Effect of Excavation Dewatering On Adjac

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Available online at www.ejournals.uofk.edu KHARTOUM

U of KEJ Vol.6 Issue 2 pp. 22-29(August 2016) ENGINEERING

Effect of Excavation Dewatering on Adjacent Structures

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi, Elhaytham Hassan

Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Khartoum
Khartoum, Sudan (E-mail: magdi.zumrawi@yahoo.com)

Abstract: The study aims to investigate the effect of dewatering technique on retained ground and adjacent
existing structures in order to avoid any damages that may occur. The paper presents three cases of potential
structure failure caused by ground settlement as a result of dewatering. Two current construction projects in
Khartoum North were selected as a case study. The two projects are located near Blue Nile River where ground
water table exists at shallow depths. Dewatering to reduce the groundwater level was carried out in the two sites
to facilitate excavation works. The buildings and road pavements around the two sites suffered serious damages
due to excessive differential settlements of the retained ground. The study results showed that there are
numerous sources of risks associated with performing dewatering. Therefore, developing appropriate plan for
dewatering before construction is essential to mitigate any adverse impacts and avoid risks.
Keywords: Damages; dewatering; effect; groundwater.


Foundation excavation when carried out in the present of near Dewatering is the process to extract water from aquifers
water table is difficult to execute and often unstable. Thus, through number of wells. However, conventional well-point
dewatering is a common practice adopted to lower the water and deep well systems, commonly used for pumping water in
level to facilitate the excavation work and construct the coarse soils, are ineffective in fine soils, and vacuum well
foundation in dry soil. In fact, the movement of water systems are normally necessary [3].
through the pores of soils often controls the safe and proper
Excavation dewatering induced differential settlements on
performance of structures. Moreover, the stability of structure
surrounding building/structures and road pavements has been
is often endangered by excessive seepage forces encountered
observed by many engineers. Dewatering may cause severe
in cohesionless soils, [1].
ground settlement, tilt or even cracking in adjacent structures.
Dewatering is effective in improving stability by reducing To avoid these problems, the ground settlement induced by
pore pressures around excavation. Sometimes the dewatering dewatering and proposed excavation is to be predicted before
system may fail which bring the water level close to the construction [4]. Xia et al. [5] showed that the range of
foundation and reduce the capacity of the soil, which impact area, the depth of drawdown, the change in pore water
contribute to the settlements and displacements of the pressure and the induced settlements are functions of
adjacent structures. Moreover, stress re-distribution occurred pumping discharge, soil type and compositions, and varied
in the nearby structures, and it may cause cracks and eventual with shoring type and dewatering device.
failure of the structure if such precaution is not considered at
Dewatering on construction projects may influence the design,
the time of design, [2]. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the
construction time and cost. Thus, dewatering is to be
damage extent of the structures before start the dewatering, to
considered in project planning to avoid extra cost. In most
provide a reliable proposal for the construction management
contracts, dewatering is the responsibility of the contractor
and decision-making and avoid risks.
who has to select, design and operate the dewatering method.
The purpose of this research is to investigate the problems Contractually, ground problems may cause many claims and
resulted from lowering water level by dewatering on ground work delays. Moreover, it may require redesign or even
settlement and neighbor structures in Sudan. Two current discarding of the project [6].
cases of dewatering in construction projects in Khartoum
North were presented in this study.

