PRIDE 2020
DAY 1: 27th February2020
• Block and tackle is an individual event and only 2 participants from each college is allowed.
• Time limit will be 2-3 min.
• At first, participants should talk about the subject, when the judges says
‘block’ then participants should speak against, when the judge says ‘tackle’
then participants should speak in favour of the subject.
• Judge’s decision is final
• Teams using props/costumes/dresses must bring all their requirements and must be ready well
in time as per the instructions of the organiser. No props, costumes or any materials will be
provided by the host college.
• The decision of the judge will be final.
• 2 teams from each college and no. of members: 7 - 10 per team. Same members should not be
in both the teams.
• Time limit: Total of 6 minutes. (Out of 6 minutes, One minute will be given
for stage set up and 5 minutes for the performance.)
• Song selection is open to the participants.
• Use of fireworks and dangerous properties are prohibited.
• Any kinds of vulgarity would lead to disqualification of the team.
• Team should submit Music Track in Pen drive; Submission date: On the day of event (Before
• Decision of judges will be final and binding.
• Accessories and themes are permitted. No costumes or accessories will be provided by the
• Teams will be judged based on their costumes, walking stance and attitude.
• The decision of the judges will be final and binding.
General Instructions
➢ The participants are requested to bring their ID cards (or) bonafide certificate
➢ Participants are requested to register online through the link given below.
➢ Spot registration starts at 8:30AM and closes by 11.30AM.
➢ All the events will commence at the scheduled time; Punctuality will be appreciated.
➢ Participants are informed to bring their own properties that are required for events. Please see
the detailed event list and information attached.
➢ Participants should go through the event rules and adhere to the specifics. Participation, props,
music etc. for certain events should be confirmed preregistration if required by contacting the
event head.
➢ A participant can participate only in one event during the simultaneous timings for events; a
participant is not restricted to participation in any number of events as long as the event timings
do not clash.
➢ Discipline and decorum must be maintained in the campus and the team will be disqualified
from the event if involved in any kind of misbehaviour. The Participants are requested not to
damage any property of the host.
➢ Judges decision will be final and binding.
➢ Students should take care of their own belongings. Smoking, drinking and consumption of any
such 'substances' are prohibited in the campus.