1981, I captured a specimen mals produce larger egg capsules) and placed
that had a chipped lip, and by September 15th the them in a plastic bag. Days later, I ran across the
lip was completely repaired, a total of eleven days. plastic bag that I had forgotten to take care of, and
As with Cymatium nicobaricum (Röding, 1798), I decided to wash them as they were covered with
was not lucky enough to see it eat. C. labiosum mud. After cleaning these egg capsules, I placed
did not do well in my aquarium. one under the microscope and was surprised to
find that there was still movement in the capsules.
28.3.6 Melongena corona (Gmelin, 1791) [Crown I could see veligers swimming around; they had
Conch]. I collected seven small Melongena corona survived in the plastic bag with no air or water.
354 The marine aquarium

28.3.7 Nassarius vibex (Say, 1822) [Bruised from tan to almost brown in color. The following
Nassa]. Having kept a crab trap in the saltwater day the animal began to turn from white to light
Earman River, North Palm Beach, Florida, I often tan. At thirty-four days, the apex of the shell be-
found that the bait in the trap would be covered gan to turn tan, and ten days after that, the entire
with mud dwelling nassariids. I collected them for shell turned brown. At thirty-six days, the animal
my aquarium from time to time. I never saw them changed from a very light tan to pink. To my dis-
crawling around and so I thought that they were appointment, the animal died on day 51 and I was
beneath the sand. One day I headed for the dock unable to record how long it takes the animal to
from my apartment by way of the patio, which turn red.
faces the water. I was bare footed. I felt something
under my foot and stooped to pick it up, it was a Besides this juvenile, I had several other Leuco-
nassariid. I found others, all near the patio screen zonia nassa in my aquarium. I found them to be
door. It was apparent that they had crawled out of carnivores and bivalves were their favorite food.
the aquarium, across the carpet and out to the patio. They do not drill holes in bivalves as some snails
They were dead, as they were unable to crawl out do, but pry them open with their foot. I have seen
the door to the water. I repeatedly placed nassariids two L. nassa pull a bivalve apart. They also ate cut
in the aquarium to observe this behavior, and each shrimp, and like almost all snails, ate at night.
time they would climb out and head for the water.
The distance traveled by these snails was 18 feet (6 28.3.9 Fasciolaria tulipa (Linnaeus, 1758) [True
m). It appears they have a homing instinct. Tulip]. Tulip shells are quite active in the aquari-
um. They have been reported as aggressive carni-
When food was placed in the tank, they would vores, and my observations are as follows: I saw
scurry out of the sand quickly in search of the a Fasciolaria tulipa capture a limpet by holding
food using their strong sense of smell. Nassarius the limpet’s shell with its foot, the fleshy part of
is a scavenger and will help to keep an aquarium the limpet was away from the tulip’s foot. It then
clean. It can and will eat almost any organic ma- extended its proboscis between the limpet’s shell
terial placed in the aquarium. Its proboscis has and the animal, turning the limpet slowly around a
a sucking action that allows it to cling tightly to few millimeters at a time. These movements were
food even when food is lifted out of the water. convulsive and each time it turned the limpet,
fluid was exuded. Actually, what it was doing was
28.3.8 Leucozonia nassa (Gmelin, 1791) [Chest- cutting the animal away from its shell, and when it
nut Latirus]. These are shallow-water snails and was completely released, it began to eat it.
can be collected from tide pools. The shell is
brown and the animal is red. Having raised one I placed another limpet with its fleshy side ex-
from an egg to a juvenile, I found that both shell posed on the bottom of the aquarium. The F. tulipa
and animal go through interesting color changes. turned it over in order to grab it by its shell. It then
proceeded to loosen the animal away from its shell
Having watched a set of egg capsules carefully with its proboscis as it had previously, and when
for weeks, I decided to remove an egg from its it was completely released from its shell, feasted
capsule at twenty-eight days. It had already devel- on it. F. tulipa must be carefully watched, as it is a
oped a shell with three whorls while in the cap- carnivore and will eat other invertebrates that are
sule. The apex and second whorl were a beauti- placed in the aquarium.
ful brilliant red, the third was a transparent tan,
and the aperture was light brown. Two eyes could 28.3.10 Prunum apicinum (Menke, 1828) [Com-
be seen through the thin tan shell, and the animal mon Atlantic Marginella]. This little snail, to
possessed a white foot. At thirty-two days, the me, is the most interesting of all snails to observe,
apex turned from red to white, the second whorl particularly in their eating habits. I observed them
was still red, and the third (the body whorl) turned for more than five years, starting with twelve mar-
Winner and Sturm 355

ginellids and eventually ending with more than in the aquarium, it opened quickly giving the mar-
eighty as a result of mating in the tank. They are a ginellids an opportunity to attack it. The following
hardy species and extremely easy to breed. I had day I saw the clam was almost closed and that the
one aquarium just for marginellids. siphon of a marginellid was extending out of the
clam. I thought that the marginellid was trapped
These carnivorous sand dwellers rise from below inside the clam. I decided to cut the clam’s muscle
the sand to forage. When given pieces of food, a to allow it to remain open, and when I did, out
snail will crawl over it, hesitate, then hold the food came four more marginellids.
with its foot, continue on, and then carry it below
the sand. This is a peculiar sight to see as a large On another occasion, I cracked a living Bulla
lump is formed at the end of the foot, sometimes striata Bruguière, 1792 to see if they would eat
larger than the snail itself. If the food is too mas- it, and eat it they did, while it was still alive in
sive for one snail to carry, several will engage in a its cracked shell. I cracked a Cerithium litteratum
feast above the sand. They eat most anything that (Born, 1778), and it too was consumed while it
is alive, freshly dead, or frozen. I was never able was still alive. Limpets were defenseless and easy
to detect whether they had a preference for one prey for the marginellids, as the animal is com-
type of food over another, with the exception of pletely exposed on one side. I crushed small fresh
one particular bivalve that they will not eat, which crabs that they pounced upon, and in short order,
is mentioned below. left empty crab shells.

They were fed bivalves such as Donax variabi- Another interesting occurrence took place when
lis, Chione cancellata, store-bought Mercenaria I placed an Oliva sayana Ravenel, 1834 into the
mercenaria (Linnaeus, 1758), and many other aquarium. Before it could crawl below the sand,
species. The one bivalve that they would not eat one of the marginellids climbed on it and grabbed
is Lucina pensylvanica (Linnaeus, 1758). I pre- its propodium, the anteriormost section of its foot.
sented the marginellids with these lucinid clams The olive went berserk! It tried to go below the
several times and even opened a clam for them, sand but could not. It tried to move forward but
but it was rejected. When I withheld food from made little progress. It swayed from side to side,
them, they ultimately ate a very small portion of desperately trying to rid itself of the marginellid.
lucinid, most likely out of extreme hunger. Then other marginellids started to climb on it. The
first marginellid never did let go and finally all the
I observed marginellids carrying Donax variabi- other marginellids viciously ganged up on it and
lis, a bivalve larger than itself, below the sand. An began to eat the olive with gusto. The marginel-
odd observation was when one took a D. varia- lids won the battle. This olive was more than two
bilis to the top of the aquarium, wedged it to the inches (50 mm) in length.
side of the glass with its foot and, holding it in this
manner, proceeded to eat it. When it had its fill of Adult marginellids have a thick outer lip with four
the clam, it crawled away leaving the clam still brown spots, two in the center and one on each end.
attached to the glass. D. variabilis were collected The body whorl has three diffuse brown bands. By
from Sanibel Island, and placed in my freezer raising this species, I discovered that occasionally
in North Palm Beach so that food was available some had developed thin shells, some lacked the
whenever needed. brown body whorl, and some were more slender
than others were. There were some lighter in color
On one occasion, I placed a large store-bought and some darker, yet a common resemblance al-
Mercenaria mercenaria clam, more than two ways existed although there was variation. Juve-
inches in diameter, in the aquarium with the inten- niles do not resemble the adults; their shells are
tions of opening it later. The clam had been out of transparent so that the attractive white and black
the water for some time, so that when I placed it tissue is seen through their lucid shells.
356 The marine aquarium

Although there were rocks and plants in the aquar- survive for long. According to the literature, they
ium, they chose to lay eggs on the glass and other eat polychaete worms.
smooth surfaces. The average number of eggs in a
cluster was five to eight. I discovered that the eggs 28.3.12 Bulla striata Bruguière, 1792 [Striated
were laid in communal fashion and a cluster of Bubble]. To find these sand dwellers, I snorkeled
eggs would be right next to other clusters of eggs. at low tide, probing the sand with my fingers all
One day as I was cleaning out the debris from the around spaghetti-like egg masses that were at-
bottom of the aquarium, I picked up a small clear tached to seagrass. Using this technique, I collect-
plastic tube that was lying on the bottom. It mea- ed several for my aquarium, in order to observe
sured a quarter of an inch (6 mm) in diameter and their activities and feeding habits. Seldom did I
three inches (75 mm) long. I counted seventy-two find them above the sand.
egg capsules on this plastic tube.
A large meal can prevent a snail from completely
One particular group of egg capsules that I had withdrawing into its shell and occasionally one
carefully observed for days all hatched except for could be found in the field in this state. Now and
one. While activity was always visible in the trans- then, this would happen in the aquarium with
parent capsules, this last remaining one showed body extending from the shell so that they were
no activity for several days. I decided to remove it unable to crawl around or go below the sand. This
from the glass so that I could observe it under the creates a tempting meal for crabs because the snail
microscope. When I punctured the capsule, to my is exposed and cannot protect itself.
astonishment this inactive juvenile scurried away
swiftly and happily. I delivered a baby marginellid. In the aquarium, as in the field, they were seldom
seen during the day, coming out only at night to
28.3.11 Hydatina physis (Linnaeus, 1758) [Brown- feed. If there was no seagrass or algae to eat, they
Lined Paperbubble]. This taxon is sometimes would eat shrimp, showing evidence that they are
known in Florida as Hydatina vesicaria (Lightfoot, omnivores. They possess a radula (rasp-like organ
1786). In twenty-two years of snorkeling at Phil equipped with teeth), as well as grinding gizzard
Foster Park, Riviera Beach, Florida, I never found plates to process food. After feasting, they re-
or heard of anyone finding this species in the area. turned below the sand.
I was flabbergasted when I found a colony at, of all
places, the swimming beach on 2 May 1983. These bubble shells laid egg strings in the aquari-
um at night and I would assume they do the same
I saw fifteen damaged shells, two badly crushed. in the field. They are quite common in the intra-
There were two living individuals with broken coastal waters near Peanut Island and Phil Foster
lips. One had a part of its foot cut off, possibly by Park, near Riviera Beach, Florida, so I was able to
a crab or fish. I counted 35 egg masses of various observe them for several years.
sizes, with the attachment strings of the ribbons
firmly attached into the sand. The shells varied in The snails are extremely timid and non-aggressive.
size, as did the egg masses, so I assume that the They will not attack another animal. Feeding them
size of the egg ribbon corresponds with the size by hand was not possible. Their eyes are deeply
of the snail. set in their head, a characteristic of snails that bur-
row in the sand. They exude immense amounts of
I took the two with broken lips home to observe mucus that sand particles adhere to, thus can look
in my aquarium, and on the following day, they like part of the sandy environment. The colors of
laid eggs in an upside down position. They died both the animal and the shells are shades of mot-
twenty-four hours after egg laying. Others with tled black and brown. The colors blend well with
whom I have spoken, who have had H. physis in the environment and the animal can go unnoticed
their aquarium, have told me that the snails did not while it grazes algae off the rocks.
Winner and Sturm 357

28.3.13 Haminoea elegans (J. E. Gray, 1825) the aquarium and several times, I observed them
[Elegant Glassy Bubble]. In May 1984 while eating their own eggs.
snorkeling in Lake Worth, Florida, I came across
a colony of H. elegans. I collected eighteen to take 28.4 LITERATURE CITED
home so I could observe their activities. I placed
them in a tank by themselves. A few days later, Jones, G. E. 1972. Table 62-Artificial seawater. In: P.
I was surprised to see my one-gallon aquarium L. Altman and D. S. Dittmer, eds., Biology Data
Book, Vol. 1, 2nd Ed. Federation of American So-
filled with white, ribboned egg masses. They had cieties for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Mary-
laid eggs in a communal fashion on the glass of land. Pp. 471-472.
the aquarium. They died shortly afterwards, al- Pressnell, J. K. and M. P. Schreibman. 1997. Humanson’s
though I had supplied them with algae. Animal Tissue Techniques, 5th Ed. John Hopkins Uni-
versity Press, Baltimore, Maryland. xix + 572 pp.
Skomal, G. 1997. Setting up a Saltwater Aquarium: An
28.3.14 Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy and Owner’s Guide to a Happy, Healthy Pet. Howell
Gaimard, 1825) [Longtail Seahare]. These little Book House, Simon & Schuster Macmillan Com-
seahares, averaging two inches in size, were found pany, New York. 126 pp.
in the field with Bursatella leachii pleii Rang, Tullock, J. H. 1998. Your First Marine Aquarium. Bar-
1828 [Ragged Seahare], and I originally thought ron’s Educational Series, Inc. Hauppauge, New
York. 79 pp.
them to be juvenile Bursatella. I took home a few, Tunze, A. 1999. Saltwater Aquarium. Barron’s Educa-
less than an inch (25 mm) in size, for study. When tional Series, Inc., Hauppauge, New York. 65 pp.
I looked at one under the microscope, I was sur- Winner, B. E. 1985. A Field Guide to Molluscan Spawn,
prised to find its true identity. This is a very at- Vol. I. E. B. M. Publications, North Palm Beach,
tractive animal, with thin black stripes on a pale Florida. 139 pp.
Winner, B. E. 1991. A Field Guide to Molluscan Spawn,
yellow background and iridescent round blue Vol. II. E. B. M. Publications, North Palm Beach,
spots surrounded by an orange border. They ate Florida. 94 pp.
algae and were easy to maintain in the aquarium. Winner, B. E. 1993. Life Styles of the Seashells. E. B. M.
Thin brown eggstrings were laid on the glass of Publications, North Palm Beach, Florida. 61 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


29.1 INTRODUCTION seum staff, university students, and children have

enthusiastically and keenly catalogued inverte-
For any invertebrate zoologist, reading the zoolog- brate specimens found throughout the world. In
ical verses by the great zoologist Walter Garstang spite of this, our knowledge of the taxonomy of
(1951) may prove to be a rich and profound expe- marine organisms, and more so of marine inver-
rience. To me it was a point of departure for what tebrates, is far from complete as most of them are
would become a fascination with marine inverte- hidden from our sight in an environment inhospi-
brates, and especially mollusks. The field of in- table to humans (Winston 1999).
vertebrate zoology is vast, and invertebrates play
a major and vital role in most ecological systems. Marine invertebrates have adapted to a variety of
Even though undergraduate and graduate courses different living conditions; from rocky shorelines,
in invertebrate zoology have remained popular in flat pavements, sharp-edged rocks or cliffs, down
colleges and universities, it appears that the avail- to a sandy shore, flourishing coral reefs, or estu-
ability of existing invertebrate taxonomists spe- aries where mud mixes with sand. Invertebrates
cializing either in a few taxa or in the fauna of a exhibit a remarkable diversity of form and habit.
limited geographic area has continued to decline There is something special about each marine
(Winston 1988, 1999). For many groups of other invertebrate animal and how it interacts with its
more obscure organisms, there simply may not be habitat. Generally, with the exception of certain
a systematist available. taxa (e.g., flatworms, nemerteans, sipunculans,
and echiurans), the diversity of invertebrates is
The predominance of invertebrates in virtually ev- usually manifest in external morphology, not in
ery imaginable environment on Earth is certainly the minute detail of internal systems.
unquestionable. Most of the 250,000 marine spe-
cies described so far are known from shallow Contrary to popular opinion, all invertebrates pos-
depths (intertidal and oceanic continental shelf) sess a skeleton system, even soft-bodied types.
and well-studied coasts (Barnes and Hughes Aquatic or soil dwelling soft-bodied invertebrates
1982). It is reassuring to know that the explora- may possess a type of skeleton referred to as a
tion of new regions and habitats can still result in hydrostatic skeleton. Organisms with hydrostatic
a large number of invertebrate species being dis- skeletons do not have solid supportive skeletons,
covered and described. Spectacular body patterns, but rather an incompressible fluid in which muscles
peculiar shapes, and bright colors of most marine exert pressure to serve functions in locomotion.
invertebrates provide an inexhaustible opportunity Earthworms, for example, possess hydrostatic skel-
for specialization, with some collectors becoming etons. Other types of skeletons are present in hard-
taxonomic authorities on certain groups (Winston bodied marine invertebrates, which may possess
1999). For centuries, naturalists, collectors, mu- internal (endoskeleton) or external (exoskeleton)
360 Shell-forming marine organisms

skeletons that exhibit a variety of morphologies as they relate to adult lifestyles, and (4) evolution
and functions. Both types usually have organic and and phylogenetic relationships. The reader should
inorganic components. Invertebrate skeletons may consult a general invertebrate zoology textbook to
be of the non-articulating type as in the complex become familiar with the taxonomic hierarchy of
rigid tests of sea urchins and sand dollars, or of the animals presented in this chapter. Some may
the articulating type such as in the exoskeleton of consider invertebrate zoology textbooks and labo-
arthropods. In mollusks, the hard outer shells can ratory manuals too detailed in their taxonomic de-
be articulating either as in bivalves or a rigid one- scriptions, but on a positive note, such books em-
piece shell as in gastropods. In the broadest sense, phasize the diversity of form and function among
environmental pressures have greatly shaped all invertebrates and often acknowledge the evolution
aspects of molluscan shell formation from overall of these groups. One such book is by Buchsbaum
appearance to the smallest details of strength, et al. (1987), Animals Without Backbones.
structure, and color. The calcareous molluscan shell
represents one very widespread way of building 29.2. TAXONOMIC GROUPS
an external skeleton (Vermeij 1993). Considering
that calcium carbonate, or limestone, is a good 29.2.1 Protozoa. Under certain classification
material for a skeleton due to its resistance to cor- schemes, protozoans are no longer considered
rosion, it is not surprising that similar structures animals and reside in a different kingdom, the
are found in marine invertebrates belonging to Protista. In this group, mineralized microorgan-
different phyla. isms, known as Foraminifera (forams), are a
large and ecologically important group that typi-
The present chapter is intended as an introduction cally has shells (tests) of organic, agglutinate, or
to those marine invertebrates that shell collectors rarely siliceous material (Figure 29.1). The test is
are most likely to encounter during shell collect- usually microscopic and has a variety of shapes.
ing trips and may, consequently, be misidentified Some forams may have a series of chambers of
as being mollusks or molluscan in origin. The ma- increasing size, with a main aperture in the larg-
jority of the external morphological descriptions est chamber. Shells of certain planktonic forams
included below are based on my own observa- occur in such high numbers that the tests of dead
tions of mostly live specimens or of specimens individuals sinking to the bottom provide a major
from my private collection from the west and east and important contribution to marine sediments.
coasts of North America, the Hawaiian Islands, Large stretches of the ocean floor are covered by
and the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. I include foraminiferan ooze. Such sediments are restricted
descriptions of calcareous algae, foraminiferans to depths shallower than about 3,000 to 4,000 m,
(mineralized protozoa), coralline sponges, stony as calcium carbonate dissolves under high pres-
and soft corals, tube-dwelling polychaetes, lamp- sure.
shells (brachiopods), barnacles, mud shrimps, sea
urchins, and other echinoderms as they all possess Shell enthusiasts are turning to collecting sand
structures composed partly or fully of calcium samples to search for the dead shells of new and
carbonate. I also include crustaceans and other ar- often spectacular species. Collectors of micro-
thropods, even though a completely different form mollusks sorting through sand with the aid of a dis-
of exoskeleton characterizes them. secting microscope ought to be aware of forams,
as they can at times constitute a large component
This chapter is certainly not conceived to be a com- in marine sediments. Most forams with calcareous
prehensive manual that addresses nearly all taxa. multi-chambered shells range from 5 to 300 µm
I recommend Brusca and Brusca (1990) for more and are easily identified. Some forams are visible
in-depth factual information on (1) functional to the naked eye. Many forams, including benthic
body architecture, (2) gross internal anatomy, (3) forms, have coiling tests that could at times be
developmental patterns and life history strategies mistaken for an odd-looking snail.
Gutierrez 361

growths several millimeters in diameter at the

base of corals. Homotrema rubrum is so common
in Bermuda that their skeletons are responsible
for the island’s famous pink beaches. An excellent
picture of this foram can be found on the Internet at

29.2.2 Calcareous algae. Some marine species of

calcareous (coralline) algae deposit calcium car-
bonate in their tissues as they grow. The coralline
green alga Halimeda (Figure 29.2) deposits cal-
cium carbonate within a thin layer of live green
tissue on the outside. The body (thallus) consists
of numerous segments and when the tissue dies
the segments separate. Calcareous accumulation
in the body discourages grazers such as fish, sea
urchins, and others from eating it. The remnants
of Halimeda are important to the formation of
coral reefs, as they accumulate as white small
disks (about 4 mm diameter), spherical, or tear-
shaped beads, and are often encrusted by other
organisms such as sponges and sea mosses (also
called bryozoans). Encrusting coralline red algae

Figure 29.1 Protozoa.

A. Trochammina sp. (Protozoa: Foraminifera), 0.3 mm.
B. Hantkenina sp. (Protozoa: Foraminifera), 0.5 mm.

In some parts of the world, foraminiferan oozes

of some species are many meters thick and have
been mined as gravel used in walkways and roads,
as in the Island of Bali. Most of the stones used to
build the great pyramids of Egypt are foraminif-
eran in origin (Murray 1973). Some of the world’s
chalk, limestone, and marble are composed large-
ly of calcareous foraminiferan tests. In the tropics, Figure 29.2 Alga.
the foraminiferan Homotrema rubrum (Lamarck, Thallus and root system of the calcareous green alga
1816) forms bright, red, and round calcareous Halimeda sp. (Chlorophyta: Halimedaceae), 100 mm.
362 Shell-forming marine organisms

[e.g., Porolithon gardinieri (Foslie) Foslie, 1909, and to tubular forms that may reach large sizes.
Lithothamnion spp., Hydrolithon spp.] grow on Sponges are often referred to as fouling organ-
hard substrates such as dead coral fragments, and isms. Sponges can encrust rocks or dead corals or
are known to deposit considerable amounts of create thin channels through calcium carbonate of
calcium carbonate. They usually grow over sedi- corals or snail shells. For example, Clione lima-
ments as it builds up on dead corals, cementing cine (Phillips, 1774), a species of boring sponge,
the sediment in place, or form loose nodules that bore into coral or snail shells by making holes
roll with the surf. Live coralline algae never have about 1 mm diameter in shells. Other sponges
polyps like stony corals do. Dead encrusting algae like the Venus’-flower-basket [Euplectella spe-
often resembles coral rubble with no visible holes ciosa (Quoy and Gaimard, 1833)] live anchored
of any kind, and has a smooth appearance. Due to in deep-water sediments and are characterized by
this smooth appearance and its calcium carbon- fused glass spicules forming a lace-like skeleton.
ate look, it would be easy to mistake any piece For coralline sponges, or sclerosponges, a calci-
of rubble with encrusting coralline alga as being um carbonate skeleton forms beneath the body of
molluscan in origin as the algae would be devoid the sponge, which contains siliceous spicules and
of pigmentation and appear shelly. spongin [e.g., Ceratoporella nicholsoni (Hickson,
1911)]. They are inhabitants of overhangs and
29.2.3 Porifera. Porifera (sponges), which are occur in caves in tropical reef areas and can be
mostly marine, live as filter feeders attached to distinguished from corals by the smoother appear-
hard substrates, and can adopt a variety of shapes ance of the external surfaces and the presence of
and sizes due to the structural support of trans- many holes (Figure 29.3). These holes allow the
parent siliceous or opaque calcareous spicules. passage of seawater through the live sponge.
Shapes can vary from round masses, to branching,
29.2.4 Cnidaria. The phylum Cnidaria com-
prises jellyfishes, sea anemones, stony corals,
precious corals, and sea fans. The basic cni-
darian life cycle alternates between two adult
body forms, the polyp (Figure 29.4A) and the
medusa. Polyps are sessile while medusae
are free-swimming. Many cnidarians such as
anemones, stony corals, and soft corals, have
lost the medusa stage and exist only as polyps.
Solitary and colonial stony corals secrete skel-
etons of calcareous material, the latter form-
ing coral reefs in shallow tropical seas with
the aid of symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae). On
the contrary, the hard skeleton of precious cor-
als and sea fans are made mostly of a flexible
horny protein and contribute little to reef for-
mation. Corals sold as souvenirs in aquarium
and shell shops are in fact the skeletons of live
corals whose living polyps have been removed.
Jellyfishes and allies still retain both life cycle
forms, and do not ordinarily form calcareous
Figure 29.3 Porifera.
This specimen is a figure of an unidentified member of
Porifera: Calcarea, the calcareous sponges. Average size of Sea anemones are solitary polyps that usually
calcareous sponges is 4-10 cm. do not secrete skeletons; however, some spe-
Gutierrez 363

Figure 29.4 Cnidaria.

A. Cross section of an individual coral polyp belonging to a reef-forming species, showing feeding tentacles (Cni-
daria: Anthrozoa), approximately 0.5 mm. B. Dead calcareous skeleton of Fungia sp., a non-reef forming solitary
coral (Cnidaria: Anthrozoa), 70 mm in length. C. The branching calcareous skeleton of a hypothetical hydrocoral
(Cnidaria: Hydrozoa), 75 mm.

cies are known to produce calcareous structures Fire corals, which are not true corals, may also
(Dunn et al. 1980). Cloak anemones of the genus form large calcareous exoskeletons that are coral-
Adamsia (e.g., Adamsia sociabilis Verrill, 1882) like, distinguishable from stony corals by having
exhibit an extreme case of mutualism that results skeletons covered with pinholes and lacking indi-
in the formation of a flexible anemone shell that vidual cups and raised rims. The common name
can be mistakenly described and classified as flex- fire coral is a tribute to their very strong stinging
ible gastropod shells. Initially, cloak anemones cells when alive. Two kinds of fire corals are com-
wrap themselves around small gastropod shells monly known, the milleporine and stylasterine
occupied by hermit crabs and the pedal disc se- hydrocorals (Figure 29.4C).
cretes a chitinous cuticle over the shell, often dis-
solving the original gastropod shell over time. The Like true corals, millepore hydrocorals (e.g., Mil-
anemone simply grows to provide the hermit crab lepora alcicornis Linnaeus, 1758) may assume
with a living protective cnidarian shell (carcinoe- a great variety of shapes from massive to stony
cium), that is flexible and coiled. The hydrozoan encrustations, but usually form a flattened, erect,
colony Janaria mirabilis Stechow, 1921 secretes or laterally extended colony on top of reefs. The
a shell-like casing inhabited by hermit crabs that milleporinid exoskeletons are mustard-yellow
resembles the structure formed by Hippoporidra to brown with white tips or edges. They have a
calcarea (Smitt, 1873) (a bryozoan). These ‘odd’ characteristic pattern of small perforations of two
shells can be mistakenly described and classified sizes, large holes that house the feeding polyps,
as gastropod shells. surrounded by a circle of smaller holes that house
defensive polyps. Occasionally, the surface of the
Stony corals are anemone-like polyps that are dis- millepore skeleton has rounded bumps covered by
tributed in all tropical and sub-tropical oceans. In lacy openings. These lacy openings overlie pits
stony corals, the colony of polyps forms delicate called ampullae, in which the sexual individuals
to massive calcareous (aragonite) exoskeletons of the colony reside.
perforated by pores of one size. They can be rec-
ognized not only by their minute monomorphic Stylasterine hydrocorals also form erect or en-
(one type) individual cups with raised rims but crusting calcareous skeletons that are often bright-
also by their internal spaces that are divided radi- ly colored (purple, red, or yellow). A definite pat-
ally by thin ridges. Dried pieces of coral skeletons tern of small holes of two sizes is visible. Usu-
are often found on the beach shore. ally there is a single star-shaped pit that has one
364 Shell-forming marine organisms

or more prominent projections towards the edges. eton consists of elongated septa running from the
Each of the points of the star is also a pit, but shal- center of the polyp towards the edge. On the upper
lower than the center, and may or may not contain side, the skeleton has septal teeth and on the lower
projections called dactylostyles. Lacy openings side, it has costal spines. The calcareous skeleton
are scattered on the skeleton and are usually cov- of these corals could be mistaken for being mol-
ered by a prominent hemispherical roof. luscan in origin.

Two additional examples of soft corals that pro- 29.2.5 Bryozoa. Bryozoa, or sea mosses, are colo-
duce calcium carbonate skeletons are the blue cor- nial invertebrates that secrete delicate skeletons of
als and pipe organ corals. Blue corals include the a variety of shapes on seaweed, rocks, shells, and
single genus Heliopora and usually form calcare- other surfaces (Figure 29.5). The colonies may be
ous skeletons from encrusting to branching forms encrusting or take the form of tufts of crusty lace.
in coral reefs in the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Other bryozoans may take more unconventional
Two distinguishing characteristics of Heliopora shapes. An unusual bryozoan is the Texas Long-
are that the surface of the calcareous skeleton is horn, the skeletal structure built by a colony of
perforated by hollow cylinders of two sizes, and bryozoans of the genus Hippoporidra. This skel-
that iron salts are responsible for the amazing blue eton looks like two straight long horns pointing in
color of this coral. This coral also lacks individual opposite directions that arise from a coiling spi-
cups and raised rims. Pipe organ corals are also ral in the middle. In the middle, this curiosity of
found in the Indo-Pacific [e.g., Tubipora musica nature houses a small hermit crab [Pylopagurus
(Linnaeus, 1758)], as well as in the Atlantic and corallinus (Benedict, 1892)]. Hippoporidra sp.
Pacific coasts [e.g., Clavularia modesta (Verrill, has a granulated surface with erected little cups,
1874)]. Tubipora musica has large green polyps with round openings, that are found periodically
and a red skeleton. The skeleton forms an encrust- on the skeleton. Specimens have been found at 64
ing sheet or network of vertical hollow tubes pe- m deep in the North Atlantic Ocean, off the east
riodically fused together by horizontal plates. The coast of Florida. Similar structures with additional
polyps are located in the hollow vertical tubes, ornamentation are secreted by Hippoporidra edax
which may resemble the entwining network of (Busk, 1859). For pictures of these amazing skele-
vermetid snails.

This is a good section to men-

tion scleractinian corals like the
unusual genus Fungia (Figure
29.4B) and other solitary corals
(Cycloseris spp.). These corals are
non-reef forming (i.e., aherma-
typic) and are often found leading
solitary existences, and like an-
other hermatypic corals, utilize
the energy produced by symbiotic
algae. The majority of fungiids
are solitary corals, but colonies of
individuals are also found. In this
family, which is distributed from
the west coast of Central America
through the whole Indo-Pacific to Figure 29.5 Bryozoa.
the Red Sea and as far south as A. Bryozoan polyp, approximately 0.5-1 mm. B. Bryozoan colony, ap-
South Africa, the calcareous skel- proximately 10 cm.
Gutierrez 365

tons please visit June Dawley’s website at <www.> or a web site by RMIT
University at <

29.2.6 Annelida. Almost all segmented marine

worms (annelids, phylum Annelida) are polychaetes
and occupy a great variety of habitats. In compari-
son to other annelids, polychaetes have high spe-
cies diversity and many different body morpholo-
gies. Some polychaetes build and live in a variety
of tubes. Two families of polychaetes, the serpu-
lids [e.g., Serpula vermicularis Linnaeus, 1767
and Spirobranchus giganteus (Pallas, 1766)] and
spirorbids (e.g., Spirorbis bifurcates Knight-Jones
1978)] produce calcium carbonate tubes (Figure
29.6), which are cemented on rocks and other hard
surfaces. Polychaete tubes are secreted by a pair
of large glands near the base of the worm’s crown.
These tubes are sometimes misidentified as tubes
belonging to small vermetid snails.

