Soal Pert 2
Soal Pert 2
Soal Pert 2
Class :
Lampung is not only famous for its Way Kambas National Park. One of the best tourist
attractions of this province is Tanjung Setia Beach. It is located in the village of Tanjung Setia,
West Lampung district, Lampung province. It is about 273 km or about six to seven hour
driving from Bandar Lampung, the capital city of Lampung province.
This beach has not been well known by the citizens of Indonesia yet, but for the world
surfers this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing. This beach is exactly laid on the track of
large Indian Ocean currents that make this beach have waves which are quite perfect for
surfing. The perfect wave of this beach usually lasts from June to August with the height which
can reach up to six to seven meters with a 200 meters length.
In addition to perfect waves for surfing, the beach also has an ambience which is quite
natural with white sand along the beach. Rows of palm tree which grow also adorn this beach.
For local people, the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing. Some fish which are often
obtained by the fisherman are blue marlin which is so big enough that its weight can reach up
to 70 kilograms. By local residents this fish is known by the name of Iwa Tuhuk.
5. “This beach has not been well known by the citizens …” what does the underline word
mean based from the text?
a. There are still many people who don’t know the beach yet
b. The people don’t know the location of Tanjung Setia Beach
c. The surfers are rarely know the location of Tanjung Setia Beach
d. The beach is famous in citizens
6. ”… the beach area is also an ideal place for fishing.What do the underline words mean?
a. a good place to swimming
b. a good view for fisher to catch fish
c. a good place for survive to surf
d. a Place to see many fish
7. “…this beach is a hidden paradise for surfing” The synonym of hidden is?
a. Public
b. Seen
c. Unknown
d. Exposed