Branch of the studies the different concept , theoretical models, and theories of the
social science disciplines to help understand society and the different problems and
issue .The applied social science is utilized to provide alternative solutions to the
diverse problem of the society.
Is one of the fields of applied social science as an application of the social sciences,
counseling provides guidance, help, and support to individuals who are distraught by a
diverse set of problems in their lives
Development Goals
Assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and development including
social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.2.
Enhancement Goals
Remedial Goals
Exploratory Goals
Reinforcement Goals
Helps client in recognizing, that what they are doing, thinking, and feeling is fine
Cognitive Goals
Physiological Goals
Involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good health9.
Psychological Goals
Aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional control, and
developing positive self concept.
The presented list of counseling goals, some of which are enhancement of the above
Insight Understanding of the origins and development of
emotional difficulties , leading to an increased capacity
to take rational controlover feelings and actions
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful
and satisfying relationships with other people : for
example , within the family or workplace
Individual Counselling
Counsellor are a set of attitudes and skills which have a special regard for the integrity,
authority and autonomy of the client and are firmly based on the counsellor having total
respect for universal human rights and for the person and cultural differences.
There are eight attitudes that put ethical principles into practice they are:
A counsellor bound by a code of ethics must never exploit a client but accept and
honour the clients right to support their physical and emotional boundaries.
Acting within the boundaries of a shared respect for universal human rights and cultural
differences the counsellor must always give the client the freedom to express
themselves as well as their needs and their beliefs.
At all times the counsellor must make sure that the counselling relationship is protected
against uncontracted or inappropriate observation, including interference or intrusion by
It is the counselors responsibility that the client has the confidence in that everything in
the counselling relationship is built on a foundation of trust that their personal or any
other disclosed information is protected from inappropriate disclosure to others.
The counsellor must actively make sure the observance of these key philosophical
principles in the service provided through the counselling relationship.
It is required that the counsellor only provides services and techniques for which they
have received adequate and qualified education and training or experience and that
they keep up high standards of practice in their work.
Reflects the counsellor’s responsibility to contribute to the welfare of the client. Simply
stated, it means to do good, to be proactive, and also prevent harm when possible.
Beneficence can come in many forms, such as early intervention actions that contribute
to the betterment of clients.
Does not mean treating all individuals the same. Kitchener (1984) points out that the
formal meaning of justice is "treating equals equally and unequals but in proportion to
their relevant differences". If an individual is to be treated differently, the counselor
needs to be able to offer a rationale that explains the necessity and appropriateness of
treating this individual differently.
Is the principle that addresses the concept of independence. The essence of this
principle is allowing an individual the freedom of choice and action. It addresses the
responsibility of the counselor to encourage clients, when appropriate, to make their
own decisions and to act on their own values. There are two important considerations in
encouraging clients to be autonomous. First, helping the client to understand how their
decisions and their values may or may not be received within the context of the society
in which they live, and how they may impinge on the rights of others. The second
consideration is related to the client's ability to make sound and rational decisions.
Persons not capable of making competent choices, such as children, and some
individuals with mental handicaps, should not be allowed to act on decisions that could
harm themselves
Involves the notions of loyalty, faithfulness, and honoring commitments. Clients must
be able to trust the counselor and have faith in the therapeutic relationship if growth is to
occur. Therefore, the counselor must take care not to threaten the therapeutic
relationship nor to leave obligations unfulfilled.
Is the concept of not causing harm to others. Often explained as “above all, do no
harm,” this principle reflects both the idea of not inflicting intentional harm, and not
engaging in actions that risk harming others. Weighing potential harm against potential
benefits is important in a counsellor’s efforts toward ensuring “no harm.”
Roles/Functions Description
Individual Assessment Seeks to identify the characteristics and potential of
every client ;
promotes the client’s self
-understanding and assisting counselors to
understand the client better
Individual Counseling Considers as the core activity through which other
activities become meaningful. It is a client
centered process that demand confidentiality.
