2020 - Technologies For Normally-Off GaN HEMTs
2020 - Technologies For Normally-Off GaN HEMTs
2020 - Technologies For Normally-Off GaN HEMTs
4.1 Introduction
One of the most interesting features of GaN-based materials is the presence of
a two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) in heterostructures (e.g. AlGaN/GaN,
AlN/GaN, and InAlN/GaN), which gives the possibility to fabricate high electron
mobility transistors (HEMTs) [1]. Because of the presence of a 2DEG with a high
charge density and mobility, AlGaN/GaN HEMTs are inherently normally-on
devices. These devices are excellent components for high-frequency applications.
In fact, today, the 5G technology is the driving force for large semiconductor
companies to develop GaN-on-Si HEMTs for power amplifiers, high-efficiency
devices in RF, microwave, and millimeter-wave (mmW) applications [2].
However, GaN is also a suitable material for power electronics. In particular,
for power switching applications, the use of normally-off transistors is highly
preferred, not only to simplify the gate drive configuration but also for safety rea-
sons [3–5]. In fact, if the gate driver fails and the gate bias goes to zero voltage,
a normally-off HEMT switches to the off-state, avoiding circuit burnout prob-
lems. Obviously, this is a more safe condition than having a switch remaining in
the on-state. Hence, in the past 10 years, many efforts have been made to explore
the viable routes toward the development of reliable normally-off GaN HEMT
From the physical point of view, to achieve the normally-off operation, the
threshold voltage (V th ) must be shifted in the positive bias direction. Practically,
to achieve this goal, the region below the gate contact in GaN-based heterostruc-
tures must be properly modified.
This chapter is focused on the most common and feasible approaches to obtain
normally-off HEMTs on GaN-based heterostructures.
Although the “cascode” configuration, combining a Si MOSFET with a
normally-on GaN HEMT, can enable to realize a chip with normally-off
operation, “true” normally-off GaN HEMTs are requested in many applications.
Schottky dAIGaN
AIxGa1–xN GaN
𝜎(x) qND
Vth (x) = ΦB (x) + EF (x) − ΔEC (x) − d − (d )2
𝜀0 𝜀AlGaN (x) AlGaN 2𝜀0 𝜀AlGaN (x) AlGaN
where ΦB is the metal/AlGaN Schottky barrier height, EF is the energy differ-
ence between the intrinsic Fermi level and the GaN conduction band edge (and
depends on the sheet charge density of the 2DEG [7]), 𝜎 is the polarization charge
that uniquely depends on the Al-concentration x [7], and dAlGaN , N D , and 𝜀AlGaN
are the barrier layer thickness, doping, and permittivity, respectively.
For a typical AlGaN/GaN heterostructure used for normally-on HEMTs, i.e.
with dAlGaN = 20 nm, x = 25%, and N D ∼ 1 × 1017 cm−3 , considering a barrier
height ΦB = 1 eV, a threshold voltage V th = −4.6 V can be predicted using
Eq. (4.1).
Clearly, Eq. (4.1) gives an indication on the main parameters that can be tailored
to move the V th toward positive values.
An increase of the metal/AlGaN Schottky barrier height ΦB results into a
positive shift of the threshold voltage V th . However, the typical values of the
metal/AlGaN barrier height are limited to the range of 0.8–1.2 eV [8–10]. Hence,
a positive V th shift of only 0.4 eV can be obtained by maximizing the barrier
height of the metal gate. Based on these considerations, it is clear that acting on
the Schottky barrier height of the metal gate is not an efficient solution to obtain
the normally-off operation.
Changing the Al-concentration x and the thickness of the AlGaN barrier layer
dAlGaN produces more significant variations of the threshold voltage V th . As an
example, considering again an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure with dAlGaN = 20 nm,
a reduction of the Al-concentration x from 25% to 10% leads to a shift of V th
from −4.6 to −1.2 V. Moreover, for an Al-concentration x = 25%, a shift of V th
from −4.6 to −1.9 V is expected by reducing the AlGaN thickness from 20 to
10 nm. However, the sheet carrier density in the 2DEG ns decreases by reducing
the AlGaN barrier layer thickness dAlGaN (see Eq. (1.11)). Hence, dAlGaN cannot
be reduced below a critical thickness of few nanometers [11]. The recessed-gate
HEMT, described in Section 4.3.1, is based on the reduction of dAlGaN and has the
peculiarity that the AlGaN thinning is done only below the gate region, without
pauperizing the 2DEG in the access region of the device.
In Eq. (4.1), the value of EF depends on the 2DEG sheet charge density and
typically increases by increasing the sheet charge density [7].
The conduction band offset ΔEC at the AlGaN/GaN interface depends on the
band gap of the Alx Ga1−x N alloy used as a barrier layer. As an example, a decrease
of the Al-concentration from 30% to 20% translates into a change of the band
140 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
offset ΔEC from 0.42 to 0.27 eV (see Eq. (4.1)) [12, 13]. For an AlGaN thickness
of 20 nm, it will result in a V th shift of 2.5 V.
As already seen in Chapter 1, the polarization charge (𝜎) depends on both the
spontaneous (PSP ) and piezoelectric (PPE ) polarization, and these parameters in
the AlGaN barrier layer are determined by the Al-concentration x [7].