In general, tubes from vermetid snails are cal- Figure 29.7 Sipuncula.
careous, three-layered tubes, with the inner layer A worm from the Phylum Sipuncula, commonly known
being glossy. There may be a spiral protoconch as peanut worms. They range in size from 10-60 mm.
present. Often there is a spiral (appears longitudi-
nal) or a cancellate pattern to the shell’s surface.
Polychaetes build two-layered tubes of unadorned
mud, sand, or parchment (often decorated with
sand, shell fragments, algae, or hydroids) or of
hardened calcium carbonate. A live vermetid snail
will often have an operculum at the opening of
the tube, whereas a tube-dwelling polychaete may
have a funnel shaped operculum that arises from a
modified radiole (Keen 1961, ten Hove 1994).

As tube dwelling polychaetes, both serpulids and

spirorbids bear a tentacular crown, as in feather
duster worms, in addition to a funnel-shaped oper-
culum that can be pulled into the end of the small
calcareous tube when the worm withdraws. Serpu-
lids form moderately straight tubes whereas spi-
rorbids form tubes that coil to the right (dextral or
right-handed) or left (sinistral or left-handed). In
Figure 29.6 Annelida. Hawaii, sea frost that occurs in tide pools, deeper
A live spirorbid polychaete (Annelida: Polychaeta) show-
ing a dextrally coiled calcareous tube, feeding crown, reefs, and on harbor pilings is actually masses of
and, operculum that closes the shell. The spiral shell is white intertwining tubes of the serpulid Salmacina
approximately 4 mm in diameter. dysteri (Huxley, 1855) (Hoover 1998).
366 Shell-forming marine organisms

29.2.7 Sipuncula. Sipuncula, which are exclusive- us rotundicauda (Latreille, 1802)]. All four spe-
ly marine, are often called peanut worms. Peanut cies are similar in terms of ecology, morphology,
worms commonly bury their soft, nonsegmented and serology. Horseshoe crabs are not true crabs.
bodies in muddy sediments, hard calcareous sub- They inhabit shallow marine waters, generally on
strata, or drifting wood. Some sipunculids can sandy bottoms where they crawl or burrow just
also inhabit abandoned gastropod shells and poly- beneath the surface, preying on clams and other
chaete tubes. Any amateur shell collector ought small soft-bottom invertebrates. Horseshoe crabs
to be aware of the existence of peanut worms as do not have a discrete head. The carapace (head
they could be mistaken for a shelled mollusk if and thorax) is horseshoe-shaped and is fused to
residing inside an empty gastropod micro-shell the abdomen at the end of which there is a large
or for an aplacophoran (non-shelled mollusk, see spike-like tail (telson).
Chapter 16). However, peanut worms have a sau-
sage-shaped body that is sometimes covered by Members of the class Crustacea (e.g., barnacles,
a well-developed cuticle often bearing papillae, mussel shrimps, beach hoppers, fish lice, fairy
warts, or spines (Figure 29.7). Peanut worms also shrimps, krill, shrimps, crabs, and lobsters) are
have an elongated tentacle (introvert) that can be morphologically diverse and have adapted for life
retracted into the remaining portion of the body. in water, with most species living in the ocean.
It is when the introvert is retracted and the body Crustaceans possess appendages specialized for
is turgid that some resemble a peanut, hence the feeding, crawling, and swimming. The chitinous
vernacular name. skeleton of crustaceans is further mineralized by
the deposition of calcium carbonate in the outer
29.2.8 Arthropoda. The spectacular radiation of ar- layers of the cuticle. The joints are very flexible
thropods (phylum Arthropoda) is recognized in the and the cuticle at the joints is much reduced and
huge variety of animals that has invaded all types unhardened.
of environments. Crustaceans, insects, and the ex-
tinct trilobites are arthropods. A characteristic of ar- For many years in the early 1800s, barnacles were
thropods is that they have an external, jointed, and classified with mollusks, because heavy calcare-
rigid body covering composed of a cuticle made of ous shell plates usually enclose their bodies. Louis
chitin and protein produced by the epidermis. The Agassiz (born 1807-died 1873) described a barna-
exoskeleton provides support and maintenance of cle as “a little shrimp-like animal standing on its
body shape besides acting as a protective covering head in a limestone house and kicking food into its
against physical injury and physiological stress. mouth” (in Hoover 1998). Barnacles are abundant
The hard cuticle, which is inflexible except at the suspension feeders that usually attach to hard sub-
joints, imposes limitations on growth and size. As strates in shallow marine waters around the world.
they grow, arthropods periodically shed or molt the Some have specifically adapted to live attached
old exoskeleton and deposit a new larger one. Molt- to floating objects such as seaweeds, driftwood,
ing is regulated by hormones and occurs in such a and nektonic marine animals (e.g., whales and sea
way that the old cuticle splits and the animal can turtles), while others are often found on shells and
wriggle free and pull itself out. exoskeletons of various errant invertebrates (e.g.,
crabs and gastropods). Barnacles can be grouped
Horseshoe crabs (Figure 29.8A) are regarded as as gooseneck and acorn barnacles, parasitic, bor-
living fossils and are widely represented in the ing, benthic crawlers, burrowers, or planktonic.
fossil record. Only four species of modern horse- This chapter discusses goose and acorn barnacles
shoe crabs are known, one in the Gulf of Mexico only as they are most common and are most often
and along the Atlantic coasts [Limulus polyphemus encountered by mollusk collectors out in the field.
(Linnaeus, 1758)], while the other three occur in Other types of barnacles, which are less ubiquitous
Southeast Asia [Tachypleus gigas (Müller, 1785), and less likely to be encountered by the amateur
T. tridentatus (Leach, 1819), and Carcinoscorpi- shell collector, are not covered in this chapter.
Gutierrez 367

Figure 29.8 Arthropoda.

A. Dorsal view of Limulus, a horseshoe crab (Arthropoda: Merostomata) common in the Gulf of Mexico, 50 cm in
length. B. Side view of a live gooseneck barnacle of the genus Lepas (Arthropoda: Maxillopoda) showing feeding
tentacles, bivalved plates and a fleshy stalk called the peduncle, 100 mm. C. Dorsal view of a live acorn barnacle
(Arthropoda: Maxillopoda) showing complete skeletal plates and feeding tentacles, 25 mm. D. Side view of an
ostracod (Arthropoda: Ostracoda), a bivalved crustacean, 0.1-3 mm. E. Dorsal view of the molt of a decapod crab
(Arthropoda: Malacostraca), 75 mm.

In gooseneck barnacles (Figure 29.8B), the body is often drift the seas worldwide on the underside of
divided into two regions, one covered by calcium ships, and on flotsam and jetsam.
carbonate valves and the other a fleshy stalk called
the peduncle. Both regions can vary among spe- Conversely, acorn barnacles (Figure 29.8C) are
cies. For example, in Pollicipes pollicipes (Gme- completely enclosed by a rigid calcareous shell on
lin, 1790) and in Pollicipes polymerus Sowerby, top of which are four shell plates that open and
1833 the peduncle is often covered with a number close to allow the feathery filtering appendages to
of small calcareous scales, and in the goose bar- feed. The rigid shell is composed of a series of cal-
nacle Lepas anserifera Linnaeus, 1767, the stalk cium carbonate plates strongly appressed to each
may reach up to 7-10 cm long. Stalked barnacles other, appearing fused. The plates can be smooth,
368 Shell-forming marine organisms

slightly ribbed vertically, and colorfully marked. crab, even its eyes and mouthparts, are discarded
Some species of barnacles that attach to the skin after molting and are frequently found on shore-
and teeth of various groups of whales are host spe- lines. In some male crabs, the abdomen is visible
cific, attaching only to whales; other barnacles are as a flat V-shaped plate but in females, it is ex-
more versatile and are also found attached to sea panded and U-shaped.
turtles. For example, Cryptolepas rhachianecti,
Dall, 1872 occurs exclusively on the gray whale Hermit crabs are abundant members of the inter-
whereas Coronula diadema (Linnaeus, 1787) tidal fauna around the world. Most hermit crabs
occurs on several species of whales. Turtle bar- usually hide their long, soft, and asymmetrical
nacles of the genus Chelonibia [e.g., Chelonibia abdomen in empty gastropod shells of all sizes
testudinaria (Linnaeus, 1787), Chelonibia caretta or other empty houses not of their own making.
(Spengler, 1790)] usually attach to many animals, These little crabs coil their tails inside the empty
but in Hawaii, it specializes on the Green Turtle shells and hold on from within with their special-
Chelonia mydas (Linnaeus, 1758). ized last pair of legs. Hermit crabs rapidly retreat
into the shell when threatened or disturbed. Some
Seed shrimp or mussel shrimp are small crusta- cover their borrowed shells with sea anemones or
ceans also known as ostracods (Ostracoda). They sponges. The coconut crab of the tropical Pacific
range in size from 0.1 to 3 mm in length and their and Indian oceans (Birgus latro Linnaeus, 1767)
exoskeletons resemble the shells of small bi- is the largest land-dwelling hermit crab. Adults do
valve mollusks (Figure 29.8D). Mussel shrimps not use shells because their abdomen is leathery
are common benthic inhabitants of freshwater and tough, only small young coconut crabs inhabit
and marine habitats. Two valves that are hinged shells.
dorsally enclose the animal, and are variously
hardened with deposited calcium carbonate. The 29.2.9 Brachiopoda. At first sight, lampshells
body lacks segmentation and has a maximum of (phylum Brachiopoda) may be easily confused
two appendages behind the head. Depending on with bivalve mollusks, and at one point, brachio-
the habitat, the outer surfaces
of the valves may be smooth
or variously sculpted. The ex-
treme delicate shells of mus-
sel shrimps are easily recog-
nized by the lack of concentric
growth rings found in bivalve

In vernacular terms, nearly

every decapod crustacean may
be recognized as some sort of
crab, hermit crab, shrimp, or
lobster. Decapods (Decapoda)
feature five pairs of walk-
ing legs, and the first pair is
modified into pincers for ob-
taining food (Figure 29.8E). Figure 29.9 Brachiopoda - Bivalvia Symmetry.
Brachiopods (image on left) show bilateral symmetry along a dorsal-ventral plane
Most decapods are known to that divides the shell into right and left mirror images as seen in Kraussina rubra
be scavengers. Old decapod (Pallas, 1776) [Brachiopoda: Articulata], 27mm dorsal-ventral length. Bivalvia
exoskeletons that covered the (image on right) generally show bilateral symmetry between the two valves as
entire external surface of the seen in Venus verrucosa Linnaeus, 1758 [Mollusca, Bivalvia], 40 mm width.
Gutierrez 369

pods were allied with mollusks. This view was and can be attached to one another posteriorly by
held until late in the nineteenth century. There a tooth-and-socket hinge (articulate lampshells,
are approximately 335 living marine species, Figure 29.9) or simply by muscles (inarticulate
with most adult animals measuring from 4 to 6 lampshells, Figure 29.10).
cm. They thrive on practically every continen-
tal shelf and have been recorded from nearly all The majority of brachiopods in modern seas be-
oceanic depths. Lampshells are solitary animals long to a group known as articulate lampshells
that inhabit burrows in loose sand or are directly [e.g., Kraussina rubra (Pallas, 1776), Figure
cemented to the substratum by a fleshy pedicle. 29.9]. Their shells are composed of scleropro-
The pedicle is an outgrowth of the body wall aris- tein and calcium carbonate. The two valves are
ing from the posterior area of the ventral or larger unequal in size and posteriorly attached to one
valve (usually uppermost in the living animal). another by a tooth and socket hinge. Inarticulate
Brachiopods resemble bivalve mollusks because lampshells (e.g., Glottidia and Lingula, Figure
the body is enclosed within a pair of external bi- 29.10) have valves of organic composition that
valve shells. The shell contains the visceral or- may consist of interleaved layers of chitin and
gans and an extensive crown of hollow, ciliated calcium phosphate or low magnesium calcium
tentacles surrounding the mouth (the lophophore). carbonate. The anterior body region consists of
Brachiopod shells are oriented dorso-ventrally, two shells of equal size strongly held together
and frequently bear perforations and spines, while by muscles (unhinged), and the posterior body
bivalves have lateral valves. consists of the long, fleshy pedicle. Inarticulate
brachiopods are common in some near-shore
An important dif- habitats of the Gulf of Mexico.
ference between
bivalves and bra- 29.2.10 Echinodermata. Sea urchins, sand dol-
chiopods is that lars, sea biscuits, heart urchins, sea stars, and sea
the shells in bi- cucumbers are all grouped as the phylum Echino-
valves are typi- dermata (Figure 29.11). Echinoderms are widely
cally hinged to- distributed in all oceans at all depths and display
gether dorsally by many modifications of the echinoderm body plan.
an elastic ligament It is in urchins and sand dollars (class Echinoi-
and shell-teeth. dea) that the internal skeleton forms a rigid test
The bivalve body composed of crystals of calcium carbonate with
is enclosed by two the individual plates tightly bound to each other in
valves of similar most species. The empty tests of these animals are
size, between one seen more often than the living animals.
valve oriented to
the right and the Sea urchins (Figure 29.11A) graze and live on the
other valve ori- sea bottom or solid surfaces, and move by means
ented to the left of tube feet and movable spines. The solid tests
thus showing bi- of sea urchins are composed primarily of cal-
lateral symmetry. cium carbonate in the form of calcite, with trace
The brachiopod amounts of magnesium carbonate. Sea urchin
Figure 29.10 Brachiopoda body is enclosed tests may be globose, or round to ovoid. A live
Side view of the inarticulate between a pair of sea urchin has hundreds of tube feet and movable
brachiopod Lingula sp. show-
dorso-ventrally spines that can usually be long to short, slender
ing calcareous valves and a
fleshy pedicle. (Brachiopoda: oriented valves, sharp spines (e.g., the Long-Spined urchin Diade-
Inarticulata). The valves are which are usually ma paucispina Agassiz, 1863), club-like [e.g., the
25 mm long. unequal in size Red Pencil urchin Heterocentrotus mammillatus
370 Shell-forming marine organisms

below the surface, or par-

tially burrowing by keep-
ing the posterior part of
the body extended at an
angle above the surface.
Heart urchins, sea bis-
cuits, and sand dollars do
not have round tests as
sea urchins do, and the
movable spines are usu-
ally short and hair-like.
These echinoderms have
adapted to live on the bot-
tom by having flattened
bodies. The ovoid or
somewhat elongated tests
of heart urchins typically
have a sunken portion on
the frontal part and some-
what resemble the shape
of a heart. Sand dollars
(Figure 29.11B) burrow
and crawl in clean sands.
Their flat tests are thin
and have a little hole near
the center of the body on
the bottom (oral surface).
In heart urchins and sand
Figure 29.11 Echinodermata
dollars, the upper surface
A. Aboral view of a sea urchin’s test with spines and tissue removed showing 20
individual rows of plates fused into a solid piece. (Echinodermata: Echinoidea), 7.5 of the tests displays five
cm. B. Aboral view of the dead skeleton of a sand dollar with the 5 distinguishing beautiful petaloid marks
petaloid marks. (Echinodermata: Echinoidea), 10 cm. C. Dorsal view of a brittle star with double holes form-
(Echinodermata: Ophiuroidea), 15 cm. ing a distinctive pattern.
Specialized tube feet pro-
(Linnaeus, 1758), or massive blunt ones (e.g., the truded through these pores when the animal was
Ten-Lined urchin Eucidaris metularia (Lamarck, alive. Sand dollars are conspicuous animals on
1816)]. The test is composed of fused plates that sandy bottoms along the southern United States
can be easily seen if the urchin is cleaned of spines and the Caribbean [e.g., Mellita quinquiesperfo-
and tissue. Twenty vertical rows that are symmet- rata (Leske, 1778)].
rical are arranged around a top-bottom (i.e., oral-
aboral) axis. In each test are two types of alter- 29.3 FLOTSAM AND JETSAM
nating plates, those with two rows of tiny double
holes on each side and those without. All plates Sometimes you will be collecting and come across
have numerous bumps of different sizes where the items that may resemble mollusks but are not mol-
spines articulate on ball and socket joints. lusks. Above were delineated several groups of
invertebrates that might cause confusion. In addi-
Other echinoderms inhabit soft sediments, either tion, there are several other items that bear men-
living on the surface, completely burrowing well tioning.
Gutierrez 371

The first items are pieces of plastic, especially 29.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

Styrofoam packing particles. Some of these su-
perficially resemble the valves of a bivalve mol- I extend special thanks to Jennifer Dreyer and
lusk. Others may resemble gastropods. If they Amanda E. Zimmerman for their outstanding art-
have been floating around for a while, they may be work. Ms. Dreyer completed Figures 29.2, 4, 6, 8,
covered with other marine growth and this cam- 10, and 11 while Ms. Zimmerman drew Figures
ouflage may make them more difficult to identify. 29.1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. I thank two anonymous review-
Encrusted pieces of plastic straw and tubing might ers for their invaluable comments on this manu-
be mistaken for vermetid gastropods. script and Dr. Thomas Dix for lending me bryozoan
specimens. I am grateful to Dr. Charles Sturm for
Another item is the shell of nuts such as the pis- providing comments, advice, and patience.
tachio. These may be mistaken for bivalves. Sea
beans, floating nuts of several different types of 29.6 LITERATURE CITED
plants, may also be mistaken for bivalves.
Barnes, R. S. K. and R. N. Hughes. 1982. An Introduction
to Marine Ecology. Blackwell, London. 351 pp.
Sometimes fossils will wash up on shore and some Brusca, R. C. and G. J. Brusca. 1990. Invertebrates. Sin-
of these may be mistaken for mollusks. Some auer Associates, Inc., Sunderland. 922 pp.
people believe that the ear bone from cetaceans Buchsbaum, R., M. Buchsbaum, J. Pearse, and V. Pearse.
superficially resembles a cowry shell of the genus 1987. Animals Without Backbones, 3rd Ed. Univer-
sity of Chicago Press, Chicago. 527 pp.
Cypraea. Dunn, D. F., D. M. Devaney, and B. Roth. 1980. Stylo-
bates: A shell forming sea anemone (Coelenterata,
If you find something that is strange and cannot Anthozoa, Actiniaria). Pacific Science 34: 379-388.
be identified, it is often wise to carry it out and Garstang, W. 1951. Larval Forms and Other Zoological
determine what it is later. Verses. Basil Blackwell, Oxford. 98 pp. [Reprinted
in 1985 by the University of Chicago Press].
Hoover, J. P. 1998. Hawai’i’s Sea Creatures: A Guide to
29.4 CONCLUSIONS Hawai’i’s Marine Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing,
Honolulu. 366 pp.
Marine invertebrate animals exist in enormous va- Keen, A. M. 1961. A proposed reclassification of the
riety and in habitats such as sand and rubble bot- gastropod family Vermetidae. Bulletin of the British
Museum (Natural History) Zoology 7: 183-213.
toms, tide pools, brackish pools, mangroves, and Murray, J. W. 1973. Distribution and Ecology of Living
shallow reef flats. To an invertebrate zoologist, Benthic Foraminiferids. Crane, Rusak, and Com-
more often than not, discovering the dead skeleton pany. New York. 274 pp.
of a marine invertebrate or a shell of a gastropod ten Hove, H. A. 1994. The dualistic relation between
in any of such habitats may be a noteworthy ex- molluscs and serpulid tube-worms. In: M, Coomans-
Eustatia, R. Moolenbeek, W. Los, and P. Prins, eds.,
perience. For the amateur shell collector, it may De Horen en Zijn Echo. Stichting Libri Antilliani, Zo-
mean an unfamiliar shell suitable to add to his/her ologisch Museum Amsterdam. Zoologisch Museum
collection or, perhaps, the misidentification of a Amsterdam, Amsterdam, pp. 65-70. [In English].
calcareous structure. I hope that this introduction Vermeij, G. 1993. A Natural History of Shells. Princeton
of marine invertebrates that produce calcareous University Press, Princeton, New Jersey. 216 pp.
Winston, J. E. 1988. The systematists’ perspective. Mem-
skeletal components will be both instructive and oirs of the California Academy of Sciences 13: 1-6.
enjoyable. The above descriptions should give Winston, J. E. 1999. Describing Species, Practical
you a sense of which other organisms produce Taxonomic Procedure for Biologists. Columbia
calcareous structures. University Press, New York. 512 pp.
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


30.1 INTRODUCTION rivers, and streams. An understanding of their bi-

ology, longevity, ecology, and behavior is critical
The rivers, streams, and lakes of North America to establishing their role as valuable water quality
historically were home to a very diverse freshwater indicator organisms. We have observed some of
molluscan fauna containing approximately 1019 the more amazing features of their biology only
species (Tables 30.1-3). This fauna reached its within the last few years, a time of rapidly declining
greatest diversity in the southeastern U.S.A. (Neves freshwater molluscan species populations.
et al. 1997). To be able to understand fully the
current state of the fauna we have first to establish Unionoid bivalves are unique among the rep-
the early historic levels of freshwater molluscan resentatives of the Class Bivalvia in having an
diversity. The description and illustration of this obligate parasitic life stage on the gills or fins of
fauna began with the illustration of unionid shells a host fish and in one case the external gills of the
from Virginia by Martin Lister in 1685. However, mudpuppy (Necturus). We know the host fishes for
Thomas Say was the first American biologist to only a small percentage of the unionoid species
examine and publish descriptions of new species of North America (Watters 1994). A good over-
of freshwater mollusks of North America. Say was view of the larval forms of Unionoida has been
followed by Rafinesque, Barnes, Conrad, Lea, provided by Wächtler et al. (2001). Mechanisms
Tryon, Simpson, Baker, Frierson, and Haas to pres- for the dispersal of the glochidia by the female
ent only a few of the actors. Parmalee and Bogan onto host fish ranges from releasing the glochidia
(1998) provide a short history of the development of as a cloud as a potential host fish swims past to
the taxonomy of the Unionoida in North America. some remarkable strategies involving mimicry.
Burch (1989) provides the most recent overview Gravid females in the genus Lampsilis typically
and introduction to the freshwater gastropod clas- develop mantle extensions ventral and posterior
sification. Today, we recognize about 344 taxa of to the incurrent aperture. These extended mantle
freshwater unionoid bivalves (Table 30.2) and 675 structures are in the shape of a small fish, usually
taxa of freshwater gastropods based initially on minnows (Cyprinidae) or darters (Percidae) and
Turgeon et al. (1998) but supplemented with taxa are pigmented to resemble fish, including distinct
from the recent papers of R. Hershler and F.G. eyespots, dorsal and caudal fins with character-
Thompson (Table 30.3).
Table 30.1 Freshwater molluscan diversity in North
30.2 UNIONOIDA America north of Mexico.

Gastropods Bivalves Total

Freshwater bivalves in the two families Unioni-
dae and Margaritiferidae are the largest aquatic Families 14 5 19
invertebrates in North America and represent a Genera 94 57 151
Species 675 344 1,019
major portion of the invertebrate biomass in lakes,
374 Conservation and extinction

Table 30.2 Diversity of North American freshwater Table 30.3 Diversity of North American freshwater
bivalves. gastropods.

Family Genera Species Family Genera Species

Margaritiferidae 2 5 Acroloxidae 1 1
Unionidae 48 295 Ampulariidae 2 4
Dreissenidae 2 3 Ancylidae 4 13
Corbiculidae 1 2 Bithyniidae 1 1
Sphaeriidae 4 39 Hydrobiidae 43 298
Total 57 344 Lymnaeidae 10 58
Neritidae 1 1
Physidae 4 43
Planorbidae 12 47
istic movements (Kraemer 1970). These mantle Pleuroceridae 7 160
modifications mimic fish and are presumed to Pomatiopsidae 1 6
act as lures for piscivorous fish, which also act Thiaridae 2 3
as host species for the glochidia of these species. Valvatidae 1 11
These lures apparently entice the potential host Viviparidae 5 29
Total 94 675
fish close enough that the gravid female is able
to quickly release a cloud of glochidia in the face
of the fish and with any luck, the fish takes in Naturalists remarked on the clarity of the streams
water full of glochidia and some of them attach and rivers from the earliest settlement and explo-
to the gills of the fish. Recently conglutinate ration of eastern North America. However, the
(gelatinous) packages full of glochidia have been problems with the fouling and pollution of these
reported in various shapes; mimicking larval fish same rivers also were recognized early.
in Ptychobranchus occidentalis (Conrad, 1836),
an aquatic dipteran (Chironomidae) with red head Sir Charles Lyell (1849: 256) recorded the transfor-
capsule and sticky tail in Ptychobranhus greenii mation of Piedmont streams from clear to turbid as
(Conrad, 1834), and some producing conglutinate exemplified by his comments on the changes seen
packages resembling fish eggs. Probably the most in the two major tributaries of the Altamaha River,
interesting and bizarre structure is reported as Georgia, during December 1845:
being produced by four species of Hamiota from
“As our canoe was scudding through the clear
rivers tributary to the Gulf of Mexico. Haag et al. waters of the Altamaha, Mr. Couper mentioned
(1995) reported the production of a long gelati- a fact which shows the effect of herbage, shrubs,
nous tube with all of the glochidia placed in the and trees in protecting the soil from the wast-
distal end in a package, pigmented externally to ing action of rain and torrents. Formerly, even
resemble a minnow. This minnow mimic is held during floods, the Altamaha was transparent, or
only stained of a darker color by decayed vege-
in the current and moves in the current like a sick table matter, like some streams in Europe which
or wounded fish and acts as bait for a predator and flow out of peat mosses. So as late as 1841, a
presumably the host fish. resident here could distinguish on which of the
two branches of the Altamaha, the Oconee or
An overlooked aspect of the biology of these Ocmulgee, a freshet had occurred, for the lands
in the upper country (Piedmont) drained by one
bivalves is their long life span, 30 to 70 years for of these (the Oconee) had already been partially
many species, with Margaritifera margaritifera cleared and cultivated, so that that tributary sent
(Linnaeus, 1758) having a life span of 132 to about down a copious supply of red mud, while the
200 years (Bauer 1992, Zuiganov et al. 2000). This other (the Ocmulgee) remained clear, though
long lifespan is recorded in the shell of the animal, swollen. But no sooner had the Indians been
driven out, and the woods of their old hunting
thus providing a detailed history of the local water ground begun to give way before the ax of the
chemistry and water temperature (Mutvei and new settler, than the Ocmulgee also became tur-
Westermark 2001). bid.” Lyell did not witness this transformation
Bogan 375

himself but there appears to be little reason to Ortmann (1918) reported the decimation of the
doubt the story in light of the other evidence aquatic fauna in the Pigeon River in East Tennessee
presented. These conditions contrast with those
due to the wood pulp and paper mill effluents. These
of today.
were all rather localized events or impacts. Van der
Schalie (1938) decried construction of the dams on
Higgins (1858: 551) writing slightly later on the
the Tennessee River and major tributaries by the
Mollusca found in the vicinity of Columbus, Ohio
Tennessee Valley Authority and the impending loss
of the Tennessee River’s aquatic faunal diversity.
“eleven of the fluviatile shells are also extinct, or
nearly so. This remarkable decrease and extinc- 30.3 AQUATIC GASTROPODA
tion among the mollusca [sic], may, to a great
degree be accounted for, when we consider the
The freshwater gastropod fauna of North America
immense change which the surface of the coun-
try has undergone. The change of a wilderness is composed of about 675 species in 14 families (9
into a highly cultivated country, the immense operculate and 5 pulmonate; Tables 30.3 and 30.4)
area of forest which as yielded to the plow; the but our knowledge of the status of the freshwater
decrease in the volume of the water in our riv- gastropods is much more limited than for the bi-
ers and creeks, the total change of vegetation
valves. The greatest diversity of freshwater gastro-
and change of climate from moist to dry, have
each had their influences upon the character and pods occurred in the Mobile Bay Basin followed
increase of the Mollusca of this vicinity.” by the Tennessee River Basin (Bogan et al. 1995,
Neves et al. 1997). The freshwater gastropod fauna
Rhoads (1899) continued the documentation of the has lost 6.2 % of its total taxa to extinction and only
environmental destruction and modification in his 4.2% of the total taxa are accorded legal status (Table
remarks on the decimation of the freshwater bivalve 30.4). Out of a total of 675 freshwater gastropod
fauna of the Monongahela River above Pittsburgh, taxa reported for North America, 42 are presumed
Pennsylvania: to be extinct, 38 in the Mobile Bay Basin alone (Bo-
gan et al. 1995, Neves et al. 1997). The 42 extinct
“Above the city of Pittsburgh the Monongahela
gastropods include four extinct genera of aquatic
is bordered for the greater part of its naviga-
ble length with factories, furnaces, refineries, gastropods: Clappia (2 species, Hydrobiidae); Gy-
mines, and oil and gas well, whose refuse prod- rotoma (6 species, Pleuroceridae); Neoplanorbis (4
ucts are continually draining in to the river. The species, Planorbidae) and Amphigyra (1 species,
sewage of the towns on this river is also a fac- Planorbidae) (Bogan et al. 1995, Neves et al. 1997,
tor in its pollution. Great as this pollution may
Turgeon et al. 1998), all of which were endemic to
appear, it is not likely that it would cause the
death of many mussels and fish, which now no the Coosa River in the Mobile Bay Basin. These spe-
longer exist in the lower half of the Mononga- cies were lost when the big-river shoal habitat was
hela, if the waters had their free course; but the impounded and covered with deep standing water
damming of the river has so concentrated this and silt. A number of other pleurocerid gastropod
sewage during low water that the imprisoned
species are persisting on the clean swept shoal areas
animals have no relief from the free flow of the
current nor means of escape from the limits of below the dams on the Tennessee River. Robison and
the dammed area.” Allen (1995) reported the extinction of an additional
three species of Hydrobiidae due to the covering of
Ortmann (1909) reported the decimation of the their home range with a reservoir.
unionoid, fish, and crayfish fauna of western Penn-
sylvania. He recognized the worst damage to the 30.4 DETERMINATION OF STATUS
fauna was done by pollution, both industrial and
commercial, including sewage, acid mine drainage, The first step to understand the status of a species
oil well brines, and “the worst are the oil refineries, and a local fauna is based on all available distribu-
which discharge into the water chemicals which are tional data. It is only after a good, thorough survey
utterly destructive of life.” (Ortmann 1909: 98). for a species throughout its known range that the
376 Conservation and extinction

Table 30.4 Status of North American freshwater mollusks (see Appendix 30.1).

