S. Course Course Title Teaching Evaluation Credits
No Code Scheme Scheme
1 BTBS301 Engineering Mathematics-III 3 1 0 20 20 60 4
2 BTEEC302 Network Analysis and Synthesis 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
3 Fluid Mechanics and Thermal 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
4 BTEEC304 Measurement and Instrumentation 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
5 Elective –I 3 0 0 20 20 60 3
BTEEOEL (A) Electrical Engineering Materials
305 (B) Applied Physics
(C ) Signals and Systems
6 BTHM306 Basic Human Rights 2 0 0 - 20 - Audit
7 BTHS 307 Engineering Economics 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
8 BTEEL308 Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
9 Measurement and Instrumentation - 0 4 - 60 40 2
10 BTEEL310 Electrical workshop/ Mini project - - 2 - 60 40 1
11 Field Training/ Internship/ Industrial 100 1
Training Evaluation
TOTAL 16 04 08 120 320 580 23
1 BTEEC401 Electrical Machine-I 3 1 0 20 20 60 4
2 BTEEC402 Power System-I 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
3 BTEEC403 Electrical Installation and Estimation 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
4 Numerical Methods and 2 1 0 20 20 60 3
5 Elective –II 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
BTEEDEL (A) Solid State Devices
405 (B) Analog and Digital electronics
(C) Electromagnetic Theory
6 BTXX406 Product Design [ Online course] 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
7 Elective –III 2 0 0 20 20 60 2
(A) Industrial safety
(B) Introduction to Non-
Conventional energy sources
(C) Software Techniques.
8 BTEEL408 Electrical Machine-I Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
9 BTEEL409 Power System lab-I 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
10 Numerical Methods and - 0 2 - 60 40 1
Programming Lab
11 BTEEL411 Elective-II Lab 0 0 2 - 60 40 1
12 Field Training / Internship/Industrial Credits
Training (minimum 4 weeks which to be
can be completed partially in Third evaluat
semester and Fourth Semester or in at e
one time.) d at in
V Sem
TOTAL 15 04 08 140 380 580 23
Semester III
Course Contents:
Limit and continuity of f(z); Derivative of f(z) ; Analytic functions; Cauchy- Riemann equations in Cartesian
and polar forms; Harmonic functions in Cartesian form; Mapping: Translation, magnification and rotation, inversion
and reflection , bilinear transformation; Conformal mapping.
[07 Hours]
Unit 6: Functions of Complex Variables (Integral calculus)
Cauchy’s integral theorem; Cauchy’s integral formula; Residues; Cauchy’s residue theorem (All theorems without
[07 Hours]
Text Books
1. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B. S. Grewal, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. A Course in Engineering Mathematics (Vol III) by Dr. B. B. Singh, Synergy Knowledge ware, Mumbai.
4. A Text Book of Applied Mathematics (Vol I & II) by P. N. Wartikar and J. N. Wartikar, Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, Pune.
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by H. K. Das and Er. Rajnish Verma, S. Chand & CO. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Reference Books
General Instructions:
1. The tutorial classes in Engineering Mathematics-III are to be conducted batchwise. Each class should be divided
into three batches for the purpose.
2. The internal assessment of the students for 20 marks will be done based on assignments, surprise tests, quizzes,
innovative approach to problem solving and percentage attendance.
3. The minimum number of assignments should be eight covering all topics.
Course To study concept of time value of money
Outcome To study about demand in detail
To understand Meaning of Production and factors of production,
To understand dif. Concept about market
Unit Contents Contact
1 The Basic Concepts: 6
Individual, Group, Civil Society, State, Equality, Justice, Human Values: - Humanity, Virtues,
2 Human Rights and Human Duties: 6
Origin, Civil and Political Rights, Contribution of American Bill of Rights, French Revolution,
Declaration of Independence, Rights of Citizen, Rights of working and Exploited people,
Fundamental Rights and Economic program, India’s Charter of freedom
3 Society, Religion, Culture, and their Inter-Relationship: 6
Impact of Social Structure on Human behaviour, Roll of Socialization in Human Values, Science
and Technology, Modernization, Globalization, and Dehumanization.
4 Social Structure and Social Problems: 6
Social and Communal Conflicts and Social Harmony, Rural Poverty, Unemployment, Bonded
Labour, Migrant workers and Human Rights Violations, Human Rights of mentally and physically
5 State, Individual Liberty, Freedom and Democracy: 6
The changing of state with special reference to developing countries, Concept of development
under development and Social action, need for Collective action in developing societies and
methods of Social action, NGOs and Human Rights in India: - Land, Water, Forest issues.
6 Human Rights in Indian Constitution and Law: 6
The constitution of India:
(i) Preamble
(ii) Fundamental Rights
(iii) Directive principles of state policy
(iv) Fundamental Duties
(v) Some other provisions
Universal declaration of Human Rights and Provisions of India, Constitution and Law, National
Human Rights Commission and State Human Rights Commission
Reference Books:
1. Shastry, T. S. N., India and Human rights: Reflections, Concept Publishing Company India (P Ltd.),
2. Nirmal, C.J., Human Rights in India: Historical, Social and Political Perspectives (Law in India),
Oxford India.
Course To study concept of time value of money
Outcome To study about demand in detail
To understand Meaning of Production and factors of production,
To understand dif. Concept about market
Unit Contents Contact
1 Introduction to the subject: Micro and Macro Economics, Relationship between Science, Engineering, 4
Technology and Economic Development. Production Possibility Curve, Nature of Economic Laws.
2 Time Value of Money: concepts and application. Capital budgeting; Traditional and modern methods, 4
Payback period method, IRR, ARR, NPV, PI (with the help of case studies)
3 Meaning of Demand, Law of Demand, Elasticity of Demand; meaning, factors effecting it and its practical 4
application and importance. Demand forecasting (a brief explanation)
4 Meaning of Production and factors of production, Law of variable proportions and returns to scale. Internal 5
and external economies and diseconomies of scale. Concepts of cost of production, different types of costs;
accounting cost, sunk cost, marginal cost, Opportunity cost. Break even analysis, Make or Buy decision (case
study). Relevance of Depreciation towards industry.
5 Meaning of market, types of market, perfect competition, Monopoly, Monopolistic, Oligopoly. (Main 4
features). Supply and law of supply, Role of demand and supply in price determination.
6 Indian Economy, nature and characteristics. Basic concepts; fiscal and monetary policy, LPG, Inflation, 2
Sensex, GATT, WTO and IMF. Difference between Central bank and Commercial banks
Reference Books:
1. Chopra P. N., Principle of Economics, Kalyani Publishers
2. Dewett K. K., Modern economic theory, S. Chand
3. H. L. Ahuja., Modern economic theory, S. Chand
4. Dutt Rudar & Sundhram K. P. M., Indian Economy
5. Mishra S. K., Modern Micro Economics, Pragati Publications
BTEEL308. Network Analysis and Synthesis Lab
Teaching scheme: Examination Scheme:
Lab work : 2 hrs Continuous Assessment (T/W): 60 Marks
Total credit: 1 Pr/oral: 40 Marks
8-10 experiments covering full content of the syllabus and at least one experiment from each unit.