Karis Edwards
Karis Edwards
Karis Edwards
Karis Edwards
Mrs. Weaver
LNG 311
10 December 2010
There are often many characteristics that are used to describe heroes
a little different then what we would expect, whether it is their motivation to journey
onto a treacherous quest ahead of them, their qualities that set them apart from
regular heroes, or their impact on the culture of their people in the time frame they
live in. Two men categorized under this title we call epic heroes are Odysseus, king
of Itaca and Perceus (Percy), son of Poseidon. Both of these men travel on a
dangerous journey that could mean the ending of the lives of them and all beloved
to them if uncompleted. Each man also has a set of qualities that aid them through
acquired to them and culture that is greatly impacted by the decisions and paths
they take to return their lives back to normal. These men have incredible stories,
which is why they are viewed as great and protected by the gods of Olympus.
easily leave behind. A person has the motivations that drive them to finish, they
have a need to complete something and have that special moment of realizing a
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purpose in life. For Odysseus, he was called away from his life as a wealthy king and
a loving husband to journey onto the distant world of war and death to which he
was unfamiliar with. Before he left, he told his wife, the queen of Itaca, Penelope he
would return to Itaca and that he would protect his country and all whom he loved,
because he knew if he failed all would be lost. Knowing this was all at risk, he
would give anything for)as long as he stayed with her forever, and offer he kindly
cherished, no longer having to put himself at a deadly risk everyday while Poseidon
cursed him to a life of sadness or to watch his loyal crew be killed one by one a gory
death right before his very eyes. He was given onto him on this world of devastation
and regret but this never did break his aging spirit. The thought of even seeing his
beautiful wife was much more honoring to him than any mere reward. This is what
carried him to return home and restore his prosperous kingdom Itaca after 20 long,
miserable years adrift at sea. Percy is quite similar; he was also taken to this world
of bloodshed that he never believed to have existed amongst the humans nearly
3000 years after Odysseus. He was tried with many temptations such as the Lotus
flower given to him and his friends by the Lotus eaters in the Lotus Hotel and Casino
in Las Vegas. He heard his father’s wise words and resisted the fruit the cocktail
women were giving him, ultimately saving his mission from potential obstruction by
allowing the little time they had to return the lightning bolt to Zeus to be back into
his control. He made a promise also, to save his mother and Earth from the wrath of
a war of the gods with powers so destructive and dangerous that an entire race of
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humans were at stake. Neither of these tasks were easy for these men but they
never lost the everlasting desire complete their quest and dearly hoped that after
fulfilling this request they’re lives world be back to normal, or somewhat similar to
that. This is what set them apart from mortals, the qualities that helped them along
the way.
Both Odysseus and Percy show their personality and beliefs through their
actions. These magnificent heroes were awarded these skills through arduous trials
and life altering decisions. Bravery, strength, wisdom and courage were some of the
untouchable traits given by the gods. These abilities gave them an incredible
advantage over all enemies. Odysseus shows these strengths through incredulous
battle and demonstrates his wisdom as he deceives the Cyclops into freeing him
and his crew. Although were lost, he knew that the Cyclops would fall victim to the
state constructed by the crew of his remaining men. Taking a wooden stake made
by head and thrusting it into the eye of a 50 foot creature to which no one was
familiar with took more that bravery, it took an unmeasureable amount of courage.
With this he freed all of those strong men and fled back to the ship, taunting the
poor Cyclops, who was ironically a son of Poseidon. Percy is similar in many ways to
order to receive an orb to escape the underworld after he rescues his mother. He
freed his loyal friends Annabeth and Grover from deaths grip to continue his
journey, but also because he was building close relationships with each one, a trait
humans always experienced. Percy had a slight advantage overall, being the son of
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Poseidon. He was a feared , rare demigod. Being known as one of the 3 great gods
was an honor bestowed onto him at birth. This gave him strengths and abilities
unimaginable to the average mortal such as control over water and great wisdom.
However, his skills were not earned but rather given to him from his father through
advice and spoken word in tough times. Odysseus was taught these traits at a
young and helpless age to defend what he believes in and fight for that purpose, as
his father knew he would someday become the great king of Itaca. Each Percy and
Odysseus were born to great and powerful men, high in power and viewed by all as
a caution. However, each was also born into different cultures, and this lead to the
The culture of Odysseus and Percy were different in uncountable ways. Percy
and Odysseus were not born in different time periods, but rather in different
millenniums. Odysseus was born into an ancient time of prosperity and wealth as
the king of a marvelous kingdom, Itaca. Itaca was a neutral country, often staying
out of wars between other countries. People of Itaca believe in promises, gods, and
most importantly the influence Athena had over the world. She is known as the
goddess of war and single handily accompanied Odysseus before, during, and after
the Trojan war. Percy on the other hand was born into a modern America and
acquired many advantages toward travel and technology that Odysseus did not
acquire in his lifetime. Mythological gods were not taken as seriously as they should
have been, often people joked about their existence. Nether less, once Percy we
dragged into this world away from his home by the sudden attack from a furie
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secretly disguised as a teacher to steal the lightning bolt from Percy, he reluctantly
believed all gods existed and felt a need to please them to save those close to him.
Even though these men re different in ways, each impacted their society a great
deal. That is exactly why they are written down as some of the greatest heroes in
which they dwell in. Not all however are gods; Odysseus was a full human with traits
that made him seem godly in many ways. Percy was only a demi-god, not so rare in
the world he discovers. He was not born knowing this fact but as each of these men
begins his journeys they except and even mold their attributes to help them on
their mission. This is important to the history of the world because without these
men humans would have no idea what the meaning of a hero is. People would not
have inspirations, goals, or an idea of what life is to come after death. That is the
reason why many have looked up to the gods for help and advice, to see what they
can become themselves and find the purpose of their own lives as Odysseus and
Percy did.