The AlGaN doping concentration (N D ) also has an impact on V th , as it
determines the conduction band bending in the barrier layer [14]. Moreover,
an increase of the AlGaN donor concentration N D causes a polarization field
screening, which deepens the potential well and increases the 2DEG concen-
tration [15]. In this context, the introduction of an additional negative charge
(e.g. fluorine ions) in the AlGaN barrier layer to deplete the 2DEG is another
possibility to positively shift V th , as will be discussed in Section 4.3.2.
Although the use of a high metal/AlGaN barrier height can produce only a
small positive V th shift, the use of a p-type GaN gate layer on the top of the
AlGaN/GaN heterostructure can raise the AlGaN conduction band of an amount
comparable with the GaN band gap (3.4 eV). Hence, the p-GaN gate HEMT, dis-
cussed in Section 4.3.4, is one of the most efficient routes to obtain a positive
threshold voltage in GaN-based heterostructures.
Finally, it is worth mentioning that the presence of other charges, e.g. trapped
in the surface and in the buffer, can also have a strong impact on the experimental
values of threshold voltage V th in GaN HEMTs. These coulombic effects are not
explicitly considered in Eq. (4.1). For that reason, it is always extremely difficult
to well reproduce the experimental data using the analytical expression of V th .
HV normally on
LV normally off GaN HEMT
D Si D S
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2 (a) Equivalent circuit of a normally-off GaN HEMT cascode, connecting a
high-voltage (HV) normally-on GaN HEMT with a low-voltage (LV) normally-off Si MOSFET.
(b) Schematic representation of the two devices connected in a package.
Because the two devices are connected in series, in the on-state, the same channel
current will flow through the two devices.
On the other hand, when the Si MOSFET is turned-off by removing the gate
voltage, an applied bias to the drain terminal creates a negative gate-to-source
voltage on the GaN HEMT, contributing to deplete the 2DEG in the HEMT chan-
nel. Then, the device will be in the off-state and any further increase of the drain
voltage will drop on the GaN HEMT. Hence, because of the high critical field
of GaN, a high breakdown voltage can be reached with the cascode configura-
tion. Practically, in a 600 V GaN HEMT cascode, most of the bias drops on the
GaN HEMT, while the resistance added by the low-voltage Si MOSFET is very
low (about 3% of the total resistance). On the other hand, if the rated voltage is
reduced to 50 V, the on-resistance of the GaN HEMT decreases. Consequently,
the percentage contribution of the on-resistance from the Si MOSFET increases.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 4.3, showing the percentage on-resistance
contribution from the Si MOSFET as a function of rated voltage in a commercial
GaN HEMT cascode [18]. For this reason, the GaN HEMTs cascode are preferred
for the voltage classes of 600 and 900 V (https://www.infineon.com and https://
An advantage of the GaN HEMT cascode is the protection offered by the Si
MOSFET to avoid GaN gate breakdown. As an example, for a 600 V normally-on
GaN HEMT, the gate breakdown voltage is around −35 V. Therefore, using a 30 V
Si MOSFET enables to turn-off the GaN HEMT, while leaving some secure mar-
gin between turn-off and V th of the GaN HEMT.
Moreover, from the reliability point of view, the cascode configuration is a
more robust solution with respect to other approaches for normally-off GaN
(e.g. p-GaN HEMT and recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT). Indeed, because the
cascode configuration uses a normally-on HEMT, the electric field on the gate
in the on-state is low because of the fact that the gate voltage is zero. Different
is the case of a “true” normally-off HEMT, where a positive gate bias has to be
applied to turn-on the device, leading to many reliability issues [19]. This finally
142 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
0 200 400 600
Rated breakdown voltage (V)
automatically solves any criticism for one of the important tests of the standard
qualification procedure (JEDEC, AEC-Q100/101), i.e. the high-temperature gate
bias (HTGB) [20].
Finally, the fabrication of normally-on HEMTs for the cascode configuration
is simpler than that of a “true” normally-off GaN HEMT, as will be seen in
Section 4.3.
Although the “cascode” configuration has the advantage to be driven by
conventional Si MOSFET drivers, this solution exhibits some drawbacks. As
an example, the series connection of the two devices increases the package
complexity and introduces parasitic inductances that affect the switching
performance of the system. In fact, the two dies are typically connected inside
the package with wire bonds or in a planar architecture (see schematic in
Figure 4.2b). Then, the switching performance of the HEMT cascode relies
heavily on the parasitic inductances in the package, especially between the two
dies and also on how well the junction capacitances of the two are matched.
If the inductances are too high, or the capacitances are not matched well, the
switching losses can increase significantly [21].
Moreover, the advantage of the high-temperature operation offered by a
“pure GaN” device is lost in the HEMT cascode because of the presence of a Si
device [22].
For those reasons, the power electronics market requires the adoption of “true”
normally-off HEMT solutions, and several semiconductor companies all over the
word are working to develop such a technology.
Source Drain ΦB
Gate ΔEC
AlGaN dAlGaN-recessed
Schottky dAlGaN
GaN gate
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4 (a) Schematic cross section of a recessed-gate normally-off AlGaN/GaN HEMT.
(b) Conduction band diagram of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure below the gate region before
(dashed line) and after the recession (continuous line) of the barrier layer.
the gate electrode, has been considered to obtain a positive shift of the threshold
voltage V th [27, 28]. In fact, as can be deduced from Eq. (4.1), a reduction of
the AlGaN barrier layer thickness dAlGaN leads to a decrease of the 2DEG sheet
carrier concentration and to a positive shift of V th .
