MBA SCPO Brochure
MBA SCPO Brochure
MBA SCPO Brochure
of Europe,
and a scientific approach
to management
a well-established around the world into a thriving in the 21st century.
The founding members of the Business
he Business Advisory Board
is made up of presidents Advisory Board are:
and directors of prominent Alain Aubry (Chairman, GLMSA, Club Français
companies. The board is responsible du Livre, Encyclopedia Universalis),
for guiding the program’s course Jacques-Henri David (Deutsche Bank, France),
structure and promoting contacts Bertrand Eveno (Chairman, Editions Nathan),
between alumni and companies. Paul-Louis Halley ✝ (Chairman of the Strategic
The Board not only provides Committee, Carrefour-Promodès; Chairman, Euro
financial aid to the MBA Sciences Po Commerce), Jacques Maisonrouge (Chairman,
program but also helps to promote its American Hospital), and Michel Pébereau
development and reputation. (Chairman, BNP).
Limited number of students per class : the from North America and the remainder from
Sciences Po MBA takes a maximum of Africa and Middle-East. More than 50 per cent of
35 students a year, which creates a highly faculty are overseas.
prestigious group of students and an interactive Ambience : The institute is in an old 18th-
way of working. century building, in the very heart of Paris. The
Consulting : MBA students participate in Sciences Po MBA is hard work and must be
specially co-oriented consulting group, working completed in only nine months, so there’s no
in close collaboration with firms of their choice messing about.
for period of nine months. A program with the unique Sciences Po
International Connections : 70 per cent of culture and method and a broad approach to
MBA students come from Europe, 10 per cent political institutions and geopolitical environment
in addition to business fundamentals.
Management, Strategy & Marketing.
BA Sciences Po brings together
three keys areas of study to help The MBA Sciences Po places emphasis on
international executives to upgrade addressing real world management issues, and
their managerial capital. managing for success. Management skills are
presented in their strategic context of a complex
Economics, Finance, Accounting & Valuation. and dynamic world economy. The marketing
A manager’s ability to perform in any environment component of the MBA provides a wide ranging
is determined by both a grasp of theoretical applied approach to the way an organization
concepts and a familiarity with applied tools: understands its customers and other businesses.
demand, transaction costs, agency theory, financial
statements and financing decisions. Students build Organizations, Institutions & Human Resources
on first trimester units toward mastering an Courses range from the theory of organizations to
understanding of business, its measurement, and the practice of organizational behavior; from the
the relationship between internal and external international trade framework to the European
competitive environments. Union and its institutions; and from human
resources to negotiation.
S T R U C T U R E & M E T H O D
tutorials, case studies and group work in a broad
he courses are grouped into 11 modules
totaling over 600 contact hours. range of subjects.
Teaching methods include lectures, applied
n addition to internal team, students participate the students to develop their analytical capacities in
in specially coordinated consulting groups of 4 a business environment. The projects also provide
to 5 students, working in close collaboration an opportunity for students to apply the tools
with a firm of their choice for a period of 9 months. acquired in the program, and to deliver strategies
The consulting project is overseen by a professor and solutions to business. Clients have included
who guides the groups’work. This essential part of Apple, Air France, Caudalie, Compaq, Intel,
the MBA stimulates critical reasoning and allows Microsoft, Total...
The first trimester ensures students have the key Firms, Prices and Markets International Law - Business in Europe
concepts, practical tools and context with which This course covers key elements of This course presents the European Union
to master the applied management issues of the microeconomics, finance, marketing and strategy institutions and laws which have a direct impact
second and third trimesters. from a theoretical and problem solving on industry. It draws particular attention to the
perspective. It demonstrates the close link primary centers of decision-making in the EU as
between theory and practice. Specific elements well as the resources available to executives. The
Financial Accounting include consumer behavior, production and cost second component of this course focuses on
This course provides students with the functions, price determination, competition and competition policy in the EU and the interaction
fundamentals of accounting and the construction strategy, firms and markets. of national, European and non-European
and interpretation of financial statements. US and competition regimes. As part of this component
European examples are used to bring to life students present case studies on the key
financial statements, and particular emphasis is Consulting executive and judicial decision making involved in
placed on consolidated accounts. These the formation of competition policy.
