St. Francis Xavier Goenkaranchi Girestkai

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3 December 2010

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St. Francis Xavier O DEUS, EGO AMO TE

Goenkaranchi Girestkai My God, I love thee: not because

I hope for heaven thereby,
Nor because they who love thee not
Chodd oporvbaiechim ami zaun asa San Francisachim Must burn eternally.
Nam tor Goyan kiteak tannen vichun kadlean ghai
Kitean, Kitem itlean borem asa zait ghai amche kodde? Tho, O my Jesus, Thou didst me
Upon the Cross embrace;
Chittunk na zaina tosle ghodnie For me didst bear the nails and spear,
Torui amchea bapan porvangi dili And manifold disgrace.
Saibachi jivi khudd amchea modem uronk And grief and torments numberless,
Zerul zaunk zai Saiban amkan lagun And sweat of agony;
Bapa kodem kerit bhaxem prathon kelam Even death itself - and all for me
Amchem modem ravunk, kedem vodleam bhag! Who was thy enemy.
Then why, O blessed Jesus Christ,
Kideak zait ghai, Saibachi euzon amche pasot ye
Should I not love thee well?-
Amkan samballunk, amkam bori vaat dakhunk, Not for the hope of winning heaven,
amkan rakunk vaittamtlim Nor of escaping hell;
Voi, kiteak ami zaun assa, Saibachim soggllean von mogachim
Not with the hope of gaining aught,
Tor kiteak ami azunoi nidleant, zagrut zauai Not seeking a reward;
Saib amchea modem azunui assa But as thyself hast loved me,
Vell piddear khorcho nhoi, tachem sopon puren korui-ai O ever-loving Lord!

Saiban amkan aplea khorneanin bori vatt dakoilea Even so I love thee and will love,
Taka zai amchem zivit borem zaunk And in thy praise will sing,
Azunoi ogut assa Solely because thou art my God,
And my eternal King.
Zarut zait, Saibachi jivit ami zana
Tovui amche bhaxen saddho munis aslo Attributed to St. Francis Xavier

Mhojean ani Tujean, ami tache basem nirnoie gheunk zaina?

Sogllem vaitt amche koddem asa tem soddui-ai
Nirnoi khorunya, ellem boren khorunk
Teach boreponachi amkan itli dadoskai meltoli
Tich dadoskai amkan bori vatt cholunk
Ghotai ani boll deteli
Hench zai amchem, amchea saibak
Chakhun poloiya St. Francis Xavierachim jivitachim motiam Somesth amchea bhanvdank
• Promannikponnan ani Sotan Jieunk May The
• Bhavartant thirponn sambhallunk Bhagevont Francis Xaviereachi Light of
• Devachea Utrak Visvaxi Ravunk
• Niz Mogan Jivit Bhorunk
Kurpe ani Kuxal Bhorit porob Happiness
• Zagrutai sambhallunk, Xanti Vistarunk ani kuxalkaiechi Glow in
For Private Circulation Only

• Khaltikaien Devacho Alaxiro Bhogunk Natalanchi Porob Your Hearts

• Bore Khobreche Porgottnar Zaunk
• Ekcharan Jieunk, Udarponnan Vantunk ani Xanti Somadanchem and Your
• Devache Khuxek Aittim Ravunk Novem Voros anvdeteanv Christmas Homes
By : Amelia D’Cunha
2 3 December 2010

Dear brothers and sisters,
I join with the Konkani Community of Our Lady of Holy Rosary, Doha, to celebrate
the Feast of St. Francis Xavier towering figure in the history of the missions. His ardent spirit shines as a holy ideal before our eyes.
He overcame the difficulties of language, culture and opposition. He understood the needs of the poor and helped them as best as he
could. Let us also commit ourselves to give the one around us a valid testimony to Christ through our life of faith. Let us ask this loving
and caring pastor of souls to intercede for us that we may live in fidelity to Christ and in charity to our brethren in all situations and
experiences of life.
With wishes and prayers,
Rev. Fr. Peter P.M. OFM.Cap.
Parish Priest
I am extremely happy to be among the konkani speaking community in Qatar to celebrate the
novenas and feast of our beloved St. Francis Xavier fondly known as ‘Goyancho Saib’ My special
thanks to Fr. Anand Castelino for having inviting me over here.
St. Francis Xavier travelled far and wide to proclaim the Good News. We are very fortunate to
have him in our homeland. As we honour this powerful saint let us try to follow his example by
proclaiming the Good News in our own little way.
Happy Feast!!!
Rev. Fr. Cipriano Dias, OFM Cap.
Alverno Friary, Monte de Guirim, Mapusa

