Etap Overview

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ETAP Product Overview

Power System Enterprise Solution

ETAP is the most comprehensive analysis tool for the design, simulation, and operation of generation,
transmission, distribution, and industrial power systems. From straightforward short circuit calculations to
advanced transient stability studies, ETAP is the most flexible fully integrated solution available.

Engineers, operators, and mangers in thousands of companies worldwide put their trust in ETAP; the only high-
impact electrical engineering software to comply with widely accepted and firmly established nuclear quality
assurance standards and regulations with complete Verification & Validation (V&V) of the analysis modules
and library data. The V&V process for ETAP is quite extensive, consisting of thousands of test cases that
encompass each and every calculation module, user interface, persistence, reports, plots, library data, and more.

ETAP modules are categorized or individually listed below. One or any combination of ETAP modules can be
purchased or added to an existing ETAP license. The ETAP Base Package is required per each user license.
Pricing is based on bus level, license type, and the number of copies.

Network Analysis Distribution Systems Dynamics & Transients

Load Flow Load Flow - Unbalanced Transient Stability
Short-Circuit – ANSI / IEEE Optimal Power Flow Generator Start-Up
Short-Circuit – IEC Reliability Assessment Wind Turbine Generator
Arc Flash Optimal Capacitor Placement Parameter Estimation
Motor Acceleration GIS Map User-Defined Dynamic Model

Protective Devices – Star Transmission Line DC Systems

Device Coordination & Selectivity Line Constants DC Load Flow
Device Sequence-of-Operation Line Ampacity DC Short-Circuit
Relay Test-Set Interface Line Sag & Tension DC Battery Discharge & Sizing
HV DC Transmission Link
Relay Test-Set Control Systems
Advanced Relay Testing & Transformer DC Control System Diagram
Transient Simulator – ARTTS Transformer MVA Sizing
Transformer Tap Optimization Data Exchange
Panel Systems DataX - Base
ANSI / NEC / IEC Ground Grid Systems DataX - MS Access & Excel
1-Phase & 3-Phase Panels Finite Element Method e-DPP® Interface
IEEE 80 & 665 Method SmartPlant® Interface
Harmonic Load Flow Cable Systems Real-Time Systems
Frequency Scan Underground Cable Raceway Power System Monitoring &
Filter Design & Sizing Cable Ampacity Derating Simulation – PSMS
Cable Sizing Energy Management System – EMS
Cable Pulling Intelligent Load Shedding – ILS

ETAP Base Package

Network Simulation DataX – Base Configuration Manager
System Elements Cable Sizing Study Wizard
V&V Libraries Cable Ampacity Derating Report Manager
Multi-Dimensional Database Transmission Line Constants Power Calculator