Relationship is established between counselor and
Seven distinct competence areas of counselors. There might be other areas but we
will focus on the input of McLeod (2003)
Interpersonal Skills
Conceptual ability
Counselors have the ability to understand and assess client’s problem; to anticipate
future problems; make sense of immediate process in terms of wider conceptual
scheme to remember information about the client.
Personal Soundness
Mastery of Techniques
Counselors must have a knowledge of when and how to carry out specific
interventions, ability to assess effectiveness of the interventions, understanding the
rationale behind techniques, possession of wide repertoire of intervention 6.
This would be compromise of awareness of family and work relationships of client the
impact of agency on the clients, the capacity to use support networks and supervision ;
sensitivity to client from different gender, ethnicity , sexual orientation, or age group. 7.
Counselors must have the capacity to be curious about client’s backgrounds and
problems; being open to new knowledge
Refers to the efforts to establish an encouraging relationship with couple or family and
appreciate the complications in the family system.
Group Counseling
is the dynamic field in the counseling profession. Group counseling as a practice can
be located in most counseling programs and became the essential part of counselor’s
Career Counseling
Is an evolving and challenging counseling field. This type of counseling aids individual
on decisions and planning concerning their career. The counseling approach includes
integrating theory and practice. Adopted Savickas ( 1996 )as cited Nystul ( 20003 )
adopted the model of Wagner ( 1971) on structural analysis of personality to the realm
of vocational psychology. The model consist of vocational career services, occupational
placement , vocational guidance , career counseling , career education , career therapy,
and position coaching.
School Counseling
Refers to the process of reaching out students with concerns on drugs, family and
peers or gang involvement. The job requires sensitivity to individual differences and
considers diversity in enhancing educational perspective. The job requires skills on
consultation, counseling’s exceptional students and with the ability to handle problems
such as drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, divorced or single parents, dropping out of
Is manifested in the challenges posed by its clientele with mental disorders. Mental
disorders include serious depression, schizophrenia, and substance abuse. Mental
health counselors have to be inventive, and creative to address these problems . The
job requires patience, humility, kindness and compassion.
You have the right to know the qualifications and professional experience of your
You have the right to ask questions about anything related to your treatment.
You have the right to know information concerning diagnosis and treatment philosophy.
You have the right to participate in decisions related to your treatment.
You have the right to request another therapist should you not be satisfied with the
therapist assigned to you and you have the right to end therapy at any time.
You have the responsibility of taking an active role in the counseling process.
You have the responsibility of providing information about past and present physical
and psychological problems including hospitalizations, medications and previous
You have the responsibility of keeping your appointments. We have many students
requesting our services so your reserved time is valuable. Please give us 24 hours
notice so that your time can be given to another student in need of our services.
To protect the welfare of my clients and make reasonable efforts to ensure my services
are used appropriately.
To treat all clients with respect and unconditional acceptance.
To consistently complete a comprehensive assessment at the beginning
of the counselling relationship.
To never exploit a clients trust and to avoid dual relationships.
To report the sexual or physical abuse of a child to the authorities.
To avoid overt or suggested sexual contact with clients and former
clients.To terminate counselling services when appropriate or requested
by the client(s).
To respect the right of clients to autonomy.
To provide a private and safe setting for counselling.
To request payment for service, only after consent for service has been
To ensure proper self-care.
To maintain healthy boundaries with clients.
To obtain assistance and refer clients when appropriate.
To clearly disclose confidentiality limitations, facts about services offered
and financial policies.
To be aware of and comply with relevant laws for the delivery of
counselling services, including electronic services.
To maintain client confidentiality, except where there is written consent,
danger to self or others or as required by law.
To carefully assess, develop a safety plan, and document the potential
suicidal or homicidal behavior by a client.
To maintain accurate and adequate session and financial records.
To continue to grow and develop as a professional counsellor.
To avoid conflicts of interest.
