S Connolly - Honoring Death PDF
S Connolly - Honoring Death PDF
S Connolly - Honoring Death PDF
S. Connolly
Honoring Death
The Arte of Daemonolatry
S. Connolly
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For Lyra
As a necromancer you are the most talented
Fve ever met. Thank you for helping me
when I needed it most. Your wisdom and
healing taught me so much. You are my
Alyssa (which is a compliment, indeed.)
The third sister\ Morgan le Fey, was put to scole in a nonnery, and ther
she lerned so moche that she was a grete clerke of nygromancye.
-Malory, Sir Thomas d. 1471
c.1470 Morte d'Arthur, bk.l, ch.2.
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brakes but it was too late. Sadly I hit both cats. I got out of
my car in a panic, frantically searching for the injured
animals in hopes I could get them to the cat hospital fifteen
minutes away. Several other motorists who'd seen the
incident stopped to help me look for them. We never did
find the cats despite four of us searching for at least a half
hour. I love animals and so for me - this was a traumatic
experience. I'd killed another living thing. I went to the
ritual with a heavy heart and grief stricken. That was the
night the dead came back. And my abilities came back with
a vengeance.
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unique and I've been told the ability for necromancy can
occur to those who have had a near death experience as
well as those who suffer trauma (which we'll discuss more
later). A lot of the stereotypes about necromancy are just
myths often perpetuated by the death fearing Abrahamic
culture many of us are confined to.
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Being a Medium:
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Death &
"Vm setting twenty-two tables for the funeral feast, Satan is by far the
kindest beast..."
-Spiritual Cramp; Christian Death
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Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy
Death Daemons
There are scores of Death Daemons available for
the practicing Daemonolater to work with. The Dukante
hierarchy has an entire family of them. The Goetic
Hierarchy has them, too. These are the two hierarchies we'll
work with in this book. I'll also be mentioning Anubis from
Khemetic Daemonolatry because I have found Anubis to be
a very powerful Daemon with regard to learning about the
nature of death and learning to weather change. Don't
forget the ancient Egyptians were really into their death
rituals. Also note that I have not included all of your
possible choices here. Hades and gods of other pantheons
can also be worked with. One necromancer I know works
with Thanatos who is a guide for the dead. So don't feel
limited by the Daemons I've chosen to include in this book.
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Color: Black
Base Incense: Mullein
Metal: Silver
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Direction: Northeast
Enn: Ayar Secore on ca Eurynomous
Date: October 31- November 2
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Color: Gray
Base Incense: Sage and Myrrh
Metal: Silver
Planet: Mercury
Element: Earth
Direction: All
Enn: Alan Secore on ca Babeal
Date: October 31- November 2
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Color: Black
Base Incense: Frankincense and Mandrake
Metal: Silver
Planet: Mars
Element: Watery Part of Earth
Direction: Northwest
Enn: Mesphito ramec viasa on ca
Date: November 4 - 1 7
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Color: Yellow
Base Incense: Frankincense
Metal: Gold
Planet: Sun
Element: Earth
Enn: Urach tasa vefa mhlc Beleth
Date: July 22 - August 1
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Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy
Color: Green
Base Incense: Sandalwood
Metal: Copper
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth
Enn: (also Bime) — Wehlc melan avage Bune Tasa
Date: December 3 - 1 2
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Color: Red
Base Incense: Dragon's Blood
Metal: Copper or Silver
Planet: Mars
Element: Earth
Enn: A.vage secore Bifrons remie tasa
Date: June 21 - July 1
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Color: Violet
Base Incense: Jasmine
Metal: Silver
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
E n n : Esta ta et tasa Gamigin
Date: April 21 - 30
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Color: Green
Base Incense: Sandalwood
Metal: Copper
Planet: Venus
Element: Water Fire
Enn: (also Murmus)- Vt?fa mena Murmur oyer
Date: September 1 2 - 2 2
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Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy
Color: Yellow
Base Incense: Frankincense
Metal: Gold
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire (Earth)
Enn: ILirach Tasa Vefa Wehlc Belial
Date: January 30 - February 8
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Near Death
Out of thejaws of death.
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night, Act III, 5c. / F
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Dealing With
Men fear death as children fear to go in the dark; and as that natural
fear in children is increased with tales, so is the other.
-Bacon, Francis,Viscount St Albans
Essays, no.2,'Of Death'.
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Honoring Death: The Arte of Daemonolatry Necromancy
1. S H O C K & DENIAL-
2. PAIN & G U I L T -
Once you get over the numbness you'll begin to feel pain.