January 2006
Product Overview ETAP Base Package

Modules in ETAP Base Package

Network Simulation Cable Sizing
ƒ Intelligent graphical user interface ƒ Size based on voltage drop, ampacity, & short-circuit
ƒ Integrated AC, DC, & grounding systems ƒ Automatic cable selection from library
ƒ 1-, 2-, & 3-Phase with 2-, 3-, or 4-Wire AC systems ƒ Load based on LF result, rating, or user-defined value
ƒ User interface for all network analysis modules ƒ Load growth & application multiplying factors
ƒ Hide & show protective devices & grounding systems ƒ One-line & equipment cables
ƒ Theme manager with status dependent color control ƒ Optimal or next alternative size options
ƒ Propagation of nominal & rated kV, & phase
connection Cable Ampacity Derating: A/G & U/G
ƒ Automatic display of energized & de-energized ƒ NEC - NFPA 70
elements ƒ U/G duct bank & direct buried
ƒ OLE objects, ActiveX controls, & hyperlinks ƒ Cable tray, cable drop, & conduit in air
ƒ Text box editor with dynamic link to properties ƒ ICEA P-54-440
ƒ Batch printing with view-dependent printer settings ƒ Cable trays
ƒ Customizable ETAP preference properties ƒ Stolpe method
ƒ Fire protection: wrap, stop, & coating
System Elements
ƒ Unlimited AC (1- & 3-Phase) & DC elements Transmission Line Constants
ƒ Unlimited buses: license dependent at run-time ƒ Conductor & ground wire libraries
ƒ Nested composite networks & motor control centers ƒ Built-in configurations: horizontal, vertical, etc.
ƒ Power grids, synchronous, & induction generators ƒ General configuration: X, Y, & Z coordinates
ƒ MOV, synchronous, & induction motors ƒ Multi-line mutual coupling
ƒ Exciters, governors, & stabilizers ƒ Phase & sequence impedance matrix
ƒ Voltage & frequency dependent lumped loads ƒ Transposed & un-transposed lines
ƒ Cables, lines, reactors, & impedance branches ƒ Short & long line models
ƒ 2W & 3W transformers with voltage regulators ƒ Operating temperature control
ƒ Remote connectors ƒ Multiple layer soil model
ƒ Harmonic filter & static var compensator ƒ Calculated or user-defined impedances
ƒ Instrument transformers
ƒ Protective devices & meters DataX - Base
ƒ Single & double throw switches
ƒ Export WMF, EMF, DXF, & PDF files
ƒ Batteries, DC motors, loads, & branches
ƒ Import CSV, IEEE format, & RAW data files
ƒ Chargers, inverters, UPS, & DC converters
ƒ Import PowerPlot projects
ƒ ANSI, IEC, or user-definable elements with rotation
ƒ Import & export configurations
ƒ Compress & e-mail project files
V&V Libraries ƒ Merge project files via clipboard
ƒ Comprehensive library: ANSI & IEC devices
ƒ Validated & Verified (V&V) library data Configuration Manager
ƒ Cable, line, motor, harmonics, reliability, & battery
ƒ Tabulate & control different status configurations
ƒ CB, relay, fuse, & trip device
ƒ Compare source, load & switching device status
ƒ V&V locked data
ƒ Flag changed data with checker capability
ƒ Add, copy, merge, & delete capabilities
ƒ Copy, merge, export, import, & print
ƒ User-defined & controlled libraries
ƒ User-access control & security
ƒ Edited-by & checked-by with date stamping Study Wizard
ƒ User-controlled library merge ƒ Manage studies with scenarios & macros
ƒ Record scenarios based on study settings
ƒ Macro controlled scenario execution
Multi-Dimensional Database
ƒ Orthogonal multi-dimension database
ƒ Unlimited independent graphical views Report Manager
ƒ Unlimited status configurations ƒ Customizable output reports & plots
ƒ Unlimited property revisions ƒ Input, results, alerts, & summary reports
ƒ Multiple loading & generation conditions ƒ Reports via Crystal Reports® viewer
ƒ Real-time operating data ƒ PDF, MS Word, Access, & Excel reports
ƒ Unlimited study solutions ƒ Element ID & text search capability
ƒ ODBC – MS Access, SQL server, & Oracle®
ƒ Dumpster with unlimited cells: copy & paste Power Calculator
ƒ User access security with password protection ƒ MVA, MW, Mvar, kV, Amp, & PF conversion
ƒ Edited-by & checked-by with date stamping
ƒ Merge project files via clipboard

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Product Overview ETAP Analysis Modules