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

2.1 Dewatering Methods

Dewatering has been known in construction industry for a
long time. Consequently, many developed techniques have
been suggested to lower the groundwater table during
excavation. As reported by Ratay [6] the most famous
techniques commonly used for dewatering include sumps,
wells and well-points.
 Sumps provide localized dewatering at shallow depths
less than 1 m and consist of pumping from perforated
drums or casings in a gravel-filled back pit. Sumps are
(a) Before pumping commences
preferred in fine grained soils, or very coarse, boulder
 Wells are large-diameter (greater than 15 cm) holes,
drilled relatively deep (greater than 3 m), and contain
slotted casings and down hole pumps. Wells work best in
soils consisting of sand, or sand and gravel mixtures and
can dewater large areas to great depths.
 Well-points are small-diameter (less than 15 cm), shallow
wells, and are closely spaced (0.6 to 3 m apart). Well-
points effectively dewater in coarse sands and gravels, or
silts and clays. They have a wide range of applications. (b) Immediately after pumping commences
However, well-points use a vacuum system and their
depth is limited to about 8 m. Well-point systems
generally cost more than either sumps or wells, and
requires near-continual maintenance.
 A number of other dewatering techniques are available
including ground freezing and electro osmosis. However,
such techniques are very costly and used only for
particularly difficult dewatering applications [6].
Pat et al [7] in their study stated that the zone of influence is
a theoretical concept used to visualize how a well is affecting (c) After prolonged pumping
the surrounding aquifer. Imagine a well penetrating an
aquifer that has an initial water table or piezometric level at Fig. 1. Effect of dewatering on surrounding aquifer ((a) before (b)
the same elevation everywhere Fig. 1(a). When water is first after (c) after prolonged) pumping, [4]
pumped from the well, the water level in the well will be
lowered, and flow will occur from the aquifer into the well,
as shown in Fig. 1(b). This water will be water released from purposes on ground were investigated by many previous
storage in the aquifer around the well. As time passes, the researchers [8–9]. These include:
cone of depression will expand away from the well, releasing
additional water from storage Fig. 1(c). The zone of influence  Ground settlement caused by groundwater lowering may
will continue to increase with time, but at a rate until either be generated by a number of different mechanisms.
an aquifer boundary is reached or the infiltration recharge Settlement may result from the instability of excavations
into the aquifer within the zone of influence is sufficient to when groundwater is not adequately controlled.
supply the yield from the well [7]. Settlement caused by loss of fines only.
 Dewatering results in derogation or depletion of
Aliewi et al. [8] designed a dewatering system, using field groundwater dependent features such as rivers and
pumping tests, analytical and numerical models. They wetlands. Also it causes changes on water levels and
illustrated that the water table can be reduced to a maximum water quality in the aquifer as a whole. The changes in
of four meter without causing problems of formation stability groundwater quality include movement of contamination
and without raising the ground water salinity concentration. plumes and saline intrusion.
 The discharge flows such as artificial recharge or
2.2 Impacts of Dewatering pollution leaks has adverse impacts on the surface water
The ground water control operations, using pumping methods,  Seepage of groundwater in soil may create artificial
have the potential for causing adverse impacts on ground and water pathways such as poorly sealed boreholes. When
adjacent structures. A number of adverse impacts may result low permeability groundwater barriers such as cutoff
from ground water abstraction or pumping for dewatering walls are used.

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

to provide clearance for pipe bedding gravel. The

The impact of ground settlement induced by dewatering has construction plans and specifications required that all work in
significant effects on structures such as buildings, road the trench be conducted in the dry, including placement of the
pavements and any other infrastructures around the pipe bedding gravel and installation of the sewer pipe.
excavation site. Ishihara [10] pointed out that almost no Consequently, because of the presence of groundwater,
liquefaction induced damage to a house is found when there dewatering was required during trenching and pipe
exists a non-liquefied soil with enough thickness. According installation. The structure influenced consisted of an
to this fact, dewatering can be considered here as a means to approximately 24.4 m2 (2,200 ft2) one-story wood house with
mitigate the damage to a house by creating such a layer rather a finished basement. This house was the closest structure to
than expecting an increase of liquefaction resistance due to the trench and the contractor’s primary dewatering well. The
partial saturation of soils, [11]. Monakhov [12] discussed trench was excavated approximately parallel to the long axis
problems involving dewatering during construction of of the house, about 15 m (50 ft.) from the back wall. The
projects in dense urban settings, and also various aspects of dewatering well was located about the same distance from the
the formation of the water table. house as shown in Figure 2. Numerous irregularities in the
interior of the subject home occurred, including drywall
2.3 Historical Cases
cracks in the ceiling, walls, and in many of the wall ceiling
Many historical cases of structure failure due to dewatering joints.
have been recorded in many countries. Structure failure
A limited geotechnical investigation was conducted along the
events pose a significant threat not only to human life but
sewer line alignment during the design phase of the project.
also to the environment and in general to economic
Geotechnical reports compiled for the project site indicate
development. Thus, it is helpful to review these failures and
that subsurface conditions in the vicinity of the residence
find out technical solutions to reduce their risk of occurrence.
consist of fine-grained alluvial soils underlain by coarse-
Recently, project safety draws increasing attention from the
grained alluvium over shale bedrock. Data and information
public authorities. This is because damages resulting from
from the geotechnical reports indicate soils at the site
structure failure can lead to terrible disasters with tremendous
generally consist of a stiff surface crust underlain by soft
loss of life and properties, especially in densely populated
compressible fine-grained soils to a depth of about 15 m.
areas. Three international potential structures failure due to
below the ground surface. The available geotechnical data
dewatering events are reviewed in this section.
indicates the soil deposit is normally consolidated. The
1) Sanitary Sewer in USA calculated primary consolidation settlement amounts range
from about 7.5 to 9.0 cm (3 to 3.5 in.).
A construction project in a city located in Rocky mountain
region of the USA was studied by Mokwa et al. [13]. The Currently available scientific methodologies and analytical
construction consisted of installation of the main sanitary methods indicate that the subject residence experienced
sewer of 70 cm (27 in.) diameter with a bottom elevation of damaging settlement as a result of groundwater lowering
5.7 m (19 ft.) below existing grade in the vicinity of the caused by nearby construction dewatering [13].
residence area. The actual trench depth is about 7 m (23 ft.)