Figure 4.4 schematically depicts a recessed-gate AlGaN/GaN HEMT, in which
a partial thinning of the AlGaN barrier has been obtained below the gate contact
by a plasma etch process. Clearly, in this configuration while the 2DEG channel is
depleted below the gate, in the device access regions (source-gate and gate-drain),
the high sheet charge density and low resistance are preserved.
Saito et al. [29] introduced the recessed-gate concept, demonstrating the
possibility to achieve a considerable positive V th shift (i.e. from −4 to −0.14 V)
by reducing the AlGaN thickness from 30 to 9.5 nm. Many other works
[16, 17, 30–35] reported on positive V th shifts in the range of 0.1–0.5 V, main-
taining an AlGaN thickness below the gate contact between 6.5 and 13 nm.
Table 4.1 reports a collection of literature data obtained in recessed-gate
GaN-based HEMTs. Clearly, a direct correlation of the V th values with the resid-
ual AlGaN thickness is not simple, as those experiments have been carried out on
heterostructures with different Al-concentration x. Moreover, the metal/AlGaN
interface quality is strongly influenced by the plasma etch condition used for the
recession, whose effect on the final V th is difficult to quantify. However, from
Table 4.1, it is evident that the values of V th in the recessed-gate HEMT are
always close to zero (in the range 0.05–0.5 V).
Although Saito et al. [29] did not obtain a positive threshold voltage, they
observed a linear correlation between the measured V th and the thickness of
the residual AlGaN layer below the gate contact. From this correlation, shown
in Figure 4.5 for the case with an Al-concentration of 25%, it was possible to
extrapolate the normally-off condition for a residual AlGaN thickness smaller
than 8.2 nm [29]. A similar correlation between the residual AlGaN thickness
after plasma etch and the experimental V th has also been observed in other
works [31, 34].
144 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
10 10 – – +0.05 [27]
18 25 – – +0.075 [28]
30 25 −4.42 9.5 −0.14 [29]
25 33 −4.2 13 +0.1 [30]
22 27 −2.2 7 +0.47 [31]
38 35 −0.6 10 +0.51 [32]
22 22 −2.7 6.5 +0.1 [33]
25 25 −1.5 3 −0.1 [34]
25 25 −4 10 +0.5 [35]
Saito et al. 2008
Hao et al. 2008
–4 Anderson et al. 2010
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Residual AlGaN thickness (nm)
Inductively coupled plasma (ICP) or reactive ion etching (RIE) based on the
chemistry of Cl2 or BCl3 is typically used to etch the GaN or AlGaN layers and
are widely used processes in recessed-gate HEMT technology [36]. However, the
nanometric control of the recessed AlGaN layer thickness and the achievement of
the desired V th is not simple. In fact, plasma-induced damage of the recessed-gate
region represents a serious concern in this technology because of the increase of
the gate leakage current or the device on-resistance [30–33, 37].
A possible solution to overcome the drawbacks of the plasma etch in the
recessed-gate region is the use of a selective area growth (SAG) of the AlGaN
barrier layer [38]. This technology starts from an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure
with a very thin AlGaN barrier layer. On this material, an additional SAG of
AlGaN is carried out on the access regions of the device. In this way, the exposure
of the gate region to the plasma etch process is avoided. He et al. [35] compared
the recessed-gate normally-off HEMTs fabricated by standard ICP with those
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 145
fabricated with the SAG of AlGaN layer in the access regions. Although the
value of the threshold voltage obtained with the SAG approach (V th = +0.4 V)
was comparable to that of a standard ICP recession (V th = +0.5 V), avoiding
the use of plasma below the gate electrode allowed to obtain a reduction of
the gate leakage current and higher values of saturation current I Dmax and
transconductance g m .
E Before F treatment
After F treatment
ΦF –
– –
Source Gate Drain
F– F– F– F–
F– F F– F–
GaN Schottky AlGaN
gate GaN
(a) (b)
Figure 4.6 (a) Schematic cross section of a normally-off fluorinated AlGaN/GaN HEMT.
(b) Conduction band diagram of a fluorinated HEMT structure (continuous line). The band
diagram of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure before the F treatment is also reported for
comparison (dashed line).
146 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
0 1 2 3
Fluorine concentration (×1019) (cm–3)
latter can be explained with the electrostatic effect of the immobile negative
charges, leading to an upward bending of the AlGaN conduction band and an
additional barrier ΦF to the gate diode current flow in both forward and reverse
bias (see Figure 4.6b).
However, the effect of fluorine treatments on Schottky contacts is controver-
sial. As an example, Chu et al. [42] explained the reduction of the gate leakage
current after CF4 plasma treatment with the formation of an insulating surface
layer, which passivates the surface states and reduces the recombination current
as well as the tunneling current [43]. In addition, the possibility that nonvolatile
F-based compounds are created during the plasma process, and act as an insulat-
ing surface layer blocking the leakage current, was also considered [44]. Indeed,
TEM micrographs of fluorine-treated AlGaN/GaN heterostructures show a con-
siderable amount of crystalline defects [45], thus suggesting the presence of a
highly resistive defect-rich region.
In this context, the effect of fluorine-based plasma process on the electrical
properties of AlGaN/GaN heterostructures has been monitored by means of
local current measurements carried out by conductive atomic force microscopy
(C-AFM) [45]. In this experiment, schematically illustrated in Figure 4.9a–d,
the surface of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure has been first patterned by a
photoresist hard mask to selectively expose some regions to the effect of a CHF3
plasma and then scanned by means of C-AFM after the photoresist hard mask
removal. As can be seen in Figure 4.9e, the current maps acquired on the sample
surface revealed a significant reduction of the current in the regions exposed
to the CHF3 plasma process. This evidence is consistent with the reduction of
the leakage current observed by other authors and can be related either to a
screening of the 2DEG or to an increase of the local resistance of the AlGaN
because of plasma-induced damage.
