Research Life Science
Research Life Science
Research Life Science
The growth of poultry industry in the Philippines has been impressive but its
problem includes the prevalence of foul odor from chicken feces. When chicken excrete,
the resulting manure is rich in nitrogen, especially the uric acid which is the chicken's
equivalent of urine. When manure becomes wet, the nitrogen within decomposes (known
as volatilization), and produces gas called ammonia, which gives off a pungent smell.
Ammonia can pose a direct health issue to backyard chickens, but when it gets out of
hand, it can offend even the most tolerant of human olfactory senses.
This study aims to suppress the ammonia emission from poultry waste and deter
the growth of bacteria with the use of Sodium Bisulfate or Sodium Chloride and
Calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa). Also, this study can help the locals of Bayawan
Background of the Study
Poultry generally is referred to all domestic birds raised by man for the production
of eggs, meat and other benefits for human consumption. Poultry is the most progressive
animal enterprise today. It is one of the world’s major and rapid producers of meat while
in the Philippines, it has been a significant contributor to the country’s agriculture sector.
According to the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA), as of July 2019, the total
inventory of chicken was estimated at 191.70 million birds. The inventory of layer
chicken was recorded at 40.24 million birds or 6.5 per cent higher than the previous
year’s record of 37.77 million birds. Broiler chicken inventory grew by 6.2 per cent, from
64.94 million birds in 2018 to 68.97 million birds in 2019. Native or improved chicken
inventory at 82.49 million birds declined by 1.5 per cent from its previous year’s level of
Pollution from animal manure is a global concern and is much more acute and
serious. Environmental pollution and odor complaints related to poultry production have
increased dramatically. These odors potentially interfere with quality and enjoyment of
life (Mauderly, 2002 and Albert, 200). According to Pfost, Fulhage and Hoehne, 1999,
odor complaints are more common when the humidity is high and the air is still or when
the prevailing breezes carry odors toward populated areas. With this, the researchers
chose to study about the use of Sodium Bisulfate or Sodium Chloride and Calamansi
concentrations on each side of its cell membrane (BBC Science Focus Magazine).
the Philippines. Currently t is widely grown in India, throughout southern Asia, and
Malaysia. Calamansi is available year-round in the Philippines. The calamansi tree grows
to about 25 feet tall at maturity. The fruit is small, green when ripe, has a spongy or
leathery rind, is segmented and has small seeds. The pulp is very acidic.
This paper will therefore focus attention on the suppression of ammonia emission
and deter the growth of bacteria with the use of Sodium Bisulfate (NaHSO4) or Sodium
This study will be undertaken to find out the use of Sodium Bisulfate/Sodium
Chloride and Citrofortunella microcarpa in reducing ammonia emissions and bacterial
growth from poultry waste.
Poultry Farmers
The majority of the study will benefit the local farmers who owned a poultry
ranch. Through this research, poultry farmers will have cognizance in lessening
The study will be very beneficial to the locals of Bayawan City for it will help
suppress the ammonia emissions from chicken manure and will lessen the
pungent smell from ammonium gas that causes air pollution. Also, it will give
Ammonium gas released from chicken manure can cause respiratory diseases.
Through this research, it can lessen the number of people who can get the disease.
Future Researchers
This research could be a reference of some future researchers who probably have
The research does not cover everything about the poultry industry. It focuses mainly on
the reduction of ammonia emission and bacterial growth from chicken manure. The study will be
conducted in a laboratory after having gathered necessary information. In a laboratory since there
are a lot of test to undergo with the chicken feces and the temperature inside the laboratory is
The major problem that the researchers will encounter is the availability of laboratory in
Bayawan City. Another major problem is the availability of salt which is the Sodium Bisulfate
(NaHSO4) in the locality. Absence of related research in the area is also another challenge of the
In the previous chapter, the researchers discussed in detail the significance of the
problem of present research study, objectives of the study and hypothesis etc. This
chapter presents the literature that has relevance and relationship to the present study.