Diversity Endangered Threatened Extinct

Unionoid bivalves 300 62 8 35
Freshwater gastropods 675 16 4 42
Total 975 78 12 77

status of a species can be determined. This modern impact on the local ecology. Another source of in-
survey data coupled with the historic reports and troductions that is new but may present a growing
the historic museum specimens will either docu- problem is the introduction of native species of
ment continued health or the decline and loss of a unionids to locations outside of their historic range
species. In some areas of the U.S.A., the archaeo- (e.g., Bogan et al. 2002).
logical record can supplement the museum record
giving time depth to understanding the dynamics Another threat to the continued health of freshwater
of the molluscan fauna, in some cases 6,000 years mollusks is the introduction of native molluscivo-
(Bogan 1990). rous fish outside of their native range. These include
the Blue Catfish, Ictalurus furcatus (Lesueur, 1819),
30.5 FACTORS CAUSING THE DECLINE IN Flathead Catfish Pylodictus olivaris (Rafinesque,
SPECIES 1818), and introduction of the Asian molluscivore,
the Black Carp, Mylopharyngodon piceus (Rich-
The freshwater mollusks, both the gastropods and ardson, 1846).
bivalves, are declining due to habitat modification
and destruction. Dams and pollution in its varied 30.6 EXTINCTION
forms, including acid mine drainage, sewage treat-
ment plant effluent, sedimentation due to numerous We have considered the freshwater molluscan fau-
factors, sand and gravel dredging, all contribute to nal diversity of North America and the concentra-
the destruction of habitat. Damming of major rivers tion of the diversity in the southeastern U.S.A. We
has had a major impact on the unionoid fauna and have seen that environmental perturbations have
on the obligate unionoid host fishes, due to changes resulted in the decline and demise of many of the
in water quality and loss of habitat. Instream gravel species. Before dealing with the levels of decline,
mining, dredging, stream channelization, and the some terms must be clearly defined. The term
often associated headcutting, has eliminated stable extinction is often widely and incorrectly used. A
aquatic mollusk habitat. Acid mine drainage, and species becomes extinct, when the last living speci-
various point and non-point pollution sources also men of that organism perishes. There are no longer
continue to decimate local unionoid populations. any living specimens of that species. Extinction has
been confused with extirpation. Extirpation is the
A new threat to the continued survival of unionoid loss of a local population or group of animals from
and pleurocerid taxa is the introduction, in the within the total range of a species. When a local
mid-1980’s of the zebra mussel, Dreissena poly- population dies out, it is extirpated, but the species
morpha (Pallas, 1791) and to a lesser extent the continues to exist in other parts of its range. When
Quagga Mussel, Dreissena bugensis Andrusov, the last passenger pigeon died in the St. Louis Zoo,
1897. These small, byssally-attached bivalves cover the species became extinct.
and smother native mussels and larger gastropods.
Another introduced mollusk, the New Zealand Another question arises in defining extinction;
Mudsnail, Pyrgulopsis antipodarum (Gray, 1853) when is a species extinct? What are the data that
has been introduced into the Snake River basin support the confirmation that a species is extinct?
and is growing to populations of 200,000-500,000 Some people have expressed the belief that a spe-
animals per square meter. They are having a major cies should not have been collected or documented
Bogan 377

for a minimum period of 50 years. Since many of gastropods to this growing list. Stansbery (1971)
our species live on and in the bottom of major rivers listed 82 species of rare and endangered aquatic
it is even more difficult to categorically state when gastropods and presumed a single species within
a particular species is in fact extinct. The species the Pleuroceridae to be extinct.
is listed for this reason as presumed extinct and by
using a minimum time of 50 years since it was last With the passage of the Clean Water Act (1972)
collected or documented before it can be reasonably and the Endangered Species Act (1973), the U.S.
considered extinct. This also assumes that there Fish and Wildlife Service began evaluating species
have been recent, thorough, credible surveys in survival status and listed some aquatic mollusks as
the known habitat of the species at various times being threatened or endangered. Increased interest
in the recent past. and the listing of species stimulated various states to
begin treating freshwater bivalves as locally extirpat-
Parmalee and Bogan (1998) have defined endan- ed, threatened, or endangered. The American Fish-
gered as: “this status at the state level includes eries Society listed 13 unionoid taxa as presumed
peripheral forms which may be common in another extinct and 30 as federally endangered (Turgeon et
part of the range, but whose continued existence al. 1988). Bogan (1993) reviewed the evidence for
within the political boundaries of the state is in extinctions for freshwater bivalves worldwide and
danger of extirpation. At the national level, this listed 19 species of North American Unionoida as
status means the organism is in danger of extinc- presumed extinct, but found evidence for extinction
tion and is included on or being considered for the of freshwater bivalves outside of the U.S.A. only
U.S. List of Endangered Fauna and Endangered and in Israel, which lost three taxa when a river dried
Threatened plant species of the U.S.A., under the up. Neves (1993) listed 21 species of unionoids as
Endangered Species Act of 1973.” They have also presumed extinct. Turgeon et al. (1998), citing the
defined threatened as “this status at the state level U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, listed 35 unionids
includes forms which are likely to become endan- as presumed extinct, 57 as endangered, and 6 taxa
gered in the foreseeable future if certain conditions as threatened. Williams et al. (1993) provided a re-
are not met. This includes forms which exhibit a vised evaluation of the status of the North American
considerable decrease in numbers beyond normal unionoid fauna and listed 12% of the unionoids as
population fluctuations or a documented range presumed extinct, 43% as listed or to be listed as
contraction, but are not yet considered endangered. endangered or threatened and an additional 25% as
At the national level, this applies to the Endangered declining. At this time, none of the North American
Species Act of 1973.” unionoid genera has become extinct.

The first attempts to assess the status of the fresh- Bogan (2001) examined the current precipitous de-
water molluscan fauna in North America began in cline and extinction specifically in North American
1970. Stansbery (1970, 1971) reported that 11 spe- freshwater bivalves and addressed the problem;
cies of unionid bivalves had not been found since an extinction wave in the making. Are we facing
1900 and were to be presumed extinct and that a major wave of extinction and have we seen only
120 taxa were to be considered rare or endangered. the beginning of the wave of extinctions soon to
Stansbery (1970) considered the information on be visited on the freshwater bivalve fauna of North
seven families of freshwater gastropods to be too America?
insufficient to determine their status. He noted the
Pleuroceridae were declining but listed a single 30.7 ACTIVITIES LEADING TO A REVER-
species as extinct. Heard (1970) presumed three SAL OF TRENDS
Gulf Coast species of gastropods to be extinct
while Athearn (1970) listed 69 aquatic gastropod The aquatic environment began to respond to
species as rare or endangered in the southeast. positive actions due to the Clean Water Act and the
Taylor (1970) added ten more species of aquatic attention brought by the Endangered Species Act.
378 Conservation and extinction

Over the past 30 years, the health of the aquatic eco- 7. To improve communication about mollusks that
system has become more visible and the results of should be protected
reducing the effects of pollution have become very 8. To improve knowledge on the life-cycles/breed-
obvious. Many conservation groups have grown up ing biology of mollusks to provide a better basis
and expanded their efforts both at the local level for successful implementation of management
as well as nationally and internationally. The Na- plans.
ture Conservancy (TNC) has been instrumental in
purchasing land for conserving habitat as well as 30.8 CONCLUSIONS
developing riparian buffer zones along streams and
river. TNC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Recent efforts in the U.S.A. to expand riparian buf-
have been working with local landowners to fence fer zones, control mine runoff, close point sources
cattle, a major source of pollution, out of streams. of pollution, and otherwise improve water quality
Corporations and towns have been developing or- are enabling the return of fish and freshwater mol-
dinances addressing the setting of riparian stream lusks to formerly polluted waters. However, the
buffers, and stabilization of river and creek banks. return of the long-lived mussels is a slow process
The improvement of the quality due to improved and may take as long as 100 years, making it impos-
water treatment and stopping industrial effluent sible to predict whether more species will be lost
(e.g. Allegheny and upper Ohio River in Pennsyl- than preserved and thus, how devastating a tragedy
vania.) are all having a dramatic positive effect on this extinction wave will be.
the local fauna (e.g. Locy et al. 2002).
The perception of the need for conservation of
freshwater mollusks has recently been addressed Dr. Terry Ferguson, Wofford College, Spartanburg,
by a symposium of the IUCN (World Conservation SC assisted with the Lyell citation. Many people
Union formerly the International Union for the over the years have assisted me by sending litera-
Conservation of Nature) resulting in a volume on ture and listening to my rantings. This is a product
the conservation biology of mollusks (Kay 1995). of many years and my friends are thanked for their
More recently, the Conchological Society of Great time, assistance, and patience.
Britain and Ireland hosted an international sympo-
sium Molluscan conservation: a strategy for the 30.10 LITERATURE CITED
21st Century (Bogan 1998 and Killeen et al. 1998).
Seddon et al. (1998) provided a list of strategies Athearn, H. D. 1970. Discussion of Dr. Heard’s paper.
gleaned from the symposium on the conservation Symposium on Endangered Mollusks. Malacolo-
gia 10: 28-31.
of mollusks. These include: Bauer, G. 1992. Variation in the life span and size of the
freshwater pearl mussel. Journal of Animal Ecol-
1. To improve the public awareness of the need to ogy 61: 425-436.
maintain mollusks as a biological resource. Bogan, A. E. 1990. Stability of Recent unionid (Mol-
2. To reduce the confusion about the numbers of, lusca: Bivalvia) communities over the past 6000
years. In: W. Miller III, ed., Paleocommunity Tem-
and names of mollusks. poral Dynamics: The Long-Term Development of
3. To improve the information on threatened Multispecies Assemblages. The Paleontological
mollusks so as to enable prioritization for their Society Special Publication No. 5. The Paleonto-
management. logical Society, Lawrence, Kansas. Pp. 112-136.
4. To maintain the skill and staffing to identify Bogan, A. E. 1993. Freshwater bivalve extinctions:
Search for a cause. American Zoologist 33: 599-
mollusks. 609.
5. To insure access to molluscan collections in Bogan, A. E. 1997. The silent extinction. American
museums. Paleontologist 15: 2-4
6. To reduce the number of accidental/deliberate Bogan, A. E. 1998. Freshwater molluscan conservation
introductions of alien species. in North America: Problems and practices. In: I.
Bogan 379

J. Killeen, M. B. Seddon, and A. M. Holmes, eds., Mutvei, H. and T. Westermark. 2001. How environmental
Molluscan Conservation: A Strategy for the 21st information can be obtained from naiad shells. In:
Century. Journal of Conchology, Special Publica- Bauer and K. Wächtler, eds., Ecology and Evolu-
tion No. 2. Conchological Society of Great Britain tionary Biology of Freshwater Mussels, Unionoida
and Ireland, London. Pp. 223-230. Ecological Studies, Vol. 145, G. Springer Verlag,
Bogan, A. E. 2001. Extinction wave in the making. In: New York. Pp. 367-379.
A. Bräutigam and M. D. Jenkins, eds., The Red Neves, R.J. 1993. A state-of-the-unionids address. In:
Book: The Extinction Crisis Face to Face. IUCN- K. S. Cummings, A. C. Buchanan, and L. M. Koch,
International Union for Conservation of Nature eds., Conservation and Management of Freshwa-
and Natural Resources and CEMEX, S.A., Mexico ter Mussels. Proceedings of a Symposium, 12-14
City. Pp. 138-139. October, 1992, St. Louis, Missouri. Upper Missis-
Bogan, A. E., S. A. Ahlstedt, and P. W. Parmalee. 2002. sippi River Conservation Committee, Rock Island,
Exotic freshwater bivalves found in the Noli- Illinois. Pp. 1-10.
chucky River, East Tennessee. Ellipsaria 4: 9. Neves, R. J., A. E. Bogan, J. D. Williams, S. A. Ahlstedt,
Bogan, A. E., J. M. Pierson, and P. Hartfield. 1995. De- and P. D. Hartfield. 1997 [March 1998]. Status of
cline in the freshwater gastropod fauna in the Mo- aquatic mollusks in the southeastern United States:
bile Bay Basin. In: E. T. LaRoe, G. S. Farris, C. E. a downward spiral of diversity. In: G. W. Benz
Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac, eds., Our Liv- and D. E. Collins, eds., Aquatic Fauna in Peril:
ing Resources: A Report to the Nation on the Dis- The Southeastern Perspective. Special Publication
tribution, Abundance, and Health of U.S. Plants, No. 1. Southeast Aquatic Research Institute, Lenz
Animals, and Ecosystems. U.S. Department of Design and Communications, Decatur, Georgia. Pp.
Interior, National Biological Service, Washington, 43-86. [Published May 1998].
D.C. Pp. 249-252. Ortmann, A. E. 1909. The destruction of the fresh-water
Burch, J. B. 1989. North American Freshwater Snails. fauna in western Pennsylvania. Proceedings of the
Malacological Publications. Hamburg, Michigan. American Philosophical Society 48: 90-110.
365 pp. Ortmann, A. E. 1918. The nayades (freshwater mus-
Haag, W. R., Butler, R. S., and P. D. Hartfield. 1995. An sels) of the Upper Tennessee drainage. With notes
extraordinary reproductive strategy in freshwater on synonymy and distribution. Proceedings of the
bivalves: Prey mimicry to facilitate larval dispersal. American Philosophical Society 57: 521-626.
Freshwater Biology 34: 471-476. Parmalee, P. W. and A. E. Bogan. 1998. The freshwater
Heard, W. H. 1970. Eastern freshwater mollusks (III). mussels of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee
The south Atlantic and gulf drainages. Malacolo- Press, Knoxville, Tennessee. 328 pp.
gia 10: 23-31. Rhoads, S. N. 1899. On a recent collection of Pennsyl-
Higgins, F. 1858. A catalogue of the shell-bearing species vanian mollusks from the Ohio River system below
of Mollusca, inhabiting the vicinity of Columbus, Pittsburgh. The Nautilus 12: 133-138.
Ohio, with some remarks thereon. Twelfth Annual Robison, H. W. and R. T. Allen. 1995. Only in Arkansas.
report of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture with A study of the Endemic Plants and Animals of the
an abstract of the Proceedings of the County Agri- State. University of Arkansas Press, Fayetteville,
cultural Societies, to the General Assembly of Ohio Arkansas. 121 pp.
for 1857: 548-555. Seddon, M. B., I. J. Killeen, P. Bouchet, and A. E. Bo-
Kay, E. A. ed. 1995. The conservation biology of Mol- gan. 1998. Developing a strategy for molluscan
luscs. Occasional Paper of the IUCN Species conservation in the next century. In: I. J. Killeen,
Survival Commission 9: 1-81. M. B. Seddon, and A. M. Holmes, eds., Molluscan
Killeen, I. J., M. B. Seddon, and A. M. Holmes, eds. Conservation: A Strategy for the 21st Century.
1998. Molluscan conservation: A strategy for Journal of Conchology, Special Publication No. 2.
the 21st Century. Journal of Conchology, Special Conchological Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
Publication No. 2. Conchological Society of Great London. Pp. 295-298.
Britain and Ireland, London. 320 pp. Stansbery, D. H. 1970. Eastern freshwater mollusks. (I).
Kraemer, L. R. 1970. The mantle flap in three species of The Mississippi and St. Lawrence River systems.
Lampsilis (Pelecypoda: Unionidae). Malacologia American Malacological Union Symposium on
10: 225-282. Rare and Endangered Mollusks. Malacologia 10:
Locy, D., T. Proch, and A. E. Bogan. 2002. Anodonta 9-22.
suborbiculata (Say, 1831) added to the freshwater Stansbery, D. H. 1971. Rare and endangered freshwa-
bivalve fauna of Pennsylvania. Ellipsaria 4: 10. ter mollusks in eastern United States. In: S. E.
Lyell, C. 1849. A Second Visit to the United States of Jorgensen and R. E. Sharp, eds., Proceedings of
North America, Vol. 1. Harper and Brothers, New a Symposium on Rare and Endangered Mollusks
York. 273 pp. (Naiads) of the U.S. Region 3. Bureau of Sport
380 Conservation and extinction

Fisheries and Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- Publication 26, 2nd Ed. American Fisheries Society,
vice. Twin Cities, Minnesota. Pp. 5-18. Bethesda, Maryland. Pp. 315-318.
Taylor, D. W. 1970. Western freshwater mollusks. Mala- Williams, J. D., M. L. Warren, Jr., K. S. Cummings, J.
cologia 10: 33. L. Harris, and R. J. Neves. 1993. Conservation sta-
Turgeon, D. D., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan, W. K. Emer- tus of the freshwater mussels of the United States
son, W. G. Lyons, W. L. Pratt, C. F. E. Roper, A. and Canada. Fisheries 18: 6-22.
Scheltema, F. G. Thompson, and J. D. Williams. Zuiganov, V., E. San Miguel, R. J. Neves, A. Longa, C.
1988. Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Fernández, R. Amaro, V. Beletsky, E. Popkovitch, S.
Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Kalluzhin, and T. Johnson. 2000. Life span variation
Mollusks. American Fisheries Society, Special Pub- of the freshwater pearl mussel: A model species for
lication 16. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, testing longevity mechanisms in animals. Ambio
Maryland. 277 pp. 29: 102-105.
Turgeon, D. D., J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. V. Coan,
F. G. Hochberg, W. G. Lyons, P. M. Mikkelsen, R.
J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. APPENDIX 30.1
Scheltema, F. G. Thompson, M. Vecchione. and J.
D. Williams. 1998. Common and Scientific Names List of Extinct, endangered, and threatened fresh-
of Aquatic Invertebrates from the United States water mollusks based on Williams and Bogan
and Canada: Mollusks. American Fisheries Society (1998) and Williams et al. (1998) and modified to
Special Publication 26, 2nd Ed. American Fisheries include additional data from Robison and Allen
Society, Bethesda, Maryland. 536 pp. (1995) and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
van der Schalie, H. 1938. The naiades (freshwater mus-
sels) of the Cahaba River in northern Alabama.
Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, CLASS BIVALVIA
University of Michigan 392: 1-29. Presumed extinct freshwater bivalves
Wächtler, K., M. C. Dreher-Mansur, and T. Richter. Alasmidonta mccordi Athearn, 1964 Coosa Elktoe AL
2001. Larval types and early postlarval biology in Alasmidonta robusta Clarke, 1981. Carolina Elktoe
Naiads (Unionoida). In: G. Bauer and K. Wächtler, NC, SC
eds., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Fresh- Alasmidonta wrightiana (Walker, 1901) Ochlockonee
water Mussels, Unionoida. Ecological Studies, Arcmussel FL
Vol. 145. Springer Verlag, New York. Pp. 93-125. Elliptio nigella (Lea, 1852) Winged Spike AL, GA
Watters, G. T. 1994. An annotated bibliography of the Epioblasma arcaeformis (Lea, 1831) Sugarspoon AL,
reproduction and propagation of the Unionoidea KY, TN
(Primarily of North America). Ohio Biological Epioblasma biemarginata (Lea, 1857) Angled Riffleshell
Survey Miscellaneous Contributions 1: 1-158. AL, KY, TN
Williams, J. D. and A. E. Bogan. 1998. Endangered and Epioblasma flexuosa (Rafinesque, 1820) Leafshell AL,
threatened species in North America. Appendix V. IL, IN, KY, OH, TN
In: D. D. Turgeon, J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Bogan, E. Epioblasma florentina florentina (Lea, 1857) Yellow
V. Coan, F. G. Hochberg, W. G. Lyons, P. M. Mik- Blossom AL, KY, TN
kelsen, R. J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Rosenberg, Epioblasma haysiana (Lea, 1834) Acornshell AL, KY,
B. Roth, A. Scheltema, M. J. Sweeney, F. G. Thomp- TN, VA
son, M. Vecchione, and J. D. Williams, eds., Com- Epioblasma lenior (Lea, 1842) Narrow Catspaw AL,
mon and Scientific Names of Aquatic Invertebrates TN
from the United States and Canada: Mollusks. Epioblasma lewisii (Walker, 1910) Forkshell AL, KY,
American Fisheries Society Special Publication TN
26, 2nd Ed. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Epioblasma personata (Say, 1829) Round Combshell
Maryland. Pp. 329-338. IL, IN, KY, OH
Williams, J. D., A. E. Bogan, and R. J. Neves. 1998. Epioblasma propinqua (Lea, 1857) Tennessee Riffleshell
Possibly extinct Mollusks of North America. Ap- AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN
pendix III. In: D. D. Turgeon, J. F. Quinn, Jr., A. E. Epioblasma sampsonii (Lea, 1861) Wabash Riffleshell
Bogan, E. V. Coan, F. G. Hochberg, W. G. Lyons, IL, IN, KY
P. M. Mikkelsen, R. J. Neves, C. F. E. Roper, G. Epioblasma stewardsonii (Lea, 1852) Cumberland
Rosenberg, B. Roth, A. Scheltema, M. J. Sweeney, Leafshell AL, KY, TN
F. G. Thompson, M. Vecchione, and J. D. Williams, Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculums (Reeve, 1865)
eds., Common and Scientific Names of Aquatic Green Blossom TN, VA
Invertebrates from the United States and Canada: Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (Rafinesque, 1820) Tu-
Mollusks. American Fisheries Society Special bercled Blossom AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN, WV
Bogan 381

Epioblasma turgidula (Lea, 1858) Turgid Blossom AL, Epioblasma metastriata (Conrad, 1838) Upland Comb-
AR, TN shell AL, GA, TN
Lampsilis binominata Simpson, 1900 Lined Pocketbook Epioblasma obliquata obliquata (Rafinesque, 1820)
AL, GA Catspaw AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN
Medionidus mcglameriae van der Schalie, 1939 Tom- Epioblasma obliquata perobliqua (Conrad, 1836) White
bigbee Moccasinshell AL Catspaw IL, IN, KY, MI, OH
Pleurobema altum (Conrad, 1854) Highnut AL, GA Epioblasma othcaloogensis (Lea, 1857) Southern Acorn-
Pleurobema avellanum Simpson, 1900 Hazel Pigtoe shell AL, GA, TN
AL Epioblasma penita (Conrad, 1834) Southern Combshell
Pleurobema bournianum (Lea, 1840) Scioto Pigtoe AL, GA, MS
OH Epioblasma torulosa gubernaculums (Reeve, 1865)
Pleurobema chattanoogaense (Lea, 1858) Painted Club- Green Blossom TN, VA
shell AL, GA, TN Epioblasma torulosa rangiana (Lea, 1838) Northern Rif-
Pleurobema flavidulum (Lea, 1861) Yellow Pigtoe AL fleshell IL, IN, KY, MI, OH, PA, WV; Canada: ON
Pleurobema hagleri (Frierson, 1900) Brown Pigtoe AL Epioblasma torulosa torulosa (Rafinesque, 1820) Tu-
Pleurobema hanleyianum (Lea, 1852) Georgia Pigtoe bercled Blossom AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN, WV
AL, GA, TN Epioblasma turgidula (L ea, 1858) Turgid Blossom AL,
Pleurobema johannis (Lea, 1859) Alabama Pigtoe AL AR, TN
Pleurobema murrayense (Lea, 1868) Coosa Pigtoe AL, Fusconaia cor (Conrad, 1834) Shiny Pigtoe AL, TN,
Pleurobema nucleopsis (Conrad, 1849) Longnut AL, Fusconaia cuneolus (Lea, 1840) Finerayed Pigtoe AL,
Pleurobema rubellum (Conrad, 1834) Warrior Pigtoe Hemistena lata (Rafinesque, 1820) Cracking Pearlymus-
AL, GA, TN sel AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, PA, TN, VA
Pleurobema troschelianum (Lea, 1852) Alabama Club- Lampsilis abrupta (Say, 1831) Pink Mucket AL, AR, IL,
shell AL, GA, TN IN, KY, LA, MO, OH, PA, TN, VA, WV
Pleurobema verum (Lea, 1861) True Pigtoe AL Lampsilis higginsii (Lea, 1857) Higgins Eye IA, IL,
Quadrula tuberosa (Lea, 1840) Rough Rockshell TN, MN, MO, WI
VA Lampsilis streckeri Frierson, 1927 Speckled Pocketbook
Endangered species Lampsilis subangulata (Lea, 1840) Shinyrayed Pocket-
Alasmidonta heterodon (Lea, 1829) Dwarf Wedgemus- book AL, FL, GA
sel CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, NC, NH, NJ, NY, PA, VA, Lampsilis virescens (Lea, 1858) Alabama Lampmussel
VT; Canada: NB AL, TN
Alasmidonta atropurpurea (Rafinesque, 1831) Cumber- Lasmigona decorata (Lea, 1852) Carolina Heelsplitter
land Elktoe KY, TN NC, SC
Alasmidonta raveneliana (Lea, 1834) Appalachian Lemiox rimosus (Rafinesque, 1831) Birdwing Pearlymus-
Elktoe NC, TN sel AL, TN, VA
Amblema neislerii (Lea, 1858) Fat Threeridge FL, GA Leptodea leptodon (Rafinesque, 1820) Scaleshell Mus-
Arkansia wheeleri Ortmann and Walker, 1912 Ouachita sel AL, AR, IA, IN, KY, MI, MO, MS, OH, OK, SD,
Rock Pocketbook AR, OK TN, WI
Cyprogenia stegaria (Rafinesque, 1820) Fanshell AL, Medionidus parvulus (Lea, 1860) Coosa Moccasinshell
Dromus dromas (Lea, 1834) Dromedary Pearlymussel Medionidus penicillatus (Lea, 1857) Gulf Moccasinshell
Elliptio steinstansana R. I. Johnson and Clarke, 1983 Medionidus simpsonianus Walker, 1905 Ochlockonee
Tar River Spinymussel NC Moccasinshell FL, GA
Epioblasma brevidens (Lea, 1831) Cumberlandian Obovaria retusa (Lamarck, 1819) Ring Pink AL, IL, IN,
Combshell AL, KY, TN, VA KY, OH, PA, TN, WV
Epioblasma capsaeformis (Lea, 1834) Oyster Mussel Pegias fabula (Lea, 1838) Littlewing Pearlymussel AL,
Epioblasma florentina curtisi (Utterback, 1916) Curtis Plethobasus cicatricosus (Say, 1829) White Wartyback
Pearlymussel AR, MO AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, TN
Epioblasma florentina florentina (Lea, 1857) Yellow Plethobasus cooperianus (Lea, 1834) Orangefoot
Blossom AL, KY, TN Pimpleback AL, IL, IN, KY, OH, PA, TN
Epioblasma florentina walkeri (Wilson and Clark, 1914) Pleurobema clava (Lamarck, 1819) Clubshell AL, IL,
Tan Riffleshell KY, TN, VA IN, KY, MI, OH, PA, TN, WV
382 Conservation and extinction

Pleurobema collina (Conrad, 1837) James Spinymussel Medionidus acutissimus (Lea, 1831) Alabama Mocca-
VA, WV sinshell AL, GA, MS, TN
Pleurobema curtum (Lea, 1859) Black Clubshell AL, Potamilus inflatus (Lea, 1831) Alabama Heelsplitter
Pleurobema decisum (Lea, 1831) Southern Clubshell
Pleurobema furvum (Conrad, 1834) Dark Pigtoe AL Presumed extinct species
Pleurobema georgianum (Lea, 1841) Southern Pigtoe Pleuroceridae
AL, GA, TN Elimia brevis (Reeve, 1860) Short-spire Elimia AL
Pleurobema gibberum (Lea, 1838) Cumberland Pigtoe Elimia clausa (Lea, 1861) Closed Elimia AL
TN Elimia fusiformis (Lea, 1861) Fusiform Elimia AL
Pleurobema marshalli Frierson, 1927 Flat Pigtoe AL, Elimia gibbera (Goodrich, 1922) AL
MS Elimia hartmaniana (Lea, 1861) High-spired Elimia AL
Pleurobema perovatum (Conrad, 1834) Ovate clubshell Elimia impressa (Lea, 1841) Constricted Elimia AL
AL, GA, MS, TN Elimia jonesi (Goodrich, 1936) Hearty Elimia AL
Pleurobema plenum (Lea, 1840) Rough Pigtoe AL, IL, Elimia lachryma (Reeve, 1861) AL
IN, KY, OH, PA, TN, VA Elimia laeta (Jay, 1839) Ribbed Elimia AL
Pleurobema pyriforme (Lea, 1857) Oval Pigtoe AL, Elimia macglameriana (Goodrich, 1936) AL
FL, GA Elimia pilsbryi (Goodrich, 1927) Rough-lined Elimia
Pleurobema taitianum (Lea, 1834) Heavy Pigtoe AL, AL
MS Elimia pupaeformis (Lea, 1864) Pupa Elimia AL
Potamilus capax (Green, 1832) Fat Pocketbook AR, IA, Elimia pygmaea (H. H. Smith, 1936) Pygmy Elimia AL
IL, IN, KY, LA, MN, MO, MS, OH, OK, WI Elimia vanuxemiana (Lea, 1843) Cobble Elimia AL
Ptychobranchus greenii (Conrad, 1834) Triangular Kid- Elimia varians (Lea, 1861) Puzzle Elimia AL
neyshell AL, GA, TN Gyrotoma excisa (Lea, 1843) Excised Slitshell AL
Quadrula cylindrica strigillata (Wright, 1898) Rough Gyrotoma lewisii (Lea, 1869) Striate Slitshell AL
Rabbitsfoot TN, VA Gyrotoma pagoda (Lea, 1845) Pagoda Slitshell AL
Quadrula fragosa (Conrad, 1835) Winged Mapleleaf AL, Gyrotoma pumila (Lea, 1860) Ribbed Slitshell AL
IA, IL, IN, KY, MN, MO, OH, TN, WI Gyrotoma pyramidata (Shuttleworth, 1845) Pyramid
Quadrula intermedia (Conrad, 1836) Cumberland Mon- Slitshell AL
keyface AL, TN, VA Gyrotoma walkeri (H. H. Smith, 1924) Round Slitshell AL
Quadrula sparsa (Lea, 1841) Appalachian Monkeyface Leptoxis clipeata (H. H. Smith, 1922) Agate Rocksnail AL
KY, TN, VA Leptoxis compacta (Anthony, 1854) Oblong Rocksnail
Quadrula stapes (Lea, 1831) Stirrupshell AL, MS AL
Toxolasma cylindrellus (Lea, 1868) Pale Lilliput AL, Leptoxis crassa crassa (Haldeman, 1842) Boulder Snail
Villosa perpurpurea (Lea, 1861) Purple Bean GA, TN, Leptoxis foremani (Lea, 1843) Interrupted Rocksnail AL
VA Leptoxis formosa (Lea, 1860) Maiden Rocksnail AL
Villosa trabalis (Conrad, 1834) Cumberland Bean AL, Leptoxis ligata (Anthony, 1860) Rotund Rocksnail AL
KY, TN, VA Leptoxis lirata (H. H. Smith, 1922) Lirate Rocksnail AL
Leptoxis melanoides (Conrad, 1834) Black Mudalia AL
Threatened species Leptoxis occultata (H. H. Smith, 1922) Bigmouth
Margaritiferidae Rocksnail AL
Margaritifera hembeli (Conrad, 1838) Louisiana Pearl- Leptoxis showalterii (Lea, 1860) Coosa Rocksnail AL
shell LA Leptoxis torrefacta (Goodrich, 1922) AL
Leptoxis vittata (Lea, 1860) Striped Rocksnail AL
Elliptio chipolaensis (Walker, 1905) Chipola Slabshell Hydrobiidae
AL, FL Clappia cahabensis Clench, 1965 Cahaba Pebblesnail AL
Elliptoideus sloatianus (Lea, 1840) Purple Bankclimber Clappia umbilicata (Walker, 1904) Umbilicate Pebble-
AL, FL, GA snail AL
Lampsilis altilis (Conrad, 1834) Finelined Pocketbook Pyrgulopsis nevadensis (Stearns, 1883) Corded Pyrg
Lampsilis perovalis (Conrad, 1834) Orangenacre Mucket Pyrgulopsis olivacea (Pilsbry, 1895) Olive Marstonia
Lampsilis powellii (Lea, 1852) Arkansas Fatmucket Somatogyrus amnicoloides Walker, 1915 Ouachita
AR Pebblesnail AR
Bogan 383

Somatogyrus crassilabris Walker, 1915 Thicklipped Lepyrium showalteri (Lea, 1861) Flat Pebblesnail AL
Pebblesnail AR Pyrgulopsis bruneauensis Hershler, 1990 Bruneau Hot
Somatogyrus wheeleri Walker, 1915 Channelled Pebble- Springsnail ID
snail AR Pyrgulopsis idahoensis (Pilsbry, 1933) Idaho Spring-
snail ID
Planorbidae Pyrgulopsis neomexicana (Pilsbry, 1916) Socorro
Amphigyra alabamensis Pilsbry, 1906 Shoal Sprite AL Springsnail NM
Neoplanorbis carinatus Walker, 1908 classification Pyrgulopsis ogmorhaphe (F. G. Thompson, 1977) Royal
uncertain AL Springsnail TN
Neoplanorbis smithi Walker, 1908 classification un- Pyrgulopsis pachyta (Thompson, 1977) Armored Mar-
certain AL stonia AL
Neoplanorbis tantillus Pilsbry, 1906 classification un- Tryonia alamosae Taylor, 1987 Caliente Tryonia NM
certain AL
Neoplanorbis umbilicatus Walker, 1908 classification Valvatidae
uncertain AL Valvata utahensis Call, 1884 Desert Valvata ID, UT

Endangered species Lymnaeidae

Viviparidae Lanx new species Banbury Springs Limpet ID
Campeloma decampi (Binney, 1865) Slender Campelo-
ma AL Physidae
Lioplax cyclostomaformis (Lea, 1841) Cylindrical Lio- Physella natricina Taylor, 1988 Snake River Physa ID
plax AL, GA, LA
Tulotoma magnifica (Conrad, 1834) Tulotoma AL Threatened species
Pleuroceridae Taylorconcha serpenticola Hershler, Frest, Johannes,
Leptoxis anthonyi (Redfield, 1854) Anthony Riversnail Bowler, and Thompson, 1994 Bliss Rapids Snail ID
Leptoxis plicata (Conrad, 1834) Plicate Rocksnail AL Pleuroceridae
Elimia crenatella (Lea, 1860) Lacy Elimia AL
Hydrobiidae Leptoxis ampla (Anthony, 1855) Round Rocksnail AL
Antrobia culveria Hubricht, 1971 Tumbling Creek Leptoxis taeniata (Conrad, 1834) Painted Rocksnail
Cavesnail MO AL
C. F. Sturm, T. A. Pearce, and A. Valdés. (Eds.) 2006. The Mollusks: A Guide to Their Study, Collection, and Preservation.
American Malacological Society.


