2.tensile Test
2.tensile Test
2.tensile Test
LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
Ex. 2. Tensile test
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................2
1.1 Purpose ..........................................................................................................................2
1.2 Prerequisites...................................................................................................................2
1.3 Problem Description........................................................................................................2
1.4 Data files ........................................................................................................................2
2 Part A - Explicit analysis .........................................................................................................3
2.1 Read geometry ...............................................................................................................3
2.2 Material properties ..........................................................................................................3
2.3 Element properties..........................................................................................................4
2.4 Boundary conditions .......................................................................................................5
2.5 Prescribed motion/displacement .....................................................................................5
2.6 Set the termination time ..................................................................................................6
2.7 Output ............................................................................................................................6
2.8 Save ...............................................................................................................................7
2.9 Run the simulation ..........................................................................................................7
2.10 Post processing ..............................................................................................................8
3 Part B - Implicit analysis ....................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Save the model ............................................................................................................. 10
3.2 Run the simulation ........................................................................................................ 10
3.3 Post processing ............................................................................................................ 11
4 Comments............................................................................................................................ 13
4.1 Explicit versus implicit ................................................................................................... 13
5 Optional exercises ................................................................................................................ 13
1 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
• Get better knowledge in basic material modeling.
• Learn how to set up explicit and implicit simulations in LS-DYNA.
1.2 Prerequisites
• Basic knowledge in the finite element method.
• Understand the steps in tutorial 1 - Getting Started.
The task is to compare the stress vs. strain curve in an element when the uniaxial tension test is
simulated using either the explicit or implicit solver in LS-DYNA.
Material properties
2 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
3 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
To create the material card do as follows: Click Model > Keywrd. Activate All in the Keyword
Manager. Double-click MAT > 024-PIECEWISE_LINEAR_PLASTICITY, which is an elasto-plastic
material. This is a widely-used material model and the user can define the plastic behavior in several
1. Define Yield stress SIGY and Tangent Modulus ETAN (see figure), which gives linear
2. Define effective plastic strain EPS and the
corresponding yield stress value ES. At least two
points needs to be defined. This will give a piecewise
linear plastic behavior.
3. Define a curve of effective stress vs. effective plastic
4 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
• In the node selection window, write 80 in the ID box and press Enter. Write 87 and press
Enter. Two nodes will now be selected at the outer edges of the test specimen.
Fix the nodes in Y translation by only
activating Y.
• Click Apply.
• Close Entity Creation window.
5 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
Note that the curve could alternatively have been created using DEFINE > CURVE in the Keyword
Manager. A curve created in CurveGen will contain a larger amount of points, compared to a curve
created by DEFINE > CURVE.
2.7 Output
Here the output to be saved by LS-DYNA during the simulation is defined, first specify d3plot output:
• Create d3plots.
• Click Model > Keywrd.
• Double-click DATABASE > BINARY_D3PLOT.
• Set DT = 5e-4.
• Click Accept and then Done.
Since the task was to compare the stress vs. strain curve for an element with the material curve, we
want to obtain this data frequently. In the first tutorial (1 – Getting Started) we used the History
command to plot information. The time-history graphs created by History, use information found in
the d3plot files. To obtain data more frequently we can specify which type of data that are of interest
and how often it will be printed for selected elements. Do as follows:
6 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
2.8 Save
The model is now ready to be saved. File > Save As > Save Keyword As. Choose a folder path
and name your file tensile_test_model.k for example. Note that the folder path cannot contain any
spaces. Close LS-PrePost.
7 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
Start to press the Forward button in Animate toolbar to see what happens with the specimen.
Now plot the stress-strain-curve from the elout file, first plot and save stress vs. time:
Now plot and save the effective plastic strain vs. time:
Now combine the above two curves (Stress and Strain) to plot the stress vs. strain:
8 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
2 Part A - Explicit analysis
The curve shows effective plastic strain vs. effective stress (von Mises). We
see that the yield limit is about 250 MPa as we stated in the material model.
Let’s check that the tangent modulus ETAN (1000 MPa) are correct as well. Click on two points on
the curve and calculate the tangent. Using the points in the figure gives:
377 𝑀𝑃𝑎 − 265 𝑀𝑃𝑎
= 999 𝑀𝑃𝑎
0.127 − 0.0149
Finally save the curve and name it Explicit_curve. Part A is now completed and you may close LS-
9 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
3 Part B - Implicit analysis
Open the file tensile_test_model.k that you created earlier in LS-PrePost. Note: This can be done
also from LS-Run. Do as follows to change to the implicit time-step method:
Run the simulation using LS-Run, see exercise 1. Getting Started for more information on how to
do this. The simulation runs in less than a minute to completion. To use the double precision version,
make sure to use the “SMP double” preset in LS-Run, see the image below.
10 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
3 Part B - Implicit analysis
The time step in this implicit analysis was set to 5e-4 s, which is larger than the time between the
output states in ELOUT (5e-6). Therefore, elout data will only be obtained every 5e-4 second.
Plot the Effective stress (v-m) from Post > ASCII > elout* as for Part A of the exercise.
The first time we obtain any data is after 5e-4 seconds (if initial state is ignored), visualized with a
red circle in the figure. We will therefore have no information about what happens between t=0 and
Now compare the results with the result from the explicit analysis:
• Click Load > Add File (XY Data) and find the curve file Stress that we created earlier.
• Select Stress and click Select.
• Note the difference at which time we reach the yield limit for the two curves. This is an
effect of that the explicit analysis uses a smaller time step size.
• Close the PlotWindow.
11 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
3 Part B - Implicit analysis
• Plot the Yield Value (eps) and save the curve to Strain_imp.
• Close PlotWindow and ASCII.
Finally create the stress vs. strain curve for the element and compare it that from the explicit analysis:
12 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost
In this exercise, you have performed a simulation of a tensile test both with explicit and implicit time
integration. It is always up to the user to decide whether the results are good enough. An
experimental tensile test is a slow process and can be considered as quasi-static i.e. not affected by
mass inertia. How much can the load speed be scaled while still maintaining minimal mass inertia
effects? How much kinetic energy can be accepted allowed in the analysis? It is difficult to give a
general answer and always up to the user to decide.
Implicit schemes give the configuration at time 𝑡𝑛+1 as an implicit function of the unknown as well
as earlier configurations, i.e. solves an equation system.
Explicit Implicit
5 Optional exercises
4. Decrease the initial time step size in CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL to see how this
affects the results.
5. Refine the mesh. (EleTol > EleEdit > Split/Merge). Does this affect the results? (If the
simulation time becomes too long, decrease the termination time)
13 LS-DYNA / LS-PrePost