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Dr. BaBasaheB amBeDkar Technological UniversiTy lonere.

Structure and syllabus

Second Year B. Tech. (Electrical Engineering)
With effect from Academic Year 2018-19
Approved in the 11 Academic Council held on 8 June 2018

S. Course Course Title Teaching Evaluation Credits
No Code Scheme Scheme
1 BTBS301 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 1 0 20 20 60 4
2 BTEEC302 Network Analysis and Synthesis 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
3 Fluid Mechanics and Thermal 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
4 BTEEC304 Measurement and Instrumentation 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
5 Elective –I 3 0 0 20 20 60 3
BTEEOEL (A) Electrical Engineering Materials
305 (B) Applied Physics
(C ) Signals and Systems
6 BTHM306 Basic Human Rights 2 0 0 - 20 - Audit
7 BTHS 307 Engineering Economics 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
8 BTEEL308 Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
9 Measurement and Instrumentation - 0 4 - 60 40 2
10 BTEEL310 Electrical workshop/ Mini project - - 2 - 60 40 1
11 Field Training/ Internship/ Industrial 100 1
Training Evaluation
TOTAL 16 04 08 120 320 580 23
1 BTEEC401 Electrical Machine-I 3 1 0 20 20 60 4
2 BTEEC402 Power System-I 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
3 BTEEC403 Electrical Installation and Estimation 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
4 Numerical Methods and 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
5 Elective –II 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
BTEEDEL (A) Solid State Devices
405 (B) Analog and Digital electronics
(C) Electromagnetic Theory
6 BTXX406 Product Design [ Online course] 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
7 Elective –III 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
(A) Industrial safety
(B) Introduction to Non-
Conventional energy sources
(C) Software Techniques.
8 BTEEL408 Electrical Machine-I Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
9 BTEEL409 Power System lab-I 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
10 Numerical Methods and - 0 2 - 60 40 1
Programming Lab
11 BTEEL411 Elective-II Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
12 Field Training / Internship/Industrial Credits
Training (minimum 4 weeks which to be
can be completed partially in Third evaluat
semester and Fourth Semester or in at e
one time.) d at in
V Sem
TOTAL 15 04 08 140 380 580 23
Semester III

Engineering Mathematics III

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Theory : 03 Hrs/Week Mid-term Test : 20 Marks
Tutorial : 01 Hr/Week Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End Semester Exam: 60 Marks
Duration: 03 Hrs.

Course Contents:

Unit 1: Laplace Transform

Definition – conditions for existence ; Transforms of elementary functions ; Properties of Laplace transforms -
Linearity property, first shifting property, second shifting property, transforms of functions multiplied by t n, scale
change property, transforms of functions divided by t, transforms of integral of functions, transforms of derivatives ;
Evaluation of integrals by using Laplace transform ; Transforms of some special functions- periodic function,
Heaviside-unit step function, Dirac delta function.
[07 Hours]
Unit 2: Inverse Laplace Transform
Introductory remarks ; Inverse transforms of some elementary functions ; General methods of finding inverse
transforms ; Partial fraction method and Convolution Theorem for finding inverse Laplace transforms ; Applications
to find the solutions of linear differential equations and simultaneous linear differential equations with constant
[07 Hours]

Unit 3: Fourier Transform

Definitions – integral transforms ; Fourier integral theorem (without proof) ; Fourier sine and cosine integrals ;
Complex form of Fourier integrals ; Fourier sine and cosine transforms ; Properties of Fourier transforms ;
Parseval’s identity for Fourier Transforms.
[07 Hours]

Unit 4: Partial Differential Equations and Their Applications

Formation of Partial differential equations by eliminating arbitrary constants and functions; Equations solvable by
direct integration; Linear equations of first order (Lagrange’s linear equations); Method of separation of variables –
applications to find solutions of one dimensional heat flow equation =𝑐 , and two dimensional heat flow
equation (i.e. Laplace equation : + = 0).
[07 Hours]

Unit 5: Functions of Complex Variables (Differential calculus)

Limit and continuity of f(z); Derivative of f(z) ; Analytic functions; Cauchy- Riemann equations in Cartesian
and polar forms; Harmonic functions in Cartesian form; Mapping: Translation, magnification and rotation, inversion
and reflection , bilinear transformation; Conformal mapping.

[07 Hours]
Unit 6: Functions of Complex Variables (Integral calculus)

Cauchy’s integral theorem; Cauchy’s integral formula; Residues; Cauchy’s residue theorem (All theorems without

[07 Hours]

Text Books
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. A Course in Engineering Mathematics (Vol III) by Dr. B. B. Singh, Synergy Knowledge ware, Mumbai.
4. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics (Vol I & II) by P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune.
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Das and Er. Rajnish Verma, S. Chand & CO. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

Reference Books

1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. V. Ramana, Tata McGraw-Hill Publications, New Delhi.

2. A Text Book of Engineering Mathematics by Peter O’ Neil, Thomson Asia Pte Ltd., Singapore.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by C. R. Wylie & L. C. Barrett, Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company
Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Integral Transforms and Their Engineering Applications by Dr. B. B. Singh, Synergy . Knowledge ware,

5. Integral Transforms by I. N. Sneddon, Tata McGraw-Hill, New York.

General Instructions:
1. The tutorial classes in Engineering Mathematics-III are to be conducted batchwise. Each class should be divided
into three batches for the purpose.
2. The internal assessment of the students for 20 marks will be done based on assignments, surprise tests, quizzes,
innovative approach to problem solving and percentage attendance.
3. The minimum number of assignments should be eight covering all topics.

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To review basic components of electric network.
Outcome To design and develop network equations and their solutions.
To apply Laplace theorem for electric network analyses
To analyze AC circuit.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Active & Passive Circuit Element: Independent & dependent voltage & current sources, R, L, C & mutual 6
inductance circuit parameters, Their mathematical modes, Voltage current power relations.
Classification of element: Lumped distributed, Linear & non-linear, Unilateral, Bilateral, Time invariant &
variant, Pace invariant & variant, Super position, Thevenin’s, Norton’s Reciprocity, Maximum power
transfer, Substitution, Tellegen's theorem.
2 Network Equations: Network topology, Graph, Tree, Branches, Chords, Equilibrium equation on loop basis & 6
node basis Number of network equation required, Choice between nodal & loop analysis, Source
transformation, Network mutual inductance, Dot conventions, Concept of super mesh, Super node Concept of
duality & dual networks.
3 Solution of Network Equations: Classification solution of first, Second order differential equations of series & 6
parallel R-L, R-C, R-L-C circuits, General & particular solutions, Particular integral & complimentary
functions, Time constant, Mathematical analysis of circuit transients, initial conditions in network, Procedure
of evaluality, Conditions in network problems, Solution of D.C. resistive network & A. C. sinusoidal steady
state networks, Writing loop equations, Node equations directly in matrices form. Numericals
4 Application of Laplace’s Transform: Solution of differential equation using Laplace transform, Unit step, 6
Impulse & ramp functions, Laplace transform of singular & shifted function, Convolution integral, Concept
of complex frequency, Transform impedance & transform admittance, Series & parallel combination of these
transform networks.
5 Two port network: Terminals& terminal pairs, Driving points & transfer admittance, Transfer functions, 6
Concept of poles & zeroes, Two port networks, Z, Y & the transmission parameters relationship between
parameter sets.
6 Sinusoidal Steady State A. C. Circuit: R-L-C series circuits, Series resonance Variation of Z with frequency, 6
maximum value of VC & VL, Magnification, Bandwidth, Q factor.
Parallel Resonance: Resonance frequency for tank circuit frequency, Locus diagram of series R-L, R-C with
variable R & X.
Filter: Introduction classification, Low pass, High pass, Band pass & band reject filter, active & passive
filters. Application of Fourier series, Expansion for periodic & non-sinusoidal waveforms.
Ref Books:
1. Mac.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Analysis”,
2. Franklin Fa-Kun. Kuo, “Network Analysis & Synthesis”, John Wiley & Sons.
3. M. L. Soni, J. C. Gupta, “A Course in Electrical Circuits and Analysis”,
4. Mac.E Van Valkenburg, “Network Synthesiss”,
5. Joseph A. Edminister, Mahmood Maqvi, “Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits”, Schaum's Outline

