Autocad Manual Final
Autocad Manual Final
Autocad Manual Final
Sl.No Signature of
Date Title of Experiment Page No. Marks
the Staff
Course Outcomes
1. Use the AutoCAD commands for drawing the basic regular shapes
2. Utilization of basic AutoCAD commands for the drawing of line diagram of the
3. Students will able to draw plan of the building
4. Learn how to develop section, elevations of the two storied and single storied
5. Utilize AutoCAD to develop complex 3-D diagrams from 2-D diagrams
6. Utilize AutoCAD in surveying and engineering mechanics problems
Experiment No: 1
Aim: - To study about special features, advantages applications of Auto CAD, Different coordinate
systems in AutoCAD
Requirements: -
Theory: -
Learning to use a CAD system is similar to learning a new language. It is necessary to begin with the basic
alphabet and learn how to use it correctly and effectively through practice.
The term computer aided design (CAD) applies to wide range of program that allow the user to create
drawings, plans, and designs electronically. Auto CAD is one such program which we can easily draw the
plans, elevations, sections of 2D & 3D structures. Practically at present most of the Civil Engineers are
using this powerful software in their day to day life.
The AutoCAD software is launched by Autodesk. This software is mainly developed initially for the
Advantages: -
➢ We can make accurate and precise drawings like plan, section and elevation of a building.
➢ Improved engineering productively.
➢ Reduced engineering personal requirement.
➢ Reduced engineering personal requirement.
➢ Drawing modification or eraser to intake.
➢ Drawings prepared in the software can be stored safely.
7. Line: The LINE command is used to draw a line between two specified points. First enter
the LINE command or shortcut L in the command area. Mouse Cross hair displays to specify
the first point of the line and next point of the line or enter the distance of the line. Press
ESC key at the end of the line.
Command: un
11. Zoom: It is used to zoom the drawing object on the screen
1. Absolute Coordinate System (ACS): In this system every coordinate is taken origin (0,0) as
reference. The syntax of the absolute coordinate system is [X, Y].
2. Relative Coordinate System (RCS): After Locating the First Point Can Be Entered by Specifying The
Next Coordinate Relative To The First Points. The Syntax of The Relative Coordinate System is
[@X, Y]
Result: - Studying of Auto CAD, its applications and different coordinate systems are used.
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 2
Requirements: -
Commands: -
➢ Line
➢ Poly line
➢ Polygon
➢ Rectangle
➢ Arc Circle
➢ Ellipse
Theory: -
Line: The LINE command is used to draw a line between two specified points. First enter the LINE
command or shortcut L in the command area. Mouse Cross hair displays to specify the first point of the
line and next point of the line or enter the distance of the line. Press ESC key at the end of the line.
Rectangle: RECTANGLE command is used to draw a rectangular geometry in the drawings. REC is the
keyboard shortcut for rectangle. First enter the REC command in the command area. A cross hair will be
displays to specify the first corner point of the rectangle and input the dimensions of the rectangle as
other corner point.
Circle: Circles are created with the CIRCLE command. There are several different ways you can define a
circle. Those are defining center point and radius or diameter of the circle. In the 2Point method Define
the circle with points on either end of the circle diameter. In the 3Point method Define the circle with 3
noncollinear points. In the Tangent, Tangent and Radius method define the circle by specifying two other
objects that are tangent to the circle and the radius of the circle.
Arc: ARC command is used draw partial circles in the Auto CAD drawings. There are seven methods
available to draw an arc in the Auto CAD.
Those are
i. Specifying 3 points on the arc
ii. Specifying starting point, center and end point
iii. Specifying starting point, center and included angle
iv. Specifying starting point, center and length of the cord
v. Specifying starting point, end point and radius
vi. Specifying starting point, end point and included angle and
vii. Specifying starting point, end point and direction of start
Polygon: The POLYGONE command is used to draw a polygon with 3 to 1024 sides by specifying a circle
inscribed or circumscribed with definite radius or by entering side length of the polygon.
Ellipse: This ELLIPSE command is used to draw ellipses by giving starting and ending angles
Result: Studying and Drawing of regular shapes using editor mode in the Auto CAD.