To avoid giving or receiving gifts of substantial value.
To be aware of the influence my public statements may have.
To deal appropriately with the unethical behaviour of another counsellor.
To accept that I cannot realistically expect to succeed with every client.
To promote my services professionally and accurately.
The clientele and audiences of the counseling profession come from different settings.
Counselors deal with a mixture of people withdifferent concerns and issues.
Drug abuse is not just harmful to our physical health but to our mental health as well. It
can not be denied that the drug addiction create more social problems and contribute to
social disintegration. Consequently, more youth victims cry for help and seek for
counselors’ attention.
Slowly our population recognizes the bad effects of tobacco to our health. However,
many people still use and continue use tobacco even if it is deadly. Users find it difficult
to stop smoking. Hence, smokers who desire to quit tobacco were added to the list of
the counselor’s audiences.
Alcoholism is seen as a disease alcoholics find it difficult to stop drinking on their own.
This requires help from a professional as it requires appropriate treatment. However, an
equally important paradigm is to look at alcoholism as a weakness of self control and
self –discipline .therefore this requires intervention other than treatment.
Is broad and diverse, applying principles of both counseling and social work in a
community setting. Effective community counseling involves helping clients work
through their mental health concerns, while also helping to prevent those concerns from
proliferating in the community.
Which a counseling professional may work include private practice, community settings,
the legal system, group homes, long-term care facilities, short-term care facilities, in
advocacy roles, and in the educational system. In each setting, different skills and
training are required.
Counselors in Schools
Has grown rapidly. According to Gibson and Mitchell (2003), counselors are recognized
especiallyin the preventive interventions and developmental stage. There are
elementary school counselors, junior high schoolcounselors, secondary school
counselors, counselors in vocational schools, counselors in higher education, and
counselorsin community and junior colleges.
Is an Academic decipline and profession that concerns itself with individuals, families,
groups and communities in an effort to enchance social functioning and over well-being.
The social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human
relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being.
Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the
points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and
social justice are fundamental to social work.
Family counseling
Family life education
Family planning
g. Income Maintenance
Social Insurance
Public assistance
Social Work as an Equal Partner
a. Support for people in thier homes program.
b. Support for people in the long term care facilities.
c. Community Services
Community Organization Activities
Community Planning
Social Work as a Secondary
a. Correctional Facilities
b. Industry
c. Medical and Health care
Social workes respect the inherent dignity and worth of the person.
Social workers Behave in a trustworthy manner.
Social workers practices within their areas of competence and develop and ehance their
profesional expertise.
Individual, groups and communitiesare who are in need have the right to determine their
needs and how they shoud met.
Understanding, client's unique characteristic and different methods each client.
Client shoud be accorded with appropriate ojection , within the limits of the law, with no
any harm that might result from the information given to the social worker.
Social worker consciosly examines her feelings, judgement, biases, response wether it
is professionally motivated
Being a social worker is often a challenging, yet rewarding career. Social workers are
responsible for helping individuals, families, and groups of people to cope with problems
they’re facing to improve their patients’ lives. One aspect of this is teaching skills and
developing mechanisms for patients to rely on to better their lives and experiences. We
must not put our own problems in our work, it may affects our work so we should
separate our own problems in term of works. And sometimes we need to put ourselves
in their situations so we can understand what they feel.
Deals with all sorts of situation such as helping a child has experienced trauma
or abuse;
Counseling students at school who are experiencing grief over the death of a
friend, family member;
Helping parents find the right resources for their child who is suffering from a
severe mental illness.
Work in hospital setting and helps navigate the emotional, financial, and physical
struggles that a serious medical condition can cause an individual or family
Provides counseling and practical assistance (connecting client from resources)
Help both soldier and their families with post-traumatic stress, role adjustment ,
the implication and stressor of returning home , and any substance abuse that
may occur as a result of combat.