31.1 INTRODUCTION of Mexico coastline. Shell middens remain along all

coastlines and many are protected by federal law,
The tale of marine mollusk conservation, particu- but they are vulnerable to natural erosion.
larly since the Endangered Species Act (1973), is
very different from that for freshwater or terrestrial Marine mollusks entered other aspects of the lives
mollusks. Freshwater mollusks in particular are of Native Americans, as tools, ornamentation, cur-
among the most imperiled groups of organisms in rency, and cultural or religious objects. Wampum
North America. Williams et al. (1993), for example, was beads made by Native Americans of whelks
conservatively estimated that 21 of the nearly 300 (Melongenidae) and quahog clams (Mercenaria
described species of unionoid clams (freshwater mercenaria Linnaeus, 1758). Wampum was known
pearly mussels) in the United States were extinct, among Europeans mainly as a mode of economic
and more have since been added to that sad list. exchange, but had additional significance to Native
That is more than the total known historic marine Americans, as reviewed by Scozzari (1995). In the
mollusk extinctions worldwide. Whether this dif- Pacific Northwest, Native Americans harvested
ference is real or only perceived is unknown, but tusk shells [Antalis pretiosum (Sowerby, 1860)]
the unstated perception is that the sea is too vast, (Figure 31.1) solely for currency - they had no value
and its lowly inhabitants too numerous, for humans as food - and the presence of these distinctive shells
to impact as much as they have done in freshwater in archeological sites throughout western North
(Williams et al. 1993, Neves et al. 1997, Carlton et America has been used to infer ancient trade routes
al. 1999). As a consequence, the majority of fresh-
water mollusks in the United States are currently
managed with the goal of conserving species, but
the story of marine mollusk conservation is still
mainly that of fishery management.



Native Americans on all coasts valued marine

mollusks as reliable and abundant food sources.
Favored sites for cooking and processing mollusks
from a nearby source were used for generations,
and the remains of these sites are known as shell Figure 31.1 Antalis pretiosum.
Antalis pretiosum (Sowerby II, 1860), the tusk shell
middens or shell mounds. Oyster shell middens harvested by Northwestern Native Americans for use
reached spectacular proportions, and survive today as currency [Florida Museum of Natural History 63627
as uplands in otherwise low-lying areas of the Gulf (Photo by author)].
386 Issues in marine conservation

London prior to the 1770s, although even oysters

had to overcome an earlier aversion by the first
British settlers.

Attitudes towards seafood changed as immigrants

themselves moved up the sociological food chain
and brought their seafood preferences with them.
Eastern oysters (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin,
1791) (Figure 31.4) again led the way, and during
the 19th Century, “Blue Points,” “Chingaroras” and
other terms referred to oysters from favored locales.
Other 19th Century molluscan fisheries included
the Olympia oyster [Ostrea conchaphila (Carpen-
ter, 1857)] (Figure 31.4) on the West Coast, New
England softshell clams (Mya arenaria Linnaeus,
1758), hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) in the
Mid-Atlantic, and bay scallops (Argopecten irradi-
ans Lamarck, 1819) from both New England and
the Carolinas (Brooks 1891, Field et al. 1910, Baker
Figure 31.2 Strombus gigas. 1995, Bleyer 2002). During this period, observ-
Adult and juvenile queen conch, Strombus gigas Lin- ers and harvesters were aware that local shellfish
naeus, 1758, from the Florida Keys [Florida Museum of beds could be over-exploited and numerous local
Natural History 8601/123714 (Photo by author)]. ordinances were passed by the early 18th Century to

(Barton 1994). In southern Florida and the Carib-

bean, the queen conch (Strombus gigas Linnaeus,
1758) (Figure 31.2) was used for tools, currency,
and adornment, as were abalones (Haliotis spp.)
(Figure 31.3) in western North America (Cox 1962,
Carstarphen 1982).

The first European settlers, in contrast to Native

Americans, regarded marine mollusks as starvation
rations. “Mussels” were eaten only by minorities
and the poor, and Claasen (1994) believes this
attitude explains why freshwater bivalves, also
consumed only by minorities and the impoverished,
came to their common name of “mussels” even
though they do not closely resemble marine mus-
sels. Pismo clams were once harvested by teams
of horses and plows, to be used as animal feed. In
Florida and the Caribbean, queen conch, which are
now costly delicacies, were initially harvested by
Europeans to bait fish traps. California abalones,
another modern gourmet item, were ignored by
Figure 31.3 Haliotis sorenseni.
European and Hispanic settlers, and the list con- An endangered white abalone, Haliotis sorenseni
tinues. Oysters were the single exception to this Bartsch, 1940, Newport Bay, California [Florida Museum
low regard towards shellfish, and were exported to of Natural History 121447 (Photo by author)].
Baker 387

Molluscan resources were not inexhaustible and,

by the 20th Century, this had become more appar-
ent. Oyster stocks declined or disappeared on both
Atlantic and Pacific coasts. The commercial scal-
lop industry in Massachusetts lasted a mere thirty
years before going into decline at the end of the
19th Century. Hand harvesting techniques depleted
near-shore abalone stocks in California and Mexico
in about the same amount of time (Brooks 1891,
Field et al. 1910, Cox 1962, Baker 1995). Some
rudimentary conservation measures were in place
- for example, in the latter part of the 19th Century,
Maryland required sub-market sized oysters to be
returned to the oyster grounds. Compliance was
lacking (Brooks 1891), and the concerns of a hand-
ful of fishery managers were largely ignored until
about the end of the century. It was not until the
first part of the 20th Century that modern notions
Figure 31.4 Oysters. of seasons, take limits, size limits, and gear restric-
Examples of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica
(Gmelin, 1791) (left) and the Olympia oyster, Ostrea
tions began to be combined into what we now call
conchaphila (Carpenter, 1857), from Virginia and British fishery management.
Columbia, respectively. Both specimens are market size
limit harvest. Many of these early “conservation”
efforts were appeals by one group of harvesters to William J. Hargis, Jr., fishery biologist and former
exclude harvesters from other localities or ethnici- director of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science,
ties, while others were broader limits on harvest noted a distinctive character of a declining fishery,
season, the number of harvesters, and wasteful using Chesapeake Bay oysters as an example. Since
harvest practices (Kochiss 1974, Wennersten 1981, little concern is given to a robust fishery, he declared,
McCay 1998, Bleyer 2002). the health of a fishery can be measured inversely by
the number of biologists studying it (pers. comm.).
For the most part, however, the sea and its fish- The study of fisheries became a serious science in
eries were treated as unlimited resources, end- the 20th Century and the reason, as noted by Dr. Har-
lessly renewable. The “boundless sea” (William gis, was the failure of one fishery after another.
Shakespeare, Sonnet LXV) is a part of our cultural
conscience. We cannot see across the ocean, or The Industrial Revolution had two important
under it, and it can be difficult to understand how implications for marine resources. First, human
we could deplete anything in it. Marine molluscan impacts upon natural resources increased sharply,
resources seemed “inexhaustible” to early resource both by virtue of the rapid expansion of industry
managers (Brooks 1891). Clam and oyster shells and the human population, and by the addition of
were so abundant that they were (and still are) used new resource stressors. For example, Brooks (1891)
as industrial, construction, and roadway material. noted that steam-powered vessels with dredges, a
Despite limited official recognition that shellfish technological advance over hand-powered dredges
stocks could be depleted, the wider perception or tongs, rapidly depleted oyster stocks in some
was that it was just a local problem, and there were regions. The expansion of dikes and resultant
plenty of shellfish in the next bay or river (Kochiss changes in water flow in the Mississippi Delta
1974, McCay 1998). were blamed for oyster declines in Louisiana. The
388 Issues in marine conservation

advent of hard-hat diving exposed new abalone seashore became a top destination, and millions of
stocks to exploitation. Industry also produced more recreational shellfish harvesters added new pressure
pollution than ever before, with pulp mills and oil to what had been commercial or subsistence fisher-
wells, for example, indicted for shellfish mortali- ies - particularly on the Pacific coast and in New
ties on the Pacific and Gulf of Mexico coasts, re- England. In California, for example thousands of
spectively (Cox 1962, Mackin and Hopkins 1962, people flocked daily to Pismo Beach while, in New
Baker 1995). England, the clambake became a cultural institution

“Well here we are, Pismo Beach, and all the clams we can eat!” Thus spoke Bugs Bunny (Warner
Bros.©), on those rare occasions when he remembered to take a left at Albuquerque. The Pismo clam,
Tivela stultorum (Figure 31.5), is named after the best-known locality in California for collecting
it, which in turn takes its name from Rancho Pismo, an early land grant when California was under
Mexican rule.

The colorful Pismo clam was one of California’s first important commercial and recreational mollusks,
and ranked third in the state’s molluscan fisheries, following abalone and oysters, in the period between
the World Wars. The Pismo clam was also the first California mollusk to be regulated, and the history of
its exploitation and management mirrors that of many other mollusks on the Pacific coast.

Like many other modern delicacies, Pismo clams were first harvested by European settlers to feed
hogs and chickens. Around the beginning of the 20th century, though, settlers began eating the clams
themselves. In 1911, a daily limit (200 clams) and a minimum size limit were established. In 1915, the
daily limit was lowered to 50 clams, and in 1917, some beaches were closed seasonally. The minimum
size limit varied for a few years, but eventually settled on 5 inches (12.6 cm) across the shell in most
areas. In contrast, the bag limit continued to decline, to 10 clams
in 1949, where it remains as of 2005. Other protection strategies
were also developed. In 1929, a Pismo clam no-take sanctuary was
established. In 1931, a California sports fishing license was required
to take Pismo clams, and in 1947, all commercial harvesting of
Pismo clams was halted.

The Pismo clam fishery is currently managed by a complex set of

regulations. Only hand tools may be used to harvest Pismo clams,
and sub-legal clams must be returned unharmed. In addition to
sports fishing license requirements for personal use and a ban on
commercial harvests, there is a closed season (May through August)
in part of its range. Clams north of San Luis Obispo have a larger
minimum size requirement than those taken to the south, and three
areas have now been designated as no-take sanctuaries. Figure 31.5 Tivela stultorum.
Pismo clam, T. stultorum, from
The California Fish and Game Commission is charged with the Pismo Beach, California [Florida
delicate balance of conserving both the species and a sports fishery. MNH 266701 (Photo by author)].
For Pismo clams, at least, their approach seems to be successful,
and clamming is still listed as a tourist activity in Pismo Beach visitor information.

Sources: Herrington (1929), Fitch (1950), California Fish and Game Commission (2002).

The Industrial Revolution also permitted the rise (Neustadt 1992). Thus, not only were more people
of a large middle class. Ordinary people could exploiting molluscan resources, but more people
afford to invest in leisure activities and partake in noticed when they declined.
vacations. Destinations that were once considered
rugged were now considered scenic; activities Shellfish regulations existed before the 20th Cen-
such as hunting and fishing that were once done tury, but were primarily local, with no specific
for survival were now done as recreation. The agencies or enforcement behind them. This began
Baker 389

to change in the 20th Century, although not equally limited to precise numbers of shellfish. In Oregon,
in all parts of the United States. Most marine mol- for example, a clam digger is allowed twelve gaper
lusks of interest are coastal species, and as such, clams, thirty-six softshell clams, fifteen razor clams,
are regulated by states, not the federal government. seventy-two mussels, and so forth. The same sorts
How states choose to do this is strongly affected of numerical limits apply even in Alaska, with its
by historical factors that vary among regions. For huge resource-to-user base. As fisheries come under
example, in New England and New York, marine pressure, the first response by regulatory agencies is
mollusks have been regarded as a public resource to reduce the bag limit, and continue reducing it as
since Colonial times, but the intertidal and coastal needed. Fisheries in this region are closed only as a
waters where the shellfish reside are controlled by last resort, and the closures then tend to be perma-
townships, not the state (Kochiss 1974). The same nent, as has happened for most abalone fisheries (see
was originally true in the Mid-Atlantic region, but Table 31.4, for information on state regulations).
state governments have since assumed regulatory
authority (Wennersten 1981, McCay 1998). On the Atlantic seaboard, shellfish managers are
less willing to set low recreational bag limits,
In the western United States, the state government and most Maine townships do not set recreational
assumed regulatory authority for fisheries early in limits at all. Maryland allows 250 hard clams and
the 20th Century. As on the Atlantic coast, fish and one bushel of oysters per day, Florida allows one
shellfish were regarded as public commodities, five-gallon bucket of bay scallops per user during
with two notable exceptions. In Washington State, the open season, and neighboring states have com-
most inland (e.g., Puget Sound) coastlines and the parable regulations. Rather than reduce bag limits
shellfish they contain are regarded as the private when the fishery is perceived to be threatened,
property of the adjacent landowner. The state resource managers are likely to simply close the
regulates shellfish harvests, but does not imply the fishery until it recovers, as Florida does regionally
public right to harvest those shellfish. In Hawaii, for its bay scallop fishery (Greenawalt 2002; see
most shellfish harvests are conducted by the native also Tables 31.2 and 31.4).
Hawaiians, who also control much of the shorelines
where these harvests are conducted. Regardless of the regulatory history, most marine
mollusks are still regulated as user resources, not
In most of the southeastern United States and the species. Since the rise of microbiology, shellfish
Gulf of Mexico, geography both protected mollus- harvest closures are more likely to be for human
can resources and delayed management. The low, health reasons than for species conservation. Florida
malarial swamps that stretched with few breaks is the only state to acknowledge shell collecting or
from the southern Chesapeake Bay to Texas were the aquarium trade in its regulations, although some
long inhabited only by a hardy few souls, many of other states, such as California and Oregon, place
whom intentionally limited contact with the out- broad limits on the harvest of non-food intertidal
side world. Louisiana was a notable exception to invertebrates, including most gastropods. A grow-
this, but even there, no statewide shellfish surveys ing number of states have also established marine
had been conducted by the latter half of the 20th reserves, where the collection of all invertebrates is
Century (Mackin and Hopkins 1962). Florida has curtailed or prohibited, and these and other trends
comparatively well developed shellfish regulations, probably represent a change in perceptions about
but in surrounding states, fewer molluscan species marine mollusks that will be carried into the 21st
are regulated, and those to a lesser degree, than in Century. Of course, it could be argued that fishery
New England or Pacific states. conservation is as viable as species conservation
when it comes to preserving a species; certainly this
Another contrast between Pacific and Atlantic states has been the approach taken by Duck Unlimited and
is the use of recreational regulations. From Alaska salmon restoration programs like the Salmon and
to California, recreational shellfish harvesters are Trout Enhancement Program (STEP).
390 Issues in marine conservation

The federal government was late getting into will probably not be the last, however. Four other
fishery conservation, but the Magnuson-Stevens abalones are listed as species of concern by the
Fisheries Act, as amended in 1996, mandated NMFS, harvest of any abalone species is banned in
regulation for a number of species by the National Washington State, and the queen conch (Strombus
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), a division of the gigas) is completely protected in Florida (Tables
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 31.1-31.4).
(NOAA). Through the development and imple-
mentation of Fishery Management Plans, NMFS Industrial-scale fishing has been present since the
administers fisheries in the “Continental Shelf,” 1950s and provides much needed protein to hun-
defined as waters outside the 12 mile (19.3 km) dreds of millions of people, but it is so effective
territorial limits of the United States, but within that we are in the process of driving many species
the 200 mile (322 km) Exclusive Economic Zone. towards extinction - unthinkable to earlier genera-
Under certain circumstances, however, such as tions who saw the sea as too vast to impact (Parfit
in the National Marine Sanctuaries and in U.S. 1995). Only recently have the federal government
territories, near shore waters are also regulated and international treaties begun to address the
by NOAA. costs that come with cheap seafood. Pelagic squid
fisheries, for example, are monitored by the Na-
Just six mollusks were regulated by NOAA in tional Marine Fisheries Service for bycatch, or the
1996: three species of abalone (Haliotis rufescens accidental take of non-target species.
Swainson, 1822, H. corrugata Wood, 1828, and
H. kamtschatkana Jonas, 1845), queen conch Most large-scale molluscan fisheries are benthic,
(Strombus gigas), ocean quahogs [Arctica is- and some form of a benthic dredge is usually used,
landica (Linnaeus, 1767)], and surf clams [Spisula with predictable impacts on other biota. The Mary-
solidissima (Dillwyn, 1817)]. Since then, Fishery land softshell clam fishery represents an extreme
Management Plans have been added for the sea case, using hydraulic dredges that entirely disrupt
scallop [Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin, the sediments, and any associated community,
1791)] in the Atlantic and the weathervane scallop down to a depth of about 20 cm (The hydraulic
[Patinopecten caurinus (Gould, 1850)] off Alaska, dredge industry in Maryland is currently restricted
two species of squid [Illex illecebrosus (Lesueur, to one portion of Chesapeake Bay, well offshore).
1821) and Loligo pealeii (Lesueur, 1821)] in the Benthic impacts are not limited only to molluscan
Atlantic, and a third squid (Loligo opalescens fisheries, but mollusks are heavier than fish or
Berry, 1911) off California, although squid are crustaceans, with their massive carbonate shells.
generally regulated within an integrated fishery Many are infaunal, so they require heavier, more
management plan for several pelagic species. As disruptive gear to harvest. As a result, these and
this chapter was being written, a fishery manage- other fishing grounds, as well as coastal benthic
ment plan was being developed for the calico ecosystems around the world, are now nearly fea-
scallop [Argopecten gibbus (Linnaeus, 1758)] of tureless plains, flattened by decades of pounding
the southeast United States where the fishery col- by a variety of fishing gear. The impact of fishing
lapsed shortly prior to the Sustainable Fisheries gear cannot easily be addressed, because there is
Act (Moyer et al. 1993). no other effective way to harvest many species
- particularly mollusks. The creation of marine
Only in the past few years has it been officially sanctuaries, both through state efforts and the Na-
recognized that not all marine mollusks are suitable tional Marine Sanctuary Program, approaches the
for fishery status. The white abalone of southern issue of industrial fishing in the most direct way, by
California (Haliotis sorenseni Bartsch, 1940), simply banning it in designated refuges. Mollusks
which will be discussed later, was federally listed are seldom the target of such sanctuaries, but are
as endangered, and was the first marine mollusk protected along with the rest of the species (Duff
to gain that dubious status in the United States. It and Brownlow 1997).
Baker 391

Maritime user groups, from commercial fisheries interpret. For example, inter-annual variation of
to recreational divers, fishers, and collectors, are the Pacific weathervane scallop (P. caurinus) south
converging on the realization that the sea is not of Alaska is so extreme that there is an effective
boundless after all. Our ability to cross the Pacific fishery only at irregular intervals, and the remainder
Ocean by jet aircraft in only hours contributes in of the time the scallop persists at apparently natural
some way to this new understanding, but so have low densities (Nunez 1988). If a decline were to
the gloomy statistics accompanying virtually every occur in this fishery, how would we know?
marine fishery, and the visibly increasing numbers
of beachgoers, recreational fishers, and SCUBA A collapsed fishery is one that has attained a new
divers. In combination with a growing body of stable population level below what is profitable to
scientific evidence for decline or even extinction of harvest, throughout much or all of its former range.
marine mollusks, political will to develop and ap- The California sardine, for example, was the foun-
ply non-fisheries conservation for marine mollusks dation of wealth for Monterey, California, and was
has also arisen. The bias is still towards fishery the colorful backdrop for John Steinbeck’s Cannery
species, however. No attempt has been made to Row (Viking Press 1945). Only a few years after
determine whether non-fishery species are in need the publication of Cannery Row, the sardine fishery
of protection, despite the fact that several have collapsed, and never recovered its former level. A
become extinct (Carlton 1993, Carlton et al. 1999). fishery collapse typically follows a period of intense
If a snail lacks value as a fishery, or the charisma exploitation, but why the fishery remains collapsed
of a seal, it is difficult to arouse official or public is seldom understood. In the case of the sardine,
sympathy for its plight. fishery pressure may have accelerated a natural
decline due to cyclic (decade-scale) fluctuations
31.4 DECLINING, COLLAPSED, OR EX- in climate. Fishery collapses are becoming more
TINCT: CONSERVATION ISSUES FOR MA- common in the ocean, and the term commercially
RINE MOLLUSKS extinct has recently been used in that context (Tor-
res and Sullivan-Sealey 2000).
Management options for marine fisheries in decline
are fundamentally different from more familiar Mollusks have not been immune to fishery collapse,
conservation efforts applied to endangered spe- despite having some of the highest fecundities of
cies (or populations) such as the spotted owl or any marine organisms. Well known collapses in-
freshwater pearly mussels. In the United States, the clude bay scallops and eastern oysters along parts
legally defined terms threatened and endangered of the Atlantic coast of North America, Olympia
are starting to be applied to marine fishery species, oysters and abalone on the Pacific coast, and queen
but fisheries managers still use the terms declining conch in the Caribbean (Marshall 1947, Rothschild
and collapsed, respectively, to mean somewhat the et al. 1994, Baker 1995, Torres and Sullivan-Sealey
same things. A declining fishery is one in which 2000). While all of these collapses occurred during
catch-per-unit effort must increase to produce the periods of exploitation, some were associated with
same yield. Most fishery populations, however, extraneous environmental processes. A blight that
fluctuate naturally. A fluctuation may be interpreted nearly wiped out eelgrass [Zostera marina (Lin-
as a fishery decline, or a fishery decline may be naeus, 1753)] in New England and the Mid-Atlantic
mistaken for natural fluctuation. was associated with the simultaneous decline of
the bay scallop, although some scallops persisted
Using the weight of historical evidence, one might in areas without eelgrass (Marshall 1947). Oyster
generalize that all heavily exploited fisheries, mol- diseases in Delaware and Chesapeake bays have
luscan or otherwise, are in decline. A well docu- been blamed for the near-eradication of the eastern
mented decline is the red abalone (H. rufescens) in oyster in those regions, but these collapses occurred
California, which remains a fishery but on a greatly during and after a century of intense fishing pres-
decreased scale. Other cases are more difficult to sure (Brooks 1891, Rothschild et al. 1994, Ford and
392 Issues in marine conservation

Tripp 1996). In addition, the question of whether (such as controversial subspecies definitions) and
humans introduced any of those diseases - eelgrass focus on the preservation of major evolutionary
or oyster - has never been definitively addressed, subdivisions within species. One common criterion
but seems likely in at least some cases (Carlton for ESUs is diagnostic genetic differences among
and Mann 1996). populations, indicating evolutionary depth (see
Bernatchez 1995). However, several reports have
Extinctions are the same whether one is speaking expressed dissatisfaction with the ESU because
about fisheries or species, but biologists recognize some populations that probably merit conservation
two categories of extinction. The first is species ex- resources do not qualify under current definitions
tinction, when no members of a species remain alive (see Barlow 1995, Stauffer et al. 1995, Pennock and
anywhere on Earth. Well documented for freshwa- Dimmick 1997, Karl and Bowen 1999).
ter mollusks, modern species extinctions seem to
be rare among marine mollusks; some exceptions The Distinct Population Segment (DPS) is the low-
will be discussed below. The other category is the est category to hold legal protection under the U.S.
extirpation of a population, or as resource managers Endangered Species Act. The DPS incorporates
now prefer, distinct population segment (DPS) or many of the same criteria as the ESU: a DPS must
evolutionarily significant unit (ESU) (Moritz 1994, be exceptional in a way that indicates evolutionary
Waples 1995). A DPS or ESU is important because divergence or novelty (Waples 1995, Pennock and
it is believed to contain unique genetic information Dimmick 1997).
that may be important for the continued survival
of the species as a whole. Additionally, an ESU In the United States, extinctions of marine mollusks
may be uniquely adapted to a particular habitat. have received little notice compared to their fresh-
Bowen (1998) describes and critiques ESUs and water counterparts. The first documented historic
the underlying evolutionary concepts, and King extinction of a marine invertebrate was the Atlantic
et al. (1998) overviews gene-based conservation eelgrass limpet, [Lottia alveus alveus (Conrad,
in mollusks in particular. The term extirpation is 1831)] in New England and southeast Canada (a
sometimes preferred over extinction for the loss separate subspecies, L. a. parallela (Dall, 1914),
of an ESU but not an entire species. persists in the North Pacific). The decline occurred
following a catastrophic die-off of eelgrass in the
Management Units (MUs) are populations with region; an essential habitat to this specialized spe-
significant divergence of genotype frequencies, cies. It is possible that the extinction was a natural
regardless of the phylogenetic distinctiveness of the event, but it is also possible that the disease was
genotypes (Moritz 1994). Differences in genotype introduced by human activity (Carlton et al. 1991,
frequencies denote populations with independent Carlton and Mann 1996)
demographic trajectories (Wright 1931, Slatkin
1987). Hence, MUs are grounded in principles of Several other marine mollusk extinctions have
population biology and theory. MUs often corre- since been documented in the United States. A horn
spond to “stocks” in fisheries management, and snail, Cerithidea fuscata Gould, 1857, was last
are the fundamental units of wildlife management: reliably reported from its only known habitat, San
reproductively isolated populations. Diego Bay, California, in 1935. A geographically
restricted habitat is more typical of freshwater than
The Evolutionarily Significant Unit (ESU) is a cat- marine mollusks, which may be why freshwater
egory above MU, describing a population or groups mollusks and C. fuscata have proven vulnerable to
of populations that are evolutionarily distinct, as extinction. Habitat modification of San Diego Bay
indicated by substantial divergence in ecological, is implicated in the case of C. fuscata. A limpet of
morphological, or genetic traits (see Waples 1995). uncertain generic status, “Collisella” edmitchelli
The ESU concept is valuable because it allows (Lipps, 1963), which was restricted to the southern
wildlife managers to circumvent taxonomic issues Channel Islands of California, has not been record-
Baker 393

ed since 1861. The extinction of a Florida sea hare, An important difficulty in understanding population
Phyllaplysia smaragda Clark, 1977, is regarded as extinctions is that we usually do not know how or
tentative by Carlton et al. (1999), pending further when populations arose, and how discrete they
research (Carlton 1993, Carlton et al. 1999). were before extirpation. Was the lost “population”
an Evolutionarily Significant Unit, or merely a
Mollusks lack the charisma of sea otters or peli- geographical aggregation? In the scenario of most
cans; they are much less likely to receive public concern, a population was reproductively isolated
sympathy - and corresponding political support - if long enough to evolve a unique genetic response
imperiled. Worldwide, only a handful of threatened to local conditions, and its extinction means a
marine mollusks have received significant public permanent loss of genetic information. It is also
attention; examples include giant clams (Tridac- possible, however, that what appears to be a discrete
nidae) of the Indo-Pacific and the Triton’s trumpet population is actually a subpopulation - one unit
snail [Charonia tritonis (Linnaeus, 1758)] from of a metapopulation - but that gene flow among
the same region. The International Union for the subpopulations is so infrequent it may not be suf-
Conservation of Nature (IUCN) listed ten marine ficient to restore a population over the timeframe
mollusks as critically endangered, endangered, or (years and decades) relevant to wildlife manage-
vulnerable in 2004; all but two of these are either ment strategies.
giant clams (Tridacnidae) or cone snails (Conus),
popular with aquarists and shell collectors. CITES In a hypothetical example, imagine an intertidal snail
(Convention on International Trade in Endangered that occurs on both the mainland and a remote island,
Species) currently lists all giant clam species and and reproduces independently in both habitats. In
the queen conch, S. gigas, in Appendix II. The date a subpopulation scenario, oceanic conditions that
mussel Lithophaga lithophaga (Linné, 1758) is occur only once or twice a century carry numerous
also listed in Appendix II but probably because the larvae from one habitat to the other, swamping any
fishery for this rock-boring species is so destructive incipient genetic divergence (Figure 31.6). In this
(CITES 2004). scenario, what appears to be two separate popula-
tions is actually a single population from an evolu-
Marine mollusk population (or ESU) extirpations tionary standpoint. Extirpation of the island snails
have apparently also occurred in North America. would result in little genetic loss to the species, and
For example, while the sea hare P. smaragda re-stocking might reasonably be done using main-
(above) may still occur somewhere in the northern land snails. This is not to say that the extirpation of
Caribbean, it is almost certainly extinct from all the island snails is acceptable, nor that re-stocking
of Florida. The fact that it has not reappeared in is easily achieved. Nonetheless, in this scenario, the
many decades suggests either that the species is loss of unique genetic information is one less thing
extinct everywhere else, or that the Florida animals about which a fishery manager has to worry.
comprised a discrete unit, not part of a
metapopulation maintained by larval
transport in oceanic currents. The bay
scallop (Argopecten irradians) disap-
peared from Maryland and Virginia 70
years ago, and despite the fact that it
persists to the north and south, has never
reappeared in those states. Habitats of
the Olympia oyster (O. conchaphila) are
highly discrete, and in some of these, the Figure 31.6 Subpopulations (Management Units).
Island (insular) snails and mainland snails are usually isolated, but
species has been extirpated in histori- on rare occasions larvae from one location recruit to the other, pro-
cal times (Baker 1995, Tarnowski and viding just enough exchange to prevent the development of unique
Homer 1999). local genotypes.
394 Issues in marine conservation

In a population scenario, the snails in the two (Bartol et al. 1999). For many species, habitat
habitats are completely reproductively isolated. may not seem limiting, but there are also possible
Random mutations followed by genetic drift will changes in habitat, or ontogenetic niche shifts,
result in unique genotypes, and it is also possible between juveniles and adults. It is now known
that natural selection in response to local condi- that some mollusks recruit in one habitat as newly
tions will produce populations that are uniquely metamorphosed postlarvae, and then relocate to the
adapted to insular and continental habitats. If the adult habitat as juveniles. The postlarval habitat is
island population was extirpated, true genetic loss known for only a few bivalve species, and until we
to the species would occur. A fishery manager must know the habitat for all life stages, we cannot rule
first try to prevent the loss of this unique genotype. out habitat limitation.
According to current conservation practices, efforts
must be made to make sure no relict populations of Other marine mollusks are vulnerable to fisheries
the island snail remain, prior to re-stocking, and if because of their long life cycles. Bay scallops in
they do, the focus should be on population restora- Florida reach the fishery in only a year and usually
tion, not replacement. do not live much longer, but some species take
much longer to reach fishery or reproductive size.
The importance of ESUs and the risk of hybridiza- Geoduck clams [Panopea abrupta (Conrad, 1849)]
tion has become one of the conservation focuses in and knobbed whelk [Busycon carica (Gmelin,
western North America for landlocked and anad- 1791)] take a decade to reach full size or sexual
romous fishes. The topic is also beginning to be maturity. The ocean quahog (Arctica islandica)
discussed for endangered freshwater mollusks takes 15-20 years to recruit to the fishery and can
(King et al. 1998, Roe and Lydeard 1998). For live to at least 70 years. Long-lived species cannot
marine mollusks, conservation has barely reached replace themselves as fast as a fishery can remove
the stage where concern for native species, let alone them (Zettler et al. 2001, Greenawalt 2002).
populations, takes precedence over the immediate
needs of fisheries or aquaculture (Carlton 1979, The most fundamental vulnerability of many ma-
Carlton and Mann 1996, Robinson and Johnson rine mollusks may be their reproductive strategy
1997, Colson and Sturmer 2000). In some of the of broadcasting spawning. Reproductive success
most recent efforts under consideration, however, in broadcast spawners is subject to what is known
population genetic integrity is a crucial part of the as the Allee Effect, or density dependence (Allee
solution. 1931). Gametes that are broadcast into the water
column have a short functional lifespan, sometimes
Why are marine mollusks, with their enormous measured in seconds. If the currents are wrong or
reproductive capacity, vulnerable to human pres- a mate is too far away, the gametes loose viability
sure? For some, just as for freshwater or terrestrial before fertilization can occur. Some gastropods
organisms, the answer is habitat limitation. For ex- and most bivalves cannot migrate to a common
ample, seagrass is optimal habitat for bay scallops, mating ground, but must spawn from where they
(although not necessarily essential; see Marshall are, regardless of whether other potential mates
1947), and the decline in eelgrass in the 1930s re- are nearby or spawning at the same time. Unless
sulted in corresponding declines in bay scallops. To two oysters are within centimeters of each other,
oysters, optimal habitat is more than merely a hard spawning simultaneously, fertilization success
place to settle, but the proper topography as well. will be negligible. The Allee Effect is not limited
Centuries of fishing pressure in Chesapeake Bay to broadcast spawners but has been implicated for
have reduced former oyster reefs from high-relief species such as the queen conch (Strombus gigas).
intertidal structures to low-relief subtidal areas. The implications are that any time a fishery reduces
When a high-relief intertidal reef was artificially the density of mollusks dependent upon broadcast
restored in one branch of Chesapeake Bay, the spawning, the remaining population is at risk of
result was strong oyster recruitment and growth reproductive failure (Stoner and Ray-Culp 2000).
Baker 395