Sometimes the pain is intense and life altering. It's really
important to let that pain out and allow for it and not try to
hide from it by using drugs or alcohol (which sometimes
people do when they can't deal with it.) There may also be
feelings of guilt as you try to pin some blame on yourself or
regret for all the things you should have, could have, would
have done. Most people say this is the chaos period of
This is the point where many folks will start looking for
someone or something to blame for the death of a loved
one, or failure in a job or relationship, or loss of financial
stability or whatnot. Oftentimes this anger and blame is
unwarranted and is a direct result of the pain. We tend to
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4. " D E P R E S S I O N " , R E F L E C T I O N , L O N E L I N E S S -
5. T H E U P W A R D T U R N -
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6. R E C O N S T R U C T I O N & W O R K I N G T H R O U G H -
1. A C C E P T A N C E & H O P E -
Old Age
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and Necromantic
A man's dying is more the survivors' affair than his own.
~ Thomas Mann, The Magic Mountain
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Spirit Boards
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Board Preparation
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Skrying Bowls:
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How to Scry
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Automatic Writing
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A Necromantic Rite
Courtesy B. Morlan
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Why Channel?
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A Channeling Meditation:
What to Expect:
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Helping Grounded
Spirits Cross Over
Death is a delightful hiding place for weary men.
~ Herodotus
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m m
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Working With
Daemons and
The Dead
I get asked this question a great deal. "How do I
summon a Daemon to help me speak with a deceased loved
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I'll open each gate which essentially floods the area with
the Daemonic energy. The portal opens and the session can
begin. (See rituals later in this book for gate opening.)
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• Wills
• Living Wills
• DNR Orders
• Organ Donation
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Even though this mere creature of Belial was not a man nor
woman, (s)he was my friend and companion in life. Now,
our Lord Eurynomous has taken her soul in peaceful rest.
Thus we lay her to the ground, to the earth from whence
she came. In sorrow we release her and in joy do we
celebrate the dawn of her passing. Blessed are the beasts
for their love in unconditional. Blessed are the beasts for
their judgment lies in truth. Protect and keep her, so be it.
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For a Child
Lord Baalberith, please watch over this little child. (S)he
has come to you in death. As protector of souls, comfort
and guide her to her resting place. May Babael guard her
that no harm shall befall her. A life so young forsaken. We
weep and find comfort in knowing she is now, and ever
shall be among kindred. As her energy was in life so it
returns to its source. Blessed are the children for their
innocence. Blessed is this child. Lord Eurynomous protect
and keep her, so be it.
A Funeral Oration
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Funerary Rite
The following ritual has been shared courtesy the OFS and is
from their official Ritus Sacerdotal text, which is the standard text for
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they know how their loved ones feel and what they think.
It's amazing how things look from that side of the fence.
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Now may Satan, of hope, fill you with all joy and
peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the
power of the The Ether of All that Is.
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Communicate with Spirits
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simply put Mullein leaves in some vodka and let them steep
in a dark container for about a week. One part Mullein to
two parts alcohol should do it. This tincture will be used to
anoint the divination device and your third eye and wrist
pulse points.
I call upon you [departed's name] to come forth and
speak with me/us! "
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Crossing Rite
Passage (To Help a Spirit Cross Over)
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Attunement Rite
The following ritual is an attunement with the Death
Energy and is actually quite simple to perform. It can be
done within the triangle ritual construct mentioned in an
earlier chapter. Sit within the triangle with your arms
crossed over your chest and vibrate the Enn of the
Daemonic force you want to attune yourself to. (You can
chant, but vibration has a stronger effect.) If you are not
getting the desired result with your arms over your chest,
place your forearms on your thighs, palms facing upward.
Remember that the Daemons of death are the embodiment
of that death energy you are seeking to commune with. Do
this for as long as you are able and close the ritual,
thanking all Daemons that you invoke for the attunement.
This alleviates your need to sit in graveyards to do this.
Remember? I said you wouldn't have to lurk in graveyards.
That said, if you are the type who likes to hang out
in cemeteries soaking in all that death energy, you can
attune yourself there as well. Find a quiet spot, close your
eyes, and feel the vibration move through you.
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The Amulet
of Death
Courtesy B. Morlan
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Changes &
Starting Over
Changes can sometimes be a scary thing, as can
starting over in a new place, new job, or in absence of a
spouse or friendship that you've grown accustomed to. A
particular ritual that caught my eye years ago and has been
something I use often is the following:
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Coping Rituals
Personal Rituals to Accept and Move Past Death
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One woman said after her sister passed, she visited a beach
her sister had always wanted to go to, and spread her ashes
there. She said she hoped one of her loved ones would do
the things she never got to do in her honor when she
passed. Please note you do have to be careful of this. In
most places the spreading of human ashes is prohibited and
Another woman said she and her sisters made a pledge that
every time they went past the funeral home they would put
their hands over their hearts and remember their
grandmother. She said that helped her to remember and
honor her grandmother.
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Banishing Ritual
The following banishing ritual was taken from an actual Daemonolatry
Ritus Sacerdotal, courtesy of OFS and should ONLY be used when a
spirit won't cross or there is haunting or poltergeist activity.
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disturbance, that you will not perform the rite (as it would
be disrespectful).
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Deathly Herbals
Here are a few Deathly Herbals for your use and pleasure.
These particular plants are often associated with
necromancy for some reason or another. See later in the
chapter for recipes.
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