The goal is to allow each student to develop their
fundamentals are further developed in both
critical analytical capacities and communication
Analytical Accounting and Managerial Accounting.
skills in a business environment where he/she
must take the initiative. As a part of a four or five Quantitative Methods
member team, the nine-month project’s final Students review the key managerial quantitative
Production results are presented to the client and a concepts. Methods include debt and interest rates,
Students need to understand the processes and professional jury composed of academic bond pricing, investment decision-making, and
systems used in the production of both goods and administrators and a corporate council. statistical methods such as probability and linear
services. The focus of this course is on added regression.
value, what hinders it and what creates it. The
objective is to give students an understanding of International Trade and Trade Policy
planning, purchasing, inventory, timing, quality and This course provides an overview of
the customer from a management and hands-on Corporate Finance
macroeconomics, public policy and the institutions
perspective. The automobile and insurance This course provides students with the theoretical
governing international trade. Particular attention
industries are used to provide case studies in and applied fundamentals of finance including stock
is given to monetary, fiscal and trade policy with a
manufacturing and service provision. and bond values, the Capital Asset Pricing Model,
practical focus on the WTO.
WACC, Discounted Cash Flow models, capital
budgeting criteria, corporate governance and tax
Organizational Theory Geopolitical Business Environment issues. Case studies as well as independent
projects are used to demonstrate the methods.
Understanding the economics of organizations is International business and the geopolitical
key to understanding business and its environment. environment are inextricably linked: order and
A theoretical and historical approach is taken disorder; war and peace; the nation state and
toward building a deeper knowledge of the factors international organizations; rules and regulations. Public speaking
that determine the size and shape of business. The objective of this course is to familiarize Sciences Po is renowned for the method it has
Emphasis is placed on achieving competitiveness in students with political and economic globalization established to produce clear and concise public
a world of transaction costs, agents and principals, phenomena while explaining the resulting speakers. Students prepare topics for 10 minute
and different environments. conflicts. presentations, and are videotaped for review.
• Strategic Management Third trimester • E-Marketing • Management Control Systems
• Valuation, Restructuring & July - September • Entrepreneurship • Multinational Firm in World
Financial Engineering • Competitive Intelligence • Finance Economy
• Value Strategy • Consulting • Human Resources • Negotiation & Conflict Resolution
• Conferences • Economics and Methodologies of • Industrial Organization • Career Preparation
• Career Preparation Management Consulting • Labour Law • Organized meetings with various
• Organized meetings with various companies
Valuation, Restructuring and Financial Managerial Accounting Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Engineering In routine decision-making, management must Labour Law
This course is an introduction to the theory of analyze and interpret accounting data. Managerial This course places the student in the position
finance from an investment perspective. Students accounting is dedicated to providing accounting of an actual manager facing negotiation
develop an understanding of financial markets: information for internal use and in the preparation procedures within a firm. The approach
asset pricing, optimal portfolio management and of reports. This course highlights the links is rooted in the analysis of social conflicts and places
corporate investment policy. The focus here is between planning, control and evaluation within emphasis on each distinct stage of negotiation.
learning through case studies. Cases cover a range profit centers and company divisions. Budgeting Alternative conflict resolution methods are
of topics including the cost of capital, shareholder and cost accounting techniques are studied along studied throughout the course. The labor law
value, acquisitions, restructuring, divestiture, with transfer pricing. course which complements Negotiation and
LMBOs, and restructuring in an international Conflict resolution includes the study of labor
context. Strategic Management contracts, dismissals, collective agreements, etc.
Companies are continuously making important
strategic decisions: whether to expand into new Management of Innovation
markets, to diversify product lines or to undertake This course explores questions that are central
Marketing capital investments. This course examines the for managers interested in fostering innovation.
objectives of the firm, outlines the principles Specifically: How can innovation and rapid change
This course presents the key theoretical and
guiding the formulation of corporate strategy and alter the basis of competition in an industry, and
practical concepts in marketing. The first section
analyzes the ensuing strategic decisions. what are the implications for a competitive
gives students a solid understanding of consumer
Participants will learn to conduct valuation analysis strategy? What is the best way of encouraging
behavior and research methods. These are
for use in assessing corporate performance and in innovation within a business? What is the best
applied to strategic marketing and implementing
making managerial decisions. way to encourage the development and diffusion
marketing programs in the second section.