In the following sections, fishery concerns, manage- In contrast, the northeastern Pacific Basin, north of
ment, and conservation of several important groups Mexico, has a single described oyster species, the
of mollusks are discussed. This is not intended to Olympia oyster, Ostrea (Ostreola) conchaphila,
be a comprehensive review, and in the interest of which occurs in estuaries from Alaska to Mexico.
space, many groups are omitted; I apologize if I Its distribution is highly discontinuous, particularly
have omitted your favorite mollusk. The discus- along the outer coast from Washington to Point
sion is focused on the United States, with some Conception, California, where it is known from only
examples from Canada, but the same issues for ten estuaries. The Olympia oyster is thin-shelled
marine mollusk conservation occur worldwide. and much smaller than the eastern oyster, seldom
exceeding 7 cm in shell length. This species forms
31.5 NATIVE OYSTERS ON TWO COASTS reef-like aggregations, but its ecology is much less
studied than for eastern oysters (Baker 1995).
The United States and Canada share two native
commercial oysters - one species on each seaboard. 31.5.1 History of eastern oyster fishery and
Populations of both oysters have declined, follow- decline. The eastern oyster was a food staple of
ing fishery exploitation and industrial development, coastal Native Americans, and the shell middens
and both have subsequently been the targets of they created, over generations of fishing the same
conservation and restoration attempts. Manage- waters, reached the proportions of small islands
ment methods for these two species have differed in some regions. Unlike most shellfish, oysters in
greatly, however, and serve as an illustration of how New England and the mid-Atlantic were consumed
historical and cultural differences between east and by early British settlers, and there was also a long
west coasts, of the United States in particular, can history of oyster exploitation by French immigrants
influence marine molluscan conservation. in Louisiana. Oysters were also harvested purely
for their shells, used for road construction or for
The northwestern Atlantic basin has a rich oyster the production of lime. The harvest of oysters for
(Ostreidae) fauna, with at least five species making their shells only was recognized as wasteful, and
it into the United States. Of these, the most eco- banned in some states in the 18th Century. These
logically and economically important oyster is the various early forms of exploitation were blamed
eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, which occurs by residents and government officials for deple-
in estuaries from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the tion of local oyster stocks. In fact, many southern
Gulf of Mexico. Its distribution in coastal waters New England oyster stocks were depleted prior
is nearly continuous, except at the northern and to the 19th Century, and stocks in other areas were
southern extremes of its range. The eastern oyster impacted soon after (Mackin and Hopkins 1962,
is a relatively large species, with a heavy shell Kochiss 1974, McCay 1998).
often more than 20 cm in length. Oysters cement
permanently to hard substrata, and in most areas, More waves of immigrants arrived, and seafood
the favored substrate is shells of other oysters, preferences and harvesting techniques broadened.
living or dead. Generations of oysters attaching By the 19th Century, well-developed commercial
to each other create three-dimensional structures fisheries occurred in areas such as Malpeque Bay
called reefs or bars. Reefs created by C. virginica (Prince Edward Island), Long Island (New York),
can be hundreds of meters or even kilometers in Raritan, Barnegat, and Delaware Bays (New Jer-
length, and are believed to enhance biodiversity of sey), Chesapeake Bay (Maryland and Virginia),
both sessile and mobile estuarine organisms (Cake Apalachicola Bay (Florida), and Barataria and
1983, Coen et al. 1999, Luckenbach et al. 1999). Terrebonne Bays (Louisiana). In Virginia, the
Newell (1988) estimated that a century ago, oysters oyster industry gained thousands of new recruits
in Chesapeake Bay could, by their suspension-feed- when former soldiers of the Confederacy sought to
ing on plankton, filter a volume of water equal to make a living in Chesapeake Bay. The southeastern
the entire bay in only three days. United States, however, from North Carolina to
396 Issues in marine conservation

eastern Florida, was a comparatively minor produc- Not only were oysters declining, but so was their
tion region during this period (Mackin and Hopkins habitat - the three-dimensional bar or reef created
1962, Kochiss, 1974, McCay 1998). from the shells of many generations of oysters
attached to each other. For most of the fishery’s
On the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts, fishery history in all areas, shells of the harvested oyster,
resources were traditionally recognized as a com- plus the shells they were attached to, were left in
mon property of the local (e.g. township or county) large piles near processing plants - modern shell
users, but the definition of local user was a source middens - either to be discarded or to be used for
of conflict. In Maryland and Virginia in particular, construction. This meant that years and generations
fighting between rival groups of “watermen” led of harvesting the same reefs planed these three-
to bloodshed and state intervention. Conflicts dimensional structures down to low-relief bars,
over oysters are too broad of a topic to be covered which were then vulnerable to siltation (Kennedy
adequately here, but have been covered in several and Sanford 1999).
excellent books (Kochiss 1974, Wennersten 1981,
McCay 1998). Virginia, Maryland, and other states After World War II, with the growth of population
subsequently codified the concept of public fishing and industry in coastal areas, the rate of oyster fish-
grounds. For example, the Baylor Survey Grounds ing picked up but worse was yet to come. In the
in Virginia are defined areas of traditional oyster late 1940s, the oyster parasite Perkinsus marinus
production, preserved for common use by all oyster (Mackin, Owen, and Collier, 1950) (Dermo) was re-
harvesters. It should be noted that while it is used ported from the Gulf of Mexico, but its real impacts
as a conservation tool, the Baylor Survey was occurred after the mid-1950s, when it was reported
conceived purely as a legal and political effort. In from Delaware Bay, and subsequently, Chesapeake
Chesapeake Bay, control of oyster production was Bay. At about the same time, a second parasite,
eventually taken over by the states, but in New York Haplosporidium nelsoni (Haskin, Stauber, and
and New England, it mostly remains in the control Mackin, 1966) (MSX) appeared in the same area,
of townships to this day (Baylor 1894, Kochiss and has since spread from Maine to Florida. Either
1974, Wennersten 1981). Not all eastern oyster disease typically kills the oyster before it reaches
production has remained in the public domain, market size (Ford and Tripp 1996). These diseases
and in many states, certain oyster production areas may have been introduced by human activity (e.g.
may be privately owned or leased (McKenzie 1996, shellfish transfers to the Atlantic coast) (Sinder-
McCay 1998). mann 1993, Carlton and Mann 1996). Regardless
of their origin, these two diseases, combined with
Declines in eastern oyster abundance were noted continued harvesting and other factors, reduced
prior to the 19th Century. Brooks (1891) was among oyster reefs and oyster harvests to a tiny fraction
the first researchers to sound the alarm, for the of their former level, at least from Chesapeake Bay
Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay, but stated north. Newell (1988), in his study on the filtering
that the decline had been ongoing for some time. capacity of Chesapeake oysters, indicated that
This point is also made by McCay (1998), who modern oyster populations would take close to a
cites numerous early warnings by locals and fishery year to filter the entire Bay. Since the residence
observers that oyster resources were being depleted. time of water in Chesapeake Bay is far less than
In Louisiana, Moore (1899) suggested that not only a year, this means that the ecological impact of
harvesting but also habitat alteration (the construc- modern oyster populations on the water column
tion of levees) were to blame for widespread oyster is negligible. Other diseases, notably the so-called
declines. In the resource-rich waters of Chesapeake Juvenile Oyster Disease, have hit eastern oyster
Bay and the Mississippi Delta, the industry itself populations in other parts of the species range.
was slower to be impacted because harvesting
technology improved, oyster prices increased, or Oysters south of Chesapeake Bay, including the
the harvesters simply moved on to new beds. Gulf of Mexico, are less affected by MSX or
Baker 397

Dermo. MSX is mostly absent from the Gulf of eliminated the Chesapeake oyster fishery by the
Mexico, and Dermo, while present, is seldom im- late 1980s (Rothschild et al. 1994).
plicated in major mortality events. Oyster harvests
in southern areas have remained relatively stable Oyster fishery managers have more than fishery
since the 1950s, and as a consequence of declines restrictions as a management tool, and as the fish-
in other areas, southern sources now supply most ery has dwindled, management has become more
of the market for eastern oysters (Newell 1988, aggressive. Proactive methods can be divided into
Rothschild et al. 1994, Ford and Tripp 1996). three main types: silt removal, oyster bar augmen-
tation, and “seed” transfers. Silt, from a variety of
31.5.2 Management and conservation of eastern natural or anthropogenic sources, can cover oyster
oysters. Academic recognition of the need for oys- bars, particularly those flattened by years of oyster
ter conservation followed the opus simply titled The removal, and prevent the settlement of juvenile
Oyster, by William Brooks (1891), a professor at oysters (e.g., Butler 1949). Silt removal is usually
Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. done with a towed harrow or similar implement that
The first two thirds of the book were devoted to either blows the silt off to one side or lifts some
biology and culture of the eastern oyster, but the of the shells above the silt, thus exposing them to
last third described the already dramatic decline natural settlement of juvenile oysters. Oyster bar
of oyster populations in Maryland, and promoted augmentation is similar in principle, but consists of
the need for conservation and management. Prior taking oyster shells from one location, preferably a
to this, it was generally recognized that oysters non-productive site, and placing them on a produc-
were a limited commodity, but apart from setting tive area, again, to provide substratum (“cultch”)
harvest seasons, official responses were limited for natural settlement. In some cases, fossil shell,
to laws against “poaching” by one group of users clamshell, or even artificial cultch is used (Mann
against another (Wennersten 1981, McCay 1998). et al. 1990). “Seed,” or juvenile oyster transfers
consist of relocating juvenile oysters from habitats
More scientific or official steps towards conserva- were they settle well to areas where they grow
tion or management gradually followed. Studies well, based either on established local knowledge
like the Baylor Grounds Survey in Virginia (Baylor of such areas or fishery studies (McKenzie 1996,
1894) and the Louisiana oyster beds report (Moore Luckenbach et al. 1999)
1899) established the extent of surviving areas of
oyster production. In the 20th Century, following the Numerous attempts have been made to augment
rise of new harvest technologies, gear restrictions or replace the eastern oyster fishery with aqua-
were added to harvests from public grounds. Gear culture. In Connecticut, Virginia, and other states,
restrictions have two purposes: to level the playing private grounds or leases for oyster “culture” were
field for all entrants to the fishery, and to control established, but they generally relied upon wild
harvest efficiency. The most famous of these gear settlement or relocation of wild oysters. Culture of
restrictions are in Maryland, where oysters from other (nonindigenous) oyster species was also sug-
public grounds may be harvested by dredges, gested, and pilot oyster hatcheries were developed,
but the vessels involved must be powered by sail but the culture of oysters in the Mid-Atlantic has
alone. These vessels, known as skipjacks, are now never become a commercial reality (Kochiss 1974).
mainly historical relics, along with the oyster reefs. Sociological and political factors played a role in
In Virginia, by contrast, powered vessels may be this; during the 1980s, the well-organized Virginia
used, but the gear is limited to hand-held tongs. In oyster harvesting lobby (“watermen”) opposed ef-
both cases, the intent was to strike a compromise forts to introduce a disease-resistant nonindigenous
between a harvest method that could provide a oyster, fearing their market share would be lost to
living to watermen and preserving the fishery from a cultured species. In contrast, the much less-or-
overexploitation. It might have worked, but fishing ganized northern quahog (Mercenaria mercenaria)
on top of other stressors, such as disease, all but fishery in Virginia put up little resistance to clam
398 Issues in marine conservation

culture, and Virginia is now a leading cultured oyster fishing industry, and Maryland and Virginia
clam producer. A similar dichotomy was observed are again considering the introduction of a disease-
in Florida; oyster culture and clam culture were resistant nonindigenous oyster.
promoted simultaneously as a source of income for
fishers displaced by a gill net ban. Fisheries for both The human population in coastal areas of the
shellfish species already existed but while clam cul- Gulf of Mexico and southeastern United States is
ture has since thrived in Florida, oyster culture met growing rapidly and will put continued pressure
resistance from the oyster fishery and failed to take on oyster resources, directly or indirectly (Baker
hold (Colson and Sturmer 2000). In both Virginia et al. 2003). It is very possible that the trend seen
and Florida, the historical importance of the oyster elsewhere, a decline or collapse of oyster fisher-
fishery, plus a justifiable fear that the development ies, will also be observed in these areas. Once
of an oyster culture industry would spell the end of that happens, the only eastern oysters to reach the
the wild oyster fishery, have impeded acceptance palates of discriminating diners will come from
of aquaculture as a means of producing oysters. Maine, Canada, or other areas where aquaculture
Only in the northern part of its range, particularly has replaced the fishery.
in New England and the Maritime Provinces of
Canada, has oyster aquaculture become established. In the Mid-Atlantic, the historic center of the
Not coincidentally, these areas have also been American oyster industry, we are seeing a transi-
receptive to the culture of nonindigenous oysters tion of attitudes and approaches to conservation of
(Kochiss 1974). the eastern oyster. From a common resource that
supported a rugged population of watermen, the in-
From a conservation perspective, social resistance dustry has dwindled, and its supporters fallen away,
to oyster culture in the Mid-Atlantic and Gulf of until almost all that remain are the managers and
Mexico has its advantages. Nonindigenous oysters researchers who tried to sustain the fishery since
(namely, the commercially successful Pacific oys- the time of Brooks (1891). It is now they, not the
ter, Crassostrea gigas) have not been introduced watermen, who tell the oyster’s tale to the public,
to possibly compete with natives, nor have local and it is they who have emphasized the oyster as
culturists supplied the market for fresh oyster ecosystem engineer, rather than a mere restaurant
products. This has forced resource managers to delicacy. Should this new group of stewards suc-
concentrate instead on ways to preserve and restore ceed in restoring the oyster to its former dominance
natural, native eastern oyster resources. This focus in the ecosystem, will the oyster fishery also return?
on natural populations has, in turn, fueled more Will a new generation of watermen be willing to
ecological studies on the eastern oyster than on deal with the rugged life on the oyster bars, com-
any bivalve in the world. Oysters are recognized bined now with the demands of a state bureaucracy
not only as a resource, but also as ecosystem en- more protective of the oysters than the harvesters?
gineers that alter the environment around them in It is difficult to guess, but given the examples of
ways beneficial to the ecosystem as a whole (Cake other resource industries elsewhere in the United
1983, Newell 1988, Rheinhardt and Mann 1990, States, from logging to cattle ranching, the answer
Jones et al. 1997, Coen et al. 1999). In combina- is likely to be no.
tion with their economic value, this makes natural
oyster beds a prime candidate for preservation in 31.5.3 History of Olympia oyster fishery and
the face of human pressure. Additionally, oyster bar decline. By the time of the California Gold Rush
augmentation has now been taken to the next logi- (1849), oysters were a delicacy among the immi-
cal level with the successful re-creation of realistic grants. Hang Town Fry, so named because it was
oyster reefs in areas where they had once existed reputed to be a favored last meal among condemned
(Bartol et al. 1999). Since the early 1990s, however, convicts, included eggs and oysters - in this case,
social resistance to oyster culture in Chesapeake the small Olympia oyster native to California. There
Bay has eroded along with its political base in the was no pre-existing fishery, and this was the West,
Baker 399

where natural resources were bestowed freely by and modern shellfish aquaculture companies in
a benevolent federal government. The fishery was Washington date their beginnings to the Olympia
open to whoever wished to enter it and in whatever oyster (Baker 1995).
manner they chose. The opinions of the surviving
Native Americans were not consulted. The Olympia oyster culture industry of Puget Sound
collapsed due to high mortalities and reproductive
Olympia oysters attach to each other, but the aggre- failure during the 1950s. Pollution from pulp mills
gations they form are not as robust or three-dimen- was generally accepted as the source of the prob-
sional as those of eastern oysters. It was a simple lems but, by the time the problem had been mitigat-
matter (albeit, still hard work) for the harvesters ed, the oyster industry had moved on. The Pacific
to simply rake up Olympia oysters off the mud. oyster, C. gigas, was imported from Japan, and even
Unfortunately, this form of harvest removed almost though it took decades to develop local hatcheries
all habitat for re-settlement, because of the lack of for this species, the industry was sustained by an-
exposed layers of shell beneath. Once harvested, the nual imports of juvenile oysters, or “seed,” direct
oyster fishery did not always recover. San Francisco from Japanese waters. Again, this period was as-
Bay was the first to be fished out, although silt from sociated with the accidental introduction of many
gold mining and other disturbances probably played other species, including some serious oyster pests
a role as well by destroying habitat (Carlton 1979). (Carlton 1979, Baker 1995). The Pacific oyster is
From San Francisco Bay, the fishery worked its way roundly despised by many American epicureans,
south to Mexico and north through California, Or- compared to the eastern oyster (C. virginica) or
egon, and Washington. Local extirpations occurred the Olympia oyster. Most consumers, however, are
in a number of estuaries in all three states over content with the fast-growing Pacific oyster, which
the course of the next century, although this was attains sizes larger than the eastern oyster, and it is
concurrent with massive disturbance in the form of certainly a more commercially attractive product
siltation, dredging, and filling, so it is difficult to that the tiny Olympia oyster. The Olympia oyster
blame only fishing. An oyster fishery also existed in remains a commercial product, but ranks near the
British Columbia, but the distribution of the species bottom of all commercial oyster species in total
was not as precisely documented as further south, value and is strictly a specialty product. A simple
and it is unclear whether any local extirpations oc- comparison of tissue mass reveals why; a standard
curred (Baker 1995, Baker et al. 1999). 1-gallon (U.S.) shipping container holds 80-140
shucked Pacific oysters, but 1600-2000 shucked
By the early 19th Century, most easily exploited Olympia oysters. Olympia oyster populations have
Olympia oyster stocks were gone. Attempts to recovered somewhat in southwest Puget Sound,
introduce the eastern oyster, C. virginica, were which remains the primary source, but California,
for the most part unsuccessful, although numer- Oregon, and British Columbia also produce small
ous other species were accidentally introduced in quantities (Baker 1995).
the process (Carlton 1979). To meet West Coast
demand, private growers in Washington State, The rapid demise of the Olympia oyster fishery
where tidelands may be privately owned to this and the subsequent rise of oyster aquaculture have
day, modified a French oyster culture system us- led to a stark contrast in regional perceptions of
ing concrete dikes to pond water at low tide. This oysters, compared to the Atlantic seaboard. In
system relied upon natural settlement of oysters, California and Oregon, all oysters (native and non-
but growing conditions and predators could be indigenous) are assumed to be private property, and
controlled. The dike system was also tried in Brit- harvest, even on public land, is forbidden. Public
ish Columbia and northern California, but did not harvest in Washington is permitted, but only on
become widely used except for the southwest Puget clearly designated public lands (Tables 31.2 and
Sound of Washington. Here, oyster culture provided 31.4). Other shellfish, from abalone to clams, are
a living for a number of growers for several decades considered to be in the public domain if they are
400 Issues in marine conservation

on public land, even though some of them are also Finally, recent research on the role of oysters as eco-
cultured. In Chesapeake Bay or the Gulf of Mexico, system engineers (Newell 1988, Jones et al. 1997,
such exclusion from the natural resource would be Coen et al. 1999) provoked interest in the Olympia
unacceptable. oyster for reasons other than a fishery.

31.5.4 Management and conservation of Olympia Robinson and Johnson (1997) undertook a uni-
oysters. Coastal communities on the Pacific coast, lateral effort to “restore” the Olympia oyster in
with the exception of the few surviving Native Oregon, by relocating stock from the only surviving
American communities, are young compared to population (Yaquina Bay) to several other isolated
their counterparts in the Atlantic seaboard. No shell- estuaries. In at least one case, this relocation effort
fish industries or traditions had a chance to develop appeared to have re-established a self-sustaining
before most Olympia oyster populations were fully population where one had previously died out
exploited. By the time state and federal agencies (Netarts Bay). In another location (Coos Bay), a
began taking an interest in shellfish resources, oyster population had already been established, probably
culture attempts were already underway. Federal via the translocation of cultured Pacific oysters
and state efforts were focused on assisting the oyster from other estuaries (Baker et al. 1999). Olympia
industry, either by importing eastern oysters (which oysters were also introduced to estuaries with no
failed to become established in most areas), or by historical or fossil record of that species, although
assisting in the development of Olympia oyster there is no evidence that any of these transplants
culture (Carlton 1979, Baker 1995). established a new population.

With the near-demise of the Olympia oyster culture The above anecdote brings up a significant hurdle
industry in Puget Sound and the rise of the Pacific facing managers who wish to conserve or restore
oyster industry, official interest in the Olympia the Olympia oyster. Unlike the eastern oyster,
oyster waned. Regulations against public harvest the Olympia oyster distribution is highly discrete
of any oyster, in any locality, were subsequently through much of its range, and isolated localities
erected, presumably because of the difficulty (to may be genetically distinct populations. Isolated
the law enforcement officer) of determining the populations, it follows, may be uniquely adapted
origin of oysters once they were collected. Bans to that locality, and thus be Ecologically Significant
against harvests of wild Olympia oysters were Units (ESUs - see Section 31.4). It may be inap-
probably erected simply because of the difficulty in propriate to use oysters from one ESU to restore
distinguishing between the native Olympia oyster a population in another habitat, if a remnant ESU
and small cultured Pacific oysters. Almost no spe- in the target habitat still persists, because of the
cific efforts towards Olympia oyster conservation, risk of genetic dilution. For this reason, conserva-
apart from monitoring the waning culture industry, tion efforts for the Olympia oyster remain in the
were made for most of the second half of the 20th conceptual stage (Baker et al. 1999).
Several trends may have come together at the AND QUEEN CONCH
same time to renew interest in the Olympia oyster.
Olympia oyster commercial production began to Bivalves dominate American molluscan fisheries,
rise slowly in the 1980s. The spectacular success but the most costly fishery products come from
of the non-indigenous zebra mussel in the Great gastropods - abalone on the Pacific coast and queen
Lakes focused attention on non-indigenous aquatic conch in the Caribbean. Abalones (Haliotis spp.)
species, bivalves in particular, including the Pacific are free-spawning, releasing millions of microscop-
oyster. The reverse side of non-indigenous species ic eggs into the plankton. Queen conch (Strombus
management is native species conservation, and on gigas) deposit egg cases, like most gastropods, but
the Pacific coast, this included the Olympia oyster. large females still produce large numbers of eggs,
Baker 401

each of which hatches into a free-swimming veliger diving, with a heavy brass helmet and a surface
larva. Given this fecundity, one would expect high air compressor, was introduced by Japanese im-
fishery resilience of these species. The reality is migrants in the 1920s, but the fishery remained
that starting from huge fisheries less than a century focused on red abalone. World War II halted the
ago, only two species of abalone are still fished to fishery for a few years but, after the war, “frogman”
a limited extent; the remaining species have been technology was applied to the fishery. A surface air
harvested to the point of fishery collapse. The queen compressor was still used, but the diver was more
conch is completely protected in Florida, the only mobile, and the fishery expanded to include pink
U.S. state in which it occurs. abalone, H. corrugata Wood, 1828. The California
fishery began at Monterey, but after World War II
Up to fifty species of abalone occur worldwide and moved south, and almost all catch came from San
seven of these are found in California, the center Luis Obispo County (Cox 1962). After the spread
of the U.S. fishery. The common gastropod spiral of SCUBA technology in the 1960s and 1970s,
is collapsed into a large, ear-shaped shell, and the even more areas and species became accessible.
Latin name for the genus, Haliotis, means, roughly, Offshore populations of green and black abalone
sea ear. The abalone has no operculum and most again became important to the fishery. Pink abalone
of the ventral surface of the animal is a huge foot numbers declined rapidly after 1970 and by 1985
that clings to the rocky substrate, where it grazes were no longer a significant part of the fishery.
on algae. It is this foot that is the primary target of
the fishery, with retail prices for wild specimens The red abalone has always been a large component
approaching $100 per pound. Abalone shells are of the industry and is the only species still harvested
strong, pearly, and attractive, and were used by in California. In the early 1970s, however, green
indigenous peoples around the world for tools, abalone dominated the industry, peaking at nearly
ornaments, and even currency. The shells of a few 10,000 short tons of meat in 1971. This fishery level
large species, notably the New Zealand paua [Hali- could not be sustained; by 1977 it had fallen under
otis iris (Gmelin, 1791)], are still used for jewelry 1000 tons and it slowly declined after that. Black
today, and several species produce rare but prized abalone harvests resumed in 1970 after nearly a
pearls (Landman et al. 2001). century of being fished out of near-shore waters.
The fishery peaked in 1973 and then declined but
Despite this wide regard for abalones, the first remained important until the late 1980s. In 1985,
Spanish and U.S. settlers to California ignored Withering Syndrome, tentatively identified as the
the abundant species found along that coast. Chi- bacterium Xenohaliotis californiensis Friedman,
nese immigrants arriving for the Gold Rush were Andree, Beauchamp, Moore, Robbins, Shield, and
the first to recognize the large gastropods for the Hedrick, 2000, caused mass mortality of wild black
delicacy they were, and began harvesting them in abalone. This led to a complete collapse of that fish-
both California and Mexico. Early harvest methods ery by 1993, when harvests were prohibited. Black
were crude, but they were sufficient to effectively abalone populations have since recovered slightly,
eliminate red, green, and black abalone (H. rufe- but remain at densities orders of magnitude below
scens Swainson, 1822, H. fulgens Philippi, 1845, historic levels (Moore et al. 2001).
and H. cracherodii Leach, 1814, respectively) from
near-shore localities in southern California in just a The most dramatic decline has been that of the
few years. The Mexican government enacted some white abalone (H. sorenseni). A comparatively
harvest limits in 1880, and local and state Califor- deep-water species largely restricted to California’s
nian governments began regulating the fishery in Channel Islands, it was caught sporadically after
1901 and 1911, respectively (Cox 1962). 1955, when a 1933 ban was lifted. The fishery
surged in 1969, peaked at around 1300 short tons,
Diving technology expanded the abalone fishery and then declined steadily, until by 1980, it was
further from shore and to new species. Hardhat essentially absent from the fishery. Few realized
402 Issues in marine conservation

the extent of the decline, however, and a sport dramatic. By the end of the 1960s, a rapid decline
fishery was allowed to remain until 1995. The in the fishery began in areas with sea otters, and the
fishery was so efficient that researchers surveying current belief of fishery managers is that healthy
the same area that supported up to 30,000 white sea otter populations and any sort of abalone fishery
abalone in the 1970s could find only three animals cannot co-exist (Cox 1962, Ault 1985).
in 1993. Subsequent surveys failed to find any, and
the fishery was permanently closed in 1996. So The queen conch, Strombus gigas, is a more typi-
severe was the white abalone decline that imminent cal marine snail than the abalone in some regards,
extinction of the species was feared. In 2001, the possessing a spiraled shell and an operculum. The
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration characteristic flared aperture lip does not form until
made history by listing the white abalone as the first the animal nears maturity. Like abalone, conch
U.S. federally endangered marine invertebrate. The shells were valued by indigenous peoples for
species is not yet extinct, fortunately, but remains tools, ornamentation, and currency. Conch pearls
in critically low numbers. are prized by collectors today (Carstarphen 1982,
Landman et al. 2001). True conchs (Strombidae)
California banned harvests of green and black should not be confused with other large snails
abalone in 1996. The entire fishery south of San sometimes termed conch, such as whelks of the
Francisco, which included the once-produc- family Melongenidae.
tive San Luis Obispo and Channel Islands, was
closed in 1997, and in 2000, the fisheries for pinto Queen conch fisheries by Europeans date back
abalone (H. kamtschatkana) and flat abalone (H. to the 17th Century, first as fish bait, and later as
walallensis Stearns, 1899), which had never been dried rations. The U.S. fishery is not as well docu-
large, were closed. In California and in Oregon, mented as that of the abalone, but was originally
the only other state to permit harvests of red aba- important throughout the Caribbean, including the
lone, the fishery is currently open only to recre- Florida Keys. Florida Key residents are sometimes
ational fishing, with restrictive bag and size limits. referred to as “conchs,” a term that reflects the past
The fishery for pinto abalone in British Columbia importance of the colorful shellfish to the region.
followed the same trend as in California, resulting The fishery remains valuable in other parts of the
in a permanent closure in 1990. In Alaska, the Caribbean, but most areas have experienced severe
pinto abalone fishery was sporadic until 1977, fishery declines, leading to closures in Mexico and
when systematic harvest methods were brought elsewhere (Carstarphen 1982, Torres and Sullivan-
to bear. The Alaska pinto abalone fishery peaked Sealey 2000).
immediately, and has slowly declined since,
but remains open. California recently adopted a The Florida queen conch fishery, which extended
comprehensive recovery plane for abalone, which from the Dry Tortugas to Biscayne Bay, is as
depends almost exclusively on fishery closures old as those elsewhere in the Caribbean, but the
and monitoring; re-stocking with hatchery-reared well-documented portion of the fishery picked up
abalone is not planned. rapidly in the 1960s, following the Florida real
estate and tourism boom. Both meat and shells of
Ironically, it may be that the entire California aba- the queen conch were targeted. In 1975 the com-
lone fishery was an artifact to start with, created by mercial fishery was closed in response to declining
prior human predation on the main natural predator stocks and, in 1986, the recreational fishery was
of adult abalones. The sea otter [Enhydra lutris closed. The initial goal of the Florida closure was
(Linnaeus, 1758)] was nearly eradicated by hunt- to permit fishery stocks to recover on their own
ers prior to the California Gold Rush, but a small but, by 1993, it was apparent that this was not
pocket survived undetected in central California. In going to happen as quickly as hoped. Stoner and
the 1960s, sea otters began to be locally abundant Ray-Culp (2000) suggest that density dependent
again, and their predatory impact on abalone was reproduction is at least partly to blame; at low den-
Baker 403

sities, queen conch simply fail to breed. In 1993, 31.7 SCALLOPS

queen conch management became proactive, and
using recently developed culture technologies, Scallops (Pectinidae) are a diverse group of bi-
Florida began stocking areas with juvenile queen valves with numerous representatives in the United
conch. To date, stocking efforts have yielded few States, and include valuable fisheries. So-called
encouraging results, in Florida or elsewhere. One deep-sea scallops include the large and colorful sea
problem may be pollution. There is a negative scallop (Placopecten magellanicus) off the Atlantic
correlation with spawning success in near-shore coast south to North Carolina and the similar-size
conchs, which are exposed to eutrophication and weathervane scallop (Patinopecten caurinus) off
other anthropogenic inputs, compared to offshore the Pacific coast from Alaska to California. Inshore
specimens. Another more fundamental issue may fisheries include the bay scallop (Argopecten ir-
be the transport of planktonic larvae on oceanic radians) along parts of the Atlantic and Gulf of
currents. Some authors argue that Florida queen Mexico coasts, and the oyster-like purple-hinged
conch actually recruited from now-depleted rock scallop [Crassadoma gigantea (Gray, 1825)]
stocks elsewhere in the Caribbean (Iversen and along the Pacific Coast. Two small scallops, Chla-
Jory 1997, Glazer and Quintero 1998, Hawtof et mys hastata (Sowerby, 1842) and C. rubida (Hinds,
al. 1998). 1845), make up a minor fishery off the Pacific coast.
In this section, only the sea scallop, weathervane
For abalone and queen conch, the future seems to scallop, and bay scallop will be discussed.
be replacement of the fishery with aquaculture.
Aquaculture techniques are well-developed for The sea scallop is the single most valuable mol-
abalone, not only in California but in many parts lusk fishery in the U.S. and, while landings over
of the world, and the market is now dominated by past 70 years have been more variable than for
aquaculture products. We may one day see abalone surf clams (S. solidissima) or ocean quahog (A.
affordable to the ordinary consumer, just as the islandica), the next most valuable species, they
retail price of farm-reared salmon has plunged in have not dropped below 2000 metric tons annu-
recent years. Queen conch aquaculture, despite ally since World War II. This is in contrast to the
decades of efforts, is in its infancy. No major tech- weathervane scallop, for which the fishery south of
nological hurdles appear to exist, and current prices Alaska is so variable that most years it simply does
for conch certainly support such ventures. No one not exist, yet is productive in other years. NMFS
is counting on restoration of a commercial fishery Fishery Management Plans exist for both species,
for either abalone or queen conch in the foreseeable but while overfishing is a common concern for the
future. Even if abalone or queen conch numbers sea scallop, the weathervane scallop fishery is too
recover significantly, the sport fishing industry is poorly understood to know whether conservation
now larger, better equipped, and more politically concerns exist. Given the rapid expansion of the
active than ever before, and could easily take what- weathervane scallop fishery since the 1980s, the
ever portion of the stock managers designate as a possibility for over-exploitation certainly exists
fishery (Glazer 2001, Department of Fisheries and (Mullen and Moring 1986, Shirley and Kruse 1995,
Oceans 2002). Nunez 1988).

