Eaton RFID Final Report
Eaton RFID Final Report
Eaton RFID Final Report
and Accuracy
Company: EATON Airflex Plant
CWRU Course: Six Sigma and Quality Management
Instructor: Dr. Alireza Kabirian (
Fall 2016
1.2 Process
The team analyzed the core issues using multiple methods including the Sigma Level Analysis,
Process Flowchart, Project Charter and SIPOC analysis, with respect to the process of picking
and shipping products (all of which are included in the appendix 9).
1.3 Problem
The Brooklyn plant’s business model is a high mix low volume offering model. As a result, the
plant is forced to carry a large amount of diverse products, some of which could stay in inventory
for up to three years. Moreover, the inventory handling, picking and shipping processes involve a
significant amount of manual work and human input, which results in inaccurate inventory
handling and shipping errors, such as, wrong inventory counts, lost products and long picker
search time for inventory.
2. Measure
2.1 Observations
As a first step, the team visited the site several times to experience the packaging and shipping
process, interview the employees on site, and have a general overview of the plant. After serious
considerations and communications, we initially found the following things which we believe
could be improved:
● Items of different sizes sometimes are grouped and placed together. It might lead the
plant to be messy and in chaos, especially when people carelessly misplace items in
wrong places.
● The shipping system mostly depends on manual input, that includes order numbers,
shipment codes and status, intended shipping date, and other important information. The
manual typing leads to many mistakes and cannot be as accurate and efficient as
automated work.
● Due to the large size of the site, the wrongly placed items cause workers to take
substantially more time to find the correct items for picking.
Based on initial observations, the team concluded that RFID system could be one of the solutions
to improve the accuracy, efficiency and performance of the plant.
Using six sigma level calculation, the team found that the current process is at a level of less than
1 sigma. We identified that the number of shipping errors within the given period is 70 while the
average monthly shipping errors are 2.2. The total monthly errors less monthly shipping errors is
3.8 in average, which is still above the lower specification limit. And thus our team believed that
by only focusing on shipping errors, we will not be able to bring the DPPM down by 50%.
However, if we implement the RFID system, the shipping errors and other human errors could be
lowered to nearly 0 percent.
2.3 Critical to Quality
In order to conduct further analysis, we also generated the Critical to Quality chart stated below:
To explain more on the Critical to Quality chart, the main need for the company is to reduce the
shipping errors and the pick-up time. The quality drivers are to reduce the costs made by wrong
shipments, lost items, and waste of time that people look for misplaced items, make employees
more pleasant in quickly finding the manufacturing parts they need, as well as increase customer
satisfaction by reducing the wrong shipments. To achieve the goals, the plant needs to lower the
shipping errors to nearly 0 percentage, place the items in the right place on site, and improve the
overall efficiency of the production line.
Further analysis of the problems and possible solutions will be covered in following parts.
3. Analyze
3.1 Analyzing the process flow diagram
The process flow for inventory management and eventual shipping at the Company in this case is
complicated, and up to a large extent, variable in nature. This variability can give rise to errors in
the system. (View Appendix 9.3)
The Company has a documented procedure, however, this procedure is very often not followed.
Following this existing procedure itself may help reduce shipping DPPM.
Critical Factor – In this case we have concluded that operator complacency and attitude is main
driver that’s causing errors. We will address this issue in the improve phase.
This gives us multiple insights into what can possibly be the reason for shipping errors.
Critical Factor – Main drivers are:
● Inventory data not updated in the system
● Which in turn, can be caused because of a system error, or because of manual entry error
into the system or because of operator complacency.
Critical Factor – Main drivers are:
● System error
● Manual error
Critical Factor – Main drivers are:
● Complicated process flow, involving many manual steps
Critical Factor – Main drivers are:
● Manual error
● Errors caused by transporter (Not in scope)
Although the original process flow consisted of using a Radley Gun to input pre-shipper details,
this equipment is no longer used. This change has not been documented in the official process
Critical Factor – We have concluded that a major part of the problem originates in this arm of the
analysis. One can see from our analysis that this aspect reflects in all other aspects and is crucial.
Critical Factor – Process too dependent on humans.