In order to stay competitive in the world today, of new knowledge to achieve the organization’s
Students become familiar with market research,
international firms must understand the inner goals? Once a new product or service has been
brand management, distribution and advertising
workings of transformation procedures and developed, what is the best approach for
through numerous case studies.
organizational processes. This course builds on establishing that product in the marketplace?
Strategic Management I by using case studies of
decision-making in a structured international Entrepreneurship
environment. This course is designed to expose participants to
Organizational Behavior the challenges and opportunities of initiating and
Individual and group behavior and motivation and Human Resources managing entrepreneurial ventures in corporate
communication within firms are themes Every new manager must understand the nature settings. In a series of highly interactive sessions
developed throughout this course. Students of the employment market, the process of career and through the analysis of a detailed case study,
become familiar with the analytical tools that will evolution and the effects of personal and students explore a range of fundamental issues in
enable them to review and understand collective incentive instruments on these. This entrepreneurship and attempt to identify barriers
organizational behavior and thereby manage course gives students the tools to manage human to entrepreneurial activity. This course will also
people. Case studies are used to apply the capital, establish remuneration schemes and address the preparation of a Business
diagnostic and organizational change methods create evaluation methods based on labor Development Plan and the financing of new
presented. performance using the tools of microeconomics. ventures.
Financial accounting Firms, Prices and Markets Geopolitical Business Environment
Philippe Méjean Jean-Jacques Rosa Philippe Moreau-Defarges
Graduate of Sciences Po. « Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Economics, Paris University. Professor at Sciences Po.
Consulting Director Professor at Sciences Po Paris. Special Advisor to the Director at IFRI
DTZ Jean Thouard. Dean and Founder of the MBA program. (French Institute of International Research)
Bertrand Jacquillat
Graduate of HEC, Graduate of Sciences Po,
MBA from Harvard Business School, « Agrégé »
and Ph.D. in Finance at Paris-Dauphine.
President and co-founder of “Associés en
Marketing Pierre-Yves Roussel Industrial Organization
Pierre-Louis Dubois MBA Wharton Business School. Senior H.E Frech III
« Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Business Administration. Consultant at Mc Kinsey & Company. Ph.D. in Economics at UCLA.
Professor of Marketing at the University Professor of Economics at Santa Barbara
Panthéon-Assas Paris II. Human Resources
Philippe Malaval Michaël Gibbs E-Marketing
Graduate of ESC Toulouse. Ph. D. in Economics. Gurprit S. Kindra
« Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Business Management. Professor at University of Chicago. Ph.D. College of Business Administration at the
Professor of Marketing at ESC Toulouse. University of Iowa.
Consultant. Competitive Intelligence MBA in Management at the Northwest Missouri
Alexandre Medvedowsky State.
Michel Gardel
Graduate of Sciences Po Professor of Marketing at the University of Ottawa.
Ph.D. in Law. Graduate of Sciences Po.
Vice President and CEO of Toyota France ENA
Partner and Advisor of the President - ESLnetwork. Management of Innovation
Organizational Behavior Warren Boeker
Jean-Claude Thoenig Negotiation and conflict resolution Ph. D. Graduate School of Business Administration
Ph.D. at the University of Geneva. Jacques Rojot at the University of California, Berkeley.
Research Director at CNRS. « Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Business Management. Associate Professor of Strategy and International
Consultant. Graduate of Sciences Po. Management at the London Business School.
Professor at Sciences Po. Professor and Director of the Graduate
Management Program at the University of Paris I - Entrepreneurship
Career Preparation Panthéon Sorbonne. Stewart Thornhill
Mark Kitten Doctor of Philosophy (Business Administration) at
Edhec, MBA University of Chicago.
Labour law the University of British
Partner - Candesic - London.
Jean-Emmanuel Ray Columbia, Vancouver. MBA of the University of
Adjunct professor of management
« Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Law. British Columbia, Vancouver.
at Edhec MBA and MSc.
Professor at University of Paris I Professor of Entrepreneurial Studies at the York
(Panthéon-Sorbonne). University of Toronto. ■
Managerial Accounting
Patrick Gibert
« Agrégé » and Ph.D. in Business Management
from the University of Paris II.
Graduate of Sciences Po.
Professor at the University of Paris X Nanterre.
Renée Gibert
MS in Managerial Accounting.
Consultant and Contributor at University
Paris X-Nanterre and Paris XI-Orsay.