The historic listing of the white abalone as federally Bay scallops, which have long been considered to
threatened represents a shift in mollusk conserva- comprise multiple separate populations, present
tion, from fishery conservation to species conser- a more complex scenario. They are semelparous
vation. If enough of the voting public comes to (spawning only once) in most populations and
recognize abalone and queen conch as animals, just are thus especially vulnerable to population col-
as are California sea otters and Florida manatees, lapses. Bay scallops were originally harvested for
they may eventually be valued for more than table fertilizer in New England but became a fishery in
fare or decorative shells. the 19th Century and, in only a few decades, were
404 Issues in marine conservation

depleted to fishery collapse in many areas. Scallops If such a market existed, aquaculture for the bay
were not a valuable enough resource to continue scallop in the U.S. might be a commercially viable
harvesting at low densities and stocks recovered venture (Tarnowski 2005).
when the fishery ceased. In the 1930s, however,
an eelgrass disease destroyed most of the habitat 31.8 CLAMS
for scallops from Virginia north and populations
of bay scallops again collapsed. Incidentally, this Clams, as opposed to oysters, scallops, and mussels,
was also when the eelgrass limpet, Lottia alveus are free-living bivalves living in soft sediments that
alveus, went extinct. Fishing pressure was not draw water and nutrition through tubular mantle
responsible for this bay scallop collapse, although extensions known as siphons to biologists and
it has been suggested that the eelgrass disease was “necks” to clam diggers. Clams are a functional
accidentally introduced by humans. Bay scallops group, rather than taxonomic. Around twenty clam
recovered again in New England, and comprise species are regulated in the United States, and an
a recreational fishery in Massachusetts, but were additional half-dozen species are taken by local
extirpated in Maryland and Virginia, and did not fisheries. Only a few of these species will be dis-
reappear for over 60 years. From North Carolina to cussed here.
Florida, bay scallop populations are under intense
recreational fishing pressure, leading to regional The most valuable clams, in terms of total landings
closures in some states (Field et al. 1910, Fay et al. in the U.S., are the surf clam (Spisula solidissima)
1983, Marshall 1947, Carlton et al. 1991, Wilber and the ocean quahog (Arctica islandica), both of
and Gaffney 1997, Greenawalt, 2002). which tend to end up in clam chowder and clam
strips. Although both species make up minor rec-
Although restoration of marine shellfish by trans- reational fisheries in New England, the commercial
planting has a mixed record of accomplishment, fisheries are well offshore in the North Atlantic,
this has not stopped attempts to restore bay scallop and regulated by NOAA Fishery Management
populations in this manner. Attempts have been Plans. Both fisheries have been relatively stable,
made, in Virginia and Florida, to plant cultured but the ocean quahog in particular, is probably not
bay scallops. Transplanting has not been clearly sustainable. The ocean quahog, known locally as
demonstrated to be effective to date, but harvest the mahogany clam for its dark brown periostra-
closures have been followed by fishery restoration cum, takes decades to reach full size, and may live
in some areas (Blake 1996, Tarnowski and Homer seventy years or more (Zettler et al. 2001). It does
1999, Greenawalt 2002). Aquaculture of the bay not follow that the species is endangered, though;
scallop has been attempted since the 1960s but, unlike for abalone, the value of a single ocean qua-
in the 1980s, China began large-scale aquaculture hog is low, and the fishery industry will not pursue
production of this species. Today it supplies most low densities or small pockets of clams.
of the market for the adductor muscles (Castagna
1975, Yan et al. 2000). The oldest U.S. clam fisheries, not including those
developed by Native Americans, are those for
For most scallops, only the adductor muscle is the hard clam or northern quahog (Mercenaria
consumed, but this is a wasteful and purely cultural mercenaria) and the softshell or steamer (Mya
bias. The entire scallop is as edible as any other arenaria) in New England and the Mid-Atlantic.
mollusk. It is eaten, much as are whole mussels Although habitat for both species has been lost to
or clams, in most parts of the world. In the United coastal filling or areas that are closed for pollu-
States, much of the small fishery for spiny and pink tion or sanitation reasons, fisheries for both have
scallops (Chlamys spp.) on the Pacific coast goes remained relatively robust. The dramatic declines
to a restaurant-based market for whole product; a observed among eastern oysters, bay scallops, and
comparable product, using the bay scallop is still abalone have, for the most part, not occurred for
struggling for market acceptance in the eastern U.S. these two clams. Consequently, neither species is
Baker 405

subject to strict conservation measures throughout when the time comes to seek the political will to
most of their ranges, although Fegley (2001) ques- impose fishery restrictions or other conservation
tions whether this incaution is warranted for hard measures.
clams. Diseases, such as QPX in hard clams, have
inhibited some local efforts to manage populations. The wide, sandy beaches of the Pacific coast sup-
Currently, aquaculture in Virginia and Florida port important local fisheries for two additional
supplies most of the market for the smaller-sized clam species. The Pismo clam [Tivela stultorum
(more expensive) hard clams, but the softshell clam (Mawe, 1823)] is restricted to California and
industry remains strictly a fishery (Newell and Hidu Mexico, and is taken only recreationally. The
1986, Eversole 1987, Roegner and Mann 1991, Pacific razor clam [Siliqua patula (Dixon, 1789)],
Kraeuter et al. 1998, Colson and Sturmer 2000). prized for its sweet flesh, is sought from northern
California to Alaska, but the center of the sport
On the Pacific coast, a somewhat larger number of fishery is two beaches flanking the mouth of the
clams are sought, but only one, the geoduck clam Columbia River, in Oregon and Washington. Their
[Panopea abrupta (Conrad, 1849)], is a major habitat, high-energy sandy beaches, is exposed for
fishery in the U.S. The geoduck is the world’s larg- only a few hours of a few days a month, often at
est burrowing clam and mature specimens cannot dawn or dusk. To live in this environment, razor
retract into their shells. It is primarily subtidal and clams must be able to re-bury themselves in sec-
lives buried a meter (3 ft) in the sediment. It was onds, and to dig rapidly to escape pounding waves
not until the application of SCUBA technologies or predatory birds. This ability also allows them to
in 1970 that a commercial fishery began for this escape rapidly from the clam digger, by digging
species. This U.S. fishery rapidly expanded to down out of reach, so harvesting razor clams is not
several thousand metric tons annually but, for the a leisurely activity.
past decade, has been less than 1000 tons annually.
Given that the clam takes a decade to reach maturity Razor clams became a major recreation fishery
and can live for decades more, there are legitimate around 1900, with catches peaking in the 1970s.
conservation concerns. Commercial-scale poach- Over 300,000 clam diggers were involved an-
ing for this valuable species (worth up to $100 per nually in Washington alone, and catches could
pound) is a serious problem but it is believed that not be sustained. Oregon and Washington began
unexploited stocks survive in various refugia, espe- reducing bag limits and enacting closed seasons,
cially in British Columbia. Aquaculture techniques but declines continued. In the 1980s, a presumably
for the geoduck have been developed in both the bacterial disease (NIX) caused 90% mortalities
U.S. and British Columbia, where the species also in Washington. Mortalities since then have been
forms a fishery, but the market remains dominated less severe, but the disease still causes mortalities,
by fishery products (Department of Fisheries and although mainly in northern Oregon and southern
Oceans 2001). Washington. The commercial fishery relocated to
British Columbia, mainly in Haida Gwaii (Queen
The geoduck, however, has achieved what few Charlotte Islands). In the 1990s, domoic acid, a se-
other mollusks have, and that is a place in the rious toxin associated with harmful algal blooms,
hearts and lore of the local populace. The clam’s began appearing in razor clams, prompting regular
unusual size, bizarre and frankly phallic appear- testing and emergency closures. In Washington,
ance, and peculiar name probably all contribute Native Americans began exercising a federally
to this phenomenon. Just as mispronunciation of recognized right to harvest razor clams outside
“quahog” will mark you as an outsider on Long of their reservations, putting further pressure
Island, so will a phonetic pronunciation of “geo- on the species. Bag limits have declined further.
duck” in the Puget Sound region. Plush geoduck Despite these problems, a popular sport fishery
dolls are sometimes available for sale in Seattle’s for razor clams still exists (Elston 1986, Simons
Pike Place Market. Such notoriety is of great value and Ayres 1991).
406 Issues in marine conservation

31.9 MUSSELS: EXCEPTIONS TO THE related to human health concerns about the wa-
RULE? ter the mussels grow in, not about the mussel
populations themselves. Conservation concerns
Many of the above tales of molluscan fisheries about mussel harvests are as likely to be about
have been of decline or collapse. Not so the marine ancillary impacts on other species as on mussels
mussels. Until recently, all of the edible mussels in (Saier 2002). There is no simple explanation for
the United States have been in the genus Mytilus, why mussel fisheries remain robust, while oyster,
but the only readily identifiable species is M. cali- scallop, and other fisheries are in decline. Perhaps
fornianus Conrad, 1837, the California sea mussel, we should study mussels from a fishery perspec-
which is found from Alaska to Mexico. M. edulis tive, if only to determine how we have failed to
Linnaeus, 1758, the blue mussel, was originally undermine their populations as we have for so
thought to be native to all northern oceans, but has many other marine mollusks.
since been recognized as at least three morphologi-
cally identical species. M. edulis is native to both 31.10 CEPHALOPODS
coasts of the North Atlantic, M. galloprovincialis
Lamarck, 1819 is native to Europe but is introduced The United States is nearly unique, among nations
to the Pacific coast of North America, and M. with major fisheries, in ignoring cephalopods as a
trossulus Gould, 1850 appears to be native to the major table fare; initial fisheries were for bait, and
North Pacific and portions of the North Atlantic. bait is still one of the primary markets for squid in
Other native mussels are mostly small or inedible the U.S.A. Calamari is gaining popularity in Ital-
(McDonald and Koehn 1988, Newell 1989). ian and seafood restaurants, but the vast majority
of the U.S. fishery goes to specialty markets or is
Mussels, regardless of species, are the easiest of consumed and sold abroad. Squid (Loligo spp.) are
mollusks to harvest. They cling to the substrate regulated as a sport fishery in several states (Table
with strong byssal threads, which are easily sev- 31.1), but bag limits are generous and the majority
ered with hand tools. Most Mytilus species occur of the fishery is in federal waters. Pelagic squid
intertidally in huge beds, and in the Netherlands, are typically dispersed in small aggregations, but
blue mussels are simply scraped off the tide flats gather in huge numbers to spawn, and are targeted
with industrial equipment (Saier 2002). Mussels at that time. This makes them vulnerable to over-
are popular in most cultures where they occur, and exploitation and, in the late 1990s, the National
are widely eaten on both coasts of North America. Marine Fishery Service concluded that L. pealei
Mussel “culture” is one of the mainstays of marine Lesueur, 1821 from North Carolina northward was
aquaculture, but it too, is at least partly a fishery. being overexploited. The fishery was subsequently
Mussel culturists do not culture larvae, as do most closed in 2001 and again in 2002. On the Pacific
other shellfish culturists, but instead rely upon coast, impacts of the fishery on stocks are still be-
settlement onto their culture rafts from natural ing assessed (Cadrin 2000, Washington Fish and
mussel populations (Newell et al. 1991). Wildlife 2003).

Despite their vulnerability to harvest, mussels The Caribbean reef squid [Sepioteuthis sepioidea
have proved remarkably resilient fisheries. The (de Blainville, 1823)], which occurs in Florida, is
evidence of this can be seen in the literature: there not regulated, nor is the neon flying squid [Om-
are thousands of biological or ecological refer- mastrephes bartrami (Lesueur, 1821)], which oc-
ences to Mytilus, but compared to other important curs off the Pacific coast from Mexico to Alaska.
marine fishery species, there are relatively few Both are fishery species in other regions, and the
fishery papers on mussels. As William J. Hargis neon flying squid in particular is the target of an
pointed out for oysters, fishery biologists do not experimental fishery. The brief squid [Lolliguncula
study a species much until it is in decline. Almost brevis (de Blainville, 1823)] is an abundant coastal
all mussel fishery declines or closures are directly species from New York to South America, and is
Baker 407

often harvested for bait, but is not widely eaten in however, does not mean that serious conservation
its U.S. range. issues do not exist for these mollusks.

Octopods (Octopus spp.) are more tightly regu- Some molluscan species are unregulated because
lated by states and provinces than are squids, with the fishery collapsed before regulators took an
generally low take limits or closures and strict interest. Bean clams (Donax gouldi Dall, 1921)
gear limits. Industrial-scale fishing methods are were once an important local fishery in southern
inappropriate for octopuses, which live among California before World War II, but the fishery col-
rocks or other structures, but because octopuses are lapsed, for reasons unknown, and while populations
large, territorial predators, a well-developed hand of the bean clam have at least partially recovered,
fishery can have significant impacts. The advent of the fishery has not. Calico scallops (Argopecten
SCUBA technology has placed most large octopus gibbus) were an important fishery off the coast of
within reach of a specialty fishery, and there is a Georgia and Florida in the 1980s, but collapsed,
modest commercial fishery on the Pacific coast and possibly permanently, before the reauthorization of
in Florida, the only Atlantic seaboard state with the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Act in 1993. Dis-
specific octopus regulations (Table 31.1). Unfor- ease was blamed, but the collapse occurred during
tunately, while octopus fisheries are widespread, a period of commercial exploitation. Sunray venus
there appears to be little research on fishery stocks clams [Macrocallista nimbosa (Lightfoot, 1786)]
or sustainability. were briefly the target of a dredge fishery in west
Florida in the 1960s and 1970s, but this fishery
Cephalopods differ from the majority of gastropods was not sustained. Currently, the sunray venus
and bivalves in ways important to their conserva- forms only a minor recreational fishery and is not
tion or management. They are predators, whereas specifically regulated (Gibbons 1964, Godcharles
many commercially important gastropods and all and Jaap 1973, Moyer et al. 1993).
bivalves feed on algae or plankton. This tends to
make cephalopod fisheries less productive per unit Other edible mollusks are probably not currently
area than other molluscan fisheries, and thus more regulated for the same reason mussels and clams
vulnerable to exploitation. Second, cephalopods are took generations to become common table fare in
semelparous (spawning only once), while all but a America: the ethnic groups that target them have
few marine gastropods and bivalves are iteropar- simply not moved up the socio-economic ladder
ous, with populations consisting of multiple age enough to make their seafood mainstream. A prime
classes. Loss of an entire cohort of abalone is bad; example of this is ark clams (Arcoida), which occur
loss of an entire cohort of octopus is catastrophic. from Cape Cod to the Caribbean. The group is also
A third issue, particularly for octopus conservation collectively called blood clams due to the presence
or regulation, is the difficulty in distinguishing spe- of extracellular hemoglobin, which colors tissue
cies, and in most parts of the world, probably more and blood. Most Norte Americanos prefer their
species exist than are currently recognized (Voss et clams pasty white but, in parts of Latin America, ark
al. 1998, Herb 2001). clams are a delicacy and they are also eaten widely
in Southeast Asia. Sporadic efforts have been made
31.11 UNREGULATED AND OVERLOOKED in the U.S. to tap into this market, targeting blood
MOLLUSKS arks (Anadara spp.) and the ponderous ark [Noetia
ponderosa (Say, 1822)]. A minor fishery exists in
So far in this chapter we have covered a tiny frac- Virginia but stocks cannot keep up with demand
tion of the thousands of species of marine mollusks and there are fears of overharvesting. The ponder-
that occur on our shores. Some of these species, ous ark and one of the blood arks, Anadara ovalis
overlooked by regulators and conservationists, are (Bruguière, 1789), are currently being investigated
nonetheless fishery species, or have been in the past as aquaculture species (Baker et al. 2001, Walker
(Table 31.1). Just because they are unregulated, and Gates 2001).
408 Issues in marine conservation

Unregulated gastropods are not exempt from fishery ing number of marine parks and sanctuaries, within
impacts, either. In California, the large abalones get which mollusks are regulated as part of the total
all the press, however, limpets are also harvested. benthic community and are harvested sparingly or
The owl limpet (Lottia gigantea Sowerby, 1834) not at all. Given the taxonomic diversity and often
and the great keyhole limpet [Megathura crenata cryptic habitat of many mollusks, broad protection
(Sowerby, 1834)] are targeted for their large size. is not only the most practical solution but also the
Both are actually regulated in California under a most ecosystem-friendly. Marine aquaculture also
combination of general take limits for all intertidal offers relief to wild mollusk populations by replac-
invertebrates and no-take zones, but enforcement ing fisheries with farmed products. Aquaculture is
is lacking in most areas. The result, at least for the often criticized as non-sustainable but most mol-
owl limpet, has been not only a decline in abun- lusks are different, as argued by Shumway et al.
dance, but also an interesting adaptive, or possibly (2003). The most valuable gastropods - abalone
evolutionary response; mature animals are smaller and conch - are herbivorous and do not require feed
in impacted areas than in either museum collec- processed from wild-caught fish. Bivalve nutrition
tions or in strictly enforced no-take zones (Roy et is even simpler - they simply feed on natural con-
al. 2003). centrations of phytoplankton in the water flowing
past their culture area. No human activities are
California, Florida, Oregon, and Washington all without some impacts on the environment, but
have rich near-shore faunas, and ideal conditions shellfish aquaculture may provide a way to have
for casual collectors, whether it is warm water or our conch and eat it, too.
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Carruthers, and B. Sturgis, eds., Maryland’s Coastal some problems and developing countermeasures
Bays: Ecosystem Health Assessment 2004. Docu- in the cultivation of bay scallop in China. Marine
ment DNR-12-1202-0009. Maryland Department Fisheries Research/Haiyang Shuichan Yanjiu 21:
of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Maryland. Pp. 77-80.
8.52-8.73. Zettler, M. L., R. Bonsch, and F. Gosselck. 2001. Dis-
Tarnowski, M. L. and M. L. Homer. 1999. Re-introducing tribution, abundance, and some population char-
the bay scallop Argopecten irradians into Chin- acteristics of the ocean quahog, Arctica islandica
coteague Bay, MD. (Abstract). Journal of Shellfish (Linnaeus, 1767), in the Mecklenberg Bight (Baltic
Research 18: 315. Sea). Journal of Shellfish Research 20: 161-169.
Baker 413

TABLES effective enforcement may be lacking. In addition,

Summary of marine mollusk regulations. there are a growing number of federal and state
A growing number of states regulate the harvest preserves, in which the take of all marine life or
of marine invertebrates in general, including mol- specific groups (e.g., intertidal invertebrates) is
lusks not covered by other regulations, although limited or banned.

Table 31.1 Marine gastropods and cephalopods for which U.S. state or federal regulations exist.
Omissions or errors in this table are possible due to unclear or missing information in state regulations. States in
boldface prohibit harvest of the taxon listed, except by special permit or by aquaculturists.

Family Latin Name Common Name States Regulated

Halitiotidae Haliotis spp. 1 abalone CA HI* OR WA
Haliotis kamtschatkana pinto abalone AK CA OR WA
Haliotis rufescens red abalone CA OR WA
Patellidae Cellana spp. 2 opihi HI
Trochidae Trochus spp. top shells HI*
Strombidae Strombus gigas queen conch FL
Natacidae Polinices lewisii moon snail CA, WA
Muricidae Ocinebrinellus inornatus Japanese oyster drill WA3
Melongenidae Busycon carica 4 knobbed whelks, “conch” CT DE MA MD
Busycoptus canaliculatus 4
B. contrarium whelks, “conch” CT DE MA MD
Buccinidae Buccinum undatum waved whelk ME NH
Colus stimpsoni Stimpson’s whelk NH
“Nudibranchs” many taxa 5 sea slugs, sea hares FL WA

Loliginidae Loligo opalescens CA* WA
Loligo pealei 6 ME to NC*
Ommastrephidae Illex illecebrosus 6 ME to NC*
Octopodidae Octopus spp. 7 octopus AK CA FL OR WA
Octopus cyanea and O. ornatus he’e HI

Except as noted for H. rufescens and H. kamtschatkana, harvest of all abalone is prohibited.
All Hawaiian intertidal limpets are regulated collectively, but primary species harvested are C. exarata and C.
Transfer of this nonindigenous pest between marine waters is banned.
In all states but DE, Busycon and Busycoptus are regulated collectively where sympatric.
Opisthobranchia “sea slugs” and similar forms are regulated collectively
Federally regulated only.
Numerous species, seldom specifically defined, but primary species harvested include O. dolfleini and O. vulgaris
on Pacific and Atlantic coasts, respectively.
414 Issues in marine conservation

Table 31.2 Marine bivalves for which U.S. state or federal harvest regulations exist.
Omissions or errors in this table are possible due to unclear or missing information in state regulations. States in
boldface prohibit harvest of the taxon listed, except by special permit or by aquaculturists.

Family Latin Name Common Name States Regulated

Mytilidae Mytilus spp. 1 blue mussels, sea mussels CA CT DE ME NH NY OR RI WA
Pteriidae Pinctada margaritifera black-lipped pearl oyster HI
Pectinidae Argopecten irradians bay scallop CT MA NJ NY RI NC SC FL
Argopecten ventricosus speckled scallop CA
Chlamys hastata, C. rubida 2 spiny scallop, pink scallop WA
Crassadoma gigantea rock scallop AK CA OR WA
Euvola diegensis San Diego scallop CA
Patinopecten caurinus weathervane scallop AK WA
Placopecten magellanicus sea scallop MA NH

Limidae Lima scabra file shell FL

Ostreidae Crassostrea spp. 2, 3 cupped oysters CA* HI* OR* WA*

Crassostrea virginica Eastern oyster AL CT DE FL GA LA MA ME MS
Ostrea conchaphila Olympia oyster CA OR WA
Ostrea edulis European flat oyster CA* OR* WA*

Veneridae Arctica islandica mahogany quahog ME NH NY

Mercenaria mercenaria,
M. campechiensis 2 hard clams, quahogs AL CA* CT DE FL GA HI* MA ME
Protothaca staminea Pacific littleneck clam AK CA OR WA
Saxidomus giganteus butter clam AK CA OR WA
Tivela stultorum Pismo clam CA
Venerupis philippinarum Manila clam WA*

Tellinidae Macoma brota and M. nasuta sand clam, bentnose clam WA

Cardiidae Clinocardium nuttallii basket cockle CA OR WA

Mactridae Spisula solidissima surf clam MA ME NH NJ NY RI

Tresus capax, T. nuttallii 2, 4 gaper clam, horse clam AK CA OR WA

Pharidae Siliqua patula, S. alta razor clams AK CA OR WA

Ensis directus jackknife clam CT NH

Myidae Mya arenaria softshell clam CA* CT MA ME MS NH NJ NY

Hiatellidae Panopea abrupta geoduck AK CA WA

Pholadidae Penitella penita 5 piddocks OR

Zirfaea pilsbryi 5 piddocks OR
Barnea subtruncata 5 piddocks OR

M. californiensis, M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and M. trossulus, regulated collectively where sympatric. M.
galloprovincialis is nonindigenous in CA, OR, and WA.
Regulated collectively where sympatric.
C. araikensis, C. gigas, and C. sikamea, all cultured and nonindigenous.
A third, recently described, sympatric species, T. allomyax, is unrecognized by state agencies.
All species of Pholadidae (rock-boring clams) are regulated collectively.
Baker 415

Table 31.3 Examples of unregulated edible or commercial near-shore marine mollusks.

These mollusks are not specifically regulated in U.S. waters, although non-specific regulations (e.g., collecting
limits on all intertidal invertebrates or coastal no-take preserves) may affect these species. Errors in this table are
possible due to unclear or missing information in state or local regulations.

Family Latin Name Common Name U.S. Range

Lottiidae Lottia gigantea owl limpet CA
Fissurellidae Megathura crenata great keyhole limpet CA
Thaididae Stramonita haemastoma rock shell, oyster drill NC to TX
Melongenidae Melongena corona 1 crown conch FL AL
Busycotypus spiratus pear whelk NC to TX
Fasciolariidae Pleuroploca gigantea 1 Florida horse conch NC to TX

Arcidae Anadara spp. 2 blood ark MA to TX
Noetiidae Noetia ponderosa ponderous ark VA to TX
Mytilidae Perna perna brown mussel TX*
Perna viridis green mussel FL* GA*
Pinnidae Atrina rigida, A. serrata pen shells NC to TX
Veneridae Chione elevata 3, 4 cross-barred venus NC to FL
Macrocallista maculata 4 calico clam NC to FL
Macrocallista nimbosa 4 sunray venus NC to TX
Cardiidae Trachycardium spp. cockles NC to TX
Donacidae Donax gouldii beanclam CA
Donax fossor, D. variabilis coquina clams NY to TX
Mactridae Rangia cuneata rangia clam NY* VA-TX
Psammobiidae Nuttallia nuttallii California mahogany clam CA
Nuttallia obscurata purple mahogany clam WA* OR*
Pholadidae Cyrtopleura costata angelwing clam NJ to TX

Loliginidae Lolliguncula brevis brief squid NJ to TX
Sepioteuthis sepioidea Caribbean reef squid FL

regulated in Mexico federal waters
A. brasiliana, A. floridana, A. ovalis, and A. transversa, depending on locality
Listed as C. cancellata in most references.
North Carolina regulations are vague on the definition of “clam”
416 Issues in marine conservation

Table 31.4 State regulatory agencies and contacts for marine mollusk regulations, as of 2005.
Regulations, Internet addresses (URLs), and state agencies are subject to change.

State Regulatory Agencies Contact Information (URL)

Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources <>
Marine Resources Division
Alaska Department of Fish and Game 1 <>
California Department of Fish and Game, Marine Region <>
Connecticut Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Aquaculture and <www.state.ct/doag>
Laboratory Services 2
Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife <>
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Marine Fisheries <>
Georgia Coastal Resource Division <>
Department of Natural Resources
Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources <>
Division of Aquatic Resources
Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries <>
Marine Fisheries Division
Maine Department of Marine Resources 2 <>
Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Fisheries Service <>
Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries 2 <>
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks <>
New Hampshire Fish and Game Department 2
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife <>
New York Department of Environmental Conservation <
Bureau of Marine Resources 2 dfwmr/marine>
North Carolina Department of Environmental and Natural Resources <>
Division of Marine Fisheries
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Marine Resources Program <>
Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management <
Division of Fish and Wildlife 2 bnatres/fisheries>
South Carolina Department of Natural Resources <>
Marine Resources Division
Texas Parks and Wildlife <>
Virginia Marine Resource Commission <>
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife 1

Shellfish regulations vary regionally.


Specific shellfish regulations may be set by individual townships.

