8 Zijmr Vol5 Issue6 June2015
8 Zijmr Vol5 Issue6 June2015
8 Zijmr Vol5 Issue6 June2015
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3 authors, including:
A K Subramani
St. Peter's College of Engineering & Technology
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Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided bythe goods or services of
a company as measured by the number of repeat customers. The main objective of the study is to
compare the services rendered by Airtel and Vodafone. Descriptive research is followed in this
research. The population includes the respondents who are the users of both Airtel and Vodafone
services, located at Avadi. The samples (i.e. sample size 50) were selected among the users of both
Airtel and Vodafone, located at Avadi for this research. The major findings of the study,
satisfaction level of customers are average with respect to tariff, service coverage, data plan,
compatibility and other factors ranging from 3.00 to 3.65. From the research, it is concluded that the
demographic variables such as age group, gender and occupation are having no impact on the
factors of customers’ satisfaction. The research outcome also indicates that, most of the customers
were satisfied towards Airtel and Vodafone with respect to the chosen factors.
Customer satisfaction is the degree of satisfaction provided by the goods or services of
a company as measured by the number of repeat customers. Customer satisfaction survey is a
process of discovering whether or not a company's customers are happy or satisfied with
the products or services received from the company. It may be conducted face to face, over the
phone, via email or internet, or on handwritten forms. Customer answers to questions are then used
to analyze whether or not changes need to be made in business operations to increase
overall satisfaction of customers. It is defined as "the number of customers, or percentage of total
customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services exceeds
specifiedsatisfaction goals. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers,
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of
business strategy. The purpose of this study is to compare customer satisfaction towards Airtel and
Vodafone services. More specifically, the focus is on examining the grouped impact of the factors
on customer satisfaction.
Kavitha et al (2013), in their article titled “A study on Customer satisfaction towards Vodafone
sim card special reference in Madurai city” determined the consumer satisfaction on Vodafone
service providers’ services in Madurai district and to find out the consumers mentality towards
using the services. The research type used in this study is descriptive research. Data were collected
by survey method through structured questionnaire with both opened and closed ended questions.
For distribution of questionnaire to the consumer convenience sampling method was used to select
the customers and the survey was taken among those selected users. After collecting the data from
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
the respondents it was analyzed using Simple Percentage and Chi-Square Tests method used for
analyzing the collected data.
Debarun Chakraborty (2013), in his research investigated the customer satisfaction &
expectation towards a telecommunication company in West Midnapore which is a district of West
Bengal. A descriptive study was conducted to achieve the objectives. In total 250 respondents filled
a well-structured questionnaire having a list of statements pertaining to products, services &
facilities provided by the service provider. Results reveal that the dimensions which influence the
satisfaction level of customer’s are: Core services (like good coverage, good connectivity and
network quality) and call rate. Further results show that there is a significant relation between the
brand name and the preference of customers. Hence, it has been recommended that telecom
companies should focus on connectivity, call rate, coverage and network quality.
To assess the association between demographic variables and factors of customer
To identify the customer satisfaction towards the services rendered by both Airtel and
To access the customer satisfaction towards signal coverage, data plan, value added
services, payment options of Vodafone and Airtel.
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
2. Gender
Male 38 76
Female 12 24
3. Occupation
Executive/Managerial 3 6
Professional (Doctor, Lawyer etc.) 8 16
Student 29 58
Others 10 20
(Source: Primary Data)
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
From the above table 1, it is inferred that majority (54%) of the respondents who fall
between the age of 18-25 are the customers of Airtel and Vodafone. Majority (76%)of the
respondents are male. Majority (58%) of the respondentsbelongs to the student category.
Table 2:Cross tabulation aboutAirtel and Vodafone connection
S.No Particulars Airtel Vodafone Total
1 For how long have you been using these services?
less than 6 months 1 1 2
6 months - 1 year 10 6 16
more than 1 year 14 18 32
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
From the above table 2, regarding the basic details of Airtel and Vodafone, it is clear that most of
the customers in both the companies are using it since 1 year (14 and 18 respectively), the monthly
expenditure in Airtel is between 200-500 (11) and Vodafone is 500-100 (18), also most of them are
rating it good (24 in Vodafone and 23 in Airtel). Both have equally responded by saying that there
is hidden cost (16), most of them in both the services are using 3Gservices more (16 and 18
respectively) and most of them equally for both companies are recommending it to others.