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic Mechanical engineering

Course To introduce properties of fluid and hydraulic measurement To understand dynamics of fluid flow To
Outcome understand basic concepts of IC engines To understand concept of refrigeration and air conditioning
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to properties of fluids & hydraulic measurements (pressure at plane & curved surfaces, criteria of 6
pressure), Fluid kinematics and dynamics & simple numerical.
2 Flow through pipe Laminar flow, Haugen Poisellie’s equation Turbulent flow, Darcy Weisbach formula, 6
Friction factor, use of Moddys Diagram only, Pipes in series & parallel, minor losses. Introduction to
reciprocating and centrifugal pumps, their characteristics and applications
3 Internal Combustion Engines: Introduction to First Law & second Law of Thermodynamics, Concept of 6
Entropy & Enthalpy Classification Otto, Diesel & air-fuel cycles, Constructional details of two stroke, four
stroke engines, study of various systems such as fuel supply, ignition cycle, over heating, cooling, lubrication,
calculation of IP, BP, MEP, efficiencies, heat balance, engine trial, performance, gas turbine, classification,
cycles, performance improvement .
4 Air compressors: Classification, principle of operation of reciprocating & rotary compressors, Constructional 6
details of single & multi stage compressor, work input, P-V diagram, efficiencies, improving compressor
performance, reciprocating type only, use of compressed air
5 Refrigeration & Air conditioning: Refrigeration: Different systems, principle of cycles of operations of 6
vapour compression & vapour absorption systems, COP calculations of vapour compression refrigeration
system, refrigerants, desirable & undesirable properties, application of refrigeration.
6 Air conditioning: Psychrometry, DBT, WBT, RH, Psychometric chart, air conditioning processes such as 6
heating, cooling, humidification, dehumidification, study of central air conditioning plant & its control,
application of air conditioning.
Ref Books:
1. Joel Reyner, “Engineering Thermodynamics”,(Longman Publications)
2. Nag P. K., “Engineering Thermodynamics”, ( Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
3. Arora C.P, “Refrigeration & Air Conditioning”, ( Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
4. Eastop T. D. & Mcconkey A., “Applied Thermodynamics For Engineering Technologists” (Longman
5. Modi P.N & Seth S.M, “Hydraulic Fluid Mechanics”,(Standard Book House Publications)
6. Lewitt W., “Hydraulic & Fluid Mechanics”,(Sir Issac Pitman Publications),10th Edition

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To understand philosophy of measurement.
Outcome To understand different methods analog and digital measurement.
To study principle of construction and operation of different transducer and dismay methods.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Philosophy Of Measurement- Methods of Measurement, Measurement System, Classification of instrument 6
system, Characteristics of instruments & measurement system, Errors in measurement & its analysis, Standards.
2 Analog Measurement of Electrical Quantities – Electro dynamic, Thermocouple, Electrostatic & Rectifier type 6
Ammeters & Voltmeters, Electro dynamic Wattmeter, Three Phase Wattmeter, Power in three phase system,
errors & remedies in wattmeter and energymeter. Instrument Transformer and their applications in the
extension of instrument range, Introduction to measurement of speed, frequency and power factor
3 Measurement of Parameters - Different methods of measuring low, medium and high resistances, measurement 6
of inductance & capacitance with the help of AC Bridges, Q Meter
4 Digital Measurement of Electrical Quantities-Concept of digital measurement, block diagram Study of digital 6
voltmeter, frequency meter Power Analyzer and Harmonics Analyzer; Electronic Multimeter.
5 Transducers: Definition - different types of transducers – criteria for selection –general characteristics–dynamic 6
characteristics – transducers for measurement of displacement (RVDT &LVDT), speed, angular rotation,
altitude, force, torque, humidity and moisture, pressure, strain and temperature (Thermocouple and RTD
method), Hall Effect transducer and applications Instrumentation amplifiers – differential amplifiers) Data
transmission and telemetry – methods of data transmission, General telemetry systems – Digital methods of
frequency, phase, time and period measurements.
6 Display methods, recorders: Display methods and devices – different types of recorders – galvanometric 6
recorders – pen driving system– magnetic recorders – digital recorders, digital storage oscilloscope (Block
Diagram, theory and applications only)
Reference Books:
1. A.K.Sawhney, A course in Elect. & Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation, Dhapat Rai & Co.
2. Golding & Widis, Electrical Measurement and Measurement instrument, Wheelar Books
H.S. Kalsi, Electronic Instruments, Tata Mc-Graw hill
3.Carr, Elements of Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement, Pearson Education.
4. D. Patranabis, Sensors & Transducers, PHI.
5. A.J. Bouwens, Digital Instrumentation, Tata Mc-Graw hill.
6. A.D. Heltric & W.C. Copper, Modern Electronic instrumentation & Measuring instruments, Wheeler
7. H.K.P. Neubert, Instrument transducers, Oxford University press.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: P/NP ( Audit course)

Course To study concept of time value of money
Outcome To study about demand in detail
To understand Meaning of Production and factors of production,
To understand dif. Concept about market
Unit Contents Contact
1 The Basic Concepts: 6
Individual, Group, Civil Society, State, Equality, Justice, Human Values: - Humanity, Virtues,
2 Human Rights and Human Duties: 6
Origin, Civil and Political Rights, Contribution of American Bill of Rights, French Revolution,
Declaration of Independence, Rights of Citizen, Rights of working and Exploited people,
Fundamental Rights and Economic program, India’s Charter of freedom
3 Society, Religion, Culture, and their Inter-Relationship: 6
Impact of Social Structure on Human behaviour, Roll of Socialization in Human Values, Science
and Technology, Modernization, Globalization, and Dehumanization.
4 Social Structure and Social Problems: 6
Social and Communal Conflicts and Social Harmony, Rural Poverty, Unemployment, Bonded
Labour, Migrant workers and Human Rights Violations, Human Rights of mentally and physically
5 State, Individual Liberty, Freedom and Democracy: 6
The changing of state with special reference to developing countries, Concept of development
under development and Social action, need for Collective action in developing societies and
methods of Social action, NGOs and Human Rights in India: - Land, Water, Forest issues.
6 Human Rights in Indian Constitution and Law: 6
The constitution of India:
(i) Preamble
(ii) Fundamental Rights
(iii) Directive principles of state policy
(iv) Fundamental Duties
(v) Some other provisions
Universal declaration of Human Rights and Provisions of India, Constitution and Law, National
Human Rights Commission and State Human Rights Commission
Reference Books:
1. Shastry, T. S. N., India and Human rights: Reflections, Concept Publishing Company India (P Ltd.),
2. Nirmal, C.J., Human Rights in India: Historical, Social and Political Perspectives (Law in India),
Oxford India.