Appendices 417

APPENDIX 1: Morphological Features of Gastropod and Bivalve (Pelecypod) Shells
Appendix 1A. Structural features of gastropods
Appendix 1B. Form of gastropod shells
Appendix 1C. Morphological features of pelecypod shells
Appendix 1D. Descriptive terms applied to pelecypod shells

Appendix 1 is reproduced from Raymond C. Moore, Cecil G. Lalicker, and Alfred G. Fisch-
er. 1952. Invertebrate Fossils. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, NY. xiii + 766
pp. Figures 8-5, 8-6, 10-5, and 10-6 are here reproduced as Appendices 1A through 1D. They
are reproduced with the kind permission of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

Expanded Table of Contents

418 Appendices


Appendix 1A. Structural features of gastropods Inner lip (20). Margin of aperture adjacent to next-to-last
whorl; may include parietal lip and columellar lip.
Anterior (22). Direction towards head of gastropod, in Labral outline (39). Shape of outer lip in view normal
spiral shells towards aperture. to aperture.
Aperture (3). Opening of shell, out of which part of the Labral profile (27). Shape of outer lip in view parallel
gastropod body may extend. to edge of aperture.
Apex (14). Point of beginning of shell growth, at tip of Lunula (46). Crescentic growth line on selenizone.
spire or cone. Neck (7). Constricted anterior part of body whorl of some
Axis (43). Imaginary center line around which a shell gastropods, exclusive of canal.
coils. Nucleus (34). Embryonic gastropod shell, commonly
Basal fasciole (8). Tract of more or less strongly inflected consisting of one to four whorls.
growth lines on the base of a shell, marking the Operculum (13). Horny or horny-calcareous plate carried
location of a siphonal notch. on posterior part of foot, used to close aperture when
Base (4). Part of shell surface at extremity opposite gastropod withdraws into its shell.
apex. Ornamentation (28). Raised or depressed markings of
Body whorl (2). Last-formed single complete loop of a shell surface other than growth lines.
spiral shell. Outer lip (21). Edge of aperture on side away from next-
Callus (38). Generally thickened deposit of shell sub- to-last whorl.
stance on anterior part of inner lip of aperture, Parietal lip (24). Part of inner lip which adjoins next-
partly or wholly covering umbilicus; it is part of to-last whorl.
inductura. Periphery (6). Part of whorl farthest from shell axis.
Canal (12). Semitubular anterior extension of aperture, Peristome (37). Margin of whole aperture.
enclosing siphon; at least slightly open along side, Posterior (15). Direction backward from head of gastro-
not closed like a pipe. pod, in spiral shells toward apex.
Carina (30). Spiral keel on exterior of whorl, generally Ramp (44). Sloping surface of a whorl next below a
at edge of shelf. suture.
Columella (31). Solid or perforate pillar formed by inner Rib (23). Well-marked linear elevation of shell surface,
walls of a conispiral shell. larger and broader than a costa.
Columellar fold (33). Spiral elevation on columella Selenizone (45). Sharply defined band parallel to coil-
produced by localized thickening of shell. ing of whorls, which bears crescentic growth lines
Columellar lip (25). Part of inner lip of aperture adjoin- denoting a notch or slit in outer lip.
ing columella. Shelf (29). Subhorizontal part of whorl surface next to a
Costa (5). Coarse threadlike thickening of shell running suture, bordered on side toward periphery of whorl
spirally or axially. by a sharp angulation or by a carina.
Digitation (48). Finger-like outward projection of outer Shoulder (47). Salient angulation of a whorl parallel to
lip of aperture. coiling.
Dip (18). Deviation of suture from a plane normal to Sinus (49). Reentrant in outer lip with nonparallel sides.
the shell axis. Siphonal notch (9). Reentrant at junction of outer and
Growth line (40). Marking on shell parallel to apertural columellar lips occupied by siphon.
margin, denoting a former position of aperture. Slit (26). More or less deep, parallel-sided reentrant in
Gutter (19). Groove or canal at posterior extremity of outer lip, which gives rise to a selenizone.
aperture, in some gastropods marking location of Spire (1). Coiled gastropod shell exclusive of body
anal outlet. whorl.
Heterostrophy (35). Abrupt change in type of coiling Spiral angle (10). Angle formed by lines tangent to two
between nucleus and later-formed part of shell. or more whorls on opposite sides of shell; inasmuch
Inductura (36). Layer of lamellar shell material along as lines tangent to all whorls of the spire may define
inner lip of aperture or extending over shell surface a curve, spiral angle is commonly determined by
beyond outer lip, characterized by smooth surface; drawing straight-line tangents to lowermost whorls
includes callus. of spire.
Appendices 419

Suture (16). Spiral line of junction between surfaces Varix (11). Ridge, flange, or row of spines parallel to
of any two whorls; includes external sutures on growth lines and marking modification of shell at
outer side of shell and umbilical sutures within former position of aperture.
umbilicus. Whorl (17). Single complete loop of a spiral shell.
Trema (pl. tremata, 32). Perforation of shell, generally Whorl profile (41). Transverse contour of surface of a
formed by periodic closure of a slit, but occurring whorl in a plane intersecting the axis of coiling;
also at apex of some cap-shaped shells. differs from labral profile and labral outline.
Umbilicus (42). Central cavity of a shell formed by
walls on inner sides of whorls; most common is
basal umbilicus of orthostrophic conispiral shells
but also included are apical umbilicus of convolute
and hyperstrophic shells and lateral umbilici of
planispiral (isotrophic) shells.
420 Appendices

Appendix 1B. Form of gastropod shells Involute (12). Outer whorls slightly to strongly embrac-
ing inner whorls but not completely.
Advolute (5). Whorls in contact but not distinctly em- Multispiral (7). Spire composed of numerous whorls.
bracing. Obconical (26). Reversed-cone shape, base strongly
Biconical (23). Spire and base both having moderately conical and spire nearly flat.
elevated conical form. Orthostrophic (2). Spire slightly to strongly elevated;
Conical (22). Spire and body whorl having evenly as measured by form of whorl center lines, this
confluent sides which form a straight-walled cone, embraces shells in which upper sides of whorls are
base flattened. all tangent to a single plane.
Conoidal (24). Spire and body whorl forming a cone Ovoid (15). Egg-shaped, apical and basal parts of shell
which is distinctly steeper-sided near the base than somewhat evenly rounded.
at the apex. Patelliform (20). Low cap-shaped, like shell of Patella,
Convolute (14). Outer whorls so deeply embracing noncoiled.
inner ones that latter are nearly or quite invisible Paucispiral (16). Spire composed of very few whorls.
externally. Planispiral (13). Coiling in a plane, with part of shell on
Dextral (1). Right-handed; in apertural view with apex one side of a plane the mirror image of other.
directed upward, aperture is on right side of shell; Pupaeform (6). Elevated ovoid, like shell of Pupa, in
in apical view, shell coils in a clockwise direction. which late-formed whorls have decreasing radii
Discoidal (3). Having shape of a wheel or disc; spire of curvature.
extremely low conical, flat, or shallowly concave, Sinistral (10). Left-handed; in apertural view with apex
and base also having one of these shapes. directed upward, aperture is on left side of shell; in
Evolute (4). Loose-coiled, whorls not in contact. apical view, shell coils counter-clockwise.
Extraconical (17). Spire and body whorl forming a cone Siphonostomatous (27). Peristome discontinuous, inter-
distinctly steeper-sided near apex than toward rupted anteriorly by a siphonal notch or canal.
base. Trochiform (21). Sides of shell evenly conical, base flat,
Fusiform (25). Spindle-shaped; largest in middle and like shell of Trochus.
sharp-pointed at both extremities. Turbinate (8). Top-shaped, generally with rounded
Holostomatous (9). Peristome continuous, not interrupted base.
anteriorly by siphonal notch or canal. Turreted (18). Very high-spired shell with flat or gently
Hyperstrophic (19). Spire depressed instead of elevated; rounded base, like shell of Turritella.
a hyperstrophic dextral shell may be identical in Umbilical shoulder (11). Angulation of whorls at margin
form to an orthostrophic sinistral shell, and a hy- of umbilicus and within it.
perstrophic sinistral shell likewise may correspond
to an orthostrophic dextral shell; identification is
based on organization of soft parts.
Appendices 421
422 Appendices

Appendix 1C. Morphological features of pelecypod Hinge teeth (14). Projections from hinge plate for articu-
shells lation of valves.
Lamellar layer (35). Generally innermost part of pe-
Adductor scar (30). Impression on inside of valve made lecypod shell, consisting of microscopically thin
by attachment of muscle which functions for clo- sheets of calcite or aragonite separated by layers
sure of valve. of conchiolin.
Anterior (5). Part of shell containing mouth; beaks of Lateral teeth (15). Projections from hinge plate nearly
most pelecypods point forward. parallel to hinge line, situated in front or behind
Auricle (17). Forward or backward projection of shell cardinal teeth.
along hinge line in some pelecypods; also called Left valve (43). Shell on left side of the antero-posterior
ear. axis; among pelecypods which characteristically lie
Auricular sulcus (44). Groove on shell exterior separating on one side, the left valve is typically uppermost in
auricle from remainder of valve. some (pectinoids) but lowermost in others (oysters
Beak (2). More or less sharp-pointed projection at the and many pachyodonts).
initial point of shell growth, located along or above Length (4) Distance from anterior to posterior margin at
hinge line. farthest points or measured parallel to hinge line.
Buttress (25). Ridge on inner surface of a valve which Ligament area (26). Portion of surface along hinge line
serves as support for part of hinge. to which ligament is attached.
Byssal notch (18). Indentation on anterior edge of some Ligament groove (38). Linear depression in cardinal
shells for protrusion of threadlike attachment called area or ligament area marking attachment of liga-
byssus; most common in pectinoid shell on right ment fibers.
valve, which is lowermost, allowing protrusion of Lunule (10). Depressed plane or curved area along hinge
the small foot without opening valve widely. line in front of beak, equivalent to anterior part of
Byssal sinus (42). Indentation beneath auricle of left cardinal area.
valve of pectinoid shells on anterior margin. Muscle scar (19). Generally depressed (less commonly
Cardinal area (40). Plane or curved surface between raised) area on inner surface of shell, marking at-
beak and hinge line, generally distinguished from tachment place of muscle.
remainder of valve exterior by sharply angulated Myophore (46). Plate or rodlike structure on inside of
border. shell for attachment of muscle.
Cardinal teeth (28). Projections vertical or oblique to Ostracum (36). Calcareous structure composing all of
hinge line directly beneath or closely adjacent to pelecypod shell except thin outer conchiolin layer
beak; they fit into sockets of opposite valve. (periostracum).
Chevron groove (39). Narrow depressions on cardinal Pallial line (32). Linear depression on inside of pelecypod
area having an inverted V shape, marking ligament shell along ventral side, marking inner margin of
attachments. thickened mantle edges.
Chondrophore (24). Relatively prominent internal spoon- Pallial sinus (31). Inward deflection of posterior part of
shaped structure, which holds an internal ligament pallial line, defining space for retraction of siphons.
(resilium). Periostracum (33). Outer thin layer of conchiolin, which
Costa (22). Radial ridge on shell surface formed by in many pelecypods covers calcareous ostracum.
thickening of shell. Plane of commissure (13). Surface approximately coin-
Dorsal (1). Direction toward part of shell containing ciding with valve margins.
hinge line. Plica (21). Radially disposed ribs formed by fold that
Escutcheon (11). Depressed plane or curved area along involves entire thickness of shell.
hinge line behind beak, corresponding to posterior Posterior (29). Direction or part of shell toward position
part of cardinal area. of anus and siphonal opening; in most pelecypods
Gape (47). Anterior or posterior space between edges of opposite to inclination of beak.
valves when ventral margins are in contact. Prismatic layer (34). Outer part of ostracum in many
Growth line (6). More or less obscure concentric lines pelecypods, consisting of closely spaced polygonal
parallel to shell margin, marking successive ad- prisms of calcite.
vances of edge of shell. Prodissoconch (37). Earliest-formed part of shell; gener-
Height (3). Distance from dorsal to ventral margin mea- ally preserved at tip of beak.
sured normal to length. Resilifer (41). Portion of hinge plate which bears
Hinge line (9). Edge of valve along dorsal margin which internal ligament (resilium); generally a simple
is in permanent contact with opposite valve. shallow pit.
Hinge plate (27). Internal surface adjacent to hinge line Resilium (23). Part of ligament below level of valve mar-
along which hinge teeth project. gins and under compression instead of tension.
Appendices 423

Right valve (20). Shell on right side of antero-posterior Valve (45). Part of shell lying on either side of hinge
axis; among pelecypods which lie on their sides, it line.
is generally lowermost in pectinoids and uppermost Ventral (7). Direction or part of shell lying opposite the
in oysters and pachyodonts. hinge line; generally located lowermost in pelecy-
Socket (16). Depression in hinge plate for reception of pods which move about freely.
a hinge tooth of opposite valve.
Thickness (12). Maximum dimension of pelecypod shell
measured normal to plane of commissure.
Umbo (8). Very strongly convex part of valve adjacent
to beak.
424 Appendices

Appendix 1D. Descriptive terms applied to pelecypod Inequilateral (6). Anterior and posterior parts of valve
shells unequal and lacking symmetry.
Inequivalve (9). Opposite valves dissimilar in size or
Acline (13). Shell having neither forward nor backward shape or both.
obliquity, mid-line of umbo being normal to hinge Isodont (15). Characterized by two subequal prominent
line. hinge teeth on one valve and corresponding sockets
Alate (32). Shell characterized by possession of wings in the other.
or auricles. Isomyarian (36). Having two adductor muscles of ap-
Alivincular (18). Type of external ligament having great- proximately equal size.
est length transverse to plane of commissure. Monomyarian (46). Having only one adductor muscle,
Amphidetic (43). Ligament located along hinge line both originally posterior but tending to be central in
in front and behind beak. position.
Anisomyarian (4). Adductor muscle scars conspicuously Multicostate (21). Surface marked by costae which
unequal. increase by intercalation or bifurcation.
Auriculate (11). Shell possessing auricles; equivalent Multivincular (38). Ligament chiefly formed by succes-
to alate. sive bands of fibrous (compressional) tissue.
Cancellate (48). Shell surface marked by subequal con- Mytiliform (24). Slipper-shaped, like the genus Myti-
centric and radial markings. lus.
Carinate (27). Shell surface marked by sharp-angled edge Opisthocline (14). Shell having backward obliquity, ap-
extending outward from beak. proach along mid-line to beak pointing backward.
Compressed (1). Transversely flattened shell having Opisthodetic (37). External ligament located behind
small thickness. beaks.
Concentric (28). Shell surface marked by ridges parallel Opisthogyral (33). Beaks turned backward instead of
to shell margin. projecting forward.
Costate (12). Shell bearing radial ribs formed by local- Orbicular (20). Shell subcircular in outline.
ized thickening. Pachydont (42). Thickened specialized teeth, typically
Desmodont (40). Type of shell characterized mainly by developed in coral-like rudistids.
prominence of internal ligament. Parivincular (44). Ligament having long axis parallel to
Dimyarian (35). Valves having two adductor scars, hinge line, consisting mainly of lamellar (tensional)
whether equal or unequal. tissue.
Divaricate (47). Shell surface marked by two sets of Perforate (45). Valve (right) characterized by rounded
parallel lines which meet at a distinct angle. opening for passage of byssus.
Duplivincular (19). Ligament composed partly of fibrous Plicate (22). Shell radially folded to form ribs.
(compressional) tissue and partly of lamellar (ten- Produced (7). Shell much elongated in one direction.
sional) tissue. Prosocline (10). Having forward obliquity, approach to
Dysodont (39). Shells mainly characterized by absence beak along mid-line of shell inclined forward.
or near absence of hinge teeth and narrow external Prosogyral (8). Beaks directed forward.
ligament. Quadrate (23). Shell rectangular in outline.
Edentate (17). Lacking hinge teeth. Radial (26). Surface marked by costae or plicae diverg-
Equilateral (3). Anterior and posterior halves of valve ing from beak.
subequal and nearly symmetrical. Rhomboidal (5). Shell outline rhomb-shaped.
Equivalve (2) Right and left valves subequal and com- Rostrate (29). Having prominent beaks.
prising mirror images of one another except for Schizodont (16). Having prominent diverging or bifur-
hinge structure. cate hinge teeth.
Gaping (31). Part of valve margins not in contact when Taxodont (34). Characterized by more or less numerous
other parts are pulled tightly together. subequal hinge teeth, generally arranged in a row.
Heterodont (41). Characterized by hinge teeth of distinct Trigonal (25). Shell outline subtriangular.
type – cardinals beneath beak, and laterals in front Truncate (30). Edge of shell, generally posterior, having
or behind or both. a chopped-off appearance.
Appendices 425
Appendices 427

FRONTISPIECE ..................................................................................................................................ii
PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................vii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................... ix
CONTRIBUTORS ............................................................................................................................... xi
CHAPTER 1 THE MOLLUSKS: INTRODUCTORY COMMENTS............................................. 1
1.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 CHAPTER REVIEWS ............................................................................................................... 3
1.3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................... 6
1.4 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 COLLECTING BASICS............................................................................................................ 9
2.2.1 Purchasing .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Trading ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.2.3 Self-collecting .................................................................................................................. 10
2.3 COLLECTING EQUIPMENT................................................................................................. 10
2.3.1 Allison Scoop ................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.2 Ferriss Hoe ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.3 Davis Rake Drag .............................................................................................................. 11
2.3.4 Screens, Dippers, and Nets .............................................................................................. 11
2.3.5 van Eeden Scoop .............................................................................................................. 12
2.3.6 Shovels ............................................................................................................................. 12
2.3.7 Clam Tube ........................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.8 Hammer............................................................................................................................ 12
2.3.9 Bales Hook ....................................................................................................................... 12
2.3.10 Water Pumps .................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.11 Bags and Collecting Containers ..................................................................................... 13
2.3.12 Glass-bottomed Bucket .................................................................................................. 13
2.3.13 Lights for Night Collecting ............................................................................................ 14
2.3.14 Forceps/Tweezers ........................................................................................................... 14
2.3.15 Loupes ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.3.16 Thread ............................................................................................................................ 14
2.3.17 Tide Tables ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.3.18 Miscellaneous Items....................................................................................................... 14
2.4 FIELD COLLECTING TECHNIQUES .................................................................................. 15
2.4.1 Land Snails....................................................................................................................... 15
2.4.3 Freshwater Mollusks ........................................................................................................ 15
2.4.3 Marine Mollusks .............................................................................................................. 15
2.4.4 SCUBA Diving ................................................................................................................ 16
2.4.5 Ex pisce Collecting .......................................................................................................... 16
2.4.6 Sea Stars (Starfish) ........................................................................................................... 17
2.4.7 Tidal Pools ....................................................................................................................... 17
428 Appendices

2.4.8 Traps................................................................................................................................. 17
2.4.9 Navigational Buoys.......................................................................................................... 17
2.4.10 Marine Grasses and Algae ............................................................................................. 18
2.4.11 Commercial Fishing Boats ............................................................................................. 18
2.4.12 Specific Methods for Select Groups .............................................................................. 19
2.4.13 Ecological Considerations ............................................................................................. 21
2.5 TECHNIQUES FOR NARCOTIZING MOLLUSKS ............................................................. 21
2.6 TECHNIQUES FOR MARKING AND TAGGING MOLLUSKS ......................................... 22
2.7 TECHNIQUES FOR CLEANING AND PRESERVING MOLLUSKS ................................. 23
2.7.1 Boiling ............................................................................................................................. 23
2.7.2 Hooks and Pins ................................................................................................................ 24
2.7.3 Flushing with Water ......................................................................................................... 24
2.7.4 Preservation of Tissue ...................................................................................................... 24
2.7.5 Formaldehyde .................................................................................................................. 25
2.7.6 Cleaning Shells with Insects ............................................................................................ 25
2.7.7 Vacuum Pumps................................................................................................................. 25
2.7.8 Microwave Ovens ............................................................................................................ 25
2.7.9 Cleaning the Exterior Shell Surface................................................................................. 26
2.7.10 Ultrasonic Cleaner ......................................................................................................... 27
2.7.11 Walnut Shell Blasting ..................................................................................................... 27
2.7.12 Techniques for Specific Groups ..................................................................................... 27
2.7.13 Coating Shells with Preservatives.................................................................................. 28
2.7.14 Acid Treatment ............................................................................................................... 29
2.8 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................. 29
CHAPTER 3 REMOTE BOTTOM COLLECTING ...................................................................... 33
3.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 33
3.2 DREDGING ............................................................................................................................. 33
3.2.1 Boats ................................................................................................................................ 34
3.2.2 Dredge Line ..................................................................................................................... 35
3.2.3 Types of Dredges ............................................................................................................. 35
3.2.4 Dredging Operations ........................................................................................................ 37
3.2.5 Locating Where you Are .................................................................................................. 37
3.2.6 Taking Care of the Hauls ................................................................................................. 38
3.3 OTHER METHODS OF REMOTE BOTTOM SAMPLING ................................................. 38
3.3.1 Grabs ................................................................................................................................ 38
3.3.2 Box Cores......................................................................................................................... 39
3.3.3 Tangle Nets ...................................................................................................................... 40
3.3.4 Bail Hooks ....................................................................................................................... 40
3.3.5 Dip Nets, Walker Dipper, etc. .......................................................................................... 40
3.4 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................. 40
CHAPTER 4 SNORKELING AND SCUBA DIVING .................................................................... 41
4.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 41
4.2 LEARNING TO SNORKEL .................................................................................................... 41
4.3 EQUIPMENT NEEDED TO SNORKEL ................................................................................ 42
4.4 SCUBA DIVING ..................................................................................................................... 43
4.5 EQUIPMENT NEEDED FOR SCUBA DIVING.................................................................... 43
4.6 DRAWBACKS TO SCUBA DIVING ..................................................................................... 43
4.7 UNDERWATER HAZARDS ................................................................................................... 43
Appendices 429

4.8 CONCLUSIONS ...................................................................................................................... 44

4.9 LITERATURE CITED ............................................................................................................. 44
CHAPTER 5 ARCHIVAL AND CURATORIAL METHODS ....................................................... 45
5.1 BASIC PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................................. 45
5.2 DANGERS TO A COLLECTION ........................................................................................... 45
5.2.1 Acid, Temperature, and Humidity .................................................................................... 46
5.2.2 Light ................................................................................................................................. 48
5.2.3 Pests ................................................................................................................................. 48
5.2.4 Shock and Abrasion ......................................................................................................... 48
5.3 PAPER...................................................................................................................................... 49
5.4 INKS AND COMPUTER PRINTERS .................................................................................... 50
5.5 VIALS AND JARS .................................................................................................................. 50
5.5.1 Glass Decay ..................................................................................................................... 51
5.5.2 Vials, Jars, and Closures .................................................................................................. 51
5.6 PLASTICS ............................................................................................................................... 52
5.7 CONSOLIDANTS AND ADHESIVES................................................................................... 53
5.8 RECORDS ............................................................................................................................... 53
5.9 WET COLLECTIONS ............................................................................................................. 54
5.10 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 55
5.11 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................... 56
6.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 59
6.2 PRIMER ON DIGITAL IMAGING......................................................................................... 59
6.2.1 Pixels, Resolution, and Image Size .................................................................................. 59
6.2.2 Color Depth and Graphic Types....................................................................................... 60
6.3 DIGITAL VS. FILM PHOTOGRAPHY .................................................................................. 61
6.4 USES OF DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY IN MALACOLOGY ............................................... 61
6.5 INPUT DEVICES .................................................................................................................... 62
6.5.1 Scanners ........................................................................................................................... 63
6.5.2 Digital Cameras ............................................................................................................... 63
6.5.3 Other Sources ................................................................................................................... 63
........................................................................................................................................................ 63
6.6.1 How to Scan Shells with a Flatbed Scanner .................................................................... 64
6.7 DIGITAL CAMERAS.............................................................................................................. 66
6.7.1 Desirable Functions on a Digital Camera (or Buying Tips) ............................................ 66
6.7.2 Recommended Accessories .............................................................................................. 67
6.7.3 Tips on Photographing Shells .......................................................................................... 67
6.8 OUTPUT DEVICES ................................................................................................................ 68
6.9 BASICS OF DIGITAL IMAGE EDITING.............................................................................. 68
6.10 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................... 70
6.11 RESOURCES ON DIGITAL IMAGING AND MALACOLOGY........................................ 70
6.12 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................... 71
6.13 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................... 71
7.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 73
7.2 LIGHT ...................................................................................................................................... 73
430 Appendices

7.2.1 Light Intensity .................................................................................................................. 73

7.2.2 Estimating Exposure Correction ...................................................................................... 74
7.2.3 The Color of Light ........................................................................................................... 75
7.3 EQUIPMENT........................................................................................................................... 76
7.3.1 Body ................................................................................................................................. 76
7.3.2 Motor drive ...................................................................................................................... 78
7.3.3 Lenses .............................................................................................................................. 78
7.3.4 Focus and Depth of Field ................................................................................................. 79
7.3.5 Filters ............................................................................................................................... 80
7.3.6 Flashes.............................................................................................................................. 82
7.3.7 Monopods, Tripods, Copy Stands .................................................................................... 82
7.4 FILM ........................................................................................................................................ 84
7.4.1 Types of Film ................................................................................................................... 84
7.4.2 Specialty Films................................................................................................................. 84
7.4.3 Color print or Slide Film? ................................................................................................ 85
7.4.4 Comparative Metrics........................................................................................................ 85
7.4.5 Professional and Consumer Film ..................................................................................... 87
7.4.6 Storage of Films ............................................................................................................... 87
7.4.7 Error of Reciprocity ......................................................................................................... 87
7.5 REPRODUCTION PHOTOGRAPHY .................................................................................... 87
7.5.1 Even Illumination............................................................................................................. 88
7.5.2 Surface Texture ................................................................................................................ 88
7.5.3 Shadow-Free Illumination ............................................................................................... 89
7.5.4 3D-Objects, Top View...................................................................................................... 89
7.5.5 3D Objects, Lateral View ................................................................................................. 91
7.5.6 Glossy Objects ................................................................................................................. 91
7.5.7 Microphotography............................................................................................................ 91
7.6 ULTRAVIOLET (UV) PHOTOGRAPHY ............................................................................... 91
7.6.1 UV reflectance photography ............................................................................................ 92
7.6.2 UV fluorescence photography.......................................................................................... 92
7.7 INFRARED (IR) PHOTOGRAPHY ....................................................................................... 92
7.8 PHOTOGRAPHY THROUGH GLASS AND WATER .......................................................... 93
7.8.1 Optics and Geometry ....................................................................................................... 93
7.8.2 Aquarium Set-up .............................................................................................................. 94
7.8.3 Outdoor Applications ....................................................................................................... 94
7.9 UNDERWATER (UW) PHOTOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 95
7.9.1 Range of Equipment ........................................................................................................ 95
7.9.2 Photography in Water....................................................................................................... 96
7.10 STORAGE AND ARCHIVAL CONSIDERATIONS ............................................................ 97
7.10.1 Processing ...................................................................................................................... 97
7.10.2 Mounting ........................................................................................................................ 98
7.10.3 Labeling ......................................................................................................................... 98
7.10.4 Storage ........................................................................................................................... 98
7.11 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................... 99
7.12 LITERATURE CITED ........................................................................................................... 99
CHAPTER 8 COMPUTERIZING SHELL COLLECTIONS ..................................................... 101
8.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 101
8.2 CHOOSING A PROGRAM ................................................................................................... 101
Appendices 431

8.3 DATABASE CONVENTIONS .............................................................................................. 102

8.4 SUGGESTED FIELDS .......................................................................................................... 103
8.4.1 Specimen ........................................................................................................................ 104
8.4.2 Identification .................................................................................................................. 105
8.4.3 Classification .................................................................................................................. 106
8.4.4 Locality .......................................................................................................................... 106
8.4.5 Collecting Event............................................................................................................. 107
8.5 DATABASE STRUCTURES................................................................................................. 108
8.6 TESTING AND USING THE SYSTEM ............................................................................... 109
8.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ...................................................................................................... 110
9.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE MALACOLOGICAL LITERATURE ...................................... 111
9.1.1 Iconographies ................................................................................................................. 111
9.1.2 Monographs ................................................................................................................... 111
9.1.3 Nomenclators ................................................................................................................. 111
9.1.4 Handbooks ..................................................................................................................... 112
9.1.5 Classic Books ................................................................................................................. 112
9.1.6 General Books................................................................................................................ 112
9.1.7 Journals .......................................................................................................................... 112
9.1.8 Separates ........................................................................................................................ 112
9.1.9 Miscellaneous Printed Works......................................................................................... 112
9.1.10 Internet Resources ........................................................................................................ 112
9.2 REGIONAL AND TAXONOMIC GUIDES ......................................................................... 113
9.2.1 Mollusks - General References and Research Tools ...................................................... 114
9.2.2 Marine Biogeographic Zones......................................................................................... 114
9.2.3 Terrestrial and Freshwater Biogeographic Zones .......................................................... 115
9.2.4 Marine Molluscan Groups ............................................................................................. 118
9.2.5 Terestrial Gastropods ..................................................................................................... 120
9.2.6 Freshwater Mollusks ...................................................................................................... 121
9.3 MALACOLOGICAL BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................. 122
CHAPTER 10 TAXONOMY AND TAXONOMIC WRITING: A PRIMER .............................. 147
10.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 147
10.2 REFERENCING A SPECIES .............................................................................................. 147
10.2.1 Basics ........................................................................................................................... 147
10.2.2 Further Considerations ................................................................................................. 147
10.2.3 New Names .................................................................................................................. 148
10.2.4 Uncertainty Statements ................................................................................................ 148
10.3 DESCRIPTION OF A NEW TAXON ................................................................................. 148
10.3.1 Quality.......................................................................................................................... 148
10.3.2 Publication Platform .................................................................................................... 149
10.3.3 Illustrations .................................................................................................................. 149
10.3.4 How to Recognize a New Species ............................................................................... 150
10.3.5 What is a Species? ....................................................................................................... 150
10.4 ANATOMY OF A SPECIES OR GENUS DESCRIPTION ................................................ 151
10.4.1 Title and Abstract ......................................................................................................... 151
10.4.2 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 151
10.4.3 Material and Methods .................................................................................................. 151
432 Appendices

10.4.4 Systematics .................................................................................................................. 152

10.4.5 New Genus ................................................................................................................... 152
10.4.6 New Species ................................................................................................................. 152
10.5 REVISIONS ......................................................................................................................... 153
10.5.1 Genus ........................................................................................................................... 153
10.5.2 Species ......................................................................................................................... 154
10.6 THE ICZN CODE ................................................................................................................ 155
10.6.1 History.......................................................................................................................... 155
10.6.2 Aim (Articles 1-3) ........................................................................................................ 155
10.6.3 Principles (Articles 3-4) ............................................................................................... 156
10.6.4 Publication (Articles 7-9)............................................................................................. 156
10.6.5 Availability (Articles 10-20) ........................................................................................ 156
10.6.6 Publication Date (Articles 21-22) ................................................................................ 156
10.6.7 Validity (Articles 23-24) .............................................................................................. 156
10.6.8 Formation of Names (Articles 25-34) .......................................................................... 156
10.6.9 Family, Genus, and Species Level Names (Articles 35-49) ........................................ 157
10.6.10 Authorship (Articles 50-51) ....................................................................................... 157
10.6.11 Homonymy (Articles 52-60) ...................................................................................... 157
10.6.12 Types (Articles 61-76) ............................................................................................... 157
10.6.13 The Commission (Articles 77-90) ............................................................................. 157
10.6.14 Code of Ethics (Appendix A) ..................................................................................... 157
10.7 NOMENCLATURE, TAXONOMY, AND CLASSIFICATION ......................................... 157
10.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... 158
10.9 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 158
11.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................ 161
11.2 CLADISTICS - WHAT IS IT? ............................................................................................. 161
11.2.1 The Root, the Ingroup, and the Outgroups................................................................... 162
11.2.2 Parsimony..................................................................................................................... 163
11.2.3 Distances ...................................................................................................................... 164
11.2.4 Maximum Likelihood .................................................................................................. 164
11.2.5 Branch-and-Bound and Heuristic Methods.................................................................. 165
11.2.6 Consensus..................................................................................................................... 165
11.2.7 Bootstrapping and Jackknifing ..................................................................................... 165
11.2.8 Long Branch Attraction ................................................................................................ 166
11.3 HOW TO DO DNA STUDIES............................................................................................. 166
11.3.1 Collecting ..................................................................................................................... 167
11.3.2 Processing the Sample ................................................................................................. 167
11.3.3 What are the Results? ................................................................................................... 170
11.4 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 171
CHAPTER 12 ORGANIZATIONS, MEETINGS, AND MALACOLOGY ................................ 173
12.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 173
12.2 ORGANIZATIONS AND MEETINGS ............................................................................... 173
12.3 THE INTERNET.................................................................................................................. 177
12.3.1 MOLLUSCA LIST ...................................................................................................... 178
12.3.2 CONCH-L .................................................................................................................... 178
12.3.3 UNIO............................................................................................................................ 178
12.3.4 PaleoNet ....................................................................................................................... 178
Appendices 433

12.3.5 NHCOLL-L.................................................................................................................. 179

12.3.6 PERMIT-L.................................................................................................................... 179
12.4 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 179
CHAPTER 13 MUSEUMS AND MALACOLOGY ...................................................................... 181
13.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 181
13.2 MUSEUMS AND SOCIETY............................................................................................... 181
13.2.1 Education ..................................................................................................................... 181
13.2.2 Collections ................................................................................................................... 182
13.2.3 Research ....................................................................................................................... 183
13.3 UNITED STATES AND CANADIAN MUSEUMS ........................................................... 183
13.4 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 187
CHAPTER 14 DONATING AMATEUR COLLECTIONS TO MUSEUMS .............................. 189
14.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 189
14.2 WHAT MAKES A SPECIMEN VALUABLE TO A MUSEUM? ....................................... 190
14.3 HIERARCHY OF USES ...................................................................................................... 190
14.3.1 Research or Systematic Collection .............................................................................. 190
14.3.2 Specimens for Exchange .............................................................................................. 190
14.3.3 Exhibits ........................................................................................................................ 190
14.3.4 Education ..................................................................................................................... 190
14.3.5 Specimens for Sale....................................................................................................... 191
14.3.6 Crafts ............................................................................................................................ 191
14.3.7 Specimens to be Discarded .......................................................................................... 191
14.4 WHAT AND HOW MUCH DATA? .................................................................................... 191
14.5 IS SPECIMEN QUALITY IMPORTANT? ......................................................................... 192
14.6 SOFT PARTS ....................................................................................................................... 193
14.7 REMOVING THE SOFT PARTS FROM A SHELL ........................................................... 193
14.8 PRESERVATIVES FOR SOFT PARTS ............................................................................... 193
INTO MUSEUMS ....................................................................................................................... 194
14.9.1 Establish the Fate of the Collection ahead of Time ..................................................... 194
14.9.2 Associate Data with Specimens ................................................................................... 194
14.9.3 Contact a Museum ....................................................................................................... 195
14.9.4 Donate Money or Time ................................................................................................ 195
14.9.5 No Special Conditions ................................................................................................. 195
14.10 SUMMARY ....................................................................................................................... 196
14.11 LITERATURE CITED ....................................................................................................... 196
CHAPTER 15 FOSSIL MOLLUSKS ............................................................................................. 197
15.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 197
15.2 FOSSIL MOLLUSKS .......................................................................................................... 197
15.3 COLLECTING .................................................................................................................... 200
15.3.1 In the Field ................................................................................................................... 200
15.3.2 Transporting Material Home ........................................................................................ 201
15.3.3 Cleaning and Preparing Fossils.................................................................................... 202
15.4 LOCALITY AND STRATIGRAPHIC DATA ..................................................................... 203
15.5 IDENTIFYING FOSSILS.................................................................................................... 203
15.6 AMATEUR ACTIVITIES AND OPPORTUNITIES ........................................................... 204
15.7 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 205
434 Appendices

