Flow Fluid Characteristics
Flow Fluid Characteristics
Flow Fluid Characteristics
The objectives of this experiment are:
1. To show the work and procedure and handle the given task correctly
2. To execute safety and health procedure
3. To accomplish the task within a time frame given
4. To document the task and produce the report
Ordinarily, there is no difficulty in distinguishing a liquid from a solid or gas. A solid has a
define shape, which it retains until some external force is applied to alter it. On the contrary, a
liquid takes the shape of a vessel into which it is poured. On the other hand, a gas is
completely fills up the vessel which contains it. Among the liquid, water and oil will be
mostly dealt with in this experiment, which has the following properties:
1. Density
2. Specific gravity
First part: Determine Fluid Density
Density is a fundamental physical property of matter. Density of a fluid defines its mass per a
unit of volume, usually either one ml or one cube per meter. For liquids, the density may
significantly vary with temperature. In some cases, the fluid density provides an important
insight on other properties.
This experiment is to measure how much liquid weighs per amount of space it occupies.
Knowing the density of fluids helps you determine which liquid weighs more, among
different liquids with the same volume. The density of a fluid is influenced by the
atmospheric pressure of its surroundings, so you may get different densities for the same fluid
at different elevations. Density directly relates to atmospheric pressure, as the pressure rises,
the density of the liquid also increases. The density of a liquid can be used to calculate its
specific weight and specific gravity. To calculate the density of a fluid, you need to know the
mass of the liquid, as well as its volume.
Using Measurement Cylinder
Water Oil
1 2 Average 1 2 Average
Mass of empty cylinder 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138 0.138
Mass of cylinder + fluid 0.231 0.231 0.231 0.229 0.229 0.229
Mass of fluid (kg) 0.093 0.093 0.093 0.091 0.091 0.091
2. Scale
3. Thermometer
4. Hydrometer
Slowly put hydrometer into the measurement cylinder. Make sure the hydrometer do not
touching the cylinder.
1. Define density of a liquid.
-Fluid are substances that are capable of flowing and conform to the shape of
containing vessels. When in equilibrium, fluids cannot sustain tangential or shear
forces. All fluids have some degree of compressibility and offer little resistance to
change of form. Fluids can be classified as liquids or gases.
According to the table and the result, mass of water is 0.093 kg it is more weight than oil is
0.091kg .Furthermore, in experiment to determine the density the value of oil got lowest than
water .Oil fluid density 0.905 and water fluid density 0.992 . From all the data we got that
show in table above, that mean water is the higher density and when we mixed the water and
oil the level of both liquid is difference. Water will sink under the oil.
From the experiment, we learn that the density of water we can’t get the correct value that
fixed in format, 1000 SG. The value we got is 0.992 SG. But from this experiment still got
the correct value that oil is above than water when it mixed in a cylinder beaker. Thanks to
our lecturer for guiding us in this experiment.