Focus Exercices
Focus Exercices
Focus Exercices
Exercise 1
Take a book, any book, and count the words in any one
paragraph. Then, count them again, to be sure that you have
counted them correctly.
After a few times, do so with two paragraphs.
When this becomes easy, count the words of a whole page. Do
the counting mentally and only with your eyes, without pointing
your finger at each word.
Exercise 2
Count backwards in your mind, from one hundred to one.
Exercise 3
Count in your mind from one hundred to one, skipping each three
numbers, that is 100, 97, 94, etc.
Exercise 4
Choose an inspiring word or phrase, or just a simple sound, and
repeat it silently in your mind for five minutes. When your mind
can concentrate more easily, try to reach ten minutes of
uninterrupted concentration.
Exercise 5
Take a fruit, an apple, orange, banana or any other fruit, and hold
it in your hands.
Examine the fruit from all its sides, while keeping your whole
attention focused on it. Do not let yourself be carried away by
irrelevant thoughts that might arise, or thoughts about the grocery
where you bought the fruit, how and where it was grown, its
nutritive value, etc. Stay calm, ignoring, and showing no interest
in these thoughts.
Just look at the fruit, focus your attention on it without thinking
about anything else, and examine its shape, smell, taste and the
sensation it gives you when you touch it.
Exercise 6
This is the same as exercise number 5, only that this time you
visualize the fruit, instead of looking at it.
Start, by looking at the fruit and examining it for about 2 minutes,
just as you did in exercise number 5. Then close your eyes, and
try to see, smell, taste and touch the fruit in your imagination. Try
to see a clear and well defined image. If the image becomes
blurred, open your eyes, look at the fruit for a short while, and
then close your eyes and continue the exercise.
You may imagine holding the fruit in your hands, as in the
previous exercise, or imagine it standing on a table.
Exercise 7
Take a small simple object such as a spoon, a fork, or a glass.
Concentrate on one of these objects. Watch the object from all
sides without any verbalization, that is, with no words in your
mind. Just watch the object without thinking with words about it.
Exercise 8
After becoming proficient with the above exercises, you may try
this exercise.
Draw on a piece of paper a small triangle, square or a circle,
about three inches in size, and paint it with any color you wish.
Put the paper with the drawing in front of you, and concentrate
your whole attention on the shape you have drawn. For now, only
the drawing exists for you, with no unrelated thoughts or
Keep your attention on the drawing, and avoid thinking about
anything else. Be careful not to strain your eyes.
Exercise 9
Start the same as number 8, but after looking at the figure for a
moment, close your eyes and visualize the figure with the eyes
closed. If you forget how the figure looks like, open your eyes for
a few seconds, look at the figure, and then close your eyes and
continue with the exercise.
Exercise 10
The same as number 9, but now visualize with your eyes open.
Exercise 11
Try for at least five minutes, to stay without thoughts. Do this
exercise, only after you have practiced all the previous ones
successfully. If you practiced the preceding exercises correctly,
you will be able to impose silence on your thoughts, even if this is
at first, just for a short while.