Business Model Canvas: Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationship Customer Segments
Business Model Canvas: Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationship Customer Segments
Business Model Canvas: Key Partners Key Activities Value Proposition Customer Relationship Customer Segments
Who are your key partners/suppliers? What key activities does your value What core value do you deliver to your What relationship does the target audience Which groups of customers are you
Which key resources are we acquiring from proposition require? audience? expect you to establish and maintain with creating value for?
partners? What activities are the most important for What bundles of product/services are we them? What are our most important customers?
Which key activities do partners perform? your distribution channels, customer offering to each customer segment? Which ones have we established? Why?
relationships, revenue streams etc? What jobs are our customers trying to How costly are they? What differentiates our customer
What key activities do you need to deliver complete? How are they integrated with the rest of segments?
your customer experience? What pains do they experience when trying our business model? What opportunities are there to reach new
to achieve their goals? customers segments?
How does our product/service help them
achieve their goals/relief pains?
The Business Model Canvas was developed by Yves Pigneur and Alexander Osterwalder at Strategyzer – version developed by Gary Fox License: CC BY-SA 3.0