coli (ETEC)
A___2. A bacterium was isolated from the central nervous (C) Doxycycline
system of a newborn that died of meningitis. The vagina of
the mother was colonized with the same isolate as
determined by the capsular antigen. The microbe grew D___6. Some bacteria are obligate anaerobes. Which of the
following statements best explains this phenomenon?
well on standard blood and MacConkey agar at ambient
(A) They can produce energy both by fermentation (i.e.,
atmospheric conditions. What is the most likely etiologic
glycolysis) and by respiration using the Krebs cycle and
(A) Escherichia coli K1
(B) They cannot produce their own ATP.
(B) Group B Streptococcus type III capsule
(C) They do not form spores.
(C) Haemophilus infl uenzae type b
(D) They lack superoxide dismutase and catalase.
(D) Neisseria meningitidis serogroup b
(E) They do not have a capsule
(E) Streptococcus pneumoniae (encapsulated variety)
developed fever, prostration, malaise, dysentery, and (A) They encode enzymes that degrade the ends of the
dehydration. Based on current epidemiologic data of the bacterial chromosome.
region, a local physician reported that the causative agent
(B) They are short sequences of DNA that often encode
was probably a diarrheogenic strain of Escherichia coli and
enzymes that mediate antibiotic resistance.
did not prescribe antibiotic therapy. Presuming the
Guatemalan doctor to be correct, which type of virulent (C) They are short sequences of RNA that silence specific
regulatory genes.
E. coli is most consistent with this clinical picture?
(D) They are a family of transfer RNAs that enhance
(A) Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
mutations at “hot spots” in the bacterial genome.
(B) Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)
(A) Vibrio cholerae and Corynebacterium diphtheriae (B) Inclusion bodies (E) Gram-positive diplococci
(D) Corynebacterium diphtheriae and Staphylococcus aureus C___15. A resident in his first week of OPD work prescribes
erythromycin for the treatment of a UTI, presumably a simple
(E) Bacillus anthracis and Staphylococcus epidermidis
case of E. coli. The attending physician countermands the
resident’s order and prescribes TMP– SMZ. Why is the
therapeutic choice by the attending more appropriate?
D___11. Which of the following bacterial agents has the
lowest infective dose for producing gastrointestinal disease (A) Bacterial glycocalyx impedes the absorption of
in the human host?
(B) Erythromycin is likely to be inactivated by transpeptidases
(A) Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli
(C) Macrolides are principally secreted in the feces
(B) Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli
(D) Macrolides promote Candida overgrowth in women
(C) Salmonella (nontyphoid serotypes)
(E) Oral macrolides are linked to Stevens–Johnson syndrome
(D) Shigella fl exneri
C___16. A number of antivirals are termed nucleoside (C) Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
analogs. Which one of the following best describes the mode
(D) Western blot
of action of nucleoside analogs?
(E) Viral culture
(A) Insert within the helix of DNA to prevent viral replication
(B) His blood would be rejected for donation based on the B___22. An infant is born prematurely in February.
antibody test results Concerned about the risk of serious infection with respiratory
(C) He would be negative for antibodies to HCV by ELISA, but syncytial virus, he is treated with the monoclonal antibody
positive by western blot palivizumab before being released from the hospital. What is
the viral target of this monoclonal antibody?
(D) The results of the screening test would be reported to the
health department (A) Capsid protein (D) Neuraminidase protein
(E) Viral RNA tests would be negative (B) Fusion protein (E) Matrix protein
(D) Horses; mosquitoes (A) Mesocercariae (D) Nits and louse fragments
(E) Rats; fleas (B) Mite ova and scybala (E) Nurse cells and larvae
(A) Cryptococcus neoformans C___36. How is successful treatment of the condition in the
(B) Cryptosporidium parvum above case best determined?
(C) Histoplasma capsulatum (A) Resolution of symptoms (D) Hemoccult test
(D) Mycobacterium avium complex (B) Endoscopy (E) Stool culture
(E) Pneumocystis jiroveci (C) Urea breath test
E___33. A 67yo hospitalized woman was treated for 7 days D___37. A 14yo girl presented with an itchy, erythematous
with clindamycin and cefuroxime for a postsurgical infection
when she developed profuse, watery diarrhea, cramping rash following exposure to poison ivy. Which term describes
abdominal pain, and fever. An enzyme immunoassay of the the role of poison ivy oils in this response?
stool revealed the presence of a bacterial enterotoxin. How
(A) Allergen (D) Hapten
should this woman be treated?
(B) Carrier (E) Immunogen
(A) Continue clindamycin and cefuroxime
(C) Cytokine
(B) Amoxicillin plus clavulanate
(C) Ceftriaxone
C___38. A 4yo child has atopic dermatitis due to severe
(D) Ciprofl oxacin
allergies to dust, animal dander, and many kinds of pollens.
(E) Metronidazole Mediators released from which cell type are responsible for
the clinical manifestations immediately following exposure to
these substances?
D___34. Which virulence factor of the etiologic agent in the (A) B cells (D) Th1 cells
above case contributes to its ability to cause nosocomial (B) Macrophages (E) Th2 cells
infections? (C) Mast cells
(A) Intracellular growth (D) Spore formation
(B) Lipopolysaccharide (E) Type III secretion system C___39. A 36yo woman with severe allergy to yellow jackets
was stung multiple times at a soccer game. Within minutes
(C) Shiga toxin production
she developed respiratory distress and became unconscious.
Which mediator is primarily responsible for this reaction?
D___35. A 57yo man complains of worsening abdominal pain (A) Complement (D) TNF
for the past 2 months, which he describes as heartburn. He
(B) IgG (E) Norepinephrin
notes that the pain improves temporarily with food, or by
taking antacids. Definitive diagnosis includes serology to (C) Histamine
detect antibodies to which organism?
(A) Adenovirus
B___40. In order for class switching from IgM to IgG to occur,
(B) Cryptosporidium parvum B cells must receive two signals, one generated following
binding to T helper cells and the other secreted
(C) Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli
by helper T cells. What are these two T helper cell-derived (B) Complement activation
(A) Antigen and IL-2 (D) B7 and IL-7 (D) Neutralization of bacterial toxins
(B) CD40 ligand and interferon-γ (E) CD20 and IL-13 (E) Opsonization
receptors on macrophages?
C___46. The difference between tolerance and immunity
(A) Antigen receptors
depends upon the maturation status of the antigen
(B) Complement receptors presenting dendritic cells. What is the T-cell outcome of an
antigen presentation event by a mature dendritic cell?
(C) Fc receptors
(A) Anergy (D) Ignorance
(D) Membrane immunoglobulin
(B) Apoptosis (E) Suppression
(E) Pattern recognition receptors
(C) Activation
most important protective function of IgM in this infection? (B) Elevated glucose in the cerebral spinal fl uid (CSF)
(A) Antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (C) IgM to human herpesvirus type 6 in the serum
(D) Neutrophilic pleocytosis of CSF
(C) Interleukin-17