CHAPTER 16 APLACOPHORA .................................................................................................... 207

16.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 207
16.2 ORGANIZATION ................................................................................................................ 207
16.3 ECOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 208
16.4 COLLECTION TECHNIQUES........................................................................................... 209
16.5 EXAMINATION .................................................................................................................. 209
16.6 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 210
CHAPTER 17 MONOPLACOPHORA .......................................................................................... 211
17.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 211
17.2 BIOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 212
17.2.1 Shell ............................................................................................................................. 212
17.2.2 Locomotion .................................................................................................................. 212
17.2.3 Digestion and Diet ....................................................................................................... 213
17.2.4 Gas Exchange and Water Balance ............................................................................... 213
17.2.5 Reproduction and Development .................................................................................. 214
17.2.6 Substratum ................................................................................................................... 214
17.3 ZOOGEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION ............................................................................... 214
17.3.1 Fossil Species ............................................................................................................... 214
17.3.2 Living Species.............................................................................................................. 214
17.4 COLLECTING AND STORAGE TECHNIQUES .............................................................. 214
17.4.1 Recent Monoplacophora .............................................................................................. 214
17.4.2 Fossil Monoplacophora................................................................................................ 216
17.5 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 216
CHAPTER 18 POLYPLACOPHORA ............................................................................................ 217
18.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 217
18.2 GROSS MORPHOLOGY.................................................................................................... 217
18.2.1 The Plates (Valves) ...................................................................................................... 217
18.2.2 The Perinotum (Girdle) ................................................................................................ 218
18.2.3 The Ctenidia (Gills) ..................................................................................................... 219
18.3 ANATOMY .......................................................................................................................... 219
18.3.1 The Radula ................................................................................................................... 220
18.3.2 The Digestive System .................................................................................................. 220
18.3.3 Nervous System and Sensory Organs .......................................................................... 220
18.3.4 The Body Musculature ................................................................................................. 221
18.4 REPRODUCTION, LIFE HISTORY, AND ORGANOGENESIS ...................................... 222
18.5 HABITAT ............................................................................................................................. 223
18.6 COLLECTION AND PREPARATION ............................................................................... 223
18.7 POLYPLACOPHORAN PHYLOGENY ............................................................................. 224
18.8 SELECTED WEB RESOURCES ........................................................................................ 225
18.9 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 225
CHAPTER 19 SCAPHOPODA: THE TUSK SHELLS ................................................................ 229
19.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 229
19.2 BIOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 230
19.2.1 Shell ............................................................................................................................. 230
19.2.2 Mantle Cavity............................................................................................................... 230
19.2.3 Foot .............................................................................................................................. 231
19.2.4 Feeding......................................................................................................................... 231
19.2.5 Circulation and Excretion ............................................................................................ 231
Appendices 435

19.2.6 Nervous System and Sensation .................................................................................... 231

19.2.7 Reproduction and Development .................................................................................. 232
19.3 ECOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 232
19.3.1 Distribution .................................................................................................................. 232
19.3.2 Interspecific Associations............................................................................................. 233
19.4 SAMPLING AND CURATION........................................................................................... 234
19.4.1 Collection ..................................................................................................................... 234
19.4.2 Maintenance ................................................................................................................. 234
19.4.3 Preservation and Storage.............................................................................................. 235
19.5 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................ 235
19.6 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... 235
19.7 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 236
CHAPTER 20 CEPHALOPODA .................................................................................................... 239
20.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 239
20.2 TAXONOMY, BIOLOGY, ECOLOGY, AND BEHAVIOR................................................ 239
20.2.1 Basic Biology ............................................................................................................... 239
20.2.2 Behavior ....................................................................................................................... 240
20.2.3 Taxonomic Overview ................................................................................................... 241
20.3 COLLECTING TECHNIQUES........................................................................................... 243
20.3.1 Teuthids ........................................................................................................................ 243
20.3.2 Sepiolids....................................................................................................................... 243
20.3.3 Octopuses ..................................................................................................................... 243
20.4 AQUARIUM CULTURE ..................................................................................................... 244
20.5 PREPARATION ................................................................................................................... 244
20.5.1 Documentation ............................................................................................................. 244
20.5.2 Preservation for Genetic Research ............................................................................... 245
20.5.3 Fixation and Preservation for Morphological Study.................................................... 245
20.6 FIXATION AND PRESERVATION PROTOCOLS ............................................................ 245
20.6.1 Narcotization ................................................................................................................ 246
20.6.2 Octopuses and Small Squids ........................................................................................ 246
20.6.3 Large Squids ................................................................................................................ 246
20.7 IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 248
20.8 WEB RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 249
20.9 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 249
20.10 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. 249
20.11 LITERATURE CITED ....................................................................................................... 249
CHAPTER 21 FRESHWATER GASTROPODA .......................................................................... 251
21.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 251
21.2 BIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY .............................................................................................. 251
21.3 CONSERVATION ................................................................................................................ 253
21.4 COLLECTING TECHNIQUES........................................................................................... 253
21.5 PREPARATION AND STORAGE ...................................................................................... 255
21.6 IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 256
21.7 AQUARIUM CULTURE .................................................................................................... 257
21.7.1 Pomacea....................................................................................................................... 257
21.7.2 Bellamya (or Cipangopaludina) .................................................................................. 257
21.7.3 Melanoides tuberculata................................................................................................ 257
21.7.4 Helisoma trivolvis ........................................................................................................ 257
436 Appendices

21.7.5 Physa ............................................................................................................................ 258

21.8 SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 258
21.9 WEB RESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 258
21.10 LITERATURE CITED ....................................................................................................... 258
CHAPTER 22 TERRESTRIAL GASTROPODA.......................................................................... 261
22.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 261
22.2 BIOLOGY OF LAND SNAILS ........................................................................................... 261
22.3 WHERE TO FIND LAND SNAILS .................................................................................... 263
22.3.1 General Considerations ................................................................................................ 263
22.3.2 Macrohabitat Requirements ......................................................................................... 264
22.3.3 Microhabitats ............................................................................................................... 265
22.4 FIELD METHODS AND EQUIPMENT............................................................................. 267
22.4.1 Methods, General Considerations ................................................................................ 267
22.4.2 Visual Search ............................................................................................................... 268
22.4.3 Leaf Litter and Soil Sampling ...................................................................................... 268
22.4.4 Transporting Soil.......................................................................................................... 269
22.4.5 Stream Drift ................................................................................................................. 269
22.4.6 Trapping ....................................................................................................................... 270
22.4.7 Vacuuming, Sweeping, and Beating ............................................................................ 270
22.4.8 Mark-Release-Capture Method .................................................................................... 270
22.4.9 Containers, Shipping, and other Equipment ................................................................ 271
22.4.10 Other Considerations ................................................................................................. 272
22.5 RECORD KEEPING IN THE FIELD ................................................................................. 275
22.6 PROCESSING AND STORING SAMPLES....................................................................... 276
22.6.1 Laboratory Recovery of Snails from Leaf Litter and Soil ........................................... 276
22.6.2 Cleaning and Preserving Empty Shells ........................................................................ 278
22.6.3 Preserving Soft Parts .................................................................................................... 278
22.6.4 Vials and Closures........................................................................................................ 280
22.6.5 Labeling, and Keeping Good Records ......................................................................... 280
22.6.6 Storing and Display...................................................................................................... 280
22.7 HOW TO IDENTIFY LAND SNAILS ................................................................................ 281
22.8 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 282
CHAPTER 23 REARING TERRESTRIAL GASTROPODA ...................................................... 287
23.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 287
23.2 A SURVEY OF THE LITERATURE ................................................................................... 287
23.3 SHORT TERM MAINTENANCE OF LAND SNAILS ..................................................... 288
23.4 REARING NORTH AMERICAN WOODLAND SNAILS ................................................ 288
23.4.1 Containers .................................................................................................................... 288
23.4.2 Substrate....................................................................................................................... 288
23.4.3 Food ............................................................................................................................. 289
23.4.4 Moisture, Temperature, and Light................................................................................ 290
23.4.5 Maintenance of Eggs and Juveniles ............................................................................. 291
23.5 SNAIL HEALTH ................................................................................................................. 291
23.6 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 292
CHAPTER 24 MARINE GASTROPODA ..................................................................................... 295
24.2 TERMINOLOGY OF GASTROPOD SHELLS AND ANIMALS ..................................... 295
24.3 ANATOMY .......................................................................................................................... 301
Appendices 437

24.3.1 The Typical Marine Gastropod .................................................................................... 301

24.4 THE MAJOR MARINE GASTROPOD GROUPS ............................................................. 303
24.4.1 Gastropoda ................................................................................................................... 303
24.4.2 Basal Gastropoda ......................................................................................................... 304
24.4.3 Higher Gastropoda ....................................................................................................... 304
24.4.4 Heterogastropoda ......................................................................................................... 304
24.4.5 Incertae Sedis ............................................................................................................... 304
24.5 HABITAT AND ECOLOGY................................................................................................ 304
24.5.1 Estuaries ....................................................................................................................... 304
24.5.2 Intertidal ....................................................................................................................... 305
24.5.3 Soft Bottom Shores ...................................................................................................... 305
25.5.4 Mangroves.................................................................................................................... 305
24.5.5 Subtidal ........................................................................................................................ 306
24.5.6 Shelf or Neritic Zone ................................................................................................... 306
24.5.7 Beyond the Shelf .......................................................................................................... 306
24.5.8 Pelagic Region ............................................................................................................. 307
24.6 ECOLOGY........................................................................................................................... 307
24.6.1 Food and Feeding......................................................................................................... 307
24.6.2 Reproduction ................................................................................................................ 307
24.6.3 Predators ...................................................................................................................... 308
24.6.4 Mobility and Locomotion ............................................................................................ 308
24.7 COLLECTING..................................................................................................................... 308
24.8 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... 310
24.9 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 310
CHAPTER 25 UNIONOIDA: FRESHWATER MUSSELS .......................................................... 313
25.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 313
25.2 ECOLOGY AND BIOLOGY .............................................................................................. 313
25.2.1 Habitat .......................................................................................................................... 313
25.2.2 Food ............................................................................................................................. 313
25.2.3 Longevity ..................................................................................................................... 314
25.2.4 Predators ...................................................................................................................... 314
25.3 ANATOMY .......................................................................................................................... 314
25.3.1 The Shell ...................................................................................................................... 314
25.3.2 Anatomy and Life History ........................................................................................... 315
25.4 TAXONOMY OF THE UNIONOIDA ................................................................................ 316
25.5 CONSERVATION ISSUES.................................................................................................. 317
25.5.1 Endangered Species, Permits, and Reports .................................................................. 317
25.5.2 Voucher Specimens ...................................................................................................... 317
25.5.3 Number of Specimens .................................................................................................. 317
25.5.4 Live vs. Dead Shells ..................................................................................................... 318
25.6 FIELD COLLECTING ........................................................................................................ 318
25.6.1 Habitat Selection - When and Where to Look ............................................................. 318
25.6.2 Field Gear..................................................................................................................... 318
25.6.3 Labeling ....................................................................................................................... 319
25.6.4 Survey Methods ........................................................................................................... 320
25.7 IDENTIFICATION .............................................................................................................. 321
25.7.1 Literature ...................................................................................................................... 321
25.7.2 Web Sites...................................................................................................................... 322
438 Appendices

25.7.3 Cleaning Shells ............................................................................................................ 322

25.8 CURATION ......................................................................................................................... 322
25.8.1 Dry Shells..................................................................................................................... 322
25.8.2 Wet Specimens ............................................................................................................. 323
25.8.3 Databases ..................................................................................................................... 323
25.9 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 323
CHAPTER 26 NON-UNIONOID FRESHWATER BIVALVES ................................................... 327
26.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 327
26.2 FAMILY SPHAERIIDAE: FINGERNAIL, PEA, OR PILL CLAMS ................................. 327
26.2.1 Species Diversity and Distribution .............................................................................. 327
26.2.2 Classification ................................................................................................................ 328
26.2.3 Morphological and Biological Peculiarities................................................................. 328
26.2.4 Habitats ........................................................................................................................ 332
26.2.5 Means of Collection and Preparation ........................................................................... 332
26.2.6 Keeping Specimens Alive in the Laboratory ............................................................... 333
26.2.7 Practical Applications .................................................................................................. 333
26.3 FAMILY CORBICULIDAE: THE ASIATIC CLAM ......................................................... 334
26.4 FAMILY DREISSENIDAE: ZEBRA MUSSELS................................................................ 336
26.5 EDITORIAL NOTE ............................................................................................................. 336
26.6 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 336
CHAPTER 27 MARINE BIVALVES .............................................................................................. 339
27.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 339
27.2 BIOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 339
27.3 CLASSIFICATION OF THE BIVALVIA............................................................................ 340
27.3.1 Protobranchia ............................................................................................................... 341
27.3.2 Pteriomorphia............................................................................................................... 341
27.3.3 Paleoheterodonta .......................................................................................................... 342
27.3.4 Heterodonta .................................................................................................................. 342
27.3.5 Anomalodesmata .......................................................................................................... 342
27.4 COLLECTING BIVALVES ................................................................................................. 342
27.4.1 Beach Drift ................................................................................................................... 343
27.4.2 Wood and Rock ............................................................................................................ 343
27.4.3 Soft Sediments ............................................................................................................. 344
27.4.4 Dredging ...................................................................................................................... 344
27.4.5 Commercial Fishing ..................................................................................................... 344
27.4.6 Commensal Species ..................................................................................................... 344
27.5 PRESERVING AND STUDYING BIVALVES................................................................... 344
27.6 FURTHER STUDY.............................................................................................................. 346
27.6.1 Identification ................................................................................................................ 346
27.6.2 Biology......................................................................................................................... 346
27.6.3 General and Miscellaneous References ....................................................................... 346
27.7 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... 346
27.8 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 346
CHAPTER 28 THE MARINE AQUARIUM: A RESEARCH TOOL ......................................... 349
28.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 349
28.2 AQUARIA............................................................................................................................ 350
28.2.1 Water ............................................................................................................................ 350
28.2.2 Plants ............................................................................................................................ 351
Appendices 439

28.2.3 Rocks............................................................................................................................ 351

28.2.4 Food ............................................................................................................................. 351
28.2.5 Permits and Conservation ............................................................................................ 352
28.3 SELECTED SPECIES OBSERVATIONS ........................................................................... 352
28.3.1 Corbula contracta Say, 1822 [Contracted Corbula] .................................................... 352
28.3.2 Janthina globosa Swainson, 1822 [Elongate Janthina] ............................................... 352
28.3.3 Polinices lacteus (Guikling, 1834) [Milk Moonsnail] ................................................. 352
28.3.4 Ficus communis Röding, 1798 [Atlantic Figsnail] ...................................................... 353
28.3.5 Cymatium labiosum (Wood, 1828) [Lip Triton] .......................................................... 353
28.3.6 Melongena corona (Gmelin, 1791) [Crown Conch] .................................................... 353
28.3.7 Nassarius vibex (Say, 1822) [Bruised Nassa] .............................................................. 354
28.3.8 Leucozonia nassa (Gmelin, 1791) [Chestnut Latirus] ................................................. 354
28.3.9 Fasciolaria tulipa (Linnaeus, 1758) [True Tulip] ........................................................ 354
28.3.10 Prunum apicinum (Menke, 1828) [Common Atlantic Marginella] ........................... 354
28.3.11 Hydatina physis (Linnaeus, 1758) [Brown-Lined Paperbubble] ............................... 356
28.3.12 Bulla striata Bruguière, 1792 [Striated Bubble] ........................................................ 356
28.3.13 Haminoea elegans (J. E. Gray, 1825) [Elegant Glassy Bubble] ................................ 357
28.3.14 Stylocheilus longicauda (Quoy and Gaimard, 1825) [Longtail Seahare] .................. 357
28.4 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 357
29.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 359
29.2 TAXONOMIC GROUPS ..................................................................................................... 360
29.2.1 Protozoa ....................................................................................................................... 360
29.2.2 Calcareous Algae ......................................................................................................... 361
29.2.3 Porifera......................................................................................................................... 362
29.2.4 Cnidaria ........................................................................................................................ 362
29.2.5 Bryozoa ........................................................................................................................ 364
29.2.6 Annelida ....................................................................................................................... 365
29.2.7 Sipuncula...................................................................................................................... 366
29.2.8 Arthropoda ................................................................................................................... 366
29.2.9 Brachiopoda ................................................................................................................. 368
29.2.10 Echinodermata ........................................................................................................... 369
29.3 FLOTSAM AND JETSAM ................................................................................................. 370
29.4 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 371
29.5 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................... 371
29.6 LITERATURE CITED ......................................................................................................... 371
FAUNA OF NORTH AMERICA ..................................................................................................... 373
30.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 373
30.2 UNIONOIDA ....................................................................................................................... 373
30.3 AQUATIC GASTROPODA................................................................................................. 375
30.4 DETERMINATION OF STATUS........................................................................................ 375
30.5 FACTORS CAUSING THE DECLINE IN SPECIES ......................................................... 376
30.6 EXTINCTION ..................................................................................................................... 376
30.7 ACTIVITIES LEADING TO A REVERSAL OF TRENDS ............................................... 377
30.8 CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. 378
30.9 ACKNOWLDGMENTS ...................................................................................................... 378
30.10 LITERATURE CITED ....................................................................................................... 378
440 Appendices

APPENDIX 30.1 .......................................................................................................................... 380

CHAPTER 31 ISSUES IN MARINE CONSERVATION.............................................................. 385
31.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 385
31.2 HISTORICAL ATTITUDES TOWARDS MARINE MOLLUSKS .................................... 385
31.3 MARINE MOLLUSK CONSERVATION IN THE 20th CENTURY .................................. 387
MOLLUSKS ......................................................................................................................................391
31.5 NATIVE OYSTERS ON TWO COASTS ........................................................................... 395
31.5.1 History of Eastern Oyster Fishery and Decline ........................................................... 395
31.5.2 Management and Conservation of Eastern Oysters ..................................................... 397
31.5.3 History of Olympia Oyster Fishery and Decline ......................................................... 398
31.5.4 Management and Conservation of Olympia Oysters ................................................... 400
31.6 FISHERIES COLLAPSE: ABALONES AND QUEEN CONCH ...................................... 400
31.7 SCALLOPS .......................................................................................................................... 403
31.8 CLAMS ................................................................................................................................ 404
31.9 MUSSELS: EXCEPTIONS TO THE RULE? ..................................................................... 406
31.10 CEPHALOPODS ............................................................................................................... 406
31.11 UNREGULATED AND OVERLOOKED MOLLUSKS .................................................. 407
31.12 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................. 408
31.13 LITERATURE CITED ....................................................................................................... 408
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................................... 417
APPENDIX 1: Morphological Features of Gastropod and Bivalve (Pelecypod) Shells ............. 418
Appendix 1A Structural Features of Gastropods ......................................................................... 418
Appendix 1B Form of Gastropod Shells ...................................................................................... 420
Appendix 1C Morphological Features of Pelecypod Shells ........................................................ 422
Appendix 1D Descriptive Terms Applied to Pelecypod Shells.................................................... 424
APPENDIX 2: Expanded Table of Contents .................................................................................. 427
GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................... 441
Glossary 441


Abyssal: Oceanic depths from 2000 to 6000 m. Carnivore: Flesh eating animal.

Adductor muscle: One of the muscles used to close Circumpharyngeal nerve ring: A ring of nerves and
a Bivalvia shell. Most species have anterior and ganglia (the brain) that form a circular structure
posterior adductor muscles; others have just a surrounding the pharynx.
single adductor muscle.
Coeloblastula: The hollow cavity found in the
Aestivation: A period of inactivity seen in some blastula.
land snails usually during prolonged dry or hot
periods; the aperture is often covered by dried Commensalism: A form of symbiosis where indi-
mucous, also known as the epiphram, to retard viduals of two different taxa live together, one
the loss of moisture. deriving a benefit from the association (usually
food), while the other is not affected by the as-
Aperture: An opening, such as the opening of a sociation.
gastropod shell.
Commissure: A seam, where the two valves of
Aragonite: The form of calcium carbonate most Bivalvia come together.
commonly used by mollusks, with an unstable
crystal structure, and a specific gravity of 2.9. Conchiolin: The organic substance that forms
the thin outer layer of mollusks known as the
Bathyal: Oceanic depths from 200 to 2000m. periostracum.

Bauplan: An idealized and generalized body plan. Crystalline style: In the stomach, a structure that
rotates and rubs against the gastric shield aiding
Benthos (adj.: benthic): The bottom of a body of in mixing and grinding food particles, and releas-
water; e.g. ocean floor, lakebed, river bottom. ing digestive enzymes. Found in conchiferan
mollusks (i.e., not chitons or Aplacophora), but
Blastomeres: Cells formed by cleavage from a not all members of Conchifera have a crystal-
fertilized egg. line style.

Blastopore: An opening, in the gastrula stage of Ctenidium (pl.: ctenidia): A respiratory organ (spe-
the embryonic development of mollusks (and cialized gills) unique to mollusks; in Bivalvia it
many other animals) that is destined to become also serves in food gathering.
the mouth.
Demibranch: When filaments of the gills have two
Blastula: An early stage of embryonic develop- branches, each branch is a demibranch. Present
ment, usually consisting of a hollow ball of cells, in gills of Bivalvia and Cephalopoda.
preceding the gastrula larval stage.
Detritus: Dead and decaying litter, which is derived
Calcite: A form of calcium carbonate with a specific from plants, and covers the environmental surface
gravity of 2.7. (e.g. ocean bottom, forest floor).
442 Glossary

Diploid: Having paired chromosomes. Glochidium (pl.: glochidia): A modified larva of a

freshwater mussel (Unionidae)
Epifaunal: Animals that live upon (as opposed to
within) the substrate of a body of water. They may Gonopore: Where the reproductive system opens
be attached by a byssus or be free-living. to the outside of the body.

Escutcheon: An area of the posterior-dorsal bi- Hadal: Oceanic depths greater than 6000 m.
valved shell associated with the ligament.
Hemocoel circulation: The hemocoel is a coelom
Euryhaline: A term applied to organisms that toler- (cavity) surrounding the heart. Mollusks do not
ate a wide range of salinity. have a system of arteries, veins, and capillaries.
When the blood is pumped out of the heart, it
Foraminifera: A group of Protozoa that form passes into sinuses that carry it to the various
shells, usually of calcium carbonate. Though organs. The blood collects in other sinuses and
most are microscopic, some are visible to the is then returned to the heart.
naked eye.
Hermaphrodite: An individual that produces both
Four d (4d): Mollusks and most other protostomes male and female gametes.
have determined or fixed cell fates during early
embryo development. All mesoderm is derived Homeobox Genes: genes that provide the iden-
from the 4d (four little d) cell, formed at the sixth tity of particular body regions in a developing
division after fertilization. After the first two embryo by determining where body structures
cleavages, the more or less equally sized cells are will develop.
termed A, B, C, D. The third cleavage produces
unequal sized cells; the smaller cells are 1a, 1b, Infaunal: Animals that live within the sediment at
1c, 1d. The fourth cleavage of the larger cells the bottom of a body of water.
produces the 2a, 2b, 2c, and 2d cells. The fifth
cleavage produces the 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d cells. Labial Palps: In Bivalvia, folds of tissue on either
The sixth cleavage of the larger cells produces side of the mouth that help to bring food to the
4a, 4b, 4c, and 4d. mouth.

Gamete: Specialized reproductive cells; eggs and Lecithotroph: An egg rich in yolk.
Lentic: A freshwater habitat that is characteristi-
Ganglion (pl.: ganglia): A structure composed of cally calm, e.g. ponds, lakes, swamps.
nerve cell bodies.
Ligament: An elastic structure linking the two
Gastric shield: a hardened cuticular plate near the valves in Bivalvia.
anterior end of the stomach, made of protein and
chitin with a roughened, rasp-like surface. The Littoral: The shoreline zone where the water meets
crystalline style rotates against the gastric shield the land.
aiding in mixing and grinding food particles, and
releasing digestive enzymes. Lotic: A freshwater habitat that is characteristically
running, e.g. brooks, streams, and rivers.
Gastrula: The mass of embryonic cells following
the blastula. During the formation of the gastrula, Lunule: An area of the anterior-dorsal bivalved
cells that are fairly superficial migrate to where shell that is circular to heart shaped and separated
they will develop into future organs. from the rest of the shell by a ridge.
Glossary 443

Macrophyte: A large macroscopic plant; often used Osphradium (pl.: osphradia): Sense organs found
in reference to kelp and other seaweeds. in some mollusks, usually in the mantle cavity.
These structures can detect certain chemicals in
Mantle: An organ that covers the body of a mollusk. the water surrounding the mollusk.
It functions in producing the shell and periostra-
cum. In air-breathing gastropods (Pulmonata), it Ovoviviparous: A condition in which the female
serves in a respiratory function as well. holds the eggs in her uterus until they hatch, so
her offspring emerge as juveniles rather than as
Mantle Cavity: The space within the mantle where eggs.
the gills, osphradia, excretory, and genital open-
ings are found. Pallial line: In Bivalvia, a fine linear impression,
on the inner surface of the shell, made by the
Mesoderm: Embryonic cells that develop into mantle edge. The line runs from one adductor
muscle, blood, and connective tissue. muscle to the other.

Metamerism: Repetition of body segments or Pallial sinus: An invagination of the pallial line
repeated organ systems. Seen in Annelida, but where the siphons pass through. This is found in
mollusks do not have true metamerism. Those the posterior end of the shell.
mollusks having repeated organ systems, such as
the Polyplacophora, Monoplacophora, and some Palps: see labial palps
Aplacophora, have pseudometamerism.
Parasitism: A form of symbiosis in which indi-
Microphagous: Feeding on small particles or small viduals of two different taxa live together, one
prey (microorganisms). deriving a benefit and the other being harmed by
the association.
Molluscivore: Feeding on mollusks.
Parthenogenesis: Development of an organism
Mutualism: A form of symbiosis in which indi- from an egg that did not require fertilization. The
viduals of two different taxa live together, both offspring are genetically identical to the parent.
deriving a benefit from the association.
Pectinoid: A member of the superfamily Pect-
Nacre: The iridescent or shiny layer that lines the inoidea (Bivalvia): examples include Pecten,
inner surface of some mollusks such as Unionidae Chlamys, Lima, and Spondylus.
(freshwater mussels) and Ostreidae (oysters).
Pelagic: Open water. It is the water column in the
Nephridium (pl.: nephridia): A renal organ in mol- marine environment extending from the air-sea
lusks, a kidney. interface down to the benthos.

Nidamental gland: Provides the outer coating for Pelecypoda: A synonym of the Class Bivalvia.
eggs and sometimes the gelatinous part of the
egg mass. Pericalymmal larva: a barrel-shaped larva with
prominent apical tuft. It propels itself with trans-
Omnivore: An animal that feeds on both plants verse bands of cilia and a patch of accessory loco-
and animals. motory cilia. In the later stages, the larvae become
laterally compressed as the shell develops
Operculum (pl.: opercula): A plate that wholly or
partly covers the aperture of some gastropods. It Pericardium: A sac surrounding the heart. The mol-
may be horny or calcareous. luscan pericardium is unique to mollusks.
444 Glossary

Periostracum: The proteinaceous outer shell layer. (connective tissue). In Mollusks, as development
progresses, this coelom becomes reduced to just
Polyploidy: Having three or more of each type of cavities surrounding heart, kidneys, and gonads
chromosome. (reproductive organs).

Prismatic Layer: A cross section of a molluscan Semislug: A snail partially covered by an external
shell will usually reveal several layers. The pris- shell, into which the animal cannot retreat. A
matic layer is often the middle layer, between the condition of some land snails and some sea slugs
outer (periostracum) and inner (often nacreous) (e.g., Notaspidea).
Shell: A hard calcareous structure found encasing
Propodium: The leading edge of the gastropod foot. mollusks. In some mollusks, such as Bivalvia,
this structure encloses most or all of the animal.
Protostome: A major group of animals including In other mollusks, such as some Gastropoda
Mollusca in which, during development, the (slugs and semislugs) the shell is greatly reduced
mouth forms from the blastopore, and the anus or vestigial.
forms from a second opening.
Sipuncula: A phylum of marine worms, often called
Pseudofeces: After bivalves remove the desirable peanut worms, considered to be one of the pos-
food particles through suspension feeding, the sible sister groups to mollusks.
remaining material, bound by mucus, is ejected by
reverse flow. This material is called pseudofeces. Spicule: A small calcareous projection found in
some mollusks [Aplacophora and on the girdles
Pseudometamerism: The appearance of being seg- of some Polyplacophora (chitons)].
mented, when in fact true segmentation does not
occur, as in some mollusks. Stenocalymma: a specialized larval form of some
Aplacophora intermediate between pericalymma
Piscivorous: An animal that eats fish. Some Coni- and trochophore larvae
dae are piscivorous.
Symbiosis: Individuals of two different taxa living
Radula (pl.: radulae): A rasp-like structure, found in in close association. Forms of symbiosis can be
the oral cavity of most mollusks (except Bivalvia) described as commensalistic, mutualistic, and
that is used in feeding. It usually looks like a rib- parasitic.
bon with small tooth-like structures attached to it
in rows and columns. Teeth: There are three uses for this term in malacol-
ogy. 1) Projections from the hinge of a bivalve
Refugium (pl.: refugia): A location where major shell that fit into sockets on the opposing shell.
environmental changes have not occurred and 2) Projections seen on the inner surface of the
therefore the biota of an earlier period persists. aperture in some gastropods that might function
as anti-predator barriers. 3) Structures on the
Resilifer: A recess on the hinge plate that contains radula that give it its rasp-like character.
the resilium (internal portion of the ligament).
Tetraneury: A nervous system, found in mollusks,
Riffle: part of a stream with shallow, fast-flowing that is composed of two sets of paired nerves, one
water followed by deep, slow-flowing water. dorsal and the other ventral.

Schizocoel coelomic cavities: A coelom is a cavity Torsion: A feature of all gastropods: an early de-
formed by a splitting of the embryonic mesoderm velopmental 180º twisting of the shell, mantle,
Glossary 445

and visceral mass with respect to the head and swimming apparatus of the tail. Some Bivalvia
foot. Torsion results in the nervous system being attach to this structure.
twisted or crossed and in the products of excre-
tion and reproduction being discharged from a Veliger: late larval stage of many mollusks, derived
position above the animal’s head. from the trochophore. The more or less spherical
animal has a pair of large lobes, each being known
Trochophore: early larval stage of most mollusks. as a velum, which help with swimming and feed-
The animal is more or less shaped like a toy top ing. The larval shell, the protoconch, is formed at
and has an equatorial band of cilia and an apical this stage. Eventually the animal transforms into
tuft that provides locomotion as well as help with a juvenile by metamorphosis.
feeding. The trochophore often develops into a
veliger larva. Visceral Mass: The soft tissues of mollusks that
comprise the internal organs (digestive and re-
Uropod: A structure, found in Malacostraca productive) of a mollusk.
(shrimp, crabs, and lobsters) that forms part of the

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