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, Physics, Chemistry

Course To study about crystal structure
Outcome To understand magnetic material structure
To study about conducting and superconducting materials
To study dielectric and nano materials.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Crystallography 6
Crystal directions and planes, Diatomic Crystal (CsCl, NaCl, Diamond, BaTiO3) Crystal imperfection,
Point defects, Line defects, Surface and Volume defects, Structure properties relationship, structure
determination by X-ray diffraction.
2 Magnetic Materials 7
Origin of magnetization using atomic theory, classification of magnetic materials and properties,
Langevin’s theory of Dia, Para and ferromagnetism, Soft and Hard magnetic materials and their uses,
Domain theory of ferromagnetism, Hysteresis loss, Antiferromagnetic and Ferrimagnetic materials,
Ferrites and Garnets, magnetic bubbles, magnetic recording.
3 Conducting and Superconducting Materials 7
Band theory of solids, Classical free electron theory of metals, Quantum free electron theory, Density of
energy states and carrier concentration, Fermi energy, Temperature and Fermi energy distribution,
Superconductivity, Factor affecting Superconductivity, Meissner effect, Type-I and Type-II
superconductors, BCS theory, Josephson effect, High temperature superconductors, Application of
superconductors ( Cryotron, magnetic levitation)
4 Semiconducting Materials 6
Band structure of semiconductor, Charge carrier concentration, Fermi level and temperature, Electrical
conductivity, Hall effect in semiconductors, P-N junction diode, Preparation of single crystals, LED,
Photovoltaic Cell
5 Dielectric Materials 7
Dielectric constant and polarizability, types of polarization, temperature and frequency dependences of
Dielectric parameter, internal fields in solids, Clausius-Mosotti equation, dielectric loss, dielectric
breakdown, ferroelectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric materials, applications of dielectric materials
6 Nano Materials 7
Nanomaterials : Introduction and properties, synthesis of nanomaterials, Carbon Nano Tubes,
Characterization techniques of nanomaterials- SEM, TEM, EDAX, FMR, XRD. Applications of
Reference Books :
1. Material Science and Engineering – V. Raghavan
2. Electrical Engineering Materials – A.J. Dekker
3. Solid State Physics – A.J. Dekker
4. Science of Engineering Materials and Carbon Nanotubes - C.M. Srivastava and C. Srinivasan
BTEEOEL305.(B). Applied physics