The thermal stability is another important concern for the practical implemen-
tation of the fluorine plasma approach in normally-off GaN HEMTs.
In fact, common to all fluorinated GaN HEMTs is a drain–current degradation,
correlated with a deterioration of the 2DEG channel mobility. In this context,
thermal annealing processes at moderate temperatures (e.g. 400 ∘ C, 10 minutes)
148 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
250 pA Current map
F-based plasma region
F– F– F– F
F– F– F– AlGaN 20 μm
GaN (e)
Figure 4.9 (a–d) Schematic of the process sequence used to localize fluorine ions on selective
regions of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure surface. (e) C-AFM current map of the sample,
showing a different electrical behavior between the fluorine-treated regions and the
untreated ones. Source: Adapted from Greco et al. [45]. The Ref. [45] is an Open Access article
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Copyright © 2011
by the authors; licensee Springer.
showed the possibility to repair the plasma-induced damage and obtain a partial
recover (about 76%) of the drain current [39].
The physical mechanism of fluorine incorporation and its stability in
AlGaN/GaN heterostructures is still an open issue because of the complexity of
the scenario [46]. In fact, the thermal annealing processes not only contribute to
the plasma-induced damage recovery but also influence the fluorine distribution
in the heterostructure. In particular, the fluorine diffusion in AlGaN or GaN is
a process assisted by Ga-vacancies [47]. Accordingly, during annealing, fluorine
tends to diffuse in regions with higher concentration of Ga-vacancies, i.e. toward
the AlGaN surface where a large number of defects have been created by the
plasma process [48]. On the other hand, by increasing annealing time, a large
number of Ga-vacancies are annihilated, so that fluorine diffusion stops and the
immobile negative charges are stabilized in the AlGaN layer [48]. Of course,
extended defects, such as dislocations, can affect the diffusion process, making a
precise control of threshold voltage in fluorinated GaN HEMTs difficult [49].
19 +
F -ion implantation, at energies in the order of 10–50 keV and a dose of
1 × 1012 cm−2 , has also been used as an alternative to the plasma processes to
introduce fluorine into the AlGaN/GaN heterostructures [50]. In particular,
a beam energy of 50 keV results in a F-concentration peak located at a depth
of about 64 nm. Lower implantation energies move the F-concentration peak
closer to the AlGaN/GaN interface. Noteworthy, using F-ion implantation
improved the V th stability with respect to the plasma treatment because of the
deeper F-profile reached by implantation [50]. On the other hand, the higher
fluorine concentration obtained by plasma treatments results in a much efficient
depletion of the 2DEG and, then, in a larger positive threshold voltage shift.
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 149
Recently, Shen et al. [51] used AlF3 as diffusion source to introduce fluorine in
the gate region in the AlGaN barrier layer. In particular, an AlF3 layer has been
evaporated on the AlGaN surface and annealed in N2 . After annealing, the AlF3
layer was removed by wet etching. In this way, fluorine could reach a diffusion
depth of about 20 nm, thus leading to a considerable positive V th shift from −2.5
to 1.8 V.
The natural evolution of the fluorine implantation technology to obtain
normally-off HEMTs was the combination of the fluorination with a partial
AlGaN gate recession. Liu et al. [52] used a controlled CF4 plasma etch to reduce
the thickness of the AlGaN layer below the gate and simultaneously introduce
immobile negative charge in the gate region. With this approach, it was possible
to obtain a threshold voltage V th = +0.6 V and a reasonable thermal stability of
the normally-off behavior from room temperature to 200 ∘ C.
Clearly, the gate leakage current can represent a serious concern in GaN-based
HEMTs. Hence, the use of an insulator below the metal gate is a common method
to reduce the leakage current, forming the so-called MISHEMTs [53]. However,
in general, the introduction of a gate insulator in MISHEMTs produces a varia-
tion of the threshold voltage with respect to a standard HEMT with a Schottky
gate [54]. Roberts et al. [55] introduced the fluorine incorporation technology
in AlGaN/GaN MISHEMTs, using in situ fluorine doping of an Al2 O3 insulating
layer grown by atomic layer deposition (ALD). In particular, using the in situ flu-
orination of Al2 O3 during the ALD in combination with a fluorine implantation
of the gate region enabled the authors to obtain a V th = +2.35 V.
On the other hand, Zhang et al. [56] demonstrated that a modulation of the V th
is possible by a precise control of the F-plasma AlGaN etching and the thickness
of a gate insulator (Al2 O3 ). In fact, in this approach, the negative charges intro-
duced by the F-treatment compensate the positive charges present in the gate
All these issues are crucial in the recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT technology
and will be better clarified in Section 4.3.3.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.10 (a) Schematic cross section of a normally-off recessed-gate hybrid GaN MISHEMT.
(b) Conduction band diagram in the recessed-gate region.
The first studies highlighting the potentialities and limitations of this device
for power switching applications were reported in the years 2008–2010,
demonstrating recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs with V th up to +2 V and
RON < 10 mΩ cm2 using SiO2 as a gate insulator [57–62]. Afterward, several
progresses have been done until Freedsman et al. [63] demonstrated the feasi-
bility of fabricating recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT on large-area (200 mm) Si
substrates with high breakdown voltage and low leakage current, using an Al2 O3
layer as the gate insulator.