Strategic Management
Warren Boeker
Ph. D. Graduate School of Business
Administration at the University of California,
Associate Professor of Strategy and International
Management at the London Business School.
Friendships and future
professional contacts
are created by the
strong ties that are
woven throughout the
nine month program.
Furthermore, the
Alumni of the MBA
Sciences Po program
are directly linked with
the Association of
Sciences Po Alumni
whose network
includes 49,000
Italian & British
MBA Sciences Po 1997
Education: Master of Foreign Languages & Literature
Pre-MBA activity: Professional Experience: 6 years, of which 5 with IFF France
(International Flavors and Fragrances) in export sales.
Post-MBA activity: Marketing Manager with Lancôme L’Oréal
After six years working with Nivea in Italy and IFF in France I wanted to deepen and broaden the skills I had
acquired in management, finance and marketing as well as learning more about the changing environment of
international business. I chose the Sciences Po MBA for a number of reasons: the interaction between the
core subjects of economics, finance and management and the rich Sciences Po culture and method; and the quality of the faculty, its bilingual
structure and the active alumni network. The variety of students from different sectors, educational backgrounds and countries meant I was
constantly exposed to learning new approaches, particularly through studying in groups. As a Marketing Manager at l’Oreal, I need to react daily
in a changing environment and I need to be able to listen and communicate in multicultural teams. Not only do I have fond memories of my
time at Sciences Po, but also acquired the skills necessary to perform in my current role.
Jean-Sébastien JACQUETIN
MBA Sciences Po 2003
Education: MSc Political Science University of Montreal
Pre-MBA activity: Investment Banker Natexis Banques Populaires 6 years
Post-MBA activity: Managing Director Euro Catalysts Capital Markets
Prior to pursuing my MBA, my career began by focusing on development issues and project finance for
international organizations. These activities lead me to work afterwards in corporate and investment banking in
Paris and in New York, where I dealt with private equity for small to mid cap companies. With these various
tasks I felt the need to improve my management and technical skills as my professional experience confronted me with situations requiring
knowledge and understanding of organizational behaviour, innovation and marketing.
By choosing the MBA Sciences Po program, I knew these topics and others would be covered, combined with the academic excellence Sciences
Po has nurtured over the years. The Sciences Po MBA program goes beyond quality courses and provides bilingual class interaction with
teachers and students. These exchanges proved to be rewarding and the international scope of classmates and teachers are truly enriching. The
MBA was a stellar learning experience for me. With this academic background; I can tackle complex issues while providing insightful perspectives
in my work environment.
At 27 years of age and with four years of professional Barbara GALLAGHER
experience I decided to study the Sciences Po MBA. I had American
worked with the British firm Kingfisher at their Paris office. As MBA Sciences Po 1995
a determined European I wanted to study an MBA in Education: MA in Economics
which the multicultural element was central. Having already Pre-MBA activity: Professional
studied at Sciences Po, I hoped to gain an understanding of Experience: 4 years.
Last position: Consultant
management, which I lacked in the environment in which I
for Price Waterhouse (USA)
was working. I also wanted to find a program that was rich,
Post-MBA activity: Manager at
intense and relatively short so that I could quickly return to
Ernst and Young, Paris, France.
Kingfisher to perform new roles. In this context, Kingfisher
sponsored me through the program.
Before following the MBA Sciences Po program, I was familiar
The Sciences Po MBA brought together all these elements
with the school as it is quite well known in the United States
taught by a top-flight international faculty in both French and
and is considered to be an excellent institution for higher
English over nine months. In addition it is located in the heart
learning. I had already acquired a solid education in
of Paris which is both practical and pleasant.
economics. In attending the program, I was able to not only
My primary goal was to understand the theoretical
increase my international technical management skills but also
underpinnings of management. However, working in diverse
enjoy the highly diverse and cultural experience that this
groups on case studies also improved my people skills.
particular MBA offers. As a consultant specialized in taxation
for Price Waterhouse Coopers (now called Monday), I was
quite conscious of the importance of political transactions in
Monica GRISO
the business world. The nine months allowed me to broaden
my knowledge concerning international business while in the
MBA Sciences Po 2001
heart of Paris. I also appreciated the small number of
Education: Sciences Po Paris
participants - 40 in all - which facilitated very dynamic
Pre-MBA activity: Assistant to the
interaction between students and teaching staff. There was a
President of Kingfisher.
real team spirit present throughout the program. The MBA
Post-MBA activity: Manager,
Sciences Po program is bilingual. The participants came from
International Investor Relations
many different countries and possessed diverse academic and
for Darty
pre MBA, I had never realized how culture has an enormous
impact upon the way people work.