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Pre Physics-II End semester exam: 60 Marks
Course 1.Understand concept of Electromagnetic theory and Magnetism
Outcome 2. Understand concept od Dielectric and Super conductivity
3. Understand concept of nanomaterial
Unit Contents Contact
1 Electromagnetic Theory covering, Coulomb‟s law for distribution of charges, Polarization Gauss‟s law, 4
Electric current and equation of continuity, Magnetic induction and Lorentz force, Steady current and Biot-
Savert law, Ampere‟s law, Magnetization and magnetic intensity, Faradays law of induction, Generalization
of Ampere‟s law, Maxwell‟s equations
2 Dielectrics: Introduction to dielectrics, Concept of Polarization; Dipole and dipole moment, Electric field due 5
to dipole (without derivation); Depolarization field, depolarization factors, Local electric field at an atom,
Lorentz field, Lorentz relation; Dielectric constant and polarizability – ClausiusMossotti equation (with
derivation); Types of polarization – electronic, ionic, dipolar, space charge; Temperature and frequency
dependence of dielectric constant
3 Magnetism : Magnetic field and Magnetization; Magnetic susceptibility, Paramagnetism - Paramagnetism due 5
to partially filled shells, transition elements (3d), rare earths (4f) and actinides, Magnetization and total
angular momentum (definition and relationship); Concept of magnetic moment, gyromagnetic ratio, Lande‟s
g-factor, Bohr Magneton, Curie‟s Law – derivation for „spin only‟ system (L = 0), expression for non-zero
orbital angular momentum system (J = L + S); Ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and ferrimagnetism;
Exchange interaction between magnetic ions; Molecular field, Expression for Curie-Weiss law, concept of θP
;Ferromagnetism and Ferrimagnetism – Curie temperature, hysteresis, Hard ferromagnets, permanent magnets
– SmCo5, Nd2Fe14B, Sintered Alnico, Sintered Ferrite – 3 etc. – Comparison and applications; Soft
ferromagnets –Permalloys, Ferrites etc. – Comparison and applications; Neel temperature, Curie-Weiss law;
Magnetic resonance, NMR and MRI, MASER;
4 Superconductivity :Zero resistance, Critical temperature Tc ,Perfect diamagnetism, Meissner effect, Critical 4
field Hc, Type I and Type II superconductors, Cooper pairs and formation of superconducting gap at Fermi
level, Electron-Phonon interaction and BCS theory, Isotope effect, Applications – Superconducting magnets,
Transmission lines, Josephson effect (DC & AC, qualitative), SQUID; (7 Lectures)
5 Physics of Nanomaterials : Nanoscale; Properties of nanomaterials- Optical (SPR, luminescence, tuning band 7
gap of semiconductor nanoparticles), Electrical (SET), Magnetic, Structural, Mechanical; Brief description of
different methods of synthesis of nanomaterials (physical - laser ablation, ball milling; chemical - vapor
deposition, sol gel); Reduction of dimensionality, Quantum wells (two dimensional), Quantum wires (one
dimensional), Quantum dots (zero dimensional); Density of states and energy spectrum for Zero dimensional
solid, One dimensional quantum wire, Two dimensional potential well, Particle in a three dimensional box;
Some special nanomaterials like, Aerogels – properties and applications, Carbon nanotubes - properties and
applications, Core shell nanoparticles - properties and applications; Applications of nanomaterials:
Electronics, Energy, Automobiles, Space, Medical, Textile, Cosmetics; Nanotechnology and Environment;
6 Quantum Computation and Communication covering, the idea of „qubit‟ and examples of single qubit logic 8
gates- Classical bits, Qubit as a two level system; Bloch vector representation of state of qubit; Polarization
states of photon and measurements; Pauli gates, Hadamard gate, Phase shift gate, Quantum gates as rotations
in Bloch sphere; EPR paradox, concept of entanglement and Bell‟s inequality- The paradox, joint state of
entangled particles; Proof of Bell‟s inequality; Two-qubit controlled gates; entanglement generation and the
Bell basis- Generic twoqubit state, Controlled-NOT gate; Quantum circuit for transforming computational
basis to Bell basis; Qualitative discussion on the „circuit‟ model of „quantum computation; An overview of
classical cryptography: Vernam cypher; Public key cryptosystem; The „Rivest-Shamir-Adleman‟ or „RSA‟
protocol; Comments on No-cloning theorem and impossibility of faster-than-light transfer of information; The
BB84 protocol in quantum cryptography- The protocol; its validity on the basis of Heisenberg‟s uncertainty
principle; Quantum Teleportation- Basic idea; measurement using Bell operator, need for classical
communication channel; quantum circuit describing teleportation protocol;
Ref Books:
1. Kittel C., Introduction to Solid State Physics, Wiley Eastern
2. Callister W.C. Jr., Material Science and Engineering: An Introduction, 6th Edn., John Wiley & Sons
3. Kulkarni Sulabha K., Nanotechnology: Principles & Practices, Capitol Publishing Co.
4. Charles P. Poole, Jr., Frank J. Owens, Introduction to Nanotechnology, Wiley Eastern
5. Nielsen M. A., I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation & Quantum Information, Cambridge Univ. Press
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To study classification of signals and system
Outcome To analyze diff. types of time signal
Unit Contents Contact
Continuous time signals (CT signals), discrete time signals (DT signals) - Step, Ramp,
Pulse, Impulse, Exponential, Classification of CT and DT signals - periodic and periodic,
random singals,
CT systems and DT systems, Basic properties of systems - Linear Time
invariant Systems and properties.
Fourier series analysis, Spectrum of C.T. singals, Fourier Transform and Laplace
Transform in Signal Analysi
Differential equation, Block diagram representation, Impulse response, Convolution
integral, frequency response , Fourier and Laplace transforms in analysis, State variable
equations and matrix representation of systems
Sampling of CT signals and aliasing, DTFT and properties, Z-transform and properties of Z-transform.
Difference equations, Block diagram representation, Impulse response, Convolution
sum, LTI systems analysis using DTFT and Z-transforms , State variable equations and
matrix representation of systems.
1. Allan V.Oppenheim, S.Wilsky and S.H.Nawab, Signals and Systems, Pearson
Education, 2007.
2. Edward W Kamen & Bonnie’s Heck, “Fundamentals of Signals and Systems”,
Pearson Education, 2007
3. H P Hsu, Rakesh Ranjan“ Signals and Systems”, Schaum’s Outlines, Tata McGraw
Hill, Indian Reprint, 2007
4. S.Salivahanan, A. Vallavaraj, C. Gnanapriya, Digital Signal Processing, McGraw Hill
International/TMH, 2007.
5. Simon Haykins and Barry Van Veen, Signals and Systems John Wiley & sons , Inc,
6. Robert A. Gabel and Richard A.Roberts, Signals & Linear Systems, John Wiley
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 2 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Course To study concept of time value of money
Outcome To study about demand in detail
To understand Meaning of Production and factors of production,
To understand dif. Concept about market
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to the subject: Micro and Macro Economics, Relationship between Science, Engineering, 4
Technology and Economic Development. Production Possibility Curve, Nature of Economic Laws.
2 Time Value of Money: concepts and application. Capital budgeting; Traditional and modern methods, 4
Payback period method, IRR, ARR, NPV, PI (with the help of case studies)
3 Meaning of Demand, Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand; meaning, factors effecting it and its practical 4
application and importance. Demand forecasting (a brief explanation)
4 Meaning of Production and factors of production, Law of variable proportions and returns to scale. Internal 5
and external economies and diseconomies of scale. Concepts of cost of production, different types of costs;
accounting cost, sunk cost, marginal cost, Opportunity cost. Break even analysis, Make or Buy decision (case
study). Relevance of Depreciation towards industry.
5 Meaning of market, types of market, perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic, Oligopoly. (Main 4
features). Supply and law of supply, Role of demand and supply in price determination.
6 Indian Economy, nature and characteristics. Basic concepts; fiscal and monetary policy, LPG, Inflation, 2
Sensex, GATT, WTO and IMF. Difference between Central bank and Commercial banks
Reference Books:
1. Chopra P. N., Principle of Economics, Kalyani Publishers
2. Dewett K. K., Modern economic theory, S. Chand
3. H. L. Ahuja., Modern economic theory, S. Chand
4. Dutt Rudar & Sundhram K. P. M., Indian Economy
5. Mishra S. K., Modern Micro Economics, Pragati Publications
BTEEL308. Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 40 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To understand principles of various network theorems and network principles
Course Verifies principles of network
Expt No Title of Expt
1 Verification of Superpostion theorem
2 Verification of Thevinion’s theorem
3 Verification of Norton’s theorem
4 Verification of maximum power transfer theorem
5 Verification of reciprocating theorem
6 Determination of transient response of current in RL & RC circuits with step voltage input
7 Analysis of RL/ RC and RLC circuits
8 Determination of transient response of current in RLC circuit with step voltage input for
under damped, critically damped and over damped cases
9 Determination of frequency response of current in RLC circuit with sinusoidal ac input
10 Determination of driving point and transfer functions of a two port ladder network and verify
with theoretical values
11 Determine characters tics of filter
BTEEL309. Measurements and instrumentation Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 4 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 40 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Study of Reyleigh’s current balance method
2 To study AC bridges
3 Study of different types of ohm meter
4 Study of megger
5 Study of instrument T/F and it’s types
6 Study of wattmeter
7 Construction of ammeter and voltmeter
8 To study different types of transdusers
9 Study digital frequency meter and digital voltmeter
10 To study linear variable differential transformer
11 Study of digital torque measurement
BTEEL310. Electrical workshop/ Mini Project
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 25 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 25 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To provide hands on experience towards building of prototype
Course Build and verifies basic scientific principles.
Expt No Title of Expt
1 Study various resources and components in electrical engineering projects
2 Study datasheet of basic circuit components of a project
3-5 Study various software in building of project like: Electric Circuit, X-Circuit, Electrician
app, Electronic Tutorials, Logisim, Circuit simulator, Free PCB Ki CAD EDA software
suit, SYC labs, Tina-TI etc
6 Preparation of PCB for a given project
7 Verification and analysis of project
8 Report writing
Semester IV
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical technology,

