Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas
Business Model Canvas
Key Resources
What key resources do our value
propositions require?
Our distribution channels?
Customer relationships?
Revenue streams?
You can download this file as excel file at:
Customer Relationships Customer Segments
Which type of relationship does each For whom are we creating value?
of our customer segments expect us Who are our most important
to establish and maintain with customers?
Which ones have we established?
How are they integrated with the
rest of our business model?
How costly are they?
Through which channels do our
customers want to be reached?
How are we reaching them now?
How are our channels integrated?
Which ones work best?
Which ones are most cost efficient?
How are they integrating with the
customer routines?
evenue Streams
r what value are our customer really willing to pay?
r what do they currently pay?
w are they currently paying?
w much would they prefer to pay?
w much does each revenue stream contributing to overall revenues?