Many social workers provide clinical and case management services directly to
individuals, couples, families,and groups. Social workers serve clients dealing with a
range of challenges including poverty, physical and mental health issues, addiction, and
family problems. They may provide clinical services, such as therapy or counseling, and
connect people to resources in the community to help them overcome challenges. Most
social workers believe that everyone is impacted by their environment. This person-in-
environment perspective in informs many areas of social work, some social workers do
not work directly with in individual clients. Instead, they work in community
organizations, government, and advocacy groups to alleviate poverty and social
injustice on a big-picture level and these social work careers include legislative
advocacy, policy analysis, and community organizing to break down barriers and drive
reform. Many social workers’ careers include both individual client-centered work and
big picture work, whether professionals choose a career as a school social worker, child
social worker, medical social worker, or another social work path, their work will likely
involve individual services for people in need of support along with program
development and advocacy to improve the institutions, systems, and policies impacting
their client population.
It is not only about the fact that social work is always concerned with the clients and
service oriented but it’s also about the social work’s rights, responsibilities and
Is a set of values, principles and standards for social workers to adhere to and
reference in order to guide decision making and conduct, because ethical decision
making arises frequently in social work, there are not always easy answers. Ideally, a
social worker can apply this set of ethics to a situation in order to make aninformed and
appropriate decision or judgment, if the primary goal of a social worker is to help people
improve the quality of their lives and meet their basic human needs, then a social
worker’s essential task is personal, social, political, economic and more. Code ofEthics
as being rooted in a set of core values. The core values are: service, social justice
dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and
competence. The code is divided into different sections that outline the specific
responsibilities of a social worker and this includes social workers’ ethical
responsibilities: to clients, to colleagues, in practice settings, as professionals, to the
social work profession and to the broader society. It’s important for social workers to
have the Code of Ethics because the nature of social work can be very personal and
directly plants social workers into the lives of their clients and at the heart of social work
is the idea of responsibility, social workers help their clients to take responsibility for
their own lives and respond to or get out of bad situations. n this way, the Code of
Ethics can be used in a peer-review process. The Code of Ethics is used by social
workers as a landmark and touchstone of ethical practice. Social workers’ commitment
to the code ideally results in upholding it and performing their duties according to the
core values. Most of the standards explained by the NASW are enforceable guidelines
for professional conduct. However, some areas inspirational and can be interpreted in
different ways based on any number of influences.It’s important to have guidelines
spelled out and agreed upon by the social work profession so that every individual
social worker can behave and react accordingly.
The type of health information that is most appropriate and ‘impactful’ will be influenced
by the characteristics of your target audience, including their gender, ethnicity ,culture,
age, disability, sexuality, lifestyle, communication needs, location, health literacy, socio-
economic status, beliefs, preferences, health condition, and coping strategies. You will
need to consider the characteristics of your audience, such as disability, language
spoken and health literacy, and the impact of this on how it is most effective to
communicate with them. Knowing audience members’ attitudes about a topic will help a
speaker determine the best way to reach their goals. Imagine that a presenter is trying
to convince the community to build a park. A speaker would probably be inclined to
spend the majority of the speech giving reasons why a park would benefit the
community. Try to do some research to find out what the audience already knows about
the topic. Giving a brief review of important terms and concepts is almost always
appropriate, and can sometimes be done by acknowledging the heterogeneous
audience and the importance of ‘putting everyone on the same page.’ For example
,even if the audience members were familiar with basic genetics, a brief review of key
term and concepts at the beginning of a speech refreshes memories without being
patronizing. You need to have a lot more understanding about their social problems, be
good and patient to have a good communication with them.
Easy is overrated; the only difficult client is a client who thinks we can make them
successful without their help. But we can’t work in a vacuum. So sometimes finding
balance and flow with a client can take a while because everyone has a different way of
working. The ideal client has clear goals and a picture of how to get there. If clients
embrace the characteristic of fairness, agency lif e is much easier. It’s quite simple. For
example, it’s fair to ask for a change order when the scope of work has increased
significantly due to client needs. If a client embraces a fair mindset, they will be
reasonable and understanding in why they should authorize the change order. The best
relationship a client and a firm can have is a trusting relationship. The client needs to
take on a firm that he has received good references for and has good chemistry with.