Course To study diff. types, construction and operating principle of diff. types of electrical machines
Unit Contents Contact
1 Single Phase Transformer: Transformer construction, Ideal and practical transformer, exact and approximate 7
equivalent circuits, no load and on load operation, phasor diagrams, power and energy efficiency, voltage
regulation, parallel operation, effect of load on power factor, Per Unit system, excitation phenomenon in
transformers, switching transients, Auto transformers, Variable frequency transformer, voltage and current
transformers, welding transformers, Pulse transformer and applications.
2 Three Phase Transformers: Constructional features of three phase transformers, Cooling methodology, 8
Standard and special transformer connections, Phase conversion, Parallel operation of three phase transformers,
three winding transformers and its equivalent circuit, On load tap changing of transformers, Modern trends in
transformers, Type and routine tests, Standards.
3 Electromechanical Energy Conversion Principles: Energy in a magnetic systems, field energy and 6
mechanical force, energy in singly and multiply excited magnetic systems, determination of magnetic force and
torque from energy and coenergy, Forces and torques in magnetic field systems, dynamic equations of
electromechanical systems and analytical techniques
4 DC Generators: Construction of armature and field systems, Working, types, emf equation, Armature windings, 9
Characteristics and applications, Building of emf, Armature reaction - Demagnetizing and Cross magnetizing
mmfs and their estimation; Remedies to overcome the armature reaction; Commutation process, Causes of bad
commutation and remedies
5 D.C. Motors: Principles of working, Significance of back emf, Torque Equation, Types, Characteristics and 9
Selection of DC Motors, Starting of DC Motors, Speed Control, Losses and Efficiency, Condition for
Maximum Efficiency, Braking of DC Motors, Effect of saturation and armature reaction on losses;
Applications, Permanent Magnet DC Motors, Type and Routine tests.
6 Special Machines: Constructional details of reluctance machine, variable-reluctance machines, basic VRM 6
analysis, practical VRM analysis, stepper motors and their analysis, Brushless DC motors.
1. Bhattacharya S. K, “Electrical Machines”,(Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
2. Kothari Nagrath, “Electrical Machines”, (Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
3. M. N. Bandopadhyay, “Electrical Machines”, (Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
4. Fitzaralda, “Electrical Machines”, (Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial: 1 hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Course To Understand basic operation of power system, power system components and their characteristics.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Load and Energy survey: load duration curve, plant factor and plant economics. Introduction to different 7
sources of energy. Construction, principle and working of different thermal power plants with neat block
diagram of main parts, fuel economisation, for thermal power plants based on Coal, Oil and nuclear energy.
Hydroelectric Power Plant: Advantages and limitations, selection of site, hydrological cycles and
hydrographs, storage and pondage, essential elements of hydroelectric plant, classification, different types of
turbines and their selection, layout of hydro-station, simple numerical.
2 Major Electric Equipments: Descriptive treatment of alternator exciter & excitation systems, Transformers, 5
Control panels, Metering & other control room equipments.
Inductance: Definition, Inductance due to internal flux of two wire single phase line of composite conductor
line, Concept of GMD, Inductance of three phase line with equal & unequal spacing, vertical spacing.
3 Capacitance: Concept of electric field, Potential difference between two points in space, Effect of earth’s 6
surface on electric field, Computation of capacitance of single phase, three phase transmission lines with &
with out symmetrical spacing for solid & composite conductors.
4 Transmission: Types of conductors, Choice of conductor materials, Stranded copper & ACSR conductor, 6
Insulation consideration, Different types of insulator, supports, distribution of voltage across the insulator
string, String efficiency, skin effect, Ferranty effect, proximity effect
5 Current and Voltage relation: Representation of short, medium & long transmission lines, P. U. quantities, 7
evaluation of ABCD parameters and surge impedance loading, power flow through transmission line, circle
diagram, evaluation of relation between sending and receiving end current & voltage, Interpretation of
transmission line equation, Numericals, Line current, % regulation, Transmission efficiency, numericals based
on above
6 Mechanical Design of Transmission Line: Effect of wind & ice coating on transmission line, sag due to 5
equal & unequal supports, with their derivation, Numericals.
Corona: Phenomenon of corona, factors affecting the corona, Power loss & disadvantages of corona.
1. Gupta B. R. ” Power Plant Engineering”.(Eurasia publications)
2. Nag P. K. “ Power Plant Engineering”,(Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
3. Kothari Nagrath, “Electric Power System”, (Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
4. Wadhva S. L.,“Electric Power System”,(Tata McGraw Hill Publications)
5. Stevension W. B., “Power System”, (English Language Book Society publications)

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial-1hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering, electrical measurement and instrumentation.

Course To prepare estimates and costing of electrical installations of power system, To understand procedures of
Outcome contracting and purchase.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Estimating and Determination of conductor size for internal wiring, HT and LT Overhead Lines and 7
Underground Cables: Various steps to form an estimate, Price catalogue, Schedule of labour rates, Schedule
of rates and estimating data, Conductor size, calculations for internal domestic wiring, Permissible voltage
drops for lighting and industrial load, simple numericals, Conductor size calculation for underground cables:
General considerations, Simple numericals, Conductor size calculations for overhead lines with A.C.S.R.
conductors, simple numericals.
2 Preparation of estimate of quantity of material required for wiring of a house (typical plan of house including 5
electric layout is to be given). Drawing of electrical circuit for such electrification. Specification for
accessories like AC energy meter, main switch, Tumbler switch, Electric heater, Fluorescent tube, Chokes for
tubes, starters, bulbs, and Insulation tapes.
3 Principles of Contracting: Purchasing techniques, Spot quotations, Floating limited enquiry, Typical 6
example of quotation form, preparation of comparative statement, Analysis of comparative statement, Tenders
types (Single tender, Open tender), Earnest money, Security deposit, Various steps involved in complete
purchase, Typical order formats, various criteria for selecting the supplier, General considerations in order
form, Procedures to be followed for submitting the tenders & quotations.
Purchase Department, Objective, activities, duties and functions, purchase organization, Centralized and
decentralized purchasing, relative advantages and disadvantages, Applications
4 Study of different types of components in electrical distribution system: 7
Cables: Classification, general construction, types of cables, jointing of cables, measurement of insulation
resistance, Insulators: Requirements, materials used, types (Pin, Suspension, Strain, Stay) Substation:
Different types, classification, design consideration, various symbols, complete arrangement of substation
(Single and double bus bar), key diagrams for typical substations.
Review of Insulated Wires: Types: Rubber covered taped and compounded or VIR, Lead alloy sheathed,
Tough rubber sheathed, Weather proof, Flexible wire splicing, Termination (Twist splicing, Married joint,
Tap joint, Pig tail joint) Different Types of Switches: Tumbler, flush, pull, grid, architrave, rotary snap, Push
button, Iron clad water proof, Quick break knife switch. Ceiling roses, Mounting blocks, Socket outlets plugs,
Main switches, Distribution fuse boards, MCB (Miniature Circuit Breakers)
5 Different Tools Used: Screwdriver, Pliers of various types, wrench, and blowlamp, Precaution for using tools 4
6 Wiring System: Selection of types of wiring. Methods of wiring (Cleat, Casing capping, Metal sheathed and 6
Conduit) Calculation and Estimation of power rating of different AC and DC machines, schematic and wiring
diagrams for motor control and protection circuit
1. Uppal .S. L – Electrical Wiring, Estimation & Costing(Khanna Publication).
2. Raina & Bhattacharaya – Electrical Design Estimating & Costing (Willy Estern).
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Tutorial-1hr Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Mathematics 1, mathematics 2, mathematics 3, C programming