This gave the researchers outsize perspectives which aid the researchers in
conceptualizing and understanding the study of the Use of Sodium Chloride and
from Poultry Waste. The literature and studies cited will help the researchers in the
interpretation of findings.
of poultry products. About 800 million broilers are produced annually and in spite of
rising population, the country’s supply continues to meet consumer demands. Even
restaurants and those who are in the food business have steady flow (Pe, 2004).
These operations generate numerous types of odors. The reduction of land areas
available for isolation of agricultural and food processing industrial operations from the
public area and the increase in sensitivity and demand of the general public for a clean
and pleasant environment have forced all of these industries to control odor emissions
(GHG) of animal manure origin are produced by microbial activity on the nitrogen and
carbon compounds not utilized by the animals for either maintenance or growth and
excreted in the feces and /or urine (Carey, et al., 2004; Mutlu, et al. 2005). The release of
ammonia from animal manure is dependent upon the amount of ammoniacal nitrogen
present, pH, surface area, temperature, and the amount of urease present (Mutlu, et al.,
2005; Gay and Knowlton, 2005). Therefore, for any emissions intervention to be
effective, it must exploit at least one of these avenues to prevent NH3 release into the
fresh produce or the environment and are frequently associated with foodborne outbreaks
this is according to Chinivasagam et al. Most bacteria grow best around neutral pH values
(6.5 - 7.0), but some thrive in very acid conditions and some can even tolerate a pH as
low as 1.0. Such acid loving microbes are called acidophiles. Even though they can live
in very acid environments, their internal pH is much closer to neutral values (Blamire,
Disinfectant efficacy for controlling aerobic bacteria, yeast, mold, and Salmonella
populations on a poultry house largely depends on disinfectant type, application rate and
exposure time (Payne, et al., 2018). Management of broiler litter to reduce ammonia
al.). Reece et al. demonstrated that Ammonia release began when pH was near 7 and
With the above mentioned studies, both studies used Sodium Bisulfate in their
Phillips (2018) used both Sodium Chloride and Sodium Bisulfate in their methodology
and used ANOVA statistical tool to get the p-value of their null hypothesis. These
researchers also studied the growth of the bacteria Escherichia Coli as a part of their
laboratory experiments. The research study by LPELC Admin (2019) chose poultry
houses as one of their subjects of research to find the effects of Sodium Bisulfate on the
(2018) focused on the bacterial growth and did not study on the ammonia emissions of
the bacteria. They not only focused on bacteria as their subjects, they also focused on
fungal growth of yeast and molds on the fecal matter of poultry. They used Petri films to
culture their bacteria and fungi subjects. The researchers are planning on using petri
dishes instead of petri films. The research of LPELC Admin (2019) focused only on one
type of salt and used percentage to show the ammonia emission reduction and did not use
ANOVA statistical tool. The researchers will not only use Sodium Chloride and Sodium
Bisulfate as factors for growth and ammonia emissions of bacteria but will also use
Sodium Bisulfate
concentration by airflow. Research and extensive commercial application show that the
use of Sodium Bisulfate reduces ammonia emissions two ways: by reducing ammonia
flux from the surface of the poultry litter and by reducing ventilation rates. The amount of
emissions reduction can be tailored to a specific location by varying the rate, timing, and
surface area of SBS application (Johnson, et al.). Sodium bisulfate (SBS) is a dry,
granular acid salt that has been used for many years. The use of SBS reduces ammonia
emissions two ways: by reducing ammonia flux from the surface of the poultry litter and
the SBS bead from the humidity in the air, the SBS is dissolved into its Na+ , H+, and
The hydrogen ion reduces the pH of the litter and protonates the ammonia
molecule. The resulting ammonium is then bound by the sulfate component. This
formation of ammonium sulfate is non-reversible therefore the nitrogen in the litter is not
released as the pH increases (Ullman, et al., 2004). The sodium and hydrogen ions of
SBS exert negative pressure on the bacterial populations of the litter; decreasing total
Salt kills some type of bacteria, effectively by sucking water out of them. In a
concentrations on each side of its cell membrane (BBC Science Focus Magazine).
