GOLDEN - New Perfromance Feedback
GOLDEN - New Perfromance Feedback
GOLDEN - New Perfromance Feedback
7. If mass increases...
ROD increases
Gradient of descent is not affected
Descent angle is not affected
8. Why would you decrease the flap settings?
If you have a long runway + close obstacles
9. How do you calculate ASDR with OEI?
ASDR is the distance from break release point to V1 + the
distance from (V1 +2sec) to a complete stop
10. V2 is NOT affected by tyre speed….
11. Quick Turnaround, pick 5:
Flaps yes
PA yes
Tempearature yes
Wind yes
Slope yes
Reverse thrust
PMC on
12. On Contaminated Runway, what happens to the
CLTOM unchanged
FLTOM decrease
13. Power required vs speed curve?
15. If Dry V1 used on wet runway,
16. If V2 increases...
Screen height stays constant
17. What is SFC?
Fuel flow per unit of thrust
18. two aircraft with the same mass and different altitude
Higher Aircraft has a reduced ROC
4 kts tail
6 kts tail
24 headwind
19 kts headwind ( right answer)
26. How does an increase in mass affect Vy and Vx?
Increase VY
Increase VX
27. PAGE 349 ( 2 marks question)
You are planning to fly a turbojet to an airfield with a LDA of 2300 ft. It
has a 2% downhill and it will be wet at the time of landing. What is the
landing distance to comply with regulations.
(You need to factor for the wet runway because its landing devide by
1.15 then divide by 1,67 (no downslope factorisation check page 349)
They say that 4150 FT is the answer I typed it in the exam but I
got this question wrong ( I think there is 2 or 3 versions of this
question they only change the flaps setting from 30 to 35 and
pressure altitude from 2000 to 4000) the answer of one of these
versions is 4150 ft maybe
If you have auto spoilers and antiskid operative don’t add or
If you have autoskid operative and manual spoilers you ADD
650 feet at the end (NOT SUBSTRACT)
32.What is the regulated TOM?
The lowest of PLTOM and maxiumum structural TOM
38.BGS 320517
All engines operative T/O distance is unaffected
39. Pilot cruising at FL 370, M0.74, in ISA conditions with a
mass of 55000. What is the level off altitude?
21900 ft
All decrease
51. What is the effect of wind on ROC and Gradient of climb? Is
air or ground gradient ???
No effect on ROC
No effect on Air gradient
A headwind increase ground gradient
A tailwind decrease ground gradient
52. On the speed versus Thrust required curve, what is the point
of contact with the tangent of the curve?
1.32VMD because speed is proportional to power required?
1.32VMD because speed is proportional to thrust required at the
56. On an aircraft with 52 m wingspan, you cannot clear an obstacle vertically, but
you can maintain visual contact with
the obstacle and you wont be turning more than 15 degrees. What distance
horizontally you must be cleared by from the obstacle?
(Don’t use the 60m + ½ wingspang + 0,125 D formula. There is a table in the CAP
giving values for horizontal clearance from obstacles. Answer here is 300m)
Section 3 page 9 CAP
57. On an uphill runway the ASDR
a. Increases
b. Decreases
c. Remains Constant
d. Increases and ASDA decreases
58. V1 can never be faster than
- VR
59. What speed is limiting V1?
60. What is the climb requirement at the 3rd take off segment ?
-There is no climb requirement.
61. V2 is what in relation to Vmca
The V2 must NOT be less than 1.1 Vmca
62 When does the pilot take the first action to abort the take off?
a. Two seconds before V1 and
b. At V1
c. Within 3 seconds after V1
d. At Vr
63 Take off with compacted snow on runway.
- ASDR increases TODR stays the same.
64 graph question 3marks calculate the take off distance
Dont remember the elevation
I think the temp was 14 degrees
Upslope 2%
Runway is paved wet
Mass 2860 lb
Runway 330
Wind 030/20 kt
1760 (you end up with 2600 from the graph then you factorise 1.1 for the upslope right answer)
Accelerate and climb gradient increases ( i went for this answer)
Accelerate and pitch angle increases
Accelerate and rate of climb increases
Convert excess thrust to increase flight path angle
66- the effect of aft CG on aircraft performance
Increase the best rate of climb and the best rate of climb speed
Increase of max range and absolute ceiling (i went for this)
67- at constant TAS with power idle what is the effect of the extension of flaps on the rate of
descent and descent gradient
Drop down question
68 when desending at a giving TAS in standard speed range above speed of the best angle of
descent how does mass effect rate of descent and descent gradient
An increase of mass descrease the rate of descent and decrease the gradient of descent
An increase of mass increase the rate of descent and increase the gradient of descent
An decrease of mass descrease the rate of descent and increase the gradient of descent ( i went
with this)
An decrease of mass increase the rate of descent and decrease the gradient of descent
70 - (select 3 out of 4) which of the following apply to the take off distance for class B operating
from a dry runway
With stopway and/or clearway available, when multiplied by 1.15 it should not exceed TODA
Without stopway nor clearway available, when multiplied by 1.25 it should not exceed TORA
With stopway and/or clearway available, when multiplied by 1.15 it should not exceed ASDA
With stopway and/or clearway available, it should not exceed TORA
(the approximate wording, and choices, can’t remember much)
71- Which statement is true regarding clearway ?
Banana : a clearway has a minimum width of 90 m
(most probable answer) A clearway is a portion of land or water at the end of runway, and must
under control of the airport authority
The clearway surface must be able to support the aircraft weight
72- on runway with compacted snow ( drop down question)
TODR is unchanged ASDR increase
73- For classway A on landing on wet runway runway the landing is multiplied by (type in
74- if mach is kept constant while descending ( drop down question)
IAS increase….. TAS increase
75- with higher pressure (not altitude)
Landing distance decrease and better climb performance
76- if the antiskid was inoperative on one of the aircraft wheels
ASDR increase
77- 42- type in question ( 3 marks)
for class B aircraft 50 feet screen height, obstacle height above reference zero is
600 feet, the horizontal distance to the obstacle is 15000 feet in the first phase
with both engine running the rate of climb is 1870ft/min (it might be 1780
wouldnt make a big difference), at height 300ft one engine fail, the rate of climb
with one engine is 400 feet/min, TAS is 101
I didn’t get this question in the exam but I did the calculation ended up with 232
ft (with 1870 ft/min and 230 ft with 1780 ft/min)
* Airspace capacity.
14. in the thrust vs speed, the speed at the minimum of the curve (reworded):
The answer is: max endurance because fuel flow propor onal to the thrust at the
* …. At the same ASD, one engine inopera ve TOD,one engine inopera ve TOR.
(it’s not the exact one from Bristol but we think the same meaning, S ll to
15. a ques on about class b: the answer is :
21. a ques on about SR the answer is distane per mass of fuel (reworded) you
need to know that the SR is NMperKG.
22. simple ques on about a qraph I 22 temp I don’t remember the other details
the answer is 1300 .
31 .Effect of tail wind on me to climb : no effect 320092
40- UPSLOPE increase TODR and ASDR and decrease STOP DISTANCE
41- Constant true air speed with flaps extension :ROD increase , Descent angle
increase (still to confim ).
My advice do the CBT and Bristol very well and the feedback BSA7ATKOUM