As mentioned before, the insulated gate channel is the main block of
a recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT. The total on-resistance of the device
RON_(MISHEMT) is given by the sum different contributions:
RON (MISHEMT) = 2RC + RSG (2DEG) + RGD (2DEG) + Rch (4.2)
where RC is the contact resistance of the source/drain electrodes, RSG_(2DEG) and
RGD_(2DEG) are the access resistance contributions, and Rch is the resistance of the
recessed channel region, i.e. where the 2DEG has been removed.
The channel resistance Rch , expressed in Ω mm, can be written as:
Rch = (4.3)
qnch 𝜇ch
where Lg is the recessed-gate length, nch and 𝜇ch are the accumulated sheet charge
density and the carrier mobility in the recessed channel region, respectively, and
q is the elementary charge. Hence, this resistive contribution depends on the
channel length Lg , and on the sheet charge density and mobility of the electrons
moving in the recessed channel.
Clearly, the removal of the 2DEG in the gate region has a significant impact on
the total device RON_(MISHEMT) . To make this concept clear, it is useful to quantify
the sheet charge density nch accumulated in the recessed-gate channel of the
device. This charge density can be expressed as nch = C ox × (V gs − V th ), where
C ox is the accumulation capacitance of the gate insulator. Considering, as an
example, a 50 nm thick SiO2 gate insulator (with 𝜀SiO2 = 3.9), having an oxide
capacitance C ox = 6.9 × 10−8 F/cm2 , for a gate bias well above the threshold
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 151
100 100
Lg = 1 μm
Lg = 2 μm
RON_(MiSHEMT) (Ω mm)
RON_(MiSHEMT) (Ω mm)
80 80
Lg = 3 μm
Lg = 4 μm
60 60
40 40
µch = 100 cm2/(V s)
20 µch = 150 cm2/(V s) 20
µch = 200 cm2/(V s)
µch = 250 cm2/(V s)
0 0
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 100 200 300 400
(a) Gate length, Lg (μm) (b) Channel Mobility, µch (cm2/(V s))
Figure 4.11 Total on-resistance RON_(MISHEMT) of a recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT calculated (a)
as a function of the gate length Lg for different channel mobility values and (b) as a function of
the channel mobility 𝜇ch for different gate lengths.
voltage (i.e. V gs − V th = 4–6 V), the accumulated sheet charge density nch will be
in the range of 2.7–4.1 × 1012 cm−2 . These values are evidently much lower with
respect to the sheet charge density available in a 2DEG. Hence, the recessed-gate
hybrid MISHEMT is limited in terms of on-resistance and saturation drain
current. Moreover, as described later on, also the mobility of the electrons in
the recessed-gate channel of a MISHEMT is typically lower with respect to the
mobility of the 2DEG.
Hence, for a fixed transistor gate length Lg , a recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT
is expected to have a higher on-resistance with respect to other technological
solutions not implying the 2DEG removal.
Figure 4.11 reports the total on-resistance of a recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT
RON_(MISHEMT) calculated as a function of the gate length Lg for different chan-
nel mobility values (a) and as a function of the channel mobility 𝜇ch for differ-
ent gate lengths (b). For this calculation, we assumed a source–drain distance of
10 μm, a contact resistance RC = 0.5 Ω mm, and a semiconductor sheet resistance
RSH = 400 Ω/sq.
As can be seen in Figure 4.11a, for a given channel mobility 𝜇ch , the
RON_(MISHEMT) increases linearly with the gate length Lg . Moreover, for a given
geometry (fixed Lg ) (see Figure 4.11b), the RON_(MISHEMT) becomes lower with
the increase of the channel mobility 𝜇ch , until a saturation is reached for high
electron channel mobility values, i.e. when the recessed channel resistance Rch
becomes less important with respect to the other contributions (RC , RSG_(2DEG) ,
and RGD_(2DEG) ).
The physical and electronic properties of the recessed channel (i.e. roughness
and electronic quality of the insulator/GaN interface) have a significant influence
on the channel mobility 𝜇ch and, hence, on the total on-resistance RON_(MISHEMT)
of the device.
In the literature, several materials have been used as gate insulators in
recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs (SiO2 , SiN, Al2 O3 , AlN/SiN, etc.) [53, 64, 65].
152 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Vg – Vth (V)
The values of the specific on-resistance RON_(MISHEMT) for transistors with gate
lengths in the order of 1–2 μm, extracted in the operation conditions, range
typically between 7.2 and 22 Ω mm [66–70].
Regarding the mobility, the parameter typically used to describe the channel
properties in recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs is the field effect mobility 𝜇FE
defined as:
𝜇FE = g
W Cox VDS m
where Lg and W are the gate length and gate width, respectively, C ox is the specific
capacitance of the gate oxide, V DS is the applied drain-to-source bias, and g m is
the device transconductance.
The values of the maximum field effect mobility reported in the literature for
recessed-gate hybrid GaN MISHEMTs vary in a wide range (∼30–250 cm2 /(V s))
with values of threshold voltage V th between 1 and 2 V [70].