Course To study and understand MATLAB programming.
Outcome To review mathematical concepts .
To develop computer program for linear and nonlinear equations.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to MATLAB Programming: Array operations , Loops and execution control Lecture . Working 5
with files: Scripts and Functions , Plotting and program output
2 Approximations and Errors: Defining errors and precision in numerical methods Taylor’s / Maclaurin series, 6
Truncation and round-off errors, Error propagation, Global and local truncation errors.
3 Numerical Differentiation and Integration: Methods of numerical differentiation and integration, trade-off 6
between truncation and round-off errors, error propagation and MATLAB functions for integration
4 Linear and Nonlinear Equations: numerical methods in linear algebra, and use of MATLAB to solve practical 6
problems. Gauss Elimination ,LU decomposition and partial pivoting, Iterative methods: Gauss Siedel and
Special Matrices: Tri-diagonal matrix algorithm,
Nonlinear equations: NewtonRaphson method and MATLAB routines fzero and fsolve., Nonlinear equations
in single variable , MATLAB function fzero in single variable, Fixed-point iteration in single variable ,
Newton-Raphson in single variable , MATLAB function fsolve in single and multiple variables, Newton-
Raphson in multiple variab
5 Regression and Interpolation: Linear least squares regression(including lsqcurvefit function) , Functional and 5
nonlinear regression (including lsqnonlin function), Interpolation in MATLAB using spline and p chip
6 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) – 1 Explicit ODE solving techniques in single variable, Introduction to 7
ODEs; Implicit and explicit Euler’s methods, Second-Order Runge-Kutta Methods, Higher order Runge-Kutta
methods, Error analysis of Runge-Kutta method.
Stiff ODEs and MATLAB ode15s algorithm ,Practical example for ODE-IVP ,Solving transient PDE using
Method of Lines
Reference Books:
1. Fausett L.V. (2007) Applied Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, 2nd Ed., and Pearson Education.
2. Chapra S.C. and Canale R.P. (2006) Numerical Methods for Engineers, 5th Ed., and McGraw Hill.
3. NPTEL notes. http://nptel.ac.in/courses/122106033/
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 2 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Pre basic electrical engineering,
Course 1. To study construction and characteristics of solid state devices.
Outcome 2. To apply operational amplifier models in circuits employing negative feedback.
3. To design electronics circuit using Timer IC and voltage regulators.
4. To perform analysis of amplifiers using small signal models for the circuit elements.
5. To calculate the frequency response of circuits containing BJT, Op-Amp etc
Unit Contents Contact
1 Semiconductor Devices and their applications: Applications of diodes - clippers, clampers, multipliers, Types 4
of diodes - Zener diode, Tunnel diode, schottky diode, LED, PIN diode, Photodiode etc, BJT- CB, CE, CC
configurations, biasing, FET biasing, MOSFET biasing, NMOS, PMOS, CMOS, Device modeling.
2 Signal and Power Amplifiers: Analysis of CB, CC, CE and FET amplifiers. Low and high frequency response 4
of transistor and FET amplifier, Feedback in amplifiers, Oscillators. Transistor power amplifiers.
3 Operational Amplifiers: The ideal Op-Amp, equivalent circuit of Op-Amp, ideal voltage transfer curve, open 4
loop Op-Amp configurations, Op-Amp parameters, block diagram representation of feedback configurations,
frequency response, high frequency Op-Amp.
4 Active Filters and Oscillators: Active filters: low pass filter, high pass filter, band-pass filters, band reject 4
filters, all pass filters, comparators and oscillators.
5 Generalized Linear Applications: DC and AC amplifiers, instrumentation amplifier, logarithmic amplifier, 4
voltage to current converter, current to voltage converter, the integrator, the differentiator.
6 Specialized IC Applications: The 555 Timer as monostable, astable multivibrator, phase locked loops 4
operating principles, 565 PLL applications, voltage regulators- fixed, adjustable, switching, special. Analog
switch and analog multiplier.
Ref Books:
1. Millman, Halkias and Satyabrata Jit, ” Electronic Devices and Circuits”, 4th edition, McGraw Hill
Education (India) Private Limited, 2015.
2. Robert L. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky, ”Electronic devices and circuit theory”, 11th edition,
Prentice Hall India Ltd, 2015.
3. Ramakant A. Gayakwad, ”Op-Amps and linear integrated Circuits” 4th edition, Pearson Education,
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 4 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Pre basic electrical engineering,
Course To review basic number system.
Outcome To understand deign and characteristics of digital logic gates.
To study different techniques in use of digital circuits.
To design digital systems.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Transistor as an Amplifier, load line, Small signal low frequency analysis of single stage amplifier in different 4
configuration, High frequency equivalent circuit of transistor (hybrid pi), Cascade amplifier, High input
resistance circuits-C coupled amplifier Frequency response, Definition of 3 db bandwidth, Effect of cascading
on gain & BW, Classification of amplifiers
2 Block diagram of operational amplifier, Properties of ideal operational amplifier, Explanation of different 4
terms appearing in OP-Amp application (offset, bias, quantities, PSRR, CMRR, Ad, AC, Slew rate etc.),
Operation of circuit diagram of OP-Amp using discrete components & I.C. diagram, Different types of
current of current sources in I.C. technology, frequency response of OP-Amp, OP-Amp parameters &
minimization technique of temperature effect, Inverting & Non-inverting operation of Op-Amp & analysis for
AG, RI, RO, Linear & non-linear circuit application of OP-Amp
3 Number Systems, Basic Logic Gates & Boolean Algebra: Binary Arithmetic & Radix representation of 4
different numbers. Sign & magnitude representation, fixed point representation, complement notation,
various codes & arithmetic in different codes & their inter conversion. Features of logic algebra, postulates
of Boolean algebra. Theorems of Boolean algebra. Boolean function. Derived logic gates: Exclusive-OR,
NAND, NOR gates, their block diagrams and truth tables. Logic diagrams from Boolean expressions and
Vica-versa. Converting logic diagrams to universal logic. Positive, negative and mixed logic. Logic gate
4 Digital Logic Gate Characteristics: TTL logic gate characteristics: Theory & operation of TTL NAND gate 4
circuitry. Open collector TTL. Three state output logic. TTL subfamilies. MOS & CMOS logic families.
Realization of logic gates in RTL, DTL, ECL, and C-MOS & MOSFET. Interfacing logic families to one
another. Sequential Systems: Latches, flip-flops, R-S, D, J-K, Master Slave flip flops. Conversions of
flip-flops Counters: Synchronous & asynchronous ripple and decade counters, Modulus counter,
skipping state counter, counter design, state diagrams and state reduction techniques. Ring counter.
Counter applications. Registers: buffer register, shift register
5 Minimization Techniques: Minterm, Maxterm, Karnaugh Map, K map upto 4 variables. Simplification of 4
logiConversion of truth tables in POS and SOP form. Incomplete specified functions.Variable
mapping.Quinn-McKlusky minimization techniques. c functions with K-map
6 Combinational Systems: Combinational logic circuit design, half and full adder, subtractor. Binary serial and 4
parallel adders.BCD adder. Binary multiplier. Decoder: Binary to Graydecoder, BCD to decimal, BCD to 7-
segment decoder’ Multiplexer, DE multiplexer, encoder. Octal to binary, BCD to excess-3 encoder. Diode
Switching matrix. Design of logic circuits by multiplexers, encoders, decoders and DE multiplexers.
Ref Books:
1. Mandal, Digital Electronics: Principles and Applications, TMH 2009
2. Leach, Digital Principles and Applications, ed. 7, TMH 2008
3. M. Morris Mano, Digital Logic and Computer Design, Pearson Edu. 2014
BTEEDEL 405. 3 Electro Magnetic Theory
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 2 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 4 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Pre Basic electrical engineering, machine 1, physics
Course To understand vector relations in diff. forms
Outcome To analyze diff. laws and their solution
To study about magneto static
To understand time varying field and effect of magnetism in transmission line
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction: Vector Relation in rectangular, cylindrical, spherical and general curvilinear coordinate system. 4
Concept and physical interpretation of gradient, Divergence and curl, Green’s Stoke’s and Helmholz theorems
2 Electrostatics: Electric field vectors-electric field intensity, flux density & polarization. Electric field due to 4
various charge configurations. The potential functions and displacement vector.
3 Gauss’s law, Poisson’s and Laplace’s equation and their solution. Uniqueness theorem. Continuity equation. 5
Capacitance and electrostatics energy. Field determination by method of images. Boundary conditions. Field
mappings and concept of field cells
4 Magnetostatics: Magnetic field vector: Magnetic field intensity, flux density & magnetization, Bio-Savart’s 5
law, Ampere’s law, Magnetic scalar and vector poten Energy stored in magnetic field, Boundary conditions,
Analogy between electric and magnetic field, Field mapping and concept of field cellstial, self & mutual
5 Time Varying Fields: Faraday’s law, Displacement currents and equation of continuity. Maxwell’s 4
equations, Uniform plane wave in free space, dielectrics and conductors, skin effect sinusoidal time variations,
reflections, refraction & polarization of UPW, standing wave ratio. Pointing vector and power considerations.
6 Transmission Lines: The high-frequency circuit. LCR ladder model. The transmission Lin equation. Solution 4
for loss-less lines. Wave velocity and wave impedance. Reflection and Transmission coefficients at junctions.
Ref Books:
1. G. S. N. Raju: Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines, Pearson. 2006
2. S. Baskaran and K. Malathi: Electromagnetic Field and Waves, Scitech Pub. 2013
3. R. S. Kshetrimayum, Electromagnetic Field Theory, Cengage Learning. 2012
4. J. D. Kraus: Electromagnetic. 5th edition, MGH. 1999
BTXX 406. Product Design Engineering.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: Online Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 2 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Course 1. Understands modeling of product
Outcome 2. Able to work in team
3. Understand importance of documentation
4. Understand basic principles of health and safety in project management
5. Understand data management in pr
Unit Contact
1 Creating Simple Products and Modules.
2 Document Creation and Knowledge Sharing.
3 Self and Work Management
4 Team Work and Communication
5 Managing Health and Safety
6 Data and Information Management
1.Model Curriculum for “Product Design Engineer – Mechanical”, NASSCOM (Ref. ID: SSC/Q4201,
Version 1.0, NSQF Level: 7)
2. Eppinger, S., & Ulrich, K.(2015). Product design and development. McGraw - Hill Higher Education.
3. Green, W., & Jordan, P. W. (Eds.). (1999).Human factors in product design: current practice
and future trends. CRC Press.
4. Sanders, M. S., & McCormick, E. J. (1993). Human factors in engineering and design Mc- GRAW- HILL
book company.
5. Roozenburg, N. F., &Eekels, J. (1995). Product design: fundamentals and methods (Vol. 2). John Wiley
& Sons Inc.
6. Lidwell, W., Holden, K., & Butler, J.(2010). Universal principles of designs, revised and updated: 125
ways to enhance usability, influence perception, increase appeal, make better design decisions, and teach
through design. Rockport Pub.
EEL 406. 2. Introduction to Non-Conventional Energy Sources,