ETAP Analysis Modules

Alphabetically Listed

Arc Flash DC Load Flow

ƒ IEEE 1584-2002, 1584a-2004, & NFPA 70E methods ƒ Integrated AC & DC systems
ƒ PPE compliance: NEC 110.6, OSHA 29, CFR 1910.132 ƒ Multi-voltage DC system with DC converters
ƒ Embedded short circuit contribution calculation ƒ Charger, UPS, inverter auto-switching modes
ƒ Embedded fault clearing time (FCT) calculation from TCC ƒ Multiple battery connections with auto-activation
ƒ Automatic detection of primary & 2nd-zone protective ƒ Calculate voltage drops & power losses
devices ƒ Operating modes: float, equalize, or fixed firing angle
ƒ Enclosed & open air configurations ƒ Critical & marginal under- & over-voltage alert
ƒ User-definable bolted fault current & clearing time
ƒ User-definable categories for hazard risk PPE levels DC Short-Circuit
ƒ Customizable label templates & output reports ƒ Integrated AC & DC systems
ƒ Multi-voltage system with DC converters
Cable Pulling ƒ Constant voltage or current battery & charger models
ƒ Calculate & alert on forward & reverse pull tensions ƒ Calculate total & individual fault current contributions
ƒ Calculate & alert sidewall pressures at bend points ƒ Option to consider battery internal & inter-rack impedances
ƒ Check & alert NEC requirements ƒ Calculate fault current rising time
ƒ Three-dimensional, multi-segment conduit layout
ƒ Graphical isometric view with user-controlled perspective
ƒ Pull multiple cables with different sizes Device Coordination & Selectivity - Star
ƒ Cradled or triangular cable configuration ƒ Time current characteristic (TCC) view with multiple axes
ƒ Allows any conduit slopes or bend angles ƒ Integrated with intelligent one-line diagram
ƒ Seamlessly integrated with ETAP network & UGS cables ƒ Graphically adjustable device settings
ƒ Customizable TCC plot & display options
ƒ Interchangeable phase & ground operating modes
DataX - Microsoft Access & Excel ƒ Embedded 3-Phase & LG short circuit analysis: min & max
ƒ Import data from MS Access table ƒ Embedded motor acceleration analysis
ƒ Import data from MS Excel worksheets ƒ Intelligent alert view & troubleshooting tool
ƒ Customize data mapping via graphical user interface ƒ True-to-the-form modeling of protective devices
ƒ Data range checking with library data substitution ƒ Extensive device library (Verified & Validated)
ƒ Automatic one-line diagram generation ƒ User-definable device models & curves
ƒ Intelligent data validation & consistency checking ƒ Multi-function, multi-level relays with smart curve integration
ƒ Automatically add, modify, & delete elements ƒ Transformer I2t & inrush point/curve
ƒ View modifications & accept/reject actions ƒ Cable, motor, & generator I t

ƒ Time difference calculator

DC Battery Discharge & Sizing ƒ Automatic current & voltage scaling
ƒ Battery discharge with load duty-cycles or time-span ƒ Customizable protective device setting report
methods ƒ Batch printing of TCC curves
ƒ Battery sizing with battery & system deviations ƒ Relay test-set interface
ƒ IEEE 308, 485, 946 Standards ƒ Display steady-state & transient relay response
ƒ Battery temperature, aging, initial capacity, & design
margins Device Sequence-of-Operation - Star
ƒ Plot & report battery duty cycle & discharge curves ƒ Protective device interlock actions
ƒ Battery library: extensive manufacturer data ƒ Graphical fault insertion anywhere in the network
ƒ Integrate with AC/DC network & control system diagrams ƒ Automatic calculation of fault current contributions
ƒ Discharge calculation via load flow or individual duty cycles ƒ Automatic calculation of device operating times
ƒ Global view of post fault actions & associated operating times
DC Control System Diagram ƒ Graphical & tabular view of sequence-of-operation & events
ƒ Control system simulator: control (elementary) diagrams ƒ User-defined fault type: 3-Phase & Line-to-Ground
ƒ Sequence-of-operation with voltage drop calculation ƒ Shifted & normalized TCC curves based on fault contributions
ƒ Control logic simulation with pickup & dropout voltages
ƒ Start & stop push-button operations
ƒ Burden & inrush rating or duty cycle calculation methods
ƒ Integrated with battery discharge & sizing module
ƒ Intelligent graphical user interface with drag & drop
ƒ V&V control relay, solenoid, & contact libraries
ƒ Device controlled form C, convertible, NO, & NC contacts
ƒ User-defined macro-controlled contacts
ƒ Alert pickup, dropout voltages, & overloading

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Product Overview ETAP Analysis Modules