Figure 4.12 reports the field effect channel mobility 𝜇FE of recessed-gate hybrid
GaN MISHEMTs fabricated using SiO2 , AlN/SiN, SiN, and Al2 O3 as gate insu-
lators. As can be seen, the field effect mobility curves 𝜇FE increase with the gate
bias V GS up to a maximum 𝜇FE(peak) and then decrease at high electric field. It can
be seen that the use of Al2 O3 allowed a higher mobility peak (∼225 cm2 /V s) [71],
with respect to AlN/SiN (∼180 cm2 /V s) [72], SiN (∼110 cm2 /V s) [73], or SiO2
(∼110 cm2 /V s) [74]. However, the mobility curves of Al2 O3 /GaN and SiN/GaN
MISHEMTs drop with a steeper slope at higher V gs –V th values. The mobility
behavior with the electric field is typically associated with the occurrence of dif-
ferent scattering mechanisms limiting the current transport at the insulator/GaN
recessed interface.
In this context, monitoring the dependence of the channel mobility on the
temperature can give useful information on the physical mechanisms limiting
the current transport in the recessed-gate MISHEMT. Recently, the field effect
mobility in a recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs employing SiO2 as a gate insu-
lator has been studied by Fiorenza et al. [74] starting from the model proposed
by Pérez-Tomás et al. [75–77] for GaN MOSFETs and normally-on MISHEMTs.
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 153
Before stress T = 150 °C
After stress
Drain current (A)
VG-stress EV
10–4 EF
metal Al2O3/AlN GaN
VDS = 0.5 V
VG-stress = 12 V
0 1 2 3 4
(a) Gate voltage (V) (b)
Figure 4.14 (a) Transfer characteristics IDS –V GS of recessed-gate hybrid Al2 O3 /AlN/GaN
MISHEMTs before and after a positive gate bias stress at 12 V for 10 μs. (b) Schematic
conduction band diagram illustrating the trapping effect occurring under positive bias stress
in the device. Source: Adapted with permission of Acurio et al. [83]. Copyright © 2017,
Elsevier Ltd.
As can be seen, the transfer characteristics of the device measured after the
overvoltage stress of +12 V are notably shifted in the positive direction with
respect to the original ones, with a threshold voltage shift ΔV th = 2.13 V.
This positive shift indicates an accumulation of negative charges (electrons)
inside pre-existing traps in the gate insulator (see schematic representation in
Figure 4.14b). A similar effect was observed when using SiO2 as a gate insulator
[84]. In this case, the stress-induced ΔV th can be fully recovered by applying a
negative voltage, which causes the electron detrapping [84].
These existing trapping states are associated with defects in the insulator, which
can be located in different positions with respect to the GaN interface and/or
can have different energy positions in the band gap. Their characteristic trap-
ping/detrapping time constant 𝜏 depends on the physical distance of the trap
from the allowed states in the semiconductor substrate. A trap located at a dis-
tance x from the insulator–semiconductor interface can be emitted with an inver-
sion electron tunneling process with time constant 𝜏 ≈ 𝜏 0 exp(x/𝜆), where 𝜏 0 is the
characteristic time for the insulator and 𝜆 is the attenuation length that depends
on the insulator/GaN barrier height [85]. Deeper traps (e.g. >1 nm from the semi-
conductor interface) can be charged during prolonged gate stress and may affect
significantly the V th stability during the transistor switching operation.
Interestingly, more pronounced and faster charge trapping processes have been
observed in recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs with bilayer gate insulators [72, 83]
with respect to single-layer insulators [78, 84].
Finally, a further progress of the recessed-gate MISHEMT technology was the
implementation of fluorine treatments below the gate region. In fact, as discussed
in Section 4.3.2, F-implantation introduces negative charges that give the possi-
bility to induce a positive shift of the threshold voltage.
In particular, a partial recession of the AlGaN barrier layer by means of a
CF4 -plasma etch in a Al2 O3 -insulated MISHEMT enabled Zhang et al. [56] to
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 155
compensate an intrinsic positive charge of the Al2 O3 gate insulator and obtain
V th up to +4 V without affecting the maximum drive current [56].
In conclusion, the recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMT is a very promising
approach to obtain the normally-off operation in GaN transistors. This
approach is attracting great interest, also because of the similarity with the
well-consolidated MOSFET technology. However, in spite of the large number
of research studies reported in the literature, recessed-gate hybrid MISHEMTs
based on GaN have not reached yet an adequate level of maturity to be
introduced into the market.
Source p-GaN Drain
GaN Metal
gate AlGaN GaN
(a) (b)
Figure 4.15 (a) Schematic cross section of a p-GaN gate HEMT and (b) conduction band
diagram of a p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructure.
156 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
In such a structure, the p-GaN gate is defined by a selective plasma etch process
that removes the p-GaN layer from the access regions, until reaching the under-
lying AlGaN barrier.
Although the operation principle of the p-GaN HEMT may appear simple,
introducing a p-GaN layer on top of an AlGaN/GaN heterostructure is not suf-
ficient to ensure the normally-off behavior. Rather, the fabrication of functional
devices depends on several parameters such as the heterostructure properties,
p-GaN etching and doping, gate contact, and thermal annealing [90].
First, an appropriate choice of the heterostructure is essential to efficiently
deplete the 2DEG at the interface. Hence, the acceptor concentration of p-GaN
(N A ), the thickness (dAlGaN ) and Al-concentration (x) of the AlGaN barrier layer,
and the residual donor concentration in both AlGaN and GaN layers must be
appropriately selected to obtain a positive threshold voltage of the device.
Regarding the p-GaN layer, it is well known that the achievement of the p-type
conductivity represented a long-standing problem in GaN technology [91]. Mag-
nesium (Mg) is the reference p-type dopant for GaN, when it replaces Ga in
the nitride lattice and acts as an acceptor. However, because the high ioniza-
tion energy of the acceptors (150–200 meV), it is quite difficult to obtain high
hole concentrations in the p-GaN layer [92, 93]. The common understanding is
that a high doping level of p-GaN (>1018 cm−3 ) is required to obtain an efficient
depletion of the 2DEG.