Fig. 2. The trench and dewatering well location at the project site, [13]

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

2) Basement Excavation in Malaysia the site consisted of 10 to 12 m of silty clay underlain by

sandy soil, the thickness of the cohesive layer decreased
A case of structure collapse event due to dewatering occurred
towards the proposed basement excavation site indicating that
in Malaysia, [14]. The project is a basement excavation in
sandy materials are at the shallower depth of the excavation
Sarawak Malaysia. Many three-story shop houses
site. For PZ-1 area, the estimated original groundwater level
surrounding the project site which have suffered cracks and
prior to the excavation ranged from about 1 to 2 m below
significant settlement of the apron slabs and drains. These
ground level.
shop houses are supported by bakau piles (a type of natural
wood piles). The excavation site surrounded by many shop As observed at the site, the final excavation level was mainly
houses with settlements markers lines are shown in Fig. 3. at the sandy layer. Dewatering activity within the excavation
pit was carried out to facilitate the construction of basement
The geotechnical investigation report explained the causes of
slabs and pile caps. The shop houses around the excavation
the problems encountered and recommended monitoring and
site had cracked due to excessive differential settlement of
necessary remedial works. The site is nearby river in swamp
the ground. Other than cracks on the brick walls, cracks were
alluvium of the Sungai Sarawak and generally consists of
also observed on the reinforced concrete beams and columns.
inter-bedded layers of sand, silt and clay with some gravels.
On one of the units, the structural cracks were so severe that
A layer of peat is sometimes encountered near the ground
the structural integrity of the house came into doubt and was
surface. Figure 4 shows the subsoil profile established during
declared unsafe for occupation (Fig. 5).
the installation of the piezometers. The subsoil encountered at

Fig. 3. The project excavation site surrounded by many shop houses, [14]

Fig. 4. Subsoil profile of Sarawak site, [14]

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

Fig. 5. Severe cracks in the external walls of a house, [14]

Many causes of settlement failure in the retained ground

could be attributed to the following:
 Loss of materials and stress relief during the installation
of the diaphragm wall.
 Loss of materials during installation of temporary
ground anchors.
 Deformation of the wall due to earthwork excavation.
 Lowering of groundwater in the retained ground by Fig. 6. The project site layout and settlement contours, [15]
ground seepage through the sandy layer below the
diaphragm wall. in this study to estimate the long term change of effective
 Loss of water through the drilled holes of the ground stress. Using these results, the long term settlements were
anchors. estimated using conventional uncoupled one dimensional
consolidation theory.
3) Underground Structure in Canada
While the analytical approach is based on a number of
The event of an underground structure settlement occurred in simplifying assumptions, it appears to calibrate reasonably
Vancouver, Canada was reported by Roy and Robinson [15]. with the observations from the site. Monitoring data obtained
The foundation of the underground structure was constructed over 5.75 years from completion of construction combined
at 16 m depth in a soft soil site. The geotechnical report with the results from a series of numerical analyses confirm
shows the soil profile which consists of three layers. The top that depressurization of the artesian aquifer within bedrock is
layer of soft soils was encountered up to 8 m depth. This mainly responsible for the increasing settlement rates. At soft
followed by a sandstone layer of 8 m thick rested on siltstone soil sites underlain by multiple aquifers settlements are
bedrock. The structure intersected an aquifer in bedrock unavoidable unless depressurization of all the aquifers is
under artesian pressure. avoided. As the observational evidence and analytical results
Permanent dewatering for the underground structure resulted presented in the study suggested, the consequences of
in settlements as large as 360 mm within 5.75 years of depressurization could affect an area extending to distances
construction completion. The area affected by settlements of several times the dimension of area within which actual
extended to distances as far as few hundred meters beyond dewatering is taking place, [15].
the perimeter of the structure skewed to the North as shown 3. LOCAL CASE STUDY
in Fig. 6.
Monitoring records indicate that while the groundwater The current investigation was carried out on two selected
condition (depressurization of the deeper aquifer due to the projects in Khartoum north namely a sewage pump station
construction) appears to have stabilized within an area and a hotel building. The two projects are located not far
extending to a distance of about two times the width of the from Blue Nile River where groundwater level exists at less
underground structure from its perimeter, settlements than 6 m depth. During foundation excavation, groundwater
continue to develop. A simple seepage model was developed appeared and obstructed excavation work. Dewatering
applied to withdraw water from the excavation site. The
investigation consisted of field survey of the sites conditions