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
Table 4: T-test for significant difference betweenmale and female respondents with respect to
the factors of customer satisfaction towards Airtel and Vodafone
S.No Particulars Gender Mean Std. Deviation t value p value
1. Male 3.26 0.601 0.932 0.356
Female 3.08 0.515
2. Male 3.59 0.599 1.086 0.283
Signal coverage
Female 3.83 0.835
3. Male 3.26 0.891 0.549 0.586
Data plan
Female 3.42 0.669
4. Male 3.42 0.826 0.901 0.372
Customer care
Female 3.17 0.937
5. Recharge shop/Bill payment Male 3.58 0.858 0.282 0.779
option Female 3.50 0.798
6. Male 3.18 0.766 0.732 0.468
Value addedservices
Female 3.00 0.739
7. Male 3.03 0.822 0.406 0.686
IVR service
Female 2.92 0.793
8. Male 3.18 0.801 0.909 0.368
Application compatibility
Female 3.42 0.669
(Source: Primary Data)
From the above table 4, it is inferred that all the satisfaction features are similar in the
situation. Still data plan, signal, compatibility and all others are showing better satisfaction level.
Also the p values are above 0.05, so the null hypothesis is accepted and alternative hypothesis is
rejected. Hence it is concluded that there is no significant difference between male and female
respondents with respect to the factors of customer satisfaction of Airtel and Vodafone.
There is no association between type of plan and overall satisfaction towards services.
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
Table 5: Chi-Square test for association between age and overall satisfaction towards Airtel
and Vodafone.
Services Chi- p value
Highly satisfied
Prepaid 0 3 23 11 1
Tariff 0 0 11 1 4.178 0.243
Post paid 0
Prepaid 0 2 10 23 2 0.819 0.845
Post paid 0 1 3 8 0
Prepaid 1 5 12 19 1 2.255 0.689
Data plan
Post paid 0 3 5 4 0
Customer care Prepaid 1 4 16 15 2 0.837 0.933
Post paid 0 2 5 4 1
Recharge shop Prepaid 0 2 13 17 6 3.538 0.316
Post paid 0 2 5 5 0
Value added service Prepaid 1 6 20 10 1 1.209 0.877
Post paid 0 1 7 4 0
IVR service Prepaid 0 11 16 10 1 0.710 0.871
Post paid 0 4 4 4 0
Application compatibility Prepaid 0 9 12 17 0 1.954 0.376
Post paid 0 1 6 5 0
(Source: Primary Data)
Since p value of all the satisfaction factors are greater than 0.050 in which null hypothesis is accepted
and alternative hypothesis is rejected at 5% level of significance.Hence it is concluded that there is no
association between type of plan and level of satisfaction on quality of services.
Null Hypothesis:There is no association between planand type of mobile connection.
Table 6 Chi- Square test for plan and feel about call tariff.
S No. Feel about call tariff Which type of services do you use? Chi-square p value
Prepaid Post-paid value
1 Very Economical 3 0
2 Cheap 2 0
3 Normal 29 10 1.923 0.589
4 Expensive 4 2
Total 38 12
(Source: Primary Data)
From the table 6, since p value is more than 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted, and alternative
hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance. Hence it is concluded that there is no association
betweenplan and call tariff.
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
Null Hypothesis:There is no association between STD and ISD plan and type of mobile connection.
Table 7. Chi- Square test for STD and ISD related to plan and feel about call tariff.
S No. STD and ISD rate Which type of services do you use? Chi- p value
related to plan Prepaid Post paid square
1 Very economical 2 0
2 Cheap 2 0
3 Normal 17 5
2.649 0.618
4 Expensive 13 4
5 Very expensive 4 3
Total 38 12
(Source: Primary Data)
From the table 7, since p value is more than 0.05, the null hypothesis is accepted, and
alternative hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance. Hence it is concluded that there is no
significant association between STD and ISD plan and type of mobile connection.
There is no significant difference between male and female respondents with respect to the
factors of customer satisfaction of Airtel and Vodafone like tariff, service coverage, data
plan, compatibility and several other services.
There is association between type of plan and level of satisfaction on quality of services like
tariff, service coverage, data plan, compatibility and several other services.
From the mean and std. deviation, it is inferred that the satisfaction level of customers are
average with respect to tariff, service coverage, data plan, compatibility and other factors
ranging from 3.00 to 3.65
There is no significant association between plan and call tariff.
There is no significant association between STD and ISD plan and call tariff.
The services available in Airtel and Vodafone iscomparatively normaleach other. It is
recommended to provide better customer care and value added services so that customers
will get more attracted towards the schemes.
Airtel should concentrate on bandwidth issues since it is getting more network issues and
Vodafone is comparatively clear in such cases and require less view on technical part.
The types of plan those company’s having real well relation each other and since should
concentrate on continuing with providing similar kind of plans.
ZENITH International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research ______________ISSN 2231-5780
Vol.5 (6), JUNE (2015)
Online available at zenithresearch.org.in
Through the research paper entitled, “A Comparative study on Customer satisfaction of Airtel and
Vodafone with reference to Avadi, Chennai”, it is concluded that the variables such as age group,
gender etc.are having less impact on the factors of customers satisfaction. The research outcome
also indicates that, most of the customers were satisfied towards Airtel and Vodafone with respect
to the chosen factors. This study also indicates that the customers’ satisfaction is comparatively
slight advanced with in Vodafone than Airtel.
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