Once that firm has been hired, give them your trust. Don’t doubt them. Enable them to
do their job in the best way possible and they will. That’s what you hired them for.
Social workers work with a variety of groups in all settings in which social work is
practiced. It is means that inside of a group of people it needs of commonly identity or
similarity with each other. It’s like a small group that working with service ,like group of
organization or place of employment, or pupils and student in school set up. Social work
applies social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, political science, public health,
community development, law, and economics, to engage with client systems, conduct
assessments, and develop interventions to solve social and personal problems; and
create social change. Social work practice is often divided into micro-work, which
involves working with individuals or small groups; and macro-work, which involves
working communities, and within social policy, to create change on a larger scale.
Working with the community requires the generalist practitioner to be able to assess
community functioning and design specific intervention techniques. Community
organization has been recognized for many years as one of the main methods of social
work. Community have the largest share because everyone, what i mean is, individual
and families is essentially members of the community. A community can be power less
sector so that means the social work service can free from control or power of another
and empowerment. A group of individuals or families that share certain values, services
, institutions, interests, or geographical proximity. A functional special unit that meets
people’s sustenance needs, helps form collective identities, and patterned social
interaction. Social work may focus on community transformation to cause environmental
change to make it possible and to achieve social well-being or social justice.
Government setting
Part of the economy, sometimes referred to as the citizen sector, which is run by private
individuals or groups, usually as a means of enterprise for profit, and is not controlled by
the State . the private sector is wider, and places fewer constraints on firms .In countries
with more government authority, such as China, the public sector makes up most of the
The term Civil Society is used to collectively refer to the voluntary organizations
corporate bodies, socially active groups, and firms working in each society .Civil Society
works for discharging several economic, social, cultural, moral and other responsibilities
which fall in the domain of private activities. It, however, serves the public purpose of
securing general welfare and development. Civil Society even opposes the wrong
politics, decisions and projects of the government. In doing so the civil society depends
upon constitutional, peaceful and legal method of action. In other words, Civil Society
refers to the effective presence of autonomous groups and associations, business
groups, interest groups, trade unions, voluntary social service organizations and clubs,
in fact, all non-governmental organizations, clubs and groups working for securing their
interests by their own efforts.
School Setting
School social workers play a critical role in schools and educational settings .Social
workers working within school systems provide services to students to enhance their
emotional well-being and improve their academic performance. School social workers
are usually employed by the school district or an agency that is contracted with the
school district to provide services. School social workers are often called on to help
students, families, and teachers address problems such as truancy, social with draw all
,over aggressive behaviors, rebelliousness, and the effects of special physical,
emotional ,or economic problems. School social workers often also address issues such
as substance abuse and sexuality issues in the higher grade levels. School social
workers have a wide range of job functions. Their title is typically “school social worker.”
Qualifications for this position are often decided by the school district or employing
agency and requirements can range from a bachelors degree to a clinical license from
the state in which they practice. However, like many social workers, the caseloads of
school social workers are often high. School social workers can be assigned to more
than one school, requiring time to travel between locations. Often the school social
worker performs in isolation and may not have access to consistent supervision. There
also may be limited resources to support service delivery such as a lack of confidential
and private space, supplies, and training.
Community Setting
Our community have all feature appropriate furniture and, in some cases, have
restricted space, ensuring that you are used to working in varied and realistic home and
environments. A home or a community organization located in the neighborhood in
which a participant in the program under this section. A community is a familiar thread
used to bring people together to advocate and support each other in the fight to
Goals of Communication
Chand, Smiriti.(2015)
- the person who entends to convey the message with the intention of passing
information and ideas for others is known as a sender or communicator.