e-DPP Interface - DataX Harmonics

ƒ Electrical data processing ƒ Harmonic load flow
ƒ Map e-DPP elements to ETAP ƒ Frequency scan
ƒ Synchronize e-DPP projects with ETAP projects ƒ Filter design & sizing
ƒ Customize data mapping via graphical user interface ƒ IEEE 519 Standard
ƒ Data range checking with library data substitution ƒ Harmonic current & voltage source libraries
ƒ Automatic one-line diagram generation ƒ Automatic distortion limit evaluation: THD & IHD
ƒ Intelligent data validation & consistency checking ƒ Telephone influence factors tif & I*T product
ƒ Automatically add, modify, & delete elements ƒ Alert harmonic distortion limit violations
ƒ View modifications & accept/reject actions ƒ Alert resonance frequencies & locations
ƒ Alert capacitor & filter overloading
Energy Management System - EMS
ƒ Real-time energy management system HV DC Transmission Link
ƒ Intelligent steady-state optimization & control ƒ Combined rectifier & inverter transformers
ƒ Automatic generation control ƒ Comprehensive built-in control schemes
ƒ Demand-side management ƒ Rectifier controls - constant current & power
ƒ Peak shaving & time-of-use load management ƒ Inverter controls - constant voltage & beta angle
ƒ User-defined logic & macros for system control ƒ AC controls - current, voltage, & power modulations
ƒ Inhibitive & permissive controls ƒ Automatic harmonic spectrum calculation
ƒ Supervisory & advisory control modes
Intelligent Load Shedding - ILS
Generator Start-Up ƒ Real-time optimal load preservation
ƒ Dynamic simulation of generator starting: black start ƒ Minimize down time for critical loads
ƒ Connect loads at any desired operating frequency & voltage ƒ Fast response to mechanical & electrical disturbances: ~40 ms
ƒ Unlimited events & actions: same as transient stability ƒ Artificial & user-defined intelligence & logic
ƒ Frequency-dependent machine & network models ƒ Spinning reserve consideration with multi-subsystems
ƒ Include start-up behaviors of exciter, governor, & stabilizer ƒ Load ranking & shedding based on actual operating conditions
ƒ Determine optimal generator loading time & load ƒ Unlimited user-defined schedules for load priority
sequencing ƒ Real-time testing & validation of recommended actions
ƒ Minimize spinning reserve requirements with increased
GIS Map reliability
ƒ Display unlimited GIS presentations (maps) in ETAP
ƒ Display results on GIS maps: load flow & short circuit Line Ampacity
ƒ Synchronize GIS data to ETAP projects ƒ IEEE 738-1993 Standard
ƒ Auto-generate one-line diagrams from GIS data ƒ Environment consideration: elevation, latitude, etc.
ƒ Database mapping via a graphical user interface ƒ Weather consideration: wind & atmospheric conditions
ƒ Automatically modify or delete existing elements ƒ Conductor material & stranding properties
ƒ Data consistency checking during data synchronization ƒ Calculate conductor temperature for a given ampacity
ƒ View modifications & accept/reject actions ƒ Calculate ampacity for a given conductor temperature
ƒ Map GIS features to ETAP elements
Line Sag & Tension
Ground Grid Systems ƒ Multiple suspension spans with unequal length
ƒ IEEE 80 & 665 methods ƒ Unequal tower height
ƒ Finite element method for irregular configurations ƒ High conductor operating temperature: above 100° C
ƒ Conductor & rod optimization ƒ Prediction with creep, load, & temperature
ƒ Two-layer soil configuration with surface material ƒ Ice, wind, & elongation coefficient
ƒ Embedded short circuit analysis
ƒ 3-D plots for step, touch, & absolute potentials Load Flow
ƒ Import DXF file: ground grids layout ƒ Power flow & voltage drop calculation
ƒ Alert step & touch potential violations ƒ Real & reactive power losses & PF
ƒ Automatic temperature correction
ƒ Transformer phase-shift & LTC
ƒ Load demand & bus diversity factors
ƒ Multiple loading & generation categories
ƒ Graphical display of results including load terminal voltage
ƒ Automatic device evaluation: voltage & loading alerts

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Product Overview ETAP Analysis Modules

Motor Acceleration Power System Monitoring & Simulation - PSMS

ƒ Dynamic & static motor acceleration ƒ Real-time system for intelligent monitoring & control
ƒ Unlimited events with individual & group sequence starting ƒ Seamless integration with system metering & SCADA
ƒ Start/stop induction & synch motors, MOVs, & static loads ƒ Minimize metering hardware using state estimator
ƒ Change generator operating conditions during simulation ƒ Real-time simulation using actual operating conditions
ƒ Motor starting via transitioning of loading categories ƒ Predict system response: “what if” studies
ƒ Reduced voltage starters: auto-transformer, resistor, etc. ƒ Operator assistance & training
ƒ Switching capacitor: bus or terminal connected ƒ Bench marking system model via real-time data
ƒ Rotor resistance, reactance, & DY connection ƒ Client-server architecture with access security
ƒ Soft starters: current, voltage, & torque controlled ƒ Remote device control with confirmation
ƒ Motor dynamic & characteristic models ƒ Replay archived data & simulate alternate actions
ƒ User-defined polynomial & point-by-point load models ƒ Customizable trending & energy usage/cost reports
ƒ Auto-alert on fail start, starting motors, & bus voltages ƒ OPC alert & notification: operators, managers, engineers, etc.