The effect of the p-GaN doping level on the band structure of a p-GaN/GaN/
AlGaN heterostructure has been recently studied by Efthymiou et al. [94].
In particular, TCAD simulations showed that the threshold voltage V th first
increases for doping levels of p-GaN in the range 1017 –1018 cm−3 and then
slightly decreases for N A > 6 × 1018 cm−3 [94]. In fact, while the positive voltage
needed to modulate the AlGaN/GaN conduction band initially increases with
the p-GaN doping, at sufficiently high doping levels, the depletion region at
the metal/p-GaN interface becomes very narrow, thus enhancing the tunneling
of holes through the barrier. Hence, a further increase of the gate bias does
not result in an additional widening of the depletion region but leads only to
a shift of the AlGaN/GaN conduction band toward the Fermi level. Typically,
p-GaN layers with thickness in the range of 50–100 nm and doping level
N A ∼ 1018 –1019 cm−3 are used in p-GaN gate HEMTs.
The choice of the AlGaN barrier layer thickness (dAlGaN ) and Al-concentration
(x) has a great influence on the electrical behavior of the p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN
heterostructures [90]. To highlight this aspect, Figure 4.16 reports the conduc-
tion band diagrams for some p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures, simulated
using a one-dimensional Poisson–Schrödinger solver. For all the simulated cases,
a p-GaN thickness of 50 nm with N A = 6 × 1018 cm−3 was used, with a n-type dop-
ing level of the AlGaN and GaN layers of 1 × 1016 and 1 × 1015 cm−3 , respectively.
Figure 4.16a shows the case of p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures with
an Al-concentration x = 20% in the AlGaN layer for two thicknesses of 10
and 20 nm. As can be seen, only in the case of the thinner AlGaN barrier
layer (dAlGaN = 10 nm), the conduction band is raised above the Fermi level
(normally-off condition), whereas for the thicker layer (20 nm), the 2DEG is
still present at the interface. On the other hand, Figure 4.16b shows the case
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 157
5 5
EC dAlGaN = 10 nm EC XAlGaN = 0.1
EC dAlGaN = 20 nm EC XAlGaN = 0.2
4 EF
4 EF
3 3
Energy (eV)
Energy (eV)
2 2 u-GaN
1 1
p-GaN p-GaN
0 0
Thinner AlGaN
–1 Thicker AlGaN –1
–2 –2
0 40 80 120 0 40 80 120
(a) Depth (nm) (b) Depth (nm)
Figure 4.16 Simulated conduction band diagrams for p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN heterostructures for
(a) two different values of the AlGaN thickness (10 and 20 nm) or (b) two different values of the
Al-concentration (10% and 20%).
Gate VG = 0 V
250 200
Source Drain
gm (mS/mm)
Gate Vth < VG<VF 100
Source Drain
p-AIGaN 100
i-GaN 50
Gate V G > VF 0 0
Drain –2 0 2 4 6
i-AIGaN (b) Gate voltage (V)
gate injection transistor (HD-GIT) [97, 98] has been developed. In the HD-GIT,
an additional p-GaN region between the gate and the drain is introduced to
induce a hole injection in the off-state. Noteworthy, in this device, a thicker
AlGaN barrier layer is used in order to maintain the 2DEG below the p-GaN
drain region, while the normally-off operation is ensured by the recession of
the AlGaN barrier layer below the p-GaN gate. This technology allows a hole
injection from the p-GaN drain that can effectively release the trapped electrons
during the switching process [97, 98]. In this way, the dynamic on-resistance
remains low during fast switch also at a high drain voltage (>600 V). More details
on the reliability aspects of the HD-GIT are discussed in Chapter 6.
One of the most important building blocks of the p-GaN gate HEMT is surely
the metal gate. In fact, the electrical properties of the metal/p-GaN barrier can
have a strong impact on the value of the threshold voltage V th and on the device
leakage current [99–101].
In general, the first question is whether a Ohmic or a Schottky contact must
be used as gate electrode on the p-GaN layer. In the original work of Uemoto
et al. [87], a Pd-based Ohmic contact was used as a gate electrode to improve
hole injection and conductivity modulation. However, a clear description of
the metal/p-GaN electrode formation has not been disclosed in that work. As
a matter of fact, obtaining good Ohmic contacts on p-GaN layers is a complex
task, requiring specific annealing processes in oxidizing atmosphere [102],
which in turn can be detrimental for the underlying 2DEG [103, 104]. Hence,
the formation of good Ohmic contacts on p-GaN gate HEMTs is difficult
to implement in the HEMT fabrication flow. For that reason, normally-off
HEMTs with a p-GaN gate typically employ a Schottky metal as a gate electrode.