Greetings to all Konkani Speaking brothers and sisters, devotees of St. Francis Xavier,
I am glad and delighted to see that we all Konkani speaking faithful gather round everyday infront of St. Francis for the novena and
Eucharistic celebrations. St. Francis is the patron for missions and for preaching the Word of God, he is known as ‘Amcho Goyancho
Saib’. He came from far distant land to teach us the love of Christ.
As we celebrate goodness of God’s love and life, through the intercession of St. Francis , let us proclaim the wonderful things the Lord
does in our life. Let us number the blessings we receive day by day. Let us keep the spirit of St. Francis active and alive in and through
us today to the world.
I wish all of you a happy love filled feast of St. Francis Xavier.

Rev. Fr. Anand Castelino, OFM Cap.

Spiritual Director, KSC

Mogall Konkani Bhanvdano,

Ami sangata melon achoran kelolyaa Monthi Phestacher ek nador lai’tana,
mathik bhov trupti ani samadan bhogta. Hein phest amchea Konkani
lokacha ekvotacho ghurt javun bhov yashasven jalem. Hyaa hudyar raavon
aij hem dusrem phest acharunk hanv bhov chod kushi pavtam ani tumkam
sorvank St Francis Xavierachem borem phest magtam. Ashench aamcho
ekvott mukar vachom ani ho ba’nd shashwit urom. Hyaa phestak toyarai
javn ami kellya nov deesaanchaa novenaacho phol, thodyaach deesani ami
achoran korchya Natalam Phestaak athmik reethin toyar karunk amkam
phidyacho janv.
“Mohima Devak unnathim ani shanthi Devak manvalyat tya munshank
sounsarim.” Luke 2:14
Ho natalancho sondesh dev-dootani saunsarak
dillo. Balok Jezun dillem shanti somadan, amchea
ghorant, kutmba’nt, somajent ani pratyek javn heya
amchea lahanshea Qatarchea Konkani kutmba’nt
sadanch vasti karum mun ashevn sarvank ek bhagi
ani santosbharit Natalam Phest magtam.
Veena Rebimbus Pais
Konkani Speaking Comunity.
Sincere thanks to Vijay and Vivian for all the Pictures, Riana Pinto and Prabha Rego for all their invaluable help. Editor
3 December 2010 3