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 3
Requirements: -
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
1. Move: the move command is used to move one or more existing objects from one location to
another location.
3. Offset: OFFSET creates a new object at a specified distance from an existing object through a
specified point.
Command: offset or o (enter)
4. Mirror: At sometimes, we need to create objects that are symmetrical about a particular axis.
you can just draw one half of the model and another half will be generated by using this mirror
5. Scale: Scale command enlarge or reduces the selected objects equally in x, y and z directions.
Command: scale or sc (enter)
6. Trim: TRIM command trims of the object using cutting edges defined by other objects
Command: trim or tr (enter)
7. Hatch: it is used to hatch the objects up to the wanted area.
Command: BH (enter)
8. Extend: Extend command elongates an object to a boundary
Command: extend or ex (enter)
2. What is the short cut command to move the object from specified point?
Result: -Studied on how to use some important drawing tools in AUTOCAD for civil engineering
1. Students learn how to utilize the drawing tools in civil engineering discipline.
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 4
Requirements: -
Commands: -
➢ Layer
➢ Dim
➢ Text
2. Then type Dim command to give the dimension of the particular line
4. Then enter text command in the command prompt, select the desired position and type the text
5. If you want to change the color of the line or to change the line weight or to invisible the line
1. Learn how to utilize layers, dimension and texting in their Civil Engineering related drawings
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 5
Aim: Draw the building components like doors, windows, lintels using AUTOCAD
Requirements: -
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
Prelab Questions:
3.At what height the windows are placed from the floor level?
1. By using the above following commands draw building components like doors, windows, lintels.
3. Then by seeing the drawing of the doors, windows and lintels implement in AUTOCAD
Result: - Studied how to implement the drawings of doors, lintels and windows in AUTOCAD
1. Students can learn how to utilize the drawing tools to draw the building components like doors,
lintels, and windows
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 6
Aim: Draw the building plan and its dimensions by using suitable AUTOCAD commands
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
Prelab Questions:
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
3. Then by using the above-mentioned commands start drawing the plan of the building.
1. By using the standard commands students learn how to draw line diagram of the building with
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 7
Aim: How to draw the building plan and its dimensions by using AUTOCAD
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
Pre-Lab Questions:
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
3. Then by using the above-mentioned commands start drawing the plan of the building.
Result: Studied how to draw the plan of the building and dimensions by using AUTOCAD
1. Students can able to draw plan of the building by using AutoCAD commands
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 8
Aim: To draw the section and elevation of the single storied building
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
Pre-Lab Questions:
3. What is the height of slab from floor level for residential buildings?
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
3. Then by using the above-mentioned commands start drawing the plan of the building.
Result: Studied how to draw the section and elevation of the single storey building and its dimensions
by using AUTOCAD
1. Students can learn how to draw section, elevation of the single storied building by using
AutoCAD commands.
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 9
Aim: Draw the section and elevation of the double storied building
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Rectangle
➢ Line
➢ Copy
➢ Move
➢ Hatch
➢ Text
➢ Dim linear
➢ Trim
➢ Offset
3. How many main bars are placed in a square column according to IS 456 2000?
Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
3. Then by using the above-mentioned commands start drawing the sections of beam and column
Result: Studied how to draw the section of column and beam by using AUTOCAD
1. Students can draw how to draw section and elevation of the double storied building by using
basic AutoCAD commands.
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 10
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Line
➢ Extrude
Procedure: -
1. Set the units and drawing limits for the drawing in the format option as required
3. Then draw the simple plan of the building by using standard commands like line, offset etc.
5. Then select extrude from the ribbon box and pull the plan from downwards and enter the
desired height of 3-D object
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date
Experiment No: 11
Requirements: -
➢ Computer Hardware
Commands: -
➢ Line
➢ Area
➢ Reg
➢ Massprop
3. Then type area in command box and select corners of the object one by one and type enter to
get the area of the desired shape.
4. If we want to find the centroidal distance and radius of gyration, type REG in command box
6. Then again type MASSPROP in command area and again select the object then we will get our
desired centroidal distance and radius of gyration.
Grading: -
Signature of
evaluator with date