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Pre Energy and environmental engineering, basic electrical engineering
Course To review energy scenario.
Outcome To understand basic concepts , construction and operational features of different non-conventional sources.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction: World energy situation, conventional and non-conventional energy sources, Indian energy 2
2 Solar Energy: Solar radiation, solar radiation geometry, solar radiation on tilted surface. Solar energy 4
collector. Flat- plate collector, concentrating collector - parabolidal and heliostat. Solar pond. Basic solar
power plant. Solar cell, solar cell array, basic photo-voltaic power generating system
3 Wind Energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion, efficiency of conversion, site selection. Electric 6
power generation-basic components, horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbines, towers, generators,
control and monitoring components. Basic electric generation schemes- constant speed constant frequency,
variable speed constant frequency and variable speed variable frequency schemes. Applications of wind
4 Geothermal Energy: Geothermal fields, estimates of geothermal power. Basic geothermal steam power 5
plant, binary fluid geothermal power plant and geothermal preheat hybrid power plant. Advantages and
disadvantages of geothermal energy. Applications of geothermal energy. Geothermal energy in India.
Tidal Energy: Introduction to tidal power. Components of tidal power plants, double basin arrangement.
Power generation. Advantages and limitations of tidal power generation. Prospects of tidal energy in India
5 Nuclear Fusion Energy: Introduction, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Requirements for nuclear fusion. 4
Plasma confinement – magnetic confinement and inertial confinement. Basic Tokamak reactor, laser fusion
reactor. Advantages of nuclear fusion. Fusion hybridand cold fusion
6 Biomass Energy: Introduction, biomass categories, bio-fuels. Introduction to biomass conversion 4
Biogas generation, basic biogas plants-fixed dome type, floating gasholder type, Deen Bandhu biogas plant,
Pragati design biogas plant. Utilization of bio gas. Energy plantation. Pyrolysis scheme. Alternative liquid
fuels –ethanol and methanol. Ethanol production
Ref Books:
1. A. N. Mathur: Non-Conventional Resources of Energy. 2010
2. V. V. N. Kishore: Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, TERI. 2006

EEL 406. 2. Introduction to Non-Conventional Energy Sources,

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:

Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks
Pre Energy and environmental engineering, basic electrical engineering
Course To review energy scenario.
Outcome To understand basic concepts , construction and operational features of different non-conventional sources.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction: World energy situation, conventional and non-conventional energy sources, Indian energy 2
2 Solar Energy: Solar radiation, solar radiation geometry, solar radiation on tilted surface. Solar energy 4
collector. Flat- plate collector, concentrating collector - parabolidal and heliostat. Solar pond. Basic solar
power plant. Solar cell, solar cell array, basic photo-voltaic power generating system
3 Wind Energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion, efficiency of conversion, site selection. Electric 6
power generation-basic components, horizontal axis and vertical axis wind turbines, towers, generators,
control and monitoring components. Basic electric generation schemes- constant speed constant frequency,
variable speed constant frequency and variable speed variable frequency schemes. Applications of wind
4 Geothermal Energy: Geothermal fields, estimates of geothermal power. Basic geothermal steam power 5
plant, binary fluid geothermal power plant and geothermal preheat hybrid power plant. Advantages and
disadvantages of geothermal energy. Applications of geothermal energy. Geothermal energy in India.
Tidal Energy: Introduction to tidal power. Components of tidal power plants, double basin arrangement.
Power generation. Advantages and limitations of tidal power generation. Prospects of tidal energy in India
5 Nuclear Fusion Energy: Introduction, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. Requirements for nuclear fusion. 4
Plasma confinement – magnetic confinement and inertial confinement. Basic Tokamak reactor, laser fusion
reactor. Advantages of nuclear fusion. Fusion hybridand cold fusion
6 Biomass Energy: Introduction, biomass categories, bio-fuels. Introduction to biomass conversion 4
Biogas generation, basic biogas plants-fixed dome type, floating gasholder type, Deen Bandhu biogas plant,
Pragati design biogas plant. Utilization of bio gas. Energy plantation. Pyrolysis scheme. Alternative liquid
fuels –ethanol and methanol. Ethanol production
Ref Books:
3. A. N. Mathur: Non-Conventional Resources of Energy. 2010
4. V. V. N. Kishore: Renewable Energy Engineering and Technology, TERI. 2006
EEL 406.3 Software Techniques.
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic C programming