- is the person who recieve message for a whom the message is meant for. It is the
reciever who tries to understand the message in the possible manner in achieving the
desired objectives.
- he person who are interested in communicating has to choose the channel for sending
the required information, ideas etc. This information transmitted to the reciever through
certain channels which may be either formal or formal.
- is the process of ensuring that the reciever has recieved the message and understood
in the same sense as sender meant it.
- It is the medium, passage or route through which encoded message is passed by the
sender to the receiver. There can be various forms of media-face to face
communication, letters, radio, television, e-mail etc. For example manager inform about
the introduction of a new product in a meeting through presentation.
Intrapersonal Communication
Interpersonal Communication
Public Communication
Creative artist
Social advocate
Business men/Business woman
This professionals are bind together because of desire and impact and receive a
message to make in their audience.
The role of communicators and journalist is to make evidences and facts and to inform
the public about a certain issue .Therefore they give information and evidences to
inform the public about issues that matter to them.
They collect and document information , facts and opinion , and present them for public
analysis and deepening to the root of reality . In additional of function is being present
where the news is happening because being a communicators is to deliver the truth and
facts .
Writing and speaking skills are very essential because if you don’t know how to write or
don’t know how to speak the massage maybe discourse the fact and evidence maybe
Career opportunities Albert, Nakayama, and Martin (2007 present some as follow;
Speech Writer
Press Secretary
Public Information Officer
Public Affair Specialist
Communication Assistant
Meeting Secretary
Sales and Assistant and Account Executive
Research Associate
Operations Manager
So why do we need to learn about this, In these sense the right and responsibilities and
accountabilities have to be established to safeguard the integrity of media and
protection. In the name of Freedoom of Expression how is this happen.
Freedom of Expression
Freedom of Expression
Confidentiality of Journalist Source
Ensuring the Information
Ensure the citizen have a convenient access to all media which is subject to just
and fair law and universally recognized principle of human rights. In 2005 ,Global
campaign for Free of Expression by the International Federation of Journalist
recognized that self regulatory mechanism can :
Can help ensure more comprehensive approach
Help to deliver genuine accountability
Protect the principle and practice of freedom of expression
Take note this is not easy it is complex and challenging as long as you want to do it you
will meet your rights, responsibilities, accountabilities correctly.
Communicators and journalist have code of ethics and professional standard base on
self regulation. The general rules Codes of Ethics Communicators and Journalist is to
respect of truthfulness and respect to people.United nation scientific and cultural
organization are other known as UNESCO considered the code of ethics as being a
heart of the good communications and journalism for it’s foster professional self
censorship and among professional in industry. UNESCO argued the codes of ethics
under the denominations are essential instrument of media self regulation.
Reliability of information ,Therefore benefiting the general as the consumer of
information . The National Union of Journalist provide a sample of Code and
Ethics in 1936.
The journalist upholds defends the principle of media freedom, the right
of freedom of expression and the right of the public to be informed.
Strive to ensure that information disseminated is honestly conveyed,
accurate, and fair.
Does his/her outmost to correct harmful inacurries
Differentiate between fact and opinion
Obtains material by honest, straight forward , and open means , with the
exception of investigation are both overwhelmingly in the public interest
and which involve evidence that cannot be obtained by straightforward
Does nothing to intrude into anybody’s private life, grief, or distress,
justified by overriding consideration of the public interest.
Protect the identity of source who supply information in confidence and
material gathered in the course of his\her work.
Resist threats or any other inducements to influence, distort , or suppress
information and takes no unfair personal advantage of information gained
in the course of his\her duties before the information is public knowledge.
Produces no material likely to hatred or discrimination on the grounds of a
person’s age, gender, race, color, creed, legal, status, disability, marital
status or sexual orientation.
Does not by way of statement , voice, or appearance endorse by
advertisement any commercial product of his/her own work or the medium
by which she/he is employed
Shall not normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or
photographing a child for a story about his/her welfare.