Adjacent to that I had my small office on the first floor of an old building.
Once in a while she used to sweep the corridors of our building and rest
there. Few good people were there who used to give her some proper food,
but again most of it she used to feed to her dogs. She used to address me
as ‘son’ and was very happy to see one painting I did of one old lady, telling
Who is a saint? What makes someone a saint? were the questions the everybody that it was her portrait.
priest asked during one sermon. I do not remember the occasion or the Some said she was from a rich big family and was ill-treated, as a result
time, I think it was on some feast day of a famous saint, but I remember of which she became mentally ill. It must have been the truth because once
what went through my mind that moment. I heard her explaining to one old man the elaborate preparations for some
I am an average Christian. Holy Mass once a week or on special occasions, ritual. Another day one gentleman came to me asking her whereabouts;
few daily prayers, some evenings ‘Rosary’ with the family to soothe tension, he said he just tried the medicinal herbs she had described and the
a visit to the Sacrament Chapel or a small lonely church when feeling low, to preparation as per her instructions and was completely cured of Asthma.
just sit there alone in the quite, reflecting, talking to myself...and sometimes He left with me some money for her. Once in a while I too would buy her
to God. What I firmly believe is; if I recite, accept and follow that one favourite packed lunch of fish curry and rice and give it to her. She would
beautiful prayer, The Lords Prayer ‘Our Father’, then I will be able to live eat it only after making sure that I had my lunch. Once there came another
as a true Christian, and will have more chances of reaching heaven some old frail and sick beggar, who was unable to move much and she cared for
day, possibly with a short stop in between. But with all my shortcomings like him, cleaned and fed him too for many days.
intolerance, anger, impatience, arrogance etc. sometimes to do that little She died a few years back. I heard in her last days, she was cared for
also becomes difficult. by the same Auto drivers of the stand nearby, who used to tease her, make
Who is a Saint? What makes someone a Saint? Most of the saints I had her angry and laugh at her tantrums. That place and the few years I spent
read about were foreigners and from different era. In my childhood I had there were a lesson in humanity. A few villains were there in the guise of
heard about our own Sr. Alphonsa from Kerala. Later there was Mother so called respected people and there were saints too, amongst ordinary and
Theresa, whose work we have seen and heard live. Definitely a Saint. Who rough people.
else... My thoughts drifted towards another person I used to see since my I also remembered the few lines of a poem I wrote almost 40 years back.
childhood. Laxmi. I was just starting on my life journey; Mother Theresa was not that famous,
She was a lady with no home and no family, and who was said to be there were no living saints in the Church, so I wrote in my ignorance:
mentally ill. Early in the morning she would start from one part of the small
town, cleaning and sweeping shop fronts and footpaths and ending up in one Sausaraanth astam santh konnie jallonaam
particular place, where she would enjoy the company of street dogs and Munis hanv, munshea bari jiyetam...
cats that playfully used to follow her everywhere. Children used to tease Living in this world, no one has become a saint.
and throw stones at her. A few took advantage, like a small restaurant I am a human, and I live like a human...
owner who made her clean the big cooking vessels, the cow shed, etc in Life has taught me differently.
return for stale food. This went on for many years and when she became old The sermon was over. I was happy, that may be I had found a saint.
and frail she finally made her home in a covered front of a small old shop.
Eddie Sequeira

Festival Quiz Competion - 26 Nov 2010

Sponsored by a Well Wisher

4 3 December 2010

Monthi Fest 2010 Feastal Mass and Novem Jevann Celebrations in Pictures
3 December 2010 5