3.3 Brainstorming
In this study we made an attempt to simplify the approach by targeting a 100% accuracy and
customer satisfaction.
Simply put, shipping errors occur because customers receive wrong shipments. This can be
completely avoided if no wrong shipment exits the enterprise.
Addressing this issue will increase inventory accuracy to a 100%, considerably reduce DPPM,
and also provide huge intangible benefits to the Company. We will address this issue in the
Improve section of this report.
4. Improve
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been implemented across industries to
improve operations, reduce shipping defects, and realize cost savings. We examined the RFID
technology to address Eaton’s inventory needs. We undertook a cost–benefit analysis to
determine whether implementing this technology would result in improved inventory
management and accuracy, and reduced shipping errors.
RFID was developed in the 1950s and is in no means a novel technology. Nevertheless, it has
gone through significant technological advances. An RFID system consists of a transponder, a
sensor (reader), and a database that collects and stores data from the reader. The transponder/tag,
consists of a chip and an antenna. The chip stores information about the item (serial numbers,
production dates, and location) to which it is attached. The antenna which is attached to the chip,
transmits stored information to the reader. The reader scans the tag for the item’s stored data and
then transmits that information to a database.
There are two types of tags; active and passive tags. Active tags contain a power source and
transmitter that can send a continuous signal. They are larger and have a longer reading range
than passive tags. Their long reading range makes them more advantageous than passive tags;
but the biggest disadvantage with active tags are that once the batteries discharge, they can lose
the capability to transmit a signal.
Reducing DPPM defects arising from shipping errors: Implementing an RFID system at the
exit of the facility will ensure that whenever a wrong shipment is being shipped out of the
facility, the system will immediately alert concerned personnel. This will bring down the total
shipping defects to zero. However, RFID implementation will not reduce DPPM defects via
shipping to 50% as there are other errors such as freight errors, damaged goods, product
performance that contribute significantly to the total DPPM defects.
Increase inventory accuracy: A robust RFID system will optimize inventory management and
improve inventory accuracy. RFID devices can integrate with the existing inventory control
system to update data concerning the movement and location of inventory assets.
While RFID can solve the problems of shipping errors and inventory inaccuracy, and provide
long term benefits, the whole process has a very high dependency on human operation. In other
words, operators have a very high potential to impact quality and metrics. Therefore, to reap the
desired benefits from implementing RFID technology, it is critical that EATON undertakes
periodic operator training.
To understand more about RFID system and vendors in United States of America, our team
approached three RFID solution providers. After obtaining information about the services
provided, cost structure, and other relevant information, we undertook a cost- benefit analysis.
● Annual savings realized are $18,915 (accounting for initial investment of $49,000).
● It is seen that cost of implementing the system in the first year (accounting for 1 st year
savings) will be approximately USD 30,000.
● If simply allocated to Fixed Costs of the system, the organization will recover these costs
in 2.6 years, and the rate of return related is approximately 0.39.
● We see a positive return on revenue from year 3 onwards.
● We think, increased productivity, lower pick-up times and 100% inventory accuracy will
lead to increased customer satisfaction and retention. This will hopefully bring more
business to the enterprise. This increase in revenue can range between 2 to 7 percent.
● Costs in the supply chain can be expected to come down by 3 to 5 percent.
4.3 Recommendations
● Keeping in mind the tangible and intangible future benefits of an RFID system, we
recommend Eaton to pursue the implementation and integration of such a system
● Implement the above mentioned system at the exit stage of the enterprise as quality
inspection measure. This system will stop wrong parts from moving out of the plant and
thus will virtually increase inventory accuracy to 100%.
● Implement 2 hand-held scanners (initially) for effective and quick inventory tracking
throughout the plant. This will help reduce picking times.
● Conduct operator training sessions to increase awareness of operator responsibility in
inventory accuracy. This builds on the fact that the it is not possible to completely
eliminate the human element from the process.
● Small parts like nuts and bolts can be stored in one particular area of the plant, and 1 or 2
dedicated personnel can be made responsible for picking activities, substantially
increasing accuracy and reducing picking times.