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 159
In this context, TCAD simulations predicted that low work function metals on
p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN systems, which give higher Schottky barrier height ΦB ,
should enable to obtain a higher threshold voltage V th and a lower gate leakage
current [94, 99]. In real cases, the situation is more complex. As an example, the
large threshold voltage difference (ΔV th = 1.8 V) observed between devices using
W-gate (Φm(W) = 4.6 eV, V th = 3.1 V) and Ni-gate (Φm(Ni) = 5.2 eV; V th = 1.3 V)
could not be explained simply by the energy difference between the two work
function values ΔΦm = 0.6 eV [99]. In fact, the thickness of the depletion region
generated at the metal/p-GaN interface increases with decreasing metal work
function (i.e. increasing the barrier height). Then, for a metal gate with a high
barrier height, the positive gate bias will partially drop on the wider depletion
region, thus leading to an increase of V th . On the other hand, for a metal gate
with a lower barrier height, the voltage drop on the thinner depletion region will
be negligible, similarly to what happens in an Ohmic contact, thus leading to a
lower V th . A direct comparison between Schottky (WSiN-based) and Ohmic
(Ni/Au) metal gate has been done by Meneghini et al. [105]. In particular, using
the WSiN-based Schottky gate resulted in an increase of the transistor gate
voltage swing, giving the possibility to reduce the gate leakage current by about
4 orders of magnitude in the on-state. Hence, the use of Schottky gate contact
is typically preferred on p-GaN normally-off HEMTs respect to Ohmic contact
Table 4.2 reports a collection of literature data on normally-off p-GaN gate
HEMTs. As can be seen, several metals have been investigated as gate contacts for
p-GaN HEMTs [87, 99–101, 105–114]. However, a clear dependence of V th on the
metal work function cannot be deduced because many parameters (semiconduc-
tor surface defects, metal deposition technique, surface preparation, annealing
conditions, etc.) influence the value of the metal/p-GaN barrier height.
Lee et al. [100] showed that metals with lower work function lead to a higher
V th but reduce the output current. TiN is often used as gate contact for p-GaN
because it is widely diffused in silicon technology and has a good thermal sta-
bility in contact with GaN. In particular, TiN can be adopted in a “self-aligned”
approach. In this case, TiN is first patterned and used as a hard mask to remove
the p-GaN layer from the access regions and is then left as gate electrode for the
device. A self-aligned process has also been demonstrated by Lükens et al. [106],
using Mo metal gate encapsulated on SiOx cap layer and AlOx sidewall space as
protection during annealing or dry etching process.
As mentioned before, the definition of the p-GaN gate is obtained by means of
selective plasma etching, i.e. the p-GaN must be removed in the access regions
and remain only under the gate. In a “self-aligned” process, the metal gate is
deposited at the beginning of the fabrication flow (“gate first”), is used as a
hard mask for the p-GaN definition, and is then left as a metal electrode on the
p-GaN. This approach clearly simplifies the device fabrication flow. However,
in this case, the source and drain Ohmic contacts must be fabricated later, thus
typically requiring high annealing temperatures (>800 ∘ C) [115]. Such thermal
budget can lead to thermal reactions between the metal gate and the p-GaN,
which worsen the electrical quality of the barrier. Greco et al. [101] compared a
“gate first” approach, where the Ti/Al metal gate contact is used as a hard mask
160 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
for the dry etch of p-GaN and then subjected to annealing for Ohmic contacts
(800 ∘ C), with a “gate last” approach, where the Ti/Al gate contact is defined at
the end of the flowchart [101]. As can be seen from the transfer characteristics
of the devices, shown in Figure 4.18, a V th = +1.5 V has been obtained using
a nonannealed Ti/Al metal gate (“gate last” approach). On the other hand, the
annealing of the metal gate at 800 ∘ C (“gate first” approach) resulted in a negative
V th shift and an increase of the leakage current because of the structural change
of the Al/Ti/p-GaN systems occurring upon annealing. In particular, in the
Al/Ti/p-GaN system, a reduction of the barrier height from 2.08 to 1.60 eV has
been observed after 800 ∘ C annealing [116].
An important figure of merit of p-GaN gate HEMTs is the maximum bias that
can be applied to the gate before breakdown. In fact, under positive gate bias, the
metal/p-GaN junction is reversed biased, thus leading to a further extension of
the depletion region. In these conditions, the electrons coming from the 2DEG
channel through the AlGaN can be injected in the p-GaN layer, where they will
be further accelerated by the high electric filed of the reverse-biased depletion
region. When the electrons moving across the depletion region acquire sufficient
energy from the electric field, the avalanche breakdown occurs. Wu et al. [110]
confirmed this effect, observing that the gate breakdown voltage increases with
4.3 “True” Normally-off HEMT Technologies 161
–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4
Gate voltage (V)
0 1 2 3 4
Threshold voltage (V)
Figure 4.19 Maximum gate bias vs. threshold voltage for different p-GaN gate HEMTs. Source:
The data are taken from Table 4.2.
Hydrogen plasma Hydrogen plasma
treatment treatment
Source Drain
2 nm
164 4 Technologies for Normally-off GaN HEMTs
O2 plasma
Figure 4.22 (a–f ) Fabrication process to obtain normally-off AlN/GaN HEMTs by a local oxygen
plasma treatment.
4.5 Summary
In this chapter, the main technological approaches to obtain normally-off GaN
HEMTs were presented. The development of a reliable normally-off HEMT
References 165
The authors would like to thank all the colleagues that contributed to the
research activity on normally-off GaN HEMT in these years: F. Giannazzo, R. Lo
Nigro, S. Di Franco, E. Schilirò, M. Spera (CNR-IMM, Italy), A. Patti, S. Reina
and A. Parisi (STMicroelectronics, Italy), M. Leszczyński, P. Prystawko and P.
Kruszewski (Unipress-PAS, Poland).
This work was partially supported by the Italian Ministry for Education,
University and Research (MIUR) in the framework of the National Project PON
EleGaNTe (Electronics on GaN-based Technologies), ARS01_01007.
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