plant from Rutaceae family which has skin orange colour with a very thin green coloured
peel and have potential as antibacterial agent. The antibacterial effect of calamansi peels
spp., and Gram-negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. (Rubiatul,
et al., 2016). The Salmonella bacterium is commonly found within the gastrointestinal
Calamansi has a pH level of 2.5 it shall not be less than 2.0 according to the Drafts
Standards for Philippine Citrus Beverage Product. Since most bacteria grow best around
neutral pH values 6.5 - 7.0 the use of Calamansi is suitable in reducing bacteria growth
Acetic acid is found in calamansi and other citrus fruits (Tacio, 2019). Acetic
acid and ascorbic acid are said to have strong antibacterial activities against different
Research Design
The quantitative and true experimental study aims to show how the use of
Research Environment
culture the growth of bacteria and it needs a constant temperature thus, the laboratory
possess a controlled room temperature. The collection of chicken waste will happen in
Milagrosa, Nangka, Bayawan City where a poultry farm is found in the area.
Research Instruments
laboratory, the researchers could find solutions in which of the different suppressors
Statistical Tool
For data analysis, the researchers used ANOVA to differentiate the results and
data of the growth of bacteria and ammonia emissions from the experiment different
treatments. The data will be placed in a tabular form and a line graph to clearly know the
averages of two categories of data are statically significant. To really differentiate the
data, researchers will use Bivariate Analysis as a type of statistical data analysis that is
2. Sodium Chloride
3. Sodium Bisulfate- a dry, granular acid salt that has been used for many years as a
4. Chicken waste
5. Cotton swab
1. pH meter
2. rotating platform
General Procedure
Fecal samples will be taken from a poultry farm and will be thoroughly mixed
so that there is an even distribution of the bacteria. The samples will be divided in to 6 set
up with different treatments. Set up A will have no treatment, Set up B will be added with
10mL of purely Citrofortunella microcarpa extracts, Set up C will be added with 10mL
solution of water with a 5% NaCl, Set up D will be added with 10mL solution of water
with a 0.1% NaHSO4 concentration, Set up E will be added with a 10mL mixture of 95%
Citrofortunella microcarpa extracts and 5% NaCl. Set up F will be added with a 10mL
researchers will first find the initial bacterial population and the initial ammonia
emissions of the samples before adding the treatment. After 2 days of treatment, the
samples will be sent to the laboratory to get the final bacterial population and ammonia
emission in the set ups. The data will be analyzed using analysis of variance or ANOVA
Poultry- feathered animals reared for the purpose of providing meat or eggs for human
formula NH3, usually in gaseous form with a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia is
Sodium Bisulfate (NaHSO4) - a dry, granular acid salt that has been used for many
Sodium Chloride (NaCl)- also known as salt, an inorganic compound that is made when
has skin orange colour with a very thin green coloured peel and have potential as
antibacterial agent
Carey, J.B., C.D. Coufal, C. Chavez, and P.L. Niemeyer. (2005). Long term studies of
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Parnell, Jr.(2005). Summer Ammonia Emission Rates from Free-Stall and Open-
Lot Dairies in Central Texas. Proc. ASAE Annual Mtg. Paper Number: 054037.
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Tacio, H. D.,(2019, April 11). Retrieved October 2, 2019, from Health benefits of
Monirul, I.,Yang, F., Niaz, M., Qixing, J.,Wenshui, X.(2019, July 2). Effectiveness of
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Vol. 07, No. (2) 2019, Pg. 415-426.
Use of Sodium Chloride, Sodium Bisulfate and Calamansi (Citrofortunella
microcarpa) in Reducing Ammonia Emissions and Bacterial Growth from Poultry
To Research 12