Before, I thought that all Europeans were identical as far as
their way of analyzing problems is concerned... I know today
that each country differs in this respect.
MBA Sciences Po 2000
Education: School of Commerce, Bocconi Milan
Pre-MBA activity: Professional Experience: 4.5 years.
Last position: Export Manager, Spindal SA, France
Post-MBA activity: Regional Manager (Europe) for EBEL, LVMH group, Switzerland
My commercial experience of 4 years taught me that to succeed one needed a deeper understanding of the
different functions of a business. My objective in undertaking the Sciences Po MBA was on the one hand to
broaden my management skills, and on the other to put myself in a position to be able, in the medium term, to
run an enterprise in its totality. I chose the Sciences Po MBA for its international scope and its high qualityfaculty from Europe and the US. The
classes are taught in both French and English which not only improves one’s second language but provides a diversityof perspectives. The
consulting project which lasted 9 months allowed us to work in groups and to apply the tools learned to the strategic and operational issues
facing a business. On top of all these strengths, the intake is limited to 40 students per year which makes for closer relations among students
and between students and faculty. And the best campus in the world, central Paris.
My interest is in the luxury goods sector, and I could not have done better at the end of the MBA than to join LVMH Group, the world leader
in luxury goods. Today I work in Switzerland for Ebel, one of LVMH’s most prestigious brands which has a strong potential for growth in the
watch sector. I am currently responsible for commercial and marketing aspects for a large part of the European market, and each day I use the
concepts I learned during the MBA.
Political Science
6% Science
Literature, Medecine, Law
Economics and
34% 66
Women Men
Professional experience
10 years and more
– 5 years
5 and 9 years
The MBA Sciences Po program is accredited by the AMBA (Association Admissions procedure
of MBAs) based in London, England. The Institut d’Etudes Politiques of
To be admitted to the program candidates need
Paris is also a member of the AACSB (American Assembly of Collegiate
to follow both steps that constitute the
Schools of Business) based in St. Louis, USA.
admissions procedure.
1. Pre-selection
Admissions requirements: Candidates must return their completed
In order to participate in the program, candidates must fulfill the following requirements: application with a copy of official university
■ Have a proven academic record and hold a strong undergraduate degree. transcripts as well as letters of recommendation
■ Have substantial professional experience. Certain exceptions can be made for outstanding and their GMAT and TOEFL results.
Information regarding TOEFL and GMAT
for France-based candidates can be sought
through the Franco-American Commission
Academic calendar on +33 (0)1 44 14 53 60.
One annual session beginning in January.
Duration: 9 months. Submitting your application:
Application forms can be lodged from February
up until October 30 for the next January intake.
As the program is limited to 35 students, late
applications risk disappointment.
Academic fees in 2007 are € 25,000.
2. Admission
A short list of candidates is established based
Financing the program upon review of the applications. Those selected
Most students finance their tuition with bank loans at special student interest rates. British will be invited to submit a 10-page essay based
participants can benefit from a special banking program established by the AMBA. For all on a business topic.
complementary information, please contact the AMBA, Candidates are then interviewed by a selection
15 Duncan Terrace - London N1 8BZ - UK. jury and present their essay. They will also be
judged based upon their motivation, and abilities
to follow the program.
Following the interview, the selection committee
Location decide the definitive admission of candidates.
Classes are held at 174 boulevard St. Germain and 27, rue St. Guillaume, PARIS.
Students have access to all Sciences Po resources, notably a library housing more than 900,000
books, and receiving more than 6,000 French and foreign periodicals.
■ Dean:
Sciences Po MBA reserves the right to make changes affecting the curricula, policies and other Jean-Jacques ROSA
information reflected in this brochure. ■ General Administration - Admission officer:
■ Accounting - Logistics:
■ Marketing - Communication:
Further information
Tel : +33 1 45 44 87 43
NO CONTRACTUAL DOCUMENT Fax : +33 1 45 44 88 92
E-Mail :
Website Sciences Po :
SCIENCES PO Website MBA direct access :
174 bd Saint-Germain, 75006 Paris - France