Optimal Capacitor Placement Reliability Assessment

ƒ Optimal capacitor size & location: loop & radial systems ƒ Single & double contingencies
ƒ Voltage & power factor objectives & constraints ƒ Reliability sensitivity analyses
ƒ Minimize cost of capacitor installation & operation ƒ System, load point, bus, cost, & energy reliability indices:
ƒ Option to select candidate buses SAIFI, SAIDI, CAIDI, ASAI, ASUI, EENS, ECOST, AENS, IEAR
ƒ Option to limit capacitor bank size per voltage level ƒ Fault isolation & load restoration
ƒ Use individual source or global energy costs ƒ User-definable & IEEE component reliability data library
ƒ User-defined planning period & interest rate ƒ Expandable interruption cost library
ƒ User-defined min, max, & average load profile ƒ Report & plot cost evaluation & sensitivity analysis results
ƒ Calculate capacity release, costs, & savings
ƒ Evaluate capacitor installation for various system loading Short-Circuit – ANSI / IEEE
ƒ Capacitor control method ƒ ANSI C37, IEEE 141, 242, 399, UL 489-9 Standards
ƒ Generator circuit breaker: C37.14 Standard
Optimal Power Flow ƒ Device duty calculation with automatic device evaluation
ƒ Interior points with barrier factions optimization algorithm ƒ Total bus or maximum-through fault current options
ƒ Large scale systems with equality & inequality constraints ƒ Unbalanced faults: L-G, L-L, & L-L-G
ƒ Minimize active & reactive power losses ƒ ½ cycle, 1½-4 cycle, & 30 cycle faults
ƒ Minimize swing bus power ƒ Comprehensive device library
ƒ Minimize control movements & adjustments ƒ Auto alert marginal & overstressed devices
ƒ Minimize generation fuel cost & exchange energy costs ƒ User-adjustable contact parting time for HV CB
ƒ Maximize voltage & line flow security index ƒ User-definable fault impedance & pre-fault voltage
ƒ Generator AVR & MW control ƒ Separate R & X networks for X/R calculation
ƒ Voltage regulator & shunt compensation control ƒ Graphical & tabular alarms of overstressed devices
ƒ Bus voltage & branch flow constraints
Short-Circuit – IEC
Panel Systems ƒ IEC 56, 60282-1, 60781, 60909, 60947 Standards
ƒ Intelligent panel design & analysis ƒ IEC 61363 Standard: transient fault analysis & plot
ƒ 1-Phase (2W & 3W) & 3-Phase (3W & 4W) ƒ Device duty calculation with automatic device evaluation
ƒ ANSI & IEC Standards ƒ Total bus or maximum-through fault current options
ƒ NEC load factors ƒ Unbalanced faults: L-G, L-L, L-L-G
ƒ Load flow with graphical per phase display ƒ Maximum & minimum fault currents
ƒ Automatic updating of upstream panels ƒ Maximum, minimum, & user-definable c factors
ƒ Customizable Excel & Crystal Reports ƒ Method A, B, or C for peak current X/R calculation
ƒ Panel schedule with internal & external feeders & loads ƒ Ith calculation & rating check
ƒ Breaking duty vs. delay time reporting
ƒ Graphical & tabular alarms of overstressed devices
Parameter Estimation ƒ Automatic detection of mesh & radial networks
ƒ Induction machine circuits model
ƒ Evaluation of LV CB based on ultimate or service ratings
ƒ Sensitivity based parameter estimator
ƒ Graphical & tabular alarms of overstressed devices
ƒ Single-cage models with deep-bar effects
ƒ Use readily available motor rating data as inputs
ƒ Plot torque, current, power factor vs. slip

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Product Overview ETAP Analysis Modules