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

and data collection about the design and any other useful
information. The site visual inspection and photographs taken
for the failed portions were used to assist in diagnosing the
causes of failures. The site was visited several times to
discuss with the contractor and the consultant. Questions had
been asked to know the situation and source of problem.
Geotechnical report and site photos had been collected.
3.1 Sewage Pump Station
The project is a main pump station to collect sewage in
Khartoum North. The station is located in the south west side
of Khartoum North locality at Helat Hamad in a built area of
600 m2.
The geotechnical investigation report indicates the soil profile
which consists of four zones, the top layer of 3 m depth is
silty clay of high plasticity, followed by sandy silt
encountered up to 7 m depth. A layer of saturated silty Sand
was encountered between 7 m and 10 m depth. A thick layer Fig. 7. Water filling the site and erode the excavation sides.
of fine to medium sand was extended downward. The ground
water table was encountered at 7 m depth. Raft foundation
was recommended at a depth 12 m.
The construction of the station started in 2013 with deep
excavation. The contractor started to excavate for the
foundation and when the excavation reached close to 7m
depth, water started to appear from all directions, filling the
site and erode the sandy silt layer at that level creating
cavities at exavation sides as shown in Fig. 7.

To stop water flow, the contractor started dewatering by

pumping water from the excavation pit. Due to presence of
sandy silt layer at the excavation sides, earth masses had been
sheared and fall down and large cavities created as a result of
dewatering (Fig. 8). Pumps continuously worked to withdraw
water from the site in order to facilitate excavation works.
Sever cracks and damages due differential settlements were
clearly observed on the adjacent buildings and road pavement
as shown in Fig. 9. Fig. 8. Falling down of excavation sides after dewatering

The project had suffered from delay and the contractor raised
a claim for the delay more than 6 months. The owner paid
much money to cover the sides supporting system,
dewatering, special waterproofing system, and delay impacts.
Right now, the construction work at the site was stopped
completely as observed by the authors.

The possible causes of the critical situation of the site and the
problems resulting from dewatering revealed that no detailed
design of dewatering system is used. Inadequate control for
ground water level during excavation resulted in sliding and
failure of the earth sides; no support is used for the deep
excavation like sheet piles to protect the sides from failure;
and cavities created in soil layers due to dewatering are a
complicated problem which needed making plans before
starting any works.

Fig. 9. Serious cracks in walls of adjacent buildings

Magdi M. E. Zumrawi and Elhaytham Hassan / UofKEJ Vol. 6 Issue 2, pp. 22-29 (August 2016)

3.2 Hotel Building

A hotel building is situated in Khartoum North about 0.5 km
east of Blue Nile River. In general, the project site is
relatively flat and surrounded by open space. The hotel
building consists of two basements, ground floor, mezzanine
and typical seven floors with an overall area about 2135 m2.
From the geotechnical investigation report, the subsoil profile
is composed of top layer of clayey sand was encountered up
to 3 m. This underlain by thick layer of stiff silty clay was
encountered between 3 m to 10 m depth.
During the basements excavation, water appeared at a depth
of 5.3 m below ground level and started to fill the site as
shown in Fig. 10. The contractor had to start pumping the
water in order to continue the excavation work. Sump
pumping system was installed to withdraw water by
Sliding of the excavation sides of the sand layer was clearly
observed on the north and west sides. The contractor used Fig. 10. The project site filled with water before dewatering
bentonite in some areas of big sliding, but still falling. Large
cavities and damaged earth sides were observed after
dewatering (Fig. 11). The possible causes of these problems
at the site may be due to ineffective dewatering system used
and excavation sides were not supported to protect them from
sliding failure.

The research focused on the influence of excavation

dewatering on ground settlement and nearby structures. The
structure failure due to dewatering poses a significant threat
not only to human life but also to the environment and in
general to economic development. The results obtained from
the three events of structures failure previously reviewed in
the literature and the two local cases of current projects are
discussed in this section.
The possible causes of the ground and nearby structures Fig. 11. Sliding failure of the excavation sides created large
failure are due to the following: cavities
 Inadequate geotechnical investigation leads to wrong
planning of works, construction delays and extra cost. More attention and care must be paid to geotechnical
 Some local techniques commonly used for dewatering are investigation. The investigation must be extended to
traditional, causes sudden drop in water level which may dewatering influence zone, beside inspection holes to get
affect stability of excavation sides. a complete picture
 Settlements may occur, due to cavity or increase in  Numerous sources of risk associated with performing
effective stresses in soil, when no treatment is done. dewatering in excavations in urban areas, should be
considered in the design and execution of the excavation
5. CONCLUSIONS works for a minimum cost.
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