The document discusses e-invoicing and e-way bills through integration with SAP and TCS GSP. Currently, invoice data must be separately reported for GST returns and e-way bills in different formats, creating errors. E-invoicing will address this by issuing a unique identification number for every invoice through an Invoice Registration Portal managed by GSTN. All invoice information will then be automatically shared in real-time with the GST portal and e-way bill portal. Through integration with SAP ERP and TCS GSP, invoice transactions will be transformed and electronically transferred to tax authorities, who will validate and return a signed QR code and reference number to update the invoice in SAP.
The document discusses e-invoicing and e-way bills through integration with SAP and TCS GSP. Currently, invoice data must be separately reported for GST returns and e-way bills in different formats, creating errors. E-invoicing will address this by issuing a unique identification number for every invoice through an Invoice Registration Portal managed by GSTN. All invoice information will then be automatically shared in real-time with the GST portal and e-way bill portal. Through integration with SAP ERP and TCS GSP, invoice transactions will be transformed and electronically transferred to tax authorities, who will validate and return a signed QR code and reference number to update the invoice in SAP.
The document discusses e-invoicing and e-way bills through integration with SAP and TCS GSP. Currently, invoice data must be separately reported for GST returns and e-way bills in different formats, creating errors. E-invoicing will address this by issuing a unique identification number for every invoice through an Invoice Registration Portal managed by GSTN. All invoice information will then be automatically shared in real-time with the GST portal and e-way bill portal. Through integration with SAP ERP and TCS GSP, invoice transactions will be transformed and electronically transferred to tax authorities, who will validate and return a signed QR code and reference number to update the invoice in SAP.
The document discusses e-invoicing and e-way bills through integration with SAP and TCS GSP. Currently, invoice data must be separately reported for GST returns and e-way bills in different formats, creating errors. E-invoicing will address this by issuing a unique identification number for every invoice through an Invoice Registration Portal managed by GSTN. All invoice information will then be automatically shared in real-time with the GST portal and e-way bill portal. Through integration with SAP ERP and TCS GSP, invoice transactions will be transformed and electronically transferred to tax authorities, who will validate and return a signed QR code and reference number to update the invoice in SAP.
CURRENT STATUS Separate reporting of invoice data for GST Return and e-way Bill Both have different formats and hence the taxpayer has to prepare them every time. The format of reporting in GSTR-1 and that for e-way bill are different from original invoice. Lots of errors creep in in manual processing by businesses. It involves lot of paper use, use of courier etc. Unscrupulous elements generate fake invoices, push them in the GST system and vanish E-INVOICE E-invoicing’ or ‘electronic invoicing’ is a system in which B2B invoices are authenticated electronically by GSTN for further use on the GST portal. Under the proposed electronic invoicing system, an identification number will be issued against every invoice by the Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) to be managed by the GST Network. All invoice information will be transferred from this portal to both the GST portal and e-way bill portal in real-time. E-INVOICE E-invoice does not mean generation of electronic invoice on GST Portal but reporting of e-invoice. Reporting should become part of his business process, as generation of e-way bill is today. The uploaded invoice data will be digitally signed by GST System and shared with seller, buyer etc. Once fully rolled out, GST System will prepare the Return where only few details like B2C sales, imports etc. will have to be filled by taxpayer and taxes paid. GSTN PROCESS FLOW PROCESS FLOW WITH SAP ERP & TCS GSP
• Role based system with workflow
approvals • Covers all the aspects of GST. • Simplifies GST filing and invoicing. • Analytics and Reports for Tracking. • Bringing ease in doing business. PROCESS STEPS Create sales invoice for outward supply in SAP Creation of source document (sales invoice, credit notes, debit notes) generates e-Document in SAP system which can be viewed, submit, cancel and monitor in SAP e-Document Cockpit. The eDocument contains the relevant information for generation of e-Invoice and eWay bill at GST Portal. Submit the eDocument from eDocument Cockpit. Solution transforms SAP Invoice transactional data into a predefined exchange format (JSON) and transfer it electronically to tax authority (NIC & IRP) through TCS GSP The Tax portal performs the relevant validation, returns the 64 digit alphanumeric Invoice Reference Number (IRN), signed QR Code along with e Waybill number and the data gets flow to SAP System through TCS GSP. Upon the receipt of processed information from the tax authority, the system updates the Invoice Reference Number (IRN), QR Code and e-Way bill number in SAP e-Document Cockpit. QR CODE The IRP will also generate a QR code containing the unique IRN (hash) along with some important parameters of invoice and digital signature so that it can be verified on the central portal as well as by an Offline App. Scanned… eyJhbGciOiJodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxLzA0L3htbGRzaWctbW9yZSNyc2Etc2hhMjU2Iiwia2lkIjoiMTE1RjQ0MjY2MTdBNzkzOEJFMUJBMDZEQkVFOTF BNDI3NTg0RURBQiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsIng1dCI6IkVWOUVKbUY2ZVRpLUc2QnR2dWthUW5XRTdhcyJ9.eyJkYXRhIjoie1wiU2VsbGVyR3N0aW5cIjpcIjI5QUFDUEM 2MTQ0SzAwMFwiLFwiQnV5ZXJHc3RpblwiOlwiMjlDSURDUzE5OTFTMlpPXCIsXCJEb2NOb1wiOlwiNzE5MzAwMDA5M1wiLFwiRG9jVHlwXCI6XCJJTlZcIixcIkRvY0R 0XCI6XCIyMDIwLTAyLTEwXCIsXCJUb3RJbnZWYWxcIjo1OTAwMCxcIkl0ZW1DbnRcIjoxLFwiTWFpbkhzbkNvZGVcIjpcIjM5MDY5MDkwXCIsXCJJcm5cIjpcIjdiYjBmO WFkNjhjNTE5NzU4NzU4MDA5ZGMxMmZjOWVkYzM3N2UxOTQ2NjFmYTBlMmE4NDBlMWFjOTQ4MDc0YzFcIn0iLCJpc3MiOiJOSUMifQ.IdnEUvcgGjTpzD32RM BOQrtZ7Nag9SPoJrSOLlY7rhO4_ac7p2EKQm90GO6O35eOjQgufZAuIrTBpHc6oGsRLv7R908rH7Zd2dEuh37sDuAWzDfQvwOJSyfjWgIPb9hWJdV_FZaIbNVKJ unguGGqD6hHzi-YiWhpBSx8w4Xmur-QDth27bq4IB-Q3Q0BvR9yQNCJrLqyVX1Dr_q6- 66gPXwXGwbCyVOaYBQLrHqVgOhpcN9axB5w72mBUosnRImwKJ3muv2hMpZsErVxCdGIb_ASaPzS1gkaVQVLdJPU2ezsg1FGwpSc4fHcrnBvtjESXvUf7yo- yVwYoKcFXX8_sA
But the real contents
{'data': '{"SellerGstin":"29AACPC6144K000","BuyerGstin":"29CIDCS1991S2ZO","DocNo":"7193000093","DocTyp":"INV","DocDt":"2020-02- 10","TotInvVal":59000,"ItemCnt":1,"MainHsnCode":"39069090","Irn":"7bb0f9ad68c519758758009dc12fc9edc377e194661fa0e2a840e1ac948074c1"}', 'iss': 'NIC'} FEEDBACK AND THANKS