Course To understand different techniques of software models.
Outcome To understand verification and validation of software.
To analyze software project management.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction- Notion of Software as a Product – characteristics of a good Software Product. Engineering 3
aspects of Software production – necessity of automation. Job responsibilities of Programmers and Software
Engineers as Software developers
2 Process Models and Program Design Techniques- Software Development Process Models – Code & Fix 3
model, Waterfall model, Incremental model, Rapid Prototyping model, Spiral (Evolutionary) model.
3 Good Program Design Techniques – Structured Programming, Coupling and Cohesion, Abstraction and 7
Information Hiding, Automated Programming, Defensive Programming, Redundant Programming,
Aesthetics. Software Modelling Tools – Data flow Diagrams, UML and XML. Jackson System Development
4 Verification and Validation: Testing of Software Products – Black-Box Testing and White-Box Testing, Static 5
Analysis, Symbolic Execution and Control Flow Graphs – Cyclomatic Complexity. Introduction to testing of
Real-time Software Systems.
5 Software Project Management: Management Functions and Processes, Project Planning and Control, 6
Organization and Intra-team Communication, Risk Management. Software Cost Estimation – underlying
factors of critical concern. Metrics for estimating costs of software products – Function Points. Techniques for
software cost estimation – Expert judgement, Delphi cost estimation, Work break-down structure and Process
break-down structure, COCOMO and COCOMO-II.
6 Advanced Topics: Formal Methods in Software Engineering – Z notation, Hoare‟s notation. Formalization of 7
Functional Specifications – SPEC. Support environment for Development of Software Products.
Representative Tools for Editors, Linkers, Interpreters, Code Generators, Debuggers. Tools for Decision
Support and Synthesis, Configuration control and Engineering Databases, Project Management. Petrinets.
Introduction to Design Patterns, Aspectoriented Programming.
Reference books:
1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering – Carlo Ghezzi et. al. 2. Software Engineering – Design,
Reliability Management – Pressman.
2. Software Engineering – Ian Sommerville. 2. Software Engineering - Shoeman. 3. Software
Engineering with Abstraction – Berzins and Luqi

EEL 406.3 Software Techniques.

Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory: 3 hrs Mid-term test: 20 Marks
Total credit: 3 Internal Assessment: 20 Marks
End semester exam: 60 Marks

Pre Basic C programming

Course To understand different techniques of software models.
Outcome To understand verification and validation of software.
To analyze software project management.
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction- Notion of Software as a Product – characteristics of a good Software Product. Engineering 3
aspects of Software production – necessity of automation. Job responsibilities of Programmers and Software
Engineers as Software developers
2 Process Models and Program Design Techniques- Software Development Process Models – Code & Fix 3
model, Waterfall model, Incremental model, Rapid Prototyping model, Spiral (Evolutionary) model.
3 Good Program Design Techniques – Structured Programming, Coupling and Cohesion, Abstraction and 7
Information Hiding, Automated Programming, Defensive Programming, Redundant Programming,
Aesthetics. Software Modelling Tools – Data flow Diagrams, UML and XML. Jackson System Development
4 Verification and Validation: Testing of Software Products – Black-Box Testing and White-Box Testing, Static 5
Analysis, Symbolic Execution and Control Flow Graphs – Cyclomatic Complexity. Introduction to testing of
Real-time Software Systems.
5 Software Project Management: Management Functions and Processes, Project Planning and Control, 6
Organization and Intra-team Communication, Risk Management. Software Cost Estimation – underlying
factors of critical concern. Metrics for estimating costs of software products – Function Points. Techniques for
software cost estimation – Expert judgement, Delphi cost estimation, Work break-down structure and Process
break-down structure, COCOMO and COCOMO-II.
6 Advanced Topics: Formal Methods in Software Engineering – Z notation, Hoare‟s notation. Formalization of 7
Functional Specifications – SPEC. Support environment for Development of Software Products.
Representative Tools for Editors, Linkers, Interpreters, Code Generators, Debuggers. Tools for Decision
Support and Synthesis, Configuration control and Engineering Databases, Project Management. Petrinets.
Introduction to Design Patterns, Aspectoriented Programming.
Reference books:
3. Fundamentals of Software Engineering – Carlo Ghezzi et. al. 2. Software Engineering – Design,
Reliability Management – Pressman.
4. Software Engineering – Ian Sommerville. 2. Software Engineering - Shoeman. 3. Software
Engineering with Abstraction – Berzins and Luqi
BTEEL409. Electrical Machine-I Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 25 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 25 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Expt No Title of Expt
1 To verify V-I relation & to draw phasor diagram of i) star-star ii) star-delta iii) delta-star
iv) delta-delta connection of 3 phase transformer
2 To verify relation in i) scott connection ii) open delta connection
3 To study the parallel operation of 3 phase transformer
4 To study construction of stator and rotor of DC machine
5 To determine magnetization, internal and external characteristics of a series generator
6 To determine internal and external characteristics of dc machine
7 To study the construction of stator and rotor of 3 phase induction motor i) squirrel cage
ii) wound rotor
8 To determine performance characteristics of 3 phase squirrel cage induction motor
9 To determine performance characteristics of 3 phase slip ring induction motor
10 To study different types of single phase induction motor
11 To determine performance characteristics of single phase induction motor
12 To determine S-T characteristics of universal motor
BTEEL410. Numerical Methods and Programming Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 25 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 25 Marks

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Expt No Title of Expt
1 Program for scan conversion of a straight line
2 Program for scan conversion of a circle
3 Program for scan conversion of an ellipse
4 Program for scan conversion of a rectangle
5 Program for scan conversion of an arc
6 Program for scan conversion of a sector
7 Program for finding roots of f(x)=0 by newton raphsonm method
8 Program for finding roots of f(x)=0 by bisection method
9 Program for solving numerical integration by simpson’s 1/3 rule
10 Program for solving ordinary differential equation by runge kutta method
BTEEL411. Elective-II Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 40 Marks

8-10 experiments covering full content of the syllabus and at least one experiment from each unit.

Pre Basic electrical engineering

Expt No Title of Expt

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