Monthi Fest 2010 Feastal Mass and Novem Jevann Celebrations in Pictures

Million Thanks to Mr. Vijay Saldhana of

for the above photographs
6 3 December 2010


St. Francisco Xavier, patron Indiecho, Ho Ekvot vortouta, eka kheritbaxen, zomo bhavartiancho.
Ugtem kor tum Sorguim dhar, Dotor atmeacho, Hiea bhavarti kutumbache khande ami zon ekekle; ani ho
Bhoumlai tum soglem terro, diunk adar tujo, kutumbacho rukh roilolo Jesun.
Mogak tujea xim nam mher, dhir tum bhogtancho Ho Jesun roilolo rukh, ximptat zonn ekeklo padri; ani ami
tiea rukachim follam zaun assat.
Xanticho updes tujo, mog korunk xinkoi,
Vhodd tum ixtt Jesucho, khoro rosto dakoi,
Hanvem mhojem poilench paul dovorlolem hea gavant
Bhuim amim podot zallear, rokdoch amkam uttoi, 1986 vorsak. Hea kallar sabar odchonio aslio amchea dharmic
Mortogouch atmo amcho tum, vhoiro Sorgar pavoi. goumleank ho bavarteancho ekvot sambalunk.
Aizo amkam disson eta tancho orixt vaur hiea dharmico
Goribancho asro tum, vhodd ixtt Jesucho, xetantt. Hea dharmic goumleanim amchea modem vadoilo
Kudde, thonte, bhere zaum, dhir tum sogleancho, mog ani soirigot, gaum, desh pollenastanam.
Patron tum zaun assai, piddevontancho, Hanv vortoutam ek jivo chamatkaru. 2003 vorsak hanv
Gorzevontank tum pautai, kunvor Sorguimcho, sampodlom eka mharekar duvensak; ani somto gelom
Khala podlear amkam tum hatt diun ubar,
COMANT 48 diss.
Dogdu-trassant sampodlear, kor amcher abhar, Bhavarteanim maglem Devalaguim mhojea passot, maka
Doiea kor, salvar kor, diun amkam adar, borro kor mhon. Devan tanchim magnim aikolim ani maka
Mortogouch atmo tum vhor amcho Sorgar. sompurn borro kelo. Aizo hanv protean nokri korunk laglom
ani sotta motorui choloitam. Hanv tancho upkari ani dinvaxi.
Xanticho updes tujo, mog korunk xinkoi, Fr. Peteran, tachea eka xermavant mhollem, quim Dev
Vhodd tum ixtt Jesucho, khoro rosto dakoi, Bap amcher kednai tori dhaun dita trass, amkam odik boglek
Bhuim amim podot zallear, rokdoch amkam uttoi, korunk apneaxim. Ho votrtoulo tacho dinvaxi, khoro, ani xim
Mortogouch atmo amcho tum, vhoiro Sorgar pavoi.
naslolo mog, amchea zon ekeklea passot.
Wellington Coutinho. Dukhant ani khontini ami kednaitori sampdot zalear, ami
sozmonk zai, quim Dev Bap hem amcher dhadun dita fokot
amkam apneaximxim oddik boglek hadunk. Zaite paut ami
kodsortaum Devasorxille ani poise vetaum vaito margar. Hea
velar ami amcho bhavart ani bhorvanso Devacher odik ghot
korunk zavo. Zorur amkam xevtak borro foll mevtolo, zoso
aizo maka mevla.
Devache vhodd upkar.
Wellington Coutinho

On Your
27 Nov. 2010
Francis Rosario Santimano
Age 11

One little candle, placed on the cake,

One first Birthday wish, we want to make...
May all the best in life, our son
Enrich your future way,
Adventure and good fortune, too,
Bring joy to you each day.
Happy 1st Birthday!
Dad & Mom - Rony & Hema Fernandes
Joyston Morera Brother - Reevan Haster
Age 14 Years
3 December 2010 7

Feast of St. Francis Xavier- 2010

• Joaquim, Renna, Swizel & Shawn
• Ambrosio/Judyline Dias & Fly 
• Sebastian/ Jessie Mendonca & Fly
• Anthony Estrocio & Fly
• Joachim, Bertha & Shawn Rodrigues
Amy D’Souza & Fly • Edward/Janice Borges & Fly
• Concessao & Raymond Rodrigues
• A Parishioner • Virgilio Oliviera
• Clifford/May Pinto & Fly • Victor Mendes & Fly
• Savio & Lucy Fernandes • William Dias & Fly
• Joe D’Souza & Fly • Lawrence Almeida & Fly
• Goan Tailors • Alex/Loretty Trinidad & Fly
• Antony/Margaret/Marilla/Aaron Fernandes
• Alex/Effy Fernandes & Fly


• Gill Cardozo & Fly • Francis Quadros & Fly
• Philip & Rosita Fernandes (Designers Tailors)
• St. Jude’s Association • Carmin & Apollo Correa, Pearl & Maria & Fly 
• Cajy Fernandes & Fly • Ivo Santhimano & Fly
• Konkani Speaking Committee members • Francis Quadros & Fly

Special Thanks to
Rosina Gurjao and William Lobo
for the Alter decoration and candle decoration

Sincere Thanks to
Goan Choir group, Mangalorean Choir group, Children Choir Group,
Youth Choir group, Eucharistic Ministers, Volunteers, Ushers,
Altar Servers, Sponsors, Murdoms, Food Sponsors, Donors and
all who have contributed flower bouquets

May St. Francis Xavier intercede to our Lord and bless you and your families
with abundant blessings.
8 3 December 2010

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