Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan
In English 4
(Integrating Language and Reading Using the
Four-pronged Approach)
I. Objectives
Given a story as a springboard, the grade four pupils should be able to:
1. Distinguish singular from plural nouns.
2. Determine the correct form of a verb to be used.
3. Identify and correct errors based on subject-verb agreement rules.
4. Construct grammatically correct sentences observing subject-verb agreement rules.
A. Pre-Reading
(The teacher displays the animals on the (Pupils pick their favorite and are asked to say
board) something about it.)
1. hide
Look and observe what I am doing. (The
teacher demonstrates the action)
What do you think did I do? Pupil 1: You did not show yourself, sir.
What I did was to hide. What does the word Pupil 2: Hide means not to show or put out of
hide mean? sight, sir.
Very good.
2. sluggish
Now, look and observe the movement of this
animal. (The teacher will flash a gif)
Very good. So, what does sluggish mean? Pupil 3: Sluggish means moving slowly, sir.
3. huge
I have here with me two boxes.
Can you compare the size of these boxes? Pupil 3: One is small and the other one is big,
Very good. This box (teacher holding the big Pupil 2: huge means big in size, sir
box) is huge. What does huge mean?
Did the horse win the race over the snail? Did the horse win the race over the snail?
Setting of Standards
Very good.
(The teacher tells the story of “The Horse (The pupils listen to the story from the
and The Snail” to the class.) teacher.)
Did the horse win the race over the snail? Pupil 1: No, Sir. The snail won the race.
Very good.
Comprehension Check
To check your understanding of the story, I
would like you to work in groups
(collaborative learning).
Pick a fruit from the basket. (Pupils pick fruits from the basket to
Those who got the same fruits, they form a determine their groupings. Then, they perform
group. the group task.)
B. Discussion
What is the subject in the fourth sentence? Pupil 1: snail and horse, sir.
Is it singular or plural? Pupil 2: plural, sir.
What is the verb in the sentence? Pupil 3: move, sir
Is it singular or plural? Pupil 1: plural, sir.
If the verb is in the plural form, what do we
add to it? Pupil 3: we do not add -s to it, sir.
Engagement Activity
C. Application
D. Generalization
What happens to the verb if the subject is Pupil 1: If the subject is singular, the verb is
singular? also singular, that is, it ends with s
What happens to the verb if the subject is Pupil 2: If the subject is plural, the verb is
plural? also plural, that is, it is in the base form or we
do not add s.
What is the subject verb-agreement rule? The verb must agree with the noun in number.
Very good.
IV. Evaluation
Individual Task
V. Assignment
Direction: Use the following words in your own sentence. Make the subject agree with your verb
in terms of number.
1. boy
2. cooks
3. attend
4. car
5. smiles
6. visit
7. wind
8. swims
9. collect
10. protects
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