5. Control
A major aspect of process control, after the project ends, is continuously measuring all the
attributes (DPPM, Accuracy, Picking Times) on a consistent basis once the RFID system is
implemented. The challenge here is that this can only be done after the system is implemented.
We recommend the company to make Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) with this regard to
continue measuring activities in the future. (An example of one such activity is conducting Time
Studies to keep a track of picking times)
The company has it’s high-5 metric for gauging performance. This is a great control tool and we
recommend that it be made more visible around the plant, or additional visual aids can be used to
ensure the workforce is constantly aware and motivated to perform better.
6. Future Work
Based on what the team has found so far, we believe that implementing RFID system will benefit
the company not only in reducing/eliminating the costs associated with shipping errors but also
in many aspects such as increasing customer satisfaction and promoting the reputation of the
company. However, the company and the team may still need some further investigation and
researches to completely make the decision. The aspects that need to be considered are listed
● The sponsor may need to contact the RFID companies directly for more detailed
information regarding the actual implementation details specific to the Airflex plant
● Although implementing RFID systems will probably reduce/eliminate the shipping
errors, human errors cannot be ignored
● The plant may need to have training sessions on RFID systems for their employees
7. Acknowledgement
The team would like to thank Craig Rossi for his great help in providing necessary information
and introducing the team to other managers on site. We also would like to thank our professor,
Alireza Kabirian and our teaching assistant Yuanyuan Tong, for their support and help in
completing the whole project.
8. References
Company website:
● Patnaik, S. Active RFID Solution for Asset Tracking and Inventory Management. (2004).
Fremont, CA, FicusSoft.
● Ustundag, A. (2013). The value of RFID: Benefits vs. costs. London: Springer.
● Benefits of implementing RFID in Supply Chain Management. (2013, November 14).
Retrieved November 01, 2016, from <
● Ivantysynova, L., Klafft, M., & Ziekow, H. (2009). RFID IN MANUFACTURING: THE
INVESTMENT DECISION. Association for Information Systems.
● “Six Sigma for Green Belts and Champions: Foundations, DMAIC, Tools, Cases, and
Certification”, Howard Gitlow, David M. Levine - ISBN-#9780131172623
● “Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence” by J. R. Evans and W. M. Lindsay.
9th Edition, Southwestern Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1-285-06946-3. ISBN-10: 1-
● Six Sigma Class Content
9. Appendices
Please include labels or reference tags to your information in the Appendix so that it can be
easily cross-referenced with the main body of your project report.
2. Project History, Eaton Airflex plant offers a High Mix & Low Volume which
Description circumstances, forces them to carry a large quantity of diverse products. As
and challenges a result of the business model and a significant amount of
of the problem. manual process, we need to streamline the inventory
Explain what handling aspect of our business to reach green on the High 5
needs to be Metrics.
done. Through the project, the team will research and provide a
practical RFID system that could be integrated into our
existing IT system.
3. Project Scope Define the part To significantly reduce the amount of DPPM defects via
of the process shipping, increase inventory accuracy, increase inventory
that will be pick times, reduce missed line items due to lost/incorrect
investigated inventory, and mitigate the human error aspect of inventory
(boundaries). handling.
Estimated Outcome (after fully implement):
· Reduction in DPPM
· 75% Increase in inventory accuracy
· 50% reduction in pick time for assembly or shipping
6. Team Members Define the team Nimisha Ezhumavil Prakasan, Harsh Manoj Ganeriwala,
members. Ahmed Nassar, Yaoxuekun Hu
7. Benefit to Define the final Internal customer benefits: The RFID system will improve
Internal/External customer, the inventory maintenance and increase inventory efficiency.
Customers: benefit they will This streamlining initiative will expedite mobility and
see and their categorization in the shipments. This provision can reduce
most critical the amount of delayed shipments by eliminating wrong
requirements. inventory count, lost product, and pickers search time for
Reduced shipping errors contribute to reduced logistic costs
which are crucial factors that impact the company’s profit
External Customer Benefits:
· On-Time Delivery - Improved order processing based on
required delivery date
· Minimize missed dates, lower returns
· Reduced cost for returns processing
· Improved Customer Satisfaction and Improved Service
Project 11/25/2016
Breakeven and Cost Benefit