SmartPlant Interface - DataX Unbalanced Load Flow

ƒ Map SmartPlant electrical equipment to ETAP elements ƒ Per phase power flow calculation
ƒ Synchronize SmartPlant projects with ETAP projects ƒ 3-Phase (3W & 4W), 2-Phase (2W & 3W), & 1-Phase
ƒ Customize data mapping via graphical user interface ƒ Demand load & voltage drop calculation
ƒ Data range checking with library data substitution ƒ Real & reactive power losses & PF calculation
ƒ Automatic one-line diagram generation ƒ Unbalanced loads, line impedance, & voltage generation
ƒ Intelligent data validation & consistency checking ƒ Multiple loading & generation categories
ƒ Automatically add, modify, & delete elements ƒ Transformer phase-shift & voltage regulation action
ƒ View modifications & accept/reject actions ƒ Transmission line coupling
ƒ Automatic temperature correction
Transformer MVA Sizing ƒ Automatic device evaluation: alert loading, voltage violations
ƒ ANSI & IEC standards ƒ Alert positive, negative, & zero sequence unbalanced rates
ƒ Auto-calculate downstream operating & connected loads ƒ Phase & sequence voltage & current reporting
ƒ Growth & expansion factors
ƒ Short circuit & BIL impedance consideration Underground Cable Raceway
ƒ Altitude & ambient temperature factors ƒ Neher-McGrath Method
ƒ Required & standard size options ƒ IEC 60287 Method
ƒ Underground duct banks & direct buried cable raceways
Transformer Tap Optimization ƒ Multiple raceways & soil conditions
ƒ ANSI / IEEE C57.116 Standard ƒ Multiple external heat sources
ƒ Optimize unit transformer turns ratio or tap setting ƒ Irregular arrangements with integrated AC & DC cables
ƒ Considers system & generator voltage variations ƒ Graphical user interface for layouts, raceways, & conduits
ƒ Considers generation station auxiliary load ƒ Steady-state & transient temperature analysis
ƒ Include transformer primary & secondary cables ƒ Optimization of new or existing raceways
ƒ Plot generator voltage vs. Mvar output capacity ƒ Ampacity optimization: uniform or hottest temperature
ƒ Plot capacity based on existing data or optimized solution ƒ Cable sizing based on operating temperature & loading
ƒ Cable loading: load flow results, user-defined value, or
real-time data
Transient Stability
ƒ Short & long term dynamic simulation
ƒ Unlimited events & simulation actions User-Defined Dynamic Models
ƒ Simulate disturbances, switching actions, & control settings ƒ Governors, exciters, & power system stabilizers (PSS)
ƒ Simulate MOV, induction, & synchronous motor ƒ Create custom control block diagrams
acceleration ƒ Library of control blocks & elementary functions
ƒ Simulate impact & ramp loading of motors & generations ƒ Step response test for each model
ƒ Print & plot various generator, motor, bus, & branch ƒ Run-time compile within Transient Stability
variables ƒ Import/compile models built-in Simulink
ƒ Active playback of sequence-of-actions: tabular & graphical
ƒ Automatic relay action (27, 32, 50, 59, 67, 81) Wind Turbine Generator
ƒ Automatic multi-stage load shedding via relay interlocks ƒ Wind turbine generator modeling: individually or in groups
ƒ Variable simulation time step ƒ Dynamic turbine & controller models
ƒ Multi-subsystems with individual reference machines ƒ Generation based on wind speed & turbine characteristics
ƒ Equivalent, transient, & subtransient synch machine models ƒ Multiple wind speed categories for predictive “what if” studies
ƒ Single & double cage dynamic induction models ƒ User-defined turbine model or based on library
ƒ Built-in & user-defined exciter, governor, & PSS models ƒ User-defined wind model or based on library
ƒ Shaft torsion & multi-mass modeling ƒ Individual or zone-based wind gust & ramping transients
ƒ Frequency dependent dynamic induction machine models
ƒ Frequency dependent machine & network models

ETAP is a registered trademark of Operation Technology, Inc. e-DPP is a registered trademark of Eltechs Engineering & Consulting Co., Ltd. MS is a registered trademark of Microsoft
Corporation. Simulink is a registered trademark of The MathWorks. SmartPlant is a registered trademark of Intergraph Process, Power & Marine. Other company, product, or service names
may be trademarks or servicemarks of others.

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